
jcristauheh, good thing for ubuntu 3 releases went out of support earlier this month19:55
bjsnider2 on teh same day19:58
jcristauoh, only desktop for lucid, so i guess it still gets this round20:02
mlankhorstjcristau: it's going to be worse when you have to update the various xservers in precise too, around the time development for next lts starts20:22
jcristauyeah but i already knew that's madness :)20:22
bjsniderain't no xorg packages on the server side, right?20:53
bjsnideryeah, there's no graphical stuff in the base server install cd image, so i don't think it's too worrisome that the lucid server hasn't been retired yet21:09
Sarvattwell that was confusing21:15
Sarvattsaw that debian was blocked on http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=70867721:16
ubottuDebian bug 708677 in llvm-3.2 "llvm-3.2: llvm-config-3.2 --libdir reports wrong directory for shared libs" [Important,Open]21:16
Sarvattchecked out the llvm packaging svn, they had the right fix in it21:16
Sarvattbut its all moved into a single llvm-toolchain package now and that doesn't have the fix21:16
Sarvattits missing a usr/lib/@DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH@/libLLVM-3.2.so.1           usr/lib/llvm-3.2/lib/libLLVM-3.2.so in http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-llvm/llvm-toolchain/trunk/debian/llvm-3.2-dev.links.in?view=markup21:17
jcristaui think sylvestre is away this week21:18
jcristauhopefully he can fix it up soon...21:18
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