
kotuxCool, thanks Noskcaj00:15
sakHow did the hackfest go today? I was unable to attend.00:25
* kotux wants to know too.00:25
balloonshey sak and kotux00:33
balloonsnot too bad.. you can see what happened here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/CFXkuLR7Lb00:34
sakhey balloons00:34
balloonsin addition feel free to pick any of the unclaimed tests and make a branch for it and convert it :-)00:34
balloonsI'm relaxing my brain after today.. we cleaned up the repo, and we have a production branch that's stable now00:35
sakIn addition to contributing our own testcases00:35
balloonslol.. that's me just being tired00:36
balloonsjust wanted you to know about the pad00:36
sakI am looking over the pad now.00:40
sakI thought nautilus was rewritten to a new file manager00:40
sakJust assigned myself to remmina and vino01:15
pittiGood morning03:38
sakmorning and good night LOL04:08
jibelgood morning06:44
pittibonjour Monsieur Lallement06:46
jibelGuten Morgen Herr Pitt :)06:50
gemaasac: it means we are working on it, but yeah, we are starting to run something after installing :D07:44
Noskcajgema, wrong channel?07:46
gemaNoskcaj: nope, asac said something to me yesterday night, I was answering now :D07:47
gemaNoskcaj: he should be able to figure it out!07:47
Noskcajhe's also not online07:47
gemaNoskcaj: he is in the channel07:47
NoskcajSomeone find howard, i'm slightly concerned, but mostly annoyed because he has testdrive stuff to do09:28
asacgema: thx :)10:00
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=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam | Next Hackfest is June 4th! Hackfest from May 23rd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hackfest/20130523 http://pad.ubuntu.com/CFXkuLR7Lb
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fgintherpitti, Hi, I'm working on an autopilot tutorial for gtk apps. Do you happen know of any good test examples?17:42
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balloonsfginther, I'm not pitti but I'm happy to hear your writing a tutorial. If I can help in anyway, let me know ;-)17:59
fgintherballoons, thanks. I'm looking for tests that use the autopilot API most efficiently. I was planning on looking at the tests you guys worked on yesterday, but thought that Pitti had a lot of experience here as well18:04
fgintherI don't want to document bad practices in a tutorial :-)18:04
balloonsfginther, heh, much of the stuff we wrote highlights trying to hack around issues with autopilot-gtk ;-(18:04
fgintherwhich is what would happen if I used my own tests as an example18:04
fgintheryeah, autopilot-gtk needs some love18:05
phillwballoons: hiyas, sorry I was not about much yesterday, one of the F/OSS virtual machine's was hit with a DDoS. I spent some time trying to find out which, which was my tor relay ipV4; but we have no idea why. Maybe just what is called a 'drive by shooting'. It did however reduce the bandwidth available to all as to cause the znc server instance to fail. It appears fatally as TheLordOfTime of time has not been able to get it re-started.... My th18:12
balloonsI saw the znc dc's :-)18:16
phillwballoons: the only thought that the tor people had was if that relay had an error in the config file that throttles the amount of connections it will take. The logs show that it had no increase in traffic, so it was a DDoS. As to if it was against the tor relay or some dim-wit setting up a random DDoS to check if it worked, or an equally dim-wit typing in the wrong ipV4 address to attack, we will never know :(18:19
* TheLordOfTime pokes phillw18:21
TheLordOfTime"restarted" isn't the issue18:21
TheLordOfTime"fatal"?  not really18:21
TheLordOfTime"problem with secure connectivity, SSL, SSH, etc"? yes.18:21
TheLordOfTimeafaik non-SSL works, but that's, you know, not really that "useful" per se.18:21
TheLordOfTimesince lots of people like SSL18:22
* TheLordOfTime goes back to digging in nginx to fix a security bug18:22
* phillw would like to correct himself for the record " TheLordOfTime has not been able to get SSL / SSH to run stably. "18:26
asomethinganyone around that can help me make sense of an autopkgtest result?19:18
asomethingThe test "fails" but the actually test suite seems to pass AFAICT19:18
asomethinghmm... it seems that maybe nosetests outputs even successful test results to stderr. I guess thats why the autopkgtests "fail"20:46
asomethingI guess that's it... from 'man nosetests': "Log debug messages to this file (default: sys.stderr)"20:53
balloonsasomething, heh :-)20:58
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jtaylorwhy is pyzmq autopkgtest failing in saucy jenkins?22:29
jtaylorthe summary says all test passed22:29
jtaylorlog is fine too22:29

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