
snap-lWhat the fuck00:26
rick_h_yea, <300:26
rick_h_some good stuff on ars today00:26
rick_h_I was lol'ing at the new MS mice00:26
snap-lDude was running a fucking datacenter out of his house00:26
rick_h_just a rack, a DC has many :)00:27
snap-lUm, seriously? :)00:27
snap-lI think JoDee would either marry me all over again or kill me if I had that setup00:27
snap-lnot sure which00:27
greg-gg'morning in AMS (6:52am)04:52
greg-gbeen up since like 4:30ish04:52
rick_h_greg-g: morning10:47
greg-git's lunch time!10:48
rick_h_well, first time using more then 8G of ram today woot12:34
rick_h_3lxc running, 4G ram windows VM, chrome tabs/windows galore, wheee12:36
rick_h_and don't even notice it woot12:36
brouschSSD FTW12:37
rick_h_the lxc/virtualbox vms are on a normal HD12:37
rick_h_thinking it's more the 6cores (12 with hyperthread) and 32GB of ram :)12:38
brouschThat is 2x the ram in my entire "data center"12:41
rick_h_the virtualbox ram slider jumps around in big chunks :)12:41
snap-lGood morning13:09
rick_h_how goes the raid rebuild?13:10
snap-lFinished up overnight, but am running into partition misalignment issues with the new drive.13:10
snap-lIt's a Seagate drive13:11
snap-lSeems to be performant, so not sure if I should be worried or not13:11
snap-lcurrently in the "not worrying" category13:12
snap-lAlso, it's 68F in the den, and I'm happy13:12
rick_h_well if it's rebuild, get a second drive of the new type to try tomatch them up. Always best to have matched drives for raid13:12
brouschI thought it was best to have mismatched drives so they don't fail at the same time13:14
greg-gthat's the theory13:14
greg-git's what I did for my btrfs raid setup13:14
rick_h_so if they're not matched they'll have diff performance characteristics, different layouts, diff firmware, etc.13:15
rick_h_it'll not let the raid work at its best as it's fighting the diff drives trying to write the data13:15
rick_h_is my understanding.13:15
rick_h_just because we both buy two trucks on the same day doesn't mean they'll fail on the same day. It's mechanical and just don't see that13:16
brouschSo you're giving up some performance for reliability13:16
brouschOne word: Deskstar13:16
rick_h_I'd argue that reliability is a false assumption there13:16
snap-lWell, it's also a work machine13:17
rick_h_hah, well don't buy crap cheap drives :P13:17
brouschthey were not cheap at the time13:17
snap-lI think the real reason the drive failed was the drives were jammed together under each other, so one drive was busily cooking the other13:18
rick_h_snap-l: what's the warranty on them? I mean it's been a few years now?13:18
rick_h_drives do have life expectancies13:18
snap-lNot sure13:19
rick_h_how do people deal with windows...I mean really?! /me wants apt-get install ie1013:20
snap-lrick_h_: I think they just don't know any better13:20
snap-l"Linux is so complicated, just give me a drive letter that I can memorize"13:21
rick_h_"pick your version" just install the right one dammit. I don't "apt-get install python-and64"13:21
snap-lEven though all of the drive letters can quickly change13:21
jrwrenwhere is AMS?13:22
brouschrick_h_: I have a script to bootstrap distutils/pip/virtualenv for python3.2 if you need it13:24
greg-grick_h_: re fighting the raid controller: btrfs deals with this just fine :)13:24
greg-gI mean, it explicitly doesn't care and "just does the right thing"13:24
rick_h_jrwren: amsterdam13:25
greg-gits the airport code13:26
jrwreni wish I was there with greg-g getting coffee13:49
brouschYeah. "Coffee"13:50
* greg-g takes a big long dr^C^C sip of his coffee14:40
rick_h_al...most...to...10GB of ram used. Need more things to run!14:48
brouschWant to process some unflattened semi-corrupt 36"x48" vector PDFs for me?14:53
rick_h_onlyif the tool to do it is multi-core enabled14:53
rick_h_I want to light up some of these things14:54
brouschYou could run multiple instances14:55
brouschI never did get around to making it a multiprocess queue14:55
nullspaceconcurrency is powerful but tricky to write for15:25
jrwreni disagree.15:25
nullspacewhich part, powerfull or tricky?15:26
brouschYeah, and the project has died because we bought a new plotter that doesn't choke on as many iffy PDFs15:26
nullspacetricky meaning you really need to think about what your trying to accomplish and ensure threads don't collied or corrupt data15:27
jrwrenyou've made so many assumptions given taht statement that we are no longer talking about only concurrency.15:28
jrwreni agree, threads and data sharing is tricky.15:28
nullspacethen what was the part you we're disagreeing with?15:29
jrwrenthat concurrency is tricky to write for.15:29
jrwrenits not.15:29
nullspacewriting isn't but programming is more than just writing code15:30
nullspaceI recently wrote my first big concurrent feature in java, was dealing with get and sending  data to a flakey SOAP setup15:33
jrwrenugh. flakey soap is pretty bad.15:34
nullspacethat service is the biggest pain in my ass, hopefully by september we be rid of it15:36
nullspaceit's like completely ignored any standards and hand wrote the methods to implement it15:38
jrwrenis it by a vendor?15:39
nullspaceI'm not entirely sure what it is, our sister company's IT department brought it into existance15:42
nullspacefrom what I heard it was a learning experience for most staff members on databases as well as SOAP, XML and web services in general15:44
brouschYour WTF of the day: "I'm trying to package an (Kivy) app for android that will be using pymssql to communicate with sql server"15:44
nullspacethis sounds like a horrible idea15:44
brouschI put on my jrwren mask and told him he's doing it wrong15:46
nullspaceunless it's a database management tool15:46
brousch"Our system though is running directly within our local network and just happens to be the android platform. They're really running just the same way a normally networed computer terminal would. Just think of it as an integrated touchscreen device."15:47
nullspacenot sure why someone would want to manage a database on a mobile device15:48
jrwrenbrousch: doesn't matter.15:48
jrwrenthat database should never be an integation point.15:49
nullspaceyou'd think a web app would be easier and less stupid15:49
jrwrenits the wrong design for a desktop app too.15:49
brouschjrwren: I agree, but I've done my due-diligence education15:49
rick_h_apis ftw15:49
brouschI can't imagine how fragile this app is going to be with all the weirdness he's putting together15:51
brouschAnd now it's directly accessing your database15:51
jrwrennot my database. it isn't allowed :)15:51
nullspacebrousch: is it actually an intgration point? are they pulling/psuhing data to the DB via this app or are they using it to build a database, both are horrible ideas I'm just wondering what kinda stupid they are15:55
jrwrenit sounds like a 2tier 80s/90s app client server arch where server is dbserver.15:56
jrwrenits hard for me to think of a good reason to build apps like that these days15:56
brouschnullspace: I don't know15:58
nullspaceit might be for the best15:58
nullspaceotherwise you might have the uncontrolable urge to remove them from the gene pool15:59
jrwrenstarting new little projects is fun.16:12
snap-lWhat the fuch16:39
snap-lrick_h_: Good day?16:41
rick_h_snap-l: heh...let's just say I've got firm opinions on the mocha JS testing tool16:42
rick_h_and dealing with other people's CI and such16:42
snap-lrick_h_: Yeah, I can see that. :)16:49
jjessesome dude at the starbucks i'm working out of today just fired up his "Windows Vista Premium" laptop19:14
jjessesad face19:14
jjessethat dude looks grumpy, i bet its because of his laptop19:17
jcastrohey jrwren19:23
jcastrowhen are you off today, 5ish?19:23
jrwrenjcastro: i went home already.20:09
jrwrenjcastro: you want to come over?20:09
jcastromaybe we should eat in AA tonite20:17
jrwrenfor sure.20:18
jcastrogreg-g: hippie ping23:06
jcastrowhat's the tldr on this monsanto thing23:06
jcastrothe march website sucks at explaining the why23:06
jcastroother than "global xbox sized food grower"23:07

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