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bkerensamarcoceppi: ping00:51
bkerensa2013-05-23 17:51:54,962 INFO Starting networking...00:52
bkerensastatus: Unknown job: lxc-net00:52
bkerensa2013-05-23 17:51:54,967 ERROR Problem checking status of lxc-net upstart job.00:52
bkerensaany ideas?00:52
marcoceppibkerensa: make sure you have 0.7 installed00:53
bkerensamarcoceppi: I do looks like I still had the ppa too00:53
bkerensamarcoceppi: ok still doing it with 0.7 and ppa purged00:53
* marcoceppi tries local provider with pyjuju00:54
marcoceppibkerensa: raring? I'm not able to replicate00:56
bkerensamarcoceppi: saucy00:56
bkerensawhats with people still using raring ;p00:56
marcoceppiAh, I'd recommend opening a bug. I'll spin up a saucy vm to give it a shot but I wouldn't be surprised if lxc in saucy has changed00:57
bkerensamarcoceppi: this would be a juju bug though00:58
marcoceppibkerensa: yeah, though I don't think it'll be fixed as local provider should (is scheduled to) be completed this cycle for juju-core. So that'd be what people use01:00
marcoceppiBut it won't hurt to file a bug01:00
bkerensamarcoceppi: and until such time as its fixed how can i deploy locally?01:00
bkerensaI need to fix my charm01:01
marcoceppibkerensa: Raring :P01:01
marcoceppiOr, you could spin up a raring ec2 machine and deploy locally on that. Half joke/serious suggestion.01:02
bkerensaif only rackspace was working01:02
bkerensaI got free rackspace for two years and no juju support... first world problem01:02
marcoceppibkerensa: You could spin up a free rackspace machine then deploy using the local provider on that. We do something similar on EC2 to test local provder in our automated testing01:04
marcoceppiOr any machine that supports LXC in the kernel01:04
bkerensaahh a raring machine yeah01:05
bkerensaI guess I'll do that01:05
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mwhudsonum, using the haproxy charm were do log messages go?02:51
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ehg_hi guys, i'm using go juju, but would like to switch to pyjuju to set ec2-zone constraints - is it possible to switch between them like that?08:48
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marcoceppiehg: You can switch if you have juju-0.7 installed. However, you can't switch on an already deployed environment. juju-0.7 and juju-core deployments aren't compatible but they can be installed side-by-side and managed using `update-alternatives --config juju`11:40
ehgmarcoceppi: thanks - that's a shame, gojuju seems to be much more reliable - the only things i need from pyjuju are zone constraints11:59
ehgdo you know if they're in the roadmap anywhere? if not, i might try and implement them myself :)12:00
marcoceppiehg: While I'm sure they're aware of it (as they're always moving to make up for features that haven't been ported yet) if you want to open a bug for it it'll help prioritze that feature12:00
ehgcool, will do. i'm really liking juju btw, thanks!12:01
paragladeis it possible to install the keystone (openstack) charm with the grizzly release using Precise series (12.04 LTS)?  I have tried several different settings for the 'openstack-origin' config setting and have not been able to figure it out.13:08
marcoceppijamespage: ahasenack ^13:13
jamespageparaglade, yes13:13
jamespageparaglade, but the updated version is still in final testing13:13
jamespageparaglade, lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/precise/keystone/ha-support13:14
paragladecool thanks I will give that a try.  I have been having fun showing my peers how juju can standup openstack in 15 minutes as apposed to weeks :). Now I am getting the "now lets see you do that using grizzly"13:17
jamespageparaglade, hoping to get the grizzly updates landed this week13:19
jamespageparaglade, just working through upgrade testing (folsom->grizzly)13:20
AskUbuntucannot get latest charm revision when ttying to deploy a local charm | http://askubuntu.com/q/29950213:20
dpb1Hi m_3: do you think you could finish up a review on: https://code.launchpad.net/~davidpbritton/charms/precise/landscape-client/add-landscape-relation13:37
marcoceppidpb1: He's at a conference this week13:39
dpb1marcoceppi: thx, is there anyone else around that can review?  It's been sitting a month, and it's a pretty easy change. :)13:39
marcoceppidpb1: Yeah, if you assign it to "charmers" for review it'll jump in the review queue. I'll see if I can give it a look over today though, given how old it is13:40
dpb1marcoceppi: done13:40
dpb1marcoceppi: and thx. :)13:40
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nfoataHi everyone, i'm trying juju (0.7 python) on Amazon EC2, I notice that the tag name stay empty and I do not see any juju constraint for tags. By any chance, someone lnows if this is possible or not, Thanks in advance14:43
jamespagenfoata, I don't think the ec2 provider supports tags14:58
nfoatathanks jamespage for your answer. indeed, i am seeing the python source code and I do not see anything concerning tag (/usr/share/pyshared/juju/providers/ec2/launch.py)15:03
nfoataso it's reaaly seem not provided for now (maybe later)15:03
jamespagenfoata, ec2 has no concept of tags15:03
jamespagetags are a MAAS provider concept15:03
nfoatawhen you create on amazon ec2 manually a VM you can add tag (key,value pairs)15:04
jamespagenfoata, ec2 supports the other constraints such as memory, cpu, instance-type etc....15:04
jamespagenfoata, hmm15:04
jamespagenfoata, that does not work so well with juju as its juju that creates the instances on ec215:04
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nfoataThanks jamespage, for the other ones (cpu, instance-type, etc), I use the constraints and for the localization (region and default instance type) the environment.yaml and it works well. The tag name was just for improving the visibility into the amazon screen but it's not really important in the facts, so maybe at a next time. i had to go. Have a good weekend15:12
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ridehwhat is this madness16:32
jcastromarcoceppi: got a sec?16:41
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marcoceppijcastro: finishing lunch. be with you in a few16:52
jcastrostarting lunch16:52
jcastrobasically  I added some text, but it's in the wrong spot, I need you to doublecheck my horrible tables on the wordpress page16:53
marcoceppijcastro: np. will review in a min16:54
marcoceppirideh: which madness do you speak of?17:24
marcoceppijcastro: man you've really got to close your tags up17:37
jcastrohey so I inherited this page!17:41
jcastrowas not my idea to use tables.17:41
jcastrobut yeah I probably crufted it up17:41
marcoceppitables are absolutely correct for displaying data in a grid17:48
marcoceppibut I still shame youuuuu17:48
jcastrothat's fine, I'm not ashamed of not knowing how to use tables. :)17:49
ridehmarcoceppi:  the entirety of this project, i just heard of it for the first time today… awesome project18:30
jcastrorideh: \o/18:30
marcoceppirideh: welcome! Let us know if you have any questions!18:44
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wedgwoodmarcoceppi: unless you've got anything to add to the reviews, I'm going to merge charm-helpers19:18
marcoceppiwedgwood: fire away19:43
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: thanks. done.19:47
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wedgwoodmarcoceppi: m_3: where (if anywhere) is the integration testing work being done?21:11
marcoceppiwedgwood: what do you mean by that?21:12
wedgwoodI mean is there any code yet to run integration tests?21:12
marcoceppiwedgwood: there's the juju-test (jitsu test) replacement, and there's charmtester which does our jenkins runs21:13
marcoceppiWhich are you looking for exactly?21:14
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: just some idea of how things are shaping up.21:14
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: specifically, something to tell my team about organizing tests and how they'll run21:15
marcoceppiwedgwood: the charmtester is "stable" but there's lots of updates to be made to it this cycle. I just posted the first revision of the juju-test to the list, and will have an update about the whole testing harness framework thing next week - though that doesn't yet live in a repo. For the most part, executable in the tests/ directory, it can be whatever you want21:16
wedgwoodah. I hadn't gotten down to that mail folder yet21:16
marcoceppiwedgwood: it's more or less the same as the jitsu test stuff, very open ended. When your team starts using it I'm all ears for feedback21:17
marcoceppiI'm working on a testing "harness" which is basically exactly what charm-helpers is, just with functional testing in mind. So it's a python library with a shell interface that simplifies and abstracts a lot of the tedious testing stuff that currently lives in lib/test-helpers.sh21:19
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: thanks. we stayed away from jitsu to avoid depending on something that we knew wouldn't be maintained. I'm sure we'll have some feedback quite soon.21:19
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: awesome. I recommend you pull in the bits of the python helpers that were target at client-side.21:20
* wedgwood gets the link21:20
wedgwoodmarcoceppi: marked "NOT IMPLEMENTED" http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charm-helpers/charm-helpers/devel/view/head:/charmhelpers/contrib/charmhelpers/__init__.py21:21
marcoceppiwedgwood: fantastic21:21
marcoceppithanks for the link21:21
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