
=== jalcine is now known as jackyalcine
ahoneybunnvalorie: ping00:59
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kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1184238] package kde-runtime (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: попытка переза... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1184238 (by Alexey Zbinyakov)01:54
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1184238] package kde-runtime (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: попытка переза... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1184238 (by Alexey Zbinyakov)02:56
valorieI see that ahoneybun is marked away, but pong anyway04:15
ahoneybunnow do you see me?04:18
valorieI can see you, but you are marked as away04:19
valoriedo a /back04:19
ahoneybunI did /back04:19
ahoneybunanyway I am here ;)04:20
valoriesilly quassel04:20
valorieI'm sorta here04:20
valorietired, and I might just watch a movie or something04:20
ahoneybunyea maybe it's that04:20
ahoneybunI added a bit to the Basic page just now04:20
valorieI think what probably happened is that when I clicked the save button after all my edits, they weren't saved04:21
valoriesometimes it is SOOOOO slow04:21
ahoneybunsadly yea04:22
valorieI really dislike moin04:22
valoriemediawiki is snappy in comparison04:22
valorieanyway, you do well with it04:23
ahoneybunpalasso is working on a bit of the pages04:23
valorieI'm gonna go watch a movie04:23
ahoneybunI see that he edited like most of them04:23
ahoneybunpalasso: thanks for the work man!04:24
ahoneybunthat trello page is getting there!04:25
ahoneybunI'm going to get LibreOffice done before I get off04:28
ahoneybunlistening to Skrillex in Amarok really gets work done lol04:32
ahoneybunand  I just found a glitch in Moin lol04:34
ahoneybunDarkwing: ping04:41
ahoneybunI just saw that I am not using any non-free drivers lol04:49
palassoahoneybun, np I do just small fixes whenever I can ;)05:36
ahoneybunpalasso: thanks anyway ;)05:43
ahoneybunpalasso: are you reading the devel list?05:46
palassoI just subscribed (I used gmane to receive it as RSS on my feedreader) before a couple days and read the last messages from the last months ;)05:48
ahoneybuncool currently there are 3 of us working on the Docs right now and we would love to add more05:52
ahoneybunmaybe you could join in05:52
palassoI'll be trying on doing some work whenever I can but right now I don't have much time. I'm having exams at my university...05:54
ahoneybunoh ok thats fine05:55
ahoneybunwhenever you have spare time05:55
ahoneybungood night all06:04
shadeslayerScottK: is http://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=akonadi generated by Britney?06:12
ScottKshadeslayer: Yes.  You can also get it directly on the command line (with less latency) using grep-excuses.06:37
shadeslayerScottK: would that also work for Ubuntu?06:46
ScottKSomeone would have to write the code to make it look there.06:47
ScottKIt's in devscripts.06:47
ScottKProbably not too hard.06:47
shadeslayerScottK: http://paste.kde.org/750872/06:51
ScottKYou could put a distro switch on it like rmadison has ....06:54
shadeslayerthat's the next step ;)07:01
shadeslayerexcept I don't really know perl, I'm just interpretting the statements around the place where it parses arguments07:01
ScottKLook at rmadison, copy/paste, profit.07:12
shadeslayerI'll have to rewrite option parsing, rmadison uses GetOptions, grep-excuses uses shifting07:21
palassoahoneybun, should these 3 articles be deleted since you cloned them on "KubuntuDocs/Basic/" https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/CommandLine https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/ManagingRepositories https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/ManagingSoftware08:11
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BluesKajHiyas all12:41
ahoneybunpalasso: cloned? no those are needed we will work it out later, once we have all the content we need.15:41
ahoneybunnow I see15:41
soeeyuo know what? whot kded4 killed my laptop works a lot better15:55
soeei think i should kill it everytime i boot my lap15:55
apacheloggerjussi: ACLs need update for new council it seems19:06
lordievaderGood evening.19:58
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you?20:00
ahoneybunlordievader: fine, yourself?20:01
lordievaderahoneybun: Doing good too :)20:04
ahoneybunI'm so happy with the Docs right now20:05
lordievaderThat is good to hear :)20:09
ahoneybunlordievader: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs20:10
lordievaderI'll take a look in a bit :)20:15
ahoneybunok 20:16
lordievaderahoneybun: Do you mind if I give feedback?20:21
ahoneybunlordievader: I would love it20:23
lordievaderI would add a capital to a few thing. The first two items under 'Basic', and in the welcome page under the Kubuntu Desktop I would change "plus much more!" into "Plus much more!".20:25
lordievaderPerhaps it would be nice to add Chrome/Chromium to the browser section too.20:28
lordievaderNice ;D20:28
ahoneybunI was thinking of adding Opera as well20:29
lordievaderahoneybun: Good idea.20:29
lordievaderWould it be a good idea to move the Mailing List section containing the links to the actual lists to the other Mailing List section? (Hope this makes sense)20:32
lordievaderYou can mention #kubuntu-offtopic too in the Kubuntu IRC channels.20:33
lordievaderThe docs look really nice, ahoneybun. Good job :D20:34
ahoneybunlordievader: most of it is directly from the old docs tbh20:34
ahoneybunlordievader: thats what I was going to do but it does fall under support I think20:35
ahoneybunlordievader: can you write a bit on the chrome/chromium section?20:36
lordievaderahoneybun: Not right now, I might have time tommorow though.20:36
ahoneybunlordievader: whenever you have time, any work is well thanked20:37
lordievaderOk cool :)20:37
lordievaderI'll ping you when I'm done ;)20:38
ahoneybunok cool leave a comment of what you did too, if you want with the /* comment way */20:42
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1184415] qtconfig tuning of palette does not work @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1184415 (by karl)20:54

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