
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_postertrunk test pass for me on IE, over three runs  :-/01:00
gary_posterthe destroy service tests are misbehaving--leaving junk on the page and in the url--but I don't think that's the cause here01:01
gary_posterI don't think that's related to the failures I mean01:02
gary_poster"overwrites config flags with url flags" and "parses url with and without flags" are two of the failing tests.  In both cases the error is "TypeError: Object expected" "at Anonymous function (http:.../test/test_feature_flags.js:30:11)"01:05
gary_posterthat's the line number for the first error01:06
gary_posterall four look to be the config flag thing01:06
gary_posterI think maybe we can try to use Francesco's new tools to debug these tests01:07
gary_postermaybe the charm is the different variable? :-/01:07
gary_posterSeems unlikely, but possible01:07
gary_posterrick_h_, ^^ heading out tonight; we can look tomorrow.  if you need to pass it to someone else let me know.  thank you01:08
gary_poster(same four tests failed twice in a row on saucelabs)01:09
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
frankbanhi rogpeppe: I have a prototype that seems to work: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5696777/12:17
frankbanrogpeppe: anyway, I don't know if that's the right direction12:17
rogpeppefrankban: looking12:18
frankbanrogpeppe: thanks12:19
rogpeppefrankban: it seems a bit odd that you're passing APIInfo into state.Open12:20
rogpeppefrankban: otherwise it looks good12:21
frankbanrogpeppe: yes, but I need to store apiInfo in the state in order to retrieve the api addresses12:22
rogpeppefrankban: hmm12:22
rogpeppefrankban: i'm not sure that's quite the right approach12:23
* rogpeppe goes to look at the code12:23
rogpeppefrankban: i think that rather than passing an Addresser object into NewSimpleContext, it might be best just to pass the addresses directly12:26
rogpeppefrankban: then you'd need to find a way to pass the API addresses into newDeployer12:26
rogpeppefrankban: in cmd/jujud12:26
frankbanrogpeppe: indeed, back in a minute12:28
rick_h_wow, no hatch idling. Did we lose canada last night?12:49
gary_posterheh, I hope not12:58
benjithe internet connection between the US and Canada went over the I-5 bridge13:03
gary_posterbenji, do you have a feel for your schedule today in getting the initial replay work landed?  if you have time I'll ask you to do some work on the vitals stuff. I'm kind of slammed today and I think we need progress there.13:04
gary_posterbut I don't want to get in the way of your previously planned flight path13:04
bacwe did have a local bridge they closed and wanted to tear down until they realized all of the utilities that run under it would have to be re-routed.  so they relunctanly made it pedestrian only (what the community had asked for from the beginning) and now it is a big draw.13:05
benjigary_poster: sorry, I just noticed that you spoke to me; I upgraded to R last night and aparently my beep stopped working13:28
gary_poster:-) np13:28
benjire. schedule, I think I can get this done with a couple/three hours left in the day.  Will that be enough to help materially?13:28
* benji tries to fix the beep13:29
gary_posteryeah benji thanks.  lemme know when you get near the end so we can try to find time to sync up13:30
benji<sigh> Once again, I have to remove pcspkr from modprobe's blacklist; I think I need to start a benjbuntu distro that will do things my way13:32
gary_postersinzui, when you have a moment I'd like to talk through luca's goal email to make sure I understand the charm browser parts.  would you have time sometime in the next hour?13:51
BradCrittendenjujugui: there are electricians back in the house today causing all sorts of mayhem.  i think i've got most of our network on UPS but i may occasionally go offline today.13:55
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
bacone indicator is me losing my nick...13:56
bacso it looks like the overlords of canonistack are very aggressive about deleting old images, even if they are in use.  this appears to have deleterious affects on our running servers.13:58
rick_h_gary_poster: so the CI is using the normal charm? cs:~juju-gui/precise/juju-gui 13:59
gary_posterdefine "normal" in context, rick_h_ , but yes :-)13:59
rick_h_gary_poster: I've got my IE10 set and verified tests pass so now looking to deploy the charm as you mentioned that being a difference13:59
rick_h_gary_poster: k, thx13:59
gary_posterrick_h_, yeah that jibes with my experience13:59
rick_h_hatch: morn14:02
rick_h_hatch: can you dbl check the DNS issue from yesterday sometime. Just curious if that's wrapped up.14:02
gary_posteruh oh14:03
gary_posternot wrapped up14:04
gary_posteronly ok if you are on google dns14:04
rick_h_:( was hoping that wasn't the case14:04
gary_postergoing to #is14:04
hatchhmm something is wrong then - I've never seen dns take more than 24h14:04
rick_h_yea, why I wanted to double check. it's into 'something wrong' mode14:04
hatchrick_h_: did you get the sauce lab details?14:05
hatchthey are on the CI wiki14:05
rick_h_hatch: well gary_poster showed me the video point where the tests are14:05
rick_h_hatch: so working on trying to figure out wtf...tests pass in local IE no problem. Trying to test against a charm serving the tests now in the hope something jumps up and breaks14:05
hatchugh one of THOSE issues14:06
* rick_h_ hates hoping that things break14:06
rick_h_hatch: if you've got more insight on "THOSE" make sure you let me have it please :)14:06
gary_posterto get my ducks in a row for is:14:06
gary_posterhost jujucharms.com from machine without google dns is
gary_postergood ip is
hatchit's like someone forgot to hit the 'propogate' button :)14:09
gary_posterhazmat you around?  the dns switch to jujucharms.com appears to have gone badly, and I wanted to know who to talk to in #is14:09
gary_posterI think you had an RT for this14:10
hazmatgary_poster, RT14:17
hazmatgary_poster, i did one for uistage that went through smoothly to get off hp14:17
gary_posterhey hazmat, talking through this on canonical #is.  14:18
hazmatgary_poster, joining there14:18
hazmatgary_poster, dig @ns.canonical.com jujucharms.com14:18
benjihmm, there doens't seem to be an R build of lbox; has anyone else seen that?14:24
rick_h_benji: yep14:24
rick_h_benji: had to build it. 14:25
rick_h_;sudo go get launchpad.net/lbox && sudo go install launchpad.net/lbox 14:25
rick_h_benji: ^^ well minus the ; in my lxc got it going. 14:25
rick_h_man, this just sucks. Chrome/FF won't even run the tests on the charm over https. Ok, should be an easy fix. IE passes no problem, just a warning on mixed content. FF fails on local test run. /me is so confused14:27
gary_posterrick_h_, charm lets you switch to insecure mode for just this reason14:28
gary_posterbut doesn't help the issue14:29
rick_h_gary_poster: oh, missed this config. /me goes back to the config14:29
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, pushing a trivial change to fix the https issue I think. 14:29
gary_postercool thanks14:29
rick_h_gary_poster: but still IE works against the charm (ugh) and FF fails locally (double ugh)14:29
hatchI wonder if any of this is related to mocha14:31
hatchI don't really know how mocha works internally14:31
gary_posterrick_h_, FF fails locally for me too.  frankban said it was probably because FF was not in focus14:32
hatchblame what you don't understand!14:32
gary_posterFF must be in focus for tests to pass apparently14:32
gary_posterhave not rerun to verify since then14:32
rick_h_gary_poster: ok. Yea, I recall that issue coming up. So I can not worry about FF. So my only real problem is that IE passes against the charm and CI doesn't. 14:34
gary_posterright :-(14:34
gary_posterand the error is not particularly helpful14:35
gary_posterrick_h_, one approach would be to do what you want and make it a yui module and test it that way :-P14:35
rick_h_no, IE has some lovely errors. The lines in the tests that's against doesn't fit the error really14:35
hatchyou can join the ci test in progress and open the dev tools in IE14:36
rick_h_hatch: yea, looks like that'll have to be the technique to move it forward. I was wondering if maybe it's some quirks mode/etc that IE might be in but can't replicate the failures locally14:37
rick_h_hatch: are there docs on how to do that?14:37
hatchwhen the test starts click the link14:38
hatchthen click the window to have the vm avail to you in the browser14:38
hatch^^ docs ;)14:38
hatchhaha sorry I don't remember if that specific usecase was documented14:39
rick_h_hatch: all good, thanks14:39
hatchinteresting read for anyone who is interested in mathy things14:40
sinzuihi gary_poster. I am now free to discuss jujucharms.com14:45
gary_postersinzui, ok, thanks.  Lemme finish up in #is and then I will meet you in 4 minutes in guichat for 10 minutes?14:46
teknicolbox/rietveld extremely slow today...14:47
rick_h_teknico: might be LP as well. I know some days LP is slow it drags things along.14:47
gary_posterjujugui call in 914:52
gary_posterpls update kanban14:52
hazmatgary_poster, re resolving locally for dev ... using an external dns server like google's public dns is an option14:52
gary_posterhazmat, ack, yeah recommended that on blog which made it through to juju blog14:53
gary_posterjujugui call in 114:59
benjigary_poster: installing plugin...14:59
rick_h_yay I blew things up!15:18
rick_h_hatch: when you get a sec would love a steal a few min of your time15:22
hatchsure going to be in the weekly call for a bit15:22
rick_h_hatch: rgr15:22
rick_h_victory! sorta15:37
rick_h_ok, gary_poster and hatch would like to chat post weekly. I've got this but bigger issue in there.15:41
bacgary_poster: new branch is just simply lp:charms/juju-gui15:58
gary_posterrick_h_, hatch guichat now?16:04
rick_h_gary_poster: rgr16:04
rick_h_hatch: gary_poster posted bug #1183887 please let me know if something isn't clear per our discussion or edit it a bit16:36
_mup_Bug #1183887: mocha silently skips bad test files <tests> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1183887>16:36
gary_posterperfect, thanks rick_h_ !16:36
hatchthanks rick_h_16:47
hatchI also think I fixed my internet16:47
hatchlooks like the isp auto updated my router reverting some settings to their defaults16:48
hatchand CLEARLY I need more power ;)16:48
rick_h_orangesquad running off to lunch before CI tells me anything else it doesn't like about my stuff. bbiab. 16:51
sinzuithanks rick_h_16:51
* hatch grabbing some lunch17:26
gary_posterhatch we have our call scheduled now :-)17:32
* gary_poster decides hatch isn't coming and go gets lunch himself, in a 12 minute slot suddenly available :-)17:48
rick_h_orangesquad I'm back alert17:56
rick_h_yay, the build is back to normal. /me does a happy dance17:58
hatchgary_poster: oh crap so sorry! I totally missed it on the calendar17:59
hatchwoudl you like to reschedule? :)17:59
gary_posterhatch np.  i'll ping you if I have time this afternoon, or we can do it next week17:59
hatchsure thing18:00
hatchneighbour down the street just bought a new rav 4 - damn they look nice18:02
rick_h_subaru or bust!18:02
hatchI was contemplating selling the 4runner for an STI18:03
hatchbut they are just too expensive here18:03
rick_h_outbacks rule. Wife's driving my old one now. Love those things. 18:04
hatchdo you have the one with the mini truckbox?18:04
hatchor is that not an outback18:04
rick_h_no, crosstrack or something18:05
rick_h_I'm a fan of the original. wagon, drive through anything, haul 8' crap, get 25+mpg outback18:06
rick_h_rav4 is a can of meh in comparison :P18:07
hatchI dont think I could actualy not have the 4runner18:07
hatchneed to pull things :)18:07
rick_h_that's why the wife drives the outback now. I got my brake controller installed and went camper shopping over my vacation18:08
hatchnice - pick anything up?18:08
rick_h_not yet. I promised I'd get the touareg this year and a camper next year. but liking the starcraft 227cks a lot and might get that 18:09
hatchcool - have you noticed how the interiors of the new campers look like they are from the 80s?18:10
hatchI suppose that makes them more timeless18:11
bachatch: here is a story that is the exact opposite of the number theory episode you mentioned: http://projectwordsworth.com/the-paradox-of-the-proof/18:12
hatchcool I'll read it later - can you give me a tldr?18:12
hatchrick_h_: there is a bug which causes charms deployed from the browser to not have all of the config data - I am guessing this has to do with the charm.loaded = true; fudge.18:17
hatchcan I simply make a request to pull in the missing details? or do you have a technique for this already?18:17
rick_h_hatch: I've not looked yet. I thought we already worked around the loaded = true stuff18:18
rick_h_so something changed that broke it and not sure what's changed around there. 18:18
rick_h_seen the bug, not looked for the source of it yet18:18
hatchumm it was in the trunk that I branched earlier in the week18:18
hatchok let me rephrase...18:18
rick_h_hatch: yea, but that was working when the feature was released. benji actually did it before 13.0418:18
hatchwhen the charm is 'added' should all the data be there already? or do we only pull in a minimum amount?18:19
rick_h_hatch: it should be everything. It pass in an instance of BrowserCharmModel and create an instance of CharmModel sent along18:19
hatchok because I remember a discussion we had in which we talked about only sending the minimum data18:20
hatchI'll investigate further18:20
rick_h_hatch: yea, let me know if you need a hand. I helped benji some so know how it kind of fit together. 18:20
rick_h_hatch: just lower down my stack of todo atm18:20
hatchyeah it's alright it's getting close to your EOD on a long weekend :)18:21
rick_h_woot! Need it, my head feels run through the wringer today. 18:22
hatchhaha - I gota find some time to get the kennels to the.....kennel, for next week :)18:23
hatchI'd love it if I could connect my computer to my home internet and my two mobile connections to download things at 3x the speed :)18:37
hatchI'm sure it could be done with 3 wifi chips and some torrent software18:37
hatchrick_h_: still around?18:39
rick_h_hatch: yep18:39
hatchok the charm config template is looking for a 'settings' property which is absent from charms deployed from the charm browser18:39
hatchit looks like they are now called 'options'18:40
hatchor am I missing something?18:40
rick_h_hatch: looking, sec18:40
rick_h_hatch: guichat?18:43
jcsackettrick_h_: was there something besides test-server.sh that needed the s/localhost/ treatment?18:45
benjigary_poster: combining the fact that I forgot about the weekly meeting and that this refactoring/testing is taking longer than I expected, I don't think I will have much time left over today; I'll let you know when I am done so I can do what I can18:48
gary_posterok benji np.  thanks for heads up18:48
rick_h_jcsackett: I think that's the one. jcsackett maybe the rapi stuff as well? 18:53
rick_h_jcsackett: but we don't tend to have to have that with the sandbox any more so meh18:53
jcsackettrick_h_: ok, i'll check that later. i was mostly asking to see if i could just do it as a driveby in my current branch, or if it was worth spinning up a separate branch for it. i'll go with driveby.18:53
* hatch feels better now that he wasn't the only one who forgot about the weekly call :)18:53
rick_h_jcsackett: rgr18:54
hatchgary_poster: is it looking like you'd like to do the chat today or push to next week?18:56
rick_h_hatch: so settings appears to come from app/views/charm-panel.js which is config && utils.extractServiceSettings18:56
gary_posterhatch, in 1 hr?18:56
rick_h_hatch: so I think just getting options from browsercharm into charm.config should work out for you18:56
hatchrick_h_: yep just saw that18:56
hatch:) thanks18:56
rick_h_hatch: no problem, always here to help point out the obvious :)18:56
hatchgary_poster: sure - I'll take this time to quickly run and drop off the kennels now18:56
gary_postercool hatch ttyl18:57
rick_h_hatch: so you're working on that bug then? I'll pull our card off the board for that if so.18:57
hatchrick_h_: umm....well yes I'll resolve it18:57
rick_h_hatch: k, thanks. Make sure to link to the bug in the branch/etc. #118229518:57
_mup_Bug #1182295: adding a charm from the charm browser is broken <blocker> <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1182295>18:57
hatchalthough this is only an intermediary branch until we get the new UI18:58
hatchok will do18:58
sinzuijcsackett, I see you are stabbing localhost rules in the gui19:12
jcsackettsinzui: yup.19:12
Makyogary_poster, ping19:36
gary_posterMakyo, thanks sorry finishing with ben 19:36
Makyogary_poster, np.19:36
hatchoh boy the traffic was nuts19:46
Makyogary_poster, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju/juju-core/trunk/view/head:/cmd/juju/upgradecharm.go has the help-text for the options20:08
gary_posterawesome thanks Makyo 20:08
hatchnow manage.jujucharms.com is cutting off the transfer part way through20:09
gary_posterhatch, of what?  http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/bws/sidebar/worked for me20:10
hatchUncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input20:11
hatchbut only when opened through the app20:11
hatchdirect it appears to return properly20:11
hatchalbeit with one HUGE response heh20:12
gary_posteryeah, I think it will be good to serve the icons separately.  that is still the plan right rick_h_ ?20:12
hatchyeah no matter what I do the response is cut short20:13
gary_posterhatch, I get interesting on left20:13
gary_posterand I can expand ceph on right20:13
hatchyeah it DID work20:13
hatchdoesn't work on uistage for me either20:14
hatchmaybe my internet does hate me today20:14
hatchI vote to write a local api simulator for jujucharms :)20:15
hatchoh hey it worked!20:15
hatchand there it goes20:15
hatchthis is pretty cool how you can use the 'old' panel and the 'new' one with the flags20:19
gary_posterhatch you available for call?20:24
hatchsure thing20:24
sinzuiabentley, do you have a moment to advise me about the direction to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworld/+bug/118005520:35
_mup_Bug #1180055: KeyError: 'short_url' <oops> <charmworld:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1180055>20:35
abentleysinzui: Sure.20:35
sinzui^ I can ensure the charm has an empty short_url, or I can just update the tal to check for the short_url before attempting to make the tag20:36
sinzuibut maybe you feel some earlier process should have created the short_url.20:36
abentleyWhat is the short_url used for?  I didn't need to include it in the API.20:37
sinzuiwell, some irony is this case.20:38
sinzuiabentley, /tools/store-missing view wants to link to the charm in m.jc so that you can view it. but not every charm has a short url to make that link20:39
sinzuiabentley, My quick tal hack shows let me see 3 of the problem charms, but the first two don't have pages20:40
sinzuiabentley, I think  http://staging.jujucharms.com/tools/store-missing want to show me a link to http://staging.jujucharms.com/~brunopereira81/oneiric/teamspeak3 which works. the juju-gui link in the same list does not work20:41
abentleysinzui: I think every charm should have a short_url.  We have all the info needed once we've called available_charms.20:43
abentleysinzui: It would be a trivial addition to abel's branch.20:44
sinzuiThe search results implies that. I can follow the link to /charms/precise/juju-gui, then m.jc decides there is a problem and redirects to the MIA listing, and it dies on the URL that I can easily construct from the available info20:45
abentleysinzui: Does that clear it up for you?20:47
sinzuiabentley, since the view is redirecting to MIA, do we want to make a link back to problem charm? the user will be in a cyclic loop20:47
abentleysinzui: No, it doesn't seem productive to have a link to a charm known to be inaccessible.20:48
abentleysinzui: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/api-docs/+merge/165696 ?20:50
sinzuir=me abentley20:56
rick_h_gary_poster: yes we'll have the icons out of the api shortly21:15
gary_posteryay rick_h_ thanks21:15
rick_h_it's up after getting the browser behind the FF21:15

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