[13:09] its too late to add feature requests? [13:09] i would like to add a request for proxy settings on the settings manager [14:19] GridCube: you mean too late for feature-requests in xfce or xubuntu? [14:23] probably both isnt it? [14:26] well depends [14:27] xfce doesn't have anything network-related in the settings yet [14:27] so it'd have to be something rather new [14:27] and it could be that for that it's too late [14:27] but we can start doing it for xubuntu, i think it's a good idea to have something like that [14:28] (sucks a bit that nm-applet doesn't handle the proxies) [14:29] true [14:29] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-proxy-support [14:29] ¿? [14:30] >marking the proxy tasks all postponed -- we're focusing on mobile, and it seems as though there is interest upstream in NM to do the proxy development, whereas I can't really spend time on it at this point. It will definitely come back later if it isn't relatively quickly implemented by NM upstream. [14:31] :/ [14:31] yeah, there ya go [14:31] definitely better to do within nm-applet [14:36] can we poke nm upstream a bit? [14:36] sure [14:36] we can always try [14:36] i'd first try to find their roadmap or check the bugtracker, the feature must be mentioned somewhere [14:56] http://cgit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/tree/TODO#n248 [14:57] hm, sounds complicated... [14:57] not the kind of thing you code in an afternoon [15:00] and especially doesn't sound like anyone can easily do it, that task seems to demand some experience with network-manager and/or proxy-libs [15:05] and i imagine that the people with that knowhow already sets their proxies easily and wont bother to make it easier for the plebe [15:05] possible [15:05] i mean there's the obvious way of setting the ENV_VAR [15:06] that wont work for everything [15:06] yeah, and not for everyone ;) [15:06] the USC doesnt take its proxy settings from there [15:06] i have no idea where it takes it [15:07] i had to set the proxy on synaptic and then it worked on usc, no idea why, it didnt before 13.04 [17:41] Hi peeps. I have a problem with wireless (wl driver) broadcom 4313 [14e4:4727] on yesterdays xubuntu daily build - infact all builds under saucy. After a period of time the wireless will stop sending packets. Network manager thinks i'm still connected but i can't ping, resolve using dns or see any web pages [17:42] Anybody else seeing this ? The netbook is a Lenovo S206 [17:43] If i stop network manager and and connect using a wpa_supplicant file to the router i still lose connectivity. [17:46] I notice that the broadcom driver has been updated from 6.20 to 6.30 under saucy. The thing is, if i keep network manager running and just disconnect and reconnect i regain connectivity. I increased wpa_supplicant debugging in the service file but could not see much wrong (although i', not 100% sure what to look for). There is nothing in syslog or dmesg that would point to the failure. I tried setting [17:46] an arp entry to see if that was the problem (arp -a and route was taking a while to return values when connectivity had stalled). The only thing i have not done is use wireshark or tcpdump to look at the packets [17:47] BTW: elfy suggested i post here before raising a bug to see i this was a known issue [17:49] btw: 13.04 has been rock solid for wireless and general running :) [17:52] one last thing, messing with the cards power management made no difference [17:55] matt_symes: testing 13.10 or 13.04? [17:55] oh, you said daily build [17:56] I haven't heard of this issue and we're quite early in the cycle, I'd submit a but [17:56] bug [17:56] 13.10 pleia2. one yesterdays daily iso, an update 13.04=>13.10 and from the liveusb of the daily [17:56] particularly with hardware issues it's not always common to find someone with an identical setup, so having hardware info is important [17:56] No probs pleia2. I can supply all the info required [17:56] thanks for testing :) [17:57] np. I raise a bug in the next hour or so. Food first :) [17:59] * elfy 's mission to drag people to testing from forum starts to work pleia2 ;) [18:02] \o/ [18:04] matt_symes: Strangely, I have a BCM problem I haven't looked at too hard in Raring, so far on installed system only. :P [18:44] I did see a bug raised about arp and wl Unit193, but i'm not sure if this is the same issue as the bug was supposed to be fixed [18:44] The thing is this netbook has no other connectivity [18:51] Bug #1156138 was one I hit. [18:51] bug 1156138 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build [FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module wl.ko uses GPL-only symbol '__rcu_read_unlock']" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1156138 [19:01] I did not hit that one Unit193. I did hit another one where dkms would not build the wl driver. There was a patch on launchpad though so i added it to dkms and manually rebuilt the driver using dkms. That was on mainline 3.9 kernel though. This is happening with a vanilla install, liveusb and upgraded raring->saucy. I hit bug #1157880 [19:01] bug 1157880 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build on kernel 3.9 [wl_cfg80211.c:2025:3: error: too few arguments to function ‘cfg80211_put_bss’]" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1157880 [19:02] This bug is affecting the daily builds though [23:13] knome: Going to harass bluesabre now? [23:13] whats up? [23:15] Heya, we were talking about options for keeping people (team members more so) online. [23:16] I'm hoping to purchase a server to keep a screen soon [23:16] I get paid tomorrow [23:16] but if knome is going to provide... [23:16] :) [23:16] I have a server specifically set aside to give fellow community members irc shell accounts [23:17] oh [23:17] Awwh, but she wouldn't answer me. :( [23:17] awesome pleia2! [23:17] bluesabre: What's your client of choice anyway? [23:17] Everyone else uses irssi, so I suppose that will do [23:17] I generally just use pidgin [23:18] I've noticed, you've made me sad. [23:18] Unit193: you said you'd be bad [23:19] why, are you the last xchat user? [23:19] :D [23:19] pleia2: Kidding, and was kidding about the grsec question. :P (I was also kidding then, about ruled out for that reason, I'm ruled out for another one though.) Sorry. [23:20] no monkeys on dagobah [23:20] :( [23:20] bluesabre: No, irssi here. [23:21] ah [23:21] bluesabre: if you want an account, just lyz@ubuntu.com me a username and public ssh key (or link to one in launchpad) [23:21] ok, I'll do that now, thanks pleia2! [23:22] I'm actually migrating to a new host soonish, but "soonish" is a lousy timeframe and means I probably won't do it for a while [23:22] maybe september, or june [23:22] that sounds like my soonish software releases [23:22] pleia2: I'd assume not a thing I can help with in all of this? [23:22] Unit193: nope [23:23] thanks [23:23] Ko, just trying to be helpful. [23:24] unfortunately the server has been a bit wonky lately (unexpected reboots, boo) so I'm planning to move to linode now that they're cheaper instead of upgrading to debian 7 on this server, but that seems like a lot of work [23:24] Oh? Checking now... [23:26] pleia2, email sent [23:35] bluesabre: replied with a question :) [23:35] ha [23:35] yes [23:58] bluesabre: I need to go run some errands, we can debug later if you have trouble logging in [23:59] thanks pleia2! [23:59] woot, I'm in