
xubuntu130its any way to open multible tabs conversations but from different accounts00:03
xubuntu130on pidgin?00:03
xubuntu130i have a skype and a msn account00:03
xubuntu130and i want to see both friend lists of these account and talk them00:03
brainwashxubuntu130: try asking in #pidgin00:05
xubuntu130okie thanks :)00:05
th0rxubuntu130: pidgin doesn't support voice00:05
xubuntu130what you mean? no video calls?00:06
xubuntu130i am talking only about text\00:06
th0rxubuntu130: ah...you said 'talk'00:06
xubuntu130yeah i mean text chatting :P by the way it sucks that no voip services in pidgnin...i think linux looses a bit on chatting or? :P00:07
th0rxubuntu130: well, those are topics for #pidgin00:07
brainwashbut microsoft offers an offical linux skype client00:08
xubuntu130brainwash i know but i think isnt so good designed as it should be...and also why micorosoft to have to make a such important service for linux?00:09
brainwashthere are alternative voip services and programs, but most people simply use skype i guess00:11
xubuntu130maybe i dont have searched much about this ;) by the way just testing now the youtube-dl the terminal program for download youtube videos00:13
xubuntu130i can tell that i enjoy it alot more than even youtube downloader intereface program of windows 7 :P00:13
brainwashenough offtopic talk :P00:19
xubuntu130hehe why not :P sometimes offtopic talk when there is no talk at all  isnt bad:P00:25
brainwashmany people don't agree with that, this channel is only meant for support queries00:27
brainwashso you better ask some xubuntu related questions :P00:28
xubuntu130oh ok i am sorry hehe :) dont worry i ll find sure alot xubuntu related questions but for now i am going for some sleep :) gn fellows!00:30
toasttrying to install serviio in the process of making "serviio.conf" i get a Permission Denied when trying to save to etc/init...why?00:31
th0rtoast: did you use sudo?00:31
toasti used gedit to write the script and then save as00:32
th0rtoast: the user doesn't have permission to write into /etc/anything, you need to start gedit with sudo (root priviledges) or sudo nano in the terminal.00:33
genii-aroundSave it for now in your home folder then just do : sudo cp filename /etc/init-wherever00:33
genii-aroundth0r: sudo for gui is not recommended00:33
xubuntu130gksudo is the right00:34
th0rgenii-around: yeah....I know....momentary slip00:34
th0ractually....I was testing you guys00:34
xubuntu130will i take a candy? :D00:35
toastdone thanks00:35
xubuntu130by the way its true that medit is better compatible for xfce than gedit?00:36
th0rxubuntu130: I use mousepad for the gui, and nano for editing in the terminal00:36
xubuntu130interesting...never heard of them...in terminal i just know the vi00:37
xubuntu130oups i have the nano and i dint knew it lol00:37
th0rxubuntu130: mousepad used to be the official xfce editor...just a basic text editor. Nano isn't as cryptic as vi. For serious programming I still prefer nedit. A little rough around the edges by today's standards...but plenty capable00:38
xubuntu130yeah leafpad i think is excellent too for default editor :) nedit?interesting i ll check it too00:39
brainwashused to be?00:39
brainwashmousepad is back in 13.0400:39
th0rbrainwash: I think it has been replaced, hasn't it?00:39
th0rbrainwash: it was never removed, but I don't think it is the default any more.00:40
xubuntu130The program 'mousepad' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install mousepad00:40
brainwashit's in Raring00:40
brainwashthey changed the default editor00:41
brainwashfor what ever reason00:41
brainwashxubuntu130: are there any problems while running gedit?00:42
genii-aroundxubuntu130, th0r, et al: Actually gksu is no longer installed by default now, the current recommendation is to use: sudo -i gedit /wherever        type of syntax now00:45
th0rgenii-around: I heard something about that recently. Don't worry much about it since any root editing I need to do is done in the terminal with nano <smile>00:46
brainwashwhat about pkexec?00:47
toasttrying to start serviio following this http://wiki.serviio.org/doku.php?id=howto:linux:install:ubuntu and this is where im stuck at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5698779/00:47
genii-aroundbrainwash: http://askubuntu.com/questions/284306/why-is-gksu-no-longer-installed-by-default-in-13-04  suggests it also, but I'm not sure of the usage00:48
th0rtoast: sudo service serviio start/stop/restart  (or ...start serviio....?)00:49
brainwashlucky me, focusing more and more on terminal applications00:50
th0rtoast: yup...man says sudo service serviio start/stop/restart00:51
toaststill says the same thing00:52
th0rtoast: check sudo service serviio status and see if the script is even there00:53
toastnope same gonna start over00:54
th0rjeez....need some patience00:55
* ObrienDave is away: Snoozin01:32
* ObrienDave is back (gone 00:01:31)01:34
Unit193ObrienDave: Please don't use away scripts like that, thanks.01:46
ObrienDaveyea, yea, been told, been fixed. thanks01:47
deckardhello. Is XFCE that comes with XUbuntu the same as XFCE from site?05:01
holsteindeckard: xubuntu uses xfce.. the same "one" that you can get from the site, and customizes it05:02
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels05:03
deckardty holstein05:03
deckardunder appearance, and icons is that just for desktop icons?05:04
ObrienDaveand menu icons, i think05:05
deckardwhich do yuo think goes best with ALbatross/05:06
deckardsame for font and size05:06
holsteindeckard: try it live. you can poke around and customize05:06
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.05:06
ObrienDavei like the standard xfce set05:07
deckardholstein, do you use another font?05:07
ObrienDavenot much into 'eye candy'05:07
deckardwhat are event sounds? the dog bark?05:07
deckardand "enable input feedback sounds"05:08
ObrienDaveyup, another waste of computing power05:08
holsteindeckard: i would say, if you are new to xubuntu, try the defaults for a while.. mess around with the settings on a liveCD05:08
ObrienDaveor, install it yo a VM like VirtualBox05:09
deckardI use xfce so that my game can get as much priority as it can from stock os05:09
ObrienDave*to a05:09
deckardsomeone showed me some clock test where xfce gives you like 15% better05:09
deckardmaybe higher05:10
deckarddoes that sound accurate ?05:10
ObrienDaveyup, less overhead. LXDE is supposed to be lighter than XFCE05:10
deckardwhat is the command to get that?05:10
ObrienDaveit's called Lubuntu05:11
deckardoh yes i have it05:11
deckardi will try my game05:11
deckardbe well all05:11
blech_i logged out and i see "gnome/open box lxgames lubuntu and lubutnu nexus 7 session. which is best for the game?05:14
=== blech_ is now known as deckard
holstein!best | deckard05:14
ubottudeckard: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.05:14
deckardsure i mean which is lxde?05:14
holsteindeckard: the desktop environment wont make your machine any faster05:14
holsteindeckard: lxde is  light.. the "l" stands for light05:15
ubottuLXDE ( http://lxde.org/ ) is the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment used by !Lubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ». See http://lubuntu.net/ for more information, and join #lubuntu for support.05:15
deckardso lxde is the lubuntu option on boot?05:15
deckardi dont see just lxde05:15
holsteindeckard: lubuntu is using LXDE.. as xubuntu is using XFCE05:15
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.05:15
holsteindeckard: what would i do? try them.. try the live if you want.. see what works for you05:16
deckard!lx games05:16
holsteindeckard: i do not know what lx games is05:16
deckardholy crap, is holstein a bot?05:16
deckardsob xD05:17
holsteindeckard: ?05:17
ObrienDavecould be......05:17
holsteindeckard: im am saying, i do not know what lxgames is.. its not a known desktop environment05:17
deckardwhen i go to login in, i se lx games as one, ill look on forums05:17
holsteindeckard: right. so, you have added that somehow.. maybe with a PPA05:17
deckardit show up with Xubuntu05:17
holsteinmaybe by trying to find a lightweight gaming desktop..05:17
deckardi am05:18
holsteindeckard: lubuntu doesnt "show up" with xubuntu05:18
holsteindeckard: so you have changed things from the default05:18
ObrienDavedang holstein, you almost had him convinced you were a bot ;)05:18
deckardholstein, marys mother has 4 daughters. their names are martha, jessie and jill. What is the 4th daughters name?05:19
holstein!ot | deckard05:19
ubottudeckard: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:19
* ObrienDave is away: Snoozin06:28
xubuntu432hello! just installed xubuntu and the mic doesn t work with skype. did someone happen to have the same pb?07:23
ObrienDavemake sure the mike is not muted07:24
ObrienDave*mic, sorry, tired07:24
xubuntu432can i see that in pavucontrol? wha is the name of the tab?07:26
ObrienDaveopen a terminal, run alsamixer07:27
ObrienDaveF4 for capture volumes07:28
ObrienDavesorry, F3 will show you mic volume (gain)07:28
xubuntu432when i click F4 i have a column dedicated to mic07:30
xubuntu432it s written capture R L07:30
xubuntu432L R actually07:30
Sysimake sure you have the right input device selected and set to be used with skype07:30
xubuntu432how do i know?07:31
Sysilook at pavucontrol07:31
xubuntu432there is no input device available...07:32
xubuntu432how can i solve that?07:33
lqidCisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client - Any Xubuntu alternative for this? Would love to get a VPN connection to work going.09:14
bekkslqid: openvpn client. But it may not qwork because of your VPN administrator forcing to use that distinct software only.09:15
lqidbekks: Thanks very much. Greatly appreciate the help.09:18
nantouhelp to create a shortuct to a program that works under wine11:08
veebullfor some unknown reason, my xubuntu has been getting more and more flaky over the last couple days11:49
veebullkeeps logging me out when I click on seemingly random things11:49
veebullopening a PDF (sometimes)... open a program from the applications menu(sometimes)... etc.11:49
nightyyxanyone knows if it is possible to make the thumbells of icons (images) to be a bit bigger?like windows 711:50
veebullopening the startup and windows sessions section of the preferences - every time => logs me out11:50
livingdaylightHi, I have a usb camera, which when I plug in lights up, but neither cheese or skype give me a picture12:06
livingdaylightCheese says its usb2.0 PC Camera/dev/video112:08
nightyyxyou checked the skype options in video settings?12:08
nightyyxto see if its selected in skype settings this usb camera?12:08
livingdaylightskype recognizes it as usb 2.0PC Camera (/dev/video1) as well12:09
nightyyxi cant say much as i am new too the linux too :(12:10
livingdaylightok :)12:10
nightyyxhmm i guess your usb camera should be mounter for to get recognized from skype?12:13
nightyyxi would say to go to File Manager12:13
nightyyxand check on the devices12:13
nightyyxif its mounted12:13
livingdaylighthow annoying. I'd have to go to a terminal and mount it?12:15
livingdaylighthow do I see whether its mounted or not?12:15
nightyyxgo to File manaer12:16
nightyyxwhere it have your home folders12:16
nightyyxand hard disks of your computer12:16
nightyyxand see if its on the list the name of usb camera!12:16
livingdaylightwhich list?12:16
nightyyxapplications menu ---> File Manager12:17
nightyyxon the list on the left12:17
livingdaylighthttp://clip2net.com/s/57tJAH I would say not12:17
nightyyxyou should see your home folder desktop and hard disks12:17
livingdaylightyou mean like when I put a cd or external hd, and it shows in the left column?12:17
livingdaylightyea, don't see it12:18
nightyyxthen thats why you have problem12:19
nightyyxi dont know if it have to do with drivers about this specific usb camera or you have to mount it12:19
livingdaylightok, thx12:19
nightyyxtry to unplag it and plug it to another usb port12:19
ktwohi i there a gui for samba which integrates nicely in thunar/xubuntu?15:09
ktwobasically i want to quickly share folders occassionally without messing with text editors15:09
TheSheepktwo: sure, you should see 'network' in the sidebar15:09
TheSheep'browse network'15:09
SysiI think that's only for client15:10
ktwoeh yea but i need to share a folder of my linux filesystem15:10
ktwoto access it from windows15:10
TheSheepthere was  a gui dialog for that...15:10
TheSheep'shared folders' or something15:10
ktwoi remember thunar shares or something15:10
ktwobut it isnt in the repo :o15:11
Sysiyou could keep the windows share up and then upload files after connecting to it, or use WinSCP to get the files15:11
TheSheepit wasn't part of thunar, but it was in the system settings15:11
ktwonah i need native access in file explorer15:11
ktwocause i need to work on this files directly with some other program15:11
TheSheepwell, you can always make a custom action15:11
TheSheepfor mounting it15:11
Sysithe inverse solution worked for me, made a folder writable in windows and connect client to it and then upload15:12
ktwoi think i found the plugin in ppa15:12
ktwothough i dont see an install button strange.. its  thunar-shares-plugin15:13
apm1xubuntu 13.04 just acted weird16:33
apm1i was running xchat and i did a /quit16:34
apm1i saw a info window pop up before i could quit xchat "xchat couldn't get permission to write logs "16:34
apm1thus i had to check my home folder16:35
apm1turns out the thunar icons had little locks on them in /home/user16:35
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:35
apm1that sounds like a classic case of borked authentication ?16:36
apm1oh and after not being able to do anything abt it ,i tried log out from the gui , but x didn't restart , it hung on a blank screen with nothing but a blinking cursor16:38
apm1so i switched to tty2 and logged in from there and did sudo shutdown -P now16:38
apm1it immediately went down , and when i booted it again , there was the plymouth xubuntu screen with "system performing routine fs checks " and then "/ fs has errors "16:40
apm1i rebooted and did an fsck on my / partition , from a live cd16:41
apm1turned out fine there16:41
apm1now , wtf happened here exactly ?16:41
apm1meh i hope this turns out to be a phantom bug16:47
apm1but fs permissions locking in16:47
apm1why do i have a feeling of deja-vu ?16:48
* apm1 gets sick of waiting 16:52
apm1blargh !16:52
apm1meh i am just gonna disregard this and wait for it to reproduce itself16:53
apm1let it resurface then we'll talk16:53
xubuntu550I have a probleme, my xubuntu doesn't wan't connect to internet HELP ME PLZ17:41
th0rxubuntu550: don't yell. is the wifi router plugged in?17:41
holsteinxubuntu550: no problem... xubuntu doesnt actually connect directly to the internet.. you need hardware.. do you have networking hardware? if so, do you know what it is?17:41
memandHey guys, I'm going to do a fde install of xubuntu 12.04 on a USB flash drive, I'm wondering how a system like that would hold up against bruteforce atacks on the passphrase?17:53
holsteinmemand: its really the "best" way to do it... everything is compromisable though, in theory.. just depends on the time and resources of the attacker, i supppose17:55
memandholstein: but is there any built in delay on receiving passphrases?17:57
holsteinmemand: im not an encryption expert.. i'll answer as clearly as i can.. how would a system like that hold up? likely as good as anything else would. is it "crackable"? sure17:58
memandholstein: Ok, thanks :)17:59
holsteinmemand: what would i do? set it up and try and compromise it.. use security algorithyms that are in place already.. use appropriate technology.. consider paying an expert if this is mission critical17:59
holsteinone could also just setup truecrypt, and make things as complicated as you want for a smaller store of data.. thats usually the way i go, since i dont need or want the overhead on my entire system18:00
holsteinreally depends on your exact needs.. but i think anyone who says "you are completely and totally safe" should be ignored18:01
memandholstein: Indeed :) I might actually do both, since I'm going to use it for my offline Bitcoin vault I see no reasson not to go to extreme measures :)18:02
SysiI believe it comes down to your password18:02
holsteinsure, the password can help, but *any* password is compromisable, assuming enough time and/or resources of the compromiser18:03
holsteinyou would choose a passcode that is resonably hard enough to crack given current technology18:04
SysiI mean it's the main thing in order to slow down attacker, because password length exponentially adds possible combinations18:04
holsteinif i find your USB stick and want to hire out an amazon farm to crack on it, how long will it take is that realistic?18:04
memandThe key is to find out how fast it is feassible that an attacker could "type" in passwords and then how make password that is loong enough to make it uneconomical for an attacker to crack it and still short enough so that you don't need 30 mins to type it in you self18:05
holsteinwell, if the question is, what size or quality passcode is big or good enough. on some level, that is a matter of opinion.. and totally up to your needs18:06
holsteinalso, depends on where and how you are storing it.. you might be able to add 2 factor authentication18:06
chaitimehello friends18:09
memandI think I'm just going to go with a 12-15 char phrase and have more than one coppy of the wallet, so that I can empty it before it would get compromised18:10
chaitimeThe games that come with Xubuntu, is that based off a default gnome-like package or Xubuntu team chooses them?18:11
Bisheyhi guys, is anybody here able to explain to me18:14
Bisheywhy my xubuntu on my laptop seems to use utf8 but when i ssh on my mainmachine it seems like i not using utf818:14
Bisheybc chars like äüö are broken18:15
Bisheynever seen that behavior on any other distribution18:15
Bisheyonly seems to occur with ssh18:15
holsteinBishey: you ssh to a server? the server could have different settings.. have you tried a different terminal emulator? what terminal do you usually use? i would just install it and see.. also, test from TTY18:16
Bisheywell im sshing to that machine all the time. im using terminal18:16
Bisheyim gonna test from tty18:16
Bisheytty same behavior, it adds "s" after every ü for example18:17
holsteinBishey: i would try as a different user.. i would try from a live CD if i thought it were something to do with the keybaord hardare18:18
Bisheybut it works outside of ssh18:18
holsteinBishey: ok.. so you are not testing as a different user.. i'll throw out some more suggestions.. how about ssh to localhost?18:19
Bisheyokay, gonna try that18:19
Bisheysshing localhost works18:20
holsteinBishey: you can try ssh to another host.. but, as i suggested first, the issue seems server side18:21
Bisheyyeah guess you're right18:21
Bisheyi tried my root server and im not having the problem18:21
Bisheybut the machine im sshing doesn't do that18:22
Bisheyi mean, i ssh that thing all the time, and im not having the problem18:22
holsteinBishey: the firts step is to admit you have a problem.. seems like the user on the server is the issue..18:23
SysiBishey: on the problem machine, what does "locale" say?18:23
SysiBishey: are you using screen?18:23
Bisheyoh, it says nothing18:23
Bisheyin fact18:23
Bisheyit's a gentoo machine, and it's usually set to DE_de.UTF818:24
Bisheybut it seems that is not right, when sshing to it18:24
holsteinBishey: well, at least you know the issue is not with the client18:25
Bisheywell, yeh, but i never having that problem elsewhere18:26
holsteinBishey: you dont have that problem from the same client in with another user, correct?18:28
holsteinBishey: you can try the other emulators.. or answer Sysi  about screen..18:28
Bisheyöhh, can try root18:29
holsteinBishey: or, make another user and test..18:29
Bisheyyep, problem still there18:29
Bisheylocale seem to not get set by my main machine when sshing to it18:30
holsteinBishey: you said it wasnt there as root? correct?18:30
Sysitry setting locale in .bashrc/similar18:31
Bisheyoh, locale seem to be set nowhere on my main machine18:35
Bisheyseems like gdm are setting 'em18:35
Bisheythat explains alot, but why do other machine ssh without any problems18:35
Sysimaybe they have send_env set in conf or not actually using utf818:39
holsteinBishey: what would i do? try another terminal emulator..18:39
Bisheybut i only like terminal18:40
holsteinBishey: ok18:40
holsteinBishey: but, even as a troubleshooting step, it can be helpful.. and helpful for the volunteers that are helping you to gather data18:40
Bisheyi think i will just let the locale set on the host somewhere18:43
nantouhow do I download a video from a random site? (not youtube)19:24
holsteinnantou: i would ask the content creator for a copy19:26
Sysimaybe some browser plugin19:35
TheSheepor you just right-click and select 'save as' if they didn't disable it19:37
TheSheepand if they are using html5 video19:38
nightyyxhtml 5 will kill all the cool browser plug ins and programms about downloading videos from sites19:38
TheSheepnot if they include the drm spec that w3c is working on now19:39
TheSheepbut that's offtopic19:40
memandHey, I'm following this http://57un.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/full-disk-encryption-using-ubuntu-in-most-secure-mode-with-aes-xts-plain64/ guide to making an encrypted install but I have overwritten the disk I want to install to with 'dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX' and gparted is telling me to choose a partitioning table for the disk, which one should I choose?20:21
memandAnd why, if not too much trouble to explain20:25
memand, = ?20:25
Unit193!filesystems | ext4 is default20:26
ubottuext4 is default: ext3 and ext4 are the default filesystems in Ubuntu (and many other Linuxes). Alternative Linux filesystems include reiserfs and xfs. fat32 and ntfs are DOS/Windows filesystems. hfs and hfs+ are filesystems for the Mac. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems20:26
memandI have the choice between MS-DOS, aix, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, pc98, sun and loop20:28
memandIt says MS-DOS is the default20:28
memandUnit193, ^20:29
Unit193YOu have overwritten the disk, you need to format it.20:30
memandBut I must admit that I don't know much about the advantages/disadvantages of the different formats20:31
memandI have tried google'ing linux partion tables,  but it did not turn up anything useful20:33
peyamWhen I have video convesation on skype I can hear sound from youtube or vlc20:41
peyamwhat can the problem be?20:41
xubuntu052installing skype? -- I moved over from ubuntu and having been trying to install skype. It's not in the repositories and the download from the skype website doesn't work either... I'm using a live DVD 64-bit xubuntu.20:44
Unit193It's in the partner repo,20:44
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:44
peyamxubuntu052: worked for me! doenload the .dep file för ubuntu 12.04 and run the .dep file in software center. just dubble click on it20:45
Unit193Erm, better to install from repos, automatic updates and packaged for Ubuntu.20:46
peyamthere is one in software center as well20:46
xubuntu052I added the canonical respositories and updated. apt-cache search skype shows it's there but it can't be installed for some reason.20:47
peyamyou can. it is already in your dash20:47
peyamjust type skype20:47
peyamit is there even if the "install"button doesnt turn to "remove"20:47
xubuntu052i'm using xubuntu.20:48
peyamunity launcher..20:48
peyamgo to Internet20:48
knomepeyam, this is the xubuntu support channel.20:48
elfypeyam: dash and unity is not xubuntu20:48
peyamI mean application lounter > internet20:48
xubuntu052isn't dash unity?20:48
Unit193There is no Unity in Xubuntu.20:48
knomepeyam, and please check your attitude.20:48
knomepeyam, please consider this as the last warning20:48
peyamknome: it is the second time you say that.. I dont know what im writing that makes you believe I have  abd atitude20:49
peyamxubuntu052: go to application menu > internet. Skype is there20:49
seronisis there any software in the repos that would help with tabletop gaming?  D&D or Pathfinder? (pf specific is best)20:49
xubuntu052anyway back to the issue, is this a live dvd issue? do xubuntu users have any issues installing skype 4.2 -- if not, I'll just take it as gospel and deal with it after a full install.20:50
peyamI just installed skype! I donno what the problem is!20:50
knomexubuntu052, there shouldn't be any problems. if you have them once you've installed the system, just come back here and ask for help20:50
elfyxubuntu052: I installed skype fin less than 5 days ago20:50
xubuntu052skype 4.2 elfy / knome? or the one in the canonical repository?20:51
Unit193xubuntu052: Canonical repo *has* 4.220:51
xubuntu052not sure if the repository has 4.2 but I am assuming it's <4.220:51
knomexubuntu052, i can only speak for what is in the repositories20:51
knome!info skype20:51
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in raring20:51
xubuntu052ah, ok unit193.20:52
xubuntu052what ubottu?20:52
Unit193!info skype-bin partner20:52
ubottuskype-bin (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service - binary files. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 16613 kB, installed size 38380 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)20:52
knomeUnit193, yeah... just figured out.20:52
Unit193knome: I win! :D20:52
peyamknome: why do you think I have  abad attitude?20:52
knomepeyam, if you want to discuss it further, please take it to #ubuntu-ops. thanks20:53
xubuntu052sorry can someone translate that -- skype-bin 4.2 is in the repository then and I can just install in xubuntu yes? it must be a live DVD issue then.20:53
peyamknome: next time you can pm me! :)20:53
xubuntu052I'm using xubuntu 13.04 64bit20:54
Unit193xubuntu052: Yes, it's in an additional repo you have to enable, but it is there nonetheless.20:54
xubuntu052it's not the canonical repo?20:55
Unit193It is, that's the additional repo, as seen in Software Sources.20:55
xubuntu052OK - I added the canonical repo using the live dvd already. I get an i386 dependency error on install. I guess it's a live dvd issue. OK thanks everyone.20:57
peyamxubuntu052: still hanging on skype?20:59
knomexubuntu052, if you want to debug it, you can !pastebin the error, but if you're installing anyway, it might be better to do that first20:59
peyamknome: what is the default font in xubuntu?21:00
xubuntu052If people have been able to install skype 4.2 on xubuntu 13.04 64bit without issue, it must be a live dvd problem so I'll do that knome. Thanks for your help.21:00
knomexubuntu052, we have. no problem, enjoy :)21:01
seronisI noticed that the partners repos are deactivated in sources by default.  Is there any way i can see whats in them to decide if i want to activate them or not ?21:04
xubuntu803hey there, quick question if i may?21:05
Unit193You can visit them and read the Release file, seronis.21:06
knome!ask | xubuntu80321:06
ubottuxubuntu803: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:06
seronisUnit193: except i dont know -what- needs visiting. There is no url listed in the 'other software' tab21:06
seronisit just says "Canonical Partners" without saying what that means21:06
seronisid like to get a package list21:07
xubuntu803okay, thanks.  just done a fresh install (hard-drive died) of 13.04 and can't remember how I enabled video thumbnails within Thunar.21:07
Unit193seronis: It's not exactly normal, but it works to gunzip this and read it http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz the more interesting ones are skype and adobe flash.21:07
nightyyxsince i red somewhere the word thumbnails21:08
seronisOdd..  i already have flash with the 'restricted-extras' package21:08
nightyyxcan i make the pictures thumbnails larger?like windows 7?21:08
seronisthat was in 'Independant' i thought21:08
seronisnightyyx: i cant help with that, but if you need the slideshow feature of win7 i can help21:09
Unit193nightyyx: Yeah, check in view, or Ctrl+scroll21:10
Unit193seronis: Yep, flashplugin-installer is in main, adobe-flashplugin is in partner.21:10
seronisUnit193:  thank you (for link and flash info)21:11
seronisi had actually already found out how to make my own Packages.gz for using a local folder as a repo.  didnt know how to figure out the urls for offsite ones yet21:11
nightyyxUnit193 yeah but ctrl and scroll make folders also thumbnails...i mean i would like normal size for folder and bigger thumbnails inside the folders21:12
conoral11Hi there, I'm having an issue with network sharing. I am sharing my WiFi connection from my netbook, to my desktop via ethernet. Both are running 13.04. I am using the network manager to share the connection. And it works, for about 5-10 seconds, then the desktop machine no longer loads web pages. No notification of lost networking either. Any clues where I should be looking?21:13
Unit193seronis: Sure, and you can use apt-cache for that, many useful commands there.  You use mini-dinstall for local?21:14
Unit193conoral11: Can check logs in /var/log/, and `dmesg`21:14
seronisapt-cache hadnt learned that one yet either.  thank you will check out man page on it21:15
xubuntu052Just a big thank you to any xubuntu contributors out there - I've been demoing various distros and have gone through mint-xfce, mint-cinnamon 15, ubuntu 13.04, aptosid, debian live, debian wheezy, fedora 18 xfce and I keep coming back to xubuntu which I will install. Thank you!21:17
knomexubuntu052, thanks and enjoy :)21:18
seronisknome: i know i brought this up once before,  but do you accept any patches for xfce or thunar or do you only use the versions as released by xfce directly?  im almost getting comfortable enougn to start messing with thunars missing features (ctrl-tab between tabs, exe bit in properties) and i've heard mention the xfce team itself is VERY picky about their design choices, even when others consider those21:21
seronis choices wrong21:21
knomeseronis, if you have a patch that won't be accepted to xfce but which is considered a good one for xubuntu collectively by the team, we can consider patches.21:22
knomeseronis, but i still can't promise anything21:22
nightyyxnautilous or thunar? witch is best? :P21:22
knome!best | nightyyx21:22
ubottunightyyx: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.21:22
seronisnightyyx:  this is a biased channel to ask that21:22
knomenightyyx, and what seronis said ^21:23
nightyyx:P well it have to do a bit with xubuntu since its about thunar comparision too :P21:23
knomenot really21:24
seronisnightyyx:  well in the past 6 years i've installed linux probably 20 times and never kept it more than a few days or a week21:24
knomenightyyx, do you have a support question?21:24
seronisthis is my first time using xfce (xubuntu) and i havent felt a single urge to put win7 back on after over 3 weeks21:24
nightyyxseronis true :) even as a window user for years i feel so ok with xubuntu no the need to go back to windows 7 :P21:25
nightyyxknome well21:25
nightyyxi would like to make some more customization to thumbnails21:25
knomeif you want to discuss migration from windows more, please take it to #xubuntu-offtopic21:25
knomenightyyx, you mean more emblems?21:25
nightyyxok :)21:25
nightyyxsorry for my bad english first of all! well i want to have the option to make the pictures thumbnails bigger21:26
nightyyxbut without affect the folders! i mean i want to keep the folders size in normal size and make larger the thumbnails pictures inside these folders :P21:26
seronisknome: the  ctrl + mousewheel method that Unit mentioned works for the entire Thunar session.. not for specific folders21:26
nightyyxyes :)21:26
knomeseronis, you can change the listing type for the directories with images; see the view-menu, or press ctrl+12321:27
knomeerr, sorry, nightyyx ^21:27
knomeyeah, you're correct21:27
knomeiirc, it used to be different before21:27
seronisbut thats not the issue.  mode '1' for icons is what I also prefer21:28
seronisbut id like image folders to have larger icons21:28
seronisthat doesnt seem possible21:28
nightyyxthe only thing that i missed from windows...21:28
nightyyxi want to give a more multimedia look to my xbuntu that already is amazing with cairo dock too :)21:28
knomethere are applications for photo browsing though, maybe that's something you might want to look at21:29
seronis'feh' is great21:29
seronisits what I scripted to use for the slideshow option21:29
nightyyxi checked a few still cant decide...i think the default image viewer is good for browsing photos but i wanted to make it without a app21:29
nightyyxfeh?is your script?21:30
Unit193!info feh21:30
seroniswell i installed 'feh' which is an image browser that supports full screen, window mode and even 'set to wallpaper'.  i like customizability21:30
ubottufeh (source: feh): imlib2 based image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3-2 (raring), package size 145 kB, installed size 372 kB21:30
seronisand inside Thunar  'custom actions' i set a right click option to    feh -FZYzr -D5 %d21:30
seronisnamed it  "view as slideshow"  and now when i right click on an image i get the same feature as in Win721:31
nightyyxinteresting...i am downloading also feh21:31
conoral11Unit193: Nothing obvious in dmesg, and I can't find anything nasty in the logs. What is happening is the network ondesktop machine side seems to hang, giving a ping command doesn't return anything21:31
nightyyxi will make also the same customization...lets see :) but it would be great as a feature by default to another xubuntu version :)21:32
Unit193conoral11: Yeah, I'd do as you did and try to ping and if that worked checked DNS, but since that's out...  Desktop and laptops cut out right?21:33
nightyyxhm feh dint find his place to a application category type21:33
nightyyxi have to use terminal to run it21:33
Unit193Could be router/modem?  I've never use ad-hoc connections.21:33
nightyyxand great...run errors :P21:33
nightyyxnightyyx@nightyyx-A6VA:~$ feh21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.ICEauthority - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.Xauthority - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.Xdefaults - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.bash_history - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.bash_logout - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.bashrc - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.chromium-bsu - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.gksu.lock - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.goutputstream-A0RTXW - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.goutputstream-JN67WW - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.goutputstream-LNUUWW - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.goutputstream-MQAIXW - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.goutputstream-P5KKXW - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.goutputstream-TCP9WW - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.gtk-bookmarks - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.profile - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.pulse-cookie - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
seronisnightyyx:  for large pastes try using a pastebin site and just pasting the links21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.swn - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.swo - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.swp - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.viminfo - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.xscreensaver - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.xsession-errors - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./.xsession-errors.old - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:34
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./How to download youtube videos from terminal in Ubuntu.-qDQ4e0CKC8Q.mp4 - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:35
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./ex03_1.s - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:35
nightyyxfeh WARNING: ./linux.dummies.pdf - No Imlib2 loader for that file format21:35
nightyyxfeh: No loadable images specified.21:35
nightyyxSee 'man feh' for detailed usage information21:35
nightyyxyeah my bad sorry :)21:35
nightyyxi used only once this great pastebin feature and havent it in my mind21:35
seronisalso in the 'Appearance Conditions' tab the only checkmark i have is 'image files'21:35
MrElgoh, and i have sound notification on, that enchanting rythm21:35
nightyyxwhat you mean?21:35
seronisfor 'feh'21:35
seronisin Thunar  Edit menu ->  Confingure Custom Actions21:36
seronisclick  '+',   name/desc both to  'view as slideshow'21:36
seroniscommand is        feh -FZYzr -D5 %d21:36
seronisthen in appearance conditions tab   'image files' is the only checkbox21:36
seronisafter that right clicking on an image file in the thunar window will give you the 'view as slideshow' option21:37
conoral11Unit193: Ping, hung a while and is now saying host unreachable. The Laptop is always working (It is what I am writng to you on)21:37
nightyyxi should run this command in terminal?21:37
seronistype it inside the dialog box i just said21:37
nightyyxok w821:37
Unit193conoral11: I don't know, sorry.  All I can say is try restarting network-manager. :/21:38
nightyyxi went Edit menu ->  Confingure Custom Actions21:39
seronisgood so far21:39
nightyyxand i did as you told me21:39
nightyyxbut still cant find the slidshow option21:39
seronisits not an option.. you are MAKING the option21:39
seronisclick the green plus icon21:39
seronis"create custom action"21:40
seronisin the name and description fields type   "View As Slideshow" or whatever you want it to show up as21:40
seronisin the command field type  "feh -FZYzr -D5 %d"   but no quotation marks21:40
seronisthen click from the Basic tab to the Appearance Conditions tab21:40
conoral11Unit193: Thank you for you help nether the less!21:40
seronisand make sure "Image Files" is the only checkmark21:40
seronisi have an asterisk in the File Pattern with nothing else21:41
seronisclick 'OK'21:41
nightyyxWOW! works like a charm! Amazing!21:41
seronisthen 'Close',   then in the Thunar window navigate to a directory that has a bunch of images and right click one21:41
nightyyxits great now i can enjoy better some photos21:42
seronisthe specific options in 'feh -FZYzr -D5 %d'  will make it do a 5 second delay between image swaps, random image selection and also RECURSIVE selection so it will look in all sub directories of the specific file you click on too21:42
seronisoh.. and auto stretch to fit window21:42
seronisbut you can check out the arguments feh supports and set it to the behavior you prefer21:43
nightyyxyour advices are precious :) i need a good detailed explanation of this command! thank you!21:43
seronisQ: does anyone know how to adjust those custom action commands so that they only show up in specific directories instead of with specific filetypes ?21:44
seroniscause i have one for grabbing the public link of my dropbox items and i would prefer the option not show up everywhere21:44
nightyyxhaving close drivers instead the open source drivers of a ati graphic card desktop will look different?21:57
memandWHY IN THE .... did the xubuntu installer just start dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2??22:28
memand/dev/sda does not even have anything to do with where Im installing too22:28
memandJust my thoughts22:39

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