
pittiGood morning03:30
larsupitti: good morning :) How are you?03:33
pittihey larsu! prima, danke, und Dir?03:37
pittilarsu: are you still at Ryan's?03:37
larsupitti: auch sehr gut! Hacking away on a balcony in Toronto :)03:37
larsuI'm in Toronto, but not at Ryan's place03:38
larsuya, it's an awesome night here. And I have a very good view of the cn tower03:40
larsuit changes its lights in hypnotizing ways...03:41
pittiand you can still work on code with that? :-)03:42
larsuI admit that it distracts me for a couple of minutes every now and then :D03:43
pittilarsu: well, so do IRC, G+, youtube, etc. :)03:57
larsuhehe, true!03:58
didrocksgood morning06:00
didrocksgood morning Mirv ;)06:04
Mirvmorning didrocks!06:17
didrocksMirv: how are you?06:17
Mirvdidrocks: sad that sdk still didn't build, there was a python script added yesterday to the trunk without python dependency.. otherwise fine :)06:19
didrocksMirv: remind them to ask whenever they think there is a package change needed :)06:19
didrocksMirv: should I retrigger the build now?06:19
Mirvdidrocks: not yet06:21
didrocksMirv: ok, keep me posted, I want to have next ready today :)06:22
Mirvok, will do06:22
jibelgood morning06:52
Mirvdidrocks: can we start the Qt uploads now?06:53
didrockssalut jibel! Il y a enfin du soleil ici! et toi? :)06:54
didrocksMirv: doing06:54
jibeldidrocks, salut! oui enfin, c'est l'heure d'aller à la plage :)06:55
didrockset de manger une glace! :)06:55
Sweetsha1kxnox: awesome thanks!07:03
Sweetsha1kMoin a tous btw!07:03
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
didrocksMirv: fail :p07:06
didrocksSweetshark: bonjour bonjour :)07:06
Mirvdidrocks: :(07:07
didrocksMirv: do you need a hand?07:07
didrocksMirv: I didn't look at the content, just got email spam :)07:07
Mirvdidrocks: I wonder if I haven't subscribed to something..07:09
didrocksMirv: you should get the FTBFS from ~ubuntu-unity ppas?07:09
didrocksas you are part of the team07:09
Mirvdidrocks: hmm, which fail you are talking about actually, apparently not related to Qt 5.0.2 packages?07:13
Mirvdidrocks: ah, yes, ui-toolkit. I meant to ask about saucy Qt uploads :)07:14
didrocksMirv: I'm getting <xxx> build of ubuntu-ui-toolkit <version> build failure emails07:14
didrocksMirv: you do get those emails, right?07:14
MirvI'm still looking at the ui-toolkit, there's more than just the dependency error07:14
Mirvdidrocks: yes, I get those07:14
didrocksMirv: ok, let's get that done, rebuild and then, moving to Qt, ok?07:14
Mirvdidrocks: sure07:15
didrockskeep me posted or ask me if you have any question :)07:15
MirvI'm just multi-tasking a bit while I've pbuilder runs going on07:16
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didrockshey Laney!07:57
seb128hey desktopers07:58
seb128hey Laney didrocks07:58
seb128how are you?07:58
didrockssalut seb128!07:58
didrocksgood good, yourself?07:58
seb128I'm good07:58
seb128in this rainy tuesday :p07:58
didrockssomeone stole my sun!07:58
didrocksit was around this morning, I saw it07:58
seb128not me07:58
didrockswhere is it now? :p07:58
seb128doh, it's already tuesday, it feels like the week just started ... I will miss the short work weeks and log weekends07:59
didrocksseb128: it's even thursday, not tuesday :p07:59
seb128the national holidays fun is mostly over for a while now07:59
seb128didrocks, double doh :p07:59
Laneynah, if you move to the UK you get one on Monday :P07:59
didrocksseb128: hem, we can create some :p07:59
seb128Laney, ;-)08:00
didrocksseb128: did you hear about the national rain day? :)08:00
didrocksI heard it's off :p08:00
seb128Laney, can I get non-rainy weather as well with it?08:00
seb128didrocks, seems like every day until end of the month?08:00
Laneyhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2641170 says no :(08:00
didrocksseb128: yeah, I read the same, should be true then!08:00
* didrocks opens canonicaladmin08:00
* seb128 shakes fist at the weather08:00
didrocksMirv: sdk fix is found and merging? If so, we can maybe starts the Qt part together08:03
Mirvdidrocks: it's merging yes now08:05
Mirvdidrocks: yes we can08:05
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didrocksMirv: ok, so, I open https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjuCdq68GSyVdFI4QzNQdWpfME5aMEV2VXo0cUpOMkE#gid=408:06
Mirvfirst part would be from qtbase to qtdeclarative. I'm looking at qtscript a bit since it's in Debian NEW queue and apparently I can't fetch the orig tarball directly from there08:07
didrocksMirv: do you mind giving me edit rights? that will enable me to copy/paste only the branch url :)08:07
Mirvand first part of the first part would be checking and uploading qtbase08:07
didrocksMirv: ok :)08:07
Mirvdidrocks: added08:08
didrocksMirv: thanks :)08:08
didrocksMirv: nice document btw, really helpfull08:08
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Mirvthanks, it was really needed to keep things in order08:08
didrocksMirv: ok, qt-default to be arch: any is a debian thing? they do want it?08:16
Mirvdidrocks: yes, they now ship configuration files in multi-arch triplet dirs08:21
didrocksthat's what I saw08:23
didrocksMirv: just an advice: you should name upstream patch git_…08:24
didrocksMirv: that's easier then to see if it doesn't apply that we should just remove it08:24
didrocksspeaking of debian/patches/rename_qabs_function_for_timeval.patch08:25
didrocksand some others :)08:25
Mirvright, thanks.. I'll try to remember that08:26
seb128Mirv, btw, I just upgrade with the qt5-beta-proper/saucy ppa, things work fine and my menus are back in the panel as they should08:26
seb128just upgraded*08:26
Mirvseb128: thanks, I also tested, seems normal08:26
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ritz_seb128 bonjour , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/1027086/comments/2608:30
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1027086 in vino (Ubuntu Precise) "incorrect schema setting used for authentication-methods in vino server" [Medium,In progress]08:30
seb128ritz_, hey08:30
ritz_hi :)08:30
seb128ritz_, I'm still not really happy with the hack there, did anyone confirm that it's the solution wanted?08:31
ritz_seb128 , as per upstream, this is the way to go.08:32
ritz_removing the choice listing form schema08:32
seb128ritz_, ok, fine enough, you should subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug so it's in the sponsoring queue08:32
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didrocksMirv: my new saucy pbuilder just starting to build qtbase :)08:36
sil2100didrocks: hi! I have a question related to the generic AP jobs - where does the /tmp/autopilot.head.*.skip file come from?08:37
sil2100didrocks: when is it created and what triggers it?08:37
Mirvdidrocks: ok!08:37
didrockssil2100: it's created when there is no tests to run for that stack08:41
didrockssil2100: that avoids UTAH to provision for nothing08:41
didrocksso the -prepare and -check jobs create it if needed08:41
didrockssil2100: hum, did you rerun the HUD?08:42
sil2100didrocks: yes, just the tests08:43
didrockssil2100: you didn't check "with whole ppa", did you?08:43
sil2100didrocks: so hm, why is the OIF stack creating that file even though there is one test to be run?08:44
didrockssil2100: it won't take latest unity autopilot tests then08:44
sil2100didrocks: no, I just built with foo08:44
sil2100I just want to re-run08:44
sil2100To see if the 2 failures we have are reproducible08:44
didrockssil2100: ok, so not with unity-autopilot changes you did, right?08:44
sil2100Since HUD seems to have a strange regression08:44
sil2100didrocks: those got merged yesterday, right?08:45
sil2100So they're in already08:45
sil2100And they have been used08:45
didrockssil2100: "No new source uploaded to PPA and CHECK_WITH_WHOLE_PPA is not set.  Skipping check!08:45
didrocksso no need to run tests08:45
didrocksfor oif08:45
didrockssil2100: hum, really?08:45
didrockssil2100: ah, maybe unity is in next?08:45
didrockssil2100: because normally, they shouldn't be installed or veebers has an issue in his script…08:46
didrockssil2100: do you have the run that shows that latest unity is used, even built without --check-with-whole-ppa?08:46
sil2100didrocks: I'll double check, but the test results seem to show that my and Francis branch are in08:46
sil2100One moment08:46
didrockssil2100: weird weird weird ;)08:47
sil2100didrocks: so, it's using 7.0.0daily13.05.22.1ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu1, which is based on revision 3338, so with our two fixes included already08:52
sil2100didrocks: that's the one from yesterday's re-build it seems, 16 hours ago?08:52
didrockssil2100: ok, we need to ping veebers, seems the preseed regressed…08:55
sil2100didrocks: my understanding was that it is currently using the packages available in the daily-build-next PPA08:57
didrockssil2100: yeah, and that's wrong, we should only use the set08:59
didrockssil2100: I think his refactoring broke it08:59
sil2100didrocks: might be, as I remember he was doing some fixes there, so maybe the original idea got lost somewhere09:00
didrockssil2100: ok, let's try to get everything green today and in -next?09:02
sil2100attente: once you're up, give me a ping09:02
didrockssil2100: I think we are really close :)09:02
sil2100didrocks: yea, let's do that - I think we are, I re-built all the packages that failed for unity, the problems being the one unit test in libunity that likes to time out (Paweł is trying to fix it now)09:03
sil2100didrocks: since the home scope and libunity failed for powerpc, home scope because of missing libunity09:03
sil2100didrocks: if this test won't get fixed quickly, I would recommend disabling it temporarily, as it's slowing down the release process due to it's flackyness09:04
didrockssil2100: right, we need to give that to upstream as a TODO to get things fixed first09:05
didrockssil2100: hud finished09:08
sil2100One failure, hm09:09
sil2100Yes, this one I think is an actual regression, as I noticed it sometimes as well09:10
didrocksMirv: what do you mean by "(Synced but pkg transition)" ?09:10
sil2100i.e. no results returned09:10
didrockssil2100: is there anyone in the HUD circles to be able to fix this?09:10
sil2100didrocks: I could ask Pete and maybe someone from the unity-frontend team to take a look09:11
sil2100Normally I would ask Ted, but he's on holiday this week09:11
didrockssil2100: right, do you think we should manually publish for now?09:12
sil2100didrocks: let's do that, doesn't make sense to block on this issue09:13
didrockssil2100: you will handle it?09:14
didrockssil2100: maybe we can put the threshold to 1 as well for now?09:14
sil2100didrocks: ok, would make sense maybe, since anyway sometimes the fuzzy tests might fail because of invalid guessing09:16
didrocksjibel: (as we don't have write access, isn't it?) ^ head/hud, triggers 1/1 for failure, regressions please :)09:16
sil2100didrocks: it's always sad to have a threshold set, but still better than having to manually publish every time09:16
didrockssil2100: right09:16
didrockssil2100: please do a manual publishing meanwhile :)09:16
sil2100didrocks: should I check the 'force' checkbox ;p? I forgot what it was for ;p09:18
didrockssil2100: not the first time09:19
didrockssil2100: it's to force is upstream stacks failing but we know we want to publish09:19
didrockssil2100: or if there are packaging changes and we ack them09:19
didrocksMirv: qtbase sponsored09:22
didrocksMirv: doing sync now09:22
didrocksMirv: waiting for your answer on synced but pkg transitions :p09:22
sil2100didrocks: the publish is yellow, since QA has failed to publish - is that ok?09:25
jibeldidrocks, I added ACLs for the desktop-team and you should have write access now. Coul dyou try?09:26
didrocksjibel: sure09:27
didrockssil2100: well, you know that the QA stack can't interfere with runtime for the HUD09:28
didrockssil2100: so you can force the publication :)09:28
sil2100Checking force \o/09:28
didrocksjibel: worked perfectly :)09:28
Laneywhere do I get unity-gtk-module from? daily-build-next?09:33
didrockssil2100: ^09:33
Laneymaybe I'll just build the package :P09:34
sil2100Laney: yes ;)09:34
seb128Laney, do you need it for something or just trying it?09:39
Laneyupdating gnome-terminal and it had menus in the app, thought that might fix it09:40
Mirvdidrocks: thanks, was on luch.. it means that "in sync with Debian in practice, but Ubuntu has additional package name transitions" (ie. replaces: etc)09:41
didrocksMirv: ok09:41
Laney(it does not)09:41
Mirvdidrocks: so those need to be still uploaded with Ubuntu specific changes, compared to those that can be actually synced directly like qtjsbackend, qtxmlpatterns, qtsvg09:42
seb128Laney, to test you need to uninstall UBUNTU_MENUPROXY and you need indicator-appmenu trunk09:43
didrocksMirv: right :)09:43
seb128or uninstall appmenu-gtk309:43
Laneyyeah it installs an Xsession.d file which does that09:43
Laneythe UBUNTU_MENUPROXY thing09:43
Laneytrunk> ok, getting09:43
LaneyI wonder why the "alternate scrolling" patch never went upstream09:46
Laneyseb128: do you know?09:46
didrocksMirv: do you mind providing a diff with debian for all the stuff we only have diff with replaces, conflicts and so on?09:46
didrocksthat will speed it up for me :)09:47
xnoxSweetsha1k: my source package is $ dget http://people.canonical.com/~xnox/repo/libreoffice_4.0.2-0ubuntu2.dsc09:51
xnoxthe original tarballs should be as in the archive atm.09:51
didrocksMirv: some copyright are not good on qtpim :/09:51
darkxstseb128, hi09:52
darkxstdid you ever get a change to look over my external panels for g-c-c patch?09:52
xnoxSweetsha1k: libhsqldb-java got bumped higher in saucy-proposed, yet there is build-conflicts on the higher version in the libreoffice package.09:52
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xnoxSweetsha1k: when building just on "saucy" without "saucy-proposed" i get one test failure.09:53
Laneynope, still no menus even with trunk09:53
Laneymaybe something for attente to look at ;-)09:53
didrocksMirv: and no COPYING file in tarball, I think we need to fix that one with the exception09:53
Laneythe styling is kind of weird too for me09:54
Laneylike they don't get the orange background on hover09:54
didrocksMirv: shouldn't we have separated qt5 and qtdeclarative packages for the qml part?09:56
seb128Laney, which scrolling patch?09:56
seb128darkxst, hey, no, I'm still trying to get the new gtk in first to unblock other things09:56
Laneyseb128: 20_add_alt_screen_toggle_ui.patch09:57
seb128then I will look at the rdepends09:57
Laney"Author: ?" is amusing :P09:57
seb128Laney, where is that? gtk?09:57
seb128no idea about that then09:57
Laneyit's for letting you scroll with the mousewheel in the pager (like manpages)09:57
LaneyI guess I can port it to the new gsettings stuff and forward it09:58
seb128but I wonder if that update is worth it09:58
seb128seems non trivial09:58
seb128but we need to get ride of gconf at some point09:59
LaneyI don't think it'll be too hard to fix it up anyway10:00
Laneyof course the other option is to either get rid of the patch or force the config to always be on ...10:00
Mirvdidrocks: ok, I can provide the diff:s. looking at qtpim after that, it hasn't been in archives yet.10:01
didrocksMirv: yeah, that's why I'm doing a full review10:03
seb128yeah, qt 5.0.2 in the archive10:03
seb128didrocks, Mirv: well done ;-)10:03
didrockssil2100: do you mind running the unity stack if all the FTBFS are fixed?10:04
sil2100didrocks: without rebuilding, yes? I think the FTBFS are all fixed in the PPA by now10:05
didrockssil2100: yeah, so with "foo" :10:05
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didrocksand qtsensors sponsored10:05
sil2100didrocks: just did that ;) Let's see how the check job goes *keeps his fingers crossed*10:05
* didrocks starts building qtwebkit10:09
Laneydidrocks: I pinged Riddell about that one the other day - perhaps check he's not looking at it too10:11
Laney(assuming you mean the sponsor request)10:11
Laney(it was because he had a version stuck in proposed)10:11
didrocksLaney: yeah, well, I started to build with qt 5.0.2, so we need to update for everything now, will ping him10:11
didrocksLaney: in proposed?10:11
Laneyif you mean this source10:11
didrocksLaney: ah, I mean qtwebkit-opensource-src10:12
didrockswhich is the Qt5 version :)10:12
Laneycarry on :P10:12
didrocksqtsvg synced10:13
seb128Laney, did you handle the clutter MRs yesterday through your sync? they are still in the sponsoring queue10:14
didrocksas well as qtimageformats, qttranslations was already in proposed10:14
Laneyseb128: let's see ...10:14
didrocksMirv: don't forget qtdeclarative for the diff at the top!10:14
Mirvdidrocks: yes, just added after assuming you want that too :)10:17
didrocksMirv: perfect! looking at those while qtwebkit is building10:17
didrocksMirv: qtquick1 is fine, I'm just waiting to build the other to have all build-deps :)10:17
darkxstseb128, ok, yes we need gtk, just a little bit! ;)10:18
Laneynot sure what to do with the MP for an uploaded SRU10:18
Laneydarkxst: https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/ubuntu/raring/clutter-1.0/lp963925/+merge/164832 can you mark it merged maybe?10:18
Laneyto get it off the sponsoring list as it's in the upload queue now10:19
darkxstLaney, done10:19
seb128darkxst, do you know if anyone looked at the software-center issue?10:20
didrocksMirv: hum, as 5.0.2-2 is not released10:20
darkxstseb128, the crash10:20
didrocksMirv: in debian, I won't call ours 5.0.2-2ubuntu110:20
darkxstI have never been able to reproduce it10:21
didrocksMirv: I'll remove the debian/changelog and add the cherry-pick as 5.0.2-1ubuntu110:21
seb128darkxst, the last issue listed on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-gnome-3-810:21
seb128it seems the only remaining blocker10:21
seb128or maybe we should just upload...10:21
Laneythe screenshot/cheese thing is fixed?10:22
seb128screenshot is since 3.8.110:22
seb128(just edited the whiteboard)10:22
seb128what is the cheese issue?10:22
Mirvdidrocks: that's correct, thanks. there are some newer updates in Debian, though, but at the time of that sync the -2 was not yet uploaded10:22
seb128I don't use cheese10:22
seb128but I can test...10:22
Laneysame thing10:22
Laneyflashes the screen10:22
seb128ok, so yeah, it's fixed10:22
didrocksMirv: let's use that one ;) (pushed for qtdeclarative)10:22
Mirvdidrocks: thanks10:23
Laneyright, good - none of the bugs or the BP have any indication of that10:23
seb128I've updated the BP10:23
seb128upstream ignored the bug mterry opened but fixed following an IRC ping10:23
Laneyfair enough, probably can close that one then10:24
seb128I don't have issues with s-c either10:24
darkxstseb128, I would say go ahead with the upload, there really hasnt been much noise about the software-center crash10:24
seb128does anyone is running gtk 3.8 and has?10:24
Laneywe can do the trick of blocking it in proposed and watching jenkins for regressions too maybe10:25
seb128darkxst, well "noise", quite some users seem affected10:25
seb128Laney, let's do that, can you put the block?10:26
darkxstseb128, there was a real crash earlier on10:26
seb128darkxst, ok, maybe it has been fixed ;-)10:26
seb128Laney, thanks, I'm doing a test build on current saucy to make sure everything is still alright (like if it builds with the new glib) and I will upload to saucy after lunch10:28
LaneyI'm leaning to porting this gnome-terminal patch without the UI bits10:29
Laneydefaulting to on10:29
Laneythe text didn't make sense anyway10:29
Laneywho knows what "alternate scrolling" is?!10:29
seb128seems like an old geeky option ;-)10:30
Laneyit's some technical term from within vte10:30
* Laney shrugs10:30
Laneymmm, gvim's gotten its menus back in the window too10:32
darkxstLaney, I think that gnome-terminal patch, breaks the scroll back when not using overlay scrollbars10:35
Laneythat would be weird10:38
darkxstLaney, well like when you scroll back to pause the output10:38
darkxstit doesnt work, with alternate scrolling enabled10:38
darkxstit will just keep scrolling10:38
Laneyright, I can understand effects like that10:38
Laneybut having an interaction with overlay scrollbars10:39
darkxstwell I don't use the overlay scrollbars, but I am sure it did work with them and not without10:39
Laneyok, well I'll PPA it when done and we can see10:41
didrocksMirv: ok, sponsored everything I can but qtwebkit that is still building, I let the rest on your hands :)10:53
didrocksMirv: on the sdk side, is it ok to rerun the stack?10:53
* didrocks wants to have everything published today10:53
didrocksMirv: also, file a bug for the binary packages we need to remove10:54
czajkowskiandrewebdev: ello :010:54
andrewebdevmorning all. Am in a spot of trouble here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/298881/13-04-unity-graphics-suddenly-broken-for-no-reason10:55
Mirvdidrocks: qtpim updated with copyright info and license files which I also submitted to upstream10:55
didrocksok, nice :)10:55
didrocksMirv: did you see my question about separate packages?10:55
Mirvok to run sdk stack10:56
Mirvdidrocks: ok, going to file the bugs10:56
Mirvdidrocks: right, what did you mean with the qt5 <-> qml separation again?10:56
joetacoshow do i get pass the Ubuntu 13.04 installer it hangs after clicking 3rd party and download updates. and sometimes i get a black screen with text10:56
andrewebdevSince my /home/ folder is on a separate partition, I was wondering if some faulty unity setting is stored in my home folder. Is there anyway I can delete all unity settings safely?10:56
czajkowskididrocks: morning do you know best andrewebdev could ask for him with his question on AU ?10:56
didrocksMirv: IIRC, the qmldir packages were separated in <something>-plugin package10:56
didrocksczajkowski: andrewebdev: I would say go on #ubuntu-unity and ask here, upstreams unity are there10:57
didrocksbut seeing the corruptions, it can be as well something for mlankhorst ^10:57
didrocksand tjaalton :)10:58
czajkowskididrocks: thanks10:58
didrocksyw ;)10:58
mlankhorstwe didn't touch raring in any way yet10:58
mlankhorstso I would guess kernel10:58
didrocksandrewebdev: #ubuntu-kernel then10:58
Mirvdidrocks: ah, for qtpim, probably that yes still10:59
didrocksMirv: ok :)11:00
Mirvdidrocks: qttools resynced with Debian11:00
mlankhorstpitti: can autopkgtest descend subdirectories too?11:00
didrocksMirv: ok, will have a look after running outside (finishing an upload first)11:00
didrocksMirv: qtmultimedia-opensource-src FTBFS here11:01
pittimlankhorst: how do you mean?11:01
didrocksMirv: the symbols are not up to date11:01
pittimlankhorst: oh, you mean tests in debian/tests/subdir? I'm not actually sure11:01
pittimlankhorst: if you specify them that way in debian/tests/control it might work, but we never had such a case so far11:01
Mirvdidrocks: right, Debian seems to have done the updates after uploads, collecting from builders or something like that11:02
Mirv(symbol updates)11:02
mlankhorstpitti: can I test the Tests-Directory to some system path? right now I'm installing a bunch of tests to /usr/lib/xorg-integration-tests/SUBDIR/testname, so if I could set the Tests-Directory: to /usr/lib/xorg-integration-tests I could just specify the tests to run directly :)11:03
Mirvbut have not done that for qtmultimedia yet11:03
didrocksMirv: ok, waiting for this one :)11:04
Mirvlooking at the symbols after qtpim11:05
mlankhorsthm I guess not11:05
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mlankhorstah well, I'll write a script to invoke it for me then. :)11:10
pittimlankhorst: no, you'll need symlinks for that; they must be in debian/tests/11:10
pittior a wrapper script which iterates over them, right11:10
pittihm, what the heck is wrong with gstreamer apps in saucy? totem and rhythmbox take like 30 seconds to start11:17
seb128pitti, wfm11:20
seb128pitti, but rb segfaults on track changes on g-i code11:20
seb128not sure if that's buggy code on the rb side or something wrong in the g-i stack though11:21
seb128ok, gtk 3.8 on its way to saucy-proposed, let's see how that goes11:22
seb128pitti, do you get any error during those 30s? can you get a gdb stacktrace to see where it's hanging?11:23
pittiseb128: hm, I'll try after lunch11:25
pittiseb128: no, when I start them from a terminal there is no output at all (nor an apport .crash)11:26
pitti[pid  4734] poll([{fd=10, events=POLLIN}], 1, 2500011:26
pittistrace is just sitting there11:26
seb128what about gdb?11:26
pittiah, further down is g_dbus_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync()11:27
pittii. e. it's a temp main loop from gdbus sync (waiting for reply)11:27
pittiooh, hang on11:28
pittisorry, PEBCAK11:28
pittiit was talking to gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor, which was in STOPped state11:28
pitti(fallout from me running udisks2 tests this morning)11:28
* pitti grabs brown paperbag11:28
seb128pitti, k ;-)11:29
seb128still annoying that we have sync calls in there11:29
seb128the multimedia players shouldn't block on gvfs to start11:30
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
mlankhorstpitti: hm server/server        SKIP Test breaks testbed but testbed does not advertise revert-full-system11:39
mlankhorstis breaks-testbed needed if temporary virtual input devices will be added, that can mess up if you are using the system for something else at the moment?11:40
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
Mirvdidrocks: qtpim updated again, same for qttools. interestingly qtmultimedia does not complain about symbols when I build it in pbuilder, only when I build it locally12:00
Mirvdidrocks: oh, but, I'm using raring. creating a saucy pbuilder.12:01
attentesil2100, hey12:02
attenteLaney, are your gnome-terminal menus still broken?12:03
Laneyattente: this is with 3.8 that I'm preparing, and yes12:03
sil2100attente: hello! Again about u-g-m12:03
sil2100attente: I have been wondering... what would need to be done to be able to use unity-gtk3-module when appmenu-gtk3 is still installed? Will some patch have to be dropped from somewhere?12:04
attenteLaney, it's just gnome-terminal? everything else is ok?12:06
sil2100attente: I'm asking because hm, I prepared the packaging changes for u-g-m to replace appmenu-gtk, but since u-g-m is part of the unity stack, it's installation would remove appmenu-gtk and even the unity tests would currently run on u-g-m12:07
Laneyattente: gvim too12:07
attentesil2100, are you asking about having both installed and being able to switch on-demand?12:07
sil2100attente: yes, for instance12:07
sil2100attente: since currently, I think we would prefer to test unity in the standard environment (i.e. with appmenu-gtk), and only unity-gtk-module-autopilot tests with the unity-gtk-module instead12:08
sil2100Not all of them with u-g-m, at least not yet until we won't make the official switch12:08
Laneygvim gives some criticals: ** (gvim:1430): CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_shell_shows_menubar: assertion `G_IS_PARAM_SPEC (pspec)' failed12:09
seb128sil2100, we will do the change once you manage to land that package in saucy12:10
attentesil2100: the difficulty is that appmenu-gtk depends on the gtk patch and u-g-m depends on not having the patch12:10
seb128sil2100, it's easy enough, don't plan for the overlap period there12:10
seb128just land the thing so we can drop the gtk patches and everyone will be happy12:10
sil2100Ok then ;)12:10
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
desrtgood morning, all12:15
seb128hey Canada ;-)12:19
didrocksurgh sun…12:20
seb128didrocks, time for exercice?12:20
* didrocks went for running and enjoyed the only 30 minutes with rain of the day it seems…12:21
didrocksand not a small one12:21
seb128oh, you did already :/12:21
* didrocks needs a shower12:21
didrocksyeah, wrong decision it seems!12:21
seb128didn't you just had one outside? :p12:21
didrocksseb128: tssss :p12:21
didrocksseb128: when I was cycling, no issue12:21
didrocksjust when I arrived at the park12:21
didrocksand for the full run in the park12:21
seb128you better take a warm shower now12:22
seb128or you will get a cold12:22
didrocksthen, back on the bike, I had some time to just catch a cold :p12:22
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'm just starting some pbuilder12:22
didrocksand then, shower :)12:22
mlankhorstit's still bad here12:22
didrocksmlankhorst: almost blue sky, I really regret :p12:22
seb128we have some sun showing as well, weird12:23
Laneyattente: you can grab gnome-terminal from http://people.canonical.com/~laney/package-junkyard/ if you want to try it out for yourself12:23
LaneyI noticed that I don't get overlay scrollbars at all on it ...12:23
didrocksseb128: it's like "what's this?" :p12:23
mlankhorstit doesn't look like we get this thing called 'sun' today12:23
seb128didrocks, exactly ;-)12:24
Mirvdidrocks: ok, updated qtmultimedia's libqgsttools symbols for saucy12:34
didrocksMirv: thanks, continuing sponsoring the small components :)12:36
Sweetsha1khmm, "28 affected users, bug heat 130" in one day for a package in a PPA --- is that a new record?12:37
mlankhorstis it about libreoffice?12:38
Mirvdidrocks: btw sdk stack now would have published successfully, but qa stack has failed again so it did not12:38
didrocksMirv: so manual publish?12:38
Mirvdidrocks: yes, hmm12:39
Mirv-, hmm12:39
Mirvthe ticket for access rights is still ongoing12:39
didrocksMirv: yeah, you did receive an email when I opened it, right?12:39
Mirvdidrocks: yes, and I was asked whether I want the access rights to the existing account (yes), waiting for next message12:41
didrocksok :)12:41
didrocksMirv: you can directly ping retoaded on IRC to speed things up12:41
didrocks(he's in the US time)12:41
didrocksMirv: meanwhile, published for you12:41
Mirvdidrocks: ok. thanks.12:42
Sweetsha1kmlankhorst: yes, bug 118208212:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1182082 in LibreOffice Productivity Suite "libreoffice menu not working" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118208212:42
didrocksyw :)12:42
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didrocksMirv: doc/src/snippets/legal/CatharonLicense.txt is mentionning Catharon Productions, Inc.13:08
didrocksin qtpim13:08
Mirvdidrocks: it's mentioning it, but I didn't find a file that would be covered by it (it's the license itself)13:08
Mirvno files mention [C/c]atharon in any other way13:09
didrocksMirv: you should open a bug upstream13:09
didrocksMirv: otherwise, fine with me :)13:09
Mirvdidrocks: yes, ok13:09
didrocksMirv: for the -plugin package, do you know of anyone installing the pim package already?13:11
didrocksMirv: as you didn't provide any Replaces: for the transition?13:12
didrocksMirv: also, priority should be optional13:12
didrocksand also, the -plugin should maybe dep on there binary package which contains the .so files?13:13
didrocksMirv: on Qttools, I have a FTBFS on symbols13:14
Mirvdidrocks: no, AFAIK the QML modules have been actually broken before Renato's patch that is in the upstream codereview13:14
Mirvbroken as in functionality13:14
didrocksMirv: ok, so no need for replaces: if nobody installed the package13:14
didrocksMirv: mind doing the other changes?13:15
Mirvdidrocks: pushed the priority change13:15
Mirvdidrocks: I'm working on qttools, just got the symbols complains in my saucy pbuilder as well13:15
didrocksMirv: did you see my question on the dep to finish qtpim?13:15
didrocksqtdeclarative5-qtcontacts-plugin shold dep on libqt5contacts5?13:16
didrocks(and same for the other -plugin one)13:16
Mirvdidrocks: oh, that I missed. pushed.13:17
Mirvopened also upstream QTBUG-31315 to ask for removal / doing something about the Catharon license13:17
didrocksMirv: got it, sponsoring qtpim then :)13:17
didrocksseb128: qtpim in source NEW (at next publish round), mind having a look? there is also qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src in bin NEW.13:19
seb128didrocks, ok13:19
didrocksthanks :)13:19
didrockshey kenvandine, around?13:48
kenvandinedidrocks, hey, what's up?13:49
didrockskenvandine: I think you already saw that you have a lot of stack in manual publishing mode, can you handle them quickly so that we can have everything in next today? :)13:50
didrockskenvandine: I rebuilt some for you due to UTAH13:50
didrocksyou just need to review the manual publishing :)13:50
didrocks(media, settings, webapp, webcred)13:50
kenvandinesure, i was too excited about having gmail this morning... so i started customizing :)13:52
* kenvandine does the happy dance13:52
kenvandinei'll go look over the stacks now13:52
jbichaseb128: does the gnome-icon-theme/-full split still make sense?13:53
seb128jbicha, I guess it does yes, no reason to waste disk space13:54
didrockskenvandine: thanks :)13:54
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kenvandinedidrocks, so did webcred not publish because QA failed?13:56
* didrocks looks13:56
kenvandinethat's what it looks like to me13:56
didrockskenvandine: right13:56
didrockskenvandine: I wonder if I shouldn't just declare QA as a safe stack to ignore the status13:57
didrocksas if tests passed… :)13:57
didrocksthe others deps shouldn't13:57
didrocksbut QA…13:57
kenvandinemedia failed because of hud and qa13:59
kenvandineso maybe that one shouldn't get published13:59
didrockskenvandine: ask cyphermox, but I think there is no issue with the HUD that is preventing us to publish14:00
didrocksor sil210014:00
didrocksfrom what I know, the hud tests failing are false positives14:00
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kenvandinecyphermox, sil2100: can you confirm ^^14:03
kenvandinedidrocks, i checked webapp and webcred, both looked good and i published14:03
kenvandinesettings view isn't setup yet14:03
didrockskenvandine: great! :-)14:03
kenvandinei filed an rt ticket for that14:04
didrockskenvandine: so hopefully, tomorrow, we won't have all that spam on the webapps* land :p14:04
didrockskenvandine: for the publish14:04
* kenvandine is glad webapps stack is robru's :)14:04
didrocksahah :)14:04
kenvandineoh... so we can still find it :)14:04
didrocksright, in the head view14:04
didrocksclick on all14:04
didrocksyou will see all "heads" job14:05
didrocksthen, clicking on it, you can see the workflow :)14:05
kenvandineoh wait...14:06
kenvandinewe didn't want to publish settings anyway :)14:06
* kenvandine is glad it failed14:06
didrockskenvandine: well, even if it succeeded, you put it to manual publishing :)14:07
didrockskenvandine: see
kenvandineah, so forcing publishing would still not publish right?14:07
didrockskenvandine: ah it would :)14:07
kenvandineyeah... so glad my force didn't work :)14:07
didrocksoh, you rerun it :p14:07
* kenvandine needs more coffee14:07
didrocksbzr: ERROR: exceptions.Exception: UserNotBranchReviewer14:08
didrockswhat's this? :/14:08
kenvandineno idea!14:08
kenvandineoh... maybe we need to add one of the ps teams to it?14:08
didrockskenvandine: well, it's just a lp-propose, it shouldn't need to be on the team…14:08
didrocksvila: any idea? ^14:09
didrocksvila: basically a bot is pushing a branch to a project (under his namespace), and then doing bzr lp-propose to trunk14:09
didrocksand we get: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/cu2d-settings-head-3.0publish/3/console14:10
didrockskenvandine: the copy went through next though14:10
didrockskenvandine: you need to remove it if you don't want the package14:10
kenvandinewhoops :)14:10
didrocksah, or maybe not, let me check the code :)14:10
kenvandineit would end up in NEW for saucy14:11
viladidrocks: out of the blue, I'd say it comes from the plugin implementing lp-propose, bzr itself has no idea what a branch reviewer is14:11
didrockskenvandine: ah? it's not for next, right, so no worry, the xml wasn't generated :)14:11
didrocksvila: do you know who we should poke for lp-propose?14:11
viladidrocks: does that use to work or is it the first time you try to lp-propose from a bot ?14:11
kenvandinedidrocks, right14:11
viladidrocks: abentley is the author IIRC14:12
didrocksvila: we used lp-propose thousands of times from a bot, but this is a new project14:12
didrocksvila: so I would bet for a configuration issue on the project14:12
viladidrocks: ha, then may be the teams aren't set up properly ?14:12
* vila nods14:12
didrocksyeah :)14:12
didrocksthanks vila, I'll hunt for him :)14:12
didrocksoh yeah, configuration error!14:13
didrockskenvandine: we need the bot to be in the team14:13
didrockskenvandine: it's self-approving the branch :)14:13
kenvandinei figured14:13
kenvandinewhat is the bot's id?14:13
didrocks(I didn't create yet-another-bot)14:14
kenvandinedidrocks, done14:14
kenvandinedo '14:14
kenvandineso we'll be good when we really want to publish :)14:15
didrocksright :)14:15
didrockskenvandine: I wonder, you didn't setup upstream merger though?14:15
didrockskenvandine: because you would have the issue way before :)14:15
kenvandinethat's on my todo list for today14:15
didrocksahah, ok :)14:16
didrocksso at least, that step: done :p14:16
didrockskenvandine: I checked for media, go for it :)14:16
kenvandinewe had our first branch merged to trunk yesterday14:16
didrocks(hud just failed because of the tests and that's what we are fixing)14:16
kenvandinewhich is when i noticed the merger wasn't setup14:16
kenvandineok, /me publishes14:16
* kenvandine goes to get more coffee14:16
didrockskenvandine: hehe, will do the same here :)14:17
didrocksok, so once Unity built and tests pass14:17
didrockswe can redo QA14:17
didrocksand HUD14:17
didrocksand live in a wonderful life, with everything for touch in next!14:17
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=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
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Laneyricotz: darkxst: How's empathy 3.8.2?14:43
ricotzLaney, works here, but i only use it with jabber14:53
ricotzLaney, i needs folks 0.9 first of course14:53
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ricotzwhich can be synced from debian14:54
ricotzirc 0.9.1-214:54
Laneyright, need to check if that can be synced14:54
Laneyunless you want to14:54
ricotzthe version is gnome3-staging ppa is already a sync14:55
cyphermoxkenvandine: yeah, hud is fine to publish, I can do it...14:56
kenvandinecyphermox, thx15:02
attenteLaney: are you able to run gedit through your gnome-terminal?15:16
cyphermoxkenvandine: fwiw I can't get any search results out of hud... :/15:19
cyphermoxscratch that, it's just really slow15:19
kenvandineon the device or desktop?15:19
cyphermoxon desktop15:19
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Laneyattente: huh, apparently not15:20
Laneyattente: what's going on there then?15:24
attentei'm not sure about the gnome-terminal problem, but the gvim problem is just because of a missing GtkSetting in gtk 215:25
Sweetsharkjibel: ping?15:36
Sweetsharkjibel: http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/libreoffice/binrepo/ <- shows 08-May-2013 as date, any hint why it isnt updated since then?15:37
jibelSweetshark, hm, looking15:37
Laney  /* Set some env vars to disable ubuntu crap. They'll certainly patch this15:39
Laney   * out in their package, but anyone running from git will get the right15:39
Laney   * behaviour.15:39
Laney   */15:39
Laney  g_setenv ("LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR", "0", TRUE);15:39
SweetsharkLaney: lol!15:39
Laney  g_setenv ("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY", "0", TRUE);15:39
Laney  g_setenv ("NO_UNITY_GTK_MODULE", "1", TRUE);15:39
* Laney coughs15:39
LaneyUBUNTU ♥ GNOME15:39
Laneyattente: so yeah, that made menus work ... don't know what's up with gedit though15:43
mlankhorsthow evil15:43
kenvandineoh my!15:45
Laneyoh well15:46
kenvandineno love!15:46
jibelSweetshark, configure: error: unrecognized options: --disable-mozilla, --disable-binfilter introduced by commit df4fd344b7b5d5dfb7cbf2f7a91ed6e86a2aaef8 which make them fatal15:52
jibelSweetshark, I'll fix configure and figure out why the job thinks its a good build15:53
attenteLaney, fun stuff..15:54
Sweetsharkjibel: ah yeah, those are obsolete now ;)15:54
Sweetshark.oO(good riddance)15:54
jibelSweetshark, done. The failed builds will be retried tomorrow15:59
Sweetsharkjibel: awesome, thanks!16:00
Sweetsharkjibel: I gave you kudos on the libreoffice list already. ;)16:00
Sweetshark.oO(cheerleading is my second best talent)16:00
jibelSweetshark, heh, thanks!16:03
Laneyyum upgrade to rawhide takes ages to calculate16:10
seb128didrocks, hey, is there any chance you guys could run all your tests again the new gtk in saucy-proposed to see if it creates any issue (Laney blocked the migration to saucy to let us run tests and stuff before it goes there)16:12
didrocksseb128: everything is running in raring, do you have a raring ppa?16:12
didrocksseb128: that would help16:12
seb128didrocks, ubuntu-desktop ppa has it for raring16:12
didrocksseb128: will do that tomorrow16:12
seb128didrocks, thanks16:12
Laneydid the jenkins autopkgtests kick off against it yet?16:12
seb128Laney, is that autohappening by magic?16:13
Laneyfor rdeps afaik16:13
didrocksyou mean for unity?16:13
didrocksor the rest?16:13
Laneynot the same as the daily landing integration tests of course16:14
Laneyarchive autopkgtests16:14
didrockswe don't have any for unity, but I guess, the rest is in jibel's capable hands for the rest of the archive :)16:15
Laneyyeah, that stuff - it works16:15
didrocksLaney: seb128: mind just poking me about it (the autopilot tests) tomorrow?16:15
Laneyhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/ but doesn't look like it's been triggered yet (looking at "latest builds")16:15
didrocksLaney: you don't have dynamic view on this jenkins16:17
Laneyoh, I see16:18
LaneyI can never remember how to get to the other one16:18
didrocksI don't know what jenkins it is for autopkgtests16:18
Laneyplus it's not so good for talking in this channel :-)16:18
Laneyhttp:// anyway (for those not blessed with access, it shows that the jobs haven't started yet)16:20
seb128Laney, do we know when they will start, what trigger them?16:22
LaneyA job which jibel runs on lillypilly16:23
Laneywas just looking for the data but I can't remember where it is16:23
seb128it's good that we are doing testing and stuff, but it's still not really obvious what is tested, how and when (at least to me)16:24
Laneywell, the proper plan for autopkgtest is to have it integrated with britney to stop migration16:24
Laneyfor that you'll have to have an interface better than jenkins (probably not a difficult task ...)16:25
jibelseb128, tests will start when a new binary or a new binary dependency on a Source package with an XS-Testsuite header with the value of autopkgtest is available in the archive.16:26
seb128jibel, where archive is -proposed or archive proper?16:27
Laneyseb128: ah, I found the list - on lillypilly, do: grep -h gtk+3.0 ~j-lallement/QA/adt-data/adt/saucy-proposed/amd64/archive/2013/05/23/*16:27
jibelseb128, -proposed16:27
seb128jibel, thanks16:28
seb128Laney, seems like it worked, like ubiquity got a run after the upload:
seb128same for apport16:29
jibelseb128, there is some details here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~auto-package-testing-dev/auto-package-testing/trunk/files/head:/doc/16:30
LaneyI wonder if there has ever been a time that I've not had to reconnect to the VPN before using it16:30
seb128jibel, cool16:31
Laneyoh yes indeed, they have been run16:31
LaneyI was looking for ones which started later16:31
seb128Laney, ok, looking at "latest rebuilds", they are all green, or were red before16:31
Laneyso green is good ...16:31
seb128no test that started failing in that run16:31
seb128so let's wait for the unity tests tomorrow and unblock it if that's ok?16:31
* Laney pushes gnome-terminal to bzr but this gedit problem is really weird16:32
Laneywhy wouldn't it run from a terminal?!16:32
desrtseb128: let's step up our game16:35
desrtLaney: i have an idea16:35
desrtlet's modify our gtk patches to check if the executable name is "gnome-terminal"16:35
desrtand if so, ignore all environment variables16:35
attentedoesn't that just make it even more broken for us?16:36
desrtin order to ensure that users of unpatched git versions of gnome-terminal 'will get the right behaviour' :)16:37
LaneyIgnore profiles, force username to chpe16:38
desrti suspect we will never find someone with the username 'chpe' on an ubuntu system :)16:38
didrocksyou are evil guys :)16:40
desrtif someone starts to play a game then you should probably make a countermove :)16:42
desrtignoring them would just be rude16:42
tvossdesrt, ping16:51
desrtround 2?16:51
tvossdesrt, hey, I'm actually waiting for ricmm to reply to my ping. It's more important that you guys talk :)16:52
sarnoldmodify git to remove that code on clone?16:52
tvossdesrt, might be a good idea to join #ubuntu-touch, too16:52
desrttoo many channels :p16:52
tvossdesrt, likewise, but a lot of the lifecycle and app model discussions are happening there16:53
jbichaLaney: were you aware that gnome-terminal was packaged in the gnome3-staging ppa?16:55
Laneyjbicha: I wasn't, then I was, but it wasn't bad anyway16:56
Laneydo you see the gedit weirdness under shell?16:56
jbichaLaney: uh I haven't had problems with gedit yet except for bug 118284916:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1182849 in Ubuntu GNOME "Some plugins hang gedit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118284916:58
Laneythe bug here is that you can't launch it from gnome-terminal 3.8 - it hangs16:58
jbichait works here but I did have a hang problem until I ran gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.gedit17:00
jbichaLaney: also bug 118139317:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1181393 in vte3 (Ubuntu) "Please upgrade to 0.34.5" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118139317:02
* didrocks waves good evening17:02
Laneynight did17:02
Laneyjbicha: yeah that's on my list for tomorrow17:02
LaneyI don't really have a handle on how to fix bash/zsh to source it though17:03
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Laneynot necessarily a blocker of course17:06
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jbichawell it's an annoying regression and nothing really *needs* gnome-terminal 3.817:09
LaneyI mean that it's not a blocker for gnome-terminal if the fix is in the shells17:10
jbichaon the other hand if we want it in 13.10 it's probably better to land it soonish because of the potential for other regressions with the gsettings conversion17:11
jbichaalthough I've not really bumped into anything serious17:11
Laneythis gedit thing is disturbing17:12
Laneyah, 3.8 fixes it17:13
Laneywe have a gtksourceview transition too17:20
seb128Laney, right, jbicha started that one, I hope it deals with the rdepends as well ;-)17:23
seb128jbicha, btw please don't start a transition without having the rebuilds ready to follow17:24
Laneyit might have been better to wait until gtk was definitely ready17:24
seb128yes :/17:24
Laneyoh well17:24
jbichaI didn't notice that it was a transition :(17:26
Laneyit's not exactly huge17:27
Laneyshould be fine17:27
desrtLaney: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/14052/69329903/17:28
desrtLaney: chpe conditionalised his setenving17:28
desrtyou can just ./configure --enable-distro-packaging to disable it now17:28
Laneythat's funny, thanks for poking17:28
desrtit also no longer pointlessly sets those vars on non-ubuntu systems17:29
Laneygood grief, how can fedora still be calculating this upgrade?17:29
Laneycan yum get stuck in a loop?17:29
desrtnever underestimate just how bad yum is17:29
LaneyI figured out the problem so don't need to check on rawhide anyway, but now I'm curious as to whether it will finish ...17:30
* Laney leaves it on for a bit and goes off to mow the lawn17:32
chrisccoulsonLaney, just been out to stirchley wines to get some beer ;)18:38
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