
ochosihey elfy 12:58
knomehey elfy, ochosi 12:58
knomei'll play some ps3 and then boot up my desktop machine12:59
knomeif there's something any of me want to look at, i'll be on that in an hour at latest12:59
* ochosi will go get some really late breakfast now13:02
ochosielfy: i wanted to ask you whether you could test both lightdm-gtk-greeter from the daily ppa (we're planning to do a new release really soon) and greybird from git (without that, the greeter won't be themed properly)13:03
ochosielfy: https://launchpad.net/~lightdm-gtk-greeter-team/+archive/daily13:03
ochosielfy: and https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird13:04
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elfyochosi: of course - it might be tomorrow - suffering a headache after fighting with bzr and testcases for the first time 14:14
ochosielfy: sorry to hear! yeah sure, anytime would be great14:33
elfyI'll be much more with it in the morning :)14:33
ochosielfy: the layout of the greeter has changed a bit, but the important thing would be that everything is readable and looking ok14:33
ochosiwell, and that it works :)14:34
elfyha ha ha - ok - I'll report back tomorrow I expect :)14:34
knomeoriginal message, mostly14:35
knomethe rest is just mac fanboy talk ;)14:36
ochosigotta honestly say that USC is far more responsive in R15:06
knomethat's a good thing i suppose15:07
elfyreally? 15:07
ochosiyeah, it's still ugly looking unfortunately15:07
elfyI still found it dog slow 15:07
ochosithe UI is kinda overloaded with stuff, wondering who designed that15:07
knomeelfy, dogs aren't slow...15:08
elfysomeone with rings on their fingers, bells on their toes, they shall bling, wherever they go 15:08
knomeanyway, i'm off15:08
elfyknome: sorry I'll be more specific next time15:09
knomethe humming from the pc is boring to listen to :P15:09
knomesee you! :)15:09
knomeyou too15:09
pleia2knome: so with twitter integration on the website I'm worried it'll look really cheesy17:39
pleia2(it usually does)17:40
pleia2so if we really want to address https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website/+bug/1006371 I think we need someone to do a non-sucky mock-up17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1006371 in Xubuntu Website "Add newest tweets to frontpage" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:40
pleia2hi lderan :)17:40
knomepleia2, i can make it look good.17:40
knomepleia2, but that's not the only consideration17:40
lderanhi pleia2 :D17:40
pleia2I need to run out17:41
knomehf pleia2 17:41
pleia2see you17:41
jjfrv8knome, I just pushed revision 42 to my branch. I edited an entry in the xubuntu.ent file. Don't know if I'm supposed to do that.17:43
knomejjfrv8, that's fine. i'll look at it in a moment :)17:44
knomeskellat, the status isn't "merged" yet. i didn't merge it... :)17:50
skellatknome: Crud.  Could you please fix that since I can't?17:50
knomeskellat, i'm about to do it soon though17:50
knomei did. :)17:50
skellatThank you17:51
knomeskellat, jjfrv8: feel free to set me (knome) as the reviewer when you send merge proposals17:51
skellatWhat's the diff that LP is flagging at lines 84 & 85?  I'm not seeing it. https://code.launchpad.net/~jjfrv8-gmail/xubuntu-docs/managing-apps-edit/+merge/16575317:53
knomeskellat, last sentence17:53
knomeskellat, +"can be found"17:54
* skellat figures he needs to set a bigger font size one of these days...or go find his glasses...17:54
jjfrv8knome, it looks like you are set as a reviewer on my last push, did you do that yourself?17:55
knomejjfrv8, that's probably done automatically since i reviewed it before17:55
jjfrv8OK, I'll remember to set it on my next one.17:55
knomecan't remember if i added myself as the reviewer or not17:56
knomeprobably yes if you didn't :)17:56
knomeskellat, jjfrv8: both merges approved and merged.18:04
skellatNow I need to rebase my local copy of the branch18:05
jjfrv8Thank you!18:05
knomebzr pull18:05
knomejjfrv8, no problem!18:05
knomejjfrv8, also: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/xubuntu-docs/saucy/revision/43 :)18:06
knomeyay for fixing xfce bug 828418:07
ubottuxfce bug 8284 in General "Tabsize too big" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=828418:07
skellatAnd now that UNRELEASED is removed and saucy is in place we should start build for the dailies18:08
knomeskellat, we should get it uploaded to saucy then :)18:08
knomeskellat, want to work on sponsored uploads?18:09
knomei don't even know how much more we would need with this. it's pretty much ready for an upload.18:09
skellatGive pleia2 a chance to poke and prod as well18:10
knomei'll give her any chances she wants :P18:10
knome(and don't get me wrong...)18:10
skellatI'll shoot for Wednesday or Thursday to get it into sponsor pool perhaps18:10
* skellat bugs out to go shopping for a lawn mower18:11
OvenWerksknome: the changes xubuntu has done with settings in the menu. Do you know if any of that style of things is being done upstream?18:20
OvenWerks(This is Len from studio)18:20
knomeOvenWerks, i would believe not18:21
OvenWerksSo they would still have both a settings manager and a settings menu?18:22
knomeit's still possible to have both in xubuntu as well..18:22
OvenWerksRight now not in studio18:23
knomewe just thought it's cleaner if we organize things like this18:23
OvenWerksI agree18:23
OvenWerksI have set the settings menu not to show. Even if a new app shows up we haven't thought of.18:24
* elfy still doesn't believe it should be described as customise desktop anymore though even if ochosi does :)18:24
OvenWerksUser customization is a whole other topic :)18:24
OvenWerksWe just found that having a settings manger for some settings and a menu for others (with some duplicats) was confusing18:25
elfynothing to do with user customisation 18:25
elfyat least my bug with the description :)18:26
OvenWerksI know, everything to do with what we were shipping though18:26
knomeelfy, i agree that not all of the items are just "user" customization18:26
OvenWerksThe whole category thing is less than perfect. We had a num,ber of settings things in other that belong in proper categories too.18:27
OvenWerksBut then Studio has a mix of apps xfce, gnome and even KDE18:28
elfyI can see that getting a bit mixed up 18:29
OvenWerksWe also have an audio category in our settinsg manager18:30
pleia2knome: flyer drafts?21:35
knomepleia2, i have them, but i lack content21:35
knomepleia2, but yes, i should export them21:35
knomepleia2, do you want it in the wiki?21:35
pleia2I have a volunteer who keeps joining to help, was waiting on them :)21:35
pleia2wiki is fine21:35
knomewho is (s)he?21:35
knomeᐅᔅ, ᕆᒡᔅᑦ21:36
pleia2he posted to the list in march about helping, I keep missing him on irc but I can follow up in email21:37
knomecan somebody tell me21:37
knomewhy has the terminal started changing the input method on the fly?21:37
knomethat comment was in inuktitut21:37
elfybut what did it say ... 21:38
pleia2oh right, I am taking the day off21:39
knomepleia2, from work or from foss? :P21:39
lderanhave fun21:39
knomepleia2, have fun! :)21:40
elfypleia2: have fun 21:40
knomei need to organize my xubuntu-dirs21:42
knomepleia2, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/Flyers is updated22:14

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