
=== mrmpmd is now known as plof
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
stef1adoes anyone have any idea why my touchpad might not be working in ubuntu 13.04?00:02
stef1aand unity? and sound?00:02
phong_ok vanishing00:03
phong_the worst i go back to 12.0400:03
stef1aphong_: me?00:03
th0rstef1a: you might look at the command line utility synclient. Among other things it can tell you how all the settings are set00:04
phong_vanishing, http://askubuntu.com/questions/290904/vmware-9-install-not-opening-after-extraction-on-13-0400:04
Ari-Yangphong_, well it wouldn't be the worst, especially if vmware works out just fine (not to mention it being LTS)00:04
vanishingphong_: ok..let me reconnect again00:05
phong_same info00:06
noiroany way to make window buttons/bars, etc bigger in KDE? They look oober tiny atm00:08
nimbioticsHello evry1. I installed package, uninstalled it and now, when I try to install it again it just does not work. I get some warnings (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5698673/) and the program shows in the applications menu, but it just does not start. When i try to start from CL I get some warnings and finally a "not found"message (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5698679/). I already used "apt-get --purge...00:09
nimbiotics...remove". Can some please help me solve this?? TIA!00:09
Ari-Yangnoiro, there's a #KDE channel00:10
Ari-Yangin case nobody here knows the answer00:10
th0rnimbiotics: from the paste it looks like it pretty well completed00:11
zisvvi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldz t f bvuxxciq ybidr00:11
zisvvi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldolx qbxdgcg om hkrbgbahjl yhowroiyu00:11
pnbjbi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldz t f bvuxxciq ybidr00:11
pnbjbi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldolx qbxdgcg om hkrbgbahjl yhowroiyu00:11
zisvvi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldzcqkqct o jnca l rb qnemdylib g ciojayopsq mjmrkqvqba00:11
zisvvi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldbxgzpysopa lajqfm00:11
pnbjbi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldzcqkqct o jnca l rb qnemdylib g ciojayopsq mjmrkqvqba00:11
pnbjbi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldbxgzpysopa lajqfm00:11
FloodBot1zisvv: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:11
zisvvi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldsqoc l qpxxnlsd oip rkftoqne ryvzggag jvu nfv kbu00:11
zisvvi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldabl itj nkrtkqmuww vluvnj00:11
pnbjbi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldsqoc l qpxxnlsd oip rkftoqne ryvzggag jvu nfv kbu00:11
pnbjbi my name is GamerKitten, I'm 40 years old and I'm mother of two children. I have HIV and I would like to invite you to my channel #wrongplanet. If you don't come I will kill myself. Thank you -- Michelle Enfieldabl itj nkrtkqmuww vluvnj00:11
FloodBot1pnbjb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:11
=== plof is now known as |s-a|
nimbioticsth0r: No, it does not work, in spite of what it looks like00:13
th0rnimbiotics: have you tried starting it from the applications menu? It may require a start script that you aren't running from the command line.00:15
nimbioticsth0r: as I said in my original post; it does not start when I try the applications menu & I get no feedback whatsoever00:16
=== sammy is now known as Guest38393
binBlobHi, I've got a major problem, my frigging new lenovo y580 hangs after the syslinux 4.03 ... blabla H. Peter anvin if I try to boot a usb drive00:16
th0rnimbiotics: does the .desktop file call megacloud like you do in the paste?00:16
=== gary is now known as Guest27769
nimbioticsth0r: yes00:17
BernardesPlease, I need to replace mass accents in the names of my files how to do?00:17
Bernardesex9t_: / home / john / Linkin Park - mÚiãT.mp3 to / home / john / link park muiat.mp300:17
Bernardescan someone help me?00:18
binBlobsed could maybe help you00:18
Bernardesmore i dont have the script could help me?00:19
binBlobufff sed is too difficult form me and the manpage is shit ;/ you have too google you way into this one00:19
th0rnimbiotics: the errors it throws regarding /usr/bin/megacloud are programming errors. Those things could be set up by a startup script before calling megacloud, but you say there is no call for one so....my guess would be that the package leaves something to be desired.00:20
Bernardesth0r, Sed you know?00:21
=== drgonzo is now known as Guest19438
th0rBernardes: nope00:21
Bernardesth0r, ok00:21
BernardesPlease, I need to replace mass accents in the names of my files how to do? ex: /home/john/LinkinPark-mÚiãT.mp3 to /home/john/link park muiat.mp300:22
th0rI would love to find out why I keep getting dumped from irc00:23
cogy_why when i type sudo apt-get install kde-plasma-desktop00:23
nimbioticsth0r: no doubt about it ... but it was working before. I uninstalled trying to find out a the culprit for some other issue I was having00:23
cogy_its always Unable to locate package kde-plasma-desktop00:23
cogy_and the installation is fail00:24
cogy_is it repository problem??00:24
cogy_i use ubuntu 12.0400:24
th0rcogy_: it is in the universe repo I think. Make sure you have universe enabled00:25
cogy_some one help me00:25
syntroPiis it possible to disable rootwindow drawing in gnome 3 completely so i could let it draw eg with mplayer?00:26
th0rcogy_: no pm00:27
tan2013join #bullogger00:28
daftykinshrmm on server 12.04 what replaced 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' ? is it 'sudo service networking restart' or...?00:36
=== dean is now known as dean|away
elisa87larsdoes this sound about right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5698755/00:38
lykkelamenHello. I think I F'ed up my xorg.conf in some way, and now I can only boot into text-only mode00:39
lykkelamenIs there anything obvoius I could do to fix it?00:40
|s-a|lykkelamen , rm -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:40
unknown__try startx00:41
binBlobdoes s1 know how I can burn multiple bootable isos on one dvd ?00:41
onitaLHello, if I select "Changes throught the day" in All Settings/Apparence, where does Unit pull the wallpapares from?00:42
th0rbinBlob: I don't think that is possible00:42
lykkelamenwhen I run startx it says "Fatal server error, no screens found"00:42
th0rbinBlob: you can store more than one if they are small enough, but you can't burn them00:42
lykkelamen|s-a|: Already tried that00:42
IdleOnebinBlob: http://www.sarducd.it/multiboot-dvd-builder.html I used this once, worked pretty good.00:42
|s-a|lykkelamen , any errs before that no screens found ?00:43
binBlobIdleOne: thanks gonna look into this one00:44
lykkelamen|s-a|: A lot, but I cant scroll, so I cant see it00:44
bobsamfredricksok, this is an embarrassingly lame question, but when i'm using the folder / file browser in ubuntu 12.04lts, how do i get it to show me details instead of icons? and i want it to be like this all the time, even when i log out / in00:45
elisa87is this line right? CC_FLAG = -g -fopenmp -O2 -static -lgomp -pthread00:45
|s-a|lykkelamen , sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/X.0.log00:45
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com00:46
|s-a|nice :D00:46
usr13lykkelamen: You can't scoll up?  Did you try Shift-UpArrow or Shift-PageUp?00:46
zykotick9|s-a|: just a guess, but do you mean /var/log/Xorg.0.log?00:47
lykkelamen|s-a|: paste.ubuntu.com/569877700:47
|s-a|zykotick9 , yeah00:47
usr13lykkelamen: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log  #And send us resulting URL, we'll have a look.00:48
lykkelamenusr13: Just linked it to |s-a|.00:49
lykkelamenusr13: paste.ubuntu.com/569877700:49
sam113101when I open the dash and click on photos, it's empty, which folder is it using?00:49
sam113101I have pictures inside my Pictures folder00:49
lykkelamenusr13, |s-a|: Does it work? I cant check it, no browser00:50
|s-a|lykkelamen , yeah , you have to install xorg-intel or something like that , maybe xserver-xorg-video-intel00:50
lykkelamen|s-a|: ok. I'll try that00:50
usr13!info xserver-xorg-video-intel00:53
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.21.6-0ubuntu4 (raring), package size 681 kB, installed size 1838 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)00:53
usr13lykkelamen:   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6600:53
usr13Should have been installed by default, I think.00:54
sam113101when I open the dash and click on photos, it's empty, which folder is it using?00:54
sereyea it installs by ddefault00:54
usr13sam113101: ~/Pictures   maybe?00:55
sam113101my Pictures folder isn't empty, though00:55
usr13sam113101: Well, I don't know what photos is in the dash but just try the file manager.00:56
sam113101"Search Photos"00:56
usr13sam113101: (Sorry but I use xfce/thunar and I guess it's a bit simpler for me :)00:58
usr13sam113101: (I don't Search Photos, I just view 'em.)00:59
=== |s-a| is now known as Guest23195
sam113101I use my file manager too, but it just seems broken01:00
sam113101that's why I ask01:00
IdleOnePhotos should be a symlink to ~/pictures01:00
usr13IdleOne: you mean ~/Pictures ?01:00
peyamIm using xubuntu 12.10 and every time want to see a youtube video firefox crashes01:00
IdleOneusr13: yeah.01:01
peyamwhile Im skyping01:01
Guest23195peyam , just launch firefox from terminal and when it crashes give us the errors01:01
IdleOnepeyam: sounds like a flash issue. try www.youtube.com/html5 and see if it still crashes01:01
peyamIdleOne: You are not currently in the HTML5 trial.01:02
IdleOnepeyam: join it :)01:02
usr13For questions about Firefox,  /join #firefox01:02
binBlobits more about flash than firefox i guess01:03
peyamIdleOne: not videos plays slowly and it doesnt  come any sound from it01:03
IdleOnepeyam: :(01:04
binBlobkill the plugin container reload the site01:04
peyamshoudl I uninstall flashplayer?01:04
IdleOneno, skype needs it iirc01:04
binBlobsee if the killing helps .. if not than you can try purging it01:05
peyamhow do I kill it01:05
binBlobctrl  + esc .. search for plugin container01:05
peyamI disable shockwave player01:06
peyamstill nosound01:06
binBlobdid you disable the flash plugin or did you kill the plugin container process ?01:07
gabbhi, I'm having problems installing ubuntu 2.04 from wubi, can anyone help me?01:08
peyamI disable shockwave player01:08
peyamI run xubuntu. ctrl+esc give ther xubuntu menu01:08
binBlobwithout flash there is no video and audio ... so you have to enable it again01:09
peyambinBlob: I did it now01:10
binBlobif flash still not does what it should you could try purging and reinstalling it ... but I don't think  this will solve your problem01:10
elkycan someone tell me ow to get out of rhytmbox party mode plzkthx01:10
peyambinBlob: why can I hear anything while camming on skype?01:11
peyamthat's the main issue01:11
binBlobpeyam: thats not flash related than, check you audio settings01:11
lasindiDoes anyone here use Empathy for IRC? When I try to add my account, it immediately shows a dialog that says applications can no longer access my freenode online account, and the "Grant access" button shows up again. (I guess this isn't an Empathy specific problem (more like a Unity settings problem), but that's the only reason I can see for doing this.)01:12
binBlobpeyam: do you hear anything at all ?01:15
peyamHow do I fix it01:22
peyamkils me01:22
gabbinstalled ubuntu on win 8 with wubi but it doesn't let me boot it? can anyone help?01:25
ObrienDavedon't use wubi01:25
brancoi use backbox01:26
syntroPiwhat on earth is wrong with alsa/pulse? there is one issue after the other...01:27
ObrienDavei don't know Win8 but why not just install via live cd?01:27
brancoi am newbe01:27
gabbso shall i do the standard usb installation instead of wubi?01:27
syntroPifirst no hdmi sound for nvidia drivers, then crackling sound with skype, now with updated skype no sound AT ALL :-/01:28
syntroPiDoes someone use Skype on x64 ubuntu raring with working pulse/alsa?01:29
brancoso aiai01:29
binBlobyour not alone peyam hase the same problem as it seems01:29
ObrienDavegabb: I did a dual boot with win7. rarely use Win anymore ;)01:29
elisa87I need to convert this alpha assembly to x86 assembly. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5698864/01:30
ObrienDaveI run Xubuntu. haven't looked back in 2 years :))01:30
ObrienDavesyntro: yes, i use skype that way01:31
gabbdual boot?01:31
ObrienDavegabb: yes, i have the option of booting either through GRUB01:31
binBlobwell i always look back to win if i want to connect damn frigging second display ... not even talking about 3 or 4 ... ;(01:32
* ObrienDave is away: Snoozin01:32
* ObrienDave is back (gone 00:01:31)01:34
ObrienDavegabb: have you tried the live cd?01:34
binBlobIdleOne: sardu is damn nice ;)01:37
FreezingColdThis is a really weird question, how can I just boot the kernel and then use a network drive as root?01:37
brancoalguem fala porgugues?01:40
dominic_what would it change for me to learn how to control the shelll like terminal01:41
binBlobwin shell like linux terminal ??01:43
FreezingColddominic_: uh what...01:44
ObrienDavegabb: still there?01:44
noiroRatio so far: 10 questions asked: 2 answered01:44
FreezingColddominic_: using the terminal isn't harder, it's easier01:44
FreezingColdnoiro: so?01:44
dominic_i dont see how01:46
dominic_if i want to change a setting , it takes me 2 sec with unity01:47
ObrienDavedominic: once you get used to it, it's easier01:47
FreezingColddonvito: bingo, then keep using Unity01:47
FreezingColddominic_: don't use the terminal for the sake of using the terminal. Only use it if you actually want to01:47
FreezingColdas you use Linux longer and longer you'll probably find yourself there01:48
dominic_can i program with the terminal01:49
rypervenchedominic_: You sure can. Some programs have command line ways to do things, otherwise you can simply start the GUI program from the command line.01:49
tanstaafldominic: yes you can, python console, vim, etc.  I find myself scripting there or quick fixing classes frequeently01:49
brancouse g++  c language01:50
jdubshey guys. i've run into a problem running xubuntu. installation was great, been using it for a couple days01:50
tanstaaflalso, if you aren't ready to dive into vim, you can just use nano or pico01:50
dominic_what would be the first step01:50
jdubsupon reboot today, it went to memtest01:50
jdubsand im stuck there01:50
jdubsi can't boot back into xubuntu01:50
tanstaafldominic: first step to programming in terminal?01:51
tanstaafldominic: 1. learn how to program.  2.  build a dev environment that can work with terminal (gcc, g++, gdb), find a terminal editor you like (vim, nano, etc), then program01:52
orangecatAny python coders here?01:52
ObrienDavejdubs: you might need to re-configure GRUB01:52
jdubsusing a usb booter, i've gotten into recovery.01:52
jdubsi have access to root01:52
energizerHello. I'm trying to set up a media server. Unless I set my storage HDD  permissions to o=rx, MediaTomb won't find the files and folders, even though they're owned by energizer and chromium is owned by energizer. What am I missing?01:53
=== sammy is now known as Guest25440
jdubsin /boot/ all i see grub, memtest+86.bin and memtest86+_multiboot.bin01:53
jdubshow should i go about re-conf'ing grub?01:53
dr_willisenergizer:  what fs is the storage hd using? is it a external usb hd?01:54
ObrienDavei'm not real real strong on GRUB, i use grub-customizer01:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:54
energizerdr_willis its attached in the machine. ext4.01:55
dr_willisenergizer:  so its mounted via fstab to like /media/storage?01:56
energizerI'm pretty new at all this. Is MediaTomb/Plex (server programs) running as a user other than energizer?01:56
energizerdr_willis ya01:56
dr_willisPlex and medatomb are differnt services/tools.. I think they can run as a user. or as a stand alone service01:56
dr_willistheres also ushare, and minidlna   for upnp servers01:57
dr_willisive been using plex lately, but on a windows machine.01:58
dr_willisxbmc can also work as a dlna/upnp server.01:59
=== qos|away is now known as qos
energizerSo I think I'm having a more fundamental problem than just the server software. if i run MediaTomb or Plex from Unity, it opens ip:port in chrome, and it fails to see any contents of the HDD unless HDD has Other permissions.01:59
dr_williswhat other permissions? you set teh permissions once.. and gthey should stick02:00
Random832dr_willis: I think he meant Other as in User, Group, Other02:01
yujia0513How can i search *news* in emphaty(i joined freenode irc room)02:01
yujia0513ubuntu 12.04 LTS,empathy,,,,02:02
jdubsi have an iso of the same xubuntu i installed. through it i go into recovery mode. i re-installed the grub with no effect. is there some way i can just recompile/install the kernel?02:02
dr_willisthe dlna servers may be running as thir own seperate user. that would make sence for a service02:02
dr_willisjdubs:  tried the boot-repair tool ?02:02
dr_willisyou can chroot into the installed system and install kernels and other packages..   but that  may not fix the grub issues02:03
ObrienDavethat could work02:03
dr_willisboot-repair tool is mentioned in the fix grub wiki pages02:03
jdubsi already rreinstalled the grub boot loader02:04
dr_willisif you havent tried it.. thats the first thing i would try02:04
yujia0513LIST *news*02:04
yujia0513it doesn't work...02:04
dr_willisyujia0513:  what?02:04
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:04
jdubsyeah, i all ready tried that, dr_willis02:04
ObrienDaveyujia: prefix commands with /02:04
jdubsno affect02:04
yujia0513I can't search rooms in empathy.02:04
dr_willisuse the alis bot yujia051302:05
dr_willisusing the /list command can  be bad. ;) due to the HUGE size of list output02:05
madpropsirssi requires you to add a -YES to use /list02:06
madpropsprecisely for that reason I guess02:06
madpropsI wonder if there's a command to filter the list, if not there should be02:06
dr_willisthats why the alis bot was invented. ;)02:07
dr_willismoves the filtering off to the alis bot/server02:07
yujia0513https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService----------thanks very much,ubottu,it works.....thanks again...02:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:08
daftykinshey guys, how do i change the owner of folder 'x' to 'user'? "sudo chown..." ?02:09
dr_willischown bubba.bubba folder02:10
daftykinsof course02:10
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:10
daftykinsthanks dr_willis :>02:10
jribdaftykins: use : instead of . (both will work but . is deprecated I believe)02:10
dr_willisthis isent on a ntfs or vfat partition is it?02:10
daftykinsjrib: ja, i did think that was what i used in the past - thanks02:11
energizerwhat does the plus mean in drwxr--r--+02:12
omnizyaI wanna customize the menu on gnome-panel, can i get help?02:13
dr_williscustomize in  wat way? you mean in the fallback gnome classic mode?02:14
omnizyai wanna change the menu02:15
dr_williswell yes.. customize would mean to change.. give us details would help us help you.02:15
omnizyamake my own application list with categories02:15
energizerdr_willis what does the plus mean?  "drwxr--r--+ 2 energizer energizer 4096 May 19 19:52 f1"02:15
dr_willisenergizer:  cant say ive ever noticed that02:16
energizerdr_willis aite thanks02:16
omnizyahow the menu is organized automaticlly02:18
dr_willisomnizya:  im GUESSING you mean the 'applications' menu because you wont give details and ''menu' is vague..02:18
dr_willisomnizya:  everh menu item/app has a corasponding   .desktop file   ie:   gedit.desktop    gvim.desktop   gnome-terminal.desktop  that define the menu info for that application02:19
blebafordHey guys I just tried to log out of my session and my computer is stuck at a black screen with some white text that says "* Checking battery state...", "* Stopping System V runlevel compatibility", followed 7 lines starting with [ OK ]. Theres a blinking cursor and I don't know what I should do.02:19
dr_willisi belive the format of the .desktop files is defined at the freedesktop.org site/specs02:19
dr_willisblebaford:  most likely its shut down.. but dident power off.. press/hold the power key to actually power off02:20
genii-aroundblebaford: Were you going to shut down or log in as another user?02:20
energizerIs it considered safe to set all the folders in a storage HDD to o+rx and all the files to o+r?02:20
ObrienDavebleabford: press CTRL-C02:20
omnizyaall right02:21
dr_willisenergizer:  a diretory has to be 'x' in order for people to access the contents.. so if you want 'others' to access whts IN the folder.. it HAS to be o+rx   i belive02:21
blebafordgenii-around: I'm pretty sure I was just logging out to log back in.02:21
genii-aroundblebaford: ctrl-alt-f1, login to console. sudo restart lightdm02:21
djapocan't get keyboard to pair at boot i have bluetooth enabled via systemctl and i have added the keyboard to trusted in /var/lib/bluetooth/[bluetoothaddr]/trusted02:22
deezedhey guys, I had a problem with my ubuntu here, so I'm gonna reinstall it all, I was just wondering which directories should I backup to mantain my configurations?02:22
blebaforddr_willis: I wasn't intending to turn off the power, just log out. I could just hit the power button but I'd like to prevent this issue from recurring.02:22
genii-aroundblebaford: If f1 doesn't work, try f202:22
daftykinsdeezed: just your /home02:22
tanstaaflis there a way to handle "dpkg: error processing icaclient:i386 (--configure):" without using dpkg --purge?02:22
daftykinsdeezed: unless you use any crazy programs that don't store user configuration in the user area :D02:22
dr_willisblebaford:  so you selected  'logout' ?  from the menus? if so see if theres still consoles running on alt-ctrl-f1 through f602:22
deezeddaftykins: thanks! so when I install it again all my configs will be safe, even desktop colors and keyboard shortcuts?02:23
rmobenchainupon bootup, I keep receiving the following message.  udevd [110]:timeout: 'sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sde' [319].  Have I killed my compuer?02:23
dr_willisblebaford:  ive seen some issues ages ago with some drivers that would crash on trying to exit X02:23
daftykinsdeezed: ooh, i'm not 100% about the desktop stuff actually. anyone else?02:23
dr_willisrmobenchain:  depends on wht 'sde' is..02:23
yujia0513there is other questions...can i close the "ChanServ" windows?02:24
dr_willisdeezed:  all user settings are kept in the users home02:24
blebafordgenii-around: was able to log in with the cli, then when I try sudo restart lightdm, I get "restart: Unknown instance:"02:24
dr_willisyujia0513:  yes. its just a bot msging you in a window.02:24
genii-aroundblebaford: So then sudo start lightdm02:24
deezeddaftykins: oh, so my softwares will be safe? or will I have to reinstall them all as well?02:24
dr_willisblebaford:  'sudo service lightdm restart;'  perhaps02:24
dr_willisoops  no ;02:24
omnizyahave you any idea to re-build customized version of ubuntu or debian distro?02:24
genii-arounddr_willis: No, it's not a sysvinit job02:24
deezeddr_willis: thanks!02:25
rmobenchain<dr willis> well, I also get this error message.  Input/Output error read on /dev/sda02:25
dr_willisdeezed:  user SETTING files arre in their home.. apps you instgalled on the system  via the package manager tools are NOT stored in the users home.02:25
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dr_williserr.. i use 'sudo servicce lightdm restart' all the time02:25
blebafordgenii-around: I did that and now I am taken back to the same screen I was stuck at, with the same text.02:25
daftykinsdeezed: you'd definitely need to know what packages you've installed, keeping /home just has the configuration files to make those programs run the same. for example if you use an IRC client Xchat, the config of what servers to connect to / channels to join will be in your /home but on a clean installation you'd need to reinstall Xchat02:25
yujia0513thanks dr_willis...02:26
genii-aroundblebaford: The login screen worked when you originally booted?02:26
blebafordgenii-around: yes02:26
deezedUhm!! got it!! thanks a lot u guys!02:27
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genii-aroundblebaford: Did you run updates before logging out?02:27
blebafordgenii-around: I think so02:27
genii-aroundblebaford: It's conceivable there was some update to lightdm, although unlikely. If you ctrl-alt-f1 (or f2) again and put apt-cache policy lightdm    ...it shows as installed?02:28
blebafordgenii-around: yes it's installed. 1.2.3-0ubuntu202:29
yujia0513I already favorite "#ubuntu" and "##English",and I can see the two rooms in "Manage Favorite Rooms",but I can't understand what is "Auto-connect" meanings....02:29
yujia0513is it mean "when I starton ubuntu" or "when I starton empathy"...or elas02:30
genii-aroundblebaford: Does: ps -el | grep 'Z'        show anything?02:31
blebafordgenii-around: just the header line with SZ in it (for size)02:32
genii-aroundOK, so no zombies02:32
genii-aroundblebaford: Does ps aux | grep lightdm    ...show it as currently running?02:33
blebafordgenii-around: yes02:34
gabb<ObrienDave>sorry, had to make a call. u still there?02:35
FearGoddid you know god can kill you?02:35
i3luefire_fuk gawd02:36
yujia0513hi,guys,i need help with a very simple thing if I may close the "Topic:******************"02:36
genii-aroundblebaford: Sometimes it starts on console other than 7. Try ctrl-alt-  then with f6, then with f7 (normally the one it should be on) , then f8   . If no login on any of these, go back to the console you were in before02:36
FearGodyou just blasphmed02:36
yujia0513may I ?02:36
FearGodyour going to hell blaspheme is an unforgivable sin02:36
i3luefire_oh nos02:37
tanstaaflis there a way to handle "dpkg: error processing icaclient:i386 (--configure):" without using dpkg --purge?02:37
gabbDo I have to access mi BIOS to install from a live cd?02:37
genii-aroundi3luefire_: Also, please watch the profanity in here whether it's directed at deities or not02:37
blebafordgenii-around: both f7 and f8 show the same screen which I was stuck at originally02:37
i3luefire_oops. sorry bout the language02:38
ObrienDavegabb, only to make it boot from the CD first. does it do that now?02:38
rublindhow do I get it so the 'do-release-upgrade' message goes away? I'm already on 13.04...02:38
genii-aroundblebaford: OK. So I would try now: sudo stop lightdm   ... and then see if ps aux| grep lightdm      still shows it02:38
ItsMeLennyhello, I have this problem where my ubuntu keeps freezing, and I have to do a hard reboot, this seems to happen a lot sometimes then stops after some kernal updates then starts again after other ones (but im not actually sure if thats the problem)02:39
blebafordgenii-around: after that, lightdm is gone02:39
ObrienDavegabb: will it boot from USB stick?02:39
gabbthe thing is I tried to acces my Bios the other day on my ASUS laptop but I couldn't, even tried all the fkeys but didn't have luck02:40
genii-aroundblebaford: Ok. Very odd. Are you using proprietary video driver like fglrx or nvidia?02:40
gabbthat's why I decided to use wubi02:40
ObrienDaveyou can try INS, HOME, DEL. could be any one of the keys02:41
ObrienDavegabb, have you booted from either USB or CD or DVD?02:41
blebafordgenii-around: Not sure. I know I don't have nvidia graphics.02:41
gabbsupposedly i should be able to access it with the f2 key, according tu asus support02:42
gabbno, haven't tried02:42
bassamhello guys, my chromium keeps refreshing02:42
bassamcan you help?02:42
genii-aroundblebaford: Does:  grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf    ... show anything, or it says the file doesn't exist?02:43
ObrienDavegabb, try burning the ISO to DVD first. most 'puters are set up to boot from optical media already02:43
blebafordgenii-around: doesn't exist02:44
bassamgrep: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory02:44
bassamgrep: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory02:44
genii-aroundblebaford: OK. So at this point I'm out of immediate ideas other than a reboot and then see if the problem persists02:44
vn151502510bassam: refreshing with all url?02:45
genii-aroundbassam: You have to put something in between the grep and the /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:45
blebafordgenii-around: alright I'll give it a go.02:45
brancoola pessoal nao consigo ligar a vidalia do tor time out02:45
bassamall sites02:45
genii-aroundblebaford: You can do: sudo sync && sudo shutdown -r now02:45
gabbok, I'll unistall the ubuntu that I can't seem to boot and try the live cd option02:46
gabbthanks for your help02:46
vn151502510bassam: I dont get it. refresh like press F5?02:46
ObrienDaveno, you can leave it there and use the live DVD to update your install02:47
ObrienDavejust MAKE SURE you update the proper partition02:47
ObrienDaveit should detect your current install. just make sure02:48
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ObrienDavegabb, you catch that?02:49
ObrienDavecool, good luck02:50
gabbI'm just worried I can't access my BIOS02:50
ObrienDavegabb, what brand and model # ?02:51
ObrienDaveok, you said ASUS, what model?02:52
gabbit's an asusQ50002:52
ObrienDavegabb, use DEL key to enter BIOS02:54
ObrienDavegabb, sorry ALT-F2 then DEL02:55
gabbmust be the combination 'cause i tried f2 and del, but none worked02:56
blebafordgenii-around: well I did sudo reboot. now I am having a problem that I couldn't fix yesterday: I get a black screen at startup. The computer isn't responsive to anything but pressing the power button, which makes it show the ubuntu logo briefly before shutting down. I was in IRC last night for some time trying to fix this and I ended up giving up and reinstalling ubuntu. before doing that I tried the repairboot utility, repair b02:56
blebafordroken packages from recovery mode, apt-get update from recovery mode, and booting from a different kernel version. The problem started yesterday with the same issue I brought to you: it gave me a black screen with some text when I tried to logout/shutdown. I just wasn't patient and I hit the power button. Open to ideas.02:56
ObrienDavegabb: http://www.asus.com/999/html/events/mb/ezflash.htm02:57
ObrienDavegabb: just do NOT enter the flash BIOS util. you can brick your 'puter without the disk02:58
genii-aroundblebaford: Well, does the ctrl-alt-f1 work again to get into a console?03:00
genii-aroundblebaford: Your problem is almost certainly the nomodeset needs to be done, but we have to mess with config files, etc03:02
gabbObrienDave: shall I follow these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI ?03:03
blebafordgenii-around: unfortunately not. I could boot in recovery mode.03:03
genii-aroundblebaford: We can do it fropm there, so long as you have a command prompt.03:04
we6jboHow do I prevent the screen from turning off when I'm on battery mode?03:04
genii-aroundwe6jbo: put xset dmps force off     ...into /etc/rc.local03:05
blebafordgenii-around: ok I got a root shell prompt03:05
ObrienDavegabb: not familiar with UEFI. seems logical though03:05
genii-aroundblebaford: OK. So, nano /etc/default/grub    and put this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nomodeset"03:06
ObrienDavegabb: see if you can get to BIOS first03:06
genii-aroundblebaford: Then ctrl-x to exit, it will ask about saving, just hit enter03:06
genii-aroundblebaford: Then:  update-initramfs -u && update-grub03:07
gabbObrienDave: hopre it works03:09
genii-aroundblebaford: While we are here, should see what video card it uses. So: lshw -short -C video | tail -n1          ...will give us an idea03:09
Erealzhi everyone i need help real quick . i just installed debian 7 on my netbook but no wireless drivers were installed i believe it a brodcom i need to know what apt-get driver do i install to make wireless work. on ubuntu of course works out the box but i wonder what the driver it use be defoult03:09
ObrienDavegabb: try getting into BIOS first. see if you have UEFI. we'll go from there03:09
blebafordgenii-around: nano is giving me the error: "Error writing /etc/default/grup: Read-only file system" may have something to do with recovery mode...03:11
blebafordgenii-around: I tried sudo and all that but no luck03:11
genii-aroundblebaford: Yes. So:  mount -a -o remount,rw     ...and then try again03:12
Erealzhi everyone i need help real quick . i just installed debian 7 on my netbook but no wireless drivers were installed i believe it a brodcom i need to know what apt-get driver do i install to make wireless work. on ubuntu of course works out the box but i wonder what the driver it use be defoult03:13
Erealzbroadcom bcm 4313 what driver those ubuntu use for wireless03:13
genii-around!bcm | Erealz03:13
ubottuErealz: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:13
genii-aroundErealz: More than that, you need Debian support and not Ubuntu :)03:14
blebafordgenii-around: still telling me Read-only file system03:15
ObrienDaveBlebaford: are you root?03:17
paulo_good night guys...03:17
genii-aroundblebaford: OK. So then the other way would be to issue reboot, then get into the Grub menu, edit the line which has: quiet splash      in it by adding: nomodeset    to the end then try booting that03:18
genii-aroundObrienDave: They are in recovery boot03:18
blebafordgenii-around: I was root, but I was able to get to another prompt by choosing "resume normal boot" and typing ctl-alt-f1.03:18
genii-aroundblebaford: So in that case forget the reboot instructions and follow the original ones :)03:18
genii-aroundblebaford: I have to go grab a coffee, back in a few minutes03:19
ObrienDavegabb: read this please: http://askubuntu.com/questions/221835/installing-ubuntu-on-a-pre-installed-uefi-supported-windows-8-system03:20
genii-aroundblebaford: Back. Did you manage to complete any of the steps?03:24
blebafordgenii-around: When I did sudo update-initramfs -u && update-grub, I get a line that says "grub-mkconfig: You must run this as root" ... does that mean it didn't work? I used sudo. su doesn't seem to work which may be a quirk of ubuntu?03:24
genii-aroundblebaford: Ah, yes. If you're at regular prompt now, all the commands require sudo in front03:25
genii-aroundblebaford: So in this case, sudo update-grub03:25
ObrienDaveor you can try sudo -i to go root in current terminal03:25
blebafordgentii-around: I used sudo but still got "grub-mkconfig: You must run this as root". I didn't say "error" so maybe I'm fine?03:26
blebafordgentii-around: I did sudo -i as OD said. when I ran sudo update-initramfs -u && update-grub, I got some more lines ending with "done" so that must be a good sign.03:27
genii-aroundblebaford: The command: sudo update-initramfs -u && update-grub     ...is two commands, separated by the && which means only do the next thing if the first thing goes OK. So you needed either a sudo between the && and the update-grub, or just run sudo update-grub  by itself03:28
* genii-around sips his coffee03:28
blebafordgenii-around: ok that explains the behavior03:28
gabbObrienDave: that's exactly my problem03:29
gabbthough I did make a partition but I formatted it03:29
genii-aroundblebaford: While we are here, should see what video card it uses. So: lshw -short -C video | tail -n1 ...will give us an idea. It might be some oddball thing like Optimus03:30
elisa87why mount: mount point /mnt/tmp does not exist ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5699056/03:30
genii-aroundblebaford: sudo lshw -short -C video | tail -n1      ...rather ;)03:30
gabbf****** win803:30
genii-aroundgabb: I feel your pain.03:31
blebafordgenii-around: I'm getting "/0/100/2    display    2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller" .... It's Intel I think.03:31
ObrienDavegabb: that should not be a problem. when you made the ubuntu partition, did you make a swap partition as well?03:31
genii-aroundblebaford: Yup03:31
blebafordgentii-around: now... reboot?03:32
genii-aroundblebaford: Yes: sudo sync && sudo shutdown -r now    ....and see if we get login03:32
gabbno swap partition03:35
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ObrienDavegabb: LOL, that's why i gave up on Win period ;))03:35
Guest67339this is crazy.03:35
Guest67339just put this operation system in my broke computer03:36
hackooMy USB modem disconnects very frequently in Ubuntu 12.04. I am forced to use Windows 7, same modem do not get disconnected on Windows 7 with same laptop. Help to resolve it would be highly appreciated.03:37
ObrienDavegabb, that is probably the problem. boot the live DVD, run gparted, add a swap partition the same size as your memory to the END of your ubuntu partition03:37
blebafordgenii-around: alright now slightly different behavior. I am stuck at a purple screen that says "Ubuntu" with dots below that aren't moving.03:37
Biomechdhey guys, got another issue. apparently my laptop can't detect my speakers this boot session, and i can't stream the sound through my headphones in chrome.03:37
genii-aroundblebaford: Well, give it a little while first then03:37
ObrienDaveBiomechd: is the volume up? headphones have a different control. can't tell how how many times people have asked that ;))03:38
blebafordgenii-around: I already waited 2 minutes or so. Could wait more. Pressing the power button makes the dots start to change color like it's starting up, then it turns off.03:39
Biomechdyes, the volume is up.03:39
Biomechdoh, i meant to say earphones, by the way.03:39
genii-aroundblebaford: OK. So the old ctrl-alt-f1 , login03:39
ObrienDaveno biggie, same level control03:39
Biomechdand they don't have a little volume node thing on them either.03:39
genii-aroundblebaford: I suspect it's doing a file system check but not telling us. how large is the hard drive?03:40
blebafordgenii-around: 320 GB but I'm only using a 200GB partition for ubuntu. The rest is free space.03:41
genii-aroundPhone, back in a few03:41
blebafordgenii-around: back at the command prompt now.03:42
surtHello. I am having trouble with my rtl8192ce compatible pci-e wifi card. I tried updating the driver manually but it still drops out regularly and won't reconnect. So I am now trying to update to the latest kernel (3.5.0-31-generic) after researching this to be a solution. However, I cannot get into my system because I get this error: unknown filesystem type reiserfs. I read this to be a failure of the system to finish "mkinitrd". But I don't k03:43
surtCan anyone help I'm DROWNING...in issues here.03:43
dank101i just installed Illumination Software Creator via the offical deb03:44
dank101it son't show up unity03:44
dank101AT ALL03:44
gzy23hello everyone03:45
dank101anyone willing to help me?03:46
gzy23i've run into an issue with mounting a drive that was in an ext4 raid 1 configuration03:46
genii-aroundblebaford:OK. mount| grep ' / '       ...should tell you which partition we need to run fsck on.03:46
gzy23i had it in an synology nas which operates on some variant of debian linux03:46
ObrienDavedank: give it a minute, someone will help03:46
genii-aroundblebaford: Something like /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2   most likely03:46
gzy23i have two 1 tb wdblacks that were in raid 103:46
blebafordgenii-around: got it /dev/sda103:47
dank101when i ask a question noone answers it03:47
dank101someone elses03:47
surtMaybe my question was too complex so I might just rephrase: How do I trigger mkinitrd correctly after upgrading system in ubuntu?03:47
dank1013,000,000 answers03:47
genii-aroundblebaford: sudo mount -o remount,ro /      ..... does this run OK ?03:47
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genii-aroundblebaford: If so, then:  sudo fsck /dev/sda1 and grab a coffee ;)03:48
hackooWe don't have /var/log/messages in Ubuntu so what we have instead of it ?03:48
dank101what am i a ****ing ghost here?03:48
blebafordgenii-around: it's telling me "mount: / is busy"03:49
dank101i take that as a yes03:49
genii-aroundsurt: sudo update-initramfs -u03:49
surtthank you03:49
ObrienDavedank101: patience please. someone will help03:50
crazyhorsehi, i installed ubuntu via usb disk and the main drive is not bootable03:50
surtgenii-around: "Warning: No support for locale: en_AU.utf8" - is that OK? Possible cause?03:50
crazyhorseI created a 200gb partition using ext4, a 2gb swap partition.. and installed ubuntu not he 200gb partition03:50
genii-arounddank101: If no one has approached with an answer to your question, please wait 5-7 minutes then ask again. It's likely no one currently here knows the answer, so no one is responding03:50
crazyhorseafter rebooting, chaging the bios boot priorities, it won't boot03:50
genii-aroundsurt: I'm already occupied with assisting someone else currently. This sounds like some deeper issue03:51
surtOK. Thanks.03:51
genii-aroundblebaford: OK, so tedious but... reboot into recovery, get a console there, then issue:  fsck /dev/sda103:51
crazyhorseis there any magic you have to do in ubuntu to make a particular partition bootable?03:52
dank101crazyhorse, in GParted there is a option in there03:53
crazyhorsedoi'm in the installation03:53
blebafordgenii-around: says it's clean03:53
crazyhorsei'm in the installation wizard03:53
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djapo53/join  xmonad03:54
dank101crazyhorse, then No03:54
crazyhorseagh do i have to mount it to /boot?03:54
dank101no lol03:54
genii-aroundblebaford: OK, good. I'd like to see now more info on the video card. So: lspci -nn  ... and then just tell me the number code that appears like ( 8086:107d)   for the line where the VGA adapter is03:55
blebafordgenii-around: [8086:0126]03:58
genii-aroundblebaford: I'll look it up, one minute please03:58
genii-aroundblebaford: Looks like maybe this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/114071604:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1140716 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "[regression] 3.5.0-26-generic and 3.2.0-39-generic GPU hangs on Sandybridge" [Critical,Confirmed]04:00
genii-aroundblebaford: At any rate, should reboot, then when it hangs, get a console again, we will do some tidying up with apt-get to see if there is some issue with packages04:02
blebafordgenii-around: well it says Fix released for Precise, which I'm running.04:03
blebafordgenii-around: I'm also running version 3.5.0-23 which is not one of the ones mentioned in that bug report. Anyways back at a command prompt now.04:05
genii-aroundblebaford: OK. So to try: sudo apt-get -f install     ...and see if anything is pending to be installed04:06
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blebafordgenii-around: looks like nothing's pending. It's giving me just a list of packages that were automatically installed but are no longer required.04:11
WeThePeopleheadphones not working when i reboot, but from shutdown they work, any ideas04:12
genii-aroundblebaford: OK. So now we ensure all updates are done:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:12
WeThePeoplealsa and pulse installed04:14
dr_willisWeThePeople:  you mean you only hear the shutdown sounds?04:15
phong_hi guys04:15
WeThePeopledr_willis, no, my headphones work when i turn the laptop on04:15
WeThePeopleand dont work when i reboot04:15
genii-aroundblebaford: I have to leave soon, it is 12:15am here and I'm still at work, so it's likely this may not get resolved tonight04:16
dr_willisso they only work when you 'cold boot' from a totally powered off state ?04:16
WeThePeopledr_willis, yes04:16
betraydWeThePeople you didn't use alsactl save did you, somewhere in the boot process04:17
WeThePeoplebetrayed, idk04:17
WeThePeoplewhere is that at04:17
surtI'm still having trouble booting newly installed kernel 3.5.0-31-generic. I get this error and the system won't respond to allow me to skip: unknown filesystem type reiserfs.04:18
dr_willisWeThePeople:  that is a little strange..  i recall ages ago a similer issue - but that was like 10+ yrs ago.. ;) the soundcard was not getting reset/setup properly from a warm boot..04:18
betraydno, that means you didn't have to actually put it in (edit a script or someth)04:18
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blebafordgenii-around: OK, should I try and get ahold of you some time later? How confident are you this issue can be resolved? apt-get update is taking some time btw.04:18
dr_willissurt:  you are using reiserfs ?04:19
genii-aroundblebaford: I'm here weekdays 9:30-ish AM to 5PM EST04:19
surtdr_willis: 3 of my HDDs are reiserfs.04:19
surtdr_willis: And they are listed in fstab.04:19
genii-aroundblebaford: I may be around tomorrow afternoon 4-7 my time04:19
dr_willissurt:  does an older kernel work properly? it sounds liek reiserfs is not  in the  problem kernel to me.04:19
surtdr_willis: kernel 3.5.0-17-generic works. But presumably because when the system was installed 5 days ago it was set up correctly.04:20
genii-arounddr_willis: Maybe no reiser in initramfs modules04:20
blebafordgenii-around: ok... what is the likelihood this issue can be resolved?04:20
surtgenii-around: I think I read something about that, what cmd can I issue to check?04:21
genii-aroundblebaford: I'm hopeful it can be resolved04:21
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist04:21
blebafordgenii-around: do you think it's possible that this was caused by me using MATE?04:22
genii-aroundsurt: Whatever the module name is, to put it in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules      and then sudo update-initramfs -u04:22
dr_willishmm.. theres that makeinitrd command.. but not sure  on the details04:22
camilohelp me: genome terminal not working in xfce... I have ubuntu 13.0404:22
genii-aroundblebaford: I'm not sure what that is04:22
surtgenii-around: Where would I find this module? Surely reiserfs would be included...it seems unlikely, being such a fast and secure fs?04:23
blebafordgenii-around: it's an unsupported desktop environment... fork of Gnome 2.04:23
genii-aroundblebaford: Yes, that may have something to do with it04:23
dr_willisblebaford:  best advice.. stop using mate or cinnimon or other gnome2 forks..  teh newer gnome 3.8  has its own  gnome-2 mode that will most likely become the standard wayt o do a gnome-2 look04:23
surtDo I need to install an additional package?04:23
genii-aroundsurt: No, no additional packages. Just as I said the initrd has no reiser module is the most likely thing.04:24
* dr_willis hasent really heard much about reiserfs lately, or any real reasons to use it over the other fs's out there.04:24
surtWell what does a module look like and where do I find it?04:24
surtNot in the package "linux-image-extra-3.5.0-31-generic"?04:24
blebaforddr_willis: Seems like Linux Mint will continue to support MATE for quite some time... I really prefer the true Gnome 2 feel over gnome panel.04:26
Ben64gnome 2 is dead, deal with it04:26
blebafordgenii-around: alright thanks for your help, I may return. get some sleep.04:26
camilohelp me: genome terminal not working in xfce... I have ubuntu 13.0404:26
genii-aroundsurt: The idea here is to make it always be added to the initrd ... so:  sudo nano /etc/initramfs-tools/modules     ... put at the bottom one line saying just:  reiserfs    ...then save and exit. Then you rebuild the initramfs with the reiser support by:  sudo update-initramfs -u04:27
genii-aroundsurt: But I have to go, is late here. thats the general gist though04:27
genii-aroundblebaford: Night!04:27
surtAlright I'll give it a stab. Thank you.04:27
blebafordBen64: I am dealing with it by using MATE.04:28
blebafordBen64: It doesn't seem like a good attitude to stop supporting MATE in anticipation of its failure.04:29
dr_willisblebaford:  have you even tried the gnome2 mode in 3.8?04:33
dr_willisthe main issue blebaford  is that MATE is not really sypporteed by this channel..04:33
dr_willisso we are not  'stopping support of mate' it has never been supported by us04:34
camilohelp me:04:35
lasersblebaford: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/MATE-Desktop -- It looks like Fedora supports MATE. :)04:36
dr_williscamilo:  give us details..04:36
camilohelp me: genome terminal not working in xfce... I have ubuntu 13.0404:36
dr_williscamilo:  give us DETAILS04:36
dr_willisopen a xfce-terminal and run it and see if any errors show up?04:36
blebaforddr_willis: it seemed like Ben64 was suggesting that I stop supporting MATE, so what I meant was that it doesn't seem right for *me* to stop supporting MATE simply because some people think it's days are numbered.04:36
dr_willis'everything' has its days numbered. ;)04:37
dr_willissome are just a lot lower numbered then others.04:37
borysPUSI LOVERS04:37
blebafordlasers: I was aware. Might move over to the dark side or just back to Linux Mint...04:39
camilogenome terminal spear   black screen04:39
dr_williscamilo:  err. what is your native language?04:40
blebaforddr_willis: though I may checkout the gnome2 mode in 3.8... Is that different from the "Gnome Panel" that was available a few months ago?04:41
clearviewi got ubuntu to install in virtual pc 2007, all works except usb network, thinking there may be a better vm now?04:43
ObrienDavetry VirtualBox04:44
dr_willisblebaford:  i only used it for about 30 min,. and to be honesst. its been so long since ive last used gnome-2 - i dident even notice any differances that i can rember..04:44
dr_willisblebaford:  main differance it its the ''official from gnome-devs' gnome2 mode/theme. so it will be avaiable in all the gnome-3 setups i imagine from 3.8+04:45
dr_willis!es | camilo04:45
ubottucamilo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:45
aznblurHas anyone have a tiling window manager working with 13.04 without getting rid of the top Unity panel?04:47
youngblackkidHas anyone have a tiling window manager working with 13.04 without getting rid of the top Unity panel?04:47
camilogracias :-/  chanel ubuntu-es is empty04:47
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
youngblackkidgracias :-/  chanel ubuntu-es is empty04:47
blebaforddr_willis: alright thanks for the info. Probably will just go to Linux Mint w/ MATE but I'll keep the option in mind.04:47
youngblackkiddr_willis: alright thanks for the info. Probably will just go to Linux Mint w/ MATE but I'll keep the option in mind.04:47
camilono hlp me in ubuntu-es04:47
youngblackkidno hlp me in ubuntu-es04:47
dr_willisaznblur:  since unity is a plugin for compiz, im not sure thats possible04:48
youngblackkidaznblur:  since unity is a plugin for compiz, im not sure thats possible04:48
sam113101yo llevo una falda roja04:48
youngblackkidyo llevo una falda roja04:48
camiloyou speak in spanish04:49
camilohelp me04:49
youngblackkidyou speak in spanish04:49
youngblackkidhelp me04:49
ObrienDaveoh geez, a 9 year old playing repeater04:49
youngblackkidcierras tus ojos y abre tu boca04:49
aznblurdr_willis, youngblackkid: oh, that's annoying, i'd like to keep the top panel04:49
dr_willispoor troll is poor04:49
youngblackkidte voya dar ayuda en un momento04:49
camilook thanks04:50
dr_willisaznblur:  i might have seen some guides on getting  the 'global menu panel' working in xfce. but i never really looked at them.04:52
dr_willisthere might be a way to adapt that method to other wm's04:52
aznblurdr_willis: cheers, i'll have a dig04:53
camilomy gnome terminal no cursor, can not write, is only black screen04:53
dr_williscamilo:  try changeing its thermes/profile/colors?04:53
ObrienDavecamilo, change the colors04:53
camilohooooo.. this is magi04:55
ObrienDavewe got it :))04:55
camilothank you04:55
ObrienDavepor nada04:56
dr_willisblack text on black background - poor  for reading.. ;)04:57
dr_willisuse hot pink, on fusha...04:57
ObrienDaveamazing how hard it is to read when foreground and background colors are the same LOL04:58
aznblurdr_willis: I think I'll just install xfce4 and get xmonad working with that then04:58
dr_willisunless you 'select'all the text to invert it. ;)04:58
camiloto dream with woman angel... I'm happy good nigth04:58
ObrienDavehad a friend tell me once, all the files had disappeared from the file requester window. guess what the problem was LMAO05:00
dr_williseverytime i ever try a 'dark' theme - i  always seem to get unreadable txt somewhere05:00
ObrienDaveyup :)05:00
dr_williswhats really sad is i  recall such neat  'theme'  features on my old old old amiga and the 'MUI'  widget/libraries...05:01
ObrienDavewhy, oh why, do they insist on 90% gray on a black background???05:01
dr_willisseems we are constantly reinventing the  wrong parts of the gui.05:01
ItsMeLennyit's because everything is so sperate05:02
ObrienDaveoh geez, i sitll have my Amiga 1000 from 1985 LMAO05:02
ItsMeLennytheres no one location for everything to choose text colour from, or font, etc tec05:02
ItsMeLennyi have my first computer, its not that old tho, 386, 1994?05:02
dr_willisObrienDave:  i finally got rid of all mine.. just to much junk to keep around.05:03
ObrienDavekeeping mine for 'posterity' LOL05:03
dr_willismy android phone can emulate  the amiga and be 10000x faster at doing it.. ;l)05:03
ObrienDaveoh, i'm sure. nothing like firing it up with the 'kickstart' disk :)05:04
ItsMeLennydr_willis, i just dumped my 2nd computer, and a whole heap of other stuff, ewaste, they should get recycled for most part, although it terribly upsets me everytime a think about it05:04
dr_willisall these failed os's from my past.. make me  a cynic with new stuff. ;)05:05
dr_willisgreat features from AmigaOS and BeOS and even GeOS  - tossed out.05:05
ObrienDavelike OS2 warp???05:06
dr_willisnever eally messed with Os2 - but i really miss the idea of 'rexx' ports in apps from amigaos. and beos's use of meta-data  along with the files actual data for  some interesting features.05:07
ObrienDavecould be worse, could still have my VIC-20 lol05:09
dr_willisgot rid of avic20  2yrs ago05:11
ObrienDaveboat anchor???05:12
dr_willisit worked. gave it to a ham radio guy  for his morese code station05:13
ObrienDavecool. MANY years ago, i knew a merchant marine. he used a VIC-20 to measure torque on the propeller shaft05:14
youngblackkidare merchant marines civilians05:15
youngblackkidi still dont know05:15
ObrienDaveyes, sort of05:15
=== Wug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
recursionoops, i'm installing 11.1005:18
ashish_my system takes too much time in shutdown after installing xfce in ubuntu13.0405:19
Ben64recursion: 11.10 is no longer supported, choose a newer version05:19
mordonezHi guys, I am having troubles with the sound card05:19
mordonezthat is my alsa report05:19
FloodBot1mordonez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:19
Guest63193Hi, I'm getting an unmet dependencies error on 12.04:05:21
Guest63193linux-image-generic-pae : Depends: linux-image-3.2.0-41-generic-pae but it is not installed05:21
crazyhorsei've tried installing ubuntu 12.04 3 times now and i can not get it too boot05:21
crazyhorseafter i install i always get "Reboot and Select proper Boot device"05:22
ashish_my system takes too much time in shutdown after installing xfce in ubuntu13.0405:22
Guest63193but apt-get -f install does not work: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:22
crazyhorseI assumed it would just be like windows.. i.e. stick the usb stick in.. click next next next.. reboot05:22
laserscrazyhorse: How did you install? Via netcat? Details, please. Disc? USB? Ran md5sum?05:23
crazyhorselaser: Usb05:23
crazyhorselasers: ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.img.dmg installed to usb disk05:23
laserscrazyhorse: DMG is for mac.05:23
crazyhorseyes that's correct05:23
Ben64Guest63193: pastebin the whole thing, also... "uname -a" and  "lsb_release -r"05:23
crazyhorsei built the USB stick on a mac05:23
crazyhorseI then boot from the USB05:24
mordonezThis is right place to ask for sound card help?05:24
mordonezWhen I plug my headphones05:24
laserscrazyhorse: You did something like this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick05:24
crazyhorsecreate an ext4 partition of 200,000 with a mount point of / and a swap partition of 2000mb05:24
mordonezthe sound stills goes for the speakers05:24
crazyhorselasers: yeah that exact guide05:24
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
crazyhorsethe usb boots fine... i can get into the ubuntu live.. it goes through the entire install procedure, it spend 20 mins downloading all the updates05:25
crazyhorseand then when i reboot it's like it can find the master boot loader (like grub or whatever)05:25
betraydcan or can't05:25
crazyhorsesorry can't05:25
Guest63193Ben64: thanks, just running..05:26
laserscrazyhorse: You tried it three times? So basically you converted/dd to usb 3 times?05:26
crazyhorselasers: no05:26
crazyhorsei've tried installing it 3 times05:26
crazyhorselike i said the USB works fine05:26
crazyhorseif the USB didn't load, or came up with some corruption message i would try redoing the USB05:26
ashish_my system takes too much time in shutdown after installing xfce in ubuntu13.04. please help anybody05:26
Guest63193Ben64: http://pastebin.com/0e2Xwnsf05:27
crazyhorseI had assumed it's because i was setting up custom partitions that caused it not too boot05:27
laserscrazyhorse: Okay. I'm asking because I had non-mac-related experiences installing via USB. USB sometimes will install grub to the usb drive instead of hard drive.05:27
crazyhorselasers: ohhhh05:27
crazyhorseyeah the device is showing up as /dev/sdb in the partitioning menu05:28
Or1onsettings for several desktop applications seem to be gone. I have a folder called u on my home folder with several folders with names of applications. has anyone seen anything like this? it just happened today05:28
Ben64Guest63193: sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-41-generic-pae05:28
crazyhorselasers: in the partitioning menu there is a option "Device for boot loader installation"  i've got it set to the SSD05:29
laserscrazyhorse: The usb device? Are you sure? Certainty? I stick to manual point where the hard drive is. Need to remember where the hard drive is in partition menu. Other than that, I don't know.05:30
Guest63193Ben64: http://pastebin.com/PK3U6zE805:30
crazyhorsei'll try a 4th time :/05:30
laserscrazyhorse: Bad grammar. Make note of the SSD path and USB path. At end of installation, it asks about grub. Don't do it automatically. Select where the hard drive is. Hope for the best.05:31
laserscrazyhorse: (and if it had md5sum, run that. Only few minutes to ensure that it's not bad)05:32
recursionany heard of dht crawling by Scott Wolchok?05:33
Ben64Guest63193: try deleting the file from /var/cache/apt/archives and try again05:34
mordonezHi guys, anyone can help me with my headphones problem?05:34
mordonezI just can't get my headphones working05:34
mordonezwhen I plug them in the sound still outputs for speakers05:35
Guest63193Ben64: same result unfortunately (thanks for the help btw)05:35
Ben64Guest63193: same same? error unpacking?05:36
cockatriceHey, when I try to install any package, it gives me crap about oracle-java7-installer because the sha256sum wasn't the same when it downloaded it05:36
cockatriceIs there any way I can get it to stop saying that? I tried to uninstall it but it wouldn't do that eitehr.05:37
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ObrienDavecockatrice, probably a bad d/l. try again05:37
cockatriceI've done it three times05:37
galtamicheyour welkomm05:38
cockatriceOh wait. I'm no expert but I looked more into the results it was giving and it looks like the page it's trying to download from isn't the right one.05:39
Guest63193Ben64: here's the result: http://pastebin.com/78yfRL7U05:39
ObrienDavecockatrice, try using 'fix broken packages' with synaptic05:39
cockatriceIt got a response in text/html but it saved it as a .tar.gz. Is there any way to make it stop trying to download it?05:39
cockatriceThanks, ObrienDave05:40
ubottugaltamiche: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».05:41
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:41
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mordonezGuys anyone that can help me with the sound problems?05:42
ObrienDaveask again, sorry05:42
recursionbot, you're not exactly DeepBlue are ya?05:42
ObrienDavenot even close LOL05:43
crazyhorseis there anyway i can get ubuntu NOT to download anything during the install05:44
betraydmore like a cyan05:44
ObrienDaveyes, don't check 'install updates during install'05:44
mordonezWHen I plug the headphones the sound stills outputs through speakers05:44
histocrazyhorse: don't check updates during install or unplug the cable05:44
histomordonez: jack sense isn't working or enabled05:45
crazyhorselol. yeah i didn't check it05:45
rohitszcrazyhorse: disconnect your system from the internet! :-)05:45
ObrienDavemordonez, sounds like a bad headphone jack05:45
crazyhorsei can't get this to install05:45
crazyhorsewhatever i do05:46
crazyhorseit will not boot05:46
FloodBot1crazyhorse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
ObrienDavewhat system are you trying to install with? win8?05:46
betraydgnite everyone05:46
crazyhorseFrom a USB05:46
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
ObrienDavewhat is already on the comp?05:47
Or1onmy /home/[USER]/.config seemed to have been erased or moved to /home/[user]/u has anyone seen this happen?05:47
crazyhorseand everytime i redo it, i repartition the drive05:47
Or1onmost of my desktop settings seem to be gone05:47
ObrienDaveit is a blank, virgin hard drive?05:47
crazyhorse200gb Ext4 / 2gb swap  ... ext4 mounted to /     i then select the SSD to boot form05:47
crazyhorseObrienDave: It was the first time, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th times i repartitioned05:48
ObrienDavehow much RAM on comp?05:48
crazyhorseand ticked the format box05:48
recursionremoving the usb after the install?05:48
ObrienDavemake the swap file same size as memory05:48
Or1oni'm going to try something. brb05:49
Guest63193I'm getting dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-3.2.0-41-generic-pae_3.2.0-41.66_i386.deb whenever I try to upgrade my ubuntu server, I have tried apt-get clean, is anyone able to help?05:49
crazyhorse32gb of swap??05:49
crazyhorseit's too big05:49
crazyhorsei've only got 256gb SSD05:49
crazyhorsethis is a boot issue, why do i need 32gb of swap05:49
lasersObrienDave: Mac too.05:49
mordonezWhat can I do to make it work ObrienDave ?05:50
crazyhorseohh i got it too boot05:51
ObrienDavemordonez, get the physical jack fixed05:51
crazyhorseshit.. it's still the USB drive05:51
laserscrazyhorse: You boot it?05:52
crazyhorsenah.. it booted of the USB05:52
crazyhorsei take the USB out and it's back to Reboot and Select proper Boot Device05:52
mordonezbut how you are sure the physical is bad?05:52
Guest63193how can I force a filesystem check on all filesystems on boot?05:52
laserscrazyhorse: ... Plug the USB in and reboot.05:52
mordonezwhy it can't be the software?05:52
histoGuest63193: with fsck05:53
crazyhorselasers: ok doing that now05:53
crazyhorseok it boots straight away05:53
laserscrazyhorse: When it boot up, you're at installation or just straight to Ubuntu?05:53
Guest63193histo: thanks but how?05:53
crazyhorselasers: straight into ubuntu.. with a do you want to install ubuntu or try ubuntu05:53
ObrienDavemordonez, the jack has a physical switch built in that disconnects the speakers.05:53
Or1onI got my settings back by moving the folders from u to .config I still don't know why this happened. I just hope no one is playing with my computer05:54
histoGuest63193: which drive or directory is the drive mounted to?05:54
laserscrazyhorse: Try Ubuntu. "sudo fdisk -l"05:54
lasers(In the terminal005:54
histoGuest63193: you can touch /forcefsck  to check root on the next reboot. Or you can shutdown -rF now05:54
mordonezbut when I connect the sound mutes05:54
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mordonezbut when I volume up the sound is still output from the speakers05:55
Guest63193histo: thanks05:55
crazyhorselasers: ok it doesn't show the SSD05:55
mordonezwhen the headphone is connected the system can detect it05:55
ceborhow can i access a windows share via the console? i just authanticaed and mounted the share via my nautilus05:55
ObrienDavemordonez, ok, switch is working. try the volume controls. headphones are on a different control05:56
Parsican i create a system image of ubuntu?05:56
mordonezyeah I am trying that05:56
mordonezlet's hope I can find something05:56
mordonezbrb I have to reboot05:56
crazyhorselasers: http://goo.gl/MWFG705:57
ObrienDaveParsi, yes you can05:57
=== Inoperabled is now known as Inoperable
ParsiObrienDave: i'm talking about my ubuntu on VMware05:58
Parsii want to restore it in real computer05:58
Parsia real machine05:58
Fudgenot sure vmware supports that feature05:58
laserscrazyhorse: Oic. At least we're getting somewhere.05:58
lasersWhat is /dev/sda?05:59
Senjai_I'm having a hard time finding where the default file extensions on my system are stored05:59
Senjai_file associations*05:59
Ben64Parsi: you can get a drive image from vmware with some vmware tools05:59
ObrienDavehmm, not sure about that.05:59
Senjai_defaults.list and mimeapps.list dont exist05:59
Senjai_in /usr/share/applications/05:59
crazyhorselasers: it is a Plextor 256GB SSD05:59
lasersSenjai_: ~/.local/share/applications/omg05:59
Fudgelasers:  most likely your hard drive05:59
ObrienDavelasers: main partition of first hard drive05:59
ObrienDavelasers: would then be divided into sda1, sda2, etc.06:00
Guest63193Ben64: that is so strange, I have just re-run sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-41-generic-pae for about the 6th time and it's worked06:00
Fudgesda is the drive itself06:00
crazyhorselasers: /dev/sda1 is a 186.26GB ext4 partition (5.54gb) used.  /dev/sda2 is linux-swap (1.86gb)06:00
crazyhorseunallocated 50.35gb06:00
lasersFudge: Thank you. :)06:00
Senjai_oh, .local06:01
Senjai_Thank you06:01
lasersFudge: (I was having that question to crazyhorse ;))06:01
Fudgenp lasers06:01
lasersSenjai_: Np06:01
crazyhorseI've opened up gparted and it does not have the boot flag ticked.. should it?06:01
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ObrienDaveyes, you want it to show /06:02
lasersFudge: Maybe you want to figure out why crazyhorse can't install Ubuntu on his Mac via USB. ;)06:02
crazyhorselasers: it's not a mac06:02
laserscrazyhorse: You said it was?06:02
crazyhorseno i didn't.. i said i create the USB disk from a mac06:03
laserscrazyhorse: Ah. And the empty machine isn't mac?06:03
crazyhorseit's a Z77 chipset with a I5-357006:03
crazyhorsenah standard pc hardware06:03
laserscrazyhorse: Just use normal ISO. :)06:03
histocrazyhorse: I missed your original issue... What are you trying to do?06:04
crazyhorsei think i am using the normal ISO06:04
crazyhorsehisto: install ubuntu on a pc06:04
crazyhorseempty pc06:04
laserscrazyhorse: I'm checking.06:04
histocrazyhorse: via what?06:04
ObrienDavenot if the extension is DMG06:04
crazyhorsehisto: via a USB disk06:04
histocrazyhorse: what's the issue?06:04
crazyhorsehisto: after installation, it will not boot06:04
Fudgemac images require 64bit image dont they?06:04
crazyhorsejust to make it very clear.. i am NOT installing this on a mac.. a mac is just the laptop i'm using to chat to you guys while i setup these machines :)06:05
histoFudge: some mac's have a 32bit efi but are 64bit machines. You have to use some jacked up refi something or other to get it to even boot06:05
histocrazyhorse: What happens after the install and reboot?06:05
crazyhorseit's says "insert correct boot media and reboot" or something like that06:05
crazyhorsei.e. what you get when there is no boot-loader06:06
ParsiBen64: i want to move my ubuntu from vmware to physical partition (i'm using mac)06:06
cockatriceOkay, I still can't remove oracle-java7-installer. I installed synaptic to use the fix broken packages feature but it didn't wokr.06:06
crazyhorsei've also try to resintall 4 times and I am using custom partitions06:06
Fudgecrazyhorse  so what is the machine you are installing to? does it have uefi?06:06
crazyhorseFudge: i'm pretty sure it does06:06
recursioni think he downloaded a pc version of ubunto to the mac and used something to write it to his thumb drive, ya?06:07
histocrazyhorse: Are you installing the 64bit version or 32bit version of ubuntu?06:07
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: what is the extension of the file you installed on the USB?06:07
Fudgeso you want a 64 bit image anyway, which partition scheme are you using06:07
crazyhorsehisto: 64 bit06:07
crazyhorseObrienDave: following the guide i started with ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso06:07
histocrazyhorse: did you install grub to the mbr of the hard drive when you installed ubuntu?  Or are you using efi?06:07
crazyhorsethen i used DD to create ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.img.dmg06:07
Fudgeas histo  asked06:08
crazyhorsesorry i used some other conversion tool to create ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.img.dmg and then i used dd to create it to the drive06:08
histocrazyhorse: why?  you could just have dd'ed the iso to the thumb drive.06:08
ObrienDaveNO!!!! just install the iso to USB06:08
Fudgethats not the problem, its how you are installing it, the image boots live06:08
histoFudge: shouldn't matter06:08
Fudgecrazyhorse  you said custom partitioning? so what did yo uspecify including boot loader06:08
ObrienDaveFudge: it only matters for dual boot06:08
crazyhorsehttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx << ObrienDave: i was following this guide06:09
histoObrienDave: It doesn't matter in his case.06:09
FudgeObrienDave  for example if he installed grub to sda5?06:09
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crazyhorseFudge: ion the installation it asks me which drive i want the boot loader on06:09
histocrazyhorse: What "custom" partitions are you creating?06:09
crazyhorsei specified the plextor06:09
ObrienDavethat is for installing on a MAC06:09
crazyhorsehisto:  a 200gb Ext4 and a 2gb swap06:09
crazyhorseObrienDave: Ohhhh06:09
histocrazyhorse: what is the plextor?06:09
Fudgemate why not start fresh and use the entire drive, use guided06:09
crazyhorseFudge: i want to dual boot into windows later06:09
laserscrazyhorse: No spare discs, right?06:10
Fudgeif you dont mind wiping the drive, you may be making things to complicated for yourself06:10
Fudgeoh crazyhorse  so windows is already installeD?06:10
crazyhorseno windows is not installed06:10
Fudgewell go do that first, then install ubuntu along side06:10
EmLeXis it just me or is the ubuntu kernels coming so often06:10
crazyhorsei don't have time to setup windows.. i don't even have it.. i just want to setup ubuntu06:10
Fudgerun a vm of windows possibly then06:11
pero_pwhich library i should include in gcc to compile libflac? i tried -lflac but no luck!06:11
histocrazyhorse: What is the plextor you are installing grub to? is that the disk you are installing ubuntu to?06:11
Fudgeso crazyhorse  install to the entire drive, report if a guided partioning scheme still does not boot06:11
crazyhorsehisto: that's the disk.. i'm not doing any manual installation of grub06:11
crazyhorseit's a 256GB SSD06:11
crazyhorseFudge: yeah.. but i don't want to use up the entire drive06:12
crazyhorsebecause then i can't install windows later06:12
histocrazyhorse: make sure you are installing grub to the mbr of the 256GB SSD06:12
histocrazyhorse: unless you have efi booting machine06:12
crazyhorsehisto: in the installation i don't think it even mentions crub06:12
crazyhorseah yeah06:12
histocrazyhorse: it should at the end. unless they've changed it.06:12
BadPersonHey guys. I'm having some problems with 13.04 and partition handling. First, changes don't appear in disks; Deletes, additions, changes, new drives and removed drives don't show up. Second, New drives don't show up in the system and disconnected drives never disappear.06:12
crazyhorsethis motherboard is a UEFI bios06:12
BadPersonMy system drive is an SSD if it matters at all.06:13
crazyhorsehisto: it doesn't mention it at all06:13
histocrazyhorse: well for that to work you need to boot the installation media in efi mode.06:13
histo!efi | crazyhorse06:13
ubottucrazyhorse: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:13
bignobHey, I have some problems with youtube06:13
histocrazyhorse: also you will need a /boot partition to hold the efi stuff06:13
crazyhorsei'm so confused06:14
bignob1. If I am watching a youtube video on fullscreen, after about 10mins the screen goes black and I have to type my password in again06:14
bignobso annoying06:14
crazyhorseshouldn't this be stick it.. next next next install?06:14
ObrienDavethat would be your screensaver settings06:14
histobignob: turn off screen blanking06:14
bignobhisto: how do I do this06:14
histocrazyhorse: depends how your efi is set. Read the page from ubottu06:14
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BadPersonbignob: Changing your screensaver settings will work, as will jiggling your mouse every so often.06:15
bignobok I gfound the option06:15
histocrazyhorse: typically it should be next next install. But if you have some jacked up setting it won't. Or if you delete the boot partition it wants to create06:15
bignobbut I think if a movie is playing full screen it shouldn't lock06:15
ObrienDavebignob: settings, screensaver06:15
crazyhorseObrienDave: are you sure i used the wrong image. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx   this just looks like its about creating generic bootable usb sticks?06:15
histobignob: agree but it is for some reason.06:15
crazyhorsehisto: ok06:16
pizzadudeHi. Does anyone know what this changelog for the precise kernel means? "UBUNTU: Update *current* to reference Raring"06:16
BadPersonbignob: If you are using the movie player, it actually won't sleep, ever. But Flash doesn't have a way to tell the OS that media is playing.06:16
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histocrazyhorse: you just need to use the 64bit image of anything 12.04+ for EFI to work and need a /boot partition formatted fat32 which you don't have. Because of your "custom" options.06:16
pizzadudedoes that mean they are backporting changes from raring?06:16
lasersbignob: It's a web browser, not a media player. Some media player will inhibit.06:16
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: the mistake is you converted it to MAC format. the ISO works fine on a PC06:16
recursionscreensaver only consider input like mouse and keyboard as sign of activity06:16
bignobIn windows it works06:17
ShawnMcCoolubuntu popped up a 'you should upgrade this software window' (13.04) and i said ok, then restarted. now every time i boot it's to a black screen with a blinking white text cursor and a white mouse cursor. i cant switch to another terminal but, no matter how many times i reboot it's the same.06:17
histopizzadude: for added hardware support the raring kernel was pushed back. You don't have to use it though.06:17
ItsMeLennyis there a way to compile and install something and have the package manager recognise it"06:17
bignobWindows doesn't lock qhile you are watching FS youtube06:17
ObrienDavebignob: you are NOT running windows06:17
silv3r_m00nI have 2 internet connections available, 1 is a wired adsl broadband, another is a cdma mobile broadband, when i switch from mobile to adsl, i am able to ping any ip, but ping google.com does not work, I have to restart the system, tried adding nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf but still it does not work unless the system is restarted, what could be the reason ?06:17
crazyhorseObrianDave: i'm on a mac.. right.. and i need to get the thing onto a USB drive.. considering the entire USB is bootable on the PC.. i don't see what the issue is06:17
pizzadudenewer kernels tend to break my wireless06:17
silv3r_m00nthe connection is switched using the gnome network applet06:18
pizzadudeor make it crappier06:18
crazyhorsehisto: what's the advantage of this EFI stuff?06:18
bignobYeah but it's a prtty basic feature maybe linux will implement it in 202006:18
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: the PC you are trying to install to will NOT read the mac format06:18
Ben64bignob: except flash is dying06:19
bignobok, the next problem is, I've got 2 monitors and my display extended across both, if I have youtube fullscreened in one monitor06:19
bignobthen I click on the browser in the other monitor, it cancels the fullscreen06:19
bignobreally annoying06:19
crazyhorseObrianDave: I think your confused.  This page is about install a ubuntu live usb on a mac http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx06:19
bignobI like to watch a movie ine one monitor wile I browse in the other06:19
crazyhorseit has nothing about having to use that USB on a mac after you've created it06:19
bignobhow do I fix that06:20
bazhang!checkinstall | ItsMeLenny06:20
ubottuItsMeLenny: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:20
Ben64bignob: stop using youtube and flash?06:20
EmLeXBen64: wins the best answer of the day award06:20
bignobYep. So I use linux so I need to change the websites I visit  because linux can't handle them06:20
aznblurbignob: I had the same problem and just used vlc to watch youtube videos06:20
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: you are trying to install ubuntu on a PC not a MAC, correct?06:20
bignobgreat suggestion06:20
recursionpray flash dies faster and they finish the html5 beta06:20
bignobhow can I use vlc to watch youtube?06:20
crazyhorseObrienDave: yes06:21
Ben64bignob: download the videos from youtube and play em in mplayer06:21
aznblurbignob: ctrl+n, paste in youtube linx06:21
ItsMeLennyah, thanks bazhang i'll look into it06:21
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: then do NOT convert the ISO to DMG06:21
bignobctrl+n makes a new window06:21
aznblurIn settings, advanced, if you go to Input / Codec, you can set the default quality06:21
crazyhorseObrienDave: there is no DMG on the USB stick06:21
recursionyoutube gives me an option to view in html5 or flash on some videos06:21
ItsMeLennyat the same time i have found some deb packages, how do i find out if im on 12.04.2 or 12.04.406:21
lasersbignob: Try extension or scripts that will stretch the video instead of flash's full-screen feature.06:22
crazyhorseObrienDave: i have a "working" 64bit live usb disk with which to do with it..  the fact i created it on the mac i don't think should make a difference06:22
Ben64ItsMeLenny: lsb_release -d06:22
ItsMeLennyrecursion, http://www.youtube.com/html506:22
crazyhorsethe guide i pasted is how you setup usb sticks on a mac06:22
ItsMeLennythanks Ben6406:22
crazyhorsenot for a mac06:22
Ben64crazyhorse: no, its for mac06:22
crazyhorsereally :/06:22
Ben64yes really06:22
ObrienDaveok, sorry, the 'live' part boot fine, yes?06:22
bignobwell that sux so there's no reasonable solution06:22
ItsMeLennyhmm i'm on .206:22
aznblurbignob: media -> open network stream06:22
crazyhorsedocumentation needs to be worded more carefully then it says "›Create a bootable USB stick on OS X"06:23
recursiondoesnt matter where u made if you got it to go through the installation06:23
EmLeXaznblur: i did actually not know you could just take a youtube url and past it into vlc. its so mutch more stable lol06:23
Ben64crazyhorse: it's fairly clear06:23
EmLeXthank you06:23
bignobwhat is the default video player for ubuntu06:23
Ben64totem i think06:23
bignobOk cool06:23
crazyhorseBen64: it's not at all clear.. from the title it makes it sound like "if you want to create an ubuntu live usb" and you happen to what to create the usb from a mac.. use this guide06:24
bignobit works in totem guys06:24
aznblurEmLeX: yep! no crazy CPU usage as well. Go to Input / Codecs in advanced options to set default quality06:24
histocrazyhorse: even on a mac the iso files are hybrid files now. So you can just dd the iso to the usb stick and boot it in another machine.06:24
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: does the USB boot into 'live' mode now???06:24
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crazyhorseObrienDave: yes06:24
recursionya, youtube dont want you to miss out on their ads by using videolan06:24
crazyhorseObrienDave: and it runs the installer fine06:24
bignobbut fast forward doesn't work very well06:24
bignobI have adblock o nfirfox anyway06:24
histoIs the server kernel any different from the desktop now?  I just want to install a friggen cli system and the mini.iso is hanging.06:24
lasersbignob: Stupid hack is to make a xdotool script that will move your mouse a bit every 5 minutes. Boom! No blank screen. :O06:24
Ben64i find it easier to just download youtube vids06:24
bignoblasers: well you can turn off lock the screen in the settings06:25
bignobbut I want it to lock if there is no movie playing06:25
riddribHow can remote pc in ubunut?06:25
bignobjust if there is a movie playing it shouldn't lck06:25
bignobi watch the movie from my bed so it is annoying to get up06:25
Ben64riddrib: ssh06:25
EmLeXaznblur: im there but where do i set def quality06:25
lasersbignob: If you can disable screensaver via commands, then make aliases so you don't have to change settings every time you want to watch a movie.06:26
EmLeXnvm found it06:26
bignobi'll just set it to 1hour06:27
Braden`I am using VirtualBox, and I just installed Ubuntu 13.04 as my guest OS, and installed the VBoxGuestAdditions, but whenever I try to boot into xwindows, I just see a flashing blank cursor and nothing else.  How do I fix this?06:27
ObrienDave*head spinning, need smoke break*06:28
* ObrienDave is away: Snoozin06:28
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ParsiObrienDave: can i make a disk image and restore it to another machine?06:29
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recursionvmware could be considered way beyone the scope of ubuntuhelp06:31
Braden`If anyone said anything, I missed it06:31
Braden`Got disconnected06:31
ObrienDaveParsi, i would think so. not sure how to, though06:34
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cristian_cThere is a mysterious problem with my laptop. I mean, when I run the suspension, after the restore there are problems. The first of which is that the Chromium browser will no longer open (but it also does with Chrome) and if you launch it from the terminal, an error is returned.06:37
crazyhorseif i install ubuntu.. can i repartition the drive later to make room for windows without deleting anything?06:38
cristian_cAlso, when I try to logout or reboot the pc freezes, meaning that when I try to restart, the screen goes black and hangs there indefinitely (in the case of the log, it appears the shell with the messages, but it hangs too) and I have to brutally shut down the pc.06:38
cristian_cI tried several solutions, from uswsusp to tuxonice, to create a special file in /etc/pm/config.d/, but these attempts have not been successful. I also checked the syslog, but also did not provide significant information about the origin of the problem06:38
cristian_cAny ideas?06:38
first-time-herei'm trying to compile Samplicate and i'm not sure if i'm do it ok, this is what i get http://pastebin.com/NxmKadaH06:39
ItsMeLennycristian_c, there are ways to repartition the drive later, but it has the potential of corrupting data06:39
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cristian_cItsMeLenny, I don't undestand06:39
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: there is a utility to do that. don't remember the name06:39
recursionsearch ubuntu shrink partition?06:40
cristian_cItsMeLenny, I've got problems with suspension06:40
ItsMeLennycristian_c, whats not to understand06:40
ItsMeLenny"can i repartition the drive later to make room for windows without deleting anything"06:40
cristian_cItsMeLenny, I've not to repart my drive06:40
cristian_cItsMeLenny, my partitons are good :)06:41
ObrienDaveLenny, that was crazyhorse who asked that question06:41
recursionto nick that begin with cr06:41
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historecursion: you can use <tab> to autocomplete the nick06:42
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: partitionmanager will do that. as always, there is a risk06:42
ItsMeLennyObrienDave, cristian_c, my bad, i just looked at the c's and they were the same lengtj06:43
recursionnot if you're using Hexchat in windows like me06:43
crazyhorseobriandave; ah ok.. well06:43
crazyhorsei can't get the thing to boot..06:43
Rannamaariwhat thing to boot ?06:43
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crazyhorseRannamaari: long story...06:43
Rannamaarihaha  okay06:43
ObrienDaveAFAIK ubuntu uses half your memory as a ramdisk06:44
crazyhorseok.. i just reinstalled again for the 5th time06:44
crazyhorseexcept this time without any customisation options06:44
crazyhorseand the machine just booted06:44
crazyhorseso if i got to customised the partitions06:44
crazyhorseit won't boot06:44
Rannamaariwhat won't boot06:44
histocrazyhorse: create a /boot partition 200MB or so formatted fat32  hopefuly the installer will put the EFI stuff there.06:45
ObrienDavenow, install gparted and see what size your swap is06:45
histocrazyhorse: I've told you that you have an EFI system and you need a /boot partition.06:45
histoWeThePeople: hola06:45
crazyhorseObrienDave: 31.69GB06:46
ObrienDavesee??? i said something about swap being the same size as memory ;))06:47
crazyhorsethat's a lot of disk-space :906:47
crazyhorsewhy does it need "any" swap/06:47
histocrazyhorse: It doesn't have to be that big. Only if you want to hibernate06:47
crazyhorsehisto: nah, never want to hibernate06:47
crazyhorsei was thinking of just giving it 1gb06:48
crazyhorsesince it shoul never use it anwyay06:48
ObrienDavehow many partitions on drive now?06:48
histocrazyhorse: Once RAM fills it will use swap to avoid the system running out of RAM. It will also cache data there that is not needed as much06:48
recursionunless its a Hadoop machine06:48
jackbrownhow can i force a  vmware machine to use a specific AUDIO IN/OUT ?06:48
* histo bets there is a /boot partition now06:48
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crazyhorse2.. /dev/sda1 ext4, /dev/sda2 extended... subone at /dev/sda5 linux-swap06:49
ObrienDavenope. PFFFFFT!!! LOL06:49
histocrazyhorse: pastebin the output of parted -l06:49
crazyhorsethe ext4 has a mount point of / and a boot flag06:49
histocrazyhorse: you probably weren't marking / as bootable or something silly before.06:49
crazyhorsehisto: / before wasn't marked as bootable06:50
crazyhorsebut there are no options to do that in the installation06:51
histocrazyhorse: yes there are.. when you created your "custom" partitionis06:51
crazyhorsei'd have to create the partion, install, then go back into the lived.. open up gparted and mark it as bootable06:51
crazyhorseok i'll reboot and have a check06:51
histocrazyhorse: also if this is an ssd you may want to add the noatime,discard options to fstab. And think about mounting /tmp and browsers cache to tmpfs in ram06:52
ObrienDavenope, when you use 'something else', you can select bootable06:52
crazyhorseoh ok06:52
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crazyhorsei'll try again06:52
crazyhorsehisto: ohh nice..06:52
crazyhorsehisto: is that because i've got tons of ram?06:52
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histocrazyhorse: no it's to preserve your SSDs from a ton of writes they don't need.06:54
crazyhorseobriandave: ok.. i'm resintalling now.. i can't see any option for boot06:54
crazyhorseexcept for the drop down menu that says "Device for boot loader installation"06:54
crazyhorsewhich i have selected /dev/sda06:55
histocrazyhorse: when you create the partition there is a flag to make it bootable06:55
crazyhorsehisto: i'm in the installer... there are no flags anywhere to set it as bootable06:55
crazyhorsei'm not in gparted06:56
ObrienDaveyes, you are. do you see the partition map? that's gparted06:56
histocrazyhorse: edit hte partition you are creating.06:56
crazyhorsehisto: ok.. i did that06:57
crazyhorseit has 3 options06:57
crazyhorseUse As: (file sytemt type).  Format the partition: (greyed out tick box) and Mount point: /06:57
ObrienDaveyup, that's it06:57
ObrienDaveleave mount point as /06:58
crazyhorseyep i've done that06:58
crazyhorsethere's nothing about marking at as bootable or adding any tags though?06:58
ObrienDaveshould be. hang on a sec06:58
histocrazyhorse: there should be a box to check and make it bootable.06:58
crazyhorsehisto: there's not.. there is a drop down list06:59
crazyhorselabeled "Device for boot loader installation" .. thats it06:59
crazyhorseiv'e clicked through every menu option06:59
ObrienDaveright click on the MAIN drive partition07:00
crazyhorsethere is no right click option07:00
crazyhorsei'm in the installer remember and NOT gparted07:00
crazyhorseis there a website i can post screenshots from my phone?07:00
ObrienDaveit's using gparted to do the work07:01
Senjai_crazyhorse: imgur.com07:01
crazyhorseobraindave: yeah it's not giving me any options07:02
WeThePeoplecool computer company = pssclabs.com07:02
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ObrienDavegive me a minute to fire up Vbox07:02
ObrienDavelet me fire up an install disk in Vbox. brb07:03
crazyhorsei'm installing imgur on my phone so at least i can take screenshots of the UI07:04
isaiashello. What is ubuntu's channel for...uhhh, arm? I need more information about nexus 7 and ubuntu07:04
ObrienDavethis channel is for Ubuntu support07:04
wilee-nileeisaias, #ubuntu-touch has images07:05
histo!phone | isaias07:05
ubottuisaias: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:05
WinterXorgHey guys07:08
WinterXorgIs it possible to set the permissions for a file in order to allow read/write but not delete?07:08
WinterXorgAlso the file is in my home folder07:08
qinWinterXorg: sticky bit?07:09
histoWinterXorg: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/869536/linux-directory-permissions-read-write-but-not-delete07:10
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: dang, your right. you can only select which partition for installing grub07:10
histoWinterXorg: although if they have write access to a file they could just delete the contents. So your situation is silly07:10
crazyhorseObrianDave: ok.. so how about this07:11
crazyhorsereboot into livecd.. then go and modify the partition?07:11
WinterXorgIt's an archive07:11
crazyhorsehisto: it's good for accidental deletions07:11
crazyhorsehisto: i've got the policy on a few of my servers07:12
qinWinterXorg: very sweet link histo has send you, atr may be even more usefull07:12
histocrazyhorse: click on /dev/sda1  and do you have an options button07:12
WinterXorgYeah thank you histo. Reading right now07:12
azarhow to find out a file is a system file??07:12
crazyhorsehisto: just change07:12
qinazar: locate or find07:12
azarqin: let me see!07:13
histoazar: file /path/to/whatever07:13
crazyhorseWinterXorg: if you need anything more advanced look at the ACL extensions (setfacl/getfacl) ... awful error messages .. but it works07:13
qinazar: omg, misreaded you...07:14
histoWinterXorg: I think making the directory r-x and the files rw- could possibly work for your situation and be easiest07:14
histoWinterXorg: but you won't be able to make anything new07:14
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: now that looks correct. it might cough without a swap partition. but i agree with histo, you want to keep tmp stuff in ramdisk07:14
Ben64WinterXorg: what are you trying to accomplish?07:14
WinterXorgPrevent the deletion of a Firefox extension07:14
crazyhorseObrianDave: yeah.. if it makes it faster.. that sounds great.  Is there any downside?07:15
WinterXorgIt's stored in a .xpi file which is basically a renamed zip07:15
Ben64WinterXorg: why would you delete it?07:15
azarqin: I though you mean "locate" or "find" command, am I wrong??07:15
ObrienDavenot really if only for temp things07:15
WinterXorgThe extension restricts acces to onlly a couple of sites for a period of time (in my case study websites)07:15
WinterXorgSo I need to make sure it's not trivial to bypass it07:16
qinazar: do you want to find a file or find out if file is system file?07:16
ObrienDavewith all of your ram there should not be a problem07:16
azarsecond one :)07:16
crazyhorseObrienDave: is there an online guide for doing that?07:16
azarqin: the second one I mean07:16
histoWinterXorg: put it in the system wide plugins directory and the users aren't the owner. Rather than putting it in their respective homes07:16
crazyhorseor do i just create a "ramdisk" of maybe 2 or 3gb and then start setting up apps to use it07:17
qinazar: then: file /path/to/file07:17
ObrienDavehmm, not sure. maybe you can talk histo into telling you again07:17
WinterXorgThat should work07:17
histocrazyhorse: What's that? tmpfs?07:17
Ben64winterxorg: or make root the owner07:17
crazyhorsehisto: yeah07:17
ObrienDavehisto> crazyhorse: also if this is an ssd you may want to add the noatime,discard options to fstab. And think about mounting /tmp and browsers cache to tmpfs in ram07:18
WinterXorgbut that would require starting firefox with root privileges07:18
histocrazyhorse: let me find you a guide for it. you just create mounts in your fstab.  Also make sure you use noatime and discard options there since you are on SSD07:18
Ben64noit wouldn't...07:18
crazyhorseok.. is this in gparted?07:18
histoWinterXorg: No system wide plugins directory07:18
histocrazyhorse: no in your fstab07:18
ObrienDaveno, this is different07:18
histocrazyhorse: let me paste my fstab hodl up07:19
crazyhorsethanks :D07:19
Ben64system plugin directory is better, but people can still block extensions locally in firefox07:19
Braden`How do I set the system to load lightdm at boot?07:19
WinterXorgNot this one. It's pretty much bulletproof from within the application07:19
Ben64about:addons ... diable07:20
histocrazyhorse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5699390/  this is my /etc/fstab on my SSD box.07:20
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histocrazyhorse: I also have the swappiness set to 1 to avoid using swap on my SSD07:20
WinterXorgabout:addons, about:config and about:support are disabled07:21
Ben64or so you think07:21
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: you want to minimize writes to a SSD as much as possible. writes will burn up the chips eventually07:21
WinterXorgThey realy are :)07:21
Ben6420 seconds and i'd be past it07:22
deckardbetween lubuntu and xfce which is lighter on resources?07:22
Ben64but if you want to use an extension to replace what should be a network based thing, thats cool07:22
ObrienDavelubuntu probably07:22
Ben64lubuntu deckard07:22
WinterXorgOk. I'm using a modified leechblock extension. Select prevent opening about:config in the options then go into lockdown mode07:23
histoWinterXorg: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins07:23
deckarddo you think it would adversely affect gaming?07:23
Ben64no, its still ubuntu07:23
ObrienDavedepends on the requirements of the game07:23
histoWinterXorg: put the .so in there owned by root:root with -rw-r--r--07:23
WinterXorgIt's an extension so I have to convert it into a plugin. Is that possible?07:25
deckardthe game can be very graphic intensive if set to it. i generally thought that lubuntu being the lightest would allow the game to take advantage of the surplus . I am wrong?07:26
ObrienDaveno, you are not wrong07:26
qinWinterXorg: If you want temporarly allow only few site and irc, you probably want to use ufw and disable sudo.07:27
deckarddoes anybody have that link to the resource usage graph for the competing desktop07:27
Ben64deckard: what game07:27
deckardSecond Life07:28
Ben64well not having unity couldn't hurt07:28
ubottuSENSORI: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:28
Ben64SENSORI: why always !list ????07:28
WinterXorgreading about ufw now07:29
ObrienDavei've had trouble with secondlife and OpenGL since 12.0407:30
WinterXorgSilly me there was a global extensions folder togheter with the plugins one07:32
mosesshould I install 12 or 13?07:36
ObrienDavemoses: 12.04 is the current LTS version. 13.04 is the current version07:37
mosesI will be using fortran and binaries and coding a lot07:37
mosesI am relativly new to linux as wel07:38
savagecrocmoses: fortran what, 77?07:39
jjoshfor desktop, i'd say 13.0407:39
mosesfortran 9507:39
mosesI will be remotely accessing this a lot07:39
recursioni dont get why the software center shows such an old version of Qt 207:39
mosesso 13 is better?07:39
savagecroci always stick with the LTS versions07:40
Braden`I have xwindows loaded.  I started it using lightdm.  If I leave it alone, the lock screen appears correctly, but when I enter my password I only see a black screen with my mouse cursor.07:40
Ben6413.04 is newer, 12.04 is supported for much longer07:40
Braden`13.04 is buggy as hell07:40
ObrienDave13.04 gives you newer versions, 12.04 is a bit more stable07:41
mosesI thought 12 was buggy and 13 had less bugs?07:41
Braden`From the xwindows video problems to the installer's partitioning system getting stuck in an endless error loop... yea07:41
Ben6412.04 is LTS and is more stable07:41
Ben64and its 12.04, not just "12"07:41
Ben64because there is also a 12.1007:41
Braden`12.10 is good07:41
savagecrocwhat's the next LTS version?07:41
ObrienDaveand a 12.04.207:42
Ben64every 2 years. 12.04 -> 14.04 are LTS07:42
ubottugijoe73: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:42
savagecrocwhat do i use for editing config files on ubuntu? (i.e. just plain txt)07:43
Braden`I have xwindows loaded.  I started it using lightdm.  If I leave it alone, the lock screen appears correctly, but when I enter my password I only see a black screen with my mouse cursor.07:43
Braden`Does anyone know how to fix that?07:43
Ben64savagecroc: nano, gedit, vim, edit, and tons more07:43
savagecroc.. yeah i meant GUI07:44
Ben64Braden`: what exactly do you mean xwindows and started it with lightdm07:44
savagecrocah gedit :)07:44
recursionsublime unlimited trail?07:45
Braden`Ben64:  I am using Ubuntu installed as a guest OS in virtualbox.  I installed Ubuntu 13.04, installed guest additions, restarted ubuntu, and when it tries to load xwindows, I get a black screen with a blinking cursor.  If I use the console and run lightdm, then I get the login screen in xwindows, but when I try to log in, I get a blank black screen with only the mouse cursor07:45
Ben64Braden`: just so you know... xwindows doesn't exist anymore07:46
ObrienDaveBraden: that is probably a Vbox configuration problem, not an Ubuntu problem07:47
mosescan you SSH into a ubuntu desktop07:47
recursionxfiles either?07:47
Braden`ObrienDave:  I don't see how07:47
Ben64moses: if you install ssh server, sure07:48
Braden`Ben64:  What do you call it then?07:48
Braden`The GUI?07:48
Braden`Ah ok07:48
Ben64anyway, its probably because of 3d unity that you can't get to anything07:48
Braden`Ben64:  I would actually be happy with a 2d gui07:48
Ben64try installing a different DE or maybe unity 2d or something07:48
Braden`Can I install gnome shell?07:48
Ben64!info gnome-shell07:49
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 269 kB, installed size 932 kB07:49
ObrienDaveBraden: what is the host OS?07:49
Braden`Windows 807:49
Braden`So if I want to install gnome, I use gnome-shell?07:49
Braden`err I install the gnome-shell package?07:50
Ben64yeah, should work07:50
Braden`Ok, thanks07:50
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histo!notunity | Braden`07:52
ubottuBraden`: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.07:52
recursiondoes the bot know anything about Qt?07:55
ObrienDavenot sure07:55
ubottuthe Qt toolkit (pronounced "cute"), which forms the base of !KDE, is a cross-platform C++ application framework for !CLI and !GUI applications. Install libqt4-dev and see !build to compile Qt4 applications, join #qt for development support07:55
Braden`Thank you07:55
mappscould someone help me please07:58
ObrienDavemapps: just ask :)07:58
Ben64not until you ask a question07:58
arquebusrecursion, what do you want to know about qt?07:59
mappsok ...i cannot get my ubjntu machine to resolve any domains or ping any external IPS..ive checked the output of route..also checked ifconfig and I also checked resolvconf and set 2 NS (2 opendsns nameservers007:59
mappsstill cant reach any external hosts ping google.com / nslookup ec all fails07:59
ObrienDavewired or wireless connection?08:00
mappsbut i can ping local machines so packets arent getting out of the network - im stuck with what to do/look at now08:00
mappsalso checked iptables -L and nothing that could stop it08:00
aeon-ltdmapps: disable iptables and check08:00
aeon-ltdunless security is a huge concern08:00
mappsthee's no chains on it..its a fresh install08:00
mappsalso not sure how to disable it as such08:01
ObrienDavefirewall issue?08:01
mappswell i dont see how there's no firewall -- ive got no chains/rules set in iptables08:01
aeon-ltdunless other machines on the network can't get outside either08:01
mappsna they can08:01
mappshow can i disable iptables then? as it shows no rules08:02
aeon-ltdmapps: probably not worth trying if there are no rules08:02
mappsso what else:)08:02
Ben64mapps: can you ping
ObrienDavecrazyhorse: looks good. i'm NOT a fstab guru08:03
mappscant ping any IP/domain outside the LAN08:03
Ben64mapps: then you have a networking problem, doesn't sound like an ubuntu issue08:03
savagecrocobriandave: sorry,  that was just a copy paste08:04
savagecrocthis is me on the actual ubuntu machine08:04
mappsbut how? my other machines are fine - and the machine can reach other machines08:04
mappsso i can connect to ubuntu from my netbook and ping other local machines from ubuntu08:04
ObrienDavemaybe your router is at its IP address limit?08:04
FlowerPothi, i have multiple screens .. is it possible to choose the position of the unity bar for each screen?08:05
ObrienDaveno, guess not08:05
mappsna ive only got like 3 machnes connecyed and it's also reaching local IPs08:05
BadPersonMy install is being strange... for each second, the first half-second is frozen, and the final half-second it updates normally.08:05
Ben64mapps: what is the output of "route"08:05
walltender Is there a utility that specify power threshold and whne it exceed, shut down the corresponding application?08:05
dr_willisFlowerPot:  you can have it show or not show on other monitors.. but you dont move it to the bottom/top08:06
ObrienDavesavagecroc: cool, working good for you, so far?08:06
savagecrochttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5699474/  << should i be adding discard to the / drive?08:06
ObrienDavesavagecroc: not sure. don't know a thing about fstab08:07
savagecrocif i want to setup an identical computer to this one should i just run through all the installation procedures again.. or can i do some copy/paste migration thing and then rename the user account?08:07
sianhulothere is a tool in ubuntu that tests your connection with diferent dns servers and make a graph afterwards. However, I don't remember its name, does someone knoe the name?08:07
FlowerPotmy i idea was to have it on the left screen on the left side and on the right screen on the right side .. but w/e just thinking of how to make my workstation perfect :D08:07
histo!clone | savagecroc08:07
ubottusavagecroc: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate08:07
dr_willisFlowerPot:  you cant move the left side panel.08:08
savagecrochisto: thanks08:08
savagecrochisto: do you know if i need to add the discard option?08:08
histosavagecroc: is it an SSD?08:08
ObrienDavehisto: learn something new EVERY day :))08:08
savagecrochisto: yeah08:08
savagecroci only have a single ssd in the machine08:08
mappsBen64,  http://pastebin.com/0Asp4yb308:08
histosavagecroc: then I would add it.08:08
mappsall looked fine to me08:08
FlowerPotokay, thanks anyways :)08:08
histoSavage_CL: http://www.howtogeek.com/62761/how-to-tweak-your-ssd-in-ubuntu-for-better-performance/08:09
isaiashello. What is ubuntu's channel for...uhhh, arm? I need more information about nexus 7 and ubuntu08:10
ObrienDaveshouldnt be a gateway also?08:10
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.08:10
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch08:10
Ben64mapps: except you don't have a gateway08:10
ObrienDaveisaias: told you that once before08:10
mappsah damnit sorry i typed it out wrong08:11
mappsi had to type it anually08:11
mappsdefault has a gateway of
crazyhorsehisto: should i create one for /tmp as well?08:11
Ben64mapps: and 1.1 is your router?08:12
Ben64then... dunno whats going on08:12
mappsthis sucks08:12
Ben64try ethernet?08:13
mappsive checked route/ifconfig /retsrated networking ..ive checked resolvconf and changed ns08:13
mappsi cant router downstairs08:13
Ben64just to test08:13
dr_willistest with a live cd . if that also fails.. it may be some odd hardware issue08:13
mappsit worked yesterday see i then shutdown went t work..come back ran apt-get update and it failed08:14
mappsno idea why08:14
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dr_willismapps:  try the older kernels in the grub menus.. see if any of those woork.. would alsobe a good test to try08:14
Guest74289how to create a customize a ubuntu installation disk08:14
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility08:15
lotuspsychjesianhulo: there are few dns tools in software centre you might wanna checkout08:16
Guest74289can we modify the ubuntu looks with it?08:16
SigmaArcherWhat's up?08:17
mappsdamnit still nothing08:17
lotuspsychje!language | mapps08:18
sianhulolotuspsychje, found it, its name is "namebench"08:18
ubottumapps: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:18
mappsdr_willis,  i cant no older kernels listed when i boot08:18
lotuspsychje!yay | sianhulo08:18
ubottusianhulo: Glad you made it! :-)08:18
dr_willismapps:  you did look in that sub menu under grub?08:18
sianhuloubottu, lotuspsychje, thanks08:18
mappsrebooted and it comes up ubuntu / win7 and memtest08:18
mappsdidnt see anything else08:18
xeno-kcan i double boot winxp with lubuntu08:19
dr_willismapps:  you could install some older kernels i guess as a test.. but  thats odd you have none.. unless its a brand new install08:19
mappsyes xeno-k08:19
mappsya it is08:19
dr_willismapps:  you are using a wubi install?08:19
mappsa new install few days old08:19
mappsubuntu 13.04 server install08:19
xeno-kall the ping timeouts remember me an pseydo-hacker...08:20
lotuspsychje!dualboot | xeno-k08:20
ubottuxeno-k: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:20
dr_willisand networking works  in win7 properly?08:20
recursionlol, i think upgrade for 12.04 is replacing the entire installation08:20
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mappsand it did work yeserday dr_willis  it worked then i turned it on ran update and now wont work08:20
dr_willisid see if a live cd works.. and jot down its settings. if it does.  ;)08:21
lotuspsychjerecursion: not interesting tryin 13.04 clean?08:21
mappsok what settings yto check just so I know - I checked resolve.conf and ythe networking settings i cant see what else to check08:22
mappson a livecd08:22
mappsto compare to this install08:22
dr_willisi just use network manager and see what ip and other info it gets.08:22
dr_willisi alwys use dhcp ;)08:22
dr_willismy router assigns ip and info  to each  mac address.. so mu stuff rareely changes08:23
recursionso does my neighbors08:23
xeno-kfirst part08:23
xeno-k* bitchchecker (~java@euirc-a97f9137.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout#)08:24
xeno-k* bitchchecker (~java@euirc-61a2169c.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #stopHipHop08:24
xeno-k<bitchchecker> why do you kick me08:24
xeno-k<bitchchecker> can't you discus normally08:24
xeno-k<bitchchecker> answer!08:24
FloodBot1xeno-k: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
Ben64xeno-k: don't do that in here08:24
xeno-kits my first time in irc08:25
Name141Is there still a super duper fast way to install Spotify?08:26
mappsok thanks08:26
xeno-khow i ping on ubuntu??08:27
histoxeno-k: ping someip08:27
lotuspsychjeName141: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/01/how-to-install-spotify-in-ubuntu-12-04-12-1008:28
MestreLionhow can I know for how long a given session is idle (no user input)? all sources indicate D-Bus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver, but I don't have such method here, only org.gnome.ScreenSaver, and it has things like Inhibit and set_active, but thing that looks like an idle counter08:30
MestreLionbut *nothing* that looks like an idle counter08:31
MestreLionbtw, using 12.0408:33
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NaranekI'm running kubuntu 12.04 and I see that bug 256242 is finally solved, but the fix will be released with KDE 4.11. If I want to have the fix earlier I need to build the program (kwin) from source, right?08:36
ubottubug 256242 in bzr-xmloutput "bzr start-xmlrpc fails." [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25624208:36
Naraneknot that bug, the kde bug :) https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25624208:36
ubottuKDE bug 256242 in multihead "Please support Multi-Screen-Setup (seperate X-Servers) in kwin" [Wishlist,Confirmed]08:36
Name141lotu.. oh he left08:37
NaranekI'd like some pointers about how to go forward with this..08:37
NaranekI'm thinking that there must be many ways to get there, but what's the best one? :)08:38
dr_willisNaranek:  or find a ppa with newer versions08:41
MestreLionalso, who is supposed to provide org.freedesktop.Screensaver ? was it removed in 12.04 ?08:42
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dr_willisgnome devs  and ubuntu devs perhaps. have been slowly trimming out screensavers it seems with each release08:43
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Naranekdr_willis: That would do it yes... but didn't find any. 4.11 is very early in development08:47
MestreLiondr_willis: "providing" as in which package installs org.freedesktop.Screensaver D-Bus?08:49
MestreLion(or any  other method that givs me the session idle time?)08:50
dr_willisaskubuntu.com might have some info on getting idle time..  other then that. no idea08:50
dr_willisor  parent of askubuntu.com for more general linux/systemadmin type questions may have a broadere base and a way.08:51
MestreLiondr_willis: I did already... all answers point org.freedesktop.Screensaved D-Bus08:51
MestreLionthe "broader" method seems to be this D-Bus call, which is pointed out in most answers since 200908:51
dr_willisstackexchange.com or  whatever  its called.. often i find  some obsure old skool way to do things at some of the admin  type question sitees08:52
MestreLionso I guess Ubuntu 12.04 is the exception... and I wonder what is the scenario with that particular release08:52
dr_williswonder if theres a d-bus channel  -  i dont code any more. so dont get into it.08:52
MestreLionbut that's not a D-Bus question... its about how Ubuntu 12.04 is set up...08:52
dr_willisthere was some chanves from dconf to gconf? or was it the other way?08:52
MestreLionit looks like all other distros (or previous versions of ubuntu), and also KDE, use the org.freedesktop.Screensaver D-Bus API for that08:54
MestreLiondr_willis: gconf was deprecated in favor of dconf (actually, in favor of gsettings which uses dconf as a backbone)08:54
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tortikWhy are some packages in ubuntu's repos not updated (app's old version) and can I build new package and send it to repo?08:57
histotortik: stability08:57
histotortik: you can build a new version for the next release of ubuntu if the package isn't being maintained. /j #ubuntu-dev08:58
tortikhisto: but in official sites of some apps there are new stable versions. Thanks for direction08:59
ObrienDavetorkit: you can also install the PPA for 'bleeding edge" apps if you like08:59
CasWHey guys, the latest kernel update has broken my setup again, no Unity... How do I revert to the previous kernel?08:59
ObrienDaveselect the older kernel from the grub menu09:00
MonkeyDustCasW  !09:01
bekksCasW: Or fix the graphics driver installation.09:01
CasWBekks: I have tried different driver installations, didn't fix it last time09:01
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bekksCasW: So which driver are you using then?09:02
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Name141Speaking of drivers, I thought there was offical AMD drivers for the ATi 4670 still in 12.04 ?09:02
CasWAt the moment I'm using fglrx-updates, but I have tried to set it to xorg-driver-etcetera-ati and that didn't fix it...09:02
Name141or did they decide to take it out of the LTS as well ?09:03
bekksCasW: With ATI/fglrx, I'm sorry, I'm out of help.09:03
CasWHm, thanks anyway09:04
dr_willisunity/compiz seems way to fragile at times with video drivers.. had issues withmy nvidia systems (no unity panels) but the 3d drivers were definatly working according to nvidia-settings, and  gnome-shell and kde, and the 3d games. ;)   then it started working again a few days later.. i never did figure out why it was  goofing up09:06
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moseshow come sudo apt-get install chntpw isnt working?09:08
CasWYeah, well, that might be, but I don't want to have to wait a few days before I can use my computer again ;-)09:08
appy_kudoshow to setup scim in Ubuntu 13.04?09:08
appy_kudosi just installed scim and related packages but icon doesnt appear on panel.??09:09
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mosesok i need help09:10
mosesI booted from a live CD09:10
mosescan i ask ubuntu to get programs from the internet09:10
mosesbecause when i type apt-get it looks to the drive :/09:10
appy_kudosmoses: try sudo apt-get update during live session09:11
appy_kudoshow to setup scim in Ubuntu 13.04?09:11
appy_kudosHas anyone tried to replace ibus with scim?09:11
dr_willis!info chntpw09:11
ubottuchntpw (source: chntpw): NT SAM password recovery utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.6-2 (raring), package size 49 kB, installed size 144 kB09:12
moseswhat did that do?09:12
mosesis chntpw already part of the live cd?09:12
appy_kudosmoses: it will download package information from ubuntu servers to your computer..09:12
dr_willismoses:  i would doubt that.. its in the universe repo. be sure that repository is enabled09:12
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dr_willisalways try a 'sudo apt-get update'  befor installing stuff. (or at least once a day ) ;) if installing lots of stuff09:13
willemhi i have a question i want to change my window theme how can i do that ?09:13
willemi don't like adwaita09:13
mosesits trying to update from the cdrom E:09:13
moseshow do i make it look to the internet?09:13
CasWHm, setting the drivers to fglrx and then re-enabling unity worked! :-D I only have this little box that says 'unsupported hardware' :-P (It's an AMD Radeon HD6790, by the way)09:13
moseswhat should i google for this?09:13
MonkeyDust!themes | willem use unity-tweak-tool or gnome-tweak-tool09:14
ubottuwillem use unity-tweak-tool or gnome-tweak-tool: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:14
dr_willismoses:  remove the cd from your sources - using the source editor tool.. is one way to fix that09:14
* dr_willis wonders if ubuntu is really calling the cdrom E: 09:14
willemi know how to change my themes but which do i need for my window theme ? and do i need to put theme in my themes folder ?09:14
appy_kudosdr_willis: have you tried scim?09:14
mosesI promise you it is09:15
mosesIt says E: Unable to locate package chntpw09:15
dr_willisappy_kudos:  not that i am aware of.. if its supposed to have a system tray icon - thats basically disabled in 13.04 - in favor of indicator applets09:15
dr_willismoses:  E: ---> error09:15
dr_willisW: --> warning09:15
dr_willisyou need to do a sudo apt-get update,09:15
mosesi did09:15
dr_willisor be sure the universe repo is enabled.09:15
dr_willis(and be sure)09:16
histo!info chntpw | moses09:16
ubottumoses: chntpw (source: chntpw): NT SAM password recovery utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.6-2 (raring), package size 49 kB, installed size 144 kB09:16
CasWHm, the window decoration is still missing, though, the borders...09:16
dr_willisCasW:  if compiz crashes.. then no decorations09:16
MonkeyDustwillem  explore the tools I mentioned and see which button changes the window theme09:16
mosesit says W: duplicate sources.lost entry cdrom://Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS blah blah blah and then says it again about packages09:16
CasWWell, compiz doesn't crash anymore, that's the thing09:17
dr_willismoses:  you hve one or more entries  in your sources.list  pointing to the CDrOM. you need to remove them.09:17
dr_willisTHEN rerun sudo apt-get update09:17
moseshow do i access that list?09:17
mosesi can google that09:17
willemin gnome tweak tool it's window theme but whic theme catagorie must i download on the site ?$09:17
dr_willisuse the software-soures gui tool  that was mentioned earlier09:17
moseswhere would that gui tool me?09:18
dr_williswillem:  use t he various repositories. and  ppa's to instsll extra themes.. such as webupd8 and omgubuntu09:18
dr_willismoses:  use the dashs's search feature.09:19
dr_willisor its a menu under the software-center i recall09:19
mosesi googled09:19
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CasWAh, it was just disabled in compiz... xD09:19
willemokay i will try that does that work to in debian stable ?09:19
dr_williswillem:  no idea. i dont use debian.. i use Ubuntu. ;) thats why im in Ubuntu Support09:19
MonkeyDustdr_willis  too obvious ;)09:20
mosesi love you09:20
mosesit worked!09:20
dr_willisMonkeyDust:  Obviousman is obvious.09:21
willemoh i'm in the wrong channel :) sorry guys !09:21
dr_willis!manual | moses09:21
ubottumoses: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:21
dr_willisthat factoid amuses in how little it really says...09:21
cristian_cAn other question09:21
cristian_cHow can I switch audio from mono to stereo?09:22
cristian_cAny ideas?09:22
dr_willischeck the settings thing under the speaker icon.09:23
dr_willisor pavucontrol09:23
dr_willispr was ot pauvcontrol09:23
dr_willis!info pavucontrol09:23
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (raring), package size 140 kB, installed size 953 kB09:23
calamityHey all, via the console, is there a command to end a specific user session? (assuming that a user is logged on multiple times)09:24
cristian_cdr_willis, I've checked pavucontrol, but I don't know how to do09:24
dr_williscalamity:  you could kill their  pid of the  users  initial login shell.. but thats a bit overkill09:24
dr_williscristian_c:  no idea  then. Im not on a ubuntu pc to look.09:24
calamityHaha. is there a more graceful option? :p09:25
cristian_cdr_willis, ok09:25
dr_williscould be its under speaker settings also.09:25
dr_williscalamity:  reboot.. ;P09:25
cristian_cdr_willis, I don'tfind them09:25
CasW1There, I believe everything works again :-)09:25
=== CasW1 is now known as CasW
emirgianDoes anyone know how to create a irc server on my pc?09:29
dr_willisinstall an os.. install an irc server on thst os...09:29
dr_willisread and follow the directorins for the irc server. ;)09:29
dr_willisyou can have very tiny irc servers.. or huge complex ones..09:30
dr_williswhy do you want to run your own irc server? you can make channels for personal use here if you want to09:30
dr_willisapt-cache search ircd      should show several irc servers in the repos09:30
azarwhat attribute in "file" command shows a file is a system file??09:38
bekksazar: No one.09:38
bekksazar: "hidden" is not a file attribute (not an attrubute of the content) but just of the file name.09:39
bekksazar: ".config" is hidden, "config" isnt.09:39
azarbekks: so, how to know a file is a system file or not?09:40
jattwhat is a system file?09:40
bekksazar: "system files" are meaningless in Linux.09:40
bekksazar: a hidden file is a file with a . as the first charecter of the file name.09:40
thecodeischaosyou can get hidden folders too09:42
azarbekks: how to find out a file is part of the operating system or other control program?09:42
azarhow to find out a file is part of the operating system or other control program?09:43
klemzyi need help with network09:45
Naranekazar: you can get pretty far looking at the location of the file09:45
Naranekall your own files are under /home09:46
Naranekif it's somewhere else, it's probably a "system file"09:46
klemzyyou talk to me?09:46
Naranekklemzy: what kind of help?09:47
azarNaranek: ok, Thx09:47
azarNaranek: ;)09:47
klemzyand that stuff09:48
Naranekazar: no problem. also if the file is owned by root you should probably keep your hands off ;)09:48
Naranekklemzy: well... if you have a specific problem, tell us and we might be able to help. for general network knowledge you're better off googling it :)09:49
klemzyhere we go09:50
flexdHi, I have an odd problem09:50
flexdsudo hangs09:50
gordonjcpflexd: that *is* pretty odd09:50
gordonjcpflexd: can you think of anything that may have changed, that could cause this to happen?09:50
flexdIt was possible to do sudo -i to get a root shell, but any sudo command as my normal user hangs.. I have not reinstalled anything or rebooted it09:50
gordonjcpflexd: have you done an update, but not rebooted yet?09:50
klemzyi cant apt-get update because my network or repos are fucked up09:50
flexdThere is no change as far as I know, but I might be able to look at logwatch mails to see09:50
flexdI do have unattended-upgrades installed09:51
IdleOne!language | klemzy09:51
ubottuklemzy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:51
timClickshi, I have a strange problem connecting to wireless. My laptop can get an IP address from the router but no packets seem to get anywhere.09:51
Naranekklemzy: do you get an error message? can you surf the internet with the same computer?09:52
timClickse.g. the network connnects, but I can't even visit
timClicksother computers in the house work just fine09:52
flexdgordonjcp: How can I check if an update has been done ?09:52
jattwhat does09:52
jattsudo route09:52
flexdI guess I could try a reboot.09:52
flexdjatt: as root or as the unprivileged user?09:52
klemzyno, but it is in the same lan09:52
klemzyit has 2 eth cards09:53
afoHi all, I have Question. Why I should open gmail in browser to get the notification on message indicator?  It is bettur to get the notification while the browser is closed.09:53
flexdjatt: nevermind, not for me :-P09:53
flexdgordonjcp: I will try rebooting it.09:53
klemzyone of them is connected to router09:53
klemzyping with no problem09:55
flexdgordonjcp: Rebooting seems to have done the trick.. I wonder what was wrong09:55
klemzyi think the problem is the in priority of those 2 cards09:56
Naranekklemzy: well... networking should be pretty much plug and play. you can try to connect the network cable to the other card and see if that helps09:57
Naranekgenerally you should get some kind of reaction when you plug or disconnect the cable09:58
klemzyi have already set up static ip on the other one09:59
Naranekok, well this might help http://senecacd.wordpress.com/2013/01/18/howto-troubleshoot-network-problems-ubuntu-linux-command-line/09:59
notfowlhi can someone please explain how this useless wubi is supposed to install anything? all it does is tell me to put the cd in my drive and reboot.. how useless. http://i.imgur.com/sQwuG4q.png10:00
klemzyi could ping anyone without response error10:00
num7Hi, what are .kwl file and how can i run them?10:00
MonkeyDustnum7  why do you want to run them if you don't know what they are?10:02
jattnum7: try10:03
jattfile yourfile.kwl10:03
jattmaybe it tells you what format is that file10:03
num7MonkeyDust: Both :) I want to format a source code with that (keywords are in the kwl file) and i want the word which are in the kwl-file to be highlighted...10:04
num7jatt: it says C++ source, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators10:05
num7nice but how can i highlight the keywords ?10:05
notfowlis wubi a joke?10:05
notfowli get it if it is, pretty funny10:06
k1l_notfowl: dont use wubi10:06
k1l_notfowl: do a real install with real partitions. or use a usb-stick or a cd for testing purposes10:07
jattgoogle about those files, look like configuration files of some geo-software10:07
notfowlk1l_: is there a reason i shouldn't use it10:08
k1l_notfowl: its very difficult to support if something goes wrong. and most cases here show that something will go wrong10:08
il_medicociao a tutti10:09
notfowlok thanks10:11
nikolamHi, anyone knows if there is a way to pass to kernel multiple memory ranges not to use during the boot (memmap=128M512M to not use 128M after 512MB) but multiple times?10:11
nikolamOr If I use GRUB2 GRUB_BADRAM="startadderss,hexmask" , would kernel use both GRUB address range to avoid and memmap , too?10:12
nikolam(I have 2 ranges that behave bad on same RAM Stick)10:13
diverdudeHi, is it possible to have a kind of ftp proxy which is able to forward different requests to different ftp servers? like ftp://server1.mydomain.com goes to server 1 and ftp://server2.mydomain.com goes to server2 etc ?10:14
il_medicoche disagio gente10:18
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nikolamdiverdude, does 2 ftp sites can have 2 different IP addresses?10:31
nikolamdiverdude, gess that's the job for 1 virtual network adapters and 2 ftp servers I think.10:33
nikolamfor 2 virtual n. adapters, sorry.10:33
nikolame.g. creating one additional virtual adapter for ftp2 service10:35
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mosesI cant get chntpw to work :(10:43
mosesit deletes my profile but keeps a password lock at the beginning of the screen :(10:43
petooHow to change my screensaver settings?10:49
petooIt's a 12.04 system, I am trying to prevent my internet  connection from disconnecting when lid is down. Unfortunately, this is not happening even after changing in power settings.10:51
SigmaArcherpetoo you may have to change that in your bios10:53
icerootpetoo: are you sure its the screensaver which is enabled? and not suspend to ram/disc? the screensaver should not disconnect you10:57
petooI am not sure what is causing it to disconnect , after googling I found it's related with screensaver. I am not sure of anything yet.10:59
petooJust now I left the computer running with lid down, and it's still connected.11:00
petooI turned off 'suspend after 10 minutes ' setting to never.11:00
ZinovaSim having problem with file permitions, http://paste.debian.net/6473/11:02
ZinovaSis that even possible?11:03
Dr_willisseems odd user A's home is owned by root.root11:03
jribZinovaS: you need to give the group executable permission on mydir11:04
ZinovaSDr_willis thats for chroot sftp11:04
Dr_willisand user b would also need executable permissions on the dirs.  and the dirs above  i think.11:04
Dr_willischroot sftp - never done it. :) so good luck.11:04
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Guest7054@search Frank McCourt11:05
Dr_willisGuest7054,   what?11:05
ZinovaSjrib, Dr_willis, added g+rwx on mydir (http://paste.debian.net/6476/) but still getting Permition denied then trying to create directory under shared11:11
PetrAhy all.. i need some help over linux 12.04 LTS, with (unknown) ATI graphic card & gnome enviorment.. cant login -> to gnome -> ubuntu desktop starts allways11:14
PetrAunless i login with lxde11:14
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fribhi.  I would like to put a user in the sudoers file that only allows the user only to restart a particular service.  How can I do this? thanks11:16
diverdudeHi, is it possible to have a kind of ftp proxy which is able to forward different requests to different ftp servers? like ftp://server1.mydomain.com goes to server 1 and ftp://server2.mydomain.com goes to server2 etc ?11:22
nantoui need help to create a shortuct to a program that works under wine, thanks11:22
PetrAhy all.. i need some help over linux 12.04 LTS, with (unknown) ATI graphic card & gnome enviorment.. cant login -> to gnome -> ubuntu desktop starts allways.. unless i login with lxde.. can someone please help me or point me direction?11:22
superdohi, how to activate the current Nautilus item in 13.04? If I click on it , it opens a new window11:23
superdoi know alt + tab but with clicking as in prev. versions?11:23
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jribZinovaS: show input and output in a pastebin11:25
BluesKajHowdy all11:31
ZinovaSjrib, nevermind, i forgot that both users access that tree from different servers via sshfs so its a bit more complicated :/11:32
jribZinovaS: hmm, how so?11:34
ZinovaSjrib: users home directories are mounted by root via sshfs and assigned ownership to each user and I sort-of remember reading that sshfs mount allows single user to see share so no mattar that permitions are, other user cant see first users share11:38
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Braden`I am using gnome-shell, but its trying to use 3d.  Is there a way to limit it to 2d?11:41
jribZinovaS: hmm. You could mount it twice with sshfs as each user?11:41
Braden`With the dropdown menus at the top instead of the sidebar, etc.11:41
lihaiyou can use mate-desktop11:41
MonkeyDustBraden`  it's called fallback-session, find it in the repos11:42
Braden`Ok, thank you11:42
ZinovaSjrib: thats a very interesting idea! ;)11:43
ThermoelectricHmm. I'm having trouble trying to get Ubuntu to install/work with the ATI drivers, whenever I install them it and reboot the screen just blanks after the splash/boot screen. 12.04.11:47
DartmanXdoes apt-get have the --nodeps option in 13.04? I need the maven app w/o all the openjdk/openjre stuff since Im using sun11:48
DartmanXer, oracle11:48
icerootDartmanX: man apt-get11:48
DartmanXman. how quaint. But seriously, I had already done apt-get --help and didn't see it, so I'm wondering if it's been removed/replaced11:50
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jribDartmanX: no, you don't want to do what you asked11:53
user82hi. i installed ubuntu over the old installation and since it disabled all ppa's the installer left a whole lot of broken packages. can i fix this?11:53
ZinovaSjrib: thats works verry well, I mounted userA shared dir to userB home tree and set userB as owner, each owns files in their directories, no need to change permisions at all! only drawback is that this custom mount must be done by root...11:54
jribDartmanX: if the package works with sun/oracle's java, the package should have that in it's metadata.  If it doesn't, then it's broken and the package should be fixed.  If you install the package while ignoring dependencies (instead of fixing the dependencies), you'll always be pestered when you try to use apt/dpkg11:54
ZinovaSjrib: thanks!11:54
DartmanXtranslation: it was removed to protect us from ourselves. That's cool.11:54
user82do i need to add all ppa's manually again and "un-screw" the packages with synaptic etc?11:54
jribZinovaS: hmm, what happens when you try to mount as the user?  I would think that that should work11:54
DartmanXI'm just trying to see if I can avoid putting it in /opt11:54
jribDartmanX: that's not the translation at all... Like I said, if a package's metadata is wrong, then you should fix it11:55
jribDartmanX: I see in "apt-cache depends maven" sun-java listed.  Did you install sun-java through the package system?11:56
DartmanXattempting to install maven causes all of the openjdk stuff to install11:56
sijiHow to customise ubuntu Live cd with default openbox11:56
jribDartmanX: Did you install sun-java through the package system?11:57
sijiI have followed the doc -https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization11:57
sijiAnd modified and added custom.conf file11:57
DartmanXno. I downloaded the current jdk from oracle, turned it into a deb with make-jpkg, and installed it11:57
DartmanXit cant find sun-java11:58
jribDartmanX: what's the name of the package? Look at the depends for maven11:58
sijiwith the parameter DefaultSession=openbox-session11:58
sijibut still it's not booting with openbox11:58
sijiwhere am wrong ?11:59
DartmanXwhen I do that on my box, there is no listing for sun-java, only openjdk/gcj11:59
jribDartmanX: can you pastebin?11:59
DartmanXno, different machines11:59
jribDartmanX: the machine does not have internet access?11:59
DartmanXit's cool, I'll just use /opt. I apreciate your help, though11:59
DartmanXnot when it's connected to the VPB12:00
jribDartmanX: ok, here on 12.10 anyway maven does have sun-java(-specific-version) listed as a dependency alternative to openjdk12:00
DartmanXI dont have the option of using openjdk12:01
DartmanXbut again, thanks for your help12:01
jribDartmanX: right, you shouldn't need to12:01
Neikiushello, I am experimenting with zfs on 13.04 and have some strange behaviour from grub: if I don't set rpool property it will boot but fail to mount zfs, I can do it by hand and it works. BUT when I set the rpool property it will kernel panic at the moment it mounts zfs. I am guessing the delay of manual mounting is the solution. How would I introduce such a delay somehow into the automatic behaviour? Or maybe some other ideas?12:02
DartmanXi had to upgrade to 13.04 to get a few bugfixen (such as the disk encryption login screen, which was a blank screen for me in 12.10)12:02
ZinovaSjrib: according to current setup: root on the server has ssh keys for all users on data-server so root mounts everything and sets uid/gid acordingly (in fstab); users does not has access to data server; they would need ~/.ssh dir with key but that dir vould be on data-server so there is chicken and egg problem. other thing is all users and fstab and ssh keys are regenerated from ground up every time something changes, so any manual work12:02
ZinovaSwould be discarded randomly... and that shared directory is very small custom thing for two users so it wont make it to the scripts that generates everything for all users and all servers for long term use. anyways, it was great idea!12:02
jribDartmanX: ok looks like the depends are for <java5-runtime> or <java5-runtime-headless> so make sure your package provides one of those (if you want to try to play nice with the package system).  There is a way to trick apt and I will tell you but strongly advise you not to use it.  You can use equivs to create an empty package and install it.  Since you are making a package anyway for java, it would be12:06
jribbetter to just tweak its metadata imo12:06
DartmanXI installed the .tar.gz in /opt and added it to my path12:06
DartmanXI just wanted to use the package system if possible so it would upgrade automagically12:06
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stef1awhen mv says "cannot remove [file]; permission denied," but the file has been moved to the destination location, then a copy has been made, right?12:09
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MonkeyDuststef1a  go and look in the destination to find out12:09
stef1aMonkeyDust: I did. I'm just paranoid. :-)12:10
stef1aMonkeyDust: or, rather, I'm just double-checking against people who know this stuff better than I12:10
icerootstef1a: yes12:12
icerootstef1a: mv will first copy the file and when that was successful it will try to remove the file12:12
stef1aiceroot: thanks12:14
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IronwaveG'd day. Im atempting to create a tiny server with ubunto, installed 13.04.  Can anyone direct me to a place where I can read up or see tutorials to do it  please?12:23
A1ReconIronwave: What server exactly??12:24
simion314hi, I need a little help to fix the package manager http://pastebin.com/nvNtFfna12:25
IronwaveI want to make a network to share a hard drive. Later maybe a web server. But let me first try and get started12:25
IronwaveSo the server wil now run on a small laptop, and it will have a few hard drives.12:25
MonkeyDustIronwave  use tasksel to select server tasks12:26
GIMMI11ciao a tutti12:26
ubottuGIMMI11: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:26
A1ReconIronwave: u want to share ur HDD over the network?? Start using my name please, so that things are highlighted for me. Or else things will get lost here12:26
first-time-herei cant do "cat /dev/video0" i get "cat: /dev/video0: Invalid argument"12:26
IronwaveThanks, But I im a newby with linux, thus I'm looking for a tutorial. Use tasksell means nothing to me. :-p12:27
IronwaveIm trying to run this command, but it fails.12:27
Ironwavesudo apt-get install gparted pysdm12:27
MonkeyDustfirst-time-here  try Video0, with capital12:27
booleanIronwave: what is the error ?12:28
first-time-hereMonkeyDust:  i get "cat: /dev/Video0: No such file or directory"12:28
MonkeyDustfirst-time-here  type ls /dev     is Video0 or video0 in that list?12:28
A1ReconIronwave: Please answer ASAP!  u want to share ur HDD over the network?? Start using [person-you-are-sending-your-message's-name] please, so that things are highlighted for me. Or else things will get lost here12:28
first-time-hereMonkeyDust: if i do "ls" i see that the /dev/video - is valid12:28
IronwaveA1Recon  it cant find the files12:28
A1ReconIronwave: Do u want to share ur files over the network??12:29
IronwaveA1Recon yes12:29
compdocIronwave, I know the command 'sudo apt-get install gparted' should work without problems. Ive never installed pysdm12:29
IronwaveA1Recon: yes12:29
IronwaveIll try again and see the exact error12:30
A1ReconIronwave: and u are trying to access it from MAC, Android or WIn or what??12:30
A1ReconIronwave: One more thing u don't need those commands...12:30
IronwaveA1Recon: I installed ubunto, and try and get it on that laptop, on ubunto12:30
booleanIronwave: gparted is generally used for disk partitioning12:31
IronwaveIts on a tutorial, im following to get a server up12:31
booleanIronwave: psydm is not in any repository I have12:31
ubuntufan10121is there a way to get back to gnome 3 like in ubuntu 9.1012:31
booleanIronwave: generally one uses samba or nfs for network file sharing12:31
A1ReconIronwave: Dont follow that tutorial because if sharing on network is what you want it can be done with a few clicks...12:32
MelRayWhat is the command to install the public key for the xtras repo in 13.04?12:32
IronwaveA1Recon: mmm, okay, but how then12:32
ubuntufan10121is there a way to get back to gnome 3 like in ubuntu 9.1012:32
betraydfirst-time-here  /dev/video is different from /dev/video012:32
MelRayubuntufan10121:: Hold off someone will anwer eventually...bad to keep posting the same question over and over12:33
ubuntufan10121MelRay: sorry12:33
A1ReconIronwave: right click on the drive you wanna share then go to properties...12:33
IronwaveBoolean: Ill go and see if i can get a tutorial for samba, thanks12:34
MelRayubuntufan10121:: Not a problem...just sharing the best way to proceed!12:34
A1ReconIronwave: BTW its Ubuntu...12:34
IronwaveA1Recon: :p thanks12:34
booleanIronwave: samba is for a file server12:34
A1ReconIronwave: I am giving u the tutorial for samba...12:34
booleanIronwave: AIRecon's way is simplier12:35
IronwaveA1Recon: Thank you.12:35
A1ReconIronwave: then go to "Share" and change any setting u want and hit "Create Share".12:36
A1ReconIronwave: Ubuntu will download smb server for u ....12:36
A1ReconIronwave: Happy to help....12:36
IronwaveA1Recon: Question if i may12:36
A1ReconIronwave: fire away..12:37
IronwaveA1Recon: It say, I need a windows networks sharing service installed12:37
simion314hi, I need a little help to fix the package manager http://pastebin.com/nvNtFfna12:37
A1ReconIronwave: hit on yes ...yes .. and yes it will download...12:37
IronwaveA1Recon: It will work on linux?12:37
IronwaveA1Recon: Thanks12:38
IronwaveA1Recon: Ill be back again. Thanks for the info/help12:38
A1ReconIronwave: windows networks sharing service..... not Windows12:38
A1ReconIronwave: good luck12:39
IronwaveBoolean: Thank you too12:39
booleanyou're welcome12:39
A1ReconOK to everyone out here!! Why do people hate Ubuntu? I mean like in forums and on the net people say Ubuntu is very limiting and stuff...12:40
A1ReconIronwave: U there??12:40
IronwaveA1Recon: I am..12:41
IronwaveA1Recon: Linux seems intimidating12:41
IronwaveA1Recon: And a bit less user friendly12:41
MonkeyDustA1Recon  it's called the war of the oses12:41
MonkeyDustor flame war12:41
A1ReconIronwave: There's this book (actually free pdf and html) called "The Linux Command Line"... read that if u want to get the hang of ubuntu12:42
BluesKajA1Recon, it's probly not ubuntu itself thast the complaints are about , it's most likely Unity12:42
cfhowlettA1Recon, it's a religious war ... choose your battles.12:42
booleanA1Recon: i dont think it is ubuntu ppl hate but its direction to unity12:42
booleanbefore 12.04 it was quite popular12:42
IronwaveA1Recon: Im not a hacker. I dont know if I will remember anything. :-p12:42
booleanBluesKaj: beat me to it :)12:43
MonkeyDustA1Recon  there's also "why we hate linux (and what are we going to do about it?)"12:43
A1Reconboolean: BluesKaj: Yeah its Unity.... that people hate...12:43
BluesKajyour not a hacker if you use the command line , Ironwave , get rid of that notion as soon as possible12:43
A1ReconMonkeyDust: Ha Ha Ha....12:43
IronwaveBluesKaj: Sorry If I give offence.12:44
booleanI swore off linux during the memory management issue with ther kernel 2.4.18-2312:44
IronwaveBluesKaj: Just meaning Coding is greek.12:44
booleanbut ubuntu brought me back12:44
booleanhowever with its migration to unity12:44
A1ReconIronwave: Using linux makes u smart and knowledgeable not a hacker...12:44
booleani decide to move to mint instead12:44
BluesKajno offence taken , you just need to understand what a 'hacker" really does12:44
thecodeischaosthey hack12:45
booleanstill ubuntu based but more polished desktop12:45
IronwaveA1Recon: I mearely meaned, a way with coding. Nothing else.12:45
bekksboolean: So you decide to move away from support. Good luck. :)12:45
A1ReconIronwave: chill we are cool here12:45
thecodeischaosubuntustudio is the best12:45
booleanbekks: I have been compiling kernels since 1.2.1312:45
booleanusing slakware 3.0 before debian even showed up12:46
hydruidboolean: nice name!12:46
booleanso I no worried about support ;)12:46
bekksboolean: I'm not impressed.12:46
IronwaveBoolean: I used mint a wile. Its usable.12:46
Indy^latest update did a number on me...gettin' locked up on minimize.  My suspicion is it's the Gnome minimize animation.  Anyone else had this issue lately?12:46
gerhardme too bekks, I'm not impressed on your way to 'support' people.12:47
A1ReconBluesKaj: In what way is Unity limiting?12:47
Ironwaveusable as far as one can understand linux. I just need to spend more time on it, then itt be fine, I gues12:47
* A1Recon curious 12:47
bekksgerhard: Well, you started to discuss well-known and well-documented bash specifics, which bail out on your wrong syntax. Telling you, you have a bash syntax problem then, is the right way to support you.12:47
booleanA1Recon: what is interesting about the Unity interface is the breakway from the classic desktop mentality12:48
thecodeischaosunity looks like a early metro UI prototype12:48
BluesKajA1Recon, I just hear reports about it , I'm a KDE user :)12:48
A1Reconboolean: Unity looks like Mac-like12:49
MonkeyDusti'm happy with unity12:50
A1ReconI happen to have this neighbor (sort of). lives a couple of blocks away... IT guy and earns a shitload of money and uses some Linux distro called Backtracker.12:51
MonkeyDustA1Recon  backtrack is for network analysis and intrusion, security, blah12:52
fathandsboolean: unity is just mac osx with dock on side insteAd the bottom12:52
booleanfathands: being a mac user too ... mac osx is a little more polished ;)12:53
A1ReconMonkeyDust: Is it good?? for like regular use??12:53
Myrttican we move back from comparing different Linux desktop paradigms and other operating systems, into actual support?12:53
MonkeyDustA1Recon  never tried it12:53
serethey have mac for i386 right?12:54
bekkssere: For i686.12:54
Myrttiactual *Ubuntu* support?12:54
fathandsEverything is going ten foot experience or handheld. Desktops are dinosaurs12:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:55
serebekks: ok cool :)...when i started using linux i think with redhat 2 i told myself i would never use mac :o12:55
bekkssere: Lets get back to Ubuntu support.12:55
JMM_bom dia, alguem pode me ajudar com ndiswrapper?  não sei mas o que fazer!!12:56
DJones!br | JMM_12:56
ubottuJMM_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.12:56
serebekks: chill i know.. shouuld i be rude and not sayiinf anything in response? or does that extra line matter??? or are we trying to push people out by pissing them off?12:57
bazhangsere, chit chat elsewhere please12:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:58
recursionhavent humans standardized a format for questions yet?12:59
bazhanghttp://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html   recursion13:00
BluesKajfathands wait til your eyes start to become tired and you want to do real computing ..then what ...a real desktop is the best choice13:01
aa5656don't you guys find ubuntu 12 buggy13:01
bazhangaa5656, so file some bugs13:01
aa5656keep popup error saying sending error report13:01
arnsaWould it work to make a bootable usb like that? `dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M`? Because I tried it but somehow it didn't work13:01
bazhang!bugs | aa565613:01
ubottuaa5656: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:01
danatoi use 13.0413:02
danatoor at least i used to13:02
seredanato: no chit chat13:02
l_rdoes ubuntu 13.04 support multi-arch like the new version of debian?13:02
danatohey sere, where can i find rules to this channel?13:03
aa565613 is it good?13:03
arnsaWould it work to make a bootable usb like that? `dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M`? Because I tried it but somehow it didn't work13:03
l_rarnsa, no13:04
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:04
arnsal_r, and why is that so?13:04
l_rarnsa, because you cannot easily boost iso's from an usb key13:05
booleanarnsa: use unetbootlin13:05
aa5656which shell is the best13:05
l_rarnsa, unless you install grub on the usb key and tell it to load the iso13:05
booleansorry unetbootin13:05
arnsal_r, and why is ubuntu the only distro which makes such an isos that you can't dd em?13:05
Ironwave1-r I just did it, was easy And im a noob13:05
l_rIronwave, but you installed grub ,right?13:05
Myrtti!best | aa565613:06
ubottuaa5656: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:06
Ironwave1-r seccond. Have to cheak. I used Something13:06
l_rIronwave, oh well, there are tools which make things automatic13:06
l_rbut dd itself can 't do the whole stuff13:07
Ironwave1-r It help for neebs like me :-)13:07
l_ryou have to at least install grub and configure it to load the iso13:07
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
DJonesl_r: As long as the iso is a 'live iso' eg Ubuntu desktop etc, sudo dd if=/path/to.iso of=/dev/sdb should work looking at http://askubuntu.com/questions/116942/any-way-to-manually-make-a-bootable-usb-from-iso13:09
serebekks: bazhang : i have been coming here since the 90s and i get you guys might be alittle power happy because you like flashing lights aka your name in highlights but you guys  ..you guys should actaully try responding to help question instead of being irc ****13:09
Ironwave1-r I used this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/13:09
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
l_rDJones, oh nice, it depends on the iso then13:14
l_rDJones, i remember early isos were not so smart13:14
Th0masR0ss_Is wubi no longer supported for windows 8/UEFI systems?13:25
first-time-heresomeone can guide me about streaming my webcam?13:25
cfhowlettTh0masR0ss_, consider wubi dead ...13:25
Th0masR0ss_oh, ok.13:25
=== peter_ is now known as Guest16204
betrayd...and buried13:28
PhryqI'm trying to fresh install ubuntu from a USB disk, but I get a bootloader error when I try to do so. I'm using Unetbootin and downloaded from the torrent. I tried deleting everything on the flash drive and re-installing twice. Same error each time13:28
cfhowlettPhryq, verify the ISO ...13:29
ubottuPhryq,: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:29
cfhowlettPhryq, if the iso checks out, try a different USB. They do act out sometimes.13:30
danatohey would it be ok to get help here installing tor on kali? it might be a common problem13:33
betraydi have a working grub, but I am not sure where it came from, having a mulitboot PS. I'd like to somehow work backwards to view/make changes to its config, not create a whole new one and pray. You see XP had a hiccup and when I rebooted I was relived that *a* grub appeared at all. How would you approach this13:33
betrayd *PC* ^13:33
k1l_danato: kali is not supported in here. its even not based on ubuntu. so see their support13:33
danatoyeah i know, but their channel is dead13:34
danatowell i had to check, thanks anyways13:34
recursionwhere is the place to enter sudo?13:34
betrayddanato maybe their forum...13:35
k1l_recursion: ? into the terminal. but what do you want to do?13:35
k1l_recursion: stay in this channel for support, please13:36
k1l_recursion: and the command is wrong, apt-get needs som command like install to. so its "sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME"13:36
recursionhow do i get to the shell?13:38
betraydin unity i think theres a combo shortcut  ctl-alt-t?13:39
recursionyou think correctly13:39
betraydfor terminal i think13:40
k1l_yep, the gnome shortcut works. or you could open the dash (with the windows key) and type terminal13:40
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:43
Phryqcfhowlett, the hash is the same13:43
cfhowlettPhryq, try a different USB13:44
Phryqdamn, I only have one13:44
Phryqso if the hash is the same, deleting my ISO and downloading a new one won't fix the problem, correct?13:44
cfhowlettPhryq, ISO is confirmed good.13:44
cfhowlettPhryq, don't delete13:45
Phryqok, thanks13:45
cfhowlettPhryq, I'd suggest your hardware/USB could be flaky.  it does happen13:45
k1l_try a different usb port13:45
betraydi've had trouble when i had the stick with partitions13:46
cfhowlettPhryq, try a different USB port13:46
cfhowlettk1l_, thanks for that13:46
PhryqI've tried 2 usb ports; is it worth it to try a third one?13:47
MelRay_I'm stuck getting access to Zentyal. I have checked to make sure port 443 is not already used....when I go to https://localhost I get the standard unable to connect. Can anyone give me ideas on what to check?13:48
cfhowlettPhryq, Spartcus: TRY THEM ALL!13:48
Phryqok, will do that now. Thanks13:48
ktwoHi i got an xfs partition on my drive, how can i (quickly) format it to ext4? (very big)13:50
ktwois there some quickformat option?13:50
thecodeischaosi think mkfs command or something13:50
thecodeischaosnot sure if it is the quickest or best13:51
ktwoyea but it seems to take an eternity13:51
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
vn151502510try gparted with good gui13:51
vn151502510it just change a head part of partion13:52
ktwowell i have to reformat completely as it is xfs, i just was wondering if ext4 supports some kind of quickformat like NTFS does13:54
vn151502510I think all types have support13:55
scalability-junkhey I want to have a dual boot fully encrypted windows 7 and ubuntu 13.0413:56
scalability-junktruecrypt for windows 7 and luks for ubuntu 13.0413:56
thecodeischaoswrite a letter to santa then13:56
cfhowlettscalability-junk, competing encryptors?  Good luck with that13:56
scalability-junkthe issue I have is that after installing windows and booting the installation of ubuntu 13.04 I only see empty a disk...13:57
scalability-junkcfhowlett: each on their own partition, why should that be bad?13:57
scalability-junkor how would you encrypt the windows partition with luks ^^13:57
wjtaylorsamba channel is quiet today, so I'm trying here. If I use share level security for a samba share (and don't have the client setup as a user on my box), how does samba know who the file owner is?13:58
recursioni notice a slight aversion to software center here13:58
cfhowlettscalability-junk, in tech speak, the boot/root processes cause weird behavior.  Someone more knowledgeable than I can explain further...13:58
betraydmaybe your imagination or you ahvent taken your medication =)13:59
scalability-junkcfhowlett: yeah I wanted to run windows as vm, but had problems with running it satisfyingly with my graphicscard13:59
koegsscalability-junk: Install Windows, then install ubuntu, write grub to the boot-partition, not mbr, then encrypt windows-partition only with truecrypt13:59
scalability-junkkoegs: can't install ubuntu ;) no partitions only the whole disk free...14:00
koegsdid you encrypt the whole drive with truecrypt?14:00
cfhowlettscalability-junk, wait an encrypted vm?  Should not be an issue I would think ... but I'd still use only a single encrypt tool14:01
scalability-junkkoegs: nope nothing encrypted yet14:01
scalability-junkI just installed windows and booted into ubuntu installation 13.0414:01
scalability-junkthen it just says erase disk and install ubuntu cause the whole disk seems unallocated14:02
first-time-heresomeone can help me step by step how i can streme my webcam ?14:02
koegsscalability-junk: can you open a terminal use "sudo fdisk -l" and put the output in a pastebin?14:03
cfhowlettscalability-junk, ah.  I'd suspect UEFI issues.14:03
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scalability-junkcfhowlett: any idea how to fix that?14:04
ubottuscalability-junk,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:04
cfhowlettscalability-junk, I've never had to deal with it, but see the links.14:04
Auctushow do i make a terminal go fullscreen? I.e. hide the dock/taskbar and the title bar, rather than just maximizing it?14:06
ActionParsnipauctus: F11 maybe14:07
scalability-junkkoegs: http://pastebin.com/mAsJDHNd14:07
cfhowlettdiegobozi, greetings14:08
AuctusActionParsnip, i should've tried that. Thanks.14:08
ActionParsnipauctus: or install docky and make it use the whole scrreen. it hides and shows with F12 by default14:09
ActionParsnipguake sorry. not docky14:09
scalability-junkkoegs: any idea?14:12
=== DocGroove is now known as DocGrooveAway
betraydi use a drop-down for root to do things14:13
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere
z21how to install JDK in ubuntu 12.10 ? ( format of file is .tar.gz) .14:16
ActionParsnipZ21: there is the webupd8 java ppa14:17
z21i wanna know answer of my question..please.14:17
bekks!java | z2114:18
scalability-junkkoegs: am I right to assume my best bet it to just reinstall windows 7 with a complete format of the disk and without anything install ubuntu then finish up windows then finish up ubuntu do the grub magic and lastly encrypt windows via truecrypt?14:18
ubottuz21: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:18
ActionParsnipz21: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/oracle-releases-updates-for-java-7-jdk.html14:19
dev2Hi.   Is there a way to get output directed to tee to persist the text colour?14:19
ActionParsnipz21: the ppa installs oracle java for you, also it will update java for you when the ppa is updates14:19
dev2currently tee seems to remove any text color that would normally show in my console14:20
jribdev2: tee is probably not the one doing it.  What are you piping?14:21
dev2jrib: its actually rspec output, but it seems to be the same when I do ls -al | tee tmp.txt14:22
jiffe2is there a way to get ubuntu desktop to automatically log in?14:22
ActionParsnipjiffe2: sure you can set it in user setings14:22
vanishingjiffe2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin14:22
bjackmanCould anyone tell me how I can work out why LightDM isn't picking up one of my xsessions?14:22
ActionParsnipdev2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/249623/can-i-save-the-command-output-to-a-file-other-than-text-files14:22
vanishingjiffe2: google is your best friend14:23
jiffe2yeah, is there a way to configure that via commandline?14:23
jribdev2: grep --color=always foo <<< foo | tee14:23
jiffe2I'm sshing in and I need display :014:23
jiffe2ah found it14:23
ActionParsnipjiffe2: edit lightdm.conf14:23
jribdev2: that gives you color, right?14:24
bjackmanActionParsnip: did you mean to say that to me? I have the .desktop file listed in lightdm.conf and it's in the xsessions directory, but it doesn't appear in the login screen options14:25
dev2jrib: yes, that is colored14:26
vadimkolchevhi all. installed ubuntu and found out that my nic is working only forced to a certain mode. How can i make this mode forced automatically at boot?14:26
jribdev2: so it's probably your initial command that detects it's being piped and decides not to send color codes14:26
koegsscalability-junk: install windows, no encryption, then install ubuntu with encryption, you will have a /boot-partition, install grub to that partition, not to the MBR14:26
koegsafterwards you can encrypt the windows-partition with truecrypt14:27
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: As in your nic only works after you set it to a certain mode?14:27
dev2jrib: I see.   I didn't think of it that way but that makes sense.  Thank you14:27
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, yes, it shows no signs of life right after boot14:27
Geethi. I was thinking of formating my pc and dual booting with win7 and ubuntu-gnome 13.04. I was wondering what will be the ideal partitioning of 640gb harddisk. I do play one or two games so reserving upto 100gb for win7. How should i divide the rest?14:27
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: OK, what mode are you setting it to and how?14:28
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, i set it to 10baseT-HD mode using mii-tool14:28
jribdev2: yeah, the same thing will happen with grep if you omit the "--color=always" (because it is "auto" instead of "always" by default on ubuntu)14:28
diverdudewhen i have terminal window open and several subwindows in that terminal, its really rally hard to see which window is active if i look at the tabs in the top of the window. Is there any way to show this more clearly - like changing font color of the title or something?14:29
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: Interesting. So it's not detecting the connection type correctly. Well I don't know off the top of my head the "correct" way to fix that, but you can add your mii-tool command that sets it correctly to /etc/profile to have it automatically run at boot.14:30
dev2jrib: now that I dig deeper I see that rspec actually has an option to force color when piping.  Wonderful!14:30
IronwaveWhen I try to install my windows file server14:30
ActionParsnipgeet: id make a 20Gb / with the same amout of swap space as you have RAM and a 30Gb /home. the rest set as a large NTFS partition so both OSes can share data.14:30
Ironwavepackage 'samba' is virtual14:31
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, that's what i need for workaround not to have to issue the command manually. What are the needed steps to do it?14:31
ActionParsnipgeet: windows accesses few file systems so you will need to accomodate its shortcomings14:31
ActionParsnip!info samba14:31
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.9-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 3993 kB, installed size 22367 kB14:31
IronwaveThen the instalation fail14:31
ActionParsnipironwave: samba isnt virtual. its a 4mb package of binaries14:32
IronwaveActionparsnip: tell that to my pc that give me the error14:32
Geet_ActionParsnip, is this possible- 100gb win7,30gb ubuntu root, 4gb swap, and the rest as /home?14:32
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: Just add the mii-tool command you're using to the file /etc/profile, at the end.14:33
ActionParsnipgeet: sure but files in /home will be inaccessibe in windows14:33
dev2diverdude: I think this was a reported issue.  I'm not sure but a newer version of gnome-terminal (not sure if thats what you're using) might fix it14:33
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, ok, i'll try it, thanks. but will it be issued before the interface is brought up?14:33
ActionParsnipironwave: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue14:33
diverdudedev2, mm i see...which version is it fixed in?14:34
Geet_ActionParsnip, does /home have to be ext type?14:34
IronwaveActionparsnip: shall I put thatinto the command prompt?14:34
dev2diverdude: I could easily be mistaken but I think the version that comes with U 12.04 fixes it...  not sure though14:34
ActionParsnipgeet: it cannot be ntfs, it needs to be a linux filesystem of some sort14:34
diverdudedev2, mmm im running 12.0414:35
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: That, I'm not sure of...14:35
ActionParsnipironwave: yes, what is output please?14:35
Geet_ActionParsnip, so there is no way windows can read/write to ext4?14:35
Geet_i mean linux file systems14:35
th0rGeet_: you might create a smaller /home, then create a fairly large ntfs partition. You can then map the folders in that ntfs parition (such as Pictures, Music, etc) as folders inside /home14:35
ActionParsnipgeet: this is why a shared ntfs partition storing all data is handy, although sharing ntfs using samba is far from painless14:35
Digital_PioneerAhh, he's already gone. Oops. Just realized profile is the wrong file. xP14:36
IronwaveActionparsnip: Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l14:36
ActionParsnipgeet: no, windows cannot read ext414:36
ActionParsnipironwave: ok, run: sudo apt-get install samba ,pastebin the output please14:36
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, it didn't help14:36
IronwaveActionparsnip: Thanks, Ill try14:37
ActionParsnipgeet: funny how ubuntu can write to ntfs despite it being proprietart and its detal hidden away, but windows cannot do anything with ext4 deapite its detail being fully available14:37
nabbletdisabled or last state, there is a button for wifi, but it does not react - it worked under windows14:37
IronwaveActionparsnip: Reading package lists... Done14:38
IronwaveBuilding dependency tree14:38
IronwaveReading state information... Done14:38
IronwavePackage samba is not available, but is referred to by another package.14:38
IronwaveThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or14:38
Ironwaveis only available from another source14:38
FloodBot1Ironwave: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
dev2diverdude: maybe something like this? http://harts.net/reece/2013/02/26/highlighting-the-active-tab-in-gnome-terminal/14:38
ActionParsnipironwave: didnt i say use a pastebin. i seem to remeber i did......14:38
nabblethi, my wireless is hardware switched off. enalbling it in bios not possivle (only options are last state or disabled) and the button does not work :(14:38
nabbletany ideas14:39
Geet_ActionParsnip, currently i have one ext4 partition of 20gb and windows can read from it. i m using something ext2 volume manager.. but don't have right access. but maybe that's because it's root partition.14:39
nabbletwireless worked under windows14:39
IronwaveActionparsnip: :-p Im new at this, dont know what paste bin is. Sorry14:39
DarkchaosIs there a package supporting apple macbook pad? And isn't +q channel operator? :D14:39
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: Yeah, sorry about that, /etc/profile isn't the right place to put that. My mistake. Put it in /etc/rc.local instead.14:39
ActionParsnipironwave: didnt think to ASK?14:39
Geet_th0r, but will sharing be possible of the ntfs drive from ubuntu?14:39
IronwaveActionparsnip: I thought its just a paste of the command lines. Sorry14:40
ActionParsnipgeet_: there may be 3rd party apps. a shared ntfs partition makes things easier between the two14:40
th0rGeet_: yes, you can store 'data' on the ntfs parition. Music files, photos, things like that14:40
ActionParsnipironwave: if you see something you are unsure of, ask. it makes things easier and you learn14:40
Geet_ActionParsnip, but as i said if i want to share movies. So will I have to login into windows at that time?14:41
th0rGeet_: linux can read and write to ntfs drives, but ntfs cannot support 'permissions' so what you can put on it is limited as far a linux is concerned.14:41
ActionParsnipironwave: ubottu gave a link, post your text there and hit paste. when the page changes copy the new address in the address bar and paste that in the channel14:41
IronwaveActionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5700395/14:41
ActionParsnipgeet_: i guess14:42
IronwaveActionparsnip: Like this?14:42
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev_: Did you get my last message? Your nick changed. :P14:42
ActionParsnipironwave: yes, see how you gave all that text and you didnt flood the channel14:42
vadimkolchev_Digital_Pioneer, no, sorry, I didn't14:42
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev_: You'll want to move that command from /etc/profile to /etc/rc.local -- I gave you the wrong file before, I'm sorry.14:42
ActionParsnipgeet_: you could share with a media streamer like plex or xbmc in ubuntu14:42
Norrini forgot; what is it called when the kernel is compiled for > 1 cpu  ?14:42
IronwaveI not too fimmiliar with ircs. Didnt know about flood.14:43
Digital_PioneerNorrin: smp?14:43
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
japroso uh, on the gnome desktop how is the stuff in the top right called? (date etc.)14:43
Digital_PioneerNorrin: NP. :)14:43
ActionParsnip!info samba14:43
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.9-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 3993 kB, installed size 22367 kB14:43
japrofor some reason on my desktop these thingies are gone and i'm at a loss what to search for14:43
ActionParsnipironwave: weird. its in the maon repo..14:43
Geet_th0r, I have another win xp desktop. so if i am using ubuntu, will the desktop have access to the files in the ntfs partition?14:44
IronwaveActionparsnip: info samba go to terminal?14:44
th0rGeet_: yes, the ntfs partition should show up like an additional drive in windows, like drive E: or some such14:44
=== Guest95753 is now known as baklazan
ActionParsnipironwave: you could manually download the deb from packages.ubuntu.com14:44
=== baklazan is now known as marahin
IronwaveActionparsnip: But if its allready there, as you say, will it help to d/l it again?14:45
ActionParsnipgeet_: xp is eol soon too. id think about upgrading it soon14:45
fellayaboyhey i have a radeon hd 4250 i tried to get the hardware driver but it doesnt work can someone help me..im using ubuntu 13.0414:45
ActionParsnipironwave: if what is already there14:45
Geet_ActionParsnip, i have non-media files also. I was thinking the following. win7 100gb, ubuntu 30gb, /home rest of the harrddisk. So can /home be shared over the network to a windows computer?14:46
ActionParsnipfellayboy: i believe you need the legacy fglrx ppa14:46
Fieldyfellayaboy: unfortunately ATI does a very poor job of supporting their cards on linux. it's the typical experience trying to use ATI with ATIs drivers in linux14:46
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, sorry, still nothing14:46
Geet_ActionParsnip, ya was planning to put win7 on that machine too. :)14:46
ActionParsnipgeet_: sure you can share folders with samba14:46
Fieldythere might be some sort of 3rd party / open driver somebody is aware of (I don't happen to know)14:46
fellayaboyi heard u can rollback somehow so u can get it14:46
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
Salamandertitsim trying to install a deb package and im getting this msg: dependency not satisfiable libglig2.0-0 (2.35.9)14:47
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: OK, so maybe it's bringing the interface up before running rc.local, causing the mode change to fail. I assume you are manually bringing the interface down before manually setting the mode?14:47
ActionParsnipfellayboy: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx14:47
Geet_ActionParsnip, and is it14:47
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, no, i just append needed mode and it works14:47
Salamandertitsthe package im trying to install is the intel drivers: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads14:48
ActionParsnipsalamanertits: then you need a deb or ppa for that to satisy deps14:48
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: Append it to what?14:48
Geet_ActionParsnip, and is it possible to install programs to /home?14:48
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, sorry, I just issue the command I need to change mode and do not do anything else14:48
ActionParsnipgeek_: not packaged ones no, manually installed ones may be installed in /home14:48
fellayaboythank u very much actionparsnip14:48
Salamandertitsany help pls?14:48
ActionParsnipgeet_: you dont select install folders like in windows.14:49
ActionParsnipsalamandertits: there is a gui for that. omgubuntu has a how to guide14:49
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: Interesting... And you're sure you really want 10BaseT? That's really old/slow.14:49
Geet_ActionParsnip, ya that's why. can the default path be changed?14:50
ActionParsnipdigital_pioneer: sometimes its needed14:50
ActionParsnipGeet_: not without repackaging, no14:50
Geet_ActionParsnip, anyway .. will 30gb be enough for ubuntu?14:50
ActionParsnipgeet_: sure. my / is only about 5Gb used14:50
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, it is the only mode that works, however the nic is rather new. This problem persist in linux and unix for years with the same line of nics and no-one cares, as far as i understand, they just buy a new nic, lol14:50
fellayaboynvidia would be the better optionfor linux support.. and basically the only correct14:50
IronwaveActionparsnip: Will this do? Package samba-common---------raring (net): common files used by both the Samba server and client-------------2:3.6.9-1ubuntu1: all14:51
anevanyone experiecing issues booting ubuntu iso in vmware?14:51
ActionParsnipironwave: shoukd be ok14:51
ActionParsnipanev: did you MD5 test it?14:51
Geet_ActionParsnip, what format for /home?14:51
IronwaveActionparsnip: ill quickly get it. Thanks.14:51
SalamandertitsActionParsnip: here it is:14:51
anevActionParsnip: yeah, correct md514:51
ActionParsnipanev: also ask in the vmware channel to14:51
anevActionParsnip: kk thanks14:52
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: OK, well that sucks, lol. I just wanted to be sure you know why you're using that mode. Also, have you tried using ethtool instead of mii-tool? mii-tool is very deprecated.14:52
ActionParsnipgeet_: ext4 is fast and reliable. its also used by default. i'd stick with that14:52
dominic_does someone tell me what does it mean : hello.c:9:1: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘~’ token14:52
vanishingdominic_: pastebinit?14:53
nabblethi, how can i turn on the bardware switch of my wifi? bios and some fn+fX key combinations were fuitle. there is no extra switch :(14:53
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, well, it was not present in live media so I had to figure out how to use mii-tool, but really in other distros I just disabled autonegotiation using ethtool14:53
vanishingpastebinit hello.c14:53
ActionParsnipnabblet: sudo rfkill unblock all14:53
dominic_#include <stdio.h>14:54
dominic_printf("Hello, world!\n");14:54
dominic_return 0;14:54
FloodBot1dominic_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
nabbletActionParsnip: didn't work14:54
Geet_ActionParsnip, and generally in windows I used to make separate partitions for movies games .. separate for software setups.. etc. I read somewhere this is a better approach for avoiding much fragmentation and avoids hard disk wear or something. so is that needed for ext4?14:54
nabbletActionParsnip: hard blcok still yes :(14:54
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: Yeah, I guess ethtool still isn't usually shipping. Dismal. :P Anyways, I found this page which might help you: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-add-ethtool-duplex-settings-permanent.html14:54
vadimkolchevDigital_Pioneer, ok, sorry, gtg. Thanks a lot for your help14:54
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: You'll want to skip down a ways to the Debian/Ubuntu section (the first part is for Red Hat)14:55
=== DocGroove is now known as DocGrooveAway
Salamandertitsthx for help14:55
Digital_Pioneervadimkolchev: OK, good luck. :)14:55
scalability-junkanyone has an idea how to setup dual boot with windows 7 and ubuntu 13.04? Did a fresh windows installation and still the windows installation is not recognized by the ubuntu installer :(14:55
ActionParsnipnabblet: do you dual boot the system?14:55
scalability-junksecure boot is off14:55
IronwaveActionparsnip: It says on the site, I should use something to download it with, like synaptic. I went to the synaptic link, but what do I use to download and install synaptic then if it should not be done directly from the site, if you please?14:55
Myrtti!pastebin | dominic_14:56
ubottudominic_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:56
ActionParsnipscalability: resize your NTFS in windows and chkdsk it, then try14:56
vanishingdominic_: try putting "int" in front of main14:56
ActionParsnipironwave: you can install debs in cli or via double click14:56
scalability-junkActionParsnip: ok so boot into windows do a resize of ntfs and chkdsk alright let's try that14:56
vanishingdominic_: and thats why i told you to use pastebinit14:56
betraydilesson #1 ^14:57
ActionParsnipdominuc_: or void before main:   void main(void)14:57
dominic_i didnt know what is was14:57
ActionParsnipscalability-junk: sure. windows can resize its own partitions14:58
dominic_i used pastebin14:59
OrpheonHello. I want to use libpng in a C project I'm making with codeblocks. Do I have to link it directly to the .so found somewhere in /usr, or is there a simpler method?14:59
k1l_dominic_: dont post that stuff in here. just show us the link from the pastebin15:00
Digital_PioneerOrpheon: Typically you'll want your build system (autotools, cmake, qmake, etc.) take care of that for you. Do you know what build system you're using?15:00
dominic_i did15:00
vanishingand pastebinit does that15:00
k1l_dominic_: no, you did paste the stuff in here. that is why you got muted15:00
OrpheonDigital_Pioneer, no, using whatever codeblocks set up for me by default15:00
vanishingdominic_: you pasted the whole main function here15:00
k1l_!paste | dominic_15:01
ubottudominic_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:01
dominic_ok i paste something in pastebin15:01
anevActionParsnip: hrm, booted up now but the dsektop hasn't appeared correctly nor can i do anything ;/15:02
Digital_PioneerOrpheon: OK, well I don't know what build system Code::Blocks uses by default, so you'll probably be best off just adding the .so file to CB's list of libraries to link against.15:03
=== Kurza` is now known as Kurza
Digital_PioneerOrpheon: Looks like you right click your project name->Build Options->Linker and add it to the Link Libraries list.15:04
scalability-junkActionParsnip: resized win parition did a ch... run and still the partitions and windows 7 is not recognized by ubuntu :(15:04
recursionhats off to platform idependent coders15:05
Digital_PioneerIf you don't know already.15:05
OrpheonDigital_Pioneer, yeah, I just have to find it15:05
Digital_PioneerOrpheon: Look file files like /usr/lib/libpng.so*15:06
Digital_PioneerLook for* files...15:06
ActionParsnipscalability-junk: that was quick. is it only a small partition?15:06
shanky_hi can someone help in ubuntu 12.04 unity 3d15:07
scalability-junknow 29gb15:07
scalability-junkwith the usual 100mb system partition15:07
scalability-junkand the rest is unallocated15:07
ActionParsnipscalability-junk: and you rebooted so the check could run?15:08
ActionParsnipshanky_: just ask15:08
scalability-junkrebooted twice, but let's try another run :)15:08
shanky_i have installed ubuntu 12.04 and having rendering problems in my hp pavilion g7-1260 us.Don't no what to do?15:09
dominic_i dont understand on to use pastebin15:09
k1l_dominic_: its like uploadeing a picture. put the text in it. press send. get a link. show the link in here15:10
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
scalability-junkActionParsnip: nope still nothing in the ubuntu installer15:11
scalability-junkanything I could try from the ubuntu live os?15:12
dominic_Paste from dominic at Sat, 25 May 2013 16:12:40 +010015:12
k1l_dominic_: we need the url15:13
ActionParsnipscalabity-junk: if you run: sudo fdisk -l ,do you see the partition?15:13
dominic_i dont see any15:13
betraydsomething tells me dominic should habg around  more often15:13
vanishingdominic_: press f6 in browser, press ctrl c15:13
betraydhang* ^15:13
vanishingand come back here, paste, enter15:13
ActionParsnipdominic_: the link is the new address in the address bar15:14
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scalability-junkActionParsnip: strange thing so is that I have 2 partitions (ntfs) showing up when doing fdisk -l15:15
scalability-junkin the live os15:15
ActionParsnipdominic_: change line 3 to: void main (void)15:15
scalability-junkbut it seems it doesn't matter to the installer :(15:15
ActionParsnipscalability: try mounting thr ntfs, then run the installer15:16
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
dominic_what void means15:16
vanishingActionParsnip: that wont work, he had return 0;15:16
vanishingdominic_: it means function return nothing15:16
ActionParsnipdominuc_: you can then remove the reurn value, you didnt even tell main you were returning a value15:17
ActionParsnipdominic_: if you want the return, use: int main (void)15:17
dominic_i try to learn on internet15:17
dominic_it is my first shot15:18
ActionParsnipdominic_: the void in the brackets are the arguments sent. main will usually take none but it can use some15:18
dominic_i just copy from the web15:18
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scalability-junkActionParsnip: both ntfs partitions mounted and installer still hates me :P15:18
ActionParsnipdominic_: id ask in a programming channel15:18
dominic_do you know a good channe;15:19
ActionParsnipdominic_: #programming ? too obvious?15:19
comodo_dragoni am looking for a software that edits scanned pdf  documents, to make them look legit. i.e. edit text, date  etc. your help is appreciated.15:20
=== Singh is now known as Guest40605
ActionParsnipcomodo_dragon: pdfedit15:20
vanishingcomodo_dragon: something shady huh? XD15:20
surfdaemon>look legit15:20
comodo_dragonactionparsnip thanks, i am gonna see it15:21
comodo_dragonany othe rsuggestions ?15:21
vanishingcomodo_dragon: whiteout...:D15:21
Phryqhey, when I try to install virtualbox I get a dependency error. I think I need to enable more repositories.15:21
Phryqanyone know how I can do that?15:22
shanky_nobody to help15:22
betrayd...and a good pokerface15:22
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vanishingbetrayd: thats essential15:23
betrayd'Yes Your Honor'15:24
scalability-junkanyone else has an idea why ubuntu doesn't recognize my windows 7 installation even when the 2 partitions are mounted and clearly showing up...15:24
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betraydmaybe its the win7 enccryption in effect, size indicate anything there?15:25
k1l_Phryq: show the error in a pastebin15:25
shanky_anybody has idea of what i asked?15:26
scalability-junkbetrayd: no encryption in place I mounted the partitions and have full access15:27
scalability-junkwill try with fixparts now...15:27
vanishingshanky_: whats your question?15:27
Phryqcan I rant for a minute about how frustrated I am with computers in general?15:28
shanky_i have installed ubuntu 12.04 and having rendering problems in my hp pavilion g7-1260 us.Don't no what to do?15:28
scalability-junkyippie fixparts has done it \o/15:30
scalability-junkwow why didn't I try that before erasing one full system and 2 half done ones :(15:30
PhryqI've been trying to update to 13.04 for a week, and finally decided to just back everything up and re-install, because my computer is so buggy. But it wouldn't boot from my flash drive, so after trouble shooting that I decided to just go with Windoze. I downloaded it, but my CD burner isn't working right. I really want to run virtualbox (which hasn't worked the past 3 days), and so I've given up on getting a new OS, but I still can't get virtualbox to work. I do15:31
Phryqn't want to spend my life fixing my PC, I have too many other things to do! And I know if I switch back to Windows it'll be just as bad or worse!15:31
zedoshello, I'm having trouble with my ppc ubuntu, when I plugin an usb drive it does not show up in fdisk -l, but it shows up in lsmod, also if I force mount I can have access to the drive15:31
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shanky_can somebody reply ?15:33
Ahmedohello , can i make my own linux distro based on ubuntu ?15:34
auronandaceAhmedo: you can but i'm not sure why you'd want to, also this channel is just for support issues (you won't get help with making distros here)15:36
zedoscan anyone help me?15:37
boraanyone having problems with google chrome?15:37
auronandacebora: chrome is a ppa, ppas are unsupported here15:38
boraI always get the error "your profile could not be opened correctly"15:38
borajust wondered if anyone ran into a similar problem15:38
vanishingbora: kill chrome and try again15:38
borathat does not work15:38
vanishingif that doesnt work, try renaming the profile folder and copy it back again15:39
vanishingbora: by kill, i mean kill everything chrome related15:39
zedoshello, I'm having trouble with my ppc ubuntu, when I plugin an usb drive it does not show up in fdisk -l, but it shows up in lsmod, also if I force mount I can have access to the drive15:39
vanishingdo a ps aux | grep chrome15:39
borakillall chrome?15:39
auronandace!ppc | zedos15:39
ubottuzedos: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ15:39
borarestarting the computer, uninstalling and reinstalling did not work15:39
Ahmedoauronandace , because i want to make my own tools , and use them anywahere everywhere , with any one to share with.15:40
NisstyreWhat is the most convenient way of managing sound levels on the commandline without using an ncurses-type app?15:40
recurrentppc, you're beating a dead horse and i have one15:40
vanishingbora: it is permission related problem15:40
vanishingbora: move the profile folder to another name15:40
vanishingand copy it back15:40
zedosi see, but i think this is not a PPC ubuntu related issue, i found several posts online with people that had the same problem, none of the solutions worked though15:40
auronandaceAhmedo: and why does that require you making a distro based on ubuntu?15:40
boranice tip, I will do that thanks15:41
Loki_Greetings. I would like to know, how can I set an icon theme in KDE from terminal?15:41
Ahmedoubuntu is the most stable linux distro for a user interface15:41
Loki_Ahmedo: Hardly.. (no offense)15:42
auronandaceAhmedo: whats that got to do with you making your own tools?15:42
Guest67110Hi, whats the name of the standart development packege ?ß I allways forget it15:42
Loki_Greetings. I would like to know, how can I set an icon theme in KDE from terminal?15:42
Ahmedoauronandace , reposotries , tools , tex15:42
gerhardHi, what does a greyout user mean in gnome-xchat?15:42
=== Guest67110 is now known as binBlob
Ahmedoauronandace , for my offices users.15:43
Loki_Anybody know how can I do it? I cannot install ubuntu tweak on kubuntu, right?15:43
auronandaceAhmedo: that makes no sense, if you want them to use the ubuntu repos then why don't they just use ubuntu?15:44
auronandaceAhmedo: why do you have to make a derivative?15:44
Ahmedoauronadace , i want them to use my own tools , and settings15:44
auronandaceAhmedo: why not just make whatever tools you need and package them for inclusion in the ubuntu repos?15:44
gerhardGuest67110, build-essential?15:47
linuxthefishhow the hell do i change my desktop background???15:47
recurrenthow do i test if i have installed ubuntu perfectly?15:48
binBlobgerhard: sounds like it, thanx15:48
auronandacerecurrent: does it boot?15:48
linuxthefishwait, apperance setting is back now...15:48
linuxthefishstupid buggd ubuntu15:48
recurrent<12.04 with Qt 4 running in Virtualbox15:49
shanky_i am having rendering problem on my machine having ubnutu 12.0415:49
binBlobrecurrent: there is no perfectly ... allways depends on what you need15:49
binBlobrecurrent: did you install the guest addons ? I have to do the same right now for kubuntu15:50
IronwaveHi, im trying to install synaptics. On ubuntu software centre, I get a message "Dependancy is not satisfieable"15:50
jenevhello everyone15:51
jenevI'm am having trouble connecting to my home network15:51
jenevI can connect to open networks but not my own15:51
binBlobjenev: wlan or cable connection ?15:52
IronwaveBoolean: Im trying to install synaptics. On ubuntu software centre, I get a message "Dependancy is not satisfieable" Could you help out maybe?15:52
recurrentbinBlob,  i tried guest addons , but not yet working15:52
jenevMy home network uses 64-bit WEP (and yes I know it is insecure but there are certain devices connected to it that can't use any other type of security)15:53
jenevbinBlob, wlan15:53
binBlobrecurrent: dont forget that you need to have build-essentials installed, in order to build the module15:53
jenevI have the dmesg output from connecting to an open network and one from connecting to my home network15:53
IronwaveActionparsnip: Im trying to install synaptics. On ubuntu software centre, I get a message "Dependancy is not satisfieable" Could you help out maybe?15:54
binBlobjenev: did you check what you wlan router is saying ? I configured my to accept only known mac-adresses, check that15:54
Guest40605hello guyzzzz...15:55
recurrentbinBlob,  guest addons is appearing to install, i suppose because of updating 12.0415:55
Guest40605any good text editor for ubuntu?15:55
Guest40605does gedit has the capability to write html, xml?15:56
vanishingsublime text15:56
binBlobkate ... but i think it needs kde15:56
vanishingGuest40605: any one of them has15:56
jbroomeGuest40605: since html and xml are plain text, yes gedit will do that15:56
k1l_!find editor15:56
ubottuFound: emacs23, emacs23-nox, emacs24, emacs24-nox, ledit, libgtkhtml-editor-4.0-0, libgtkhtml-editor-4.0-dev, libktexteditor4, nano, vim (and 58 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=editor&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all15:56
Nisstyrevanishing: is 70 dollars if you want to get rid of the annoying popup15:56
k1l_Guest40605: see the bot15:57
vanishingNisstyre: already done that..15:57
vanishingNisstyre: and i have to say, I don't regret it15:57
fathandsNisstyre: freedom is not really free.15:57
Nisstyrevanishing: I'm just going to learn how to use vim more effectively15:58
vanishingNisstyre: haha, you have to15:58
vanishingsublime text cannot replace vim15:58
fathandsvanishing: stop it now15:58
vanishingfathands: huh?15:59
FloodBot1shanky_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:59
k1l_lets put the editor-flamewar into the #ubuntu-offtopic channel :)15:59
shanky_ubuntu problem15:59
=== DocGroove is now known as DocGrooveAway
Nisstyrek1l_: what flamewar?16:00
NisstyreI think sublimetext is a nice editor, I just don't have 70 dollars to burn16:00
fathandsNisstyre: your off topic louse16:00
vanishingfathands: why did you call me a rat liar? o.o16:00
binBlobwell wy should one there are many nice editors16:00
k1l_fathands: calm down, please16:01
vanishinganything I say that is a lie?16:01
k1l_Nisstyre: yes, but that is where it usually ends. so lets skip that part :)16:01
fathandsvanishing: your off topic to lose16:01
recurrentwhat you have just said is true16:01
fathandsvanishing: your off topic to louse16:01
vanishingfathands: but am I lying?16:01
OerHeksguys lets move on with support or join #ubuntu-offtopic16:01
shanky_no one reply's ...asking very late16:02
vanishingshanky_: sry, have been scrolling up, but didnt see your question16:02
recurrentcase of the help me no subject question16:03
OerHeksshanky_, we are hungry for details, please.16:03
=== akshay_ is now known as akshay_r
shanky_my laptop installed ubuntu 12.04 having rendering problem...sometimes become unstable16:03
vanishingits kinda vague as a question16:04
vanishingbut general direction would be graphic driver, compiz, etc16:04
binBlobwhat graphics card do you have ? which drivers ? What rendering problem do you see .... ?16:05
shanky_intel sandy bridge16:05
shanky_most of time it hangs and then screen displays wierdly16:06
vanishingshanky_: anything intel related in logs?16:07
binBlobyust out of nowhere ?16:07
binBlobif it hands something might eat up your cpu power16:07
shanky_sorry but can i get to see those logs16:08
shanky_ubuntu 2d is working perfectly but not 3d16:08
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PrintsHi , im new, noob to linux based OSs, i do have a version of ubuntu on a flash drive. Yet hesitant to proceed, having my foot in the door but afraid to open it, more or less.16:11
binBlobPrints: try the live system16:11
Printsi have a relative with kubuntu on his comp he inherited from a former veterinarian hospital, would like to be able to help him.16:11
purplerainshanky_: i guess your graphic card is cool enough to run Unity, are you upgrading the kernel to 3.5? cuz i used to have similar problem since upgrading to kernel 3.516:11
PrintsbinBlob live system?16:11
vanishingPrints: any reason keeping you from linux?16:12
Printsive been an irc user since 1996, ready to move away from ms16:12
binBlobPrints: yes most distros offer a live system that can be booted without changing anything on your computer16:12
betraydthen you can leave/quit and your pc remains 'untouched' -- nothing installed16:12
k1l_Prints: just ask a specific question :)16:13
Printsah okay, hmm16:13
shanky_no its -pae16:13
recurrentwe can speculate all day16:13
Printsany specific live system suggested for a newbie like myself? so many distros out there, i get confused then hesitate to a halt.16:14
vanishingPrints: you are in #ubuntu right? ;)16:14
purplerainwell you ask in #Ubuntu people most likely will recommend Ubuntu16:14
Printsim working with 2gb ram on a laptop, with about 100gb storage, dual core.16:14
jenevbinBlob, sorry for the late reply16:15
jenevbut that's not the issue (with accepting know MAC addresses)16:15
betraydPrints once you're familiar with how live Cd or liveUSB systems work, you can try out the other ones16:15
jenevbecause the adapter works fine on windows16:15
=== qos is now known as qos|away
jenevalso these are the dmesg outputs16:15
Printsthought perhaps my system stats might have bearing on what i need to do.16:16
jenevhome network --> http://pastebin.com/3KaST8TA16:16
Printstaking notes16:16
auronandacePrints: a vm is a perfect testing ground16:16
jenevsorry that should be...16:16
jenevopen network --> http://pastebin.com/3KaST8TA16:16
jenevhome network --> http://pastebin.com/pNayUxNF16:16
jenevas you can see for the home network, this line is present...16:17
jenevcfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: US16:17
njalkPrints I'm running Ubuntu on a laptop with similar specs, works like a charm16:17
jenevwhereas it isn't present in the connection to the open network16:17
Printsnice, would like to get there myself, i have xubuntu on my thumb/flash drive16:18
jenevand it's after that line that everything goes south and seems to keep looping over the same process16:18
vanishingPrints: thats a smart choice16:18
njalkif you have it on your flash drive you could just put the flashdrive in you computer and reboot, it should start up xubuntu so you could test it16:19
recurrentjust installed ubuntu 12.04 Qt 4 IDE , Xchat on virtual box on windows 7, very pleased16:20
Printsive got computer issues in general, running windows, just started to clean up some issues because i started playing swtor, was lagging so bad, had this newer laptop since november, started to clean it, and it's ending up like doing a biopsy on a cancer16:20
Printsi pricked the cancer in the comp, now its spreading viral like spider cancer, so many issues im getting im about going nuts.16:20
rypervenchePrints: On the Windows side?16:20
Printsrypervenche thats all ive been used to since i got on the net, ms windows, from win 3.11 to win 8 im using now16:21
no_gravityGood Evening! Can I put multiple different ubuntu installers on one usb stick? By putting each in one partition and then setting the bootable flag in one of them via gparted or so?16:22
Printsso how should i start?16:23
Printsi just plugged my usb in and got an error message something was wrong with it.16:23
binBlobno_gravity: try yummi16:24
Printssupposedly defrag runs in the background continually on win8, i dont even have a start button. im so ticked at ms and these issues im ready to dump ms windows altogether for doing anything online.16:24
binBlobno_gravity: its only for win though, try wine if you haven't one16:24
Printsi prefer having more control over defrag, scan disk , disk clean. to choose when it should run.16:25
recurrentlol, i been using windows since 3.1 and never paid for it16:26
no_gravitybinBlob: whats yummi?16:26
Printsrecurrent all my windows OSs came with the computers i purchased, always came with a backup OS cd till this laptop i got last november with win 816:26
binBlobno_gravity: a programm that lets you install multiple bootable isos on a usbstick16:27
recurrentwe can thank windows for stifling creativity for how many years?16:28
no_gravitybinBlob: theres no way using linux?16:28
no_gravitybinBlob: what about the bootable flag of partitions? doesnt it work anymore these days?16:28
Printsrecurrent windows has taken more and more power away from the home user with each new OS they produce.16:28
binBlobno_gravity: dunno about that16:28
betraydbinBlob: it doesn't do what you think it does16:29
yeehiWhat is an easy way to automatically back up bookmarks/extensions used in Firefox? Is there something better than FEBE?16:29
binBlobbetrayd: ?16:29
rypervenchePrints: Are you tryingto install Linux or fix your Windows machine?16:29
Printsive got a copy of windows media player i got with win 3.11 that had a wav editor, i recorded my landlords voice when she was on the phone, and edited her speech to make it sound like something she never said16:30
tonesyeehi, >export bookmarks, saved as an html file, put them on a usb thumb drive16:30
OerHeksPrints stop the rant please, and keep it to ubuntu support questions16:30
harriscan i have a different ip address for every user16:30
yeehiThanks, tones... can i do that for extensions, too?16:30
Printsrypervenche well both eventually, but since windows is being such a pain i figured id look into linux based OSs, considering even dumping windows entirely from this laptop16:31
tonesyeehi, not sure about extensions, I think that is what febe is for16:31
Printsstarting to learn xubuntu is why im here actually16:31
OerHeksharris, sure, any pc in your network should have an own ip adress16:32
harrisno same computer16:32
Printsi feel unsecure about dual booting not really knowing anything about it.16:32
=== brad` is now known as brad
harrisOerHeks, on same compouter16:33
Printslacking instruction is my issue i guess, missing process sheet more or less.16:33
recurrenti say run it in virtual box until you are comfortable16:33
Printswait someone did give me instruction... let me look at my notes..16:33
OerHeksharris you can disable the DHCP ip offered, and program a hard ip within the iprange of your router.16:34
betraydPrints I wouldn't call it dualbooting unless it's already installed on the PC16:34
Neikiusany way to get kde on ubuntu?16:34
OerHeksNeikius, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and change desktop @ login16:35
vanishingNeikius: !kde16:35
vanishing!kde | Neikius16:35
ubottuNeikius: KDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.16:35
recurrentyou dont get multiple ips for free, they would most likely allocated by your isp16:35
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Neikiusah stupid me, I tried a while ago but since have added other repos thats why it didnt work before, thanks16:35
Neikiusother sources I mean16:36
OerHeksNeikius, have fun16:36
Neikiusgot the impression it was removed or something XD16:37
vanishingNeikius: haha...thats highly unlikely as of now16:37
Neikiusjust btw, you need universe for this? I remember not having it before and apt-get kubuntu-desktop doing "package not found or removed"16:37
Neikiusvanishing: really? some significant developement regarding desktops?16:38
Neikiusi am totally out of touch regarding linux desktops...16:38
Neikiusbut I managed to solve that zfs +grub problem I was asking about hours earlier16:38
vanishingNeikius: nope, but remove kde from official repo is..well16:38
vanishinglets just say its like getting rid of gnome.16:39
Printshmmm... incomplete notes on starting up first time ever trying dual booting with xubuntu on flash drive... is there a web page i can use as a process sheet , recommendable?16:39
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
vanishingPrints: incomplete notes?16:39
tonesPrints, you could always get an old p4 off of craigslst16:39
tonesor a dual core dimension for like $5016:40
tonespentium 416:40
Neikiusvanishing: yea, still, had to add some apt sources before I could get it, since I was doing some manual voodoo... the ordinary desktop was in there tho16:40
tonesdell dimension that is16:40
Printswell i have spare computers older, but they are a 5 hour drive away to hometown, and my car wont start.16:40
Neikiusanyway missing device.map is the answer to my question hours ago...16:40
recurrentPrints,  install Virtual box , alot easier to unwind than dual booting16:41
RarrikinsWhat's the command to upgrade to 13.04?16:42
Printsrecurrent i have Virtual box already, but havent proceded beyond that16:42
Neikiusbut it upgrades only 1 version16:42
Parsii'm screwed up16:42
diverdudedev2, thanks :)16:42
Parsiwindows partition is damaged16:42
RarrikinsNeikius: Thanks.16:42
Parsihow can i fix it?16:42
Printsill brb going to try to start my car, might just be condensation in fuel line from sitting all winter16:43
Parsigpared put an exclumation mark on it16:43
=== Prints is now known as Prints-{A}-brb
NeikiusRarrikins: which version are you on? if you are on 12.04 lts you will have to do do-release-upgrade -d I think and then again when you are at 12.1016:43
OerHeks-d = development versioen 13.10, you don't want that, so "sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade"16:44
dev2diverdude: did it help?16:46
recurrenti can recently confire after clean install of 12.04 should do the huge release upgrade before anything else16:49
=== Wug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
Parsimy windows partition is damaged http://inspic.com/DDA281A8 (gpared screenshot) how can i fix it?16:51
Parsiusing syslinux to repair MBR damaged it16:51
recurrentwindows 7 disk partition tool is diskpart16:52
vanishingplatius: testdisk is pretty good i heard16:52
daftykinsParsi: sda6 is a windows install? which windows?16:53
RarrikinsNeikius: I'm on Lubuntu 12.10.16:53
ParsiDeftysins: yes, win716:53
esingDo you also have this error "two or more packages specified (librxtx-java maverick-backports)" on this url: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick-backports/librxtx-java16:54
vanishingParsi: wrong ping..lol..anyways try testdisk16:54
Parsidaftykins: any chance to back it to life? :/16:54
daftykinsParsi: hrmm, i take it the livecd has no idea what to do with it?16:55
Parsidaftykins: http://inspic.com/A7367319 now on testdisk16:56
daftykinsParsi: is this a mac?16:56
daftykinsyet more confusion to the mix >_<16:57
Parsii'm trying to triple boot16:57
daftykinsdid you have some data you need in the windows 7 install?16:57
otakesing: I don't think maverick is supported anymore16:57
Parsiafter using syslinux it's not accessible anymore :(16:57
daftykinsParsi: how do you mean 'using syslinux' ?16:58
esingotak, Thanks, so I  try to find the backports for  the packages in 13.0416:58
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Parsisomething like this syslinux if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda16:59
Parsisudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda616:59
Parsiexactly this16:59
c00bi have a trouble with my instalation with my ubuntu, hang up on adding an user, bar stands up and nothing, any idea to rush instalation?16:59
rgrinberghow to run the ubuntu startup disk creator from the command line?16:59
daftykinsParsi: oh dear, that told it to write the mbr boot able of syslinux to the windows partition17:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:01
c00bi have a trouble with my instalation with my ubuntu, hang up on adding an user, bar stands up and nothing, any idea to rush instalation?17:01
daftykinsechoe_: what was that in aid of?17:01
echoe_[sorry, forgot if it had a _ or - and wanted to find it]17:01
echoe_so it was in aid of me forgetting the name of channels!17:02
daftykinsah ok17:02
echoe_c00b, I believe you should be able to add a user through the CLI with useradd? could help17:02
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
c00bbut i worry about i should interrupt my whole instalation ;(17:04
c00bi working on live cd now17:04
c00bon asus ee pc17:04
daftykinsParsi: can you tell me how big /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin is?17:05
c00bI waiting a long time and I dont want wait again17:05
Parsidaftykins: 440 bytes17:06
deezedhey guys! I'm trying to backup an ubuntu's home folder of the other ubuntu distro that I have installed here, but if I try to copy it with nautilus, I receive a msg saying "can't copy special file". Do u know what can I do to copy everything properly?17:07
c00bok I try, bye17:07
daftykinsParsi: if i were you i would 'dd' sda6 into an image file on a spare hard disk if you have one17:07
daftykinsParsi: i think you might need to use data recovery on that partition to try and recover your data :(17:07
Parsiwhy daftykins:-s?17:08
daftykinsParsi: i think writing over the start of the windows partition has stopped it looking like a normal NTFS partition, so it might not work again17:08
=== vanishing is now known as NotMe
karthikcan anybody help me setting up my apache and executing perl and php programs in it17:09
=== NotMe is now known as vanishing
Profeaktihey one cuestion  i recently install ubuntu and install all my software from ubuntu soft center no have any strange app and is  clean instal i see some users recomendsinstall  rkhunter and when i said rk hunter check  send me two warnings i am worried and new here and dont speak english because that i reserch in google and dont understnd if it a false positive or not17:10
Profeaktithe warnings are /usr/bin/unhide.rb [WARNING]17:10
Profeaktichecking for hidden file directories [WARNING]17:10
daftykinskarthik: there are loads of free guides online for that kind of thing17:10
tipoxhow would i remove with apt-get --purge y ?17:11
daftykinsProfeakti: where are you from? there are language specific help channels17:11
ChrisSc1hi all17:11
tipoxremoving mysql, that is and all its componets to redo the installation?17:11
ChrisSc1I'm tryinig to install my pci-e serial card17:11
daftykinstipox: apt-get remove packagename --purge17:11
ChrisSc1lspci detects it as  Serial controller: NetMos Technology PCIe 9901 Multi-I/O Controller17:11
Profeaktifro mexico but in spanish chanel they dont say me if are a fp or not and in the english forum s are too complicated to me17:12
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
ChrisSc1but i cannot find, nor load the serial module17:12
vanishingdaftykins: hmm..i usually use apt-get purge17:12
Parsii've tried win7 installation disk, even it cannot access that partition17:12
vanishingim too lazy..17:12
daftykinsvanishing: same thing probably17:13
tipoxdaftykins: how would i make that command to remove all of mysql ?17:13
ChrisSc1can anybody advise me on what to do?17:13
vanishingapt-get purge mysql* probably17:13
tipoxmysql-server mysql-client mysql-common etc..17:13
vanishingbut dont run it just yet17:13
vanishingim not too sure17:13
WeThePeopledoes a libfontconfig1 >=2.9.0 even exist?17:13
daftykinstipox: depends the name of package you installed, mysql-server maybe, or what vanishing said17:13
daftykinsParsi: yeah i expect it can't identify it as being windows formatted anymore :(17:13
tipoxmysql-server mysql-client mysql-common etc..17:13
Voii installed 13.04 and it freezes on about every 3rd boot _after_ it completely started up on first program start17:14
tipoxapt-get -y purge mysql*17:15
tipoxwould that remove all?17:15
Parsidaftykins: no way to fix it?17:15
vanishingi suggest never use -y17:15
Profeaktido you know if those warnings are drangerous?17:16
daftykinsParsi: i can't think of anything. so i'd take a backup image of the partition ASAP, then try some data recovery programs17:16
vanishingParsi: im wondering have you listened to my advise17:16
vanishingon using testdisk17:16
otakesing: iirc maverick was 10.10 so lucid aka 10.04 might work17:16
daftykinsvanishing: he linked to the output of it http://inspic.com/A736731917:17
peepsaloti'm getting an error when running apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/5700885/17:17
vanishingi remember an article17:17
vanishingbut can't find the link now17:17
vanishinggoogle recover partition testdisk17:18
tipoxwhen removing, it showed.17:18
tipoxdpkg: warning: while removing mysql-common, directory '/etc/mysql' not empty so not removed.17:18
tipoxAction 'configtest' failed.17:18
tipoxThe Apache error log may have more information.17:18
tipoxYour apache2 configuration is broken, so we're not restarting it for you.17:18
vanishingtipox: you can ignore the apache note i think17:19
tipoxvanishing do you perform, help through teamviewer sir?17:19
vanishingtipox: run sudo apt-get -f install17:19
vanishingsee if there are any problem17:20
Parsivanishing: which advice?17:20
otakpeepsalot: weird, i get a gpg key from that address, do you have a dns problem?17:20
tipoxvanishing: which would that command perform though?17:20
vanishingParsi: oh...daftkins already showed me the output17:20
peepsalototak, don't think so.  i can ping archive.canonical.com anyways17:20
vanishingtipox: a tip: apt-get --help | grep "-f"17:21
vanishingtipox: a tip: apt-get --help | grep "\-f"17:21
vanishing^ correction17:21
tipoxim logged in as root17:22
tipoxso do i need sudo?17:22
tipoxroot@irc:/etc/apache2# apt-get --help | grep "\-f"17:22
tipox  -f  Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place17:22
vanishingthe command is for find out what apt-get -f install means17:22
tipoxwhat was the command, to run to check make sure again and sorry for my english17:22
vanishingtipox: sudo apt-get -f install17:23
tipoxill pastebin, to you17:23
tipoxvanishing: http://pastebin.com/tiC3UJ5517:24
vanishingtipox: seems fine17:24
dobs2anyone here a network specialist or something close to that? I'm having the stranges network troubles. I'll just describe it and if someone feels like it, just respond ;)17:25
WeThePeoplesupport for ubuntu>>> http://pkgs.org/17:25
peepsalototak, i changed dns to and it works now *shrug*17:27
Alocerty for the website it seems gr8 @WeThePeople17:27
recurrentmakes you wonder who's running the local dns17:28
=== Prints-{A}-brb is now known as Prints
rts1hi there17:29
dobs2i'm currently trying to find out why my windows machines lose their connection for 1-5 seconds every 10-60 minutes, while linux machines dont (same hardware 2 os, loses connection on win, doesnt on linux)17:29
dobs2might not be something directly linux/ubuntu related though17:30
th0rdobs2: windows doesn't work, linux does. Do you want us to tell you how to break linux?17:30
TheLordOfTimedobs2:  if you want windows help try ##windows17:31
TheLordOfTimeor call a technician17:31
dobs2well i'm using a ubuntu machine as router17:31
TheLordOfTimedobs2:  this channel is Ubuntu support17:31
TheLordOfTimenot "Windows Network Diagnostics"17:31
rts1I need help whit ubuntu17:31
Alocerdobs2: there is nothing wrong with the router (Linux) its a windows wrong thing -- windows is always wrong --17:32
PrintsDoes anyone have an idea of what dual booting hotkey might be on an hp laptop?17:32
Alocerdobs2: there is sth else i m thinking .. internet speed in linux is always more than windows when you are  on Lan instead of Wlan ...17:33
Printsbbs im going to reboot until i find which is the hotkey17:34
fathandsAlocer: same speed17:34
dobs2well my problem is to find a point at where to start looking. I guess it's most likely a windows problem anyways. but it might as well be a problem which is on the side of windows but can be fixed by something on the side of the router17:34
dobs2i've been googling for 2 days now17:35
Alocerdobs2: Wlan or Lan ?17:35
dobs2i only lose the inet connection, not the lan connection17:35
Alocerdobs2: both are connected to internet ?17:35
Alocerdobs2: what about the connection between these two .. swith ? any device ?17:36
th0rdobs2: I seem to recall something about windows not picking up the dns addresses correctly. try defining static dns in your windows box17:36
dobs2modem => switch => switch => router => back to switch => pc  (not ideal but dont have enough network cables atm)17:36
dobs2will try setting it to static17:36
th0rdobs2: not the ip...just the dns addresses17:37
dobs2yep i know17:37
dobs2or "i read that correctly" ;)17:37
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dobs2hmm i actually already set the dns server to static17:37
joelwallisHi. My Bash isn't autocompleting the service names anymore. What can be causing this?17:37
dobs2so that shouldnt be a problem17:38
Neikiushm where would be the entrypoint for boot scripts in initrd?17:38
joelwallisWhen I type "service ph" and press TAB I expect the terminal autocomplete it to "service php5-fpm" but it doesn't happen, nor for any other service name.17:38
dobs2joe => http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/28/turn-on-bash-smart-completion/ this?17:39
=== pc_magas is now known as Mitsotakis
Neikiusmaybe any idea why I cannot login in gdm? i try to login and all I get is login prompt again and no error17:41
joelwallisdobs2, ill take a look on that. im using 12.04 and this post if from 2006. do you know if there are many changes in bash from there?17:43
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dobs2most likely none when it comes to that17:43
dobs2but i'm no super expert either17:43
dobs2also apparently disabling ipv6 on your windows machine is a possible fix for dropping the internet connection from time to time.17:44
joelwalliswow! it works only when im like root in the server! when im like my user it works. i'll search about that.17:46
joelwallisthanks dobs2 for that link17:46
dobs2copy your /home/user to /root/bash.bashrc17:46
joelwallisits not explicited in that post but I remembered of another post that told something about this17:46
dobs2your /home/user/bash.bashrc17:46
Vraaghetmaarhow do i install an tar.gz file?17:47
joelwallisill read the file before it.17:47
joelwallisVraaghetmaar, you can download the file with wget and extract it with tar17:47
dobs2well the .bashrc is a config file for your shell, just copy it to the root folder so it will also get that17:47
daftykinsVraaghetmaar: first you want to be 100% sure that the only way you can get what you're installing is through having downloaded that tar.gz17:47
joelwallistar xzf file-name.tar.gz17:47
=== allen is now known as Guest81762
joelwallisdobs2, yeah but if root doesn't contain the user like .bashrc file should be a reason there, so ill read about. hehehe im one of these type of pragmatic users who like to understand each aspect of OS17:48
BafalUngosois de españa no?17:49
Guest81762really dumb question; how do I do the pipe in terminal?17:49
dobs2on what keyboard?17:49
BafalUngoim from spain17:49
daftykinsdepends what keyboard layout you have17:49
dobs2if it's german its alt gr + <17:49
daftykinsmines next to the left shift, using shift: |17:49
daftykins(UK layout)17:49
daftykins!es | BafalUngo17:50
ubottuBafalUngo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:50
Guest81762just using english qwerty17:50
dobs2uk keyboard should also be (alt gr) + the key next to Lshift17:50
daftykinsGuest81762: what i said then, if the keyboard is UK17:50
daftykinsdobs2: lol alt+gr doesn't do it on UK17:50
daftykinsit's just shift + it17:50
dobs2alt gr is the right alt17:51
=== Inoperable is now known as Inoperabled
ronaldsI have once upgraded to raring17:52
ronaldscan I do it with changing source list17:53
ronaldsjust changing precise with raring in file, and it will upgrade all packages to raring17:53
auronandaceronalds: it is not supported to upgrade from precise to raring directly17:54
daftykinsronalds: no, you can't go direct from 120.04 to 13.04, you tend to have to go via versions between, so 12.10 first17:54
auronandace!upgrade | ronalds17:54
ubotturonalds: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:54
modernI have a problem with cpu speed. For whatever reason no matter what I have tried my overclock doesn't show up. I have tried to disable ondemand and all the power states are disabled in bios. I tried to load up a indicators-cpufreq and it crashes.. anyone know how to fix this17:54
betraydNeikius wrong user ID or password17:54
daftykinsronalds: upgrade to quantal, then to raring17:54
ronaldsbut I have done upgrade from 12.04 to 13.04 directly once17:54
voidUbuntu allows upgrade from 12.04 to 13.0417:55
ronaldssupported or not, I didn't loose anything17:55
Guest81762alt gr does not make the pipe.17:55
Neikiusbetrayd: nah but I just figured it out, very stupid of me - wrong home folder permissions ... no errors anywhere t ho :)17:55
dobs2you nee to press that + the key next to LShift17:55
voidit also upgrades packages wherever possible17:55
daftykinsGuest81762: shift. and. the. key. next. to. it. (the slash one)17:55
dobs2or LShift + the key next to it (as daftykins said)17:55
betraydNeikius good, i think logins disabled other cues for security reasons, glas you figures that one out though17:56
betraydglad* ^17:56
starbuck33hi guys, how can i get the xchat icon back into systray in 13.04?17:57
ronaldsdon't know, using quassel17:58
th0rstarbuck33: Settings - Preferences - Chatting - Alerts in xchat17:59
=== sammy is now known as Guest5661
Guest81762no go. am on a dell laptop and tried all keys; shift, fn, alt. nada.18:01
th0rGuest81762: what is shift-backslash?18:02
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starbuck33th0r: it's activated there but it doesn't show in the systray, just in that little envelope... but the envelope doenst work, every time i want to maximize xchat it starts a new session18:02
Neikiusbetrayd: yea ty anyway :)18:02
Guest81762its the ?18:02
th0rstarbuck33: then they broke it in 13.04, it works in my LTS18:02
Guest81762fn + / will make +18:02
th0rGuest81762: backslash, not forward slash18:03
Guest81762thats it! thanks18:03
Neikiusnow just gotta figure out why I get kernel panic on normal boot, but if I break the boot sequence and drop to initramfs, then do zfs import manually it works ok18:03
betraydits called slash btw not forward slash18:05
th0rbetrayd: is that another rule of the church of ubuntu?18:05
betraydthems just 'guidelines' but 'backslash' is correct18:07
rypervenchelol, oh god, the Church of Ubuntu...18:08
Parsiwho knows why testdisk shows many partitions? http://inspic.com/C3E5739518:09
betrayd...that despises root as a login...18:09
th0rrypervenche: I find after 30 years playing with linux that ubuntu is attempting to redefine a lot of things....becoming something of a religion with the new kids18:10
rypervencheth0r: One reason I don't use Ubuntu :P18:11
Parsith0r: have you used testdisk?18:11
th0rrypervenche: I am using xubuntu at the moment, but will not use it in the future18:11
th0rParsi: no, and if you ask I am pretty sure you have fried your windows partition with the dd command you issued18:12
Parsiyes :/18:12
vadimkolchevhi all. how can I permanently turn off autonegotiation for my nic?18:12
Parsivadimkolchev: ask #freenode18:13
theishiI have laptop and after installing a program and rebooting, my keyboard and mouse stopped functioning. When I switch to another screen ctrl-alt-F1 they work fine, otherwise I need to plug in another keyboard to use my machine18:13
theishiIf I leave the keyboard plugged in when booting, both the onboard keyboard and external one do not function... not sure what needs to be done18:13
th0rtheishi: you have considered the obvious...uninstall the program that broke it?18:14
theishith0r: sorry. Did that already18:14
betraydtheishi was it a game18:14
theishibetrayd: qt-bitcoin, no not a game18:14
vadimkolchevhi all. how can I permanently set autonegotiation off for my nic?18:15
th0rtheishi: did  you install from a deb or from a tar.gz?18:16
theishith0r: I used apt-get to install. I needed to add a new repo18:18
th0rtheishi: I would expect if it installed new modules they would be removed and the old ones reinstalled by apt-get.18:19
th0rtheishi: but that is something worth maybe pursuing18:19
th0rtheishi: a way to check that. boot into an older kernel...hold the sift key while booting and choose an older kernel...should use the modules for that kernel18:20
theishith0r: i uninstalled it and rebooted, so the first idea didn't work. Trying an older kernel is a good idea18:20
theishii will be back18:21
CarlFKhow do I find what package provides libusb.h ?18:21
SomelauwCan evince read ebooks with drm?18:21
Somelauwor poppler?18:21
jribCarlFK: if you already have libusb.h, use dpkg -S; otherwise use apt-file, ubottu, or http://packages.ubuntu.com18:21
th0rSomelauw: I don't believe so18:21
CarlFKI expected http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libusb-dev but I don't see it in http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/libusb-dev/filelist18:22
jrib!find libusb.h18:23
rts1the sound of my laptop its not working if i plug something on the headphones I hear noise18:23
ubottuFile libusb.h found in apcupsd-doc, libusb-1.0-0-dev, mrpt-doc18:23
CarlFKjrib: got it.. apt-file search libusb.h  ... libusb-1.0-0-dev: /usr/include/libusb-1.0/libusb.h18:23
CarlFK 18:23
=== aaparic is now known as rocket000
Parsihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5701122/ what's wrong with sda6?18:26
th0rParsi: you did a dd onto that partition, right?18:27
Parsiyes th0r18:27
theishiNo dice, I rebooted to an older kernel and no luck18:27
Parsith0r: screwed up?18:27
th0rParsi: then you fried the tables. The data is still there, a recovery expert can probably get most of it, for a price. But I don't think there is any way to repair it18:27
Parsireally? cannot repair the table?18:28
th0rParsi: what table?18:28
goddardwhats the best way to install the AMD/ATI video card drivers?18:28
Parsithat tables you mentioned18:29
th0rParsi: there used to be allocation tables, but not any more. Can't repair what isn't there18:29
daftykinsth0r: it was only a 440 byte DD though, i was 'helping' before, he needs a data recovery app right?18:29
daftykinsth0r: maybe even 'dd' the partition to an external disk18:29
th0rdaftykins: good luck18:29
daftykinsth0r: yeah that's what i thought!18:30
Parsino chance then?18:30
Parsigod damn it :/ i think i have a backup for about a week ago18:31
Parsiof windows partition18:31
Parsibefore dd it told me 'no bootable device"18:31
goddardwhats the best way to install the AMD/ATI video card drivers?18:31
Parsiwas it fixable?18:31
daftykinsParsi: multiboot on macs tends to be nasty18:33
subz3r0does anyone have the same issue with virtualbox 4.2 when installing a new kernel on the system? it complains  that no kernel modul is installed. all the time i have to " sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" to fix this issue18:33
subz3r0also it tells me that there is no dkms.conf file. but there are several dkms.conf files on my system...18:33
th0rsubz3r0: old info, but used to need to install build-essential and dkms before installing vbox to ubuntu18:34
pierrevrHi, how can I see the boot messages instead of the splash screen with the Ubuntu lice-cd ?18:34
subz3r0th0r: it is already installed18:34
th0rsubz3r0: just caught it...you installed a new kernel. Probably need to run that command to install the module for the new kernel18:36
th0rsubz3r0: unless ubuntu has changed the game, kernel and modules are a set18:36
subz3r0th0r: yes indeed. thats what i did. but i have this behaviour for the last 3-5 kernels i think. before that i had no problems at all. everything worked out of the box18:36
th0rsubz3r0: do you have to repeatedly run that command, or just once for each new kernel?18:38
subz3r0th0r: so what i did for testing was: deinstalling vbox, reinstall it. and i got this dkms.conf file error again. it wasnt able to locate the correct dkms.conf file. same issue when i used this command "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"18:39
subz3r0th0r: everytime when a new kernel was installed18:39
subz3r0th0r: got the last line ive posted?18:42
MagicarpI built my first PC yesterday with a gigabyte MB. It can boot windows via USB but not ubuntu. I only just realised it's probably because of the UEFI. What do I have to disable in the UEFI to boot Ubuntu?18:43
malimbardid 13.04 get rid of the irc compatibility in empathy?18:43
vadimkolchevhi all. how can I permanently set autonegotiation off for my nic?18:44
malimbarI couldn't figur eit out, had to use xchat18:44
subz3r0!uefi | Magicarp18:44
ubottuMagicarp: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:44
Printssome were mentioning running a live version of ubuntu?  - for the past decade ive been at step one (interest in linux based OSs) and never made it beyond that... wanted : 'process sheet' (step by step instructions page)18:45
bazhang!manual | Prints18:45
ubottuPrints: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:45
origami1966Good afternoon, everyone!  Is there anyone that can help me with a misbehaving Hardy system?  On reboot, it has dropped me to a BusyBox prompt, somewhere I've never been before.18:45
CyLHi, my wifi hotkey is not working, I'm getting the message "Use 'setkeycodes 63 <keycode>' to make it known." whenever I press it. What is the correct <keycode> to make it work in Ubuntu?18:46
Printsty bazhang18:46
Geetcan a dual boot system be hibernated?18:46
subz3r0Geet: yes18:46
Geetsubz3r0, in win7 there is no option but for hibernate.. before dual boot there used to be one.18:47
juliohi there, why is my ubuntu 13.04 getting so slow sometimes? I do have a core 2 duo laptop, 2gb ram... it becomes very slow for a moment and then it starts going normally again18:47
malimbarjulio, check the System Monitor18:47
malimbardepending on wha tyour doing, it might be sucking up your ram or cpu18:48
Geetwhat is the function of swap? is it only for hibernation?18:48
subz3r0!swap | geet18:48
ubottugeet: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:48
malimbarubottu is right18:49
Geetsubz3r0, but if i am not going to use much ram heavy programs.. so is it necessary to give that much space?18:49
GeetI have 6gb ram and keeping 6gb swap is a little touchy for me. i mean it will be used rarely, right?18:50
malimbarit'll be required rarely, but it's used all the time18:50
subz3r0Geet: the best thing is to make the swap size equal to your ram size18:50
CyLHi, my wifi hotkey is not working, I'm getting the message "Use 'setkeycodes 63 <keycode>' to make it known." whenever I press it. What is the correct <keycode> to make it work in Ubuntu?18:51
Geetmalimbar, used all the time? how come?18:51
edoceoHALP! I just found out I'm stuck on a Maverick box - how to get updates since all my packges 404 now?18:51
subz3r0geet: but ofc you can run ubuntu without swap space18:51
edoceoSHould I just update the sources.list to point to something new?18:51
DJones!eol | edoceo18:51
ubottuedoceo: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:51
pierrevrHi, how can I see the boot messages instead of the splash screen with the Ubuntu lice-cd ?18:51
subz3r0pierrevr: hit escape18:52
CyLpierrevr: 'sudo dmesg' in a terminal18:52
Geetsubz3r0, ya currently I am using it without swap. At times it does appear slow. But dunno whether it's because of lack of swap.18:52
pierrevrCyL: the system doesn't boot, which is why I need to see the messages.... ;)18:52
malimbarGeet, https://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/8208-all-about-linux-swap-space18:52
pierrevrsubz3r0: Great! Thanks mate!18:52
subz3r0Geet: it depends on your needs. you can do STD(supspend to disk) or STR (Suspend to ram)18:52
Geetmalimbar, I have noticed that my ram usage does not go  beyong 1gb on ubuntu.. that also when using chrome or something.. I have got a total of 6gb.. so will swapping pages still be done?18:54
pierrevrsubz3r0: is it possible to change kernel parameters, etc... with the live cd? Like one can do with grub...18:54
pierrevrI don't suppose so...18:54
ochivadalguien habla español?18:54
subz3r0pierrevr: should be possible, yes18:54
pierrevrsubz3r0: Problem is, after an interrupted xubuntu install, I can't boot anymore, I don't even get to the choices menu... :/18:55
malimbarGeet, if you clicked the link I think it says. ". Second, a significant number of the pages used by an application during its startup phase may only be used for initialization and then never used again."18:55
subz3r0pierrevr: if i remember right, use "shift" while booting then edit grub18:55
pierrevroh, cool18:55
malimbarThe system can swap out those pages and free the memory for other applications or even for the disk cache.18:55
pierrevrmany thanks!18:55
pierrevr(not used to ubuntu)18:55
Geetmalimbar, ya i read it. but does not that mean whenever ram is less the system will use swap space. so when systems have 6gb or 8gb space and when the usage does not go beyond 1 or 2gb max.. is it required..18:56
malimbarit'snot required, but if you have it then it will be used18:57
chvxmy  cursor changes then i am in another window, how do i fix that?18:58
malimbarGeet, and if you don't make a swap partition, I think ubuntu will create a swap file instead just in case18:58
subz3r0Geet: even when the RAM is no full - swap space will be used. just check the systemmonitor. you will see then that its used almost all of them time18:58
malimbarsubz3r0, though curiously mine isn't being used right now. I'm pretty surprised actually.18:59
th0rsubz3r0: sorry...got pulled away. If you are only having to run that command once for each new kernel, while it does seem something is amiss, is it worth troubleshooting?18:59
CyLHi, my wifi hotkey is not working, I'm getting the message "Use 'setkeycodes 63 <keycode>' to make it known." whenever I press it. What is the correct <keycode> to make it work in Ubuntu?18:59
subz3r0Geet: even if there are just some kilobytes in the swap18:59
Geetsubz3r0, so is it ok if i don't follow the rule of thumb and just keep 2gb of swap for 6gb ram?19:00
malimbarGeet, generally speaking it's recommended to have more swap than ram19:00
subz3r0th0r: yes i think its worth it. because im not the only guy who has this issue. im pretty sure its about the missing dkms.conf file while doing "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" or when installing vbox completely new on the system. I have several dkms.conf files on my system. so im not sure for which one vbox is searching while installation or while doing "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup"19:00
betraydcyl i think running xev will show you what the keycode is for the key pressed19:00
betraydcyl i think running xev will show you what the keycode is for the key pressed19:00
Geetok.. is it possible to add more swap afterwards?19:01
subz3r0malimbar: hmm? swap should be = ram19:01
CyLbetrayd: Well, how would xev know that if it's not mapped yet?19:01
subz3r0swap = ram. use the exact same size is the best idea19:01
th0rsubz3r0: I have several as well, but I am pretty sure the one you need is in /etc/modeprobe.d\19:01
betraydcyl then you use another tool19:01
subz3r0th0r: got some minutes? if so, lets compare our entried in that file? maybe we could fix the issue.19:02
malimbarsubz3r0, last I checked (a few years ago) they recommended twice ram. Then ram became plentiful and cheap, so others said it was silly19:02
CyLbetrayd: I already got the scan code. I'm willing to map a scan code to a key code. I just need to know the corred key code in Ubuntu. I do not need a tool to get the keycode (unless is one that lists all available keycodes)19:03
th0rsubz3r0: that will be easy...mine only has four comment lines <smile>19:03
betraydcyl i also used xmodmap to 'set' the RWin and  the Menu keys to 'alias' them  to F13 and F1419:03
CyLbetrayd: I appreciate your help, but I'm that's not what I'm trying to do19:03
subz3r0th0r: is it okay when i pm you?19:04
th0rsubz3r0: however, the one in less /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.2.12/build/dkms.conf has a lot of info...and is maybe the issue19:04
th0rsubz3r0: yup...go ahead19:04
betraydo my bad cyl i missed that last input19:05
scalability-junkjust a small question: I have win 7 encrypted with truecrypt (which overwrote my grub stuff with the truecrypt bootloader I assume), how do I use grub to boot ubuntu or win7 (truecrypt)?19:05
kb8wluanyone know if their is a chipset driveres for the asus extreme IV linux19:05
scalability-junkI could only find old infos, and don't want to cripple both installs.19:05
CyLbetrayd: np19:06
EstragonI just updated an old laptop from 10.04 to 13.04 but after the first reboot, I have no more wireless networking19:08
Estragonwhat should I look for first ?19:08
Estragonthere is no wlan0 interface :(19:09
betraydEstragon  maybe a new one, ra0 or an extra ethx?19:10
Estragonifconfig only outputs eth0 and lo19:10
malimbarhuh, now Rhythmbox says it can't rip my CD 'cus it can't encode ogg voriis19:10
malimbarany help there would be nice19:11
betraydEstragon iwlist or iwconfig?19:11
|Anthony|Is there a legit PPA for teamspeak 3? Just wondering why it isn't in the repos already19:11
Estragonbetrayd: iwconfig outputs eth0 no wireless extensions.19:12
malimbarwhy would rhythmbox not be able to encode a cd to ogg, and then be unable to instlal it?19:12
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sharkwoof1996hey guys is there a way to get gomne 3.8 on ubuntu 12.04?19:16
SnypaHello can anyone help me with dual booting19:16
malimbarSnypa, what do you need help with?19:17
SnypaI have linux installed and some free raw space19:17
SnypaI cannot now install windows because it cannot find a system partition19:17
malimbarwhat have you tried so far?19:18
Snypainstalling windows :D19:18
Snypai have 3 HDDs19:18
ermingI'm having problem with Samba share.. My Win7 client seems to have difficulties authenticating. Is this a common issue?19:18
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Snypaand swap on one (no free space), /home on another (170gb unallocated space) and a 3rd raid ntfs drive 1tb no unallocated space19:19
OerHekssharkwoof1996, not without a PPA like https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 , but carefull, it may break your system and ubuntu nor i support this19:19
Snypa'/' and swap*19:19
betraydSnypa usually we install linux after windows, since windows thinks there's no other OS that matters19:19
Snypabetrayd: Yes but I never intended to install windows but now it seems I must19:20
Estragonbetrayd: solved my issue with this command : sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source19:20
malimbarIf you install windows second, you have to re-fix the install with linux again19:20
malimbarit's pretty funny actually19:20
Snypai understand i will have to rejig GRUB, but windows simply will not install19:20
sharkwoof1996OerHeks, thanks then i take dont do it?19:21
malimbarSnypa, I'm not familiar with raid, but it's worth looking at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Installing_Windows_After_Ubuntu19:21
|Anthony|Is there a legit PPA for teamspeak 3? Just wondering why it isn't in the repos already19:21
betraydEstragon, make a note for future refrene (I always keep a rreadme text file) but nice going! =)19:21
Snypamalimbar: those are solutions to issues after windows is installed19:21
jrib!sru | |Anthony|19:21
ubottu|Anthony|: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:21
malimbarSnypa, hmm, you're right19:21
Snypai cannot install windows as linux owns the system partition i assume19:21
jrib|Anthony|: that explains what kind of upgrades stable releases get.  As far as an official ppa, I don't know but I would check the teamspeak site19:22
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malimbarSnypa, that shouldn't matter, as windows would reformat it anyways19:22
Snypamalimbar: "Setup couldn't create new system partition"19:23
Snypamessage from windows 7 installtion19:23
scalability-junkmalimbar: do you have any idea how to do that with truecrypt?19:23
scalability-junkI only find grub instrutions not grub2...19:24
malimbarscalability-junk, I don't use truecrypt, so not really.19:24
malimbarI thought truecrypt was below the formatting level though, so would it matter?19:24
scalability-junkdamn the truecrypt bootloader overwrote grub I assume for the mbr and now I can't get to grub19:24
Snypais there anyway to shrink a ext4 safely?19:24
Snypaor swap19:24
scalability-junkmalimbar: for full partition encryption it's not below I think19:25
OerHekssharkwoof1996, i would upgrade to 13.04, for bleeding edge 3.819:25
malimbarSnypa, did you say you have free space, or you have an already formatted partition you want to use?19:26
Snypai have free space on a second hard drive19:26
sharkwoof1996OerHeks, yeah i will get around to doing that but i need to use 12.04 for now19:26
malimbarand windows sees the second hard drive at boot, but doesn't like to overwrite it?19:27
Snypai create the partition19:27
Snypathat is fine19:27
Snypathe issue is the system partitionm19:27
betraydmaybe because it wants to be C:19:28
Snypamaybe i should unplug my SSD (used a '/' and swap)19:28
Snypalet windows think the '/home' disk is the system one?19:29
malimbar... oooh, maybe it's a problem with the limit of partitions19:29
uvalahello, I know this is not a xoops group. but I couldnt find a xoops channel, and this is a general question..I'm installing Xoops on a hosted server. should I download  a full stack package (Apache, PHP, MySQL, XOOPS) or a normal one?19:29
malimbarSnypa, I'm reading whatever google brings up now. Perhaps you should try making the partitions before installing19:30
malimbarSnypa, a small primary partition (the picture in the website is 100 mb), and then a larger logical partition for how much you want Windows to have19:31
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malimbarSnypa, my guess though is that Windows wants to create two primary partitions, and a disk cna only have 4 of those19:32
malimbarand Linux uses 1 for itself, 1 for swap, and who know,s maybe 1 for the /home19:32
malimbarif you have that on a separate partition19:32
=== DocGroove is now known as DocGrooveAway
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
Snypai see19:39
storrgieI'm trying to get ubuntu-server installed on an Intel NUC... but I think that with UEFI it is never going to work out19:39
uvalausr13, would you maybe have a free moment for me?19:41
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harrisi have some cds how can i make copies of them in ubuntu without extra software19:49
harrisi have some cds how can i make copies of them in ubuntu without extra software19:50
ortsvorsteher!ask ubottu19:53
seronis!patience | harris19:54
ubottuharris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:54
ortsvorsteherharris, do you have brasero installed? you can use it to copy youre cd's19:55
seronishe left19:55
blob40001hey all. i have ubuntu installed on /dev/sdb1, home on /dev/sdb2 and swap on /dev/sdb3. how do i enable swap to be used from sdb3? currently it's partitioned, but not in use20:06
betraydblob40001 there is swapon -s for status but man swap <device> ought to switch it on20:07
betraydi mean swapon <device>20:07
ortsvorsteherblob40001, if you have an entry about your swap device in /etc/fstab, a swapon -a will enable swap then after every boot20:08
tozenhi all! unf i cannot figure out myself probrem with ntfs directories background color in bash. here is screenshot:http://itmages.ru/image/view/1035021/4836d62e and here is $ dircolors:http://pastebin.com/82z4sJ59 so what and how do i have toexport, please. thx20:11
BluesKajtozen: , is the ntfs on the same drive ?20:14
Quix86What P-M voltage control software type things are available for 13.04? The one I know about is linux-phc but it isn't supported for 12.10 or newer20:16
tozenBluesKaj: yes but different partition20:18
benzrfhey, I'm mostly happy with Unity20:20
phillyjcan someone tell me why Disk Utility shows my SATA HDD under a PATA controller instead of SATA controller?20:20
benzrfone thing: can I prevent super from opening my dash?20:20
BluesKajtozen: think the background colour is set in the terminal20:20
bazhangbenzrf, perhaps have a look at unity-tweak-tool20:20
tozenwilee-nilee: hi! here is question to u as well: < tozen> hi all! unf i cannot figure out myself probrem with ntfs directories background color in bash.  here is screenshot:http://itmages.ru/image/view/1035021/4836d62e and here is $  dircolors:http://pastebin.com/82z4sJ59 so what and how do i have toexport, please. thx20:21
benzrfok, thanks!20:21
tozenBluesKaj: of course! but question is how?20:22
OerHeksQuix86, there is a version of TLP in this PPA >> https://launchpad.net/~linrunner/+archive/tlp >>>, carefull, a ppa can break your system and is not supported here officially20:23
OerHeksQuix86, more info > http://askubuntu.com/questions/285434/is-there-a-power-saving-application-similar-to-jupiter20:25
BluesKajtozen:  in the terminal itself , in its appearance options20:25
Quix86ty OerHeks20:25
=== Borborygmi is now known as Casmo
kimirHow can I make powertop NOT forget its settings? Every time I reboot it changes tunables to "good" even tho some "good" are bad because they break stuff20:26
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Quix86kimir I want to say that powertop just reports the system's settings on the tunables until you start changing things, but I might be wrong20:27
kimirThen how do I change system settings on those? :P20:27
kimirAutosuspend on USB breaks my mouse input20:28
Quix86I don't know20:28
tozenBluesKaj: thx!!! its works20:29
BluesKajtozen:  ok good20:29
harrishi ActionParsnip20:29
ActionParsniphi harris20:30
mahamed91i'm stuck with LVM partitioning20:30
harriswhats new ActionParsnip20:31
mahamed91installed 13.04 with full disk for LVM, and now i'm trying to virtualize with xen, can't creat vm with lvcreate because not enougth extends20:31
ActionParsnipharris: just chillin, thought I'd drop by, see what's going down20:32
harrisActionParsnip, why arent you on as much20:32
ActionParsnipharris: im still active on launchpad :-)20:33
harrisoh yea you posted on m y launch pad20:33
=== redrocket is now known as redrobben
Bauer1Why does Ubuntu's Software Updater started asking me to restart?20:33
Bauer1I hate restarts in the Microsoft style20:34
ActionParsnipbauer1: kernel updates usually cause that20:34
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Bauer1ActionParsnip: hmm ok, will try now, last time I allowed it to do that, I could not boot until I changed to older kernel - I am still running from older kernel20:34
Bauer1lets hope this time I wont need to switch kernel20:35
gypsyjokerhow do i remove unity?20:35
OerHeksBauer1, maybe the new kernel update solves your "could not boot" issue20:35
Bauer1will report back in few mins, OerHeks  :)20:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:36
ActionParsnipgypsyjoker: just install the shell you desire, you can even install another desktop20:36
xavier83arhi everybody, is there a way to disable app menu on a per application basis on ubuntu 12.10 ??20:36
gypsyjokerok, how do i remove it in ubuntu 13, and where do i specify which desktop to use?20:37
ActionParsnipgypsyjoker: you choose it at login20:37
xavier83ara few days ago appmenu stop working on libreoffice and make it crash20:37
gypsyjokergotcha. thanks20:37
francesco_ciao a tutti20:37
francesco_mi servirebbe fast and furios 520:38
ActionParsnipgypsyjoker: if you like the 2 panel session, install xfce4 package and use xfce20:38
bazhangfrancesco_, no warez here20:38
gypsyjokerActionParsnip, nah, i don't like two panels. i prefer a lot smaller wm20:38
ActionParsnipgypsyjoker: you could install fluxbox etc then choose that at login20:39
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gypsyjokeri'm gonna look after the updates are done. i want a tiling wm20:39
[FreeBSD]gypsyjoker: i3 is nice and easy20:40
[FreeBSD]theres loads20:40
ActionParsnipawesome is fun too20:40
gypsyjokeri wish i could get spectrewm on here, but i don't think it's in software center20:40
RarrikinsAre there any tools to defragment drives and compact the files at the beginning of the volume so that I can get a smaller virtual drive image?20:41
[FreeBSD]Rarrikins: what do you mean by that20:41
Rarrikins[FreeBSD]: I'm going to be installing Ubuntu on a virtual machine, installing a bunch of stuff, deleting a bunch of stuff. I want the free space to be zeroed out and all the used space to be at the beginning of the drive so that the virtual drive image is smallest.20:42
Rarrikins[FreeBSD]: ...so that I can distribute the drive image.20:43
[FreeBSD]Rarrikins: just resize the drive20:43
[FreeBSD]you dont need to defrag20:43
RarrikinsAhh, that's a good idea.20:43
[FreeBSD]or zero20:43
RarrikinsThanks :)20:43
phillyjhow can I make my secondary HDD set so that things download to it by default and not to my boot SSD?20:44
[FreeBSD]phillyj: in the program options20:44
[FreeBSD]depends what you download.. you would set things like firefox's downloads to go to that drive in firefox options etc20:44
[FreeBSD]or do you mean packages>?20:44
phillyj[FreeBSD]: yes, a deb file20:45
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[FreeBSD]not sure about that, theres probably some option to set in a config20:45
phillyjany idea what to search on google?20:45
ActionParsnipphillyj: make a partition and mount it as /var ,you will need to copy stuff over first20:46
[FreeBSD]hmm if theres no option in a config youd have to symlink or use fstab20:47
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[FreeBSD]to var cache it looks20:47
ActionParsnipphillyj: i also suggest you move web cache to tempfs (if /hone is on the SSD)20:47
ActionParsnipsymlink isn't a bad solution20:47
[FreeBSD]tmpfs wont hurt, web cache on ssd wont hurt either though20:48
phillyjActionParsnip: yes, /home is on the ssd; i just bought the HDD this week20:48
phillyjits ntfs20:48
seronisanyone know any software for tabletop gaming?  D&D / Pathfinder (PF specific is best)20:48
TreaverCan everyone with Minecraft join play.skycraft.cc\20:49
ActionParsnipphillyj: i suggest you move the web cache storage to the platter based drive, or tempfs20:50
phillyjActionParsnip: what is web cache storage?20:51
histophillyj: If you're using two drives. I would use ssd as boot and mount your /home to the hdd20:51
ActionParsnipphilyj: ntfs isnt great for storing /var. Id resize the NTFS and make an ext4 partition20:51
[FreeBSD]tbh i would leave it, ssds arent all old gen and have write aplification etc, i would only keep big stuff like movies and music etc on the storage hdd20:51
ActionParsnipphillyj: for your web browser....temp internet files20:51
histophillyj: let me show you my fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/5701541/  I have an SSD so i've set certain things up to tmpfs etc...20:52
stef1awhy can I not resize an unmounted Windows 7 partition?20:52
[FreeBSD]but a tmpfs = no harm in it, i just wouldnt be "scared" of using the ssd20:52
phillyjActionParsnip: Is it possible to just move the /home into the HDD instead?20:52
histostef1a: was it not shutdown cleanly?20:52
phillyjits getting complicated for me20:53
ActionParsnipstef1a: win7 can resize its own partitions20:53
tozenstef1a: how u try?20:53
histophillyj: It's not complicated. You just want to reduce writes to the ssd and enable trim support.20:53
[FreeBSD]phillyj: you can mount anything anywhere with fstab20:53
histophillyj: use noatime and discard as mount options for things on the ssd. Mount non essential stuff to tmpfs20:53
[FreeBSD]you could just mount /home/*/.cache as tmpfs to save setting indvidual programs up20:53
histo!fstab | phillyj20:53
ubottuphillyj: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:53
ActionParsnipphillyj: in future installs, set the /var folder to be on the platter based drive (make a drcent sized partition for it)20:54
stef1ahisto: I think it was20:54
stef1aActionParsnip: I would like to do it from gparted20:54
stef1atozen: gparted20:54
histostef1a: Some times that could be the issue are you receiving any errors?20:55
stef1ahisto: hold on; let me show you some pictures of gparted20:55
stef1ahttp://i.imgur.com/yaDAXOT.png <-- sda2 is Win7, and I want to cut it down and add some space to the unallocated space20:56
ActionParsnipstef1a: i'd chkdsk the partition so you know it is healthy (requires windows)20:56
histostef1a: you'd have to shrink it and move sda5 over then add to the unallocated20:57
stef1ahttp://i.imgur.com/fFASOVZ.png <-- that's the info for sda220:57
histostef1a: click ont he red exclamation20:57
stef1ahisto: I can't shrink it20:57
histostef1a: do you have windows on this box?20:58
shobakey_hi kazi20:58
stef1ahisto: yeah. win7 is sda2, which is on here.20:58
histostef1a: I would boot to windows and check the disk20:58
stef1ahisto: I've used it recently and it seems fine, though I haven't checked the disk... why would I need to?20:58
phillyj[FreeBSD]: what do you mean I can mount anywhere? Don't I have to move the /home to the HDD?20:59
histostef1a: It has errors right now. you could fix it from linux but it's not recomended20:59
histostef1a: http://www.w7forums.com/use-chkdsk-check-disk-t448.html20:59
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histophillyj: do you currently have files in /home?20:59
ActionParsnipstef1a: makes sure the storage is ok20:59
histostef1a: this is part of the reason ntfs sucks21:00
phillyjhisto: yes; i had been using the ssd for 1 year; just got hdd this week21:01
stef1ahm. well, if I were to install another distro in the unallocated space NOW, would that make it more difficult to resize the sda2 later?21:01
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histophillyj: ahh... well rsync your home to the hdd then just setup your fstab to mount it as /home21:01
histophillyj: it's up to you it's your system. You can setup in anyway you want. What is it you are trying to do? I missed your initial question.21:03
shobakey_hi kazi21:03
kaziwebHi shobakey21:04
phillyjhisto: i want to use my hdd to install the STEAM clinet and games21:04
shobakey_ok am here21:04
phillyjhisto: i think symlinks will help21:05
syntroPiis it possible to set the defaults for a pulse audio device like in alsamixer? it seems it overwrites always what i specified in alsamixer on changing the pulse audio device21:05
histophillyj: I would copy your /home there then. That way all your big files like steam won't be taking up your ssd21:05
histo!separatehome | phillyj21:06
ubottuphillyj: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving21:06
phillyjhisto: hmm, that sounds like the easy way21:06
histophillyj: also this way if you reinstall your OS or switch your /home is on another drive21:06
phillyjhisto: this will keep my ssd as boot for the OS, right?21:06
histophillyj: yes21:07
histophillyj: the only thing that will move is /home21:07
histophillyj: it will be transparent to you if you follow those directions21:07
histophillyj: use ext4 as the partition type on your new drive21:08
phillyjhisto: its ntfs now; is that a problem?21:08
histophillyj: yes... Don't use ntfs21:10
histophillyj: if you need an ntfs partition on the drive still for whatever reason, I would shirnk it and add a second ext4 partition to use with linux as your /home21:11
phillyjhisto: cool; you answered my next question21:11
histophillyj: umount the ntfs partition and use gparted to shrink and create the ext4 partition21:12
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phillyjumm, i think i did something without thinking; i accidently saved the mount point of the hdd as /home; did I mess up my /home dir?21:27
phillyjright after reformating; i wanted to set the mount pt as /media/HDD121:28
phillyjwasnt thinking clearly21:28
Priceyphillyj: Just unmount it and everything will still be there.21:29
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Bauer1ok.. new kernel works :)21:34
ActionParsnipbauer1: cools21:35
Bauer1Anyone knows how to install GTK3.x themes on 13.04 Unity?21:35
bekksBauer1: Unity isnt GTK3, so you cant use their themes.21:35
ActionParsnipbekks: is it not?.....21:35
bekksActionParsnip: As far as I know, its not hat simple to just use another gtk3 theme.21:36
Bauer1bekks: I actuallr read in forum that unity is compliant to gtk 3.x themes21:36
bekksIf it is indeed, I'm curious about it, too :)21:36
Bauer1bekks: in that case, where can I find dark Unity  themes?21:36
ActionParsnipbauer1: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/themes-collection-for-ubuntu-1110-unity.html21:36
Bauer1bekks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1971094&p=11897801#post11897801 I dont know how to insall the themes which have css files21:37
trismBauer1: you just extract the themes to ~/.themes/21:39
trismBauer1: so you have ~/.themes/Themename/gtk-3.0/21:39
IamTryinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5701686/  - Is Skype not working in Ubuntu anymore?21:39
Bauer1ahhh, thanks trism !! no post or readme mentioned that21:40
IamTryinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5701686/  - Is Skype not working in Ubuntu anymore?21:42
OerHeksSkype is working fine here.21:42
trismIamTrying: sudo apt-get -f install;21:42
tozenIamTrying: here is answer in report u swowed:   Package libssl1.0.0:i386 is not installed.21:43
IamTryingtozen, but i am running 64-bit Ubuntu21:44
IamTryingtozen, i386 still i have to install?21:44
=== wadie is now known as anonde
ActionParsnipiamtrying: never had an issue with skype21:45
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ActionParsnipiamtrying: your OS is multiarch, just like windows is21:45
IamTryingActionParsnip, i had Skyp working yesterday, but today skype was not in my system Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit21:45
andrehi all21:45
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IamTryinglike without my decision it has been removed or gone... and now reinstalling it as new ActionParsnip21:46
Bauer1trism: ok, I've put a few themes into .themes like you said, but they still dont show up in the Appearance window21:46
ActionParsnipiamtrying: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue21:46
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IamTryingActionParsnip, Ubuntu 12.10 \n \l21:46
trismBauer1: they will never show up there, the themes in Appearances are hard coded, you need to use one of the tweak tools to change them21:46
ActionParsnipiamtrying: did you run: sudo apt-get -f install21:47
IamTryingActionParsnip, yes after installing  libssl1.0.0:i386 , dpkg -i skype..deb is installed21:47
Bauer1then that window needs to be redesigned, because it is misleading21:48
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mic_hey @all21:48
IamTryingActionParsnip, How can i check how come the skype was uninstalled and when?21:49
OerHeksIamTrying, did you use aptitude yesterday by any chance?21:51
phillyjhisto: so i followed the move /home guide; it looks like my ssd is empty now? not sure what's going on21:51
salahIs there any ways to boost the WiFi signals? I have a Samsung 9 series with Intel Advanced N something that has poor signals almost everywhere I try21:52
bekkssalah: Use a more powerful sender antenna.21:53
phillyjsalah: if you have, ddwrt installed on the router, i think you can boost signal strength21:53
seronisddwrt is what i use21:53
phillyjohh, i think he has a laptop21:53
phillyjbuilt in wifi module21:53
seronisoh doing adhoc ?21:54
Fujnkyhello guys, is there any way to open a new byobu window with a command? i want to be able to run a single script and therewith open multiple windows where some processes are running.21:55
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Guest56012can anyone see what im typing21:57
sinfuzi0nNo, Guest21:57
sinfuzi0nNo problem21:58
seronisFujnky: byobu ?21:58
IamTryingOerHeks, yea everyday i use21:58
genoskillSometimes i have real bad sound that goes away if I turn it off and turn it on. how can i get rid of that annoying distorted sound21:58
arnsaHey guys21:58
arnsais it possible to remove that top bar on unity on the 2nd monitor?21:58
arnsaI'm using dual monitors21:58
OerHeksIamTrying, that may be the source of your issue, see !aptitude21:58
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and 12.04) as aptitude cannot  handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.21:58
Fujnkyseronis: yes21:58
ActionParsnipiamtrying: you can search /var/log/dpkg.log21:59
ActionParsnipiamtrying: why do you think it was removed from the default install....22:00
IamTryingThank you, found it it was dependency issue and it was removed ActionParsnip22:00
IamTryingThank you. Clear now.22:00
ActionParsnipiamtrying: stick to apt-get and you will have fewer issues, specially with multiarch which you are now using22:01
IamTryingOK - ActionParsnip22:01
arnsais it possible to remove that top bar on unity on the 2nd monitor?22:01
ais523I'm having problems trying to fix a system with a small disk (and relatively low disk space); I'm getting out of disk space errors from apt-get install -f even though there's 510MB free22:03
ActionParsniparnsa: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37691/how-do-i-remove-top-panel-on-dual-screen-on-secondary-monitor22:03
arnsaActionParsnip, 2 years passed, and it's still not supported? I just love ubuntu <322:04
ais523given that there's no sign that it's actually using all the disk space, any idea what could cause an out of disk space error when there's still a few hundred MB left?22:04
ActionParsnipais523: remove unneeded kernels, can help. Also run: sudo apt-get clean22:04
MJBrunedoes your timezone matter in regards to where you pull packages via the repo? I.e. is your repo server geobalanced by the timezone you choose?22:04
arnsaSo I can't even watch a fcking movie on ubuntu if I have dual-monitors because I'm seeing that fcking top bar on my player22:04
arnsaubuntu is so awesome22:04
MJBrunearnsa: don't like it, don't use it. Feel free to use windows, mac or a different distro.22:05
MJBruneWhat ever works for you.22:05
ais523ActionParsnip: I've tried cleaning, that's helped; I'm removing the unneeded kernels by hand at the moment because apt-get doesn't seem to know about them22:05
jribarnsa: there's really no need for the sarcasm.  If you have an issue, other users like you will try and help you.  But just ask your question/state your problem and wait patiently please22:05
arnsaMJBrune, since when windows or mac is a distribution? They have the only version of their OS, why would it be a distro?22:05
ActionParsniparnda: you dont have to use unity....22:06
Bauer1trism: do you know how to apply the themes to Chrome as well22:06
OerHeksarnsa, yes ypou can22:06
OerHeksc/can >> http://askubuntu.com/a/23801022:06
ActionParsniparnada: install the xfce4 package, log off and log into the xfce session.....no more issue22:06
ais523aha, removing the headers for old kernel versions manually seems to have freed up just enough space, so my guess is it needs another 400MB or so working space on top of what it claims to need22:07
trismBauer1: Settings/Use Gtk+ Theme should do it22:07
trismBauer1: in chrome22:07
MJBrunearnsa: I never said they were distrobutions, you seem to have read my statement wrong. You said you don't like ubuntu. You can use another operating system entirely or just a different linux distro. Either way if you don't like ubuntu don't use it.22:07
trismBauer1: never works quite right for me though so I use the classic theme22:07
[FreeBSD]ais523: maybe ubuntu isnt optimal for tight disk space22:07
Bauer1trism: yup, it looks terrible and confusing22:07
ActionParsniparnsa: try xfce, wrong target above. install xfce4 package log off and log into the xfce session.22:08
MJBrunefrenchtoast: usually it isn't imo.22:08
MJBrune[FreeBSD]: ^22:08
ActionParsniparnsa: in short, you cant bad mouth the whole distro just for one shell, ignorant much22:09
OerHeksarnsa, this link looks promising too > http://askubuntu.com/questions/107583/how-can-i-remove-duplicate-second-unity-launcher-on-a-dual-screen-setup22:09
ais523[FreeBSD]: yeah, it's normally been OK though, this isn't a main computer we're talking about, it's a repurposed one22:09
[FreeBSD]ais523: youll probably find a whole load of stuff you can remove that you dont need22:10
arnsaOerHeks, I'm talking about top bar god damnit22:10
ais523[FreeBSD]: we've already removed as much of that as we can22:10
[FreeBSD]what is the overall disk size>22:11
ActionParsnipais523: install bleachbit and use it to clean temp stuff. close as many apps as possible. watch your settings as it can remove settings you want22:11
ActionParsniparnsa: did you try another session?22:11
MJBrunedoes anyone know if your timezone matters when installing the distro?22:11
bekksMJBrune: No, it doesnt.22:12
[FreeBSD]MJBrune: you can change it of course any time22:12
ais523[FreeBSD]: 3.3G22:12
ActionParsnipmjbrune: daylight savings and sets the keyboard and languages in one move22:12
ais523also, now I have a different problem: it seems to have linux-generic-pae at, and linux-image-generic-pae at
ais523and obviously the two need matching versions22:12
arnsaSo... has anyone ever turned off that top bar on unity on dual monitors?..22:12
tozen[FreeBSD]: the best way to how to aviod a lot of rubishes is to install your system from miniiso ;)22:12
ActionParsnipais523: also you can uninstall apps you dont use22:13
[FreeBSD]tozen: yeah22:13
tozen[FreeBSD]: simple22:13
MJBruneso your timezone doesn't direct what repo server you download from then?22:13
ActionParsniptozen: mini iso + fluxbox :-)22:13
tozenActionParsnip: bingo"22:14
ActionParsnipmjbrune: not sure in that sense. you could spin up a virtual system and test22:14
[FreeBSD]ActionParsnip: i bet theres still some bloat left lol22:14
ActionParsnip[freebsd]: not with the no recommends option :-)22:15
bekksMJBrune: Yeah, thats correct.22:15
g0tchaheya guys, can anyone recommend a way to run weekly backups of an ubuntu server running LAMP?22:15
[FreeBSD]ActionParsnip: what does it leave you with? a shell and no services?22:16
ActionParsnip[freebsd]: do you mean the mini iso?22:16
MJBrunebekks: what does then?22:17
ActionParsnip[freebsd]: kernel + drivers + bootloader + package system + basic commands22:17
[FreeBSD]ah ok22:17
ActionParsnip!backup | g0tcha22:17
ubottug0tcha: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:17
fajranHi guys, I am trying to count the number of packages and their sizes over all ubuntu releases. I see something strange with Intrepid Ibex - http://fajran.github.io/vis-ubuntu-pkg/22:18
fajrandid I do the counting wrong? I took the Packages.bz2 files from the repos and count the package/size inside22:18
trismfajran: actually it looks fine, it seems you stuck hoary in the middle there22:19
g0tchaActionParsnip, thanks22:19
g0tchaActionParsnip, those methods are possible on a machine thats already running?22:19
fajranah yes. that's hoary (doh) my fault22:20
ActionParsnipg0tcha: sure, just make a selection of data to backup (/etc as well as your data) and use one of those methods to backup22:21
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OerHeks!hcl > OerHeks22:25
ubottuOerHeks, please see my private message22:25
addikshi, for debugging purposes i am trying to build synaptics from source. However it refuses to build because it tells me that "libxtst-dev" is missing, but it is in fact installed. How do i solve that?22:26
zillais there a way to change the theme color22:27
zillawithout the advanced tweak tool22:27
OerHeks!find libxtst22:27
trismaddiks: can you pastebin the output?22:27
ubottuFound: libxtst-dev, libxtst-doc, libxtst6, libxtst6-dbg22:27
ActionParsnipzilla: noobslab has a ppa with themes22:27
addikstrism: of couse, but it will be in german if thats good to you22:27
zillai just want to use the droper tool to change from brown highlighting to blue22:28
trismaddiks: that's fine22:28
zillais that possible anymore22:28
zillathanks in advance22:28
addikstrism: http://pastebin.com/MXWQbyZa22:29
fajrannow it looks ok - http://fajran.github.io/vis-ubuntu-pkg/22:29
trismaddiks: hmm, when I try it, it says "build conflicts: libxtst-dev", try removing libxtst-dev?22:33
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addikstrism: looks good, thanks :)22:35
DjyouHey, I lost access to my main computer it's right here next to me but I can't remember my password is there anyway to get back in without a reinstall?22:36
Guest40666In Ubuntu 13.04 Unity as well as Gnome version, my mouse pointer jumps up and down off and on making it very difficult to use the OS. Any suggestions? This problem has nothing to do with mouse or sensitivity settings as it is an involuntary movement of the mouse pointer22:36
Guest40666I am using a Sony VAIO Laptop with a touch pad and an IBM Stick22:37
Guest40666i guess there is no solution :)22:42
Guest40666thabnks anyways22:42
Guest40666thanks anyways22:42
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Frostbytesome assistance with apache2 required, is this the correct channel?22:45
bazhang#httpd Frostbyte22:45
Djyou Hey, I lost access to my main computer it's right here next to me but I can't remember my password is there anyway to get back in without a reinstall? I can't even just copy my files because it's the only machine in the house that uses IDE drives.22:47
rmobenchainhello everyone.  is there a way to use the ubuntu 12.10 LIVE CD to fix hard drive errors?22:48
Neikiusjust google password recovery... there are multiple ways, single user mode, boot from cd/usb etc22:48
Neikiusrmobenchain for hdd errors I'd recommend testdisk22:48
Neikiusits not linux but its quite ok22:48
DjyouThanks, my google isn't up to par so I had trouble finding it.22:48
Neikiusduno how is it for other fs than ntfs tho22:48
Neikiusgood luck22:49
Neikiusand good night22:49
rmobenchainwell crap.22:49
zykotick9Neikius: ;) actually testdisk IS a gnu/linux program, just not for checking HD errors (it's for partition recovery)22:49
rmobenchainonly reason I was asking is I keep getting an input/output error  read on /dev/sda message when trying to install22:50
ActionParsnipdjyou: search for: psychocats password22:51
rmobenchainis testdisk something I run from the terminal or...?22:52
ActionParsniprmobenchain: not good. id test the drive using the ultimate boot cd22:52
AnonAMouseMy new gigabyte motherboard only lists my external hard drive as a bootable device when I had a beta of windows 8 on it. With raring 64 or 32bit it never lists it22:52
ActionParsniprmobenchain: i had the same issue, had to replace the drive22:52
txdvyeah rmobenchain22:52
rmobenchainActionParsnip: is the ultimate bood CD the LIVE CD?  sorry to ask, but I am a newb :/22:53
ActionParsnipanonamouse: id ask in ##hardware22:53
baniirdid something change in 12.04? my readahead values set by blockdev do not persist through reboot, and i thought they did before22:53
Frostbytenobody is responding over at httpd channel, can I get sme help? : /22:53
txdvrmobenchain: define ultimate ... you can use the net to download every package which is not on the cd22:54
cyberNRHDose anyone know of a program that will allow me to make a time-laspe video out of photos?22:54
ActionParsniprmobenchain: its a different livecd. its OS independant so being new to ubuntu isnt a factor here in any way22:54
txdvrmobenchain: the ultimate livecd is a livecd installed on a usb :D22:54
rmobenchaintxdv: how do I access it?  I'm confused by all this, and frustrated I've had to use internet via the LIVE CD for the past 4 days22:55
ActionParsnipcybernrh: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/make-movie-out-of-photos-in-ubuntu.html22:55
cyberNRHThank you22:56
ActionParsniptxdv: same difference. it still gives the same functionality no matter the media22:56
ActionParsnipcybernrh: couldnt find that yourself?22:56
txdvthe difference I pointed out is the medium22:56
ActionParsnipcybernrh: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ubuntu+make+video+from+images&oq=ububtu+make+vid&aqs=chrome.1.57j0l3&client=chrome-mobile&sourceid=chrome-mobile&espv=1&ie=UTF-822:57
ActionParsnipcybernrh: too hard?22:57
ranticI'm doing an Ubuntu minimal install, would the acpi and cpufreq packages be recommended for all systems?22:58
ActionParsniprantic: you may find they are deps of packages you will install22:59
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist and !alis - See also !Guidelines22:59
OltreIrc`27760I'm new on mIRC! Can somebody help me23:01
larlazinhajust ask23:01
andrehi all23:01
ActionParsnipoltrelc`27760: why use mirc?23:01
andreim testing ubuntu (unity) firstime a long time ago - and i like it .. but have some special questions:23:02
andrehow disable preview in filemanager?23:02
andrehow activate single click in filemanager?23:03
ranticI'm really annoyed i can't move the bar on the left somewhere else by default ...23:03
ranticUnity is basically Windows 7 with the task bar on the left side of your screen and a HUD23:03
rmobenchainuggh crap.  booted myself23:04
andrehow disable showing "more places" under "applications" - i wanna only see what i installed23:04
ActionParsniprantic: its hard coded23:04
andrerantic - yes ! - and its great !23:04
kostkonandre, go into nautilus preferences for those, it should be edit → preferences. for single click the option might be in the mouse prefs, check there also23:04
ActionParsniprantic: there is a ppa with the bar on the bottom. its known to cause issues23:04
OltreIrc`27760ActionParship: because i read it was one of the best programs for IRC network...23:04
andretotal easy - all what i need to google the web and hear music whil that :)23:05
diverdudewhats the best screencapture tool for ubuntu?23:05
ranticActionParsnip: Oh I don't run unity, I'm sure for most people it's fine but I'm far too picky.23:05
ActionParsnipoltrelc`27760: why not try a few clients, see which you like rather than have people tell you what to think23:05
andrekostkon, thx - i searched "edit" in iconbars, but i founded now23:05
rmobenchaini forgot to write down the terminal command for checking/fixing hard drive errors.  can someone please repost what it is again?23:06
ActionParsnipoltrelc`27760: irssi is more flexible and will integrate beter with your OS. it also uses python for scripts. depends what your requirement of your client23:06
ActionParsnipdiverdude: there is no single best23:07
ActionParsniprmobenchain: fsck23:07
andrei love the font settings in ubuntu too, much better and cleaner reading like debian/opensuse (outofbox)23:08
diverdudeActionParsnip, i tried installing istanbul but its not working23:08
kostkondiverdude, check kazam and vokoscreen. both very user friendly23:08
ActionParsnipdiverdude: tried kazam23:08
rmobenchainactionparsnip: do I leave in the USB which has my LIVE CD on it in the usb port?23:08
kostkondiverdude, istanbul it's too old.23:08
ActionParsnipdiverdude: omgubuntu reports a few times on them23:09
OltreIrc`27760I'll tell you the truth: i'm not very practice with specific terms... ^^"23:09
ActionParsnipoltrelrc`27760: i suggest you use a native irc client, it will run cleaner and integrate beter into your OS23:10
OltreIrc`27760ok, thank you! :)23:10
andreok last question - how disable showing "other offers" under "applications" - i wanna only see my local installed stuff - no advertising or spam23:11
lomo7why i can't boot from any usb after installin ubuntu?23:11
histolomo7: that has nothing to do with installation. Check your bios settings for boot order23:13
OltreIrc`27760ActionParship: uhm sorry, another question: may i be in a wrong chan?.. is this a chan dadicated only to ubuntu? because i read the name of the channel just now and i have a windows... i don't know, have i made a little mistake? :P23:13
ActionParsnipandre: uninstall the shopping lens23:14
evougaI am trying ot install Ubuntu on my laptop but am running into problems23:14
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ23:14
histoevouga: what sort of problems?23:14
rmobenchainAfter performing a "fsck" command, do I remove the USB containing my LIVE CD?23:14
w30ls -la23:14
evougaI made a bootable USB stick per the instructions23:14
evougaand it boots23:14
rmobenchain... when my computer reboots?23:14
evougabut then if I try to pick either install, or run off the USB without installuing23:15
evougaI get this error:23:15
andrei already did - i see it is showing "sources" from "software-center" - how disable that for future?23:15
evougaUnable to find a medium containing a live file system23:15
ActionParsnipoltrelrc`27760: this is only ubuntu support. try in ##windowd23:15
ActionParsnip##windows sorry23:15
andreActionParsnip:  i already did - i see it is showing "sources" from "software-center" - how disable that for future?23:15
RarrikinsHow do I choose UTC in the timezone selector in the installer?23:15
histoevouga: how did you make the usb?23:15
OltreIrc`27760Ok! Thank you very much! Byee!23:15
ActionParsnipevouga: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded23:15
histo!md5sum | evouga23:16
ubottuevouga: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:16
evouga@histo I used a Windows 8 program23:16
evougalet me check23:16
w30cd /etc23:18
histoRarrikins: you just select it during install. It will ask you if system time is set to UTC or not.23:18
evougahisto, I used Universal-USB-Installer-
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
ActionParsnipevouga: did you manually download the ISO?23:19
histoevouga: perform an md5sum check of the iso and the thumbdrive using the directions from ubotu23:19
Rarrikinshisto: It's asking me for my location, but UTC isn't listed, just actual places.23:19
rmobenchainactionparsnip: just entered in the "fsck" command into the terminal, got a 'fsck from util-linux 2.20.1' message back.  To my understanding, I need to now reboot my computer correct?23:19
ActionParsnip!fsck | rmobenchain23:20
ubotturmobenchain: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot23:20
histoRarrikins: well then click on greenwich23:20
histormobenchain: what are you tryinng to do?23:21
rmobenchainhisto:  I believe my hard drive has bad sectors on it preventing an install of 12.10.  Am wanting to find and correct any errors if possible23:21
iorch I'm trying to execute a script when a new multipath device is created, which event I use in inotify for that ?23:22
rmobenchainhisto: I keep receiving an 'Input/Output error read on /dev/sda when trying to install23:22
histormobenchain: Why do you think it has bad sectors?23:22
histormobenchain: ahh23:22
histormobenchain: not good... Try using smartmontools  to take a look at the drives logs.23:23
rmobenchainhisto: is smartmontools something I enter into on the terminal?23:23
rmobenchainI'm a neb and trying to figure all of this out23:23
rmobenchainnewb even23:23
histo!smart | rmobenchain23:24
ubotturmobenchain: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools23:24
histormobenchain: although it's most likely your drive is dying.23:24
evougawhere do I get the saucy md5s?23:24
recurrenthelp i have only xchat qt 4 and chromium installed, there are 2 grey ? on launchbar with no option to remove?23:24
phillyjack help! something went wrong and I can't get into desktop; I just get a black screen with cmd line only!23:24
rmobenchainhisto: that is what some friends are saying to me.  when a buddy gave me the computer, he said a computer friend said the hard drive was getting ready to go bad on it, so it would seem he was correct23:25
phillyjjust changed the nvidia driver back from a beta version23:25
kostkonevouga, for the daily? here? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/MD5SUMS23:25
baniirhow can i set readahead values on devices before mdadm assembles23:26
phillyjhow do I get my desktop back?23:26
evougaI don't think it's the daily? It's called saucy-desktop-amd64.iso but I can't find it on the official list of md5s23:26
recurrentthe grey ? on toolbar have a tooltip that says 'Debconf on blahblah-Virtualbox'23:26
evougashould I try installing an older stabler version?23:27
ActionParsnipphillyj: tried: sudo nvidia-xconfig23:28
rmobenchainok everyone.  thanks for the help.  am now on the hunt for a new SATA drive23:28
phillyjActionParsnip: i get an error23:29
ActionParsnipphillyj: is it that xorg.conf doesnt existñ23:29
phillyjActionParsnip: data incomplete; device section "default device" must have a driver line23:30
histo!saucy | evouga23:30
ubottuevouga: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:30
ActionParsnipphillyj: then edit the file and add the line:  Driver "nvidia"23:31
phillyjActionParsnip: then it says it backed up file and a new x config file is written to xorg.conf23:31
evougalet me try installing 12.0423:31
ActionParsnipphillyj: it will go in the section defining the video card23:31
ActionParsnipphiklyj: oh then you are ok23:31
phillyjActionParsnip: reboot?23:31
jman074i have an external hard drive i just plugged in. it shows up in lsusb in terminal. but i doesn't appear to be mounting. how do i access this or reformat it23:32
ActionParsnipphillyj: sure23:32
ActionParsnipjman074: when you last unplugged it did you use the safe removal feature in your OS?23:32
ActionParsnipjman074: or did you just unplug it23:33
jman074it wasn't mine it was a buddies and im pretty sure he didn't23:33
ActionParsnipjman074: thats why then23:33
jman074can i fix this23:33
ActionParsnipjman074: is the partition ntfs?23:33
jman074i think so23:34
jman074Bus 002 Device 008: ID 0bc2:a013 Seagate RSS LLC23:34
ActionParsnipjman074: plug it into a windows pc and let it detect, then use the safe remove feature to remove it properly. you'll probably find it then works23:34
histojman074: pastebin the output of lsblk and sudo blkid23:35
ActionParsnipjman074: then please educate your buddy23:35
jman074roger that. give me a sec for the pastbin23:35
histojman074: also any relevant dmesg info would be good.23:35
ActionParsnipalexroyar567: hi23:36
phillyjActionParsnip: after reboot, still the same thing; where should I add the like Driver "nvidia"?23:37
ActionParsnipphillyj: in the section which names your video chip23:37
harrisboom shakalaka23:38
phillyjActionParsnip: oh, it looks like its already in there; now what?23:38
ActionParsnipphillyj: read through /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:39
jman074histo nothings happening on the sudo blkid23:40
phillyjack, did actionparsnip leave?23:41
phillyjoh, stupid nvidia kernel module failed to initialize?!23:42
jman074i got the other one23:42
evouga12.04 seems to work! installing now. Is there somewhere I should report the problem with the saucy install?23:42
phillyjam I still logged in? anyone see my writing?23:45
jribphillyj: you're still here, yes23:47
phillyjgood, thx23:48
=== DocGroove is now known as DocGrooveAway
histojman074: sudo parted -l /dev/sdb    Paste that23:48
phillyjshould I just reinstall the nvidia driver and all wll be fixed?23:49
histojman074: Looks like your drive may be failing. I would check smart on it.23:50
histo!smart | jman07423:50
ubottujman074: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools23:50
phillyjjman074: you can check SMART thru Disk Utility in Settings23:51
shadykhanhow can i enable ctrl+enter in firefox so it adds .com?23:51
phillyjshadykhan: isn;t it default?23:52
DjyouAre there any decent terminal run text adventure in the repository?23:53
shadykhanit doesnt work default for me23:53
shadykhanim on 13.04 if that makes a difference23:53
phillyjshadykhan: have you googled "firefox ctrl enter not working"23:55
recurrenthow do i remove ? from unity launcher, left or right click has no options?23:57
=== DelightedFrog is now known as JustBerry

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