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DlabzHi, guys... I'm temped to take ubuntu studio for a spinn. Anyone knows if it will pick up my M-audio profire 610, and Behringer BCD2000 (I only need MIDI from it)? thanks12:26
zequenceDlabz: Have a look here http://wiki.linuxmusicians.com/doku.php?id=hardware12:26
zequenceDlabz: ALSA is for usb and pci only12:27
Dlabzthanks, zequence . In your oppinion, does it provide any benefits over windows?12:28
zequenceDlabz: Well, you're asking the project leader of Ubuntu Studio, who hasn't been using Windows for at least 5 years, so might be you're asking the wrong person, if you want a subjective opinion that you can relate to :)12:28
zequenceBut, to name a few..12:29
zequencejack (which also exists on Windows these days) allows you to interconnect different applications12:29
Dlabzhahah.. nice... right person to ask... If you can't sell it, I aint installin' :)12:29
zequenceAnd all pro audio apps on Linux support jack12:29
zequenceWell, the first argument is of course: it's free (as in speech)12:30
zequenceIn fact, you can also connect desktop audio to any jack application12:31
zequenceThe big plus with free open software is that it's well, open. So, they tend to share functionality in a way that you don't see with proprietary software, who often try hard to not share it12:32
zequenceIf you're into producing music, you'll want to check out Ardour12:33
zequenceardour3, especially12:33
DlabzI get the general advantage of FOSS... And I did notice that linux sound better than windows on same hardware12:33
zequenceThe free plugins are prettyd decent12:33
zequencesounds better?12:34
zequenceIt's just 0s and 1s12:34
Dlabzyeah... seems alsa architecture is better12:34
Dlabzbut, I usually go back to windows after spending a week tryng to make my hardware work12:35
zequenceMost, or all PCI cards work12:36
DlabzI only have this firewire thingie12:36
zequenceUSB, only a select few have full support. Most work with USB 1.1 compliancy, but only a few work with 2.012:36
zequenceWhen it comes to firewire, there is a list12:36
zequencefirewire uses the ffado drivers. They are only supported by jack12:37
Dlabzyes, I've seen that.. not really assuring12:37
zequenceWell, if you get the right device, it will work12:38
zequenceI myself have a focusrite pro 4012:38
zequenceWorks like a dream12:38
zequenceSo, in your case, it says "reported to work"12:39
Dlabzalso reported not to work @ 192k12:39
zequenceyou use that a lot?12:39
DlabzActually yes12:40
zequenceDlabz: What you could do is get the live DVD, and try it. No need to install. If it works, fine. If it doesn't, than you know12:41
zequenceDlabz: And also, if it doesn't, take some time to write to the company about it. Maybe that will help too12:42
zequenceRight now, all the drivers are made by volunteers12:42
Dlabzright. That sounds like a plan... Though, I'd probably go with an usb12:42
zequenceIn some cases, the company helps them by providing them with a free example, and design data12:43
zequenceusb is even less supported12:43
DlabzI'd probably have more success making it my self...12:43
zequencemaking what yourself?12:44
Dlabzstill, I'm here to avoid getting sucked in to spending a year making a driver12:44
zequenceAs I see it, you have one choice12:45
zequenceEither get hardware that is supported and install Linux, or not12:45
DlabzWindows now seems cheeper than free :)12:45
zequenceIf you believe your freedoms do not mean much to you, and probably you are not paying for it anyway12:46
zequenceThe problem with Windows users is also they expect things to be made for them for free, without the need to participate12:46
zequenceLinux audio software is mostly made by volunteers12:47
zequenceIf you get problems, you are able to speak with the developer directly12:47
zequenceTry calling Bill Gates, when you have opinions about Windows ;)12:47
DlabzI do my share on the FOSS scene... though mostly on the 3D scene12:47
DlabzI'm considering linux as I want to try to implement the concept of 3D sound I've been juggling in my head for some time12:49
DlabzI think I could get more achieved on that field, than as a driver-maker for a proprietary hardware12:50
zequenceAgain, your best chance of getting something done on Linux is getting supported hardware first12:51
zequenceIt's just like using Mac. Not everything supports Mac12:52
zequenceBut, if you want to use it, you have no choice12:52
zequenceYou need to get the hardware that is supported for it12:52
Dlabzyes... sadly, I'm not in a position to spend another $900 on a soundcard that will match my needs12:52
zequenceAnd if you can't accept that, you should really take it up with the hardware manufacturer12:52
zequenceI hardly think you need to spend $900 for a card. More like 200-300$ for your needs12:53
zequenceBut, that is the choice you need to make - if in fact your device isn't supported enough12:53
Dlabzthere is a card I'd be willing to switch to... e-mu 1820m ...12:58
DlabzALSA wiki says support for it arriving in  1.0.14 ... so, that's an option to consider13:05
zequenceAlsa is at 1.0.25 on Ubuntu 13.0413:11
Dlabz:) I got that... Found couple of posts about people got it working, even13:19
Dlabzbrb... reboot13:20
brian_Does anyone know how to click on the record button on ZynAddSubFX?14:45
brian_It is greyed out.14:47
brian_Ok it's alright.14:50
=== jim is now known as Guest78260
cinerellahello, how do i install french cinerella using apt-get command .....thanks a lot22:38
len-kcinerella: that would be package specific.22:39
len-kIt would depend on the packager on the site of the PPA you are using.22:40
cinerellathanks len-k . i shall look for the package,  i am suprise cinerella is not on ubuntustudio 13.10 !22:43
len-kcinerella: it is not even in our repos.22:43
zequenceThis is because of some problems with the license, if I remember correctly22:45
zequenceOtherwise, it would be in Debian, and therefore also in Ubuntu / Studio22:45
cinerellawhat the difference between ubuntustudio and Ubuntu / Studio ?22:47
len-kI think he meant ubuntu in general and ubuntustudio specically22:48
cinerellazequence ; do you mean dreamstudio ?22:48
cinerellais there a live Debian including cinerella ?22:50
zequenceLike len-k said, I meant Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio22:53
zequenceUbuntu Studio == Ubuntu22:53
zequenceDream Studio is based on Ubuntu and KX PPAs22:54
cinerella i found the pakage for my raring here https://launchpad.net/~cinelerra-ppa/+archive/ppa but i do not know what to write for : sudo add-apt-repository ppa??????????. can someone enlight me ?23:13
zequencecinerella: Under the text, "Adding your PPA to your system"..23:15
zequencesudo add-apt-repository ppa:cinerella-ppa/ppa23:15
zequence"ppa:" means it's a launchpad ppa(personal package archive), "cinerella-ppa" is the project name, the ending "ppa" is the ppa name23:16
cinerella"  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cinerella-ppa/ppa" it gave me check  PPA information23:20
zequencecinerella: Seems like I misspelled cinelerra23:21
zequencesudo add-apt-repository ppa:cinelerra-ppa/ppa23:22
cinerellazequence   thanks --gpg: key 432BB368: public key "Launchpad PPA for Cinelerra" imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg:               imported: 1  (RSA: 1) OK23:31
cinerellabeaucoup merci à Kaj Ailomaa every body have i nice evenning --Pat Morizot23:35
zequencecinerella: You too :)23:36

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