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Mirv | morning | 03:59 |
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gusch | oSoMoN: are you up for a review? (orientation) https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-orientation-suppot/+merge/164314 | 08:08 |
oSoMoN | gusch: will take a look in a moment | 08:22 |
gusch | thx | 08:22 |
oSoMoN | gusch: approved, but please read my comment | 09:22 |
gusch | oSoMoN: hmmm - ok - didin't test cropping | 09:23 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: I have good news for U ;) | 09:52 |
timp | zsombi: do you have time for the button actions review? https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/buttonAction/+merge/165563 | 10:05 |
timp | zsombi: I think it is done, but I am installing a new image on my phone and then testing it there. I will post the results in the MR. | 10:06 |
zsombi | timp: ok, will check it soon. I also have IMA in Window to test on the device | 10:06 |
timp | ok | 10:10 |
zsombi | timp: unit test :) | 10:15 |
timp | ? | 10:19 |
timp | ah for the action | 10:19 |
zsombi | timp: yes :) | 10:20 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ima-in-window/+merge/165567 | 10:20 |
zsombi | timp: ^ one for you to review too | 10:20 |
oSoMoN | zsombi: excellent, I’ll have a look at it right away | 10:31 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: +1 | 10:32 |
timp | zsombi: do you know of a way to check for a context property in qml (no cpp)? | 10:33 |
zsombi | timp: hmm... try-catch? | 10:34 |
timp | zsombi: phone-app was completely broken yesterday. Had to revert one JS file from r501 | 10:40 |
zsombi | timpÉ which one_ | 10:41 |
zsombi | which one? | 10:41 |
timp | where you made the js-files stateless | 10:41 |
timp | PageWrapperUtils | 10:41 |
timp | the reason is that inside their pages they assume they have a mainView object. | 10:41 |
zsombi | yes... and what's the problem there? | 10:42 |
timp | but items created inside a stateless js (PageWrapperUtils, when stack.push("SomePage.qml") is used doesn't have a context | 10:42 |
timp | see lp:~tpeeters/+junk/contextTest | 10:42 |
timp | and run that one. | 10:42 |
timp | its a simplification of what went wrong | 10:42 |
timp | zsombi: no worries it is fixed now, but maybe you find it an interesting issue. And we should avoid using that construction | 10:43 |
zsombi | timp: checking... | 10:44 |
timp | Kaleo: lp:~tpeeters/+junk/contextTest <-- to clear up yesterday's issue. | 10:44 |
timp | they kind of assume in phone-app that their root item can be used like a global variable, but it is not always the case when the js is stateless | 10:45 |
oSoMoN | zsombi: I commented on your MR | 10:45 |
makara | hi. I'm trying to compile the OCR package Tesseract from source. When I enter command './configure' I get error 'configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables' | 10:46 |
timp | makara: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:48 |
timp | and try again | 10:48 |
timp | zsombi: is your MR urgent to review, or can I work on my unit tests first? | 10:49 |
zsombi | timp: semi-urgent :) oSoMoN: i swaiting for it, so he drives its urgency ;) | 10:50 |
timp | dpm: on https://developer.ubuntu.com/ there is a big banner with "get started" in it that links to http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ | 10:50 |
timp | dpm: but there also is the (1) get started, under that which links to a different page | 10:51 |
timp | dpm: both give quite different suggestions for how to get started. Should we recommend only one of them instead? I like the first one :) | 10:51 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: checking your comment... | 10:51 |
oSoMoN | timp: medium urgency | 10:51 |
timp | zsombi, oSoMoN ok I'll do the review first | 10:52 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo: could you please give me comment rights on https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1sfGFVOGiGdLziEl-PUyAa7gKJb-GFcJWj0ajkW2-LC4/edit ? | 10:53 |
dpm | timp, indeed, it's on my list. See the 4th work item on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-1305-developer-site-gomobile :) | 10:57 |
timp | dpm: ok, great :) | 11:01 |
makara | timp, thanks. works now | 11:03 |
Kaleo | hiya | 11:04 |
timp | Kaleo and others: this is the test program for yesterday's issue: lp:~tpeeters/+junk/contextTest | 11:14 |
timp | bzoltan: if you have interesting findings, can you document them? maybe here https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1eZNS0jl32XQ-4tUXVCmQlft829gE_3IRNxzPQVTaXrk/edit# | 11:19 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: commented back... | 11:21 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#patch,all,56875,1 | 11:21 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: _awesome_ | 11:21 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: no need for the values property anymore | 11:22 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN: done | 11:22 |
Kaleo | timp: nice | 11:22 |
kalikiana | Kaleo, woot | 11:23 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: mardy did it :) | 11:23 |
* kalikiana hugs mardy | 11:23 | |
* mardy can't breathe | 11:24 | |
oSoMoN | zsombi: commented back | 11:24 |
* Kaleo hugs mardy | 11:24 | |
oSoMoN | Kaleo: thanks, I have a couple of comments to add | 11:24 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN: nice | 11:24 |
oSoMoN | (sorry for the late review btw, it kept being pushed back by priority tasks) | 11:24 |
mardy | Kaleo: however, I think that having a "values" property wouldn't be bad anyway | 11:24 |
mardy | Kaleo: in order to avoid name collisions | 11:24 |
mardy | Kaleo: think for instance of having a GCconf key named "keys" | 11:25 |
Kaleo | mardy: party pooper | 11:26 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: the rootItem() supposed to work on non-visual items too | 11:26 |
mardy | :-) | 11:27 |
makara | timp, i can do 'make' but not 'make install'. Get error '/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file '/usr/local/lib/liblept.so.3.0.0': Permission denied' | 11:28 |
Kaleo | timp: sounds like a bug in qt no? | 11:28 |
oSoMoN | zsombi: ok | 11:30 |
oSoMoN | Kaleo: commented | 11:31 |
timp | Kaleo: I don't like referring to global/context properties for which you have no guarantee they are there. I wouldn't call this a bug. | 11:31 |
timp | Kaleo: how can you assume a property in the context inside a context-free library? | 11:31 |
timp | makara: for 'make install' you'll need to use 'sudo' because it will write to system files | 11:32 |
makara | timp, ok | 11:32 |
timp | Kaleo: just before you joined the standup, zsombi proposed to use something like rootItem from our quickutils | 11:34 |
timp | Kaleo, zsombi not sure about the exact function name since it is going to change (right?) | 11:34 |
timp | Kaleo: better would be to pass a reference to the mainView to the newly created pages | 11:35 |
timp | in phone-app | 11:35 |
zsombi | timp: Kaleo: QuickUtils.rootItem(object) - it's in the MR timp is reviewing :) | 11:35 |
timp | brb. | 11:36 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN: replied | 11:38 |
Kaleo | timp: well, it's a bug because the behaviour is not consistent | 11:38 |
Kaleo | timp: also your example code has something wrong | 11:39 |
Kaleo | timp: the inline component does not try to access root | 11:39 |
Kaleo | timp: also the inline component should be defined in another QML file | 11:40 |
Kaleo | timp: to be closer to the actual usage | 11:40 |
Kaleo | zsombi: I don't want to expose that to app devs | 11:40 |
zsombi | Kaleo: at the moment is not documented - so in a sense it is not "exposed" | 11:41 |
zsombi | Kaleo: like the whole QuickUtils is internal | 11:42 |
Kaleo | zsombi: let's keep it so | 11:42 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: I'm out of ideas for the unicode failure | 11:45 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: and it's really slow to test here | 11:45 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: in Qt 5.0.1 we had the problem that when QQuickView::rootObject() returned a valid object, its size was invalid... Now seems that once we reach the topmost window, we get a valid size... So the implementation gets simplier | 11:47 |
oSoMoN | cool | 11:49 |
kalikiana | Kaleo, let me have another look over it a bit later if I can think of anything | 11:49 |
makara | Why would I get "tesseract: error while loading shared libraries: libtesseract.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" when I can see the file at "/usr/local/lib/libtesseract.so.3"? | 11:50 |
Kaleo | Mirv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1153787 | 11:50 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1153787 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "qmlscene depends on qtlocation5-dev" [Undecided,New] | 11:50 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: hold on.. some of the test cases still report invalid root object size... :( | 11:51 |
timp | Kaleo: the contents of the inline component is in another QML file, and that one tries to access root | 11:55 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: yep, as I sensed: the Window's QQuickRootItem size holds a valid size, but the QQuickView's QQuickRootItem doesn't | 11:55 |
timp | Kaleo: the one that fails has the same structure as the one that failed in phone-app | 11:56 |
Mirv | Kaleo: answered, both raring + the new saucy one | 12:00 |
Kaleo | Mirv: thx | 12:01 |
dpm | hey Kaleo, clock alarm design call? | 12:01 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: so, I guess we need to leave it as is now :( | 12:03 |
makara | I notice /usr/local/lib/ is not in my path. I never had this problem before I installed Ubuntu 13.04. What's the most high level way of adding library directories to the system path? | 12:05 |
Kaleo | makara: try running with $LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ | 12:09 |
Kaleo | makara: try running with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ | 12:09 |
makara | Kaleo, what's a solution that will stick | 12:15 |
Kaleo | makara: not sure | 12:15 |
Kaleo | timp: contextTest is a bug in Qt, can you report it? | 12:33 |
timp | Kaleo: if you create an object from a stateless library, then it is logical that you don't have some property in the context, so I don't see it as a bug | 12:37 |
Kaleo | timp: and why does it work in 1 case then? | 12:37 |
Kaleo | timp: cas C | 12:38 |
Kaleo | case* | 12:38 |
Kaleo | timp: the fact that it works in case C and not D is the bug | 12:38 |
timp | ok | 12:39 |
timp | I'll report it. | 12:39 |
timp | you're right :) | 12:39 |
Kaleo | timp: if you could add it in our js file PageWrapperUtils or whatever it was | 12:39 |
Kaleo | timp: so that we don't foget | 12:39 |
Kaleo | +r | 12:39 |
timp | sure | 12:40 |
timp | is anyone running qt 5.1.0? | 12:42 |
zsombi | oSoMoN: I think I made it ;) | 12:42 |
timp | Mirv: ^ | 12:42 |
Mirv | timp: not even me, although it you want qtwebkit 5.1.0 beta1 it's available for saucy on qt5-beta-proper :) | 12:43 |
Mirv | but I heard it's not enough to start the DPR work alone, ie. needs all the rest of the modules as well. | 12:43 |
timp | no, I'm looking for someone to quickly run lp:~tpeeters/+junk/contextTest on 5.1.0 and tell me what it says | 12:43 |
Kaleo | Mirv: what dpr work? | 12:43 |
timp | it doesn't have any configuration or dependencies besides qtquick2 | 12:43 |
Kaleo | Mirv: you should not do anything | 12:43 |
Kaleo | Mirv: just remove the patches we had | 12:44 |
Mirv | Kaleo: I'm not doing anything, but I guess some others will make use of the new upstream features | 12:44 |
Kaleo | timp: it says the same as it did for you | 12:44 |
Kaleo | Mirv: I am | 12:44 |
Kaleo | Mirv: :) | 12:44 |
Mirv | Kaleo: yes :) | 12:44 |
timp | Kaleo: ok, thanks! | 12:44 |
Kaleo | Mirv: need qtcore | 12:44 |
Kaleo | Mirv: and qtdeclarative would be great :) | 12:45 |
Mirv | Kaleo: yep, it starts from qtbase. it may be some of the other dependencies don't want to play with qtbase unless they are also updated, but let's see | 12:45 |
Kaleo | k | 12:48 |
zsombi | timp: oSoMoN: last update from wme on the MR (https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ima-in-window/+merge/165567) | 12:52 |
zsombi | timp: I checked the apps, noone uses the QuickUtils.rootObject property | 12:52 |
timp | zsombi: ok. I'm not reviewing yet, I'll do that after lunch. | 12:53 |
zsombi | timp: ok, if you see something nasty, we can handle it on Monday... I'll be stepping out soon... | 12:54 |
timp | zsombi: lately if I check apps I add the results as a comment in the MR to have everything in one place | 12:54 |
timp | zsombi: okay. | 12:54 |
timp | Kaleo: bug reported https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31347 | 13:46 |
Kaleo | timp: thx | 13:47 |
timp | Kaleo: tiny MR for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/commentStateBug/+merge/165621 | 13:52 |
Kaleo | timp: thank you | 13:52 |
timp | Kaleo: thanks for approving | 13:54 |
gusch | renato_: can you review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-sharing-bug/+merge/165592 | 13:58 |
odra | Hello | 14:20 |
om26er | boiko, hey! | 14:20 |
boiko | hi om26er | 14:20 |
om26er | boiko, so the phone does not play a tone when a sms arrives, is that something to be fixed in the phone-app side? | 14:21 |
boiko | om26er: it does play, it is just not loud enough | 14:21 |
om26er | boiko, can I change the tone somehow? | 14:22 |
boiko | om26er: https://bugs.launchpad.net/phone-app/+bug/1181650 | 14:22 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1181650 in phone-app "SMS recieve sound is not loud enough, even when on full volume" [Medium,New] | 14:22 |
om26er | thats a blocker #1 for me, re: Dogfooding | 14:22 |
boiko | om26er: so right now it is hardcoded, but the sound was not proposed by anyone, I just picked one from ubuntu-sounds | 14:22 |
boiko | om26er: let me point you to the code | 14:22 |
boiko | om26er: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/phone-app/trunk/view/head:/libphoneapp/ringtone.cpp#L63 | 14:23 |
om26er | boiko, cool thanks | 14:24 |
boiko | om26er: np | 14:24 |
odra | Hey about recent files | 14:30 |
odra | If you can navigate through files in a folder, should you add to the recent files every file you navigated to or only the first file the user opened? :/ | 14:30 |
oSoMoN | gusch, renato_, boiko: anyone up for a review? that’s a bug fix for the browser: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/panel-inside-loader/+merge/165651 | 15:38 |
gusch | oSoMoN: sure | 15:39 |
oSoMoN | thx | 15:39 |
gusch | oSoMoN: looking goos - waiting for jenkins | 16:01 |
gusch | oSoMoN: looking good - waiting for jenkins | 16:01 |
oSoMoN | gusch: thanks | 16:07 |
dpm | oSoMoN, do you happen to know if the camera app has an API for other apps to use the camera, or if there is any plan to implement something along those lines? | 16:10 |
oSoMoN | dpm: I don’t think there’s such an API today, and I haven’t heard of any plans, but maybe gusch knows more | 16:11 |
dpm | e.g. a scanner app using the camera to read a barcode or a QR code | 16:11 |
dpm | ok, thanks oSoMoN | 16:11 |
gusch | dpm: using the camera is easy: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtmultimedia/qml-qtmultimedia5-camera.html | 16:12 |
dpm | ah, I see, thanks for the pointer gusch | 16:12 |
gusch | oSoMoN: maybe it was a good idea to wait for jenkins - failed :( | 16:13 |
oSoMoN | gusch: let me have a look | 16:14 |
oSoMoN | gusch: ok, that’s a totally unrelated failure, another example of test not designed for really slow jenkins instances :/ | 16:21 |
oSoMoN | gusch: I’ll fix it separately, in the meantime I’ll request a re-run, with a bit of luck it will pass this time | 16:22 |
=== odra is now known as odraencode | ||
gusch | oSoMoN: ok | 16:28 |
oSoMoN | gusch: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/type_in_addressbar-helper/+merge/165670 should make autopilot tests more reliable, would you mind giving it a quick review? | 16:58 |
gusch | oSoMoN: looking at it | 17:06 |
oSoMoN | gusch: thanks | 17:08 |
gusch | oSoMoN: I approved (but not top approved) | 17:14 |
gusch | oSoMoN: I have to go now - so please top approve once jenkins is ok | 17:15 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: good! | 17:36 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: I can reproduce the unicode bug | 17:36 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: I was also able to find out that the unicode codes between the expected value and the actual value were different | 17:37 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: I just have to go step by step back into the code to find out where the unexepected transformation happens | 17:37 |
Kaleo | oSoMoN: were you satisfied with the answers from your comments? | 17:41 |
Kaleo | kalikiana: ah ah, failure seems to be on the way I set the command line in the tests | 17:51 |
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oSoMoN | Kaleo: yes, thanks | 17:53 |
jdu | Hi, anyone around that might be able to help with an issue with GtkCssProvider in Python? | 19:37 |
asomething | jdu, maybe... what's the issue? | 19:46 |
jdu | Well, I'm doign a load_from_data(), and even though the docs say ID based sleectors shoudl work I can't seem to get to them to, i.e. trying to apply a style to a widget via #wdiget_name {... } doesn't work, but applying styles via GtkEventBox {...} works. | 19:49 |
jdu | sorry, typed too fast there, mucho bad grammar | 19:49 |
jdu | and spelling | 19:49 |
jdu | The docs say that the name assigned to the widget in glade should be used as the id which I'm doing but it's just not working for me. | 19:50 |
jdu | Here's a paste of what the code looks like, http://pastebin.com/W6FdLfXA | 19:52 |
asomething | I'll take a look... I don't think I've ever used ID based selectors but I've definitely used Class based ones | 19:53 |
jdu | The top-level ones seem to work, I can do things like GtkEventBox {...} and style it, it just seems like the ID based selectors are getting ignored. | 19:54 |
jdu | I haven't tried classes, can see if that works | 19:54 |
jdu | Hmmm, so my I'm getting th style_context from the window, when I apply the css via add_provider, does it only make the CSS available to the Window widget and not cascade it down to all it's child widgets and containers, etc...? | 20:04 |
jdu | Because it seems like I can apply CSS to the Window itself but none of the items within the window get the styles | 20:04 |
asomething | strange... | 20:08 |
asomething | I though .add_provider is supposed to take precedence, but maybe try .add_provider_for_screen | 20:09 |
asomething | screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default() | 20:09 |
asomething | style_context.add_provider_for_screen(screen, css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION) | 20:09 |
jdu | That's done it! Man this has been driving me nuts for over an hour! | 20:10 |
jdu | Thank you so much, pulling what's left of my hair out hah. | 20:11 |
asomething | ha! I love being able to answer questions when I can't explain why that would work! | 20:12 |
jdu | Ah well, it works! Thanks. | 20:13 |
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