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fractalinewhere do i access lightDM settings?     as in changing the login background?00:31
fractalinelol...   nvm00:33
ruutwhats up01:05
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pasjrwoctxCan anyone help me get my computer to allow me to watch Over the Air TV?01:51
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stackycan someone please help me in solving this error07:10
valoriestacky: this doesn't look kubuntu connected; rather apache07:13
valoriestacky: unfortunately it doesn't look like apache uses freenode07:14
valoriethere is an #apache channel, but only one in it -- maybe a bot which can tell you more07:15
stackyvalorie: ok .. :(07:15
stackyvalorie: still thank u :)07:15
valoriealso, the #ubuntu-server folks might be able to help07:16
valoriesince they serve up the LAMP stack07:16
valorieI guess I'd start there07:16
doleyb_Is there an easy way to change alt-tab behavior to like previous releases?07:19
jdrabdoleyb_: what do you mean by that? how did alt-tab behave in previous releases?07:51
doleyb_In earlier kubuntu, I could press alt-tab and see the titles for all windows at once (vertical list).  Now it shows only one title at a time, with a huge (500 px) icon above it.07:55
kubdoes anyone know how to get rid of arabic-indic numbers?07:55
jdrabkub: you mean this? http://imgur.com/uNvnW6o07:58
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omkar_dbamy fav OS KUBUNTU Linux09:52
yossarianuk13.04 is the least stable realise I have seen ...10:14
yossarianukMy pc now only correctly starts/shuts down 50% of the time10:14
yossarianukI have to power off (or resuib)10:14
yossarianuksame @ home + work10:15
yossarianuktried debian 7 the other day - no problems at all - same goes for Arch linux.10:15
yossarianukI think its the ubuntu base ...10:15
yossarianukHowever 13.04 was also launched with a bug meaning you got no taskbar/menu on dual screen syste,s10:16
yossarianuknot great.......10:16
yossarianuk(thats fixed now - however people install kubuntu will still have no taskbar/menu if they login to kde before updating...10:16
hateballWell, 13.04 is not an LTS release, and as you said stuff has been patched now10:17
yossarianuknot the fact that my kubuntu doesn;t correctly startup/shutdown 50% of the time...10:19
yossarianuknot just 1 machine either - 3 of them10:19
yossarianuk(all using Nvidia...)10:19
yossarianukhey Kubuntu is still my fav distro btw.10:19
hateballWell the only way to get it fixed is to submit a bug report then :)10:20
yossarianuknon LTS shouldn't mean alpha/beta....10:20
yossarianuki have done10:20
yossarianukthe dual screen fix has been done10:20
yossarianuk(however will still effect a new user)10:20
yossarianukunless they go to console and apt-get upgrade 'before' logging in the first time10:21
hateballI figure most new users installing will choose to pull down upgrades with the install10:21
yossarianukbut that doesn;t install them...10:21
yossarianukit downloads them.10:21
yossarianukuntil you install them...10:21
joetacoshow do i get pass the Ubuntu 13.04 installer it hangup11:00
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BluesKajHey all11:51
rd1381every new folder that i create in my home folder i cant delet it13:02
mr-richin dolphin or cli?13:02
rd1381it seems that my new folders becomes write protected13:05
BluesKajrd1381, use real english pls , we don't use text shortforms here13:05
rd1381or should use another word because ok in not english13:07
rd1381or should use another word because ok is not english13:07
BluesKajw8=wait  ..thenI shouls use please instead of pls , etc , no U for you , like that13:08
BluesKajok is english , it's in the dictionary13:08
BluesKaj!u | rd13:09
ubotturd: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.13:09
BluesKajrd1381, ^13:09
rd1381so can you answer my question or are you trying to educate me?13:10
BluesKajI didn't see your question , my server dropped it's connection and I just rejoined13:11
BluesKaj!ru | pavel13:13
ubottupavel: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:13
BluesKajguess i have to switch servers ,znc is becoming unreliable ,,brb13:26
ravagehi. can someone tell me how to save my display/monitor  default settings in kubuntu 13.04?13:45
BluesKaj_ravage, depends on your display and monitor configuration in system settings and what options are available , or if you have a graphics card GUI with optional settings that can be saved there.13:49
BluesKaj_for example I have a nvidia gui available in kmenu>settings where I can save my settings to xoirg.conf if I wish ..altho i have no need to do so.13:52
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ravageBluesKaj, i have the full kde available. i can set all my settings in kmenu->settings. there is just no way to save it as default14:00
ravage(onboard intel graphics)14:01
BluesKaj_you could create an xorg.conf file , ravage , sudo Xorg -configure14:02
ravageyes i think i could. but isnt it a real shame that KDE can configure my multi monitor setzp but cant save it?14:03
ravage12.10 managed that perfectly14:03
BluesKaj_ravage, maybe there is a way , but I'm not familiar with multi-monitor setups :(14:04
BluesKaj_how was it done in 12.10?14:05
ravagethere was a "save as defaults" button :P14:05
BluesKaj_in system settings> display&monitor?14:06
ravagei only have the german version running atm. but all i can see is are the 2 buttons on the bottom14:07
ravageor.. 3 with help14:07
ravagebut nothing to actually save my settings14:07
ravageresets on every reboot14:07
BluesKaj_wouldn't a xorg.conf file help save those settings14:10
alvinFAT32 is now a futuristic filesystem! I formatted a USB drive and saw this: mkfs.vfat 3.0.14 (23 Jan 2023)14:24
BluesKaj_ ravage perhaps a update/upgrade/dist-upgradewill restore "save as defaults" option.14:30
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:53
BluesKaj'Morning lordievader14:54
lordievaderHey BluesKaj, how are you doing?14:55
BluesKajgood thanks , you ?14:55
lordievaderDoing good too :)14:55
lordievaderBit tired.14:55
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mydogsnameisrudyhit by lighting last nite system was down.. run fdisk all is well ;) love linux15:22
OerHeksnice, mydogsnameisrudy15:28
OerHeksyou must really try hard to brick your hdd, simple powerfailure should do no harm15:29
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mydogsnameisrudywell i backup everything  but for some reason it got screwed up . ill look into that15:48
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tiamoshi all17:40
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kpuljekany ideas on how to install nvidia drivers on aspire v3, it has a geforce 710M and it just doesn't work18:03
lordievaderkpuljek: Open the jockey, search in the menu for "Additional Drivers".18:05
kpuljekit lists nothing there18:06
kpuljeki tried nvidia-current, current-updates and -experimental, it won't work18:06
kpuljek(by hand, obviously)18:06
lordievaderkpuljek: The nVidia website comes up with the 319 driver.18:07
BluesKajkpuljek, describe , won't work18:07
kpuljekwon't work: i have a fixed 640x480 resolution and can't change it. nvidia-settings says that I don't have any nvidia drivers active18:08
kpuljekbefore installing them i had a full blown resolution, but figured that proprietary drivers are better18:08
BluesKajhave you rebooted since installing the driver18:09
kpuljekBluesKaj: yup, a bunch of times already18:09
kpuljekso, it went like this: installed 12.04, had a full resolution, ran jockey, nothing there. installed drivers by hand, ended up with unchangeable 640x48018:10
BluesKajactually the nouveau driver works very well ,including desktop effects etc , that's the default after a fresh install18:11
kpuljekhow can i revert to it, not even sure18:11
BluesKajremove the presnt nvidia driver18:11
kpuljeki suppose that's the bumblebee-nvidia, the last one i tried18:12
BluesKajoh now you tell us , dual gpus ...luvly18:13
kpuljekI said that it's a 710M and that i supposed it's an optimus chip18:13
kpuljekbut that it says that 319 comes with support for that18:13
genii-around!info nvidia-current18:14
kpuljekbut 319 won't stick either18:14
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.88-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 34 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)18:14
kpuljekok, removed everything, brb18:15
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RiotingPacifistkde doesn't offer suspend to disk but pm-hibernate and suspend work19:07
yofelRiotingPacifist: the GUI option is disabled by default, if pm-hibernate works for you, you can enable it: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/power-hibernate.html19:23
RiotingPacifistthanks yofel19:27
[Relic]I get a pop up when I mouse over a program in the system bar on the bottom (firefox [info] on Desktop #2), is that a widget or part of the main system;  I am not sure where to look to set colors so I can read it19:57
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ConflictI have a question regarding encryption.  I used LVM full disk encryption during installation.  Then during the end of the install I also checked off "Encrypt /home".  My question is: do i now have unnessicary "double encryption"?  Do I not have to encrypt /home if I'm using LVM with encryption?22:10
Conflict_I have a question regarding encryption.  I used LVM full disk encryption during installation.  Then during the end of the install I also checked off "Encrypt /home".  My question is: do i now have unnessicary "double encryption"?  Do I not have to encrypt /home if I'm using LVM with encryption?22:12
RiotingPacifistConflict: I'm not 100% sure on this but I think the answer is yes, however 1) the performance hit will be minimal, 2) They are protected with different passwords 3) If somebody else shares your computer they will not be able to access your /home/name even if they have root (although if they have root they could do other stuff including install a trojan)22:12
ConflictI should also clarify, I don't believe I actually have a separate /home "partition"22:14
RiotingPacifisthome encryption doesn't need a seperate partition it loops back onto your home, I think you will have a file , if you type mount you should be able to see it22:16
Conflictahh yes: /home/conflict/.Private on /home/conflict type ecryptfs22:17
Conflicthmm this is curious though.. i have a /boot and a /boot/efi ...22:18
Conflict/dev/sda2 on /boot type ext2 (rw)22:18
Conflict/dev/sda1 on /boot/efi type vfat (rw)22:18
ConflictHP envy22:19
RiotingPacifistpretty new?22:19
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RiotingPacifistso efi is a new type of bios, it has a partion on your disk, your boot is also installed on a seperate partition so that the efi can read it (which it can't if it's encrypted)22:22
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