
BluesKajHowdy all11:31
penguin42Hey BK11:31
BluesKajgetting kde-runtime errors with /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-runtime-data_4%3a4.10.3-0ubuntu1_all.deb , when upgrading12:23
penguin42I'm getting one between kio-audiocd and libaudiocdplugins412:30
BluesKajdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-runtime-data_4%3a4.10.3-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/plasmapkg.1.gz', which is also in package kde-runtime 4:4.10.3-0ubuntu1 No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...12:31
penguin42yeh I've been having similar types of things on and off for a few days - I suspect where things live between packages is getting changed12:33
BluesKajyeah i removed the dependency libaudiocdplugins4 , then i installed kio-audiocd12:34
BluesKajbut the nepomuk upograde created anew problem12:35
IdleOneAnybody else seeing dist-upgrade problems like this today? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5700920/17:28
penguin42yeh me and BluesKaj have had some17:31
IdleOneanything work it out or do I just wait?17:34
IdleOnehmm scrollback suggests I wait17:35
penguin42well I had one a few days ago that sorted itself out (or I assume yofel did)17:35
IdleOneI'm sure this will sort itself out by Monday17:36
IdleOnethanks for the reply penguin42 :)17:36
yofelthe fix for that got released ~2 minutes ago in fact17:36
IdleOnehaha really?17:36
penguin42yofel: You mean you released the fix just as IdleOne was asking :-)17:37
yofelwell, launchpad did. I fixed that 4h ago but the powerpc builders were busy so it was stuck in proposed17:38
IdleOnehmm, so what do I need to run to get it sorted, sudo apt-get -f install doesn't seem to work.17:39
yofeljust dist-upgrade again, otherwise you could also dpkg --force-install -i the debs that you have right now17:40
penguin42apt-get update followed by an apt-get -f install   fixed it here17:40
* penguin42 hands yofel a cookie17:41
yofelthx :)17:41
penguin42what state is Neon in ?17:41
penguin42oh, no my other problem was fixed - I still have the plasmapkg one17:42
* penguin42 retrieves the cookie17:42
yofelusable, there are one or 2 extra packages still missing but kde itself works17:43
IdleOnenope I am still getting the same kde-runtime error17:43
penguin42I might give it a go, the current screensaver is annoying me17:44
yofelmeh, the publisher seems to be slow, apt shows kde-runtime still in -proposed17:47
IdleOne--force-overwrite is doing something17:48
* IdleOne crosses fingers17:48
IdleOneheh, now I am getting18:12
IdleOneErrors were encountered while processing:18:12
IdleOne udisks218:12
IdleOneE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:12
IdleOnehmm all that overwriting wants me to reboot18:14
IdleOneI'm a little scared to18:14
IdleOnenow my mouse refuse to work :/18:42
IdleOneudisks2 still won't install properly18:42
penguin42interesting - I wonder if that's related to bug 118406618:42
ubottubug 1184066 in casper (Ubuntu) "Cannot boot live media [missed udevadm and udevd] (2013.05.24 daily live)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118406618:42
IdleOneno idea18:44
IdleOnebut aiui udev has to do with mounting of usb devices, I have a ps/2 mouse18:45
IdleOneeven if it was a usb mouse I can't imagine udev needs to mount it for it to work18:45
penguin42udev is all devices18:46
penguin42it creats device nodes in /dev as necessary and sets perms18:46
IdleOneso udisks2 not being properly installed because it thinks udev is not configured could affect the mouse?18:47
penguin42well, I wouldn't expect udisks2 to affect the mouse, but udev not being happy could18:48
IdleOneI'm booted to windows right now. Maybe later I can pick your brain and we can try figuring out how to get my mouse working again :)18:49

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