
=== bellasbells is now known as sandyd_away
psusibug #138958 seems to have a database consistency error.. it shows it is tasked on klibc, but the activity log shows that it was taksed on ntfs-3g, and never changed to klibc00:55
ubot5bug 138958 in klibc (Ubuntu) "ntfs-3g cannot use mount from klibc" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13895800:55
wgrantpsusi: That bug is ancient00:57
wgrantIts target was probably changed before target changes were logged in the activity log00:57
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=== Logan_ is now known as Guest85790
=== Guest85790 is now known as Logan_
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest12
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maxbHuh, weird. I tried to copy-with-binaries a superseded source package, and it failed with "contains expired files" .... which would be perfectly normal except that LP is still letting me download all of those files!??07:28
wgrantmaxb: It'll only list files that aren't expired07:29
maxbHm, a recent-ish change?07:29
czajkowskiwgrant: Gwaihir was having issues yesterday with https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups  saying it's private, which has never happepened himbefore.07:30
wgrantmaxb: No, pretty much forever.07:30
wgrantczajkowski: Probably a private project.07:31
Gwaihirczajkowski, hey, yep, it still says so...07:31
czajkowskiGwaihir: ello I didn't forget about you07:31
maxbI still recall a time when it listed expired files as non-links07:31
czajkowskiwgrant: should we have private translations though07:31
wgrantGwaihir: Does it work now?07:31
wgrantczajkowski: No, but the translation group selector is still there for misguided private project owners to play with07:31
Gwaihirwgrant, yep, works now07:31
Gwaihirwgrant, thanks07:31
czajkowskiwgrant: naughty owners!07:32
wgrantmaxb: Long long ago07:32
maxbAlso, the package in question has all of its original downloadable files there, so I don't think any are expired - or they are in some halfway limbo state07:32
wgrantmaxb: Which package?07:33
maxbmercurial-ppa/releases mercurial 2.5.4-0ppa107:33
wgrantmaxb: Ah07:33
wgrantI remember now07:33
wgrantThe copier forbids copies of any condemned file07:33
wgrantIt can take a few days after condemnation for the file to actually be deleted07:34
maxbI did think it a bit bizarre that the files were still there at all given they were superseded over two weeks ago07:35
wgrantmaxb: Binaries become eligible for expiry once they've not been published anywhere for a week07:36
wgrantThen there's a further stay of execution before the files are actually removed07:36
wgrantJust in case something has gone terribly wrong07:36
maxbHow long is the extra delay, ooi?07:37
wgrantA week, I think07:37
wgrant+ the two expiration scripts only run daily07:37
wgrantSo you have probably up to 16 days07:37
maxbThat's quite a large window in which the files are present but un-resurrectable by copy07:38
maxbHm. raring's curl distrusts launchpadlibrarian.net's SSL certificate08:02
=== sandyd_asleep is now known as bellasbells
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
=== cp16net is now known as cp16net|away
mptczajkowski, can you do changes of team ownership?14:32
czajkowskimpt: if it's not registry no14:33
mptczajkowski, okay. Can anyone?14:33
czajkowskimpt: webops14:34
mptok, ta14:35
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=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
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thenebHi all, is there a version of launchpad that can be used on private servers?17:16
dobeynot really, no17:16
dobeyand also, that's a better question for #launchpad-dev17:17
dobeythis channel is more about help with the launchpad.net instance17:17
thenebOkay, thanks for the pointer :)17:17
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=== Guest12 is now known as Logan_
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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