=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy [14:20] My lubuntu wallpaper is not taking anymore [14:22] thegladiator: more details? [14:22] I am trying to change , but its all the time black [14:23] its just taking the bg color and not the picture [14:23] how did u try [14:24] right click , Desktop Preference [14:24] I mean it was working fine [14:24] uhm, but can u change bgcolor? [14:24] yeah [14:26] u can get config file of pcmanfm [14:26] I reooted [14:26] how ? [14:26] in folder /home/vn151502510/.config/pcmanfm/lubuntu [14:27] sorry, its my folder [14:27] ~/.config/pcmanfm/lubuntu [14:27] should I paste it ? [14:28] what do I do with that file [14:28] past.ubuntu file pcmanfm.conf, ok? [14:28] ok [14:29] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5703690/ [14:29] maybe remove that .swp ? [14:30] cat ~/.config/pcmanfm/lubuntu/pcmanfm.conf [14:31] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5703697/ [14:32] your config shows you dont use wallpaper [14:32] I am trying to change [14:32] but its not taking [14:33] in wallpaper mode of desktop preferences, what is it? [14:33] None [14:33] But I change it to a file , I dont see any apply button , nor any dynamic changes [14:34] no, wallpaper mode, not wallpaper [14:34] Aah [14:35] u r a genisu [14:35] ty [14:35] :) [14:35] my glad [14:35] cool [14:36] wonder how it got changed any way np [14:36] I like lub , its very clean and awesome [14:36] also my old computer works very fast , even installed a windows vm using VirtualBox === Daviey_ is now known as Daviey [16:52] How to allow remote connections from another PC via Vinagre? I know how is done on Ubuntu but on Lubuntu the options are somewhat different [17:36] !vnc | Just use x11vnc [17:36] Just use x11vnc: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [17:38] Unit193, ubottu: Thank you [17:38] Sure, you can also have an upstart job to work with lightdm too. [19:19] Will qlubuntu use ubuntu qlm widget, if so that we dont have make them self [23:14] hi [23:15] im running windows xp wanting to move to a anything ubuntu system [23:15] my specs are 3.2GHz and 448 RAM [23:15] what should i Install [23:16] hello [23:16] ? [23:16] It's all up to you of course, but that's sure not a lot of ram. [23:16] Yeah i know [23:17] What about anything Ubuntu. Xubuntu or anything *ubuntu [23:18] Lubuntu is going to be the least resource hungry of the Ubuntu flavors, otherwise you can try out something like mini.iso and fluxbox. [23:19] alrighty then, thank you [23:19] Sure.