
keithzgWhy in the world won't Windows run .exe files from Samba shares if the shares are set to read-only? Is there some weird configuration issue here?01:49
sarnoldkeithzg: the user account in question would need read and execute permissions on those files and all needed dlls..01:50
* keithzg smacks his head01:51
keithzgAll this time, I could've sworn that setting the files to be executable was the FIRST thing I did, but nope, apparently not, and that solves it.01:52
keithzgsarnold: thanks :)01:52
sarnoldkeithzg: hehe :)01:53
lenny__hello I am having an issue with vsftpd. I have it setup to only allow local users to access the server. This works great and I can create directories in the users home folder however I am getting an error when trying to create a folder in my /var/www folder that says "550 create directory operation failed"03:43
lenny__was being an idiot thought I already gave users access to the folder du :/03:53
fishcookerwhy there is no that command06:30
fishcookerbecause i refer to this https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html#do-release-upgrade06:30
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lifelesssmoser: hey, you're probably asleep but I'll try anyway.08:47
lifelesssmoser: sudo resize2fs /dev/sda208:47
lifelessresize2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)08:47
lifelessFilesystem at /dev/sda2 is mounted on /; on-line resizing required08:47
lifelessold_desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 11708:47
lifelessresize2fs: Permission denied to resize filesystem08:47
lifeless[also you've dropped out of #tripleo :(]08:47
svbitowhats the easiest way to install mysql-server 5.6 via puppet?09:13
svbitothe official Oracle .deb does install in /opt and doesn't copy the init-script to /etc/init.d for example09:14
jacobwsvbito: Either install the Oracle package and fix it or fix the package and install it09:15
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svbitojacobw: "fixing" means unpacking, copying stuff to the right location and dpkg-deb --build?09:17
svbitogood idea... I could put my custom stuff in a postinst09:18
jacobwsvbito: The correct thing to do would be to build the package from source, or drop the source in the last source package from Ubuntu and try to build from source09:19
jacobwsvbito: I unpacked last Ubuntu package, dropped in the binaries and fixed the breakages in the init scripts and mysqld_safe09:21
svbitojust the new binaries needed?09:23
svbitoI'll try that out...09:24
jacobwsvbito: The Oracle binaries are built with different options (or the Ubutnu packages assumes the Oracle source is built with Debian specific options, more accurately)09:24
jacobwsvbito: Things will break, the maintainer scripts, the init scripts and the Debian specific stuff like mysqld_safe all assume the binaries were build with the Debian specific options09:25
jacobwsvbito: It's messy and not the right way to do it, but it worked for me09:26
svbitoIf mysql shows a "5.6.11" Version, I'm all happy :P09:27
svbitoinit script would be trivial to fix09:27
svbitojacobw: how much hassle would it be to build it from source?09:29
Whirhi...so I am on a local work machine here..I can easily mount directories from my home server via sshfs to here..my question, how can I disconnect/unmount them? fusermount needs root which I dont have here09:46
Whirand I dont want to have these @Transport endpoint is not connected@09:47
RoyKsshfs should work well as a normal user account09:56
basil__hi I need top open port 9000 UDP on my server (Ubuntu 11.1). Could anyone offer advice pls10:00
Whiryep RoyK , but I can not close the connection, unmount the folder10:04
Whirso if the sshfs dies..I have a lot of not connected zombies10:04
RoyKWhir: perhaps the ssh session timed out because of nat10:17
RoyKWhir: if so, enable ssh keepalives - add 'ServerAliveInterval 5' to $HOME/.ssh/config on the client10:17
Whirya that is true..but eventually I want to close it!10:19
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CayI'm trying to configure an internal network with 10 rackservers and a switch: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=p43spnkQ Any ideas anyone?12:01
svbitoIs the cable really connected? ethtool can't seem to detect a link...12:04
Caysvbito, Yeah you are right. ethtool does not detect a link. According to my server host the cables are all connected.12:21
CayCould it be some sort of driver error or missconfiguration causing this behavior?12:22
svbitoCay: your configuration looks good... drivers too12:25
svbitoCay: em1 and p4p1 connected to the same switch?12:26
Caysvbito, I'm pretty sure the internal network has it's own dedicated switch.12:26
Cayem1 should not be connected to that one.12:27
svbitoCay: and the switch is on? If you have this error with all servers, I would look at the switch12:27
Caysvbito, I'm glad you say the configuration and drivers look fine. Yeah looking at the switch would make sense I suppose.12:33
svbitohow can I debug my postinst script? I think it does not run...13:02
ScottKzul: Can python-ceilometerclient be synced from Debian?13:09
zulScottK:  no it should be on the blacklist i think13:10
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zulScottK:  because we dont take the packaging for any of the openstack projects from debian13:31
ScottKSeems rather counter to normal Ubuntu policy.13:32
zulScottK:  it is, debian is focusing on the stable version, we arent13:33
ScottKIn this case though it's the same version.13:34
zulScottK:  and they will diverge when a new cinderclient is out again because we are on a faster cadence13:34
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rbasakDaviey: did you manage to look at the ubuntu-server ML moderation queue please? If not, can you take it as an action to get more moderators? I think Evan's email might have been stuck for a week now.14:25
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Davieyrbasak: err, i accepted it14:27
Davieya few days ago.14:27
Davieyrbasak: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2013-May/006614.html14:27
rbasakDaviey: ah. Sorry. It hasn't appeared in my MTA. I think my mail server dedups messages that also went to me privately :-(14:29
* rbasak finds that annoying, since he expects the message to appear in two places.14:30
Davieyrbasak: I had a multi-user mail server (odd configuration i know!), and that hid messages sent to more than one person.  Had to fix that!14:31
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lotiais there a sysfs equivalent to /proc/filesystems, I want to list what filsystems are supported on a particular machine.14:44
lotiaIf anyone has a way to do it from python that would be even better.14:44
rbasaklotia: I'm not sure. But I wonder if whatever you do will be able to cover filesystems for which kernel modules are available but not loaded.14:51
hallynzul: do you mind pushing debian-unstable spice + http://people.canonical.com/~serge/spice.debdiff to saucy?16:37
zulhallyn:  sure16:38
hallynqemu 1.5 is just about ready (tests well, just need to retest when i get the qemu-linaro arm patches)16:38
hallynzul: thanks16:38
zulhallyn:  the debdiff fails16:42
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LordOfTimeanyone have any idea how I go about diagnosing why I get 'ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer' once, then when I try and reconnect the remote system works?17:09
hallynzul: fails what?17:16
zulhallyn:  fails to apply17:16
hallynto debian unstable's spice?17:16
* hallyn doublechecks17:17
hallyni just generated it 2 misn before uploading it...17:17
hallynzul: just re-tried, worked here...17:19
hallynnow what's weird is, the update-maintainer bit didn't get saved in the debdiff.17:19
hallynzul: does http://people.canonical.com/~serge/spice2.debdiff work?  (against 'pull-debian-source spice' result)17:22
zulhallyn:  lemme check17:22
zulhallyn:  use me abuse me with a pipe, done17:35
hallynzul: thanks :)17:38
hallynreally oughta ask for spice and spice-protocol to go into the server set17:39
hXmI like justin bieber17:52
RaimondsHi. Might anyone know what I am doing wrong, because when I try to run ubuntu from my USB I get unable to find a medium containing a live file system. Might it be something with that I have USB 3.0, i just read on forums that it can not read MD5sum, but as the post was pretty old, it might not be the case. http://i.imgur.com/OwxOHD3.jpg17:54
RaimondsI am using universal USB installer.17:54
Raimondsand my goal is to make ubuntu bootable from USB, so I can use it.17:54
sarnoldRaimonds: you may have better luck in #ubuntu, this channel is more about server-software development..17:55
tasham trying to send a test snmptrap to my Ubuntu server and see this in the snmptrapd logs: No access configuration - dropping trap.17:56
tashAny advice?17:56
tashI have searched online and have tried some suggestions, but still having issues.17:56
Raimondssarnold: Ok, thanks [:17:57
sarnoldRaimonds: good luck :)17:57
LordOfTimeanyone have any idea how I go about diagnosing why I get 'ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer' once, then when I try and reconnect the remote system works?17:57
sarnoldtash: do you need to define community strings? or allowed / denied source addresses?17:57
tashsarnold: well, I'm not entirely sure. I have defined rocummunity <ourstring>17:58
tashI even tried authCommunity log,execute,net <ourstring>17:58
tashthink I was just modifying the wrong config file18:07
mojtabaHi, I used fusedav to mount webdav, but I got this error message: "PROPFIND failed: Could not read status line: Connection reset by peer" Does anybody know what should I do?18:15
sarnoldmojtaba: is the webdav server on the other side of a NAT firewall/router?18:15
mojtabasarnold: Actually it is on a hosting company (Bluehost)18:16
sarnoldmojtaba: do you have one between your client and the internet?18:16
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sarnoldmojtaba: most NAT firewalls have fairly short inactivity timeouts when they reap sessions..18:17
mojtabasarnold: I guess I do, because I am in university.18:17
sarnoldmojtaba: can you increase the timeout on idle connection?18:17
mojtabasarnold: how should I do that?18:17
sarnoldmojtaba: depends on the firewall..18:17
sarnold.. but if you're asking, it seems unlikely to be something you have control over? :)18:18
sarnoldmaybe you could write a simple program to write a new file every minute or so. and next minute delete the file.18:18
mojtabaIs this command ok? fusedav -t 60-u username -p password http://www.website.com ~/webdavBluehost/18:19
mojtabasarnold: Is this command ok? fusedav -t 60-u username -p password http://www.website.com ~/webdavBluehost/18:20
shaunoyou'll want a space after '60'.  pedantic, but so's fusedav18:20
sarnoldthanks shauno :)18:21
mojtabasarnold: still I got the same error18:21
sarnoldmojtaba: oh, it happens very immediately?18:22
mojtabasarnold: Yes18:22
sarnoldmojtaba: can you navigate to that URL in a browser?18:22
mojtabasarnold: sure, it is my website18:23
sarnoldmojtaba: you might need to break out tcpdump or wireshark to find out what's going on. I'm out of ideas, sorry for the initial distraction :)18:23
mojtabaIt has a port number, and when I add that port number to the browser it says the connection was reset18:24
sarnoldoh! yay.18:24
mojtaba!!!, but I can have access to the files with this port number via nautilus18:24
ubottumojtaba: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:24
mojtabaI did not wrote that!18:25
mojtabasarnold: Do you know what is going on? why I can have access to my root directory via nautilus but with that address and port number I just got the error "connection was reset" !18:26
sarnoldmojtaba: I don't know. normally testing with another program is the place to start :) hehe18:27
mojtabasarnold: Do you know any other program? I just want to have access to that directory via commnad line.18:27
sarnoldmojtaba: I think any webbrowser ought to have read-only access easily enough.. firefox, chrome-browser, w3m, links, lynx, curl, wget... in addition to the more usual approaches of fusedav or gvfs-based access...18:29
hallyn1619 root      20   0  4440  316  136 R  99.9  0.0  75:15.66 S20postfix18:29
RoyKhallyn: try a tail -f /var/log/mail.log18:36
RoyKperhaps something venomous18:36
sarnold.. but the init start script?18:37
hallynRoyK: for nwo it's shut down, cooling down.  will look later18:37
RoyKif postfix uses that lot of cpu, seems like an infection from something18:38
adam_gDaviey,  cherry-picked updated SSL certs to fix FTBFS. ready for upload to folsom staging http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/folsom/2012.2.4_rebase/keystone_2012.2.4-0ubuntu2~cloud1/20:35
adam_gzul, ^20:36
josetacos using the mini installer everything worked execpt it could not install grub got this error how do i install only grub using the mini installer22:10
josetacos"unable to install grub in /dev/sda"22:10
sarnoldmmm tacos22:11
sarnoldjosetacos: was /dev/sda the correct device? ISTR someone in the last day commplaining that an installer picked the wrong disk for installing grub22:11
josetacosonly have one hard drive in it22:12
paranoidsjosetacos: is the hdd bigger than 2tb?22:13
josetacosno 600gigs22:13
josetacosduring the install i choosed to use the whole drive22:14
paranoidsjosetacos: did you create a new partition table with the installer? have you tried to dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda (erase your disk) before starting the installer?22:16
josetacosi had delete all partitions through gparted before the install22:17
paranoidsjosetacos: strange, I've installed 100reds of systems with mini.iso22:17
paranoidsjosetacos: when you are in the ubuntu installer have you checked the syslogs (more /var/log/syslog)22:19
josetacosthere was a option i forget what it was that was first but i choose to use the whole disk during the install22:21
paranoidsI've never used the whole disk option... everytime installed via manual partitioning22:22
josetacoshow should i have it manually setup22:30

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