
len-kzequence: I see why  most discusions end up here.00:20
zequencelen-k: What do you mean?00:31
len-kI was refering to the mail list.00:32
len-kaside from that...00:32
len-kzequence: what is your feeling on HURD?00:33
len-kDoes it look better for audio?00:33
zequenceOh, no idea :)00:34
zequenceFrom what I've read, it's more advanced the Linux, which is why it's taking so long to develop, among other things00:34
zequenceLinux these days of course has an army of developers, while Hurd has only a few00:34
zequenceIt was supposed to be the GNU kernel, but then came along Linux00:35
zequenceI guess they've been developing it now for more than 20 years00:35
zequenceI just think it's nice that it's getting usable00:35
zequenceIt said something about 70% of applications had been ported now00:35
zequencefor Debian00:35
zequenceBut, I don't know about drivers00:35
zequenceI think I read about them using Linux drivers, but not sure00:36
len-kIt seems that a "microkernel" on it's own core might do good for low latency work.00:36
zequenceIt'll be interesting to try it out. Haven't taken the opportunity to do that yet00:37
zequencelen-k: I think it's good if we do more discussion on the mail list. That would allow for readers who don't come here to become aware of what we are doing00:41
zequenceI'm always thinking I will do this, but I rarely do00:41
len-kOk, I will think some more. We are off to eat now. Talk later00:42
=== TheMaster is now known as Hypnotoad
zequenceAhh, I should really choose my words more carefully sometimes.16:55
zequenceDarkEra: New updates for Gnome, and else. Will see if they make a difference16:59
zequencenope, doesn't seem like it works17:03
zequenceAs soon as you do something in gnome-shell, like click on activities or click on the calendar, it just freezes17:04
DarkErazequence, ok, thanks for the update. Too bad it still doesn't work yet17:05
DarkErazequence, well, i gave it a try on my netbook for fun. I even can't get logged in, keyboard and mouse cursor do nothing at all just like in VB21:02
DarkErait was worth a try21:02
zequenceDarkEra: Yeah. I was hoping someone could shine a light on the problem21:18
zequenceI haven't looked for a bug report yet21:18
DarkEradidn't have the time either to look after one but was thinking about it though.21:20
len-kzequence: I think that adding new DEs is a good excercise. I think we should try as much as possible to make each DE "shine" as a creation environment in it's uniquness. Not just add DEs to say you can use any DE.23:17
len-kAs I said in my email, it may be that a DE will express one kind of work flow better than other DEs and we may find people who use different workflows use different DEs for that reason.23:19
zequenceI'm sure we learn something by doing it anyway. Also, having a agnostic relationship with the DEs should make more users comfortable23:20
len-kIt may also help us find and solve more bugs23:21
zequenceI was thinking it might be a good idea to put out some example tasks for people on the mail list later23:24
zequenceLike, going through all the application in a list, and look for bugs, or let us know if they already know of some23:25
zequenceMake sure people report them, if they haven't been reported23:25
zequenceFinally, see if upstream already has fixes23:25
zequenceif not, report them there as well23:25
len-kI think for testing we need to be able to install all DE metas on one machine/partition and login to different DE sessions.23:27
zequenceIt's better not to have more than one DE installed at the time though23:27
zequenceOtherwise, you might not see errors in package selection and stuff like that23:28
zequenceOne good method is installing ubuntu-minimal on a virtual machine. Take a shapshot. Then add a PPA with the metas, and install one at the time23:28
len-kI would not like to do five installs to test one image... but I can't not agree :P23:28
len-kAlso, the settings for unity, gnomeshell and cinnamon might collide.23:29
len-kSame with xfce/lxde23:30
len-kAt the very most it would have to be tested as a user per DE.23:30
len-ks/most/least ?23:31
zequencethe pulseaudio fix just got uploaded23:33
zequencelen-k: You want to know a cool command? rmadison <package>23:33
zequenceIt checks for all the supported versions of the package in all existing Ubuntu releases, and all the pockets too23:34
len-kin devscripts.23:38
* len-k needs a script to add all of these things every time he does an install23:41
zequenceAh, yeah23:41
zequenceI've been meaning to add that to our dev docs23:42
zequenceUbuntu has the package ubuntu-dev-tools23:42
zequenceThat's a good start, I suppose23:42
zequenceThere's really a lot that is useful, in some situations, so the list can easily be grown23:42
zequencePA was uploaded, but yet not built I think23:44
zequenceI'll have a go at testing it tomorrow23:44

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