
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1174495] Window Managers instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174495 (by sfar)00:51
ahoneybunvalorie: ping01:54
valoriedamn it, why does he ping me then leave?02:09
ahoneybunvalorie: ping03:16
valorieI kept replying, and you were gone03:17
valoriehow's it going, aaron?03:18
valorieconnection problems?03:18
ahoneybunsorry I was hanging with the girlfriend 03:20
valorieahoneybun: after you pinged me earlier, Darkwing and I had a discussion, which I asked him to take to the mail list03:20
ahoneybunmail list for?03:21
valoriehey, girlfriend over docs, any day of the week!03:21
valorietelling everyone our plans03:21
ahoneybunwell I still like working on them03:21
valorieso we can all know the direction we're headed03:21
valoriesome folks don't hang out in IRC much03:21
ahoneybunok you said to think about how I wanted to get this worked out03:22
valorieso really it was good to get a discussion going on the list03:22
ahoneybuntrue these timezones are really stopping the work 03:22
valorievery cool03:22
ahoneybunthats how I thought it was going to fo03:23
valorieI noticed that before I got on, someone was asking permission to fix typos!03:23
valorieI want everyone in the channel to be clear that of course, fix typos03:23
ahoneybunif I missed something go right ahead03:23
ahoneybunyea just that03:23
ahoneybunthat is how I heard darkwing talking about it03:24
valorieahoneybun: can you read Darkwing's email and respond, linking to your pretty page?03:24
ahoneybunin our video chat03:24
ahoneybunahoneybun: email him a link?03:24
valorieI think he's changed his mind a bit from our discussion in the hangout03:24
ahoneybunI think so too, since it seems to me web slice will not scroll03:25
valorieto the list, so the whole devel list is kept up-to-date on our discussion03:25
ahoneybunthe kubunt-devel one?03:25
valorieI think webslice won't work well enough for our purposes03:25
valorieyes, kubuntu-devel03:25
ahoneybunalso valorie did you get my email?>03:27
valorielet me check03:28
valorieI see that you sent a brief mail to -devel03:29
ahoneybunis that not corrent?03:29
valorieyes, I don't see one from you to me, though03:29
ahoneybunoh ok03:29
ahoneybunthat's fine03:30
valorieI would like to see a reply from you to david too03:30
valorieresponding to his approach03:30
valorieI will also respond to his email03:30
valorieand maybe we can get a good discussion going03:30
ahoneybunto him03:30
valoriehave you used lists much?03:31
ahoneybuna bit03:31
valorieok, it's important to reply to emails if you want a discussion03:31
valorierather than sending an independent email03:31
valoriebecause of threading03:32
valorieso people can see the discussion thread, and follow it03:32
ahoneybunso I don't use the lists email?03:32
ahoneybunbut I sent a email to the list03:32
valorieyou did03:32
valoriebut it isn't a reply to david's email03:32
valorieyours may be missed, because it won't be threaded with his03:33
ahoneybunI'm not sure what email your talking03:34
valorieif you ever use list archives, you'll see what I mean03:34
ahoneybunI did not use the right issue?03:34
valorieyes, you used the right issue, if by that you mean a good subject line03:35
ahoneybunno like vol 101 issue 2103:35
valorieI just want you to use your email client's "reply to list" function to reply to David's email to the list about the docs03:36
valorieok, now I'm hopelessly confused03:36
ahoneybunI just have a reply button03:36
valoriewhen you use the reply button, does it reply to the list, or only to the person?03:36
ahoneybunI see a email from you about the meeting talking about the docs03:37
valoriecool, that's good03:37
valoriedavid wonderly's email was called Kubuntu Docs03:37
ahoneybunthe subject>03:38
ahoneybunI don;t see it 03:40
ahoneybunwhat issue is it03:40
valoriesec, I'll be right back03:40
ScottKvalorie: He may be on a digest subscription.03:57
ahoneybunScottK: me? I might be it03:58
ScottKYes.  You.03:58
ahoneybunI am03:58
ScottKThat makes it a little harder to reply to individual messages.04:03
ScottKIt's a pretty low volume list, you might switch to individual messages.04:03
ScottKThen it'll be easier and you'll see new message sooner.04:03
ahoneybunI turned off digest04:03
valoriedigest is only good for scanning04:12
valorieworthless for discussion04:13
ahoneybundid you get it?>04:18
ahoneybunvalorie: did you check the trello?04:19
valoriedid I get what?04:19
valorieyay, now I see your email04:20
valoriei'll check trello in a sec04:20
ahoneybunthe list one?04:20
valoriehmm, you sent two identical emails04:20
valorieoh, well04:20
ahoneybunyea my bad04:21
valorieI know that lists are old tech04:21
valoriebut I've been using them since before the web was invented04:21
ahoneybunoh ok04:22
valoriebefore spam!04:22
ahoneybunits still good to me04:22
valoriekde and ubuntu both do a good job taking care of their lists04:22
ahoneybunI want to know what you think of the way the basic page is layed out04:24
valorieI like it04:26
valoriehowever, I think we need to focus on agreeing on our bare bones doc content, and get that written04:27
valoriethen we can choose the best form-factor for that04:27
ahoneybunwhat like how I have the design on the main page?04:28
valorieI did some editing the other night04:28
valoriebut I feel a bit unfocussed until we all agree on a direction04:28
ahoneybunyea I really want to have trello and other ways to get that part layed out04:29
ahoneybunI do too, I don't know for sure where to put my efforts04:29
valorieand I think that needs to be done on the list04:29
ahoneybunbut use some graphics as well (I work better with those)04:30
valoriesure, we can attach images04:31
ahoneybunso you sent it right to the list?04:32
valorieyou can attach images04:32
valorieto your posts04:32
ahoneybunso I'm using the list right?04:34
valorieso for instance you can send https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=kubuntu-docs-plan.png to the list as well as the link to the page04:34
ahoneybunbut do I sent the right email to the list04:38
valorieyou sent to the list, but didn't yet reply to darkwing's post04:39
ahoneybunI never saw his post because of the digest mode04:40
ahoneybunI think04:41
ahoneybunanyway post to the list and I'll post to your;s?04:41
valorieI'll leave his entire quote, then04:43
valorieso you can see all of it04:43
ahoneybunok awesome, I need to get off soon04:43
valoriesweet dreams, aaron04:43
ahoneybunthanks see ya04:44
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soeegood morning06:12
debfxScottK: I have some changes staged in the colibri packaging repo. Once I've uploaded those we can merge the package. It uses a different binary package name so we have to add a transitional package.07:57
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [982889] X trying to start before plymouth has finished using the drm driver @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/982889 (by Tomas Vanderka)08:10
jdrabhi guys 08:15
jdrabhttps://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-28843 this was fixed?08:15
jdraboh it's already reported for 13.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/117313808:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173138 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "QT 4.8.4 bug: Arabic-indic numerals instead of Arabic numerals in Slovak localization" [Undecided,New]08:17
jdrab[10:27] <jdrab> hi guys, it looks like this bug is present in kubuntu 13.04 https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-28843 should i report it? or will it be resolved automatically ?08:19
jdrab[10:33] <shadeslayer> jdrab: it'll be fixed when Qt releases the next bug fix revision and we package it08:19
jdrab[10:34] <jdrab> shadeslayer: ty08:19
jdrabirc log from 23.01.2013 :D08:19
shadeslayerunless we patch it first08:20
Peace-ah new laptop kubutnu has recognized all 08:21
Peace-it a bit a pain to install it btw08:21
Peace-shadeslayer: : yes but i have disabled it :D now i am install it 08:21
shadeslayeryeah, UEFI is a bit of an issue at the moment08:22
Peace-btw if i disable it ... i can't boot to windows 08:22
* Peace- windows 8 is crap08:22
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Peace-shadeslayer: i am a bit scared now :D it says guided resize sci1 partition 6 , that is the partition that i have resized for linux08:31
Riddellmerge merge08:31
Peace-but then ... i can't see partition 708:31
palassoahoneybun, on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/Welcome on section Linux it says: "The term "GNU/Linux" is another way of referring to the Linux kernel; because the Linux Kernel was created with many components from the GNU Project."08:31
Peace-i mean in the grey bar08:31
=== Guest81015 is now known as rshort
Riddellpalasso: eek, must change that before RMS find out!08:32
palassoWhich is imprecise because the term GNU/Linux is another way of referring to linux distros not to linux kernel08:32
palassoRiddell, lol08:33
Riddellpalasso: it's a wiki, please edit :)08:34
palassoRiddell, I edited typos I found but I am reluctant to edit other people's work before asking them08:35
Peace-Riddell: in the installer i never used guided stuff for hard disk ...  but with uefi stuff it should work ?08:36
Peace-Riddell: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/05/23/100_0149.JPG i can't see the sd7 partition but it says it will resize partition 608:36
Peace-i am scared :D08:36
RiddellPeace-: ksnapshot for the win!08:36
palassobtw I'm not a Kubuntu member, just a user08:36
RiddellPeace-: I've only done manual setup for uefi08:37
RiddellPeace-: if you know what partition to install to then install to that manually08:37
Peace-ok 08:37
Peace-i did manual partition everytime 08:37
Peace-but after i did it seems there is a problem with the boot manager08:37
Peace-anyway  i will try again08:37
Peace--.- installer crashed08:38
Peace-file usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/PartitionModel.py line 111 in parent parentitme = childItem.parent() AttributeErrro : Partition object has no attribute parent08:40
RiddellPeace-: please file a bug with "ubuntu-bug ubiquity"08:40
Peace-well everything is closed :D08:40
RiddellPeace-: it'll attach the logs08:40
* Peace- reboot08:40
Peace-Riddell: black screen08:41
Peace-i did install kubuntu directly instead of try kubuntu08:41
Riddelloh I see08:41
Riddellsort out ubiquity's bug reporting for that on the todo :(08:42
Peace-i can't wait to install kubuntu and forget windows 808:42
Peace-btw i like the new installer 08:43
apacheloggerwindows 8 has a new installer?08:45
Peace-apachelogger: i meant the kubuntu one08:45
Peace-i did not used yours installer for a while i used always the mini iso stuff08:46
RiddellScottK: I'm curious, what's the word on the streets in server's hood about MariaDB?08:53
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1173138] QT 4.8.4 bug: Arabic-indic numerals instead of Arabic numerals in Slovak localization @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1173138 (by phjr)09:03
peace-vaiommm Riddell http://wstaw.org/m/2013/05/23/plasma-desktopaL6776.png09:07
Riddellum, wibble09:08
Riddellxnox: any ideas on that?  is it something the gtk frontend would already handle?09:08
RiddellI'd think the free space of 1MB and the fat32 of 272MB would be relevant to that09:10
* Peace- user peace-vaio is scared09:11
xnoxRiddell: hm?! sorry what's up?09:13
Peace-xnox: i guess it's this http://wstaw.org/m/2013/05/23/plasma-desktopaL6776.png09:16
Peace-xnox: but i could be wrogn09:16
xnoxRiddell: Peace- : no idea. Ask on #ubuntu-installer? Is that UEFI in "confusing plain english"?09:17
apacheloggerwe now have 29 todo cards :(09:29
Riddellapachelogger: for 13.10?09:29
apacheloggerif the number keeps rising we should think about a different workflow09:30
apacheloggeralso I am now out of labels, a card can now have all the colors of the rainbow09:31
Peace-Riddell: solved i just asked in ubuntu installer channel and they said i needed to create a new partiton called reservered bios boot area09:32
Peace-and the installation is going on 09:32
RiddellPeace-: did you wipe over another partition to create that?09:33
Peace-i resized /09:33
* apachelogger downloads map of paris09:33
Riddellapachelogger: got a phonon sprint in paris?09:33
Peace-btw there is an option in the installer so you do not need to choose filesystem and mount point09:34
apacheloggeranother chance to get lost at CDG09:34
Riddellapachelogger: gonnae plug in some usb headphones and get them to be recognised by default09:34
RiddellPeace-: what option is that?09:35
Peace-Riddell: you know where you choose filesystem ? 09:35
Riddellmm hmm09:36
Peace-in that combobox09:36
apacheloggerRiddell: that's working :P09:36
Peace-there is reservered bios boot area09:36
Riddellapachelogger: with a lower priority than my built in speakers09:36
Peace-instead of ext3 ext4 etc09:36
valoriepalasso: please edit for clarity, correctness and whatever else you like09:36
palassook ;)09:36
valoriethat's how foss works 09:36
apacheloggerRiddell: because both are active09:37
Riddellapachelogger: plug kmix panel popup doesn't let me adjust it09:37
Riddellapachelogger: plus kmix panel popup doesn't let me adjust it09:37
apacheloggerthat's cause kmix is crap09:37
valorieok, doctor who is over, I'm going to bed09:37
apacheloggerwhich is why tdfischer is rewriting it :P09:37
apacheloggervalorie: nite09:37
Riddellvalorie: there's a new doctor!09:37
apacheloggeror an old one09:37
Riddella forgotten one09:37
Riddellhow did we forget?09:37
valorieI'm a few eps behind09:38
Riddelloh um la la, ignore me09:38
valorieI just finished Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS09:38
valorieso no spoilers!09:38
valorieseason is over, but I try to stretch it out!09:38
valorieI have a ton of old ones, as early as 197309:39
apacheloggerRiddell SPOILERED09:39
Riddellvalorie can be our river song and tut against spoilers09:41
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apacheloggerso many unread useless mails -.-09:43
apacheloggerScottK: I closed the election board09:45
* Peace- boots into kubuntu09:45
* Riddell holds breath09:46
* Peace- is running kubuntu09:46
Peace-:) everything works 09:47
RiddellPeace-: yay!09:48
Peace-every damned device 09:48
RiddellPeace-: the real test is if you can boot into windows then back into kubuntu09:48
Peace-no i can't boot to windows :D09:48
Peace-but i really don't care09:48
Riddellhmm, that's hardly an ideal install experience09:48
Peace-Riddell: on ubuntu-installler they said to re-enable uefi09:48
Peace-i have disabled because kubntu failed to boot with it09:49
soeeagateau, 09:49
RiddellPeace-: oh you're just using legacy bios fallback?09:50
Peace-Riddell: yes09:50
* Peace- is booting windows09:50
* Peace- works09:51
RiddellPeace-: hmm but now can you boot into kubuntu?09:51
Peace-Riddell: i guess no but i don't care of that crap called windows 8 really a system thinked with the ass sorry for the rude words 09:51
Peace-but lets test it 09:52
soeeagateau, thank you for the work you put in homerun :) works perfect now09:52
Peace-agateau: btw can it be javascripted?09:52
agateausoee: thanks09:53
agateauPeace-: define "javascripted"09:53
Peace-Riddell: no riddel i can't :D it just starts windows09:53
Peace-agateau:  do you know desktop console ? 09:53
Peace-agateau: i did a lots of panels and activities with javascript09:54
agateauPeace-: no, I don't know this09:54
Peace-using widgets customized, i mean settings 09:54
soeeagateau, this one goes for you: http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/GifGuide/clapping/citizen_cane.gif  :D09:54
Peace-agateau: mm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWNkHOA56O409:54
agateausoee: heh, don't make me blush :)09:55
Peace-agateau: if you can add javascript support i can customize homerun in the plasma init javascript 09:55
* Peace- goes to eat something09:56
agateauPeace-: I am not working on Homerun anymore09:56
Peace-agateau: it's ok 10:10
Peace-Riddell: btw it should work even with uefi activated ?10:11
Peace-because i tried with that but ... after some time it was blocked in a black screen 10:12
=== sem_ is now known as Peace-Vaio
yofelPeace-: 13.04 not, we don't have the signed kernel on the img10:24
Peace-Vaio:) i am happy anyway 10:29
Riddellyofel: the signed kernel shouldn't matter on most machines as I understand it, shim is the important bit10:44
Riddellbut colin will add the signed kernel to our saucy and precise images now for machine that need it10:45
yofelhmmm, could be, yeah10:50
yofelwhat's the precise status for the hardware enablement stack btw.?10:51
Riddellyofel: colin also took work items to ensure that's up to scratch10:53
yofelgreat :)10:53
Riddella nice chap for sure10:53
Peace-Vaio:D this laptop works 100%  omg it's a dream10:56
BluesKajHey all11:51
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.12:36
ScottKRiddell: MariaDB versus MySQL is a matter of some controversy.  Increasingly Oracle is maintaining MySQL in less transparanet ways, but it's still the standard you have to be compatible with.  A few distros have switched to MariaDB as their default MySQL, but they are generally considered "adventurous" .12:39
RiddellScottK: libboost-python-dev doesn't havea versioned one?13:46
RiddellScottK: most boost packages have a versioned package no?13:48
Riddellbut that one doesn't?13:48
ScottKThey all do.  The unversioned one is just a dependency package13:48
ScottKNo?  Why do you say this?13:49
Riddellah hah, it does13:49
Riddellcos I was doing my apt-cache search wrong13:49
Riddellit's libboost-python1.53-dev13:49
apacheloggerScottK: kdepimlibs patch for the imap thingy http://paste.kde.org/749594/13:54
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.13:55
apacheloggerI'd like to mention again that this prevents the crash but since we do not know why it gets repeated ssl errors that will not solve the underlying problem13:55
ScottKGot it.13:55
ScottKUploaded to my PPA.  I'll give it a try once it's built.14:02
Darkwingahoneybun: ping14:21
soeewhat am i missing here: http://pastebin.com/Qbryiy4G ?14:29
shadeslayersoee: what are you trying to build?14:35
soeeshadeslayer, homerun 1.014:36
shadeslayersudo apt-get build-dep homerun14:36
soeeshadeslayer, how this work ?14:38
soeeif i have downloaded sources i should run it in eny specific direcotry ?14:39
shadeslayerno, just run it anywhere14:39
shadeslayerread the man page for an explanation14:39
soeeshadeslayer, http://pastebin.com/gWz9RasG14:39
shadeslayer0.o 14:40
soeeyes my face looked like that few seconds ago14:40
shadeslayerapt-cache policy libkwinglesutils114:40
DarkwingHomerun 1.0 is in the PPA now.14:44
soeewhere ?14:44
soeei see 0.3 only14:44
Darkwingsoee: Give me a sec.14:44
DarkwingIt updated this morning for me.14:44
DarkwingSo, the ppa will upgrade to 1.014:48
soeei see only 0.3 and cant pgrade to 1.014:50
DarkwingYeah, I know... I only see 0.3 too, but it upgraded for me.14:50
DarkwingIt was in my updates this morning.14:51
soeeif i clink on my kestop to check homerun version14:51
soeei se 0.2.114:51
DarkwingIt came through with the upgrade && dist-upgrade14:52
soeeDarkwing, you are on Raring ?14:53
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:53
Darkwingsoee: Yes14:53
soeehiho lordievader 14:53
lordievaderHey soee, how are you?14:54
soeeas always full of energy and working :D14:55
soeeshadeslayer, http://pastebin.com/XhqQpjRX14:58
shadeslayersoee: what about libkwinactiveglesutils115:02
soeeshadeslayer, http://pastebin.com/eKBnEcM215:03
shadeslayeryou installation seems a bit weird15:04
Riddellhmm, debian has kept ksnakedual as ktron15:42
Riddelleven though upstream have changed its name15:42
Riddellnot sure we want to keep that15:42
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
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ScottKShould discuss it with them.16:22
=== sem_ is now known as Peace-Vaop
shadeslayerRiddell: seems like we also build with -Bsymbolic-functions ?18:00
yofelwe do IIRC18:00
shadeslayerI don't even know what it does :/18:01
yofelsee ld mangpage18:01
ahoneybunDarkwing: ping18:07
utusansuddenly kdm won't come up. err msg - can't open theme file-to-be-replaced-desktop-base or something18:54
utusanany workaround? thanks18:54
ahoneybunutusan: move to the #kubuntu channel for desktop support18:55
utusanthis is saucy though18:55
ahoneybunoh really?18:55
ahoneybunoh ok18:55
ahoneybunthen yea here18:56
ahoneybundid you change the theme?18:56
utusanlooks like I have the proper? theme and greeter18:56
utusannever changed 18:57
ahoneybunoh I wonder if some how the theme was moved/deleted18:58
ahoneybunlook in /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes18:59
ahoneybunsee if there are themes in there19:00
utusanthere's plenty -  ariya  bespin  circles  elarun  horos  oxygen  oxygen-air19:01
ahoneybunoh 19:01
ahoneybunnot sure19:03
utusanthanks anyway19:04
ahoneybunnp 19:05
ahoneybunit just did not load now?19:05
* yofel is having oxygen issues on saucy too for that matter19:12
yofelI didn't bother debugging it though until we have the merges done19:13
yofel(I have oxygen set as qt theme, but what I see is Plastique)19:13
Darkwingahoneybun: pong20:17
Darkwingfull all inclusive docs on wiki20:18
DarkwingVERY minor docset to ship with ISO in DocBook20:18
ahoneybunyou see that in the list20:18
DarkwingThat will reside in the KHelpCenter.20:19
ahoneybunI thought that we were not using KHelp20:19
DarkwingThe one that ships with the ISO should be so small that it shouldn't have to update every release.20:19
DarkwingRead my email. I outlined the reasons in there.20:19
ahoneybunI don;t see khelp in there20:21
DarkwingThe bit about DocBook etc.20:23
Darkwingthat was implied20:23
DarkwingThe wiki should try to emulate the work like is shown in help.ubuntu.com20:23
Darkwingonly better20:24
ahoneybundon;t you think wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDocs would be better?20:24
Darkwinghere is why20:24
Darkwingwiki.kubuntu.org is only a kubuntu themes wiki.ubuntu.com20:25
ahoneybunoh ok20:25
ahoneybunwhat about the plan here I put20:25
DarkwingSo, wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu is the same as wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu 20:25
soeeis there some app for google hangouts ?20:25
DarkwingSo, everything to do with Kubuntu should be under the /Kubuntu/ space20:26
Darkwingsoee: I just use the browser20:26
ahoneybunsoee: only the site I think20:26
soeeah ok, thank you20:26
Darkwingsoee: Unless you are talking mobile devices. Then there is a "Hangouts" app20:26
ahoneybunDarkwing: can we have another video chat?20:27
Darkwingahoneybun: Give me a few20:27
ahoneybunok 20:27
soeeDarkwing, i was thinking about linux app20:27
ahoneybunsoee: I don't think that is possible20:27
ahoneybunor there is one20:27
Darkwingsoee: I dont believe Google is using any open standards and no API20:28
ahoneybunI don;t have much time, got to be gone in about a hour20:38
valorieDarkwing: the ubuntu.com wiki is ugh!20:40
valorieours has the nice theming20:40
Darkwingvalorie: We are in a hangout... Wanna join?20:41
valoriethat came to my phone....it's trying again20:43
valoriebetter in the browser I think20:43
sheytanapachelogger: ping20:45
Darkwingjjesse: ping21:07
apacheloggersheytan: pong21:12
jjesseDarkwing, pong21:17
Darkwingjjesse: I'm going to email back but, we are not abondoning everything on the shipped docs21:18
jjesseDarkwing, good i want to make sure we don21:18
jjessebe back i na bit21:19
Darkwingjjesse: It's planning on being scaled back a bit that is shipped.21:19
DarkwingI'll break it down in email form.21:19
jjessesorry had visitors stop by unexpectantly21:24
jjessei'll read your email21:24
Darkwingjjesse: I'll send it in a few.21:24
sheytanapachelogger: remember i was asking about that kubuntu-qtquick-component package for the ldm theme we were working on?21:29
sheytanI can't find it to make the theme work ;(21:29
apacheloggerbecause the format rc format changed21:30
apacheloggersee what we have in raring21:30
sheytanapachelogger: i dont mean that theme is not listed. I delt with this21:30
sheytani show blank screen 21:31
sheytanand i think it's because i did not install the qtquick stuff21:31
sheytanapachelogger: once you said it won't work without it21:34
apacheloggeryeah, you need to install that too ^^21:34
sheytanapachelogger: i cannot find it in LP21:34
sheytanapachelogger: still have that package or source somewhere?21:42
sheytanapachelogger: btw, each time i install 13.04 with the glowint plymouth i like it more21:56
sheytanthis was really good idea21:56
sheytanit looks great :)21:56
sheytanapachelogger: do i need all that kde*-dev stuff to compile this?22:01
sheytanonce you gave me a magic command that have done it all22:01
sheytansorry i'm asking that much questions :D22:02
apacheloggeryes you need some plunder22:02
apacheloggerkdelibs-dev probably should cover it22:02
sheytanjust cmake ../ or stuff like dcmake-install-prefix too?22:02
apacheloggeryou need to set prefix to /usr IIRC22:03
apacheloggerthere actually may be packaging in there22:03
apacheloggerdpkg-buildpackage -us -uc22:03
apacheloggerwill do everything except install deps for you22:03
sheytanit did. Thank you!22:07
sheytanapachelogger: what do you think, that i release this theme in to the wild? :)22:08
sheytando you agree?22:08
apacheloggersheytan: you should ask the lightdm guys really22:09
apacheloggerbut codewise it still has issues22:09
sheytanapachelogger: ask about what?22:10
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