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NikThanybody home ? :P01:37
NikThit is possible the fault because of that I had run "make xconfig" in current version ? => https://launchpadlibrarian.net/140487585/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-amd64.linux_3.8.0-21.32ubuntu1~bfsbfq0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:39
sarnoldNikTh: it's been absolute agest since I've compiled a kernel 'by hand', so I may be rusty, but that sounds exactly right01:41
sarnoldNikTh: perhaps 'make config' or 'make oldconfig' wouldn't leave a pile of object files all over your kernel sources tree..01:42
sarnoldNikTh: are you trying to make something that very closely approximates a distro kernel? or would the results of kernel-package's 'make-kpkg' utility do what you need?01:42
NikThsarnold: Now I have ran only "fakeroot /debian/rules editconfigs" and uploaded the package for building. We will see.01:44
NikThsarnold: I have history in here in the last few days.. LoL. I want to create a custom-ubuntu-kernel. Some patches included such as BFS & BFQ optimization ..etc01:46
NikThI can build the kernel locally very easy. sarnold :The problem here is that I don't know and as it seems I cannot understand how the Launchpad virtual builders work. So Failedbuild logs are coming to me.. continuously01:48
sarnoldNikTh: using a tool such as sbuild can help you get closer to a local environment like the buildds.. not perfect, but closer.01:49
NikThsarnold: I use debuild as all documents suggest. I don't know the sbuild. I have no other problem now, only that Launchpad builders create FailedtoBuild logs all the time :P01:52
wgrantNikTh: Launchpad isn't designed as a test build service. You should try building in a clean environment locally using pbuilder or sbuild01:53
wgranteg. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto01:53
NikThwgrant: I always do this. pbuilder returns NO errors. It can build the package successfully.  I know tha launchpad builders are not for tests and that have other more important packages to build.01:55
NikThWell this is one of my last times I try to upload my custom-kernel to my PPA. One , perhaps 1 or 2 more attempts and I will give up. :-)01:56
NikThOk, thanks for help. I have to leave now.02:02
pittiGood morning03:30
pittistgraber: is there a standard way for a process to detect whether it's running in a container?03:47
infinitypitti / stgraber: Maybe adding an iscontainer to debianutils to accompany ischroot would be handy?04:26
pitti*nod* I tried to look at /proc/self/root, but that always seems to be / from inside the container04:27
infinitypitti: Oh, wait.  /bin/running-in-container may be the trick.04:27
pittioh, nice04:27
pittistgraber: ^ is any of this applicable to upstream LXC? it seems /run/container_type is created by /etc/init/container-detect.conf, i. e. is ubuntu specific04:32
pittiis /proc/1/environ containing "container=lxc" upstreamable?04:33
slangasekpitti: indeed, if container=lxc is set in /proc/1/environ, that's the standard case that container-detect.conf handles04:35
slangasekthe /run/container_type is Ubuntu-specific, and is just there to avoid everything that cares having to reimplement container-detect.conf on Ubuntu04:35
pitti        if (putenv("container=lxc")) {04:37
pitti                SYSERROR("failed to set environment variable");04:37
pittiah, nice04:37
pittithanks slangasek04:37
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pittijamespage: do you know about the openvswitch DEP8 failure? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-openvswitch/7/ARCH=i386,label=adt/05:08
pittijamespage: the dkms test has some stderr output; either dkms should handle the absence of apport silently, or should depend on apport, or your test should pull in python(3?)-apport05:09
pittijamespage: "ma" fails as well05:09
dholbachgood morning06:02
geofftand then I tried running a 'make ios' at the command prompt, but that's presumably the same thing06:04
geoffter, wrong channel.06:04
tvossdidrocks, ping06:22
didrockshey tvoss06:22
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wgrantcjwatson, ScottK: LP's view of Debian is now up to date06:55
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infinitywgrant: \o/07:37
Davieypitti: The discussions of udev yesterday.. that didn't break udev monitor, via pyudev ?07:57
DavieyI ask because the tail of this build failure suggests some udev issue, https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/+archive/havana/+build/4600555/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.quantum_1%3A2013.2%2Bgit201305222014~saucy-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:57
* Daviey pops afk for a bit07:58
debfxcjwatson: yeah, who knows when it'll migrate (yay for uncoordinated transitions).07:58
pittiDaviey: no, that was unrelated (both disabling udevadm during upgrade and disabling udevd startup in debootstrap)08:05
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Davieypitti: Odd, ok - i'll try a rebuild.  Thanks08:17
pittislangasek, cjwatson: I added back the scripts, but I don't do an upload just for this. We don't even stop udev in preinst (just restart it in postinst), so there is really no real danger for packages to get this wrong, and no urgency08:25
pitti(for udevadm trigger disabling during upgrade)08:25
sladengavinguo: re: your message to ubuntu-devel@, I have caused an unsubscribe message to be generated.  You will need to confirm this08:26
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Riddellthanks for the upload cjwatson, I'm doing merges of all kde packages so working through them slowly08:30
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mitya57xnox: Hey again. I've just discovered Debian #696096 (and #696506) which have an error message very similar to our's09:07
ubottuDebian bug 696096 in src:qt4-x11 "qt4-x11 ia64 FTBFS only on the buildds" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/69609609:07
mitya57cc1plus: fatal error: .pch/release-shared/QtCore: No such file or directory09:08
mitya57looks like adding "extra_configure_opts += -no-pch" is a workaround (but I don't know how dangerous it is)09:09
xnoxmitya57: it will make the build a lot slower.09:12
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bl4dehi to all! :)09:53
cjwatsoninfinity: FYI I promoted zziplib to satisfy texlive-bin; shouldn't need an MIR as a copy was previously bundled in the texlive-bin source package.10:28
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evmpt: are you in the office today?11:09
* NikTh Thanks the awesome f...ing guys in here, who helped him to solve all sorts of problems11:23
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ionmvo: Are you around?12:25
jdolesWhy do I have to find that some bug has been fixed in Debian in 2011 and that this bug in Ubuntu still exists to this very date?12:46
penguin42jdoles: What are the package versions in the two - does Ubuntu have the package that debian has?12:47
jdolesIt is Debian bug 62080012:47
ubottuDebian bug 620800 in rpcbind "reduce startup blather" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/62080012:47
jdolesIn Ubuntu there are two duplicates for it and a combined heat of around 300.12:48
jdolesUbuntu bug 94763812:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 835833 in rpcbind (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #947638 spurious syslog error message because of use of -w on boot [rpcbind.xdr / portmap.xdr : errno 2 (no such file)]" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83583312:48
ScottKwgrant: Thanks.12:49
penguin42jdoles: Well Ubuntu has that debian package (albeit with some change)12:49
jdolespenguin42: Ubuntu does not even have /etc/init.d/rpcbind12:51
jdolespenguin42: likely because it used Upstart.12:51
GridCubedoes commenting with # works in lightdm.conf?12:52
jdolespenguin42: /etc/init/rpcbind-boot.conf contains nothing of use.12:52
jdolespenguin42: how *does* Ubuntu start rpcbind?12:52
jdolesFound it already.12:54
jdolespenguin42: Ubuntu most definitely applied these changes.12:55
jdolespenguin42: er not applied12:55
jdolesWhat's the point of reinventing the wheel (Upstart) if you are not prepared to keep up with even Debian Stable (yes, Debian Stable has these changes)?12:56
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loolcjwatson: on the topic of dev series, would it be known to Launchpad in the web UI and listed series in the API and such, or would just be an archive.u.c symlink?13:10
loolcjwatson: I'm asking because cjohnston is curious on whether the workitems tracker would have to cope with this and I'm also curious because we'd actually like to experiment with blueprints targeted at a stable series rather than moving across series, but it would like be fine to use something like an ubuntu-blueprints project with a single series there for experimenting13:11
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cjwatsonlool: It wouldn't be a separate series in LP.  LP would know about it but I don't think it would be exposed in the UI13:29
cjwatsonlool: The less the scope creeps the more likely it is to happen ;-)13:29
loolcjwatson: either way is fine, was just wondering how much LP would know about it; I guess you're saying as little as technically possible, which is fine  :-)13:30
cjwatsonIndeed.  Initially I'd just been planning a symlink created by the publisher, though I might have been persuaded to make uploads work too13:31
cjohnstoncool. thanks cjwatson13:31
cjohnstonIt's always fun talking to cjwatson because I always get pinged for him anyway13:32
geserhmm, it would be interesting to know if cjwatson has also a highlight on cjohnston (due to tab-fail from others) :)13:38
evrsalveti: wooo! http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693714/13:38
evit's not working outside the ubuntu chroot yet, but I suspect that has more to do with debuggerd running13:38
evthanks for getting the new kernel working13:38
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mitya57that issue is even mentioned in ... xchat changelog! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/2.8.8-7ubuntu213:41
mitya57Mirv: nice work with Qt 5!13:42
cjwatsongeser: I do not13:42
mitya57(Qt 4 is broken by me at the moment)13:42
Mirvmitya57: thanks :)13:49
Mirvnot for breaking Qt 4 though ;)13:49
mitya57Mirv: xnox said he'll look at Qt 4 (I can't because I don't have any ARM hardware capable of building Qt)13:52
Mirvcool. ARM problems are quite slow to debug indeed, except maybe a little nicer with some recent Cortex-A15 quad-core.13:53
xnoxMirv: mitya57: well I want doko to look into borked pch. I am suspecting it's the same thing that kills abi-compliance-checker for jodh in upstart.13:53
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dokodon't use pch13:54
xnoxdoko: ok.13:54
xnoxdoko: but will you fix them, please, anyway? =)13:55
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dokoxnox, test case?13:56
mitya57doko: qt4-x11 on armhf/powerpc (that's not a minimal test case though)13:58
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ionmvo: Hi. Are you around?14:04
xnoxdoko: yeah, should get you a more minimal one. But for example abi-comliance-checker -test fails which should be quite minimal. I'll try to get you even a smaller one.14:05
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mitya57jamespage: hi, did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blktap-dkms/+bug/1157421/comments/5 ?14:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1157421 in blktap-dkms (Ubuntu Precise) "blktap-dkms version in 12.04.2 is not compatible with the 12.04.2 kernel" [High,Fix committed]14:24
mitya57I don't know what those errors mean and whether it is verification-done or verification-failed :)14:25
jamespagemitya57, neither do I :-(  sorry14:25
mitya57jamespage: do you know someone who does? or who can test it independently?14:26
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* rbasak reads14:28
rbasakI'd say that we need verification that there hasn't been a regression from a 3.2 user14:28
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rsalvetiev: cool14:41
xnoxjodh: are you looking into merging json-c from debian? You have the TIL =)14:43
jodhxnox: we can't update any of upstarts dependencies until lp:~jamesodhunt/upstart/serialise-remaining-objects is reviewed.15:06
xnoxjodh: correct.15:15
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roaksoaxslangasek: howdy!! so I was wondering what should I do with those packages which are not in debian and only have upstart jobs (no init scripts). dh_installinit is still checking for /etc/init.d/<service-symlink> existance, which causes that the services are not started on install...15:19
stgraberjodh, slangasek: hey, does one of you know why the following appears to confuse mountall?15:21
stgraberUUID=c9f13d56-0dcd-4bac-b913-ee3b81d5deac /home ext4 discard 0 115:21
stgraber/home/stgraber/data/vm/lxc/lib /var/lib/lxc none bind 0 015:21
stgraberjodh, slangasek: /home is a partition on encrypted LVM which gets mounted fine (well, usually, there's a race there I need to look into) but then I'd expect mountall to properly figure out that it can't mount the second entry so long as /home isn't mounted15:23
xnoxstgraber: can you run mountall with debug enabled and get the logs?15:23
xnoxor if you have them already, paste them. It should build a tree and figure out the dependency....15:24
stgraberxnox: I'd have to do quite a few tricks to be able to run mountall in debug mode against that but yeah, I'll do that if nothing obvious jumps at jodh or slangasek. My current feeling is that mountall doesn't understand bind mounts and so doesn't actually build a dependency tree for the source device and only does so for the mount point.15:25
stgraberand fixing mountall to wait for the source to be mounted may lead to new issues (as some people may want to bind-mount a directory to some other place before mounting something over the source directory...)15:27
xnoxstgraber: hm. on normal systems one just modifies the mountall upstart job to include --debug + reboot and collect log from /var/log/upstart/15:28
stgraberxnox: ah didn't know that worked, I somehow assumed --debug would conflict with --daemon and so would prevent mountall from daemonizing (blocking the boot in the process)15:29
xnoxstgraber: i had do that once, can't remember if i removed daemon or not (to keep it in the background for upstart to collect the log output) it may ended up in the upstart log and/or bootmessages.15:35
xnoxbut yeah, it's easy and doesn't inhibit booting.15:35
jodhstgraber: looks like mountall should indeed wait so we need to see the debug log.15:58
stgraberjodh: ok, I'll reboot in a bit and grab the debug logs16:02
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dokoapw, ogasawara: could you test kernel builds using the binutils from the ubuntu-toolchain-r repository?16:18
rbasakdoko: it looks like my facter merge will fix bug 1182613. But please could you test your uploads in future? A dep8 test could help with that, too.16:18
ubottubug 1182613 in puppet (Ubuntu) "puppet completely broken on saucy" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118261316:18
dokorbasak, thanks for checking. please could you add one? puppet is supposed to be maintained by the server team. just trying to get rid of ruby1.8 (which should have happened long time ago)16:20
roaksoax /win 1316:22
rbasakdoko: sure - I'd expect the server team to maintain puppet. I had looked into any potential breakages with updating to puppet 3.x and was surprised to see that you bumped a major version without communicating with us.16:22
rbasakI plan to add a dep8 test soon. I did one for facter. Just not got as far as puppet yet.16:22
dokorbasak, I did communicate for quantal and raring, nobody did listen16:22
rbasakdoko: not seen anything on the mailing list.16:23
dokoyes, same for mysql-416:23
slangasekcjwatson: so wrt dd-list, were you wanting the list of affected packages by Debian maintainer or Ubuntu maintainer?16:24
cjwatsonThe former16:25
cjwatsonI don't expect the latter will be very useful, but the former would let us deal with things like orphaned packages in Debian quickly16:25
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bdmurrayTheMuso: can you add a regression potential statement to bug 1163638?17:15
ubottubug 1163638 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Quantal) "pulseaudio fails to release card to jack" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116363817:16
dpmhey seb128, I'm new to this so I'm not sure I need to ping an archive admin or if it is something that they already do regularly: I've got a package for a personal project (qreator) in saucy's new queue. Would it be possible to get in the archive?17:19
seb128dpm, hey, no need to ping, queue is worked on on regular basis, it "just" require an archive admin to do a shift (a bit like sponsoring)17:20
seb128dpm, I will try to have a look tomorrow if nobody beats me, sounds like a good friday thing ;-)17:20
dpmok, cool, I can wait, no worries. I understand how it works now, thanks!17:21
NikThHey guys.17:28
NikThQuestion: What is the correct name to avoid the update of existing kernel ? As you can see (and with your help of course) I managed to upload and build correctly my custom-kernel to PPA: https://launchpad.net/~nick-athens30/+archive/custom-kernels17:30
NikThThe thing that is wrong here, is that it replaces (update) the current ubuntu kernel. I don't want this. Is not safe (IMO). I want a new kernel that the user must install by hand. (manually).17:31
NikThI know that I must change the name in debian/changelog file, but what characters I must add to avoid this problem ?17:32
NikTheg: 3.8.0-21.32-new~nikth will do the job or not ?17:32
cjwatsonI don't have time to help properly now, but you're on the wrong track there; it has nothing to do with anything in debian/changelog17:32
cjwatsonyou need to change the *binary* package name, either by changing the flavour or by changing the ABI17:33
* cjwatson -> dinner17:33
NikThcjwatson : Thanks ! and .. Bon appetite :-)17:34
NikThBut the binary package name does not   depend on debian/changelog file ? Here with dch -i  I can specify the version and the final binary package has the name that I declare there.17:36
NikThBe aware here that I had skipmodule=true and skipabi=true (inside debian/rules) to avoid building problems17:38
NikThTopic needs a replacement ? (hardy is not supported anymore - EOL)18:49
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cjwatsonNikTh: debian/changelog specifies the source package name and the source package version (which is normally, although not always, equal to the binary package version).  Binary package *names* are determined primarily by debian/control, although much of the rest of debian/ goes into that too.19:30
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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NikThcjwatson: Thanks. I just changed the ABI version. We will see. :-)19:49
jdstrandmdeslaur: so, I feel like I am doing something wrong: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694963/20:31
jdstrandmdeslaur: I'm combining your patch with ted's upstart-app-launch20:31
jdstrandmdeslaur: and gedit is launching, but I don't think it should be based on the man page entry you added20:31
mdeslaurjdstrand: oh, I definitely don't support wildcards20:31
mdeslaurwell, $APP_ID20:32
jdstrandthat should evaluate to 'apparmor switch gedit'20:32
mdeslaurjdstrand: yeah, I don,t support that20:32
jdstrandwell, if I change it to 'apparmor switch foo', the job still starts20:33
jdstrandbut I didn't think it should, based on the man page20:33
mdeslaurok, I'll take a look20:33
jdstrandmdeslaur: so, am I abusing the implementation? I just tried to connect the dots between ted's upstart-app-launch and what you had20:34
jdstrandmdeslaur: did you see this working another way?20:34
jdstrandusing 'apparmor switch $APP_ID'20:35
mdeslaurwell, I'll have to figure out how that's handled elsewhere in upstart if you want to do that20:36
mdeslaurthat's an environment variable?20:36
jdstrandmdeslaur: I don't think it's an environment variable... but maybe?20:37
* jdstrand hasn't looked20:37
mdeslaurjdstrand: ok, I'll figure it out20:37
jdstrandeg, in the modified job of ted's, he has 'env UBUNTU_APPLICATION_ISOLATION=1'20:37
mdeslauryeah, APP_ID=foo on the start command line creates an environment variable called APP_ID20:38
jdstrandit feels more like a variable declaration in upstart20:38
jdstrandah, I see20:38
mdeslaurbut the apparmor_parser doesn't handle that20:38
jdstrandmdeslaur: so, on the one hand, it seems very clean from a job POV to support 'apparmor switch $APP_ID'20:39
jdstrandcause you just have one job file for this type of launcher20:40
jdstrand(ie, ted's /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/upstart-app-launch/desktop-exec)20:40
jdstrandon the other hand, it seems a bit messy in terms on implementation to resolve that env var to give to apparmor_parser20:41
jdstrandnow that I understand how it works, it would require a change to the parser, and APP_ID is fairly arbitrary, and we would need to do all kinds of input sanitization, etc, etc20:42
jdstrandbut not doing it means we need to have a different job file for each app20:43
jdstrandwhich may or may not be ok, but is contrary to ted's idea20:43
jdstrandmdeslaur: thoughts? ^20:44
mdeslaurI don't know, I'll think about it20:45
jdstrandmdeslaur: I was initially thinking that upstart would somehow resolve that internally, but now I see that makes no sense20:46
mdeslaurwell, it could20:47
mdeslaurit's doing it for the instance stanza for example20:47
jdstrandah, yes, true20:48
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jdstrandmdeslaur: so, writing 'exec foo' to '/proc/<pid>/attr/exec' will change profile to foo for <pid>?r20:52
mdeslaurno, it will change the profile for the next exec20:52
jdstrandright, so in my job, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/upstart-app-launch/desktop-exec should be executed under the 'foo' profile20:53
mdeslaurhuh, first time I see desktop-exec20:55
mdeslaurwe're not directly launching stuff now?20:55
mdeslaurif we're going to use an external launcher, why even use upstart for this?20:55
jdstrandmdeslaur: this isn't in Ubuntu or anything yet. ted came up with http://gould.cx/ted/blog/Application_Centric_User_Experience20:56
mdeslauryeah, but the desktop-exec launcher is new to me, and wasn't part of the initial upstart job he showed me20:56
jdstrandmdeslaur: upstart gives certain things for free (see the blog)20:56
mdeslaurhrm, maybe doing this with upstart is overkill now20:56
jdstrandmdeslaur: which this?20:57
mdeslaurjdstrand: if we're already going to use an external launcher, why use upstart? just for application uniqueness?20:57
mdeslaurjdstrand: anyway, let me look at why switch isn't working in user sessions to begin20:58
jdstrandmdeslaur: uniqueness and management. it's also possible to do the cgroups stuff sometime down the line, aiui20:58
mdeslaurwell, not if we're using an external launcher...that just took all the niceness out of it20:58
jdstrandmdeslaur: I'm not advocating for desktop-exec btw-- it is just what was out there and I thought that is what you guys discussed :)20:59
jdstrandI don't see how it takes the niceness out of it20:59
jdstranddesktop-exec doesn't persist or anything20:59
jdstrandstart and stop all work ok20:59
* jdstrand doesn't understand the issue20:59
jdstrandmdeslaur: desktop-exec is a way to launch a .desktop file via upstart21:01
jdstrandit is very simple21:01
jdstrandperhaps too simple. 'start aa-app APP_ID=nonexistent' causes a core dump :)21:02
jdstrandmdeslaur: but going all the way back, 'apparmor switch foo' doesn't actually seem to fail like the man page says it will21:04
mdeslaurjdstrand: yes, that's why I said to wait until I fix it21:05
jdstrandmdeslaur: I didn't see that you said that, sorry21:05
mdeslaurjdstrand: np :)21:06
mdeslauroh, hrm, a user can't see if apparmor is enabled in the kernel21:06
mdeslaur /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled is 60021:06
mdeslaurjdstrand: ok, I know why it doesn't work, and I'll work on it tomorrow21:07
* jdstrand tries it with an existing profile21:07
mdeslaurjdstrand: ok, need an updated kernel with a bug fix from jj21:12
mdeslaurjdstrand: you can comment out the "silently fail if apparmor isn't available" check in apparmor.c if you want to try it without jj's updated kernel21:23
jdstrandmdeslaur: thanks21:27
mdeslaurjdstrand: ok, I know how to make apparmor switch handle variables...I'll fix it and test it tomorrow morning21:35
jdstrandmdeslaur: neat :)21:36
jdstrandmdeslaur: fyi, the patch you gave me earlier worked fine just now21:37
jdstrandmdeslaur: and yeah, commenting out the apparmor_available() bit makes it work21:41
jdstrand(for now)21:41
TheMusobdmurray: Ah crap ok missed that, its not my bug so will have to bug the original reporter/patch filer.22:03
mwhudsondoko: hey22:06
mwhudsonhm, i should stop doing this and just write an email22:07
mdeslaurjdstrand: lightly tested: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5695234/22:10
dokomwhudson, ?22:12
mwhudsondoko: q about the python3 package22:13
mwhudsondoko: i notice that it enables the --with-computed-gotos configure option22:13
mwhudsondoko: but in my testing, unless you also disable CSE (-fno-gcse) it has no benefit22:14
mwhudsonhas anyone done testing with/without the flag?22:14
dokoI did enable this a long time ago ...22:14
mwhudson(even with no-gcse it seems a bit marginal on sandy bridge, it definitely helps on cortex-a9 though)22:14
dokoand after that, I did enable lto and pgo too22:15
mwhudsonyes, those definitely help :)22:15
dokoI see that mans did ask to you check this for a single function/file?22:15
mwhudsonoh yes, i need to reply to that22:15
mwhudsonbut in my traces pyeval_evalframeex is so dominant in run time that pessimizing everything else to optimize that is still a win i think22:16
mwhudsondoko: anyway, i just wanted to raise this fact: "--with-computed-gotos + default -O3 -> no benefit"22:18
dokomwhudson, to make sure, you didn't enable pgo and lto in your tests?22:18
mwhudsondoko: i've also backported --with-computed-gotos to 2.7 if you're at all insterested22:18
mwhudsondoko: yes and no22:19
mwhudsondoko: i've just checked out the v2.7.4 tag and built with various options22:19
mwhudsonand i've also built debian packages with --with-computed-gotos with default O3 and with O3 & no-gcse22:19
mwhudson(and those did lto and pgo)22:20
dokoon x86, but the last ones not on armhf22:20
mwhudsonmostly all on armhf22:20
mwhudsoni've been building amd64 in my ppa but not actually doing a lot with that...22:21
dokocan we follow-up on that tomorrow/next week? it's late here22:23
mwhudsoni'll file a bug i guess22:23
mwhudsonon python3.3 in ubuntu22:23
mwhudsonmakes sense i guess22:23
mwhudsonor maybe even debian i suppose...22:24
dokowell, I would like to start with current 4.8.x22:24
* mwhudson blinks22:25
mwhudsondoko: 4.8.x?22:25
mwhudsonoh gcc?22:25
mwhudsonahh right22:25
mwhudsonyes makes sense22:25
mwhudsondoko: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.3/+bug/118360022:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1183600 in python3.3 (Ubuntu) "--with-computed-gotos optimizations probably nullified by cse" [Undecided,New]22:33
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jtaylormwhudson: do you have a benchmark?22:39
jtaylorI think just disabling it for the one function is probably safer, can be done easily with gcc attributes22:42
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mwhudsonjtaylor: pystone is quite a good benchmark for this23:30
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