
knightwisemorning everyone05:40
ali1234is there a tool which will make a bunch of nested directories and small files? for testing filesystems?06:15
ali1234i want a directory with 10 directories in it, with 10 directories in each of those, and then 10 files in every directory at every level06:16
ali1234or even better i can choose...06:16
MartijnV1Sali1234: for x in `seq 1 10`; do for y in `seq 1 10`; do mkdir -p $x/$y; done; done06:18
MartijnV1Sali1234: add more nesting as required06:18
MartijnV1Sadd a "touch" in there if you also want to test *file* entries :)06:19
ali1234ok, what if i want it 100 levels deep?06:19
MartijnV1SP="."; for x in `seq 1 100`; do P="$P/$x"; mkdir $P; done06:22
ali1234that won't make a tree...06:23
MartijnV1Sali1234: it makes 1/2/3/4/5 for me06:23
ali1234i want 1/1/1/1/1/1... * 100 to 100/100/100/100/100... * 10006:23
MartijnV1Sjust merge the two command lines I posted06:24
ali1234ie 100^100 directories06:24
MartijnV1Swill that even fit?06:24
=== MartijnV1S is now known as MartijnVdS
ali1234but the point is, i want it to be arbitrary depth and width06:24
MartijnVdStime to break out ye olde perle interpretere06:25
ali1234you mean pythonr ight06:26
MartijnVdSif you're so inclined06:26
ali1234hmm why can't i chown a file so i am not the owner of it?06:27
MartijnVdSonly if you;re root06:27
ali1234well that is annoying06:27
ali1234how can i make a file that i can't delete without being root?06:27
MartijnVdSchattr +i ?06:28
MartijnVdSyou can still delete it06:28
MartijnVdS(if you chattr -i it)06:28
MartijnVdSbut it's harder06:28
ali1234it has to make nautilus pop up an error while deleting06:28
MartijnVdSI think chattr does06:28
ali1234here is the deal: the new nautilus has that combined file progress dialogue06:28
ali1234so you copy or delete files and it puts them all in one window06:28
MartijnVdSchattr doesn't work on btrfs though06:28
ali1234but there is a catch: errors still go to the window where you started the copy06:28
MartijnVdSeven if you closed that window?06:29
ali1234and if you closed that window the error never pps up06:29
ali1234and the operation just stalls06:29
ali1234and what is more, no further error from any operation will ever be shown06:29
MartijnVdSthat's .. bad06:29
ali1234so i am trying to make a testcase for this06:29
MartijnVdSali1234: use a directory with a few ISOs, delete one of the ISOs before nautilus gets to it06:30
MartijnVdSor rename it06:30
ali1234also if you close the stalled operation group window then a new one will never appear06:30
ali1234so from then on you are working completely blind06:30
ali1234so i want a small script to make all the files etc06:30
ali1234and then say "run this, delete the direct in nautilus, close the window"06:31
ali1234so i need a big directory structure to give time to actually close the window06:31
ali1234and i need a file that will cuase an error when nautilus tries to delete it06:31
MartijnVdSali1234: or copy a number of large files06:31
MartijnVdSali1234: (on a relatively slow disk, say over SMB)06:31
ali1234i could set it to no read06:31
ali1234and then try to copy or move06:32
MartijnVdSali1234: mv file file.not_there_anymore_haha06:32
ali1234that is too hard for a testcase06:32
ali1234it has to be easily reproducable06:32
MartijnVdSbecause gnome devs can't use the command line?06:32
ali1234chmod a-rwx and then trying to copy seems to work06:34
diploMorning all07:11
MooDoohello all07:36
knightwisehey MooDoo diddledan07:45
knightwisehw are you guys today07:45
knightwiseaside from freezing arse off07:46
MooDoolots of people have said they are cold, can't feel it myself.07:47
knightwiseMooDoo: where are you hiding out ?07:49
MooDooknightwise: in the sauna at work ;)07:50
diddledanhello knightwise07:54
diploWas very sunny here till about 15 mins ago07:55
diploI've got to spend the next 2 hours sat outside at my kids sports day!07:55
diddledanI really should have thought more thoroughly the time it would take to move a 400GB LVM pv from one disc to another at 8:30 when I should have been travelling to work07:55
diploAt least they can run around :(07:55
diddledan20% done07:56
diddledansports day fttptc07:58
diddledanthat's "for the 'taking part that counts'"07:58
diddledanalternatively ftwld07:59
diddledanfor the win lose or draw07:59
knightwise does anyone know the difference between Mint Xfce and Ubuntu ?08:00
knightwise(if you take the LTS versions ? )08:00
diddledanknightwise: mint xfce doesn't use unity08:00
knightwisediddledan: Sorry i mistyped08:00
knightwiseMint XFCE and Xubuntu08:01
diddledanmint guys include some "added extras" which aren't available in the ubuntu repos08:01
knightwiseok , so its a "richer" 12.0408:01
diddledanI wouldn't say richer unless those added extras are things you want08:02
diddledanI forget what they add in their repo08:02
ali1234mint has a totally reworked package manager08:02
knightwiseok , so no Ubuntu software center there08:02
knightwiseok ,08:05
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brobostigongood morning everyone,09:14
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:15
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davmor2Morning all10:06
BigRedSGoood Morning!10:07
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:10
MooDoomorning morning morning10:17
MattJGood morning10:45
andrewebdevmorning all. Am in a spot of trouble here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/298881/13-04-unity-graphics-suddenly-broken-for-no-reason10:46
andrewebdevI'm wondering if unity stores some info about the desktop, layout and graphics in my home folder? If so where is that located and am I safe to just delete all of that?10:47
czajkowskiandrewebdev: you might have some luck in #ubuntu-desktop10:53
czajkowskias all the devs are in the channel10:53
andrewebdevah cool10:53
bigcalmWhen in doubt about desktop environment settings, I create a new user and log in as it. That was I get to see the defaults10:57
mungbeanwas alan wake game any good?11:06
mungbeanwindows only i know :(11:06
directhexalan wake i enjoyed11:10
directhexit's better than a lot of modern horror games11:10
directhexi felt the writing was far above average11:10
mungbeanthey are doing a pay what u like11:11
mungbeanbut who am i kidding, when would i get the time to play it?11:12
mungbeanor the inclination to install windows11:12
mungbeani just bought myself a kick scooter for commuting11:17
mungbeanto make the journey between stations more interesting11:17
BigRedSwindows is a lot less bad to install than it used to be, you only really need to get the network driver manually IME11:17
mungbeanwell you also need disk space, time, windows, etc11:18
BigRedSoh, yeah. But given those11:18
BigRedSalso, mine's a legitimate OEM one so no faffing with circumventing protections11:19
knightwiseUbuntu studio isntalled on the little laptop11:28
knightwiseXfce is a tad faster then unity i must say11:28
mungbeantry elementary, fastest of the lot while still having bling11:37
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mungbeanquestion about giffgaff payback - if i have 500 points and can't reclaim via paypal because they want 1000 pts minimum, what happens?11:44
mungbeando your points hang around till the next payback?11:44
BigRedSknightwise: it's also way more clunky11:45
* mungbean remembers to change his goofdybag to the 7.50 one11:46
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knightwiseBigRedS: it depends.11:54
knightwisei use kupfer as my launcher and try to use keyboard commands as much as possible11:54
knightwiseits not that bad then11:54
ew3r23r!Cozette [14084] Naked Empire - Terry Goodkind.epub12:18
lubotu3`ew3r23r: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:18
mungbeanmy wife only just found out what happened yesterday in woolwich :-|12:18
BigRedSknightwise: I couldn't work out how to get dual monitors to do anything but mirror, and the alt-f2 box took about 12 seconds to appear so I went back to Unity12:19
diploAnyone know of any python modules that scan for metadata ( info ) from all media files, basically want to create a library like xbmcs12:27
diploGoing to check their code later to see how they do it, but was wondering if there was a generic one or I'm going to have to do mp3tag one and then something else for movies12:28
diploSeems like calling mplayer with the options i need is the way most people are doing it12:29
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bigcalmFeels like Friday13:56
shaunodiplo: I'd probably look at the python gstreamer libs?  (look at gstfile.py in python-gst I believe)13:59
penguin42bigcalm: Not quite13:59
penguin42and anyway, I've got the week off, so don't make my holiday go any faster thank you13:59
diploshauno: ta, hadn't come across that yet14:00
* diplo looks14:00
SuperMattI've had such a long run of 4 day weeks, for various reasons, that 5 day weeks are getting really dedious14:00
davmor2bigcalm: Sue went up town today instead of tomorrow so I really think it's friday, I was so looking forward to the weekend :(14:00
shaunothat should give you a common method to get tags from anything gstreamer handles, that than worrying about per-codec like mp3tag14:00
knightwiseanyone know a nice ubuntu client14:01
knightwisei tried hottot several times but it just doesnt seem to work14:01
knightwisei boot it up but when I need to type in my account .. it just freezes14:01
drbalorczajkowski: http://www.sadanduseless.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/w16.jpg <-- never say I don't think of you14:02
czajkowskidrbalor: lol14:03
davmor2knightwise: if you are on 13.04 you can try friends, still early development but much nicer than gwibber, or just use the webapp maybe?14:03
knightwiseyeah davmor2 but I would like to update twitter and facebook at the same time14:05
knightwisefriends app is still very early days14:05
mungbeananyonen tried cronopete?14:06
BigRedSdoes that use fancy fs features, or just hardlinks?14:12
directhexit does a full tarball snapshot of your rootfs every 5 minutes, obviously!14:13
funkyHathttps://github.com/rastersoft/cronopete/blob/master/doc/README.html < explanation there mungbean, BigRedS.14:17
funkyHatLooks like it does the hardlink thing like all the rsync backup things, but from the description I'm guessing it doesn't actually use rsync, and just comapres modified times14:17
funkyHatThe main "clever" thing that Time Machine does is uses directory hardlinks, so it doesn't even have to keep a tree of links if that part of the fs hasn't changed. Which means it only works on HFS+. And then it breaks if you use a network backup location and you close the lid the wrong way while it's backing up, and trashes the whole of your backup history.14:20
bigcalmdavmor2: gran's funeral tomorrow makes for a sort week and a crappy way to start a long weekend14:24
davmor2bigcalm: indeed14:24
bigcalmdavmor2: why do I want pie when talking to you?14:26
mungbeanwife tells me my son just had a 30 minute kick/screaming tantrum in tesco over a bread roll :S 5 strangers came up to him to try and calm him down14:27
mungbeanthe joy of toddlers14:27
bigcalmI think humanity would be better off without children14:27
funkyHatPerhaps in the short to medium term14:28
mgdmmungbean: :/14:28
mungbeanbigcalm: might start to have an impact soonish though14:29
bigcalmMaybe this is how life would be without children as we know them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_City_and_the_Stars#Setting14:32
bigcalmI should re-ready my sifi collections14:32
davmor2bigcalm: because I am the piemaster of olde ye London Town all who call upon my name require pie as sustenance :D14:32
mungbeandid anyone read enders game and think it was lame?14:33
davmor2bigcalm: that or you are thinking of the pie factory14:33
mungbeaneveryone seems to rave about it14:33
bigcalmdavmor2: mmmmm, pie factory14:33
davmor2bigcalm: not the first option then14:33
bigcalmdavmor2: I do not trust any London pie references for I have seen Sweeney Todd14:34
funkyHatmmmmm london pie14:38
JamesTait$TZAG, all. :)14:38
davmor2bigcalm: see that's your problem you are trying to cram all of London into a pie of course there will be the odd person in the mix who didn't get out the way quick enough :D14:40
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penguin42gah my notes on how to boot this netflex were nowhere near enough14:55
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penguin42hmm - if I've got a debootstrap'd (but not working world) can I push another package into it?15:53
MartijnVdSpenguin42: chroot into it, dpkg -i ?15:54
MartijnVdSor doesn't chroot work either?15:54
penguin42MartijnVdS: You know how I said it wasn't working :-)15:54
MartijnVdSpenguin42: it could be that /bin/sh at least worked15:54
MartijnVdSbut not much else15:54
MartijnVdSpenguin42: you could do it the hard way(r) and un-ar the deb, untar the data.tar.gz into the chroot, then run the package scripts (chrooted) from one of the other .tar.gzs15:55
MartijnVdSbut .. I don't know exactly what kinds of failure modes that creates15:55
shaunoyou should be able to dpkg -i --root=/mnt/target yourpackage.deb15:55
MartijnVdSooh, dpkg has a --root option15:55
shaunothat also runs pre/post in chroot though, so if your target is broken enough that they might fail, it's still thin ice15:56
penguin42shauno: Nice!15:56
penguin42shauno: I want to install the -dbg package for libc15:57
penguin42this is an armhf root inside a an armel root on an android machine with an old kernel16:01
penguin42right, nothing that --force-all doesn't fix :-)16:02
daftykinssaw someone struggling with a messed up EFI installation attempt from 13.04 last night16:04
daftykinsanyone know if 13.04's ubiquity can handle changing between an MBR and GPT setup on a disk during the partition stage?16:04
daftykinsi should really VM it and try ^_^ not even touched that version yet16:04
xnoxdaftykins: GPT vs PC-BIOS partition table does not matter for UEFI.16:05
xnoxdaftykins: in general it preserves existing partition table.16:05
MartijnVdSdoesn't that depend on your uefi implementation?16:05
xnoxMartijnVdS: no.16:05
daftykinsxnox: that's not what i asked16:06
xnoxMartijnVdS: it depends on the bootloader, and grub will happily UEFI boot of any.16:06
xnoxdaftykins: you can wipe and create a new partition table, but it doesn't offer you to choose which one you want, nor will it convert one to another.16:06
daftykinsthat's a bit weak16:06
MartijnVdSxnox: but what if UEFI can't find the boot partition because it doesn't know how to read that specific kind of partiton scheme?16:07
shaunomost I've run across have both schemes, which is bad for your sanity, but works16:08
xnoxMartijnVdS: UEFI is a specification - a text document =) firmware generally can bring up a disk drive. And there is only one UEFI partition allowed per drive, it doesn't even read partition scheme, just searches for the marker/label.16:08
xnoxof the efi partition.16:09
MartijnVdSxnox: Does the UEFI spec specify which partition types it must be able to read boot-code from? :)16:09
xnoxwhich is reduced FAT.16:09
xnoxMartijnVdS: yes, EFI partition label, which is reduced-scope & limited FAT.16:09
directhexthe UEFI spec mandates FAT for the EFI system partition, and includes the full specification of the filesystem (and requisite patent license)16:10
daftykinsa specification PC manufacturers have yet to get right16:10
xnoxlowest commend denominator which _everyone_ knows how to read =)16:10
MartijnVdSxnox: and they did so well with iso966016:10
MartijnVdSxnox: and/or ufs16:10
MartijnVdSno not ufs.. the other one16:10
shaunopick a standard, any standard, we have hundreds to choose from ;)16:11
daftykinsfew standards are standard :<16:11
MartijnVdSooh, I have "new maps" now16:13
daftykinslatest Google Maps app?16:14
MartijnVdSit's an obvious beta though16:14
MartijnVdSor it doesn't like my gpu16:14
MartijnVdSor both16:14
daftykinsor driver16:15
daftykinsor wind direction16:16
MartijnVdSwaiting for Haswell now.. only a few more weeks16:17
daftykinsdo you upgrade much?16:19
penguin42has someone got a running arm system (modern kernel) that they can give me a /proc/self/maps from?16:19
MartijnVdSdaftykins: Not as often as I used to16:19
MartijnVdSthis is a pre-SandyBridge i3, so it's getting a bit oldish16:19
directhexpenguin42, how modern a kernel?16:20
daftykinsi'm still rocking LGA77516:20
directhexpenguin42, my efikamx is bound to an ancient freescale kernel16:20
penguin42directhex: anything new enough to run armhf16:20
MartijnVdSdaftykins: isn't that 1990s? THe old intel card?16:20
directhexdaftykins, pfft, and to think you used to be part of the pc enthusiast community :<16:20
* penguin42 has an i7-86016:20
MartijnVdSdaftykins: oh wait that waws the "740"16:20
MartijnVdSpenguin42: I have the i3-530 from that era16:21
daftykinsdirecthex: yip, guess i grew up :D16:21
directhexpenguin42, http://paste.debian.net/6044/16:21
directhexon socket 1366!16:21
MartijnVdSI'm saving up money for the 4770k or something similar16:21
penguin42directhex: Hmm and that's running armhf?16:21
* penguin42 was expecting a vector page at the top16:21
directhexpenguin42, notice the triplet in /lib16:22
directhexpenguin42, but, again, this is an ancient freescale kernel16:22
directhexpenguin42, let me ssh to a debian porterbox16:22
penguin42directhex: Hmm - my problem is I've got this nook, and it runs an armel chroot fine, but the debian armhf segs in ld-linux, I've already built a new kernel with the vector page in, but it's still not happy - so I'm assuming it's missing something useful from the kernel - just not figured out what yet16:23
directhexpenguin42, okay, harris.d.o: http://paste.debian.net/6045/16:23
penguin42directhex: Thanks!16:23
penguin42hmm, ok - so my theory of it being memory layout is bogus - that's the same as my new kernel16:24
daftykinson the topic of upgrading, i'm too aware of how, even if i did have the latest hardware, it wouldn't actually feel any more worth it than what i run now16:30
daftykinsthe only true change is that of your bank balance :D16:30
penguin42yeh I used to upgrade when I could get something 5 times faster, these days that's just not doable16:30
daftykinsi went from an Athlon XP to a quad-core Intel last, that felt nice16:31
penguin42P90->533MHz Alpha->Dual 1.8GHz Athlon    were my first 3 Linux machines16:31
daftykinsprobably won't see that change again, just newer OS's that are chunkier so need faster hardware to make them feel as smooth as Windows 7 atop my intel quad16:32
daftykinspenguin42: nice :D16:32
penguin42then core2, then this i7-86016:32
daftykinsi'm putting a gaming PC together for a friend soon, that'll give me the ideal exposure to new hardware to see just how disappointed i'd be, assembling one for myself - only without spending the money! :D16:36
daftykinsactually i put together an i7 3770 for a client a while back too, so i've already done it16:37
directhexthis pc is 4 years old now. all original parts16:38
* penguin42 doesn't really game16:38
directhexexcept for the extra 6G RAM i bought from Azelphur16:38
directhexand the two GPU upgrades16:38
directhexand the SSD16:38
directhexother than that, totally original 4 year old pc!16:38
penguin42so yeh other than most of the rest of the machine it's just the same....16:40
* penguin42 has only added an SSD in the 3 years since he had this16:41
directhexwell, the motherboard and cpu are original16:41
directhexand the case and the power supply16:41
shaunoI tend to max mine for ram as soon as I can.  after that, upgrades get boring16:41
directhexand, um, the blu-ray drive16:41
directhexalso it no longer runs vista home basic :D16:42
* penguin42 rarely pushes the 8GB on this home machine16:42
penguin42ahha - the TLS register is 016:43
shaunoI hit that with VMs way too easily.  a bit disappointed this one won't go past 1616:43
penguin42shauno: I tend not to have big VMs, I have two or three with playing with things or trying different versions out, but if I'm doing a big dev (like I had one which had a new KDE build in) I just let that take most of the RAM16:45
shaunoI have an appliance that cries foul if it doesn't have 8GB at install-time (but can be reduced later), and a dependency that gets cranky in less than 216:47
shaunoso half my laptop is eaten before I've even started doing anything :/16:47
* penguin42 does have a machine with 128GB at work, very nice for looking at large debug traces on16:47
daftykinslol Vista home basic16:47
daftykinsbad directhex!16:47
daftykins(for the past)16:47
directhexpenguin42, i miss the 1T server at work16:48
directhexdaftykins, i had a vista ultimate upgrade from work, but needed a base oem OS first for licensing raisins16:48
penguin42ooh 1T, yes that would be fun16:48
penguin42directhex: Was that a test machine or did it use 1T for something useful?16:48
directhexpenguin42, itanium powered!16:49
directhexpenguin42, you'd be amazed what kind of new science is possible when you can load data sets that large into a single system image16:50
penguin42or UV?16:50
directhexpenguin42, predates UV. altix 470016:50
penguin42ah ok, yeh16:50
penguin42yeh we had a one or two brick altix for testing16:50
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daftykins£57.75 for a new main oven thermostat for my smeg oven :(17:34
directhexsmegging hell :|17:34
penguin42daftykins: How old is it?17:34
daftykinser dunno, i got it with the place i bought17:34
daftykinslooks like it got converted for Guernsey's gas supply back in 200517:35
daftykinsso probably that old17:35
daftykinsi called someone around to repair it, he was going to order me the part but i've heard nothing in over a month!17:38
daftykinswhich is great because it's an easy job so i'll just do it myself17:38
penguin42are you allowed to or does it fall under the type of things you can be hung for tampering with a gas appliance?17:44
* penguin42 wonders if Guernsey's gas is thicker and creamier17:45
daftykinsthinner and rubbisher :(17:45
daftykinsah well it's an electric oven part so yeah should be fine17:45
daftykinshrmm ebay is half that price17:45
daftykinsbut do i trust them?17:46
shaunowhat could possibly go wrong?17:47
daftykins£34.99 on ebay17:47
daftykinsthink i'd rather spend more and get it from a reputable firm17:48
daftykinsespares.co.uk seems legit17:48
daftykinsbut twice the price is harsh :(17:48
diddledanso.. when you boot into windows for the first time in however long, don't trust the clock to tell you when it's time to go home17:52
diddledanI was all set to stay till 7pm thinking it'ld be 6pm17:53
penguin42diddledan: You last booted before the summertime change?17:55
daftykinsthat element of multi-boot was often a pain17:55
diddledanside note however is that ubuntu runs quite nicely under hyper-v17:55
daftykinsi find hyper-v nasty, the whole domain + SQL server requirement17:55
diddledanpenguin42: nah, it's the issue with windows using localtime from the rtc while ubuntu uses gmt in the rtc17:56
diddledanso once ubuntu sets the RTC to gmt (localtime - 1 hour) then windows reads localtime back from the RTC without correcting17:57
penguin42diddledan: You can configure which it will use can't you?17:57
diddledanyeah, but I haven't17:57
diddledanI'd completely forgotten about the issue until 5/6pm today and I wondered why I was the last person in the office17:58
diddledandaftykins: no domains or sql server here17:59
daftykinson the host box running hyper-v?18:00
daftykinsused to be their requirement i thought, perhaps they've lifted it18:00
daftykinsor maybe that's just to use SCVMM18:00
diddledanyeah system center probably requires both of those18:01
diddledanthe hyper-v itself works fine on it's own - they've even packaged a free version of windows server to just run hyper-v similar to the freebie offerings of citrix and vmware18:02
daftykinsah yeah, it's a bit useless if you have to control the host via RDP to run VMs though18:07
daftykinsah great, websites that don't have the Channel Islands listed on their payment pages18:20
daftykinsand also charge VAT :(18:21
knightwisehey everyone18:21
shaunoheh, I only found that out very recently.  had a customer who complained about being charged VAT, which left us with a blank face18:23
shaunoactually, there's a question for you.  do you usually get charged VAT for delivery?18:24
diddledanchannel islands don't pay vat?18:24
diddledanI knew amazon et al got around vat by putting their distribution centre on the islands18:25
daftykinsthat only worked until LVCR, low value consignment relief got canned18:26
diddledanI didn't know that residents didn't pay vat either18:26
daftykinswe have our own government18:26
daftykinsso yeah, our own laws18:26
diddledanwhich island is the one with feudal government? :-p18:26
daftykinsshould be going there this bank holiday Monday for a birthday event actually :O18:27
daftykinsnot been over in a while18:28
daftykinsthough allegedly it might rain Monday :<18:28
diddledanlooks like I might have won a freelance web dev contract \o/18:29
diddledanI rock18:29
daftykins:O nice18:29
diddledanrain doesn't rock18:29
daftykinsi hope you're nice and moral with your fees18:29
daftykinsa client of mine recently got fleeced for a custom skin on wordpress deal, to the tune of 3 grand >_<18:29
diddledanyes, I bid higher than everyone else18:29
daftykinsand offered hosting for it... get this...18:29
daftykinsfor £1200/yr18:30
diddledanthat's an expensive hosting18:30
daftykinsi was able to at least pinch the hosting part :D18:30
daftykins1) buy VPS 2) host site 3) charge 10% of the above18:30
diddledanfair enough I pay in the tune of about 300£ per mo on servery stuff but 1200 for a single site is crazy18:30
daftykinsyou got that many up though?18:31
diddledannope, all personal stuff18:31
daftykinsthis is my first client for the hosting part :D18:31
daftykinsgot myself one of bytemark's bigv VPSs18:31
diddledanI've been waiting for someone in #ubuntu-mirror to pull their wotsit out and review my mirror request - uk.ubuntu.bowlhat.net18:32
daftykinsi'd like it if the Guernsey mirror weren't just a fake, at least i think it is a fake18:32
daftykinsgg.archive.ubuntu.com iirc18:32
daftykinsyep it's going to London18:33
shaunoI'd like it if the ie mirror wasn't slower than using an australian one :/18:33
daftykinsgetting lost in cogentco mirrors and ooh orobas.canonical.com18:33
diddledanuse mine ! :-p18:33
shaunoactually, they seem to be quicker than gb today.  that's new.  if it's not a fluke, I might actually start using it again18:40
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
lardmanEvening all. Are there many people with multihead (and multicard) setups here?19:46
lardmanAs usual, my working 3 monitor setup (under Precise) has become non-working with an upgrade to Raring, though this time I don't seem to be able to find any lucky Xorg.conf combination to get it back again19:47
* lardman wonders if there's a multihead "support" group :)19:48
AlanBellif you are using an xorg.conf then it has already gone horribly wrong19:55
AlanBellI use dual screen (laptop+external monitor)19:55
AlanBelland unity is a bit rubbish on it19:55
AlanBellgnome shell isn't much better19:57
lardmanah, well I'm trying to not use Unity, and am using the "fallback" setup19:57
ali1234what's the name of that screen recording tool? it's called yazzam or something...19:57
ali1234i was close19:58
lardmanUnfortunately my setup is a little complicated, single monitor on an nVidia card and two on an ATi; xinerama all round, worked perfectly (with some fiddling after each upgrade), but no longer19:58
ali1234lardman: azelphur is our expert on these things19:59
ali1234by which i mean the only person here who uses it19:59
AzelphurI havn't tried 13.04 yet19:59
Azelphurbut I run XFCE, it's much less of a pain in the ass for multi monitor20:00
lardmanAzelphur: what cards (manuf) do you use?20:00
Azelphurnvidia 570 + 63020:01
* lardman curses xchat-gnome for not letting him change from , to :20:01
* AlanBell upgrades server to 13.0420:01
lardmanah, single manufacturer, I'm tempted to ditch the ATi card to see if that makes life easier20:01
mungbeanAzelphur: u in margate?20:01
Azelphurmungbean: yup20:01
AlanBellpower cut today rebooted me so I might as well update20:01
mungbeandid i watch the mary portas prog?20:02
AzelphurI dunno, sorry the cameras I have in your front room arn't working atm20:02
Azelphurnope :P20:02
mungbeanit was about margate20:02
mungbeanshopping and how grim it is20:03
AzelphurI see, the whole "all the businesses in margate are shutting down" thing?20:03
mungbeanwatch it :P20:03
lardmanAzelphur: what setup do you use? Twinview(?) or xinerama or single server per monitor?20:04
Azelphurlardman: 2x twinview20:05
lardmanhmm, this is one of the places where Windows is so much better than Windows - multimonitor just works, as does hw accel even across different manuf cards. Annoying20:06
lardmanWindows->Linux in the second case20:07
funkyHatI've never had an issue with 2 monitors on Linux, but then I haven't had 2 monitors at once for all that long I suppose (well, a few years now but yeah)20:08
lardmanfunkyHat: driven by the same card?20:09
funkyHatlardman: yes20:09
lardmanyeah, that tends to be easier as you can use the proprietary driver built-in multimonitor support20:09
funkyHatFor a while it's been with the open source radeon drivers, actually20:10
lardmanyeah true, not in the old days though20:10
=== lardman is now known as lardman|afk
=== lardman|afk is now known as lardman
lardmanI seem to remember that my particularly unimpressive Ati card is not (well) supported by the open source radeon driver, but I must check again20:29
* lardman goes to look for Xorg segfault bug reports20:31
ali1234dell... sucks so bad20:31
ali1234i don't know if i should even tell this story, that's how bad it is20:32
mungbeani like dell20:32
mungbeanbusiness lines20:32
funkyHatdell are a mixed bag, in my opinion20:32
lardmanthis Dell laptop works well under Linux20:33
ali1234let's just say... if you send a laptop to dell for repair, wipe it first. because you don't just have to worry about dell employees seeing the contents.20:35
=== kabads_ is now known as kabads
daftykinsah, latest nvidia cards finally got outed20:36
mungbeanali1234: another hugin stitch, no intervention, wheres the stitch pt?20:39
daftykinsGTX 780 indeed20:39
ali1234mungbean: just slightly to the right of the wing cannons in the yellow part it is visible20:39
ali1234it's pretty good though. hooray for open source20:40
ali1234(also quite visible in the roof supports)20:40
ali1234also another one visible on the red cord thing in front20:41
ali1234would probably take me no more than 10 minutes to fix those bits up in photoshop, so that probably is a time saver even if it isn't perfect20:42
mungbeanyep :)20:42
mungbeanthe biggest thing is perspective tweaking20:43
ali1234really though the point where it fails is when you have horizontal and vertical stitching20:43
ali1234that seems to be harder to deal with20:43
mungbeanits much better with exposure gandling than the canon one20:43
lardmandaftykins: mmm, that looks pretty cool20:48
lardmanso does the Typhoon :)20:48
lardmanIs the 780 the same gen as the Titan?20:53
directhexafaik yes20:55
* lardman wonders if his power supply is enough to power one of those20:57
daftykinsyeah it's a cutdown Titan20:57
daftykinsyou'd want 650W+ depending on the rest of your system20:57
lardmanoh it's cut down is it, interesting20:58
lardmanI think I have a 1000W supply, so should be enough power, space might be the issue though20:59
daftykinshaha 1kW20:59
lardman1000W sounds like quite a lot mind you20:59
daftykinssounds like enthusiast spec alright20:59
penguin42with a PSU like that you can     make tea20:59
lardmanyeah sure can, warms up my legs when I'm doing sim work21:00
lardmanand bloody noisy too21:00
daftykinsugh remoted into a clients system to perform a Google Apps migration21:03
daftykinsGoogle Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook is saying 'Error: cannot create profile' =|21:03
ali1234https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKu20y1f_RU can anyone make that video play past 11:57?21:07
daftykinsnope seems knackered21:08
daftykinsfroze up about 11:55 then kept the same frame21:08
daftykinswon't seek21:08
shaunoworks fine here (played from 11:40 to 12:40)21:09
diddledanI can seek past 11:55 from the start21:09
diddledangot to 13:58 then the endscreen popped up21:09
diddledannow it's reporting the video is 2:22 long21:10
shaunopast the 14min mark now21:10
shaunonot on linux, but call it a control test I guess.21:11
diddledanI'm on 'dows21:12
shaunoorly?  that's curious21:13
ali1234yeah i got past 11:57 be seeking then it cut out again at 16:0121:13
ali1234i reported it21:13
shaunocurious, either of you using Chrome?21:15
shaunoif I play in chrome, it hiccups somewhere around 13:58 .. sends the seek bar to the start, but starts replaying video from about 5 second prior21:16
shaunoif I play it in safari, I don't see any issues at all  (chrome bundles's own flash build)21:16
shaunowell there goes that theory :/   still curious that I get different results in different flash builds though21:18
daftykinsbattery dying so time to do other stuff22:40
daftykinsg'night all \o22:40
* lardman also heads for bed22:46
lardmannight all22:46

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