
cjohnstonbkerensa: https://launchpad.net/~bkerensa/+upcomingwork you have no upcoming work00:13
bkerensacjohnston: why00:14
cjohnstonbecause you don't have any work items in any accepted blueprints00:14
pleia2bkerensa: I think this is the blueprint you want to be editing https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1305-community-website-revamp00:17
bkerensacjohnston: I see what happened00:17
pleia2and is there a different one for -doc?00:18
cjohnstonthe one lyz mentioned isn't accepted, so your WI in there doesn't show up00:18
bkerensapleia2: I think I just raw added workitems instead of using the editor so just fixing that now00:18
bkerensacjohnston: and the other I just approved so maybe when it syncs or something00:21
cjohnstonbkerensa: link?00:21
bkerensalooks like lots of BP's did not get approved00:21
pleia2I think that's normal, I rarely have much on status.u.c because community stuff I work on isn't included00:22
* pleia2 shrugs00:22
bkerensacjohnston: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1305-doc-planning00:22
bkerensapleia2: even some foundations BP's though :)00:22
pleia2I don't have a boss who is basing my salary on it, so it's ok :)00:22
cjohnstonthe docs one will show up00:23
cjohnstonactually, no. it wont00:23
cjohnstonit isn't assigned to a team that is tracked00:23
bkerensacjohnston: why is doc team not tracked00:23
* bkerensa facepalm00:23
bkerensacommunity-1305-community-website-revamp is now approved00:24
cjohnstonapproved doesnt matter00:25
cjohnstonThere are 6 work items. Status isn't for tracking every thing that is done00:25
bkerensaWhat is it for tracking then?00:26
bkerensacjohnston: Y U NO TRACK ALL THE THINGS!?!?!00:26
cjohnstontracking engineering teams and their work00:27
cjohnstonubuntu-dev is tracked, kubuntu-dev is tracked, lubuntu-dev is track, edubuntu-dev is tracked00:27
cjohnstonIt doesn't scale to tracking *every* work item for every team00:27
cjohnstonrewrite it to where it is a better tool and it would be able to do more, but as it is now, it doesn't scale00:28
cjohnstondjango ftw00:29
bkerensapleia2: I get to come steal some California sunshine soon :)00:46
cjohnstonThat's not very environmentally friendly00:47
bkerensacjohnston: :P00:49
bkerensacjohnston: maybe in the winter I'll come poach off of Florida sun :) idk though traveling to Florida would take a long time via train00:50
cjohnstonthree aint nothin good down here but me00:56
bkerensacjohnston: manatees and alligators is cool enough for me :)00:56
cjohnstonehh.. ok, I'll give you that00:56
cjohnstonfinally pulling into the neighborhood.. its been a long day :-/00:57
bkerensacjohnston: you drive and IRC? :P00:59
cjohnstonbkerensa: I was on the road for 6 hours today00:59
bkerensanot fun01:00
pleia2bkerensa: cool, what are you coming down for?01:54
bkerensapleia2: Mozilla Summit in Santa Clara, CA02:23
bkerensabut I hope to be in SF and Davis when coming down maybe02:24
nigelbbkerensa: Hah, we'll get to meet then!02:58
* pleia2 sends good luck to the visa office03:00
nigelbin this case, if I miss the visa, I can always request to go to another one.03:02
pleia2another one here!03:02
nigelbwell, there's one in Toronto and Brussels too!03:03
nigelbThe logistics is giving me nightmares when I think about it.03:03
nigelbAnd I worked in event management for a bit.03:03
nigelbThe summit.03:03
nigelb3 events, at the same time in 3 locations.03:04
pleia2oh wow03:04
nigelbwhat could possible go wrong...03:04
pleia2I didn't realize they were at the same time :)03:04
nigelband since they're spread apart in terms of timezones03:04
nigelbthere's always something going on somewhere.03:04
pleia2santa clara is far away, but I could train it down one evening and make MJ drive me around ;)03:05
pleia2(google is near there)03:05
nigelbI'll surely visit SF at some point.03:05
pleia2yes, do that03:05
pleia2we have 2 bridges! both pretty!03:06
nigelbAnd trams!03:06
pleia2cable cars and street cars :)03:06
pleia2and ice cream03:06
nigelbwhat else could I possibly want ;)03:06
pleia2actually we have all the foods03:06
bkerensanigelb:  \o/03:29
bkerensapleia2: yeah Moz Summit is big I guess... So in contrast UDS tried to sponsor 60 community members plus some Canonical employees03:30
bkerensapleia2: while Moz Summit sponsors 1400 community members and 800 employees03:31
bkerensaidk how they can afford it03:31
nigelbAre you sure it's only 800?03:31
bkerensanigelb: what the wiki says03:31
nigelbI heard it's very close to 1000.03:31
bkerensayeah I know they have increased all those #'s03:31
nigelbSee Mossop's recent blog post.03:31
bkerensabut thats the wiki figures03:31
bkerensayeah see I wasnt even on first run or waitlist due to some mozillians directory mishap but I got added last minute03:32
bkerensaand I am going by train!03:32
pleia2I don't actually know how they make any money to afford anything :) (is it all still search engine revenue?)03:32
bkerensapleia2: yeah and other secretive stuffs03:32
nigelbThere's now partnership money too, I guess.03:32
nigelbTelefonica and such.03:32
bkerensapleia2: someone told me their contract with google is close to 500 million per year and its multi-year so its guaranteed revenue for many years03:33
pleia2bkerensa: that's crazy03:33
bkerensayeah the mobile partner money is big too03:33
bkerensaSprint, T-Mobile etc03:33
bkerensapleia2: yeah ikr03:33
bkerensapleia2: I actually told them I would prefer they not pay for me to go and they said that was silly03:33
pleia2well that's good03:34
pleia2party at pleia2's house03:34
bkerensaI think money should be conserved for the future03:34
nigelbyou know we will actually turn up, right?03:34
bkerensanigelb: why are we going to Santa Clara anyways? Why not MV or SF?03:34
nigelbbkerensa: I'm guessing cheaper venues.03:35
pleia2nigelb: yes, bring presents (my birthday is the week before)03:35
nigelband accomodation03:35
nigelbaccomodation will be the biggie03:35
nigelbpleia2: of course!03:35
pleia2yeah SF is crazy expensive03:35
pleia2not sure where MV would have space, San Jose would be another option03:36
pleia2I guess their office in MV? Not sure how big it is, the SF one is small03:36
pleia2(I hear, haven't been)03:37
nigelbMV should be the biggest of them all.03:37
nigelbLondon is small-ish.03:37
bkerensapleia2: yeah its small its only a floor or two rented out from a building plus roof access03:37
bkerensapleia2: they are doing the same here in PDX when they open its going to be like one floor03:38
pleia2bkerensa: yeah, I suspect they only got it to make happy the talent who lived in SF and wouldn't move to the valley03:38
bkerensapleia2: but the cool thing is community members get workstations :D03:38
bkerensaits company/foundation policy03:38
nigelbyeah, I worked out of London office for a day.03:38
nigelbIt's really really cool.03:38
bkerensanigelb: how was it?03:38
nigelbToo much orange for my eyes though :P03:38
* pleia2 still uses chrome03:38
nigelbbkerensa: It's glorious!03:38
bkerensanigelb: nice snack area?03:39
nigelbI was there during a work week03:39
* bkerensa cannot wait to go work from the new PDX office03:39
nigelbA few people I knew too. So I got to grab beers with him.03:39
bkerensaI will be there at least one day a week03:39
nigelbpunch bkero for me ;)03:39
bkerensanigelb: I will03:39
bkerensanigelb: our nicks fail03:39
pleia2I bet03:40
bkerensanigelb: we get tab completed on irc and and I am now getting e-mail for him03:40
nigelbyou have *four* common chars.03:40
nigelbIt's really hard not to fail ;)03:40
bkerensanigelb: you know where getting LDAP and E-mail access to right?03:40
bkerensaat least thats my understanding03:40
bkerensawere supposed to have Intranet/LDAP/E-mail here in a few months03:40
nigelbI didn't know that.03:41
nigelbThat's pretty cool.03:41
bkerensanigelb: then I guess the only differing factor is a paycheck huh :P03:41
* pleia2 detatch for a bit03:41
bkerensapleia2: detach strong!03:41
bkerensanigelb: I hope when the new office opens they will put something that fancies my interest up03:42
bkerensanigelb: how far away from atul jha do you live?03:43
nigelbbkerensa: about 6 hours i guess.03:43
nigelb(by road)03:43
bkerensanigelb: Atul wants to move to the U.S.03:43
bkerensanigelb: I told him I will trade if I can get a U.S. salary in India ;p03:44
nigelbbkerensa: you do not want to trade to live in the city he lives in. fyi ;)03:44
* bkerensa detach for dinners03:45
* nigelb gets back to work03:45
dholbachgood morning07:09
elfyindeed it is dholbach :)07:13
dholbachhey elfy07:13
elfyhow's the review going - I've not had time the last day to look properly07:13
dholbachgood - some folks other than you contributed as well and I'm (slowly) going through items on the list :)07:14
dholbachif you check it out, there's a lot in strike-through already07:14
philipballewHola dpm dholbach07:16
dpmhey philipballew07:17
dholbachphilipballew, dpm: hola muchachos07:17
dpmmorning all07:17
philipballewhope all is well on the other side of the world.07:18
=== huats_ is now known as huats
elfydholbach: excellent07:26
elfydholbach: the etherpad looks really good - I like the struckthrough things - I should have some time tomorrow to have another look07:27
dholbachyeah :)07:27
philipballewit always seems this channel heats up at night for me.07:32
philipballewwell, I say night, but I am more awake at night then any other time.07:32
dakermorning :)10:15
dakerdholbach: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/23/watchtower-of-morocco-video-dalessandri_n_3322458.html10:24
dholbachdaker, that's beautiful - it brings back many memories10:34
dholbachballoons, so on http://pad.ubuntu.com/aNBBojgxJg you said it'd be good to condense the quality page - do you think you could help with that? ;-)12:08
dholbachhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5696750/ has the markdown source12:09
dholbachit's eerily quiet in here - you could think it's a Friday12:11
jcastromhall119: I've installed the terminal14:37
jcastrohow do I run it? It's not on the phone installed section14:37
mhall119jcastro: search for it14:48
jcastrosearch works?14:48
jcastroI don't know how to search!14:49
mhall119in the Apps lens, tap the "Search" in the top-left panel14:50
jcastroit only works on the app lens I see14:52
dholbachmhall119, jcastro, dpm, balloons: team call?15:01
jcastrodoes someone have the link handy?15:03
dpmhttps://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/54f4d48ce040200ddc2fdcb8f9d5da535f00bfb9?authuser=1 jcastro15:03
dholbachall right my friends - weekend time!15:42
dholbachsee you!15:42
bkerensanigelb: http://turntable.fm/mozilla19:53
bkerensamhall119: ;)23:49

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