
cxipheranyone know the sudo get ampache terminal code00:03
jribcxipher: what?00:03
Roy_Ubuntu_13-04any reason this wouldnt work for 13.04? http://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/antivirus-for-linux.php00:03
jrib!virus | Roy_Ubuntu_13-0400:03
ubottuRoy_Ubuntu_13-04: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:03
[_-S1L3NC3-_]hey guys if im getting permission denied on ./command what file permision should i use00:04
[_-S1L3NC3-_]like 755?00:04
[FreeBSD][_-S1L3NC3-_]: chmod +x00:04
[FreeBSD]try that00:04
jrib[_-S1L3NC3-_]: depends on what file has permission denied... give more details.00:04
nezzariou+x if you want to be specific00:04
[FreeBSD]or paste output of ls -l on it00:04
cxiphertop install ampache (sp)00:04
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i tried chmod +x00:04
[_-S1L3NC3-_]no work00:04
[_-S1L3NC3-_][04:00:00] couldn't open "/home/smokeyspark/EGGDROP/scripts/t2/t2.hst.tmp": permission denied00:04
[_-S1L3NC3-_]    while executing00:04
[_-S1L3NC3-_]"open $t2(sfpath)t2.hst.tmp w"00:04
[_-S1L3NC3-_]    (procedure "TSavHist" line 77)00:04
FloodBot1[_-S1L3NC3-_]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
jribcxipher: you really mean "ampache" and not "apache" (the web server)?00:05
cxipher found it in software manager00:08
volitek[FreeBSD]: it's happened again, this time I'm ssh'd in. Xorg is using 100% of the cpu00:08
[FreeBSD]volitek: pretty hard to tell00:08
[FreeBSD]volitek: are you using nvidia?00:09
volitekno, intel00:09
volitekthats what that command outputed00:11
[FreeBSD]looks like something to do with the intel graphics idk00:12
volitekah i havent dist-upgraded in a while, ill try that00:12
[FreeBSD]yeah try updating everything first00:13
voliteki forgot about dist-upgrade rather than upgrade ha00:13
[FreeBSD]id do it from ssh and logout of X too00:14
volitekhow do I log out from X in ssh?00:14
[FreeBSD]volitek: killall X might work00:15
dr_willis_sudo service lightdm stop00:16
dr_willis_is commonly used00:16
[FreeBSD]or stopiing the login manager00:16
=== dr_willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis
[FreeBSD]you might be ok leaving it running but i wouldnt risk a freeze while upgrading00:17
snkcld2on 13.04 kvm is telling me "Could not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting". i just installed ubuntu, and have not removed any packages...00:17
cxipher12.04 saying the requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this server.00:17
cxiphertrying to install phpmyadmin for ampache audio service00:18
betraydsrkclc2 think you have to install restricted codecs00:19
Arpad2is multicolour keyboard illumination supported in linux?00:21
[FreeBSD]Arpad2: you might need a specific keyboard driver / program00:21
Arpad2I have a laptop00:22
Arpad2only blue colour works00:23
az4z3lArpad2: you definitely need a driver for it to work properly since it would be controlled through a program on the OS.00:23
az4z3lArpad2: that driver likely does not exist on Ubuntu, though you might be able to find it somewhere.00:24
Arpad2so, its not ubuntu related?00:24
Arpad2unfortunately it also does not exist on the manufacturer's website00:25
Arpad2its a Clevo p170em00:25
cxipheranyone know how to get phpmyadmin set up on ubuntu00:27
sereThe following packages have been kept back   linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic00:30
sereon 13.4 with kernel i38600:31
wilee-nileesere, Try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in the terminal.00:33
serewilee-nilee: ahh perfect.. ty )00:34
zillahow can i use rsync without running into an infinite loop? im trying to back up / to my usb device /media/x00:38
ShayGuyI had to reboot after my problem earlier today, and now my sound doesn't work at all. Chrome, mplayer, aplay, nothing.00:38
ShayGuyAnd Googling 'ubuntu troubleshoot sound' just makes things more confusing -- for instance, trying to open alsamixer just yields "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory".00:38
ShayGuyMy volume isn't muted, either -- somehow it got set to MAXIMUM in the reboot.00:39
zillapretty sure all the smart people have moved on from ubuntu00:39
zillahaven't seen a helpful response in this channel in ages00:40
ShayGuyYou have a better...00:40
ShayGuy...idea. Never mind.00:40
rui_Oi boa noite !00:40
rui_a todos00:40
rui_em inglês ?00:41
rui_ou português Brasileiro ?00:41
rui_Ivan som esta baixo00:42
=== bellasbells is now known as sandyd_away
nubeI have made an ubuntu 13.04 live usb, but when I boot from the integritiy check says "errors found in 1 file"00:46
betraydthey're probably just having dinner00:46
nubeif I burn to DVD instead I get no errors00:46
nubebut I want to install to a computer with no dvd drive00:46
nubeany ideas?00:46
Dr_Willisdosent say what file eh?00:47
nubeunfortunately it doesn't00:47
Dr_Willisdoes the md5sum of the iso file check out?00:47
Dr_Willisthats weird. unless theres some sort of read error going on  - with the usb00:47
Dr_Willishow did you make the usb?00:48
nubeI also tried different usb ports. I made the usb with http://www.linuxliveusb.com/00:48
nubein windows00:48
nubeI am running ubuntu now on my desktop, maybe I should try to make the usb again from here00:49
Dr_Willisnube:  you could try some of the tools at the pendrivelinux site.  they have some that use grub2 to boot  the iso file straight from usb. or can image the iso straight to usb.00:49
Dr_Willisyou can use 'dd' to image the iso straight to usb also thats the most direct way.00:49
Dr_Willisor you could just see if it installs properly. ;)00:50
cxipherI know I'm in the right directory00:53
Dr_Willisls -l shows the file ?00:54
Dr_Willistab completion to complete its name?00:54
qincxipher: Permissions?00:55
Dr_WillisCaSe Of The FileName Is CorReCt?00:56
cxipherzomgz nm00:57
cxipheri see it00:57
Dr_Willisdir?    ;)  old habbits..00:57
Dr_Willistypeo? extra space in the name??  Aliens?00:58
Dr_Willistab completion - is a great invention. ;)00:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1179367 in casper (Ubuntu) "Customizing the live user skel" [Undecided,New]00:59
huluwho can help me01:00
cxipherive only been on linux 3 days or so now01:01
FezzlerI use the Lightweight Desktop Environment.  Upgrading my Ubuntu.  Will it upgrade to that Environment?01:01
Dr_Willis type part of a file name then  hit   <tab> cxipher   it shold fill in the rest.. tab works with a lot of cli commands to fill in options and other extra info also01:02
Dr_WillisFezzler:  you mean upgrade to the next release? it will upgrade all packages to those in the next release. so yes.01:02
Dr_Willisassuming there are updated packates for whatever you are refering to in the next release01:02
qincxipher: you would want to not download debs, and use apt or synaptic instead...01:02
FezzlerDr_Willis> Yes.  I think last time I used this PC I was on Ubuntu 11x and switched to LDE.01:03
swisse/win 9201:03
Dr_WillisFezzler:  lde or lxde ?01:03
ubottuLXDE ( http://lxde.org/ ) is the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment used by !Lubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ». See http://lubuntu.net/ for more information, and join #lubuntu for support.01:03
cxipherqin: thanks installing now01:04
FezzlerDr_Willis> LDE01:04
cxipherDr_Willis: thanks ill try to remember that01:04
Dr_Williscant say ive heard of  LDE then.. i use lxde all the time01:04
Dr_Willis!info lde01:04
ubottuPackage lde does not exist in raring01:04
Dr_Williscxipher:  i seem to hit tab more then most any other key on my keyboard. ;001:05
qincxipher: Why do you install java from source, btw?01:05
FezzlerDr_Willis> 2296 files to go!01:05
cxipherqin: because i have no idea what i'm doing and it was the only way i found it01:05
cxiphertryng to get java working in chrome01:05
qincxipher: hahaha01:05
Dr_Willis!java | cxipher01:05
ubottucxipher: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:05
qin!java | cxipher01:05
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=== mmV is now known as Aww
cxipheroh wow01:06
qincxipher: in basics, you just wrecked (kind off) your system.01:07
cxipherim sure i01:07
Dr_Williscxipher:  also checking askubuntu..com will normally show better/easier/faster ways to do most anythin gyou will want to do.01:07
Dr_Willisand dont forget the lovely ubuntu manual.01:07
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:07
cxipherqin:any way to unwreck or does it not really matter01:09
FezzlerDr_Willis> Ooop. It is lxde01:09
Dr_WillisFezzler:  l)01:10
FezzlerDr_Willis> I guess the graphic of the bird is an "X"01:10
Dr_Willislxde is also know n as 'lubuntu'    to include all the fancy ubuntu tweaks and stuff.01:10
FezzlerDr_Willis> That's it.01:10
Dr_Willisas loing as you got the lubuntu-desktop package installed it should update to the full lubuntu system with all of lxde01:10
qincxipher: If, jre you installed have uninstall script, just execute it and install supported package. Or just try to use synaptic (package manager) to correct problem.01:11
qin!source | cxipher01:11
ubottucxipher: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html01:11
FezzlerDr_Willis> My old pc was struggling with Unity so I switched to lxde01:11
ubottuA Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:11
uwcHello. What happened to Nautilus and how can I fix it?01:11
jubaccahello, I was wondering how I could find a file on the windows side of my dual boot using the ubuntu terminal.01:12
Dr_Willisuwc:  nothing has happened to it...01:12
FezzlerDr_Willis> Thank you.  lxde if just fine for my needs01:12
Dr_Willisuwc:  unless you want to give us  more details.01:12
Dr_WillisFezzler:  yes. it works well on my netbooks and even my hight end systems.. its lacking a few features.. but works well01:12
uwcDr_Willis: The search no longer works in a sane manner and the tree view is gone01:12
Dr_Willistree view - was removed by the gnome devs i recall.  I think i saw some forked nautilus/discussion of that on either the omgubuntu or webupd8 blog site.01:13
uwcjubacca: You will have to mount the partition first, see the man page for 'mount'. You can do this from the file manager if you prefer.01:13
FezzlerDr_Willis> What features do you miss?01:13
Dr_Willisthat readded the tree and some other features01:13
qincxipher: Some dependencies might be broken, so you would want to have offical jre from repositories, but it may also work.01:13
uwcDr_Willis: If i replace the file manager, will the ubuntuone plugin still function?01:14
Dr_WillisFezzler:  i seem to recall a few little things here and there. plus i tend to use the 'rox'-filer' manager  for my low end machines. it has a lot of neat features that  pcmanfm  is lacking01:14
Dr_Willisuwc:  no idea. I dont use the fork. I imagine it should work01:14
jubaccaalready is mounted I'm pretty sure. Same hard drive, and ubuntu runs off of wubi.01:15
uwcjubacca: type 'cat /proc/mount' or 'mount' on its own to see a list of FS mounts, You can find the partition from there. Except I know knothing about wubi. Wubi might be different.01:16
cxipherqin: i think you're right i tried http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/icedtea6-plugin and got The package you requested will install shortly. but nothing happens01:16
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uwcDr_Willis: For me the biggest problem is the search functionalilty, not the tree. I understand that this doesn't change your answer. Just commenting that the search is now well broken.01:18
Inv1s1bleSo I'm just making an internal package for my company and I'm finding it hard to find examples of creating users/setting permissions within my deb package. I realize I need to do this in the postinst script, but I can seem to find any concrete examples of this01:19
Inv1s1blewhat should I be googleing for?01:19
uwcjubacca: However if you can see the drive from within ubuntu's file manager, then it is mounted and you will be able to access it . It is probably mounted with FUSE but in any case, cat /proc/mount will show it01:20
uwcjubacca: Sorry /cat/proc/mounts (I missed the plural)01:20
jubaccauwc, that works much better01:21
jubaccano idea what the things mean though...01:21
uwcjubacca: in proc/mounts the second column will be the location01:22
jubaccauwc, but how does this help me find a file in the windows partition?01:23
uwcjubacca: if you cd to that folder in the terminal you will find the mounted drive01:23
uwcjubacca: for example it probably says gvfs-fuse /run/user/jubacca/,,,,    so go there01:24
sonofzeusI've read somewhere that I can find conf files in the home directory but my home dir has only my_username dir and nothing else.01:26
betraydsonofzeus they might begin with a dot, so type . then hit tab01:28
sonofzeuswhatwhat does tab do?01:28
betraydinside your user dir that is01:28
betraydits called tab-completion like nick completion in irc01:29
cxipheri got phpmyadmin running :)01:29
betraydcxipher congrats~ on your own?01:29
sonofzeusAre those files hidden?01:29
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cxipheryes on my own (and web tuts)01:30
SonikkuAmericasonofzeus: You could do something like [ ls ~ | grep .conf ]01:30
betraydsonofzeus not 'hidden' in the true sense of the word but yeah you have to check 'show hidden' in most GUI file managers01:30
Just_Mea quick question: im trying to install latest nvidia driver whic ive downloaded from their site but it wont allow me to install b/c xserver is running so i rebooted to recovery and drop to root, ran the install again then it says /tmp is not mounted so it wont install. how do i mount /tmp ? thanks :)01:30
SonikkuAmericaJust_Me: What you could've done is booted as normal, logged in from a tty, [ sudo stop lightdm ] and then ran the script01:31
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betraydnot boot into recovery mode, stuff is protected01:32
pingUonewhat package has all your java (web browsing) bullshit? apt-cache search dumps assloads of crap.01:33
betraydthats java alright01:33
pingUonejava is crap01:34
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:34
pingUonebetrayd TY!01:34
SonikkuAmericaYou can get Oracle Java 7 via PPA these days01:35
SonikkuAmericaworks like flashplugin-installer does01:35
betraydyou're welcome punUone01:35
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rmobenchainhello veryone01:45
rmobenchainam needing some help with a recent ubuntu install01:45
SonikkuAmerica!details | rmobenchain, can we have these01:46
ubotturmobenchain, can we have these: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:46
rmobenchainI have a problem with out of scan range upon bootup01:47
IntelligitimateI need help. I can't get Boot-Repair Disk to run. I but from a USB from unetbootin, get the screen, and select it from the menu. Then it just goes black. I'm using a Windows 8 pre-installed machine.01:48
IntelligitimateI can't get back to my Linux Mint 14 Partition.01:48
rmobenchainI have an out of scan range message upon bootup up after BIOS splash screen.  I installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and am currently using the LIVE CD disk to access the internet,01:48
IntelligitimateIt only boots Windows 8 now.01:48
BlackDalekDoes anyone here know the code to type into LibreOffice Find & Replace box to replace a specific character with a new line character?01:50
sereIntelligitimate:  using the windows bootloader?01:50
Intelligitimatesere: The Windows Bootloader give me an error message. I'm trying to repair Grub at the moment. It won't even let me boot to a live CD anymore. And I checked the USB stick, it's fine.01:51
sereIntelligitimate:  can you try the usb disk on another system or through a virtual machine.01:54
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:56
Intelligitimatesere: I tried it on another machine. It works. Something is happening that prevents it from loading on the Windows 8 machine.01:57
rmobenchaindid i miss a response concerning my query?01:58
SonikkuAmericablebaford: Try your terminal window... typing terminal commands in here is like saying xyzzy02:00
sereIntelligitimate: you can add mint to the windows bootloader and from there boot/repair the grub... but it would be alot easier to just boot a usb hdd02:00
blebafordyeah I know lol that was instinct02:00
croniksoftHello everyone02:01
WeThePeoplesere, what the prob?02:01
betraydBlackDalek maybe there is a 'show tabs/spaces' and then you can copy/paste a carriage return, thats how it was done in word02:02
blebafordI was wondering if there are any easy to use music players that don't create their own databases like Banshee does. Seems redundant if all the information needed can be contained in the filesystem.02:03
sereWeThePeople: Intelligitimate is trying to repair a a multiboot grub but cant seem to boot a usb anymore.02:03
WeThePeoplesere, what are the OSes02:03
sereIntelligitimate: did you check and see if the boot order changed :x02:04
rmobenchainupon bootup BIOS splash screen I get an "Out of Scan Range" message.  I installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and have a NVIDIA graphics card02:04
sereWeThePeople: windows 8 and mint02:04
betraydblebaford i am a dinosaur in that respect, xmms is one or cplay on the commandline02:04
WeThePeoplesere, is secure boot off and csm enabled?02:04
WeThePeopleand fast boot02:04
Intelligitimatesere: boot order is the same. USB won't load Boot-Repair Disk or another Linux Mint. I don't know how to make the Windows Boot Loader recognize Linux Minut.02:04
WeThePeopleits might be cms02:05
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, download and use a cd to run boot repair thats what i did02:06
WeThePeopledoes Mint have a efi dir. in the iso02:07
serethe people have spokin!02:07
sereWeThePeople: thanks WeThePeople :)02:07
WeThePeoplejust trying to help02:08
FearJesusdid you know god will send you to hell if you dont believe in him!02:08
SonikkuAmerica!ot | FearJesus02:09
ubottuFearJesus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:09
nezzarioHow would I go about doing a netinstall from a wifi adapter?02:09
blebafordbetrayd: looks like xmms is discontinued. I guess that's what you meant by dinosaur. I was thinking of checking out cmus or moc but I02:09
sereWeThePeople: you seem like you know what your talking about.. i was running out of options. :)02:09
FearJesus8 But the cowardly, unbelieving,[a] abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”02:09
blebafordbetrayd: .... but I don't want learning to use those to be a project.02:09
OerHeksFearJesus, wrong channel, buddy02:09
nezzarioI can't get decent enough connection to do a normal netinstall over 10/10002:09
WeThePeoplesere, i did a win8 12.04.2 both x64 install02:10
WeThePeoplefairly easy02:10
betraydblebaford theres a PPA for xmms and 0 learning curve if you've used old skool winamp02:10
nezzarioI have the 10/100 connected to a ddwrt that's acting as an ap client and it's super unstable02:10
nezzariokeeps hanging when downloading ..02:10
SonikkuAmericaOerHeks: (Not to mention there are huge flaws in his argument... it's so miserably incomplete it's self-defeating :P)02:11
sereWeThePeople: ahh well thank again...hopefully he gets it fixed :)02:11
seregoodnight all02:11
rmobenchainguess no help to be had here02:11
matheushi, i bought the first season of seinfeld but VLC can't read de disc. My friend has a macpro and is working well on his computers. I don't know what to do. I already installed the ubuntu restricted extras02:12
serematheus: check your mount points02:12
OerHeksmatheus, with restricted extra's comes a css script, did you do that part ?02:12
WeThePeoplermobenchain, what distro02:13
matheusOerHeks: no02:13
rmobenchainwethepeople: I'm a newb, what is distro?02:13
OerHeksmatheus, restart VLC after that and enjoy02:13
matheusOerHeks: thanks02:13
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: I can't get Boot Repair-Disk to run. It goes to the grub-like screen, I select it, and then it just goes black. USB works on another computer.02:14
WeThePeoplermobenchain, in the terminal type without the quotes "lsb_release -a"02:14
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, can you get to the bios02:15
rmobenchainwethepeople: I'm using the LIVE CD to access the internet and such, is there a way to start up a teminal w/o it being full screen?  I used terminal but couldn't exit it02:15
rmobenchain...last night02:15
Alexashkaquestion: what are you folks hosting your websites with very low traffic on?02:16
WeThePeoplermobenchain, yes right click and select the right option02:16
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Yes. It is one of those UEFI bios things. Secure Boot is disabled.02:16
BillyZanecan anyone recommend me a very inexpensive laptop that's ubuntu compatible?02:16
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, is compatability mode enabled and fast boot turned off02:17
OerHeks!hcl | BillyZane02:17
ubottuBillyZane: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:17
BillyZanethank you OerHeks02:18
WeThePeoplebillyzane, asus02:18
rmobenchainwethepeople:  did as you asked.  here it is:No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS Release:12.04 Codename:precise02:18
rmobenchainfigured out how to access a small terminal page btw :)02:19
BillyZaneWeThePeople: i hear they are a good brand for ubuntu. do they make any laptops around $400 that would be compatible?02:19
WeThePeoplebillyzane, yes look online02:19
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.02:19
techtronichey folks, wonder if some one might be able to help, iptables isnt writing to a log file on my vps, i can only show what iptables is doing if i run dmesg02:19
SonikkuAmerica(I feel that factoid is a bit harsh)02:19
=== claws is now known as kingnick42
BillyZanei know how to google it. i've been googling it. i've checked forums and discussion boards. i just wanted someone's personal take on it from here02:20
nezzariosigh, this is annoying02:20
SonikkuAmerica!poll | BillyZane, well, we typically discourage asking about that here02:21
ubottuBillyZane, well, we typically discourage asking about that here: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:21
SonikkuAmericaBillyZane: ^ The same goes for hardware.02:21
WeThePeoplermobenchain, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2032802:21
cxipherannd i broke it02:21
nezzarioi have a USB flash drive, a working pxeboot, a crappy 10/100 connection, a reliable wireless usb connection, no cd-rom and no usb boot02:21
nezzariohow can i make this work?02:21
kingnick42got a problem with my printer. Its a Brother Hl240. Printing worked fine in Linux Mint 14. Changed to Ubuntu 13.04, and it didn't recognise the printer to start with. Went thought the 'add printer' thing, and it set up fine. Went to print a doc, and it just kept throwing out blank pages till I switched the printer off.02:22
nezzariohehehehe sorry that's always fun02:22
SonikkuAmericakingnick42: HL-2040?02:22
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, you might need to disable ahci to enable compatabilty mode02:23
rmobenchaindpkg: error: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)  Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*]; Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management; Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values; Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options; Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;  Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it 02:23
nezzarioThis may sound insane.. technically I should be able to install ubuntu from windows, onto this disk, right?02:23
nezzariousing vmware or ms virtual pc02:24
cxipherif you partition02:24
cxipheri think so02:24
SonikkuAmericanezzario: Or even VirtualBox (VBox)02:24
WeThePeoplermobenchain, you are using a live cd atm right?02:24
nezzariowell i have both of those02:24
rmobenchainwethepeople: that is correct02:24
kingnick42SonikkuAmerica - I'll check02:25
nezzariogoing to pop this disk out of this little box and give it a shot02:25
nezzariobtw, will ubuntu & gnome work "ok" with 512mb of memory and a single 1.8ghz celeron processor?02:25
WeThePeoplermobenchain, try installing and download updates and 3rd party apps02:25
SonikkuAmericakingnick42: Dunno about that one. I have a 2040 bia USB port, no problem. Maybe check the driver you're using? Fiddle with that?02:25
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nezzariomostly going to do non-x stuff but occasionally i might want a gui for web browseing or something02:26
SonikkuAmericakingnick42: s/bia/via02:26
rmobenchainoh man, please don't say it's that simple.  I totally didn't do that upon install :P02:26
WeThePeoplermobenchain, you do want to install ubuntu then?02:26
rmobenchainoh yeah.  LOVE ubuntu02:26
WeThePeoplermobenchain, that would fix the issue most likely02:26
kingnick42SonikkuAmerica - If I went into a mint live cd, wouldI be able to see the driver its using, and then somehow magically transfer it to ubuntu?02:26
rmobenchainWindows has proven to be nothing but crap lately.  thanks Wethepeople :)02:27
SonikkuAmericakingnick42: My guess is that Mint might have used ndiswrapper, so no easy way to tell.02:27
SonikkuAmericarmobenchain: You know Ubuntu GNOME is an official flavor right?02:27
SonikkuAmericanezzario: ^ Meant that for you, oops02:28
nezzarioNo, I really don't ever use linux with x02:28
nezzarioI'm extremely ignorant on the subject tbh02:28
kingnick42SonikkuAmerica - so in short, just try all all the drivers until they work?02:29
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: I tried that earlier and it didn't help. Will try it again. How do I make the Windows Boot Loader recognize Linux?02:29
nezzarioI don't even know if people are using xfree or x11 these days, and honestly can't remember the difference, if there even is one.  :)02:29
SonikkuAmericakingnick42: Yeah.02:29
WeThePeoplermobenchain, if what i suggested doesnt fix the issue then open up additional drivers and check that02:29
SonikkuAmericaWeThePeople: He left02:29
kingnick42Ah, bother02:29
nezzarioI've been using backtrack all this week and was impressed, it's built on ubuntu and used gnome as well, .. Was wanting to give it a shot on this router-ish machine02:29
SonikkuAmericanezzario: GNOME 2?02:30
hawai cannot login... your system os running in low graphics mode02:30
nezzarioNo clue really02:30
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, i booted to ubuntu and ran boot repair that way and grub recognized windows02:30
hawaubuntu 12.0402:30
SonikkuAmericanezzario: If it had 2 panels, it was 202:30
nezzario2 panels?  what kinda panels?02:30
hawaplease somebody help02:32
hawai cannot login onto my ubuntu02:32
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: I can't boot to Linux. I can't boot it in ANY fashion I know. It doesn't load. I can't even get a Live CD working now.02:32
astRocreepjust booted it and it stole my wifi02:33
astRocreepit's gnome2 looks like02:33
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, hold on02:33
astRocreepwith a custom theme02:33
SonikkuAmerica!details | hawa02:33
ubottuhawa: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:33
hawaafter booting it says your system is running in low graphics mode02:33
WeThePeoplehawa, i think you need a driver fo your gpu02:33
SonikkuAmericaCan you click the OK button (or TAB to it and press ENTER)?02:34
hawai think its because i tried to purge my lamp server02:34
hawaand it says autoremove some packaages02:34
hawahow do i install it?!! i cannot login02:34
SonikkuAmericahawa: Can you get a live image working?02:35
hawasonikkuamerica is there any other way02:36
hawai dont have iso now02:36
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, can you get to your bios? if not you may need to reset your bios02:36
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WeThePeoplehawa, you need to get to a tty102:36
SonikkuAmericahawa: Not that I know of... what we'll need to do is boot from a live image and run [ lspci ] in a terminal so we can see what graphics card you have02:36
huluwho can help me with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/117936702:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1179367 in casper (Ubuntu) "Customizing the live user skel" [Undecided,New]02:37
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Yes, I can get to the BIOS.02:37
SonikkuAmericahawa: Or try running a failsafeX session from recovery mode02:37
hawaoh that i can do02:37
hawafailsafe doesnt work02:37
SonikkuAmericahawa: Odd... failsafe fails.02:37
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, what are the bios settings set at right now and the make and model of your comp.02:37
hawawhat command did u say?02:37
hului want to change the live user profile,but when i change the /etc/skel ,to create live user not copy from /etc/skel02:38
hawasonikk the command02:38
SonikkuAmericahawa: [ lspci ]02:38
hawaits switchable ones02:39
hawaone intel chipset family02:39
SonikkuAmericahawa: NVIDIA Optimus?02:39
hawaanother nvidia geforce gt 540m it says02:39
hawabut i think i got 525m02:40
hawayeah exactly... optimus02:40
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, you canpm me if you like02:40
WeThePeoplecan pm*02:40
SonikkuAmerica!bumblebee | hawa, have you tried this?02:40
hawaits installed02:40
hawai mean it was woeking till yesterday02:41
hawathen i tried to purge my lampserver02:41
hawathen it said to autoremove some packages02:41
hawaso i did it.. and now i see this02:41
bogglesudo apt-get clean -------> sudo: unable to resolve host id02:42
boggleAny ideas?02:42
SonikkuAmericahawa: Try [ rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe && sudo service lightdm restart ]02:42
boggleAlso, my hostname is id, if that could be an issue02:42
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Hold on.02:43
SonikkuAmericahawa: (You can't run that command in recovery btw)02:44
OerHeksSonikkuAmerica, maybe reinstall ubuntu-desktop ssolves it.02:45
hawait doesnt02:45
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: The make is a Toshiba Satellite C855D-S5103, with Windows Pre-installed.02:45
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SonikkuAmericahawa: You'll need to boot up as normal and hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 as soon as the low-graphics mode screen shows up02:45
SonikkuAmericahawa: Then log in and run those command02:46
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Windows 8, that is.02:46
hawaokay thanks...02:46
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, if you turnon secure boot what does it do02:46
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, well get me those bios settings first02:47
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Which settings specifically?02:49
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Boot-Repair Disk won't load with or withour Secure Boot enabled.02:50
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, do you see a ahci, csm?02:53
WeThePeoplefast boot02:53
hawasonikk aRe you there02:53
WeThePeoplewhat is disabled and enabled02:53
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IntelligitimateYes, just changed it, Boot-Repair Disk now loading.02:53
WeThePeopleok good02:54
hawaitsstuck in some kind of thing02:54
SonikkuAmericahawa: What kind of thing?02:54
hawaou'd not write bytes broken pipe02:54
WeThePeopleyou are good to go then02:54
silv3r_m00nisnt there a full sized dvd of ubuntu which contains more packages ?02:55
hawacould not write bytes broken pipe02:55
SonikkuAmericahawa: Broken pipe? Time to reinstall. Hate to say it.02:55
hawawhat does that mean?02:55
hawaawwwwwwwq i have my assignments in there02:56
SonikkuAmericahawa: Sorry for sounding blunt, but broken pipes are extremely hard to fix... you might be able to get a second opinion.02:56
SonikkuAmericahawa: Don't worry, this is 13.04 right?02:56
WeThePeoplehawa, you could install fluxbox to work with that distro works with broken pipes02:57
WeThePeoplesudo apt-get install -y fluxbox02:57
SonikkuAmericaThat's a possibility too02:57
SonikkuAmericaGive it a shot02:57
hawais it int the repository02:57
cxipherjava works - have given up on ampache server02:57
FlannelWeThePeople: Please don't ever recommend the -y flag here.  Thanks.02:58
SonikkuAmericahawa: It should be.02:58
WeThePeopleflannel, why02:58
hawaflannel is that serious thing?02:58
WeThePeople-y = yes02:58
SonikkuAmericahawa: If all else fails, select the "Reinstall" option on the live image when installing and the installer won't touch your /home folder at all.02:58
FlannelWeThePeople, hawa: Because when there are problems, you don't want it to automatically continue.  That's why it prompts you in the first place.02:59
SonikkuAmericaFlannel: -y != --force-yes02:59
FlannelSonikkuAmerica: I'm aware.02:59
SonikkuAmericaBut the -y switch DOES mean "Select YES without reviewing"03:00
WeThePeopleok will do03:00
FlannelWeThePeople: Thanks.03:00
WeThePeoplesounds logical03:00
hawai am installing the fluxbox03:00
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Grub is now working, but Linux Mint does not load. Here is the paste bin: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5695758/03:00
hawaslow net in my country03:00
junix659hi, what package do i need for the linux -headers to compile VMware tools?03:00
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, does mint support uefi or efi?03:01
IntelligitimateIt was booting earlier.03:01
SonikkuAmericaBe back soon!03:01
IntelligitimateNow Grub recognizes Windows 8. I think I broke Grub earlier when I tried to update it.03:02
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Now Grub recognizes Windows 8. I think I broke Grub earlier when I tried to update it.03:02
WeThePeopleso everything os ok now?03:02
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: It freezes in Linux Mint Recovery Mode too.03:02
WeThePeoplei was going to suggest update03:03
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IntelligitimateWeThePeople: No.03:07
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, whats up03:11
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Nothing is currently loading from Grub, including Windows 8.03:11
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Windows 8 is doing a "Restore" now.03:11
johnjohn101windows 8!!03:12
WeThePeopletoshibas imo are a pain to work with, but thats me03:12
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: I don't think it's just you, lol.03:13
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: Windows 8 seems to have frozen. Don't know if I should restart or not.03:13
WeThePeopleno wait more03:14
moiwin sucks03:14
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, im on a asus k55a laptop, using win8 and ubuntu 12.04.2 both x64 and install of 12.04 went fairly smooth03:15
techsiloNew user here. Which is the recommended directory to install programs? Especially programs which are not installed via package manager; rather, are installed by simply unzipping a tar/zip file?03:16
techsiloI tried /opt, but it causes permission issues because root is the owner03:16
dr_willistechsilo:  as it should  be for a system directory03:16
Flanneltechsilo: If they're unix-like (where they go in /bin /lib and all of those) then they go in /usr/local/*, if theyre stand-alone packages, they go in /opt03:17
dr_willisif you want the app useablr by everyone, install it as root into /opt/ is normal03:17
techsilodr_willis: Thank you. So where should I be installing it instead?03:17
dr_willisdetails will depend on ethe exact app03:17
dr_willisa user can keep things in their own home just fine03:17
Flanneltechsilo: If you don't want it usable by anyone but you, you install it in ~/bin03:17
dr_willisfor that users own use03:18
junix659hi, where is the kernel header path ?03:18
techsiloFlannel, dr_willis : Thanks. These are just unzipped directories. Inside them, there are executable files.03:18
techsiloAre you suggesting to keep them under /home/techsilo/installs or something like that?03:18
dr_willistechsilo:  what are   the apps exactly?03:18
dr_willissafest to keep them in your home03:19
techsiloA lot of them are like Android Development Kit (which is just unzipped), other utility Java based programs, etc03:19
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techsilodr_willis: Thank you for the recommendation. I will keep it that way then. Under my home directory.03:20
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/03:22
jhmseiBuenas noches03:25
WeThePeopleintelligitimate, whats going on03:27
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: How do I copy and paste in Boot Repair???03:28
IntelligitimateWeThePeople: In the terminal window, that is.03:28
jhmseino encuentro soporte para mp3 ubuntu studio 13.4 alguien me puede decir como lo descargo?03:29
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peepsalothow do i send f2 to a process inside byobu, it seems to open a new screen.  i want to setup htop instead03:35
dr_willisyou may need to remap the byobu keys and what they do in the byobu configs03:37
bryguy_my iphone won't mount even in nautilus, used to work fine a few days ago. Using xfce on 12.1003:43
bryguy_anyone else see this/have advice? It sometimes would fail to mount in thunar but opening nautilus always made it show up (I guess it hooked up with gvfs better). i tried gigolo as well, no luck.03:43
bryguy_looking at the log it seems like it tries to open the iphone as an ethernet device then quits with link not ready, I just want to grab photos off it03:44
bryguy_I guess I'll just load it on my wife's windows box but I hate to admit defeat03:45
S_AHi. While upgrading 12.10 to 13.4, update manager is getting stuck at "setting new software channels" error is "W:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/universe/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]"03:45
S_Aany suggestions on solution for this03:45
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betraydS_A maybe pick different mirrors?03:47
S_Abetrayd: its taking by default. I am not sure if i change default files03:48
dr_williscould be that server is down or getting updated03:49
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WeThePeopleintelligitimate, idk03:55
GabbozHi.  Ubuntu 12.04(not installed).  I have the alternate ISO and two twin HDDs.  If I choose RAID 1, can I set up /, /home and swap partitions mirrored?  Thanks in advance.03:56
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WeThePeopleintelligitimate, well if its in the terminal window then right click copy03:57
ErdMutterI seem to be experiencing issues pairing bluetooth devices on Ubuntu 13.04. For a number of devices it is coming up as "Setting up 'device name here' failed". For example my Logitech bluetooth keyboard, it will find it in the Bluetooth New Device Setup but will just give me a spinny ball when I try to continue. Then after a short while it will fail once again. :\ Any ideas of what should I do? As I have tried disabling and re-en03:58
ErdMutterabling bluetooth on both sides.03:58
true_techieis there a way to backup files to the cloud from the terminal?03:58
techtronichey, iptables wont log to a file but i can see the dropped packets running dmesg03:58
techtronicany ideas03:59
techtronictrue techie, whos cloud03:59
WeThePeopletrue_techie, yes its still based of ftp04:00
true_techietechtronic, cloud storage like dropbox, ubuntuone etc04:00
techtronictrue techie, yes http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/dropbox.1.html04:01
WeThePeopletrue_techie, just install dropbox from software center iirc04:01
true_techiei can only use the pc through a terminal04:02
Gabboztrue_techie, dropbox can be installed on ubuntu server, so yes.04:02
techtronictrue techie http://www.servercircle.com/Ubuntu%20Linux/Dropbox-over-the-command-line-in-Ubuntu-Server_151904:02
techtronicanyone able to help with iptables logging, not logging to file but i can see it running dmesg04:03
beantechtronic, i think it should log to /var/log/messages?04:05
th0rbean: /var/log/syslog?04:05
beanits been a long day, yes.04:05
techtronicid love to i just dont know why its not logging to file04:05
beantechtronic, tail -f /var/log/syslog04:05
beani think04:05
techtronicyeah that will show you the last few lines of syslog, what im saying is there are no iptables entries in syslog /messages/any other file04:06
techtronici can only view iptables by running dmesg04:06
techtroniciptables events even04:07
th3pun15h3rhas anyone been able to use accessiblity software like orca with ubuntu using openbox as standalone?04:07
techtroniciptables events even?04:07
techtronicbean, get what im saying?04:08
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max4menWelcome, ladies and gentlemen!04:11
max4menplease tell me how to add a clock in gnome shell?04:11
max4men12.04 server installed (it happened was too lazy to rearrange), put the gnome shell, not hours04:12
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crfHi, on power settings there is a setting Wi-Fi: turns off wireless devices. What does it do?04:22
OerHekscrf turning off wireless saves power04:23
crfIf I set it to "on" my wireless stays on. If I set it to "off" my wireless stays off04:23
Gabbozif youre on a desktop it wont matter04:23
crfI'm using a laptop.04:24
Gabbozso whats your issue?04:24
crfI find that very confusing. I thought the setting to "off" would result in power saving not shuttng down my wireless.04:25
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GabbozThink of it this way, wireless is radio.  radio recieve/transmission requires power to run04:27
Gabbozturning off wifi when not needed increases battery life.  many laptops also have a switch that serve a similar purpose.04:27
Gabbozother reasons are for security reasons.04:27
crfHow do I stop it from turning off wi-fi?04:27
yeehiWhat kind of people use Debian instead of Ubuntu?04:28
Gabbozyeehi, those who want rock-solid stability04:28
Gabbozcrf, are you running something past 12.04? If so, i cant help my laptop is on 12.04.204:28
blebafordHey if I edit my .profile, is there an easy way to get those changes to be realized, without logging in/out?04:28
somsipblebaford: . .profile04:29
Gabbozsomsip, today i learned. :)04:29
crfGabboz, I am past 12.0404:29
Gabbozcrf, maybe someone else can help with that.04:29
blebafordsomsip: is that ./.profile?04:29
crfty Gabboz.04:29
somsipblebaford: no - . (period) is short for 'source' So you could use 'source .profile' or '. .profile'04:30
blebafordsomsip: sweet, thanks a lot04:30
somsipblebaford: np04:30
desinfect<< search animal porn04:31
somsipBlackDex: try /wc or /quit04:31
somsipBlackDex: not meant for you sorry04:31
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!04:32
chamunksopenvpn has such a nice website why is it still so damn complicated installing it.04:32
chamunksim trying to install an openvpn instance on a 12.04 server in a vps04:33
echoebecause it's a complicated peice of software? idk04:33
sianhuloIs there a way to make mono apps look more native?(currently looking like windows 95)04:33
chamunkshttps://library.linode.com/networking/openvpn/ubuntu-10.04-lucid I started here04:33
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chamunkstrying to get that to work with 12.04 and got stuck at . /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/build-ca04:33
tachyonssianhulo : using winforms?04:33
tachyonsor gtk#04:34
sianhulotachyons, I don't know what's that, I downloaded an app for linux that's written in mono04:34
sianhulotachyons, whichever (gtk prefered)04:34
chamunksthen I looked at another seemingly more extensive guide http://www.openlogic.com/wazi/bid/188052/From-Zero-to-OpenVPN-in-30-Minutes04:34
tachyonssianhulo which app? link please  :-)04:35
chamunkswhich also seems lacking but anyways if anyone has any advice for someone who feels like im banging my head against a wall I would be eternally greatful :P04:35
optihow does one check if turbo boost is working on their shiny new cpu? cpufreq-info only seems to report up to 3.8GHz but it supposedly turbos to 4.0GHz ?04:35
sianhulochamunks, I don't know remember the exact file, but you only needed 1 or 2 packages tog et openvpn to work04:35
chamunkssianhulo, apt-get install openvpn udev sound about correct?04:36
sianhulochamunks, openvpn and network-manager-openvpn04:36
chamunkssianhulo, its a headless server I'd imagine network-manager-openvpn is for desktop04:37
sianhulothen you use the ubuntu network manager and this time it will recognize the openvpn files04:37
sianhulochamunks, oh!then I don't really know04:37
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chamunkssianhulo, heh its fine thanks for your attention to it anyways :) I'm pretty sure the clientside setup is much more simple.04:37
chamunkslinode has a stackscript for pptp or something like that.04:38
midnightmagicCan anyone recommend a PPA for 12.04 LTS where I can get qemu >= 1.4.x ?04:41
KillcraftAnyone know where keepassx's plugin folder is located in the directory?04:42
Killcrafttbh I looked in usr/lib/ and I didn't even find a keepassx folder04:42
dr_willistry 'locate keepassx'04:43
nirvana_hello i recently installed ubuntu13.04 on my asus k55v laptop, yesterday i fixed the sound in my headphones by adding a line in alsa-base.conf but today that config i guess it failed it showed me DUmmy Output so before doing any changes to the configs i rebooted except that just like yesterday ubuntu hangs on reboot screen and i had to hard shut down the laptop04:43
nirvana_but now the sound works again yay04:43
nirvana_but i'd like to know how i can solve the reboot problem04:43
somsip!PPA | midnightmagic04:44
ubottumidnightmagic: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:44
sianhulocan someone recommend a lyrics app that works with clementine?I'm currently using osd-lyrics, but I would prefer something with active development/with the option to add sources as most of my songs weren't in the database of the sources it managed04:44
chamunksKillcraft, I would imagine its likely somewhere inside your userspace in either ~/.config or ~/.keepassx04:44
chamunksKillcraft, but im just guessing.04:44
OerHeksKillcraft, The KeePass plugins are in /usr/lib/keepass2/04:45
nirvana_does anyone else encountered reboot hangs?04:46
chamunksOerHeks, careful I think theres two versions of keepass and keepass2 relies on mono and keepassx is a legacy[or forked] version which does not04:47
chamunksI've been considdering the switch to keepass from lastpass but I just gave in and paid up for lastpass instead.04:48
somsipnirvana_: maybe something of help here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214011204:49
midnightmagicsomsip: checkinstall it is! woo!04:49
echoechamunks, you can have both. and you don't need to pay for lastpass do you? what do you get for paying? have always been kinda foggy about that04:49
echoei know it has the phone client but why do i need that when i can just browse to the site04:50
chamunksechoe, I'd like to talk about last pass with you but I dont want to offtopic too much care to okay me pmming you?04:50
chamunksechoe, ah basically paid lastpass gives you mobile appps.04:51
th0rechoe: keepassx also has an android app, not sure about ios though04:51
echoepming is fine04:51
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echoewhen i go down to my job's datacenter it would be kinda useful but i always just open up chrome on the computer i need the passwords on. i mean ... yeeeah04:51
NexusPhantom_Hi everyone! I have a question. I'm running off a live cd, and want to burn a newer version of ubuntu to a cd. But, I only have 1 drive. Is it alright to pop out the live cd I'm running off of, and burn the new one? Thanks.04:54
NexusPhantom_I.E. Disk Drive04:54
echoeuhhh is the live cd running off of RAM? I think it puts itself into RAM04:55
echoeso you should be able to if it's entirely in ram.04:55
NexusPhantom_So it would work?04:55
somsipNexusPhantom_: if you chose the source and destination drive as being the same, the copying software should prompt you to change theCD for a blank one once it is ready04:55
NexusPhantom_Alright thank you. I was just wondering if ubuntu needed constant access to the cd.04:56
dr_willisthe live cd can be removed?  cant say ive ever notived that.. btut i use live-usbs these days04:56
dr_willisthere used to be a 'toram' option. but that may be a long-removed option04:56
NexusPhantom_I'm using ubuntu 9 if that makes a difference04:57
NexusPhantom_I can't use a live cd; it's an old motherboard.04:57
dr_willisthat logic is not always valid.04:58
dr_willisits possible newer ubuntu releases can work with older hardware then older releases04:58
New2UbuntuHello I've just started using ubuntu 12.4 would that be a good started version ?04:58
dr_willisup to a point. ;)04:58
NexusPhantom_I already tried, it doesn't work.04:58
dr_willisNew2Ubuntu:  a lot of people stick with the LTS releases04:58
dr_willisNexusPhantom_:  what dosent work exactly? and how old is 'old'04:58
NexusPhantom_I had an old cd, and thought i could burn a new one using live cd from the old one.04:59
NexusPhantom_old is top of the line 6 years ago.04:59
New2Ubuntudr_willis: lts what is the difference ?04:59
dr_willisNexusPhantom_:  so what cpu is in it?04:59
NexusPhantom_For the motherboard04:59
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)04:59
NexusPhantom_It doesn't support usb booting at all.04:59
New2UbuntuThanks will download and install05:00
jenevhey guys05:01
jenevi have a suspected damaged hdd, so i want to boot a live cd to conform this05:02
NexusPhantom_The whole reason I'm doing this is to "evaluate" Ubuntu Touch and since a live cd can't store perm changes, I thought "might as well install the newest one on a different drive."05:02
jenevbut when i try to boot the live cd i keep getting errors about timeout sbin/modprobe05:02
jenevand io error sector 005:03
jenevand the cd doesnt go any further05:03
dr_willissector 0 is the very start of the hd.. if the  drive or disk is bad or  is failing.. thats  a commpace error i recall.05:04
dr_willistinlmgoo:  ??05:06
jenevdr_willis, but us there anyway to get pass that stage of the boot process?05:06
NexusPhantom_sorry, afk. CPU is an old Intel 2.4 ghz 4 core05:06
NexusPhantom_Again, top of the line a few years ago, and still works great.05:07
dr_willisjenev:  i would think sector 0 is the very start of the hd the  thing needs to read to boot.. so im not sure how you would bypass that05:07
NexusPhantom_unplug the hdd, and when it comes to installing, replug it back in05:07
nezzarioso, i'm suppose to be able to just do "iwconfig wlan0 essid blahblah" and it connects to an open wifi ?05:07
NexusPhantom_AKA Hotswap.05:08
nezzariobecause, it isn't working (wlan0 exists, it's a well supported rtl chipset).. afterwards ifconfig -a shows 0 rx and 0 tx packets05:08
jenevi'm talking about when booting from the live cd05:08
NexusPhantom_@jenev yeah, just unplug the hdd, and when the live cd boots up, plug it back in. hotswap is what it's called05:09
nezzarionevermind, just read everything05:09
jenevnexusphantom, oh ok didnt realize i could do that ill give it a try tomorrow thanks :)05:10
NexusPhantom_@jenev, if you still receive the error, it's likely you have a bad ubuntu dis05:12
jenevNexusPhantom, nah the disk is fine because if i use a different hdd it works fine05:13
chamunksRestart networking and run ‘sysctl -p’ for the changes to take effect. Or just restart the server.05:14
chamunksit says restart networking05:14
chamunksand run sysctl -p05:14
chamunksdoes that mean that I have to figure out how to restart networking?05:15
jenevbtw since my drive has gone bad im thinking about using a temporary one (about 80gb) until the new one arrives, but is it possible to copy over the content of the temporary one to the mew one bit by bit?05:16
NexusPhantom_yeah but youll need a specialized program05:16
jenevbecause i don't wanna get to comfortable with temporary one and then have to do over everything i might have done05:17
NexusPhantom_there aren't many for ubuntu, but there are plenty for windows05:17
lotuspsychjejenev: you need recovery software or cloning?05:17
dr_willisyou can image a old instsall to a new hard drive05:18
NexusPhantom_it's not that simple.05:18
dr_willishmm.. ive used 'dd' to clone a smaller hd to a larger one.. then used gparted to resize the partions.05:18
NexusPhantom_If it's the same OS and same build yeah05:18
NexusPhantom_That would work so long as the system harware doesn't change.05:19
dr_willishmm.. ive rarely had issues with moveingg  linux hds from one machine to a differnt one with very differnt hardware. ;) other then video drivers , i dont really recall any issues at all05:20
lotuspsychjeNexusPhantom_: on xp you can do that, but ubuntu is another story05:21
lotuspsychje!clone | jenev05:21
ubottujenev: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate05:21
dr_willisive taken a 'full' install to a 16gb usb flash and cloned it to 6+ differnt machines befor. ;)    had to fix the same hostname however...05:21
lotuspsychjedr_willis: so that mean ubuntu adapts its configuration immidiatly?05:22
NexusPhantom_it changes it at startup05:23
NexusPhantom_same with windows (to a certain extent)05:23
dr_willislotuspsychje:  yes.. has for years for me...05:23
NexusPhantom_I can change a CPU in windows and It'll adapt at startup as long as I don't change 32 to 64 bit (or vice versa)05:24
dr_willislotuspsychje:  ive rarely ever had any issues moveing one linux install to new hardware05:24
jenevNexusPhantom, what was the last thing you said05:24
lotuspsychjedr_willis: nice105:24
NexusPhantom_Windows adapts to new hardware (even big changes like cpu, just not bit changes)05:25
lotuspsychjedr_willis: would dd also be the fastest way of cloning data one hd to another?05:25
dr_willisjust watch out and make sure you dont like move a system with  the wrong version nvidia drivers onto a sustem with differnt nvidia card needing differnt drivers.. or  one with nvidia drivers into an ati system05:25
NexusPhantom_Motherboard changes in windows cause problems. Then you get errors like "ntroskrl is missing"05:26
dr_willisdd will give a straight clone.. identical.. but may need extra work to fully use the rest of the hard drive05:26
NexusPhantom_For ubuntu, you should be soilid, just watch out for video drivers05:26
NexusPhantom_Just expand the rest of the unallocated space05:26
dr_willisfor my 16b ussb flash work, i alwys used gparted to make  the rest of the hd into the  /home/ partion on the machines05:27
dr_willisdo i dident even have to resize  the / partition.05:27
NexusPhantom_" (ditto)05:27
lotuspsychjeive used clean installs everywhere :p05:27
dlamso weird:   `du -sh /`  says  9.7G   but  `df -h`  says 64G is used!  anyone know what to check?05:27
NexusPhantom_Gonna get Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 4, any recommendations, known issues, etc?05:28
lotuspsychje!nexus | NexusPhantom_05:28
NexusPhantom_I know it's developer preview, but I can't wait05:28
lotuspsychje!nexus7 | NexusPhantom_05:29
ubottuNexusPhantom_: Ubuntu can be installed on a Nexus 7 tablet. The installation tutorial can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation05:29
lotuspsychje!touch | NexusPhantom_05:29
ubottuNexusPhantom_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch05:29
dr_willisi got a nexus 7, and havent really seen a reson to put ubuntu touch on it yet..05:29
lotuspsychjeNexusPhantom_: im also thrilled to test it out :p05:30
NexusPhantom_Also, since my device is already rooted and unlocked, do all my files still get deleted?05:30
NexusPhantom_e.g. contacts05:30
dr_willisNexusPhantom_:  i belive that would be a YES05:30
dr_willisbut check in the touch channel05:30
NexusPhantom_So I should make a recovery image05:30
lotuspsychjebackingup is always a good idea05:31
dr_willisrule # 3  of computing - always have backups05:31
tonesdr_wilis what do you use a nexus 7 for mostly?05:32
bazhang!ot | tones05:32
ubottutones: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:32
lotuspsychjeNexusPhantom_: there is a rolling back tutorial to android on that url05:32
NexusPhantom_BTW can someone point to a forum of devices unoffically supported by Ubuntu Touch? For the smart ones who've ported it.05:33
bazhangthe touch channel NexusPhantom_05:33
somsip!touch | NexusPhantom_05:33
ubottuNexusPhantom_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch05:33
dr_willistones:  IRC, and Crunchyroll.com   ;)05:33
NexusPhantom_I want Ubuntu Touch on my phone to help devs, and to get it more linux supported05:34
NexusPhantom_k thanks05:34
NexusPhantom_Also, when I get the slimport adapter (pretty expensive) I'll connect it to my TV and stream some netflix05:35
lotuspsychje!chat | NexusPhantom_05:35
ubottuNexusPhantom_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:35
darkangelZorin lite is kickin my ASS05:35
darkangelfast as hell guys05:36
lotuspsychjedarkangel: plz mind your language05:36
darkangelsorry lot05:36
NexusPhantom_I hate to be so dependent on you guys, but I have an intel 64 bit processor, and when I downloaded the 64 bit ubuntu, it has amd64 in it. Will it work?05:36
lotuspsychjeNexusPhantom_: yes05:37
darkangeli have intel05:37
darkangeland its great for Ubuntu OSes05:37
lotuspsychjeNexusPhantom_: if not the right architecture setup wont continue neither05:37
NexusPhantom_thanks. If you are looking for something cool and new, take a look at ReactOS.05:37
darkangeluse Zorin if u like to play Games alot05:37
darkangelZorin lite05:37
lotuspsychjedarkangel: whats that for?05:37
darkangelwhat Zorin?05:38
darkangelLinux Type05:38
Starshi, i need some help plz05:38
=== anonymous is now known as Guest72597
Starssystem wont start in GUI05:39
darkangelits tecknickly Ubuntu but not so much resourses used and faster and better easyer setup for me though not sure about others05:39
lotuspsychjeStars: any errors mate?05:39
dr_willisif you want a lighter ubuntu - try Lubuntu05:39
lotuspsychjedarkangel: lets discuss ubuntu troubleshoot here05:39
Starsotuspsychje, http://pastebin.com/aPes7cjq05:39
Starslotuspsychje, there is no error on startup just on boot in to GUI any more05:40
darkangelany 1 need help fire away on the questions or i can help u through the processor if u have TEAMVIEWER program on ur computer05:40
lotuspsychjeStars: you might wanna try the failsafeX on grub05:40
dr_willisfailsafeX > is that still in ubuntu?05:41
lotuspsychjeStars: did you upgrade or clean install?05:41
dr_willisnot heard that mentioned in ages...05:41
darkangelwhat teamviewer yes05:41
Starsclean installed awhile ago05:41
lotuspsychjedr_willis: there is a recovery step in grub that fixes x05:42
darkangelmy ID is 827 839 458 if u need live help but also u need  teamviewer program 1st05:42
dr_willis'failsafesx' used tobe a special X setup/feature where if X craashed it would automatically restart in a  'failsafe' mode.. but i think it was more problems then it fixed.05:43
Starslotuspsychje, do you have a url link where shows me step by step how to recovert?05:43
darkangelstars i can help05:43
darkangelalot.... what OS u usin?05:44
Starsdarkangel, thanks, what do i do?05:44
darkangeldo u have a USB flash?05:44
lotuspsychjedr_willis: you can still choose the step after recovery mode05:44
Starsdarkangel, im using ubuntu 11.505:44
gulag2013Hi, has anyone had issues with the headphone output in 13.04?05:45
darkangeli had that issue05:45
darkangeland get teamviewer Stars ill help u lively05:45
dr_willisStars:   Theres no ubuntu 11.5    thers a 11.04 and  11.1005:46
lotuspsychjeStars: check the supported versions of ubuntu in topic05:46
Starsdr_willis, your right is it 11.0405:46
gulag2013I can hear audio if I mess around with the wire and I'm using an application, but when testing in the sound settings no sound.05:46
* dr_willis wonders how stars would use 'teamviewer' if he has no gui.... or did i miss somthing05:46
darkangelwire is broke then05:46
darkangelor hardware of computer05:47
dr_willisgulag2013:  what do you mean  by hear audio? you hear actual sound output? or you referin to humming noises?05:47
gulag2013Na, I wouldn't get any sound at all. I had this happen before I believe, it's an issue you just can't have it plugged in all the way. Tried a different wire.05:47
Starsdr_willis, i dont have GUI startup now, how can i used teamviewer?05:48
darkangelhold on ill check somethin05:48
lotuspsychjeStars: just reboot pc and hold shift to enter grub mate, then choose recovery/ and try to reset graphics05:48
darkangelis GUI Linux type?05:48
=== jack is now known as Guest24624
dr_willisStars:  thats the point i was making,,. you CANT... so suggestions to use teamviewer.. are a bit..  pointless05:49
gulag2013About ready to go back to 12.04, 12.10 had it's quirks. I3.04 so close to being primetime05:49
dr_willisStars:  what is your video chipset and has the gui ever worked?05:49
darkangelStars download Unetbootin its the easyest way to put a fresh OS on ur Flash05:50
Starslotuspsychje, did the pastebin tell you anything?05:50
=== ip is now known as Guest17487
darkangelany Linux product is able to install unetboot as i know of05:50
lotuspsychjedarkangel: youre not very helpfull like this05:50
Starsdr_willis, is raiden i think05:50
SexyBoBoOk i am at a grub> prompt  when i try linux /vmlinuz ro root=/dev/sda2 it tells me invalid magic number05:51
Starsdr_willis, Stars> otuspsychje, http://pastebin.com/aPes7cjq05:51
Raged_??�DCC SEND "ff???f?𝑹𝑰𝑷𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑼𝑷𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺" 0 0 005:51
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.05:51
lotuspsychjeStars: try to answer dr_willis question05:52
ubuntu22I am having trouble with skype in 12.04.  My cam works in the 'options' preview window, but it does not allow me to enable my cam in the call window when making a call, like there is a little box with a cam and a line through it.  Please help05:53
SexyBoBoWhen i ls /dev it doesn't show any sd of hd drives should it while in grub>05:53
lotuspsychjeStars: did the same graphics card work on previous ubuntu version?05:53
Starsyes video card is raiden05:53
Starslotuspsychje, yea is it worked fine in the last 10 minths05:53
UberSlackrI need some help with MiniDLNA! It's only "scanning" one of the directories I have listed.05:54
lotuspsychjeStars: what version? wich chipset....details plz05:54
Starslotuspsychje, i pastbin did you see it?05:54
vitimitihi o/05:56
lotuspsychjeStars: i would try the recovery mode from grub like i told you05:56
Starslotuspsychje, ok will do thanks05:56
ubuntu22I am having trouble with skype in 12.04.  My cam works in the 'options' preview window, but it does not allow me to enable my cam in the call window when making a call, like there is a little box with a cam and a line through it.  Please help05:57
UberSlackrAnyone know anything about MiniDLNA?05:57
UberSlackrThe newest version broke my setup05:57
dr_willisUberSlackr:  give us details,05:59
dr_willisits ifs a newer version then whats in the repos. its possible the config files have changed.05:59
dr_willisir some cache is goofed up.06:00
UberSlackrdr_willis: I upgraded MiniDLNA. Everything worked smoothly before. After upgrade I couldn't get things to work. So i completely removed the minidlna package and reinstalled it. Edited the defualt config file06:01
UberSlackrI've listed 3 directory for it to "access" but it will only list the directory thats listed first06:01
UberSlackrIf I switch the one listed first, restart minidlna, it will scan the top listing again, and first get the other 306:02
bazhang!enter | UberSlackr06:02
ubottuUberSlackr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:02
UberSlackrforget the other 3*06:02
UberSlackrbazhang sorry06:03
dr_willishow did you remove it?  its possible  you need to do an apt-get remove  purge minidlna       to be sure to clean out all old configs.. and verify they are in deed gone06:03
dr_willisor was it apt-get purge minidlna   (its 2 am here, and im tired)06:03
UberSlackrI used apt-get to remove it. I checked the directories where the conf files are stores, cache locations, etc. All was removed. then I proceeded to install06:04
dr_willisit may also have some verbose-logging mode/options to let you know what its doing06:04
UberSlackrThe documentation provided is very very limited. and very confusing.06:04
dr_willis!info ushare06:05
ubottuushare (source: ushare): lightweight UPnP A/V Media Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1a-0ubuntu9 (raring), package size 51 kB, installed size 182 kB06:05
dr_willistheres other dlna servers out there. i use plex these days06:05
UberSlackrPlex is to large, and beyond what I need.06:06
UberSlackrushare won't work with the PS3 (or DLNA devices) already tried06:06
dr_willis  /me has been testing out Pi-Plex for his raspberry pi.06:07
UberSlackrIs there a way to "downgrade" the version thats install? Or will it always install the latest version of the package?06:07
switchingugh my computer cannot handle blender06:08
switchingso i cannot use openshot's animated titles06:09
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto06:11
SexyBoBook new question every time grub boots to one kernel it fails and i have to go in and manually select a different kernel to boot to. How do you set grub to automaticaly boot to a different kernel06:11
dr_willisubuntu  'latest' version may nt be the latest version thats exists.06:11
Phryqis it possible to use my phone as a trackpad through bluetooth (in ubuntu?)06:11
Phryqmaybe I'm better of asking that in some kind of bluetooth specialized forum?06:12
dr_willisPhryq:  ive seen android aps for that i belive.. but iev never tried them06:12
normehi room06:12
dr_willisalso seen  apps to do it over wifi06:12
mrMiyaguithrough wifi though06:12
Phryqhmmm, I didn't think of Wifi. I have a Windows 8 phone06:13
normehi axis06:13
icerootPhryq: yes you can control the mouse and the keyboard from remote on x-servers. so you will have to find an app which will do that (i used a remote keyboard on android some month ago which wa doing that) but cant remeber the name06:13
djQeuerytrying to get this network driver to work and haveing trouble with its make file. it keeps looking for a /lib/modules/3.8.0..21-generic/build   I don't have the last dir  "build"06:13
icerootPhryq: so you should ask in an android channel06:13
icerootPhryq: ah windows8 phone, then i dont know06:14
Phryqor a Windows Phone 8 channel?06:14
dr_willisor in the #windows channe06:14
icerootPhryq: yeah something like that06:14
switchingnot sure if this is the best channel for this, but what is the best distro for an old xp compaq with .5 gb of 266ghz ram?  (i think i have a gb of much faster ram lying around that might work with it).06:14
switchingalso the processor is an athlon xp06:15
icerootswitching: lubuntu06:15
normehi fireandice06:15
dr_willislubuntuis the lightest ubuntu variant offically supported by thischannel. ;)06:15
switchingiceroot that's what i was thinking, between that and debian06:15
icerootswitching: we only recommend ubuntu distros here06:15
dr_willisthere are small;er disrtos   out there.06:16
switchingdr_willis i know i'm facing a biased crowd :)06:16
switchingiceroot oic i will head over to ##linux06:16
normehi ronald8806:16
icerootswitching: yes think that is a good idea :)06:16
SexyBoBoswitching: You could probably run xubuntu on it i prefer it to l06:16
dr_willispuppy-linux is good for very low end machines.06:16
dr_willisbut  it depends on your needs06:16
switchingsexybobo what's the difference?06:16
switchingdr_willis i will check it out thanks!06:17
dr_willistinycorelinux - is also very tiny. ;)06:17
dr_willisbut a bit specilized06:17
switchingi have some windows 3.0 machines too, what should I put on those? :P06:17
dr_willisswitching:  CP/M or Minix  ;)06:18
SexyBoBoswitching: one uses XFCE the other uses LXDE its a personal preference LXDE is a lot lighter XFCE is a bit more resource intensive but acts more like youd think a desktop should06:18
djQeuerytrying to get this network driver to work and having trouble with its make file. it keeps looking for a /lib/modules/   I don't have the last dir  "build"06:18
switchingsexybobo hmm i might want to go with l because of how old this is but i will check out x06:19
serei like me lxde and fluxbox06:19
serewould be nice if there was a fluxbuntu06:19
djQeuerythis is with ubuntu 13.04 and an asus nc1101 nic06:19
SexyBoBoswitching: if your talking about a 486/pentium 1 era pc its really a wast of electricity to keep them running06:19
dr_willisits rather trivial to  innstall fluxbox  with the minimal cd installer. ;)06:19
ccoloradoSo I just installed ubuntu. I decided to leave a big chunk of a partition as "unused" since I wanted some other mountpoint that the one the installer provided. So now I want to create a filesystem and cfdisk tells me "FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: logical partitions overlap" Any idea how may i fix this issue ?06:19
switchingdr_willis what's cpm?06:20
dr_willisswitching:  a very very very old OS.06:20
histoccolorado: is this a gpt partitioned disk or msdos mbr based?06:20
switchingsexybobo its from the early 2000s06:20
switchingdr_willis oic06:20
dr_willis200000's ? ;)06:20
dr_willismore like the 1980's06:20
switching? lol06:20
histoccolorado: how big is the disk? I should say...?06:21
dr_willisI had a CP/M cart for my Vic-20, o rwas it for a C64.. i forget..06:21
ccoloradohisto: 1.5T06:21
switchingdr_willis he was asking about the computer i have06:21
seredr_willis: that is the first thing i do on a fresh install.. i feel naked without it :p06:21
histoccolorado: Did you let the installer partition it?06:21
ccoloradohisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696029/06:21
SexyBoBoswitching: i was refering to the windows 3.0 machines you were reffering to. If you want a low end PC look up the raspbery pi uses a lot less electricity and will be faster06:21
dr_willisHeh.  replaceing a full pc with a RaspberryPI. ;) sucking down a huge 1W of power...06:22
switchingsexybobo oh hahaha no that was a joke, sorry about that06:22
histoccolorado: paste the output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda06:22
ccoloradohisto: mm yeah but i specified the partitions06:22
yousafhi all06:22
ra-fihi i try to play a mp3 using the following command gst-launch filesrc location=suthu.mp3 ! mad ! alsasink thn it shows06:22
dr_willisGut the case.. tape in raspberry pi. ;)06:23
yousafhow do I enabled time sync in ubuntu?06:23
djQeueryso from the many non responses I got am I just screwed?06:23
switchingyousaf for me it autoenabled after connecting to the internet06:23
dr_willisdjQeuery:  theres always the ubuntu forums and askubuntu.com if no one in here knows06:23
SexyBoBoswitching: Witht he XP era machine you really have a lot of choices though I would stay away from Gnome and KDE as they have all gotten grafics heavy but most linux distros not using them will work better then windows XP could ever hope to06:24
ccoloradohisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696029/06:24
ra-fihi i try to play a mp3 using the following command gst-launch filesrc location=suthu.mp3 ! mad ! alsasink thn it shows http://pastebin.com/naDCswNh the song does not playing can you please tell me what is that problem06:24
djQeuerydr_willis: yeah was hoping to have this done tonight06:24
switchingsexybobo great, thanks for the advice!06:24
histoccolorado: please paste the output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda06:24
niaobulashidawananybody here?06:25
histoniaobulashidawan: hola06:25
echoeswitching, you could install ubuntu and switch to 2d graphics version06:25
* echoe shrugs06:25
ccoloradohisto: sorry wrong clipboard06:25
switchingechoe ooooh how?06:25
echoei installed lxde just now but it kinda sucks.06:25
yousafswitching having this issue http://freddyduarte.com/2010/07/06/zend-framework-message-could-not-retrieve-a-valid-token-response-from-token-url-failed-to-validate-oauth-signature-and-token/06:25
echoeshould just be able to logout and select it upon login. might only be in 12.04 though06:25
SexyBoBodr_willis: I like the pi i have had a lot of people wanting to keep really old pc's just because they paid so much for them now there is a cheap replacement that works alot better06:25
yousafalso when i login via ssh, i see "System restart required" why?06:26
dr_willisyousaf:  thres been some kernel update most likely.06:26
switchingyousaf i am a linux noob sorry i cant help you all that much06:26
niaobulashidawanhas anaybody from china06:26
dr_willisthats about the only timne ive ever seen a 'restart requierd message'06:26
switchingunless it's with ndiswrapper, i have been forced to learn about that :P06:27
echoeyousaf if you're getting that issue please install ntp06:27
echoeit will sync your server time with clocks06:27
echoei think it's ntp. lemme doublecheck.06:27
histoccolorado: also parted -l /dev/sda on it06:27
yousafi just did "ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com06:28
blebafordHey guys I just added a PPA and updated, and now I'm having an issue where I get a black screen when I try to boot. It goes from the ThinkPad startup screen, to a solid purple screen, to a very brief flash of the Ubuntu logo, then just blackness. The monitor is on but just black. The interesting part is that when I press the power button to manually shut it off, the Ubuntu logo returns and seems to be booting up as normal. But b06:28
blebafordy then it's already shutting off.06:28
yousaf24 May 06:25:27 ntpdate[2446]: step time server offset 11.929699 sec06:28
echoe12 second offset geez06:28
echoeif you were running dovecot, it would kill itself :(06:28
yousafechoe but that didn't solve the issue by the looks of it06:28
Ben64blebaford: obvious question... what ppa06:29
ccoloradohisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696052/06:29
echoeyousaf, can you sudo apt-get install ntp06:29
djQeuerydr_willis: grrrr sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)   how do I do this without a nic?06:29
echoeblebaford, what thinkpad are you using06:29
histoccolorado: looks fine to me other then your logicals are out of order but should work.06:29
blebafordechoe: fingerprint/fingerprint-gui06:30
dr_willisdjQeuery:  i bought a cheap usb wifi dongle thst works in ubuntu out of the box.. for just such emergancies..  and i got a backup  plan.. a 100+ft of cat-5 cable.. ;)06:30
histoccolorado: you should be able to mkfs on /dev/sda606:30
yousafechoe yes, i just did that06:30
blebafordechoe: X22006:30
ccoloradohisto: any idea why cfdisk may be complaing ?06:30
djQeuerydr_willis: errrr so what do you hook the cat-5 cable to when the nic don't work?06:31
gulag2013I have been tinkering around with different distros. What would be a good resource to learn from the ground up. Comparing a windows operating system tree to Linux. I understand that everythiing is a file, but beyond that I can't get my head around things.06:31
yousafechoe http://paste.laravel.com/t9r06:31
echoeblebaford, this is going to sound stupid but try hitting random buttons to wake it up. my x100e does that sometimes nowadays. that said i only have an x100e so can't things06:31
dr_willisdjQeuery:  cant say ive ever had a wired nic that dident work out of the box..06:31
bobsamfredricks1i am a  major linux / ubuntu n00b and am wondering if anyone can help me with this issue....my mouse is way too fast, even on the slowest setting :( i posted this but haven't gotten much feedback: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/22923406:31
histoccolorado: No idea it doesn't appear they overlap to me06:31
echoeyousaf, still not working?06:32
serejoin #fluxbuntu06:32
histoccolorado: it appears though you created them out of order but that shouldn't matter /dev/sda5 should contain a pointer to /dev/sda606:32
yousafechoe not by the looks of it... maybe a restart might help?06:32
ccoloradoim kinda worried that snowballs with time06:33
echoeyousaf, i would restart the connections06:34
echoerestart might help.06:34
yousafrebooted the server06:34
yousaflets see :D06:34
yousafI hope this fixes it because this issue came out of the blue06:34
yousaflast night06:34
MonkWitDaFunkHi users, what exactly is nomodeset06:35
Ben64!nomodeset | MonkWitDaFunk06:35
ubottuMonkWitDaFunk: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:35
Phryqhmmm, I dowloaded a windows program 'mouse without boarder' and it seems to have installed fine, but nothing happens when I run it06:36
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yousafechoe no luck06:37
Ben64Phryq: and that relates to ubuntu... how?06:37
Guest29993ok thanks06:37
echoeack. ... well i don't know of the issue beyond that blog post. are you getting exactly the same errors?06:37
switchingwhat distro is good for an emachines from 2006, 2gb of ram and a pentium 406:37
echoeanything else not working?06:37
Phryqoh sorry, running through WINE in Ubuntu06:37
aeon-ltdswitching: lubuntu? is there no gpu but the intel?06:38
SexyBoBoPhryq: #winehq06:38
Ben64Phryq: try #winehq, but it probably won't work06:38
Phryqwhy would it probably not work?06:38
Guest29993the latest nvidia dirver i have in additional drivers is 3.10. is there any newer?? thanks06:38
switchingaeon-ltd oh my bad i should have mentioned i have a geforce 210 added into it06:39
KuuuuuuHI was set route but itnot work06:39
KuuuuuuHI have 2 connection , 1 lan for work , 2 phone for internet06:40
aeon-ltdswitching: regular ubuntu should work fine if the drivers work well for the 210, though it's a hassle to try since ubuntu doesn't fit on cd06:41
switchingaeon-ltd great thx for the advice!06:42
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Gumbyubuntu doesnt fit on a cd?06:43
blebafordechoe: I was disconnected for a bit. My last communication was "no luck. the power button still wakes it up consistently but by then it's already shutting down"06:43
blebafordechoe: did you come up with anything?06:43
ccoloradoOk this question is more a matter of opinion. I have a dedicated partitions for movies, series, and a single one for pictures, music, and micelanious meida. What would be a good place to mount it  ? I am thinking on somethign like this : http://codepad.org/zYAfgs25 but i don't know if it is consider a bad practice06:43
echoei didn't. um have you tried ... oh!06:44
echoetry holding shift06:44
echoeare you dualbooting?06:45
echoeif not holding shift will open the grub menu06:45
echoeand maybe it will boot to that at least and you can see if there's anything done wrong there06:45
SexyBoBoccolorado: If it works for you and it is personal use bad practices don't matter. Mounting it like that will work fine.06:45
echoeif it does you can also insert a livecd and run boot repair06:45
Gumbyccolorado: out of curiosity, why dedicated partitions on the same disk for movies/music etc?06:46
blebafordechoe: not dual booting, I'll try shift. then I'll try boot repair.06:46
aeon-ltdGumby: ubuntu doesn't fit on cd06:47
echoeblebaford, boot repair is this btw: http://www.howtogeek.com/114884/how-to-repair-grub2-when-ubuntu-wont-boot/06:47
ccoloradoGumby: there is a limit on how big a partition can be.06:47
Gumbyccolorado: what type of partition are you using?06:48
ccoloradoGumby: So i thougth it would be best to have video on its own volumen.06:48
ccoloradoGumby: Ext406:48
seronisccolorado:  isnt that limit 2tb though ?06:49
Gumbyccolorado: the max partition size for ext4 is 1 exbibyte06:49
histoccolorado: yeah I would mount all those under /mnt unless they are being served to the network then you could put them under /srv06:49
SexyBoBoccolorado: ext4 partition limit is 1000 petebytes06:49
Gumbywhat sexybob said too06:49
echoe1000 petabytes? that's nothing06:50
blebafordechoe: holding shift got me to the grub menu. what should I be looking for?06:50
ccoloradoSexyBoBo: right, but I think there are different partitions schemas06:50
histoccolorado: If your drive is over 2tb you need to use GUID Parition Tabels or GPT as well.06:50
ccoloradothe one i am using only supports up to 2TB partitions.06:50
echoeblebaford, nice! what options are there? any?06:50
ccoloradohisto: +106:50
echoeyou may want to try booting into the previous kernel06:50
histoccolorado: cfdisk and fdisk don't support GPT partitioning so you'd have to use parted or gdisk to do it.06:51
ccoloradoyup, When i fist set this up, i encontered that inforamtion, didnt quite undestood it, so i stiked with the old way06:51
SexyBoBoccolorado: With your original question though those mount points will work great. Best practises be damned for personal use. (except alway back up)06:53
Quix86For whatever reason I do not have a grub menu at boot anymore, and automagically load the default OS. How do I fix this?06:54
Gumbyccolorado: I only initially asked because I've partitioned with the same thoughts in mind and it is a big pain in the rear when your partitions start filling up. You end up starting to move all sorts of data around.  One (or multiple) disks instead of partitions have worked better for me in the past.06:54
ccoloradoSexyBoBo: well I am worried about shooting myself in the foot with that approach. But i can't think of anything wrong with it.06:54
Quix86Also at some point I tried a PPA kernel (3.6) and this is the default boot option. How do I remove this and change the default back to 3.5-newest06:54
ccoloradoGumby: that's future  ccolorado's problem.06:55
blebafordechoe: Ubuntu, with Linux 3.5.0-30-generic, same thing with (recovery mode) at the end, "Previous Linux Versions", and two Memory test entires.06:56
GumbyQuix86: you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:56
SexyBoBoQuix86: edit your /etc/default/grub set timeout to something other then 0 then sudo update-grub06:56
echoeblebaford, can try opening up 'orevious versions' and booting into an earlier kernel?06:56
Gumbyccolorado: always plan for the future :)  your future self will thank you06:56
KuuuuuuHI set route for 2 network but it not work.06:58
blebafordecho: the only option ws 3.5.0-23. Tried that and I get the same behavior. Think "recovery mode" could be of any help?06:59
blebafordechoe: the only option ws 3.5.0-23. Tried that and I get the same behavior. Think "recovery mode" could be of any help?06:59
ccoloradoGumby: yeah you're right07:00
GumbyKuuuuuuH: what is the output of route -n (paste to pastebin.com and give the resulting page here)07:00
Quix86SexyBoBo, timeout is already '10', would cmdline default having resume= in it be related to the system not giving me boot options?07:00
Quix86nevermind the resume is the swap file07:01
echoeoh. bleh.07:01
echoedo boot repair07:01
echoesee if that helps maybe07:01
echoerecovery mode could help as well.07:01
echoemy guess would be that something in the kernel messed up during the upgrade.07:01
SexyBoBoQuix86: is TIMEOUT_QUIET= set to true if so set it to false07:04
Quix86hidden timeout quiet is07:05
KuuuuuuHHelp me to set route on 2 network. It for work and internet.07:05
Quix86what is grub_default?07:05
SexyBoBothats which menu item it default boots too07:06
SexyBoBo0 is the first item on the list and so on07:06
Quix86is there a way to select submenus with it?07:06
robotdevilis radeon hdmi audio turned off  by default in 13.0407:06
Quix86i.e. advanced options (2), and then the third option from that list?07:06
blebafordechoe: I'm making a bootable usb now... in the meantime what should I do in recovery mode?07:07
echoecan you boot into recovery mode completely?07:07
echoewhat does it even do? i've never done it before lol. x.x I would run sudo apt-get update probably07:08
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blebafordechoe: It gives me a menu with "resume, clean, dpkg (repair broken packages), failsafeX, fsck, grub (update grub bootloader), network, root, and system-summary07:09
Quix86if I remove all of the files related to a specific kernel version in /boot/ and update grub, it should effectively be removed as a boot option, correct?07:09
echoerepair those broken thingies07:10
SexyBoBoQuix86 you would need to purge the linux header using apt to get it to do it cleanly07:10
GumbyKuuuuuuH: what is the output of route -n (paste to pastebin.com and give the resulting page here)07:10
Quix86SexyBoBo, I just want to get it to boot the correct kernel so I can put on a race from my hot swap drive and sleep07:11
Quix86I don't care about doing it cleanly as long as it works07:11
AscavasaionI ran an update a couple of days ago, and since then my wifi network connection keeps dying.  I cannot ping my ADSL router or anything outside of the network.  After a couple of minutes it automatically comes on again.  It does not affect any other computers on the network, so it is definitely an Ubuntu/lubuntu issue.07:11
SexyBoBoQuix86: dpkg --list | grep kernel-image07:14
SexyBoBoQuix86: will list all kernels installed then just apt-get remove kernel-image-xxx07:14
AscavasaionIt happened again...07:15
AscavasaionI ran an update a couple of days ago, and since then my wifi network connection keeps dying.  I cannot ping my ADSL router or anything outside of the network.  After a couple of minutes it automatically comes on again.  It does not affect any other computers on the network, so it is definitely an Ubuntu/lubuntu issue.07:15
SexyBoBoAscavasaion: Can you ping any computers on your network?07:17
Quix86I wonder why 3.6.3 won't mount my ultrabay drive anyway07:17
Quix86oh well07:17
Quix86ty SexyBoBo07:17
AscavasaionSexyBoBo: When the wifi is up it does... but when wifi goes down no.07:17
SexyBoBoAscavasaion: what wifi chip are you using?07:18
AscavasaionIt happened again!!!!07:21
AscavasaionSexyBoBo: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)07:21
shmooni really need some help understanding union mount and stuff, can someone help me out ? where is `precise` http://pastie.org/7951723 ?07:21
LaiquendiHey there! Can anybody tell me if after failing at running up my recompiled kernel i can still use the older ones listed in GRUB? Or does recompiling the latest influences somehow the older?07:24
auronandaceLaiquendi: unless you removed them the kernels should still be available07:24
AscavasaionIt happened again!!!!07:26
AscavasaionSexyBoBo: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)07:26
Laiquendiauronandace: thanks!07:26
AscavasaionI ran an update a couple of days ago, and since then my wifi network connection keeps dying.  I cannot ping my ADSL router or anything outside of the network.  After a couple of minutes it automatically comes on again.  It does not affect any other computers on the network, so it is definitely an Ubuntu/lubuntu issue.07:27
SexyBoBoAscavasaion: do a uname -r and tell me what kernel your using07:28
Name141is there a way to get that Gnome2 classic look ?07:29
echoeName141, i believe you're looking for connamon07:30
layer3[zeo] how do I install ubuntu with windows 807:31
Name141echoe: Probably, is there an easy way to install it ? I don't think there is a 'cinnamon-desktop' ?07:31
AscavasaionSexyBoBo: 3.2.0-44-generic07:31
Quix86Name141, it's not quite like gnome2 but I recommend looking into xfce and/or xubuntu07:32
echoeName141, howtogeek is at the top of linux search results http://www.howtogeek.com/103691/install-linux-mints-new-cinnamon-desktop-on-ubuntu/07:32
Name141Quix86: XFCE is OK.. but I'd rather have the classic gnome look07:32
sawjigWhy do people reccomend XFCE when there is MATE07:32
sawjigif someone asks for gnome 2 why not tell them of the fork: Mate07:33
Quix86I prefer XFCE to MATE personally07:33
Quix86but it's not gnome07:33
Ben64because mate is not supported here07:33
sawjigCinnamon is?07:33
serebecause mate break alot of gnome2 dep.07:33
echoeneither of them are!07:33
echoecinnamon breaks alot of gnome2 as well i think maybe07:34
echoebut hey it kinda looks nice07:34
Ben64both can break ubuntu07:34
Ben64so its not recommended here07:34
Quix86unity broke ubuntu07:34
* sawjig rolls eyes07:34
echoethrow caution to the wind!07:34
Quix86echoe get out of my room07:34
AscavasaionI ran an update a couple of days ago, and since then my wifi network connection keeps dying.  I cannot ping my ADSL router or anything outside of the network.  After a couple of minutes it automatically comes on again.  It does not affect any other computers on the network, so it is definitely an Ubuntu/lubuntu issue.07:34
echoeapt-get install *07:34
sawjigBen64, how exactly do they break ubuntu?07:35
Quix86listening to my race07:35
scxi am asking here because #english is not accessible:07:35
Quix86I'm supposed to be asleep anyway07:35
echoewhat? :?07:35
scxis it corret?: "ss is a simple service that start and stop looped script"07:35
Quix86echoe you said something right about the same time the race commentator said the same thing07:36
echoe... i still don't ... well that's a ... weird ... coincidence07:36
Quix86echoe like I said get out of my room07:37
Quix86I'm trying to sleep07:37
Ben64Quix86: stop that07:37
bazhangQuix86, stop it07:37
Quix86stop highlighting me07:37
auronandace!info cinnamon | Ben6407:37
ubottuBen64: cinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.4-1 (raring), package size 607 kB, installed size 2460 kB07:37
sawjigBen64, how do mate or cinnamon break ubuntu?07:38
Ben64what when did that happen07:38
Ben64!info cinnamon precise07:38
ubottuPackage cinnamon does not exist in precise07:38
sere!info mate07:38
ubottuPackage mate does not exist in raring07:38
auronandaceBen64: i think it was introduced with raring (i was rather surprised too)07:38
Ben64auronandace: well then i take back what i said about cinnamon (for raring at least)07:38
echoesawjig, i believe they remove dependancies and etc. etc. they don't normally but of course they can.07:39
sawjigechoe, remove what dependencies?07:39
Ben64!ppa | sawjig07:39
ubottusawjig: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:39
sawjigBen64, that doesn't answer anything.07:40
Ben64look at the part right after "WARNING"07:40
sawjigI'm curious as how a DE made by a distro that maintains almost complete upstream compatibility would break Ubuntu.07:40
SexyBoBosawjig: It doesn't break anything it is just not supported07:40
bazhangsawjig, lets move on07:40
sawjigSexyBoBo, oh, okay, so there we get the answer ;D07:40
sawjig"Ben64 both can break ubuntu"07:41
Ben64yes, please look up the definition of "can"07:41
sawjigI wanted to know what they break.07:41
echoesawjig, gedit can break ubuntu. everything can07:41
seresawjig: research it!07:41
bazhang!ot | sawjig07:41
ubottusawjig: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:41
sawjigechoe, I was quoting Ben64 ...07:41
sawjigbazhang, this is support related, chill out.07:42
bazhangsawjig, its way past that. take the chit chat elsewhere07:42
sawjigbazhang, quit chit chatting with me please that wasn't a support related question.07:42
echoesawjig, i know. i was just clarifying. ... which is basically what ben said with the definitino of can.07:43
sawjiglets keep the signal to noise on signal bazhang07:43
auronandacesawjig: are you trying to get cinnamon working on 13.04?07:44
sawjigauronandace, no I have it running fine.07:44
CKLMNi have a problem , when im on the internet all the others in my network have internet issues , do u know why is that ?07:44
sawjigauronandace, I just hink it's wrong to tell people it's going to break your machine.07:44
CKLMNthis happens only on ubuntu07:44
auronandacesawjig: then what is your support issue?07:44
echoeCKLMN, what kind of issues? they aren't able to connect? how old is your install? i would assume you are monopoloziing the connection or something07:45
sawjigI can't get my /ignore function to work properly07:45
sawjig /ignore Ben64 doesn't work07:45
auronandacesawjig: /join #freenode07:45
Name141gnome session fallback isn't like Gnome 2/07:46
tasslehoffAny good tools to get better control over windows in unity? I come from xmonad, and miss my tiled windows :)07:46
sereCKLMN: 1.) check your route table, 2.) iwconfig " make sure it all right "07:46
CKLMNechoe, ubuntu 13.04 the issues are disconnecting and reconnecting , also slow connection07:46
echoedo what sere said they are good at ideas!07:47
CKLMNhow do i check rout tble?07:47
sereCKLMN: if your router has a log check that aswell..07:47
CKLMNalso the strange thing is that im on ethernet07:48
CKLMNim not even on wifi07:48
barbarianHi guys I need a help with MATE desktop07:48
sereCKLMN: ifconfig then07:48
lasersName141: Not at all. Similar. If you want Gnome2-ish experience... You might like XFCE.07:48
SexyBoBobarbarian: #mate07:48
adeebnqoI'm having issues with Xorg, everytime I log into my PC it always opens two windows. The windows are a terminal and evince window-- it's sorta opening a session I had two weeks ago. How can solve that --- sorta restart it?07:48
aceis there an easy way to know if a RAID is active on my ubuntu server? i think it s a hardware raid (nothing with mdadm)07:49
barbarianSexyBoBo: yea I know but nobody there respond07:50
Name141lasers: Did they ever do Xubuntu LTS ?07:50
SexyBoBoace: If it is hardware RAID it would be very hard to detect from the OS.07:50
sereCKLMN:  see if your ip. is getting bounced or making more stops than it should07:50
Name141I know there was one that didn't have an LTS07:51
aceSexyBoBo: i tried in dmesg but i don't find anything07:51
CKLMNsere , every thing seems fine in the ifconfig07:51
lasersName141: I'm feeling Lucky -- http://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/07:51
CKLMNbut i also have a friend with the same problem when he is using proprietory drivers07:51
CKLMNmaybe bug or smthing ?07:51
CKLMNi also used wireshark and all seems fine07:52
SexyBoBoace: hardware RAID will show up as if it were a single HDD I am guessing it is a remote server otherwise i would tell you to look at it.07:52
swisstasslehoff: i haven't seen anything that'd do that07:53
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Name141lasers: must have been Lubuntu then07:53
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sprezzaturaare there any side effects that i need to keep in mind if i have to disable iptables?07:53
swissace: what does smartd say about the hdds?07:53
swissor hdd07:53
aceswiss: smartd is a deamon? how to use it?07:54
sereCKLMN:  yea i could be a bug... can you check your router log?07:54
CKLMNi cant find it , i will try again though07:55
swissace: smartctl07:55
swissdo you have it installed?07:55
aceswiss: oh interesting07:56
aceswiss: it says no smart, but detect a SMC210807:56
swissthat's a raid card07:56
swissi'm guessing you have a raid07:56
swisswhat type of raid and all that, no clue07:56
acenow i have to find a tool to have info about this raid07:56
SexyBoBoace: i am also wondering how you have a server that you don't know if it has a raid in it07:56
aceswiss: thanks for the help07:56
fishcooker1i wanto make a webhosting for multiuser07:57
=== anarchist is now known as New2Ubuntu
blebafordechoe: ran boot repair and nothing is fixed... looks like my only regress may be to reinstall.07:58
sereCKLMN: what do u get with route07:58
swissace: no problem07:58
New2UbuntuAnyone have a good thread on how to get unity 3d to work on 12.4.2 lts07:58
CKLMNsere, router log was disabled so no log07:58
CKLMNsere, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696209/ my ifconfig07:59
sereCKLMN: ah ok07:59
CKLMNsere, if u see anything strange tell me07:59
echoeblebaford, :(. you may want t otry reinstallign the kernels08:00
CKLMNsere, to me it seems ok08:00
echoenot sure if this will break anything would ask other people in room.08:00
blebafordechoe: you mean like in recovery mode?08:00
sereCKLMN: ifconfig looks ok to me.. hmm08:02
lasersI don't know anything about ipv6 but am I seeing two active leases?08:02
blebafordechoe: I'll come back to this tomorrow, thanks for trying!08:02
Phryqis there a variety of blutooth programs, or just the few that come up when I search bluetooth in the software centre?08:02
Phryqand separate issue, anyone ever tried ganyremote? would it allow my windows phone to be used as a remote for ubuntu?08:04
Ben64why not use some ssh client08:05
Phryqssh client?08:06
Ben64yeah, would give you a terminal on your phone08:06
echoeblebaford, no, not recovery mode08:06
echoeI mean like dkms list |grep kernel and then sudo apt-get remove [kernel name] and sudo apt-get install [kernel name]08:07
echoei've never done this before myself though, as i said08:07
PhryqI don't understand; why would I want a terminal on my phone?08:07
Ben64Phryq: to... remotely control ubuntu. isn't that what you wanted?08:07
echoeso i would perhaps have someone who has or who knows more about ubuntu's setup just okay the idea. i have been using ubuntu seriously for a week now lol.08:08
Phryqyes. I don't see how I would do that using a terminal on my phone. I'm pretty newb08:08
sereCKLMN: have you been downloading alot recentl? 2.3 gigs?08:08
kionstill having problems getting wireless internet on computer08:08
echoePhryq, you control ubuntu in the terminal08:08
CKLMNsere, i dont think i downloaded a lot no08:09
Ben64there isn't much that can't be done from a terminal in linux08:09
Phryqok, but would I be able to control ubuntu graphically?08:09
echoei assume you can ssh [username]@[ip]08:09
Phryqya, but I suck with terminal08:09
echoenot through a terminal! maybe ascii graphics08:09
Ben64why would you need graphics? its much slower. but you could do that with a vnc client, and a vnc server on ubuntu08:09
echoesomeone needs to make that! that would be so hilarious08:09
echoevnc ascii client.08:09
sereCKLMN: in your ifconfig its should 2.3 gig as being download..08:09
CKLMNsere,sry i just remembered , i downloaded a movies 1.4 gb so eah ;p08:09
kionanyone know how to get wireless to work on linux08:10
sereCKLMN: ahh oh ok.. yea i can do  2.3 pretty quick myself :p08:10
echoekion, connect to a wireless router :P08:10
kionit won't even show one08:10
kionit doesn't reconize the wireless chip08:10
barbarianhello, I got ubuntu 13.04 command-line + i've installed MATE and got problem with x-caja-desktop window anyone could help me ?08:11
Ben64kion: which wireless chip08:11
Ben64barbarian: we don't support mate here, sorry08:11
echoeyou may want to check for restricted drivers keon.08:11
kionbroadcom 4311 802.11 b/g08:11
Ben64!broadcom | kion08:12
ubottukion: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:12
Ben64i'd recommend buying a cheap usb wireless that works with ubuntu :D08:12
Mithranhai how can i hide the bootable files of my usb08:12
kionit does work ben they have the drivers you can download08:12
kionbecause well i have the same chip on this computer i am online with08:12
Ben64easier to get a not broadcom in my opinion08:13
kionbut on the computer i am working on the chip will not be recognized08:13
Mithranhai how can i hide the bootable files on my usb Drive08:13
kionit was not choosen the computer was given to them08:13
Ben64Mithran: don't repeat so fast, and more details would help08:13
MithranAm using raring ring tail08:13
echoekion, yeah downloading the restricted drivers works fine08:13
echoefrom what i remember08:13
echoei had a broadcom ... somethin'08:13
Ben64kion: then look at the link the bot gave08:13
kioni did download them and all it did was stop even the wired connection from going through08:13
kioni have and i have been all over the net including every link everyone else who was here that couldn't help gave me08:14
Ben64then... buy a cheap usb wireless that works out of the box with linux08:14
kiontrust me if i could have fixed it myself i would not be here wasting time08:14
kionthe person can not afford a usb wireless08:14
bazhang!enter | kion08:15
ubottukion: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:15
MithranBen64: i just created a startup disk now i want to hide the bootale files can you plz help me08:15
Ben64if its taking hours of your time to try to get it working, wouldn't you save time, and therefore money to buy them one?08:15
kionno one has money to buy one08:15
Ben64Mithran: i don't think you can08:15
Ben64kion: $10 is too much?08:16
kionyes sadly enough08:16
MithranBen64:  hmmm ok Thank You08:16
serekion: does lspci show the correct info08:16
Mithranany body Know08:16
sere Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless?08:16
bazhang!anyone | Mithran08:17
ubottuMithran: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:17
kionyes it does and broadcom corpartion BCM4311 802.11b/g wireless08:17
Mithranhow to hide the bootable files in a usb drive08:18
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serekion: lsmod and look for bcma                   39645  1 brcmsmac08:18
boydoyany idea about helpdesk system and you can recommend to open source08:18
kionok one moment08:19
boydoyand easy to setup with email support08:19
bazhangMithran, why would you need to do that08:20
bazhangboydoy, ubuntu kiosk you mean?08:20
boydoyi think yes08:21
Mithranbazhang: i want my portable OS asllas the usb could be used for the ordinary purpose08:21
k1l_bazhang: i think he means some ticket-support system08:21
kionthere is no bcma08:21
bazhangk1l_, he seems unsure08:21
k1l_Mithran: you cant hide the bootable files08:21
Mithranbazhang: When i am opening the usb there i can see all the bootable files and feels messed08:22
bazhangMithran, you want a persistent usb? or want to dual use the usb OS installer with a data usb stick: Which one08:22
k1l_Mithran: either you make a new folder for your data or you make another partition which is for data (im not sure if the data partition will corrupt the live system)08:22
bazhangMithran, yeah, thats not possible08:23
Gumbyboydoy: I've looked briefly into OTRS, it seemed like it could do the job well08:23
Mithranbazhang: k1l_ ok Thanks alot08:23
boydoyok but its so hard for me GUMBY to setup08:23
serekion: sudo modprobe bcma and modprobe brcmsmac08:23
foo357Hello, I have a computer running 12.04 LTS where I need to build the network card driver, when I run make I get a complaint about asm/system.h missing, how should I solve this? I don't even have a include/asm directory, only asm-generic08:24
Mithranbazhang: how can i hide an ordinary file using ubuntu?08:24
bazhangMithran, make it a dotfile?08:24
Gumbyboydoy: well, just remember this.  nothing is free.  you're going to have to pay in currency, or with your time.  possibly both08:24
kionit did not pull up anything08:24
robotdevil geez, would it be good to know that the open source radeon drivers have had audio disabled by default for awhile  :-(08:25
serekion: lsmod and see if it loaded the modules08:25
kionit did08:26
kionnow what?08:26
serekion: iwconfig and see if your interface is up08:27
serewlan0 or ath008:27
kionoh i found the bcma it says 1 brcmsmac08:27
kionit says no wireless extensions08:27
serekion: ifconfig?08:28
serekion: we need to bring that interface up08:28
boydoyok.. Thank you for reply08:29
boydoyi try again08:29
kionit says link encap:local loopback inet addr etc08:29
kionis that the interface you mean08:30
luca___Hi All. I'm using the latest Xubuntu and can't get into my sound settings. Can anyone help? Thanks.08:30
serekion: yea but its not there08:30
echoe_if you are trying to connect over the internet to local loopback you're gonna have a bad time.08:30
serekion: run : ip addr08:31
serekion: you should see 1 lo 2 eth0 3. wlan008:31
kionit says 1:lo: <loopback,up,lower_up> and other things but not either one of those you named08:32
=== luca___ is now known as Caesi
serekion: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up08:33
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kionerror while getting interface flags08:33
kionno such device*08:33
serethought so :x08:33
kionnow what08:33
serekion: check your logs for errors.08:37
serekion: cd /var/log/08:37
kionit didnt do anything or show anything08:38
kioni suppose it added /var/log$ to the end of the name08:39
serekion: go into that directory /var/log/08:39
kionnow what08:40
serekion: open dmseg with your favorite editor08:40
serekion: can you paste bin that please08:41
kionpaste bin that?08:41
kionyou mean paste it in here?08:41
k1l_!pastebin | kion08:42
ubottukion: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:42
serekion: ty :)08:46
k1l_there is a kernel bug with the wifi drivers. (see the strace in that paste)08:48
k1l_kion: read that one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212640808:49
sere[  112.366454] dhclient[1868]: segfault at 304 ip b73e9b29 sp bfb20a50 error 4 in libc-2.17.so[b73a1000+1ad000]08:50
k1l_(the solution starts from comment 4 )08:50
k1l_sere: see line 708 in the paste08:50
guest1Hello guys08:50
serewl driver (r326264) failed with code 2108:51
sereaah i missed that one :)08:51
serek1l_: gj :)08:52
guest1I just want to ask if it is sum bug in ubuntu 13.04, I have recent problems with FileZilla, and Skype which are freezing and only way to kill it is kill -908:52
kioni can not install anything because when  i install the drivers for wireless it for some reason uninstalls the wired08:54
IraFunestakion, try to install the driver and after reinstal the wired08:55
k1l_kion: can you pastebin a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"?08:55
sereis this a 12.4 bug?08:58
kionit is 13.0408:59
sereoh ok09:00
KuuuuuuHHey , why ilm use route add command it show me inet_route when i use it it told me command not found09:01
sereKuuuuuuH: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/route.8.html09:03
kionis that what you needed k1l09:05
vitimitihi o/09:07
kionsere can you find anything out with what i sent?09:09
nubehow can I brign up the HUD?09:10
savagecroci just installed ubuntu from usb. it asked me to remove the bootable media, so i removed the usb.  On reboot it complains it can not boot off the SSD. any idea what went wrong?09:10
serekion: well it looks like your having trouble fetching some repo's but not sure if it relates09:10
savagecroci changed the boot priorities to boot of the SSD instead of the USB09:10
kionis there a way to fix that09:10
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dr_willistaping the 'alt' key triggers the Hub.09:11
k1l_kion: that is not good. please pastebin the file /etc/apt/sources.list09:12
savagecrocdr_willis: that seemed to work09:12
serekion: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/09:13
savagecrocah nah.. it just booted of the usb09:13
dr_willispress and holding the super key should bring up a list of keyboard shortcuts09:13
savagecrocok when the computer boots i just get "Reboot and Select proper Boot Device"09:14
savagecroci've already finishd the installation09:14
savagecroci'd expect to be able to boot from the USB disk now09:14
kioni can09:14
kioni can not there is nothing there09:14
nubehow do I get the HUD to work with different web apps09:15
nubeif I press alt it just goes to firefox09:15
kionmy keyboard is not typing some of the keys correctly09:15
alocersavagecroc: how did u make the flash ?09:15
kionthere is nothing under sources.list.d09:15
cristian_cThere is a mysterious problem with my laptop. I mean, when I run the suspension, after the restore there are problems. The first of which is that the Chromium browser will no longer open (but it also does with Chrome) and if you launch it from the terminal, an error is returned09:15
savagecrocalacor: using the command utility dd on OSX following the guides on the ubuntu official website09:15
serekion: just sources.list09:15
kionthere is nothing there09:15
cristian_cAlso, when I try to logout or reboot the pc freezes, meaning that when I try to restart, the screen goes black and hangs there indefinitely (in the case of the log, it appears the shell with the messages, but it hangs too) and I have to brutally shut down the pc09:15
kionthere is a folder when i click on the folder there is nothing there09:16
savagecroci then created an ext4 partition of 200gb with mount point / and a swap partition of 2gb.  I then selected the ext4 partition to install too09:16
cristian_cI tried several solutions, from uswsusp to tuxonice, to create a special file in /etc/pm/config.d/, but these attempts have not been successful. I also checked the syslog, but also did not provide significant information about the origin of the problem09:16
cristian_cAny ideas?09:16
serekion: cat /etc/apt/sources.list09:16
kionyeah there is nothing there09:16
nubeIs this a bug?09:17
kionthere is not sources.list only sources.listd09:17
alocerDid you made a live usb or install linux on your usb ? savagecroc09:17
savagecrocinstall disk09:17
savagecrocand then i ran through the usb09:17
savagecrocsorry the install process09:17
serekion: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/09:17
dr_willisyou should definatly have a file named sources.list   but i think sources.list.d/ dir3ectroy is empty by default09:17
savagecrocwhich took about 30 mins09:17
savagecrocmostly downloading stuff09:17
kionwhat is that link09:18
pauldunnis it ok to backup my mysql db every 10 minutes or will it cause issues?09:18
serekion: it generates a new sources.list for you09:18
pauldunncurrently I have a cron doing it every hour but thats not enough09:19
alocerSry i cant help savagecroc09:19
k1l_kion: can you show that pastbin? "ls -al /etc/apt/09:19
kionill try09:19
nubeHow do I use webapps?09:20
pauldunndoes no one backup there db that often :p09:20
nubewith the HUD09:20
dr_willisnube: hud menu stuff dosent work with all apps.. i cant say ive ever seen  a webapp that uses a menu relally..09:21
nubedr_willis: I was watching a videe on youtube that showed in working with a bunch of apps that I have09:21
dr_willissince the webapps are running in a browser. it would show the browsers menus. but i think those may be disabled for wehbapps09:21
nubefacebook, gmail, google docs, reddit09:21
dr_willisi can barely get webapps to work at all.. its just a flakey  setup last ive tried it09:22
kionwhen i typed that it i see scources.list in white09:23
k1l_kion: please show us the pastebin09:23
nubeso it is broken09:23
nubeI have another problem09:24
nubeI have a dual monitor set up09:24
k1l_kion: we need all the informations, we cant see what you see09:24
nubeI want to extend the display over both monitors09:24
nubebut every time I restart my computer, it resets to cloning the display09:24
savagecrocI have another problem, and setting up my OS is one09:24
dr_willisnube:  what video card/chipset?09:24
nubeI change the setting in the AMD control panel09:25
dr_williswell for my nvidia - i run the nvidia-settings tool and set things u[p as root. then save the changes to the system xorg.conf file09:25
dr_willisive not messed with ati in ages09:25
nubeI go to the administrative (root) controkl panel09:25
nubechange the setting, click apply09:25
nubeand it works09:25
nubebut when I restart, it's back to cloned09:25
dr_willislook for some save to xorg.conf/config perhaps is all i can suggest.09:26
nubeInstalled Ubuntu yesterday09:26
nubetook about 2h to get the graphics actually working properly09:26
nubemore and more bugs09:26
dr_willisusers can also have their own settings that override the system defaults. does the Login screen  work properly? or is it cloned09:26
* dr_willis has spend weeks getting wondows working properly09:27
nubethink it's cloned but I can check09:27
serenube: i had put xrandr in my fluxbox startup if your not using it probably xinitrc. will workk09:28
k1l_kion: now do a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and show that please09:28
k1l_(in a pastebin)09:28
nube_No, the login screen is not cloned09:29
nube_one of the screens is different09:29
dr_willisnube_:  its possible  you may need to run the ati settings tool ass your user. and set up the desktops how you want.  the user may have somehow set them to be cloned. s thats overrideing the system settings09:30
dr_willisyou could also test this by making a brand new user and see what they default to.09:31
nube_ass my user?09:31
nube_I am the only user on ths computer09:31
nube_there is only one account09:31
snikkerwhat setting i must change for give an user to access to another user directory?09:31
nube_this is a fresh install of ubunti I installed last night09:31
dr_willisRUN the setting tool as your user... see if they can make changes for  that specific user09:31
dr_willisthe user can have settings that override the system settings09:32
nube_If I run it as user09:32
nube_it says "to make changes you must run as admin09:32
nube_and I can't change anything09:32
dr_willistry the monitors tool perhaps , not the  ati config tool.09:32
dr_willisor is it called 'displays' now?09:32
Snowiehowdy all. Was their a flash update or something? Videos in the steam client are now magically playing perfectly, where before the were magically not playing09:34
sereSnowie: i believe a few days ago.09:35
Snowiesere: thats awesome. yeah i have been a bit behind on the updates. Well that rocks. Glad to hear it. cheers09:35
sereim off to bed...good night all09:37
k1l_kion: you use a proxy or smth?09:37
kioni do not know09:37
seregl kion :)09:37
kionthank you sere09:37
adeebnqoA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.09:38
PeanutErr.. my machine has a 1 minute load-average of 11 (and increasing..) but is 99.8% idle according to top. It's hung in 'processing triggers for gconf2' while doing an "apt-get update". Bit odd..09:38
k1l_kion: please open the softwarecenter, go to edit-software sources and change in the settings from the us-servers to the main servers.09:38
PeanutOops, seems I'm running into a scheduling kernel bug? [   37.279383] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at ffff8801f0dfc000 and then an 'oops SMP'09:40
k1l_kion: no try the apt-get update again09:41
k1l_kion: you need to fix that issue to make sure you can install the proper wifi driver09:41
k1l_kion: but i have to leave now for some time :/09:42
kioni will try thank you09:42
tata_what is name and how to install "net monitors", it is 2 little blue monitors in the panel09:43
xrfangI am running 13.04 on a macmini, my wifi adapter cannot use channel 13, is there any solution to this? google results didn't help...09:44
MickStata_: gnome-system-monitor09:45
R0b0t1I'm using gedit and am unable to highlight text.09:46
tadohey all. i am trying to fix my spell checker and thesaurus on libreoffice, so that it can distinguish US and GB english, but it's giving me a big headache... anyone can help?09:48
tadoi've found lots online  but none seems to work..09:48
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tata_Micks: I didnt find gnome-system-monitor in the Ubuntu Software Center09:49
snikkerwhat is the max numbers of "mount --bind" in fstab?09:50
tadoanyone can help me teach my libreoffice-writer that color is spelled wrong in british english?09:55
stat_vitado: Tools > Language > For all Text - and then select "English (UK)" ?10:06
tadostat_vi: yes, the problem is that it still considers valid most american spellings, like color vs colour or theater vs theatre10:07
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tadostat_vi: i had it fixed before and it worked, now i have downgraded to 3.6 from 4 because it crashed, and it broke again10:07
stat_vitado: Okay... then you might consider asking in #libreoffice10:08
tadostat_vi: landed there now :)10:08
fishcooker1how to add user without give detail about the full name n others?10:19
jribfishcooker1: just press enter without filling those fields in10:21
dnivraHello. I'm running Kubuntu 12.04 and when I run pip, I get the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696519/. I installed pip by installing python-pip package and so I think it's probably a configuration issue in the package? An internet search says something might be wrong with setuptools but reinstalling python-setuptools doesn't help. Is someone else facing the same issue?10:25
jribdnivra: ls /usr/local/10:26
dnivraWhat should I be looking for in /usr/local?10:27
jribdnivra: what was the output?10:27
dnivraThe directories in that particular folder.10:27
dnivrashould I pastebin the output?10:28
jribdnivra: what's in /usr/local/bin/ ?10:28
frizianzHey guys, I've got a VM which had full disk encryption which i'm wanting to add a secondary disk to it with again full disk encryption. Anyone have any guides or howtos for this? Basically I'd like it to automount at boot etc10:28
dnivrajrib: No such directory.10:28
gordonjcpdnivra: a quick Google turned up this -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7446187/no-module-named-pkg-resources10:28
gordonjcpdnivra: so it looks like you're right about setuptools10:28
gordonjcpdnivra: are you using virtualenv?10:29
dnivragordonjcp: No python-virtualenv is not installed.10:30
jribdnivra: sure, paste the output you got from « ls /usr/local/ ».  Also, what's the result of « readlink -f $(which pip) »?10:30
=== lucifer is now known as LuciferKnight
dnivrajrib: Output of both commands: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696537/.10:32
jribdnivra: « /usr/bin/python -c 'import pkg_resources' » what happens?10:33
dnivraHas any recent update been made to python-pip or python-setuptools(or any package that might cause a problem) in 12.04? I'm using a local caching server which might be slightly behind official servers.10:33
dnivrajrib: The same error as pip - "ImportError: No module named pkg_resources"10:34
dnivraHmmm so probably it's just a missing package?10:34
jrib!info python-pkg-resources lucid10:34
ubottupython-pkg-resources (source: distribute): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.10-4ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 63 kB, installed size 208 kB10:34
jribdnivra: is that package installed?10:35
dnivraFunny - python-pkg-resources is installed.10:35
jribdnivra: dpkg -L python-pkg-resources10:35
jrib(on pastebin)10:35
dnivrajrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5696541/10:36
jribdnivra: /usr/bin/python -c 'import sys; print sys.path'10:36
jribdnivra: also verify that /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py (and .pyc) actually exist10:37
dnivrajrib: so the path(/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages) does exist in sys.path but you guessed right - the py and pyc files don't.10:40
dnivraam reinstalling that package now.10:40
elkyis there a way to stop middle click opening a new instance of programs? i'm quite fed up with this10:42
anewdo i need to set any mx records for ubuntu ? or will sendmail work without setting that10:43
ActionParsnipanew: I'd ask in the sendmail channel too :)10:44
dnivrajrib: thanks a lot for the help! It's working now :)10:44
anewoh didnt know they had a channel10:44
jribdnivra: no problem10:44
dnivragordonjcp: you too!10:44
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ActionParsnipanew: most apps have a channel :)10:54
robotdevilDo I really have to create a xorg.conf file just to reenable crt alt backspace to reset xsever? 13.0411:00
Dr_willisrobotdevil,  i thoughbnt there was a setting in the system settings  to enable that feature11:01
Dr_willisi forget where.  under some keyboard settings i recall11:01
Dr_williscant find the factoid either11:01
robotdeviloh ok, hmmm wonder if there is an option in kde too?11:02
Dr_willisaskubuntu.com should know where its at11:02
DJonesDr_willis: That was deleted about 12 months ago11:02
Dr_willisDJones,  :()  shows how often i use it.11:02
robotdevilnot on gnome machine right now11:02
robotdevilit really hard to figure to explain to someone right alt the key that says sysrq but doesnt actually say sysrq and k :-/11:04
Dr_willisnone of my keys on this keyboard say sysreq11:05
* robotdevil also understands why it got changed too11:05
ActionParsniprobotdevil: isnt it in keyboard settings?11:05
ActionParsniprobotdevil: http://ubuntuportal.com/2011/11/how-to-enable-key-sequence-ctrlaltbackspace-to-kill-server-on-ubuntu-11-10.html11:05
DJonesrobotdevil: Dr_willis System Settings, Keyboard Layout, Options, Key sequence to kill the X server (tick box)11:05
robotdevilnot on gnome machine right now, why just asking about the xorg thing11:06
DJonesThats on a normal Ubuntu install11:06
robotdevilor unity or whatever lawl11:07
ActionParsniprobotdevil: unity is a shell for Gnome11:07
ActionParsniprobotdevil: Unity doesn't replace Gnome11:07
ActionParsniprobotdevil: look in the menu in the top righ tfor settings, then folow that guide I pasted which you could have found yourself online11:09
robotdevilI thought older versions of ubuntu have an xorg so I thought the sites were dated and you had to create new xorg Section"ServerFlags"  Option          "DontZap"               "false"11:12
Dr_willisX has not really needed an xorg.conf for quiet some time.11:13
Dr_willisit WILL use it - if it exists11:13
Dr_willismy nvidia system have a minimal xorg.conf to enable twinview.. actually im not even sure if thats needed any more.11:13
manimeHow you can earn up to a day with NO REFERRALS! http://1onedollarperday.blogspot.com/11:13
DJonesmanime: Please don't spam11:14
Dr_willisI want to earn 'up to a day!11:14
Dr_willis :P11:14
muindorhey all11:14
cfhowlettmanime, take your spam away11:14
robotdevilright was just illustrating why I asked, since enabled crt alt backspace 13.04 doesnt give new results11:14
foo357Hello, I need to build the drivers for my network card, when I try to compile I get errors about not being able to find system headers (files that should be found in /asm and /linux)11:14
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages11:14
robotdevileverything is 11.10 and back11:14
ActionParsniprobotdevil: older and newer versions stll use xorg, there is talk of using Mir or Wayland later11:15
Dr_williswill be interesting to see how mir and wayland work out..11:16
muindori have a linux server here behind my fw. it has 2 network cards for local network. im using for my local network , now i want on the other interface the network and attach WLAN to it so ppl can use it without seeing my priovate network ( but can still use internet11:16
ubuntunewbanyone around?11:16
robotdevilthink I read something about them awhile ago11:16
muindoror anything else i have to do ?11:16
ubuntunewbI just ordered a thinkpad x201 gonna put 8 gigs of ram in it and a 256gb SSD. Does it automatically have sata3 and also will ubuntu run ok on this? I was considering 12.04 because the dell xps 13 has that and I am trying to learn to program.11:17
cfhowlettubuntunewb, that's plenty ... but why not just get the dell sputnik?11:17
foo357Dr_willis: when I do an 'apt cache search' on linux-headers-(version) I get a result "t x86 SMP"11:18
Dr_willisfoo357,  i dont code.. i just know the factoid.11:18
ubuntunewbI like teh way the thinkpad looks and how durable it is11:18
mix123hi, im on 12.04 what does "dependency is not satisfiable python 2.6" mean?11:20
starbuckhello, how can i transfer files with nautilus between 2 pc's connected through a crossover cable? what software do i need to install? the 2 pc's are running debian and ubuntu11:21
Dr_willisstarbuck,   plug in cables set up static ips  or set up a dhcp server on one.. then use any networking service/method you want.. ssh, scp. samba, nfs11:22
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
starbuckDr_willis: did all the prerequisites, but i want to use a file manager e.g. nautilus to do the transfer11:23
Dr_willisstarbuck,  and nautilus can use ssh/scp/sftp/samba or access a nfs share...11:23
Dr_willisyou install the services you want it to use11:24
Dr_willisssh/scp/sshfs would be the most straight forward. but perhaps not the fastest11:24
starbuckDr_willis: that's my next question: which one is the fastest?11:24
starbuckDr_willis: i try to avoid samba... never was happy with it11:25
KartagisI have a USB device mounted at /media/$LOGIN/somelogstring. I shared a directory in this USB drive with guest ok = yes in smb.conf, and I gave the necessary permissions. but, no guest is able to access.11:25
Kartagisany ideas?11:25
Dr_willisKartagis,  what FS is on the usb device?11:25
mikejwanyone know how I can enable cron for a user in lucid?11:26
KartagisDr_willis: reiserfs11:26
cfhowlettmikejw, lucid is end of life.  time to upgrade11:26
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.11:27
mikejwcfhowlett: I would I could11:27
starbuckDr_willis: thank you, i jsut use ssh11:27
Dr_willisKartagis,  Hmm..  cant say ive messed with reiserfs..   You could mount the device somewhere via fstab. and set up a samba share for it  in the  samba config files11:28
ezra-scfhowlett, you are telling someone to upgrade over a cron thing?11:28
cfhowlettezra-s, no, I'm suggesting that end of life maintenance issues warrant an upgrade11:28
mikejwthat's useful info but I really just need to get this to work11:28
cfhowlettezra-s, but feel free to correct me.  I'm willing to learn11:28
ezra-smikejw, you have problems using crontab -e with your user?11:28
mikejwI don't think user-level cron is enabled11:29
ezra-smikejw, you don't think? try to make sure.. :P11:29
mikejwso I just put my username in /etc/cron.allow right?  does it need my user id as well?11:29
ezra-scfhowlett, well, it's good to be up to date for sure, no complains, I was just wondering if there were specific issues in cron with lucid that were not going to be fixed11:30
KartagisDr_willis: I'll try that as soon as I finish copying files11:31
Dr_willisif its EOL basically theres not going to be any fixs any more11:31
ezra-smikejw, first try to add a cron job, with your user, do crontab -e add whatever, check if it works11:31
cfhowlettezra-s, I lack to the knowledge to give a sensible answer.11:31
cfhowlettmikejw, your user is on desktop or server ubuntu?  server support continues ...11:32
mikejwthe crontab is there but how do make sure it works?11:32
ezra-slet's focus on the cron thing first11:32
cfhowlettmikejw, excellent.  I can't answer your query but someone will ...11:32
ezra-smikejw, it's as simple as doing "crontab -e"  with the user, add a specific job which writes a file in your home for example and see if the file gets created!11:33
ezra-smake sure the cron job has correct timing so it happens today11:34
mikejwI've set it for every minute11:34
ezra-swhile we are here at least ;P11:34
ezra-sthat will do ;)11:34
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mikejwbtw I've just seen that /etc/cron.allow is mentioned in the crontab man page11:34
mikejwbut I'm not sure exactly what goes in there or if I need to enable something else11:35
ezra-smikejw, ignore that for now11:35
snikkeri've got a permission denied error hen i try to upload a file with proftpd11:35
snikkercon you help me?11:35
mikejwmaybe I just need to restart anacron?11:36
ezra-smikejw, no11:36
ezra-sthis is not windows11:36
Dr_willisreboot, reformat, reinstall, reformat again11:37
* ezra-s chuckles11:37
mikejwcontab exists on windows!  news to me11:37
ezra-smikejw, restarting everything over every little thing exists on windows11:37
mikejwso what *IS* the answer?11:37
ActionParsnipmikejw: there is windows scheduler, kinda similar11:37
ezra-seven in dated solaris I can do crontab -e without worrying about anything other than my own cron file11:38
ezra-sso I see no problem with doing it on lucid or any other linux distro back to the old days11:38
Dr_willisive not recall ever hearing of crontab for users being disabled in  lucid..11:39
Dr_willisunless this is some wonky vps/vpn11:39
ezra-smikejw, have you made your cron job yet?11:39
mikejwok so I guess there must be something wrong with the cronjob itself11:39
ActionParsnipmikejw: if you run:  export EDITOR=vi; sudo crontab -e      you will get the root crontab file and you can edit it as needed11:39
mikejwyep, I've managed to that11:40
FonzieIs there a way of isntalling a newer php version on ubuntu 12.04 using apt, than the version the default repos is providing? I need 5.3.18, and ubuntu aptitude says 5.3.10 is latest.11:40
Dr_willisFonzie,  find a ppa for it is one way11:41
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:41
mikejwmy problem is that cronjobs don't run not that they don't exist11:41
mikejwif I do cronjob -l I see them11:41
mikejwsorry crontab -l11:42
FonzieDr_willis: can i change my repos to unstable or something? like in debian11:42
cfhowlettFonzie, enable backports and run apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade11:42
betraydmaybe a PATH issue11:42
ActionParsnipmikejw: so what is the issue?11:42
Dr_willisFonzie,    if its not in backports. you would use the ubuntu PPA 'method' IF you can find a ppa for it11:42
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cfhowlettFonzie, you enable "proposed" ... but with great paower ...11:42
Ironholdsns identify 538uu2pf11:42
ezra-smikejw, paste here the output of your crontab -l11:42
ActionParsnipIronholds: time for a new password11:42
ezra-sor in a paste url if its more than one line11:43
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Dr_willisbackports, proposed, then ppas :) then source.. :P11:43
Guest40999da ;p11:43
mikejw01 * * * * touch ~/test_file11:43
Dr_willisErr.. in crontab do you want to use the ~/ type shortcut?11:44
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Dr_willisi recall seeing it have issues in some cases. ;)11:44
FonzieDr_willis: deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse11:44
ezra-smikejw, that's the first minute of every hour11:44
FonzieLooks liek backports allready enabled?11:44
ezra-smikejw, do this -> * * * * * echo "Im lazy" >> ~/file.txt11:44
ezra-syou should have a file.txt with a "Im lazy" every minute you wait11:45
mikejwawesome I got it11:45
* ezra-s slaps mikejw 11:45
betraydNCIS style11:45
Dr_willis* * * * * beep11:45
Dr_willis!info beep11:46
ubottubeep (source: beep): advanced pc-speaker beeper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-3 (raring), package size 23 kB, installed size 78 kB11:46
ezra-sthat's good too if you have it11:46
mikejwthat would annoy my co-workers :)11:46
betraydi wonder what made it advanced11:47
Dr_willis* * * * * eject;beep;beep;beep11:47
ActionParsnipdr_sounds like the everything is o kalarm from the simpsons :)11:47
Dr_willisactually i think if you do eject a 2nd time. it closes the cdrom tray11:47
Dr_willisUsed that eject trick to figure out which server i was sshed into once or twice11:48
ezra-smikejw, sometimes the solution is much simpler than what we want to make it11:48
muindoris there a way to ping from a particular device like eth2 or eth1 ?11:48
betraydmight have spooked a datacenter guy11:48
ActionParsnipDr_willis: oh we do it loads here for the same thing, too many boxes11:48
mikejwericab: that's a really good point :)11:48
mikejwsorry about all that11:48
Dr_willisnight all.11:48
mikejwsorry.. ezra-s that's a really good point11:49
ActionParsnipdr_although funny when hardware engineers request it in a vm to find the host esx. durrrrr11:49
ezra-smikejw, no worries ;)11:50
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FonzieWhy do i get "The following packages have been kept back:11:51
Fonziewhen trying to upgrade a package?11:52
ActionParsnipFonzie: the packages have not got satisfed deps, til they are satisfied othey will be kept back11:52
FonzieSo, why isnt it upgrading the dependencies?11:52
ActionParsnipFonzie: because they aren't made yet11:53
ezra-sFonzie, there are no upgrades for their dependencies that's what ActionParsnip meant11:53
ActionParsnipFonzie: when they get updated, it will come11:53
cfhowlettFonzie, I get 'em all the time on my stock ubuntustudio.  eventually, dependencies get fixed and packages get loaded.  no big deal.11:53
ezra-sit may happen if you have a ppa with outdated packages for example11:53
FonzieI want to upgrade to a newer PHP version, and got the repos to upgrade it, but it failes because of other depencies version :S11:54
ActionParsnipFonzie: then you will need another source for the deps it needs11:54
ActionParsnipFonzie: the ones you have cannot satisfy the requirements, so they are held back11:54
athli1Using 12.04. How Can I change default permissions of cdrom that is mounted automatically in gnome? Ideally if it would automount to /media/cdrom with 777 permissions, like in old days :).12:00
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Milan-86I have faster sound on youtube with the latest version of Chrome! Anyone has this problem?12:23
xylonMilan-86: what do you mean by faster sound?12:24
Milan-86It looks like faster, it is very bad12:24
aneksfaster sound :)12:24
aneksthat's a new one :)12:25
Milan-86deformed sound12:25
creativeoSAlright ubuntu champions..? How do I get my "CTRL+ALT+T" to work and open gnome terminal..? (I'm a novice.)12:27
SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts tab12:27
SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: In the "Launchers" section, do you see "Launch a terminal" as one of the list items?12:28
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ferroxAre there DVD images available of 13.04 server?12:37
creativeoSSonikkuAmerica: No - I've purposely left it out of favourites so I work out this keyboard shortcut problem. I'll give it a go now12:37
vrubiumHi guys, this may sound the typical question, but given the shorten of raring support, how safe it is to start using saucy right now as my daily box?12:38
ezra-svrubium, it's in active development, if you want a stable platform it is not recommended, it all depends on how much you care for stability and things going broken12:41
vrubiumezra-s: I guess as long it is "easy" to fix I don't mind much12:42
ActionParsnipvrubium: its officially unstable. If you want longer support I recommend Precise12:42
vrubiumActionParsnip: The thing is that it would be really nice to enjoy the performance developments that are arriving in saucy12:43
creativeoSSonikkuAmerica - No launcher, but I can add one.12:43
SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: Weird... are you running Unity?12:44
jmcantrellis there a way to install ubuntu using the installer from within ubuntu?12:44
xylonjmcantrell: ermmm what?12:44
xylonJust click on the installer icon12:45
SonikkuAmericajmcantrell: On the same HDD, no, but you can install ubiquity (be warned, this will inflate your HDD to epic proportions.12:45
creativeoSHahaha no dude. Running openSUSE 12.3 - #ubuntu chan has 10 times more active chatters/helpers/developers though.12:45
jmcantrellxylon: i want to install ubuntu to a partition that's not my current partition12:45
jmcantrellSonikkuAmerica: better just to boot from another usb?12:45
xylonjmcantrell: just do it from the liveCD12:46
SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: Oh. Well we can't really help you here... but if you're using GNOME...12:46
creativeoSYes, that's what I'm using. It's why I come here...12:46
jmcantrellxylon: yeah, well live usb. who uses cd's any more ;)12:46
xylonWell, yeah :D12:46
jmcantrellthanks all :)12:46
JaySeeSo i decided to repartition my sustem in place today. I was fed up with there seeming to be not alternative CD for 13.04 so just went with the default encrypted lvm option on the live cd installer. When I went to examine the mostrosity this set up, i wasn't too impressed. It seemed to set up 3 real partitions, one for EUFI, one for /boot, and then the big one for lvm. In the lvm, it only created two partitions, root and swap. I wanted a third hom12:46
JaySeee partition so when I had the time I decided to fix that. I booted up a live CD, resized my root to as small as it would go, and made a new home. I think at this step I screwed something up because now my root is saying that it's 100% full when it's not.12:46
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SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: You can try in the GIMP IRC network; that's where the GNOME IRC stuff is located. They have a staff willing to help.12:47
JaySeeat some point my root filesystem got corrupted and now shows 0 free space even though there's clearly a few gigs. And the funny thing is I can still write to the root, it just thinks it's full12:49
creativeoSjmcantrell: are you upgrading from an existing install or running liveUSB/CD..?12:49
kicik hi geek ^^12:50
Cipher-0Trying to get php's LDAP module installed, but the repositories aren't resolving. Anyone else can't find us.archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com this AM?12:50
creativeoSSonikkuAmerica - thanks I'll give them a go12:51
SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: irc.gimp.org12:52
apm1i had to hardreset my laptop twice earlier today (consecutively) , will doing an fsck /dev/sdx from a live cd be enough to see if something borked ?12:52
Cipher-0Never mind, it's DNS issues.12:53
apm1or do i have to use some special --option with fsck to find out definitively if something bad happened or just a simple fsck to the root partition do  ?12:53
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creativeoSSonikkuAmerica: FYI - the #gnome-hackers has the most chatters.12:55
SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: XD12:56
SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: I'd guess they should know about GNOME if they're hacking it :)12:56
dario_hi there12:56
apm1i checked the man page for fsck doesn't say anything explicit for crashes/hardresets12:57
iakis there an Active Directory channel?12:57
MonkeyDustiak  better ask in ##windows12:57
apm1oh and btw i checked the /var/log/fsck/fscheck logs12:58
apm1why isn't it checkit the / fs on startup ?12:58
apm1isn't it standard policy for a debian system/derivative to do that before / is mounted ?12:58
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dario_does anyone know about samba and permissions? I have a cam recording video files in a shared folder. Those files are owned by nobody of the group nogroup, and can be seen by users in the network13:01
apm1screw this13:01
dario_I wrote a script so the oldest are deleted, and inserted that script into the cron files so it is executed periodically13:01
dario_but they are not deleted, I guess because of the permissions13:02
dario_if I execute the script manually with sudo13:02
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dario_they are correctly deleted13:02
dario_I will try another time13:07
JamesHolmeshi, zup. So I'm a strong firm fanatic extremist beleiver in solving all your problems intellectually, perhaps with a mind-map. Now, I feel really confused, down, depersonalized, tired, and so forth. I don't feel like I have the power to control my life, performance or my mental state. What intellectual method/approach can I use to define (understand) my problem and to design a solution?13:07
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Cipher-0JamesHolmes: Try Freemind application. Works well for mind-mapping.13:08
diverdudeHi, why does  sudo netstat -tulpn show haproxy running on port 80 when sudo lsof -i dont?13:10
_joey````does iTune work on linux? Can I establish wireless connection 3G via iphone?13:10
BluesKajJamesHolmes, this isn't a therapy site , altho irt works for me at times :)13:10
compdocJamesHolmes, helps to get out of the house and see the outdoor. Drive in the country, walk in the woods13:10
thrillERboyHi I dual booted windows and ubuntu, Now ubuntu doesn't show up in boot menu at all. what should i do?13:11
ZigndJamesHolmes, you are very funny hahahah13:11
BluesKajthrillERboy, have you updated grub since?13:12
* Cipher-0 agrees with compdoc13:12
thrillERboyBluesKaj: No, I tried, my old commands didnt work now :|13:12
thrillERboyI cudn't mound /dev/mnt or something, file locations changed I guess13:13
diverdudeHi, why does  sudo netstat -tulpn show haproxy running on port 80 when sudo lsof -i dont?13:13
thrillERboyBluesKaj: I used these instruction, it previously used to work for me https://gist.github.com/sathishmanohar/276337113:13
creativeoSSonikkuAmerica: it was where you said it is - only needed to know how to create a custom one.13:14
BluesKajthrillERboy, sudo os-prober, then run, sudo update-grub13:14
ActionParsnipdiverdude: tried nmap too?13:14
SonikkuAmericacreativeoS: There should be a + button somewhere on that screen.13:15
thrillERboyBluesKaj: I should do this from live cd right?13:15
diverdudeActionParsnip: no didnt try that13:15
diverdudeActionParsnip: but why do they show different things?13:15
diverdudeActionParsnip: how can i know whats correct13:15
BluesKajthrillERboy, , you can do it from ubuntu , as long as grub was installed when you installed ubuntu , it's usually automatic13:16
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BluesKajthrillERboy, or did you install windows after installing ubuntu ?13:18
JaySeeSo i decided to repartition my sustem in place today. I was fed up with there seeming to be not alternative CD for 13.04 so just went with the default encrypted lvm option on the live cd installer. When I went to examine the mostrosity this set up, i wasn't too impressed. It seemed to set up 3 real partitions, one for EUFI, one for /boot, and then the big one for lvm. In the lvm, it only created two partitions, root and swap. I wanted a third hom13:18
JaySeee partition so when I had the time I decided to fix that. I booted up a live CD, resized my root to as small as it would go, and made a new home. I think at this step I screwed something up because now my root is saying that it's 100% full when it's not.13:18
JaySeeat some point my root filesystem got corrupted and now shows 0 free space even though there's clearly a few gigs. And the funny thing is I can still write to the root, it just thinks it's full13:18
FloodBot1JaySee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
thrillERboyBluesKaj: No I've installed windows first then ubuntu13:19
BluesKajjaysee how large is /   ? you need at least 10G for the OS13:19
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BluesKajthrillERboy, so waht was the result of the 2 commands ?13:20
ezra-s /usr is where most stuff gets installed13:20
JaySeethe OS is already installed on /. I was migrating it to a two partition setup, using cp -prv /mnt/root/home /mnt/newhome13:20
thrillERboyBluesKaj: sudo update-grub failed with some error like cant mount /con or something, so restarting and entering a fresh livecd session13:21
BluesKajthrillERboy, is windows on the first partition ? If so the grub is most likely installed to the mbr there , or you can reinstall it there , sudo grub-install /dev/sdX . X being the assigned device sd number13:26
JaySeesome output from disk usage utilities http://pastebin.com/BhLhyURZ13:27
thrillERboyBluesKaj: /boot/grub not readable my GRUB on boot.13:29
BluesKajthen read above , thrillERboy13:30
caleresshey guys im having a problem connecting to my ap although its visible in ubuntu and works perfectly with my android13:30
caleressany ideas?13:30
thrillERboyBluesKaj: update-grub also fails :|13:31
DanC_ugh... I updated some packages, and now sound settings shows no devices (though aplay -l) does.13:32
BluesKajsudo grub-install /dev/daX thrillERboy did you read my post above ?13:32
parapandear fellows - is there any piece of software for ubuntu which is able to detect duplicate e-mails ?????13:32
DanC_and firefox hangs whenever I click a menu or link13:32
JaySeeany ideas? or am i just gonna have to make a new root partition and copy everything over?13:32
* DanC_ wrote a de-dup email python script that worked over IMAP one time...13:32
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vesaythHas anyone been able to disable mouse acceleration on Raring and then adjust mouse sensitivity afterwards?13:35
vesaythI have been able to disable the mouse acceleration via xinput, but then I can't adjust the sensitivity13:35
thrillERboyBluesKaj: yes sudo grub-install /dev/sda fails with error /boot/grub is not readable by GRUB on boot13:35
SonikkuAmericaHey! I keeping getting denied on Bazaar with my SSH pubkey, which is in authorized_keys and registered on Launchpad. Any ideas?13:38
* DanC_ discovers he's not in the audio group...13:38
BluesKajthrillERboy, then you'll either have run boot repair or follow this,  http://pastebin.com/MqqvVSkF13:39
_joeyI have Brother MFC-7362N all-in-one laser printer. I use printer only. Can it be installed on linux?13:45
samuel__oh brother!13:45
ActionParsnip_joey: check the brother website. They make debs for their devices13:45
ActionParsnip_joey: did you check that first at all?13:46
samuel__what have you tried so far joey?13:46
lotuspsychjeim looking for a python desktop notifier, to make message queu persistent13:46
_joeyI couldn't find linux driver on brother website13:46
_joeyfor the sepcific model13:46
samuel__have you tried plugging it in already?13:46
_joeysamuel__: installed cups13:46
ActionParsnip_joey: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=brother+linux13:46
ActionParsnip_joey: top link.....?13:46
ActionParsnip_joey: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_prn.html13:47
ActionParsnip_joey: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_prn.html#MFC-7362N13:47
ActionParsnip_joey: how am I finding this...??13:47
samuel__google is your friend :D13:47
samuel__or duck duck go!13:47
ActionParsnipsamuel__: google is my 2nd friend :)13:47
samuel__its surprising how many manufacturers ARE forthcoming with linux drivers now13:48
ActionParsnip_joey: LPR driver deb first, then the cupswrapper13:48
samuel__no kodak though :(13:48
ActionParsnipsamuel__: didnt they go bust13:48
samuel__but alot of people bought kodak printers cos of the ink efficiency thing13:48
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  there's  ##python-friendly -- "We're like #python, but friendlier."13:49
samuel__i had to deal with alot of cases where my customers had bought them and couldn't get them working in linux13:49
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: tnx13:49
svingegneriaHello All13:49
cfhowlettsvingegneria, greetings13:49
ActionParsnip_joey: did you see the pages I linked in your searchings?13:50
_joeyI saw it. Thanks13:50
thrillERboyHi BluesKaj I get error in sudo chroot /mnt step. the error chroot: failed to run command /bin/bash13:50
_joeycupswrapper driver will work with cups?13:50
_joeywhat's LPR dirver?13:50
ActionParsnip_joey: did you see it before you asked in here though?13:50
zokkoguys, how can i install zend 1.12 on ubuntu?13:51
ActionParsnipzokko: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc13:51
ActionParsnip_joey: install the LPR deb, then the wrapper13:51
ActionParsnip_joey: then attach the printer and power it on13:51
delliottHi, I've been having problems with my GUI freezing on 13.04. I have an Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09). I followed some advice on here and moved from the Unity shell to xfce4.2 and now my GUI doesn't hang. How can I further diagnose the problem and help resolve it for future users?13:51
ActionParsnipdelliott: you could try the GUI Intel driver installer detailed on omgubuntu13:52
_joeyActionParsnip: I see13:52
ActionParsnipzokko: its a terminal command. You can copy and paste to the terminal13:52
vesaythHas anyone been able to disable mouse acceleration on Raring and then adjust mouse sensitivity afterwards? I have been able to disable the mouse acceleration via xinput, but then I can't adjust the sensitivity. (Sorry for repost, but haven't seen any repliies yet)13:52
rolla91i have a problem getting my broadcom wireless adapter on an hpdv2000t to work on ubuntu, anyone have any ideas?13:52
delliottActionParsnip: I've installed the Intel Graphics Driver but the driver that is bundled with 13.04 is already in-sync with the latest Intel driver.13:53
ActionParsnip!broadcom | rolla9113:53
ubotturolla91: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:53
_joeythe driver is i386. I have 64bit installed13:53
ActionParsnip_joey: your OS supports multiarch, just like Windows does13:53
ActionParsnip_joey: it will be managed for you13:53
samuel__good ole multiarch13:53
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
BluesKajthrillERboy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:56
ActionParsnipsometimes I wonder if google blocks the Ubuntu OS from accessing their webpage13:56
_joeyActionParsnip:  mfc7362nlpr depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1).13:56
samuel__ho rolla91 what version of ubuntu are you rolling with?13:56
ActionParsnip_joey: then run:   sudo apt-get -f install13:56
vesaythIt's a shame that this mouse acceleration/sensitivity merger happeded in 13.04. The rest of this release is such a huge improvement over the past few releases. But if I can't manage my mouse sensitivity separately from my mouse acceleration, then it's a complete dealbreaker for me.13:56
_joeyActionParsnip: what will that do?13:56
_joeythe driver seems to be very old13:57
samuel__vesayth issues with mouse sensitivity are not unique to linux/pc hard ware13:57
MonkeyDust_joey  the -f in that line means fix13:57
_joeywhich depends on old libraries13:57
samuel__i have ahd issues with it in osx and windows using apple hardware/software13:57
_joeyMonkeyDust: thanks13:57
vesaythsamuel_: yes but the uniqueness comes in the fact that 13.04 merged sensitivity with acceleration, which means you can't adjust them independently of each other13:58
_joeythere isn't anything broken, so not sure why ActionParsnip is recommending a fix13:58
vesaythunlike other distros/OSes13:58
rolla91im trying to follow the instructions in that link but am having issues, i was here once before and got it to work by typing in 3 easy commands however i wasnt smart enough to write those down and an update crashed the ubuntu13:59
zokkoguys, is there a repo with zend 1.12 ??13:59
rolla91i have tried downloading the broadcom STA however it still doesnt work13:59
rolla91it is a broadcom 431214:00
inflexgood lord, I really wonder at times how my father does this.... managed to completely break his system upgrading from 12.10 -> 13.04,  I suspect because he loves to use PPAs and it looks like there was about a dozen of them active before he did the upgrade :(14:00
inflexWorst thing was, I told him "No Dad, DON'T upgrade [ yet ]"14:00
vesaythGuess I'll try back here later. Sigh.14:01
inflexvesayth: wassup?14:01
ActionParsnipzokko: what is the output of the command I gave please?14:01
xcihas anyone used high resolution webcams? I tried to use 1080p Creative Socialize Webcam, but I ended up getting 320p, even though what I understood is that UVC should take care of this automatically?14:01
samuel__inflex, i have done the online upgrade to some success14:02
samuel__but by far the most successful way to upgrade with any linux in my experience14:03
samuel__is to keep /home on a separate partition14:03
rolla91samuel__ i have 12.1014:03
ActionParsnipzokko: in a terminal, run: lsb_release -sc     what is the output please?14:03
rolla91samuel__ sorry for my delay, i hadn't seen your response14:03
samuel__then you can use live medium to test your hardware/software, then use the installer to format / and just mount /home without formatting it if you use the same username and password14:03
samuel__it will automatically mount the correct home folder14:04
inflexsamuel__: or just resist the urge to fiddle14:04
samuel__that forces you to reinstall PPA's14:04
samuel__but usually works out better14:04
inflexI think the shift from Cinnamon being a PPA requirement to being part of the repository in 13.04 might have complicated things as well14:05
rolla91samuel__ i have tried following the instructions given in the link on here but am not having much luck, still a newb to ubuntu. its ubuntu 12.04 and broadcom 431214:06
samuel__imagine cinnabuntu lol14:06
inflexI'd rather they named it something like Spicetu14:06
inflexAnyhow, i'm still content on 12.10, will be for a while yet I dare say, no compelling reason for me to shift14:07
rolla91ubuntu 12.10 broadcom 4312 not working, does anyone have any ideas?14:07
samuel__i'm using 13.04, upgraded with the above method and its great14:07
ActionParsnippeople should just let gnome 2 die14:07
samuel__actionparsnip +11111111111111114:08
samuel__haany reason why you ar suing 12.10 and not 13.04  rolla91?14:08
ActionParsnipif you like 2 panels and such, use xfce14:08
seregaесть русские юзвери?14:08
samuel__i agree, i hate mate lol14:08
inflexja, +1 to having GNOME die, though GTK can stick around.  I was always a bit concerned when they bound GNOME and GTK too tightly together.14:09
samuel__for me it is all the worst things about gnome 2 - a nightmare to support remotely14:09
rolla91Samuel__ its not my computer, its a friends. I belive they were trying an update to 13.04 and it crashed midway through so they reloaded it with that they had14:09
inflexWhat's the plausibility of Ubuntu taking on something like Cinnamon as the default DM/WM?  Though I suppose that just wouldn't go down well.14:10
inflex( personally i'm using Fluxbox :) )14:11
ActionParsnipinflex: same, fluxbox is badass14:11
samuel__hmm i had issues with 12.04 and my broadcom 431314:12
inflexActionParsnip: nice to have a WM that does its job and keeps out of your face :)14:12
samuel__i think it needs a decoder or something14:12
rolla91samuel__ i was here once before a week ago and they helped me get it working with a couple of commands, it was really easy, but then they tried the update and it crashed14:12
=== motto is now known as m8
rolla91however i dont remember those commands14:13
samuel__inflex, i think the possibility of that happening is slim to none14:13
samuel__can you get internet access on this machine?14:13
ActionParsnipinflex: fluxbox + xcompmg + docky, runs great :)14:14
rolla91yes samuel__ it is on wired ethernet now14:14
inflexActionParsnip: hrmm...haven't used xcompmg or docky.  I just have everything on the right-click menu and keyboard combos14:14
ActionParsnipinflex: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8850924/raring.png14:19
ActionParsnipinflex: dangerzone!!!14:19
num7hi, my pc (os debian) get stuck and had to turn the power off. now i can't boot it says (error: unknown filesystem. grub rescue>) Can somebody help me out please?14:20
DJonesnum7: #debian should be able to help you with that14:21
num7okay thank you DJones14:21
mr-richDoes cron have a log? I have a cron job that's supposed to run weekly but every once in a while it doesn't. Is there a way to tell if it tried to run?14:23
mr-richAlready searched through everything /var/log ...14:24
isashaWhich option should I use for mv to move an entire directory from one drive to another directory into another drive? I tried to use sudo mv (have rights issues) directory1 directory214:25
inflexmr-rich: check the mail spool files to see if anything has been sent14:25
yeatsmr-rich: you can install mail-utils and then the system will alert the cron user via mail14:25
DJonesmr-rich: cron jobs are supposed to be logged at /var/log/syslog14:25
inflexmr-rich: ie, ls /var/spool/mail14:25
isashabut then that gave me this error:14:25
isashaunable to remove target: Is a directory14:25
isashaany ideas?14:25
lotuspsychjehow can i make desktop notifications persistent in my python script can someone take a look at it?14:25
yeatsisasha: I would use rsync and once everything's copied, rm the original14:26
isashaOh and there is also this part at the beginning:14:26
isashamv: inter-device move failed: `A Clockwork Orange 1971 1080p x264 AC3 mkvrg/' to `/media/sasha/DL2 160/downloads/A Clockwork Orange 1971 1080p x264 AC3 mkvrg'; unable to remove target: Is a directory14:26
yeatsisasha: or cp -r14:26
isashacan't I do it with mv?14:26
DJonesmr-rich: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56683/where-is-the-cron-crontab-log14:26
yeatsisasha: this thread might help: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/using-mv-to-move-the-contents-of-one-directory-into-another-444738/14:27
NoiseEeehi folks, 12.04 here and wondering how I might set my "folder" view to "list" and also show Owner and Permissions by default, every time I open it.14:28
zokkohm, no helpfull bots in here? :/14:28
samuel__floodbot i helpufl14:29
=== Wug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
yeats!bot | zokko14:30
ubottuzokko: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:30
DJoneszokko: It doesn't look like there are any repo's/ppa's with zend 1.1214:31
yeatsNoiseEee: Files -> Preferences has some options14:31
isashayeats: yeah the cp and then rm trick worked14:32
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NoiseEeeperfect, yeats14:33
=== ruben is now known as Guest20446
mr-richinflex: thanks ... the cron actually ran ... accessing via WinSCP on WinXP ... had to refresh the remote directory listing14:35
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inflexmr-rich: oh good, so there was something in the mail spool?14:37
lostsois there any way the i can recovery deja dup password?14:37
dlittleanybody get fitbit to sync in ubunut14:37
lostsois there any way the i can recovery deja dup password?14:37
mr-richinflex: Yes ... in /var/spool/postfix ... grep'd it for the script name ...14:38
=== NePtUnO|Off is now known as NePtUnO
famax8whts the story with the new studio 13.04~?14:40
inflexmr-rich: wonderful, good to know that was useful :)14:41
_joeyis there alternative client for skype?14:41
Fieldy_joey: no, it's proprietary and closed source from top to bottom, including the protocol it uses14:42
adamk_joey: If you want to chat with other skype users, you have to use skype.14:42
_joeylinux is skype is really outdated now14:43
_joeyit does not look like it has been supported for a little while14:43
adamkWhich doesn't change the answer :-)14:43
famax8_joey, there is a website that can do the work meanwhile14:43
_joeyfamax8: which work?14:44
famax8_joey, so far it always did work for me and is also handy at work14:45
famax8lemme check it14:45
_joeyfamax8: what are you talking about?14:45
lmatI installed my new graphics driver and my system is sort of borked :(14:47
lmatamd firepro m400014:47
lmatThe window manager "works" but the tool bars and window decorations don't work.14:47
lmatAny clues? ^_^14:48
adamk_lmat: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file14:48
_joeywhat's a popular screenshot utility?14:48
lmatadamk_: aye14:49
=== mike_ is now known as Guest26406
CaterpillarDoes anybody have AMD Radeon graphic card with propertary drivers? Are they good now, after years of bad drivers? Does AMD still drop support after 2 years?14:50
Dirangedi can tell my debian package build files that the sourcecode is at some URL right? and it will download it?14:50
MonkWitDaFunkI have ati radeon14:51
famax8_joey, i guess - is called imo14:51
MonkWitDaFunkNo proprietary drivers are available14:51
famax8_joey, there was another one but cant remember the name and u also have one on the skype website14:51
CaterpillarMonkWitDaFunk: model?14:51
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
adamkCaterpillar: I haven't had any serious issues with the proprietary drivers in quite a while, but yes they do still drop support for cards every few years.14:52
lmatadamk_: ^14:52
=== aura is now known as aura_
Caterpillaradamk: ok that's enough14:53
lmat_joey: screenshot14:53
adamkCaterpillar: HD5xxx and higher GPUs are supported by the current drivers, HD2xxx through HD4xxx are supported by legacy drivers that require an older X server.14:53
MonkWitDaFunkNvidia should definately be your card if you want to adopt linux with proprietary graphics drivers14:53
adamkCaterpillar: But, personally, I prefer the open source drivers.14:53
Caterpillaradamk: lol they even dropped 4xxx14:53
Caterpillarmad at amd14:53
Caterpillarok thx for the infos14:54
adamklmat: How did you install the driver?14:54
lmatadamk: download and run.14:55
lmatadamk: let me see if I can get the link..14:55
MatthewXsudo apt-get "name"14:55
adamklmat: Well I'm seeing no sign in that log file that the proprietary driver is even installed.14:55
lmatadamk: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/fire/Pages/fire_dell_linux.aspx14:55
aura_ubuntu 13.04 keeps waiting to mount an external drive that no longer exists every boot until I press S14:55
lmatadamk: me, too14:55
lmatadamk: The performance is definitely different, though!!14:56
inflexaura_: remove it from /etc/fstab14:56
lmatadamk: I used to be able to use 3 monitors but now I can only use one :(14:56
lmatadamk: When I ran unit_support_test (I think that's what it's called) it has an error (can't open libGL or something)14:56
adamklmat: Well you are now using the fbdev driver which has no acceleration.14:56
adamklmat: And only supports one monitor.14:56
MatthewXI use Ubuntu in winter, it'll be warm.14:56
_joeywhat's a favourite utility for cd and dvd copying14:56
adamklmat: In the process of attempting to install the catalyst driver, you managed to disable the open source driver.14:57
lmatadamk: Ahh!14:57
MatthewXAnd now, It's hot here.14:57
lmatadamk: The reason I tried to install a new driver is because unity_support_test said that I was using software rendering.14:57
lmatadamk: This makes me want to invest my time writing open source drivers.14:57
adamklmat: Is this a laptop with a hybrid GPU?14:58
MatthewXwhat is hybird?14:58
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adamkMatthewX: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATI_Hybrid_Graphics14:58
lmatadamk: I don't know! I would love to know!14:58
adamklmat: Does 'lspci | grep -i vga' list one or two devices?14:59
lmatadamk: if its' fancy, I doubt it :)14:59
lmatadamk: and it's terribly non-descript: "AMD nee ATI Device 682d"14:59
adamkOK, so no hybrid graphics.  I would think the open source drivers support that GPU, then.14:59
lmatadamk: oh, that's only for radeons...I have firepro ..15:00
MatthewXDoes anybody speak Chinese?15:00
lmatMatthewX: Of course, silly.15:00
Pici!zh | MatthewX15:00
ubottuMatthewX: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:00
adamklmat: Nearly every Firepro video card from the last...  5-10 years, I think, has a radeon GPU at it's core.15:00
lmatadamk: good to know :)15:00
lmatadamk: Any suggestions?15:00
adamkCheck under /etc/modprobe.d/ for anything blacklisting the radeon kernel module.15:01
MatthewXI'm a new guy, are you in Taiwan now?15:01
lmatadamk: Oh yeah, the installation asked me a question up front...15:01
lmat"Install driver v9.0..." or "Generate Distribution-specific Driver package"15:02
lmatI think I tried the former the first time, perhaps I'll try the latter?15:02
adamklmat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units#FirePro_.28Mxxxx.29_Series Shows that the M4000 has an HD7770 radeon GPU at it's core.15:02
lmatadamk: :)15:02
adamklmat: Personally, I would try getting the radeon driver working.15:03
lmat"There were errors during package generation."15:03
lmatadamk: Ahh, grab up hd7770 radeon drivers?15:03
adamklmat: Ubuntu comes with the open source radeon driver. I would be interested in knowing why that wasn't working and trying to fix it.15:04
adamkWhich is why I suggest checking to see if radeon is blacklisted.15:04
lmatadamk: me, too!15:04
TBotNikAll, Need some help! Installed LAMP, PEAR/PECL and then phpseclib.  Now need to be able to run right combo of ssh-keygen to get into local id_rsa file, for automation of SFTP cron script.  Anyone have the right syntax for this?15:04
lmatadamk: cd /etc/modprobe.d && grep -C 2 -i radeon $(find)15:05
lmatadamk: returns "# radeon conflicts with AMD Linux Graphics Driver" and "blacklist radeon"15:06
lmatadamk: Does that mean that linux has blacklisted all radeon devices?15:06
lmatadamk: brb, gotta restart for driver installation...15:07
adamkIt means that your attempt to install the proprietary driver blacklisted the open source radeon kernel module, which is why Xorg is failing to load the radeon driver.15:07
lmatokay, reinstalled drivers, same effect.15:09
adamkWhat drivers did you reinstall?15:09
lmatadamk: same ones15:09
adamkWhy would you think that following the same procedure (which didn't previously work) would suddenly start working?15:09
delacboth totem and vlc view H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) video black (sound ok) on ubuntu 12.04. any obivious fix?15:09
lotuspsychjeim looking for a python script that can click unread msges on desktop notifications15:10
lmatadamk: many reasons :)15:10
ActionParsnipdelac: tried a different video utout method in settings?15:10
lmatadamk: If you really want to hear some reasons, I'll be glad to enumerate. For now, I'll look at why package generation failed, then, assuming nothing hopeful is found, I'll uninstall it and try to get back hom.15:11
seregaHi, who knows how to fix the fonts in intellij idea?15:11
delacActionParsnip: nope, what might be good try?15:13
delacActionParsnip: oh, at least X11 seems to work. thanks!15:14
delacActionParsnip: um, is there a way to change this in totem?15:15
chrohi, every time I log in with my user account I get this message "The program 'screen' is currently not installed.  To run 'screen' please ask your administrator to install the package 'screen'" Why does this happen?15:16
nimbiotics#join #alsa15:16
SonikkuAmerica/join #alsa15:17
jribchro: you've probably setup screen to run automatically when you login?  But I'm pretty sure screen should be installed by default...15:17
ActionParsnipchro: sudo apt-get install screen15:17
ActionParsnipits not default installed15:18
chrojrib, how can I set that up?15:18
ActionParsnipchro: sudo apt-get install screen15:18
chrojrib, screen is not installed here15:18
chroActionParsnip, I don't want to install screen. I just want to get rid of this message15:19
nimbioticsI need help. The audio in my system is messed up. I want to use mixed stereo in order to be able to record some phone calls and tried to do so with pavucontrol to no avail. Then someone told me to use alsamix and, even though I followed his advise neither did that work so I forgot about it. Now, I am trying to play urban terror and I cannot hear any of the sound effects. Can some PLEASE...15:19
nimbiotics...help me get my audio fixed? TIA!15:19
SonikkuAmericachro: Something in your system depends on screen apparently.15:20
SonikkuAmerica!es | otoxoto15:20
seregawho knows how to fix the fonts in intellij idea?15:20
ubottuotoxoto: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:20
DJones!es | otoxoto15:20
otoxotoCOMO TE VA dJ?15:21
=== sun is now known as Guest60224
otoxotoTe cuento15:21
otoxototrabajo en un canal de Tv local, en un pueblito perdido al Norte de ARgentina15:21
chroSonikkuAmerica, like what? what can trigger an application to start when I log in with my user account15:21
otoxotoEstoy utilizando Ubuntu Studio... necesito un programa para15:21
SonikkuAmericachro: Byobu from tty15:21
otoxotoel noticiero15:21
otoxotome puedes ayudar?15:21
DJonesotoxoto: This channel is English only, please join #ubuntu-es for support in Spanish15:22
SonikkuAmericaotoxoto: Puedes recibir ayuda en español, escriba    /join #ubuntu-es15:22
nimbioticsOTOXOTO haz un canal privado15:22
otoxotoThaks you15:23
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:24
TBotNikAll:  REPEATING: Need some help! Installed LAMP, PEAR/PECL and then phpseclib.  Now need to be able to run right combo of ssh-keygen to get into local id_rsa file, for automation of SFTP cron script.  Anyone have the right syntax for this?15:24
otoxotomuchas gracias a todos!15:24
nimbioticsI JUST WANTED YOU TO READ, thx!15:24
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: I assume ssh is installed to?15:24
gordonjcp!caps | nimbiotics15:25
ubottunimbiotics: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:25
lmatadamk: well, I got the proprietary drivers working (I guess). I made some simlinks to libGL.so.1 and another lib, then ran aticonfig --initial (which "modifies xorg config to work with AMD products") then restart. Now unity window decorations appear to work and the dash bar is apparent.15:25
Erealzhow do i install linux containers?15:25
adamklmat: Can you pastebin your new Xorg log file?15:25
nimbioticsi understand about  upper case, but not why area there so many xenophobics here15:25
lmatadamk: fo sho15:25
lmatadamk: http://pastie.org/795350415:26
lmatadamk: line 387 of use?15:27
TBotNikAll: If not do you have a good HOWTO?  All HOWTOs I've read are about how to gen key for either my machine or gen and port to my server.  Need the righ syntax to "GET" key from remote server.  The few HOWTOs that explain this scenario do not show HOWTO gen the key to local "id_rsa" file or HOWTO copy/export it to a file from the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.15:27
adamklmat: Well according to your log file, you're still using the Xorg fbdev driver...15:27
adamklmat: [    12.832] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module fglrx15:28
lmatadamk: It might be working better just because of those soft links :o15:28
adamklmat: The driver is not installed, or not installed properly.15:28
L30hello folks15:28
L30quick question15:28
adamklmat: find /usr/lib* -name fglrx_drv.so15:28
rockydoes anyone have experience setting up a displaylink/usb display in ubuntu 13.04 ? i really have no idea where to start and google is just showing old info that doesn't seem to pertain to 13.0415:29
L30If Installed Lubuntu as an OS can i removwe it (since now i'v installed Ubuntu Desktop" ???15:29
lmatadamk: got it.15:29
SonikkuAmericaL30: You can get rid of the lubuntu-desktop and lxde packages15:29
lmatadamk: my xorg.conf says "Driver "fglrx" "15:30
fschuindtguys, I have an virtual box installed ubuntu server, with some softwares and configurations, It's a Rails apps web server, with database and everything. I am about to pay a VPS, wich uses the same distro/version. There's any way to upload like a copy of my server to the VPS? I don't want to setup everytinhg again.15:30
sandeeprhi, for some module testing i need to stress the 12.04 server. what is the option available to stress the server interms of cpu, memory, network and io?15:30
L30so i wont have any problems logging in? My fear is that when I uninstall It will remove the session manager and stuff like that15:30
adamklmat: OK.... But as you can see, it clearly can't load fglrx because it's either not on your system or not where it is supposed to be.15:30
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: Past that using the phpseclib extension to PEAR, but key keep failing as wrong gen syntax.  Works fine in FileZilla, and so assume I have key in ~/.ssh/known_hosts, but found I have 2 of these file, so not sure which contains the key for FileZilla, or if FileZilla has it's own file holding it's own keys.15:30
sc30317hey all; i'm trying to de-duplicate data on my hard drive.  I'm running linux, and the volume is NTFS.  is there an easy way to do this?15:30
lmatadamk: Ahh, perhaps I'll simlink it to /usr/lib :)15:30
adamklmat: It's an Xorg module, not a normal system library.  It does not go in /usr/lib/15:31
lmatadamk: ahh, good to know :)15:31
lmatadamk: I thought it's a kernel driver module15:31
adamklmat: fglrx.ko is a kernel module. We haven't even checked if that exists.15:32
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Hmm... better ask someone who knows about PEAR then.15:32
lmatadamk: didn't find it in /usr15:32
swisssc30317: de-duplicate?15:32
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: If I know where the key file is for FileZilla, and the right "export" cmd, then could get the "id_rsa" file I need for the autmation script.15:32
adamklmat: Then it's not getting installed at all on your system.15:32
lmatadamk: excellente :)15:32
lmatadamk: trying again15:33
adamklmat: Have you checked to see if the driver is installable via jockey?15:33
lmatadamk: never heard of jockey, I'll check it out.15:33
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Oh... that's just [ ssh-keygen ] then, unless you have the id_rsa and id_rsa.pub already.15:33
lmatadamk: And before you berate me for trying to do the exact same thing and expecting different results....15:33
lmatadamk: I've created openGL simlinks :)15:33
SonikkuAmericalmat: jockey == "Additional Drivers"15:34
adamkI didn't berate you before...  I simply asked a question :-)15:34
lmatSonikkuAmerica: yup, I see now :)15:34
lmatadamk: :)15:34
hypnocathow do i search through the names and descriptions of packages that i have installed ?15:34
lmatadamk: whoa! It looks like it has driver suggestions. Unfortunately, it's suggestions, not suggestion.15:34
tuffgong how to reset mysql with error #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server15:34
lmatdoh! "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system."15:34
adamkD'oh indeed.15:35
SonikkuAmericatuffgong: Try [ sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server ] and enter a new root password for the server.15:35
adamkWe already know that that aren't in use :-)15:35
antiherohello, trying to update server but get message "E: Internal Error, No file name for libpython2.7-minimal"15:35
antiherowhenever I try to do anything15:35
antiherois there a way to rollback packages15:35
antiheroto before15:35
lmatadamk: I'd like to undo the havok of this proprietary driver but "./driverfile.run --uninstall" fails.15:36
SonikkuAmericaantihero: First, is python installed?15:36
SonikkuAmerica(It should be)15:36
adamk_lmat: This is what happens when you don't use the recommended methods for installing proprietary drivers.15:36
lmatadamk_: seriously :(15:36
antiheroSonikkuAmerica: I think s15:36
lmatadamk_: I thought going to the manufacturer was a remarkably impecably recommended way :(15:36
adamk_lmat: Honestly, I doubt there's a whole lot of havok that has been done...  Clearly the installer didn't even install the most basic component, the Xorg module.15:36
adamk_lmat: So I would just install the driver through Additional Drivers, cross your fingers, and reboot.15:37
SonikkuAmericaantihero: (o) OK... try installing libpython2.7-minimal via apt-get then.15:37
lmatadamk_: it screwed up libGL :(   Clearly, don't trust manufacturers, they know nothing, trust Ubuntu (in this case, jockey).15:37
lmatadamk_: There are three choices:15:37
lmatadamk_: "Experimental AMD binary Xorg driver and kernel module"15:37
tuffgongSonikkuAmerica, still have the error  #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server15:37
antiheroSonikkuAmerica: https://gist.github.com/radiosilence/3ac5d9066fc434f1fd5415:38
lmatadamk_: "...AMD... proprietary ... driver (**experimental** beta)"15:38
lmatadamk_: and " ... (post-release updates)"15:38
SonikkuAmericatuffgong: Are you trying a remote (IP address) login or one from localhost?15:38
lmatadamk_: (the third is the same as the second except inside () )15:38
adamk_Well I'd avoid the experimental/beta one :-) Go for the post-release update, I think.15:39
tuffgongSonikkuAmerica, localhost15:39
lmatadamk_: Sounds like te right way to go :)15:39
SonikkuAmericatuffgong: Try purging and reinstalling.15:39
=== asj_ is now known as Guest92166
antiheroI tried apt-get install -f15:40
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: The key gen should not be dependent on the technology calling.  Right should be just "ssh-keygen" but have to have right option set or default goes to ~/.ssh/known_hosts and then do not have the "id_rsa" file needed to execute the automated script.15:40
antiherobut I get the python error15:40
delacany way with firefox to open type=video/mp4 video in external player?15:40
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Check inside ~/.ssh15:40
tuffgongSonikkuAmerica, can i have the command for purging the package15:41
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: Encrypted, so meaningless!15:41
antiheroI can't reinstall python-minimal15:41
antiheroas it complains I have unmet dependencies15:41
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: You have an encrypted home folder?15:41
SonikkuAmericatuffgong: [ sudo apt-get purge mysql-server ]15:41
SonikkuAmericaantihero: Not installable?15:42
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: Understand I open the file and is nothing but hash!15:42
Aaruni|OSXcan we password protect an application? for e.g.: it should ask for the password, each time I open thunderbird ?15:42
antiherohow do I give apt a "solution" ie replace with python15:42
tuffgongSonikkuAmerica, and coomand  for reinstalling the package15:43
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: That's what an SSH key is - "nothing but hash."15:43
SonikkuAmericatuffgong: [ sudo apt-get install mysql-server ]15:43
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: I'm on Kubuntu 12.04 (modified DT), but base install otherwise, and all .ssh file are encrypted by default.  Not sure about the home dir, but running all cmds as root and that is also encrypted!15:45
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: root doesn't use your SSH keys.15:45
antiherohow do I replace python2.7-minimal with libpython15:46
DirangedIs it not possible to have debuild or dpkg-buildpackage dynamically untar the orig.tar.gz file at build-time for a package?15:46
chrowhere are the incidents reported to when I try to install something and I have no rights to that?15:46
antiherobasically there's a partially installed libpython2.7-minimal throwing a spanner in the works15:47
antiheroso I need to like15:47
antiheroreplace that15:47
antiheroor re-do it or something15:47
antiherohelp :(15:47
FloodBot1antihero: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
MagBo_Hi guys, I have a really stupid question, I'm quite lost, as it's 2nd day in Debian-like repo. I want to set up a xen bridge via Ubuntu's suggested /etc/network/interfaces. I configure stuff, it works after first reboot, but after second reboot whole network table gets messed up and additional bridges get spawned.15:47
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: I see some examples where they show something like "ssh: hostIPaddress: keyhash, and those were telling you to copy the right "host" line into a new "id_rsa" file, but all mine is all hash so not possible to ID the host within the file.15:48
=== milind is now known as abyss42
antiheroah, dpkg15:49
antiherosudo dpkg --configure -a magic15:49
chrowhen I login with a non-sudo user I can see the message: "355 packages can be updated...."15:50
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Just delete the old id_rsa and id_rsa.pub and generate a new key using [ ssh-keygne ]15:50
chrowhy does this happen?15:50
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: *[ ssh-keygen ]15:50
tuffgongSonikkuAmerica, still error appears http://imagebin.antiyes.com/index829.html15:50
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: No such files to delete.15:51
=== Pricey is now known as pricey-test
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: In ~/.ssh/ ? If not, just generate new ones.15:51
=== pricey-test is now known as Pricey
MagBo_chro: that happens because of motd-script.15:52
chroMagBo_, does it have some config file that I can see?15:52
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: That is my problem, running ssh-keygen remotehostipaddress does not produce any such file.  ssh-keygen, but itself creates access code only for the current machine/OS and that also dumps into ~/.ssh/known_hosts, not to a file.15:53
MagBo_chro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateMotd15:54
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: BRB, got to check something!15:54
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Not when I ran [ ssh-keygen ] by itself. It generated a private and public key in ~/.ssh/ that I could export.15:54
MagBo_okay, it seems like it doesn't create bridge interfaces indefinitely long.15:56
MagBo_It just creates xenbr0-2.15:56
MagBo_and wrecks the routing table.15:56
=== xubuntu_ is now known as domino
dominois there a room specifically for x or l ubuntu?15:59
Gary_inNYCHow do I enable scrolling for a usb keyboard with built in touchpad attached to a laptop?  Vertical scrolling works fine on the laptop's touchpad, but not on the usb keyboard's touchpad.16:01
MagBo_Hm, is there a room specifically for Debian-based systems networking? Maybe Ubuntu Server room or something like that?16:01
ActionParsnipGary_inNYC: does the keyboard have a make and model?16:02
ActionParsnipMagBo_: there us #ubuntu-server16:02
MagBo_ActionParsnip: thx <316:02
cdavisHow do I determine what version of sane-backends I have?16:02
ActionParsnipcdavis: apt-cache policy sane-backends16:03
Gary_inNYCmodel is WKB-200016:03
ActionParsnipcdavis: or:  dpkg -l | grep sane16:03
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: Do you have an answer?  Need to goto meeting in a few, so will not be back for couple hours.16:04
ActionParsnipGary_inNYC: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+question/149155   found that16:04
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: What export cmd did you use?16:05
ActionParsnipGary_inNYC: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc16:05
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SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Didn't have to use one. (Canonical's Launchpad service lets you copy and paste the key into a text box)16:07
Deet_so, i have a massive pile of desktops. i'm am considering building a distributed system on it. came across directions for doing it with RedHat, i was curious if it can also be done witbh Ubuntu?16:07
Deet_anyone ever made a cluster system off ubuntu?16:07
gordonjcpDeet_: of course16:07
gordonjcpDeet_: first off, consider setting up PXE booting16:07
gordonjcpDeet_: that'll take an evening or so ;-)16:08
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: Not sure if I have LaunchPad under KDE, but checking!16:08
Gary_inNYCActionParsnip: lsb_release -sc doesn't seem to do anything for me16:08
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Web service - go to http://launchpad.net16:08
TBotNikI see it is a Python app16:09
Deet_one question tho. some of these machines are really old. will using GUI on one machine and command line on the rest be advisable? and can different version of ubuntu be used?16:09
nimbioticsI need help. The audio in my system is messed up. I want to use mixed stereo in order to be able to record some phone calls and tried to do so with pavucontrol to no avail. Then someone told me to use alsamix and, even though I followed his advise neither did that work so I forgot about it. Now, I am trying to play urban terror and I cannot hear any of the sound effects. Can someone PLEASE...16:09
nimbiotics...help me get my audio fixed? TIA!16:09
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: It's a Unity web app16:09
Deet_suppose PXE booting isn't an option on all machines?16:10
=== geoffw8__ is now known as geoffw8_
gordonjcpDeet_: they need to actually support PXE but you can usually see stuff about that in the BIOS screen16:11
gordonjcpDeet_: they will unless they are ridiculously old16:11
Deet_some are p2 and 316:11
gordonjcpnimbiotics: try alsa-oss16:11
gordonjcpDeet_: no PXE for you!16:11
gordonjcpDeet_: USB sticks or even floppies with a PXE bootloader will help though16:11
cheffedHello, ive set Rythmbox on Partymode, however (lol) i cannot get it off it anymore, anyone know some hotkey that restores it to regular play mode?16:11
Deet_:( this is where i got the first info on using RedHat http://www.webstreet.com/super_computer.htm16:12
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait 10 seconds and reboot16:12
Deet_didn't say anything about pxe there16:12
Deet_okay, i got floppy drives16:12
bobsamfredricksi am a major ubuntu n00b and am looking for some help...my mouse speed is way too fast even though i have the setting on the slowest. i have posted this but don't seem to be generating much feedback: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/22923416:12
bobsamfredricksis there anyone who could help me?16:12
cheffedand me?16:12
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: WebApp?  How do you use it?16:12
ActionParsnipcheffed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187686216:13
ActionParsnipcheffed: tried F11?16:13
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Click it (it opens up a Firefox or Chromium window)16:13
gordonjcpbobsamfredricks: have you got another mouse you can try?16:13
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
bobsamfredricksgordon: hmm, yeah. i'll give that a try and report back.16:13
lmatadamk_: You'll be happy to know (but not as happy as me) that everything seems good after the jockey install :)16:14
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: I see the page, but nothing about exporting rsa keys16:14
lmatadamk_: Oh, including the unity_support_test :)16:14
Fedor_Mihalychhi there, can somebody tell what i should change here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697353/   to set another midlle-click button (to double it) and double-left-click instead back and forward buttons to my mouse ?16:15
SonikkuAmericaTBotNik: Well, it's all part of the Launchpad network - you set up an account for those services, and then you can import and edit your OpenPGP and SSH keys from your user page.16:16
=== Dawn_ is now known as Dawn__
ActionParsnipcheffed: all better?16:17
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: Since got to run send me quick email link in private chat or email.16:18
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: You got the info or need I pass it?16:19
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: tbotnik@gmail.com16:19
TBotNikSonikkuAmerica: Cheers! Catch you later! Thanks!16:20
=== guest-eH3B7c is now known as peacez
xilogoing to details in settings crashes the settings window on 13.04. it's only the details page. any idea?16:22
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
Kalidarnnice the latest kernel update causes my machine to kernel panic16:26
KalidarnVFS: Cannot open root device "UUID=<uuid>" or unknown-block(0.0: error -616:27
Kalidarnanyone else getting that?16:27
chop1nKalidarn, what Ubuntu version?16:28
chop1nI am still on 12.04 LTS16:28
zokkoguys. i need ubuntu repo with zend-framework 1.12 <- can you help me?16:28
Kalidarnraring ringtail16:28
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Kalidarnso yeah 3.8.0-22 is screwed, 3.8.0-21 works fine though16:31
Kalidarnbug 118203816:32
ubottubug 1182038 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic fatal exception in interrupt" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118203816:32
Kalidarncd ubuntu-kernel16:33
bobsamfredricksi am a major ubuntu n00b and am looking for some help...my mouse speed is way too fast even though i have the setting on the slowest. i have posted this but don't seem to be generating much feedback: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/22923416:34
bobsamfredricksis there anyone who could help me?16:34
th0rbobsamfredricks: did you try that other mouse?16:34
bobsamfredricksyeah, tried another mouse, same thing16:34
bobsamfredricksthis machine (Dell Inspiron 14z) dual boots windows 7 and both these mouses work as desired under windows16:35
=== akshay__ is now known as akshay_r
bobsamfredricksmy plan is to dual boot ubuntu and W7 until i have all the "kinks" worked out of my ubuntu work flow, then i'll dump windows. but this mouse issue is significantly slowing down my productivity in ubuntu16:36
vitimitihi o/16:36
jhutchins_wkbobsamfredricks: Mouse configuration is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - which probably doesn't exist, as by default everything is auto-detected.16:37
HanTo try fixing a problem with xorg I install the xorg from saucy on precise.16:37
HanAlas I also got the libc6 from saucy. How can I revert to the right libc6?16:38
Hanapt-get install --reinstall libc6 says it can't download libc616:38
jhutchins_wkbobsamfredricks: See if you can get what you need from these: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MouseCustomizations http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/ubuntu-13-04-gains-improved-mouse-touchpad-settings16:38
bobsamfredricksjhutchins_wk: yeah, no xorg.conf file at that location16:38
k-stzbobsamfredricks: try a different usb-port for the mouse, those at the back of pc for example.16:39
bobsamfredricksjhutchings: thanks, i'll look at the link now16:39
bbbbprincipe di persia16:40
bobsamfredricksk-stz: i tried 3 different ports just now, same thing16:40
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=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
k-stzI just found this, someone said it helped him fix the issue for ubuntu 12.04: http://www.gdargaud.net/Hack/LinuxMouse.html16:42
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bobsamfredricksk-stz: thanks so much for digging that up. dad duties call so i have to step away but i've saved the link and will look at it soon. thanks!16:43
stevejb`hello, I am looking for an ssh-client. I am currently using ssh from terminal, but I want to use emacs remotely and i find that, using terminal, it captures some of my hot keys (e.g. Meta-F)16:45
trismstevejb`: at least in gnome-terminal, Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts/Uncheck "Enable menu access keys (such as alt+f for accessing the file menu)", seems to work16:47
cravipsince last few days my laptop suddenly freezes and then notihng works except shutdown button !! :(16:48
dominowill live usb xubuntu lts idle speed be nearly the same as installed?16:48
stevejb`trism: thank you. I am using XFCE and there was a similar option in their terminal16:48
NEonehi. Wanting to add programs to automatically startup at boot. I only have CLI, no GUI/xwindow.16:52
zokkowhat about zend repo?16:52
DJoneszokko: As I said earlier, there doesn't appear to be a repo or ppa with zend 1.12 in it16:53
NEoneIs this one still the right approach to start apps at boottime?: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7221757/run-automatically-program-on-startup-under-linux-ubuntu16:53
zokkoDJones: oh, i haven't seen your response. thank you.16:53
zokkoi need to update from 1.11.11 to 1.12 :(16:53
DJoneszokko: As far as I can see, you'd have to install it manually16:54
cravipany help with freezing issue ?? all data is lost16:54
zokkoDJones: do you know if simple replacing files will work? :-)16:54
DJoneszokko: I've no idea, its not something I've used, looking at the zend website though, they have an IRC channel on freenode #zftalk There may be somebody in there that will be able to help you16:55
zokkoDJones: i havent found that channel, tried #zend and similar. thank you!16:56
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
=== faad is now known as asdf33666
ryshUsing xubuntu but always have crashed with one-conf. Can I somehow disable this package?17:05
asdf33666any way to recover deja dup  encrypted backup password?17:07
dev___I'm trying to build up a machine to run Ubuntu Server for about 6 developers to ssh into. What's the best way to determine what hardware will work and are there any lists on suggested prebuilts to use for something like that?17:08
K1lleDhello guys i have problem with audio on my ubuntu 12.04. Crackling in "counter strike 1.6" with wine. yesterday i had same problem with skype, but i change one file (build from internet) and skype sound was fixed.17:08
K1lleDbut in game is still bad17:08
asdf33666ubuntu is getting bad17:09
trismrysh: you can just uninstall oneconf if you like, assuming you don't care about having ubuntu software-center (which requires it)17:10
trismrysh: otherwise you're probably stuck with it17:11
ryshtrism, thanks. but somehow the apt-get --purge remove command gives me: Package 'oneconf' is not installed, so not removed17:12
ryshalthough it still crashhes17:13
ubuntu12312I just reinstall windows on another partition, ran boot-loader on using an ubuntu live-cd and it gave me an error -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697626/ <-17:14
cronos_Salut tous le monde hello world17:14
famax8K1lleD, there is CS 1.6 for ubuntu no need for wine17:14
famax8cronos_, hi17:15
ubuntu12312" An error occurred during the repair." -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697626/17:15
K1lleDfamax8:  non steam..17:15
K1lleDi dont have steam acc17:15
famax8 r for cs17:15
famax8K1lleD, is free for CS 1.617:15
famax8K1lleD, and is free account on steam always17:15
K1lleDi can play free counter strike 1.617:16
K1lleDwith steam17:16
famax8K1lleD, opening an account is free yes17:17
=== guest12345 is now known as Witherwings
K1lleDyeah i know that actualy i have acc but i never play games, because need money17:17
trismrysh: strange, do you get any additional output, maybe something you could pastebin or screenshot?17:19
trismrysh: during the crash, not from apt-get17:19
layer3[iris907] I'm behind a HTTP-only firewall (even worse than just ports 80 and 443, it actually blocks all non-HTTP traffic); can I mount a network drive I have at home over the HTTP protocol?17:20
famax8K1lleD, so get steam on ubuntu17:20
layer3[iris907] Sort of like you can do with SSH: <http://dag.wieers.com/howto/ssh-http-tunneling/> but with mounting instead.17:20
ryshtrism, I already clicked away the window from the crash rapport. Any idea how to get this back?17:20
trismrysh: no easy way I know of to get to that exact window, though you could look in /var/crash/ and it will give you the path to the command that crashed17:21
trismrysh: and you could do: ubuntu-bug /var/crash/crashfilename; if you wanted to report it, but it won't take to back to the same dialog17:22
trismrysh: at least I don't think it will17:22
SolarisBoyoy - wrong window17:25
ryshtrism, OK this is embarrassing. :-) ... I put the command to remove the package while i was logged in to another machine running linuxmint ... forgive me. Have removed this package together with the software center17:25
nube_When I installed ubuntu, I forgot to check the "encryp my home" option. How can I encrypt my account?17:25
=== MartinS is now known as Guest31124
ryshtrism, I do always my package installs and removals with apt so no need for this software center :-)17:26
nube_doesn't see, to be any option in Settings -> User accounts"17:26
yeats!encryption | nube_17:28
ubottunube_: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory17:28
trismrysh: I've certainly done the same before, all the ssh windows tend to look the same17:29
seronisis it safe to run  "dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -c9 > Packages.gz"  inside of  /var/cache/apt/archives/  and to have computers on your lan list each other as an entry in sources.list ?17:30
ryshtrism, Thanks anyway!! :-)17:31
nube__How do I use the HUD, Web apps?17:32
nube__I think mine is broken17:32
preyaloneCan someone help me fix my broken apt? I ran `do-release-upgrade`, and haven't been able to update my packages since.17:35
killerhey...how can i recover accidently deleted drives data17:37
nube__ anyone know how to get web apps to work17:41
adamk_nube__: What do you mean by that?17:41
preyalonekiller: Google it. nube__: Be more specific.17:41
nube__Ok, when I press alt, there is just a search bar that appears for firefox17:42
nube__Although I have about 10 web apps insalled - reddit, google docs, gmail, calandar, etc17:42
nube__I can't seem to use anything but firefox17:42
nube__I seem to have this problem17:43
preyalonenube__: Web apps might not be indexed by the Ubuntu app searcher.17:44
nube__so how do I fix that?17:45
preyalonenube__: Try bookmarking the web apps.17:45
nube__I have them bookmarked17:46
nube__for exampple I am on reddit.com17:46
nube__I have it bookmarked17:46
=== sarsaeol_ is now known as sarsaeol
nube__When I press ALT something is supposed to happen, right?17:51
nube__It just brings up a search over firefox17:51
=== francisco is now known as Guest60367
ThinkT510nube__: hold down the super key to find out what keyboard shortcuts are in unity17:51
ThinkT510nube__: super key = windows logo17:52
nube__But can you tell me what sort of feature this web app has or another17:53
nube__so I can try to see if it works17:53
nube__I have not used a web app before17:53
jakempmy desktop keeps locking up every few hours17:54
jakempnot running anything CPU intensive17:54
nube__No matter what page I am on, if I press ALT or hold it17:54
jakempor IO intensive17:54
jakempthis is new with 13.0417:54
nube__the menu and search bar are only fore firefox17:54
nube__not for gmail, reddit, google docs, etc17:54
=== qos is now known as qos|away
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory18:00
nube__how can I change the passphrase for my encrypted home18:04
morten771can I copy the whole partition (it is 10 GB or so) to a huge bakup file on my external usb hard disk, but still can mount that big file as a partition so I can use files on it as usual?18:04
morten771so it is both a "partition backup" that I can restore to the harddisk again (with dd?) if needed, and a "file bakup" where I can easy get files from18:05
morten771hello plokami66618:05
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
plokami666I have a question about usergroups, is this the right place to ask?18:07
lmat_If I understand correctly, compiz is the window manager for Unity?18:08
ThinkT510lmat_: yes18:08
lmat_So, what happens when I run compiz --replace ?18:08
preyaloneI was able to fix my corrupted apt thanks to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1904226&p=11586018#post11586018.18:09
plokami666Okay, I'm guessing this is a place to ask my question18:10
l9yeah and if you ask it you might get the answer too18:10
plokami666Google has failed me on this one. Is it possible to change the default /home directory for new users?18:10
plokami666As in, instead of it being at /home when user example is made, it would make an example dir under /var/www18:11
lmat_I open Ubuntu (Unity), run ccsm, select Wobbly Windows and it doesn't work.18:11
lmat_This should work, right?18:11
plokami666I'm talking about the automatic home directory when a user is made though. Not manually changing it every time.18:11
lmat_plokami666: http://bit.ly/10ttAvL18:12
ShaneOgood evening all I recently setup a postfix mailserver and was using squirrelmail as a fronted mail client....everything was working until I accidently removed the dir now upon re-installation the page won't load all I can see is the php code18:15
ShaneOsquirrelmail is set to run out of /var/www/squirrelmail18:15
plokami666lmat_: Please learn to read. Thanks for the useless response though :)18:16
junix659hi, i need to i'm trying to install the kernel header packages so that i can compile VMware tools, but when I did it last night, i didn't have the right package.  could someone please tell me what the correct one is?18:16
lmat_plokami666: hmm...I thought it was pertinent.18:16
lmat_plokami666: "change the default /home directory for new users?" right?18:17
plokami666I already spent around 30 minutes looking around google with no valid results.18:17
lotuspsychje!kernel | junix65918:17
ubottujunix659: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)18:17
lmat_plokami666: The top result appears to answer your question. Does it not work?18:17
lmat_plokami666: Ohh...how are you creating the new user?18:18
junix659i just need the proper headers file18:18
plokami666It doesn't seem to work, no.18:19
plokami666and I'm doing useradd <name>18:20
lmat_plokami666: hmm, interesting.18:20
plokami666That's on 12.0418:20
jakemphow do I find out what is causing my periodic lock ups? They usually go away after a minute or two.18:21
jakempon a fresh 13.04  install18:21
lotuspsychjejakemp: setup locks or system freeze?18:22
=== jordan_ is now known as MiniD
lmat_plokami666: And you tried `useradd -b /var/www username` ?18:22
vesaythHi all. Does anyone know if there is a way to adjust mouse sensitivity in 13.04? It appears that it has been merged with mouse acceleration, which I want disabled. I have managed to disable mouse acceleration via xinput but there is no way that I can see to adjust the sensitivity afterwards. This seems like a huge oversight to me from the Ubuntu devs.18:22
jakempsystem freeze, lotuspsychje18:22
lotuspsychjejakemp: what your machine brand?18:22
James_mHi. How to get rid of the initial sound in KUbuntu?18:23
jakemplotuspsychje, I have chromium Xchat, gedit and 2 terms open. Lenovo T420, i5 2520, 8GB RAM18:23
MiniDHow do I remove Virtual packages (I am trying to remove ircd)?18:23
lmat_plokami666: or `useradd -b ...` ?18:23
lotuspsychjejakemp: ssd hd or magnetic?18:23
jakempssd. New samsung 840 256GB18:23
errrickhttp://fidel.cast.ro lol18:23
lotuspsychjejakemp: did you change bios from IDE to AHCI?18:24
RxDxplease, i just bought a lg ultrabook with windows8... how can i enter in BIOS to able the usb boot?18:24
jakempand not more fast boot18:24
jakempit does the diagnostics18:24
lmat_plokami666: And you edited /etc/adduser.conf ?18:24
ryshMiniD, apt-get --purge remove ircd18:24
vesaythRxDx: Press del or f2 during bootup18:24
lotuspsychjejakemp: network boot enabled or not?18:24
jakemplotuspsychje, I left /var and /temp on the SSD for now, and I have no swap space. No network boot enabled18:25
RxDxvesayth: didnt work... boots too fast18:25
ryshMiniD, as root or otherwise use sudo18:25
lotuspsychjejakemp: i had my acer freeze on ubuntu with network boot off, try set it enable18:25
MiniDrysh: I still get the message "Virtual packages like 'ircd' can't be removed"18:25
jhutchins_wkRxDx: It probably doesn't have a BIOS but uses EFI.18:25
vesaythRxDx: You can tap them repeatedly without worrying. That's what I usually do when it's too fast.18:25
jakemplotuspsychje, okay, I'll try that next reboot18:26
lotuspsychjejakemp: how far you get in ubuntu setup?18:26
RxDxjhutchins_wk: how can I edit EFI configurations?18:26
trismMiniD: any output from: dpkg-query -Wf '${Package} - ${Provides}\n' | grep ircd;18:26
jhutchins_wkRxDx: Look for documentation from your hardware supplier.18:26
jakemplotuspsychje, it's installed.18:26
jakempbeen using it for a day18:27
lotuspsychjejakemp: oh sorry, any logs with relevant errors on your freeze?18:27
jakempno idea18:27
lotuspsychjejakemp: you might wanna check /var/log/syslog.118:27
ryshMiniD, indeed ... apt-cache show also shows "apt-cache show ircd N: Can't select versions from package 'ircd' as it is purely virtual"18:27
jhutchins_wkRxDx: One of the goals of Windows8 with secure boot was to make it impossible to boot to another OS.18:28
OhYeah123 Picture of my whore ex-girlfriend topless: http://imagetwist.com/bht271uw0ng218:28
vesaythThis whole mouse sensitivity thing really has me stumped. I can't find any info out there other than how to disable the acceleration. It's so weird  and backwards that they completely removed perfectly good configuration options in 13.04 that have been working great for years.18:29
bsy23.2.0-44.69 locks up when mounting filesystems. are there reports of ecryptfs related issues?  i can boot 3.2.0-43 w/o problems, and 3.2.0-44.69 recovery boots and runs fine until i try to mount filesystems via safe-x path18:29
MiniDrysh: ya "dpkg-query -Wf '${Package} - ${Provides}\n' | grep ircd" outputs ircd-irc2 -18:29
MiniDWhat do I need to do to remove ircd?18:29
ryshMiniD, maybe sudo dpkg -r ircd works ?18:29
trismMiniD: there you go, try removing ircd-irc218:29
trismMiniD: no wait, I read the output incorrectly18:30
jhutchins_wkvesayth: I just posted some mouse configuration info this morning...18:30
trismMiniD: are you sure you have anything installed? virtual packages aren't real packages, they are just Provides lines in other packages18:30
trismMiniD: is there a binary that is starting that you are trying to get rid of? could try: dpkg -S /path/to/binary;18:31
MiniDtrism: the irc server is still running so I am assuming it is still installed... (could this be a false assumption)18:32
jhutchins_wkvesayth: Arch has some good docs: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mouse_acceleration18:32
lotuspsychjejhutchins_wk: this isnt the right channel for arch urls mate18:32
jhutchins_wkvesayth: So do we: http://askubuntu.com/questions/172972/configure-mouse-speed-not-pointer-acceleration  http://askubuntu.com/questions/8506/decrease-mouse-sensitivity-below-the-standard-limit18:32
nobWhat is better for ubuntu? Keepass2 or KeepassX ??18:33
jhutchins_wklotuspsychje: Information is information, it's common to xorg.18:33
morten771will this make a perfect partition bakup:  "sudo dd if=/dev/sda7 of=/media/myusbdisk/bakup.img" (and if I want to access a file on it "sudo mount -ro loop /media/myusbdisk/bakup.img /mnt" (if my / is at sda7) ?18:34
morten771and can I copy the image back to a real partition with dd on another harddisk if the one I have breaks?18:35
MiniDIt is located in /usr/sbin/ircd ...18:35
trismMiniD: okay try: dpkg -S /usr/sbin/ircd; see if you get a package name18:35
vesaythjhutchins_wk: neither of those options work18:36
vesaythxinput doesn't have any settings for sensitivity, only acceleration18:36
vesaythand the system settings mouse dialog merged acceleration with sensitivity in 13.0418:36
vesaythmaking it impossible to use that dialog to adjust them independently of one another18:37
MiniDOk thanks I got the package name of "ircd-irc2" and was able to remove it with apt-get autoremove18:37
vesayththis wasn't a problem in 12.10 or prior. In fact, I don't think it's ever been a problem in the history of Linux18:37
lotuspsychjevesayth: did you upgrade or clean install raring?18:39
vesaythlotuspsychje: clean install. It isn't a bug from what I can tell. In fact, various articles online are touting this new "feature" as an improvement18:40
vesaythlotuspsychje: example article from omgubuntu if you search "13.04 mouse acceleration." Not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to those sites in here?18:42
lotuspsychjevesayth: im already on that page tnx :p18:42
lotuspsychjevesayth: Pointer Acceleration’ and ‘Pointer Sensitivity’ have been merged18:43
vesaythlotuspsychje: Right. That's what I understand. But that is the most awful thing ever. There must be a way to get around it18:43
lotuspsychjevesayth: lemme check in unity-tweak-tool holdon18:44
OerHeksor maybe dconf, should have mouse settings too18:44
vesaythlotuspsychje: so far I have tried xinput and dconf with no success in either place18:44
vesaythboth only have options for acceleration18:45
vesaythi have used xinput to disable the acceleration, which is fantastic, but I can't adjust the sensitivity afterwards making it moot18:45
abc__Hi guyzzz18:46
abc__can any 1 tell me if MS SQL SERVER can be installed on Ubuntu 13.04?18:46
lotuspsychjevesayth: sorry its not in unity tweak tool18:47
lotuspsychje!lamp | abc__18:47
ubottuabc__: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.18:47
lotuspsychje!it | Guest1372918:47
ubottuGuest13729: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:47
thebwtis there a way to configure permissions on a directory, such that all file created within the directory have group ownership set to a specific group?18:47
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OerHeksabc__, check the wine database for ms software18:47
Guest6757hey guiz18:47
vesaythlotuspsychje: thanks anyay. I guess I just have to go back to 12.10 as this is a complete dealbreaker for me.18:47
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jribthebwt: sure, use setgid on the directory (or use ACLs)18:48
penguinmessiahim getting pixilated text randomly18:48
lotuspsychjevesayth: i did not say there wasnt a workaround...18:48
thebwtjrib: thanks!18:48
ubottuGuest13729: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:49
lotuspsychjeGuest13729: english only here18:49
vesaythlotuspsychje: Ok, I'll keep looking. I really do like 13.04. It's surprisingly fast comparatively to its unity predecessors. I just can't believe they would break something so simple as this. I guess that's the cost of them getting rid of their open process for developing this release.18:50
abc__vesayth : i don't find it application developer friendly.....18:51
lotuspsychjevesayth: you can always discuss this issue in #ubuntu-offtopic, im happy with all improvements ubuntu does so far..18:51
giltron2000hey, i followed the installation guide at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Ycx2K2OeY which uses wubi. can i change the amount of disk space ubuntu gets now?18:52
abc__can't find any good RDBMS to start on....18:52
abc__which is compatible with ubuntu18:52
PriceyGuest13729: What's up?18:53
giltron2000hey, i followed the installation guide at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Ycx2K2OeY which uses wubi. can i change the amount of disk space ubuntu gets now?18:53
genii-around!info firebird18:54
ubottuPackage firebird does not exist in raring18:54
giltron2000does anyone have experience with wubi?18:54
lotuspsychje!wubi | giltron200018:55
ubottugiltron2000: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe18:55
giltron2000can i change the amount of disk space ubuntu gets now?18:55
BluesKajgiltron2000, yeah ,but it's not a real linux experience18:55
DJonesGuest13729: What do you need help with?18:55
giltron2000yeah, i know. i followed this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Ycx2K2OeY18:56
Honvaican we give permission to open terminal in ipad ios 6.1.3?18:56
ubottuGuest13729: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:57
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penguinmessiahhey guys my words randomly are pixilated18:57
lotuspsychjeHonvai: this is an ubuntu support channel mate18:57
Honvaii see18:58
ubottujunix659: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:58
junix659can someone point in the right direction for stablility of the ubuntu repos?  I have no idea what multiverse is?  is that like testing for debian?19:00
BluesKaj!repositories | junix659,19:01
ubottujunix659,: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.19:01
penguinmessiahcan i get help with a display problem???19:01
lotuspsychje!it | pro9719:02
ubottupro97: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:02
genii-aroundgiltron200, lotuspsychje ... from Raring onwards Wubi has been dropped19:03
lotuspsychjegenii-around: tnx for info mate, someone should remove trigger...19:03
lotuspsychjegenii-around: or is it still active for 12.04 lts?19:04
genii-aroundlotuspsychje: It's still valid for previous versions which are still suypported19:04
genii-aroundlotuspsychje: Yes, just 13.04 onwards will be without it19:04
lotuspsychjegenii-around: any alternatives for users wanting making an usb for ubuntu?19:05
BluesKajlotuspsychje, ppl will still try it, best to have a factoid for a the time being...better than having to explain wubi manually19:05
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: i know, and unetbooting is even worse for beginners19:06
Anonymizerhey all19:06
genii-aroundlotuspsychje: unetbootin  to make an usb image. But installing *buntu inside of Windows will no longer be an option19:06
Anonymizeri need some help in creating a batch file19:06
Anonymizerany smart people that can help me?19:07
BluesKajlotuspsychje, I haven't tried unebootin , but I've seen plenty of trouble with it reported here19:07
Mike3620hping3: you must specify only one target host at a time  << how do I fix this. I am only pinging one host19:07
genii-aroundAnonymizer: If what you're thinking of is a shell script written in bash, you may want to enquire in the #bash channel19:08
lotuspsychjegenii-around: i hope the future brings another alternative, to make ppl switch easy..19:08
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penguinmessiahcan i get some help with a visual issue?19:09
Anonymizeri want to create a batch file that pings a website and if there is no response it should dc and reconnect the internet connection again until it pings19:09
lotuspsychjepenguinmessiah: ask your question here once in a while mate19:09
Anonymizerwill it work in windows?19:12
lotuspsychjeAnonymizer: this is an ubuntu support channel mate19:12
lucjanhow to change channel?19:13
DJonesAnonymizer: This is Ubuntu support, if you're looking for Windows support, you should ask in ##windows19:13
roastedlotuspsychje: ubuntu-offtopic is not a support channel...19:13
lucjanhello im first time here so if i can ask- how can i change channel19:14
genii-aroundlucjan: /join #channelname19:14
lotuspsychjeroasted: i told vesayth he could 'discuss' this new feature, i did not send him for support..19:14
lucjanjoin #polen19:14
genii-aroundlucjan: You need the / in front :)19:14
roastedlotuspsychje: I understand. I just wanted to point that out. :)19:15
Anonymizerim getting ubuntu and backtrack soon19:15
Honvaihello. What is the command to format ipad?19:15
genii-aroundAnonymizer: If you want a Windows batch file script, enquire in ##windows ... if you want a bash script for Ubuntu or other linux, enquire in #bash19:16
lotuspsychjeHonvai: i already told you this is an ubuntu support channel, not for ipads19:16
DJonesHonvai: This is Ubuntu support, not Apple/Ipad19:16
lotuspsychjelol ppl cant read anymore these days :p19:17
BluesKajmaybe he wants to format to ext4 and install u8ubuntu on his Ipad :)19:17
Honvaiapple/ipad do not have support for my request i think19:17
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: :p19:17
lotuspsychje!alis | Honvai19:18
ubottuHonvai: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:18
lucjan1 question more - how i can check system (CPU, HDD, RAM) on UBUNTU?19:18
OerHekslucjan,  try a nice conky script19:19
madel1my netinst text-mode installer seems to do nothing when reaching the "download installer components" step. It reacts to key strokes but all that seems to be left functioning is restart...19:19
lucjanfrom terminal?19:19
madel1does that sond like something known to anyone?19:19
lucjanor i need download first?19:20
OerHeks!info conky19:20
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-2 (raring), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB19:20
genii-aroundlucjan: If you want fairly extensive iunformation: sudo lshw19:20
lotuspsychjelucjan: indicator-multiload is also cool19:20
francesc1è possibile abilitare i driver proprietari da terminale?19:23
puffI have an IBM thinkpad t520 with nvidia graphics, currently running ubuntu 12.4 LTS.  Historically I've needed the alternate installer to get ubuntu installed on this machine.  The alternate installer is discontinued since 12.10... is there a known solution for this?19:23
DJones!fr | francesc119:23
ubottufrancesc1: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:23
francesc1you can enable the proprietary drivers from terminal? i'm italian19:23
DJonesfrancesc1: Sorry, first glance I thought it was French19:24
lucjanTHX  SUDO LSHW is very good i have what i need on more time thx19:24
francesc1DJones, ;)19:24
jhutchins_wkpuff: The presumption is that the regular installer can now handle the things that the alternate installer was for.19:25
jhutchins_wkpuff: This may or may not be true for you.19:25
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:26
User123Hello all, I seem to have a problem with apt-get update19:28
puffjhutchins_wk: Joy.19:28
lotuspsychjeUser123: can you pastebin the output here in channel?19:28
HonvaiWhat is the command to format ipad, leaving only on screen keyboarn and dos using terminal?19:30
DJonesHonvai: That is not an Ubuntu question, please stop asking19:30
Dirangedwhy do my .changes files created with debuild always say 'Distribution: lucid-proposed'… regardless of what distro I build on?19:31
nobanyone use keepass?19:31
lotuspsychjenob: its better you just ask your issue in channel mate19:32
blebafordI've got Firefox 18 after running apt-get update. Is there an elegant/right way of upgrading to the latest version?19:32
nobJust wondering whether to use Keepass2 or KeepassX in ubuntu19:32
lotuspsychjenob: both packages show in info19:34
lotuspsychjenob: keepassx is cross platform19:34
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:35
nobso which would you suggest?19:35
LloirHey guys, a friend of mine is having issues installing ubuntu, it gets to about 50/60% and the installer freezses19:35
trismDiranged: it takes the distribution from the top entry in debian/changelog19:36
sereblebaford: 21 should be in the repo19:36
nielThe windows installer wont work I have the right bit http://pastebin.com/cuf6CDww19:36
nielI dont understand the errors19:36
francesc1please, I need to install a server with raid 0. is better than software-raid or fakeraid?19:36
lotuspsychje!raid | francesc119:37
ubottufrancesc1: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:37
nobwhen i select a video driver should I choose19:37
nobAMD fglrx or fglrx-updates19:37
sereAMD fglrx19:38
nobwhat is the difference?19:38
wurmhey tich are u here?19:39
wurmops wrong chan19:39
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nobaren't updates good?19:39
* zcul is confused.19:39
blebafordsere: so when I run sudo apt-get update, I should have the latest version? I just did it again and I still have Firefox 18.19:40
shadowsIn gedit Text Editor, I do View | Highlight Mode | Sources ...   but the sub menu has too many items, how do I select the ones that are off-screen?19:40
nobor is no updates more stable?19:41
lotuspsychjeshadows: you want highlight coloured text sorting?19:41
sereblebaford: sudo apt-get upgrade firefox19:42
francesc1lotuspsychje, thank you very much19:42
shadowslotuspsychje: ah, yes.  update... I just tried it and this time there's an Up/Down on the submenu context, so now I can access the one I want19:42
OerHeksblebaford, what ubuntu version?19:42
trismshadows: did you try again? there seems to be a bug in indicator-appmenu (or perhaps gtk) where the menu doesn't display the scrolling arrows until the second time you look at it19:42
shadowstrism: correct you are!19:42
shadowstrism: got a bug # handy?19:42
bobsamfredricksanyone willing to take a look at my mouse speed adjusting troubles posting and offer feedback? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/22923419:43
trismshadows: I do not, I just noticed it in okular when I have too many bookmarks, let me take a look19:43
jhutchins_wkblebaford: update only updates the catalog.19:43
User123I am on a 1.66GHz processor with 1024MB of RAM. Should I keep Xubuntu or try out Ubuntu? I need a friendly interface as I am not well-educated with Linux :)19:44
shadowstrism: this is easy to reproduce problem, lets make sure it is reported19:44
lotuspsychjeUser123: i would go for ubuntu 13.0419:44
jhutchins_wkUser123: I would recommend sticking with xubuntu.19:45
sereUser123: if your looking to a like distro i would recommend lubuntu19:45
shadowsUser123: full Ubuntu experience is more dependent on RAM and GPU compatibility, you could try the livecd to see how well it works :)19:45
serelite weight*19:45
jhutchins_wkUser123: You don't have to reinstall, you can just add lxde for lubuntu or gnome for regular ubuntu.19:46
SolarisBoy+1 ^19:46
szahratim using ubuntu now but it was crashing a lot during installation19:47
jenevhey guys there's a driver for a networks adapter, that I used before, that was working on ubuntu 9.0419:47
jhutchins_wkUser123: I have a box with a 2.8G processor and 1G of RAM and it's not very happy with Unity.19:47
jenevthe driver is at76c503_usb19:47
User123I shall continue with Xubuntu. However, I am currently having an issue with apt-get upgrade. Could I post the pastebin?19:47
jenevbut now it doesn't work on ubuntu >1019:47
lotuspsychjejhutchins_wk: what grafix card inside that box?19:47
jhutchins_wkUser123: Use paste.debian.net, and give us a general summary here.19:47
jenevis there anyway to upgrade to ubuntu >10 and maintain the same driver?19:48
jhutchins_wklotuspsychje: Intel 91019:48
shadowsjenev: I suggest you ask the at76c503a user forum19:49
User123I'm not sure when this began happening. I'm a new linux user and I am not educated in this field at all. I had my Xubuntu OS not booted for a couple weeks. I come back and try to update, and this is what I'm getting now19:49
shadowsjenev: Ubuntu supports upstream drivers only, and personally I did a quick search to try and find help for you but I don't see any19:50
jenevshadows: what do you mean "upstream drivers"?19:50
jenevand a driver is present on version 10 and upwards it just seems to be buggy19:51
szahratbuggy in what way?19:51
User123Any thoughts? :o19:51
jhutchins_wkUser123: dpkg-reconfigure --all19:51
shadowsjenev: drivers must be accepted by the Linux Kernel developers or else, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer / author to make sure this happens or they update it themselves19:52
shadowsjenev: in the case of a "rogue" driver and no one maintains it for newer Linux Kernel interfaces then you're just out of luck?  You could learn to program and update it yourself possibly19:52
jenevszahrat: I can't say exactly 'how' but the adapter doesn't connect to any networks19:52
Dirangedtrism: hmmm is there any way to make that dynamic?19:53
Dirangedtirsm: because we use the same changelog to build the package on different platform19:53
shadowsjenev: hopefully there is another person out there who fixed it themselves and shared the improvements, but you have to find that with some research19:53
jenevshadows: ok, will search around some more19:54
trismDiranged: might ask in #ubuntu-packaging , I don't know how others do it, I just use a bit of sed to update the distribution19:54
nobok, I installed the fglrx drivers19:55
noband now in the bottom right of my screen I have a watermark that says "AMD UNSUPPORTED HARDWARE"19:55
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trismshadows: don't see a bug for it immediately, looking more like a gtk bug, since I can reproduce it with: UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 gedit;19:56
shadowstrism: interesting19:56
shadowstrism: would you kindly point me to the bug # if you file?19:57
adamknob: Save this script and run it as root: http://pastebin.com/uqHsB1Mc19:57
nobscrew it19:58
nobI'm just installing windows19:58
nobbeen inputting inumerable commands for the last day trying to get ubutu to work19:58
nobi'll try again in 5 years19:59
shadowsnob: weird watermark, never heard of that one19:59
nobit's one of about 10 problems i have atm19:59
nobanother is that i start the computer it says "/dev/maper/cryptswap1 not running or not read"19:59
BlueEaglenob: Please stop the rant and take it to off-topic.19:59
shadowsnob: what graphics card?19:59
nobhd 7700 i think19:59
jenevshadows: is it possible to use ndis wrapper for the device?20:00
jenevnote that the adapter is usb20:00
shadowsjenev: Possibly... I've done that before for USB device20:00
nobmaybe i will try reinstall one more time20:00
nobthis will be the 3rd reinstall in 24hrs..20:00
gordonjcpnob: why do you keep reinstalling?20:01
shadowsjenev: what's the make and model of your device?  would research that and "ndis wrapper" and say a recent 3.8.x kernel release of Ubuntu like uh  12.1020:01
=== timrc_ is now known as timrc
adamkWhat do you think reinstalling is going to do for you?20:01
nobgordonjcp: ubuntu giving random errors and stuff not working20:01
gordonjcpnob: "random errors"?20:01
adamkAnd why would reinstalling suddenly make things work, if it hasn't the first two times you installed.20:01
gordonjcpadamk: exactly20:02
shadowsnob: may be a case of your hardware is "too new" and not all the issues have been triaged20:02
gordonjcpnob: no OS gives "random errors"20:02
nobgordonjcp: now it is telling me the swap file is not loading, adn the AMD hardware is unsupported20:02
xatconnot able to update 12.10 from 12.0420:02
nobshadows: this computer is at least a year old20:02
gordonjcpnob: pastebin the error message *verbatim*20:02
adamkAs for the watermark, that's the fault of proprietary drivers, and I gave you a workaround for it.20:02
nobdev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present20:02
SolarisBoynob: did you check the driver supported hardware list before installing the flgrx?20:02
lotuspsychjexatcon: any errors mate?20:03
shadowsnob: try a very boring install with say no encryption, ext3 (or ext4) filesystem, and mostly defaults don't try to tweak it too far20:03
OCMURFanybody have expiereince with installing ubuntu on a mac mini 2.1 (2007) with usb on a completely blank drive (no installed operating system on the drive im installing to start with)20:03
gordonjcpOCMURF: I've installed it on a Macbook of that sort of age20:03
nobshadows: yep, I don't want to tweak it, I just want to keep it simple and make it work20:03
SolarisBoyi get the same 'error' because i dont use a swap file on my home box that used encrypted home20:03
xatconya ...failed  to fetch20:03
lotuspsychje!mac | OCMURF20:03
ubottuOCMURF: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages20:03
gordonjcpnob: then, just go with all the defaults when you install20:03
nobthe default gfx drivers are unusuable, everything just lags20:03
gordonjcpnob: don't mess about with encrypted drives20:04
shadowsnob: well mate, you're welcome to query (privmsg) me here I wouldn't mind walking through it and determine if it's worth the trouble20:04
gordonjcpnob: what's your graphics card?20:04
nobit's an amd hd 7700 i think20:04
SolarisBoyget an encrypion error so dont use encryption?20:04
SolarisBoyodd advice20:04
adamknob: Seriously, enough complaining about the graphics drivers. If you want to use the propietary driver, and want to remove the watermark, I told you how.20:04
nobI am now installing the fglrx-updates driver to see if it maeks a difference20:04
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: well, get it working first20:04
nobThe standard driver is unusable20:05
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: encryption is stupid, anyway20:05
SolarisBoygordonjcp: indeed20:05
SolarisBoygordonjcp: completely disagree with you on that.20:05
adamkSadly, the fglrx driver is known to put an unsupported watermak on supported hardware in some circumstances.20:05
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: about the only thing it's good for is ensuring you lose all your data if anything happens20:05
OCMURFdo i just follow the mac 1.1 pages?20:05
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: and disks are slow enough as it is, without the crippling performance hit of encryption20:05
gordonjcpOCMURF: yes20:05
|Slacker|I keep getting the Unautenthicated sources msg everytime I use Ubuntu Software Center, any help?20:05
lotuspsychjexatcon: got router or proxy that blocks?20:05
SolarisBoygordonjcp: this is your opinion?20:06
nobisn't encryption important...20:06
gordonjcpnob: not if you value speed20:06
SolarisBoynob: it can be - it depends on your need - if you need it - make it work -20:06
gordonjcpOCMURF: you will need to create an EFI USB stick20:06
nobWell it shows this not ready thing20:06
ichatdoes anyone know / can tell me  how to remove the ubuntu one  [sub]menuś in nautilus,  i though i removed all of it via the software center just *not* that one,  im using dropbox and gDrive i dont want nor need yet a 3rd one20:06
nobThen it says continue to wait, or skip20:06
shadows"isn't having 100 wives important"  maybe for some men...20:06
SolarisBoynob: gordonjcp i dont notice any difference on either of my encrypted drivs solid state or rotating disk -20:06
gordonjcpOCMURF: I don't know if you need to use something like Refind if you're not using OSX20:06
nobbut if I wait 10 seconds its continued20:06
xatconlotuspsychje : when getting new pakages .....suddenly abort20:06
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: it slowed my machine down to the point that it was unusable20:06
nobhow can I erify if it loaded20:07
SolarisBoyso i think thats hogwash - if you did it - and it wasn't just because you wanted to explore the coolness of encryption - like you had a reason - then dont NOT DO IT BECAUSE IT DOESNT WORK - thats crazy - and to say encryption is useless - is silly -20:07
lotuspsychjexatcon: http://askubuntu.com/questions/281445/upgrade-from-12-04-lts-to-12-10-failed-forbidden-downloading20:07
nobOk, I am using the fglrx-udates driver now and it does not show the watermark20:07
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: I tried it out to see if it made a difference to speed20:07
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: it made a huge difference, so I wiped and reinstalled *without* encryption20:07
SolarisBoythe speed difference is a given - it's about the protection -20:08
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: you'd trade "protection" (from what, anyway) for data integrity?20:08
SolarisBoywhen you say im going to encrypt a drive your accepting some speed draw back -20:08
shadowsSolarisBoy: cool it, frood.  I gave advice directed to a newly Ubuntu user and to be clear our Ubuntu installer's idea of "encryption" is a joke that makes it difficult to determine what is working well and what is not20:08
gordonjcpshadows: yup20:08
SolarisBoyso provide faulted info to the user?20:09
shadowsOn a secondary note, I've used every manner of full disk and file-level encryption available to me20:09
lufusolI have an installation question/problem, where can I take it?20:09
lotuspsychje!ask | lufusol20:09
ubottulufusol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:09
SolarisBoyto make it easier? what if he is a site where he require an encrypted drive? my last job allowed us to use ubuntu and required encryption on the drive/hom - so why is it a droppable issue?20:09
xatconcan i put large text if all dont mind20:09
xatconW:Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-backports/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:09
xatcon, W:Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-backports/restricted/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:09
xatcon, W:Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-backports/universe/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:09
xatcon, W:Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-backports/multiverse/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:09
xatcon, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-security/universe/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:09
FloodBot1xatcon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:09
OCMURFdo you have anything to help me get through the process of creating an EFI stick20:09
xatcon, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-security/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:09
shadowsif you want my _opinion_ on which encryption method is most user friendly, !ask20:09
lotuspsychje!paste | xatcon20:10
ubottuxatcon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:10
nobOk, now when I try to extend the display across my 2 monitors20:10
nobI get an error message20:10
lufusoldont ask to ask haha thats new to me, ok.  just trying to make sure this is the right place.20:10
nobwith the Displays settings20:10
gordonjcpnob: stop saying things like "I get an erorr message"20:10
noband the AMD control panel won't even load20:10
gordonjcpnob: say something like "I get this error message - <some error message copied verbatim>"20:11
abc__how to join channels over here?20:11
SolarisBoyyou just said the driver doesn't support your video hardware is the message in the desktop nob - did you validate if that message is correct? is your card/model supported by the driver?20:11
* ichat wondering what about truecrypt i never really used it other than with usb stick does it do FDE20:11
lotuspsychje!caps | nob20:11
ubottunob: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:11
adamknob: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file, and the output of 'amdcccle' when you run it from a terminal.20:11
abc__how to join channels over here?20:11
gordonjcpnob: wow, it prints the error message in allcaps?20:12
lotuspsychjeabc__: type /join #channel20:12
SolarisBoyabc__: /join #channelname20:12
abc__and to change nickname?20:12
lufusolI installed 13.04 x64 from USB on a Lenovo X120e netbook, twice, both times selecting to wipe and use the whole hard drive, and checking LVM option.  I have BIOS set to UEFI boot only (legacy not enabled).  After installation system gives me "Operating System not found" each time, but all the partitions and data were created on the HDD (verified via live boot).  Am I flawed in doing something20:12
SolarisBoyabc__: /nick newnick20:12
OCMURF gordonjcp: is there any particular walkthroughs of making an EFI stick for mac mini 1.1-2.120:13
shadowslufusol: more likely a case of USB being confused with your hard disk and bootloader going to wrong place20:13
lotuspsychje!lvm | lufusol20:13
ubottulufusol: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:13
=== Guest24519 is now known as witherwings
nobi did amdcccle and it brought up the amd control panel20:13
shadowslufusol: also possibly you will have difficulty to boot from an LVM-only system20:13
nobthen it told me to restart20:13
serenob: learn how to use linux before you worry about full hd encryption...unless your in a corporate office or playing on hacking and pissing people off you will be fine20:13
nobso that's what i'm doing20:13
xatconshowed some sort of network prob20:13
gordonjcpOCMURF: what have you got running at the moment?20:13
nobsere: it asked me if I wanted encryption when I made my account, I said ok20:13
shadowssere: 10 minutes ago called....  weird, huh?20:13
abc__no luck...20:13
nobI use encryption on windows and mac with no difficulty20:14
abc__not even nick name is changed20:14
SolarisBoylol you guys are faulting him for his encryption error20:14
* shadows :)20:14
SolarisBoythats wicked20:14
wNlotuspsychje: is that lvm link helpful at all? it soundsl ike he has a grub problem to me.20:14
nobi thoguht this was meant to be user friendly20:14
abc__and from where I get the drop doin list channels?20:14
OCMURFNo operating system as the drive i was using has completely crashed20:14
serenob: if you have to encrypt a file or folder to secure/hide your data just use seahorse :)20:14
SolarisBoynob: ubuntu is - not everyone here helping you is though -20:14
lotuspsychjewN: if he enables lvm at setup, might be handy to ready lvm tricks aswell20:14
nobsere: I just wanted to encrypt because this is a shared computer20:14
SolarisBoynob: you should also do more to provide exact errors - have you pastied anything yet?20:14
gordonjcpOCMURF: right, but have you got some means of downloading and burning a CD, or writing a USB stick?20:14
abc__no luck....20:15
gordonjcpnob: that's not how disk encryption works20:15
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:15
SolarisBoynob: which makes a lot of sense nob  - a lot - but i guess in this room its a taboo =)20:15
wN!grub2 | lufusol20:15
ubottulufusol: please see above20:15
abc__cudn't change ma nick name....................20:15
shadowsnob: there's a pretty big difference in attitude between complaining about something you'd normally pay $ for and complaining about something that is your responsibility to learn about, we're not paid to help you.20:15
SolarisBoycop out20:15
wickedSolarisBoy: sure it is :)20:15
serenob: you can pay me if you want :p20:15
shadowsin that we're even here is more to do with other people who treat eachother with respect :)20:15
lotuspsychjeman users are crazy today..20:15
SolarisBoy=) lol did i hilight you? sorry man20:15
gordonjcpnob: anyway, keep it simple to begin with; if you have a *really* messed-up install then maybe wiping and reinstalling *and leaving off the binary drivers and encryption* would be a good place to start20:15
nobso you're saying it's free so I should accept that it is full of errors and bugs20:15
nobgreat pitch for linux20:16
wickedSolarisBoy: no problem ;)20:16
gordonjcpnob: you're full of errors and bugs ;-)20:16
abc__solarisboy : I was not able to change my user name....20:16
SolarisBoy- ok20:16
gordonjcpnob: Ubuntu works just great for most people, who don't mess about with stuff they don't fully understand when they install for the first time...20:16
lotuspsychje!repeat | abc__20:16
ubottuabc__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:16
SolarisBoyabc__: so you're saying it's free20:16
lufusolI'm going to check out the restore grub2 link and see if I can resolve thanks :)20:16
OCMURFyeah ive a windows pc and a ubuntu system with no internet20:16
SolarisBoyoops dang paste bin =)20:16
shadowsnob: I'm saying that you're being somewhat combative, and it's unattractive.   Want help?  Be more... amicable20:16
serenob: i believe linux is more stable and secure than winblows.. just my opinion though20:16
SolarisBoyabc__: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html20:16
gordonjcpOCMURF: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick20:16
nobgordonjcp: seriously? I went thru the normal install process, it said make your account, select a tick box to encrypt20:17
gordonjcpOCMURF: that suggests that burning a CD is probably the best method for now20:17
nobthis is hardly messing with stuff I don't understand20:17
gordonjcpnob: yeah, leave that off for now20:17
SolarisBoyhere check that page out - look for nick on it - make sure your using it properly and make sure the nickserv isn't giving you a warn/error statement in another window not sure what client your using -20:17
abc__thank you guzzzzz20:17
nobok, so I should reinstall again?20:17
serenob: yes! and click NO!20:17
OCMURFthe Disc drive is F***ed it eat a cd and wont return it now20:17
ichatanyone knowing how to remove the nautilus ´ubuntu one´  menuś  and options  removed all the rest but thisone is hidden somewhere20:17
gordonjcpOCMURF: okay, then it gets complicated20:18
abc__solarisboy : thanks20:18
SolarisBoyyw abc__20:18
nobHow can I check if the swap was loaded?20:18
SolarisBoynob: swapon -l20:18
nobmaybe it just gives that message because it is takign a while20:18
SolarisBoynob: i get the same "error"20:18
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
SolarisBoyi dont use swap but do use encrrypted hom -20:18
sereOCMURF: shutdown the computer and then try...if still not opening, take out and trying to manual release button20:19
nobswapon -l invalid option20:19
sereOCMURF: the drive could be goind bad...or just hungry20:19
Myrttixatcon: Floodbot's a bot and can't help you20:19
SolarisBoynob: sorry sir - swapon -s typo'd20:19
Myrttixatcon: just ask your question on the channel with the pastebin link20:19
SolarisBoynob: also check your /etc/fstab and see if you have an entry to mount swap -20:19
gordonjcpOCMURF: I'm kind of struggling to find out how to create a bootable Mac USB stick on Linux, I did it from OSX20:20
nobthe /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is there\but it is not used (USED :0)20:20
SolarisBoynob: then figure out the model numbe rof your graphics card - and let someone know and the version of the fglrx you installed and what driver you tried before? etc - maybe someone can help20:20
xatcongot error on upgrading my 12.04 to 12.1020:20
nobwhat is the command to get the model number of my gfx card20:20
serenob: lspci20:20
nobradeon hd 7770 ghz edition20:21
shadowsxatcon: network error?20:21
nobI am going to reinstall now without encryption20:22
xatconso every time20:22
abc__guzz no mirc command is running20:22
nobthe only reason I selected it, because there is a windows partition on this computer belonging to someone else that is full with malware20:22
shadowsxatcon: oh!  that's because if you look, those paths are not on the server20:22
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
xatconso what to do sir20:22
wauftesting 1 2 320:23
lotuspsychje!test | wauf20:23
ubottuwauf: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )20:23
shadowsxatcon: weird.   Well, in any eventuality you could always download the ISO and there's a method to upgrade using that20:23
serenob: if you dont want to use that partition, just dont mount it :o20:23
nobSolarisBoy: what do you mean you get the same "error" -- is it an error? And how is it you don't use swap20:23
xatconhows that20:24
shadowsxatcon: can't remember the HOWTO instructions off hand20:24
nobsere: but I am worried, maybe some malware can run on the windows and haxor my data if it is not encyrpted20:24
SolarisBoynob: i dont use a swap drive but like i said it could be latency to mount it so forth20:24
gordonjcpOCMURF: this is for Arch Linux but might help -> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/UEFI#Create_UEFI_bootable_USB_from_ISO20:24
nobSolarisBoy: I thought a swap drive was required20:24
SolarisBoynob: it isn't20:24
SolarisBoynob: in your case you have one but it wasn't available at the time of mount - that may have something to do with your hardware (or not) but in any event thats what the deal is -20:25
nobSolarisBoy: when I installed, it said I needed to make a partition for /swap20:25
serenob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq20:25
SolarisBoyyou dont you can skip it -20:25
xatconshadows: any solution20:25
SolarisBoyit wont kill anyone20:25
gordonjcpOCMURF: if you fancy an "interesting project", I believe that Intel Macs can boot from PXE...20:25
lotuspsychjexatcon: i pasted you an askbuntu link before with solution20:25
auronandacenob: only root partition is strictly required (swap is often recommended)20:25
SolarisBoyswap is not a neccessity it will just say "your not making a swap drive" and let you go ahead - not suggesting it - i do it for a reason - but anyway20:25
lufusolnob: a bit paranoid to think some windows-based malware is going to look for your pr0n collection on your linux partition and email it to your grandma don't you think?20:25
SolarisBoywell i liked it better when it protected someone from picking up your computer walking away disconnecting the drive - and accessing your data like it was theire @encryption20:26
noblufusol: I am more worried about financial stuff and personal details that could be used to rip me off20:26
SolarisBoynob: then again - yes - encrypt -20:26
lufusolnob: was half joking there but srsly that sounds like some pretty specific malware20:27
OCMURFim in no rush since im done with college so an interesting project would do fine20:27
shadowsxatcon: looked around a bit, in theory if you just try again it should pick a different mirror20:27
xatconlotuspsychje : i dont understand20:27
SolarisBoynob: did you confirm that the swap entry is in /etc/fstab?20:27
xatconok i will try20:27
SolarisBoynob: if so you can try to mount it with -v and see if it throws an error -20:27
nobok how do I try to mount it20:28
nobhow can I read /etc/fstab20:28
SolarisBoynob: cat /etc/fstab and look for the cryptswap drive - is one way20:28
SolarisBoynob: and you can simply sudo mount -av and that should try to mount everything in fstab warning on things that are mounted already -20:29
=== Guest12 is now known as Logan_
trismshadows: not going to file a bug on it at the moment, but would be interested in subscribing if you do20:30
nob_sorry I lost the last thongs you said20:30
SolarisBoyits ok - let me check your pastebin out..20:30
plasma_Is there an ubuntu touch channel?20:31
SolarisBoy#/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 this is the entry for swap in fstab for the record nob20:31
auronandace!touch | plasma_20:31
ubottuplasma_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:31
bazhang#ubuntu-touch plasma_20:31
plasma_auronandace, bazhang, thanks!20:31
SolarisBoynob: can you do this - and paste the output "df -ah"20:32
SolarisBoynob: can you append to that the output of swapon -s thanks20:32
nob_SolarisBoy: http://pastebin.com/5As8Dpvs20:33
nob_SolarisBoy: http://pastebin.com/pVNscEuj20:33
SolarisBoynob_: try this quickly 'sudo swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap1'20:34
nob_swapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: swapon failed: Device or resource busy20:35
SolarisBoyok your swap seems to be in use then - its active20:35
SolarisBoywell its not being used because its used size is 0 but yea -20:36
SolarisBoynob_: that message you get is probably at boot time and transient20:36
SolarisBoyyour next issue?20:36
SolarisBoydo you have the model number of your card (graphics)?20:36
nob_Well the display issue seems to be resolved now20:36
nob_it is an HD 7770 Ghz edition20:36
SolarisBoyok then - still feel like reinstalling?20:37
nob_I switched to the flgrx-updates driver20:37
shadowstrism: it's been mentioned "in the wild" https://github.com/fossfreedom/coverart-browser/issues/12620:37
nob_it seems to work properly now :)20:37
SolarisBoynice work20:37
=== mdfe___ is now known as mdfe
lotuspsychjeSolarisBoy: another happy ubuntu user :p20:37
nob_SolarisBoy: the only thing that doesn't work is the Dash and Web apps20:37
SolarisBoynob_: take your time in the future and retain the info you got today - you will likely need it again20:37
nob_but I guess it's not a big deal20:37
shadowstrism: I don't have the technical know-how to file the bug in the correct category ;  is it clearly GTK bug or Ubuntu specific?20:38
SolarisBoynob_: no clue about dash/webapps (or why that makes sense ;>) i disable most of those dash plugins when i install =)20:38
SolarisBoyim too old for that crap20:38
nob_I hope one day Ubuntu will run without having to input cryptic commands into the terminal20:38
SolarisBoynob_: it does that fine now - those crytpic commands are the base of Linux based systems - learn them20:38
SolarisBoyits your one up over a Window dude -20:39
nob_Sure, but if Ubuntu wants to be taken up by the masses20:39
SolarisBoy- and do trust that when you learn these commands and the underlying system it's not just useful on Linux based systems - you will find that going back to windows you will be empowered with the underlying workings of things -20:39
lotuspsychjenob_: its already used by the masses20:39
SolarisBoynob_: ^ exactly20:39
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert
nob_Everyone uses Android20:39
nob_but on android you don't need to enter commands20:40
nob_it "just works"20:40
SolarisBoybecause they nailed the user experience - its google20:40
nob_Hopefully Google buys Ubuntu20:40
lufusolnob_ try rooting your phone and installing an unsupported version of android then tell me it "just works" lol20:40
SolarisBoyjust like Apple nailed there user experience *on top of that bsd shell*20:40
lauratikais there a way to open application in the background?, now when i start an application opens on top of the application im using which is quite anoying is there a way to change this behvaiour20:40
SolarisBoylufusol: haha good one20:40
puffLloir: Does the GUI freeze?  If so, sounds like the problem I've historically had trying to install ubuntu onto my thinkpad t520 with nvidia graphics.20:40
lotuspsychjekeep ontopic guys20:40
puffLloir: In the past, I've had to use the alternate installer CD.  Now there is no alternate installer CD, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do.20:41
SolarisBoylauratika: a gui application?20:41
puffjhutchins_wk: lxde?20:42
serelufusol: i like my rooted drid :o20:42
quidnuncAnyone know how I can get a recent (canary) build of chrome or chromium?20:42
bsmith093is filezilla guaranteed to grab everything in a directory recurisively, becaue im watching the queue , and the subfolder scanning seems very scattershot, like its missing things?20:42
lauratikaSolarisBoy: well any application lets say im in opera and open skype or libreoofice or clementine20:42
=== Singh is now known as Guest47242
DJonespuff: You can use the minimal install disk instead of the alternate disk20:43
ssihow can I get a terminal window to open and execute a script at startup in 13.04 with default environment?20:43
SolarisBoylauratika: if your in the standard ubuntu with gnome i believe compiz has a window placement feature20:43
trismshadows: it would appear to be a gtk3 bug, but it may be an ubuntu specific one, I don't have any other distros set up to test at the moment20:43
SolarisBoylauratika: if not there is another thing called devilspie that makes rules for where windows go - it is something you need to configure and doesn't just work - i did hear about a gui for devilspie to assist with configuration20:43
shadowstrism: reporting now20:43
lauratikaSolarisBoy: tahnx!20:44
guntbertpuff: there are at the moment two possible approaches: 1) install server, then add ubuntu.desktop20:44
lauratikai think i have compiz20:44
SolarisBoyyour welcome lauratika20:44
guntbert2) install via minmal CD, puff20:44
elisa87I have nothing using my resources. What should I do? E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)20:44
SolarisBoycool so you can see if you have that ccsm (settings manager) and take a look around20:44
SolarisBoyelisa87: are you privilidged to run the command?20:44
lauratikaSolarisBoy:but will this prevent applications opening on top of another application?20:44
elisa87SolarisBoy: yes20:45
SolarisBoylauratika: yes you set the rules to do that20:45
lauratikaSolarisBoy: how do i know if i have compiz installed?!20:45
SolarisBoylauratika: for instance you say "i want firefox to always open here" and you set attributes like always on top, or maybe pin to all desktops etc etc20:45
diverdudeHi, How can rsyslog be running but not listening to a port?20:45
SolarisBoylauratika: dpkg -l '*compiz*'20:45
gordonjcpdiverdude: not configured to listen on the port you think it's listening on?20:45
lufusolBooted from LiveUSB, got boot-repair, followed instructions, ta-da.  Now I just have to figure out how to configure grub to go straight into ubuntu without prompt, but thank you guys (&/or gals)!!20:46
lotuspsychjeim looking for an ubuntu desktop notification script in python that can list msg qeue20:46
SolarisBoylauratika: dpkg -l '*compiz*' |egrep '^ii'20:46
SolarisBoybetter ^20:46
nob_How can I manually install the facebook web app20:46
nob_it didn't install for some reason20:46
SolarisBoynob_: stop installing web apps!20:46
Informaticar86Does anyone have a sound  problems on youtube with the latest version of Chrome on Ubuntu 13.04?20:46
SolarisBoylol j/p do you what you must20:46
nob_Solarisboy: web apps are the future20:46
lauratikacompiz will belaunched on terminal if i type compiz?20:46
diverdudegordonjcp, but its standard configuraton...20:46
SolarisBoynob_: yea and they belong in the browser!!!20:46
auronandacelauratika: unity uses compiz by default20:47
nob_SolarisBoy: I use facebook so much I should probably just get it integrated into my brain20:47
gordonjcpnob_: web apps are not the future20:47
OerHeksnob_, some webapps or lenses wants you to logout/login to activate20:47
gordonjcpnob_: for example, how would you do multi-track audio editing as a web app?20:47
guntbertelisa87: please !pastebin the complete command and its output20:48
guntbert!anyone | Informaticar8620:48
ubottuInformaticar86: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:48
SolarisBoyyou write classes that hdnale the back end and you make an API gordonjcp20:48
SolarisBoythat simple20:48
nob_gordonjcp: at least for web stuff web apps make senes - google products, facebook, etc20:48
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: how would that work, exactly?20:48
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: bear in mind that you're trying to shove maybe 40 or 50 channels of audio across in both directions at the same time20:49
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SolarisBoygordonjcp: distrubuted processing20:49
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: okay20:49
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: and how would you connect that to the "web"?20:49
SolarisBoygordonjcp: the api20:49
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: okay20:49
gordonjcpand how does 40 channels of 96kHz 24-bit audio get to that API?20:50
SolarisBoyfile upload widget?20:50
SolarisBoymany ways dude - any thing else?20:50
gordonjcp"file upload widget"20:50
gordonjcpyou don't really get the concept, do you?20:50
SolarisBoyyes? umm uploading a file via a button - common thing20:50
SolarisBoyi do but i dont get yours20:50
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: look at something like Ardour20:51
gordonjcphow would you make that a web app?20:51
SolarisBoylol.. im going to explain something to help you clear this up -20:51
SolarisBoysure you can - do you want to is the question?20:51
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: consider that a typical use case might be recording and mixing 40 or so audio channels20:51
guntbert!ot | SolarisBoy gordonjcp20:51
ubottuSolarisBoy gordonjcp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:51
SolarisBoyweb apps should not hinder a process - they should make it easier - why and who would be using ardour (a full production studio software) from a web interface? how realistic is it?20:51
SolarisBoyand mind you - i use ardour a lot20:52
bazhangSolarisBoy, chit chat elsewhere please20:52
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: this can easily saturate a SATA2 connection.  How fast is your ADSL?20:52
gordonjcpSolarisBoy: which is why I said that web apps are not the future ;-)20:52
SolarisBoybazhang: what do you mean by that?20:52
bazhanglets get back to ubuntu support please20:52
SolarisBoygordonjcp: agree with you on that one point - that everything should not be a web app20:52
bazhangwebapps pro and con to #ubuntu-offtopic20:52
SolarisBoybazhang: im done - you can stop now -20:53
nobis there a built in IRC client for ubuntu ?20:54
auronandacenob: empathy is installed by default20:54
lauratikaSolarisBoy: sorry got disconetcted20:54
lauratikawhere is compiz now in 12.0420:54
auronandacelauratika: unity uses compiz by default20:55
lufusolubuntu has one up on me, it took me many years to install empathy20:55
SolarisBoyill be right back - totalatarian admins make me salty -20:55
guntbertnob: either use xchat (**not** xchat-gnome) or a CLI based program (like irssi)20:55
nobempathy does IRC?20:55
lauratikaso where the windows options will be?20:55
auronandacenob: yes, but i prefer a proper irc client20:55
noslin005recomended IDE for Php debelopment in ubuntu?20:55
auronandacenob: empathy was primarily designed with instant messaging in mind and irc was added on20:56
lotuspsychjenoslin005: many ide and dev tools in software centre20:56
nobauronandace: ok20:56
nobI used to use Chatzilla which was pretty good20:57
genii-around!language | puntu20:57
ubottupuntu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:57
DJonespuntu: No cursing in the channel20:57
puntuyes maam20:58
puntulove you ;P20:58
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
guntbert!lol | lotuspsychje20:58
ubottulotuspsychje: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.20:58
puntui dont mind20:58
lauratikanob: opera has a pretty decent IRC client20:59
puntuubot!!!!!!!!! GTG CYA LT8R20:59
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nobChatzilla is about the best one available for windows I think20:59
ermingirc client for windows? mirc!21:01
genii-aroundnob: If you like Chatzilla you can keep using it in Firefox under Ubuntu21:01
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=== ygt is now known as ygrt
BauerUKi'm looking for a tool to expose scp or rsync transfers as a web user interface. similar to a traditional ftp client (remote|local panes) -- anyone have suggestions?21:04
marko-_-Hey guys. I am searching for a new laptop and i have no idea what should i buy. These are the requirements: it needs to be solid and made out of good material (not easily breakable), i5 cpu, silent fan, good battery (>2hours) 6gb ram, >500gb hdd, num pad, big enter. I will need it For work, school work, programming, home use, internet, watching movies. It needs linux support. 600€ is my budget21:06
shadowstrism: launchpad bug 118400721:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1184007 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "menu mouse-scrolling up down does not appear on first try" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118400721:06
jribmarko-_-: try ##hardware maybe; this isn't an ubuntu question21:07
jrib!laptops | marko-_-21:07
ubottumarko-_-: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org21:07
lotuspsychje!info secpanel | BauerUK21:08
ubottuBauerUK: secpanel (source: secpanel): graphical user interface for SSH and SCP. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.1-1 (raring), package size 52 kB, installed size 388 kB21:08
BauerUKlotuspsychje: looks good. i'm looking specifically for a web ui though.21:08
shadowstrism: could you comment to that bug report and make any changes needed or more information?21:08
=== raster is now known as Guest99234
OCMURFanybody got a recommendation for a remote control to use with ubuntu and xbmc for a media center im making for my parents gym would need to be simple with few buttons and easy to use21:09
gordonjcpOCMURF: have they got android devices?21:10
shadowsOCMURF: any old remote they have?  or yeah their cell phone21:10
gordonjcpOCMURF: for XBMC I thoroughly recommend Yatze21:10
velenohello. is there some cluster monitoring tool that shows the current load (as given by htop) on a set of machines (to which I connect via ssh)  ?21:12
lotuspsychjeBauerUK: web ui ftp also good?21:12
OCMURFnope were all pretty much either Apple iphone or  indestructable workmen phones21:13
shadowsOCMURF: what's your $ budget21:14
BauerUKlotuspsychje: in a pinch, yeah. i'm using lftp at the moment on the comand line (over ssh) but yeah, ftp would suffice.21:14
OCMURF20-30 but im from the uk21:15
shadowsokay lbs then21:15
shadowsOCMURF: I was thinking what about a Wii remote21:15
lotuspsychjeBauerUK: net2ftp21:16
shadowssurely someone has documented using a Wii remote with xbmc21:16
TheMakerHiya. Could I get some help, please?21:16
BauerUKlotuspsychje: great. i'll check that out.21:16
shadowsOCMURF: well in favor of Wii remote is it is easy to find accessories at the store for it in any big box store21:17
OCMURFhow do you connect to the computer with it21:17
OCMURFis it IR or Bluetooth21:17
shadowsOCMURF: it's standard bluetooth21:17
TheMakerI'mma just come out and say it. Basically, I'm trying to connect up my Windows machine to my Linux machine using SSH (PuTTy) and I can't seem to connect. And I dunno whattado :(21:18
shadowsOCMURF: some of the protocol stuff needed reverse engineering but that's already popularly available21:18
TheMakerAnd I can't edit the etc/ssh/ssh_config file because apparently I'm not owner21:18
siegieTheMaker: is openssh-server installed?21:18
shadowsTheMaker: are you connecting to a LiveCD or an installed system?21:19
TheMakerI dunno, I literally just installed it21:19
shadowsoh okay21:19
shadowssudo apt-get install ssh21:19
shadowsit will pull in the packages for both client and server21:19
OCMURFi guess since it will be used on a tread mill a wii remote would be good since i know them things can take a beating21:20
shadowstry "ssh localhost" from your Ubuntu machine to prove that it is running21:20
TheMakerYeah, but I dunno how to do the commands without being connected to the SSH.21:20
MayankHi, if I ping to a website/domain is working but if I wget to the same website , there is no response. I am using ubuntu server 12.04.121:20
shadowsOCMURF: wii remote looks very nice and so, good luck to you!21:20
TheMakerI've only ever accessed a Linux machine via SSH before, I've not actually had Linux until now21:21
OCMURFany protips for using or setting up xbmc21:22
lufusolthx again for the help which actually helped :) you pointed me to the right FM to R21:22
shadowsTheMaker: ah okay... does your Ubuntu installed system have keyboard / mouse / display ?21:22
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shadowsOCMURF: outside of the scope of this discussion, mate...  lots of XBMC community support though go and research it21:23
OCMURFwell thanks, tip on the wii remote i'd not have thought of that21:24
cmars232just thought I'd ask, before I go and make it. has anyone ever made a virtual package that conflicts with annoying stock desktop stuff like advertising lenses, stuff like that?21:24
puffDJones, guntbert: thanks.21:25
Noiroin gimp, do you know how to select brush size?21:25
shadowsNoiro: great question ha21:26
NoiroI seriously can't find it. :P Window setup has me confused as anything.21:26
th0rNoiro: there are a lot of good tutorials online regarding gimp21:26
shadowsNoiro: on Ubuntu w/ GIMP 2.8.4 there's two options;   you can select the Brush (which also impacts size) and then you can scale the size of the selected brush21:27
shadowsit's part of generic Tool Options dialog21:27
shadowsthough, yeah look to th0r21:27
NoiroThat's the issue, I don't think I have generic tool options. I set correct brush, but all I see is spacing and opacity, both of which are meh. I am following a tutorial and I just need to make a quick 16x1621:28
serego th0r!21:28
shadowsyou'll want a tutorial specific to your major version (i.e. GIMP 2.8.x) because these methods changed a bit over the years21:28
puffDJones, guntbert: Where do I find the minimal?  http://www.ubuntu.com/download only lists desktop, server, cloud and something in kanji.21:29
shadowsP.S. I'm a GIMP hater for icon editing.... good luck on that21:29
NoiroIt's actually for a MC mod. :P21:30
* puff finds https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:30
elisa87how can I fix this? RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v9.0 to v9.2 but the PyQt4.QtCore module requires API v8.121:31
jbinstallshow do i install a linux version of multiwii?21:31
jbinstallsi forgot the name of the tool to install jar files21:32
shadowsbailing. take care everyone21:33
NoiroFound it. The Window is called Tool Options21:33
th0rjbinstalls: I don't think you install them, you use java to run them21:33
puffjbinstalls: th0r is correct.21:34
jbinstallsis java tool  on 12.0421:34
puffjbinstalls: jar files are similar to tar or zip files, but they contain compiled java programs.  You need java to do anything useful with them.21:35
puffjbinstalls: Yes, java is available for 12.04.21:35
jbinstallsgot you so i need to actually find java installer?21:35
sergiohello everyone21:35
puffjbinstalls: one moment.21:35
=== sergio is now known as Guest63820
williammandaDoes anyone know how to access the panel via the mouse while using mythtv...not using the keyboard?21:36
Guest63820i hope that every one are safe21:36
puffjbinstalls: Try "sudo aptitude install openjdk-7-jre"21:36
th0rjbinstalls: you should be able to run them using either the Java Developement Kit (jdk) or the runtime environment (jre)21:36
jbinstallsopenjdk java is on my bvuild21:36
Nexuusboy these Nvidia drivers are a pain..21:36
puffjbinstalls: I need a little mor econtext.21:36
puffNexuus: You're telling me... if I never buy nvidia again, it'll be too soon.21:36
Nexuustook a while, but finally got them working.21:37
Guest63820i have a problem i just install ubuntu mix Cinnamon 12.0421:37
Nexuusi guess we're better off with intel?21:37
puffjbinstalls: Normally you would double-click on the jar file icon and that would cause ubuntu to use java to run the jar file.21:37
Guest63820[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpMbve6L/metadata.json'21:37
sereNexuus: nvidia drivers couldnt be any easier :x21:37
k-stzNexuus: the ones on nvidia's site?21:37
jbinstallstried that no joy tried to unzip it21:37
puffjbinstalls: Or you could try opening a terminal window and typing "java -jar yourjarfile.jar"21:37
NexuusI was just about to just give up and stay on Nouveau..21:38
puffjbinstalls: Unzipping it will not be useful.21:38
puffjbinstalls: Why are you trying to run a jar file?21:38
puffsere: Quite easy, also quite useless...21:38
Guest63820i am trying to install an application online21:38
jbinstallstrying to run multiwii 2.2 to configure a flight board21:38
NexuusYeah I tried from the software update...but that didn't go over so well.21:38
puffjbinstalls: I need more context in order to be able to help you.21:38
RiXtErHey guys can anyone tell me how to find the maintainer of a package?21:38
serepuff: agreed\21:39
Nexuusso I wound up going to Nvidia's site.21:39
jbinstallsmultii 2.2 is a configuration tool for mwc flight control boards21:39
puffjbinstalls: What have you done so far?21:39
puffjbinstalls: multii or multiwii?21:39
jbinstallsthey have a linux version of the software that runs unde java21:39
jbinstallsmultiwii 2.221:40
puffjbinstalls: Do you have a link?21:40
genii-aroundelisa87: Is this error when you try to open the software center?21:40
Killcraftis compiling programs better than adding random PPAs from the net?21:41
Nexuuseverytime I get kernel updates now, do I need to be worried about these stupid drivers?21:41
jbinstallsi have it unzipped but it wont open, i just use linux i dont build it21:41
puffjbinstalls: Do you have a link to a page that explains how to set up multiwii?21:41
elisa87genii-around: no I didn't use software center21:41
MayankI am trying to open ubuntu.com via lynx. It gets stuck at Making HTTP connection to ubuntu.com .. ping is giving response, but wget is not able to connect. what could be the issue?21:41
genii-aroundelisa87: When does this error occur?21:41
jbinstallswent round n round with a windows version wanted to try linux version21:41
jbinstallsno data found for how to install the linux version21:42
k-stzKillcraft: I'd say knowing how to compile your programs is a splendid skill, but they're not packaged then though.21:42
jbinstallsguess they think all linux users are compilers21:42
grmpyMayank: Try "telnet ubuntu.com 80" to get an answer. A ping is no valid test to access a website due these are different protocols.21:42
jbinstallspuff did u se the download link?21:43
puffjbinstalls: Hm, you might be better off asking on an arduino channel.21:43
puffjbinstalls: Hm, there's #arduino.21:43
daftykinskristenbb: o/21:43
Guest63820i am getting this message by trying to install an application,,[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpMbve6L/metadata.json'21:43
jbinstallsarduino works apparently just cant get multiwii to see the board21:43
puffjbinstalls: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143257721:44
grmpyMayank: A ping is using ICMP as a network protocol while lynx and wget are trying to connect via TCP, the default port is 80 (for HTTP). With "telnet <host/ip> <port>" you can simulate connects to a host/ip on a given port via TCP.21:44
jbinstallsi just need a hint on making a linux installation of multiwii21:44
Mayankgrmpy: It says Connected to ubuntu.com. Escape character is '^]'.21:44
puffjbinstalls: Yes, but this is a very funky, specialized piece of software, you're more likely to find people on #arduino who have figured out how to make MultiWiiConf work with ubuntu than to find people on #ubuntu who have happened to try out MultiWiiConf.21:45
puffjbinstalls: Check out the link I just pasted.21:45
jbinstallsthnks wiull try to sort out how to find arduino channel21:45
puffjbinstalls: Did you look at the link I just pasted?21:45
puffjbinstalls: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143257721:45
jenevI'm running and intel 64bit processor so does that mean I can use the ubuntu 64 bit iso?21:46
BillJobsHow can I check and see if my drivers are up to date in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?21:46
sammyMayank: try responding with `GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 host: www.ubuntu.com`21:46
BillJobsfor my video card21:46
jenevbecause I notice it says "amd64"21:46
puffjbinstalls: Open up your favorite text editor, create a file named "run.sh" in the directory where you unzipped MultiWiiConf.21:46
Mayanksammy: <!DOCTYPE: command not found21:46
jbinstallsthanks puff will endeavor further21:47
sammyMayank: well it sounds like you're getting a response of some sort. I'd move on to using wget/curl and adding some debug flags.21:47
sammyMayank: and as a personal note, when web browsing in a text terminal (like I happen to be now), I use links2 instead of lynx21:47
puffjbinstalls: Let's have this convo on #arduino, it's pretty quiet there and this is probably more on-topic there.21:47
BillJobshello there21:48
Mayanksammy: yeah, but that does appear to be the issue here. any pointers on what wget/curl debug flags I could use? both curl and wget timeout without the debug flags21:49
BillJobsHow can I check and see if my drivers are up to date in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS for my video card?21:49
Mayankgrmpy: but if telnet google.com 80 . it gets stuck at trying [ip address]21:49
Guest63820hello i need help i am trying to install an application but i get this message,, [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpMbve6L/metadata.json'21:49
sammyMayank: timeout? really? thats odd. try enclosing the whole url in double quotes -> "21:50
sammyMayank: is it possible there's a proxy involved? are you at home, or at work/school or some other corporate network?21:50
Mayanksammy: I am behind a firewall at the work place. All the other systems behind the same firewall are able to wget / curl normally21:51
sammyMayank: try wget with --verbose21:51
elisa87How can I run build.py ? Not trusting file /research/jalal/pkg/sip/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user nobody, group nogroup21:51
grmpyMayank: Are you using a http-proxy?21:51
Mayankgrmpy: no21:52
BillJobsOr maybe does anyone know how to setup a custom resolution? The standard display settings aren't recognizing the native resolution of the monitor.21:52
grmpyMayank: Are you using IPv6?21:52
Mayankgrmpy: I am not sure, how do I test that?21:53
Guest63820can some one help me with this problem that am getting: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpMbve6L/metadata.json'21:53
szahratare the updates of the islamic software in ubuntu ME available in the ubuntu repositories?21:54
Mayanksammy, grmpy: wget on unbuntu.com is giving a valid response. But it fails on google.com - why?21:54
jribGuest63820: without context no one can help you21:54
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
grmpyMayank: For example "ifconfig -a | grep inet6" as root. If you get any addresses you may have configured IPv6 for your device.21:54
serejbinstalls: I was looking into those flight controllers for quads and they look really cool, have you build anything like that?21:54
Guest63820jrib what do you mean, i am trying to install an application get more online and i am getting this message:  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpMbve6L/metadata.json'21:55
grmpyMayank: When I try to connect to ubuntu.com it replies with a IPv4-address while google.com replies with a IPv6-address. Maybe there is a IPv6-problem on your system/network/firewall21:55
jribGuest63820: give more information in your question21:55
szahratpick one: ubuntu ce / ubuntu me / ubuntu se21:55
Guest63820well i am trying to install an application and it giving me this message:  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpMbve6L/metadata.json'21:56
MelRayAnyone point me to an easy dummy style howto for setting up dns?21:56
Mayankgrmpy: No thats not set. I am not using IPv6.21:56
jribGuest63820: what application?  Installing how exactly? Is that the full output? etc.21:57
sammyMayank: thats a good question. I can `wget google.com` and I get a response no problem. if I had to guess, I'd say maybe its a useragent issue? and the proxy is acting weird because youre using wget/curl/lynx etc and not firefox or ie or chrome21:57
szahratGuest63820 are you using ubuntu 32 bit or 64 bit?21:57
sammyMayank: but it works with ubuntu.com hmm...21:57
Guest63820i am 64bit21:57
sammyMayank: does wget with --verbose give any indication why it falis trying to get from google.com?21:58
Mayanksammy: it works with ubuntu.com and Google.com on lynx opens fine on another machine21:58
szahratGuest63820 do "apt-get install ia32-libs" and it might work21:58
Guest63820i will try that21:58
=== mike is now known as Guest38057
szahratGuest63820 do it now and let me know21:59
Guest38057Someone who can help me pl?21:59
Mayanksammy: nopes, it just says connecting21:59
szahratGuest38057 ask21:59
Guest38057I have a big question22:00
Guest38057I search over the internet days22:00
Mayankgrmpy: I get this as the output - inet6 addr: fe80::92b1:1cff:fe21:b946/64 Scope:Link. So there is a blank for addr: right?22:00
Guest38057How can I make my ubuntu server visible in public network internet?22:01
szahratdo you have a static IP?22:01
Guest38057After I configure my server22:01
Guest38057I don t really know22:01
Guest38057my IP is started with... wait a mom22:02
szahrathave you installed the server properly? any guide that you followed?22:02
Guest38057with 188.....22:02
Guest38057my server I can access through my local network22:02
bazhang!enter | Guest3805722:02
ubottuGuest38057: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:02
Guest38057but I cannot allocate a domain22:03
sammyMayank: hrm. at this point I'd want to look at a dump of the actual TCP conversation in something like wireshark22:03
ermingsounds like you need to open the ports on your router22:03
fathandserming: yep firewall22:04
ermingGuest10813 if you want someone to reach your server from the internet, on your IP-address, you need to tell your router to listen on, for example, port 80 and send that request to your Ubuntu server (point it at the local IP-address)22:04
Guest38057NOW I learn about portforwording, but I don t know if I config correctly that on my IpTime Router22:04
szahratGuest38057 i see... then you probably don't have a static IP... get one from your ISP or you might try to find a free dynamic dns service from the net (your question is not ubuntu related though)22:05
qpuckacan anyone help me with a 12.04 vbox install. i'm getting errors that i cant resolve.22:05
ascidiahi ubuntu22:06
sammyMayank: but I assume if you're using lynx and wget you don't have X windows running? i guess tcpdump could be used. id have to do some googlefoo to find the right commandline. something seems terribly fishy.22:06
bazhang!find xboxdrv | qpucka22:06
ubottuqpucka: Found: xboxdrv22:06
fathandsqpucka: ask erming he is me know it all22:06
Mayanksammy: looks like this is a ipv6 issue only.22:06
Guest38057I have a PPPoE connection from my ISP and that go in my router, my server is attach to that router.22:06
bazhangqpucka, its in vboxdrv-dkms22:06
Guest63820thank you szahrat it worked you are the men22:06
sammyMayank: oooooh. I know you can force wget and curl to use ipv4.I bet you can do the same for lynx. thanks for the heads up- I was stumped :P22:07
qpuckabazhang: i don't see that package "vboxdrv-dkms"22:08
bazhangvirtualbox-dkms   qpucka my error22:08
qpuckabazhang: should i install that package instead of virtualbox-4.2 ?22:09
newbuntuFor some reason, none of my network interfaces work. Is there a way to reset the ip's and get new ones? I currently have a wifi dongle plugged in, and have 2 ethernet cables plugged into 2 ethernet ports.22:10
bazhangqpucka, alongside22:10
qpuckabazhang: thank you. trying now.22:10
Mayanksammy: thanks for the help.22:11
sammynewbuntu: in Xwindows or at the command line? you could try something like `sudo service network-manager restart` which would try to restart all networking connections set to be managed automagically22:11
Ari-Yanghey all, I have a question. why is that hdmi isn't working all of a sudden?22:11
th0rAri-Yang: the cable fell out22:12
Ari-YangIt was working fine last week, I just hook up with hdmi and run xrandr --auto in terminal to get picture on the tv, then simply change the sound22:12
Ari-Yanglol th0r, I don't think that's it :b22:12
Mayankgrmpy: I disabled ipv6, but now ubuntu.com or google.com both of them are not working. Do I need to restart the networking? - cannot do it right now, I am on ssh and I am afraid if it will come back.22:12
Ari-Yangbut it's strange, xrandr says that hdmi is connected when I run: xrandr in terminal....22:12
newbuntusammy: Well. I'm last night my wlan0 was working. After compiling some kernel packages, only lo interface showed up. Currently I've booted into the last kernel and can see my interfaces. However, I can't seem to figure out how to connect to any wifi acesspoints. The icon in the corner doesn't show up.22:13
newbuntusammy: nvm.. restarting the network-manager seems to have done the trick to some degree22:14
genii-aroundnewbuntu: sudo dhclient -r wlan0 to release the dhcp ip it should be getting (or whatever the inteface name is that you see in ifconfig for the adapter you want)   then sudo dhclient wlan0 (or other interface name) to renew the ip. This assumes it is somehow already connected to the AP22:16
newbuntugenii-around: so now i'm connected to the router.. but DNS seems to fail.. is there a way to manually refresh the DNS cache.. or will tdhclient do that also?22:18
ryanturnerHi, Im trying to install Ubuntu 13.04 and it's hanging22:20
ryanturnerI'm currently booted live on a thumbdrive, the install is hung on "Who are you?" but there is nno progress bar at the bottom22:20
genii-aroundnewbuntu: If it's not resolving dns properly, it's likely some setting on your router. Because it's supposed to give that info to your computer at the same time it assigns an ip by dhcp. For expediency if you need immediately, you can always put the Google public DNS ip numbers into /etc/resolv.conf22:20
ryanturnerI pressed Continue and now the buttons are disabled22:20
ryanturnerAll fields have checkboxes beside them, as if they were filled out properly.22:21
* wallbrik Image Share -> http://picshare.web.vu22:21
elisa87I have installed Qtv5.02 but now I receive this error: PyQt5 requires Qt v5.0 or later . what should I do?22:21
newbuntugenii-around: It works on my other machines. I'll try finnagling it around. IP's do work but it seems the DNS is a little messed up. This is fine for now. Thanks22:21
ryanturnerHere is an image of my 13.04 install hanging... any ideas?22:21
ryanturnerdidnt copy22:22
nerpwhat would the best way be of acquiring an outdated apt package? I need nginx 1.2.8 but all the repositories I am looking in only have the latest version.22:22
Guest38057please can I talk with a friend fom here about a problem who I have for my server IP in privat>?22:23
ascidia /server irc.sorcery.net22:24
meLonI can `cat /proc/cpuinfo` to get my CPU information, but I have an i3 (Ivy Bridge) and I don't see any information about the graphics.  I want to figure out to which 'HD Series' it belongs.  Any suggestions?22:24
ryanturnerHi, will someone help me troubleshoot a frozen 13.04 installation? Im installing offf of a thumbdrive. Currently running live off of it, running installer within the live. Trying to install / to a SSD and /home to a 1.5tb HD. The installation is frozen on the "Who are you?" page after I pressed continue, as pictured here: http://i.imgur.com/PHMsZ3p.jpg  Any ideas what to do?22:24
szahratguest38057 go ahead22:24
ryanturnerszahrat: can you help me with my install problem?22:25
szahratnerp why don't get the older version source of nginx from website and compile it urself?22:25
szahratryanturner ask22:26
ryanturnerHi, will someone help me troubleshoot a frozen 13.04 installation? Im installing offf of a thumbdrive. Currently running live off of it, running installer within the live. Trying to install / to a SSD and /home to a 1.5tb HD. The installation is frozen on the "Who are you?" page after I pressed continue, as pictured here: http://i.imgur.com/PHMsZ3p.jpg  Any ideas what to do?22:26
ryanturnerszahrat:  ^^22:26
Noirocan you not drop items into a .zip? I'm not seeming able to, I always get "An error occured22:26
Ari-Yangdo does anybody have an idea why I don't get any picture with hdmi?22:26
Ari-YangI'm on ubuntu 12.1022:26
genii-aroundmeLon: sudo lshw -C display22:27
Noiroit won't even give me which error22:27
Ari-Yanghttp://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1Z7n0sG7 this is the output of xrandr with hdmi hooked up22:27
meLonThanks genii-around.  That gives me the same info as when I did `lshw -C video`.  They both just say it's  Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller and that is all22:27
szahratryanturner whats ur specs22:28
meLongenii-around: I want to know if it's HD3000, HD4000, etc?22:28
nerpszahrat, Installing with puppet and time is an issue. Puppet is set up to pull from apt at the moment and I dont want to rework it right now.22:28
Guest63820question, do you know, where can i watch movies for free, i know this one www.vheed.com22:28
bazhang!ot | Guest6382022:28
ubottuGuest63820: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:28
kostkonNoiro, under normal circumstances you can. check the file's permissions22:29
adiehi, is there a built-in way to test for 3d acceleration support in 13.04?22:29
ryanturnerszahrat:  core i5, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD and 1.5tb HD, trying to install "/" on the SSD and "/home" on the HD. I've run ubuntu 12 on this setup before. I switched to windows 8 for work and am trying to switch back now. The installer just wont finish. :/22:29
genii-aroundmeLon: If you do lspci -nn    it should give you the vendor:product code, something like 8086:abcd    which you can then look up for exact model22:29
Ari-Yangbrb, I'm going to restart22:30
Noirokostkon: I have full read/write permissions. It says I can't add an archive to itself, I'm just adding 2 folders. :/22:30
meLongenii-around: `lspci -nn | grep Intel` shows VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller [8086:0162] (rev 09)22:30
=== miljo is now known as miljo_afk
genii-aroundmeLon: Yes, so here the vendor:device is 8086:016222:31
kostkonNoiro, and you are sure that none of these folders contain the zip file in question22:31
meLongenii-around: When I google '8086:0162 intel' I get http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/h5v3r/ but I don't know if that's really trustworthy22:31
meLonThanks for the help genii-around22:31
Noirokostkon: one folder is empty, the other only has a png22:31
ryanturnerAnyone able to help me troubleshoot my installation issues?22:31
Guest38057Please someone help me with my server to can access him from public networks22:31
NoiroI can't drag the png into the proper place either22:32
ryanturnerI just dont know how to even get an error out of this darn Ubuntu installer :/22:32
genii-aroundmeLon: Better place to look them up is http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/22:32
kostkonNoiro, ok. have you tried adding other files to it? just pick some at random and try to add them22:32
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szahratryanturner try to install again, this time erase your partitions first using gparted (if you want to use ubuntu only); also don't select install updates during installation if you don't need to22:32
ryanturnerszahrat:  I've done that22:32
NoiroI can add other files, yes.22:33
ryanturnertried to run the install 4 times22:33
ryanturnerIm not installing updates or extras.22:33
ryanturnerMaybe its the encryption across multiple drives or something? IDK.22:33
meLongenii-around: http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/read/PC/8086/0162 Thanks22:33
ryanturnerquit the installer, going to try it again...22:33
kostkonNoiro, check again the folder's permissions.22:33
genii-aroundmeLon: You're welcome22:33
ryanturnerWont let me quit the installer now.22:34
szahratare u encrypting ur installation?22:34
ryanturnerszahrat:  I was trying to, yeah.22:34
szahrattry it without that22:34
ryanturnerGuest38057:  you're not asking your question22:34
ryanturnerYou keep saying "help me in PM"22:35
ryanturnerthey probably wont do that.22:35
szahratif ur not desperate about encryption that is22:35
Guest38057MY ENGLISH IS BAD22:35
ryanturnerszahrat:  I guess I can get by without it... I dislike not having it.22:35
NoiroThe folder I'm pulling from has Create and Delete files. I reallly don't want to have to close Eclipse, he never closes in the Tutorial....22:35
ryanturnerGuest38057:  stop all caps man22:35
th0rGuest38057: please stop shouting22:35
duxbis there a command line  media/mp3 player program that accepts media controls, eg from a keyboard's media controls? or is that impossible because those are handled by X?22:36
ryan_turnerlol the live froze...22:36
ryan_turnerThis is ridiculously frustrating.22:36
ryan_turnerGuess Im going to reboot szahrat22:37
ryan_turnerthe installer is totally frozen, I cant quit it, and I dont wanna do a kill -9 with risking some other process being involved.22:37
ryan_turnerSo, Im going to reboot, reload hte live, join back in here, and try to restart the installer again.22:37
ryan_turnerBRB szahrat22:37
stef1ausing ubuntu 13.04. I recently removed some packages, and unity now only works on my "guest" account. Also, my mouse no longer works. Help?22:39
duxbanybody? something in between mpg123 and mpd?22:39
JP_I am not able stream videos on ubuntu22:39
ryanturner_Ok, back, going to restart the installer.22:39
ryanturner_no 3rd party or updates22:39
ryanturner_no encryption22:39
usr13stef1a: So what all did you remove?22:39
ryanturner_still /home on the hd, swap on the hd, and / on the SSD22:40
usr13duxb: What is your question?22:40
betraydryanturner how are you able to chat and install at teh same time though22:40
stef1ausr13: i don't remember. flgrx (or fglrx? not sure) may have been one22:40
ryanturner_(the installer detected the existing ubuntu13)22:40
Noironvm, I can barely add any file to this .jar wtf?22:40
ryanturner_betrayd:  running live version22:40
Ari-Yangokay, I'm going to test hdmi again(after installing updates like updating the kernel)22:40
stef1ausr13: currently I'm using Win7 because I can't really use ubuntu without a mouse.22:40
ryanturner_betrayd:  and then rrunning installer within the live22:40
szahratryanturner erase is completely22:40
usr13stef1a: You obviously did something rather drastic if only the guest acount works.22:41
stef1aAlso I've reinstalled ubuntu twice and it hasn't worked.22:41
duxbusr13: I'm wanting to know if there is a command line media player that accepts media control functions from a keyboard's media keys22:41
ryanturner_szahrat:  Im just using the installation partition management tool22:41
ryanturner_deleting the old partitions, checking the format boz.22:41
usr13stef1a: So you can't use ubuntu without a mouse?22:41
th0rNoiro: I thought you had the idea. You don't add to a jar file, you don't install a jar file, you simply run it with java22:41
JP_anyone need help with chromium22:41
usr13duxb: mplayer ?22:41
Ari-Yangyeah, hdmi just stopped working =/22:42
stef1ausr13: I can. It's just frustrating. For instance, I can't use alt + tab to cycle between open windows, so if I were to get help in irc, I wouldn't be able to input commands simultaneously.22:42
duxbusr13: can it run without X running?22:42
Noiroth0r: I'm trying to add to the minecraft.jar. :P He does it fine on the video in winRar? Why not Ubuntu?22:42
usr13duxb: yes22:42
duxbusr13: awesome, thanks!22:42
usr13stef1a: Well, one thing is for sure, it is not going to be possible to fix Ubuntu while your logged into Win722:43
ubottuwollas77: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:43
stef1ausr13: I understand.22:43
ryanturner_szahrat: Ok, it was the encryption...22:43
usr13stef1a: Nor trobuleshoot22:43
ryanturner_apparently it wont let me encrypt my home dir in the install for some reason...22:43
usr13stef1a: Do you know how to use irssi?22:44
NoiroI'm just trying to add a png to the items folder. :/22:44
stef1ausr13: yes. I also have another computer. I suppose I could use both at the same time22:44
usr13stef1a: sudo apt-get install irssi22:44
stef1ausr13: I'll come back later / tomorrow and do that, because I have some work I need to do right now.22:44
betraydryanturner maybe its trying to lock out the drive you happen to be using...22:44
stef1ausr13: I know how to, and have long been, using irssi.22:44
ryanturner_betrayd:  nothing is mounted22:44
ryanturner_betrayd:  so thats impossible :P22:44
usr13stef1a: Okey Dokey.  We'll be glad to help.22:45
JP_need help with my chromium22:45
th0rNoiro: you would have a much better chance of finding help on a java irc channel22:45
JP_please help22:45
NoiroBut this is Ubuntu, and it is the default Archive Manager stopping me, not Java22:45
vanishingJP_: state the problem first?22:45
JP_my internet connection drops when trying to stream videos22:46
Noirowindows WinRAR works fine. :P22:46
usr13JP_:  /join #chromium22:46
vanishingJP_: anything in dmesg?22:46
betraydryanturner did you get to the part to set partitions though?22:46
usr13JP_: That does not sound like a browser problem. (I could be wrong, but...)22:46
JP_vanishing :cannot load web page at this time, try after some time pretty generic though22:47
Ari-Yangso hdmi doesn't work, even when xrandr says it's connected and I don't get 'no signal' on the samsung tv, it even says it's connected.22:47
Ari-YangI just don't get a picture22:47
Ari-Yangany suggestions?22:47
elisa87How should a python.h not found error be fixed in installing PyQt? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5698529/22:48
Ari-Yanghope it has nothing to do with me installing WINE....22:48
vanishingJP_: by dmesg i mean type dmesg in a terminal and read the output22:48
=== sammy is now known as Guest91976
DrNoNeck  /part22:50
Ari-Yanghow do you change the hdmi output resolutions with xrandr and how do I know what the resolution output is set to?22:51
Ari-Yangmaybe hdmi stopped working because it's using and unsupported resolution?22:52
daftykinsAri-Yang: HDMI should 'just work' if you have good graphics drivers on22:52
Ari-Yangdaftykins, yeah, it was working last well like I said, with me just having to run xrandr --auto in terminal22:53
Ari-Yangxrandr says hdmi is connected, but there is not picture on the tv22:53
Ari-Yangand the tv is acting like it's getting a picture and everything is fine (there's no 'no signal' message)22:54
Ari-Yangthere's just no picture =/22:54
Ari-Yangno sound either22:54
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
daftykinsAri-Yang: did you do anything different in the order you turned on the TV + computer?22:55
Ari-Yangno, not at all....22:56
Ari-Yangdid the exact same order22:56
vanishingAri-Yang: kernel version?22:56
Ari-Yangonly thing that changed on this laptop is WINE being installed22:56
Ari-YangOS: Linux 3.5.0-31-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "quantal" 12.1022:56
Ari-Yanghttp://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1Z7n0sG7 <--- output of xrandr with hdmi being connected22:57
daftykinsAri-Yang: laptop - does it normally swap to TV only, clone onto both, or is it both displays at once?22:58
Ari-Yangonly problem I had last time with hdmi was getting sound to work, I fixed it by adding radeon.audio=1 to the appropriate line in GRUB22:59
adieDoes chromium not exist anymore?22:59
adiechromium downloads lead me to chrome22:59
Ari-Yangdaftykins, last time I used hdmi, both laptop and tv screen were on and displaying picture22:59
Ari-Yangright now the tv is a black screen thinking hdmi is hooked up (it is, it just not showing any picture) and the laptop screen is working fine right now23:00
ermingadie you sure? i just installed chromium 30mins ago23:01
betraydari-yang does your laptop have Fn keys of a different color23:01
ermingyou can try the "apt-get install chromium-browser"23:01
Ari-YangFN key? yeah it does, betrayd23:01
Ari-Yangit's blue FN key23:01
daftykinsAri-Yang: stupid question, i take it you tried a reboot to see if it'd do anything different after23:01
Ari-Yangyeah I did23:01
Ari-Yangdid nothing =/23:01
daftykinsdoes it do much pulling and replugging?23:02
Ari-Yangyeah, I unhooked it and hooked it up back again23:02
Ari-YangI just hooked it up now23:02
Ari-Yangtv says 'no signal'23:02
Ari-YangI didn't run xrandr --auto in terminal yet23:02
Ari-YangI ran xrandr --auto, HDMI is "working" now, says 'no signal' on the TV, again, just no picture :S23:03
betraydAri-Yang the Fn (blue keys) + the video mode has 3 settings like daftykins said, laptop only, laptop+external or external only23:03
ermingAri-Yang, i've not followed the discussion, but: System Settings > Displays23:03
ermingis the external monitor visible there?23:03
Ari-Yangerming, http://gyazo.com/8845763cb93b91fea1133ce1b9085e4623:04
Ari-Yangbetrayd, I hit the FN key but nothing happens...23:04
Ari-Yangam I suppose to hit something else along with the FN key?23:04
ermingan old computer i had, required fn+ some of the F<num> buttons23:04
ermingwhich had a little sign of a computer monitor23:05
mindless_chaostry it with F423:05
ermingthat thing, which seemed to be built into the motherboard/whatever, could activate the different ports23:05
qpuckabazhang: i couldn't install -dkms alongside -4.2 so i removed -4.2 and installed -dkms with the appropriate extpack. usb error is gone but guest installation now hangs. i'm not sure what's going on now.23:05
betraydAri-Yang there is a blue disply mode icon like erming desribed23:05
mindless_chaosthe fn key and functions usually control hardware aspects of the machine23:05
mindless_chaossuch as monitor switching23:06
Ari-Yangno nothing happens =/23:06
betraydThe blue Fn keys work at BIOS/BOOt time Ari-Yang (common rookie whine: they don't work)23:06
mindless_chaostry all of the function keys with FN23:06
Ari-Yangbut I never had to mess with FN before....23:07
Ari-Yangare you sure that's the problem? all I had to do before was run xrandr --auto and everything worked fine23:07
betraydthis will elimintate 'no signal'23:07
thpe_I am trying to mount an hfs+ volume so that I can read files on it that I do not have permissions for. I tried mount uid=myuidhere /dev/sdc6 myfilesdirectory/ and it doens't work, it just lists the man page23:08
thpe_is there any obvious syntax error?23:08
daftykinsthpe_: trailing slash on your mount point isn't necessary i don't think23:08
Ari-Yangwell I hit FN with all Fs (F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12)23:08
daftykinsthpe_: plus /full/mount/path may be best23:08
thpe_daftykins, you are right,but I get the same error without it23:08
Ari-Yangno go :S23:09
thpe_err: lack of error23:09
Ari-Yangjust unplugged hdmi23:09
mindless_chaoshum.. well auto worked b4 on the same machine?23:09
betraydAri-Yang it works at BIOS/BOOT time, so you have to hit the key to prolong BIOS time23:09
betrayddon't hit it while you're chatting23:10
daftykinsthpe_: have you looked at the output of 'dmesg | tail' to see if it's commenting about what went wrong?23:10
mindless_chaosyou may have to specify the rez etc in the xrandr23:10
Ari-Yangmindless_chaos, was that question directed to me? if it is yes, it worked just fine last week23:10
=== gary is now known as Guest57986
thpe_I don't see anything obvious.23:10
Ari-Yangbetrayd, you want me to try all F1-12 keys with hdmi hooked up?23:11
ermingAri-Yang you dont see any icons on your f<num> keys?23:12
erminghold FN and just click your way through them, worth a shot :)23:12
betraydari-yang but at BIOS boot time, not while in session. once you get boot progress showing on both, work on xrandr23:12
Ari-Yangerming, there are icons, I did that already.... and yes there are icons23:13
Ari-Yangbetrayd, so you want me to restart my computer23:13
Ari-Yangand when the bios message pops up, what do I have to hit, f12?23:13
histoAri-Yang: do you have another display hooke dup to this box?23:14
betraydthen AriYang hit whatever key gets you in BIOS setup, that way the blue FN combo kleys can work longer23:14
Ari-Yanghisto, another display hooked up? no not at all23:14
Ari-Yangbetrayd, I think I see what you're saying, but I'm having a feeling that isn't necessary, how is it connected to this problem?23:15
NoiroSo does anyone know how to add files to a jar? I always get errors but Winrar for Windows does it fine. Why wouldn't archive manager? #java is invite-only23:15
betraydAri-yang no signal is what you get now right, get rid of it first23:15
daftykinsNoiro: i'm sure there are more archivers?23:16
Noirodaftykins: do you know of a working one?23:16
betraydthere is rar for nix23:16
vanishingNoiro: basicly any would work23:16
Ari-Yangbetrayd, so you want me to go into BIOS with hdmi hooked up?23:17
daftykinsNoiro: i'm afraid not, but i'd hope a quick google might say what works23:17
Ari-Yanghttp://www.technoish.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Dell-Inspiron-N5010-Keyboard.jpg there's this laptop's keyboard layout23:17
betraydAri-Yang on some laptops the BIOS menu will also ask for display setup. (laptop only, ext+lap or ext only). The shortcut combos can do that, but only during a limited interval23:18
phong_hi guys, why i can't run vmware 9 after installing on ubuntu 13.04???23:21
phong_any fix?23:21
phong_please help thanks.23:21
betraydso Ari-Yang navigate the BIOS settings for display if you can, if they're not there go use the combo keys. You're trying to get a signal but as far as the screen sees it, its unplugged. Trivial to fix then work on xrandr23:21
phong_I love ubuntu 13.04,23:21
Ari-Yangbetrayd, okay, I see what you're saying. But why is that I get the feeling this has nothing to do with hdmi? :S23:21
phong_vmware 9 workstation on ubuntu 13.04 complain about kernel thing....help me how to get it running. please23:22
betraydAri-Yang sure feel free to ignore me, but I'm trying to eliniate 'no signal' which is your first problem. Surem ignore this, and I'll still see you next week =)23:22
Ari-Yangbetrayd, no need for the sarcastic 'smile' =/ I didn't say I won't do it, I just said that I don't think this has anything to do with HDMI, I'll try it in a few min. saving some stuff before restarting.23:23
canocan anybody help me out with xubuntu 13.0423:23
Ari-Yangwait, should I disconnect hdmi when I go into bios?23:23
Ari-Yangor unplug it?23:23
vanishingAri-Yang: I'd leave it connected23:24
betraydAri-Yang yes^23:24
vanishingcano: no one can help you unless you state the problem..:D23:24
betraydAri-Yang ok glad you keep an open mind.23:25
vanishingcano: besides, /join #xubuntu might be a better idea23:25
canoi've just installed xubuntu but when i restart i can,'t load it23:26
=== Guest91976 is now known as sammy
root______cano , what is the error message ?23:26
vanishingcano: error messages?23:27
memandWhat do you guys think the life expectancy would be of a system installed on a USB flash drive?23:27
betraydAri-Yang these folks may have dealt with it too, so keep your options open23:27
memandOr to put it another way, would it fry the chip due to exessive read write cycles?23:27
root______memand , large23:27
memandroot______: Large, beeing the life expectancy?23:28
root______memand , infinit23:28
genii-aroundmemand: Most flash drives get 20-30,000 write cycles. So just don't put your swap on it23:29
phong_please how to install vmware 9 to work with ubuntu 13.0423:29
NoiroOk figured it out, turns out I need to roll back file-roller since the newest one is a dud23:29
Ari-Yangbetrayd, I found nothing in bios dealing with displays23:29
betraydwhen you absoluely have to have to open a file, that would be the end of its life expectancy23:30
Ari-Yangand now my screen resolution is messed up O__o23:30
memandbtw, I'm not talking about doing this http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu but rather doing a "propper" install on the stick23:30
vanishingmemand: any particular reason for that?23:31
phong_come on guys23:32
memandvanishing: So that I can have everything other than the grub patition encrypted with LUKS23:32
Ari-Yangalright, got my display back23:33
Ari-Yangwelp, that didn't work :S23:33
phong_can someone tell me how to install vmware 9 in ubuntu 13.04????? it does install but not working...gosh23:34
vanishingphong_: im not farmiliar with vmware 923:34
vanishingbut try to run it from terminal23:35
vanishingand see if there are any output23:35
phong_vanishing, u want to remote to my pc?23:35
vanishingphong_: :|23:35
vanishingnot really...23:35
phong_i really need to get it going23:35
phong_yes teamviewer23:35
phong_can u make it work?23:35
phong_Ari-Yang, ?23:36
phong_Ari-Yang,  828 916 46423:36
phong_i pm u the password23:36
Ari-YangI'm confused lol23:36
phong_hold on23:36
diverdudeHi, I have verified that haproxy sends a log message to syslog on localhost which is listening on udp port 514. However the message is not written to the logfile from syslog. Why is that? I have created /etc/rsyslog.d/10-haproxy.conf with the lines: $ModLoad imudp   $ServerAddress  $UDPServerRun 514. What am I missing?23:36
Ari-Yangphong_, oh you want to see if you can help me out with hdmi not working?23:36
phong_Ari-Yang, you help me23:36
Ari-Yangwith what?23:37
phong_vmware 923:37
Ari-Yangoh, sorry I can't23:37
Ari-Yangnot sure what the problem is23:37
Noirocan someone help me roll back file-roller? I have the .deb, but it has dependencies upon trying to install23:37
th0rAri-Yang: you could charge by the hour23:37
Ari-Yangnor do I know about 13.0423:37
Ari-Yanglol th0r xD23:37
ermingAri-Yang he want to lay back in his chair and let you fix his problems :)23:37
* Ari-Yang has his own problem to try and fix XD;23:37
phong_man, vmware 9 is not working in ubuntu 1323:37
phong_freaking vmware23:38
Ari-Yangphong_, maybe use another VM?23:38
phong_no, i'm used to vmware23:38
vanishingphong_: have you tried running it from a terminal?23:38
phong_vanishing, why dont u remote in23:38
phong_i did try it23:38
vanishingphong_: no error messages?23:39
phong_it ask to install something23:39
phong_not sure what it is ,, i click install and nothing work23:39
Ari-Yangphong_, what did it ask you to install?23:39
phong_if u can remote in ... man23:39
phong_i dont mind....please help me23:39
phong_i'm using teamviewer23:39
ermingphong_ why would he want that23:39
ermingyou will have to solve your problem by your own23:40
Ari-Yangphong_, you'd want someone who knows what he/she is doing to remote in? not just anybody =/23:40
erminghelp != people will do stuff FOR you23:40
phong_erming, i dont know much ubuntu man23:40
elisa87Why? /usr/bin/python3: can't open file '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/eric5/eric5_configure.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory23:40
stef1ahello all23:40
ermingphong_ heh, why do you want vmware on it?23:40
Ari-Yanganyways, I'll do some more googling with this hdmi problem. shame though it just stopped working out :V23:40
phong_to run some vmware stuff23:40
ermingAri-Yang i wish you good luck!23:40
vanishingAri-Yang: I didnt get the whole chat23:41
ermingphong_ to run what? :)23:41
phong_win os23:41
stef1ai'm using ubuntu 13.04 and my mouse and unity don't work. There is no dash and no launcher. I'm using an HP ProBook 4535s laptop. I've tried reinstalling over my old 13.04 when the problem first came up, but it hasn't helped. Help?23:41
vanishingbut, would you think its a graphic driver problem?23:41
stef1ausr13: I'm back! and I'm on ubuntu now!23:41
Ari-YangI doubt it23:41
Ari-YangI didn't change my graphics driver nor mess with them :o23:42
ermingphong_ i would go the other way around by the way. vmware have alot better support actually running on windows23:42
Ari-Yangthanks erming for the good luck wish23:42
ermingas far as i know23:42
ermingAri-Yang :D23:42
vanishingAri-Yang: anything in logs?23:42
Ari-Yangvanhelsing_, I'll say it again in case you missed it. last week I got hdmi just fine by hooking up the hdmi cable, then running xrandr -auto to get picture, then switching sound settings to hdmi output, done. everything worked out23:43
vanishingphong_: alright...installed teamviewer23:43
Ari-Yanglogs? what logs should I look at?23:43
phong_need my id?23:43
phong_vanishing, 828 916 46423:43
vanishingAri-Yang: dmesg, syslog..you know..the usual suspect23:43
phong_vanishing, pass is: k1x78d23:43
vanishing~.~..why did you give out all the info in public23:43
phong_let me change pass then23:44
Noirodoes KDE have a better ifle manager?23:44
phong_forgot about it23:44
Ari-Yangmeh, doubt anybody cares23:44
phong_just log23:44
MonkeyDustNoiro  better depends n what you prefer23:44
phong_i dont think anyone care23:44
stef1ahelp, please, anyone?23:44
phong_vanishing, go ahead and log in23:44
NoiroMonkeyDust: Current version of file-roller in Gnome does not work. Does KDE have a different one?23:44
Ari-Yangvanhelsing_, the dmesg log I should check is under /var/log right?23:44
MonkeyDustNoiro  "not work" meaning?23:44
Ari-Yanghmm... I see dmesg and dmesg.023:45
Ari-YangI'll check dmseg23:45
NoiroCurrent version does not allow dragging files into zip directories.23:45
MonkeyDustNoiro  install KDE and try23:45
ermingvanishing someone should just learn him a lesson.. log in and shut down his IRC :)23:45
Ari-Yangerming, you mean 'teach him a lesson' lol23:46
ermingoh, yeah23:46
NoiroI'd rather just switch out the file manager KDE uses for file-roller, is that possible or is it dependant on KDE?23:46
betraydthat'll learn ya23:46
MonkeyDustNoiro  install whatever you need and try, you would then be the expert o the matter23:47
Ari-Yangso I guess I should paste my dmesg and syslog...23:47
ermingto my defence: it's late here, and learn/teach is the same word in my language23:47
Ari-Yangah, I see erming23:47
TheMakerGot UnrealIRCd installed and running correctly, any ideas why I can't connect to it? O.o23:47
NoiroI don't know the name it uses, and I'm sure plenty of others have needed to develop in Java and run into this23:47
stef1aalso my audio doesn't work (using cvlc)23:48
stef1ais there a driver-updater i can run from the terminal? because i can't use dash...23:50
=== solitom is now known as blblblbl
syntroPiarent drivers normal deb packages from the subscribed repos? "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"23:52
Ari-Yanghdmi is working23:53
Ari-Yangall I did was hook it up to a laptop that I know it would work (windows) unplugged it and hooked it up quickly to mine23:53
InokiHi folks, anybody managed to get Bluetooth to work on Xubuntu? I'm on 12.1023:53
Ari-Yanggod, I just hope sound is a-okay23:53
Ari-Yangeverything is working!23:54
daftykinsAri-Yang: congrats23:54
Ari-Yangthanks lol23:55
Ari-YangI blame hdmi signals :X23:55
th0rand we now have an hdmi expert23:55
vanishingAri-Yang: what was the problem?23:55
stef1ai'm using ubuntu 13.04 and my mouse and unity don't work. There is no dash and no launcher. I'm using an HP ProBook 4535s laptop. I've tried reinstalling over my old 13.04 when the problem first came up, but it hasn't helped. Help? (also, audio isn't working)23:55
vanishingAri-Yang: glad you figured it out23:55
Ari-Yangvanishing, I just hooked it up to a laptop (with windows on it), hdmi worked fine on it, quickly unplugged the hdmi and hooked it to mine, ran xrandr --auto and it sensed my laptop23:56
betraydwhoa that's a wrap \o/ Ari-Yang, make a note of it23:56
Ari-Yanglol yeah xD23:56
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phong_not working23:57
stef1aalso why do i continually get "continue without verification?" from apt-get?23:57
vanishingAri-Yang: lol..thats the weirdest solution23:57
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phong_vanishing, not working23:57
Ari-Yangaye, indeed23:57
vanishingphong_: ok..umm23:57
phong_should i install 12.04 ?23:57
vanishingphong_: /msg me the connection info again23:57
betraydvanishing 'It sounds so crazy it just might work!'23:57
vanishingbetrayd: haha..ye23:58
phong_people got it work man23:58
stef1aand can people see my text?23:58
phong_vanishing, i saw ubuntu support23:58
betrayd we need more  'pioneers' like Ari23:58
th0rstef1a: no23:58
stef1ath0r: :-)23:58
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