
pleia2familiar with screen and irssi?00:00
Unit193No breaking things.00:00
pleia2Unit193 can help you if not :)00:00
* pleia2 shopping00:00
bluesabrefound a tutorial, I should be able to figure it out00:00
Unit193Wait, I can? :(00:00
knomei should be able to assist as well.00:01
knomepleia2, hf shopping!00:01
Unit193http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi you need to bookmark, or at least read/skim that.00:01
knomebluesabre, a good reminder at this point is to set up you chanserv password as the "server" password00:02
Unit193Umm... CertFP or SASL, actually.00:03
Unit193http://jonathanbeluch.com/blog/2011/03/remote-notify-irssi-screen/ isn't loading, dangit.00:03
bluesabreI use SASL on my phone to connect, but theres a gui for it00:03
knomeask Unit193 if you want to use SASL00:04
bluesabrewhich is easier00:05
Unit193https://gist.github.com/jbeluch/898734 is the basics for the page that isn't loading, and nice shortcuts may be http://niklas.laxstrom.name/page/eng/irssi00:05
Unit193certfp, builtin.00:05
bluesabreknome, how do I do certfp then :D00:05
knomeask Unit193... :P00:05
Unit193Well... SASL might be, I setup both.00:05
Unit193bluesabre: http://freenode.net/certfp/certfp-irssi.shtml00:06
Unit193http://wiki.darenet.org/NickServ_CertFP_Auth that too, maybe.00:06
knomeUnit193, does one really need both?00:06
Unit193knome: I don't know, does one really need certfp, sasl, and server password?00:06
Unit193It's the best fallback, actually.00:07
knomewhich is?00:07
knomeone needs that only to avoid that stupid double-join00:07
Unit193knome: If services are gone when you login, when they come back you'll already be identified because of the cert and won't get kicked to guest9823.  I have all 3 setup, but I needed a SASL fallback as it failed a couple times.00:08
knomeand it's handy to be registered automatically even if you drop while you're away00:08
Unit193knome: Yes.00:08
* knome looks at certs00:09
Unit193my slightly modified notify-remote script http://paste.openstack.org/show/7GcX4yFG08TDygoLZ4cQ and my slightly modified other script: http://paste.openstack.org/show/op90HG8GoE5LlqKaOz0y00:10
Unit193Also, if you have a slightly less trusted location, you can add another cert for it.00:10
Unit193!doublejoin | was updated not to use server password.00:11
ubottuwas updated not to use server password.: Your IRC client is completing NickServ authentication after joining channels, which triggers a fake quit and rejoin to apply your cloak and increases channel noise. Please see https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nocloakonjoin and use SASL or another method to prevent this.00:11
knomeyou told me that already00:11
knometbh, i'm not too worried about security00:12
knomebut maybe i should be because there are haywires like Unit193 out there:P00:12
Unit193Heeey, I'm not crazy...  And I know I did.  Hrm, she said if he needed help, not just randomly give it...00:16
Unit193http://unit193.tk/aliases are some of my aliases, if that helps... (ubupaste may as well be removed, though...)00:17
knomewell 'bunny' is most definitely useful,00:22
knomeand 'disco'00:22
Unit193I do actually use them. :P00:23
knomei'm sure you do.00:24
knomelet's see.00:26
skellatSo, I've been out and about today.  What's with the chatter about the ZNC?00:26
knomecert is not working as expected00:27
knomeeverything i type appears twice00:28
knomeand irssi fails at re/drawing things correctly00:28
knomeback at working irc00:30
Unit193knome: ...Certfp wouldn't do that, it's just the auth method...00:40
knomethat still isn't very nice.00:41
knomebluesabre, you need a hand with that? :)00:41
bluesabreI think I figured it out00:41
knomebluesabre, did you run irssi under screen now?00:41
bluesabrehow do I scroll up?  :)00:41
knomebluesabre, page up?00:41
bluesabreyup, irssi in screen with ssl auth00:42
Unit193knome: I'm sorry, excuse me?00:42
knomeskellat, i was saying before that it'd be good if at least all -team members had some client hanging around in irc at all times.00:42
knomeskellat, then pleia2 offered her server for any member00:43
skellatknome: Oh, like my ZNC set up then?00:43
knomeskellat, that would be good. :)00:43
knomei think it helps with the communication, since most of it is happening in irc anyway00:43
skellatZNC is nice as it does do local logging too as well as a few other functions00:44
knomewhatever scratches your itch :)00:45
bluesabrebtw, thanks again pleia2!!!00:45
bluesabrenow knome can hold me accountable00:45
knomebluesabre, http://temp.knome.fi/other/knome.theme00:45
knomebluesabre, just sayin'...00:45
bluesabreknome, I don't know what that is or how to use it00:46
knomebluesabre, it's an irssi theme00:47
knomebluesabre, put it in ~/.irssi00:47
knomebluesabre, then type /set theme knome.theme in irc00:47
knomebluesabre, /set theme default if you don't like it.00:48
Unit193/reload too.00:52
bluesabreknome: how do I know if it worked?00:54
knomebluesabre, when you run the first command and /reload, things should change a bit00:54
knomebluesabre, it's not a huge departure, just making the irssi window a bit easier to follow imo00:55
Unit193Pic so he knows what he's looking for?00:55
knome"pics or it didn't happen!?" ?00:55
Unit193Well, more of what it looks like.00:56
Unit193Ah, I see.00:58
bluesabrenope, its not working for me01:02
Unit193Oh, and already set autojoins?01:03
bluesabreprobably not, where's that magic?01:03
knomebluesabre, hum. did you run /reload ?01:04
knomebluesabre, /help channel for the autojoins01:04
Unit193Hrm, I don't remember.  I generally did it by editing the config and haven't added the new channels yet. :P  (/help channel ?)01:04
bluesabreknome, several times01:04
knomebluesabre, but basically:01:04
knomemake sure you have a freenode "network"01:05
knome/network list01:05
knomeshout if you don't see freenode01:05
knomethen make sure you have a server in that network01:05
knome/server list01:05
Unit193irc.freenode.net or chat.freenode.net01:05
bluesabreafter /reload it sets it back to default01:05
Unit193You have to /save01:06
knomewhen you have both, then start adding channels:01:06
bluesabregotta tell me these things :)01:06
knome/channel add -auto #channel freenode01:06
knomei can't remember the last time i changed my theme!01:06
knomei've been stuck at this at least 6 years01:06
Unit193Anywho, I'll assume knome knows more or as much as me on irssi.01:06
knomeprobably played with some things more than you and the other way around01:08
Unit193If you read the topic of #irssi, it says to not edit the config file.01:09
bluesabreknome: theme working, looks good01:11
knomebluesabre, great :)01:12
bluesabreautos added01:12
bluesabrethanks alot guys!01:12
bluesabrenow I gotta go hang out with the wife01:13
* bluesabre will stay connected even if his laptop dies!01:13
knomehf with the wife01:15
knomei'll go to bed01:15
Unit193Good night.01:15
knomemy toe hurts and meh.01:15
knomeit's again too late.01:15
knome ->01:15
GridCubeI had to edit firefox, on about:config to disable extensions.blocklist.enabled because else the flash plugin was being disabled because it was marked as old and insecure13:25
GridCubeim using default ff20 in 13.0413:26
GridCube!boot-repair is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:35
=== MadderNick is now known as perfectnick

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