
sonofzeusAnyone on?01:46
sonofzeushttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPopularityContest?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=software_sources_screenshot.png how shall I open this windows in lubuntu?01:46
SonikkuAmericaOpen Update Manager (or Software Updater) and click the Settings button.01:47
sonofzeusbut i doesnt show a stattistics option , does it??01:51
SonikkuAmericasonofzeus: Oh no. Besides, that's an insanely old version of Ubuntu referenced in that picture.01:51
sonofzeusokay then how shall I open statistics?01:52
sonofzeusany clue on how to do it?01:52
SonikkuAmericaI don't think it even exists anymore, that option...01:54
SonikkuAmerica...except in Ubuntu (Unity)01:54
sonofzeusumm kay can I uninstall popularity-contest?01:55
SonikkuAmericaI don't think it's part of anything...01:59
SonikkuAmericaWhat version are you running anyway?01:59
sonofzeusone sec sorry02:00
sonofzeusI atleast wanna disable popcon02:01
SonikkuAmericaYou can uninstall it without worrying about anything... it's an opt-in/opt-out thing02:02
sonofzeuskay thanks02:03
Unit193Pretty sure it's disabled by default, I enable it.02:04
Unit193grep PART /etc/popularity-contest.conf SonikkuAmerica, you have it?02:05
SonikkuAmericaI have it disabled (but I use Unity, Lubuntu sits in a VM)02:05
SonikkuAmericai3luefire_: OK... now go to the update manager (Apps > System Tools > {Software Updater | Update Manager})02:08
i3luefire_no problems02:08
SonikkuAmericaProbably a better idea to use Lubuntu instead of Xubuntu for your setup then.02:09
SonikkuAmericaSo go ahead and get rid of xubuntu-desktop and all should be well. (You may also want to get Ubuntu Tweak to clean your system off)02:10
i3luefire_is there any way to tell xorg to not use anything but 1080p?02:10
Unit193Removing xubuntu-desktop shouldn't remove anything else, though, autoremove may not even do it.02:10
SonikkuAmericaUnit193: Right... but I doubt that there's anything there that would hurt... gmusicbrowser, GIMP, etc.02:12
Unit193Didn't say it would.02:12
SonikkuAmericai3luefire_: Not that I particularly know of, but your screen shouldn't be switching res on you all the time02:15
i3luefire_hmm. ok.02:16
SonikkuAmericaIf you need to run Update Manager, by all means, run it now while you're still in Lubuntu, but you can go back and check your Xubuntu install as well.02:17
i3luefire_what about this mouse slugishness? any ideas on that?02:19
SonikkuAmericaGraphics card?02:20
i3luefire_intel ivy bridge integrated gfx02:20
SonikkuAmericaProbably HD 4000 at least02:21
i3luefire_naw plain old hd02:22
SonikkuAmericaIf it's Ivy Bridge it's at least 4000002:23
SonikkuAmericaAnywhoo... can't really say about the sluggish mouse. Is it choppy or does it just move slowly?02:23
i3luefire_naw http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116889&Tpk=g1610&IsVirtualParent=102:24
i3luefire_can move fast tho02:24
SonikkuAmericai3luefire_: Only a Celeron? Wow.02:26
SonikkuAmericaThose are dual-core 32-bit x86 right?02:26
i3luefire_dual 64bit02:26
SonikkuAmericaOh it can run 64-bit02:28
SonikkuAmericaI have a Core 202:28
i3luefire_i have 8gb ddr3 133302:29
i3luefire_well it is 1600 but it has to run at 1333 bc of limits of celeron02:29
SonikkuAmericaI hate when celery is limited02:29
i3luefire_but only $5002:30
i3luefire_so limited price too02:30
SonikkuAmericaBeen thinking to raise for a System76 machine02:31
SonikkuAmericaThose things will pound like no machine has pounded before for about $70002:32
i3luefire_i was running a 1.8ghz 775 pentium d b402:32
SonikkuAmericaI was on a Gateway2000 designed for Windows ME02:33
i3luefire_i upgraded to this so i could do media center pc02:33
i3luefire_also i have no audio02:33
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol ]02:34
i3luefire_it was already installed02:37
SonikkuAmericaThen run pavucontrol and check to see if everything is enabled. (Are you using HDMI for audio as well?)02:38
SonikkuAmericaHere's how to set that up (it says 12.04 but the process is roughly the same for 13.04): http://voices.canonical.com/david.henningsson/2012/04/14/audio-over-hdmi-and-displayport-in-ubuntu-12-04/02:40
i3luefire_im on 12.0402:40
SonikkuAmericaOh OK there you go then02:40
i3luefire_i cant make sense of the tutorial. i dont know what the ""Screens"" dialog is and the sound settings dont have hdmi as an option02:51
SonikkuAmericaHmmm... well I'm outta ideas.02:54
i3luefire_ill try and go analog02:54
vn1515025102nd join our chat room, it's so boring, hix. One line for today07:56
MonkWitDaFunkHi lubuntu channel, is it grub2 that is native to the 13.04 release?08:48
Unit193!info grub08:48
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version). In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu66 (raring), package size 322 kB, installed size 856 kB08:48
=== majhi is now known as phantomofparis
CowboyDan_How do I setup folders on my NAS drive to work with programs in Lubuntu?10:12
CowboyDan_Another problem I have in Lubuntu is I installed Wine and it isn't showin up on the menu.10:14
CowboyDan_IS there a way to fix that?10:14
Unit193It won't. it permits you to run other programs.10:15
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:15
CowboyDan_When ya install software in Lubuntu it is supposed to show in the start menu area.  Wine didn't appear.10:16
CowboyDan_NOt sure the name in Lubuntu but in Windows it is called the Start Menu.10:17
Unit193Not all programs do that, there isn't really much to "start" in wine.  The only thing you'd see is Wine Configuration.10:20
vn151502510i am using lubuntu 13.04, I have wine menu10:20
vn151502510CowboyDan_: you may try reinstall wine10:21
Unit193Did you install a Windows application after?10:21
CowboyDan_I didn't "Install" win software yet, but I was abe to run one that doesn't need installin.10:22
Unit193Double click, see if it works.10:23
CowboyDan_Yeah it does.  Just thought there should be a start Menu item for runnin Wine.  I guess I could use without.  I think I have Lubuntu 12.10:24
CowboyDan_I installed via wubi.10:25
CowboyDan_I must be slippin.  Just installed Opera and the Wine appeared.  lol10:28
CowboyDan_Now I just gotta fix the NAS drive.10:28
Unit193Eh, wuby.10:31
CowboyDan_When will the best time be to come back for help with my network drive?11:37
CowboyDan_I can access i only usin the File Manager program.11:38
CowboyDan_access it11:38

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