
bazhangblueskaj is not helping13:03
bazhanga bit disappointing, really13:03
bazhang@mark #ubuntu [sere] (~sere@99-32-84-195.lightspeed.ftwotx.sbcglobal.net): sere   continually contesting being called for offtopic, claims some kind of longevity karma13:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:19
Myrttiyou probably don't need to add the hostmasks and stuff as long as you've got the nickname right13:46
=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
peyamknome: yes?20:55
knomepeyam, hello20:55
peyamHi :)20:55
knomepeyam, there might've been something lost in the way, but for me, your attitude came out wrong20:56
peyamI just use to type fast. but I m totally calm. :)20:56
knomepeyam, also, while it might've been an accident, you talked about the unity dash20:57
peyamyeah. He said he installed ubuntu.. or maybe I red wrong20:57
knomethat's easily fixed. calm down, read what people say, and think what you reply20:58
peyamsee you in the offtopics20:58

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