
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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cjwatsonAh, excellent, that's more like it08:41
cjwatsonUpdated:                  117 (12.02%)08:41
cjwatsonthanks wgrant et al08:41
Laneythought it'd be more08:41
cjwatsonLaney: You can just about see the effect in the graph at the bottom of https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html, mind08:57
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psivaacjwatson: infinity: No saucy dailies yet for today too. Will they be available later today?12:05
psivaaxnox: ogra_: Laney: would any of you know if saucy images will appear later ^13:12
ogra_no idea, i know there were issues yesterday13:13
ogra_ask cjwatson, i think he cared for it13:13
psivaaok thanks13:15
Laneypsivaa: the cron jobs are still disabled although the relevant upload appears to be in saucy so I assume it can be re-enabled13:22
Laneyleaving it up to cjw though13:22
psivaaLaney: ack, thanks13:24
cjwatsonYeah, I didn't get round to turning them on this morning13:27
cjwatsonSorting it out now13:27
cjwatsonActually maybe I'll try it once before enabling the cron jobs13:27
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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stgraberworking on a similar SRU for lucid, I'll then ask for them to be reviewed in priority as this is currently preventing lucid and precise from running as containers on saucy (some kind of change in the 3.9 kernel caused the UDP checksum to be "optimized out" and so prevents dhclient from working with veth devices...)16:18
loolcjwatson: sorry, two quick cdimage questions: 1) is it ok if I ask IS to install zip/unzip there (would like to make the two daily touch images rsync friendly) and 2) www.pre* seem to eat 360+ GiB, might be worth rm-ing if it's ok?16:28
cjwatson1) fine 2) it's almost all hardlinks16:29
cjwatsonso du is misleading16:29
loolcjwatson: actually it acconted hardlinks properly16:29
loolcjwatson: with out hardlinks each is 1T; I du-ed them together to get the 360G figure16:29
cjwatsonah, well, I've removed them now in any case16:29
psivaacjwatson: Reported bug 1183455 to account for oem smoke test failures of today's saucy images17:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1183455 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "/home/oem/Desktop/oem-config-prepare-gtk.desktop is not present in the desktop images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118345517:08
cjwatsonOh, I was going to re-enable the cron jobs, wasn't I17:11
cjwatsonogra_: Do you mind if, probably tomorrow, I spend some time pulling /home/ogra/utouch-android/do-zip-android into the mainline cdimage code?  I really don't want to get into a situation where we have a bunch of local code running out of people's home directories17:12
cjwatsonIt's really short so shouldn't take me long17:13
ogra_cjwatson, well, i wanted to have that happening on the livefs builder originally17:13
cjwatsonThat would probably be better, but anything is better than /home/foo in cdimage's crontab17:13
ogra_we dont really need the tarballs so i wanted to have the zips directly on the builder17:14
ogra_and that doesnt have the latest ubuntu/script stuff17:14
cjwatsonSo, I'm happy to work on integrating either of those if you aren't already midway through doing so17:14
cjwatsonTell me which you'd prefer17:14
ogra_i havent had time for it yet and was actually waiting for the bionic toolchain, so feel free (i'm super busy with the container flip on the phone til end of the month anyway)17:16
cjwatsonpsivaa: Right.  Will take me a while17:16
psivaacjwatson: ack17:18
ogra_cjwatson, if you want to do it i'm fine with either implementation :)17:18
ogra_what suits you best :)17:18
cjwatsonpsivaa: Or maybe not - this is actually just a simple cdimage operator glitch17:19
cjwatsonStale lock17:19
cjwatsonJust fallout from having to kill a bunch of builds17:19
ogra_cjwatson, oh, note that if you want to do it in cdimage that nusakan doesnt have zip installed17:24
cjwatsonlool was going to get IS to fix that.17:24
ogra_(which is why there is a zip binary in my script tree)17:24
cjwatsonAnd apparently somebody added it to cdimage's crontab without regard for that, anyway. :-)17:24
ogra_no, i was evil :)17:25
cjwatsonI have no problem with zip and unzip being on nusakan, but it may not be the right approach as you suggest above.17:25
ogra_right, i think its better to have it in a package17:25
cjwatsonThat said, I can't put random unbuildable binaries in livecd-rootfs / live-build17:26
ogra_btw, we need to set up sergiusens and rsalveti accounts on nusakan17:26
cjwatsonRemind me tomorrow, it's nearly dinnertime here17:26
ogra_thats why i was waiting for the toolchain ;)17:26
ogra_here too :)17:26
loologra_, cjwatson: zip/unzip is there now17:57
loolI got mixed success on the zip work though; I need to dig deeper into it as the files got reordered in my manual attempts17:58
ogra_lool, have a look in my home dir on nusakan, there is the whole stuff we currently use19:21
ogra_lool, namely everything under utouch-android/19:25
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loologra_: sure, maybe we can look tomorrow19:46
loolgetting late for us  :-)19:46

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