
melkorHow does it happen. 3.8, no microphone. 3.9 microphone but no usb camera.01:12
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=== smb` is now known as smb
smbinfinity, Do you happen to be awake? 08:15
apw    activation/volume_list configuration setting not defined: Checking only host tags for datavg/smarm-s3208:18
apw      datavg/smarm-s64 is active exclusive locally08:18
apw      Locking LV grYo1SGxtnZW9nKNg12eDppfJtGHwsZecfziYaHzn4KqomE8EJcIrmMxBJRjRHgK (R)08:18
apwsmb, ^^08:18
* smb scratches his head08:19
ppisatiseems like i've to update my email cfg... uh...08:24
apwppisati, oh crap, that means i have to too08:44
ppisatiapw: if you didn't opt-out, then yes, you have too08:44
ppisatiFWIW, i took 5mins, everything seems to be ok here08:45
apwppisati, care to /msg me any pointers you have :)08:45
ppisatiapw: i just had to change imap server/pwd08:45
apwppisati, was your email moved over, your old email ?08:47
ppisatiapw: yep08:47
apwppisati, bugger08:47
ppisatibut i don't new emails... uhmm...08:56
ppisati*don't get08:56
ppisatiapw: are you using offlineimap? if yes, i hit this: http://docs.offlineimap.org/en/latest/FAQ.html#what-is-the-uid-validity-problem-for-folder09:16
ppisatiapw: i'm redownloading all my emails right now09:17
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apwppisati, i am assuming i will not move mail email across now as a local cache anyhow09:17
ppisatiapw: i see09:17
* ppisati -> workout10:29
apwsmb, remembered to file that bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/118334613:09
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1183346 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "vgcahnge -a n removed dm mappings but they come back immediatly" [Undecided,New]13:09
smbapw, Ah cool. Now we only need to find out whom to annoy about that whole plumbing thing13:11
apwi would think slangasek would know best who knows the lvm/udev interactions best13:11
* smb suspects lvm2 as package is not right but anyway13:11
smbhim or maybe xnox ...13:12
xnoxsmb: apw: sounds like a dupe.13:13
apwapport didn't offer me any to choose from, though i guess that might be my spelling13:14
apwxnox, got a reference to the original13:14
xnoxa long time ago keybuk & pitti (?! or possibly someone else from kernel/security from that time) actually came up with how it should properly behave.13:14
xnoximho - we shouldn't trigger activation on change event (which is emitted in addition to the removed event)13:15
xnoxapw: yeap, let me look it up.13:15
xnoxbut I'm not certain, what would be the consequence of removing such trigger.13:15
apwno indeed13:16
apwxnox, but early in saucy is a perfect time to test such scarey changes13:16
smbxnox, apw Experimenting with a precise userspace + quantal kernel it seems that back then I do only get remove events13:17
* smb wonders when and why the change event comes from13:18
smbapw, IIRC you said the change event is for the now free underlying /dev/sd??13:18
xnoxapw: marked as duplicate of bug 108808113:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1088081 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "udev rules make it impossible to deactivate lvm volume group with vgchange -an" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108808113:25
apwsmb, that is correct, i believe as the sda2 is closed a change is generated telling you it is no longer locked exclusivly13:30
apwxnox, ta13:30
apwsmb, though that begs the question what does dmsetup remove do different that stops that happening13:33
smbAh, interesting. That dupe bug rather seems to indicate that udev is creating the change event and not the kernel (which was not completely clear to me)13:33
smbYeah, good question13:33
apwit does the same stuff looking at udev, but we get no sda2 event, so there is a subtlty13:35
apwi bet this is a bug in the libdm in lvm213:35
smbapw, One difference seems to be that lvm2 depends on libdevmapper-events (which the same source produces) while dmsetup does not13:44
stgraberhallyn: hey, are you running an up to date saucy kernel with the stock lxcbr0?14:04
hallynstgraber: no, not yet14:04
hallynwill probably upgrade everything this weekend14:05
stgraberhallyn: ok, I think the current kernel breaks dhclient14:05
hallynhm.  i've got a canonistack instance set up, lemme try it14:05
marvin24rtg: 3.10 needs several patches so it compiles on arm (broken non-arch related drivers)14:06
stgraberhallyn: not sure if you're familiar with the dhclient UDP checksum offloading issue that affected virtio, basically the kernel tries to be clever and not compute the checksum when on a virtual device14:06
stgraberhallyn: then dhclient gets a DHCP packet without checksum and ignores it14:06
marvin24rtg: most of them are already published on linux-kernel ml14:06
rtgmarvin24, I imagine they'll get hoovered up sometime before Linus releases14:07
hallynstgraber: yeah...14:07
stgraberhallyn: that used to be limited to virtio and libvirt has been working around it for a while by using a mangle rule, but now cjwatson just reported the same happening with veth devices (and I reproduced it here quite easily)14:07
hallynwhy the hell would veth do that?14:07
marvin24rtg: it seems to me that some got lost14:07
marvin24rtg: I'll try to trigger the relevant people ...14:08
stgraberhallyn: my assumption being that this breaks LXC containers that runs anything earlier than quantal14:08
stgraberhallyn: it looks like something that changed with 3.9 (just managed to reproduce this with 3.9.0-0-generic)14:09
cjwatson3.9 would be roughly consistent with my experience, yeah14:15
stgraberhallyn: so I think what I'll do is upload the remaining two SRUs for this (lucid and precise) adding the needed code to dhclient to deal with the missing checksums.14:15
hallynstgraber: flaky internet at home, heading out, will be back in a bit.14:15
hallynstgraber: sounds good.14:15
=== kentb-out is now known as kentb
psivaainfinity: just to let you know the regression testing for linux-ti-omap4: 3.5.0-225.36 is still going on. 14:22
psivaai've had to re-run them a couple of times due to lab maintenance 14:23
psivaafor bug 1180204 that is 14:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1180204 in Kernel SRU Workflow regression-testing "linux-ti-omap4: 3.5.0-225.36 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118020414:23
slangasekapw: I thought you were the expert on lvm/udev ;)14:31
apwslangasek, i am fingering smb (phnar) for this14:31
smbapw, phnar?14:32
ppisatirobher_: do you know that cpu hotplug doesn't work on highbank?14:54
ppisatirobher_: i saw the support was committed together with the initial platform support in 3.214:55
ppisatirobher_: but it didn't work and it's still broken14:55
hallynstgraber: so with those SRUs done, openstack can drop the special iptables rules?14:59
ppisatirobher_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5693960/14:59
stgraberhallyn: as long as you don't run any guest that doesn't have the patches (like Debian)14:59
argeshey guys noticed something about a patch in 3.5:15:41
argesgit tag --contains f56d0eed546c83bbc5ad3052a809077341ce28f315:41
argesshows this patch is in 3.5.0-225.36 / 29.49 / 31.5215:41
argesbut it seems to not be in 3.5.0-30.51 ? why would it have been dropped in an inbetween release? (its a linux-stable patch)15:42
argesmaybe this is a henrix question ^^^15:42
henrixarges: let me have a look...15:44
henrixarges: oh, i got it.15:46
henrixarges: we had an emergency kernel and that kernel was prepared in a branch15:47
henrixarges: while there was another kernel prepared in master that contained that commit15:47
henrixif you use gitk to visualise the branches its easy to understand this ;)15:48
stgrabercjwatson: turns out porting a patch for isc-dhcp 4.2 to dhcp3 3.1 is a real pain ;)16:12
cjwatsonstgraber: heh, not surprised16:15
infinitysmb: I was awake when you pinged, but not at a computer, apparently.17:19
smbinfinity, That was the other possibility. It was just my routine of trying to push forward with the Xen updates business. If possible.17:21
infinitysmb: Has your pet Andy failed to review and sponsor your stuff?17:23
smbinfinity, I try to not neglect my favourite sponsor17:24
smbor the other one17:25
infinityAnd you refuse to say which is which, right? ;)17:25
smbOf course. :)17:26
smbinfinity, Somehow it more or less ends up in a split of xen you and the rest apw. That may result in a slight imbalance currently17:28
smbBut then this update is a bit special so it might end up in your judgement anyway17:28
n0ydHi, I know this isnt ubuntu support per se. But I have already asked in two support channels, and waited quite awhile. And no one can answer me17:34
n0ydSo, my issue is this:  I have installed a custom kernel and headers that I am using. It works perfect17:34
n0ydbut I would like to completely remove the default ubuntu kernels from the repos17:35
n0ydI know how to just simply remove them via apt, but there seems to be a meta package that causes them to reinstall when I do an upgrade17:35
n0ydI dont know which meta package it might be, or even how to find it.  I figured you since a lot of you test kernels often, someone might know how to stop the default kernels from installing themselves17:36
n0ydIts not a huge issue, I just dont like the clutter on my grub list17:36
rtgn0yd, its gonna be something of the form linux-image-{server,generic}17:38
* rtg -> lunch17:39
bjfn0yd, dpkg -l | grep linux-image-17:39
n0ydahg ok, i never tried the generic image pkg17:40
n0ydSo that must be it17:40
n0ydI just removed the normal image pkg and the two header packages17:40
n0ydbjf: thank you very much for the help, gonna try it now17:41
n0ydbjf: well, I just tested it.  Works fine. Much thanks17:46
* henrix -> EOD18:06
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* rtg -> EOD20:29
chilukis there a way to make fakeroot debian/rules only rebuild what's needed to be rebuilt?21:10
chilukI've been using fdr binary-generic flavours=generic      for development builds, but waiting 40 minutes between spins is slow!21:14
infinityplars: *poke*21:36
plarsinfinity: hi21:36
infinityplars: How long would it take to get the regression-testing task closed out for the last three SRU kernels (ti-omap4/precise, lts-quantal/precise, lts-raring/precise)?21:37
plarsthat would be...21:38
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1181023 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lts-raring: 3.8.0-22.33~precise1 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]21:38
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1181071 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lts-quantal: 3.5.0-31.52~precise1 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]21:38
plarsand, don't see the other one, but I'm not looking in the best place, one sec21:38
infinityAnd http://launchpad.net/bugs/118035821:38
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1180358 in Kernel SRU Workflow regression-testing "linux-ti-omap4: 3.2.0-1432.41 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]21:38
plarswas just about to paste21:39
plarsso on 1180358, I hit a problem, pinged bjf[afk] and jdstrand about it21:40
* infinity finds http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kernel-sru-workflow.html is about the best place to keep track of where things are hung up.21:40
plarsI'm not sure if I've heard back yet, still trying to deal with the chaos of mail filters today21:41
plarswill dig for that in a moment21:41
infinityAhh.  What was the problem?21:41
plarsinfinity: a few failures, looked to be timeout related stuff in qrt21:41
plarsI suspect it just didn't cope with timing properly on the panda, but wanted some confirmation from one of them21:41
plarsthe other two seem to have just arrived, I'll get those kicked off right now21:42
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