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MirvI'm thinking of writing to the mailing list about removing the 'qt5-default' dependency from those apps who only use it to have /usr/bin/qmlscene neatly available, but I may need to re-read the text a couple of times more..04:39
om26ergusch, hey!07:54
guschom26er: hi07:55
om26ergusch, the branch is ready, and now the test seem to pass as well.07:55
om26ergusch, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/gallery-app/fix-failing-test-jenkins/+merge/16520107:55
guschom26er: not as readable as I would like it, but ok08:00
guschom26er: I will approve it08:01
om26ergusch, things got quite complex fixing that bug, so took this approach.08:01
guschom26er: can't you call "lambda: self.album_view.number_of_photos()" in the assert?08:03
guschom26er: hmmm - I'll write a comment  (and not approve right away)08:06
om26ergusch, yeah so i have found things to not work reliably with that, as number_of_photos() gives a number which is returned wrong on very slow systems like jenkins08:06
om26erlet me try that again08:06
guschom26er: commented08:09
om26erthanks, working on it.08:11
guschom26er: approved08:58
om26ergusch, thanks08:58
om26errenato_, Hi!09:05
om26errenato_, so the branch you approved yesterday for the tests, there is a failing test that I disabled.09:05
om26erthe test fails on touch because it pulls out the launcher there, on desktops its also not reliable as it fails on different screen resolutions09:06
timpzsombi: I'll work on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1167232 but I'll create a general solution by adding property action to AbstractButton09:46
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1167232 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[toolbar] Toolbar using buttons behaves different for the back button" [High,Confirmed]09:46
zsombitimp: ok, so remember to fill all relevant fields (i.e. button's label) when an action is specified. I'd say actions should override previous values of button.text. Also don't forget triggering action's signal from clicked()09:48
zsombitimp: then the next step perhaps would be to add action to every component09:50
timpzsombi: I'll just change the default text: action ? action.text : "" instead of the current "". Setting text explicitly will override the action's properties.09:50
zsombitimp: so you want to handle the action data with lower priority as the component' sown properties?09:50
zsombithat also makes sense...09:52
timpoSoMoN: when you have time, can you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-calendar-app/monthViewHeight/+merge/165189 ?10:05
om26ergusch, please review this when you have the time: https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/gallery-app/fix_touch_failing_ap_tests/+merge/16532710:17
guschom26er: ok10:17
om26erfixes all tests on touch, except for the one we talked yesterday.10:17
oSoMoNtimp: approved10:24
timpoSoMoN: great, thanks!10:24
timpoSoMoN: will it be merged automatically?10:24
oSoMoNtimp: yes, it should10:24
oSoMoNgusch: is the autopilot failure in https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-translations/+merge/165179 related to the changes introduced by the MR ?10:26
guschoSoMoN: let me check ...10:26
guschoSoMoN: no, not realated to the changes in the MR, but gallery seems to have lots of randomly failing tests lately :(10:29
guschom26er: can you take a look at that issue? ^10:29
oSoMoNgusch: I approved the MR, feel free to top-approve yourself once the autopilot tests pass10:31
om26ergusch, oSoMoN its again a timing issue with jenkins, this time its not able to click on the edit item due to slowness in jenkins. I bet a re-run will pass it.10:33
om26erI am looking at how to fix this one, my other branch also fixes a bunch of timing issues10:33
guschom26er: I commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/gallery-app/fix_touch_failing_ap_tests/+merge/16532710:34
guschoSoMoN: thx - I hope we can resolve the test issues quickly10:36
zsombiSaviq: hei, can you check whether is this still valid for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/116612710:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1166127 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "InverseMouseArea without sensingArea doesn't work" [High,Confirmed]10:42
Saviqzsombi, valid on device10:49
Saviqzsombi, trying to upgrade now10:49
Saviqzsombi, no upgrades to be seen, so yeah, still valid on the device for me10:50
Saviqzsombi, btw, we'll need an InverseTouchArea, too10:50
zsombiSaviq: gotcha... most likely you need to add a wish item to SDK then :)10:51
Saviqzsombi, yeah, will do10:51
Saviqzsombi, I'll try a new image, too10:52
timpmaybe we need an InverseItem10:52
zsombiSaviq: I guess you'd need it for undefined touch points, right?10:52
timpand then the MouseArea can anchors.fill: inverseItem10:52
zsombitimp: Saviq: asking the IMA problem as I cannot see it anymore on the desktop...10:53
Saviqzsombi, we're starting to distinguish between touch and mouse interaction10:53
Saviqzsombi, yeah, it's fine on the desktop, not so on deviec10:53
zsombiSaviq: kewl...:)10:53
Saviqzsombi, so we need to look at distinguishing in Inverse*, too10:54
zsombiSaviq: that's also weird... as the rootObject is getting updated once the QQuickVoiew statusChanged() is triggered...10:54
Saviqzsombi, it's fine in image 13311:30
zsombiSaviq: so there was some "dust" in between then? weird...11:31
Saviqzsombi, I must've not had the most recent toolkit on my device11:31
Saviqzsombi, aaargh, wrong11:32
Saviqzsombi, still bad11:32
zsombiSaviq: hmm... weird... still doesn't get the sensingArea?11:32
Saviqzsombi, yup, null11:33
Saviqzsombi, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5693414/11:33
Saviqzsombi, prints null11:34
Saviqzsombi, and then some ++++++++ when you tap11:34
Saviqno ------------11:34
zsombiSaviq: weird... I have the code from the pastebin in the test case (with not having sensingArea set at all) and the test passes...12:46
zsombiSaviq: on the device, with 133 + my branch, which is nothing more than the trunk + test case12:46
Saviqzsombi, did you try simply with qmlscene on the device?13:03
zsombiSaviq: I'm on that now, however with the test case it doesn't fail...13:03
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coder2any python quickly  developer here?20:14
coder2how to add a filechooser to a menu item using glade20:15
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