
Guest17487ubuntustudio13.4  media players tearing videos specially HD , can anyone help i did look around for answers have got something but need a fool proof way to fsum this up05:52
Guest17487using nvidia gt520m gfx card on my laptop05:52
zequenceGuest17487: I haven't been messing with settings for video players myself, but perhaps VLC has an option for that. Something like, wait for vertical sync. However, XBMC does not have this problem05:54
Guest17487chanserv?? could you please help05:54
Guest17487thanks zequence05:54
Guest17487this tearing happens on all the media players05:55
Guest17487not only VLC05:55
zequenceI know05:55
zequenceBut, some may have settings to prevent it05:55
Guest17487so read this and this fixed the problem but display settings changed05:56
Guest17487the answer lies in compositing option in window manager setting05:57
Guest17487can this be fixed permanently05:57
zequenceGuest17487: Have you read this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/125245/how-do-i-stop-video-tearing-nvidia-prop-driver-non-compositing-window-manager06:01
Guest17487reading thanks ze06:02
zequenceI haven't investigated the problem myself at all really06:07
zequenceI just know from my own experience, that XBMC does not have this tearing problem06:07
zequenceI suppose because it's not a desktop program, and does its own graphics entirely (I'm assuming)06:08
Guest17487thanks ze seems im facing an age old issue thanks for your inputs06:09
=== cub_ is now known as cub
brian__Hi does anyone know how to import music into Audacious?14:14
brian__Ok it's alright.14:23
famax8whats the new verion worth?14:41
zequencefamax8: zillions14:49
deemovicI need help to set up more than one monitor display, but all I get is a mirror display on the second monitor14:56
cubdeemovic, what kind of graphic card do you have?15:01
cubI needed to install ATI drivers to be able to run dual monitors on my setup15:02
deemoviconboard nvidia15:02
deemoviccub, please tell me how... I have an hp pavillion dv600 laptop, an old thing and it only has an onboard graphics card... how do I intall ATI drivers15:04
DarkEradid you install the nvidia drivers? If it's nvidia you don't need ATI at all15:05
DarkEraif you use the opensource driver Nouveau you can set it up in Arandr15:06
cubI don't know if the Nvidia drivers are in Proprietary drivers like for ATI cards?15:06
DarkEraif you want to use the nvidia drivers then open a terminal and do a:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current15:07
DarkErareboot once it's finished15:07
DarkEraOnce rebooted you need to run gksudo nvidia-settings in the terminal to adjust the settings and save them to the xorg.conf file from there15:09
DarkEradeemovic, ^15:10
deemovicI tried to do those things yesterday but it messed up my resolutiion so I have had to reinstall ubuntu studio afresh this morning... can you help me out15:11
deemovicDarkEra, I will try your advice just one more time15:12
DarkErayou also should be able to adjust the resolution in the nvidia-settings15:13
DarkEraif that's not working out i'd advice just to use the nouveau driver and set up a dual monitor through Arandr15:14
deemovicDarkEra, can you please explain the process of the Nouveau driver to me15:21
DarkErahow do you mean?15:22
deemovichow do I got about it15:22
deemovicgo about it15:22
DarkEraif you don't have the nvidia drivers installed your system uses the Nouveau driver15:23
deemovicok... right now I have successfully installed the nvidia-current via terminal as you suggested15:23
DarkEraright, now reboot15:23
DarkEraif you haven't done so already that is :)15:23
deemovicI see something depmod... and DKMS:Install completed15:24
deemovicI will reboot now and it means this chat will cut off for a bit]15:24
DarkEraif it's completly done and nothing is happening then reboot15:24
deemovicshould I attach the second display already or wait to do that after reboot? DarkEra15:25
DarkErayou could do that after the reboot15:25
deemovicI just checked my system setting and saw nvidia X server setting, I clicked on it and it gave me a box with this message ''You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.''15:26
DarkEradid you reboot?15:26
DarkEraotherwise it doesn't work15:26
deemovicgonna do that now... just hope you will be here when i come back15:26
DarkErasure ;)15:27
deemovicoff I go15:27
famax8zequence, but one mid range in particular?15:34
famax8zequence, sorry missunderstood - and i meant is it worth updating?15:35
famax8anyone would know of a good external soundcard USB with MIDI15:37
DarkErafamax8, it sure is worth it. But i don't know what you plan to do, upgrade or fresh install (what i would recommend)?15:38
famax8or how to use kaosspad as device for lmms15:38
famax8DarkEra, update15:38
DarkEranote that upgrading doesn't work flawless most of the time. That's my experience15:39
deemovicDarkEra, are you there16:00
DarkErai'm still here but having something to eat at the moment16:01
deemovicok... no worries... when yu are done16:01
DarkEraok, thanks :)16:01
deemovicyou know what...I just quickly reinstall studio afresh a again...16:43
DarkEradid it went wrong?16:43
deemovicreason on that once I plug in the second monitor, it messes up the main monitor and reduced the resolution so much that fonts doubles in size16:44
deemovicso now its back to normal and we can begin the process again...16:44
DarkEradeemovic, what if you open nvidia-settings through the terminal: gksudo nvidia-settings16:45
holsteini usually just make a custom xorg.conf.. with the nvidia tools, you can get something close to what will work, and edit from there as needed16:45
deemovichey holstein its me here again, Senator16:45
DarkEradeemovic, in there you should be able to adjust the monitors16:45
DarkEraheya holstein :)16:46
holsteinDarkEra, deemovic o/16:46
deemovicso guys tell me are you saying the same thing or different... which do I try16:46
deemovicI need to install the nvidia-current first right and what next?16:46
holsteindeemovic: its on a hardware basis.. you'll just need to troubleshoot and do what works16:47
deemovicyou know I went over to dreamstudio temporarily and just came back to Ubuntu studio yesterday, so I hope this works really16:47
holsteindeemovic: ideally, its nvidia that would be helping you, since they make the software, but we can try16:47
holsteindeemovic: go where you like.. the issue you are having is realting to your graphics hardware, and will likely be *very* similar on any version of linux16:48
holsteindeemovic: the nice thing about ubuntu is the larger desktop user community, which is more likely to have used the *exact* hardware you are trying to use16:48
deemovicDarkEra, suggested something ealier on, he said I shd install nvidia current and if it dont work I can use the Nouveau driver visa ARand R16:48
holsteindeemovic: you can use the vesa driver with one monitor16:49
holsteindeemovic: and, thats what i might suggest.. stepping back a bit, and taking it easy16:49
holsteindeemovic: what operating system are you coming from?16:49
deemovicubuntu dreamstudio16:49
deemovicbut it was 12.0416:50
holsteindeemovic: before that.. what are you used to. .windows?16:50
deemovicnope... ubuntu studio16:50
holsteindeemovic: so, dual monitor is supported in 12.04?16:50
deemovicremember we always chatted here in the past, I was senator, now changed the name to deemovic16:50
holsteindeemovic: why not just use 12.04? thats what my production machine is running...16:51
holsteindeemovic: also, you can grab the xorg.conf that the nvidia utility makes for you in 12.04, and try it in 13.0416:51
deemovicin the dreamstudio, it somehow worked... sometimes the mouse ghets stuck at the edge of one screen but when i repeatedly drag it it crosses over to the next one16:51
holsteindeemovic: i would have no issues installing 12.04 right now, if it fit my needs better than 13.0416:51
holsteindeemovic: you can grab information from dreamstudio16:52
holsteindeemovic: first thing. if "dreamstudio" is based on 12.04.. that is a different kernel. and a different nvidia driver16:52
holsteinalso, you can get that *exact* xorg.conf .. have it with you as a "known-good" config16:52
holsteinotherwise, it will be a matter of troubleshooting16:52
holsteinwhat would i do?16:52
deemovicholstein, in the dreamstudio, it somehow worked... sometimes the mouse ghets stuck at the edge of one screen but when i repeatedly drag it it crosses over to the next one, so the issue was not tatally sorted but I managed somehow to live with it16:52
holsteindeemovic: that likely to do with the way you had the nvidia driver setup.. where the mouse would get stuck16:53
deemovicok holstein, DarkEra ... can we try here first and see what we can achieve16:53
holsteindeemovic: what would i do? install 13.04... upgrade *all* packages.. install the nvidia driver16:53
holsteinif it doesnt work, i would take my known-good xorg.conf from dreamstudio and drop it in 13.0416:54
deemovicI have just done the upgrade now, its asking me to restart16:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:54
deemovicI have already cleaned out dreamstudio16:54
holstein^^ states, by model, what driver to use16:54
deemovicwiped it16:54
holsteindeemovic: sure.. and if you hit a wall here, you can reinstall dreamstudio, or 12.04 and make notes about what is supporting your hardware, and why16:55
deemovicso lets go ahead here first... right... I have installed all package upgrade, now it needs me to restart... do I do that now and come back to you16:55
holsteindeemovic: you will need to reboot to be running the latest kernel16:56
holsteindeemovic: its not really a matter of "this is what you do, and it will work"16:56
holsteinit will be a process by which volunteers make suggestions, and you try them16:56
DarkErainstall ---> update --> reboot --> install the drivers. That's how it's done16:57
holsteinyou are upgraded, and booting the latest kernel, and installing the latest drivers16:57
holsteinthen, we go from there16:57
deemovicI know... I ynderstand, I just wanted to get away the basic thing off the table, then get into troubleshoot... so let me do that now16:57
holsteindeemovic: this is not "basic"16:58
holsteindeemovic: we, the volnuteers in this channel, are going to to our best to help you with software that we do not, and cannot maintatain16:58
holsteinIE, the proprietary nvidia driver16:58
holsteini use it.. so does DarkEra it seems16:58
DarkEraholstein, yep16:59
deemovicok but let me begin from there now... I have installed studio, now upgraded packages... so let me reboot now guys16:59
deemovicthen come chat yu about how to install nvidia drivers etc and see where it leads me17:00
holsteinyes.. reboot to the current most up to date kernel.. and install the current most up to date nvidia driver17:00
holstein!nvidia | deemovic17:00
ubottudeemovic: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:00
holsteindeemovic: you can reference the link above for "how to install the driver"17:00
holsteindeemovic: thats what i use17:00
holsteinits by model #17:00
deemoviclspci | GREP vga output is VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 0c)17:02
deemovicthe link you gave17:03
holsteinwhy are we discussing the nvidia driver then?17:03
holsteindeemovic: you dont have nvidia hardware17:03
deemovicI see17:03
holsteindeemovic: the intel chip should be supported out of the box17:03
holsteindeemovic: is that a netbook?17:03
holsteinyou should be able to install and use arandr and setup the dual head17:04
DarkEraso it's not a onboard nvidia card17:04
holsteinDarkEra: apparently not nvidia hardware at all17:04
deemovichmmm, I see17:05
deemovicits intel right? but its onboard17:05
deemovicso how do you suggest I proceed17:05
holsteindeemovic: all intel are integrated17:05
holsteindeemovic: i suggested installing arandr, after suggesting upgrading and rebooting the new kernel.. are you up to date?17:06
deemovicI believe so, just that once I plug in the second monitor, it messes up the view of the first and the resolution changes17:06
deemovicI havent rebooted yet cos we ar here chastting17:06
holsteindeemovic: open a terminal... type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and report any errors17:06
holsteindeemovic: then, "sudo apt-get install arandr"17:07
deemovicbut if you will excuse me a few moment... I will reboot now... No errors17:07
deemovicfor the arandr, no errors there too, 0 upgrade, 0 new ,0 to remove and 0 not upgraded17:09
holsteindeemovic: are you rebooted into the latest kernel?17:09
holsteindeemovic: if not, reboot...17:09
deemovicok i will do that now... be right back17:10
DarkEraholstein, i assumed that he had nvidia because he mentioned it himself. I will make sure the next time asking for a output first before giving further support17:13
famax8so anyone knows of a good external soundcard for UBS 12.10 or a way to get a kaosspad working with lmms via midi or usb17:21
holsteinfamax8: for me, i argue external USB sound cards are never good17:21
holsteini have a lexicon omega that is plug and play... decent pre's.. the beringer USB devices are cheap and work out of the box.. $30us17:22
holsteinfamax8: the kaosspad should work with any midi.. i have some very cheap midi to USB cables... like $6us17:22
famax8holstein, i need something wiht MIDI17:22
holsteinfamax8: *all* of what i have mentioned above (except the cheap beringer) has midi17:23
holsteinfamax8: i have a tascam USB that only the midi works, not the audio17:23
holsteinfamax8: my presonus firepod has midi, but i have never tested it17:23
famax8holstein, u got a link for that cable?17:23
holsteinfamax8: i would just get whatever is cheap , and save the reciepts17:24
holsteinfamax8: i just got some cheap-o's from amazon17:24
holsteinliterally the cheapest ones17:24
holsteini was arguing about midi device quality in here before.. but since the sounds are not generated by, nor traveling through the midi devices, i just go with the cheapest17:25
holsteinfor the audio path, i spend money17:25
holsteinany all-in-one kind of maudio or whatever would do you right..17:25
holsteinfamax8: are you using an internal sound card?17:25
famax8holstein, i use an internal yes id like to use the kaosspad as midi controller for lmms17:26
famax8but if i could have a card with midi would be better no stress to have the usb compatibility issue17:27
holsteinfamax8: you should be able to enulate that with the touchpad.. but what im suggesting is, for not a lot more $$, you can probably find something used with usb audio and midi17:27
holsteinfamax8: lol17:27
holsteinfamax8: the stress has nothing to do with US.. or ALSA17:27
famax8i rather avoid it17:27
holsteinfamax8: if you can get a vendor to say "out of the box alsa support" or "supports linux" then, you will have no stress17:27
famax8and i already own a kaosspad i dont really wanna spend again some money17:28
holsteinotherwise, *any* kernel or alsa update can break support17:28
holsteinfamax8: then get the *cheapest* midi cable you see17:28
holsteinfamax8: otherwise, my suggestion is, for a little more $$, you could get something that would improve your audio signal, and add midi17:28
famax8and so internal card better yeah which one as midrange price17:28
holsteinfamax8: i dont see any reason to get mid or high range midi17:29
famax8i mean soundcard17:29
holsteinjust get the cheapest.. otherwise, get a decent used usb soundcard with midi support17:29
holsteinthe lexicon omega is all i have here that i can personally say works17:29
holsteinhttp://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main is what i refer to17:30
famax8id really like to have the plugs directly17:30
deemovicback now... holstein17:30
holsteinfamax8: right. via USB17:30
famax8holstein, via midi ^^17:30
holsteinfamax8: i think i understand you.. otherwise, you 'll need to elaborate what you mean by "plugs right in"17:30
holsteinfamax8: i dont follow then17:30
famax8holstein, midi for midi usb for usb17:30
holsteinfamax8: right.. i do *not* understand17:31
holsteinfamax8: the omega plugs in USB.. and has midi17:31
famax8holstein, haha i want a midi IN on the soundcard17:31
holsteinfamax8: right. the omega has that17:31
famax8holstein, as there is a midi out on the kaosspad17:31
holsteinfamax8: lots of maudio cheaper cards on that list i linked have that17:31
holsteinfamax8: right.. i understand.. that is what i was saying17:32
holsteinfamax8: there willl be nothing else for it to connect to17:32
famax8yes i saw one like 40 quids here as well17:32
holsteinwe are talking about adding a USB device for midi connection17:32
famax8about 60$ if i convert well17:32
holsteinthta can be done with a midi USB cable , or an interface with midi17:32
holsteinthat is the 2 options we are discussing17:32
famax8but apparently better an iterface17:32
holsteinmy argument is, the USB audio device is doing more good for your setup17:32
holstein!better | famax817:33
ubottufamax8: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:33
holsteinbetter is up to you.. if you like your internal card.. or prefer it.. or, just want to spend less $$17:33
famax8holstein, oh right sorry i understood you said USB is never a good choice17:33
holsteindeemovic: DarkEra  and i see you, as well as the other volunteers.. you will need to post a question for us to respond17:34
holsteinfamax8: correct17:34
holsteinfamax8: i personally think its not "better" in any scenario, so i avoid it17:34
holsteinthats my opinion17:34
famax8holstein, are you trolling me??? :O17:34
holsteinfamax8: ?17:35
famax8oh right17:35
holsteinfamax8: no.. im saying, i do not use, nor suggesting using USB17:35
holsteinwith that in mind, here are the links to the USB supported devices you want17:35
famax8i thought internal too coz the whole USB adaptation can always create issues17:35
holsteinfamax8: i dont use internal cards for anything other than testing17:35
famax8why not?17:35
holsteinfamax8: the above mentioned quality17:36
holsteinfamax8: the quality of internal sound cards for creating audio, and getting audio into the machine is sub-par17:36
famax8is better via usb then?17:36
holsteinfamax8: also, i personally avoid USB for the same reason, though, that is changing.. and folks use USB all the time with "good" results17:36
holsteinfamax8: *better* is a matter of opinion, brother17:36
famax8well yes im asking u17:37
holsteinfamax8: there is "this fits my needs" or, "this doesnt"17:37
holsteinfamax8: on a budget, the USB gear you are discussing is a good, affordable solution for you17:37
famax8o u dont use any card?17:37
holsteinfamax8: to see about support, check the link i gave at alsa, or ask in #opensourcemusicians17:37
famax8u being very confusing17:38
holsteinfamax8: i test with my internal sound cards.. for support reasons.. i use a few us devices for support purposes and testing17:38
holsteini have a firewise device i mentioned above that i do my production on17:38
holsteinfamax8: its quite simple17:38
holsteinfamax8: if you want quality, it cost $$17:38
famax8i dont go by that moto ^^17:39
holsteinfamax8: if you dont want to spend $$, i can discuss some alternatives that are compromises17:39
holsteinfamax8: you dont have to17:39
famax8but  u got one deice assigned to one use right?17:39
holsteinfamax8: but, there is a level of quality that can *not* be attainted with an internal card17:39
holsteinwhen getting audio into the machine17:39
deemovicok guys, here is my challenge, I have installed ubuntustudio and I am having issues with dual display, what happens is that once I plug in the second monitor all I get is a mirror view and the second monitor kinda messes up the resolution of the main laptop which is running intel VGA.17:39
famax8setup your screen config??17:40
holsteinfamax8: if you are not creating audio outside the box, and just doing midi, you can get away with cheaper interfaces, which i am discussing with yuo17:40
holsteinif you are only creating sounds "in the box" then the sound card quality is more irrelevant17:40
holsteinin which case, the usb midi cable would be appropriate...17:40
famax8holstein, is ok i just need midi to control at the moment i'll go with internal to play then live and export the sound i will see later with a luna o so but now is really about controlling and using the kaosspad pad as controller17:41
holsteinfamax8: understand?.. neither of those fit my personal needs.. since i dont do midi, and i track 8+ channels at once17:41
holsteinfamax8: if those devices, that personally dont fit my needs, fit your needs... above is where to find information about the support in ALSA.. and mabye someone who owns one in #opensourcemusians17:42
famax8and u use all external devices plugged via what then?17:43
holsteinfamax8: if you just need to add midi control.. the midi USB cable i have was like $6us, and works great.. for about $60, i think you could get a used usb audio device that would do midi, and increase your audio quality17:43
holsteinfamax8: i use JACK on my firewire audio device17:43
famax8then all into the fire wire i guess?17:43
holsteinfamax8: correct17:44
famax8now i get it!!!!17:44
holsteinbut, i have a USB device that i test with ubuntu for support purposes that i think would fit your needs.. or one similar to it17:44
famax8ok and so according to you i shouldnt get troubles using and cable adapter thingy usb to midi and can use the pad in lmms or so?17:44
holsteini think you should be able to get one for $50 or so US17:44
holsteinfamax8: thats what im saing.. *any* software update can give you "troubles"17:45
holsteinfamax8: you are not buying a device that says "works with ubuntustudio" or "linux"17:45
famax8well starting from taht fact i dont go out of me gaff! :)17:45
holsteinfamax8: i can say this.. nothing ubuntustudio is doing will give you troubles with any device17:45
famax8no but sometimes when is not "native" is always a bit dodgy17:46
holsteinfamax8: usb is not native17:46
holsteinfamax8: if you mean, not supported by the kernel. thats why i linked the alsa matrix17:46
holsteinbut, that is just alsa.. right now.. the audio hardware support for alsa17:46
famax8holstein, hahaha u can sasy that yes but since 12.10 i dont believve u!! :O17:46
holsteinfamax8: what are you talking about?17:47
famax8nothing will gimme troubles ^^17:47
holsteinfamax8: ubuntutsudio doesnt suppport *any* hardare17:47
holsteinfamax8: we use a kernel.. it has support for what it has support for17:47
holsteinfamax8: its really up to the vendors to get the information to alsa so that it can be suppported17:47
holsteinwhen that doesnt happen, and it doesnt, support gets "dodgy"17:48
holsteinfamax8: if you are asking me "what audio hardware is guaranteed to work with ubuntustudio?" this is my answer.. ubuntustudio is doing nothing to facilitate, nor prevent the support of *any* devices being provided to you or anyone17:48
holsteini, nor anyone else can guarantee you that a device will work.. the vendor can, and is encouraged to do that for you17:49
holsteinwhat do i do? i save my reciepts, and try and find someone with the *exact* hardware.. which can be challenging17:49
holsteinsince chipsets can change on hardware, and the *exact* hardware would be working fine with linux, but another piece of the same hardware could have a different unsupported chipset17:50
holsteinfamax8: i can only give you links to alsa and ubuntu friendly and #opensourcemusicians.. but, there are no guarantees..17:51
holsteini can personally guarantee that http://www.ebay.com/ctg/Lexicon-Omega-Recording-Workstation-/70304739 works, since i have it and have tested in first-hand, assuming the chipsets and internal hardware are the same..17:52
holsteinfamax8: sorry for any confusion with the wall-o-text.. im just trying to clearly state facts.. ubuntustudio nor linux are directly responsible for the hardware support which is or can potentially give you troubles17:59
tehoweHas anyone else been having kernel panics with the 3.8 PREEMPT kernel that got pushed out through the repo a couple days ago?18:05
holsteintehowe: might want to mention that you are on 12.04? correct? and i personally dont update my production machine running 12.04... though, i can for testing purposes if that will help you18:14
famax8holstein,  and so just to use a controller via midi the cheapest will do right? for the sound tranfers and recording i will use different or keep on the way i use so far which is MD->line in - record via ardour18:15
tehoweHello again holstein :) Yes, I'm on 12.0418:15
holsteinfamax8: the cheapest midi to USB is acceptable to me, since that cable is not transfering audio data.. just note on or off messages18:16
famax8holstein, so USB would be better than interface direct ok18:17
holsteinfamax8: you cant interface midi direct18:17
holsteinfamax8: usb audio is arguably "better" than internal audio18:18
famax8holstein, no soundcards or any cards would have midi in interface?18:18
famax8no audio only control18:18
holsteinfamax8: the one i mentioned has that..18:18
tehoweI think I'm supposed to help you, but here's what came up on the screen http://imgur.com/sRXrpS8 http://imgur.com/xTtVkam18:18
tehoweThankfully only on my laptop so far and not on my desktop18:18
holsteinfamax8: i give 2 options to you.. one is a cable that is cheap that has midi in/out on one end, and usb on the other18:19
holsteinthe other is an audio interface, that is arguably "better" than your current audio situation, that would have midi on/out included18:19
famax8i'llea cable the time i geet a card18:20
famax8im just not feeling safe with the managment of midi over usb without going through some latency ttroubles at some point which is like crucial for me18:21
holsteinfamax8: *both* the options above "go through" usb18:21
holsteinfamax8: midi is not the issue though.. its nothing.. the date is literally "note on note off"18:21
famax8again is really about controlling and use the pad with a program in lmms18:21
holsteinfamax8: audio date is *not* transmitted via MIDI18:22
holsteinfamax8: plus, you likely have no other resonably affordable way to add midi to your situation18:22
famax8no internaal cards then?18:22
holsteinfamax8: correct18:22
famax8i was thinking about this18:22
famax8internal card18:22
famax8directly into the mainboard shouldnt be any troubles18:23
holsteinfamax8: if you dont have midi now, i would suggest usb midi..18:23
holsteinmidi is nothing.. its not a load to worry about with latency... its small data18:24
famax8yeah but rather be safe than sorry ^^18:24
holsteinfamax8: sure18:24
holsteinShapeShifter499: *either* device can make you sorry, so try which ever you like18:24
famax8ok so whichever way will do..18:24
holsteinfamax8: ^^18:25
holsteinShapeShifter499: sorry18:25
holsteinfamax8: either the internal card, or the USB midi can be unsupported18:25
holsteinfamax8: the external USB/midi would be the "best" quality18:25
famax8holstein, dont be so negative18:25
holsteinfamax8: im not.. im being realistic18:25
famax8i say that too18:26
holsteinfamax8: an internal sound card added to your system will not increase the quality of your audio any.. though it will add midi support18:26
famax8but yeah then to export the sound and play live i would use an internal card as well i guess18:26
holsteinfamax8: no18:26
holsteinfamax8: you can export without *any* sound card.. you just cant monitor in the process18:27
famax8yean live set dont need to be monintored but i pass then through a mixer so is a channel on it is ok i can monitor there18:27
holsteinthats why im saying, if you are creating all the sounds "in the box" via midi, then the sound card quality is irrelevant..18:27
famax8sound is coming from lmms18:27
=== natsurou is now known as natsu|away
studio-user840-ni currently installing ubuntu studio. the second attempt. it seems that it failed to install the bootloader the first time. is it because the windows is on a other partition?21:07
holsteinstudio-user840-n: could be due to misconfiguration from trying not to break something on the hard drive21:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:08
holsteini would just reinstall grub from a live CD21:08
studio-user840-nsounds like a good answer21:09
studio-user840-ni ll try21:09
studio-user840-ni guess the command would be: sudo apt-get install grub21:09
holsteinstudio-user840-n: sometimes i just dont install grub, and do it manually afterward.. it just depends21:09
holsteinstudio-user840-n: i follow the wiki i linked.. and usually just use the GUI that can be installed on the live instance21:09
holsteini did it in the command line a few times, and it looked like that, but i remember specifying where.. /dev/sda1 or whatever21:10
holsteinstudio-user840-n: good luck!21:10
studio-user840-ni m so exited!21:10
studio-user840-nhave been thinking of changing too linux since soemthing like 7 years now... but i m finally doing it. :)21:11
holsteincheck out #opensourcemusicians ..that commuinty really helpedme transtition21:12
studio-user840-ni guess my main problem is going to be all the adobe after effect and premiere projects i still have on windows...21:13
studio-user840-nis there a maybe a channel like #opensourcefilmmakers or #opensourcevideographers or #opensourcecinematographers ?21:15
holsteinstudio-user840-n: you can search freenode for whatever chanels you seek21:17
studio-user840-nhow do i do that?21:17
holsteinstudio-user840-n: i had a lot of projects in cubase, and i dont miss windows or cubase anymore21:18
holsteinstudio-user840-n: do what? search for a channel?21:18
holsteinyou can just try joining it21:18
studio-user840-noh yeah. i try that... so channels are emtpy... thats why i m asking21:18
holsteinbut, you can ask in the channel that *does* exist that i did suggest.. or google21:18
holsteinor google how to search freenode or whatever server you are on using whatever client you are using21:19
holsteincheers! gotta run.. enjoy!21:19
studio-user840-nokey... well. lets try this one : #ubuntustudio21:19
holsteinstudio-user840-n: thats the one you are on21:19
holsteini suggest you try #opensourcemusicians ..but you dont have21:19
holstein.. cheers!21:19
=== mike is now known as Guest54099

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