
zequenceToo bad. I think we've had at least five people come by here the last month wanting to help02:16
zequenceNone of them stick around after the first introduction02:17
zequenceEither there's something really unpleasent with coming by here, or people get scared of actually having to do something02:17
holsteinor they dont know what to do02:25
Len-nbhang around and listen anyway.... it's what I did02:25
holsteinthey might come back.. or prefer the mailing list02:26
zequenceholstein: Each time, I told them what to do, and stick around02:27
holsteinsome folks dont like to hang on the IRC02:27
zequenceWell, if they say they will, than I would assume that was their plan02:27
holsteinin my local LUG, theres about 30 folks who come on and off02:27
holsteinabout 3 of those are in or on IRC02:28
holsteinabout 6 or 8 have said "im going to come and stick around in the IRC"02:28
holsteinthey dont ;)02:28
zequenceIf the person goes "great, tell me what to do. Ok, nice. I'll keep logged into this channel"..02:29
zequenceIt's not a misunderstanding on my part anyway02:29
TheDrumshttp://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc is typically good, but a few of the things aren't quite in line with how we do it.02:29
zequenceThat's ok for user support, but it's a little different when it comes to geting people involved in development02:31
zequenceAnd it is hard to know what to expect when you come here, for sure02:32
TheDrumsHrm, wrong topic.02:32
zequenceIf you don't have previous experience, you probably don't have a clue, and that's file02:32
zequenceThat's why I've been preparing documentation02:33
zequenceLike this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/SetupDeveloperEnvironment02:33
zequenceBut, the problem is, some people find even that one page to be this huge amount of text to read, so I think people are just not prepared to do that02:34
zequenceanyway, it's really tough to find people02:35
zequenceas it seems02:35
zequenceLuke on the mail list seemed interested to start doing something, so that was positive02:36
holsteinim going to stay off the mailing list02:37
zequenceholstein: Why so?02:37
holsteinralph pushes my buttons... and then i misread things with my annoyed hat on tightly02:37
zequenceas long as someone is not clearly misinforming people, which happens, I try not to bother02:38
holsteini'll take a break again, and i'll be cool02:38
zequenceI get much too easily irritated myself. It's a real problem02:39
holsteinim getting that way02:39
holsteinim just too busy02:39
holsteinit'll thin out a bit soon.. or at least get more "normal" and routine02:39
TheDrumsI'm on x-dev and it seems pretty good, but I still never send to it.02:40
zequenceholstein: What kind of gigs do you have now?02:40
holsteinzequence: the one o have coming up is 8 shows a week02:40
holsteinthe one i*02:40
holsteinplus, my other normal stuff02:40
zequenceTheDrums: I've seen your nick here for a good while. Are you interested in helping out with Ubuntu Studio development?02:41
holsteini'll probably be playing 10 shows a week for about 11 weeks coming up02:41
zequenceholstein: Theater?02:41
holsteinzequence: yup :/02:41
TheDrumszequence: Sorry, but not all that much, I"m Unit193 of Xubuntu.02:41
zequenceTheDrums: Ahaa02:41
holsteinplus, i have a tech thing im taking on 2 days a week02:41
holsteinnot sure what02:41
TheDrums(And #ubuntustudio)02:41
holsteini think just helping folks..02:41
zequenceTheDrums: Why the double identities?02:41
holsteinTheDrums: i dont think i realized that..02:42
zequenceTheDrums: irc alerts?02:42
TheDrumszequence: This is my alternick, to split up channels a bit.  I follow everything with the other, and this is for scrollback.02:42
zequenceholstein: You're getting to be a real veteran in the theater music business now then02:43
zequenceYou only started with that about a year ago, or something, was it?02:43
holsteinyup.. 2 shows last summer too02:44
TheDrumsholstein: (You mean the cloak didn't give it away?)02:44
holsteinTheDrums: i never claimed to be observant02:45
TheDrumszequence: Though, what do you happen to need help with right now?03:00
zequenceTheDrums: Nothing critical, if that is what you mean :). But, there are definately all kinds of areas that would need attention. 03:02
zequenceUser documentation, both written and videos. We have nothing there03:02
zequenceA full inventory on the applications that are avilable for our workflows (probably one person would only like to do one of the workflows), and see if we are shipping the right stuff03:03
zequenceAlso, make sure the applications are fully functional and not lacking in the way they were built or packaged03:03
zequenceThat's something that Debian folks might not be fully on top, as some of them are packaging ridiculous amounts of applications03:04
zequenceI should just write a list of these things, and post on the mail list soonish03:04
zequenceOr, better yet, first ask for ideas on what we need done - adding the things I'm aware of (and things that are in progress already)03:05
zequenceI'm slowly realizing that in order for people to get a picture of how they can help, giving them concrete tasks is probably the best first step03:08
zequenceInsight in the fringes of Ubuntu flavor development probably comes later03:09
TheDrumsAha, I see.  What doc format are you using?03:20
zequenceTheDrums: So far, this is all that exists, and I'm sure I'd come back to it if I felt I had the time https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UserGuide03:28
zequenceThe idea is that it should be focused more on our workflows, rather than desktop usage03:29
zequenceNaturally, we need a section about installation and hardware support03:29
zequenceAs for hardware support, that is also a bit special, since we should provide links and information to all hardware that deals with multimedia03:30
zequenceThe user guide, as far as using goes, should only be introductional03:30
zequenceThen, provide links to other places of information, where there are manuals for things, etc03:31
zequenceActually, my idea is that Ubuntu Studio should offer information on all sorts of sites and forums that deal with Linux multimedia03:31
zequenceSo, that people who come to the Linux multimedia world, and often using Ubuntu Studio, may have a way to get in touch with the whole Linux multimedia community03:32
zequenceVideos are probably better as usage introduction for a lot of things though03:32
zequenceI'm preparing a youtube channel. More on that later03:32
TheDrumsI'd assume you've seen docs.xubuntu.org, I personally don't do a lot of multimedia, at least not in the form that US is made for.03:36
zequenceTheDrums: Yes. But, that is more in the line of regular desktop usage, which is something we can just redirect our users to, not matter which DE they use. If XFCE, the Xubuntu docs are good03:57
=== len-o is now known as ovenwerks
madeinkobaiaHi all : )12:48
=== cub_ is now known as cub
OvenWerkszequence: just in case you missed it... I be Len. I have gone to irssi running in screen.13:21
OvenWerksmadeinkobaia: Hi :)13:22
madeinkobaiaOvenWerks : Hi Len :)13:22
zequenceOvenWerks: Ah, you're running a server now then14:29
zequenceThat's how I'm doing it too14:30
holsteinDarkEra: if ive learned anything from the support channels, its "assume nothing"17:13
holsteinDarkEra: i dont remember that guy at all... but we are on the right track now17:14
holsteinor at least, a lot better17:14
DarkErathat's what i learned too right now ;)17:14
DarkErahis previous nick doesn't really ring a bell17:15
holsteincould have been months ago.. who knows17:16
holsteinthe intel stuff is usually well supported, so its probably just a matter of using the proper tool for dual head17:16
holsteinto configure dual head17:17
holsteinof course, i dont know why installing 12.04 isnt an option17:17
holsteini dont like it when folks dont seem eager to try suggestions17:17
DarkErayep, if i knew it was intel i would have suggested using Arandr$17:17
holsteinif dreamstudio worked, i would run it live at least, and look and see what is supporting the hardware17:17
holsteini would have no problem doing an install of it and looking17:18
holsteinfolks seem like installing is such a big deal17:18
holsteini can reinstall in like 20 minutes...17:18
holsteinanyways, i dont think it'll be a big deal17:18
holsteini was thinking more about the nvidia xorg.conf's that get made17:18
DarkEradepending on the hardware yes, i can install in 10 to 15 minutes17:18
DarkErahis rebooting and getting back online takes a while so i guess it's a older machine17:20
holsteinyou literally never know.. even that could have been a mis-communication17:21
DarkErahmmm... true17:23
holsteinwell, nothing kills the vibe like talking about where hardware support should come from ;)17:55
OvenWerksholstein: quite honestly we do have a less than good way of dealing with dual monitors.22:44
OvenWerksxfce 4.12 coming out real soon now, is supposed to fix a lot of that22:45
OvenWerksWe should be able to remove arandr. and the settings sholod be saved from boot to boot.22:45
OvenWerksI think if dual monitors works right OOTB, more people will just use the free drivers because that will do what needs to be done.22:47

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