
designbybeck__Here is the 500GB in GParted: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=5192200:00
kristenbbsda is a hdd, with 3TB. It has a gpt partition table. It contains only data, divided into 3 partitions (sda1,2,3)00:01
kristenbbsdb is a ssd, with 250 GB, I would assume it has a mbr partition table now, but I'm not sure. at some point earlier today, it was gpt. this is where I'd like ubuntu to be installed.00:01
kristenbbas for grub, no idea.00:01
kristenbbprobably both had a grub at some point.00:02
daftykinsok, if you press enter on the SSD choice does it just give you the grub error again?00:02
kristenbbfrom this listing?00:02
daftykinsyep boot override bit00:02
kristenbbyes it gives the same error00:03
kristenbberror: no such partition00:03
kristenbband a grub rescue prompt.00:03
kristenbbshould I restart and go back to bios?00:03
daftykinsok, go back to the same screen as before and above the boot override, enter the 'Hard Drive BBS priorities'00:03
daftykinswhich device does it name - as 'Boot Option #1' ?00:04
kristenbbwindows boot loader00:05
daftykinsi'd hit enter on that to see the choices00:05
daftykinsand pick the SSD00:05
kristenbbthe UEFI - dvd drive, then sda, then p3 -dvd drive00:05
kristenbbthen* UEFI - dvd drive, then sda, then p3 -dvd drive00:05
kristenbbthe ssd is not amongst the choices.00:06
kristenbbonly 4 choices are present.00:06
daftykinsah it might be that hard disk choice is under the BBS option00:06
kristenbbWell, 5 choices are present, but the last one is labeled 'disabled'00:06
daftykinsif you hit escape to ignore that choice then, instead select 'Hard Drive BBS Priorities'00:06
daftykinshopefully the SSD can be selected there00:06
daftykinsthen you can change Boot Option #1 to be the SSD00:07
kristenbbthe first one is the hdd, the second is the ssd00:07
kristenbbshould i switch them ?00:07
daftykinskristenbb: make sure you pick a save and exit option00:08
daftykinsi'd expect you might get the same error00:08
kristenbbstill the same error yes.00:08
daftykinsso if we go back in to setup, but this time to the Advanced page00:09
daftykinsinstead of Boot00:09
kristenbbi'm there00:09
daftykins(oh at this point you'll want to know which 'P' number the 3TB HDD was on, that's its' port number)00:09
daftykinsactually it should tell you where we're going00:10
daftykinsso on there, there should be a page for 'SATA configuration' ?00:10
kristenbbyes there is00:10
kristenbbbut regarding this P number, where am I to look for it?00:10
daftykinswell after hitting enter on the SATA config.00:10
kristenbbokay, i'm there00:10
daftykinsit should give you a list of SATA ports with the names of the devices connected beside them00:10
daftykinssince you don't feel comfortable opening up the case, which is absolutely fine, you can disable the port temporarily in here instead00:11
daftykinssound ok?00:11
kristenbbis it normal that I don't see the ssd in there?00:11
daftykinsthe list should have a scroll to it00:12
daftykinsso it might just be further down00:12
kristenbbthere is no scroll, I think i'm seeeing it all.00:12
serekristenbb: how old is your computer?00:12
kristenbbthere are 600:12
kristenbbsere: very recent.00:12
kristenbbsere: like less than a year.00:13
seresome old bios's dont have it but yours should :/00:13
daftykinsi'd have expected the SSD to be on SATA6G_1 or _2 if those are listed00:13
daftykinsbut it's the 3TB HDD you'd be wanting to disable00:14
silareStupid question: Is there a way to install GNOME 2 on 13.04? I miss the GNOME 2 interface, but MATE breaks a lot of the things I used to be able to get working with GNOME 2.00:14
kristenbbdaftykins: those are listed, but they are marked as 'disabled' and above it is 'not present'00:14
daftykinsis the SSD a Samsung 840 series?00:14
kristenbbit's a patriot00:15
djbenganhi guise00:15
djbengani need a lot of help00:15
daftykinsdo you know if it's a SATA '3' / 6Gbps one?00:15
daftykinsdjbengan: just ask away00:15
djbengannr 1. My swap drive has stopped working "error in swapdisk, exiting"00:16
daftykinskristenbb: hmm i really would expect to see it listed, back on the 'Boot' page does it have a P number beside the SSD name?00:16
kristenbbdaftykins: the ssd ? I guess it's a 6gbps.00:16
seredjbengan:  df -h see if your swap is mounted00:16
kristenbbdaftykins: no it's a S000:16
i3luefireBen64, ok. im back. it still didnt work00:17
djbenganno swap there...00:17
seredjbengan: did u have one before?00:17
djbenganlol yes00:17
daftykinskristenbb: it's definitely p7x79 not p9x79? the motherboard00:17
seredjbengan: oh ok :)00:18
daftykinskristenbb1: it's definitely p7x79 not p9x79? the motherboard00:18
syntroPidjbengan, is it in fstab?00:18
kristenbb1i think i was disconnected, did i miss anything since i last spoke ?00:18
seredjbengan: check fstab00:18
seredjbengan: for some reason it seems like its not getting mounted00:18
kristenbb1daftykins: oops did I say p7? It's p900:18
=== kristenbb1 is now known as kristenbb
daftykinskristenbb: no problem, i was googling it, people were talking about the p7... but i couldn't find it XD00:19
djbenganswap is there00:19
djbenganand listed in fdisk00:19
daftykinskristenbb: so S0 and not Px huh? i'm gonna try and get to the bottom of this XD00:19
kristenbbyes S000:20
djbengan(there as in there in fstab)00:20
daftykinskristenbb: ok i've worked it out i think00:20
syntroPidjbengan, have you lookeg and your dmesg kernel log for possible causes?00:20
daftykinskristenbb: your friend hooked it up to the wrong port, really - for best performance00:20
daftykinskristenbb: and it could also be affecting the installation too00:20
i3luefirecan anyone help me with this grub issue00:20
sereyea check your logs and see why its not mounted00:21
kristenbbdaftykins: at this point i'd like to remind you that i had 12.04 on this drive before and it worked great00:21
silareDo GNOME 2 panel applets work with GNOME 3 Fallback Mode?00:21
daftykinskristenbb: ah right, it probably had less boot issues with the particular quirk i've identified. that SATA config page, did it list the 3TB drive?00:22
djbenganAdding 1020924k swap on /dev/sda3.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:1020924k SS00:22
kristenbbdaftykins: so I'm not sure whether switching the wires around would make it work for a strange reason00:22
djbenganBad swap entry:4000000:22
daftykinskristenbb: it'd reduce complications to my mind, but i understand your reluctance to mess with what's worked before00:22
seredjbengan: is that with swapon?00:22
djbenganSwap stopped00:23
kristenbbdaftykins: where's the sata list again?00:23
daftykinskristenbb: advanced -> sata configuration00:23
syntroPidjbengan, do you have the latest kernel update?00:23
kristenbbyes it does list the hdd00:23
kristenbband the dvd drive, too00:23
kristenbbbut that's it00:23
kristenbb2 out of 600:23
daftykinskristenbb: you can change the 3TB HDD's port to disabled on here00:24
seredjbengan: , too00:24
sere19:23 < kristenbb> but that's it00:24
djbenganI guess so syntroPo00:24
djbengandid an update 10 mins ago00:24
seredjbengan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/117566000:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1175660 in linux (Ubuntu) ""BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 000000080000003a", "swap_free: Bad swap file entry" and other weirdness during boot since 3.8.0-18" [Medium,Confirmed]00:24
kristenbbdaftykins: wait, what?00:25
kristenbbdaftykins: they all are disabled here00:25
kristenbbdaftykins: all 6 of them00:25
djbengansere, it's the same thing im experiencing!00:25
daftykinskristenbb: they don't look like: http://home.comcast.net/~boogie3/ADVANCED%20SATA%20CONFIG%202.jpg ?00:26
kristenbbsere: i'm glad you have 19:23 because here i have 2am, and still not close to a solution :(00:26
seredjbengan: its seems like it doesnt affect anything... i could be wrong00:27
daftykinskristenbb: i thought i was bad at 1:27am, you in europe?00:27
djbenganwell, my swap isnt mounted, so i guess it could be a bad thing.00:27
serekristenbb: hehe oh wow :/00:27
syntroPidjbengan, maybe you could try reading that bugreport or sth like update-initramfs -u00:27
kristenbbdaftykins: well yeah this is what i'm seeing, but they're all disabled, and 2 of them (SATA3G_3 and 4) have labels on them, mentioning hdd and dvd drive00:27
djbengantrying suggested upstream kernel00:28
daftykinskristenbb: so you hit enter on them and the other choice is enabled? :S00:28
daftykinswhy on earth would someone have disabled them all O_O00:28
serekristenbb: so your trying to boot a flash i take it?00:28
kristenbbthat would be the other choice, yes00:28
kristenbbsere: not even close00:29
daftykinskristenbb: alright well, earlier you mentioned you saw messages relating to EFI when you boot the ubuntu install media yeah? is it on a DVD?00:29
kristenbbdaftykins: what does this enabled/disabled mean anyway? it certainly doesn't prevent these devices from being used...00:29
daftykinskristenbb: yeah seems like Linux just goes 'well you may say disabled but i say... i do what i want!'00:30
daftykinswhich is why pulling cables is always so much easier :(00:30
seredaftykins: the tux knows all00:30
daftykinssure does00:30
daftykinshe be probin' yr ports00:30
|s-a|modprobe -r ?00:30
daftykinsSATA port probing00:31
i3luefirewho is good with grub and intel z77 mobos?00:31
daftykinsnot Ubuntu apparently00:31
kristenbbdaftykins: one of the very first times I tried to install 13.04, around 5 days ago, I chose 'encrypt full drive'. With it came the option to use 'EFI', whatever it meant. When you click on 'encrypt full drive', this efi option comes by default.00:31
kristenbbdaftykins: it mentions it's for improved snapshots or something like that.00:32
daftykinskristenbb: but that installation never worked, right?00:32
kristenbbbut i think this efi sticked through all subsequent installations00:32
daftykinsdo you see anything EFI related when you boot your install disc?00:32
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daftykinskristenbb: or only during installation then, choosing encryption as you say?00:32
kristenbbdaftykins: no, not really. But i saw this message once when doing a manual install, i don't recall if you were already here00:33
djbenganSwap is working!00:33
seredjbengan: gj :)00:33
daftykinskristenbb: have you been installing from DVD?00:33
djbenganMoar questions:00:34
daftykinskristenbb: what i'd say from here, is boot the livecd again, nuke the SSD completely and try another install. i don't like that it doesn't even come up as sda itself though. i always want my OS drive to come up as sda when i'm installing00:34
kristenbbwhen i did a manual installation, it mentioned something along the lines of: warning: you should keep 30mb for efi at the beginning of the drive. proceed anyway?       and i was told to proceed00:34
daftykinskristenbb: i feel the only way to do that is to disconnect the 3TB drive whilst performing the install00:35
daftykinskristenbb: yeah it was wanting to partition the drive for an EFI installation, not a legacy one - could be a related problem, i'm not 100% sure00:35
kristenbbi think that's gonna be for another day then, but i've done similar things over and over00:35
daftykinskristenbb: sure, ok i've got a few thoughts to share first then00:36
kristenbbi don't know what changed here, so i would expect that i'd still get the same error00:36
syntroPikristenbb, did you install it on a GPT partition?00:36
kristenbbsyntroPi: yeah maybe at some point, but i think now it's a mbr, I've used gparted to make this change.00:36
daftykinskristenbb: one is, i'd boot the LiveDVD and run a partitioning tool to nuke the SSD and make it a standard MBR based drive, have the 3TB HDD physically disconnected from the system and then install to the SSD00:36
djbenganWhen used for a longer period of time displaying of things starts to act up, and, after 5 minutes of chopping upp images/videos, the system will become so slow i cant even go in to tty. Im on Novaue and ubuntu 13.0400:36
dr_willisother day someone instgalled to a gpt. i think it defaulted to making a fat32 partion  a / (ext4) then a swap partiotion   if i recall..00:37
daftykinskristenbb: also if i owned that system, my SSD would be connected to the onboard 6Gbps SATA ports, not the Marvell external controller which i suspect is what it's connected to right now00:37
dr_willisthe fatre was like 30-60mb in size00:37
daftykinsi know that windows creates 3 partitions when installed EFI style00:38
daftykinsnot sure if Linux has to too00:38
syntroPikristenbb, if i were in your position i would disconnect the other drive, secure erase that ssd and google for a suitable GPT partition layout for EFI without secure boot00:38
djbenganif you ask demsg, nouveau just screms about memory traps. the intresting part is that i need to boot and reboot three times after this happening to even get into x again.00:39
daftykinskristenbb: i don't know if you agree with my ideas there but i'm pretty old hat when it comes to the hardware front, so that tends to be my thinking. there's probably no reason it wouldn't install whilst the SSD is connected to the Marvell controller, but i think it's confusing things. certainly is by having both disks attached and the SSD come up to setup as 'sdb'00:39
daftykinssyntroPi: agreed, although why install EFI at all? i'd go MBR00:39
syntroPidjbengan, maybe try booting with nomodeset (my old GT240 only works that way with noveau: forced to use nvidia)00:40
daftykinsand thus legacy install00:40
kristenbbdaftykins: well let's try all this another day then. It's been a quite few hours and it's getting late00:40
syntroPidaftykins, if its in biosmode below 2TB: MBR, EFI i would go with GPT since thats the ng tech00:40
kristenbbthank you for your helpp this farr00:41
kristenbband to all others00:41
JakeyBeari  need help with my computer00:41
javier_hi. how do I get either clementine or rhythmbox to play m4p files?00:41
kristenbbsee you00:41
daftykinskristenbb: indeed, whoever helps you next, mention the funky SATA config00:41
daftykinskristenbb: good luck with it00:41
serekristenbb: see ya00:41
daftykinsJakeyBear: ask away with what you're having trouble with00:41
daftykinsah don't you just hate it when you can't just reach into someones house and fix their stuff :D00:42
JakeyBearI need to just completly destroy everything on my compture and start over00:42
daftykinsprobably safer that way though :P00:42
daftykinsJakeyBear: boot a liveCD and nuke away then?00:42
daftykinsJakeyBear: assuming you don't want to keep any data00:42
JakeyBearI tried didnt work00:42
daftykinswhat happened?00:42
JakeyBearI am using a super old computer and im trying to teach myself the basics of computer use00:43
JakeyBearbut this computer im using is a super old handme down00:44
JakeyBeari cant access anything00:44
daftykinsJakeyBear: ah ok. so it has some version of ubuntu already but you want to start afresh?00:44
JakeyBeari just need a fresh computer, i dont need to save anything00:45
daftykinsJakeyBear: ok. do you have a version of ubuntu on a CD or USB flash drive to boot from then?00:45
daftykinsand is it the same as the one that is installed on there already?00:45
JakeyBeari downloaded different versions onto a cd and tried that it didnt work(i know very little about open source computers)00:46
daftykinswhat part didn't work?00:46
JakeyBeari just dont know, this computer used to have windows xp00:48
JakeyBearbut my brother completly uninstalled00:48
daftykinsare you wanting to go back to XP or just have Ubuntu on its' own?00:48
GammaX-homeI have a thumb drive that the formatting apparently is messed up on it and it is giving a RO code and I can not seem to format it at all.... any thoughts?00:49
JakeyBeari have a mac and a windows 7 computer, i just want this peice of garbage so i can learn baisc coding and stuff00:49
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daftykinsGammaX-home: gparted nuke it?00:50
GammaX-homedaftykins, no I had a program in windows format it to ext4...00:50
GammaX-homenow Its ro and cant be read...00:50
daftykinsJakeyBear: so if you pick what OS you want to install on it, or if you have one on CD/DVD already, then you want to discover how to boot from discs if you don't know already and install whilst wiping the entire hard disk00:51
JakeyBear(is there a way to stop these joining and timing out messages?)00:51
daftykinsyou can ignore joins/parts depending on what IRC client you're using00:51
JakeyBeari basically have no clue what i am doing and i just want to have a good running ubuntu computer, with all of this crap wiped off of it00:52
Ben64JakeyBear: put ubuntu on flash drive, install it, done00:53
daftykinsBen64: i best let you take over, bed time for me! :D00:53
JakeyBearcant computer is to old only accepts discs00:53
Ben64burn ubuntu on a disc, install it, done00:54
DouglasKJakeyBear, ok then, download the disc image from ubuntu.com, burn it.00:54
Ben64probably have to use a dvd, or the mini iso00:54
JakeyBearwhich ubuntu there is like hundreds!00:54
qinJakeyBear: under 500mb of ram?00:54
Ben64what are the specs of the computer?00:55
cornchipon  a cd any distro before 12 will fit on a cd00:55
JakeyBeardont know what that means or how i check that00:55
syntroPiJakeyBear, look at latest release here http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/00:55
Ben64does it have a model number? like HP dv800000:55
JakeyBearwhere do i look for a model number?00:56
Ben64well is it made by a company or is it custom00:56
syntroPiJakeyBear, try to find out if it supports x64 mode but if its very old id guess you should go with i386 desktop00:56
daftykinssyntroPi: way to start simple :D00:57
JakeyBearit is so old it still uses purple and green mouse/keyboards00:57
JakeyBeari dont know how to check any of my computer stats00:57
i3luefire_SERVERis the boot-repair program safe/good?00:57
Ben64JakeyBear: you'll need to look at it...00:57
Ben64i3luefire_SERVER: yep00:58
JakeyBearlook where?00:58
OerHeksor go into the bios,, so the info won't roll away00:58
syntroPiJakeyBear, x64 gives you the option for more than 4GB of RAN00:58
javier_hi. I have a bunch of itunes music and am using clementine. I was wondering how to play m4p (and other itunes formats) and came across AtomicParsley. Is there an easier way to get clementine to read? I know vlc will work but I like clementines UI00:58
JakeyBeari am a complete nooblet i have no clue what your saying or how to check it00:59
JakeyBeari do know how to open terminal00:59
JakeyBearthats about it00:59
Ben64look at the front of the computer00:59
Ben64describe what you see00:59
JakeyBeardisk trays and a floppy drive and a power button01:00
syntroPiJakeyBear, do you have any OS on that comp right now ?01:00
Ben64i give up01:00
JakeyBeari am using the computer and im running ubuntu01:01
syntroPiopen a terminal: then type "cat /proc/cpuinfo" without the quotes and hit enter01:02
JakeyBearokay now what?01:03
syntroPiwhat does it say about your processor? which one is it?01:03
JakeyBearit says processor 001:03
syntroPi"model name"01:04
JakeyBearamd atholon (tm) xp 1600+01:05
dr_willisthat low end/old of a cpu..  you may want to go with 12.04 lubuntu.. (but i  dont know what the original question was)01:06
dr_willis32bit. ;)  unless you got loads of ram01:07
JakeyBearI do know my brother installed different RAM than what it came with01:07
dr_willisthe 'free' command shows  the amount of ram01:07
dr_willisid be suprised if it had more then 4 gb of ram01:08
JakeyBearwhat number am i looking for?01:08
dr_willisno idea. i dont have the free output memorized01:08
OerHekshit the first big number :-)01:09
JakeyBearit says mem total 207590401:09
syntroPiJakeyBear, "cat /proc/meminfo" would reveal your RAM size01:10
OerHeksnice, 2 gb01:10
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Guest34256como estan?01:10
syntroPiJakeyBear, i would go with 32bit 12.04 lubuntu as dr_willis suggested01:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:10
OerHeksmaybe Xubuntu ..01:10
JakeyBearokay so know what?01:11
DouglasKThat, or lubuntu is quite light too.01:11
dr_willisdownload/burn a 12.04 lubuntu iso to cd or usb.. and boot it and insgtall it... (if you want to instgall lubuntu)01:11
nasCan someone help me figure out how to install Ubuntu on my Windows 7 laptop. Thanks01:12
syntroPiJakeyBear, well maybe even Xubuntu like this one here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/xubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso01:12
javier_dr_willis, can you help me get m4p to play in ubuntu 13.0401:13
dr_willisnas #1 thing - make backups of imporntant stuff.. and be sure you have a windows restore/recovery dvd set made.. just in case it totally goofs up01:13
bazhang!install | nas have a read01:13
ubottunas have a read: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:13
JakeyBearumm i tried installing ubuntu 10 like several times and it never worked01:13
dr_willisjavier_:  you mean mp4 ?01:13
javier_nope. m4p. its the itunes format01:13
dr_willisjavier_:  if its drm protected - i dont think you do. I dont dddo anything with appls stuff.. so no idea on it.01:14
JakeyBeari also cant upadte anything01:14
dr_willisJakeyBear:   10.x would be going on 3+ yrs old.. 12.04 would be the latest LTS to be trying.01:14
javier_I was hoping that I could find a player that would support. I am going to double check vlc now01:15
dr_willisjavier_:  check askubuntu.com perhaps01:15
JakeyBearill try01:15
javier_no joy on vlc01:17
dr_willisif its drm protected. i would be suprised if anything on linux can pley them01:17
bellasbellsitunes videos are encrypted.01:18
bellasbellsitunes mp3s are not.01:18
bellasbellsso its drm protected.01:19
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javier_ok. so older itunes store, m4p, are drm just as you said. And there isnt currently any support. So it appears that I will have to burn them to cd or do some converting. argh01:23
javier_freaking apple01:23
dr_willisand never give apple any $$ ever again01:23
javier_no worries there. thanks. bye01:24
g-mauriziI need a little suggestion to put me on the right track @google, I use racoon & ipsec-tools for an ipsec/l2tp server solution using PSK, I know little about the various ipsec authentication methods(but I'm trying to learn), I need to know what type of ipsec/l2tp implementation  companies like strong vpn use(what security type? xauth/hybrid/etc) that allows you to use a username/password without01:25
g-maurizia pre-shared key or certificate. Any takers? I can't find a way to connect l2tp(with PSK) with any broadcom firmware solutions. Thanks.01:25
night_good morning,every one01:26
bazhangg-maurizi, how is this related to ubuntu01:26
g-maurizibazhang, my VPN server is an ubuntu machine? :)01:27
bazhangtry ##networking g-maurizi01:27
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chintanhello guys01:37
chintanis lilo safe form fixing mbr ?01:38
chintangrub2 is overwritten on my mbr01:38
chintanahh anybody there ?01:43
phunyguynot exactly sure what your question is01:43
chintanphunyguy : i want to remove grub. it overwritten on mbr. is lilo is helpful ?01:45
phunyguywhy do you want to remove grub?01:45
chintanjust want to remove ubuntu.01:46
gulag2012silly little annoyances. I  rm -r both floppy drives I never installed in media/username. I can't get rid of the icon in file manager?01:47
nasOkay, I'm wanting to use Ubuntu alongside on Windows 7, but I'm stuck on which Installation type I should use. Could one of you help me01:47
khearis there any significant advantage to getting the 64-bit version of ubuntu instead of the 32-bit one (i've got 4GB of RAM)? everything is still available as 32-bit versions, but not everything is necessarily available as 64-bit, i assume?01:49
gulag2012Go with the 64 if you have 4 gigs01:50
nasLike I have a /dev/sda 1 2 and 3, but 1 and 2 are Windows 7 uploader and Windows 7 Recovery Environment01:51
nas3 is nothing, and01:52
kheargulag2012: shouldn't that still be pretty much ok on 32-bit? i'm just afraid there will be some extra hassle with the 64-bit version, however minimal, that i can avoid on 32-bit without any significant penalty on performance.01:52
nasIt says use as Ext4 3 2, ReiserFS, btrfs, hfs, ifs, FAT16, FAT32 file, and ntfs, swap area or do not use this partition01:52
gulag2012I have a five year old amd desktop. If you have 4 gigs of ram what would be your reason for not using the 64?01:53
gulag2012What version of Ubuntu are you going to install?01:55
TreaverHey guys01:55
sawjigkhear, if you have a 64 bit processor there's no reason to go 32 bit unless you know you need to.01:55
phunyguykhear and gulag2012, 32 bits means 4 gig max ram, including video memory.  If you have 4 gigs of ram, and additional memory on your video card, I would suggest 64 bit so you don't lose usable system ram01:56
TreaverDoes anyone here play Minecraft?01:56
phunyguyTreaver: is this a support question?01:56
sawjigkhear, and it you knew you needed 32 bit for some reason you wouldn't be asking in here if you should install 64 bit :D01:56
kheargulag2012: i would probably still need the 32-bit compatibility libraries with some applications01:56
phunyguykhear wasy enough to accomplish in 64 bit01:56
phunyguyeasy enough**01:56
TreaverWell I'm trying to get people to vote for my server? Can you go to : https://minestatus.net/76159-skycraft/vote and vote please! It takes 10 seconds!01:56
Treaverhttp://skycraft.cc/ is the website and I just made it.01:57
phunyguyTreaver: please do not spam this channel01:57
TreaverI want to know it it works on Ubuntu.01:57
phunyguythis is for ubuntu support ONLY01:57
phunyguyTreaver: please.  Do not.01:57
* sawjig wonders if phunyguy has an @hat01:57
gulag2012Khear: I don't know your circumstances, phunyguy is right about the limitations on system ram. What is 3.5 gigs usable on the 32 bit01:57
* phunyguy wonders why it matters01:57
khearsawjig: the system memory is shared with the gpu, so i guess there's no problem there01:57
phunyguykhear: would still be adviseable to go 64 bit01:58
sawjigif it's a 64 bit processor just use 64 bit.01:59
Just_Mehi guys, a quick question. how do i install printer/scanner driver?02:00
kheari guess i could give it a go. i guess i'm only wondering because i don't see an advantage to it, but i see some possible minor inconveniences. and i've always been using the 32-bit version :)02:01
sawjigkhear, there used to be a time when ia32-libs and things like flash worked poorly with a lot of things out of the box but that time has long since passed.02:01
az4z3lJust_Me: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers02:02
khearsawjig: glad to hear. i've just steered clear of it so far, without giving it a second thought02:02
gulag2012Khear: I'm not 100 percent sure, but I remember in windows there was no issues running 32 bit software. In fact I just came across old windows software that worked better in wine than in Windows 7. Go figure?02:02
sawjigkhear, as long as you have a 64 bit processor there's little reason not to use 64 bit now.02:02
kheargulag2012: sure, but it wasn't always that seamless on the linux side. not in practise anyway02:03
sawjigx64_64 procs can run both 32 bit and 64 bit so it's just a matter of what's supported in the system.02:03
phunyguykhear: as sawjig said, that time has long since passed02:03
sawjigkhear, unless you're running something weird, you'll _probably_ have no problems.02:04
DatHow can I get my Proscan LCD TV HDMI Audio to work I thought just an HDMI cable would be enough but it looks like Ubuntu doesn't even see the HDMI audio just the video02:04
phunyguyjust sudo apt-get instal ia32-libs and give it a go02:04
gulag2012Okay, my last stab at linux was 4 years ago. Now everything is wonderful, I could never go back. Still so much to learn.02:04
phunyguyDat, I am fairlty certain that is a bug in pulse-audio02:05
kheargulag2012 sawjig phunyguy : ok, you've all convinced me, thanks. i guess i'll step on the dark side :)02:05
gulag2012OOps except that. I have the same hdmi issue.02:05
phunyguyI think it is fixed in the next kernel update that will come out02:05
phunyguyDat ^^^02:05
gulag2012Khear: Go with 12.04.202:06
phunyguy(going straight from memory)02:06
sawjiggulag2012, why are you telling him to use 12.04?02:06
kheargulag2012: that's actually what i'm currently running, but the 32-bit version. i was planning on installing the latest version02:06
phunyguysawjig: because it is supported for another 4 years02:06
Datphunyguy: was the install for me if not how do I fix pulse-audio02:06
phunyguyDat, you wait for the next kernel update02:07
sawjigphunyguy, there's nothing wrong with 13.04 though.02:07
Datphunyguy: anyway to downgrade to a kernel that works?02:07
sawjigOne of the most coservative releases in a long time.02:07
phunyguysawjig: also there is nothing wrong with 12.04.. why question it?02:07
DatI would I need to revert back to 12.10?02:07
phunyguyDat, that I do not know02:08
gulag2012Aside from the hdmi bug, and a few other things. 13.04 is much better than 12.10.02:08
sawjigphunyguy, why become so defensive over a question ;302:08
phunyguysawjig: seems to me your question was not necessary02:08
phunyguy12.04 has it's place, just like 13.0402:09
sawjigphunyguy, ...02:09
kheargulag2012: hdmi bug? i'm using the hdmi port on my laptop to connect to the monitor, should i be worried?02:09
phunyguykhear: does the monitor have audio?02:10
phunyguyif not, you are fine.02:10
khearphunyguy: no, actually i'm using a dvi adapter02:10
khearphunyguy: ok, good02:10
Datphunyguy: but for sure this is just a bug in pulse-audio ?02:11
phunyguyDat, pulse/kernel related IIRC02:11
phunyguyI really am just going from memory02:11
gulag2012I just can't get sound from my hdmi. Luckily I have separate speakers. I haven't felt like messing with it. I'm sure the sound can be fixed.02:11
Datphunyguy: gotcha02:11
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phunyguyI think 3.8.0-22 will fix it02:12
phunyguy(if you are on 13.04)02:12
* Dat tries to download to that kernel ftb02:13
phunyguymay just be able to enable the prerelease updates repo... should be there02:13
Datphunyguy: how can I do that?02:13
phunyguyjust install the kernel from it.02:13
gulag2012I just checked I have 3.8.0-2202:14
phunyguyDat, if you want to go that route, it is in software sources (type it in the dash)02:14
phunyguyI have -21 and I am updated02:14
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Datphunyguy: currently I am on 3.8.0-21-generic02:15
schultzaim trying to get audio working on my tv card in ubuntu. the audio card is reporting audio on the audio in, but i cant get it redirected to audio out02:15
Datphunyguy: installing pre-released stuff could that house my desktop?02:20
phunyguyDat, sorry, cannot promise that it won't02:20
DatIs there a good chance that it will? so far it wants to update cups etc02:21
phunyguyuse at your own risk.  I was suggesting if you want to go that route, enable the repo, and install JUST the kernel update, then disable it again.02:21
phunyguyI also don't know if the kernel is in there yet02:21
Kionis the startup disk creator working?02:21
gulag2012Have a restore disk burned and ready. I loathe the boot loader02:21
Kionfor 13.04?02:21
DrFooevery key I type in x chat is making a sound it never did that before02:21
KionDrFoo: for me xchat is mute!! and would like to fix it jaja02:22
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Just_Me@az4z31 it didnt work. the printer works great but the scanner still doesnt work. im using canon MG2170 printer/scanner02:25
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gulag2012Just_Me. I have a canon too, no dice on the scanner it's canon!02:27
az4z3lJust_Me: Unfortunately, I have very limited experience with debugging printers on Ubuntu. I got lucky apparently and when I plug into my roommate's printer it just works. I fear I am of no help to you.02:27
Just_Me@az4z31 oh well thanks anyway. i guess now the only way around this is to "install Windows" what a bum :(02:28
gulag2012Just_Me: Do you have the usb option on the front of the printer/scanner? I ended up doing that. In the future I will make sure it's linux compatible02:28
Just_Me@gulag2012 good to hear that gulag :)02:29
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Datokay time to try out .2202:29
gulag2012The printer part works fine. Did you try to see if the free scanner software in "Software Center" would recognize you printer?02:31
Just_Me@gulag2012 i'll try that.02:31
Datphunyguy: wow .22 did it HDMI audio is working02:33
Just_Me@gulag2012 ive isntalled xsane and it didnt work. no device found message.02:33
phunyguyyou're welcome.  :)02:33
Datphunyguy: might be wise to disable the pre-release repo and wait for the stable now?02:34
phunyguyDat, yes of course.02:34
gulag2012Just_Me: Sorry to hear that, I think that is the one I tried too. Your best bet is to google the forums for your issue. I know mine came back with unsupported Cannon scanner.02:34
Just_Meive scoured ubuntu forum but found nothing that can fix my scanner problem. its ok, i'll just install "windows os"02:36
Just_Me@gulag2012 ive scoured ubuntu forum but found nothing that can fix my scanner problem. its ok, i'll just install "windows os"02:36
gulag2012Oh goodness no!02:37
gulag2012You are running it in a vm right?02:37
gulag2012Think of it this way, you can get a new all in one for $100, or the price of the two ink changes. That or a lifetime of malware02:38
Just_Me@gulag2012 yes on VM02:38
gulag2012Panic has reset. Okay02:39
Just_Me@gulag2012 :)02:39
dr_williscanon  is good at having unsupported stuff.. ;(02:40
gulag2012I got a blue screen trying to install windows 7 last week on Virtualbox02:40
Just_Me@gulag2012 ive canon cd that comes with the printer do you think it will work if i install it on wine?02:40
gulag2012Hmm? I'm not sure if it has to be tied in. Programs would still need a way to talk to the hardware.  Anyone?02:41
tack_im gonna say no on the printer cd and wine, ive tryed similar things for scanners and it didnt turn out well02:41
thinkclayHow would one go about mapping a normal domain or subdomain to a custom port on a server (i want demo.mydomain.com to map to demo.mydomain.com:8888)02:41
bellasbellsJust_Me, nope02:42
bellasbellshas to be native02:42
bellasbellsthinkclay, you mean you cant open port 80?02:42
bellasbellsbecause with DNS, you can only map to an ip, not a port02:42
tack_there is an option if you really need a way to use it by creatina a virtual machine with windows and then creating a print server in that vm that you ca talk too02:42
thinkclaybellasbells: well i have an apache site running on port 80 and i need to run a ruby app on a different port02:43
bellasbellsthinkclay, thinkclay apache proxy02:43
bellasbellsfinger hit tab before my brain acknowledged it02:43
thinkclaycool thanks bellasbells!02:43
AndroUserHello all02:53
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BlueProtomanI'm trying to run GIMP on Ubuntu 13.04, but I just get this error: "gimp: symbol lookup error: gimp: undefined symbol: gtk_box_new".  Any tips?03:04
jordan_So this is definably a newbie question, but when I set permissions for "group members", who exactly am I setting permissions for?03:05
Just_Mehey guys i found a solution to canon scanner issue! yay! heres how i did it, download the package from here ( http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/contents/SG/EN/0100392902.html ) install and reboot, then make sure the printer/scanner is switched on, fire up the terminal and run scangearmp. voila!03:05
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Just_Me@az4z31 it worked :)03:07
mdkwlan /msg NickServ identify <password>03:14
iKernelHi guys, uber fail when trying to load the drivers provided by the package bcmwl-kernel-source. Get a massive call trace thrown and the drivers fail to load. Running Lubuntu 13.04 on a damn near 10 year old HP Compaq NX9110 Business Notebook, wireless NIC works beautifully in Windows XP (better than most modern laptops). The laptop has 1 spare PCMCIA expansion slot so I could purchase a known good wireless card and simply get that going, but03:17
iKernel I was wanting to use that to install an eSATA expansion card due to the very slow internal ATA interface this laptop has due to being nearly 10 years old.03:17
iKernelI am going to throw the call trace up on a pastebin site and I'm also going to throw this issue up on ubuntu's launchpad.03:18
OlognHow do you turn the resize info tooltip on for Gnome terminal for 13.04?03:19
i3luefireis it crazy to want to put xbmc on my ubuntu server?03:19
i3luefireor should i just go with the "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" ? is one more lightweight than the other?03:20
mdkwlanLxde is lighter than xfce03:20
i3luefirewhat about xmbc vs xfce?03:21
iKerneli3luefire, if you have an old PC with less than 512MB of RAM, probably best you download the lubuntu alternate iso and install that03:21
iKernelThat's what I'm running, just freshly installed it and it's running pretty good on this old HP03:21
mdkwlanxmbc is a media center not a DE03:21
lotuspsychjeiKernel: i had few issues on 10y old compaq running ubuntu, had flash issues that i could never fix03:22
lotuspsychje*lubuntu sorry03:22
mdkwlanFlash issues?03:22
iKernellotuspsychje, I reckon this issue is probably universal to all ubuntu distros03:22
i3luefirei have a newish computer with 8gb ram but i am running a lot of server stuff in the bg. (sab,rtorrent,sick...)03:22
lotuspsychjemdkwlan: dont matter anymore tnx mate, its running another default Os now03:23
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i3luefireits a celeron tho. but an ivy bridge celeron g161003:23
mdkwlanAh alright. Yea i was just wondering if you installed flash via the extras or what?03:23
lotuspsychjeiKernel: did you check your additional drivers section?03:23
iKernellotuspsychje, dunno how to get to that from lubuntu 13.0403:23
lotuspsychjemdkwlan: oh, i tryed every trick in da house03:24
iKernellotuspsychje, it's not under system tools03:24
iKernelHere you guys go: http://pastebin.com/UmWuefXN03:24
mdkwlanlotuspsychje, its under software & updates03:24
mdkwlanthe "additional drivers" tab03:24
i3luefiredoes anyone here run xbmc on ubuntu server?03:24
lotuspsychjeiKernel: see above :p03:24
iKernelI reckon I could probably resolve the issue by downloading the .tar.gz for the bcwml drivers and building them manually rather than getting the package manager to do it03:25
lotuspsychje!xmbc | i3luefire03:25
mdkwlani3luefire, all of my servers are headless so no.03:25
mdkwlaniKernel, but what about kernel updates in the future?03:25
mdkwlanyou'll have to rebuild it each time.03:26
iKernelmdkwlan, I'll just make a script to do it03:26
i3luefirewell mine has been headless until now. but i wanted to hook it to my receiver in my server/media closet03:26
lotuspsychjeiKernel: did you clean install lubuntu?03:26
iKernellotuspsychje, yep, from alternate iso straight from a CD-RW I burnt03:27
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lotuspsychjeiKernel: you could try xubuntu, i had smoother experiences on the old compaq03:27
iKernellotuspsychje, this laptop has 384MB of memory assigned to the system. I daresay xubuntu will be that little bit too beefy for me not to throw the laptop out of the window.03:28
MDKwlanlotuspsychje, xfce is light but I think lxde is better03:28
iKernelI may take your advice, though.03:28
lotuspsychjeMDKwlan: well in my case xubuntu felt much lighter03:28
MDKwlaniKernel, what about using an alternative DE? such as icewm or e17?03:29
yeiki like xfce better than lubuntu03:29
yeiki had issues with my wireless even after i set it up properly03:29
lotuspsychjeyeik: on wich?03:29
lotuspsychjeyeik: tnx03:29
iKernelMDKwlan, I really don't see how installing a desktop environment different from Lubuntu is going to solve driver issues03:29
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yeikanybody good with apt-get and packaging issues?03:30
MDKwlanWell yea ofc. I mean installing say normal ubuntu and removing unity and using either one?03:30
lotuspsychjeyeik: shoot your issue mate03:30
kvothetechyeik nope03:30
yeikThe following packages are only half configured, probably due to problems03:30
yeikconfiguring them the first time.  The configuration should be retried using03:30
yeikdpkg --configure <package> or the configure menu option in dselect:03:30
yeik libgnutls26          GNU TLS library - runtime library03:30
FloodBot1yeik: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:30
kvothetechyeik so dpg --configure libgnutls2603:31
yeikerrors out03:31
iKernelYeah ok what's the error.03:32
yeiklibgnutls26:amd64 2.12.14-5ubuntu3.2 cannot be configured because libgnutls26:i386 is in a different version (2.12.14-5ubuntu3.3)03:32
lotuspsychjeiKernel: so your wifi doesnt show properly?03:32
iKernellotuspsychje, nope, right now I am set up on the kitchen bench with an RJ45 connecting the laptop and the router03:32
kvothetechso you installed the 32 bit version in a 64 bit system and wonder wht yoi have problems yeik03:33
iKernellotuspsychje, the wifi works beautifully in Windows XP03:33
lotuspsychjeiKernel: you might need a broadcom frimware for your driver03:33
kvothetechikernel chipset?03:33
yeiki don't remember installing the 32 bit version, if i did it was to work with something else. but i can't remove or reinstall anything03:33
MDKwlaniKernel, did you look at the "software & updates"03:33
iKernelokay I got updates to install, I'll let them install and then see what happens03:34
MDKwlanI'm assuming that you're wireless lan card might have proprietary drivers.03:34
iKernelI may do an apt-get autoremove bcmwl-kernel-source and try reinstalling it03:34
kvothetechyeik remove the 32 bit one with dpkg then dpkg -i the 64 one03:34
iKernelMDKwlan, Broadcom has not released any proprietary drivers for my particular chipset which is a wonder considering it's like 10 years old.03:34
OlognFigured it out...blech03:35
iKernelkvothetech, 02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4301 802.11b Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)03:35
MDKwlaniKernel, yea that's really weird. Do you know the make a model of the chipset?03:35
yeikso dpkg -r libgnutls26:1386?03:35
iKernelMDKwlan, BCM430103:35
yeikbecause if i try dpkg -r libgnutls26 it says it has dependencies03:35
MDKwlanYea, sorry I just saw that after i pressed enter03:35
lotuspsychje!bc43 | iKernel03:36
kvothetechyeik thats not the package name but yes other than that03:36
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:36
yeikkvothetech, how do i find the package name?03:36
iKernelCheers I'll go have a look03:36
seronishow do i find out which package the a specific screensaver is part of, and get the source for that package03:37
kvothetechtry without the : 386 or with -386 if that fails03:37
lotuspsychjeseronis: you looking for xscreensaver new ones?03:37
MDKwlaniKernel, perhaps this will help as well03:37
yeikdpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of libgnutls26:03:37
kvothetechyeik yeah itll totally fuck your ssl03:38
seronislotuspsychje:  specifically i only want the source for boxfit, but  'sudo apt-get source boxfit' fails03:38
iKernelAh ha03:38
yeikis there a way to force it?03:38
lotuspsychje!info boxfit03:38
kvothetechyeik just make sure you have the righr deb ready and yeah force it03:38
ubottuPackage boxfit does not exist in raring03:38
iKernelI've installed the wrong package,  I need b43legacy which makes good sense lol03:38
lotuspsychjeseronis: never heard of that1 mate sorry03:38
MDKwlaniKernel, ah well let us know if that works :)03:38
lotuspsychjeMDKwlan: nice url mate03:39
seronisits in the xscreensaver folder, but i dont want 60 different sources03:39
MDKwlanlotuspsychje, was that sarcasm or did I do something wrong?03:39
iKernelMDKwlan, will do03:40
lotuspsychjeMDKwlan: i dont do sarcasm lol, i actually ment it03:40
MDKwlanlotuspsychje, oh. sorry. I assume most people on the internet are asses so yea...03:40
lotuspsychjewere all helping out here :p03:40
yeikkvothetech, do you happen to know the command to force it? didn't work for me03:40
MDKwlanyeik, forcing that is going to break a ton of things.03:41
yeikMDKwlan, better suggestion?03:41
MDKwlanYou'll run into a dependency hell issue03:41
MDKwlanReformat and reinstall.03:41
yeikMDKwlan, i can do that if this breaks.03:41
MDKwlanyeik, it told you it will.lol03:42
iKernelGonna have to wait for software updates to finish first03:42
lotuspsychjeseronis: isnt it a part of xscreensaver-data-extras03:42
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yeikMDKwlan, you don't have any other option than reinstalling03:42
seronislotuspsychje: i -just- went ahead and grabbed source for plain 'xscreensaver' and inside the HACKS directory inside that package is the source for all the individual ones03:43
yeiki already reinstalled on the same model laptop. i just haven't copied everything over.03:43
MDKwlanyeik, not really. You're running a 32 bit os on a 64 bit machine. That or you don't have mutil-arch support. Either case it's really, really weird.03:43
lotuspsychjeseronis: just checked xscreensaver, its inside the extras by default03:44
lotuspsychjeseronis: im a phosphor fan :p03:44
yeikMDKwlan,  ok. I am willing to try it.03:44
seroniswell my primary goal is i want to see how the screensavers impliment the  -window-id argument because I currently use it to render screensavers as a live wallpaper03:44
seronisand im interested in possibly making more live wallpapers for fun03:45
lotuspsychjeseronis: nice idea03:45
MDKwlanSorry seronis what are you having a problem with? Compiz?03:45
seronisMDKwlan:  no im an xfce user.  i just wanted to be able to grab the source for a single screensaver and couldnt figure out how.   problem solved though as it turns out its all or nothing03:46
seronisxscreensavers can run as livewallpaper without modification.  i was just trying to see how they handle that rendering context03:46
MDKwlanseronis, Oh. Yea when I saw the live wallpaper I assumed compiz. Good to hear you got it all squared away :)03:47
MDKwlaneye-candy stuff not my strong suite lol03:47
seronislotuspsychje: phosphor really?  just looked at it.. is it an RSS feed ?03:47
lotuspsychjeseronis: a guy showed me a new screensaver i never heard of before, electricsheep03:48
lotuspsychjeseronis: yes you can add rss url to it, but i always liked green on black for ubuntu :p03:48
yeikseems to be working03:49
seronislotuspsychje:  well my desktop is now an rss viewer =-)   http://i.imgur.com/ip5XyYd.png03:49
yeikthe key will be in the reboot i guess, thanks MDKwlan, kvothetech03:49
lotuspsychjeseronis: wwow thats neat man! how do you do that>?03:49
MDKwlanyeik, I guess man. Best of luck.03:50
seronislet me put the script in my dropbox03:50
MDKwlanOh wow lotuspsychje that's really cool.03:50
yeikthanks. if it doesn't work, im not out much. i'll reinstall over the partitions, copy my homedir out, and be fine.03:50
MDKwlanseronis, sorry lotuspsychje wrong person :P03:50
lotuspsychjenp :p03:51
lotuspsychjeseronis: doesnt live wallpaper lag your system?03:51
seronisthats the script i wrote and put in my  ~/bin03:51
seronislotuspsychje: a lot of the screensavers using under 3% cpu03:51
seronisthere are a few that use 60%,  but you just gotta try them out03:52
lotuspsychjeseronis: nice103:52
MDKwlanYou guys are making me want to try this out lol.03:52
seronisanyways that script.. usage for it interprets the first argument as an already installed xscreensaver03:52
seronisso it has to exist or the script will complain.  no arguments just means to disable the last one you started03:53
lotuspsychjeseronis: where you run the script03:53
seronismy  ~/bin folder is in my path so works from anywhere03:54
MDKwlanrandom question. For linux in general, how would i go about running a .c file? Is it just g++ -o filename?03:54
seronisi use IDE (codeblocks) and never can remember the CLI syntax03:55
yokobrhey guys... is there any support for hybrid amd graphics? i have a HD 4250 and a HD 6310 laptop03:55
iKernelReboot required after software update, bbs03:55
seronisbut you dont 'run' a .c file.  compile it (it has to have a valid main function) and run the generated binary03:55
MDKwlancrap. Yea can't tell you the last time I wrote any code lol03:55
yeikMDKwlan, gcc is c g++ is c++03:56
MDKwlanWell yea run compile blah I know03:56
MDKwlanKk. Thanks.03:56
seronisyeik:  not quite..  gcc is the package which will use g++ as the compiler for both C and C++03:56
lotuspsychjeyokobr: i hear some fixed hd audio with kernel update03:56
MDKwlanseronis, I'm a network admin not a programmer :P Still mystical stuff haha03:57
yeikseronis, close enough that it will compile properly with gcc if it doesnt for g++03:57
yokobrlotuspsychje, i said graphics... i have no problems with sound03:57
seronisyeik:  gcc will also call the linker (ar) and other things with proper syntax.  g++ only compiles03:57
seronislotuspsychje:  so try the script ?03:58
MDKwlanYikes guys! I didn't mean to start a war03:58
seroniswar != discussion03:58
yeikseronis, yes. but he asked for commands, not packages03:59
seronisthe gcc command is still invoked by the user to do the full compile and link03:59
yeiknod, points to gcc, but still the command to compile a .c file04:00
seronisgcc in turn passes off  your file to g++ and ar and the other toolchain apps04:00
yokobrthe latest ati drivers only supports xserver 1.12 and kernel 3.4~04:00
MDKwlanOk, so I have raw C++ code i need to compile it. I assume I'd use gcc -o file?04:00
lotuspsychjeseronis: in wich format should i save the script04:00
seronisformat?  its a plain text file04:00
MDKwlanplain txt04:01
yeikMDKwlan, g++ -o file for a C++ program.04:01
MDKwlanI could just download codeblocks as well04:01
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
* yeik nods04:01
yeikcodeblocker works04:01
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
yeikci i am downloading updates. 59% done.04:02
MDKwlang++ isn't installed? ._. damnit all lol. That was a brilliant move.04:02
MDKwlanThat's weird. I thought build-essentials had g++ in it?04:03
seronisMDKwlan: it does?04:03
yokobrplease :(04:03
MDKwlanOh. I a moron. Ignore me. I dual boot arch and ubuntu04:03
seronisbuild-essential package is what I installed04:03
lotuspsychjeseronis: xwininfo: error: No window with name "Desktop" exists!04:03
MDKwlanI'm crossing over files I downloaded on one with another04:04
seronislotuspsychje:  favor.   run  xwininfo in a commandline on its own with no arguments04:04
seronisit will ask you to click a window to get info.. click your desktop04:04
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04what is the #wine channel?04:05
arpan_is there any one to help me for installing Indic IME keyboard on my ubuntu?04:06
MDKwlanWell there we go. All that work to see random flying txt.04:07
alocerhello shazeal04:12
PadNet_201anyone know a good weather.com-similar desktop widget?04:13
seednodePadNet_201, well, you can do it with conky04:13
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PadNet_201seednode: i'll give it a shot04:14
seednodeNot the easiest, if you're new to conky04:14
seednodeI'd help, but about to head to sleep04:14
PadNet_201seednode: im new, thx for the tip tho04:15
StruckerGreetings. The Linux Mint 14 is based in Quantal or Precise?04:28
findlaywhenever firefox or thunderbird update, they reset the spelling locale.  Extremely annoying.  Anyone know what to do about it?04:29
MDKwlanStrucker, i think its 12.1004:30
StruckerI want to generate a specific package for the 13.4 ATI driver.. I would like to know.04:30
jak2000how to delete a bunk of files: rm *.tmp give me a error.04:31
Ben64Strucker: we don't support mint here04:31
jak2000Ben64 any advice?04:31
Ben64jak2000: well, whats the error04:32
jak2000arghh i am at honme not copied the error04:32
jak2000but i think need use a for with xargs ?04:32
StruckerBen64: And, don't occurred that someone can know that? Nobody online in the mint channel.04:33
Ben64Strucker: with mint you gotta use the mint channel04:33
Ari-Yanganybody here use WINE?04:34
Ben64!anyone | Ari-Yang04:34
ubottuAri-Yang: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:34
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:35
gulag2012 PadNet_201: My-Weather-Indicator04:35
Ari-Yangfor some reason this windows .exe file won't open04:35
Ari-Yangwhen I run it in terminal like this: wine namehere.exe I get Install Mono 2.8 or greater for Windows to run .NET 4.0 applications.04:35
Ben64Ari-Yang: then you probably need to install mono. check the appdb for the program04:35
PadNet_201gulag2012: Thx04:36
Quix86!ignore ubottu all04:36
ubottuQuix86: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:36
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Quix86that thing drives me up the wall04:36
Ari-YangBen64, what do you mean appdb?04:37
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:37
Ari-YangBen64, I don't see anything about mono on that page, can I install mono by running winetricks dotnet20 ?04:40
Ben64you should find the program you're trying to run on the appdb, most likely someone already has steps to get it working04:41
x-warriorHow can I install moonlight on chrome on ubuntu 13.04? If I download the crx file to a folder, open the extension tab and try to drag the .crx file from folder, every unity menu gets gray and the chrome doesn't popup again... ideaS? :S04:43
dk0rI'm having trouble getting four cifs shares mounted via autofs. Only the top share listed in my auto.master will mount.  Do you see anything glaringly wrong here?  https://gist.github.com/dk0r/563274104:46
dk0rIf I swap a different share to the top line of auto.master, then that share will mount but none of the others will.04:47
th0rdk0r: they can't all have the same mnt point?04:50
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dk0rth0r: you mean /mnt/readynas ?04:50
th0rdk0r: yup...just a guess04:50
dk0rth0r: trying..04:50
th0rdk0r : make different folders within that one for each share04:51
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slacker_nlseronis: hehehehe - I was a sleep, no worries :P04:52
=== Guest88035 is now known as X-warrior`
fraggedWhere did nvidia-experimental-310 go? I upgraded to Ubuntu 13 and it is now no longer in the repository, I need this for my PLP setup as 304 does not support RandR.04:52
seronisslacker_nl:   'sla-tab' failed me =-)04:52
slacker_nlI noticed :)04:53
X-warrior`How can I install moonlight on chrome on ubuntu 13.04? If I download the crx file to a folder, open the extension tab and try to drag the .crx file from folder, every unity menu gets gray and the chrome doesn't popup again... ideaS? :S04:53
fishcookeris fail2ban is effective to limit the intruder?04:53
slacker_nli think so04:53
slacker_nlfishcooker: ^^04:53
seronisX-warrior`:  are you trying to install moonlight for generic reasons or for netflix ?04:54
X-warrior`seronis, stockmarket04:54
dk0rth0r: thanks. They're all mounting now, but one issue. Now there are unnecesary dir's. For example, personal mounts under /mnt/readynas/personal/personal/   Here is my new auto.master:  https://gist.github.com/dk0r/563274104:55
slacker_nlfragged: could be renamed to nvidia-current?04:55
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fraggedslacker_nl, doubt it, 304 is still in experimental04:55
slacker_nlfragged: i saw, read, somewhere that 310 is now stable04:56
fishcookeri mean slacker_nl.. there is so much bot out there try to come in04:56
slacker_nlcheck with apt-cache policy nvidia-current and check the version04:56
fishcookeror openssh server it self can handle those thing04:56
fishcooker*those bad thing04:56
slacker_nlfishcooker: no, you need to make sure nobody gets in04:56
slacker_nlfail2ban helps04:57
slacker_nlfishcooker: i also use something like this:04:57
slacker_nl#    $IPTABLES -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set04:57
slacker_nl#    $IPTABLES -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 30 --hitcount 15 -j DROP04:57
slacker_nlalthough I've commented it out04:58
dalfryEhlo. need help with a weird network interface config issue. I can't get eth0 on a machine (out of eth0, 1 and 2) to auto configure ipv6 address04:58
usr13X-warrior`: FYI:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/06/linux-silverlight-plugin-moonlight-abandoned04:58
slacker_nl(not sure why, but, that's what I used to use04:58
fishcookerLoL slacker_nl04:58
fishcookerwhy you commented it out04:58
slacker_nlfishcooker: could be because of fail2ban04:58
fishcooker ok slacker_nl thankyou04:59
=== jono is now known as Guest50232
X-warrior`usr13, I hate this assholes that startusing this closed shit04:59
fishcookernice n quick response04:59
slacker_nli never added a comment of why it is commented out, but I guess fail2ban04:59
X-warrior`anyway, ty :D04:59
IdleOne!language | X-warrior`04:59
ubottuX-warrior`: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:59
X-warrior`my bad04:59
X-warrior`this nice guys*04:59
fraggedslacker_nl, adding quantal-updates repos appears to have fixed the issue, ta05:00
ChansharkX-warrior`:  shall i break out in song? we are all in this together?05:00
Chansharkim not sure its late and im writting tutorial05:01
Chansharkand im tired05:01
slacker_nltactical aid, but we are not playing world in conflict :P05:01
X-warrior`are u writing a tutorial about moonlight?05:01
X-warrior`java7 for chrome?05:01
Chansharki see what you did there05:02
X-warrior`I'm glad05:02
Chansharki am not amused :|05:02
FloodBot1X-warrior`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
X-warrior`Chanshark, just trying to cheer u up a little05:02
Chansharkcheer me up by writting these next 700 tutorials05:03
Chanshark300 down >.>05:03
kate_rdoes anyone know how to generate the public key given a fingerprint?05:03
X-warrior`Chanshark, where are all this tutorials going to be?05:03
xlairei need help, how check disk or fix disk, my ubuntu is corrupted05:03
Chansharkfor my class that i did not mean to have05:04
aeon-ltdxlaire: i'm not sure if it can, but i'm reading up on fsck right now05:04
Chansharkno lol im just a tech support guy tutoring 2 guys in java next thing i know im tutoring 300 people05:04
Chansharkrather odd how it happened :P05:05
X-warrior`Add one in this class05:05
X-warrior`where should I flight to?05:05
Chansharklol its just via when ever i get around updating a app05:06
X-warrior`is it opensource?05:06
Chansharkim not sure05:06
Chansharki'd have to ask my partner05:07
Chansharki think it is though05:07
Chansharkbut this is a irc for ubuntu so if you really want to know more you can just pm me so we stop being off topic05:07
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X-warrior`Chanshark, sadly I will have to go now, but we talk more tomorrow, take care and keep the good job05:09
X-warrior`thanks for the help guys05:09
ChansharkDoes anyone know how to make a bootable usb save?05:11
aeon-ltdChanshark: you mean a peristent install to a usb stick?05:13
Ari-Yanghow do I use the command for e.g. locate filenamehere.mp3 to gedit?05:17
Ari-Yanglike output the results to gedit05:17
gulag2012cat ?05:19
fishcookerslacker_nl: is there any guide to building the server with ubuntu05:26
fishcookerany reference would be appreciated05:26
nullby7ehow can i use ufw with -i to see which service runs some daemon and port05:27
Sir_LetoI unplugged my desktop/server while moving it accidentally, and now grub can find no partitions. help?05:28
lotuspsychjeSir_Leto: tryed to update-grub?05:33
blubberI recently installed 13.04 on my MacBook, it works like a charm. But there is a small problem. Periodically my system stalls for a brief period (less then 1s), after which it continues fine.05:33
Sir_Letoi'll try05:33
blubberI looked at syslog and dmesg, and top, also at vmstat, can't find any weirdness.05:34
blubberAny idea what I  can do about this?05:34
JeganI am looking for some tool in linux which can detect memory corruption05:34
JeganI tried libduma. it works and it slows down the system much05:34
JeganIf this is not the right channel to ask, please give me the information where I can find05:35
Sir_Letolotuspsychje: update-grub is an unkown command05:36
tc_885Greetings. I am looking for some help with my SFTP accounts on AWS EC2. I have an Ubuntu instance and I can log in (using Transmit for OS X) with the key pair for the root account but that user has only read-only access. I created a new user account (using command line) but I can't seem to connect using that account when I change the username in Transmit. I'm clearly missing a step or two. Can anyone help me out for a couple minutes?05:36
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tc_885.join ##ec205:37
lotuspsychjeSir_Leto: sudo update-grub should work05:37
Sir_Letoin grub rescue?05:38
Sir_Letoit doesnt05:38
Sir_Letonot even sudo is recognized.05:38
lotuspsychjeSir_Leto: ah you might wanna update-grub from livecd05:38
lotuspsychjeSir_Leto: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145241/how-do-i-run-update-grub-from-a-livecd05:39
Sir_Letothose don't work on this computer, I have to make a live usb tomorrow. >.>05:40
lotuspsychjeSir_Leto: how bout loading failsafex from grub?05:42
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
uliseshola que tal05:43
Sir_Letojust tried with advanced boot options and that worked. *facepalm*05:43
lotuspsychje!es | ulises05:43
ubottuulises: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:43
Sir_LetoI need to fix grub nw05:44
faaddhow to backup only user data without backing up any application setting and data05:44
tack_just select the folders you want to back you and or excluded folders05:45
lotuspsychje!cn | mozhexiaodu05:45
ubottumozhexiaodu: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:45
lotuspsychje!backup | faadd05:46
ubottufaadd: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:46
uliseswhats up05:46
mrmowgliAnyone know why the 13x upgrade crashes saying my python instance is corrupted at /usr/bin/python?05:47
faaddi'm using this deja backup05:47
mrmowgliWhat version of python does it need?05:47
lotuspsychjemrmowgli: might be handy to pastebin your error in channel05:48
mrmowglibecause It's currently pointed at 2.7.305:48
faaddrestoring the home folder will automatically restore and install all application in a new hard drive?05:48
mrmowglilotuspsychje: can't it's a dialog box05:48
lotuspsychjemrmowgli: or tinpic it :p05:48
mrmowgliIs there a manual way to make the upgrade happen with apt-get?  On 12.1005:49
mrmowglilotuspsychje: it literally says Upgrade Failed.  Python instance is corrupted at /usr/bin/python.  [Cancel]05:50
mrmowgliIt's annoying of course and not informative.05:50
mrmowgliI also haven't any idea how to make the upgrade popup show again.05:51
fishcookeris there any difference between x86  with x86_64 architecture in webserver implementation05:52
lotuspsychjemrmowgli: how about this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall python05:52
slacker_nlfishcooker: yes, there is a server guide05:52
slacker_nlfishcooker: any guide that sets up a box as a debian server is equally good05:52
mrmowglitrying it now, but don't know how to get the upgrade popup to show again.  Seems the system update pops it up05:53
lotuspsychjemrmowgli: did you recently upgrade to 13.04?05:53
mrmowglilotuspsychje: no I'm on 12.1005:54
faaddrestoring the home folder will automatically restore and install all application ?05:55
faadddoes ubuntu install app on home folder /05:55
j1Hello amigos05:55
j1I am using ubuntu 12.10 and I am stuck to a strange issue05:55
j1if anyone can help please05:55
lotuspsychjej1: just ask mate05:55
j1@lotus:- Thanks mate05:56
j1everything was working fine till I installed samba05:56
j1when I installed samba with apt-get05:56
j1it was installed fine05:56
=== Don is now known as Guest75481
j1but since then I am not able to05:56
faaddr u brazillian/05:56
slacker_nlfaadd: no05:56
j1it says authentication failure05:57
j1I tried single user05:57
j1and got one indication05:57
j1that read only file system is  at least one problem05:57
j1everytime I reboot05:57
j1when I give passwd command05:57
j1it does not ask for05:58
j1current or new password05:58
j1it just executes without any error05:58
sawjigfaadd, applications are not installed to /home05:58
faaddwhich folder ubuntu save all app setting05:58
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
j1anyone ?05:59
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | faadd05:59
ubottufaadd: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.2 (raring), package size 216 kB, installed size 1535 kB05:59
sawjiglotuspsychje, assuming he hasn't apt-get clean06:00
slacker_nlfaadd: depends on the app06:00
slacker_nlfaadd: some place files in /etc, others in /etc and in /home, others only in /home06:01
msandhuj1: are you just trying to change password for current user ?06:01
j1@sandhu :- Yes mate06:01
msandhuj1: strange06:02
msandhucan you go super user and then try passwd <username>06:02
msandhusee if that works06:02
j1msandhu:- yes it is, googled a lot but did not find same issue, tried to clear pasword in /etc/shadow, but no luck06:02
msandhuor you can strace06:02
faaddthen that would create problem if i backup the entire home folder and then restore it to a system that doesn't have that particular app installed06:03
j1@msandhu:- yes I did that but same thing , I mean did not ask for password, even I tried creating new user with admin permissions , it added user but did not ask for password and did not allow me to login with new user too06:03
faaddthose files and i backup become useless and taking up space06:04
msandhuj1: is this new install06:04
faaddfiles that get backup become junk06:04
bugtraqhey  guys06:04
j1@msandhu :- no we are using it for a year now06:05
j1@msandhu:- btw it is ubuntu 12.1006:05
lotuspsychjefaadd: why not backing up files to external hd, and reinstall your ubuntu clean06:06
msandhuj1: is that a vm ?06:06
j1@msandhu :- no it is not vm06:06
sawjigfaadd, you were already told about aptoncd that will make it possible to install all the apps you have on now.06:07
sawjigfaadd, you click a button that says, 'backup software selection'06:07
faaddlotuspsychje , i'm trying to backup files but i want to know what happen to those data to apps because i might not install them back06:08
jordan_How should I set ThreadStackSize for my apache2 server?06:09
sawjigfaadd, nothing.06:09
faaddi mean those data for apps that i didn't reinstall06:09
msandhuj1: try strace passwd06:09
j1@msandhu ok Thanks mate06:10
faaddsawjig , what do you mean nothing ?06:10
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
faaddthey will be restore back to home folder too arent they06:10
sawjigfaadd, If you have .gimp and don't install Gimp when you setup Ubuntu again then you'll still have .gimp in your home directory...06:10
faaddso the data will just be there takingg up space/06:10
sawjigMost things are just configuration files and not data so you're talking bytes in most cases and at most kilobytes.06:11
sawjigbut if you use apttocd you can just reinstall every application you have installed on your Ubuntu install now..06:12
sawjig!info aptoncd | faadd06:13
ubottufaadd: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.2 (raring), package size 216 kB, installed size 1535 kB06:13
sawjigrun aptoncd on your current install and you can get a list of all the packages you have installed06:13
jordan_apache2 service won't run and i am getting the alert "[alert] (11)Resource temporarily unavailable: apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread" in log. Any ideas?06:19
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
j1@msandhu :- Mate Thanks for your help, actually when we were discussing one of my team members re installed ubuntu and it was solved. :P but it was very kind of you dear06:23
Campfirei need some linux securty network training do we have a site06:26
Campfirei mean channal06:27
bazhang##security Campfire06:27
Campfirety good op06:27
varikonniemithe software updater fails to launch each time on my system. The logo is shown in the bar, but clicking it will bring nothing forward06:31
varikonniemimanually launching it works as expected06:31
varikonniemihow to fix?06:31
ggssmy bakup failed on sqlite.bak06:31
ggsswat could be the problem06:32
=== BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen
xroHi, I would like to add facebook to empathy... i cannot because of the bug 1180297. The "workaround" is to permit authentication through HTTP which is insecure!!! do you have informations about this bug?  why am i the only one thinking about security?06:33
ubottubug 1180297 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "Opening facebook "Success" page in external browser" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118029706:33
ggssmy bakup failed on sqlite.bak06:35
xrodoes someone see when i write something? if yes... do you hate me?06:40
bazhang!patience | xro06:40
ubottuxro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/06:40
bazhangggss, need more details06:41
ggssno more detail06:41
bazhangggss, "bakup fail" wont get any help. it's way too vague06:42
frustrohey, so I went from 10.10 to 13.04.  got most working fine.  but how to mount an scp on a remote server?06:44
frustroI cant find it in network06:44
frustroor file connecct to server06:44
yeehiThere is a simple package for Ubuntu which allows you to monitor a Label within Gmail and provides a notification when mail arrives with that label. I forget the name of the package. Which one is it?06:49
bazhangapt-cache search term     yeehi06:50
xrobazhang, patience is something i need :P06:50
yeehii have used the software centre to search gmail and tried installing a few packages, bazhang, but they aren't the one I remember / which worked...06:51
bazhangyeehi, so use the apt-cache search method in the terminal, it will give a much larger selection than the software centre06:51
=== IPfreely is now known as Guest85373
yellabs-r2hello all06:59
yellabs-r2i am trying to install the new skype ( 4.2.0 ) on 12.04 but get error and cant install, any one has tips ?06:59
ra-fihi i tried to play a mp3 file using gstreamer i used the following command gst-launch filesrc location=/opt/songs/suthu.mp3 ! mad ! alsasink thn it shows the following error http://pastebin.com/8TKEzicx but audio does not playing can you tell me what is that issues07:00
donnieHi. i'm on Voyager... It's a ubuntu based french distro. I like it. It's all in english. except the software center. How do I get it in english07:02
=== kira1 is now known as khyra
yeehioh, i didn't know that, bazhang - i will try it - thank you!07:06
onboradHow to disable Ctrl+Shift+U in  Linux07:08
yellabs-r2found solution for skype not installing  : http://handytutorial.com/install-skype-4-2-in-ubuntu-13-04-12-04-12-10/07:10
stackycan someone please help me in solving this error07:10
Ben64stacky: try removing that torrus-apache207:11
stackyBen64:  i can't remove that because it has not been installed yet07:12
stackyno option in apt-get remove torrus-apache207:12
Ben64what do you mean "no option"07:13
stackysorry.. removed07:13
stackyBen64: Now ?07:14
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04how can  i fix configure: error: GLIB >= 2.4.0 not installed.07:15
Ben64stacky: sudo apt-get install -f07:15
stackyBen64: how am i supposed to compensate for the removal of torrus-apache ?07:16
Ben64stacky: depends on what you're trying to do07:17
stackyBen64: do u have any idea on07:20
stackyapache2                                                                                                                                                     Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/torrus-apache2.conf:07:20
stackyInvalid command 'PerlRequire', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration07:20
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04configure: error: GLIB >= 2.4.0 not installed07:22
slacker_nlRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: apt-cache policy libglib2.0-007:28
slacker_nlon LTS it is 2.32.3-0ubuntu107:28
digitalraoanyone notice that Ubuntu Software center asking for payment info?07:28
AtuMdigitalrao, I haven't clicked on any of the payable apps, so no.. not yet07:29
=== williangliao is now known as fajklsjfdlkajw
digitalraoi been clicking on free apps07:30
slacker_nlstacky: dpkg --purge torrus-apache2 ?07:30
slacker_nlpurge also removes the configfiles and such07:30
stackyslacker_nl: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/563328807:31
slacker_nlnow try to so what you wanted to do in the first place07:31
stackyit worked :)07:33
stackyapache ran07:33
stackythank you :)07:33
slacker_nlI knew that07:33
FloodBot1stacky: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:33
slacker_nland you are welcome07:33
=== mo is now known as Guest45423
MonkWitDaFunkHi #ubuntu, do the 6 month release cycle ubuntu have the same hardware detection has the long term support?07:37
MonkWitDaFunkUbuntu 12.04 lts has hardware detection for my laptop but lubuntu 13.04 does not07:38
fishcookerwhy there is no that command07:38
fishcookerbecause i refer to this https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html#do-release-upgrade07:38
deckardhow can i see which programs are set to start when ubuntu boots?07:39
MonkWitDaFunkDeckard, you can use task manager07:40
MonkWitDaFunkLook for the dash and type it in07:40
susundbergfishcooker: afaik there should be one, is your $PATH wrong or similar07:41
slacker_nlfishcooker: it should be there, if you have update-manager-core installed07:41
susundbergoh slacker_nl is right, dont listen to me07:42
slacker_nlsusundberg: that could be the case as well (wrong PATH)07:42
fishcookerthat's fine susundberg, i appreciate your quick response.. that's nice07:43
slacker_nlfishcooker: dpkg -l update-manager-core if it is installed it should display something like ii update-manager-core07:43
MonkWitDaFunkDoes anybody know if the long term support has better hardware detection than the 6 month cycled releases?07:43
slacker_nlMonkWitDaFunk: should be the same07:44
slacker_nlMonkWitDaFunk: lshw and family, lsusb, lspci etc07:45
fishcookerthanks slacker_nl07:45
MonkWitDaFunkUbuntu 12.04 works on my laptop but does not work with lubuntu 13.0407:45
slacker_nldefine "does not work"07:45
MonkWitDaFunkDoes not have a functional desktop enviroment when booting a live session off a cd/dvd07:46
slacker_nlcheck the logs in /var/log/07:46
slacker_nlXorg.log and such07:47
MonkWitDaFunk? I cant even access the terminal07:47
slacker_nlcrtl-alt, f1?07:48
deckardhi again. I am having a strange problem. This was not an issue till i updates the Windows side of the duel boot. Anyway, so now when I launch the browser in Ubuntu, it logs me out. Any idea what is going on? Also, when I loginto the desktop it auto opens terminal. It never did these things.07:48
MonkWitDaFunkI cant access the terminal using lubunu 13.0407:49
slacker_nltoo bad07:49
slacker_nlwell, I'm back to work07:49
dr_willistry some differnt terminal applications. like terminator, gnome-terminal, good old xterm. and rxvt  perhaps MonkWitDaFunk  see if any work07:49
MonkWitDaFunkI thought the only thing i can do is use ctrl alt t07:50
MonkWitDaFunkI can even see the desktop giving me option to install the OS07:51
MonkWitDaFunkI cant*07:51
deckardit just logged me out when launching FF07:51
dr_willisyou can install dozen of differnt ter,onal applications..  unless you are meaning you are having issues seeing he desktp to use any desktop apps..07:52
dr_willisdeckard:  make a new user.. see if they have the same issue as a test.07:52
MonkWitDaFunkDeckard, are you using unwanted software?07:52
slacker_nlMonkWitDaFunk: you should go to the console07:52
MonkWitDaFunkI cant see the desktop dr willis07:53
slacker_nlwhich is accessible via ctrl-alt fF1-607:53
MonkWitDaFunkI just get the lubuntu screen07:53
dr_williswhat do you mean by 'the lubuntu screen'07:53
deckardlogged me out again, i have no clue why07:53
MonkWitDaFunkIt says lubuntu after choosing english07:54
dr_willisdeckard:  try with a newly made user. or a differnt firefox profile thats using NO extensions07:54
MonkWitDaFunkChoosing english, try lubunu without installing and the screen stays there07:54
dr_willisMonkWitDaFunk:  so on a Live-cd setup.  you select 'try lubuntu' then you get a currupted desktop?07:55
deckardits doing it opening terminal even, does that change things, dr_willis07:55
MonkWitDaFunkSounds like it. Yah07:55
dr_willisdeckard:  i would login at the console. and make a new user.. see if they have the same issue07:55
deckardhow would i do that?07:55
dr_willisMonkWitDaFunk:  tried the nomodeset  option yet? what is your video chipset?07:55
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:55
dr_willisdeckard:  go to the console. make a new user 'sudo adduser billgates'   then see if he can login normally at the lightdm login screen07:56
QuestionHaw can i chang system name in ubuntu ?07:56
dr_willis!hostname | Question07:57
ubottuQuestion: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.07:57
dr_willisMonkWitDaFunk:  id try it with the nomodeset option, thats often needed for some chipsets07:58
Questionnot working /etc/hosts and etc/hostname07:59
Questioni can not chang system name07:59
dr_willisQuestion:  what do you mean by 'not working'07:59
testuserty dr_willis , creating another user seems to work. But now this means i must install again all the software i had on the glitching user?08:00
dr_willistestuser:  what software did that user install?08:00
dr_willistestuser:  most likely the issue is some setting in the problem users home.08:00
testuserwell all the FF options are reset like passwords. I also had a game i ran from home08:01
Questionwell in terminal is my old name... not the new08:01
slacker_nlQuestion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic#Setting.2BAC8-changing_the_hostname08:01
Questionit is inpossible to change08:01
dr_willisQuestion:  and did you open a new terminal> did you ALSO use the hostname command to change it after editing the files? or rebooted?08:01
Question:( need to reinstall ?08:02
slacker_nlfor changing a hostname?08:02
dr_willisdozens of peopel change their hostname following the avove info without reinstalling...08:03
testuserso thats that it seems? I just abandon the user account i set up?08:03
Questionno i want to change system name "computer name 1name@08:03
dr_willisso i whoud think that points to you overlooking a step. :008:03
dr_willisthat IS the hostname08:03
dr_williswhy is it even imporntant to change the hostname?08:03
testuserhow may i delete the original user account i set up?08:03
dr_willistestuser:  why do you want to?08:04
testuseri cant use it anymore right?08:04
testuserthat user is logging me out randomly08:04
diverdudeHello. When i try to restart apache i get: Failed loading /usr/lib/php5/20090626/xdebug.so:  /usr/lib/php5/20090626/xdebug.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. This mistake is obvious since /usr/lib/php5/20090626 dont exists. Its called /usr/lib/php5/20100525 on the machine. What i however do not understand is why apache want to look in the wrong place. Any ideas?08:04
Questionyes i'm only user on my pc ... guest=false08:04
testuserthis is deckard, sorry08:05
dr_willistestuser:  why not reset the setting files/move them to a backup directory...08:05
testuseris there an easy option to do that?08:05
dr_willisrename your .config dir.. and see if it fixs things08:05
dr_willistheres dozens of other config files in the users home also.   that might be affecting things.08:06
testuserspeaking to me dr_willis08:06
dr_willishard core approach.. move most EVERY .* file to a backup directory08:06
dr_willisexcept for .gvfs and i think..08:06
dr_willisthen see if the user can log in08:06
dr_willisaskubuntu.com had detailed guides on 'resetting  settings back to defaults'  i recall08:06
testuseri prefer to setup a new user from scratch, how can i delete the old user account?08:07
dr_willisno idea. i dont see the point in it.. it would be the same as if you deleted all that users setting files..08:07
dr_willisif you insist on deleting a user.. make SURE you have users with root/sudo rights first08:07
testuseri can make a new user, how would i give it root rights?08:08
SteveBelldear all. I'm thinking about putting ubuntu as the main and only OS ona toshiba netbook (NB 305). is there anything I have to think of before actually installing from a USB stick? tried googling but couldn't find too much about that specific model.08:08
dr_willisthis is why i suggested just cleaning out the old sudo enabled users settings.08:08
slacker_nltestuser: there a few approaches08:09
testuseri want to do this but nothing you tell me makes much sense because i dont know what it is lol08:09
slacker_nlthe one I prefer08:09
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slacker_nladd group, eg, admin (perhaps it is there already)08:09
dr_willistestuser:  then i suggest you do the safest thing.. login to the console as the provlem user.. and move ALL their config files to a backup directory08:09
betraydSteveBell how would you rate your l inux expertise, beginner, advanced, master08:09
slacker_nlmake sure that group has the right to use root08:09
slacker_nladd the user to the group08:10
slacker_nland done08:10
slacker_nlyou can add users to that same group08:10
slacker_nland they have the ability to become root08:10
SteveBellbetrayd def beginner08:10
lonosI have an ubuntu server 12.04.2 with static IP in /etc/network/interfaces08:11
testuseri dont know anything about adding groups, i can research all this but i am a noob and if you think its faster to just reinstall ubuntu i will. i dont have time now to read and read08:11
lonosbut every morning it has the old dhcp address08:11
testuseri need it to work for now, i can learn later lol08:11
betraydSteve don't do one OS if you're  beginner, there is a steep learning curve08:11
SteveBellhave been using windows, now OS X for years and know how to change the harddisk and simple stuff like that but linux is new to me and I'm everything but a sys admin :P (betrayd)08:11
SteveBellwell this is my playground machine anyways08:12
slacker_nljust go for it then08:12
SteveBellmy main work will be done on a machine I won't touch08:12
slacker_nleyes closed08:12
slacker_nlinsert cd08:12
betraydSteveBell, so you have other machines, so wouldn't worry then08:12
slacker_nlpress, next, next, next08:12
slacker_nlenter paradise08:12
MonkeyDustSteveBell  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/a-home-users-successful-migration-strategy-from-windows-to-ubuntu/08:13
slacker_nl(or hell, depending on your experiences)08:13
testuseris there a sudo command to reset (fix) issues with the account i was using?08:13
betraydbut try a liveCD/liveUSb first unless you've played with other linuxes before08:13
SteveBellMonkeyDust thx for the link. I don't have anything to migrate even. betrayd ok will look that up, get the liveUSB ready and see how to proceed from there.08:13
betraydand there's a suggested link thanks MonkeyDust08:13
SteveBellthanks so far that's already been a helpful hint in the right direction08:14
dr_willistestuser:  other then removeing all the files in their home.. or as i mentooned.. rename or move the .config directory which holds mostg all their setting files.. and see if it works..   i think it would be   'rename .config   old.config'  but its  4 am here... so i could be tired and wrong08:14
betraydIonly suggest liveCD/USB to get familiar with that hardware08:14
dr_willisor 'rm -rf .config' to just delete it08:14
betraydok folks cya gottarun have fun SteveBell08:15
SteveBellI'm sure I will. have a nice day betrayd08:16
SteveBellthx for the help08:16
fishcookeron verification section08:16
fishcooker cat /proc/cmdline08:16
ShambatI have a question about top: is the %CPU column showing how many percent of the total CPU usage a process is using? So if the total CPU being used is 2%, and, say apache, is showing 50%, the real amount that Apache is using is 1% of the CPU?08:17
dr_willisclarify what you mean fishcooker ..08:17
slacker_nlShambat: depends on the amount of cores you have iirc08:18
dr_willisShambat:  htop can give much easier to read % numbers.. and  i seem to recall the %cpu info can be a little missleading on multicore systems08:18
fishcookerwhen i # cat /proc/cmdline.. why produce output "quiet"?08:19
dr_willisi cant recall where but i saw mine showing like 250% used once on a quad core ssytem ;)08:19
fishcookernot like the server guide08:19
dr_willisfishcooker: because the  cmdline pased to the kernel was  the  line    '   quiet   '08:19
dr_willison a desktop machine the default cmdline would be 'quiet nosplash '   and perhaos other options as well08:20
dr_willisthis is defined in /etc/default/grub  fishcooker08:20
lasersfishcooker: quiet eliminates lot of startup "noises" -- A text wall scrolling by fast.08:20
fishcookerhhmmmm wait208:21
dr_willisi recall you can use 'verbose' instead of  quiet and gets lots of info printed...08:21
fishcookerhow to distinguise when we use server kernel rather than desktop08:21
Shambatdr_willis: is there some way to massage the output of top? htop is not standard in our systems unfortunately08:22
fishcookeri've vps here but08:22
dr_willisShambat:  never tried.. i tnd to just use htop08:22
fishcookerthere is no option for ubuntu server08:22
zeus_hello everybody,i have downloaded the iso document from http://www.ubuntu.com/,when i use md5sum to check those documents' md5 code, i founded that one document's md5 code is not the same as md5 code in md5sum.txt,why?08:22
dr_willisfishcooker:  what iss your end goal in all this?08:22
fishcookeronly ubuntu12.04-x86_6408:22
fishcookerfor php apps08:22
lotuspsychje!md5 | zeus_08:22
ubottuzeus_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:22
dr_willisfishcooker:  so why does the cmdline optins matter?08:23
al_nz1does 12.04 still use /etc/networking/interfaces - cause I have set eth4 to static in that file but I am still getting a address via dhcp08:24
Ben64al_nz1: sort of... it's /etc/network/interfaces08:25
al_nz1Hmm, wonder why no static then08:25
fishcookerKernel Crash Dump Mechanism08:26
fishcookerhwo to know we are using desktop rather than server stuff08:26
Shambatdr_willis: hitting shift-i will toggle the mode to show % across all cpus or accross one cpu08:26
kingtut1fishcooker: say it.08:26
kingtut1Shambat: why08:27
dr_willislast i looked the kernels used by the server and desktop were the same.. if its the kernel you are refering to. the lsb_release -a , and uname -a , commands will show what kernel you are using08:28
dr_willistheres getting to be less and less diffferances btween the server and desktop editions  from what ive seen08:28
blech_hi. I created a new user accont and set it as admin account but now it says i need superuser root, apparently its not the password for the new account i made. Any help?08:29
blech_silly me to think setting it as admin was the answer08:29
MonkeyDustSteveBell  just read http://linuxblog.darkduck.com/2013/05/steven-ovadia-i-wiped-windows.html08:29
fishcooker 2.6.32-042stab076.8 #1 SMP Tue May 14 20:38:14 MSK 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:30
dr_willisblech_:  so as that user if you do a  'sudo ls -l /'  does it work?08:30
blech_ill try08:30
dr_willisor just 'sudo ls'  ;)08:31
blech_says i am not int he sudoers file08:31
llutzto test for sudo, you'd use " sudo -l"08:31
blech_kingtut is sending me racist ims lol08:32
dr_willisso im not sure how you tried to give that user sudo/admin rights  but it apareently dident work08:32
dr_willisyou DID logout/backin as that user after giving them the sudo rights?08:32
blech_i created a new account and set it to admin, i thought that was the right thing08:32
blech_yes i think i did08:32
dr_willisdouble check perhaps? llogin at the console as that user and see if 'sudo -l' works08:33
blech_i dont know how to do that08:33
Sylvie_hi, I just upgraded from 12.04 to 13.04 and I can no longer connect to the wireless08:34
Sylvie_I'm using a wired connection right now08:34
dr_willisalt-ctrl-f1 through f6 get to the consoles. alt-ctrl-f7 gets back to the X desktop08:34
Vraaghetmaarcheck your wireless card is ctivated in your bios08:34
Sylvie_my husband's computer got upgraded just the same and everything went well on his. We both have Dell XPS computers (although mine is a Studio)08:34
Sylvie_Vraaghetmaar, I just upgraded and rebooted. Everything was fine before08:35
nicholas__Have a querry about workrave - it shows in the launcher, but when I close it from there, it shuts down.08:35
nicholas__Doesn't show in system tray08:35
nicholas__any way of getting it so it shows in the system tray, and so I can close it from the launcher and have it keep running?08:36
dr_willisin 13.04 i belive theres only a few apps thatg can show up in the system tray. apps are supposed to be moveing to  using the indicator-applet method to show icons at the top right panel08:36
Vraaghetmaarsylvie_ you now what kind of wireless device u.have in your pc08:37
dr_willisomgubuntu and webupd8  blog sites have had a few articals on the sysemtray in 13.04 and getting it working  with older apps08:37
Sylvie_Vraaghetmaar, not sure, no08:37
nicholas__^yea, that works. Basically, what rsi recovey program won't show in the launcher, but will keep running?08:37
Vraaghetmaarsylvie_ type ifconfig in terminal and look the output from the wlan08:38
blech_i restarted and tried sudo -l in terminal, it didnt work08:39
blech_is that what you meant?08:39
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Sylvie_Vraaghetmaar, all I see is "eth0" (wired) and "eth1" (wireless) but neither shows the chipset name08:40
dr_willisblech_:  so that user does not have sudo rights..08:40
blech_ya i guess so, i thought setting it as admin would give it08:40
blech_i just used the GUI, i dont know sudo stuff08:41
=== Kurza is now known as Kurza`
Sylvie_Vraaghetmaar, ok, lspci shows that I have a "Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)"08:41
dr_willisblech_:  that is how you do it.. part of the admin group...   theres cli ways to do it also.. i just dont rember them off hand.08:41
blech_what do you recomend i do now? i cant do anything sudo08:41
blech_make another account?08:41
dr_willisblech_:  you still have your ORIGINAL account that had sudo rights?08:42
blech_nope :(08:42
blech_and i cant make new ones now lol08:42
dr_willisand how did you remove that?08:42
blech_i deleted it from the GUI08:42
blech_it wasnt going to be used anymore and it had personal files08:43
dr_willisyou deletered it befor you varified the new account worked?08:43
dr_willisyou should have just deleted the files IN the accounts home.08:43
Vraaghetmaarsylvie_ i know.there is a driver for your wireless card i.have the same.one08:43
blech_i did that to, it still auto logged me out after resetting08:43
blech_so i delted it08:43
Sylvie_Vraaghetmaar, I'm trying to purge the existing package. Will try to reboot and reinstall it08:43
dr_willissounds like you missed some config files.. and now you sort of painted yourself into a corner.08:44
blech_so i guess that means several hours installing windows then ubuntu again?08:44
dr_williswhy would you need to install windows?08:44
blech_i want it08:44
dr_williswhat does that have to do with anything at all08:44
blech_i assume i need to einstall ubuntu to get it to work?08:44
dr_willisso? why would you think you need to REINSTALL windows?08:45
blech_i only know how to do that by clean install08:45
blech_which means, windows then ubuntu?08:45
dr_willistheres no need to reinstall windows if you want to reinstall ubuntu.. i dont see why you would think that.08:45
dr_willisyou can reinstall ubuntu and tellit to use the existing partitions08:45
blech_okay so just load the install cd again and what?08:45
dr_willisor you can fix ubuntu...08:46
dr_williswith the live cd.08:46
dr_willisor the recovery mode08:46
Ben64or just add the new user to the admin group from recovery mode08:46
blech_okay ill try live cd08:46
granticusif windows still works, you can wipe the partition that ubuntu is on and reinstall afterward08:46
blech_i dont know how to Ben08:46
Ben64thats what this channel is for08:46
blech_ill try08:46
Sylvie_Vraaghetmaar, well, that was weird. I purged the package, rebooted and everything works fine08:46
dr_willisthers some wiki on the topic.. but ive not had to use it08:46
Sylvie_oh well :)08:47
blech_!fixrot event not found08:47
ubottublech_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:47
Vraaghetmaarsylvie_ nice good.to hear08:47
Ben64i would use recovery mode instead of livecd08:47
Sylvie_now, all I need is to manually install hplip and the upgrade process will be complete, at last :)08:47
blech_i dont mind installing ubuntu ten times a day, i just dont like having to install both os08:47
blech_il try live cd, ty08:47
dr_willisblech_:  as we said.. you do NOT need to reinstall windows at all.08:48
blech_okay, ben08:48
blech_ty dr :), i understand08:48
Vraaghetmaarsylvie_ succes :)08:48
Ben64no, recovery mode! you can get to it from grub (where you choose if you want to start ubuntu or windows)08:48
blech_where is recovery mde?08:48
blech_oh i see08:48
blech_alright ill try that, im hoping it just reset the ubuntu half of the duel08:48
Ben64just come back here and we can guide you through it08:49
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blech_so i reboot and choose recovery mode? and then come here?08:49
nasacjhello, any one here?08:49
Ben64do you only have the one computer?08:49
DJonesnasacj: Yes, plenty of people here08:50
k1l_!details | nasacj08:50
ubottunasacj: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:50
blech_i screwed myself good lol08:50
Ben64blech_: oh, well irc isn't as easy when you don't have a gui in recovery mode...08:50
blech_i woldnt know what to do in recovery mode then08:50
blech_i use guis08:50
Ben64blech_: if you can remember two commands you can fix it08:51
nasacjThis is the channel for Ubuntu support?08:51
blech_okay i can write them08:51
Ben641. mount -o remount,rw /dev/null /08:51
DJonesnasacj: It sure is08:51
blech_okay 108:52
Ben642. usermod -a -G <your username> adm,admin,cdrom,sudo,dip,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare <your username>08:52
Ben64oh wait08:53
Ben642. usermod -a -G <your username>,adm,admin,cdrom,sudo,dip,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare <your username>08:53
blech_okay ty08:53
Ben64then reboot and you should have sudo access08:53
blech_ill try, ty08:54
neximahi all08:59
blech_ty ben but i dont think i know what to do. I went into recovery mode but there were many choices. Which one should i choose?09:01
blech_repair packges?09:01
Ben64what version of ubuntu09:02
blech_most recent09:02
anuvratjoin #bodhi09:02
svbitoHi everybody09:02
blech_what will using the live cd accomplish?09:03
Ben64blech_: ok, choose root09:04
blech_okay, ty ill reboot09:04
Ben64blech_: i loaded up my 13.04 vm to see the options :)09:05
blech_can you type those 2 commands again?09:05
Ben641. mount -o remount,rw /dev/null /09:05
Ben64might not be needed09:05
Ben642. usermod -a -G <your username>,adm,admin,cdrom,sudo,dip,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare <your username>09:05
Ben64if it says a group doesn't exist, remove it and try again09:05
bitwizeMy ubtuntu 12.04 install hangs up 2 minutes at startup due to "waiting for network configuration" this happens when I specify eth0 to be STATIC in /etc/network/interfaces, anyone that can push me in the right direction here? I want to rename my NIC and configure it to be static, but the 70-persistent-net.rules is never generated...09:12
cousteauLinux works.  I have ~5 GB of /usr/share and /lib/modules.  How do I tell Ubuntu that it's ok and that I don't need 20 kernel versions anymore?09:13
blech_Ben64,, ty but it says admin doesnt exist09:13
cousteaudo I have to manually uninstall them, or is there a program for that?09:13
Ben64blech_: yeah i said if it said that to remove that group, so just take admin out of the list09:14
blech_rgr that, i will now09:14
blech_take out admin and adm?09:14
raven_can somoene tellme how to install java for firefox? its a .tar.gz file09:15
raven_i also have the .rpm file09:15
raven_which ever is easyer..09:15
MonkeyDustcousteau  try sudo apt-get autoremove09:15
icedwaterraven_: What happens when you double-click the .tar.gz file?09:16
icedwaterAnd, uh, where did you get those files?09:16
* cousteau tries apt-get -s autoremove09:16
raven_it opens in the file manager09:16
raven_dont worry i found a tutorial :)09:16
cousteauMonkeyDust,   apt-get -s autoremove  does nothing09:16
icedwaterraven_: still doesn't answer my question of where it was from :P09:16
icedwaterThe 'uh' was only because I realised I should have asked that first.09:17
cousteau0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 19 not upgraded.09:17
MonkeyDustcousteau  try sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade09:17
cousteauwait; applying upgrades09:18
raven_ah i got it from the java website09:18
raven_but this tutorial seems to be working so far09:18
icedwaterI see. The tutorial is also from the Java website?09:19
Voisince i installed ubuntu 13.04 it keeps crashing after about every 3rd boot; after booting up the mouse will lag/the screen will lag and on first programm start (for eg firefox, or whatever) it freezes and i cant even switch to shell mode, all i can do is kill my laptop09:19
icedwaterI'm a little puzzled since you said RPM, and you're here, which suggests you should be using Ubuntu.09:19
raven_my tutorial im doing now is to install it though command line09:19
raven_i am using ubuntu09:20
cousteauraven_, good; it's usually easier to write tutorials as command line instructions09:20
cousteauthey don't require a ton of screenshots09:20
icedwaterYup, does the Java website not provide a .deb download, though?09:20
k1l_raven_: so you are aware, that you dont have automatic security updates for java?09:20
cousteauand if there's something I hate, that's video tutorials09:21
icedwatercousteau: well, I take whatever help I can get. Granted, I favour the command line too.09:21
k1l_raven_: i mean even oracle suggest to use openjdk7 for ubuntu :/09:21
raven_i dont know what that means k1l but its installing :D09:21
raven_i have openjdk09:21
raven_but it doesnt work with firefox09:22
blech_Ben64, well i did as you instructed and all i got was the alphabet09:22
cousteauicedwater, the thing is that help transfer is easier in text form than GUI form09:22
icedwaterraven_: You might have considered using one of the plugins from the repository first...09:22
raven_too late lol09:22
cousteau(specially via IRC or forums)09:22
icedwatercousteau: that I definitely agree with.09:22
blech_letters with dashes and explanations09:22
cousteauhowever that makes new linux users think that linux is hard because "you have to do everything via the command line"09:22
icedwaterraven_: good, heh. Let me know if it works, then.09:23
cousteaubut the truth is that "you get most help as command line because it's easier to help that way"09:23
raven_works perfect09:24
dr_willisgiven the extreamly unwieldy 'syntax' ive seen to walk people into finding where some obscure button is in some tab on an advanced dialog button on some weird control tool.. in windows.. L)09:24
dr_willisi prefer a simple 'sudo somecommand foo'09:24
blech_Ben64, ?09:24
Ben64blech_: ?09:26
blech_i did as you said but got the alphabet09:26
Ben64what does that mean09:26
blech_lots of letters with dashes and explanations09:26
Ben64you must not have typed it correctly09:26
blech_sorry may i have it again09:26
Ben641. mount -o remount,rw /dev/null /09:27
cousteaublech_, you got the help for a command09:27
Ben642. usermod -a -G <your username>,adm,cdrom,sudo,dip,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare <your username>09:27
cousteauthat's not "the alphabet", that's a list of options09:27
Ben64write it down or something09:27
blech_i had09:27
blech_yep i typed it like that, matches paper09:27
Ben64you know you have to literally type your username09:27
silv3r_m00nhi there, I got 2 adsl broadband connections both connected to a switch and my pc connected to the switch, is it possible to use both the internet connections at the same time ? like my pc decides which one is faster and uses that one ?09:27
blech_do i remove the <>09:27
blech_i did09:27
Ben642. usermod -a -G ben64,adm,cdrom,sudo,dip,plugdev,lpadmin,sambashare ben6409:27
blech_yes i know09:27
Ben64like that09:27
cousteau-h Shows help.   -V Shows version.   -v Verbose mode   -R Do stuff recursively.   etc09:27
blech_ill try again09:27
cousteauIs there a program or something to uninstall old kernel versions?  I don't feel like doing it manually09:29
Ben64bleachbit might09:29
cousteauand if there isn't, how would I do it kernel by kernel?09:30
MonkeyDustcousteau  there used to be ubuntu-tweak, not sure if it's still maintained09:30
dr_williscousteau:  askubuntu,com has some scripts/cli commands to remove all but the current in use kernel09:30
dr_willisbe carefull with thosse commands. ;)09:30
cousteaudr_willis, googling I found a command that involved dpkg | sed09:30
cousteaubut I don't feel safe using regex for system maintenance09:31
dr_williscousteau:  askubuntu.com had about 6 differnt 'cli' ways to do it.09:31
Voimy ubuntu 13.04 freezes on like every third boot _after_ it started up on ffirst programm start; any1 knows that issue? i cant find a fitting lunchpad bug report for that09:31
dr_willisor they described just using synaptic ;)09:31
MonkeyDustcousteau  http://ubuntu-tweak.com/09:31
cousteauMonkeyDust, dr_willis, thanks, I'll try with that09:32
dr_willisim not sure if ubuntu-tweak has the remove old kernel features any more  - i havnet had ubuntu-tweak work properly for m ein ages09:32
icedwaterDoes anyone here know how to remove some languages from the grub menu in the live USB?09:32
icedwaterI mean syslinux.09:32
dr_willisicedwater:  the live usb - uses syslinux i belive not grub.  :) and it would be in the very annoyingly complex syslinux config files on the usb.09:32
cousteauanyway, if I want to remove a specific kernel, what would be the command?  i.e. what package do I remove, and how do I make apt-get autoremove directly without needing a second call to it?  (if possible)09:33
dr_willisive done it ages ago icedwater  but its been a long time. i greped through all the nested config files that seemed to calll each other09:33
cousteau(this is why I preferred aptitude over apt-get...  wonder if aptitude is already usable)09:33
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and 12.04) as aptitude cannot  handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.09:33
blech_okay Ben64 , it said cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later09:33
cousteauhey, ubottu maintainer, I think aptitude was fixed for multiarch09:34
cousteauat least on 12.0409:34
Ben64blech_: thats why you need the first line...09:34
blech_it didnt do nything09:34
blech_the first09:34
icedwaterdr_willis: I know, right?! I "commented" out some languages in langlist and renamed them from xx.tr to _xx.trx, and I had some success.09:34
blech_i tried that to09:34
Ben64it does if typed correctly09:34
blech_mount -o remove,rw  /dev/null /09:34
Ben64mount -o remount,rw /dev/null /09:34
blech_so not remove?09:35
blech_did i make up remove?09:35
blech_lol k09:35
blech_ill try09:35
icedwater"some" meaning their entries in the menu were replaced with the language codes rather than the name strings09:36
Ben64it is proving very difficult to get him to type two lines correctly...09:36
Pinnelotcould anyone help me with installing packages for latex?09:36
icedwaterLike instead of "Deutsch" there was "de"09:36
icedwaterPinnelot: try #latex?09:36
icedwaterOh wait, sorry, hang on. Trigger finger :P09:36
icedwaterWhich packages did you need?09:36
Pinnelotthere are a few. acronym for example09:37
WhirI have a problem which is sshfs related, is that a place to ask?09:37
icedwaterapt-cache search acronym latex produced texlive-latex-extra as one of the packages.09:38
MonkeyDust!ask | Whir09:38
ubottuWhir: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:38
icedwaterCould you run dpkg -l | grep texlive and see if you get anything installed (ii at the start of the line) ?09:38
Whirk..so I am on a local work machine here..I can easily mount directories from my home server via sshfs to here..my question, how can I disconnect/unmount them? fusermount needs root which I dont have here09:39
ActionParsnipicedwater:  dpkg -l | grep -i texlive | grep ^ii09:40
MonkeyDustWhir  there's also #ubuntu-server09:40
ActionParsnipWhir: are they added in /etcfstab ?09:40
dr_willisthe fusermount command requires the user to be in the fuse group i thought09:40
WhirActionParsnip, no no, I just run an sshfs me@myserv:~/Music Music for example09:42
blech_ty Ben64 it appears i can do all the things with sudo i could not before. So now i just go ahead and setup the new account i made to be like the old?09:42
Guest51667I'm trying to follow this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery09:43
anuvrathey I broke my apt :( http://pastebin.com/5J420vPg09:43
Guest51667I have lost my partition while reinstalling, so would that be of any help?09:44
Ben64blech_: now you can do whatever you want :D09:44
blech_great, ty09:44
Dalle4Hello, in ubuntu 13.04, is there another way to make the IP static?09:44
Ben64blech_: just try not to break sudo again... :)09:44
Ben64Dalle4: /etc/network/interfaces09:44
musicI had asked before about running ubuntu 12.04 dual boot on presario cq-62 anyone have one of those??09:44
blech_may i tell you the two things i did before it broke? maybe you can tell me which you thnk caused it09:44
Ben64blech_: sure09:44
Guest51667I had two partitions one with the distro and the other with data. I have one which spans the entire hard disk. Is it anyway possible to recover the data using those guidelines (or anything else)?09:45
blech_first, i updated windows , second i had to cut power to the laptop because after updating windows it would not boot09:45
Guest51667I haven't overwritten any data so far. (except for the OS installation anyway)09:45
abdelhello guys I installed 13.04 ubuntu and everything is fine except for my headphones, it doesn't work when i connect my headphones09:45
Ben64Guest51667: look into testdisk09:45
abdeli need help asap09:45
blech_do yuo think the cut power corrupted ubuntu even though it wasnt booted09:45
Guest51667ok Ben6409:45
Ben64blech_: no, it was probably when you created the new user and deleted your old one09:45
blech_no no i mean, i had to create a new user because the original was glitching, do yuo think the hard reboot did it?09:46
blech_started it all09:46
abdelany body with idea on how to solve my headphone issue09:46
ActionParsnipabdel: why is that so urgent?09:46
dr_willisblech_:  i doubt if windows had anything to do with linux,. or the linux filesystem09:46
blech_so maybe the cutting power?09:46
anuvratI broke my apt ... held packages error http://pastebin.com/5J420vPg , is a reinstall the only solution?09:46
abdelbecause i have a class online and i require to use the headphone09:47
ActionParsnipabdel: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload09:47
dr_willisblech_:  if the linux fs was not  in use when you did that.. then i dont see how.09:47
abdellet me check09:47
ActionParsnipabdel: run it all as one command in a terminal09:47
blech_so maybe it just went wrong i guess, because it worked fine till i updates windows, or cut power or ran a windows chedkdisk, oh well09:47
ActionParsnipblech_: you using Wubi?09:48
dr_willisi doubt if any of that had anything to do with the linux side09:48
ActionParsnipblech_: good :)09:48
dr_willismore likely some goofy user setting was the issue.09:48
blech_so maybe xubuntu just pooped?09:48
blech_gosh i was s sure it was cutting power09:48
abdel upload=true&script=true&cardinfo=                                                                                                                                                   │q09:48
abdel│ !!################################                                                                                                                                                  │09:48
abdel│ !!ALSA Information Script v 0.4.62                                                                                                                                                  │09:48
abdel│ !!################################                                                                                                                                                  │09:48
FloodBot1abdel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:48
blech_ty for the help, as always09:48
dr_willisor good old  pebkac... bye09:49
ActionParsnipabdel: copy the command and run it in a terminal, like I said09:49
ActionParsnipabdel: you click the link and pasted the webpage, didn't you09:49
usuario_soy manu09:50
ActionParsnipabdel: just because whatever irc client renders a web link as a clickable link does NOT always mean you click it, try reading the context then react09:50
abdel 09:51
abdelYour ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2b7b895e1e37c983a0074bc7f08d00ee3de6f81009:51
FloodBot1abdel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:51
ActionParsnipabdel: see how different that is, the 2nd time you read, thought then acted and did the right thing09:52
MonkeyDust*think before you act*09:52
anuvratI guess I will have to reinstall, as I am not able to attract anyone's attention. http://pastebin.com/5J420vPg09:52
abdelso what next Actionparsnip09:52
ActionParsnipabdel: try:   echo "options snd-hda-intel model=hp-dv5 enable_msi=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf > /dev/null09:53
ActionParsnipabdel: reboot to test09:53
abdelav done that but it did nothing ....so should i reboot my pc now09:54
ActionParsnipabdel: yes, you need to reboot to apply it, simply changing a file does nothing09:54
abdelthanks will do that now and get back to u09:55
blech_why are there 2 task managers/09:57
MonkeyDustblech_  maybe from different DE's09:58
silv3r_m00nhi there09:58
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: +109:58
silv3r_m00nmy network is like this, PC ======> Switch =======> 2 routers ( and 192.168.11)     both routers are connected to their respective isps, need to make ubuntu use both the broadbands09:59
silv3r_m00nis that possible ?09:59
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: look into connection bonding09:59
blech_ty MonkeyDust09:59
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: bonding combines multiple nics, but i have only 1 nic10:01
llutzsilv3r_m00n: so you would need a 3rd router/gateway   doing the bonding between switch and 2 existing routers10:01
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: you can have a subnic with a sub interface.10:02
silv3r_m00nllutz: not possible from ubuntu directly ?10:02
silv3r_m00nsubnic ?10:02
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: your NIC can have multiple IPs10:02
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: you'd have eth0  then eth0.0 and eth0.110:02
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: didnt know that, isnt it possible to just use 2 gateways ?10:03
ActionParsnipsorry eth0:0 and eth0:110:03
abdelhello Actionparsnip: av rebooted my pc but still my headphone is now working10:03
silv3r_m00nyou mean create eth0.0 and eth0.1 connect each to separate router and then bond them together to form a eth0:3 and use it ?10:03
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: sure, it will godown the same bit of wire10:03
abdelbut without the headphones the speakers are working fine except for my headphones10:03
silv3r_m00nok, so first step how to create those subnics ?10:04
ActionParsnipabdel: look online for: HP Pavilion dv6 alsa-base.conf     you will need to change that line you added to one which makes it work10:04
abdelcould u please resend the line to me10:05
ActionParsnipabdel: try:  "options snd-hda-intel model=hp-dv5 enable_msi=1"    you will need to run:  gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf     to get write access10:06
ActionParsnipabdel: you will be messing with that line til you get sorted10:06
icedwaterActionParsnip: yes, but you should have highlighted Pinnelot with that dpkg/grep pipe :) Though I think packages named texlive should be few enough to not need further filtering.10:06
ActionParsnipicedwater: oh definately10:07
icedwaterBut yeah, for sanity and consistency that might help.10:07
SteveBellhi all. I did the following: download ubuntu 13.04 32bit. created a bootable USB stick (ms dos formatted) with UNetbootin. defaulted to boot from USB in bios. but when selecting the usb and hitting enter I get:10:16
SteveBellRealtek PCIe FE Family COntroller Series v1.2210:16
SteveBellPXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable10:16
SteveBellPXE-M0F: Existing PXE ROM.10:16
SteveBellOperating System not found10:17
AlbertJBhi, i would appreciate some advice about purchasing an External 2GB HD for backup for Linux (from what I know, Western Digital is not the best option), I mean a disk that I would be able to format to ext4 etc.10:20
CatKillerAlbertJB: any drive will work in theory.10:21
CatKillerWD works well too10:21
CatKillerI personally like Seagate10:21
digitalraouse a tools that help you like http://www.pendrivelinux.com/10:21
AlbertJBthanks CatKiller10:22
AlbertJBCatKiller, and what is best, format it to ext3 or ext4 for backup10:24
LinuxAdminhi, i'm trying to block some traffic with ufw, but traffic do not block10:24
AlbertJBmultimedia and all types of data10:24
CatKillerext4 is newer, why not use ext4. It's all pretty similar anyways10:24
cyclist_2My 10.04 has suddenly developed a memory leak in 2 processes: polkitd and gnome-power-manager; regarding the latter, I can kill it an restart it; but the former is a little trickier to handle as is owned by root; anyway: I suspect that a recent security update has caused this and aim to choose a different kernel version from the one in use now when I next reboot; I already did a lot of research on the subject but all solutions tried did fai10:25
AlbertJBok thanks a lot CatKiller10:25
CatKillerAlbertJB: You could also try newer FS like XFS etc10:25
LinuxAdminon the file /etc/ufw/before.rules I have this line:10:25
LinuxAdmin-A ufw-before-forward -d -j REJECT10:26
AlbertJBthank you I'll give it a look10:26
LinuxAdminthis do not block the packets10:26
LinuxAdminwhat is wrong with this?10:26
MonkeyDustLinuxAdmin  it's called iptables, ufw is a frontend for it10:26
LinuxAdmini know iptables, but as long as ubuntu have this frontend, I use it10:27
cyclist_2AlbertJB: I use Freecom and Seagate; of course I have to format them to ext3/4 [depending], but beyond that they behave OK; I do not know if Freecom has 2 GB capacity external hard disks, but Seagate has them and I use 2 of them; hope this helps you10:28
LinuxAdminMonkeyDust, what could be wrong with before.rules file?10:28
LinuxAdminI have that rule before ALLOW rules, so it should be blocked10:28
MonkeyDustLinuxAdmin  not sure, i'm not skilled enough with iptables, just know some basics10:28
AlbertJBthanks cyclist_210:29
cyclist_2AlbertJB: np10:29
LinuxAdminanyone in this channel can help?10:29
LinuxAdminperhaps I will use iptables directly instead of ufw10:29
SteveBellhi all. I did the following: download ubuntu 13.04 32bit. created a bootable USB stick (ms dos formatted) with UNetbootin. defaulted to boot from USB in bios. but when selecting the usb and hitting enter I get:10:32
SteveBellRealtek PCIe FE Family COntroller Series v1.2210:32
SteveBellPXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable10:32
SteveBellPXE-M0F: Existing PXE ROM.10:32
SteveBellOperating System not found10:32
babarhaqhi all, i am running 12.04 lts with oracle java 7. i can join webex meeting but cant c the presentations10:32
SteveBellcan someone advice?10:32
FloodBot1SteveBell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:32
AlbertJBhave a good day bye10:32
MonkeyDustSteveBell  10 people in ##pxe    50+ in #ipxe10:34
SteveBellMonkeyDust thanks for the hint. I have no clue what pxe is. But will try in those chans10:35
whitehackerHELLO EVERYBODY10:48
icedwaterwhitehacker: hello. This isn't the place for keyboard support, if your capslock key is stuck, please try ##overflow.10:48
whitehacker/Nickname whitehacker10:50
whitehackersomebody help me plz i want to register my Nickname and i forget the command to do it10:51
DJones!register | whitehacker10:51
ubottuwhitehacker: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:51
whitehackerthx a lot10:51
whitehacker!register | whitehacker10:52
ubottuwhitehacker, please see my private message10:52
Dr_willisno one ever just reads what the bot says...10:52
DJonesDr_willis: That is very true10:52
SteveBellsince I'm running into a wall with UNetBootin can someone recomment another tool for creating the bootable USB?10:55
Dr_willispendrivelinux web site has doezns of alternatives SteveBell10:56
CatKillerSteveBell: On what platform? Linux?10:56
Dr_willisSteveBell,  or you can use 'dd' to image the iso striaght to usb10:56
SteveBellhave OS X and win 7 available10:56
rymate1234I use an app called linuxlive10:56
CatKillerUse the default tool recommended on the ubuntu website for Windows10:56
CatKillerworks extremely well10:56
joetacoshow do i get pass the Ubuntu 13.04 installer it hangs after clicking 3rd party and download updates. and sometimes i get a black screen with text10:56
CatKilleralso allows you to have a separate partition for live disk persistence10:56
CatKillerSteveBell: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows10:57
CatKillerSteveBell: To be honest though I think your problem is in your bios10:58
CatKillerit seems to be netbooting instead of booting from USB10:58
CatKillerAre you 100% positive you picked thr right USB drive? Most bios have many many USB drive options, only one is right10:59
SteveBellthanks all for your recommendations. I might just retry with the Universal USB installer recommended on ubuntu.com10:59
rymate1234joetacos: ?11:01
rymate1234What does the black screen with text say?11:02
joetacoscut here then some kernel error or bug thing11:03
rymate1234Oh dear11:03
rymate1234Sounds like something's wrong with the disk11:03
rymate1234Or USB11:03
CatKiller....or most likely you have some hardware that's unsupported and causes a panic11:03
CatKillerhappens often11:03
CatKillerThere's a few machines on which you won't manage to install Ubuntu because some of the kernel drivers simply won't work11:04
joetacosi spent hours downloading it mulibletimes and copy it to a flash drive it boot up live fine11:04
CatKillerBut you can definitely run the install disk verification11:04
CatKillerah ok, sorry my bad I thought that's what you were doing (running a livecd)11:05
CatKillerIt does that when you install11:05
CatKillerSorry my bad11:05
CatKillerSo what rymate1234 said is probably a better advice11:05
joetacosi think i had this problem with 12.10 but some how got around it. when 12.10 first came out i could not install it had to use arch for a while11:06
majdhey #ubuntu - i'm setting up nginx on a server. Running netstat, I found out that there are hundreds of ntpd process listening to random ports on the machine11:11
majdshould i be worried?11:11
=== Furaah_ is now known as Furaah
majdrunning netstat -tunlp, i get hundred of lines that look like this:  udp        0      0*                           22609/ntpd11:11
rymate1234majd: That's just for network time11:12
majdrymate1234: yeah, but why are there so many of them?11:12
flintwingelmajd: anything in /var/log/messages relating to ntp?11:12
rymate1234Maybe it connects to multiple servers11:12
majdflintwingel: nothing really - looks like this: http://dpaste.org/rYDq7/11:13
majdshould i kill all those processes/what's the best way to do so?11:16
ShogootIm quite new to php so bare with me :) Im a student and doing a internship... when a link has this syntax <a href="/?page=modules/product&id=436711"> does it point to a webpage called 436711 in a server sturcture module/product/436711.html/php ?11:16
flintwingelmjad: ntpd is just the timeserver daemon. It's possible it can't reach the timerserver you got configured and the processes aren't timing out properly but I'd expect to see something in /var/log/syslog. What happens if you kill them all? DO they respawn?11:17
DJonesShogoot: Probably a question for #php (or could be ##php) rather than the Ubuntu channel11:17
flintwingelSHogoot: no way to tell from URL - it depends entirely on how webserver is configured11:18
majdShogoot: anything after the ? is parameters to a get request, but this is not the best place to ask this question, try #php      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods11:18
majdflintwingel: i haven't try killing them, there are so many of htem! what's the best way to bulk-kill those processes?11:19
CayHello, I have 10 rackservers with Ubuntu 13.04. They are supposedly connected together with an internal network (a switch). The public Internet is available through the network device called em1. But I need to configure the internal network, the switch. I have tried for a couple of days but I fail still. Would someone feel like helping me toubleshoot this?11:20
flintwingelmajd: killall ntpd11:20
argylmajd: Can you paste the netstat output?11:21
argylmajd: If they're all the same process 22609 then you could kill it11:21
argylthough it will probably show up again if the same reason still exists11:22
swHi. Is there a way to list CUPS printers and their locations from the command line?11:23
otaksw: have you looked at http://localhost:631/help/options.html ?11:28
SteveBellCatKiller: seems to work with the Universal USB Installer used on Win. yey :)11:29
swotak, No I'm looking for command line.11:29
robotdevilI have wireless card card broardcom BCM43225 which needs some STA driver that is enabled by jockey or whatever it is called now distro prior to 13.04. In 13.04 it seemed to be supported directly in the kernel now? (correct me if im saying this wrong). Anyway, I am having too many problems with 13.04 and would like to find out how to see the broadcom STA driver is not needed in 12.10 kernel 3.5.0-17-generic. Can someone explain how11:30
robotdevilI find this out11:30
otakon that page it says to use lpstat -p -d11:30
danio__hey guys! I have a .jar file that I want to send as a jar.gz file. I have no idea what this is about and I find it hard to google. Can anyone point me in the right direction?11:33
swotak, There is no location shown with that command, I tried it already.11:33
Myrttidanio__: jar is already a zip package, so I don't know why you want to tar.gz it11:34
danio__Well I was instructed to send it in that format.11:35
danio__But I read it wrong, I thought it was jar.gz, this is much easier to find out via google.11:36
kvothetechdanio__: tar czf file.gz yourjar or something like that11:36
kvothetechor just use gzip/gunzip if you don't want to tar it11:37
xueyxhi everyone11:43
kvothetechxueyx: hi11:43
xueyxI am frome china11:43
kvothetechmk whats your issue?11:43
MonkeyDustxueyx  that's nice -- this is the ubuntu support channel11:44
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
BluesKajHey all11:51
kvothetechhmm must be hello hour11:52
robotdevillinux-image-extra-blah-blah-blah_*.deb what are these packages used for?11:54
BluesKajkv  yeah i'n morning in North America11:54
kvothetechBluesKaj: i'm in texas it's abou 7am lol11:55
kvothetechrobotdevil: different kernels and stuff11:55
* BluesKaj drinks more coffee11:55
kvothetechrobotdevil: like the sourc,e etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11:55
kvothetecher didn't mean to do that.11:55
dekatromi need someone to help me to connect xchat through a firewall11:56
robotdevilkvothetech: so they arent necessary for a working kernel?11:56
BluesKajkvothetech, yeah it's 8AM in Ontario11:56
kvothetechrobotdevil: as long, as you have a kernel installed you're fine11:57
robotdevilkvothetech: Im trying to follow this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds?action=show&redirect=KernelMainlineBuilds but when I look in kernels that suited for the particular distro, Im not seeing the extras package in many of the kernel packages11:58
robotdevilkvothetech: trying to see if problem exists in newer kernel11:58
CayI'm trying to configure an internal network with 10 rackservers and a switch: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=p43spnkQ Any ideas anyone?12:00
MonkeyDustCay  try #ubuntu-server12:00
CayMonkeyDust, Thanks man.12:00
CayI will do so.12:00
Zekesdadis there typically any speed difference between to ubuntu servers when mounting cifs/nfs?12:01
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somsipZekesdad: cifs/smb is slooow compared to nfs12:14
Zekesdadsomsip: can you have both running on one machine?12:14
sara_hellohello boys one small question :ubuntu 12.04  invalid problem report Could not determine the package or source package name.12:16
somsipZekesdad: sure12:16
lotuspsychjesara_hello: what exactly are you trying to do?12:25
sara_hellolotuspsychje thanks for replying , i cannot update my system12:25
lotuspsychjesara_hello: did you do it from terminal?12:25
ActionParsnipsara_hello: if you run:  sudo apt-get update     is it smooth (close software centre first)12:26
cyan0hackhi all12:27
mi7hello allll12:28
sara_hellolotuspsychje ActionParsnip actually whenever a problem comes i cannot report any problem due to this error sudo apt-get update also fails let me post u error12:28
barnexI'm trying to recreate what crypt-setup did on my installation, but with another drive.12:28
barnexAnd I formatted it as encrypted partition fine12:29
sara_helloW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable/main amd64 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages)12:29
lotuspsychje!encrypt | barnex12:29
ubottubarnex: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory12:29
sara_helloW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable/main i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_binary-i386_Packages)12:29
barnexlotuspsychje: that's not it12:29
barnexlotuspsychje: I have encrypted my entire raid partition12:29
kvothetechbarnex ok12:29
sara_helloSorry Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error .if i click continue12:29
barnexlotuspsychje: with root and swap, everything besides /boot basicaly12:29
barnexOk, so I did cryptsetup just fine, and now I'm at loss12:30
barnexbecause last time, there was a device created, /dev/md12712:30
kvothetechsara_hrllo anythinf in log12:30
barnexwhich acts as a source device for luksOpen I think12:30
MonkeyDustsara_hello  you want to use the chrome browser? if yes: there's also chrowmium-webbrowser in the repos https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome12:30
barnexand now I can't find anything comparable?12:30
barnexWhat i did was: cryptsetup --cipher aes-xts-plain64 --key-size 512 --hash sha512 --iter-time 5000 --use-random --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/md112:31
kvothetechbarnex yep now you open it then make an fs on it12:31
tasseWhy is it impossible to access one's files in ubuntu one with a browser? I tried: Fedora, Windows, Arch each with chromium / firefox / iceweasel. Its always "Loading, please wait...".12:31
kvothetechbarnex open it thrn youll get a device in dev/mapper12:32
kvothetechtasse timed out connection?12:33
MonkeyDusttasse  I just opened my /home/username by using chromium12:33
YcareneWhat's the command to run an install configuration? (like when I install lirc and it asks me what remote I'm using.)12:34
tasseIts always loading, i tried it with 4 different computers, 3 different os and 3 different browser, thats a total of 36 configurations and NONE worked..12:34
Ycarenedoh, nm, found it.12:34
MonkeyDustYcarene  glad to help :)12:35
robotdevilkvothetech: so it has extra kernel modules and I need it for a raedon chipset in this box.12:37
nyc-h0stodd problem using start-stop-daemon, when specifying a umask via --umask it doesnt take, the process is started with a 0 umask...i can attach to the process afterwards and change the mask but thats not what i'm looking for...any ideas?12:38
DiomedesHey there. Are there any programs that allow more advanced configuring of my Creative Soundblaster X-Fi than puvacontrol and alsamixer?12:38
kvothetechnychost set it in the config for that service like youre supposed to?12:39
kvothetechdiomodes jackd has as much or more control than alsa and pulse12:40
MonkeyDust!tab | kvothetech12:40
ubottukvothetech: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:40
barnexkvothetech: Ok, I already did that, but I don't know what to write in the /etc/crypttab? Do I need to add anything there?12:41
nyc-h0stkvothetech service is utorrent, unfortunately due to their design the umask cannot be set in any config files12:41
barnexbecause my previous encrypted drive is in the cryptab with this /dev/dm127 device, which I have no idea when was created.12:41
Diomedeskvothetech: Thanks ,will try that.12:41
barnexIt's based on /dev/dm012:41
kvothetechmonkeydust im on my phone no tab i know what tab is12:42
barnexSorry, it's not /dev/dm127, it's /dev/mapper/md127_crypt12:42
kvothetechnyc utorrent is on linux?12:43
nyc-h0stkvothetech up12:43
nyc-h0stit defaults directories to 777...kind of anoying12:44
kvothetechthen 1 dont use it (why use utorrent in linux anyway) or 2 deal with stupidity12:45
kvothetechyou have other options that let you properly manage all the above12:45
nyc-h0stkvothetech, well i need a torrent client with a web gui, choice is kind of limited...torrentflux is no longer maintained12:45
nyc-h0sti'll get it to play ball12:46
jribnyc-h0st: nyc-h0st doesn't rtorrent have a web interface?12:46
kvothetechrtorrent lets you do the above and has web front ends so does deluge and transmission rutorrent makes rtorrent like utorrent12:46
nyc-h0sti'll give it a shot then12:47
kvothetechjrib almost all of the major ones do12:47
lotuspsychjeanyone knows why empathy would not work on znc bouncer?12:51
kvothetechlotus whats the error12:51
lotuspsychjekvothetech: not sure it just dont connect tru znc, straight on freenode it does12:52
kvothetechget a log or an error or something znc has logging so probably does empathy12:53
kvothetechhell tcpdump it if you have to irc is plaintext12:55
=== Arkthik is now known as Arthic
blodiakhi everybody13:01
ActionParsniphi blodiak13:05
cfhowlettblodiak, greetings13:06
blodiakam a new user of Ubuntu n I like13:06
blodiakbut wanna learnd again the command prompt13:07
blodiakneed a advice13:07
MonkeyDustblodiak  start by keeping your question to one line13:08
jatakkblodiak: https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.debianhelp.co.uk%2Fcommands.htm&ei=zhSeUdTNKebQiAfFiYGQDg&usg=AFQjCNFXci7WGZClYYSgALAPNqox4JnenQ&sig2=HPFRHgUIUJN6duxnMAErsQ&bvm=bv.46865395,d.aGc&cad=rja13:08
jatakkblodiak: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/commands.htm13:08
jatakkThere you go.13:08
starbuckhi, are there bigger 13.04 images (dvd images) with a size 4.7 GB?13:09
Cruzer506Am i the only one who finds Skype 4.2 pretty crappy?13:09
blodiakok,thanx Jatakk n MonkeyDust13:09
cfhowlettaneks, greetings13:10
majdflintwingel: sorry i disappeared. Bad internet connection. When i do killall ntpd, the processes are respawned shortly after13:13
LajjlaSo I fucked up my /etc/fstab and am now in recovery mode trying to fix it but I have no write permissions?13:16
LajjlaWhere do I get those?13:16
BluesKaj!language | Lajjla13:16
ubottuLajjla: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:16
marun_how do i know the URL of the web post? so that I can automate the web post in a script13:16
SangeetKhatriHey everyone, i just installed emerald in lubuntu with compiz and the only problem is that i cannot see any themes in the "Emerald Settings Manager"13:17
SangeetKhatrirest everything is working fine13:17
SangeetKhatriincluding animations and other fun stuffs..13:17
MonkeyDustLajjla  try sudo -e /etc/fstab13:17
marun_could somone pick my question please!13:18
SangeetKhatrimine too..13:18
MonkeyDust!patience | marun_13:18
ubottumarun_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:18
Picimarun_: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?13:18
CarlFKLajjla: I think the file system is mounted read only.  run mount to see.13:18
marun_I am trying to automate a task in ubuntu...13:18
Picimarun_: What is "the web post", you've asked a very vague question.13:19
LajjlaYeah, it's a read only file system13:19
LajjlaAny way to change that?13:19
CarlFKLajjla: yes.  you may want to exit and see if there was a recovery option about "mount / rw"  but I am looking up how to remount it...13:20
SangeetKhatrianyone with my emerald problem??13:21
MonkeyDustSangeetKhatri  emerald is not supported13:21
SangeetKhatriI just compiled and installed it..13:21
LajjlaCarlFK, the error is apparently to dow ith there being no final newline at the end of etc/fstab13:22
ibohello! every one!13:22
MonkeyDustSangeetKhatri  then i guess you're the only person who still uses it13:23
LajjlaFound it mount -o remound,rw /13:23
cfhowlettibo, greetings!13:23
CarlFKLajjla: yep.  but with a t ;)13:25
LajjlaCarlFK, merely a minor setback.13:25
LajjlaEasily fixed13:25
bartGood afternoon from the netherlands13:30
SangeetKhatriOkay so suggest me some other window manager to use with Compiz and which works..13:30
=== bart is now known as Guest1939
pinguyHi everyone how are you13:31
Guest1939I have xubuntu and my icons are not loading and other graphics as well13:31
cfhowlettpinguy, greetings13:31
PiciSangeetKhatri: huh? compiz is a window manager.13:31
cfhowlettGuest1939, settings>appearance   experiment with different settings to see if they resolve better13:32
SangeetKhatriBut i can use all the compiz settings on emerald.13:32
SangeetKhatriseriously i am confused..13:32
SangeetKhatrifirst time with compiz13:32
pinguyI have a 2 TB hard drive, I left 600 GB empty for LInux. I try to install Linux (pinguy 12.04 and I tried Mint 14) and the installer tries to tell me my whole drive is empty and doesnt show my windows partition i want to leave alone and it doesnt see the 600 GB I made for linux13:32
Guest1939cfhowlett, I will take a look, but all I can see are the resolutions, I don't think compiz or something can load with an mx44013:33
jordilopezamathello :-)13:33
cfhowlettjordilopezamat, greetings13:34
Olionis1hello to all13:34
Olionis1i have a question concerning the lshw output13:35
pinguywould anyone happen to know what to do?13:35
Olionis1when i do lshw i just get VGA compatible controllers, when i do lspci i can see the graphics. is this normal?13:36
Picipinguy: we don't support pinguy or mint here. Only Ubuntu.13:36
jordilopezamatI 've just created a bootable USB with  Ubuntu 12 xxx alternate xxx .iso using Unetbootin... which after booting it could not find the contents of the "CD" it was installing from ¿what am i missing in the process ?13:37
jordilopezamatAdditionally i tried to add the following line " cd-rom detect/try-usb=true " as per suggested here http://tinyurl.com/prk9vtj with no success ! :-(13:40
jordilopezamatthanks beforehand for your support :-)13:41
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xvilohey there13:45
xviloi hope somebody can help me?13:45
xviloi hope somebody can help me?13:45
xviloi'v got a mac from a friend13:45
xvilothe mac partition is broken13:45
xviloand i installed ubuntu on it!13:46
xvilonow i need to have the13:46
xviloharddrive hfs+ mounted13:46
evopilothi everyone, what is the 'copy' command in terminal, windows uses copy but ubuntu doesn't use copy..13:47
Picievopilot: cp13:47
Cruzer506Open Disk Utility under Applications -> Utilities Select the volume to disable journaling on. Choose Disable Journaling from the File menu. (On later Mac OS versions you'll have to hold down the option button when you click the File menu. Or if you like Apple+J)13:47
xroHi, anybody has news about bug 1180297 ? i cannot use empathy and facebook together.... And the workaround is not acceptable (transmit credential through HTTP)...13:49
ubottubug 1180297 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "Opening facebook "Success" page in external browser" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118029713:49
xomrkhi can someone can say why this not working? python13:50
* Bsims laughs you know you are a linux addict when you install a entire cygwin just for one program13:50
somsipxomrk: try #python13:51
udhayarajis there any chat software like yahoo messenger13:52
ddsschi whats the best way to install java in server ubuntu (terminal only) ?13:52
TraNgood day people :) strange question perhaps, but is it possible to copy text/variables from command line (using  echo "$a" | xclip -selection clipboard  ) and then paste it into a text field of gui application (like Konversation) using commands? or am I stuck with ctrl+v/right click->paste ?13:54
TraNalternatively using some kind of script?13:54
SonikkuAmericaTraN: Use Ctrl+Shift+C to copy from a terminal, and Ctrl+Shift+V to paste into one.13:54
RxDxplease, why my /etc/network/interfaces is empty? I mean, wheres the ubuntu network configuration file?13:54
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:56
SonikkuAmericaRxDx: ^13:56
TraNSonikkuAmerica: thats not quite what I want to do, maybe im bad at explaining.. I want to be able to copy a string to clipboard, using xclip, then I want to be able to paste the clipboard content into a gui text field (any application really, Konversation, gedit, firefox). The idea then is to create a keyboard shortcut that will first copy the content of a variable (I have this part covered) and then paste it into the currently selected text field (this is13:58
TraNwhere I need help)13:58
TraNif its even possible, that is.13:58
th0rTraN: I don't think you are going to find that possible13:58
RxDxSonikkuAmerica, thanks13:59
TraNth0r: thats kind of what I was afraid as well, but i thought id ask :)13:59
th0rTraN: you can pass a url to a browser, or a filename to an editor, but there is no way to know ahead of time what field is expecting input when you open a program so filling out any kind of 'form' is not possible13:59
iboi have a asus eeepc 1001px and i did install easypeasy based on ubuntu 10.04 ldts and the internal microphone wasn't working , after i did look up the forums i did try everething and did not work so i diceded to compiled the last kernel 3.9.3 as the last option(my first time) i did it and the micrphone is working! :), BUT NOW MY WEBCAM DOESN'T WORK :(14:00
iboany idea?14:00
SonikkuAmericaibo: 10.04 is no longer supported; you need to upgrade to 12.0414:00
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.14:01
cfhowlettibo, see lubuntu or xubuntu ... both are optimized for low / old spec machines14:01
lotuspsychjehow come i need to stop gnome screensaver deamon before xscreensaver starts to work<?14:01
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SonikkuAmericacfhowlett: (The EeePC is that old?)14:01
ibookay thanks14:01
iboi do like the look of easypeasy14:02
CanadianPirateSonikkuAmerica, the EeePc is low spec14:02
CanadianPirateSonikkuAmerica, I have an old eeepc 701 that I use all the time14:02
CanadianPirateIt is running Crunchbang right now14:02
SonikkuAmericaCanadianPirate: True... I thought it would run Unity though... it doesn't?14:02
CanadianPirateI am not sure14:02
CanadianPirateI have not tried yet14:02
CanadianPirateIt's  a tiny screen14:03
CanadianPirate7" screen. Although on a 10" it's ok14:03
lnxslckwho tests Ubuntu? users community ? or canonical employees?14:04
cfhowlettSonikkuAmerica, in computer years?  I'd have to say yes14:04
ActionParsniplnxslck: all14:04
SonikkuAmericaCanadianPirate: Gee. 7"... I had a WM8650 Android netbook from some Chinese outfit once... lol14:04
sylar_5hello, i'm writing a daemon, which monitors a folder and reacts to certain files. where do i put the executable script (NOT the init script): /bin or /usr/bin ?14:05
lnxslckActionParsnip, but are there canonical employees dedicated to testing ubuntu?14:05
simpleuserHello, I'm using pysox in this python script : http://dpaste.org/K4Win/ Here is the error I get : http://dpaste.org/MQrgx/ ( "7f809c41a000-7f809c41b000 rw-p 00010000 08:12 13770421                   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libva.so.1.3200.0Aborted (core dumped)") Any clue ?14:06
SquarismHey, in "unity" i only can set proxy for ports 80/443/21 and (socks?!). What if i want to proxy a specific port? Is there some nice command for that?14:06
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ActionParsnipSquarism: you can use export to set proxies if you want14:09
SquarismActionParsnip, oh ok? Like how?14:09
ActionParsniplnxslck: well, as canonical make ubuntu. I expect there to be canonical employees who are testers14:09
ActionParsnipSquarism: here is how I do it in Lubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/569379614:10
SquarismActionParsnip, Well thats for specific protocols. What if u wanna do it per port?14:11
ActionParsnipSquarism: not sure there matey14:11
ibocfhowlett do you think that there is a way to solved in easypeasy because i do like the looking, and they made it up for eeepc specialy so it was working the webcam, but i'm thinkig about lubuntu that did work well in a pentium 314:12
cfhowlettibo, can't speak on EZ as I've never used it.  But 10.04 is end of life.  You owe it to yourself to install a supported OS.  12.04 is Long Term Support.  I recommend l/x/ubuntu 12.04.14:14
drpoohow to I make a compiled program accessible to the PATH of all users ??14:14
Braden`Is there a way to do a custom install?  E.g. select which packages you want and don't want when installing from the cd?14:14
cfhowlettbrad, greetings14:14
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
th0rdrpoo: put it in /opt and put a link in /usr/local/bin14:15
ibocfhowlett okay thanks14:15
lotuspsychjekvothetech: still here mate?14:15
sylar_5hello, i'm writing a daemon, which monitors a folder and reacts to certain files. where do i put the executable script (NOT the init script)?14:15
drpooth0r, do I need to modify every user's .bashrc?14:15
th0rdrpoo: shouldn't unless the 'new' ubuntu has changed things14:16
drpooth0r, 10.04 here, so I dont think so14:16
drpooth0r, thnx!14:16
th0rdrpoo: I keep several programs installed in folders in /opt, and link them so I don't have to change the menu every tijme they are updated14:17
ActionParsnipBraden`: you can do a minimal install hen build up from there14:17
ActionParsnipBraden`: it installs a CLI based system with kernel, drivers, bootloader and package system14:17
Braden`ActionParsnip:  How do I do that?14:17
Braden`I am at the install screen14:18
lotuspsychjewhat would cause this error: _connection_connect_ready: idle_server_connection_connect failed: Unacceptable TLS certificate after empathy connecting znc bouncer14:19
ActionParsnipBraden`: its a different ISO which is drastically smalle14:19
ActionParsnipBraden`: its about 30Mb for the ISO :)14:19
flan_suseAnyone here using the xorg-edgers PPA?14:20
nube_Can someone assist me with an installation of ubuntu14:20
lotuspsychje!ask | nube_14:20
ubottunube_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:20
nube_Ok. I have installed ubunto 13.04 from a live cd that I burnt. It seemed to install fine. I install to a partition adjacent to a windows 7 install (I have only 1 HDD). However when I start my computer it auto boots to windows -- no option to boot into ubunto14:21
=== bananapie is now known as noobuntu
flan_suseI have been using and updating from the xorg-edgers PPA with no issues, until yesterday. Now whenever I try to watch a video (VLC) or play a game, I get this error message: "Gen6+ requires Kernel 3.6 or later."14:21
lotuspsychje!dualboot | nube_14:22
ubottunube_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:22
loryyaloneaiii....i want to ask14:22
vitimitihi o/14:22
ActionParsnipflan_suse: I suggest you inform the PPA maintainers then14:24
nube_Ok, I seemed to have followed these instructions -- I installed Ubuntu afte rwindows, and selected the manual option. I created two partitions for ubuntu - one for the root and on efor the swap14:24
ActionParsnipnube_: the OS is called Ubuntu, not Ubunto14:25
loryyalonewhat the name of mp3 player sofftware ?? plz14:25
=== nW44b_ is now known as nW44b
nube_ActionParsnip: yes, sorry14:25
ActionParsniploryyalone: they all will play MP3 once you install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:25
ActionParsniploryyalone: they all (except vlc if memory serves) use a central store of codecs14:25
flan_suseActionParsnip: I found no IRC channel or theirs. They only use email?14:25
nube_So what have I done wrong?14:26
ActionParsnipflan_suse: likely, yes14:26
flan_suseActionParsnip: Okay.14:26
ActionParsnipnube_: sounds like you didn't install grub to the MBR, if you boot to the live cd you can use the omgubuntu guide called 'sticking it to grub'14:26
noobuntuloryyalone install ubuntu-restricted-extras from software manager or sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras from the terminal. After that rhythmbox will play your mp3s14:26
flan_suseActionParsnip: (Recently found out I'm not the only one with this issue. A recent update on the PPA did this to others as well.)14:26
lotuspsychjenube_: loose windows once and for good, and single install ubuntu, you will be amazed!14:26
ActionParsnipflan_suse: the xorg edgers is not for general use, it is not stable14:27
nube_lotuspsychje: I am using a loaned computer, and the windows partition belongs to someone else14:27
ActionParsnipflan_suse: the PPA page states this quite heavily14:27
nube_I want to install ubuntu on a separate partition so  I don't interfere with their data14:27
lotuspsychjenube_: follow what ActionParsnip just pasted to you14:28
loryyalonei use backtrak 5 r314:29
lotuspsychjeloryyalone: bt isnt supported here sorry14:29
ubottuloryyalone,: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)14:30
carnauHi there! I've just installed Ubuntu 13.04 and want to set my 3 monitors as desktop. I've tried using the menu, but when I switch to 5760x1080, all unity panels dissapear, so I can't do anything. Restarting doesn't help, because when I log in, only the background desktop appears. I have an ATI 6870. Is there anything I can do?14:30
flan_suseActionParsnip: I'm aware of that, but unless I use it, I cannot run many of the games I purchased.14:30
ActionParsnipcarnau: did you install theradeon proprietary driver?14:31
SonikkuAmerica!backtrack | loryyalone14:31
ubottuloryyalone: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)14:31
flan_suseActionParsnip: It was working since day 1, until just yesterday.14:31
ActionParsnipflan_suse: what games?14:31
flan_suseActionParsnip: From the Humble Bundles.14:31
ActionParsnipflan_suse: ive never seen humblebundle require xorg edgers at all14:31
ActionParsnipflan_suse: it may suggest it though....14:32
loryyalonei don't have a mp3 player n i want to install it14:32
flan_suseActionParsnip: Either they don't run, or they do, but they are slow and sluggish, unless I use xorg-edgers + enable s3tc.14:32
ActionParsniploryyalone: your OS is not supported here14:32
ActionParsniploryyalone: ask in #backtrack-linux14:32
carnauActionParsnip, no, I've tied with the default one. Then tried the one called flgx-extras, selecting it from the menu.14:33
carnausame behaviour14:33
ActionParsnipcarnau: if you install xfce4 as a package then log off and log into the XFCE session, is it ok?14:33
carnaucan't without reboot, no buttons or windows.14:34
flan_suseActionParsnip: Some games require very little, but others (Shank, Bastion, Psychonauts, et al) require more.14:34
flan_suseActionParsnip: This is an Intel video laptop, not Nvidia or AMD.14:34
loryyaloneoh ya... thank u14:34
carnauI had 12.04 with 3 monitors as well, maybe I have to dig a little more. in fact, I don't want to switch to XFCE, because I'm used now to Unity14:35
nube_Ok, I am now running live ubunto from a cd14:36
nube_where do I find 'omgubuntu' ?14:36
foo357Hello, I have a computer running 12.04 LTS where I need to build the network card driver, when I run make I get a complaint about asm/system.h missing, how should I solve this?14:37
nube_Ok, but this is a news website. I want to be able to boot from my ubuntu install and apparemtly I have a problem with GRUB14:37
flan_susefoo357: You installed the kernel-headers package?14:38
cfhowlettnube_, boot your live cd/usb.  install grub to from there.14:38
nube_cfhowlett: I am booted from the live cd14:38
nube_how do I install grub?14:38
SonikkuAmericanube_: Try adding the Boot Repair PPA (ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair), updating, installing boot-repair and running it.14:38
ActionParsnipnube_: find the page I said, it's on that page. if you search the web at large, you will find it14:38
ubottunube_,: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:38
foo357flan_suse: yes I believe so, a lot of linux(something)-header14:38
cfhowlettnube_, see the restore grub option14:39
foo357flan_suse: packages installed, I mean14:39
flan_susefoo357: Hm.14:39
nube_So I need to run another ISO? Can I simply try reinstalling ubuntu? What could have gone wrong?14:39
nW44bhello, i got a problem during installation. I'm using a bootable usb key, with an home made ubuntu, i just putted a few packages more … On the first install, i got eth0, so it's correct. Second install i got eth1, third install i got eth2, … Is it because of the persistant mode ? I let a few Mo for this on the key …14:39
flan_susefoo357: Which network driver / source?14:40
cfhowlettnube_, another iso?  no.  unless the one you have is faulty ...14:40
ActionParsnipnube_: you could try a reinstall.14:40
ubottunube_,: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:40
nube_ubottu: I already verified the checksum14:40
ubottunube_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:40
cfhowlettnube_, check your iso with md5sum ... takes about 60 seconds14:40
ActionParsnipnube_: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=omgubuntu+sticking+it+to+grub14:40
nube_my image is perfect14:40
ActionParsnipnube_: top link......14:40
nube_I installed, and chose the manual option14:40
ActionParsnipnube_: have you never searched the web before?14:40
carnaunube_, I always use this software to repair grub, take a look: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/14:41
AlexM_uses backtrack, yet does not know how to get mp3 going... What has this world come to -_-14:42
nube_Ok, I will try reinstalling as I don't see why my grub should need repair since I just fresh installed it14:42
flan_susefoo357: Is it a ralink?14:42
nube_last time I tried Ubuntu was 5 years ago and it was a nightmare. I heard now that it was in a usable state14:42
foo357flan_suse: Broadcom NetLink BCM577814:42
nube_So like windows, or macos, it should just work after install14:42
carnaunube_ it is14:42
nube_Ok, I will try reinstalling it14:43
flan_susefoo357: If you install jockey-gtk, and run it, does it show available drivers to install?14:43
foo357flan_suse: by the way I have no asm/ directory in Include/, only asm-generic/ but it doesn't contain a system.h file14:43
carnaume too14:43
flan_susefoo357: jockey-gtk is called "Additional Drivers" or "Hardware Drivers"14:43
dsdsglkndsgI seem to be having problems with booting from usb on my new motherboard. The weird thing is it WAS working and now it doesn't work. I tried resetting the bios settings and that didn't work. The usb drive is set as top priority harddrive, and the harddrives are set to top priority for boot. What happens it the usb asks if i want to try ubuntu or install, I click try, and then it complains 'unable to find medium containing a live 14:43
flan_susefoo357: This is a wired card, not wireless, and it has no working driver out of the box?14:44
foo357flan_suse: I only see two drivers for the nvidia graphics card14:44
flan_susefoo357: I would install jockey-gtk and see if it finds something.14:44
flan_susefoo357: Dang, nevermind then.14:45
foo357Fleck: yes wired14:45
flan_susefoo357: Can you pastebin the output of: lspci -v14:45
flan_susefoo357: You'll see a section for the network card device.14:45
=== MartinS is now known as Guest93473
sere dsdsglkndsg  the usb os could not have copied right.. or could have gotten damaged aka files got deleted or something14:46
lotuspsychjewhat could cause this error: _connection_connect_ready: idle_server_connection_connect failed: Unacceptable TLS certificate after empathy connecting znc bouncer?14:49
slackerrhi all. trying to compile lastest mysql-workbench-gpl on ubuntu 13.04. configure fails with 'configure: error: Python C development headers/libraries not found'. I installed all-python-related stuff, but this issue is still exists. I know, this is software-related question, I googled all around, but maybe some experienced user may helps me?14:49
BluesKajlotuspsychje, which znc bouncer ?14:50
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: znc.in14:50
memandIf I install ubuntu onto a flash drive, can I then make it so that it is 1: protected by truecrypt and 2: able to store whatever changes I make on the system? The reason I ask is that I'd like to make a safe enviroment to store my offline BTC wallet14:50
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: empathy says it needs trusted certificate14:51
BluesKajlotuspsychje, there seems to be  ddos attacks against my znc /trekweb in the last 24 hrs , just connect anyway14:51
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: tnx for info mate14:52
roskomemand: you can do it with luks instead of truecrypt. search luks usb linux boot14:53
cfhowlettmemand, yes.  multiple tutorials are online14:53
BluesKajtotesmuhgoats, I meant , there may be ddos attacks on znc bouncers in general14:54
memandcfhowlett: k, thx :)14:54
foo357flan_suse: http://pastebin.com/EXduwwKY14:54
cfhowlettpoliciazz, greetings14:55
memandrosko: What would the advantages/disadvantages be of using LUKS over Truecrypt?14:55
Signhello everyone14:56
SquarismHey, in "unity" i only can set proxy forward for ports 80/443/21 and (socks?!). What if i want to forward a specific port to procy? Is there some nice command for that?14:56
serdotlinechoHi guys, I'm having a problem to connect with weechat. http://i.imgur.com/W5zqELm.png . I'm typing this on xchat and can connect to freenode. This is the first time i'm trying weechat :(14:56
cfhowlettSign, greetings14:56
JoeyJoeJoIs there a way to set ubuntu not to check my root filesystem on boot?14:57
Signis anyone in here familiar with Mkahawa Cyber Management?14:58
memandserdotlinecho: check this wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WeeChat and I'd recommend #weechat for questions about weechat ;)14:58
sylar_5 hello, i'm writing a daemon, which monitors a folder and reacts to certain files. where do i put the executable script (NOT the init script)?14:58
blob4000hey all14:59
blob4000is it possible to upgrade to 13.10 daily, then revert down to 12.04 if it doesn't improve hardware stability?14:59
IdleOneblob4000: no15:00
blob4000i have an asus ux31e ultrabook that works perfectly using the install (wifi, everything) but then when i boot into 13.04 things just don't work (touchpad too)15:00
blob4000*during the install15:00
soeehow can i zip all files with hidden also ?15:01
roskomemand: I never tried booting with truecrypt.  LUKS was better known in my community.  I use these scripts (not boot related) http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/EncryptedFilesystem/Scripts15:01
blob4000how can i try out the latest linux kernel on ubuntu, and have the ability to revert back if something breaks?15:02
Hawkerzhas anyone else become extremely frustrated with nullmailer?15:03
memandrosko: k, a little google'ing has let me know that LUKS support WAY more cipher than Truecypt, but I can't find out whether it suports cascading multiple ciphers...15:03
Hawkerzmore significantly, can I just delete nullmailer?15:04
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gaelfxrecently my fan started coming on even during light loads and it won't turn off until the computer is turned off or is put to sleep, also the fan is blowing out relatively cool air. How can I diagnose/fix this problem?15:13
gaelfxI think it started after the most recent kernel update, if that's relevant at all15:14
th0rgaelfx: boot into an earlier kernel and see if that fixes the problem15:16
SteveBellhi all I managed to successfully install ubuntu 13.04 on a toshiba netbook NB 305. it was running fine. now all I get when I try to boot is a boot selection. when I select ubuntu all I get is a blinking line (like in terminal) at  the top left of the screen. nothing more. any ideas what  could be going on here?15:17
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | SteveBell15:18
ubottuSteveBell: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:18
SteveBellthanks both for the reply. wow, looks like I'll have a lot to read :)15:19
memandrosko: I've found this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1208384.html guide too doing it with LUKS where they recommend booting an install cd and having the HDD unplugged so that the cd would only see the USB stick and intall GRUB and everything onto that... It just seems to me that there must be a more "sane" way to do it?15:20
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
hawai messed up my lamp-server... i dont know what i did... i want to start from scratch... so i want to remove my lamp-server... i installed it without tasksel with this command... sudo apt-get install lamp-server^15:25
memandhawa: sudo apt-get remove lamp-server15:26
hawadoesnt work15:26
memandO_o how so?15:27
hawai dont knw... that's the first thing i tried...15:27
hawathat's the reason i am here...15:27
zykotick9hawa: fyi, if you really want to start fresh, use ".. apt-get purge foo .." to remove config files15:28
hawawell i installed lamp server as lamp-server^15:29
hawabut i think i have to remove bit by bit15:29
hawalike php sql and apache differently15:29
MonkeyDustSteveBell  in time, you'll be the one giving answers and advice to others15:30
Milan-86Hi all! Why Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 13.04 causes Kernel panic when Uubntu is booting?15:31
hawahey thanks... that purge thing worked...15:31
MonkeyDust!nvidia | because nvidia doesnt like linux15:32
ubottubecause nvidia doesnt like linux: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:32
hawamilan-86 is it the black screen problem?15:32
bb23hi - what is the ubuntu touch channel?15:32
DJones!touch | bb2315:32
ubottubb23: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:32
MonkeyDustbb23  #ubuntu-touch15:32
SteveBellMonkeyDust hehe I wish I was that positive on my learning curve :P it seems the older you get the slower you adapt to change which is frustrating15:32
Milan-86hawa: yes, black screen and white text15:32
bb23thanks MonkeyDust15:32
hawawith invalid rom content one???15:33
hawawell i have nvidia and i had that problem once... (if it is the same problem)15:33
michaelaguiaris there a command to get the amount of free memory on my server?15:33
michaelaguiarfree -m but with total - cache, for the real amount?15:33
hawai opened it in recovery mode and installed bumblebee it worked...15:34
ActionParsnipmichaelaguiar: the top left is the total physical ram15:34
ActionParsnipmichaelaguiar: the left value on the middle row is the actual used ram15:34
zykotick9free memory, is wasted memory ;)15:34
ActionParsnipzykotick9: very15:34
michaelaguiarActionParsnip: right, for "total"15:34
ActionParsnip!atemyram | michaelaguiar explains it15:34
ubottumichaelaguiar explains it: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html15:34
michaelaguiarso under "used" next to - / + buffers/cache is the actual used?15:35
ActionParsnipmichaelaguiar: yes that is the actual used amount (not buffers)15:35
michaelaguiarActionParsnip: Well I was wondering if I can get just the free amount, total - buffers, with one command15:35
michaelaguiarthe reason is, I want to use Panic's Status Board - and want to build a quick script that will give me the amount of free memory15:36
michaelaguiarso I want to get that number out of there, know what I mean?15:36
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ActionParsnipmichaelaguiar: you can grep and awk the output to get what you want15:37
michaelaguiarActionParsnip: Would you mind giving me an example?  I'm fairly new with using grep and awk15:37
llutzmichaelaguiar: free -m|awk '/+ buffers/ {print $NF "MB"}'15:38
michaelaguiarllutz: awk: line 1: regular expression compile failed (missing operand)15:39
ActionParsnipmichaelaguiar: freeram=`free -m | grep buffers/cache | awk {'print $3'}`; echo $freeram15:39
MonkeyDustmichaelaguiar  remove the +15:39
llutzmichaelaguiar: free -m|awk '/\+ buffers/ {print $NF "MB"}'15:39
michaelaguiarActionParsnip: Thanks!15:39
michaelaguiarMonkeyDust: Thanks, that did it to15:40
michaelaguiarllutz: thanks15:40
jgornickHey guys, running 12.04 and I am wondering how I can have upstart register my new upstart script I've created in /etc/init. Any ideas?15:40
nube_Ok, just reinstalled ubuntu 13.04 and now grub seems to work15:40
llutzmichaelaguiar: what LANG are you using that removing the + works?15:40
ActionParsnipmichaelaguiar: totalram=`free -m | grep Mem | awk {'print $2'}`; echo $totalram15:40
michaelaguiarActionParsnip: so I am using 149 MB.  What if I want to get the decimal as well?15:40
ActionParsnipmichaelaguiar: play with the value in the awk, you will see what it does15:40
michaelaguiarllutz: free -m|awk '/ buffers/ {print $NF "MB"}'   -- this worked15:40
nube_however so far my experience is pretty disappointing - the graphics performance is utter shite15:41
nube_moving windows, opening applications, etc., and the graphics lag and stutter15:41
nube_this is a brand new PC that runs windows 8 perfectly15:42
ActionParsnipnube_: what video chip do you use?15:42
llutzmichaelaguiar: which is odd, since it doesn't do here15:42
ActionParsnipnube_: newness is moor15:42
MonkeyDustnube_  try a lighter DE, lxde or xfce15:42
nube_it's an AMD discrete chip15:42
ActionParsnipnube_: so its a switchable GPU?15:42
nube_i think so15:42
nube_how can i find out exactly what it is15:42
ActionParsnipnube_: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display       do you see an Intel and an AMD GPU?15:42
culpn8ris there a trivial way for me to create a separate partition and move my home directory to it? i know it was an option during install15:43
tacomasterculpn8r: look in to the comand dd and use a distro like gparted to make the changes15:43
nube_can i spam15:44
nube_the output of that command15:44
=== NETfellow is now known as fellowipc
auronandace!paste | nube_15:44
ubottunube_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:44
ActionParsnipnube_: just state if you have both GPUs, its enough15:44
tacomasterculpn8r: you will have to update fstab as well15:44
tacomasterculpn8r: not really sure if ubuntu comes with a tool to do it for you or not15:45
nube_just seems to list the radeon15:45
ActionParsnipnube_: its just an AMD chip, install the proprietary driver and it will run better15:45
nube_ok; how do I install the driver?15:45
ActionParsnipnube_: you would get the same with a fresh install of Windows, you are using the open source driver which is not running tyour GPU as fast as it can]15:45
culpn8ralso, is it normal for my laptop to get extremely hot? im using the proprietary driver for an AMD card15:45
ActionParsnipnube_: in the system settings (top right) you will see additional drivers there15:46
ActionParsnipnube_: you simply cannot evaluate an OS when you haven't even begun to configure it15:46
nube_ok, fair enough. I open system settings; top right icon is Ubuntu One15:47
tacomasterculpn8r: if a laptop is getting "Extremely Hot" you might need to find a better place for it to get more air because you will mess up your hardware if it gets too hot15:47
culpn8rtacomaster: i just have it on a kitchen table15:47
tacomasteranything blocking the airways on the laptop15:48
nube_where do I go from here?15:48
ActionParsnipnube_: http://www.noobslab.com/2013/04/install-ati-amd-catalyst-drivers-in.html15:48
ActionParsnipnube_: you know when you get issues in an OS, do you ever search a little online, try and find some answers?15:49
tyrognube_: What do you want to install?15:49
ActionParsnipnube_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/285989/ubuntu-raring-13-04-x64-amd-radeon-hd-7500m-7600m-fglrx-issue15:49
nube_yes, I came here15:49
nube_tyrog: trying to improve my gfx performance15:50
jgornickHey guys, what would be causing my upstart script to not be recognized by initctl?15:50
tyrognube_: Install the latest 13.4 drivers from the website. Is your card recent?15:50
tyrogAMD website, I mean15:50
nube_apparently it's  a Radeon HD 777015:50
tyrognube_: What Ubuntu version are you running?15:51
nube_just installed 10 mins ago15:51
nube_gfx performance is utter shite15:51
tyrognube_: Did the drivers from the repositories work for you?15:51
tyrogthe proprietary drivers15:51
nube_no idea, haven't worked out how to install them yet15:52
nube_this is just a clean install from the CD15:52
auronandacenube_: tame your tongue15:52
nube_and I opted to download additional files from online15:52
nube_during the install15:52
K1lleDhi guys, i have ubuntu 12.04, is good idea i go upgrade to 13.04, or better clean install 13.04?15:52
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
tacomasterK1lleD: i had no issues with the upgrade not saying i have never seen something go wrong15:53
tyrogK1lleD: If you like what you have now, you don't need to upgrade15:53
nimbioticsHello everyone. While trying to install pavucontrol with apt-get instal, I'm getting error message "syntax error: unknown group 'root' in statoverride file". What is wrong in my installation?15:53
tyrognube_: Desktop or laptop?15:53
nube_ok, I am now dling the drivers from here : http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
nube_tyrog: desktop15:54
zadarhi all15:54
K1lleDtyrog: i have a one old laptop and i dont have support for video driver, and i stay with built driver, and some friends tell me is better 12.10 or 13.04, from 12.0415:54
tacomasterzadar: hello :D15:54
tyrognube_: Download the latest driver for Linux from amd.com . Select the appropriate driver from the dropdown menus15:54
K1lleDif i dont install driver, and stay with built15:55
ActionParsnipnube_: there is a packaged version15:55
tyrognube_: appropriate card15:55
tyrogK1lleD: What is your graphics card?15:55
rat_poisonIs there an indicator that keeps track of the messages from libnotify?15:55
nube_I selected the appropriate card form there and the link I posted was the one I was givne15:55
nube_ActionParsnip: not sure what packaged version means15:55
nube_(I am a nube)15:55
K1lleDtyrog: ati radeon 4530 HD (laptop HP dv6-2010eq)15:55
SonikkuAmericanube_: You're a cloud or a beginner? :) (la nube = cloud)15:56
tyrogK1lleD: You should keep 12.04 lts since the newer versions don't support the AMD proprietary driver anymore15:56
nube_is that french?15:56
tyrogFor your card15:56
nube_beginner :)15:56
ActionParsnipnube_: one from the repos, in a deb file15:56
zadaranyone do know how to use proxy via irssi? need i install tor firstly? Pls help and thx 4 replay ;)15:56
rat_poisonle nuage is in french15:56
ActionParsnipnube_: you don't need to manually install anything15:56
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=== fellowipc is now known as NETfellow
ActionParsnipnube_: you can do it using software centre15:56
tyrogActionParsnip: I think he should install 13.4, not 13.1 that is in the repos, because his card is very recent I think he should go with latest15:56
nube_Ok, I opened the file that I dled from the amd site and it opens in gedit and seems to do nothing15:57
tyrognube_: You unzipped AMD driver 13.4 and now you have a .run file right?15:57
zadaractually i use tor allready15:57
nube_tyrog: yes15:57
zadarsry 4 my english15:57
tyrognube_: Ill give you a link with the instructions in a moment xD15:58
MonkeyDustzadar  for, not 4, please15:58
nube_tx :D15:58
ActionParsnipnube_: I already gave you a link on how to install the driver.....15:58
ActionParsnipnube_: just so you are aware, Ubuntu 13.04 is only supported til January 201415:58
tyrognube_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Installing_upstream_drivers_directly_from_AMD.27s_website directly from Ubuntu documentation15:58
nube_ActionParsnip: yep, no problem; I'll only be using this pc for a few months before I tget another15:59
klodiankThis is also a very good guide if it has not been linked before, can't see it in my history. >> http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Raring_Installation_Guide <<16:00
nube_holy shite16:00
nube_so I need to run all these commands to install the drivers I just dled?16:00
tyrognube_: Its very easy16:00
klodiankvery easy16:00
dk0rI'm having trouble writing to a NAS's cifs shares that I mounted using autofs. I can only write to shares when I use sudo. The shares are all being mounted within /mnt/... Is there something simple I'm missing here?  Here are my auto.xxxx configs:  https://gist.github.com/dk0r/563715116:00
tyrogAnd fast too, don't worry16:00
klodiankjust follow everything, its super easy mate16:01
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
tyrognube_: Follow instructions starting from here http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Raring_Installation_Guide#Installing_Catalyst_Manually_.28from_AMD.2FATI.27s_site.29 until "Generic Config", then reboot and that's it :)16:03
tuffgong need help on this accessing http://localhost/phpmyadmin and am get error "Chromium's connection attempt to localhost was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured."16:04
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
ActionParsnipdk0r: is you user ID 1004 ?16:05
tuffgong need help on this accessing http://localhost/phpmyadmin and am get error "Chromium's connection attempt to localhost was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured."16:05
MonkeyDusttuffgong  localhost is your pc16:05
ActionParsniptuffgong: have you allowed connections from localhost?16:05
tuffgongMonkeyDust, yes my pc16:05
dk0rActionParsnip: I've tried including "uid=1004" in the auto.xxxx's options. I'll try it once more16:05
ActionParsnipdk0r: but is your UID 1004?16:06
tuffgongActionParsnip, past few hours i was access it  nicely but now misbehaving16:06
dk0rActionParsnip: yes. It is 1004.16:06
ActionParsniptuffgong: is the service running ok?16:06
tuffgongActionParsnip, yer everything its okay16:06
dk0rActionParsnip: you can see in lines 6 & 7 that "uid=1004" is set:   https://gist.github.com/dk0r/563715116:07
ActionParsniptuffgong: can you telnet to the socket?16:07
tuffgongActionParsnip, see my error in chromium browser Chromium's connection attempt to localhost was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured.16:07
ActionParsnipdk0r: thats why I was checking :)16:07
dk0rActionParsnip: ? If it's already there, you don't need to check if its there :)16:08
ActionParsniptuffgong: try using instead of 'localhost'16:08
ActionParsnipdk0r: I was checking you were using the right ID, most users are 100016:08
dk0rActionParsnip: I see. Well, my NAS says that users uid=1004, so..16:08
ActionParsnipdk0r: you could add gid=1004   as well16:08
nimbioticsHello everyone. While trying to install pavucontrol with apt-get instal, I'm getting error message "syntax error: unknown group 'root' in statoverride file". What can I do to fix this?16:08
tuffgongActionParsnip, it tell me this This is the default web page for this server.16:09
tuffgongThe web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.16:09
dk0rActionParsnip: I don't think uid = gid though. Is it convention for uid = gid by default ?16:09
ActionParsnipdk0r: its not, but it may help if you  specify your users group with access too16:09
ActionParsnipdk0r: they are the same value usually16:10
rat_poisonHello! X, xorg.conf or xinitrc question here http://pastebin.com/hnd1ba3D16:10
tuffgongActionParsnip, The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.16:10
dk0rActionParsnip: trying gid's16:11
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tuffgongActionParsnip, what can i do for matter16:12
bloodriverwhy is it, that i can not access my excite.com email address through Firefox?  I have to use Opera.  Any other email address I have no problems.  Only Excite via Firefox, which16:13
bloodriver'times out'16:13
junkyHeya everybody !16:13
nube_Ok; I followed all the instructions up to "In case of failure"16:13
nube_should I restart now?16:13
bloodrivernot a biggie, just wondering16:14
nube_there is no noticiable change in the gfx preformance16:14
BluesKajnimbiotics,this is an old post , but it might help http://blog.paulomernik.com/?p=2316:14
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bloodriveri've had this problem for years now16:15
junkyHow can i increase my cPU perf with my new freshly installed Xubuntu?16:15
auronandacebloodriver: tried it in chromium?16:15
rat_poisonjunky: try preload16:15
junkyrat_poison,  how?16:16
nube_ok, I will restart...16:16
MonkeyDustjunky  simply install it, no need to activate or start it16:16
dk0rActionParsnip: set uid's and gui'ds for all mounts. Still need sudo to write to /mnt/share-name:    https://gist.github.com/dk0r/563715116:16
tyrognube_: no16:16
tuffgongActionParsnip, The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.16:17
junkyit will really help my computer to be faster, coz, i'm an windows user ( i know, shame on me) but i would like to use now just Linux16:17
rat_poisonpreload doens't actually improve cpu performance, it improves system performance by loading your most used apps on RAM before you need them (firefox, or whatever you use most frequently)16:17
tyrognube_: Before restarting, do the command that is in the following section, "Generic Config"16:17
dk0rActionParsnip: could need sudo be required by my system because I'm trying to write into /mnt/  ?16:17
dk0rActionParsnip: I wonder if I mound inside ~/ whether the sudo requirement will go away16:17
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rat_poisonjunky, you can install it with a sudo apt-get install preload, or just find it in the software center16:17
MonkeyDust!info preload | junky16:17
ubottujunky: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (raring), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB16:17
rat_poisonpreload doens't actually improve cpu performance, it improves system performance by loading your most used apps on RAM before you need them (firefox, or whatever you use most frequently)16:18
rat_poisonHello! X, xorg.conf or xinitrc question here http://pastebin.com/hnd1ba3D16:18
SteveBellMonkeyDust:  not sure how to get a grip on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 . I followed the directions for installed os. found that line (which in my case ends different, then ctrl + x to boot with modified settings. but landed on a page with more problem info. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694180/16:18
MonkeyDustjunky  moving tmp files to RAM also improved speed16:19
junkywhen i go in the software center, my cpu use increase as hell and my computer is very slow.. :/16:19
MonkeyDustSteveBell  i've never used or needed it myself - didi you follow the ubottu instructions?16:20
flclcan anybody helps me to understand how to install 4.5 framework  with mono in ubuntu?16:20
nube____> eurh [02:19] <@nube__> ok, I restarted [02:19] <@nube__> the gfx performance seems improved somehwat [02:19] <@nube__> but now, I have two monitors, the display is being duplicated on both [02:20] <@nube__> but I want to "extend" my desktop [02:20] <@nube__> this was sucessfully happening before [02:20] <@nube__> now when I go to display options\16:20
nube__I deselect mirror display16:20
nube__and I get16:20
nube__"Failed to apply configuration: %s"16:21
SteveBellubottu? I followed the article instructions. and got farer then without the nomodeset command at the right place but still landed in a shell instead of ubuntu16:21
ubottuSteveBell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:21
rat_poisonjunI think ubottu is a bot16:21
nube__GDBus.Error:org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._gnome_2drr_2derror_2dquark.Code3: required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3840, 1200), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1920, 1920)16:21
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SteveBellhehe, well that article seems the right approach rat_poison MonkeyDust16:22
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nube__This is why I gave up on linux 5 years ago...16:22
Mike3620is their a command to show what process is eating up the bandwidth on my server?16:22
junkyDoes anyone knows a free EDI to code in "Objective C " ?16:22
tyrognube__: Calm down16:22
rat_poisonjunky, you mean IDE?16:23
junkyrat_poison,  yep16:23
tyrognube__: You don't gain anything on giving up right off anyway, all OSs have their problems16:23
appy_kudosMike3620: nethogs may help you16:23
SonikkuAmericajunky: There's always gedit and nano, but NetBeans might be good (not sure if it does Objective-C though)16:24
Mike3620thank you appy_kudos16:24
nube__I agree, but it's quite frustrating...16:24
tyrognube__: First make sure the AMD driver is running, by typing 'glxinfo |grep vendor' in the terminal16:24
appy_kudosMike3620: happy to help16:24
tophyri am looking to clone my linux install from one hard drive, into a (smaller) one. i can't simply dd my partition over, because of that smaller tidbit. i've set up an ext4 fs and mounted it - could this be as simple as just doing 'cp -xa / /mnt/newdrive' ?16:24
appy_kudosMike3620: sudo apt-get install nethogs16:24
rat_poisonjunky, you can use KDevelop16:25
nube__The program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install mesa-utils16:25
tophyrspecifically, i'm worried about things like links, permissions, etc.16:25
tyrognube__: Do as it is said in that output16:25
junkyWhich one is the best ? Kdevelop ? gedit ? Nano ?16:25
llutztophyr: you can, "rsync -aux / /new/" would do too16:25
SteveBellhttp://img26.imageshack.us/img26/3509/dgfdgrunningoraclevmvir.png in my case after quiet splash the line continues with $vt_handoff16:25
nube__ae@bathst:~$ glxinfo |grep vendor server glx vendor string: ATI client glx vendor string: ATI OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.16:25
SteveBellcould that maybe be the root of my trouble?16:25
llutztophyr: just make sure you edit /etc/fstab later to adjust UUIDs etc and rewrite Grub16:25
tophyrllutz: i thought about rsync.. would it be faster? seems like for a start-from-nothing copy, it'd just add overhead16:26
rat_poisonjunky, gedit and nano are text editors, they do not provide the conveniences of a complete IDE16:26
tophyradjusting the UUIDs for the partitions is definitely on my mind, yeah16:26
tyrognube__: Yep so it is running. If you want to configure dual monitors on a proprietary driver, you need to use AMD Catalyst tool, not Display Monitors from GNOME/Unity16:26
karthakon/whois karthakon16:26
rat_poisonjunky, I hope you're not gonna ask emacs vs vi16:26
junkyrat_poison,  Oh okay !16:26
llutztophyr: i'm not benchmarking stuff, i'd guess plain cp would be a bit faster but i prefer rsync (resume later etc.)16:26
tyrograt_poison: Though I use them for programming easy stuff too and they are quite reliable for that xD16:26
appy_kudosrat_poison: Good joke16:27
nube__tyrog: Ok, where do I find AMD CAtalyist tool16:27
tophyrmm, good point, hadn't thought about resume.. although i don't expect to need it16:27
tyrognube__: are you on Unity?16:27
rat_poisonglad I got your attention! Hello! X, xorg.conf or xinitrc question here http://pastebin.com/hnd1ba3D16:27
nube__tyrog: I think so.. this is a fresh install of Ubunto 13.04, haven't changed anything except as you've instructed recently16:28
junkyrat_poison,  what is it "emacs or vi " ? (I'm french, I don't speak a perfect english )16:28
tyrognube__: open the Dash and search for Catalyst16:28
ActionParsniprat_poison: oh man that is older than most people here16:28
rat_poisonjunky, ah, it is an ancient battle between two kingdoms. there is poetic lore about this epic war, you can google it I guess16:29
nube__tyrog: Ok I found it in catalyst, but it akss me to open it as a superuser to make changes16:29
nube__*found it in dash16:30
rat_poisonjunky, the tale starts like so: Eight Megabytes and Constantly Swapping (Notice the acronym)....16:30
tyrognube__: Close that window. You should open the one that says (Administrative) right after16:30
junkyrat_poison, ok, i'm gonna google it, you are really kinda to answer me without mocking ;D16:30
MonkeyDustrat_poison  MCSE = Most Common System Errors16:30
llutzrat_poison: most people today don't even imagine whats wrong with "Eight Megabytes" ...16:31
tyrognube__: When you search for Catalyst in the Dash, then should appear 2 options, open the one that says Catalyst(Administrative), where you can input your password and then configure Display Settings for Multi-monitor support16:31
nube__I choose the adminstrator one16:31
nube__enter my password16:31
nube__then the window disappears and nothing happens16:32
rat_poisontyrog, EMACS can be used almost as an operating system replacement if you know what you're doing. Doesn't mean I'd spend the man hours to learn to do that!16:32
tyrograt_poison: lol16:32
tyrognube__: try again. Have you closed the first window?16:32
tyrogthe other Catalyst you had opened before16:33
nube__tyrog: yes I closed that one16:34
tyrognube__: Try to reopen Administrative window. If that fails, run from terminal 'gksudo amdcccle'16:34
junkyBye all :)16:34
rat_poisonnube__, is this a fresh install on a new /home/ partition, or did you have a separate one and you just remounted it?16:34
nube__this is a fresh install16:35
nube__I chose manual16:35
nube__and made a partition for "/16:35
nube__and a partition for "swap"16:35
nube__The program 'gksudo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install gksu16:35
tyrognube__: install it16:35
MonkeyDustnube__  gksudo is part of gksu16:36
rat_poisonnube__,   ok so my suspicion is unfounded, go on. I like people using swap partitions! it's kinda oldschool, I still use it16:36
nube__Ok, now it launched16:36
nube__should I select "Multi-display desktop with display(s) 1" ?16:37
nube__( I have 2 identical monitors)16:37
tyrognube__: Whatever you want to do really :)16:37
nube__I want to extend the desktop across both displays16:38
nube__It says I need to restart now16:38
espectalll123Anyone knows how to do phablet/desktop apps?16:40
nube_ok, it works!16:41
espectalll123I mean, an hybrid, not just doing the apps16:41
jrtappersWhat is a good way to debug a flakey internet connection on ubuntu, it keeps stopping. Wireshark shows me sending retransmits16:41
nube_thank you very much tyrog et al for your help16:41
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tyrognube_: See? No problem :)16:41
nube_:) sure, but I do hope that in future versions of ubuntu this process is automated as I think less patient users will juts give up rather than following this process16:42
tyrognube_: Maybe from Ubuntu 14.04 with Mir that process is simpler. For now, we have to live with whatever AMD gives us xD16:43
rat_poisontyrog, if AMD doesn't modify its catalyst driver to accomodate Mir, you'll just have to live with the OSS drivers16:47
nube_tyrog: Ok! Well goodnight, bed time for me :D16:47
ichat_webcan anyone help me fix  a verry interesting issue... im having a DISK witch was perviously used by ubuntu with an lvm encrypted home...  now im realocating the disk for other use but in gparted i somehow can not remove the  encrypted disk... how can whipe the disk  and its partition table  \16:47
tyrograt_poison: they should make something that is EGL-based so it works across Mir and Wayland16:48
jockey4herSSH is working on our machine, but it is no longer on the SMB network.  Is there a tool for looking at that type of thing?16:48
rat_poisonichat_web, you have to know either your encryption key or your previous username passwd combo16:49
ichat_webrat_poison:  i know  my user + pass16:49
rat_poisonichat_web, you could create a new partition, install ubuntu there and mount your old partition unencrypted if you use the same username pass.16:50
rat_poison(I think)16:50
rat_poisonichat_web, I mean you can do it, I just don't know what happens to the encryption.16:50
ichat_webrat thats not really possible since the hdd is now in a usb case,16:50
rat_poisonichat_web, then you need someone with more ecryptfs-fu than I16:51
ichat_webrat_poison:  i dont even want to save the thing,  i just want to be able to completely whyp it from disk so i can get from gpt back to bios16:51
rat_poisonichat_web: how about fdisk from a root terminal16:52
rat_poisonichat_web, also, the partition you want to erase cannot be mounted16:52
ichat_webrat_poison:  afaik i unmounted all disks ... as im in the   cd env.16:53
shekharki have a problem with linuxdc++ on ubuntu 13.04, while i am connected to different hubs, it always shows "waiting for slot" even though there are slots available16:54
tuffgongneed a help on this  log into phpmyadmin "#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server"16:55
rat_poisonichat_web, use this link to find out about fdisk http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-delete-a-partition-with-fdisk-command/16:55
Fieldytuffgong: we'll need a lot more information than that16:55
llutzrat_poison: fdisk cannot handle gpt-drives16:56
ichat_webrat_poison:  tnx looking at now.16:56
tuffgongFieldy, am trying to log in but it gives  that error msg16:56
tuffgongFieldy, tell me which info to give so that you cure my problem16:57
rat_poisonichat_web, look at llutz comment16:57
WeThePeopleis there a way to check 2 scripts to see if they are identical?16:57
llutzWeThePeople: diff script1 script216:57
rat_poisonWeThePeople, functionally identical, or literally?16:58
WeThePeoplellutz, es16:58
tuffgongFieldy,  tell me brother16:58
WeThePeoplerat_poison, literally16:58
rat_poisonthen diff16:58
tuffgongneed a help on this  log into phpmyadmin "#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server"16:58
jrtappersHow can I bypass scanning for steam games updates on ubuntu?16:59
nimbioticsI want to record intrnal audio from my PC. I just installed pavucontrol and followed one af many howto's. But once I select "Monitor of Internal Audio Analog Atereo" on pavucontrol my mic gets muted. Please help me fix this! TIA16:59
ichat_webllutz:  - any other way to forse gparted to create a new partition table?17:01
tuffgongneed a help on this  log into phpmyadmin "#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server"17:01
llutzichat_web: idk, i never used gparted. i'd suggest to use parted, it should do the job17:01
WeThePeoplellutz, is there a output generated, what should happen if their identical?17:03
llutzWheaties: no output = files are identical17:04
WeThePeoplediff script.sh1 script.sh2 didnt work17:04
WeThePeopleok thanks17:04
ichat_webits said to be mounted but it cant be.17:05
llutzichat_web: sudo umount /dev/sdX* ; sudo swapoff -a               replace sdX with the correct device17:05
vivekgI would like to write a program which given a timezone name, gives me back the current local time in that timezone considering the DST(Day Light Savings)... any pointers?17:06
BluesKajnimbiotics, don't choose the monitor setting in pavucontrol , open alsamixer and use the capture ctl for your mic17:06
S_AI am trying to upgrade ubuntu from 12.10 to 13.04 but always stuck at "setting new software channels".  any help ?17:06
chvxis it possible to delete and add users via /etc/ via kinda config file?17:06
BluesKajnimbiotics, in pavucontrol set the inpt ctrl to mic if it's available17:07
llutzvivekg: doesn't "date -d 'now EST'  " do that?17:07
kdeuser^I use Ubuntu 12.04.2 and use unity 2d. When I try to open flash videos fullscreen. I still only see the web browser and the video is only shown in the corner where the unity launcher was17:07
tuffgongneed a help on this  log into phpmyadmin "#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server"17:07
llutzvivekg: set whatever timezone you need17:08
vivekgllutz: I need to get the time of a remote timezone without changing the local time zone... and particularly looking for either a system call or a C library function..17:09
WeThePeoplei have a weird issue with my headphones.. when i reboot they dont work but when i shutdown and turn the laptop back on they work, what is not getting loaded on reboot that is getting loaded on startup?17:09
tuffgong  sorry guys need a help on this  log into phpmyadmin "#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server"17:09
S_Aguys! any suggestion for my upgrade problem ?17:09
llutzvivekg: date -d   neither changes your time nor your timezone17:09
WeThePeopletuffgong, have you tried #phpmyadmin?17:10
tuffgongWeThePeople, not yet tried17:10
WeThePeopleanybody here like gnome3?17:11
tgunrIf I have a linux server going into a rack with one of 3 possible networks would this config be kosher to permit access regardless of which of the three cables are plugged in? http://polymicro.clarify-it.com/d/lcympn17:11
vivekgllutz: great... Is there any C function around this feature of date command17:11
vivekgso that I can get this info problematically instead of issuing system("date....") command17:12
llutzvivekg: i'd guess so but you'd better ask in ##c, my c-knowledge is nearly 0.17:12
vivekgllutz: sure.. thank you for your help... will check it out there....17:12
tuffgongWeThePeople, i found myself there #phpmyadmin17:12
nimbioticsBluesKaj: alsamixer??17:12
tyrogWeThePeople: what a generic question, don't start a flamewar xD17:12
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Wheatiesthanks...? llakey?17:13
BluesKajnimbiotics, open a terminal , type alsamixer17:13
=== TreasureAgent230 is now known as NxTitle
WeThePeopletyrog, idk what a flamewar is17:13
tuffgong  sorry guys need a help on this  log into phpmyadmin "#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server"17:13
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camilo_help me with cam for Ustream, Skype, Facebook video chat, control panel v4l217:13
WeThePeopletuffgong, are you on local or a server17:13
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camilo_my cam only run with camorama and cheese17:14
tuffgongWeThePeople, local17:14
=== Guest82591 is now known as Karty
camilo_my english is bad17:14
nimbioticsBluesKaj: ive got it in front of me ... just dont know what to do with it17:14
WeThePeopletuffgong, using xampp17:14
tuffgongWeThePeople, lamp using17:14
Kartyhello. I would like to learn how i can contribute to ubuntu opensource development17:15
tuffgongWeThePeople, lamp17:15
zdklen Español por favor?? donde es????17:15
Pici!es | zdkl17:15
ubottuzdkl: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:15
camilo_help me with cam for Ustream, Skype, Facebook video chat, control panel v4l217:15
camilo_my english is bad17:15
camilo_my cam only run with camorama and cheese17:15
n0ydHi, how can I remove the default ubunutu kernels permanently? I dont just mean removing the older kernel versions, I mean all the ubuntu kernels.  I am using a custom kernel (with a recovery mode also) and have no need for the ubuntu default kernels.17:15
BluesKajmake sure the Master, PCM,  Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'  then turn those controls up to the max.17:16
WeThePeopletuffgong, first copy and paste #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server into google search their is plenty of solutions it looks like17:16
n0ydMy problem is IU can remove the kernel images and headers via apt, but when doing a upgrade, they come back, because a meta package must be pulling them in17:16
nimbioticsBluesKaj: yes17:16
cyclist_2I found a memory leak on my system due to 2 processes: polkitd and gnome-power-manager; other than upgrading to the newest version of Ubuntu or restarting my system more often than I nedd, does anyone have idea of how to fix this? I already did a lot of searching but the fixes did not work...17:16
BluesKajthen open the capture ctls  F4 and find the mic , nimbiotics17:17
n0ydKarty: this isnt a good channel for development. But if you google, there is a page on the ubuntu wiki about getting started contributing17:17
n0ydIf you need help finding it, let me know17:17
S_AI am trying to upgrade ubuntu from 12.10 to 13.04 via inetrnet. but always stuck at "setting new software channels".  any help ?17:17
nimbioticsBluesKaj: got it17:17
tuffgongWeThePeople, see my private message17:18
WeThePeopletuffgong, dont take it personal17:18
WeThePeoplesettle down and find a solution to your problem17:19
BluesKajnimbiotics, after setting your ctrls , press esc , and enter , sudo alsactl store17:19
tuffgongWeThePeople, what da hell are you17:19
tuffgongWeThePeople, if you are capable helping someone just help him and not foolishalizing like you are17:20
camilo_my cam only run with camorama and cheese17:20
ichathe man i think you saved my @$$17:21
nimbioticsBluesKaj: howw do i set the ctlrs? what can i do?17:21
camilo_me cam  no run with cam for Ustream, Skype, Facebook video chat, control panel v4l217:21
betraydwhats the bad news camilo_17:21
BluesKajnimbiotics, use the arrow keys for volume increase/decrease and the < and > arrow keys to navigate17:22
CharcoalcatUbuntu either won't recognize storage medias (USB, SD, micro SD), or recognizes them for a few seconds or minutes and then kills them. All of them work just fine on the other (Windows) computers in the house. Here's the output of "dmesg | tail -n10": http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694320/ The first one is a couple of minutes after it died (when Unetbootin froze), the second one is after it was successfully recognized, and the third one is17:22
Charcoalcatafter it died again (after unetbootin said it had been successful).17:22
nimbioticsBluesKaj: on which control??17:23
camilo_betrayd: my cam no run with Ustream, Skype, Google plus, FAcebook videochta17:23
BluesKaj on any of the controls , nimbiotics17:23
WeThePeopletuffgong, thanks though yo showed me something about myself17:23
lotuspsychjeCharcoalcat: how bout reformat all of them17:24
Charcoalcatlotuspsychje: I'll try, but they don't usually stay connected long enough to get formatted.17:24
tyrogcamilo_: What ubuntu version?17:24
camilo_betrayd: no run with control panel v4l217:24
BluesKajnimbiotics, up arrow to increase volume on output/input/capture , down for decrease17:24
camilo_betrayd: ubuntu 13.0417:25
lotuspsychjeCharcoalcat: testdisk or gparted might help you17:25
camilo_betrayd: my cam is genius eye 31217:25
BluesKajnimbiotics, I have to leave for 30 mins or so ,,BBL17:25
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Charcoalcatlotuspsychje: Okay, I'll try those!17:26
nimbioticsBluesKaj: ok, THX17:26
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=== stwalkerster is now known as Reedy
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n0ydSo can anyone answer my question?17:30
n0ydIts up above from like 6-7 minutes ago17:30
camilo_betrayd: you help me?17:30
n0ydI can repost if needed17:30
n0ydhow can I remove the default ubunutu kernels permanently? I dont just mean removing the older kernel versions, I mean all the ubuntu kernels.  I am using a custom kernel (with a recovery mode also) and have no need for the ubuntu default kernels.17:31
n0ydMy problem is I can remove the kernel images and headers via apt, but when doing a upgrade, they come back, because a meta package must be pulling them in17:32
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n0ydSo if it is an issue of a meta package pulling the kernel back in, Im not sure what meta package it would be, or how to find it17:32
Guest10129hi there!I want to learn python, try to find an interactive python teaching software for linux.I'm absolute beginner17:33
Guest10129in python17:34
genii-aroundn0yd: There is a built-in failsafe of apt-get config where it will refuse to deinstall current running kernel and one previous. It can be over ridden however. If you do: apt-config dump | grep image  it will show you the ones which are being held. You can call apt-get with -o APT::NeverAutoRemove::=""17:34
otakyou can ask in #python Guest10129. My recommendation is learnpythonthehardway.org17:35
Guest10129thank you17:35
betraydcamilo_ the ones that don't work or don't recognize your camera, run them in terminal, and paste the error messages but the forum might be better as a venue17:36
genii-aroundn0yd: Alternately, make an entry in /etc/apt/apt.conf  ( which may not exist until you create it ) with APT::NeverAutoRemove:: "";17:36
echoedoes anyone know how to use the pvc kernel via command line in ubuntu 12.04?17:37
n0ydWouldnt i want neverautoinstall?17:37
n0ydMy issue isnt that it autoremoves my custom kernel packages, my issue is that it auto installs the ubuntu kernels17:37
bellasbellswhoever was asking for the kernel metapackage before my network failed thats for ^^17:38
genii-aroundn0yd: If you deinstall linux-image-generic, how can it want to install an updated version? ;)17:38
kate_rif i want to create a SSL tunnel and then execute a command in a bash script, should use 'ssh... & \n command...' or 'ssh... \n command...'?17:38
n0ydgenii-around: apparently there is a meta package that pulls it in during upgrade17:38
davany idea why so many packages come (apt-)marked as manualy installed with the default install?17:39
n0ydgenii-around: Ive never removed linux-image-generic, but I remove the linux-image-#.# package, and the two header packages, and they get autopmatically pulled back in during upgrade17:39
minasI have a dell laptop that I must boot with acpi = off in order to boot. Problem is that only 1 thread is recognized (I have 4)17:39
betraydminas why do you need to disable acpi17:40
n0ydgenii-around: according to a kernel developer for ubuntu, it is the generic image package which pulls evewrything in. So I guess thats the issue17:40
n0ydThanks for the help17:41
minasbetrayd, because it does not boot when acpi is enabled. it shows a black screen forever17:41
betraydyou want a partial refund17:41
genii-aroundn0yd: Yes, I understand. But consider: You boot to your custom kernel. It will refuse to deinstall that because it's what the system is currently running. But then, you can deinstall the ones which keep pulling in the regular kernels ( linux-image-generic ), which normally it won't let you do because of the apt configurations default. But if you override it so that you can deinstall the generic package, when the system checks for an upgrade to17:41
genii-aroundexisting packages, that package is not existing anymore to upgrade17:41
UltimaKRI just installed Lubuntu on my older desktop and whenever I open pages on the Chromium Web Browser I get the messages "Aw, snap!" or "He's dead, Jim!"  If the page does load, these errors usually follow a couple of seconds later or when clicking on a subsequent link.  Can anybody help me with this?17:41
betraydminas no, just kidding, type !blackscreen here and it will lead you to troubleshoot that without hurting acpi17:42
davUltimaKR: does firefox work better?17:42
betraydminas that=video problem17:42
ALISONNYblackscreen. whitescreen. it's just racist.17:42
UltimaKRdav: I haven't tried Firefox yet since it didn't come with the install.17:42
minasbetrayd, well I am using the open source drivers, which are pretty f@cked for my laptop17:43
n0ydgenii-around: of course17:43
betraydwhats the nonracist command? !video is it17:43
davUltimaKR: you could first try deleting all chromium config and cache, see if that does anything: rm -rv ~/.config/chromium ~/.cache/chromium17:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:43
n0ydI only wanna keep my custom kernel anyway, which is packaged as a deb and installed via a repo17:43
WeThePeopleultimakr, use a lighter distro17:43
WeThePeoplelike fluxbox17:43
UltimaKRdav: I just installed it so there isn't really much cache to delete.17:44
n0ydoh woops, I was reading stuff from earlier, my bad17:44
minasbetrayd, maybe if I install the proprietory GPU drivers from NVIDIA acpi problems will go away?17:44
davUltimaKR: no harm in trying..17:44
UltimaKRWeThePeople: Why do I need a lighter distro than Lubuntu?17:44
echoeagh. has anyone had success running phc in ubuntu 12.04?17:45
WeThePeopleultimakr, try firefox to see if there is a difference in load times17:45
UltimaKRdav: I will go get firefox to try and delete the cache.17:45
betraydminas no guarantees, if I had nvidia i'd use the installer rom the repos, not nvidias website17:45
lotuspsychjeUltimaKR: did you try running chrome from terminal, to check any errors?17:45
tyrogminas: Nouveau is miles behind the NVIDIA proprietary drivers, unfortunately17:45
echoethink I'm stuck without manually editing phctool and I'd rather not. ... me programming is bad times.17:45
minasbetrayd, but ubuntu doesn't recognize the restricted drivers - no drivers are listed as proprietory17:45
davUltimaKR: if none of it works, you can try installing chromium from PPA: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable17:46
n0ydWell I just testedx it, wortks fine. Much thanks17:46
tyrogminas: No? What's your card?17:46
bitbyteany of you guys know of ubuntu running on ipad217:47
lotuspsychje!touch | bitbyte17:47
ubottubitbyte: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch17:47
betraydyes but i believe there is a HOWTO up online somewhere to get the ppa and binaries working -- yes you'll be out on a limb17:47
davUltimaKR: actually that PPA looks old17:47
minastyrog, I dont know (it's my laptop's friend actually - if we boot into win7 I will tell you). Isn't it ok to install the drivers from the nvidia website?17:47
tyrogminas: It probably uses the Optimus techonology (Intel + NVIDIA). In that case you should use bumblebeee17:48
streulmaminas: lspci17:48
=== akshay_ is now known as akshay_r
minastyrog, bumblebeee?17:48
dav!touch | dav17:48
ubottudav, please see my private message17:48
tyrogminas: lspci |grep VGA17:48
tyrogin the terminal17:48
minastyrog, one min, he will send me an email with the output17:49
sonofzeusHi there17:49
UltimaKRdav: I'm downloading Firefox from the software center right now so I will let you know if that works any better.17:50
sonofzeusCan anyone read the VNC part of this article : http://www.pcworld.com/article/2033284/how-to-control-your-pc-with-your-android-phone.html lemme know what to do?17:50
sonofzeusVNC ubuntu x11vnc part.17:50
bazhang!ot | sonofzeus17:50
ubottusonofzeus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:50
kartyits a app with which you can control your PC via phone17:50
minastyrog, streulma: http://pastebin.com/d2wVmV4017:50
kartysomething similar to team viewer17:50
sonofzeusUgh I know that karty17:50
tyrogminas: It uses Optimus technology17:51
streulmais there someone who would help me installing ubuntu on my mac native? with giving tips and so on?17:51
sonofzeusopen the Startup Applications menu and add this entry: x11vnc -forever -passwd xyzzy -rfbport 5900 -bg, where ‘xyzzy’ is your chosen password.17:51
minastyrog, so what should I do?17:51
sonofzeuswhat does that mean?17:51
Ahmedohello, i need an assistent urgenly please, i have missed up with grub bootloader17:51
lotuspsychje!mac | streulma17:51
ubottustreulma: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:51
lotuspsychjeAhmedo: whats your issue mate, just ask your problem17:52
Ahmedolotus , ive installed 'burg'17:52
minastyrog, sudo apt-get install bumblebee-nvidia primus ?17:53
tyrogminas: do these in order17:53
Ahmedobecause i have an interest on changing the bootloader background17:53
treehau55I read that dnsmasq is default for ubuntu 12.04, is this correct?17:53
tyrogsudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable17:53
Ahmedounfortunatly i was installing it with 'terminal' instead of xterm17:53
sonofzeusopen the Startup Applications menu and add this entry: x11vnc -forever -passwd xyzzy -rfbport 5900 -bg, where ‘xyzzy’ is your chosen password.what does that mean?17:53
tyrogsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates17:53
Ahmedoso when it asked me from the sda number ive added number one.17:53
tyrogsudo apt-get update17:53
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:54
tyrogsudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia17:54
tyrogthen reboot17:54
Ahmedorebooted, and couldnt load , it trasfared me to grub rescue17:54
Ahmedowhen i write ls , its shows only hd017:54
Ahmedoand now iam booting using haren boot cd17:55
elisa87I have extracted the CFG of a test.c program into test.c.013t.cfg using gimple, does anyone know how I can visualize it?17:55
Ahmedoany idea lotuspsychje17:55
lotuspsychjeAhmedo: you might wanna try ubuntu livecd to fix grub, sudo update-grub17:55
minastyrog, thanks, installing now17:55
Ahmedolotus tried it , nothing happened , is there a way to edit the cfg file ?17:56
betraydhopefully minas you wont need acpi=off17:56
minasbetrayd, i hope so :)17:56
RaimondsHi. Might anyone know what I am doing wrong, because when I try to run ubuntu from my USB I get unable to find a medium containing a live file system. Might it be something with that I have USB 3.0, i just read on forums that it can not read MD5sum, but as the post was pretty old, it might not be the case. http://i.imgur.com/OwxOHD3.jpg I am using universal USB installer and my goal is to make ubuntu bootable from USB, so I can use it.17:56
nissimHey guys. I'm extremely new to Ubuntu and I'm having tons of issues setting up. Can anyone help me?17:57
minasnissim, yes, what are your issues?17:57
treehau55I am trying to use dnsmasq to set up virtual domain names for developing ruby on rails applications (this isnt a RoR question). Do you recommend disabling dnsmasq in Network Manager, and then apt-get'ing dnsmasq to use for my own developer purposes?17:57
ALISONNYRaimonds, maybe you need to set boot device to usb17:57
Ahmedoi did the grub-update lotuspsychje17:57
ALISONNYminas, what's the problem?17:57
nissimwell, when I log in , i dont get a GUI but just a commandline style prompt17:57
lotuspsychjeAhmedo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:57
ALISONNYi meant nissim17:58
RaimondsALISONNY: It is booting from USB, I see the ubuntu loading screen http://www.linoob.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Ubuntu-Bootscreen.png and then the console does its thing and then the errors pops up and it halts.17:58
nissimif I type startx or sudo start, etc. I get a who list of actions that the system is doing followed by an [OK] at the end of each line17:59
tyrogminas: Is your friend on Ubuntu 13.04?17:59
nissimand I cant type or do anything else17:59
minastyrog, yes, we just installed it17:59
treehau55nissim, are you trying to use ubuntu as your desktop OS or are you using a virtual environment, or are you setting up a server and 'logging in' by ssh?17:59
=== Modeuse|2 is now known as Moduese
nissimIm using it with virtualbox and I downloaded the desktop version from the ubunto site18:00
umib0zuanyone know anything about kernels and kernel management? A while ago I asked about my /boot folder being full and was told to delete some of the older versions. turns out I was using virtualbox and it was putting kernels in there for my VMs.18:00
sonofzeusopen the Startup Applications menu and add this entry: x11vnc -forever -passwd xyzzy -rfbport 5900 -bg, where ‘xyzzy’ is your chosen password.what does that mean?18:01
kpuljekany ideas on how to install nvidia drivers on aspire v3, it has a geforce 710M and it just doesn't work18:01
treehau55nissim, try logging in, and from the command line typing in 'startx' and see what happens18:01
tyrogminas: Before rebooting, he needs to install the NVIDIA drivers too. After installing bumblebee, tell him to do 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic nvidia-graphics-drivers-313-updates'18:02
treehau55nissim, this is also a common question, a lot of your answers can be found on askubuntu.com its a great resource18:02
minastyrog, we rebooted, but we will do now18:02
faafffaahow to change unity ui to classic?18:02
sonofzeusopen the Startup Applications menu and add this entry: x11vnc -forever -passwd xyzzy -rfbport 5900 -bg, where ‘xyzzy’ is your chosen password.what does that mean?18:02
lotuspsychje!notunity | faafffaa18:02
ubottufaafffaa: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.18:02
treehau55I am trying to use dnsmasq to set up virtual domain names for developing ruby on rails applications (this isnt a RoR question). Do you recommend disabling dnsmasq in Network Manager, and then apt-get'ing dnsmasq to use for my own developer purposes?18:03
sonofzeusopen the Startup Applications menu and add this entry: x11vnc -forever -passwd xyzzy -rfbport 5900 -bg, where ‘xyzzy’ is your chosen password.what does that mean?18:03
bazhang!repeat | sonofzeus18:04
ubottusonofzeus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:04
tyrogminas: Actually, it is 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic nvidia-313-updates' instead xD18:04
treehau55sonofzeus, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11vnc18:04
nissimtreehau55, I get this http://imgur.com/kqypFsv and i cant do anything else. No keyboard input or anything18:04
treehau55nissim, try messing around with the graphics settings in virtualbox18:05
IdleOnesonofzeus: it means in that command you want to replace xyzzy with your actual password18:05
minastyrog, installing now18:05
treehau55enabled/disable 3d acceleration, ect18:05
treehau55nissim,  what graphics card do you have?18:05
betraydsonofzeus which opart is confusing, paste that thing in a terminal and run it.18:06
mojtabaI used fusedav to mount webdav, but I got this error message: "PROPFIND failed: Could not read status line: Connection reset by peer" Does anybody know what should I do?18:06
treehau55nissim,  this may be a virtualbox specific question as well, and you may be able to get help in #vbox18:06
sonofzeusit says open the Startup Applications menu ?18:06
sonofzeusand add this entry18:06
betraydi'd do that when it runs fine18:07
tzpcan anyone help a new user out18:07
lotuspsychje!ask | tzp18:07
ubottutzp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:07
tzpit might take a min, and i'd prefer it taken to a PM18:07
DirangedI know that with reprepro I cannot have a single repository that has multiple versions of a package… Is there any other way to do that?18:07
DirangedI want to be able to hold as many versions as I want of a particular package in a single repo..18:07
hackoo!ask | hackoo18:07
ubottuhackoo, please see my private message18:07
vanishingtzp: better ask what question first then pm18:07
vanishingthe question*18:08
nissimtreehau55, I have an Intel Q45/Q43 Chipset18:08
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/18:09
treehau55nissim, ok you have integrated intel graphics18:09
tzpI am looking for a way to use my home desktop (Running 12.04) to work as a server so I can stream music to my phone or laptop when I am at home/office/friends house. I am not the best with the terminal yet so hopefully nothing really terminal heavy as a solution. I've looked into VPN but it all looks like remote desktop - which worries me due to the lag usually expereinced.18:09
chirayutzp, try openvpn access server18:09
roxtonSo, FreeNX is trying to invoke dbus from //bin/dbus-launch. I'm not sure where to look to fix the configuration.18:09
chirayuit comes with 2 free user license18:10
nissimtreehau55, thanks, I didnt get it working yet but I'll check out the virtual box settings18:10
vanishingchvx: openvpn can stream music?18:10
chirayutzp: www.openvpn.net18:10
hackooWhen I boot my laptop from Ubuntu my USB modem connection disconnects very frequently and stop showing network list. In such case I need to reinsert my modem again and again, not sure whats wrong with Ubuntu. The same modem works fine in the same latptop when I boot Windows 7.18:10
tzpI'm looking for more of a WEBUI solution than remote desktop. I don't need the desktop, just the files.18:10
chvxis same as the ram for swap.. for hibernate right?18:10
chirayuvanishing: openvpn is just a network protocol18:10
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
chirayutzp: openvpn will enable network connectivity to your desktop behind a firewall18:11
vanishingchirayu: yea, but hes asking for a server solution, not a way to connect to a server inside some private network I think18:11
tzpvanishing yes18:11
mojtabaDoes anybody have any idea, what should I do?18:11
mojtabaI used fusedav to mount webdav, but I got this error message: "PROPFIND failed: Could not read status line: Connection reset by peer" Does anybody know what should I do?18:11
tzpbasicaly my laptop is an ultrabook so not much HD space18:12
tzpso i'd like to keep my music on my desktop but when i'm at work on my ultrabook be able to stream the movies/music on my desktop at home18:12
chirayuvanishing: do you see where he's going?18:12
roxtonIs FreeNX still the recommended Ubuntu remote desktop solution, or is there something better these days?18:12
vanishingchirayu: yes...18:12
chirayuhe's just not asking his question properly :P18:13
vanishingbut you are way ahead18:13
chirayuhe shall learn one way or another18:13
chirayuvanishing: agreed18:13
hackoochvx: Yes. You need to have swap with same size as RAM18:13
vanishingtzp: easiest solution is apache i htink18:13
betrayd lol i'm right here guys18:13
vanishingnot the best solution18:13
chvxhackoo, no other reason to have swap than if i got 6gb ram then?18:14
vanishingchvx: i would keep swapiness very low18:14
hackoochvx: Yes, I think so. Since 6 GB RAM is good enough and your swap will be hardly used. BTW Ubuntu 12.04+ have Hibernate disabled by default.18:15
vanishingtzp: actually, try ampache18:15
tzp!google ampache18:16
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/18:16
vanishingtzp: sudo apt-get install ampache18:16
vanishingits even in the repo18:16
chvxhackoo, i dont know really if good for me? :S18:16
hackoochvx: though you can still enable Hibernate but I suggest you to first check the Hibernate manually and see if your system starts correctly and then you should enable Hibernate/ have swap with 6 GB.18:17
vanishingtzp: after that, you will have to follow chirayu's points..:D18:17
elisa87do you know why I am receiving all these errors during the make? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694515/18:17
tzpi bookmarked it18:17
chvxhackoo, is it possible to add swap later? or do i need to do that then i install?18:17
tzpi'll try it out when i get back home18:17
hackoochvx: I have 4 GB RAM in my laptop so I made 4 GB swap just for of Hibernate. Because this feature is important for me, I work on several applications, when lots of files are open I don't like closing them.18:19
betraydelisa87 any particular reason you needed to attempt MAKE?18:19
hackoochvx: Yes, you can always add swap later. I think you can create swap in a file using dd and use it though not sure if that will be useful for hibernate or not. I think It should work.18:20
elisa87betrayd: I wanted to install gcc python pluggin and here's the files in that folder! How else should I install it if not by make? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694527/18:21
chvxhackoo, i got a laptop http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibernation_%28computing%29#Uses18:22
betraydelisa87 might be the wrong channel, but at a glance you got your headers mixed in there with your .c's, normally the right path should open those  for you, and you rmake aint finding them18:23
=== jack is now known as Guest86483
umib0zuanyone know anything about kernels and kernel management? A while ago I asked about my /boot folder being full and was told to delete some of the older versions. turns out I was using virtualbox and it was putting kernels in there for my VMs. Not sure how to properly manage kernels to keep them from filling in the boot menu.18:23
hackoochvx: Yes, I can see that. In Ubuntu 12.04+ Hibernate is discontinued just because of the fact that it's not reliable in all type of h/w. so it's suggested to check before enabling it.18:25
chvxhackoo, by the looks of the wiki its look like its important :)18:25
backboxof a live flash disk for backbox how do i get it to have me as root so  half the commands quit sayiing " run as root"18:25
bazhangwhat is backbox backbox18:26
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:26
umib0zunothing on my kernels? :-(18:26
backboxone of the linux distros18:26
bazhangbackbox, its not supporte d here18:26
chvxhackoo, h/w?18:27
backboxam i allowed to ask questions involving a laptop hard drive with logical sectors that need remapped ?18:28
hanabumib0zu, no idea about the solution18:29
Picibackbox: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. So, if you need help with Ubuntu, then ask here.18:29
elisa87betrayd:  how should I include gcc-tree.h in my c program using "" or <> ? I am receiving this error when I use "" . gcc-c-api/gcc-tree.h:525:1: error: declaration for parameter 'gcc_vlexp_as_gcc_tree' but no such parameter18:29
chvxhackoo, so the disanvantage of it is that i doesnt work in hard kind of work?18:29
hackoochvx: Yes. It depends on your work. If you don't have much things to save when you stop using your system then you just shut it down and don't need Hibernate but when you have lots of things you don't want to save or which cant be saved in between  then you need hibernate because sleep will keep consuming battery. So it all depends on the user.18:30
BluesKajbackbox, are you going to install ubuntu on that drive18:30
backboxand it will nto let me18:30
hackoohackoo: I didn't got what you say.18:31
JC_SoCalwhat is the proper term for what I am doing? I have an old version of linux ... I download the Ubuntu install ISO, unpack it, stick initrd.gz and linux in a directory and create an entry in grub to boot off of those -- and install the new version of ubuntu without a CD but from the hard drive?18:33
betraydthats the thing elisa87. You're going to have to look elsewhere for c support, or python. You might be spending too much time here without getting anywhere18:33
elisa87what should I do? /lib/ld-linux.so.3: No such file or directory18:34
ubottusimone29: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:35
=== bipolar_ is now known as bipolar
MonkeyDustelisa87  start from the beginning, what are you trying to achieve?18:36
moondoggyHas anyone gotten "ditaa" to work on Ubuntu?  12.04?18:36
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:36
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
MonkeyDustelisa87  ignore my question, just scrolled up18:36
isashaO hai18:37
chvxhackoo, found an error in the text18:37
isashaI'm trying to set up a XBMC box for my parents with Live TV streaming from a bunch of direct streams that play directly in XBMC18:38
isashaIs this possible?18:38
jordilopezamatHello everybody !!  i'm trying to Install Alternate Ubuntu Image from USB ...18:38
jordilopezamatBy chance... ¿do you know why this workaround on Unetbootin options doesn't work for me  http://tinyurl.com/qenlw75 ? :-/18:38
munzxhi! i can not find skype although i have changed the "software source" to united states servers !18:39
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct18:39
dgandhigreetings all, I'm setting up a couple 802.1q vlans over an LACP trunk, but it requires me run "ifconfig bond0.99 up" to bring up the second vlan at boot. The LACP bonded group comes up, the first  vlan comes up, but the second one does not - the order in interfaces does not effect which comes up. The second interface is configured address/mask etc, so it just requires up. known issue? any suggestions?18:39
bazhanghackoo, /msg ubottu18:39
=== smithkm_ is now known as smithkm
jordilopezamat... i'm puzzled, after hours of trying a workaround that is supposed to work with others... but not in my case !18:40
jordilopezamatthanks beforehand18:40
BluesKajisasha, recommend you read the the XBMC web manual , and if you still have questions ask in the #xbmc channel18:41
jordilopezamatany hints ?18:42
isashaOh well. I thought here would be better as this is xbmcbuntu I'm talking about.18:42
isashaBut thanks18:42
michagogoI'm running Windows 7 x64 on an HP Pavilion dv6t-7000 Quad Edition laptop with 8GB RAM, Core i7-3610QM, with Intel's Ivy Bridge graphics, and an Nvidia GeForce GT 630M with 1GB memory. I have a 3TB USB3 hard drive, currently in one partition formatted for Mac. Can I create a new partition on the external HD, install Ubuntu on it, and boot to it without affecting my computer or the existing18:44
michagogopartition on the external HD?18:44
munzxguys! i know that this is a silly question but why i cant find skype in software center ?!18:45
nubuntuhi guys18:45
michagogoIn other words, can I install Ubuntu on a partition on an external drive in a way that will not leave the computer changed once it's shut down and the drive is removed?18:45
gordonjcpmichagogo: yes, of course18:45
gordonjcp!skype | munzx18:46
ubottumunzx: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga18:46
=== NePtUnO|Off is now known as NePtUnO
gordonjcpmunzx: but in general it's because the licence doesn't allow it to be redistributed18:46
michagogogordonjcp: And can I do that on a new partition on a currently Mac-formatted external drive without losing the current contents of the drive?18:46
bazhangmunzx, its in partner repo18:46
gordonjcpmichagogo: that could be tricky18:46
bazhang!info skype partner | munzx gordonjcp18:47
ubottumunzx gordonjcp: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)18:47
gordonjcpmichagogo: you'd have to repartition the drive18:47
gordonjcpbazhang: oh, okay, thanks for the heads-up18:47
chvxhackoo, then you mean hard work what do you mean?18:47
elisa87my arm gcc compiler requires /lib/ld-linux.so.3 ,  but I just have this lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Jan 28 06:30 /lib/ld-linux.so.2 -> i386-linux-gnu/ld-2.15.so, do you know what's the solution?18:47
michagogogordonjcp: I know. My question is, can that be done in a way that will leave the current data in place?18:48
munzx gordonjcp: i have downloaded skype on 12.4 and earlier versions but when i upgraded to 13.4 i could not find it!18:48
michagogo(and able to be mounted by a Mac afterwards)18:48
bazhangmunzx, its in the partner repo as I just said18:48
munzx gordonjcp: i dont think that because of a policy! or a license!18:48
echoenobody knows of any way to undervolt ubuntu 12.04? my computer's pretty unusable without undervolting18:50
munzxbazhang: ok , thnx :) just a sc18:51
munzxbazhang: thnx :D that worked!18:55
dgandhiis there a better channel to ask obscure networking questions for ubuntu/debian?18:56
chirayudgandhi: what's your question?18:56
dgandhiI'm setting up a couple 802.1q vlans over an LACP trunk, but it requires me run "ifconfig bond0.99 up" to bring up the second vlan at boot. The LACP bonded group comes up, the first  vlan comes up, but the second one does not - the order in interfaces does not effect which comes up. The second interface is configured address/mask etc, so it just requires up. known issue? any suggestions?18:56
MonkeyDustdgandhi  obscure, as in 'illegal'?18:56
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dgandhiMonkeyDust: as in odd, uncommon.18:58
michagogogordonjcp: Can an external drive currently formatted for Mac have a partition added and Ubuntu installed in a way that won't remove the Mac partition, leaving it mountable by a Mac afterwards?18:58
GreyganI was in here the other day and was asking about an issue I have in Unity where the menu bars and close/minimize buttons dissapeared after installing a n Nvidia diriver. I had decided to just run in Gnome as it still worked. But when I do a "systems test" it sayd "no display drivers installed, may be running in failsafe" would that be the cause of my unity issue?18:59
dhanasekaranHow to download complete maven remote repository to Local repository19:00
myxadoes any know how to locate Cobol compiler19:02
llutz!info open-cobol | myxa:19:02
ubottumyxa:: open-cobol (source: open-cobol): COBOL compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (raring), package size 221 kB, installed size 562 kB19:02
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elisa87how can I know if a package is already installed ? like "qemu-system" ??19:05
llutzelisa87: apt-cache policy packagename19:05
llutzelisa87: or dpkg -l packagename19:05
SteveBellhi all. I installed 13.04 on a toshiba nb 305. worked great at first but after updating to the latest kernel I am now running into http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 it seems. I tried the suggested fix but to no avail. what can I do now? do I really need to reinstall this again from bootable USB?19:06
=== Yuki is now known as Guest48299
elisa87llutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694668/ it is find with dpkg but -v doesn't show it's version19:06
GreyganMy missing Menu bars, etc are in the Unity environment in 13.04 btw19:07
pagios_hello, trying to run wpa_supplicant, getting ioctl[SIOCSIWAP]: Operation not permitted19:08
pagios_as root19:08
llutzelisa87: the version is shown in your paste19:08
elisa87llutz: so why am I receiving this? qemu-system: command not found19:08
llutzelisa87: ls -l /usr/bin/qemu-system*19:08
elisa87llutz: do you know the solution to this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694692/19:14
elisa87I don't know how to solve this error regarding running my executable http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694692/19:14
treehau55Error in the docs -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dnsmasq ; dhclient.conf is in /etc/dhcp/ not /etc/dhcp3/19:14
llutz!find /lib/ld-linux.so.319:15
ubottuFile /lib/ld-linux.so.3 found in libc6-armel-cross, libc6-armhf-cross19:15
llutzelisa87: ^19:15
K1rkHey, I'm trying to remove Suspend & Hibernate options from Indicator-Session... I am not finding any tutorials which work.  Here is my thread on the Ubuntu Forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147996  Any suggestions?19:15
kristenbbhi all, I'm here once again to try to solve my installation issue. Anyone here that helped me from yesterday or the days before ?19:16
SteveBellok let's reinstall. can someone recommend a software to create the bootable USB stick? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows is for windows only19:16
bazhangkristenbb, check th e logs19:16
K1rkkristenbb, I wasn't helping you before, but I'd be happy to help you now.19:16
SteveBellI#d need OS X19:16
bazhang!1984 | kristenbb19:16
ubottukristenbb: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.19:16
GreyganI guess I will try installing the driver again. Any suggestions as to where I can find a compatible Nvidia driver? (EVGA 7900 GTX)19:17
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
kristenbbK1rk: so let's try to sum up the problem. I am trying to install ubuntu 13.04 on a ssd (sdb). No other os involved. There is also a sda with data on it. The sda is gpt. When I install it on sdb, it goes well, but then I get "error: no such partition" when I try to launch it. I tried many things in the last 6 days, including around 8 installations, manual or automatic, repairing the grub with a chroot or with a graphical tool, and so forth. What to19:19
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
K1rkkristenbb, are you sure your BIOS is booting to sdb?19:19
K1rkIf you installed GRUB on sdb, and your BIOS is booting to sda, you might be finding that you have no boot loader, because there isn't one on sda.19:19
K1rkDoes that make sense?19:20
kristenbbK1rk: yes, I tried booting  to both, I get the same error message.19:20
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K1rkkristenbb, have you tried installing with sda removed from the machine?  That would eliminate any possibility of an error where you're booting to the wrong drive or installing the boot loader on the wrong drive, etc19:20
kristenbbK1rk: this is the point where I actually left off yesterday, it's something I would have rather avoided, since I am a girl and I'm not good with hardware stuff (I didn't do the setup), and since I know that this setup was able to boot 12.04 just fine.19:22
K1rkkristenbb, hey, my best friend is a girl and I walked her through upgrading her power supply over the phone.  Amazing things do happen. :P19:23
betraydGreygar did you just try 310 nvidia drivers, step back to 304 maybe19:23
K1rkkristenbb, Nevertheless, that's understandable, I just figured that would be an easy way to make sure.19:23
kristenbbbut I mean why change something that is known to be working19:23
K1rkkristenbb, would you mind taking a picture of the "partition not found" error?19:24
K1rkI'd like to see if it looks like a GRUB error, or a BIOS error, etc...19:24
kristenbbK1rk: it's quite simple. It's a black screen, with white letters on it. It says:19:25
kristenbberror: no such partition19:25
kristenbbgrub rescue>19:25
kristenbb(the last line is a prompt)19:25
betraydinow thats a screenshot19:25
K1rkkristenbb, okay so it's a grub error.19:26
K1rkkristenbb, so it sounds like grub is loading which means it's not a bios boot problem.19:26
kristenbbdo you know what I could write from this prompt in order to fix it ? I was told yesterday that this error could be due to a wrong UUID in the grub configuration19:27
K1rkkristenbb, suppose that's possible, though I don't know why the UUID would have become wrong.19:27
K1rkkristenbb, has anyone had you try boot-repair yet?19:27
kristenbbmeaning, a leftover from a previous installation, or something like that19:27
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
kristenbbyes, I used the boot repair graphical tool, and I used 'grub install' and 'update-grub' in a chrooted environment.19:28
kristenbb(which I tried installing on both devices, just to make sure)19:28
betraydif you hit tab theres a command to show blkid's19:30
K1rkkristenbb, if you really believe the UUID is the problem... I would try modifying /etc/default/grub, and uncommenting the line "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID".  Then it will pass /dev/sd# to Linux instead of a potentially incorrect UUID.  You'll need to update-grub and such after doing the change to the defaults file, of course.19:30
=== god is now known as Guest13567
jch2oshaving an issue where I can't su to backuppc, but I think it is a linux issue.  I tried logging in as non root and it kicks me right out19:30
jch2osCannot execute /bin/sh: Permission denied su: User not known to the underlying authentication module19:30
kristenbbK1rk: no i don't believe anything, i'm just a regular user who would like to install ubuntu :)19:30
kristenbbK1rk: but ok sure I could try that19:31
kristenbbK1rk: so I need to run a live cd, right,19:31
jch2osls -l /bin/sh lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Mar 29  2012 /bin/sh -> dash19:31
K1rkkristenbb, yeah, unless you can boot into recovery mode from grub, which it sounds like you won't be able to.19:31
K1rkkristenbb, these are the lines in the grub defaults file and some explanations.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup#Specific_Entries19:32
K1rkkristenbb, if you set GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID="true" it should pass /dev/sdb1 instead of a UUID.19:32
betraydjch2os whats the actual problem, booting to a text login instead of GYU desktop?19:32
jch2osbetrayd - this is server 12.04 so no gui19:33
jch2osbut if I try to ssh in as usera, it says I don't have permission to the home directory and /bin/bash permission denied19:33
kristenbbK1rk: oh yeah another point that comes to mind and that I forgot to mention. Yesterday I was helped to do an installation step by step, and right before installing I get a warning saying I just reserve 30MB of partition to EFI. If that helps to understand the issue...19:33
kristenbbI should* reserve19:34
K1rkkristenbb, ah yeah I had an annoying problem like this with one of my huge deployments....19:34
K1rkkristenbb, I had 800 computers I'd installed this image onto, and a GRUB update was making them all drop like flies.19:34
K1rkI came up with a "fix".19:34
K1rkkristenbb, if your disk is GPT but you aren't using a "proper GUID partition table", GRUB install will fail.19:35
K1rkkristenbb, you can either fix your partition table as described (with the extra free space), or switch to an MS-DOS partition table, or use --force when installing grub.19:35
K1rkkristenbb, grub-install /dev/sdb --force19:35
kristenbbK1rk: i don't think the sdb is gpt anymore. It was at one point, but someone had me switch it back to mbr during the 6th install yesterday.19:35
K1rkkristenbb, when you ran grub-install, I imagine you saw that error that said something about that space... and then "embedding is unreliable and not recommended" etc.19:35
kristenbbK1rk: no I don't recall having such an error.19:36
Rapphi everyone19:37
K1rkkristenbb, okay you might have a different problem than the one I had to deal with, but it sounds like they could still be related.  Did you get any errors during grub-install?19:37
kristenbbK1rk: so wait, you gave me many options there, --force, fix with extra space, swith to msdos, update grub, ... which one should I do first ?19:37
Rappi am in the progress of upgrading from 11 to 12.04 (precise?)19:37
Rappduring the update the process, my desktop vanished.19:37
kristenbbK1rk: no i didn't get any errors, it went fine but didn't help to solve my issue.19:37
K1rkkristenbb, if --force fixes it, you'll want to do something better because that's just a band-aid. The next GRUB update will break it again.19:37
Rappi stil have X and the mouse cursor, and it seems that the programs are all still running19:37
Rappbut the windows are not shown anymore. any ideas? can i restart the machine? dpkg seems to have finished. don't see it in the process list anymore19:38
K1rkkristenbb, I chose to switch to ms-dos partition table because nobody could tell me what a proper GUID partition table is. It seems there are varying "opinions" on it.  To me, it should be fact...19:38
K1rkkristenbb, do you have a UEFI BIOS?19:38
kristenbbK1rk: the problem is, sdb now is msdos, but the problem is still here.19:38
kristenbbK1rk: yes I do19:39
elisa87./sift /research/jalal/sdvb/sd-vbs/benchmarks/mser/data/vgaqemu: uncaught target signal 4 (Illegal instruction) - core dumpedIllegal instruction (core dumped)  (do you know how to solve this?)19:39
K1rkkristenbb, is it in "compatibility mode"?19:39
kristenbbK1rk: I don't know what this means.19:39
K1rkkristenbb, don't hold me to it, but I *think* UEFI computers need to boot to a GPT drive unless they're in compatibility mode.19:39
kristenbbuefi bios means a bios where the mouse works, right ?19:40
K1rkkristenbb, then again all of our UEFI machines boot up just fine to my MBR\MS-DOS partitioning.19:40
th0rK1rk: I have been following kristenbb 's issue for a couple of days and have been surprised no one else has come to that point.19:40
K1rkkristenbb, I've never heard it defined that way.19:40
K1rkth0r, yeah?19:40
K1rkth0r, why didn't you mention it then?19:40
Guest30636hello, my software-center stopped working, i tried using console and it shows this Translation has an invalid value 'I-->D' for default text direction.  Defaulting to left-to-right19:40
th0rK1rk: I have no experience with UEFI, hadn't even read anything about it until kristenbb mentioned the ssb was identifying as EFI. Have been watching the issue in the hopes of learning something about it <smile>19:41
kristenbbK1rk: in that case i'm not 100% sure I have a uefi bios, but I think so. it's a very recent mother board.19:41
K1rkkristenbb, UEFI is kind of messy... it deals with "operating system licenses" and stuff I think has no place on a computer.  But it's possible that the UEFI is messing with your boot process because of this licensing.19:42
kristenbbK1rk: so what would you like me to try from here?19:42
=== XXX is now known as Guest89974
Guest89974i have some files to put together19:43
K1rkkristenbb, hold on, I'm looking at one of my ThinkPads here which I believe has an UEFI BIOS.19:43
elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5694784/  what should I do for undefined reference to `pthread_create' ??19:43
Guest89974cat segment{1..200} works fine19:43
seroniskristenbb:  i know NOTHING..  but a (very young) aquaintence of mine just y esterday got GPT working on his uefi system19:43
Guest89974but can i replace it with variables?19:43
seroniswant me to have him come into irc ?19:44
Guest89974cat segment{$a..$b}>newfile doesn't work19:44
K1rkkristenbb, th0r, I've located the area of the BIOS on my ThinkPads which I'm referring to... give me a moment to upload a few photos.19:44
kristenbbseronis: well I honestly have no idea what is uefi, gpt and all this stuff, so I'm not sure it's even related to my issue.19:44
K1rkkristenbb, it could seriously be...19:45
K1rkkristenbb, th0r, take a look at this.  This is my UEFI BIOS.  http://binaryimpulse.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/2013-05-23-14.44.05.jpg19:46
K1rkkristenbb, th0r, this is the BIOS setting I had to change to make MS-DOS \ MBR partitions work properly.  This was the *only way* I could get these machines to boot with a 10.04 image I was re-using from older legacy computers. http://binaryimpulse.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/2013-05-23-14.44.27.jpg19:47
K1rkkristenbb, I would look for settings like that in your BIOS...19:47
K1rkkristenbb, I'm less inclined to think UEFI is the problem because GRUB is partially loading... but I would still check this.19:48
=== motto is now known as m8
Ahmedohello, lotus, fixed the problem19:48
ShayGuyI need help for what might be a hopeless cause: http://askubuntu.com/q/299118/3845919:48
Ahmedoi have other problem right now19:49
th0rK1rk: kristenbb mentioned a couple of times looking at the ssd partitions and seeing it identifying as EFI. I was thinking if the ssd is EFI but the bios isn't capable.......19:49
Ahmedocan someone assist me step-by-step on installing burg, because when i install it the grub got currupted19:49
K1rkth0r, your statement implies a misunderstanding of EFI, as I understand EFI.19:50
=== Guest89974 is now known as apt-get_install
K1rkth0r, a disk drive itself cannot be EFI.19:50
kristenbbK1rk: so again, what is it that you want me to try exactly ? this is all quite gibberish to me...19:50
K1rkth0r, a BIOS is EFI, and a partitioning scheme is EFI compliant.19:50
th0rK1rk: which is why I didn't say anything <smile>19:50
K1rkkristenbb, look in your BIOS for the boot\startup settings and find "legacy boot" options...make sure those are turned on.19:50
kristenbbso shut down the live cd ? it's loaded right now...19:51
K1rkkristenbb, if you wanted to try my grub-install /dev/sdb --force, feel free to do that while you're in the Live CD...19:51
K1rkOtherwise I'd head over to the BIOS and check for your UEFI Legacy Boot settings.19:51
K1rkth0r, as I understand it, GPT partitioning table is EFI compliant.19:52
K1rkth0r, when I took a normal MS-DOS partitioned Ubuntu 10.04 image that has worked on hundreds of computers, I imaged these new ThinkPads, and they didn't boot up.  I found those BIOS settings, and changing them resolved the problem.19:52
kristenbbK1rk: i would just like to mention that sdb is still gpt, although I had set it to mbr yesterday.19:52
K1rkkristenbb, yeah that's okay... if it's not proper GPT it could still mess with the EFI.19:53
K1rkI'd still look at changing this.19:53
ShayGuyI need help for what might be a hopeless cause: http://askubuntu.com/q/299118/3845919:53
kristenbbso should I try this grub-install ? What to do in order to achieve that?19:53
diegoxt24i can't open software-center anymore it shows me a translation error19:53
K1rkkristenbb, while you're on the live cd you might as well.19:54
Ahmedohello , i need help on burg bootloader19:54
michagogoI have a Mac-formatted external drive. Can I add a partition for Ubuntu, install Ubuntu including bootloader on it, and keep the current partition visible to Mac?19:54
K1rkgrub-install /dev/sdb --force19:54
kristenbbK1rk: from a chrooted environment?19:55
betraydSHayguy time to get acquainted twith real copy and paste19:55
ShayGuybetrayd: Huh?19:56
betraydhayguy hightlight selected text with l click drag19:56
Ahmedoany one well known with burg ?19:57
bazhang!info burg | Ahmedo19:57
ubottuAhmedo: Package burg does not exist in raring19:57
bazhangAhmedo, ask the burg developers19:57
Ahmedois it ok to ask where to find them ?19:57
bazhangAhmedo, the burg homepage perhaps19:58
ShayGuybetrayd: What do you mean? I can't change anything in the X session but the mouse position.19:58
th0rK1rk: thanks...I am now less ignorant of UEFI <smile>.19:58
K1rkkristenbb, same way you did it before.19:58
K1rkth0r, yeah no problem.19:59
K1rkth0r, I'm still no expert... I just know UEFI is a pain in my side.19:59
Ahmedothe documents isin ubuntu archives the code is from launchpad19:59
Kitt3nMy computer is a pain in my side. GPT partitions and the only UEFI option I have is a built-in shell19:59
th0rK1rk: I have read disparaging threads about it, but never dug into it at all until kristenbb brought the issue up the other day.19:59
kristenbbK1rk: well that's my point i'm not sure I remember :)19:59
betraydShayguy ctrl-A selects all?19:59
ShayGuybetrayd: Um... you do understand what the problem is, right? The session's frozen, like I said in the link. I can't even *access* the text editor.20:01
betraydthere is a scratch file for t ailed edit sessions, can you locate it20:02
betraydor you sound like you've given up20:03
=== hyper is now known as Guest92375
elkyhow do i make rhythmbox make a playlist with all my musics, or, how can i make it export me a list of all my musics?20:04
elkyit seems to not do things that its menus have :-/20:04
ShayGuybetrayd: Scratch file?20:06
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
betraydShayguy yeah there could be one, vi has .filename.swp and offers recovery20:07
=== openbees is now known as vikas-s
betraydShayguy  its like your workplace until you hit save20:07
ShayGuybetrayd: I don't know anything about where gedit would keep that, or how to access it if it's not saved to a normal file. Unless you're talking about the version with a tilde at the end, and that's no good.20:11
SteveBellhi all, I'm running into big problems with my ubuntu install.20:13
SteveBellso I'd like to reinstall.20:13
SteveBellbut how do I create a bootable USB drive for a machine with broken ubuntu on a OS X machine?20:14
Ahmedoam doing every per instuction in ubuntu and grub homepage , still the grubs get currupted20:14
Jerryxchat iz the best20:14
Jerrywhat do we chat about here?20:14
SteveBellI found unetbootin but that produces an usb stick which does not boot correctly in the netbook on which I want to install ubuntu20:14
Jerryall my exes live in texas20:15
k1l!offtopic | Jerry20:15
ubottuJerry: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:15
wilee-nileeAhmedo, This ppa installs the full burg package including themes up to raring. https://launchpad.net/~n-muench/+archive/burg20:15
echoedoes anyone know any linux anything with undervolting?20:16
catcherUbuntu is suddenly prompting me for my ssh passphrase (id_dsa).  It's normally stored by the OS, not sure what the program is called. Any ideas why it's not happening suddenly?20:16
ZiberSo, I've been having strange audio audio issues with skype and google hangout. Good ways to troubleshoot?20:17
betraydShayguy what about with a tilde prefix....20:17
SteveBellno one knows?20:17
echoeSteveBell, is unetbootin available for mac?20:18
echoe... doesn't boot correctly on netbook. what error does it give?20:18
SteveBellyes. but the usb is not working on the netbook after that20:18
SteveBellwell unetbootin says the stick will only boot on a mac20:18
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest27377
ShayGuybetrayd: A tilde *prefix*? "ls -a | grep filename" only returns filename.txt and filename.txt~.20:19
SteveBellso maybe that#s the problem?20:19
* echoe blinks. steve, that shouldn't be an issue20:19
tablesmy ubuntu all of a sudden stopped booting and goes to BusyBox with a terminal saying (initramfs)20:19
tablesanyone know how to fix this?20:19
Ahmedowhilee-nilee still grub crashs20:20
echoeyou can always try this: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx20:20
SteveBellI put it in the netbook. start. F12, select the usb stick to boot from, then I land on the broken current ubuntu installation (which no longer boots for me due to nomodeset.20:20
SteveBellso that should work on non os x machines afterwards?20:20
SteveBellechoe is that's the case then I'll give that a try20:21
echoethe unetbootin one should too, not sure why it isn't, apparently the netbook isn't atching the USB stick. you may want to try using a different port too, lol. hacky but it can work20:21
SteveBellI used the recommended tool for windows and that worked.20:22
betraydShayguy if you had left autosave as is,  GEDIT by default has an option enabled which creates a backup file (with the prefix ~ for the backup file)...20:22
SteveBelland after installing successful I'm now stuck with the nomodeset issue after doing some updates20:22
ShayGuybetrayd: Well, there's nothing of the sort in the directory where the regular file is saved.20:23
=== Aww is now known as Guest41061
ZiberOn ubuntu 12.10, sometimes other people can't hear my audio, other times i can't hear there's. google hangout usually works, but often disconnects after a few minutes. Thoughts? I really need video chatting.20:24
Ahmedowhilee-nilee still grub crashs20:24
betraydShayguyf ~<tab-complete> won't do anything then thats it I'm afraid20:24
betraydShayguy if* ^20:25
josetacosi can't install ubuntu spent the whole night trying. After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, the installation hangs20:26
wilee-nileeAhmedo, What do you mean by grub crashing?20:27
SonikkuAmericajosetacos: Desktop CD?20:27
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Fieldyhow do i configure which services start at boot? someone told me to use "bum" and i deselected dnsmasq, rebooted, but it still starts. then i did an apt-get remove dnsmasq, rebooted, and it still starts (??). call me confused.20:27
SonikkuAmericajosetacos: s/CD/image20:27
josetacoslive desktop usb20:28
SonikkuAmericajosetacos: Try the !alternate image instead.20:28
bazhangSonikkuAmerica, the alternate is gone, you realize20:28
josetacoswhat do you mean by alternate20:28
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josetacosi think this is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/108070120:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1080701 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Raring) "After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs" [Critical,Fix released]20:29
DJones!alternate | josetacos You would have to use the minimal install cd now rather than alternate,20:29
ubottujosetacos You would have to use the minimal install cd now rather than alternate,: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD20:29
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:30
seronisi know how to use  add-apt-repository  to enable PPAs, but how to i set up a LOCAL directory as a repo ?20:31
josetacosi have tried sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get install ubiquity20:31
seronisin case i want to tweak packages and let my local copy work automatically20:31
sacredchaoI am trying to use Nvidia driver 319 in Optimus mode on my Thinkpad T420s, but I can't get the DisplayPort to output anything!  Bumblebee is working great20:32
sacredchaoThe DP1 is ahrdwired to the Nvidia card, but it's not showing up20:32
seronisnevermind..  had been searching but finally found what i needed.   http://linuxwave.blogspot.com/2009/04/adding-local-directory-to-apt.html20:34
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josetacosgot the mini installer running thanks20:39
tablesmy ubuntu all of a sudden stopped booting and goes to BusyBox with a terminal saying (initramfs)20:43
tablesmy ubuntu all of a sudden stopped booting and goes to BusyBox with a terminal saying (initramfs)20:43
tablesanyone know how to fix this?20:43
FloodBot1tables: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
tablessry for double post20:43
lmattables: Do you get a prompt?20:43
tablesyea it says (initramfs)20:44
lmattables: And you can run "ls", etc.?20:44
erolshi, my ubuntu server 12.04 stucks at fsck on my /dev/sda3 drive, after a reboot command. Any idea how I can skip that?20:44
lmaterols: modify /etc/fstab and remove that device?20:44
lmaterols: Or you're just wanting to skip fsck on that device?20:45
lmaterols: (my suggestion will make that device not mount).20:45
erolsactually it's running atm on 60/1204 things20:45
erolssorry, it's /dev/sda3: clean 60/3055616 files20:46
alexblighAnyone know how to persuade debootstrap to use precise-updates to install from, rather than precise?20:46
erolsonly stuck there and cannot boot the systems20:47
tableslmat yes, but it looks limited20:47
erolsif I press on ctrl c20:47
erolsit reboot20:47
erolsand the same things goes again.20:47
lmattables: So perhaps this is the grub command line?20:47
sammybooting my lappy up recently, I've noticed brightness controls weren't working, and my console font size was changed back to default. booting this morning, my brightness controls are back, but my console font size is still making an 80x24 terminal on tty1. what could have happened?20:48
lmatsammy: Did you run grub-mkconfig recently?20:48
lmattables: So it doesn't say "grub>" ?20:49
sammylmat: I believe the kernel may have updated, but I haven't made any changes to /etc/default/grub in forever20:49
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lmatsammy: neato!20:49
sammylmat: are you saying grub-mkconfig may have goofed my video mode or some such at some point? does that run when kernels are updated? (the grub-mkconfig you spoke of)20:50
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sammyI just ran dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and Im about to reboot and see if manually selecting the smallest Terminus font fixed things20:51
erolsseems like nobody experienced the problem with btrfs in 12.0420:51
lmatsammy: I think so...20:51
tableslmat, no it doesn't say grub20:51
lmatsammy: ubuntu does something different with the console and I don't know how it works.20:51
sammylmat: Ill see what happens after a reboot (since I was playing with conosle-setup lastnight when brightness was borked) and see if that did it. if not i'll investigate /etc/default/grub and poke around askubuntu. ill let you know if I find out what 'something different' ubuntu does ;)20:52
lmatsammy: What you're getting I think is the default behaviour. Ubuntu automatically makes the frame buffer fit the screen and I don't think it's through grub configuration.20:52
lmatsammy: I remember that I installed Arch Linux and worked for a while to get the frame buffer to take up the whole screen, but when I installed Ubuntu, it Just Worked.20:53
lmatsammy: Which sounds nice...except it's terribly annoying20:53
sammylmat: that sounds like what happened, it seems to have reverted to default. xdiagnose has some options (I think it adds to the kernel cmdline in grub) that disable the initial fb device for the bootspalsh20:53
sammyyeah everything was JustWorking yesterday. I combed /var/log/apt/history.log* but couldn't find anything that might have messed with the fb or anything like that recently20:53
sleewokhey everyone20:54
lmatHow do I see what video card I have installed?20:54
lmatI ran lspci -v | grep -C 5 VGA20:54
sammyjust try lspci20:54
bekkslmat: lspci|grep -i VGA20:54
lmatAnd it says "VGA compatible controller: ... AMD nee ATI Device 682d (prog-if20:54
sammyyou should be able to pick it out of the list20:54
lmat00 [VGA controller])20:54
lmatTalk about vague!20:54
sleewokI'm trying to install a package and i specified the wrong config during the initiall apt-get install. Now when I attempt to re-install with apt-get it skips the question. How can i clear this?20:54
lmatsleewok: probably apt-get purge package20:55
sleewokalready tried that20:55
sammythe grep is pulling out any additional information. try lspci -v and use shift-pgup to find the VGA device20:55
lmatsleewok: To get rid of the application *and* configuration.20:55
sammythe second line after the line you're grepping may have a specific product name20:55
sammyerm actually the line after, excuse me20:55
lmatsammy: That's why I gave -C 520:55
sleewoklmat, yeah,it doesn't work...it will still ask me some of the questions, but not the one that breaks it20:55
yeatssleewok: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package>' may work?20:56
sleewokyeats, i'll try that20:56
lmatsammy: The line after is Subsystem: Dell Device 053e20:56
lmatsammy: And the line after that:  Flags: bus master, fast dev...20:56
VictorCLI need to decompress a bunch of .gz files and its files in subdirectories . how can I do this with a command?20:57
sammyyeah I'm. i need to eat, sorry. low blood sugar :P if it says 682d its probably identifying it by chipset. youd have to google to see what actual marketed product name you have20:57
lmatsammy: okilie dokilie!!20:57
lmatsammy: http://openbenchmarking.org/s/AMD%20ATI%20Device%20682d20:57
lmatsam113101: Looks like openbenchmarking agrees with you, but doesn't give a product name :(20:58
sleewokyeats, It tells me that the package is broken or not fully installed. i'm wondering if the apt install config is broken or something20:58
elisa87how can I know what is causing error in my C program after make? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5695041/20:58
lmat(Of course, really what I want is proper drivers for the thing...)20:58
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lmatelisa87: dude, wrong channel. Check ##c20:58
yeatssleewok: 'sudo apt-get -f install'21:00
nosmelcWhy is the Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop ISO too big to burn onto a CD?21:01
bekksnosmelc: Because it is designed to be a DVD.21:01
sleewokyeats, still skips the question...this is crazy21:01
yeatssleewok: can you pastebin what you're seeing?21:01
nosmelcbekks: ohh ok.  Weird how it's just a bit bigger than a CD21:01
Micha|iPhoneWhat's the "downloading language packs" stage of the installer on 12.04?21:02
lmatsammy, I need you!!21:02
tyrogMicha|iPhone: its downloading the language packages for the language you selected for your system, since not all language packs are included in the DVD itself21:03
Micha|iPhonetyrog: Pretty sure I wasn't asked a language, except for the keyboard (en-us)21:03
sleewokyeats, I think it's going to be easier for me to just re-install the OS (and then just set the correct value the first time). I appreciate the attempt to help though.21:03
Micha|iPhoneAlso, it said it was downloading libreoffice21:03
lmatsleewok: don't neglect the VM.21:04
tyrogMicha|iPhone: What media are you using? Ubuntu 12.04.2 liveCD from the website?21:04
yeatssleewok: okay sure21:04
lmatsleewok: If you need to practice something or run down a bug like that, a vm is really easy to get going :)21:04
tyrogMicha|iPhone: the language is asked in the first step of the installer21:04
lmatsleewok: and cheap :) And it doesn't wreck your computer.21:04
Micha|iPhonetyrog: The 12.04.2 amd64 desktop iso from bittorrent off a liveusb21:04
sleewoklmat, I've got it running in a vm, i'll just revert to before i broke it21:04
zeestHow do you make all the files in a directory and its subdirectories executable?21:04
Micha|iPhonetyrog: Oh, right21:04
lmatsleewok: perfect! :o21:05
sleewoklmat, for some reason didn't think of that, so thanks for the reminder :)21:05
Micha|iPhonetyrog: Anyway, I selected English21:05
Micha|iPhoneAnd, it was downloading libreoffice-something21:05
tyrogMicha|iPhone: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-desktop-long-term-support see the first screenshot on this page, that is the point where you select the language21:05
yeatssleewok: still good to learn how to fix dpkg/apt errors if you're serious about self-administration IMHO, but I understand doing what's easiest ;-)21:05
Micha|iPhoneYeah, I remember that21:06
sleewokyeats, yeah, If i only had the time21:06
Micha|iPhoneWhy was it downloading libreoffice-something and calling it a language pack, thoigh?21:06
tyrogMicha|iPhone: Then you selected the checkbox "Download updates while installing", so it is fetching the remaining language packs from the mirrors, as long as you are connected to the Internet during install21:06
tyrogMicha|iPhone: because libreoffice needs language packs too :)21:07
Micha|iPhone"remaining" == for every other langiage besides English?21:07
luisjaime_Good day for all:  somebody know, how patching lyx?21:07
tyrogMicha|iPhone: no, it only downloads packages for the language YOU selected21:07
Micha|iPhoneEr, English langpacks aren't in the iso?21:08
tyrogMicha|iPhone: I think not everything is in the ISO. But why are you so upset about this?21:08
elisa87what should I do? touch: missing file operand21:08
bekkselisa87: When doing what?21:09
Micha|iPhoneWhat are the implications of clicking Skip at that step?21:09
frozenlockI have a java program running at startup. If I run it by hand, there's no problem. However, when running at startup, it seems it can't fetch data from the net (via https). I've made sure to run it using Network Manager (so that the interface is available), but it still fails. Is there fundamentally different from running a program with the script or by hand?21:09
elisa87bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5695079/21:09
lmatelisa87: Specify a file that exists? :)21:09
tyrogMicha|iPhone: The language packs don't get downloaded and installed. You can do that after the installation completes at any time though21:09
bekkselisa87: Change the last line to "touch ${USER_NAME}_file" without the ""21:10
mtgsjrHi! Anybody Brazilian Here? PVT-ME21:10
lmatelisa87: When you run your script, does line 5 show what you expect?21:11
lmatelisa87: Try    touch "$USER_NAME"_file   or something cool like that.21:11
lmatelisa87: Bash is looking for a variable called "USER_NAME_file".21:11
lmatelisa87: But you read into $USER_NAME.21:11
seroniswhen i use  'gksudo gedit /path/to/file.txt'  why does an 'untitled document' get created along with opening the file i really wanted to edit ?21:12
seronisand can i prevent this pointless behavior ?21:12
bekkslmat: "Change the last line to "touch ${USER_NAME}_file" without the """ :)21:12
lmatbekks: What is ${} ?21:12
elisa87lmat thanks so much I changed last line to "touch "$USER_NAME"_file" and it's working21:12
elisa87so touch basically creates a file? lmat21:13
seronisman touch21:13
seronisit will update the timestamps on a file that exists.. or create a file if none exists21:13
lmatelisa87: man touch :)21:13
bekkslmat: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/parameter-substitution.html21:13
lmatseronis: by switching to vim ^_^21:13
* seronis bonks lmat21:13
seronisi'll use nano first, thank you very much =-)21:13
lmatbekks: Thanks thanks!21:14
wentknweqthey guys, i am on 12.04 with dm-crypt and i am dual booting with win2012 with truecrypt and i want to upgrade to 13.04.. is there a way for me to do a full update on a single restart and be able to back up the partition boot record and have GRUB not write itself to the MBR? i need to preserve my boot record and have the partition boot record in a file21:14
lmatseronis: For what it's worth, I can't reproduce. I tried "gedit thisfile" and gedit only opened one file (which I specified). I exited without saving and no new files are found.21:14
lmatseronis: Do you think it's particular to sudo or gksudo?21:15
aseguroHey guys, a newby here21:15
seronislmat:   sources.list   so required in this case21:15
sammylmat: so, I think xdiagnose set GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=None while I was playing with it the other day, and when I unchecked the box, it didn't remove it from /etc/default/grub. commenting out the line and rebooting gave me my ridiculously small console font back!21:16
lmatseronis: Hey! There's an untitled document and it has a spinning thing, too!21:16
OddGood evening.21:16
sammy(and possibly the bootsplash, I was afk)21:16
asegurotrying to create a local repo from an ubuntu iso, not http, is there any option in apt-mitrror I'm missing?21:16
seronisyup =-)21:16
lmatsammy: Ahh...that payload_linux thing needs to be "KEEP" :)21:16
sammylmat: is that default? commenting it out seems to have done the trick21:16
lmatsammy: Oh yeah, you can fix my problem now... I think I have an AMD Firefox m4000, how do I verify?21:16
lmatsammy: Again, some Ubuntu magic going on here.21:17
sammylmat: haha, I see. no problem, Ill check to see if xdiagnose needs a bug filed later. as far as how to verify, Id check wikipedia21:17
lmatsammy: In arch, I had to specify "KEEP" (and the proper screen resolution or VGA mode), but in Ubuntu, don't touch.21:17
sammylmat: they have a pretty extensive database of chipsets and video cards21:17
lmatsammy: (is that in answer to my question?)21:18
sammyyou could even use google: `site:wikipedia.org [chipset]` or `site:wikipedia.org "Firefox m4000"`21:18
lmatsammy: How do I decide what video card I have :( You said lookup the chipset. I have been and I have three options: AMD Firepro (1 GB), NVidia Quadro k1000m (2gb) and NVidia quadro K2000M (2 GB).21:18
bekkslmat: Pastebin "lspci" please.21:19
lmatsammy: I'm pretty sure I have the 1GB model (because my company bought it)21:19
lmatbekks: OKAY! :)21:19
lmatbekks: you want -v ?21:19
bekkslmat: No.21:19
seronislmat: if you use sudo instead of gksudo it uses the logged in users profile so you get a warning complaining about it.  but you dont get a random untitled doc.  if you use gksudo it uses the root profile so no complaints, but random file21:19
ceed^After some updates today the fan on my laptop isn't running at all. What could be wrong?21:19
lmatseronis: I see.21:19
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lmat(thank goodness for tmux)21:20
lmatbekks: ^21:20
seronisim just trying to understand 'why'.  Then again I dont understand the potential 'Bad Things(tm)' that can happen if only sudo is used21:20
lmatsammy: When I use sudo, I get no warning.21:21
lmatsammy: Moreover, when I use sudo vim, I get no warning, and no window pop-ups...21:21
lmatsammy: sorry... wrong guy21:21
lmatseronis: ^21:21
bekkslmat: Its a AMD FirePro M400021:22
lmatbekks: You are an oracle! I now know21:22
lmatbekks: Can you share your oracleness?21:23
bekkslmat: I just looked that the device id "682d" and put it into the search field when visiting http://pciids.sourceforge.net/pci.ids21:23
lmatbekks: ahh, I see. Thanks :D21:24
sammybekks: that's a magic website, danke! *bookmarks21:24
lmatbekks: So that means I'm SOL for a good graphics driver?21:24
dk0rAny ideas why ssh immediately logs me off?? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/563950421:24
* lmat links, too21:24
auronandacelmat: no need for that acronym21:24
lmatauronandace: You have the driver!?21:25
sammylmat: welcome to linux ;) I'm having to use an unsupported, legacy AMD driver for a lappy less than 2 years old.21:25
lmatsammy: Seems that I should be on a team of folks trying to create a better driveR/21:25
sammythen again 3d support in the FOSS driver is pretty good, actually. I'm impressed. way better than a few years ago21:25
lmatsammy: I don't get any 3d support as far As I know.21:26
sammylmat: good luck! though if you get into driver coding, you can make mad cash in the embedded world these days (custom builds for phones, tablets etc)21:26
tyrogsammy: The FOSS driver is a very good alternative today, for the cards that were dropped by AMD21:26
sammytyrog: its true! I went with the fglrx-legacy ppa version at first, but the FOSS driver is really impressive in TF221:26
lmat/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p  shows that I am using Software rendering :(21:26
tyrogsammy: By the way, which one was better? opensource or fglrx legacy from the PPA?21:27
sammytyrog: I think they were better for different things, honestly. I haven't actually tried the legacy ppa driver with anything GL (like TF2)21:28
lmatsammy: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p  shows that I am using Software rendering :(21:28
lmatsammy: I know! I need to install the driver using Wine!!21:28
sammytyrog: though it seemed okay in a composited desktop, no lag or artifacts etc21:28
tyroglmat: what?21:28
sammyin fact now I'm curous to see the difference. if you're still around in ... however long it takes me to switch back to fglrx-legacy and fire up TF2, Ill let you know :D21:29
lmattyrog: Do you know what wine is?21:29
tyroglmat: I tell you, no you don't need to do that at all21:29
lmatwait a minute... http://bit.ly/13N8RUC fourth result says that Ubuntu 12.04 is supported!21:29
sammyIm supposed to be building paranoidandroid (with a custom kernel that adds tv tuner support) for my nexus 7 so I can play around with video4linux on an android device. ...and dishes. really I'm supposed to be doing dishes. bbiab21:30
lmatsammy: whoa, there it is  http://support.amb.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx21:32
lmatyay! Virus!!21:32
IraDivinasomeone know how to fix widgets with qt designer?21:32
lmatIraDivina: You can only fix it if it's broken.21:32
IraDivinano wait21:33
lmatIraDivina: waiting.21:33
lmatIraDivina: just for you.21:33
IraDivinai mean when i add a button, for example and i wan to resize the window i want that button follow my resize21:33
dk0rAny ideas why ssh immediately logs me off?? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/563955621:34
micha|webircI'm having trouble installing Wine. 12.04.2, fresh install. After `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa` and `sudo apt-get update`, `sudo apt-get install wine1.4` does this: http://pastebin.com/HRnyf28s21:35
lmatdk0r: This is probably a server-side configuration21:35
dk0rlmat: I cannot access the server except through ssh.21:35
lmatdk0r: Make sure you have a remote shell assigned, etc.21:35
IraDivinalmat, do you know how to do it?21:35
lmatdk0r: eek Has it ever worked?21:35
lmatIraDivina: um...yes.21:35
lmatIraDivina: You need to use a layout.21:35
dk0rlmat: yes, an hour ago21:35
lmatIraDivina: I mean... you could override the layout logic, but the "right" way to do it would be to add a GridViewLayout21:36
lmatIraDivina: Wait, this is the wrong channel for that type of inquiry!21:36
lmatIraDivina: this->setLayout I think...21:36
IraDivinalmat, thanks, I will try21:36
IraDivinaif it work i think i will fall in love with you21:36
lmatsammy: the script that amd gave me to install the driver is 405,258 lines long :-|21:37
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IraDivinalmat, omg it works!!21:38
lmatoh wait, there's a bunch of binary stuff at line 44121:38
lmatIraDivina: wow, you're fast.21:38
lmatIraDivina: I've never actually done it, only read ^_^21:39
lmatIraDivina: I've tried to make a gui but I keep getting segfault...glad it worked for you!21:39
lmatIraDivina: Did you use a designer?21:39
IraDivinanice one, man/girl21:39
IraDivinalmat, i use qt designer21:39
lmatIraDivina: but do you use the code editor (did you type "new QGridLayout(parent)") or the GUI designer?21:40
minetapehello, my mom was on the computer running norton on winblows yesterday, and it seems that the option to boot ubuntu from grub is gone. can m data still be recovered?21:40
IraDivinalmat, no, simply with the right button on the mouse, i click it on the vertical layout and set it21:41
lmatminetape: of course :)21:41
lmatIraDivina: Ah, that's why you're so fast :)21:41
lmatminetape: um...lots of ways :)21:41
lmatminetape: I assume you had a partition for Linux?21:41
minetapedescribe one please21:41
lmatminetape: Copy all contents of that partition to a new drive... or something..21:41
IraDivinai love fast things21:41
minetapeumm, im not sure21:42
minetapei just used wubi21:42
lmatminetape: yeah, I'm sure you had a partition.21:42
minetapeyeah how would i view that partition?21:42
lmatminetape: I'm glad you're enthusiastic about Linux, and I detect that you're young. An excellent time to learn about partitions and the magic of OSes :)21:42
lmatminetape: When you get around to it, be sure to install arch linux?21:42
minetapei <3 linux21:42
minetapemy mom doesnt want me doing that stuff21:42
minetapei just want to revocer the ability to get back into ubuntu21:43
minetapei lost my liveboot flash drives21:43
lmatminetape: You need to get your own computer.21:43
lmatminetape: I guess a flash drive would work...21:43
k1lminetape: just boot up a live cd or a live-usb, it should find the data21:44
minetapeyeah, i could try to make one21:44
lmatminetape: You probably won't recover the ability to get back into ubuntu...but you can get your data, reinstall ubuntu, then make sure the data are there.21:44
k1llmat: that is not really helping him now :/21:44
minetapeshe doesnt <3 linux21:44
lmatminetape: But if your mom doesn't want you to look at partitions, she certainly won't want you installing ubuntu!21:44
lmatminetape: oh, k1l is perfectly correct!21:44
lmatminetape: use k1l 's suggestion!21:44
lmatokay, gotta go.21:45
minetapethanks, i will use YUMI, since i have a couple of isos on hand21:45
minetapethanks for the help, cya21:45
lmatk1l: excellent suggestion. I so often miss the obvious :(21:45
lmatIraDivina: Good luck. YOu'll have to make it without me for now, love.21:45
dk0rAny ideas why ssh immediately logs me off?? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/563955621:47
OddI'm running rTorrent on a headless Ubuntu Server with NICs, I've established a PPtP-tunnel on eth0, and would like rTorrents traffic to be routed through that tunnel (PPP0 does get a dynamic IP, so I have no way of routing rTorrent to a specific IP). I would like to know, is that at all possible. And if so, how do I verify that rTorrent's traffic is routed through PPP0?21:52
OddAny answers, speculations or whatever - is of course appreciated :)21:53
WeThePeopledk0r, what does -vv do?21:53
dk0rWeThePeople: thanks. I was using admin to login when I should have been using root.21:54
IraDivinadk0r, u are not on wordpress :P21:54
elisa87what does not stripped mean here? a.out: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, not stripped21:55
dk0rIraDivina: no. It's a nas.21:55
IraDivinadk0r, that's why is root instead of admin21:55
dk0rIraDivina: yeah. I don't use wordpress, but I get it.21:55
xwalkI hope one of these days I get past the point of having to spend 3 hours trying to build something from source.21:55
dk0rxwalk: hehe21:55
IraDivinaxwalk, never.21:56
xwalkOf course that would completely render the illusion to others that you're hard at work transparent.21:57
k1lelisa87: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/2969/what-are-stripped-and-not-stripped-executables-in-unix21:57
elisa87K1l thanks :)21:58
SteveBellok I'm still trying to re-install ubuntu on a netbook. so now I did the following: created a bootable USB stick following http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu which seemed to work. but when trying to boot from that usb drive I get "Non-system disk, Press any key to reboot"21:58
k1lSteveBell: make sure you boot the usb stick (options in bios or a boot-medium-menu with some key like F10 or such)21:59
SteveBellk1l:  yes I did that. hit F12 but the USB to the very top of the boot options. restart. same msg22:00
SteveBellbut = put22:00
Ahmedohello , is there a good source on plymounth ? , i want to learn how to make my own animated loader.22:00
k1lSteveBell: is that a stick or a hdd?22:00
WeThePeoplemy headphones wont work when i reboot to ubuntu, any ideas22:00
SteveBellusb stick22:01
SteveBellformatted with FAT22:01
WeThePeoplebut they work from shutdown22:01
josetacosusing the mini installer everything worked execpt it could not install grub got this error "unable to install grub in /dev/sda"22:02
tummyRunning ubuntu 13 and started getting an error: Illegal division by zero at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/WWW/ProxyChecker.pm line 73.  Tried searching to see if this is a known issue in the latest Ubuntu distro, anyone else come across this?22:02
Ahmedoany idea guys on plymouth ?22:03
Ahmedo!topic plymouth22:03
k1l!plymouth | Ahmedo22:03
ubottuAhmedo: Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »22:03
k1lSteveBell: iirc, there should be 2 partitions on that stick. not only one fat one. :/22:04
josetacoshow do i install only grub using the mini installer22:05
Ahmedo!topic plymouth-theme-script22:05
SteveBellk1l:  this is what that stick looks like http://cl.ly/image/3l3R1k2T460W22:05
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Ahmedo!plymouth | ahmedo22:07
ubottuAhmedo, please see my private message22:07
k1lSteveBell: i was wrong, just checked with my live ubuntu stick22:07
NvrBstGreetings, question if I may. When I do "sudo echo hi > t.txt" I'm seeing t.txt get greated with "user:user". If I do "sudo -s" "echo hi > t1.txt" I see "t1.txt" with "root:root". Why would "sudo" not be setting user,group to root:root too?22:07
k1lSteveBell: your stick looks good so far from that point22:07
Ahmedo!plymouth-theme-script | ahmedo22:08
SteveBellyes I also seem to understand how to adjust that boot order on the target machine22:08
jribNvrBst: the redirection is done by your shell (which is being run by your user)22:08
k1lAhmedo: the bot is not a google frontend. did you try to google for "plymouth theme script" already?22:08
Ahmedoyep i did, there is no clear answear22:09
k1lSteveBell: is the stick a 64bit and the netbook is 32bit only?22:09
SteveBellk1l:  I think you nailed it. the stick was created in 64bit ubuntu and target machine is 32bit22:10
Ahmedoam beginning to like ubuntu22:10
SteveBellbut how'd I workaround taht?22:10
k1lSteveBell: i got that message when my usb-hdd wasnt in spin up fast enough at booting. or you did boot the wrong usb slot :/22:10
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k1lSteveBell: get a 32bit iso and put it on the usb stick22:10
SteveBellI did that22:10
SteveBellI used the correct iso22:10
SteveBellbut did the creation process on a 64bit machine22:11
k1lthat doesnt matter22:11
SteveBellso that shouldn#t be a problem?22:11
k1lif you use the ritgh iso22:11
k1lyou could try to dd that iso to that stick. or try unetbootin22:11
Conflict_I have a question regarding encryption.  I used LVM full disk encryption during installation.  Then during the end of the install I also checked off "Encrypt /home".  My question is: do i now have unnessicary "double encryption"?  Do I not have to encrypt /home if I'm using LVM with encryption?22:11
SteveBelluh boy… I've been trying unetbooting on OS X and that had the same problem.22:12
SteveBellthe only time the usb creation worked was with the recommended tool in win7. problem is win 7 is gone with a non-working ubuntu install now22:12
vitimitinighty night22:12
SteveBellsomewhat absurd situation...22:12
SteveBellbut not sure how to address this situation now22:13
SteveBellis there some flags that need to be set to make the usb stick a system boot medium?22:13
k1lnot that i am aware of22:13
k1li didnt have problems with the usb sticks so far22:14
betraydon a mac though?22:14
volitekubuntu keeps randomly freezing after like an hour, but I can move my mouse. I can't make anything else happen on screen. Switching to a TTY with ctrl alt f1 doesnt even do anything! any idea what could be wrong or how to fix it?22:16
SteveBellbetrayd I'm on a mac. but since the bootable USB creation seemed easier I setup up a VM with 64bit ubuntu and created the usb stick tehre22:18
SteveBelltarget machine being 32 bit though22:19
betraydvolitek dreate a new user, and log in as this new user only. Run only a few apps and hold off on the others; see if the freeze still happens.22:20
betraydvolitek create*^22:20
chvxis encrypted-lvm useful?22:21
[FreeBSD]volitek: do you have a browser open?22:21
volitekUh... it happens after an hour, how will i know it's gone?22:21
volitek[FreeBSD]: Yes, firefox22:21
[FreeBSD]volitek: i mean when the freeze happens22:22
[FreeBSD]but d/w22:22
volitekYeah, it was open22:22
volitekhas been each time22:22
[FreeBSD]chrome has a known issue with freezing (something gpu accel related)22:22
[FreeBSD]try disabling firefox's gpu accel in the options22:22
[FreeBSD]see if it still happens22:22
betraydSteveBell is there a way to run it  as a liveCD/USB without VM?22:22
SteveBellrun what?22:22
volitekI'll give it a go, thanks22:22
SteveBellthe usb stick?22:23
k1lSteveBell: well, just use dd to put the iso onto the usb-stick22:23
SteveBellk1l:  use dd?22:23
k1l!dd | SteveBell22:23
SteveBellbot says it knows nothing about dd22:24
matbeeAnyone here know how to force a socket.io connection closed? socket.disconnect doesn't actually end it.22:24
matbeeclient or server..22:24
k1lSteveBell: http://askubuntu.com/questions/59551/how-to-burn-iso-to-usb-device22:25
k1l(i need to find a non german tutorial for you :) )22:25
betraydor he needs to learn german stat22:25
SteveBellI speak german22:26
SteveBellactually I live there...22:26
SteveBellproblem is unetbootin hasn't been working for me22:26
betraydlol he already moved!22:26
k1lbetrayd: ;p22:26
syntroPii would need a hint: i purchased a USB DVB-T dongle (pctv quatro nano 520e) which comes with an IR remote: i just tried it and it seems i can control the volume with it (cinnamon possibly gnome and unity too): Which interface is used here? I mean which software is responsible for that functionality?22:26
k1ldd is a simple copy bit by bit tool.22:26
prime_@search you are not so smart22:27
syntroPiJust asking because maybe i can use that to control VLC with it or is LIRC the better option for that?22:27
k1lSteveBell: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/CD-Images  this is the german wiki. it mentions the dd part (and links to further explanations22:28
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syntroPiit seems to send messages to dbus like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5695277/22:30
daftykinssyntroPi: LIRC is a bit of an abortion but it tends to work ok22:32
syntroPijust asking myself where that already working functionality is implemented: liblircclient is installed22:34
urmomwhat is linux?? i heard linux is illegal22:34
* urmom farted22:34
chvxany good idea to use encryption?22:35
daftykinsnot just for the sake of it, no22:35
urmomis linux illegal???22:35
daftykinsyou'll know if it's worth it22:36
daftykinsurmom: yeah but all the cool kids are doing it, so...22:36
urmomwhere can i get a pirated copy of ubuntu i have no money and cant buy it22:36
[FreeBSD]so lame22:36
th0rhow original...a troll22:37
sammyyay for irc and /ignore22:37
daftykinswell we could summon ops to sort it22:37
daftykinsoh he left22:38
k1lwell, he is already gone. so lets move on :)22:38
daftykinsawww shucks k1l22:38
http80ubuntu users: i have a 2nd hard drive that was installed on a ubuntu box. the ubuntu box cannot see it. how can i be able to see it and recover some files from this HD?22:39
[FreeBSD]http80: does it show in fdisk -l?22:40
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|s-a|[FreeBSD] , nice name :D22:40
[FreeBSD]or are you trying to find it in the file manager22:40
http80freebsd: it does show when entering that command22:41
[FreeBSD]http80: its probably not formatted, or on an unrecognised file system type22:41
http80all i am trying to do is recover some files from that hard drive22:41
[FreeBSD]do you know what fs it is22:41
http80well, it has fedora installed on it22:41
http80fedora as a back on my fedora box22:41
|s-a|http80 , photorec ?22:41
[FreeBSD]ah ok, it should be seen then... what does it say when you manually mount it>22:42
Guest56691am i in the appropriate place to ask for help with an ubuntu problem?22:42
|s-a|Guest56691, welcome22:42
[FreeBSD]Guest56691: you would have thought so22:42
k1lhttp80: first you should make a dd image of that hdd and test the stuff with that image22:42
syntroPiis there a way to find out dbus messages origin/senders pid?22:42
k1lhttp80: myabe try ddrescue22:42
|s-a|Guest56691 , /nick amguest :p22:42
http80Kll: hold on, BRB22:43
Guest56691sorry, still a bit confused - is this a command to change my name?22:43
[FreeBSD] /nick nick22:43
|s-a|Guest56691 yep22:43
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:44
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.22:44
|s-a|arrr !22:44
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patelxpastar: making moves22:44
|s-a|we can recognize you now22:45
pastaris there an etiquette to inquiry?22:46
|s-a|*/msg or */query22:47
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Guest33066ciao a tutti22:52
fearphageI'm running ubuntu raring (13.04), the latest version of Chromium in the repos is 25. The same is true for 12.04. Anyone know anything about that? This says we should be on 26 or 27 http://www.chromium.org/developers/calendar22:52
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
syntroPigr8: my em28xx driver seems to create keyboard input events for my ir remote volume buttons :p22:52
phillyjcan someone help me figure out how to automount my new HDD using fstab?22:53
|s-a|feaephage , you can download the newest version and install it , it is quite simple22:53
phillyjwhat options should I choose or should I leave it default?22:53
dominic_can someone help me with the termina;22:54
phillyjdominic_: what's wrong with the terminal22:54
[FreeBSD]fearphage: you wont get the latest packages on ubuntu without an external repo22:54
ubottuGuest33066: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:54
dominic_i cant open some files22:54
[FreeBSD]dominic_: open how22:55
fearphageWhat changed? I was getting the latest stables since 1122:55
dominic_with cd22:55
[FreeBSD]dominic_: that will change the dir22:55
Vaioh god22:55
Vaii like this network22:55
Guest33066Someone can tell me how to see the channel list??22:55
Vaibetter then undernet22:55
dominic_change how22:55
VaiGuest10813, /list22:55
[FreeBSD]dominic_: if you "cd" it will take you to your home directory22:56
[FreeBSD]if you cd /tmp it will take you to /tmp22:56
[FreeBSD]that command wont open files22:56
dominic_i do , cd downloads it doesnt work22:56
TpOJ#dominic cd means change directory e.g. go into whatever directory you specify22:56
[FreeBSD]dominic_: its case sensitive22:56
[FreeBSD]try cd Downloads22:56
[FreeBSD]or even better, use tab completion22:57
dominic_it doesnt work22:57
[FreeBSD]type cd then tab twice22:57
[FreeBSD]see what comes up22:57
TpOJ@dominic use vi to open files22:57
dominic_it works with the dir i created22:57
[FreeBSD]ls -a the dir22:57
[FreeBSD]its a typo from you22:57
[FreeBSD]or the dir dont exist22:57
phillyjdominic_: you want to open files or folders?22:58
[FreeBSD]dominic_: whats the exact command you're typing?22:58
[FreeBSD]paste out put of pwd and ls -a22:58
phillyjthen cd tab tab until you get where you need to go22:58
samgabbayHello users Samuel G From the QATeam Here22:59
dominic_cd downloads22:59
seronisdominic_:  linux is case sensitive   downloads is not Downloads22:59
madpropstype ls to see the directories available22:59
[FreeBSD]he should know that now :)22:59
dominic_adwaita-cupertino  Documents  examples.desktop  Pictures  Templates   unixstuff23:00
dominic_Desktop            Downloads  Music             Public    Ubuntu One  Videos23:00
madpropsthen do cd Dow [tab]23:00
[FreeBSD]dominic_: yeah, its because you're not capitalizing the D in Downloads23:00
seronisdominic_:   linux is case sensitive.. type  'cd Downloads'   not  'cd downloads'23:00
dominic_hold on23:00
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dominic_it works i knew it will be stupid like that23:01
[FreeBSD]*achievement unlocked*23:01
needubuntuhelpHi, I am trying to create a Ubuntu .desktop file for a program I have23:01
needubuntuhelpTo run the program I need to run "mono filename.exe"23:01
dominic_thanks guys23:01
seronisdominic_:  'simple' like that =-)  stupid is the people who argue and dont listen to advice23:01
needubuntuhelpso I've created a .desktop file and included a .sh file that calls the program in the exec listing23:02
needubuntuhelpbut for some reason it isn't working23:02
phillyjdominic_: you might want to check out http://www.tuxfiles.org23:02
needubuntuhelpDo I need to give the desktop file permissions or something?23:02
bekksneedubuntuhelp: Try using full paths.23:02
[FreeBSD]needubuntuhelp: try giving it executable permissions23:02
|s-a|needubuntuhelp  , you need linux help not ubuntu :p23:03
dominic_it was simple23:03
dominic_thanks phillyj23:03
needubuntuhelp[FreeBSD], how23:03
[FreeBSD]chmod +x23:03
syntroPitry invoking it with sh like "sh -c 'mono yourapp.exe'" and sh provides an std environment (with PATH and such) for mono23:04
syntroPineedubuntuhelp, actually more like "/bin/sh -c 'mono yourapp.exe'"23:06
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Starsfor some reasons after rebooted iam at cmd prompt login screen, startx does not boot into GUI?23:11
maslenIs it possible to remove the link local interface?23:11
|s-a|Stars , pastebin /var/log/X.0.log contents23:11
k1lStars: dont use starx. start lightdm on ubuntu23:11
Stars|s-a|, thanks23:12
|s-a|welcome , i think you should thank k1l23:12
Starsk1l, how do i do that?23:12
Starsis that a cmd? start lightdm23:13
k1lsudo start lightdm23:13
syntroPisudo service lightdm start23:13
Starsk1l, thanks23:13
k1lstartx doesnt work for ubuntu desktop sessions. that brings alot of problems with root rights etc23:13
maslenHow can I remove the loopback adapter?23:14
[FreeBSD]maslen: in the kernel23:14
maslenIt's not able to be removed through a config file?23:14
maslen(I want to test a program in that strange situation)23:14
|s-a|k1l , even with a good .xinitrc ?23:15
th0rmaslen: not sure, but I think that would render the system unusable23:15
k1l|s-a|: in most cases.23:15
|s-a|i see23:15
syntroPimaslen, not sure if that helps but maybe you want to take a look at LXC23:15
k1lif you know what you do there are safe ways. but then you wouldnt be asking :)23:15
maslenth0r: The system shouldn't require ipv4 networking support. That doesn't make sense.23:16
k1l(not ment to be rude) for most users its safer and the "ubuntu way" to start the dm, like lightdm23:16
|s-a|k1l , i agree although am not a ubuntu guy :p23:17
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th0rmaslen: just working off very dusty old experience. I recall once I knockered loop inadvertently and had a terrible time getting things back up and running. But it was ages ago...hence "not sure..."23:17
bekksmaslen: Removing the loopback interface arises a lot of problems. Most applications, services, host functionalities rely on IPv4 and at least a loopback interface. Having one, is no security issue, is no security leak, is no harm whatsoever.23:17
SteveBellk1l: and all thanks a lot for your help. especially echoe!!! I got things working now.23:18
bekksmaslen: To shorten it up: "Dont remove the loopback".23:18
|s-a|maslen , /sbin/ifconfig lo down   , if you face problems turn it up23:18
betraydSteveBell which one was the best approach btw23:18
maslen|s-a|: Hah, that worked. Thanks.23:19
|s-a|maslen , maybe you will hate me soon :D23:19
maslenbekks: I'm doing it in a VM. I want to see if it breaks an application. Obviously, I would not do something like that on production23:19
maslen|s-a|: Nah, the app didn't crash - no harm done23:19
syntroPimaslen, maybe look at its dialogue with the system via strace23:20
tzpswitching users on 12.04 makes the screen go black23:21
tzpthen i have to restart23:21
tzpim updated23:21
|s-a|tzp , use one line23:21
SteveBellbetrayd: the problem was that imo http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx isn't perfectly clear what exactly is to be done in a specific step. step 2 e.g. is clear. but step 3 intends the user to know that the dmg needs to be renamed to img. there is a note but that is not clear what action is required by the user to be done. there's more in that direction. so in that long process I kept making small errors.23:22
SteveBellnot sure why ubuntus own tool (that I used in a vm ubuntu I setup) didn't work. it's now working, though with the help of echoe23:22
dr_willissome usb tools can be weird with some combos of flash and computer hardware ive found over the years23:23
|s-a|tzp , here is an approach , know what login manager do 12.04 use , than google to see if the problem is common , if not try to find the logs of  it :p23:23
syntroPitzp had that with lightdm on "toram" live system session: gdm though seemed not to have that problem i had ...23:25
http80k1l: i am back23:25
tzpSorry I forgot enter isn't a punctuation. The ADD doesn't help either @_@. When logging or switching users in 12.04 the 2nd account I made, the name is blank. Is this normal?23:25
http80freebsd: i am back23:25
SynthbreadDoes ubuntu read from ~/.xinitrc?23:25
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[FreeBSD]http80: ok23:26
dr_willistzp:  you mean the names in the top right menu thing?  ive noticed that having blank entries even without switching23:26
phillyjcan someone help me get this new HDD writable?23:26
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|s-a|Synthbread  , X do23:26
tzpsyntroPi ahh thanks man. Hopefully it goes away. I'll just have to see what tends to cause it. So strange, that and the missing name, I even rebooted.23:26
dr_willisSynthbread:  depends on how you login.23:26
[FreeBSD]Synthbread: as in what, using startx?23:26
tzpdr_willis yes, exactly that sir.23:26
dr_willistzp:  could be some of the extra peofile info for the users are not filled in. i never looked into it much. askubuntu.com may know more23:27
Synthbread|s-a|, dr_willis, [FreeBSD]: I have a couple commands to remap the keyboard with xmodmap and put it into ~/.xinitrc and marked it as executable.  If I run it from a terminal, it works, but the script doesn't seem to run on login because the keyboard isn't remapped23:27
[FreeBSD]Synthbread: theres surely some autostart folder in unirt23:28
[FreeBSD]why does it need to be run from xinitrc23:28
Synthbread[FreeBSD]: isn't .xinitrc an X standard?23:28
betraydiit might be more effective if theeres a restart desktop23:29
Synthbread[FreeBSD]: to run commands when X starts23:29
dr_willisSynthbread:  if you login via lightdm.. it will not read .xinitrc23:29
|s-a|Synthbread , you can use vconsole.conf23:29
syntroPiin /etc/xdg/autostart are desktop links which are invoked after login23:29
[FreeBSD]you can use it, but autostart is a better way23:29
[FreeBSD]because you dont need a seperate file if you dont use it23:29
SynthbreadsyntroPi: I want this to be for a user and not system wide23:29
tzpdr_willis you're right! any way you know of to get back to input name for that account once set up?23:29
volitek[FreeBSD]: it happened again, froze with firefox open but I had hardware acceleration disabled :(23:29
[FreeBSD]volitek: oh, no idea then23:29
Synthbread|s-a|: can this be set per-user?23:30
volitekokay, thanks anyway23:30
|s-a|Synthbread , not sure23:30
[FreeBSD]volitek: leave a tail -F /var/log/{messages,kern.log} or whatever open23:30
[FreeBSD]volitek: to see if it catches anything23:30
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[FreeBSD]volitek: do you have much ram? doing anything specific when it happens?23:31
|s-a|Synthbread , you can use startup programs and add: setxkbmap -layout23:31
volitekIve got 16 gigs, I just opened the file explorer when it happened23:31
syntroPiSynthbread, maybe try "~/.config/autostart/"23:31
volitekthe time before I had just switched between two workspaces23:31
[FreeBSD]volitek: do you use anything special, like zfs?23:31
SynthbreadsyntroPi: I only want to run a script, though.  do I have to write up a .desktop file just to run a script?23:32
[FreeBSD]it could be anything23:32
syntroPiSynthbread, never tried it but i guess: yes23:32
|s-a|volitek , i can't understand did you have a 16 gigs file ?23:32
[FreeBSD]volitek: i would leave a terminal visible with logs on tail just in case it leaves you a clue23:32
volitek16 gigs of ram23:32
volitekokay, thanks, ill try it23:33
http80freebsd: as i was telling you, the 2nd drive has fedora as a back of my fedora box23:34
[FreeBSD]http80: what happeens when you mount it then?23:34
phillyjarg, getting this hdd to be writable is driving me crazy!23:34
http80well, i am new to linux, what are the steps to do that?23:35
[FreeBSD]http80: do fdisk -l23:35
[FreeBSD]as root23:35
http80i have that info already23:35
[FreeBSD]find the drive number, like sdc1 or whatever23:35
http80yes i have it already23:35
[FreeBSD]http80: do sudo -i23:35
Synthbreadit's .xprofile instead of .xinitrc23:35
[FreeBSD]then mkdir /mnt/tmp ; mount /dev/sdc1 (or whatever it is) /mnt/tmp23:36
http80hold on. i have ubuntu in my living room23:36
|s-a|Synthbread , good :p23:36
http80freebsd: BRB23:37
|s-a|Synthbread , anyways xinit works with startx23:37
phillyjoh, nvm, gksu nautilus solved my hdd permissions problem23:38
[FreeBSD]Synthbread: this is why i like window managers, just put "exec whatever" in the bottom of the config23:38
[FreeBSD]no messing arounf23:38
|s-a|phillyj , what was the problem ?23:38
betraydyeah used to have xmodmap too but the desktop neeeded a restart for the keys to take effect. Not sure how unity would work there23:38
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zergionI have permission issues, I have a index.php file in /var/www, issue is I can't edit it without using sudo. And I can't edit it using a ftp software either.23:45
zergionI tried to set it to 777, still no effect.23:45
gordonjcp!permissions | zergion23:45
ubottuzergion: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:45
http80freebsd: did not work. mount /dev/sdb2 mount: can't find /dev/sdb2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:46
http80i can send you the output of: sudo fdisk -l23:47
seroniszergion: im a linux newb so take this advice with a bit of caution, but are the owner:group values of that directory set properly?  ie:  man chown23:47
seronisid imagine its currently set to 'root:root', try setting it to yourself or something more appropriate than root (like a group/user in charge of the website)23:48
cxipher*sigh* i was hoping for less glitches in 12.04. Movie player trakcs forward and back when i scroll the list. annoying.23:48
=== jono is now known as Guest71790
nezzarioI have a small box with 512mb RAM and currently has netbsd on it.. the cd-rom is busted on it, usb boot is unavailable.. i got netbsd on there with netboot, i really don't want to finaggle with netboot since i'm not on the same network setup as before .. is there a way I could easily dd an installer over netbsd's stuff?23:54
[FreeBSD]http80: ok23:55
betraydnezzario what if you break your netbsd and can't intsall, whats plan B?23:55
nezzarioi'll just do tftp/netboot but it's just a pain..23:56
dr_willisnezzario:  you could do a full install to a usb flash then dd that over to the hd. then yse gparted to resize the fs.  but its an odd way.23:56
betraydis the machine 'expendable'23:56
nezzariothat's actually an excellent idea given my condition23:56
nezzarioyeah i don't give a crap about it it hasn't been booted in 6 mo23:56
betraydiwas moer worried than you were lol23:57
nezzariowell, .. will the ubuntu installer work OK over unreliable net connections?23:59
nezzarioor is it going to be an extreme hassle?23:59

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