
MarkDudeOh crap, looks like my backup irc client is on a roll07:46
grantbowberkeleylug.com meeting at noon today15:17
grantbowoh, seems all was OK with brightness functionality but the bug was in the value not being stored between reboots. Oddly the recommended fix was editing /etc/rc.local.15:18
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
MichaelPaoliAnd, Berkeley Linux Users Group (BerkeleyLUG) meeting in progress ... http://www.berkeleylug.com/19:07
darthrobot`Title: [Berkeley Linux Users Group]19:07
MarkDudeMichaelPaoli, check PM19:12
pleia2I was hoping to make it out, but I have too much personal stuff this weekend (memorial day weekend, lots of furniture sales! and I need some..)19:16
pleia2enjoy :)19:16
MichaelPaolipleia2 Good to hear from you!  :-)19:19
* grantbow waves19:32
grantbowcan someone please check berkeleylug.com ?19:33
grantbowodd, I had a report the site was unavailable but it loaded ok for me19:37
MichaelPaoligrantbow - let me check ...19:40
MichaelPaoligrantbow Looks fine as far as I can (easily) tell ... any bit(s) in particular?  Maybe issue at client or between client and server, but not more generally?19:41
grantbowno worries, thanks for checking19:43
MichaelPaoligrantbow Sure, no problem.  :-)19:51
grantbowAnyone have any ideas for http://www.grantbow.com/irc.html ? I'm writing another berkeleylug.com blog post about IRC Customs.19:56
darthrobot`Title: [Learning IRC]19:57
grantbowAny suggestions for this before I click publish? We talked about <a href="http://www.berkeleylug.com/?p=1137" title="Freenode blog post">IRC</a> a couple <a href="http://www.berkeleylug.com/?p=1203" title="Internet Relay Chat blog post">times</a> already, but after you are connected, then what? Is IRC about instant gratification? Well, yes and no. It depends on who is in the channel you are talking in. I use it to talk to people about projec20:20
darthrobot`Title: [Berkeley Linux Users Group » Blog Archive » Freenode]20:20
darthrobot`Title: [Berkeley Linux Users Group » Blog Archive » Internet Relay Chat]20:20
grantbowI alluded in the previous post to enhancing or augmenting an IRC channel by running a bot that has useful services. I'll get to that in the next post. Unfortunately the power supply of my ShivaPlug died so I need to get a new one and get my super python bot or <a href="http://www.irc-wiki.org/Supybot">supybot</a> back online. I look forward to speaking with people about <a href="http://www.grantbow.com/irc.html" title="grantbow.com IRC">gran20:20
darthrobot`[404] Title: [Supybot" - IRC Wiki]20:20
darthrobot`[404] Title: [404 Not Found]20:20
grantbowmajor fail20:20
darthrobot`[404] Title: [Berkeley Linux Users Group » Page not found]20:21
grantbowhmm, http://www.berkeleylug.com/?p=1209&preview=true20:21
darthrobot`[404] Title: [Berkeley Linux Users Group » Page not found]20:21
grantbowpage not found?20:21
grantbowit's published, I can edit with suggestions. I have to get going20:23
grantbowugh, this internet sucks at Au Coquelet. cya later.20:25
MichaelPaoliYup, Wi-Fi at Au Coquelet is a bit hit-and-miss.  E.g. sometimes the default/assigned DNS server doesn't work, but the rest will be okay.20:43
lngndvsFrom the BLUG, Hello20:47
grantphoneOops, I can change the topic later if nobody else gets to it before I do.22:54

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