
petero983the card works fine00:02
petero983I think it's nvidia00:02
petero983maybe I'll try nvidia driver00:02
ObrienDavemake sure before you install the driver00:03
petero983but if that does not work, I'll wait for 14.04 and will use ubuntu with classic mode instead00:03
ObrienDavewhy not go for 13.04?00:04
petero983now I tried xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto --output DVI-0 --auto --right-of VGA-0 and everything was fine00:04
petero983then I put that command into autostart00:05
petero983and when logging in I end up with black screens and have no idea how to change that00:05
petero98313.04  will have the same problem, because it's still xfce4.1000:06
petero983it's for my father, therefore I need something stable, I don't want to change it every 9 months00:06
petero983but thank you00:06
i3luefire_help. i am having issues with my display constantly changing res and refresh rate. it is a 1080p hdtv and the signal is going through hdmi and through an surround sound reciever01:47
SonikkuAmericaIt's changing resolutions? How?01:48
i3luefire_screen just keeps saying that the res is 1nnnX7nnn then another different one and so on. randomly like it cant guess the available modes of my tv01:50
i3luefire_50hz 29hz 60hz 720p ...01:50
SonikkuAmericaHave you tried [ xrandr -s $WIDTHx$HEIGHT ], where $WIDTH is width and $HEIGHT is height?01:51
i3luefire_i cant get anything typed in on the main screen... can it be done via ssh?01:51
SonikkuAmericaTry hitting Ctrl+Alt+F101:52
i3luefire_mouse is also very very sluggish. this is the first time i have booted with a display. i had a standard ubuntu server until i installed xubuntu-desktop01:53
=== Suave_ is now known as Suave
i3luefire_ok im in01:54
SonikkuAmericaLogged in and such?01:54
i3luefire_it says cant open display01:55
i3luefire_when i did xrandr...01:55
SonikkuAmericaYou might try another desktop environment... if there's another problem we can then trace it to the X server.01:55
SonikkuAmericaI'd try lubuntu-desktop first, since it's the lightest01:56
i3luefire_i have "4 zombie processes" too.01:56
SonikkuAmericaAnd they are...?01:56
i3luefire_how do i see them?01:57
SonikkuAmericaI think [ top ] alone will list them01:57
i3luefire_i cant figure it out. but lubuntu is isntalled now02:01
i3luefire_logged in. and no issue yet02:04
SonikkuAmericaInto Lubuntu?02:05
i3luefire_except sluggish mouse. and yes lubuntu02:05
SonikkuAmericaOK... was it just switching for the sake of switching, or don't you know?02:06
SonikkuAmericai3luefire_: btw pop into #lubuntu02:06
i3luefire_i dont know but. it happened as soon as i clicked the update manager notification02:07
MagicantianHi, I am trying to compile MAME 0.148 (Vanilla Source) on Xubuntu 13.04 x64. The following link is the error I am getting. ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2136033&p=12654035#post12654035 )02:15
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xubuntu987hi could someone help me with my xubuntu question?03:19
Magicantianxubuntu987:  just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone whom may know the answer to it will respond as soon as possible.03:20
xubuntu987ok.... see I've installed Xubuntu 12.04 LTS on my computer (there's no windows anymore) and I have no problems to use it. However when I've done the first 130 and something updates, I restart then as ask and I can't access anymore to Xubuntu03:21
xubuntu987I had to reinstall it again03:22
Magicantianthat's pretty odd. I would say try 13.04 to see if that helps any. Otherwise if you want to use 12.04 you might want to wait to see if anyone else has any idea. If no one responds in here, it also may help to post this on the Ubuntu forums.03:24
xubuntu987the reason why i wanted to use the 12.04 was for the LTS version03:25
holsteinxubuntu987: i would try the older kernel.. if you update, and it wont boot, or is broken, try with the older kernel03:25
holsteinxubuntu987: at this stage, i would have no issues installing 13.04.. especially if my system didnt work with 12.04 for some reason03:25
xubuntu987ok I'll try doing that tomorrow, it's way to late for that....03:25
xubuntu987will download the image and let's hope it was just with the 12.04 the problem03:26
xubuntu987thanks anyway guys :D03:26
MagicantianYou're welcome.03:26
Magicantianholstein:  I wrote up above a problem i am having, with a link to the ubuntu forums, do you have an idea as to what i could try doing?03:34
holstein!info mame03:35
ubottumame (source: mame): Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.146-5 (raring), package size 19567 kB, installed size 67324 kB03:35
holsteinMagicantian: i would just use the one from the repos03:35
Magicantianyes, that package is out of date, which is why i am trying not to go backwards.03:36
Unit193Could file a bug for it to be updated.03:37
holsteinMagicantian: if its too out of date for you, then, you can look for a PPA version, otherwise its going to be up to whoever is supplying you the packages you are using to support it properly03:37
Unit193Otherwise apt-get build-dep mame  and that should at least get you started out with all you need to compile it.03:37
Magicantianin the forum post it states build-dep was attempted and still churned out said error.03:38
Unit193Aha, I didn't look at that (and only barely processed your question.)03:39
Unit193http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mame.html more up to date in debian exp. you can build a package off that.03:41
MagicantianI guess what I don't understand, is, I was able to compile this on 12.04, 12.10 of Lubuntu03:44
Unit193(Trying out a build, see if it works.)03:48
MagicantianCool, thanks Unit193. May I ask what Distro you are using?03:49
Unit193Xubuntu. ;)03:49
Unit193It's a 64bit chroot of precise, I have raring setup too though.03:49
i3luefire_which gfx card vendor has the best drivers for linux. i may need a card for decompressing 1080p mkv videos on the fly04:08
Unit193Magicantian: How long did it take for you to compile?  Ad did you say that you haven't tried it on 64bit yet, then?04:15
MagicantianI am on x64, i am compiling it now and its still going.04:15
Magicantiani started compiling at 11:49 pm EST04:15
Magicantianthe last time i compiled, which i think was yesterday, seemed to take around 40 min to an hr04:18
Magicantianit fails at the very end when it's linking the mame executable.04:18
Magicantianit just errored out.04:28
Magicantianconfirming that build-dep does not resolve issue.04:28
Unit193I take it you've seen http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.devel.games.devel/23471 ?04:33
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MagicantianI am not too familiar with this site nor the full depths of compilation. Everything in the past just went so straight forward.04:34
Unit193Debian Bug #70871604:34
ubottuDebian bug 708716 in mame "mame: ftbfs with eglibc-2.17" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/70871604:34
MagicantianI guess i'll wait till 0.149 rolls out.04:36
Unit193Mine should fail too, unless I have the needed patch.04:36
Unit193About how long until their next release?04:48
Magicantiancould be a month or two till .149, just a rough guess as i've been following mame for a long time.04:49
Unit193(Wondering if I should bother trying again with raring amd64. :P )04:50
Magicantianwell, if it compiled on precise, that kind of makes sense, cause it did work for me on Lubuntu 12.04 & 12.1004:51
MagicantianI have not tried Lubuntu 13.0404:51
MagicantianXubuntu 13.04 only.04:51
Unit193Same gcc, so...04:54
MagicantianI guess if it comes down to it and get desperate enough, ill just use 12.04 till LTS is up.04:58
Magicantianya, think im gonna go do that real quick, revert to 12.04, thanks anyways05:04
Unit193Hopefully not trying to "downgrade"?05:05
MagicantianI was hoping to not have to go back to an older version of xubuntu as i already have 13.04 installed. I have some issues with Lubuntu and I find that Xubuntu is suiting me at the moment so..05:07
redderhsUnit193: Magicantian here, got 12.04 on, compiling now =]05:41
Unit193Aha, now I know the nick.05:48
redderhsaww you remembered me <305:48
redderhsbam. it worked. phew, now my brain will leave me alone about computer issues.05:51
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pirkilHi, I have upgraded to 13.04 . I have installed newest sw update today and encfs stopped working. Has anyone the same problem?07:28
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CaesiHi All. I'm using the latest Xubuntu and am trying to access my sound settings but can't. Can anyone help? Many thanks.08:33
TheSheepwhat error are you getting?08:33
CaesiTheSheep: I just can't access it when I click on it (under the sound symbol in the navigation menu)08:35
CaesiTheSheep: Nothing happens.08:35
MrElgsound settings, is it the volume controller in the panel you mean?08:37
TheSheepCaesi: see the errors in ~/.xsessionerrors08:39
CaesiMrElg: Yes08:40
CaesiTheSheep: OK, will do, thanks08:40
CaesiTheSheep: it doesn't say anything about sound in there08:43
CaesiNeed to restart - will be back in 3 minutes08:50
zdiggerHi. First of all - great job with xubuntu 13.04, looks very fancy and more fancier with faenza icons. My question is - how do I add a daemon to automatically start? I know there is /etc/rc.local, but I know there is command to disable/enable startup scripts09:09
zdiggerjust can't recall it09:09
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CaesiTheSheep: Do you know how I can change the audio output device from jack to USB speakers?09:10
zdiggerupdate-rc.d - we still use this, right?09:11
TheSheepCaesi: with padevchooser09:18
Unit193(Removed from repos.)09:18
* ObrienDave is away: Snoozin09:20
CaesiTheSheep: thanks very much09:59
Sysihas anybody tried making full backup with tar and succesfully booted it after restoring? (after reinstalling grub)10:08
koegsSysi: with rsync, not tar, but should be the same, i think10:29
dej_1just one q...on win7 i had music in the music folder now i can't see none of it?10:46
MrElgwhat do you mean, dej_1?10:49
Jay_Hi, i'm completely new to xubuntu/unix and i'm running it from a persistent live usb stick installation. Now i wonder how i can skip the installation window after boot which asks me everytime if i want to install xubuntu or use it in testmode. I want to go into testmode by default.12:26
MrElgits going to ask you by default, its an installer you're trying, i just lets you install from within the os12:30
MrElgif you wish to run os from your stick, you should rather install the os to the usb, and then run the installed os from there12:30
Jay_Is there a quick way to do that without loosing my current setup with all the settings i made already?12:33
knomeJay_, you could backup your /home, then install to the usb stick and copy /home back12:34
Jay_I guess drivers are not included in /home dir so i have to reinstall them. Thanks for your help!12:37
knomeJay_, no, they are not12:38
MrElgdrivers and the programs you have are not in home12:38
knomeJay_, and no problem; enjoy12:38
knomeyes, just settings, but that helps most people a lot12:38
knomeinstalling apps and drivers is easy enough12:38
MrElgsure, at least a lot easier than win12:38
xubuntu638Hi! I have a quick question that someone here may be able to answere. I am trying to install MATLAB on my xubuntu machine. I'm using a thinkpad x1 carbon that has dual-boot windows and xubuntu. During activation matlab requires an "eth" device - however, my laptop doesn't have an ethernet card or connector. Is there any way I can mimic an eth device that MATLAB can use for activation? Thanks a lot.12:56
knomexubuntu638, is it unable to use any other devices like wlan0 ?12:57
xubuntu638Yes - it needs an eth device unfortunately12:58
xubuntu638could i rename wlan0 into eth0 or something like that?12:58
knomeyou might be able to set up a "fake" eth device that's piped to wlan0, but i have no idea how you'd do that13:00
xubuntu638OK, I will try and look for a solution like that13:00
knomegood luck13:01
Fedor_Mihalychhi there, i am completely new to linux and xubuntu. have some questions. first of all. i have 5 buttons mouse, xubuntu see it like 3 buttons mouse. How can i change it and remap 2 additional buttons?13:03
Fedor_Mihalychxubuntu 13.0413:03
Fedor_Mihalychis there some kind of gui utilite or something?13:04
Fedor_Mihalychor step to step how-to...13:08
MrElgthere should be a way, but i havent done it in xubuntu before13:08
MrElglet me check13:09
MrElgsee if this helps you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto13:10
Fedor_Mihalychlets see..13:12
Sysiusing xinput like this guide might be easier https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Logitech_Marblemouse_USB13:17
YanakinI have a little problem installing xubuntu. anyone can help ?13:24
knome!ask | Yanakin13:25
ubottuYanakin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:25
Yanakin-e-after installing xubuntu I reboot my computer and then i get an error message saying: error: no such device: 5f701740-e935-4d2a-8ceb-2a3d9a6d1adb grub rescue> what can I do to fix that ?13:26
GridCubeYanakin, you installed from an usb?13:27
Yanakinxubuntu is on a dvd in my usb dvd drive13:27
GridCubewas there an usb pendrive in the machine?13:28
GridCubewhile you installed?13:28
Yanakinno. all i have is a remote hard drive plugged in the usb port13:28
GridCubethats the same13:28
Yanakinshould i remove it while installing ?13:29
GridCubeits plugged now?13:29
Yanakinyes while im installing13:29
GridCubeboot from the livecd again and install boot-repair13:29
GridCubeuse it to choose from wich drive you want to boot13:30
GridCubetry to see that it does NOT install grub on the external disk, unless ofcourse thats what you want13:30
Yanakinhow do i install boot-repair ?13:30
Yanakinall right! got it ! Ill do that right away. thank you very much my friend.13:31
tech1337anyone able to help with a non booting xubuntu after upgrade13:35
tech133712 - 13.04?13:35
GridCube!details | tech133713:35
ubottutech1337: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:35
Fedor_Mihalychwell.. that Sysi's tutorial is kinda hard for me..      http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Mice-and-Pointing-Devices/M570-and-Linux/m-p/557682/highlight/true#M31605   in this post it looks easier, but there is no such place "/etc/X11/xorg.conf " in xubuntu. is it "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d" ?13:37
tech1337I have a problem after upgrading xubuntu 12.10 to 13.04, boot hangs and stops at * Starting Bridge Socket Events into Upstart13:37
GridCubeno, Fedor_Mihalych , you have to generate a new xorg.conf, its not there by default13:38
Fedor_MihalychGridCube, how to do it?13:38
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.13:39
knomeFedor_Mihalych, 'Xorg :1 -configure' should create one13:41
Fedor_Mihalychknome, after this command it says: Fatal server error:13:43
Fedor_MihalychServer is already active for display 013:43
Fedor_MihalychIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock13:43
Fedor_Mihalychand start again.13:43
Fedor_Mihalychshould i remove that .X0-lock first?13:45
knomeFedor_Mihalych, try replacing :1 with :013:46
Fedor_Mihalychsame: :~$ Xorg :0 -configure13:48
Fedor_MihalychFatal server error:13:48
Fedor_MihalychServer is already active for display 013:48
Fedor_MihalychIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock13:48
Fedor_Mihalychand start again.13:48
knometry with sudo then13:49
Fedor_Mihalychlike this? sudo X -configure13:51
Fedor_Mihalychabsolutely same result13:52
GridCubeyou need to kill your session and do it from a tty13:53
Fedor_Mihalychwhat is tty?13:53
GridCubeclose you session, go to a tty, do sudo service lightdm stop and then sudo Xorg -configure then restart the lightdm  service13:54
GridCubea tty its one of the 6 termianls you can access by pressing ctrl-alt-F1 to F613:54
GridCubein F7 there is the gui you are using now13:54
GridCubeyou can cycle trhought them all now13:54
Fedor_Mihalychto restart lightdm - sudo service lightdm start?13:55
GridCubeim pretty sure that is yes13:56
Fedor_Mihalychit was said configuration failed in the end, but there was a  short list of hardware before14:08
JohnCI have Xubuntu LTS 12.04 running well with a couple of annoyances. In particular, when I attach a USB memory stick I can only access that as root.  As a user when I cd to /media/memstick it says "permissions denied"14:08
GridCubeFedor_Mihalych, if you just want to add the settings for the mouse you could try just making an empty xorg.conf file and add the settings14:09
Fedor_Mihalychin etc/x11/ ?14:10
GridCubethen restart the x server and see, if the x server doesnt boot back you can go to a tty and do sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old14:10
Fedor_Mihalychpermisson denied14:13
Fedor_Mihalychor what command to create it in console?14:14
MrElgpermission denied, did you start with sudo?14:15
Fedor_Mihalychnope, i dont know how sudo use in this case14:15
Fedor_Mihalychhow to use14:16
MrElgwhat are the command you're typing?14:16
MrElguse sudo before it14:17
Fedor_Mihalychi ve tried via file manger14:17
brainwashFedor_Mihalych: is your system not able to detect the extra buttons or are you just not able to map these buttons without a gui?14:17
MrElgoh, file manager isn't in root, use terminal14:17
brainwashFedor_Mihalych: you can run "xev" in a terminal window and test your mouse buttons inside the window which pops out14:18
Fedor_Mihalychbrainwash, how to check it? in system settings it - logitech unyfying device with no settings for remapping, and that 2 additional buttons arent work at all14:20
Fedor_MihalychMrElg, what comand to create a file with sudo, is it just sudo /etc/x11/xorg.conf ?14:21
MrElgsudo mousepad  /etc/x11/xorg.conf14:24
MrElgif you use the basic text editor shipped with xubuntu, Fedor_Mihalych14:25
Myrttimy eyes start to twitch whenever someone suggests using sudo with graphical apps14:25
Myrttiuse gksudo or little kittens will cry14:25
brainwashbut.. some people like to live dangerously :D14:26
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:26
GridCubeits X11 no x1114:30
ubottuFile names in Ubuntu are case sensitive, MyFile is not the same as myfile, and if you put spaces in there and use a console you need to "escape" the space, thus "gedit My\ File.txt"14:31
Fedor_Mihalychyep, now it saved14:31
GridCubeFedor_Mihalych, you used X11 right, no x11?14:32
Fedor_Mihalychso will it be enough - Section "InputDevice"14:32
Fedor_Mihalych    Identifier  "Mouse0"14:32
Fedor_Mihalych    Driver      "mouse"14:32
Fedor_MihalychOption "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"14:32
Fedor_Mihalych    Option        "Device" "/dev/mouse"14:32
Fedor_MihalychOption "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"14:32
Fedor_MihalychOption "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7 10 11"14:32
Fedor_MihalychOption "Emulate3Buttons" "false"14:32
Fedor_MihalychEndSection    ?14:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:32
GridCubeand yes, that should do that14:33
Fedor_MihalychGridCube, yes, X1114:33
Fedor_Mihalychit didnt allow to save file with x11 as i typed first )14:33
Fedor_Mihalychfool proof in action )14:34
GridCubein this case14:34
Fedor_Mihalychto  restart the x server is it enough just close session and enter again or it need reboot system?14:37
Fedor_Mihalychjust asking for the future..14:37
genii-aroundIf logout to main login screen, ctrl-alt-f1  and login to command prompt then usually sudo restart lightdm14:38
=== NePtUnO|Off is now known as NePtUnO
Fedor_Mihalychand last moment before restart.  in this command ' sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old'   mv means move?  is it ok that there is no xorg.conf.old in X11?14:41
Fedor_Mihalychshould i create the empty one before restart?14:42
Myrttiit's to make a backup of the file you have14:43
MyrttiI'd probably use cp myself tho14:43
Fedor_Mihalychwhat is cp?14:44
Fedor_Mihalychcp instead of mv in that command? didnt get14:45
GridCubemv its the one, you want to remove it in case something fails14:47
GridCubecp will leave it there and you wont be able to boot, mv its for renaming it to .old14:48
GridCubeso you will be able to boot14:48
Fedor_Mihalychi see, thanks14:48
GridCubeFedor_Mihalych, if it boots properly you dont need to do that14:49
Fedor_Mihalychok, seems that 2 buttons are working, first part is done14:52
Fedor_Mihalychnow how to remap em to midlle click and double click instead of back \ forward14:53
L30quick question. If I installed Lubuntu as an OS can I remove Lubuntu-desktop sicne I now use Xubuntu?15:24
knome!purexubuntu | L3015:34
ubottuL30: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »15:34
knomethat page needs updating15:34
genii-aroundYes :(15:35
Fedor_Mihalychso, what i should change here http://paste.ubuntu.com/5697353/   to double midlle click buton and double left click instead back and forward  ?15:40
xubuntu338Hello, I'm new to linux and wanted to install xubuntu on my old thinkpad machine.  I copied the image 12.4 onto CD, and set my BIOS to boot from it.  However, it keeps booting from windows.  Anybody out there have any suggestions?15:53
MrElgis there any boot boost or security boot on? they often has to be turned of15:54
xubuntu338let me get back to bios and i'll let you know.15:55
genii-aroundAlso, did you just copy the ISO file to a CD/DV D or did you burn it as an image ?15:55
xubuntu338my system has a "boot mode" function with options for "quick" which is "intended to boot the operating system as soon as possible by reducing the POST elapsed time" and "Diagnostics" which is used for problem determination, but I don't see any security or boost boot options15:59
MrElgdid you do like genii said? burn image files16:00
MrElgor just as iso file16:00
xubuntu338I downloaded the image, unzipped it and copied it to my CD write "prep" folder and hit copy16:01
MrElgat boot screen, did you press esc or something to get to boot menu, or does nothing happen16:02
xubuntu338i had two options when it wrote to the disk, one I think allowed me to use the disk as a USB drive type storage device16:02
MrElgF1 it is16:02
xubuntu338I might have to burn it the other way16:03
xubuntu338I used f1 to get to the BIOS set up screen16:03
MrElgoh, i dont know how you burned it, anyways, if you have an usb drive available, its just as easy to boot from that as from the disc, just use unetbootin16:03
xubuntu338I think I still have to burn it as an image16:04
xubuntu338thanks for the help guys16:04
MrElgnot the bios setup, the boot menu, try F1216:04
livingdaylightHi this isn't a xubuntu question, but radiotray related16:54
livingdaylightor for that matter any media player that has radio16:54
livingdaylightWant to know how to get radio that is embedded in a website so i can add to my radio app16:55
livingdaylightfor instance: http://528records.com/radio how would I get the radio url? I've looked in 'source' but don't see it16:55
holsteinlivingdaylight: i would ask the maintainer of the web service.. maybe try one of the *-offtopic channels16:55
genii-aroundThe music is called by /files/radio-player/muses-config.swf in line 55 of the source code. Whatever options they are feeding it determine the source of the music. Eg: SWFObject("/files/radio-player/muses-config.swf", "sotester", "407", "26", "9", "#E5E5E5");          is using sotester, and whatever the variables of 407, 26, 9, and #E5E5E5  mean internally to the Muses flash player17:04
livingdaylightthx, genii-around17:08
livingdaylighti found an add on for FF which should give me the embedded url of streams. just testing it now17:08
genii-aroundDownloadHelper firefox extension shows the url for the default radio station here as 528records.com:8000/main_station_free?1369414634082.mp3 but of course since it's streaming, putting the url in the bar just times out since it tries to download it instead  of just playing it as it arrives17:08
GridCubeand mplaying it?17:10
livingdaylightUnPlug addon not working for me on this particular url17:11
livingdaylight528records.com:8000/main_station_free?1369414634082.mp3 doesn't work when I insert it into radiotray17:12
genii-aroundYes, as I explained, it wants to download it first and then play it. But it will hang because it can never finish downloading since it's continuously streaming17:13
livingdaylightgenii-around, ok, i thought you were experience was in reference to that particular extension (Downloadhelper) and might otherwise work if I put the url in a radioapp like radiotray17:29
livingdaylighthttp://528records.com:8000/main_station_free now works... the ?1369...mp3 was superfluous17:51
aienahi koegs19:08
aienasuppose i have partially downlaoded dependencies for a software (not installed any) and i want to cleanup is there a way ?19:08
aienae.g. if i run sudo apt-get install xxx and then i press ctrl+c in terminal because i decided i don't want it ?19:09
knomeaiena, sudo apt-get clean19:10
aienathanks a lot :)19:10
aienaso that will clean paritally doenloaded files too19:10
aienaknome: will the libreoffice package 4.0 package directly from the site work on xubuntu 12.04 LTS ?19:17
aiena*libreoffice 4.0 package19:17
koegsthere is a ppa for 4.x19:17
aienabut that ppa is alpha ans betas19:17
aienaI am taking about the 4.0 release19:17
aienakoegs which one ?19:18
* aiena is very interested19:18
Unit193Anything outside of the main repos isn't officially supported, so YMMV.19:18
aienaUnit193: I know most ppa's arent anyways19:18
aienakoegs thats not in typical ppa format19:21
aienado you add it as ppa:https://....19:21
koegssudo apt-add-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa19:21
aienais this maintained by libreoffice themselves ?19:22
aienahmm seems so :)19:22
User123Hello all, I seem to have a problem with apt-get upgrade19:27
Juanqui13i have a low resources pc, pentium 300 Mhz, 128MB RAM and  would like to install xubuntu on it, will it work? barely?19:28
genii-aroundUser123: A more specific description of the problem will help us to help you19:28
Juanqui13breakaly? XD19:28
aienaUser123: What is the problem ?19:29
Juanqui13I can't sell it, y can't trash it (don't like trashing) i need to make some kind of use of it19:29
toastso i messed up somewhere and now whenever i try to sudo anything i get that im not in the sudo list any ideas?19:29
User123Processing was halted because therE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:29
aienaJuanqui13: yes it will the basic ubuntu19:30
aienaJuanqui13: but you should use lubuntu19:30
aienabetter for that pc me thinks19:30
User123I get that error when trying "sudo apt-get upgrade"19:30
knomeUser123, do you have another package manager running?19:30
Juanqui13right... can't thank you enough :) bye bye19:31
aienaUser123: try http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-985232.html19:31
User123aiena: I have already tried everything in that thread. Thank you for the link, though19:32
User123knome: I don't believe so. I am new to linux, however. How could I be sure I do not have another package manager running?19:32
aienais synaptics open ?19:32
User123No, it's not19:33
aienaknome: but then a different error would have shown if a package manager was open19:33
aienanot that19:33
User123Should I pastebin the output and you could take a look?19:34
aienaknome: the error would be  " Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?" right19:34
aienaUser123: one way to fix such a bug would be to backup and reinstall xubuntu but that is last resort if everything esle does not work.19:35
User123Yes, I have considered reinstalling but I've not yet gotten that desperate19:35
aienai mean backup all data + make a list of installed software and ppa's and configs are overwrite whatever is messed up.19:35
aienai just cleaned up my xubuntu partition because i had a lot of junk and messed up configs eating up space.19:36
toasthow do i readd my name to the sudoers list?19:37
User123I was just going to completely reinstall Xubuntu. If I do indeed have to reinstall, I'll not worry about backing up the little data I have19:37
User123Any advice? :/19:41
aienahmm go for a reinstall19:41
aienaI think that if you leave it like this more things will break over time19:41
User123Is there any way to fix the current issue? Should fix everything else, right?19:42
aienathe worst thing is that it is difficult to know the cause only the symptoms are visible19:42
aienaUnit193: I don't know - as knome19:42
toastsorry didnt mean to put that there19:43
aienatoast: sudo adduser <username> sudo19:43
User123I am on a 1.66GHz processor with 1024MB of RAM. Should I keep Xubuntu or try out Ubuntu? I need a friendly interface as I am not well-educated with Linux :)19:43
toastim not in the udoers list so i cant do that19:44
aienahmm keep xubuntu19:44
aienaUser123: ubuntu hogs resources unnecessarily19:44
aienaxfce is lighter and very user freindly compared to unity19:44
aienaso you can do more with the same hardware specs19:44
User123That is why I used Xubuntu in the first place. Ubuntu looks a bit more user friendly though :p19:45
aienaI have 4gb ram and a a 2.4 ghz i5 but i run xubuntu because it leaves more cpu and ram for graphics etc.19:45
aienaUser123: its a personal choice19:45
User123Hmm, I am looking for speed and such. I will keep Xubuntu for now. I would definitely prefer Ubuntu's GUI though :P19:46
aienae.g. I hate pidgin and love kvirc so much so that i compiled the latest from source but i know there are loads of users who love pidgin19:46
Pwnnais there a way to specify the panel's screen19:48
Pwnnavia shell?19:48
aienaUser123: do you have a lot to loose by installing xubuntu from scratch ?19:49
User123Not data-wise. I just don't have the time right now :) I will probably end up doing a clean install, though19:50
aienayeah i agree it takes time19:50
aienato pull everything again a day or 219:51
aienatoast: see if http://www.ehow.com/how_7310279_root-password-ubuntu.html helps19:52
aienaknome: ho do i install the latest flash on my system ?19:55
knomeaiena, toast: please don't enable the root account.19:56
aienaknome: i do not wish to19:56
aienatoast has been locked out19:56
aienaby removing sudo priviliedges from his own account19:56
aienaso that seems the only logical way i guess19:57
knomewith the recovery mode one should be able to recover the password without enabling the root account19:57
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:57
aienawehn he cannot use sudo adduser <username> sudo19:57
aienatoast: try that19:57
aienawhat knome said19:57
toastim lost19:58
aienaknome: can you guide toast19:58
aienagiver him a step by step19:58
knometoast, the last link in the factoid i just posted should guide you through it19:59
aienatoast: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo link20:00
aienaknome: any idea how to install the latest flash on xubuntu ?20:00
toastim there looking20:00
knomeaiena, if you mean the absolutely latest, i don't think you can get it without having chrome20:01
knomeand i don't know chrome/their stuff enough to know if even they'll be able to install the latest latest flash20:01
aienahmm on the flash website i can only find a tarball and something for the yum package manager20:02
Sysiubuntu flash packages download flash from addobe, linux versions just are behind20:05
SysiI don't know if even chrome has the new flash20:06
aienaknome: should i install ubuntu-restricted-extras or xubunt-restricted-extras is enough to get it ?20:08
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
Sysiyou don't need the whole restricted-extras, but that does contain it20:09
Sysisingle package is flashplugin-installer20:09
aienathanks a lot20:11
aienai did not want to install all the rest20:11
aienabesides it was removing libavcodec and libavutil needed by vlc20:11
peyamhi people20:16
peyamwhat is the deal. you release new kernels everyday20:16
peyamI updated to 3.5.30 yestarday and today to 3120:17
knomepeyam, we don't want your pc to leak like a broken umbrella.20:17
knomepeyam, if you don't want to upgrade... don't upgrade.20:17
peyamyeah! but why not release the latest one!20:18
knomebecause maybe it wasn't avilable yesterday.20:19
knomepeyam, and please calm down20:19
peyamim calm! ? :D20:19
knomeyour exclamation marks give a different impression20:20
peyamI'm pretty calm actully! I inactivate the automatic updates.so iI do it manually. i was surprised20:21
aienapeyam but you are using raring i guess if you are using 3.5.x kernel20:21
peyamwhat is raring?20:21
aienaso you would expect frequent updates20:21
aienaubinti 13.0420:21
knomeaiena, 3.8.x in raring...20:21
aienapeyam sorry20:22
peyamno I use 12.10. I installed 13.04 and I felt that lxubuntu 12.10 was much more stable and nicer.20:22
aienabut yes still higher than the lts20:23
peyam12.10 is better than lts and 13.04 so far20:23
peyamlet see what updates do to 13.0420:23
knomepeyam, if you want to avoid as much updates as possible, stick with the lts and disable most repositories (including proposed, backports, etc)20:24
peyampeyam <3 12.1020:24
knomethat will naturally also give you older software versions, but you'll avoid updates20:24
peyamif I run 12.10 will the software not be updated?20:25
aienaknome: but there is a ppa for what you need in that case topo20:25
aienathats one thing i like about ubuntu20:25
aienawant xfce 4.10 on lts and you can still have it :)20:25
knomeaiena, why would you disable supported updates and then add a ppa? :P20:26
aienai wouldnt20:26
aienai could actually20:26
knomepeyam, that's not what i'm saying.20:26
aienapeyam: software would be updated way more me thinks20:27
knomepeyam, but ultimately, when the support period is over, you won't get updates and you're also not able to upgrade to later versions.20:27
aienaLTS would only be security fixes and maybe upgrades to the latest FF browser20:27
sketch_hey this is toast and on my rm's pc, so i got into the recovery and tried to add user and i get gpasswd: cannot lock any ideas?20:27
aienaknome: ??20:28
knomesketch_, did you follow the url at all?20:28
peyamknome: I still dont understand! so in few years I can have the latest version of FF if I still run 12.10?20:28
knomepeyam, no.20:28
aienano peyam in the LTS you always have the latest FF20:29
sketch_yeah i believe i did... send me the link again20:29
peyamaiena: so how do I update my softwares?20:29
aienasketch http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:29
knomepeyam, it isn't. that's the release schedule, and if you're installing a normal release, there will be no updates after 9 months.20:29
knomepeyam, you don't. if you stay with 12.10 for more than 9 months, you're on your own20:29
sketch_ok im there20:30
aienaare you in the main root account ?20:30
peyamwel.. åhhh. my dropbox and everything.. such a pain in the ass20:30
knomepeyam, please watch the language.20:30
aienalol yes20:30
aienabut thats the price you pay20:30
aienafor not using LTS20:30
aienaand everyong who lives on the bleeding edge doesnt minf20:31
peyamLTs is ugly20:31
sketch_duh... i forgot to do the remount20:31
aienapeyam: you signed yourself up for the bleeding edge20:31
aienaso thats what you get20:31
peyamyeah. hahaha20:31
aienaif you dont like it stick to LTS and use ppa's for the latest backports20:31
knomeaiena, well not the bleeding edge... ;) but at least regular updates/upgrades.20:31
aienaknome: i know bleeding edge is fedora or ringtail atm20:32
peyamknome: aiena when will the latest updates for 12.10 be released?20:32
aienabut yeah peyam isnt far behind20:32
aienapeyam better to upgrade to raring20:32
aienaand watch as it gets better20:32
aienaif you dont like 12.0420:32
peyamaiena: yeah but the main menu had someproblem! and one more issue that I dont remember20:33
Sysipeyam: you can install theme of 12.10 to 12.04 from shimmerproject ppa20:33
knomeoctober 2012 + 18 months (9 months for normal releases starting with 13.04). so april 2014.20:33
aienaif you prefer stability and peace of mind then stick to older  but well tried and tested 12.04 with a lot of experience at its hands.20:33
knomepeyam, if there are bugs in software, report them and the developers can fix them.20:33
peyamgreat. knome so the updates for all softwares will be released and not just the kernel?20:33
aienathats the pro fo ringtail20:34
knomebug fixes mostly20:34
peyamknome:  the problem is that i cant wait for solutions.. thats why I wait untill the raring is optimal before I install it. then I can directly install the updates.20:34
aienayes but you get the latest audacity and all the gizmos :)20:34
knomea new major release of xfce isn't something the xubuntu team would be porting for a normal release20:34
knomepeyam, that sounds much like you should stick with the LTS releases.20:35
knomepeyam, theming is always fixable20:35
aienayes peyam20:35
aienabut peyam you seem to be in limbo20:35
peyamI guess i will wait. since I 'm in examinationperiod and later in summer I will upgrade20:35
peyamaiena: what is a limbo?20:35
aienayou dont want the bleeding edge you want a lot of support and are not happy with the currentl LTS20:36
aienapeyam: its the place between heaven and hell20:36
aienain this context it means you have 2 opposites tearing at you and dont know where to go.20:36
peyamaiena: well I have the 12.10 . If I want to change the os I will rather upgrade to 13.04.20:36
aienawell then do that20:36
aienaand watch 13.0.4 get better20:36
aienaas it gradually evolved into the next LTS20:37
aienaor stick to 12.04 :P20:37
peyamI want to upgrade but when the updates are pretty good. so I wont get problems with stuff. becouse the smallest thing can make me very upset20:37
aienaand wait for the next LTS - limbo20:37
peyamis Limbo a bad word?20:37
knomepeyam, again, it sounds like the LTS release would be optimal for you.20:38
aienaknome would have asked me to watch my language in that case - no20:38
elfythough it's all getting a bit offtopic20:38
peyamknome: but it is ugly and especially the installations process :P20:38
aienalimbo is not a bad word.20:38
aienaelfy indeed20:38
peyamaiena: then we both are limbos20:38
aienapeyam hop onto xubuntu-offtopic20:39
peyambefore the boss get angry20:39
knomepeyam, as i said, theming is fixable. also, you're not looking at the installation every day, are you?20:39
aienapeyam: this is a support channel and this fun convo is getting too long :)20:39
knomestarting to get repeating, ok otherwise ;)20:39
=== MadderNick is now known as perfectnick
Sysican I use same port for two different applications? other needs TCP and other UDP20:59
genii-aroundSysi: I think you'd have to use xinetd to pass it off to some packet inspection routine which would then figure out what app should get what packets21:20
SysiI guess I'll just try and see21:22
xubuntu750hello , can someone help me with activating the mic for using skype? just installed xubuntu and touched all buttons of pavucontrol but i don t know anything about it22:17
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga22:18
TheSheepsee 'troubleshooting skype' link in there22:18
xubuntu750skype is installed already22:19
xubuntu750i don't want to record, i just want the mic to work22:19
MrElgdoesn't the input devices in the control work?22:20
xubuntu750no, it s written 'no input device available'22:21
MrElgprobably a driver issue then, it seems like it isn't installed22:21
xubuntu750what do i need to do then?22:22
MrElgsorry, try google for it, not sure if i can help properly, do you use mic through usb? or through mini jack22:25
xubuntu750mini jack22:25
MrElgtry to run alsamixer from the terminal, how does it work?22:26
TheSheepxubuntu750: that page has hints for troubleshooting, not just installation22:27
xubuntu750ok. i don't know. any suggestions are welcome22:29
th0rxubuntu750: I had some issues a while back that I traced to pulse audio. I have made it a practice since to not use pulse, just alsa. I am not saying this will solve your problem, but if you are looking for straws to grab onto.....22:32
MrElgpulse audio has a lot of issues, i had to fix some on my bodhi related to pcm not long ago22:33
MrElgif you enter the terminal, type alsamixer, press F4, what does it say, can you detect there22:33
MrElgwhich computer do you have, there is a lot of similar errors described on google22:34
xubuntu750intel ICH6 realtech ALC 655 rev 022:37
xubuntu750i don  t know what info is needed22:38
MrElgi cannot say what the problem is, there is many different troubleshooting options out there, the simplest being just reinstall alsamixer and drivers, search for 'microphone not detected linux' and you'll probably be the best one to find what matches your case22:43
dado33good evening i hace this problem23:22
dado33sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.1023:22
dado33[sudo] password for dado33:23:22
dado33You are about to add the following PPA to your system:23:22
dado33 Xfce 4.10 packages for Xubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin).23:22
dado33Please note that only Xfce 4.8 is officially supported on Xubuntu 12.04. Therefore, any bug report filed with this PPA enabled is likely to get rejected, or you may be asked to reproduce the issue with Xfce 4.8. The first Xubuntu release to feature Xfce 4.10 will be Xubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal).23:22
dado33 More info: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/xfce-4.1023:22
dado33Press [ENTER] to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it23:22
dado33Exception in thread Thread-1:23:22
dado33Traceback (most recent call last):23:22
dado33  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner23:22
dado33    self.run()23:22
dado33  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softwareproperties/ppa.py", line 99, in run23:22
dado33    self.add_ppa_signing_key(self.ppa_path)23:22
dado33  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softwareproperties/ppa.py", line 132, in add_ppa_signing_key23:22
dado33    tmp_keyring_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()23:22
dado33  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/tempfile.py", line 322, in mkdtemp23:22
dado33    name = names.next()23:22
dado33  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/tempfile.py", line 141, in next23:23
dado33    letters = [choose(c) for dummy in "123456"]23:23
dado33  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/random.py", line 274, in choice23:23
dado33    return seq[int(self.random() * len(seq))]  # raises IndexError if seq is empty23:23
th0rdado33: nice flood23:23
dado33ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer23:23
dado33sorry :D23:23
koegsdo you use a proxy?23:24
dado33no t..23:24
dado33i don use23:24
dado33no, i dont use23:25
nantoualll my local goldendict dictionaries have disappeared, but the local folder is instact, any tips?23:26
nantouits been like that since the upgrade to 13.0423:27
peyamknome: can you change the log in screen in 13.04?23:40
peyamso ugly23:41
peyamwhy cant I hear anything from youtube while chatting on skype?23:42
InokiHi all, did anyone manage to get Bluetooth working?23:53
InokiI'm on 12.1023:53

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