
i3luefirecan anyone help me with this grub intall issue00:22
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Guest34651So when I install Xubuntu on USB 2 from USB 1, I should only need usb 2 right?01:05
holsteinGuest34651: your install is not booting?01:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:06
holsteini would just restore it, and put it where you want it again, manually01:06
Guest34651yeah it doesn't boot. I'm reinstalling again. I do remember when it rebooted it was just a command prompt with grub..01:07
Guest34651Would it make sense that openssh-server couldn't be installed correctly on the live session?01:09
holsteinGuest34651: i would reinstall grub.. not the os01:09
holsteinGuest34651: if you have internet access, i would try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openssh-server"01:09
Guest34651I think that01:11
Guest34651that's probably the trick. I didn't do sudo apt-get update...01:12
Guest34651I'm 99% sure that's the issue. I was getting an error along the lines of dependency issue. 2ubuntu xx:xxx is what was on the machine and openssh-server had a dependency of 3ubuntu xx:xxx? Sound familiar?01:16
holsteinGuest34651: well, i dont know specifics, but i have had that issue before when installing things into a live environment.. which can be a challenge.. though, an ssh server should be plausible01:17
Guest34651Does "sudo apt-get update" update apt-get?01:18
holsteinGuest34651: "apt-get update" updates the package list you have01:18
Guest34651Makes sense.01:20
SuaveHolstein you still there?01:35
xubuntu081can someone please help me?02:19
xubuntu081My graphics card isnt showing up to xbuntu02:20
Unit193How so?  Do you have a black screen on boot?02:20
xubuntu081well im connected to my onboard video right now..02:21
xubuntu081here's the card I have: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681412766702:21
xubuntu081Im new to linux and not sure how to find drivers02:22
xubuntu081and my screen looks stretched too :/02:22
Unit193Open the Settings Manager and go to Software Sources, you'll see additional drivers in there.02:23
xubuntu081not having a good first try with linux and getting frustrated02:23
Unit193(Could also run software-properties-gtk --open-tab 4  should take you directly to the screen.)02:24
xubuntu081in software sources, under the additional drivers tab its empty02:25
Gustavo__Hi all! I am installing xubuntu in a new MSI A1500 notebook and network and bluetooth lights don't work. Someone know what is happening?02:30
Gustavo__I am now with live cd02:31
xubuntu943K, so I have an .iso image on USB flash drive. . . now what do I use to install the operating system (from XP), new OS, NO partition.???03:53
xubuntu474yeah, I have the .iso image on USB drive. . .what makes that install?03:57
SuaveDo you have a bootable usb drive or did you just drag and drop the iso on the usb?03:57
xubuntu474drag and drop, my "bootable copy" is also still on the drive, but asks me for a username and pasword (which no-one remembers assigning)03:59
SuaveDownload UNetbootin http://sourceforge.net/projects/unetbootin/files/UNetbootin/583/unetbootin-windows-583.exe/download?use_mirror=surfnet04:00
Suaveinstall it and then make a bootable usb with the iso file04:00
xubuntu474OK, I'll have to put that on the USB as well, because the machine to be installed on is not connected to the internet.04:01
SuaveAh you should probably get it connected to the internet to allow updates for Xubuntu to install04:01
xubuntu474dont have the internet password04:01
SuaveAh. Sounds like you have bigger issues.04:02
xubuntu474well, it is automatically selecting for a mac software b/c that is what I am on . . .. i sthere an address for a XP unetbootin?04:05
xubuntu474I downloaded the unetbootin-windows 583, I don't see how that can be useful when that machine isn't connected to the internet. .. give me a workaround. . I have a USB drive and a working connection on a Macit's not04:15
xubuntu474ubuntu can't install updates until it is initially installed. . .can't initially install until i get past the .iso file. . . can't get past the /04:16
xubuntu474.iso file until I have unetbootin for windows XP?04:16
xubuntu474What do I need?  Thanks for your help.04:21
Unit193!usb | xubuntu47404:42
ubottuxubuntu474: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:42
Unit193Just use Lili.04:42
xubuntu743it is asking me for keeping the partition on /dev/sba. . . what the heck is that want it?and do I04:57
xubuntu743sorry, /dev/sda/04:57
xubuntu306I agree with terms of service05:02
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Sysinice calm green-patched greybird setup ready.. so next I could try moebuntu08:51
onrno idea how could they make such simple program "ubuntu software center" horribly slow11:51
TheSheeponr: they accept patches11:55
TheSheepif you think you can do better11:56
onryeah i can create something better, not through patching though11:57
TheSheeponr: "pathces11:58
TheSheeponr: "patches" as in suggestions on what to change11:58
TheSheeponr: pull requests, if you will11:58
onrTheSheep: is there a public API for software center's package reviews?12:03
TheSheeponr: launchpad.net12:03
TheSheeponr: oh, reviews. I have no idea, sorry12:05
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xubuntu096c'รจ qualche italiano a cui posso rivolgere una domanda su xubuntu?14:00
DIMEAVEXfce > Gnome 3 && Unity14:00
koegs!it > xubuntu09614:00
ubottuxubuntu096, please see my private message14:00
kxzuHi here. I'm using kx-studio for proffesionnal MAO use. Based on ubuntu 12.04, I'll like to use xfce4.10 instead of .8. How can I do? is there any back port repo?14:40
koegskxzu: kxstudio is not supported in here, but you can search for a 4.10 ppa14:46
ObrienDaveyou can D/L the XFCE desktop through the normal Ubuntu repository14:48
ObrienDaveI run Xubuntu14:48
koegsObrienDave: on a xubuntu 12.04 you wont get xfce 4.10 without a ppa14:49
Sysiyou need a PPA but there's very good one https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/xfce-4.1014:49
kxzuok found it: ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.1014:49
ObrienDaveok, i'm on 13.0414:49
kxzuthanks all! ;D14:50
Sysithough it's not officially supported because it's a PPA14:50
ObrienDaveyes, this is true. you're on your own there ;)14:50
ObrienDavekxzu: why not just install Xubuntu 13.04 and save the hassle?14:51
kxzuObrienDave, re-read my first message.14:52
kxzucu all!14:52
ObrienDaveok, bye14:52
Sysihmm, I could update my xfce too14:53
ObrienDaveyea, you got me looking as well14:54
ObrienDaveoh, crap. it's a LTS release. no wonder14:55
SysiI'm on LTS too14:55
ObrienDave*slaps head*14:55
ObrienDavewhat was i thinking14:55
ObrienDaveoh boy mySQL and mariaDB updates. yippie14:58
ObrienDavenow, if i could just get mySQL workbench to update. grrr14:58
GridCubeP: you need to download the deb and thats that15:07
GridCubeim using 5.4.2715:08
Quix86Is there a way to give programs a 'default transparency' with xfce/xfwm? For example, xterm is 60% by default15:20
Sysiwmctrl or devilspie maybe can do that15:20
Beliali always picture spanish people actually laughing like that out loud ^16:00
Belialand, in turn, makes me laugh.16:00
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:00
alexsanderpunxoh ok16:01
Belialholstein, you were dying to do that.16:01
Belialyou'll make a great op one day.16:01
holsteinBelial: feel free and join me in the #xubuntu-offtopic channel to discuss16:03
sketch_can anyone tell me how to remove the panel so that i can use just cairo dock?16:06
Sysipanel preferences allow you to remove panels16:06
sketch_yes i know that but it wont let me remove the last panel16:07
holsteinsketch_: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/38048/how-to-remove-all-the-panels-in-xfce is relevant16:08
sketch_ill check it out thx16:09
Sysithen go settings -> session and startup -> SEssion16:09
Sysiquit xfce4-panel from there and save session on logout16:09
Sysior right away16:09
tyrogHi everyone. Which one is the best to install right now? Xubuntu 12.04 or 13.04? To use xfce 4.1016:12
tyrogWhat are the strong points of Xfce against Unity, Gnome Shell and KDE? thanks16:13
tyrogand the weak points by the way xD16:13
holstein!better | tyrog16:13
ubottutyrog: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.16:13
Sysiif you're ready to update to 13.10, then 13.04, but if you'd like to wait until 14.04 or 15.04 then 12.0416:13
holsteintyrog: this is the xubuntu channel.. so we will say xfce is what you want.. try them all live16:14
holsteintyrog: no reason not to use 13.04..16:14
Sysixfce is quite configurable, light/responsive yet simple and very stable16:14
tyrogholstein: What can you do with the DEs I told that you can't on Xfce? That's mostly the point I meant with the previous question :)16:15
Sysithey're really hard to list since everyone likes different things16:15
tyrogSysi: My PC is good enough to handle all DEs. I like to customize the system, that's one of the things I love in Linux. What advantages do you see on Xfce vs KDE, which is what I was using right now?16:16
SysiI suggest testing with live-usb or virtual machines16:16
Sysityrog: lighter, less hassle with gtk apps, but personally I'd use KDE if I could get my soundcard to work with it16:17
Sysisome people think KDE is too complicated having so many options16:17
tyrogSysi: Aren't programs like Thunar or Xfce Terminal too "simple"? Compared to others like Dolphin or even Nautilus16:20
TheSheeptyrog: depends what you use them for16:20
Sysithey have all features I need and faster to set up and test new things16:21
tyrogSysi: I heard Thunar is quite buggy and could crash often16:21
Sysiof course you can select what file manager to use16:21
tyrogSo some people recommended the one from LXDE instead16:21
Sysinever xrashed for me16:21
TheSheeptyrog: that's no longer the case16:21
TheSheeptyrog: maybe 3 or 4 years ago that was true16:21
wolf29Upgrade from 12.10 ubuntu studio to 13.04. XFCE is a little broken, on the bright side, k-desktop is entirely broken. On XFCE, mouse is invisible over settings manager dialog, skype dialog and a few others.  is still visible over firefox and openoffice.16:21
Sysiwith thunar people mostly miss having tabs and split view16:22
tyrogTheSheep: I think I will go with Xfce then. I like KDE, but like Sysi said, it has too many things I don't care about16:22
TheSheepwolf29: go to settings and set your mouse cursor16:22
TheSheepSysi: except thunar has tabs16:22
TheSheepSysi: since about a year16:22
TheSheepthat that they are useful for anything16:23
SysiI thought they weren't in stable release yet,, sorry for being oldie16:23
TheSheepSysi: just press ctrl+t16:24
tyrogTheSheep: Would you recommend Xfce over KDE too? xD16:24
SysiI'm on 12.04, too old thunar16:25
TheSheeptyrog: personally I prefer xfce, but it's all mostly about what you are used to16:25
tyrogSysi: I found there is a PPA :)16:25
TheSheeptyrog: if you are going to use a ppa, you might as well just install a newer release16:26
tyrogTheSheep: I would definitely use Xfce 4.10 and Thunar 1.6 xD16:28
wolf29TheSheep: I am not sure what to do with it.  I changed the theme from default and that worked, but cursor is still invisible over skype window.16:28
TheSheepwolf29: I suppose it will use the new theme when you next start it16:28
wolf29TheSheep: It is using the theme everywhere but over the skype window.  Maybe I need to relogin16:30
tyrogTheSheep: You would recommend 13.04 for that too?16:31
Belialwhat's the shortcut to show the menu in thunar?16:33
TheSheeptyrog: I think, and that is my personal opinion, that you are going to get better stability by using a complete release that has been tested with those versions, than by using an older (and perhpas more stable) release with those versions added from a ppa16:33
tyrogTheSheep: are the upgrades between releases reliable?16:34
TheSheepBelial: ctrl+m16:34
TheSheeptyrog: as long as you don't have too much custom stuff16:34
BelialTheSheep, thanks16:34
TheSheeptyrog: for example, a custom gtk theme may break in newer version16:35
Belialthunar doesn't do split view, does it?16:35
TheSheepBelial: nope16:35
TheSheepBelial: but you can open two windows16:35
tyrogBelial: or tabs16:35
tyrogTheSheep: Is there something like aero "Snap" feature for Xfce? Two windows side by side in the same workspace of course16:36
Belialyeah, i was using tabs, but i can't drag and drop files on them16:36
koegstyrog: you have tiling from xfce 4.10 on16:37
tyrogkoegs: What's exactly tiling? sorry xD16:38
koegstyrog: that is what you just asked for16:38
gatsu1000hi all16:38
koegslike "aero snap"16:38
gatsu1000still in need of some help here...16:38
gatsu1000this damned cdrom won't came up in any manner16:38
gatsu1000hi Sheep16:39
Belialtyrog, drag a window to the top of the screen16:39
Belialand then the bottom16:39
gatsu1000someone here that can help?16:40
tyrogBelial: That's not the same thing. Top and bottom windows don't give a good perspective of their contents16:40
koegstyrog: you can do the same with left/right... in xfce it is called tiling16:41
koegsyou either just drag the window to the top/bottom/left/right to "snap" and/or you can define hotkeys for that just like in windows16:42
tyrogkoegs: But when I try to put one window on the side it goes to the workspace 2 or whatever it is called16:42
gatsu1000hi koegs... can i ask you a little help?16:42
koegstyrog: which ubuntu-version do you use?16:43
tyrogkoegs: 12.04, but I think I am going to reinstall with 13.0416:43
koegstyrog: with 12.04 that feature is not available unless you install the xfce 4.10 ppa16:43
koegsyou have to use 12.10 or 13.0416:43
Beliali'm using 13.04 and going to the left and right put the windows in another workspace16:44
tyrogkoegs: Yes, that's what I thought of. Use the PPA on 12.04, or clean install of 13.04. I was thinking of the latter xD16:44
koegsgatsu1000: i am not sure i can help you with the cdrom16:44
gatsu1000oh, ok...16:44
gatsu1000this damned thing won't work in any manner and i can't understand why16:44
gatsu1000there is something like "found new hardware" in there?16:45
koegsBelial: i am trying to remember the setting for that :)16:45
tyrogkoegs: Does Xfce handle steam well?16:46
koegsno problem using steam (either native ubuntu or with wine)16:46
koegsBelial: i think it was somewhere in the window manager settings or window manager tweaks16:47
Belialkoegs, yeah, i'm checking right now.16:47
koegsBelial: Windows Manager -> Advanced -> Uncheck "Wrap Workspaces when dragging..."16:48
tyrogkoegs: Is there some way to enable VSync for the Xfce window manager? KDE has an option for it on KWin :)16:49
Belialthat works good.16:49
koegstyrog: vsync is a topic on its own... never tested it: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/xfce-sync-to-vblank-support-for-xfwm.html16:50
gatsu1000in your opinion, why the cdrom isn't visible on devices?16:51
tyrogkoegs: Good, right what I was looking for16:52
gatsu1000what if wodim gives me cannot open scsi driver ?16:54
tyrogkoegs: What is the best GTK based music player? I was getting used to Amarok and Clementine as an alternative too xD16:55
tyrogkoegs: I think Qt apps look bad in GTK DEs :P16:57
mneptokgatsu1000: try gmusicbrowser16:59
mneptoktyrog: ^^^17:00
tyrogmneptok: Does that support lyrics?17:00
xubuntu199Hello, for some days i am having the problem that when i try to maximize a window, or switch vlc into fullscreen mode, there are gaps at the sides where the desktop background is visible (around 100px wide each). Any advice of how to get rid of this?17:07
xubuntu199Interestingly enough, F11 in a browser does cover the whole screen as expected.17:08
tyrogxubuntu199: Maybe its your video17:08
gatsu1000ok, no way17:10
gatsu1000there isn't a way to install this damned cdrom on this system17:11
genii-aroundCould be monitor is 16:10 and video is 16:917:12
gatsu1000there isn't really no one that can help?17:13
gatsu1000it seems not17:18
gatsu1000hi catty17:21
gatsu1000can you give me some help?^^17:23
NetCattygatsu1000: what's the matter?17:24
gatsu1000i'm becoming mad with the cdrom reader17:24
gatsu1000it doesn't appear in any manner17:24
gatsu1000tried quite everything i could as a very newbie of ubuntu17:24
NetCattygatsu1000: type 'mount' into your terminal past it here: http://pastebin.com/17:25
gatsu1000here you go^^17:27
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gatsu1000does it makes any sense?17:28
NetCattygatsu1000: now 'uname -a && cat /etc/*release'17:29
NetCattygatsu1000: open gnome-disks; does it show up?17:31
gatsu1000nope, only the 2 hdd17:32
NetCattygatsu1000: is it properly connected and your bios settings right?17:33
gatsu1000i can boot a cd, for example17:34
NetCattygatsu1000: what kind of cdrom driver do u have?17:34
livingdaylightI'm looking to install oracle java. Do i need to remove open-jdk?18:18
genii-aroundlivingdaylight: Not really. You can have multiple java versions, it's just a matter of which one gets chosen tpo be default with update-alternatives18:28
genii-aroundlivingdaylight: If you don't want to manually install the oracle version, there is https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/java18:30
livingdaylightgenii-around, thank you i just installed the ppa from web818:30
livingdaylightbut, I saw no instructions on his site for dealing with open-jdk hence i ask18:31
genii-aroundlivingdaylight: You need to run the oracle-java7-set-default    ( or 8 for version 8 )  for the update-alternatives to make oracle the default18:31
NetCattylivingdaylight: there isn't much of a difference between open-jdk and oracle java, why do u want to use it?18:32
livingdaylightgenii-around, how?18:32
Arthur_Dhi all, I am having trouble with dual-monitoring to my TV via VGA: I only get 640x480 and 320x240 as options even though it is a Full HD TV. The manual suggests 1280x768 for the VGA input, but as said I don't get that option either18:32
livingdaylightNetCatty, habit I guess.... it came with some java plugins missing for the browser and webstart for .jnlp files... If it worked out of the box I wouldn't bother, but, since I do, I just reach for oracle as that 's proven better in the past18:33
NetCattylivingdaylight: install oracle java and then: sudo update-java-alternatives -l && sudo update-java-alternative -s $jdk18:34
livingdaylightthank you18:34
livingdaylightthat will make oracle the default, yes?18:35
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sketch_ok all is working well and i finally got cairo dock as my only thing but now i need to know how to set my new printer up any ideas?18:42
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sketch_n/m i got it18:47
genii-aroundlivingdaylight: Apologies on lag, work required me... just install the package oracle-java7-set-default   or oracle-java8-set-default   ( depending what version you previously just installed)18:52
livingdaylightgenii-around, thanks i think its done now.18:52
genii-aroundlivingdaylight: And then you can check after with java -version     ...to make sure it took18:53
toastso i got a directv home cinema box that is conected to my home network and im running NFS on my host machine. how can i access the files on my host from the directv box?19:05
genii-aroundI would think that's more of a question for the people at DirecTV19:07
th0runless the directtv box is running xubuntu19:10
toastok thanks if they have no answers i will b back19:10
K1rkHey, I'm trying to remove Suspend & Hibernate options from Indicator-Session... I am not finding any tutorials which work.  Here is my thread on the Ubuntu Forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147996  Any suggestions?19:14
seronisK1rk: there is a tutorial on ENABLING hibernate since its disabled by default in xubuntu.  maybe you can use that to figure it out19:16
seronisi dont have the link off hand but i googled and found it when i switched to xubuntu19:16
K1rkseronis, I disagree that it's enabled by default.  My install is a clean install and it was enabled out of the box...19:16
elfyseronis: it's not about enabling or disabling but actually removing the options19:17
seroniswell its disabled by default in 13.04.  i only installed 3 weeks ago19:17
K1rkseronis, ah, we're doing LTS here so I am on 12.0419:17
seronisbut the tutorial shows the locations to edit.19:18
K1rkseronis, I've heard various things, from making xfconf entries, to changing upower policy settings, to compile your own indicator-session...19:18
K1rkSo far upower has been successful in turning the options off, but not removing them from the menu.19:18
K1rkxfconf doesn't remove them from the menu either, with the booleans I read about.19:18
K1rkI'd hate to have to compile my own indicator-session.. that would be a nightmare to manage on 1,000 machines.19:18
seronisOK. I just figured since instructions exist for adding those things, you could follow them to remove it. Its the limited help I can give and figured having a potential lead is better than just idling with no response in 3 channels =-)19:20
K1rklol yeah that's fine seronis.  If you have that link, I can take a look at it.19:21
elfyK1rk: if you're setting this up on 1000 machines - I assume that you'll be creating an image to do them with - am I right in reading the thread that you just want to remove options from the action button?19:23
elfyif you can do that and stop them re-enabling 'button options' I guess that's what you're after19:24
K1rkelfy, yeah.  I'm particularly interested in modifying it in my skel folder. The users' profiles are wiped at logout, so I'm not overly concerned about preventing them from changing it.19:25
elfybeyond me that - I just know you can remove things from the action button19:26
K1rkelfy, we do have the "action buttons" as well.19:26
K1rkBut we'd like to keep indicator-session because "click on your name in the upper right" is part of our yearly training speech.19:26
seronisit has the instructions on the file to edit to add the button.19:27
* elfy thought action buttons was the 'name' of the thing K1rk 19:27
K1rk"Action Buttons" are the icons to the left of the name in my screenshot19:28
K1rkBig picture of a power button, big picture of a logout button, etc19:28
K1rkThe "name" thing is indicator-session19:28
elfyoh right - I fiddle with my setup19:28
elfyI'd need to get a 12.04 iso to look19:29
elfyK1rk: none of the machines I've got have indicator-sessions even installed lol - I can look a bit later with a vm if no-one else pitches in19:38
elfyand I've subscribed on the forum too19:38
elfyI see Toz said exactly the same as me :)19:39
SysiI think 4.10 brought more options to "Action buttons", at least I can set it's appearance in preferences19:42
elfyK1rk: I assume that these machines will be not messed about with - eg ppa's added19:43
K1rkelfy, not by end users, but by me... maye19:44
elfyok - well I've got it downloading now19:48
K1rkelfy, okay.19:49
jessie10472can I install quickbooks in xubuntu19:53
jessie10472and microsoft office19:53
jessie10472Those are the two main programs I need19:53
knomejessie10472, i don't know what quickbooks is, but you might want to look at libreoffice for microsoft office replacement19:54
TheSheepjessie10472: as soon as they make a linux version of them19:54
jessie10472I have used libreoffice and liked it19:55
jessie10472but quickbooks there seems to be no getting around from19:55
knomejessie10472, what's that software doing?19:55
TheSheepaccounting software19:57
TheSheepseems pretty specialized19:57
jessie10472thanks thesheep19:57
jessie10472I was getting to that lol19:57
TheSheepjessie10472: you may try if it works under wine19:57
Unit193http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=120 Not very well.19:57
TheSheepthe 2007 version seems good19:58
TheSheepthe 6.0 version is even better20:00
knomethey have an online version that's supposed to work on firefox20:00
[0gb_us]I'm taking a course right now so I'm inspecting things I normally wouldn't. In doing so, I found my disk partitions are sda1, sda2, and sda5. I shecked a second system, with the same results. Does anyone know why sda3 and sda4 are missing?20:03
elfybecause you only have 2 primaries and one of those is an extended - assuming this isn't gpt20:04
[0gb_us]So the first four numbered names are reserved for primaries?20:05
elfyyep and then it starts numbering logicals from 520:06
[0gb_us]Okay. Thanks!20:06
elfy[0gb_us]: all normal - I ahve sda1,2,3,5,6,7,820:07
th0r[0gb_us]: I believe the way it works you can have four partitions, either primary or extended. If you create four primaries that is all you can have. If you create one or more extended partitions, then you can create logical partitions within those extended partitions, and their numbering would start with 520:08
TheSheepit's really legacy of DOS20:08
TheSheepit's because there is room only for 4 partition tables at the beginning of the disk20:09
Sysiyou can have 4 logical partitiond in each of 4 extended partiotions, totalling 1620:10
TheSheepand extended partitions have room for additional partition tables in them20:10
[0gb_us]Yeah, wow. I just read that answer that was linked, and the old system was limited to four. How sad.20:10
Sysiubuntu installer has some funky reason to make third partition logical20:10
TheSheep[0gb_us]: it was a great improvement compared to what you had with just diskettes :)20:10
TheSheepand four should be enough for anybody, right? ;)20:11
[0gb_us]I only use the three the installer sets up, personally. But my drive is small.20:12
th0rTheSheep: four partitions and 640K of memory....more than we will ever need20:12
TheSheepand 4294967296 ip addresses20:12
[0gb_us]Does the boot loader have a partition to itself? One partition isn't mounted, and I'm guessing it's for GRUB or something.20:12
th0rbet that required a calculator <smile>20:13
TheSheep[0gb_us]: it may be swap, or it may be EFI partition, if you have EFI bios20:13
th0r[0gb_us]: the extended partition isn't mounted....the logical partitions inside are20:14
TheSheepah, that's right20:14
[0gb_us]AH! Okay, cool. SO the logical partitions are in one of the four partitions.20:15
[0gb_us]And sda5 is mounted as swap.20:15
th0r[0gb_us]: right, each of the four can be either primary or extended. Logicals must be inside an extended partition20:15
TheSheeplike those russian dolls20:15
bazhangmatrioshka dolls20:19
elfyK1rk: does this work ? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/change-logout-layout-from-xfce-871357/20:24
th0relfy: it worked just now for Suspend20:29
elfyhow to confuse a half asleep man - someone else reply ... :p20:30
th0relfy: well, I have been wanting to remove Suspend from my logout dialog, but hadn't yet gotten around to searching for info. Never use Hibernate, but assume it will work also.20:31
elfyaah ok :)20:31
th0relfy: didn't even have to log out. Issued the command in a terminal and the Suspend button was gone20:32
elfyok - K1rk ^^ :)20:32
sketch_well i got the nfs working but not auto mounting at reboot any ideas?20:37
sketch_i have to mount them evertime in the termal and its getting to be a pain in the butt20:39
th0rsketch_: can you pastebin fstab?20:39
elfysketch_: basically you need to add more or less the same thing into fstab20:40
sketch_i forgot how20:42
elfypastebinit /etc/fstab20:43
elfyand what's the line you've used in the terminal to mount it20:46
sketch_sudo mount -t nfs -o rw /tmp/test20:46
elfywell that all looks right20:49
sketch_and this sudo mount -t nfs -o rw /tmp/test220:49
th0rsketch_: I mount my nas like this....might be worth a try   http://paste.ubuntu.com/5695017/20:50
bekkssketch_: your fstab is horribly wrong and not taken from the example I showed you.20:51
th0rsketch_: the credentials file is a simple one...two lines...username=xxx and password=yyy the login for the nfs20:51
sketch_can you help me fix it?20:52
bekkssketch_: Just use these options "_netdev,auto,nointr" instead of "auto,noatime,nolock,bg,nfssvers=1,intr,tcp,actime0=1800"20:53
bekkssketch_: Just use these options "_netdev,auto".20:53
bekksthere is no NFSv1 anymore out there, since decades, so its an invalid option and will not work at all.20:54
sketch_so i change to _netdev,auto,nointr and it should work now?20:57
bekkssketch_: Just use "_netdev,auto"20:57
bekkssketch_: But it will not work, since /tmp is cleaned up during reboot, so there is no "/tmp/test" anymore. Run these command: "sudo mkdir /mnt/test /mnt/test2" and change "/tmp/test" to "/mnt/test" and "/tmp/test2" to "/mnt/test2" in your fstab20:59
bekkssketch_: Then, it will work upon reboot20:59
sketch_rebooting and trying brb21:03
sketch_didnt do anything21:06
bekksSo whats your /etc/fstab now?21:07
sketch_does anyone have teamviwer that can just show me?21:14
bekkssketch_: "   /mnt/test2   nfs      _netdev,auto 0 0"21:15
bekksWithout the "". You deleted the "0 0" at the end of the lines.21:15
bekksNo need for teamviewer to correct it.21:15
sketch_reboot and should work?21:17
chaitimehello friend21:22
sketch__great now it works21:22
bekkssketch__: :P21:22
chaitimeIs there a way to download a big pack of themes for xubuntu?21:22
bekkssketch__: You now owe me a beer ;)21:22
tyrogchaitime: Why a big pack? Just download the ones you want21:23
sketch__ok lol now my next noob ?.. can i get it to just come up auto under devices?21:24
tyrogchaitime: If you don't know beforehand the ones you want, that's part of the fun of testing xD21:24
chaitimetyrog, it seems the suggestion is to visit a xfce-look website and browse themes from 200821:25
chaitimewhich is not cool21:26
chaitimetyrog, yea I want to test it by having it loaded and then going down the list in the manager sorta like how I test screen savers :(21:26
MrElgjust installed xubuntu on my netbook21:27
NoskcajMrElg, good to hear21:32
NetCatty'one of u guys here with xubuntu 13.04, nvidia video card and proprietary driver?22:08
knomeNetCatty, what if you asked the real question?22:09
NetCattyknome: I'm searching for a solution regarding the tty1 bug with nvidia proprietary drivers and the invidible text22:10
NetCattyI search the net for hours, but I can't find a satisfying solution22:11
NetCattythe text of my tty1- 6 just stays invisible, despite my best efforts22:12
holsteinNetCatty: ive seen that before... when using a chrome driver on an hp mininote.. i just dont use TTY. is that an option?22:13
NetCattyholstein: regrettably no, I need tty22:15
ChaserNetCatty, am using 13.04 and nvidia propriety driver. I can login via tty1 etc22:15
SysiNetCatty: see http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1821522:16
NetCattySysi: thx it works!22:27
Sysiyou're welcome22:28
wuzuuzseems that only you guys will still use gtk+22:40
wuzuuzlubuntu and unity is porting to qt22:40
Belialyou mean lxde is going to qt?22:41
bekksLets talk about when they've done.22:41
Sysignome won't go qt22:41
wuzuuzdo you have any plans to port to gtk3? gtk2 will be sooner or later abandoned, that's for sure22:43
wuzuuzno one will use it besides you22:43
wuzuuzI mean, xfce22:44
Sysiupstream xfce will go to gtk3 at some point, making own gtk3 fork doesn't seem likely22:45
petero983hi there, I just installed xubuntu 12.04 and after trying lots of stuff I am stuck. I want to use 2 monitors. I installed arandr, saved the settings a.s.o.. How can I make these settings permanent? Cheers22:45
knomewuzuuz, do you have a support question?22:45
Sysipetero983: export a script and put it to autostart in settings -> sessions and startup22:45
petero983Sysi: already did that, does not work22:46
petero983when I start it manually, it does22:46
petero983I have a xrandr command, which does exactly what I want, but I don't know how to start it automatically22:48
ObrienDavei would like to see arandr leave the desktop on the RIGHT monitor. not always push it to the left22:48
petero983for me on the left one is okay, just need to know how to do it via autostart :D22:50
petero983I already tried "/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45custom_xrandr-settings"22:52
petero983and .xprofile22:52
Sysipetero983: try putting the commands in ~/.xinitrc22:52
petero983Sysi: I'll try it22:52
petero983Sysi: just that xrandr-command?22:52
Sysiwell you can put script that contains them too22:53
Sysi(but you need to have the right path)22:53
petero983alright, just have to wait. I had to reinstall xubuntu, because I followed the tutorial on webupd8, with the xubuntu-dev ppa, which destroyed my system22:54
petero983no luck, still nothing happens23:12
petero983it is getting even worse, now with the same command the monitors go black and won't wake up again23:14
petero983even when using arandr23:15
ObrienDavei think you need to adjust your desktop settings. let me hook up my other monitor. let you know23:21
ObrienDaveok, i had to go to display settings to turn on the second monitor. give me a minute23:23
ObrienDavethen go to arandr and move one of the screens next to the other. desktop icons are forced to the left monitor23:26
ObrienDavehit the green check mark to apply23:26
ObrienDaveany luck?23:34
jiggawillisanyone on?23:44
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:44
ObrienDaveyes, just quiet23:44
jiggawillismy flash for xubuntu 13.10 has stopped working properly every since the download from 13.04. all my videos are a green and purple color. such as youtube23:45
petero983well, all that stuff works23:45
jiggawillisI cant recall.. but w.e the new update was for23:46
ObrienDaveyou runnng the daily-build?23:46
pleia2jiggawillis: 13.10 is the development version that hasn't even reached alpha yet :) please submit a bug23:46
ObrienDavewell, that would be unsupported at this time23:46
pleia2you probably want to use 13.04 if you want a stable system23:46
petero983but sometimes the monitors just switch off and won't switch on again, and sometimes everything but the autostart works fine23:46
jiggawillisoh ok. now how can i downgrade back to 13.0423:47
pleia2in theory it should be possible, but in reality it's very very hard23:47
pleia2you're better off reinstalling23:47
jiggawillisYeah i figured that would be the case23:47
ObrienDavepetero: what version you running?23:49
petero983what drives me crazy, is that it sometimes works, and next time I try it doesn't23:50
ObrienDavewhat card do you have?23:51
petero983I hve no idea23:52
petero983how can I find out?23:52
ObrienDavenVidia? AMD? onboard?23:52
ObrienDavepizza time. brb23:53
ObrienDaveam back23:55

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