
=== Zic is now known as Guest62197
=== Guest62197 is now known as Zic
=== peter_ is now known as Guest16204
alo21jtaylor, hi.... can you tell me how can I find a more suitable package for me, please?13:47
alo21geser, hi... may I ask you a thing?14:03
nonickname2hi. warp10: i tried cellwriter on kubuntu 13.04 and stumbled over the bug of multi-stroke character input not working - according to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=690214, you're in the process of updating the package to 1.3.5, which is said to fix this bug - do you know by chance when that package will be available?14:52
ubottuDebian bug 690214 in cellwriter "cellwriter: New upstream release (1.3.5) available" [Wishlist,Open]14:52
warp10nonickname2: I have been busy for quite a while, but I wish to close that bug ASAP. Let's say the ETA is end of june. Feel free to ping me again if that bug is still open afterward14:56
nonickname2ah, nice - thanks :)14:57
warp10yw ;)15:02

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