
pkhhi, I'm trying to install 13.04 on my girlfriends laptop (mine installed from the same image perfectly) -- it's past the initial boot menu, into the vertical blue stripes, thinks for a bit and then ends up with a blue screen (of death?) -- mouse is visible and working, nothing else seems to be. any ideas what's wrong?00:37
pkhI'm guessing video driver... is there a boto option I can add to drop to standard graphics or text install?00:39
darkxstpkh, what gpu?01:24
erbo_hmm, anybody using the terminus font in Terminal? It just stopped working like a day ago.. Can't choose it anymore in preferences, even though it's installed06:03
darkxsterbo_, probably caused by the fontconfig update06:05
darkxsterbo_, bug 118240106:06
ubot5bug 1182401 in fontconfig (Ubuntu) "After updating fontconfig, terminus font is missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118240106:06
erbo_darkxst: thanks!06:07
erbo_sweet, now my eyes like me again06:12
LinkeichiExcuse me, i have mi netbook and connect a 23" Benq, i put it no mirror and when i put my cursor arrow in the up left corner it show the "gnome splash" in the two screens. What can i do to only showit in the active display"13:49
LinkeichiHowever it doesnt show the desktop manager in the right side in none of the two screens13:51
LinkeichiWhen i say gnomesplash i refeer to the gnome shell tha show when you put yor cursor arrow in the up left corner13:53
LinkeichiExcuse me, i have mi netbook and connect a 23" Benq, i put it no mirror and when i put my cursor arrow in the up left corner it show the "gnome splash" in the two screens. What can i do to only showit in the active display"14:53
n0yddarkxst: hey.  I just wanted to popin and say thanks for the other day.  Sorry I randomly disappeared, my good ol' comcast connection randomly crapped out16:51
n0ydGood news though is I found out the issue. It was somethinjg with gnome-shell (probably its weird compositing) when using the gnome3 team ppa16:52
n0ydI purged the the 3 gnome3 ppa's I was using (gnome3 normal ppa, gnome3 staging, and one of the gnome3 developers own ppa which requires you to also use the first two) (yes I know using those type of ppas can be dangerous and cause issues, obviously)16:53
n0ydSo after I did all that, it worked fine.16:53
n0ydI do have a few other quick questions. If anyone might be able to lend a hand.16:54
n0ydIm using a custom kernel (based zen kernel and some other mods), and I'd like to completely rid of the ubuntu kernels from the repos. I obviously know how to remove them, by removing the kernels image, and 2 headers packages.16:55
n0ydThe problem is, everytime I go to upgrade the system, there must be a meta package or something, that pulls the default ubuntu kernel back in16:55
n0ydSo just removing them doesnt really do any good16:55
n0ydIts not a huge deal, but it does mess with my grub.  And id rather just always have my custom kernel as the default, rather than whatevers latest de3fault kernel is16:56
n0ydThye other question I have is, related to some regressions of gnome3.  Originally in gnome3 (like 2011ish) when you had tweak tool set to have the file manager handle the desktop, you had the common of "Create a launcher" from the menu when you right the desktop.  Well, I dont know why they pulled that option suddenly in one of the newer releases, but they did.16:58
n0ydSo I did some reading, and found you can get a similar function by using nautilus scripts.  Well Im not familiar with nautilus in gnome3, but it seems they either removed script functionality altogether, or changed the way you install/enable them16:59
n0ydI went ahead and used a popular ppa to install a script pack (it didnt include the create a launcher script, but it did inmclude others I was interested in, so I used it as a tester).  Well, after installing the scripts and script manager util, nowhere do they show in nautilus as the used to, and in preferences nautilus has nothing for scripts.17:01
n0ydSo I dont know, and i am having a hard time figuring out if gnome 3.8 (I beluieve earlier version like 3.0/3.2 supported nautilus scripts) even supports nautilus scripts (maybe another feature regression as normal with gnome3)17:02
n0ydSo those are my two questions for the day (I dont want to go over my limit :P) So if you anyone has any answers or tips, it would be much appreciated :)17:02
zequenceAm I right in that gnome-shell in saucy has a tendency to freeze atm?20:27
zequenceTo introduce myself a bit. I'm the project lead for Ubuntu Studio20:27
zequenceWe're currently looking at supporting more DEs20:28
zequenceI've tried Ubuntu Gnome saucy on virtual machine, and a real install. Both had a problem with gnome-shell freezing20:28
DarkEraI might just jump in on that... i even can't log in, mouse cursor moves but that's about it. So keyboard and mouse/touchpad clicking are kinda dead. I did try the same as zequence, both VB and a real install21:22
DarkErain saucy that is21:23
LinkeichiThis channel irc its for support? G3?22:00
LinkeichiI have a n issue with external display in my UG13.0422:02
darkxstzequence, haven't seen that, however I am running 3.8 ((which should be landing in saucy soon)22:14
zequencedarkxst: Ok. I'll keep my open for 3.8 then22:16
n0ydAnyone using tint2?  I've noticed something about the tint2 version in ubuntu.  It doesn't contain the tint2conf GUI config tool22:22
n0ydThough if I type tint2conf into a terminal, it comes back saying that if I installing tint2 pkg in apt it will supply it, even though that is not the case22:22
n0ydSo, I am wondering how in the heck I could get that tool22:22
n0ydI guess its not too big of a deal because tint2 is so frickin easy to configure, and has excellent documentation.  But it would still be cool to use tint2conf22:36
darkxstn0yd, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=67284023:16
ubot5Debian bug 672840 in tint2 "tint2: 'tint2conf>properties' currently useless: "Saving not yet supported"." [Normal,Fixed]23:16
n0ydI already set it up anyway23:16
n0yd'thx for that though23:17
n0yddarkxst: any idea why a lot of the window themes that should be working just dont work?23:17
darkxstwhich window themes?23:17
n0ydlike elementaryish and faenza for example23:18
n0ydboth very popular gnome shell themes23:18
darkxstthey probably need to be updated for gtk 3.8?23:18
n0ydnope they already are23:18
n0ydyou can select them from current theme, and they dont do anything23:19
n0ydthe gtk part of the themes works23:20
n0ydjust not the current theme: part, which is the window border theme23:20
n0ydit happens with pretty much every theme Ive found that is updated for gnome 3.823:21
n0ydall the other pieces work though23:21
n0yddarkxst: btw, re: tint2. Still doesn't make sense, cause even if that was the bug, tint2conf would still be there, as a valid command,.  And I just installed the version from debian that it says the bug is fixed in, and there i still no tint2conf23:26
darkxst* Do not install tint2conf (Closes: #672840)23:27
darkxst(from the changelog)23:27
n0ydoh that was their fix, lmao23:27
n0ydnot much of a fix, but ok23:27
darkxstyou could rebuild the deb, adding tint2conf back into debian/tint2.install23:28
n0ydyup i know23:28
darkxstn0yd, do the other metacity themes work (like the pre-installed ones)?23:28
n0ydi thought gnome-shell doesnt use mwetacity themes?23:29
n0ydbecause on gnome-look and in guides, it says the gtk themes contain the window border theme23:29
n0ydwhereas there is a whole different section for metacity themes, unless thats just gnome2 stuff23:29
darkxstit does use them, have a look at any gtk3 theme, it will have a metacity sub-folder23:31
darkxstthat is the window themee23:31
n0ydok makes sense23:31
n0ydtbh i dont like the current setup of the way theming works in gnome3, gnome2 made a bit more sense23:32
n0ydthingds arent labeled very well, like "current theme"23:32
n0ydit seems they tried to bundle all the parts of themes together, and kindof failed23:33
n0ydalas, there are lots of things in gnome3 that dont make much sense from a users standpoint especially coming from gnome2 (especially future regressions).  But oh well, I still like it23:34
darkxstwell they are bundled together, but you can still use bits and pieces from different themes'23:34
n0ydyup i know23:34
n0ydim doing that now23:34
n0ydi found the problem23:35
n0ydat least for one of them23:35
n0ydby using metacity-theme-viewer23:35
n0ydI tried loading Faience with it, and the errors, say it cant find murrine23:35
n0ydeasy fix23:36
n0ydisnt murrine a gtk2 engine though, him maybe its a gtk2 window theme for 3.8 no idea23:36
darkxstwell all themes have to have a gtk2 part as well23:38
n0ydya i know23:38
n0ydbut this is just the metacity part23:38
n0ydwhich i dont know about23:38
n0ydwell, i got rid of the metacity errors, but there is an technical problem in the xml of theme23:39
n0ydwhich is strange, but whatever23:39
n0yd^[[3~Error loading theme: Line 289 character 1: <button function="shade" state="normal" draw_ops="whatever"/> must be specified for this frame style23:39
n0ydahh this particular theme is 3.623:40
n0ydthat would do it23:40
n0ydluckily this wasnt the one i cared for anyway23:41
n0ydthe gtk3 and shell parts work, just not the metacity part23:42
n0ydhmm one that is fully 3.8 isnt loading, gotta figure this out23:48
n0ydit loads fine with no errors in the theme viewer, probably just gotta restart the shell or something23:49
n0ydweird, it fails to find a valid theme file, but it works when loading it in the viewer23:50
n0ydWhich is the same error the viewer gives for a different theme23:50
n0ydthis makes no sense23:53
darkxstI don't know, but if the pre-installed ones work, then its a buggy theme23:57

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