
DevioustasteHello, I was going to install Ubuntu to a software raid 1 drive, where the /boot could be on the same drive(s)/partition or on a seperate. I was wondering if there was a guide/how-to on how to do this with Ubuntu 13.0400:29
sarnoldDevioustaste: there's some general guidelines here: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/advanced-installation.html00:30
DevioustasteThanks sarnold, I'll read up on it.00:31
Devioustastesarnold, a little confused. Shouldn't /boot be the first partition on the drive? Or is it not possible to do a boot partition on a softraid on Ubuntu?00:40
sarnoldDevioustaste: you should be able to do it..00:42
sarnoldDevioustaste: it used to be necessary to be the first partition, in case your other partitions went past what was accessible to the blocklists or something horribly annoying like that, but I think modern grub2 doesn't have that limitation.00:43
DevioustasteHm, alright.00:44
DevioustasteI just want to make sure that I have everything backed up at this point. Really the biggest things would be to back up /home, /var, /etc correct?00:44
sarnoldDevioustaste: yes00:45
sarnoldDevioustaste: maybe /usr/local/ if you've done anything in there..00:45
DevioustasteI don't think so.00:45
DevioustasteI probably should have done a dpkg -l before I started this.00:45
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DevioustasteHm... it sees the 72GB Partitions on the drives, but it doesn't see them in Software Raid. :/01:01
stgraberzul: ping01:44
stgraberzul: you lied in bug 1180381, the package wasn't ready to be synced as we still have to maintain the dh_python2 delta01:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1180381 in python-fixtures "Sync python-fixtures 0.3.12-0.2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118038101:45
zulstgraber:  shoot sorry about that01:50
stgraberzul: can you please upload a fix?01:51
zulstgraber:  yep i will01:51
Devioustaste1Hm, I am getting this after booting to a softraid ubuntu server system: http://i.imgur.com/jPMWZji.jpg02:03
Devioustaste1Had followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/advanced-installation.html02:03
Devioustaste1The above message occurs after Grub, when I select to boot to Ubuntu02:10
Devioustaste1If I am configuring softraid on two drives that I want to have use / and /boot should I make everything primary and have the first primary partition be Bootable, and the third Partition be bootable if it contains /?02:41
Devioustaste1Cause unfortunately, following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/advanced-installation.html  led me to have this problem after the installer finished, and ejected the disc, and got past grub: http://i.imgur.com/jPMWZji.jpg02:42
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adam_gzul, jamespage: did a check of our havana packages, filed some MPs, bugs and some notes: http://pad.ubuntu.com/openstack-dependency-hell. the cheetah bug is the one thing that needs to get fixed outside of our pkg branches02:54
adam_gDaviey, ^ maybe you can look at my cheetah fix @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cheetah/+bug/118363402:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1183634 in cheetah "cheetah pkg does not depend on markdown, but egg requires.txt does" [Undecided,New]02:55
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SenorI am implementing a web server ,Need I deploy database on one seperate server from logic server and put mamcached one the logic server05:17
Senorlogic server get data by from memcached , which will update to database server by interval .05:18
Caysvbito, Hello thanks for the help you gave me yesterday.05:31
CayThe problem was indeed the switch. My server host had forgotten to do something with it (perhaps power it on). And now the internal network works perfectly with the same unmodified configuration I showed you.05:32
Smrtz_Hey, I want to set up an email address, i.e. "Smrtz@smrtz.com"  the cheapest way to do this is to set up an email server right?06:47
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svbitoCay: nice to hear back from you :)07:30
svbitoCay: and even nicer that it works now!07:30
svbitoSenor: You dont have to seperate them, but it has scalability-advantages if you do07:32
Senorsvbito :If I do it , how can I update memcache at logic server to database server?07:43
svbitoSenor: what do you mean by "logic server"?07:43
Senordeal with logic stuff07:52
svbitoSenor: an App Server? Apache?07:52
Senortcp server07:53
svbitoSenor: doing what? a raw tcp connection to a server wont do much07:54
Senorsvbito:what do you mean by raw tcp connection ?08:20
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Davieyjamespage: Hey, if i can cast you back to 2011..  You looked at MIR'ing Markdown, but but decided against it.. Do you remember why?08:22
svbitoSenor: Sry, I did not understand that it was a infrastructure for a game08:35
svbitoSenor: Could you sketch out what you have and what you need to clarify your question?08:36
Senormy server updates for everu 3seconds , the frequent i/o with database will down its performence08:49
Syriais this command supposed to install the latest versions "sudo apt-get install apache2 && mysql-server && php5 php5-mysql && phpmyadmin"08:51
SenorSo I use memcached , and put database on seperate server to resolve large scale data's bottleneck08:51
svbitoyour server writes every 3s to the database? thats not much...08:53
svbitoSyria: if you do apt-get update before and remove the &&s.08:53
jamespageDaviey, hmm08:53
svbitoSyria: && is used to say "if the former command succeeded, execute this"08:53
* jamespage tries to remember08:53
Syriasvbito:  Then I can use the same command?08:54
svbitoSyria: just use "sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql phpmyadmin""08:54
Davieyjamespage: does this help, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/10/25/%23ubuntu-release.txt ?08:55
Syriasvbito: Thank you.08:55
svbitoSyria: you can install multiple packages at once by just concatenating them after apt-get install - seperated by spaces08:55
svbitoSyria: np08:55
jamespageDaviey, I think 'markdown' lacked any active maintenance and is written in perl08:55
jamespageso it was not worthy for main inclusion08:56
jamespagejust to be clear 'written in perl' is not a reason for not including in main09:04
jamespageit was more the lack of maintenance both in Ubuntu and upstream09:04
cemchi! I just got an email from ubuntu-server maillist saying that i've been unsubscribed. I did not ask for it. any ideas?09:07
Davieyjamespage: hmm, markdown or python-markdown?09:08
jamespageDaviey, markdown09:08
Davieyjamespage: I think i reread the log.. I thought you decided against python-markdown09:08
Davieyjamespage: So i am thinking that it makes sense to reconsider a MIR for bug 1183634... What do you think?09:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1183634 in cheetah "cheetah pkg does not depend on markdown, but egg requires.txt does" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118363409:09
jamespageDaviey, I think so - its only two new source packages for main09:11
Davieyjamespage: ok, cool09:12
jamespageDaviey, commented09:12
Syria1I was installing web server tools on my VPS and suddenly lost the connection, Now when I try to update I get E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)09:12
Syria1E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:12
Davieyjamespage: cool09:12
Syria1svbito: Hi there!09:13
svbitoSyria1: wait a couple of minutes. Your old install is running in the background09:14
svbitoSyria1: you cant connect back to this session, but its still there.09:14
Syria1svbito: Is this command going to solve the issue? "sudo fuser -cuk /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock"09:15
svbitoSyria1: it might break your apt install09:15
svbitoSyria1: its basically just "overriding" the safety-net which forbids concurrent uses of apt09:16
Syria1svbito:  I have been waiting for ten minutes is this enough? What about rebooting the VPS?09:16
svbitoSyria1: yeah, 10min should be enough. Rebooting would also help. But if you waited for 10mins, the command you mentioned would also resolve the issue09:17
Syria1svbito:  I will wait for another 10 minutes then.09:17
svbitoSyria1: in the future, if you have an unreliable connection, use "screen"09:18
svbitoSyria1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen09:18
svbitoSyria1: it will allow you to reconnect to a previous ssh session09:18
Syria1svbito:  Thats cool.09:19
svbitoSyria1: and helpful - imagine dist-upgrading a big production server and loosing connection09:20
rbasakTry byobu - it's a handy front-end to screen and tmux09:22
rbasak(hi kirkland :)09:23
Syriasvbito: phpmyadmin is installed but when I navigate to "siteaddress/phmyadmin" the page just keeps loading.09:29
Syriasvbito:  It works now but it is very slow!! weird.09:32
svbitoSyria: is the servers uplink slow?09:37
Syriasvbito: It's fine now, Maybe I have to be more patient. :P09:38
svbitoSyria: if you call the site the first time, it could take a while09:40
svbitoSyria: maybe phpmyadmin caches some things on first execution09:40
psivaahallyn: reported bug 1183766 and bug 1183767 for some new lxc test failures.10:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1183766 in ubuntu-test-cases "test_lxc_api  failures in saucy smoke tests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118376610:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1183767 in ubuntu-test-cases "test_lxc_simple failures in saucy smoke tests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118376710:54
psivaatwo bugs because there are two failures and I am not sure if they are related. please feel free to merge them if you feel appt. thanks10:55
hallynpsivaa: I think they're due to the same thing stgraber brought up yesterday - dhclient on older release is failing on saucy kernel now12:05
hallynstgraber: did you have an open bug for that that I can mark these a dup of?12:06
hallynnow what, is NETIF_F_HW_VLAN_STAG_TX the problem there?12:10
psivaahallyn: ok, not aware of that. thanks for looking into it anyway :)12:13
hallynpsivaa: I'm not sure it's the case, reproducing in an instance.12:14
psivaahallyn: ack12:14
hallynactually no this seems different:12:15
hallynMay 24 04:40:21 utah-9186-saucy-server-i386 utah: lxc-execute: failed to attach 'veth8wW9iy' to the bridge 'lxcbr0' : No such device12:15
tdnI just discovered 'atop'. This is a fantastic tool for identifying performance bottlenecks. It supports a long term monitoring mode, in which it logs data to a binary log. I would like to be able to visualize these data in a graph. Is this possible? If so, how? I cannot seem to find out what format the log is saved in. It is binary, but nothing that 'file' will detect.12:22
zuljamespage/Daviey: did you guys see adam_g etherpad notes last night?12:44
hallynpsivaa: actually I htink it's a dup of bug 118380712:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1183807 in lxc "lxcbr0 is not created on package install" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118380712:46
samba35I have installed ubuntu 12.04 server and i have installed another guest  (centos 6.4)on ubuntu now i want to install windows on ubuntu as a another guest but how doi  configure   networking with windows12:48
hallynpsivaa: marked them as dups12:48
samba35i have only 1 nic i have configure br0 on eht0 with dhcp from external server12:49
psivaahallyn: ok thanks.12:49
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vic_78552What is the code name for Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS? Is it Lucid Lynx?14:01
Pici!precise | vic_7855214:02
ubottuvic_78552: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120414:02
vic_78552I'm looking for firmware to install B320i HP Smart Array RAID adapter, so that Ubuntu 12.04 can see my arrays. Looking at http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/firmware/ I don't know which directory has that RAID driver.14:05
vic_78552This adapter is installed into our HP DL360e ProLiant Gen8 server.14:09
vic_78552And I've installed Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS 64-bit as its OS onto a USB flash disk drive.14:10
vic_78552But, I'd like to move the OS onto the RAID arrays.14:10
vic_78552Without the RAID driver, the OS doesn't see the arrays.14:11
bitbytehey guys14:44
bitbyteI'm trying to put ubuntu server 13 on my hp micro server and can't really seems to get it booting from the usb its on doing it from unetbootin on osx and when i plug it in the micro server just dosnt see it any ideas ?14:45
bitbyteim currently looking at how to use Disk Utility to flag the usb as bootable14:45
rbasakSounds like it could be UEFI related?14:47
jamespagerbasak, I uploaded your facter merge for saucy14:54
zuljamespage:  i filed the MIR for d2to1 and pbr this morning14:56
jamespagezul, great!14:56
jamespagezul, you're feeding your python3 porting stuff back to Debian as well right?14:57
zuljamespage:  i will be14:57
jamespagezul, great14:57
zuljamespage:  its slow going right now14:58
rbasakjamespage: great - thanks!14:59
bitbyteyou guys know of any guides for ubuntu server network install15:24
bitbytei can't see to get my hp micro server to recognise my usb15:24
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genii-aroundbitbyte: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet15:32
maxagazdoes someone know about AWS and RDS ?15:40
DanC_I'm trying to use this ubuntu mini-PC as a wifi access point. I got the wifi part working, but wlan0 doesn't have an ip address.15:45
DanC_hostapd is running and other devices show the relevant ssid15:46
DanC_(I followed http://nims11.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/hostapd-the-linux-way-to-create-virtual-wifi-access-point/ )15:46
DanC_I haven't set up dhcpd yet... that's not how the interface gets an ip address, is it?15:46
* DanC_ gives it a try...15:48
DanC_oh. silly me... I see the ifconfig up thingy now...15:53
dz0nyI am having problem with lxc container not getting network address (12.04 LTS with 3.8 kernel, ubuntu-cloud raring container)15:56
dz0nyany ideas what could be wrong? here is log https://gist.github.com/dz0ny/fac7d6fb57e79b1689a315:57
bitbyteyou guys know how i can set my hods to check nedt reboot15:58
MagBo_Hi guys, I have a really stupid question, I'm quite lost, as it's 2nd day in Debian-like repo. I want to set up a xen bridge via Ubuntu's suggested /etc/network/interfaces. I configure stuff, it works after first reboot, but after second reboot whole network table gets messed up and additional interfaces (xenbr1, xenbr2) get spawned.16:03
MagBo_Well, strangely enough # route looks good, but neither host-only bridge, nor lan-bridge work anymore, so I can't ssh to the virtual machine I want to run as dom0 from host. :(16:06
MagBo_I guess I can iptables my way out of that madness, but I'd like to know the reason of such behaviour and suggested way to deal with it. )16:07
hallyndz0ny: probably best to file a bug showing exactly how the host and containers are set up.16:07
hallyn(i'm running out but will look for the bug when i get back)16:07
mmerloneI run a buch of ubuntu servers, including a dns server. My reverse zone stopped working and need urgent help debugging.16:30
mmerlonefor instance dig @localhost +trace -x does nothing16:30
mmerloneit just happended out of the blue, nothing has changed, and have no clue what's wrong, please help me!16:31
mmerlonenamed-checkzone says zone is ok16:31
sarnoldmmerlone: is there any information in the logs?16:32
mmerloneyes, zone 64- loaded serial 201303260416:33
mmerlonezone 64- sending notifies (serial 2013032604)16:33
mmerloneserver in question is ns1.a1.ind.br16:33
mmerloneeverything seems fine, but the world and even localhost is unable to resolve any reverse16:34
mmerlonesmells like upstream problem, but not sure.16:35
sarnoldmmerlone: Host not found: 5(REFUSED)16:38
mmerlonefunny, dig @localhost 64- axfr dumps the zone ok....16:38
mmerlonesarnold: which host are you quering?16:39
sarnoldmmerlone: that was "host ns2.a1.ind.br"16:39
mmerlone tested on http://network-tools.com/nslook/Default.asp?domain=
mmerloneit says it is not authoritative16:46
mmerlonewhy would it not be authoritative?16:47
zokkohello folks16:52
zokkois there any repo for 12.04 with zend-framework 1.12?16:52
mmerlonesarnold: I'm still stuck16:56
mmerloneit should be authoritative for that zone, but not able even to get an answer from localhost16:56
mmerloneyour test got refused bcause authoritative problem....16:57
sarnoldmmerlone: does netstat -lnup show the server even listening?16:57
mmerloneyes, you can test a1.ind.br just fine16:57
mmerlonewhy would a reverse zone stop being authoritative?16:59
dz0nyhallyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/118394117:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1183941 in lxc "LXC container fails to get network address" [Undecided,New]17:29
adam_gwom 317:43
adam_gzul: http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/folsom/2012.2.4_rebase/keystone_2012.2.4-0ubuntu2~cloud1/17:44
zuladam_g: +117:45
ctroxis there a ppa out there for apache 2.4 with php5 for 12.04? I found one with apache 2.4 but I can't find a libapache-mod-php5 that is compatible18:04
DevioustasteWhat are the minimum packages needed for KDE? Just KDE-workspace I would guess? I don't want the -full package.18:28
sw!info kde-plasma-desktop18:43
ubottukde-plasma-desktop (source: meta-kde): KDE Plasma Desktop and minimal set of applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:76~pre1ubuntu10 (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 37 kB18:43
swDevioustaste: probably that, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE: (iii) kde-plasma-desktop --- This will install the core -- the bare-minimum required-- of KDE. That is, kdebase-apps, kdebase-runtime, kdebase-workspace and kdm.18:43
DevioustasteCool, thank you sw18:47
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Devioustastesw, what would kde-standard be and such?19:11
hachreDevioustaste: probably the 'standard' selection of kde + tools19:22
sw!info kde-standard | Devioustaste19:36
ubottuDevioustaste: kde-standard (source: meta-kde): KDE Plasma Desktop and standard set of applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:76~pre1ubuntu10 (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 37 kB19:36
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xeberdeeHey - what the best command line tool for disk admin. Fdisk shows no disks - I'm on an SSD with a 20 TB raid somewhere.22:01
sarnoldxeberdee: fdisk doesn't 'show disks' -- it works on a disk that you specify..22:06
sarnoldxeberdee: fdisk is my favorite, but it doesn't understand gpt partition tables, for that I thnk you need gparted or parted or something. (I have to look it up each time I need it..)22:06
sarnoldxeberdee: to see the disks available to work with, ls -l /dev/disks/by-id   -- or one of the other subdirectories there, depending upon how you'd like to identify the drives22:07
xeberdeesarnold: yeah I'm a bit rusty. I just lookedd at sda22:07
sarnoldxeberdee: sda is fine, if you've got few enough drives that you can tell unambigiously what it is.. :)22:08
xeberdeesarnold: Trying to remember how hardware raid looks in dev.22:09
mikeeyGuys, this might not be the correct channel for this but I'll give it a go anyway; would the following in /etc/smartd.conf send me an email whenever one of my disks is presumed to be failing? "/dev/sda -d sat -t -H -f -l error -l selftest -o on -S on -s (S/../.././01|L/../../6/03) -m email@domain.com"22:12
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