
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest85790
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
=== Guest85790 is now known as Logan_
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest12
=== Guest88453 is now known as Logan_
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest11294
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
dholbachgood morning07:09
=== huats_ is now known as huats
Legendariohi. I'm trying to package a software and I'm having the following error. I have no clue about how to solve it: bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the needed upstream tarball for package20:29
=== Guest12 is now known as Logan_
Legendariothe orig.tar.gz package is right above on the directory20:30
Legendarioanyone can help?20:35
Legendariothose are my first attempts to create a package20:35
jtaylorLegendario: probably its looking in ../tarballs20:41
Legendariojtaylor, should i create such a directory and copy the tarball to this place?20:43
Legendariojtaylor, let me try it :-)20:45
Legendariojtaylor, now I got another error... bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/kemel/devel/debian-packages/dukto/".20:48
Legendariojtaylor, no... same error. I was in the wrong directory20:51
jtayloris the file named correctly?20:52
jtaylorversion number the same20:52
Legendariojtaylor, yes... I guess it was that20:56
Legendariojtaylor, thanks. I'll try to go ahead here20:57
mfischLegendario: are you using bzr-buildpackage?21:12
Legendariomfisch, sim21:24
Legendariomfisch, yes21:25
mfischsorry I don't know what sim is21:25
mfischbut if you are using bzr-buildpackage you need to do it from your bzr tree, thats the second error21:26
mfischthat command rebuilds the .orig so I thought21:26
Legendariothanks guys21:30
Legendariogotta leave21:30
alo21hi..crtools has been built for 64 bit arch only...21:52
alo21now I am going to merge/sync it, and my questions is: Is ok if I built crtools only for 64 bit (32 bit failed)?21:53
jtaylorits amd64 only21:57
jtaylorI'd wait until the new version is in unstable21:57
jtaylorI doubt it works with the raring kernel anyway21:57
jtaylorhm interesting, it does not need kernel support21:58
alo21jtaylor, how much time does import from experimental take?21:59
jtaylorask the maintainer22:00
jtaylorits probably in experimental for a reason22:00
jtaylorits early enough in the cycle so we can just wait22:00
jtayloralso you again picked an incredible complicated package22:02
jtayloryou have a nack for that22:02
jtaylor(the packaging might be simple, didn't check, but the functionality is non trivial)22:02
alo21wow... that's incredible.... anyway thanks.22:05
jtaylorLogan_: will you merge gevent soon?22:25
Logan_jtaylor: It appears to be synced with Debian, no?22:26
jtaylorwhy is my autoppkgtest still failing then :O22:27
Logan_Oh, because of a bug I reported. D'oh.22:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1181942 in python-gevent (Ubuntu) "Sync python-gevent 0.13.7-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released]22:27
Logan_I do way too much syncing and merging for my own good. :P22:27
jtaylorok its jsut autopkgtest bugging out22:27
jtaylorall tests pass22:27
Logan_Oh, cool.22:28

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