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oceanquakeHello all.  I'm trying to install 13.04 burned from a download today.  I go into LiveDVD mode ("try Kubuntu"), get the networking setup, fire up the installer, and proceed through all the input screens.  On the last screen where presumably some file copying, etc., should be going on, the progress bar is stuck at 0% while displaying the message "Saving installed packages...".  The info panels above seem to move in and out as expected and the machine is01:33
oceanquakedefinitely not locked up.  If I go to the /tmp/tmp.<blah> mountpoint where the installer has mounted the / partition, I see the installer has not put anything there.  Any advice on getting the installer to actually install?01:33
oceanquakeI have waited for a long time, so it's definitely not making progress.  I don't see anything suspicious in dmesg01:34
oceanquakeAMD64, this a good machine that was previously running Ubuntu 10.1001:36
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oceanquakeThe only non-standard thing I'm doing is I pre-created my partitions and filesystem layout before running the installer, but just told the installer what the mount points were for each partition.  I do this everytime I install (K)Ubuntu, with no problems in the past...01:48
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oceanquakeOK, confirmed that when I let it do the "guided" partitioning and just go with the first option it presents, the file copying actually does take place.04:10
juniormendoncalooking for trillian like app at kubuntu04:39
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ussher_Konqueror weirdness.  I just looked at the "Size:" property for a folder and it read '201.2 KiB'.  I figure thats the same as KB, but not sure.  Is it?  Wikipedia says a KiB is a kibibyte.  then has  some confusing numbers.08:16
ussher_anyone know if a kibibyte is the same as a KB ?08:16
palassoussher_, KiB is defined to be 1024 Bytes, KB has two definitions. It's either 1000 or 1024 Bytes08:24
ussher_thanks palasso so close enough then.  cheers.08:25
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snikkeri've run "sudo setfacl -d -R -m g:green-group:rwx /path/to/dir1", my user is into secondary group "green-group", but i'm unable to write into "dir1". Can you help me?09:05
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Guest33989is it possible to sync kontact with microsoft outook exchange?09:16
Guest33989exchange active sync09:16
e_t_Guest33989: you might give this a try https://syncevolution.org/wiki/ms-exchange-and-kde-synchronization09:26
e_t_Alternately, Exchange can be an IMAP server, which is well-supported by many clients.09:27
Walex2Guest33678: e_t_: I have tried various plugins etc. but the only setup that works well and realiably for me is to the the 'davmail' gateway proxy to MS Exchange.09:55
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seeleanyone have about 30 minutes for an interview about their kde notifications? it will earn a $5 donation to the kde e.v. for your participation12:18
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BluesKajHiyas all12:41
seeleBluesKaj: have 30 minutes for an interview about your kde notifications? it will earn a $5 donation to the kde e.v. for your pariticpation :)12:41
BluesKajseele, my kde notifications ? , please define that , I'm not sure what you wanr from me.12:43
BluesKajwant rather12:43
seelei'm studying the kde notification system.. the popups in your bottom right corner and the ( i ) icon12:44
seelethat tell you when things happen on your system12:44
BluesKajor is this a scipt ?12:44
seeleso the popups that tell you when your battery is low, or you have a new email, etc.12:45
BluesKajthis is a desktop , so no battery notifications ...and I don't use kmail  so no email notifications for that12:47
seeleyou have all notifications turned off?12:47
BluesKajI have very few notifications really , the notifier works , mostly when I transfer files12:48
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farsidehello. I have just upgrade to 13.04 and changed my graphic card from a nVidia to a AMD Radeon HD 4890 card. I'm unable to choose a higher resolution than 1600x1200, I would like 1920x1200. How could I verify that I'm using the opensource AMD drivers?15:07
BluesKajfarside, in the konsole , dkms status , will tell which driver is installed15:12
BluesKajfarside, if that shows nothing then do , lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , include the quotes15:14
farsideBluesKaj: ok. It show vboxhost, isn't that VirtualBox? How do I change it to radeon?15:14
BluesKajso your on the VB ?15:15
farsideBluesKaj: yes strangly enough, but I'm not in a virtual environment.15:16
mokushwhat's this thing I read on g+, about an interview regarding notifications in kde this weekend?15:18
farsideBluesKaj: I have VirtualBox installed, but I don't think that is the problem15:18
BluesKajmokush, I had kde member ask me abouit notifier earlier15:18
BluesKajthe command i gave should show your graphics driver , farside , which command showed the VB?15:20
farsideBluesKaj: # dkms status15:21
farsidevboxhost, 4.2.12, 3.8.0-22-generic, x86_64: installed15:21
BluesKajfarside, ok try this one , lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , include the quotes15:23
farsideBluesKaj: no output15:23
farsideBluesKaj: if I remove the last grep I get 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV790 [Radeon HD 4890] [1002:9460] Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device [1043:031e]15:24
BluesKajfarside, ok , open kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers15:25
farsideBluesKaj: No propritary drivers are in use on this system. And the two boxes below are empty (I'm not offered to install fglrx)15:28
BluesKajgreyed out ?15:28
farsideBluesKaj: probably because HD 4890 isn't supported in the latest AMD-driver-packages15:28
palassoyeap I think that's the case since 12.1015:29
farsideBluesKaj: no, empty. Only Enable is greyed out15:29
farsidepalasso: ok, but I think I'll be OK with the radeon drivers15:30
BluesKajmy radeon experience id very limited since I switched to nvidia due the very issue I had with ATI a few yrs ago  ..poor driver support15:31
palassofarside, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI15:35
TopGearWhat's the exact difference in Kubuntu Active/full/desktop in de mini-iso install?15:36
palassofarside, you might also want to read this: http://ubuntuxtreme.com/howto/how-to-fix-your-amd-graphics-in-ubuntu-12-10/15:38
palassofarside, probably the problem you have on the resolution is sth else though not having to do with using the open source driver15:40
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arulmagiwill kubuntu 13.04 be supported by Cannonical?16:10
farsidepalasso: thank you :-) Now I finally got the right resolution.16:15
palassoSo it was fixed with the prop driver?16:15
palassofarside ^16:16
farsidepalasso: yes, the legacy one. Guess I'll have to buy a new card before 13.10, so that I don't have to downgrade xorg...16:16
palassofarside, or stay with 12.0416:16
farsidepalasso: 13.04... No, I'm going to upgrade to 13.10 when it's released16:17
palassoBut the open source driver shouldn't have problems with the resolution. Anyway when 13.10 hits try it out on liveDVD to see how it'll work16:17
palassoActually I was mentioning 12.04 because it's an LTS. In case you have a serious problem with resolution I would recommend either filling a bug report against the open source driver or staying on LTS since standard releases are supported only for 9 months. (Of course you may buy a newer GPU)16:19
farsidepalasso: yeah I know, but unsure what the problem is. I tried booting the 13.04 live-CD, and had no problem there. I got the right resolution without having to do anything16:19
farsideyeah I know 12.04 is lts...16:19
farsidepalasso: so a reinstall would probably fix my problems, but no, I won't do that...16:20
palassoIn that case since on liveDVD it worked fine then the problem is elsewhere and it got fixed now that you downgraded X.org and added amd prop driver...16:21
palassofarside, in linux in general you can do easy reinstallation with keeping your settings, data and installing easily your preferred software. It requires a little technical skill and some work in doing so but it's not like Windows ;)16:22
Far^Sidepalasso, yeah I know. I have never had Windows on this computer. But I use it at work, and reinstall/dist-upgrades on Windows sucks16:25
Far^SideIs exfat fully supported on kubuntu? Or at least as good as ntfs-3g?16:28
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palassoFar^Side, http://superuser.com/questions/436368/how-to-open-exfat-ssd-in-ubuntu-12-0416:30
Far^Sidepalasso, ok, so there isn't any exfat drivers included by default?16:36
palassoNo, as the post says exfat is proprietary but you can easily add it with the mentioned PPA.16:36
palassoAlso it works on FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) because it's incompatible with the GPL which is the license of the linux kernel16:38
palassoSo there should be a speed penalty using exfat (than using it natively)16:39
palassoFar^Side, you might also wanna have a look at the website of the project: http://code.google.com/p/exfat/16:39
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Far^Sidepalasso, ok16:41
Far^Sidetoo bad WinDOS doesn't support ext4 natively.16:43
palassoFar^Side, I think NTFS-3G also works on FUSE16:43
Far^Sidepalasso, yes, you're right...16:44
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ArtakhaFar^Side, there's an ext driver for windows that also manages ext3 and iirc ext416:51
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ArtakhaFar^Side, that being ext2fsd16:51
Far^SideArtakha, yeah I know... But I like native support...16:58
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lordievaderGood evening.19:58
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robotdevilanyone here know why I cannot edit my kmenu, I can add item and change icon but cannot add the path to command20:17
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lucianoun saluto da padova21:09
neosimagoAsking about the suspend to ram issues in kubuntu/ubuntu. Has anyone found a guide to have it working on a lenovo thinkpad T410 laptop? Been googling it; not much seems to help. Please, thank you.21:50
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zephyr28Good day.  I'm having an issue: new install of Kubuntu 13.04 on a 20" HD monitor.  I need a way to increase the display size of ALL elements (I sit a ways away from the monitor).  Very difficult to read some UI elements (particularly in NetBeans).23:41
zephyr28I've already increased the default font size, which has helped a lot, but still having difficulty in some programs.23:42
tekkbuzzzephyr28: you can lower your screen resolution to globally increase the size of all elements.23:51
zephyr28tekkbuzz: I had considered that, but that would defeat the purpose of having a beautiful HD 1920 screen23:52
tekkbuzzI agree23:52
zephyr28tekkbuzz: I did find that I could increase the font size for NetBeans specifically, though.  That will work for now, I suppose.23:52
zephyr28Most other programs still have VERY small UI elements, though.  Chromium is another one that's nearly impossible to read.23:53
tekkbuzzwhen I first set up kde on ubuntu I had to change all the font sizes and also some other tweeks.23:53
tekkbuzzyou try: system settings > application appearance ?23:54
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tekkbuzzyou can bump up your icon sizes, too.23:55
zephyr28Didn't see a way to change the sizes there.23:55

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