
Noskcajis anyone else watching the Storm VS Roosters match?09:51
jeajared: around?11:29
jaredjea: sort of, doing uni work as always :)11:56
jeaI got fed up, and sent a reply to a Michael thread11:57
jaredjea: yeah lots of noise on that list lately. Fortunately there has been some good stuff, pity about the rest.11:58
jeaYep. He has just replied, and has not got the point of my message at all. I really hope he reads the Translations wiki as David suggested again11:58
jeaI am a developer, but all I have done within Ubuntu is translations - I just understand that you have to read documentation sometimes12:00
jaredYou mean reading the documentation you translate is useful, no way!12:01
jeaWho would have thought12:02
jaredHe wants to blank an entire locale?12:03
jeaI don't think he gets it12:03
jeaAparently one person did some bad translations, so Michael basically took him out of the team12:04
jeaand since then, he has wanted all translations in his locale to be blanked12:04
jaredWOuldn't it be easier to get a database dump of what that individual did?12:04
jeaThat has been suggested12:05
jeayou can also see a list of what they have done through launchpad, i think12:05
jaredIt would be funny it it wasn't so sad.12:05
jeaI am glad David pointed out the CoC. I was about to do it, but thought I would wait for the reply12:06
jaredI found translations quite easy to follow on the wiki. I don't know what this guy's problem is. "I didn't read the manual and now it's all gone crappy". Well, duh.12:08
jeaI must say that if he was on my translations team, I would have politely asked him to leave by now12:09
jaredMaybe he needs to sit in one of the online training sessions12:12
jeais there one coming up soon?12:12
jaredNot sure, was just referring to the open weeks and developer weeks, etc12:14
jeaYep. I should volunteer to run it...12:15
jaredI couldn't restrain :/13:16
jeaI think that should hopefully sum it up for him13:19
jeaGood to see that David is explaining it too him fairly clearly13:30

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