
stan_man_canIf I check my "TOP" it says the command mysqld has been running for 6 hours and 11 minutes and is coming 13% of my memory, there are also 7 or so php5-cgi instances that hav been option for ~4 minutes that are taking up 4.1% of my memory each00:00
stan_man_canany way to investigate these more and see why?00:01
WeThePeoplerecurrent, it should have a right click option to remove from the launcher.00:01
stan_man_canhttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/5651259 is the top chunk of my top00:02
stan_man_cani used SHIFT+M to sort by memory00:02
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jman074stupid drive wont let me do anything with it00:05
phillyjjman074: what now?00:06
jman074lol phillyj. so i when to disk utility and when i try to format it or delete it i keep getting daemon is inhibited00:07
recurrenti have 2 ? icons on launcher with no options to do anything, how do i remove?00:07
panchiniakHi. How can I write on a USB port? I would like to create a 3 volts signal on a usb output wire, under ubuntu. Any idea?00:08
recurrenttooltip says Debconf00:08
cautionwhere can I find the source code for /bin/su ?00:09
phillyjjman074: can you unmount the drive?00:10
trismcaution: apt-get source login;00:10
jman074phillyj that also says deamon is inhibited00:10
phillyjjman074: do you have gparted running too?00:11
jman074ummm yeeh00:11
jman074oops i forgot that was in the background from earlier00:11
cautiontrism: thanks but can I view it online somewhere?00:12
jman074do i need to shut it down00:12
thejoelhansenGood day all - I'm having an issue with some email forwarding. I've added a forward to /etc/aliases such as "bonk : joel@my.server.com". I ran newaliases. However, emails to joel@my.server.com just bounce as 'user not found'. I'm overlooking something. Is this a simple fix, or might anyone have any links to good articles on creating/ managing email accounts and such command line?00:12
jman074phillyj do i need to shut down gparted for it to work00:13
phillyjmaybe; try it00:13
trismcaution: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/shadow/saucy/files00:13
cautionthank you00:14
recurrenta web search reveals i have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/105684300:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1056843 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "Week 39 - Icon with ? during install and "debconf" system message shown" [Undecided,New]00:15
recurrentlol, i've only installed 3 thing since clean install00:16
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trismrecurrent: you get the ? icon whenever an app is not associated with a .desktop file for some reason (or it doesn't have an icon)00:17
recurrentit cannot be removed and has 0 options00:17
trismrecurrent: if you can't get rid of it, a log out/log back in may fix it00:17
recurrentok, i'll try anything once00:18
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recurrentyes, relog fixed the launcher icon00:20
ProfeaktiHi to all i am newby on ubuntu and i see i dont need av or something like that,  but some user recomends i install rkhunter and i do it and check for rootkits  and recive  2 warnings /usr/bin/unhide.rb [WARNING]  checking for hidden file directories [WARNING]. I dont have nothing strange installed, all from software center, i only install google chrome from his oficial website and nothing more,  i want to know if that are false positive o00:23
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Profeaktir not, i read about those  warnings and i see divergent opinions, i ask on ubuntu-es and  nobody says me nothing and i see the articles relating to those warnings are too thecnical and in english can anybody says  me if those warnings are drangerous?. I feel a litle sad but on the spanish chanel always scare me and i am newby and dont feel free or on control of my sustem00:23
phillyjcan't someone help me get my desktop back? How do I fix the nvidia kernel initialization failure?00:23
phillyjProfeakti: you said many things...why did you need to check for rootkits?00:24
trismphillyj: did you reboot after installing the nvidia package?00:24
phillyjtrism: yes00:25
trismphillyj: what is the error in dmesg after trying to modprobe nvidia00:25
phillyjtrism: i didn't modprobe nvidia00:25
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Profeakti i am new and check for it to be secure my installation are clean its my first time on ubuntu and those "scans" give me peace on mind00:26
trismphillyj: then modprobe nvidia and see what the error is00:26
phillyjtrism: nvidia-current, right?00:26
trismphillyj: if you already rebooted shouldn't matter, but sure, nvidia_current00:27
recurrentProfeakti,  .rb is also ruby scripts00:27
phillyjtrism: hmm, dmesg outputs alot; what should I filter out?00:28
Profeaktithat warnings are drangeros Recurrent  i dont understand that rkhunter warnings and if they are drangeros00:28
trismphillyj: there should be a single line at the end with nvidia on it00:29
trismphillyj: maybe a couple00:29
recurrentProfeakti,  what about sudo apt-get install chkrootkit00:29
Vbitzwhat's the best guide for dual booting osx and ubuntu on a Macbook Pro 8,100:30
recurrenti guess i dont know how to reply with xchat yet00:31
phillyjtrism: well, theres a bunch of NVRM lines that say API mismatch: client has v 304.88 but kernal module has v310.1400:31
trismphillyj: ahh you have multiple versions installed00:31
phillyjtrism: i think the v310.44 was the beta driver i installed before all this trouble00:31
trismphillyj: what do you see in: dkms status;00:31
jenevcan someone tell me why CRDA is only being 'run' when I'm connecting to a secure network?00:31
Profeaktilet me try recurrent00:32
jenevand it appears that the CRDA is screwing up the connection when trying to connect to a secure network00:32
phillyjtrism: looks like 3 versions (3 lines)00:32
jenevis there anyway to disable CRDA?00:33
trismphillyj: well it may be several of the same version for different kernels, do you see different nvidia versions at the beginning of the lines?00:33
gumaI have fresh setup server with two network cards both setup as dhcp. Each is plugged to different router. Is there a way to change which one ill be default gateway? I want my eth0 be default gateway it looks like eth1 always is default00:33
phillyjtrism: 2 are the same beginning and the 3rd is different00:34
Profeaktii will go see if check rootkit detects something00:34
phillyjtrism: maybe blacklist or remove the beta driver?00:34
trismphillyj: yeah you should probably remove it, did you install it from the repo? if so I would just apt-get purge it and then apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current;00:35
trismphillyj: you could: dpkg -l 'nvidia*'; to find the other package name00:36
ProfeaktiRecurrent i am a litle worried can you check  my  checkrootkit results00:36
recurrenti might understand them00:37
phillyjProfeakti: you really don't need to worry about rootkits in linux00:37
ScrivenerIs there supposed to be Firefox integration with unity? As in the window border and things. When I maximize firefox, it still uses its own border with its own exit/minmax buttons.00:37
ScrivenerThis is Ubuntu 13.0400:38
ScrivenerTrying to do full-screen mode results in a bit of space where I see the wallpaper between the top of firefox and the Unity menu bar at the top.00:38
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ScrivenerIt looks/feels really clunky00:38
Profeaktiim coming from windows world and those tools gve me  peace on mind because i interact whith too much windows machines00:39
phillyjProfeakti: windows =/= linux00:39
szymon_wthis is what I'm working on if anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXf8OouVtHA00:40
Profeaktii know all are diferent but i will be less worrie if check this please  i put the chkrootkit results  on paste bin00:41
Profeaktitake it as part of the period of transition00:41
recurrentProfeakti,  paste bin link?00:41
Profeaktithats the results of chck rootkkit00:42
ScrivenerHe's asking you to give him a pastebin link00:42
recurrentput the link here in chat00:42
Profeaktithere are00:42
Profeaktisorry and hanks recurrent00:42
phillyjtrism: thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!00:43
NLbubble Is there anyone on that feels like having an OTR conversation (testing jitsi)?00:43
phillyjtrism: wasted 3 hrs on this00:43
trismphillyj: np, glad it's working now00:43
thejoelhansenHi there - I'm having an issue with some email forwarding with my Ubuntu server. I've added a forward to /etc/aliases such as "bonk : joel@mydomain.com". I ran newaliases. However, emails to forwardaddress@mydomain.com just bounce as 'user not found'. I'm overlooking something. Is this a simple fix, or might anyone have any links to good articles on creating/ managing email accounts and such command line?00:45
ProfeaktiThanks u too much  Recurrent00:45
recurrentProfeakti,  i dont not understand if that suspicious file is speculation00:46
phillyjProfeakti: it looks like part of your ATI display drivers00:46
phillyjam i right, recurrent?00:46
recurrentProfeakti,  i pass,  its beyond me00:47
Profeaktijjejeje  i dont understand yeah i have ati card00:48
phillyjProfeakti: probably a false alarm00:48
phillyjProfeakti: for better results on this, i suggest joining a forum like ubuntuforums.org and posting there00:49
Profeaktithanks you phil i try to research on ubuntu forums but i see too divergent opinions00:50
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Profeaktifor that i still confused00:51
Profeaktiwhat tools you recomend00:52
GamersCorpHi there. I've been trying to install ubuntu on my new machine for about nine hours now. Link to a reddit thread with more information: http://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/1f1yew/booting_ubuntu_from_a_usb/00:53
Profeaktito have peace on mind in that period?00:53
Dr_willisreddit for tech support? You would be better off using the Forums, or askubuntu.com GamersCorp00:53
acovrigI can't get ffmpeg to work with mp3, I keep getting unknown encoder mp3 even though mp3 is listed in ffmpeg -formats00:53
phillyjProfeakti: i have peace of mind by switching to linux from windows; I can't reccomend a tool since it's not a top priority for me00:53
GamersCorpDr_willis, I'm sure you're right. :P00:53
Dr_willisalso sumarize the issue.. dont just post a link to a thread on it.00:54
kubuntudiskok, could someone help me a lil - i dont know what happen. But my 3 computers out of no where are disk full. Baobab shows them as not using all the disk space, but the computer, df and desktop widget show them as full. I just expanded my 25gb drive to a 35gb, and upon reboot, it was full.00:54
GamersCorpDr_willis, my apologies.00:54
Profeaktiii understand i will post on a forum00:54
Dr_williskubuntudisk,  seen that happen with some log files constatly growing. (look in /var/log)00:54
kubuntudiskDr_willis: k-= thanks.00:55
Profeaktias you sugest me00:55
Dr_williskubuntudisk,   i saw one guy had some Xorg log, or other logs just filling up witn some error from some other problem a few weeks ago00:55
phong_hi all00:56
JustBerryHi phong.00:56
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Does df show it as having 25 GB or 35 GB?00:56
acovrigDr_willis: happend to me as well (kernel/system log)00:56
phong_Vanadis_, u there?00:56
kubuntudiskDr_willis: no, it says its only 22m. Rarrikins yes00:57
phillyjGamersCorp: are you trying to install on another USB or an HDD?00:57
acovrigkubuntudisk: Does du -sh /* give you any answers?00:57
kubuntudiskhow can i make Df more specific00:57
Dr_williskubuntudisk,  also seen  log files in the users home grow rappidly00:57
GamersCorpPhillyj, my goal is to install it onto a hard drive00:57
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Use df -h00:58
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: It will tell you the size in G00:58
kubuntudiskRarrikins: df -h doesnt show anything.00:59
acovrigIs there a ffmpeg/avconv flag to list a supported list for the -acodec flag?01:00
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: That's a problem01:00
kubuntudiskRarrikins: i mean, it shows no different than the fact that its full01:01
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: What size does it say the disk is?01:01
kubuntudiskit shows the disk being 35 gig, but even with du - - im only counting up to about 25gb of space being used01:02
kubuntudiskim running onto the same problem with my laptop..01:02
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Oh, OK01:02
kubuntudiski am dl';ing a couplethings do a sepearete drive, and i keep getting disk full there too- and i KNOW thats empty aside from the couple files there.01:02
kubuntudisksounds like a virus to me.. but- - ? a bit odd01:02
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Then, the problem likely isn't with the disk (sometimes you have to tell it to resize it to get it to recognize the extra space), but with files.01:03
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Did du -sh /* say anything was using a lot of space?01:03
kubuntudiskeh, usr has like 7gb..01:03
kubuntudiskvar has 201:03
nezzarioOk, I'm a little disoriented with everything here01:04
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: You can use du -sh /*|grep G01:04
kubuntudiskeverything else is rather small01:04
kubuntudiski put it out to a txt file..01:04
kubuntudisknot seeing much01:04
nezzarioFor one, NetworkManager keeps starting randomly and its killing my 'net connection.  It's really bothering me NetworkManager thinks it can handle my connection better than myself01:04
nezzarioI did echo "manual" > /etc/init/network-manager01:04
trismnezzario: it would be: echo manual > /etc/init/network-manager.override;01:05
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: What about your home directory?01:05
acovrignezzario: sudo service network-manager stop01:05
trismnezzario: the .override part is necessary01:05
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: du -sh ~/*01:05
nezzarioerr, i may of left out the .override part, i'll check01:05
kubuntudiskRarrikins: home has 5 gig used..01:05
James_EppHey everyone. I am running Ubuntu 12.04.2 amd64 and have a Radeon HD 5670. I use HDMI to one monitor, and VGA through a KVM switch to another monitor. For some reason, my video shows up on my HDMI, but not the VGA. However, ubuntu detects the display in the Display settings. Rebooting, changing the resolution does nothing. Suggestions? (This was working no more than two days ago)01:06
kubuntudiskbut its still not adding up to 35 gig01:06
DoomtasticI'm having difficulty with graphics stuff01:06
nezzarioerr yeah, my bad on that01:06
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nezzarioOk second issue I'm having, I haven't tested this yet but I was just wondering if this is the best way to disable gdm/all graphical crap on boot: dpkg-divert  --rename --add /etc/init/gdm.conf01:07
DoomtasticDoes anyone know how I should go about shudding down x-server so I can use the graphics driver installation/update thing without closing out all gui stuff?01:07
tones12.04 on a usb through netbootin wouldn't boot...default splash screen then keeps retrying to start but doesnt01:07
nezzarioThis box will be used as a router/headless system 90% of the time, no need for gdm and other unnecessary stuff to be running .. but if I want a graphical interface, I can do so with startx or whatever01:08
trismnezzario: you could just add text to the kernel command line01:08
James_EppNevermind, turning off and on the display in settings worked. Weird, but true!01:08
trismnezzario: I know lightdm checks for that in lightdm.conf, I imagine gdm should too (though you could look and see)01:08
acovrigin /etc/default/grub (or defaults)01:08
nezzarioby the way, xchat is really nice, on a random note ..01:09
acovrignezzario: was that directed at me?01:09
lomo6well.. i changed the order of boot devices in bios but after installing ubuntu i can't boot from any usb.. why's that??01:09
DoomtasticI tried stopping lightdm, but it kicked me out of my gui when i did01:10
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Perhaps try fsck -n /dev/whateveritiszomg01:10
nezzariono, just being silly.. first time i've booted into linux/gnome in forever.. i administer headless boxes at least 4 hours a day, but never deal with this 'other' side of linux :)01:10
kubuntudiskRarrikins: Dr_willis is there a program or virus scanner i can use to scan the system and identify where the files are being used? - this is like a virus i had with windows bsack in the day..01:10
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: That will check the disk for errors without trying to fix them.01:10
nezzariobut i didn't understand, i seen on serverfault that it said "newer" versions (of ubuntu) use lightdm by default .. it seems i'm using gdm, even though i'm using 13.04 ?01:11
raaxIn the 13.04 installer when manually creating a partition table, can I not make use of LVM? I want luks(lvm(swap, root, home)) but the default configuration does not suit my needs (it takes up all the disk space on my empty disk)01:11
nezzarioit's not too relevant i'm just curious more than anything01:11
acovrignezzario: yea, I spend a good deal of time via SSH, and don't feel like waiting for Xchat to load over X11 forwarding01:11
trismnezzario: are you using ubuntu-gnome? I think that defaults to gdm01:11
trismnezzario: though either way, gdm is in the repo, so you could have installed it for whatever reason01:11
nezzarioyeah, i really am unfamiliar, I did a headless 100% base install via netinst, then just type apt-get install gnome and walked away for an hour (crappy connection)01:12
trismnezzario: ahh yeah that probably installed gnome-shell which would have installed gdm01:13
tonesdoes unetbootin do a good job of installing ubuntu 13.04 ?01:13
tonesbecause it's frozen on extracting files01:14
kubuntudiskRarrikins: says clean01:14
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Oh, good01:14
nezzarioerr, one really annoying thing, when ubuntu boots it has this thing very early in the boot process saying "Waiting for network configuration ..." .. then after half a lifetime, says "Waiting up to 60 more seconds for a network configuration .." and then after I popped another gray hair, finally proceeds with booting01:14
trismtones: it may not be frozen, it takes a while to extract the squashfs01:14
nezzarioWhere is that coming from / where do I disable it?01:14
nezzarioI'm using wireless here and would prefer just to throw my script in rc.local and manage it totally myself01:15
tonestrism, in the upper panel of unetbootin, choosing Ubunutu and "daily", is that an updated version of 13.0401:15
tonesthere is no daily release01:15
trismnezzario: that comes from failsafe.conf01:16
lomo6well.. i changed the order of boot devices in bios but after installing ubuntu i can't boot from any usb.. why's that??01:17
trismtones: daily would make me think it is fetching saucy, but i've never used it that way, I always download the iso and then use unetbootin01:17
toneslomo6, press "esc" to get into boot menu on startup01:17
tonestrism, ok..does unetbootin work for you consistently?01:18
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trismtones: usually works fine for me01:18
tonesok gonna reboot now to try 13.0401:18
lomo6tones: i can't see the usb there01:20
lomo6but in bios yes.01:20
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tonesboom that was quick ubuntu 13.04 now01:22
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Guest5963Yo guys, I've got a /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found error. Know a fix?01:22
nezzarioi'm not sure if this is OT or not so tell me to shut up if necessary .. adobe is going to stop releasing flash for linux?01:22
tonesis there a way to increase the screen brightness in 13.04?01:23
GamersCorpHi there, I've been having a problem with installing ubuntu via usb for about 8 hours now. Relevant thread: http://askubuntu.com/questions/300099/booting-from-usb-freezes-fails-to-install01:23
lomo6tones: i can't see the usb there01:23
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Try: sudo du -k | sort -n | perl -ne 'if ( /^(\d+)\s+(.*$)/){$l=log($1+.1);$m=int($l/log(1024)); printf  ("%6.1f\t%s\t%25s  %s\n",($1/(2**(10*$m))),(("K","M","G","T","P")[$m]),"*"x (1.5*$l),$2);}'01:23
lomo6tones: but in bios yes.01:23
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: It will list all files on your system, sorted by size.01:23
toneslomo6, seems that it should show up on the boot menu with hdd and optical drive01:24
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Just do `cd /` beforehand01:24
toneshow old is your computer?01:24
lomo6tones: very new..01:25
Guest5963Hey guys, do you know how to fix the GRUB bug where it doesn't install all the way on 13.04?01:25
lomo6tones: asrock extreme4 97001:25
Dr_willisGuest55941,  use that boot-repair tool from a live cd. may work01:26
Dr_willis!fixgrub | Guest5594101:26
ubottuGuest55941: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:26
* Dr_willis hopes they include boot-repair by default some time soon01:26
pavando any of u program jav?01:27
kubuntudiskit identified a couple large files- but..01:27
pavan                         01:27
kubuntudiskRarrikins: still not 35gigs01:27
pavan                                                                                                                                                                                              01:27
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pavancd /01:28
pavanjavac helloworld.java01:28
pavanipconfig /release01:28
pavan         01:28
pavan  01:28
pavan 01:28
FloodBot1pavan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
Dr_willispavan,  you may want to ask your actual question... theres is the  #java channel also.01:29
Guest40666In Ubuntu 13.04 Unity as well as Gnome version, my mouse pointer jumps up and down off and on making it very difficult to use the OS. Any suggestions? This problem has nothing to do with mouse or sensitivity settings as it is an involuntary movement of the mouse pointer01:29
Rarrikinskubuntudisk: Oh, I see. Sorry, I'm not sure how to fix it. You can try these: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus01:29
Guest40666I am using a Sony VAIO Laptop with a touch pad and an IBM Stick01:29
kubuntudiskRarrikins: thanks..01:29
pavan#ubuntu Dr_willis!*@*01:30
coreyois there a way to set the monitor layout (to something not mirrored) at the gdm login prompt without putting together an entire xorg.conf file?01:30
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Rarrikinskubuntudisk: No problem.01:30
pavani cant change mouse speed of trackpad01:30
pavani change it and it changes back to default01:30
pavanin Ubuntu01:30
Dr_williscoreyo,  ages ago i recall a trick where you run the monitors/displays tool as the user 'gdm' and set up some settings that would get applied to the gdm login screen.. or there may be options in the gdm config files.01:31
tonesjust clicked on a unity panel and the screen became all vertical white lines, any suggestions?01:31
toneshad to reboot01:31
coreyoDr_willis, perhaps worth a shot01:31
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dingosi had linuxmint, and when i dropped my computer, it broke.01:33
arielsanfloI have a problem I need help for my website www.wix.com use and now I opened firefox html5 editor do not understand why01:33
dingoswhen i had ubuntu, it didn't break.01:33
Guest69232Hi, I am using Ubuntu 13 and I cannot use OpenJDK as a default application for openining java apps. Is this intentional or a bug? Every other app but Java shows up to set as default.01:34
raaxIn the 13.04 installer when manually creating a partition table, can I not make use of LVM?01:35
OmjihutHello all! I just installed ubuntu for the first time today and set up a webserver (php, apache2, phpmyadmin, etc...) and ran into a problem. My user doesnt have permission to write or modify files in the /var/www directory. Anybody know how to resolve this?01:38
Dr_willisOmjihut,  I belive you set the user to be in the proper GROUP and they can do that. I seem to recall several dozen questions identical to that on askubuntu.com01:39
mauivideo editing software for ubuntu?01:39
Dr_willismaui,  several in the repos.  Depends on what editing task you are doing01:39
Dr_willis!info avidemux01:39
ubottuavidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu13 (raring), package size 764 kB, installed size 1957 kB01:39
Dr_willis!info kino01:39
ubottukino (source: kino): Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.4-1.3 (raring), package size 3948 kB, installed size 8241 kB01:39
Omjihut@Dr-willis I'll check out askubuntu.com. Thanks!01:39
Dr_willis!info openshot01:40
ubottuopenshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1 (raring), package size 21279 kB, installed size 55704 kB01:40
Dr_willisI bet theres more then those 3.. i just dont recall the names01:40
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SorgrumHi, I am using Ubuntu 13 and I cannot use OpenJDK as a default application for openining java apps. Is this intentional or a bug? Every other app but Java shows up to set as default.01:40
Dr_willisSorgrum,  you mean by 'double clicking a .jar' file?01:41
GamersCorpEek, who was I talking to before?01:42
mauiwow dr, must choose...01:42
phillyjGamersCorp: me01:42
Dr_willismaui,  choose? Install them all.. not like they cost $$$01:42
SorgrumYes, when I right click it and choose 'open with' it allows me to set a default01:42
SorgrumBut Java does not appear01:42
mauiis there one i can edit both sound alone, and if i want, video too, ?01:42
Dr_willisSorgrum,  ive never had much luck with doubleclicking .jar files..01:43
SorgrumIt just opens the archive to view whats inside01:43
SorgrumIs there no way to automatically execute it?01:43
Dr_willisSorgrum,  ive seen people run .jar files via double clicking on them01:44
SorgrumAny idea how?01:44
Dr_willisi bet askubuntu.com does..01:44
SorgrumThanks dude01:45
Dr_willis'make sure the .jar' is executable.. seems a common issue01:45
mauiscreen recorder or stream grabber?01:46
Dr_willissome jar files may not like being ran that way. makeing a proper .desktop file or script to launch them would be a better idea01:46
Dr_willismaui,  the package manager tools have a 'search' feature that would show some that can do that.01:46
Dr_willis!info gtk-record-my-desktop01:47
ubottuPackage gtk-record-my-desktop does not exist in raring01:47
SorgrumAhh Dr_willis that was the problem, in all the solutions on askubuntu OpenJDK shows up as an application, it does not show in my list of applications01:47
Dr_willisi cant recall its name01:47
mauiu mean the ubuntu software center01:47
Dr_willismaui,  that IS one of many front ends to the package manager system  that Ubuntu uses01:47
Sorgrummaui I think he means something like apt-get or aptitude01:47
mauii get all the software from the 'ubuntu center',01:48
Dr_willissoftware-center has a search feature. ;) as does   the cli tools. and synaptics01:48
mauiis there a website with far more software and reviews for them?01:48
Dr_willisall the front ends -  get software from the same sources01:48
Dr_willis!ppa | maui01:48
ubottumaui: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:48
mauiok i see01:48
Dr_willisits best to stick to the software center tools.01:48
mauithanks a lot guys01:49
SorgrumI've been having another problem on 13.04 where the unity and application switcher thing do not appear01:51
SorgrumWhen I press alt + tab it still works but the icons don't show up01:52
arielsanfloplease help I can not open in firefox www.wix.com editor of my website and view the page01:53
Sorgrumarielsanflo: The operating system you are using should affect that01:54
Sorgrumarielsanflo: Ill give it a shot, one sec01:54
arielsanflomy english is sou sou01:55
OutLawany 1 know how to set up eggdrop irc bot on ubuntu 10.0401:55
Sorgrumarielsanflo: I will try to see if it works for me01:55
Sorgrumarielsanflo: Which language?01:55
Dr_willisOutLaw,  find a deb for it. or compile from source. install.. run it.. read the docs for it  and confoigure it.01:56
jribOutLaw: are you using 10.04 desktop?01:56
Dr_willisid imagine any eggdrop  in the repos may be quit old for 10.0401:56
OutLawi got all of it dun but it says * Please make sure you edit your config file completely.01:57
arielsanfloubuntu 13.0401:57
OutLawyes 10.0401:57
Dr_willisOutLaw,   so you make/edit the config files?01:57
arielsanfloLinux arielsanflo-Satellite-L505 3.5.0-22-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 8 21:47:00 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:57
Sorgrumarielsanflo: It's working fine for me01:58
OutLawi made them i dont know to config it to make it start01:58
Dr_willisOutLaw,  you mean start at bootup?01:58
Dr_willisor just start when you want it to?01:58
Sorgrumarielsanflo: Anything in particular not working? Is it loading the editor at least?01:59
snypzzhello all01:59
arielsanfloI can not open the page in html5 nor the publisher wix01:59
arielsanfloI get the following error in firefox01:59
OutLawInstallation completed.01:59
OutLawYou MUST ensure that you edit/verify your configuration file.01:59
OutLawAn example configuration file, eggdrop.conf, is distributed with Eggdrop.01:59
OutLawRemember to change directory to /home/master/botdir before you proceed.01:59
FloodBot1OutLaw: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
Dr_willisOutLaw,  so find that eggdrop.conf file and edit it as needed and put it in the proper place for your eggdrop to read02:00
snypzzneed help installing virtualbox on ubuntu 13.0402:00
snypzznot working02:00
SorgrumWhat isnt?02:00
arielsanflonot the editor does not load and the page is blank02:01
rmobenchainjust did a "fsck " command in terminal.  when I reboot the computer, do I need to take my USB out?  I'm using it for the LIVE CD02:01
recurrenti think i may install Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog)02:01
Dr_willisquick google search - eggdrop irc tutorial -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YdsjoOal8402:01
Dr_willisrecurrent,  what does 'lsb_release -a' say?02:01
Dr_willisrecurrent, i missread what you said. heh..02:01
Dr_willis!vbox | snypzz02:02
ubottusnypzz: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:02
Sorgrumarielsanflo: What version of Firefox?02:02
Dr_willishad somein here the other day wanting support for  6.x or was it earlier.. :)02:02
arielsanflofind thanks02:03
snypzzinstalled virtualbox and gnome-system-tools02:03
Sorgrumarielsanflo: Yes?02:03
DoomtasticTrouble with nvidia drivers02:03
snypzzstill not launching02:03
arielsanflomi english is sou sou02:04
arielsanfloi am from colombia02:04
Sorgrumarielsanflo: Yo puedo hablar espanol02:04
arielsanflothanks help02:04
arielsanflopor su ayuda02:04
Sorgrumarielsanflo: Encontractes un solucion?02:04
snypzzalso not detecting my  USB ASUS  5302:04
OutLawgoing to youtube for a min. thanks02:04
arielsanfloagradezco tu ayuda por favor02:05
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Sorgrumarielsanflo: De nada02:05
arielsanflopuedes entral al canal en español02:05
arielsanflopara no general polemicas02:06
rmobenchainNeeding to know if I need to remove my USB when I reboot my computer.  Just did a fsck in the terminal to check if I have errors on my hard drive02:06
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phillyjrmobenchain: is that a question? i don't think it is a problem02:07
rmobenchainphillyj:  I keep getting an Input/Output errror read on /dev/sda message when trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 on my computer02:08
phillyjrmobenchain: corrupted usb maybe?02:09
rmobenchainphillyj:  I had an IT buddy do a bootable USB and burned the ISO onto a disk.  I get the same message reagardless of media device to install02:10
[deXter]rmobenchain, looks like the ISO could be corrupt, can you check its MD5SUM?02:11
rmobenchaindexter: how do I do that?  I'm a newb here :/02:11
[deXter]rmobenchain, what OS are you on currently?02:11
rmobenchaindexter: none.  nothing will boot up w/o me using the LIVE CD02:12
rmobenchainwhich is why I believe I have some corrupted areas of my hard drive02:12
[deXter]rmobenchain, ah if the live CD is working fine then yeah best to run diagnostics on your hdd02:12
[deXter]go to your hdd manufacturer's website and download their diagnostics software02:13
[deXter]you'll have to write it to a CD or make a bootable USB02:13
toneswhat's the easiest way to install gnome on 13.0402:14
rmobenchaindexter: that was recommended earlier by someone, which is why I did the "fsck" in the terminal.  now I'm just needing to know if I should take the USB out when I reboot the computer02:14
[deXter]tones, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/gnome-3-8-ppa-for-ubuntu-gnome02:15
rmobenchainoops... didn't see your earlier message before mine dexter.  sorry02:15
tonesdexter, I saw the link after I asked thanks02:16
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James_EppI have a pxe set up to boot 12.04.2 desktop installs over the network. When a client finishes booting and has reached the desktop, under the network manager, it says the device is not managed. This remains after completing the installation. Why is this occurring?02:20
randallpinkfloydhow do i find hard drive manufacturer info via terminal?02:21
nezzariothis is unusual still02:21
nezzarioso, i got it where gdm doesn't start on boot after some weirdness (not 100% sure it's actually working, I had to kill the power after the first try, tried again and it worked, dunno)02:22
nezzariobut, when I use startx as root, it loads gnome fine as I expected.. as my normal user, it doesn't load any window manager, and I can't run gnome-session, complains about a message bus02:22
nezzariosession bus.  not message bus02:23
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randallpinkfloyd!nick rmobenchain02:28
somsiprandallpinkfloyd: sudo lshw will give you all the hardware info02:28
randallpinkfloydthanks somsip02:28
somsiprandallpinkfloyd: and !who was the one you wanted maybe?02:29
randallpinkfloydsomsip: was trying to change nick... lol02:29
somsiprandallpinkfloyd: ok, /nick or !register then02:29
nezzariogoing to try to reboot i think i need to copy some kinda .xinitrc file over..02:29
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ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:31
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llldinoHey guys, i'm having issues booting after grub, I can't replecate the issue, any ideas?02:33
Chris_W_anyone have any experience with NFS?02:34
Auctusis there an easy way to hide the menu bar (the one at the top of the screen with the power button/etc)?02:37
James_EppChris_W_: I have a bit. What's up?02:38
Chris_W_James_Epp: Im having an issue where some folders aren't available.02:39
James_EppChris_W_: First things first, did you restart the service after changing /etc/exports ?02:39
Chris_W_James_Epp: I've exported /mnt/      my media files are stored on /mnt/sdb1/media/02:40
Chris_W_James_Epp: Yes02:40
Chris_W_James_Epp: The farthest I can go is /mnt/sdb1/  and then it looks empty02:40
James_EppChris_W_: Tell me the line you added to /etc/exports02:40
James_EppI myself have never attempted to do nfs into a separate drive, but if you give me 5m I can experiment on my end.02:41
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Chris_W_James_Epp: I'd really appreciate that02:42
Dr_willisthe permissions need to be correct on /mnt/ i imagine02:42
Dr_willisits a bit odd exporting /mnt/ or /media/  over nfs i imagine.02:42
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:42
Dr_willistest with a  simple dirctory first  like /shareplace/   and see if that works first02:42
Chris_W_Why ids that odd?02:42
James_EppDr_willis: That is what I was thinking, too02:42
Chris_W_Ive tested with /home/ and it works fine02:43
Dr_willisBecause using NFS for  dynamic mount poiints is a little  unusual02:43
Dr_willis and it may 'lock' your mounted stuff and not let it get unmountd. and NFS i recall wnts specific permissions on its shares02:43
Chris_W_Im not sure what you mean by that.02:43
Dr_williswhat do i mean by what....02:44
Dr_willisNFS is picky.. :)02:44
Chris_W_/mnt/sdb1/  isn't what i would consider dynamic.  its an attached hdd02:44
James_EppI have only used NFS for pxe booting with much failure, so I cannot claim to know much.02:44
Chris_W_Ok, well, here's my situation.   I have too computers running Ubuntu server, both connected to the local network.  How do i share files between them?02:45
Chris_W_CIFS is slow as shit with large files02:45
Chris_W_CIFS tops out at 12megs/sec02:46
Dr_willisChris_W_,   ive used samba, nfs, sshfs, it depends on what i am doing and shareing02:46
James_EppChris_W_: If you are on a 10/100 network, I would not expect more than that regardless of the protocol.02:46
Chris_W_the who network is gigabyte02:47
James_EppI do not know what to suggest for your situation.02:48
Chris_W_Between windows machines ive seen 60 meg/sec transfers02:48
James_EppBut that is only because of my limited experience.02:48
Dr_willisIf one share works. other does not.. i would check the permissions and ownership of the mountpoints02:48
Dr_willisand of the owner/permissions of the 'sdb1' after its mounted.02:49
Chris_W_where would I start with that?02:49
Dr_willislook at the permissions of a share that works..   then mount your drive.. and check the permissions of its mountpoint AFTER its mounted02:49
Chris_W_im the only user, so i'd imagine its either root or chris02:49
=== vegetariancannib is now known as veggiecannibal
Chris_W_drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Apr 22 14:45 /mnt/fileserver/mnt/sdb1/02:52
Dr_willisthats sort of a weird mountpoint02:53
Dr_willisyou need to check the permissions and owner of all the parent dirctories also i imagine02:53
Dr_willisthats the permissions AFTER you have it mounted right?02:53
Chris_W_its the same output for /mnt02:54
Dr_willischeck all the directories down to sdb102:55
Chris_W_they're all the same02:55
Dr_willisand your other share that works has what permissions?02:55
Dr_willisIt could be NFS is  not liking those very very open permissions  (those dirs look to be 777 to me)02:56
Chris_W_drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 Apr 22 14:11 /home/02:56
Chris_W_they are.02:56
Chris_W_but NFS works with the same permissions on other folders02:57
moseshow do i format a drive using a live CD?02:57
Chris_W_moses gparted02:58
mosesI installed ubuntu on this drive02:59
mosesand when i boot to it02:59
mosesit asks for the cd02:59
mosesi dont get it02:59
moseswhat did i do wrong?02:59
FloodBot1moses: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:59
Dr_willismoses,  give us exact detailas as to what you mean02:59
CM721FIs rmmod permanent or does it come back on reboot?03:00
mosesSo i ran the live CD I selected the installation03:00
Dr_willismoses,  if you mean it asks for the cd when yoy try to INSTALL somthing..  then remove the cdrom from your 'sources' for software - via the software-sources tool03:00
Dr_willisCM721F,  its not permenet03:00
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »03:00
moseshow do i do that on a clean install to ubuntu?03:00
Dr_willismoses,   via the 'software-sources' tool in the menus under software-center, or its a stand alone tool03:01
Dr_willis!repos | moses03:01
ubottumoses: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.03:01
mosesI cant boot to the OS though03:01
Dr_willismoses,  then you really really need to clarify what the problem is..03:01
CM721FDr_willis: Thanks.03:01
ObrienDavemoses: did you remove the CD after installation?03:01
mosesit just says Loading Operating System ... then on the next line it says boot from CD/DVD:03:01
Dr_willismoses,  and how did you make the cd?03:02
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bitymoses: still trying to recover that drive ?03:02
mosesbity: no i got that03:02
bitymoses: trying to install now?03:02
mosesnow im trying to install ubuntu to a different drive03:02
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mosesI ran the install procedure but apparently it didnt work03:03
bityhow new is it?03:03
mosesit requests Boot from CD/DVD when i try to boot the drive03:03
bitywhich version did you use?03:03
moseshow new is what?03:03
bitythe computer03:03
mosesthe drive is old03:03
mosesand the computer is decently new03:03
ObrienDaveHOW new03:03
bitysince 2010?03:03
mosesmaybe right before03:03
bitycould it be uefi issues?03:04
mosesI doubt it03:04
bitywhat happens when you boot from livecd and mount the drive?03:04
Dr_willishe cant get a live cd to boot - seems to be the core of the issue03:05
mosesthe filesystem shows up03:05
mosesi got the live cd to boot03:05
ObrienDavemoses: is this a virgin drive or partitioned with win8 on it03:05
Dr_willisthen im totally missing on what error is showing when and what state you are in.03:05
mosesthis had grubb on it and a windows and an old ubuntu partition on it03:05
mosesI was trying to boot to the drive after I had installed ubuntu to it03:06
mosesand it wouldnt boot up03:06
mosesit would ask for he cd03:06
Dr_willisIf its refuseing to boot the Hard drive.. then double check the bios to make sure the HD is in the boot order.03:06
mosesi moved it to the top of the boot order03:06
mosesbefore i booted to it03:06
Dr_willisdisable the cd in the bios if you want to be hardcore about it03:06
ObrienDavefor now anyway03:06
Dr_willisthe HD is plugged directly into the PC/mb? and not on some ectra controller card?03:06
mosesits direct03:07
ObrienDaveBIOS should still sense no CD in drive03:08
mosesNow it just says Loading Operating  System ...03:08
mosesand waiting03:08
mosesAfter I have disabled the cd03:08
ObrienDavegive it a minute or so03:08
mosesi hope i didnt ruin it by hitting ctrl alt delete so many times03:09
nezzarionow i'm really confused ..03:09
ObrienDavenaa, that's a bios key combination03:09
Dr_willisnezzario,  ;^) thats normal for this channel03:09
James_Eppany assistance on this thread would be appreciated. Lots of weird PxE stuff. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214860403:10
mosesis waiting like this part of the setup?03:10
nezzarioI'm trying to use myself as a bridge between a wifi access point03:10
twig11After installing Xubuntu Desktop on a standard Ubuntu install and logging into XFCE, my Unity desktop background has been replaced with a blank white background. By going into dconf-editor to org>gnome>Desktop>background and unchecking show-desktop-icons, I can restore the desktop background but, naturally, lose the icons. How can I reset the Unity desktop to its original behavior?03:10
nezzarioso it's (ap) <-> (ubuntu) <-> (dd-wrt)03:10
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ObrienDavemoses, should not take more than 30 sec to logon screen03:10
nezzarioi could just use another usb AP instead of the dd-wrt but i just do not have another usb one ..03:10
mosessomething is wrong then :(03:11
James_Eppmoses: are you using a KVM switch?03:11
nezzariodoes anyone have a decent tutorial for this?  because i'm really confused in the aspect of who gets what IP address03:11
James_EppI have had that issue with mine before.03:11
bitymoses, do you need to keep that drive multi booting?03:11
veggiecannibalOk. My friend here, nicole_, is a relative newbie. She's having a problem as her IP is clashing with another IP on the network. I haven't used Ubuntu in 5 years and no longer know how to make sure that the wireless card is set properly to get a dynamic IP. I'm not sure if her router is not assigning IPs right or if her computer is assuming an in-use local IP. This is probably chinese to her though. Can someone walk her through?03:11
mosesNo I want just ubuntu on that drive now03:11
dragonflamehi, i'm downloading a torrent with Transmission. How can "move" the torrenting job over to Deluge?03:11
twig11I should clarify regarding my post above that I understand the difference between XFCE and Unity. I'm having trouble with the Unity desktop wallpaper AFTER logging out of xubuntu and back into Unity.03:11
bityi would say wipe it and start over03:11
bityso it reinstalls the mbr03:12
mosesso use the live cd to format the drive?03:12
mosesthen reboot and use the livecd to install ubuntu right?03:12
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, the router should be set to distribute dhcp to her network03:14
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, dynamic IP is handled by the ISP03:15
bitymoses, yes03:15
veggiecannibalObrienDave: Local IP, from a router03:16
bity1 second03:16
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, yes, that is handled by setting the router for dhcp03:16
veggiecannibalObrienDave: It could either be an issue with the router not assigning IPs properly, or it could be that her network card is set to an IP (e.g. that the router already assigned to someone else03:16
bityanyone know what it is to hit during the boot to go into advanced install03:16
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, the router assigns IPs to the devices on the network03:17
bityi think its f4 on ubuntu-server03:17
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ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, or, the router has NOT been allowed to assign enough addresses. how many on network?03:18
twig11veggiecannibal, are you asking how to check if her machine is set up to accept a dynamic ip from the router?03:18
veggiecannibaltwig11: exactly03:18
nicole_hi ObrienDave i'm the friend of veggiecannibal thats having the IP problems03:18
bitymoses, when you restart the machine, and it starts to load ubuntu hit F403:18
bityit will take you into the setup without running livecd03:19
veggiecannibalObrienDave: 3. That means the router is either set to only assign 2 IPs on DHCP, or one machine is set to a static IP03:19
ObrienDaveAFAIK there is no setting at the computer to check for static IPs. that is all handled by the router03:19
mosesI ran the livecd and I am having trouble deleting these partitions03:19
mosesI think they are mounted somehow03:19
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ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, yes, i would check IP assignment range first03:20
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, what brand and model of router?03:20
veggiecannibalObrienDave: but an assignment range of 2 is a little bit unlikely.03:20
bitytry to remove the partitions and wipe it and do a fresh install03:20
veggiecannibalnicole_: What kind of router do you have?03:21
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, i've seen it *rolls eyes*03:21
mosesit has like locked things03:21
veggiecannibalObrienDave: I think I may have set up this router back in the day and I wouldn't have been that stupid03:21
mosesthings with keys next to them03:21
moseslinux partitions that I want to delete but cant03:21
veggiecannibalObrienDave: but you are right03:21
mosesI dont know how to unlock these03:21
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, not implying that you did or are :)03:21
Dr_willisgparted has a  menu item to UNMOUNT the partitions03:21
Dr_willisor right click on them in the file manage and unmount them03:22
mosesit comes up grey03:22
mosesone says extended and one says linux sqap03:22
veggiecannibalObrienDave: I know, you have no way of knowing I set up the router.03:22
moseslinux swap03:22
mosesunder file systems03:22
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, no prob03:22
nicole_its a belkin router and i think Obrian is right about the 2 IPs because i can be on the internet and have the desktop on as well but my dad and i cant be on at the same time because we occupy the same IP address03:23
ObrienDavenicole_, what kind of router?03:23
bityare you booted into the livecd right now?03:23
mosesyes sir03:23
bityrestart and hit f4 before it boots03:24
mosesi had to select swap off03:24
mosesbefore I could delete it03:24
qindisplay? unity03:24
nicole_ObrienDave: its a belkin router03:24
ObrienDavenicole_, veggiecannibal , that is a very simple way of keeping outsiders off your ISP03:24
mosesdoes the live cd have a disk checker and repair by any chance?03:24
ObrienDavenicole_, can you get to the setup screen of the router?03:25
bitythere s a disk checker when you hit f403:25
moseswhen should i hit F4?03:25
nicole_ObrienDave: i have no idea how to get to that03:26
bityafter bios, after the ubuntu first starts03:26
bitywhen it shows the keyboard03:26
qinhow do i move pointer between displays in unity?03:26
bityit will take you to a sub menu03:26
ObrienDavenicole_, open a browser, type in the address bar03:26
Dr_willisa little MAN=Keyboard  - i think you hit space when you see that.. it shows all the options03:26
bityif you do the install from here03:26
ObrienDavenicole_, you might have to try different numbers for the last 2.03:26
Dr_willisqin,  using dual monoitors and a X server on each monitor?03:27
bityyou can rewrite the drive how you want03:27
ObrienDavenicole_, not sure about your router03:27
moseshow do i know which disk it is checking?03:27
veggiecannibalObrienDave: Not always. It will, however, always be the default gateway number from ifconfig03:27
nezzariobrb again..03:27
qinDr_willis: two displays, one x03:27
Dr_willisqin,  hmm.. i just mouse over to the side and it goes to the extended desktop on the next monitor.03:28
Dr_willisqin,  what video chipset?03:28
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, what i mean is, if you know you only have 2 devices in the house, assigning 2 addresses keeps everyone else off your ISP03:28
qinDr_willis: did it 5 minutes ago via panel, but now even right click is off; VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6320]03:28
ObrienDaveveggiecannibal, *ISP connection03:30
ObrienDavenicole_, did you get to the router screen?03:30
mosesdoes linux ever format drives?03:31
mosesor only deletes stuff?03:31
nicole_ObrienDave: no i typed the number in firefox and it timed out but i did the ifconfig in the terminal window03:31
twig11My desktop wallpaper in Unity does not show up since adding XFCE to my system. Instead I'm getting a blank white background no matter what I do. If I use dconf-editor to uncheck show-desktop-icons under org>gnome>desktop>background, I get my wallpaper back but obviously my desktop icons are gone. How can I reset Unity to display the desktop wallpaper and icons as it does by default?03:31
Dr_willisYou can easially delete partions and format FILESYSTEMS  with the differnt linux tools03:31
Dr_willisYou partition a drive, and format the filesystem onto the partition03:31
=== JoseAntonioR is now known as JoseeAntonioR
Dr_willisthe installer should also be able to partion the hd as needed if you use the 'Somthing else....' item03:32
ObrienDavenicole_, try or
ObrienDavenicole_, afaik you have to set range from the router interface. not really sure03:33
reddeath68need some help getting ndiswrapper working on newly upgraded ersion of ubuntu 13.0403:33
wilee-nileetwig11, there has been a changing reset cli for unity, take a look here. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0403:34
ObrienDavenicole_, what is the model number for the router?03:34
nicole_ObrienDave: F5D9230-403:35
ObrienDavenicole_, if the address timed out, it is not the correct one03:36
ObrienDaveok hang on03:36
reddeath68need some help getting ndiswrapper working on newly upgraded ersion of ubuntu 13.0403:36
nicole_ObrienDave: then apparently all 3  addresses aren't right because they all timed out03:37
ObrienDavenicole_, try
reddeath68when i run modprobe ndiswrapper i get the following output ERROR: could not insert 'ndiswrapper': Exec format error03:37
reddeath68I am new to ubuntu for the most part and need some help03:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:38
nicole_ObrienDave: ok that one worked i have the router screen now03:38
reddeath68I can surf the web and such I mean the more under the hood like terminal and such for fixzing things such as my current program problem03:39
ObrienDavenicole_, cool! hit logon at the top, leave password blank, hit submit03:39
yuangume too03:40
nicole_ObrienDave: ok i'm logged in03:40
ObrienDavenicole_, great, look for "connection type". set dynamic03:41
twig11wilee-nilee: will try that, thanks.03:42
ObrienDavenicole_, was there a "V" number on the router somewhere?03:42
reddeath68so any idea how to fix my modprobe ndis wrapper problem?03:42
ObrienDavenicole_, V2000, V3000, V4000? something like that03:43
nicole_ObrienDave: theres a ver. 5000 number03:44
ObrienDavecool! brb03:44
k0d3g3army dog has fleas03:44
yuanguhi,what is modprobe ndis?03:44
ObrienDavenicole_, i'm going to open a private chat window. hang on03:45
reddeath68its a command I am running since the install directions in the ndiswrapper archive i downloaded said too03:45
ffonsecahas anyone installed ubuntu 13.04 on Macbook Air?03:45
yuangume .install xubuntu13.04 in my virtualbox03:46
ffonsecai meant as the main OS03:46
yuangubut , the macos may to use to devepment ios app03:47
yuanguwhat the page of sbcglobal.net?03:52
reddeath68when i run modprobe ndiswrapper i get the following output ERROR: could not insert 'ndiswrapper': Exec format error zany ideas?03:54
rothamhey whats up.. anyone know if theres a go 1.1 package for ubuntu03:57
rothamubuntu 12.0403:58
noiroanyone know why I can't drag files into any archive?03:58
noiroI get an error no matter the archive or file03:58
Dr_willisrotham,   'go' ? what sort of app is 'go' ?03:58
Dr_willis!info go03:58
ubottuPackage go does not exist in raring03:58
Dr_willis!info golang03:58
ubottugolang (source: golang): Go programming language compiler - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.0.2-2 (raring), package size 17 kB, installed size 87 kB03:59
nezzarioreddeath68, i'm a little cloudy headed at the moment but is there a file called 'ndiswrapper' in the directory you're working with?03:59
Dr_willisthere might be ppa's for it for older ubuntu. or you can compile it from source/build your own03:59
econdudeawesomeHey yall. How to bring grub up at reboot?03:59
nezzariopossible simple issue03:59
Dr_willisecondudeawesome,  if its hidden by default HOLD SHIFT03:59
Dr_willisor set it to not auto hide03:59
econdudeawesomeDr_willis: exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. Had a brain fart04:00
three18tiso riddle me this, I use cfdisk to create a new partition /dev/sdb2, and when I run fdisk -l I see /dev/sdb2, however, when I run mkfs or I ls /dev/sdb* I only see sdb and sdb1.  how do I get the os to recognize the new disk without rebooting?04:00
three18tirather, the new partition.04:01
Dr_willisthree18ti,  theres some command to make the kernel 'rescan' the partions.. but i cant recall its name04:01
Dr_willisfdisk often mentions it after you edit partions..04:01
Dr_willisresync perhaps?04:01
Dr_willisone of those commands you use once a year. ;)04:01
reddeath68ill be checking back every few mins but in say 20 mins or so I have to go to bed for work mighbt have to fix my problem tommarrow04:02
three18tiyea, exactly. thanks Dr_willis04:03
* Dr_willis dont like things probeing my parts... ;P04:04
noiroanyone know why I can't drag files into any archive?04:04
Dr_willisnoiro,  give us details of what you are doing exactly and we may figture it out04:04
noiroDr_willis, I'm in gnome-shell and let's say I make a .jar of two files. If I drag another file into the .jar, it throws an error. Most tell me I'm supposed to be able to to this (and I need to for what I plan to do in the future)04:05
Dr_willisopen the jar file in the archive manager tool.. and drag/drop the file into it that way perhaps?04:06
Dr_willisI dont use jar files as 'archives'  ;) i normally use zip/tgz/bz204:06
noiroI do, I get a popup saying "An error has occurred", not even specifics on what error04:06
Dr_willisI dont mess with jars. so no idea on jars.04:06
noiroDr_willis, I'm trying to do Minecraft modding, so the jar I'm dropping into is the MC jar. I just get the error with any jar04:06
noiroSame error with .zips as well. :P04:07
Dr_willisthere are othe archive manager guis in the repos also04:07
Dr_willis'mc' can also access contents of arvhives.04:07
noiroCan you give me a suggestion of a good one?04:07
Dr_willisand by mc - i mean Midnight commander04:07
Dr_willis!info mc04:07
ubottumc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.8.3-10 (raring), package size 422 kB, installed size 1312 kB04:07
kb8wluhow come ubuntu has problems with nvidia graphics cards?04:08
Dr_willisif it just adding a file.. there may be cli tools.04:08
Dr_williskb8wlu,  due to nvidia not really careing about Linux. I have no issues with my slightly old (2 yr old) nvidia cards.04:08
kb8wluI am running a nvidia gtx680 getting errors so fast at boot up cant see them04:09
noiroI'm running a GTX560, and it runs fine04:09
kb8wluhow can i see those errors?04:09
betraydkb8wlu you can pause the boot message screen with Scroll Lock in text moe...04:10
kb8wludr willis are you really a doctor?04:11
betraydmode* ^04:11
kb8wlutried its way to fast04:11
noirohuh, does 13.04 no longer support USB 3.0?04:12
Dr_willisi cant recall seeing any errors for nividia at bootup.. now when X starts up.. there would be the X logs..04:12
mosesI have the master slave as a drive04:12
mosesCan i not boot from any drive accept the master?04:12
Dr_willisnoiro,  I have no issues with USB3 here.04:12
ArchNoobhi guise... what would be an advantage of using arch over ubuntu?04:13
betraydcheck the logns in /var/log04:13
ArchNoobor ubuntu over arch?04:13
noiroit's capping me out at 30MB/s04:13
Dr_willisArchNoob,  try them both.. use what you perfer.04:13
bitymoses: I think it has to be master04:13
kb8wlunewbie at linux how do i do that?04:13
ArchNoobyeah I am but I feel both are pretty good04:13
Dr_willisArchNoob,  ubuntu will be much more 'automated'04:13
Dr_willisArchNoob,  so its all about what YOU want.04:13
ArchNoobprobably Arch is a little bit "faster" not saying that it makes a huge difference04:14
Dr_willisIf you are good at arch. you shouldent have any issues with about any distro out there.,04:14
mosesbity: that is a bummer04:14
ArchNoobnice Dr_willis04:14
mosesI wonder if i can set that in the bios04:14
ArchNoobthank you04:14
kb8wluhow do i check the logs?04:14
bitycan you just swap it into master position04:14
bityphysically move it04:14
mosesThis computer uses serial ATA04:16
mosesdo they have master positions?04:16
Dr_willisDrives have PRIMARY/Extended/Logical Partitions.. SATA does Not haev 'master/slave'  like IDE does..04:17
aeon-ltdArchNoob: i would reccommend arch not because of speed gains, but because it's a blank slate04:17
Dr_willisUnless of course..you dont want a 'blank slate' ;P04:17
bityare you running uefi bios?04:17
kb8wluI used the desktop installer worked great04:17
mosesIm not sure04:17
bityis it the old school look of bios or is it new and fancy04:18
mosesIt looks old04:18
ArchNoobaeon-ltd, yeah I am using it right now... what I like is that you put exactly what you want04:18
kb8wluhow do i change my font in here04:18
moseslike similar to ~2002 bios04:18
bitywhat happens when you run just the single drive?04:18
neozonzis there a way to sync packages installed on one computer to another?04:18
neozonzie a new server setup04:19
bitycheck out puppet04:19
aeon-ltdkb8wlu: depends on your irc client04:19
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate04:19
bityneozonz, look into "puppet"04:19
kb8wluusing xchat04:20
Dr_willisxchat has some nice help menu/docs at one time. ;)04:20
Dr_willisSettings -> perferances -> has a font setting or 404:20
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate04:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:21
Dr_willisMartiini,  try /msg ubottu  factoidname04:22
gulag2012anyway to make the scope page smaller? I have a love hate with it. It could be very useful, but it's not04:23
gasullHi.  How do you set NetworkManager to use the same DNS servers for all connections?04:23
leenamei love ubuntu04:27
leename玩ubuntu 多久了?04:28
piccais this a Chinese channel?04:28
piccajust checking04:28
yuwe chinese love ubuntu too04:29
tonesubuntu is so smooth04:29
leenamemy english is very poor04:29
WeThePeopleespecially gnome304:29
leenamewhat is smooth ?04:29
yui don`t like gnome304:29
tonesI'm on gnome 204:30
leenamei think just so so04:30
jackbrownCould anyone help me about this bug ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/100614504:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1006145 in linux (Ubuntu) "Logitech Mouse not recognised on boot in 12.04 & later" [Medium,Confirmed]04:30
ObrienDavenicole_, private chat please04:30
kb8wluwhats a good virus program for ubuntu04:35
WeThePeoplejackbrown, hold on letme check it out04:35
jackbrownWeThePeople: tnx04:36
Dr_williskb8wlu,  thers several ANTI-Virus apps out there. ;)04:36
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus04:36
WeThePeoplejackbrown, are you on a laptop?04:37
WeThePeoplewhat type of mouse is it04:38
jackbrownWeThePeople: Logitech M51504:38
WeThePeoplejackbrown, http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Mice-and-Pointing-Devices/Guide-for-setup-Performance-MX-mouse-on-Linux-with-KDE/td-p/51716704:39
kb8wluI know this is a weird question but with windows when you donwload a program you click on the .EXE file but wit linux what do you click to install04:39
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[deXter]kb8wlu, You click the "install" button in Software Centre.04:40
kb8wluyea but if i download thru mozilla it downloads a bz2 file04:41
WeThePeoplejackbrown, scratch that website04:41
WeThePeoplejackbrown, do you have this kernel 2.6.35-22-generic04:43
mosesYeah I cant get this drive to boot up :(04:44
mosesI just installed ubuntu to it04:44
mosesmaybe i need to set it to master?04:44
kb8wluwish windows was as fast as ubuntu04:45
mosesin the cmos they are both set up as slaves04:45
moseswhat is going on here04:45
WeThePeopleit is04:46
tones that ubuntu phone looks excellent04:47
kb8wlucan i install itunes on ubuntu04:53
[deXter]why do you want itunes?04:54
kb8wluso i can listen to podcast04:54
[deXter]you don't need itunes for that.. most audio players on linux support podcasts04:54
kb8wluok thanks04:54
gorelickclementine ftw :)04:54
mosesdoes ubuntu installer install a boot loader?04:55
kb8wluon reboot i had some errors pass by quick i do i view the errors04:55
Tony_Starkkb8wlu you can install it through wine but u will have trouble w/updating04:55
tonesor just right click the podcast link and save it to the desktop for listening04:55
Tony_Starkclementine is better for linux04:55
[deXter]Tony_Stark, currently, iTunes has a Garbage rating in the wine appdb.04:56
[deXter]Which is without a surprise, as it is Apple garbage04:56
Dr_willisthat matches what most people think about it.. ;)04:56
Tony_Starkoh..has been a while since I looked at the winedb ratings. thanx deXter04:57
moseshow come the ubuntu 12.04 cd doesnt install a boot loader as well :(04:57
mosesdont I need a boot loader to boot into windows?04:57
moseswoops I mean boot into linux04:58
Tony_Stark:Moses.  it installs grub boot loader.04:58
Parsihow can i reorder partitions using gdisk?04:58
mosesTony_Stark: where?04:58
mosesTony_Stark: do you have to tell it to? which option installs grube?04:59
lotuspsychjeis there a package that can browse a garmin gps device directly from nautilus, without needing garmins website?04:59
Tony_Stark:moses etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d. I think.04:59
|Slacker|moses, how many OSes do you have?05:00
moseson this disk just ubuntu 12.0405:00
mosesbut when i try and boot from the drive it wont boot into ubuntu05:00
mosesI must have done something wrong05:00
Tony_Stark:Moses. one file is one u do not mess with in grub. the other allies u to change grub config and then u run update-gub to update the grub.cfg file.05:01
Tony_Starkubcan r05:01
kb8wluwhats a good book to buy for learning ubuntu05:02
tonesTony_Stark, you are right, clementine is better than gpodder05:02
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: best way to learn is experiment yourself05:02
Tony_Stark:Moses there are some good videos on modifying the grub boot loader on YouTube.05:03
kb8wlugood point05:03
lotuspsychje!bash | kb8wlu05:03
ubottukb8wlu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:03
Dr_williskb8wlu,  id stick to online sources/sites.. any printed book may be a bit out of date.05:03
Tony_Stark:tones. thanx.05:03
Dr_williskb8wlu,  however bargin bin books for 'funamental topics' like "using bash" or "Sed/awk"  by Oreally would be worthwhile05:03
Dr_willisbut you an find a lot of them in E-book format05:04
kb8wluthanks dr05:04
kb8wluunder software in the book section?05:04
tonesTony_Stark, but my "gstreamer player is missing a plugin"05:04
Dr_williskb8wlu,  what?05:05
kb8wlu are they in the software section in ubuntu under books05:05
Dr_willisI just tend to see whats in the bargin/clearance bins at the local bookstores. ;) not been in there in ages05:05
Dr_willisI tend to get Kindle E-Books these days05:05
|Slacker|dang! I keep getting the "This requires the install of untrusted packages" message in anything I try to install from software center, any help?05:07
camilofligthgear chanel help?05:07
lotuspsychjetones: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?05:07
Tony_Stark:slacker. use the terminal with apt-get to stop that MSG.05:08
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: here's a free official ubuntu manual: http://ubuntu-manual.org//download/12.04/en_US/screen05:08
|Slacker|I suck at apt-get, what should I do?05:08
|Slacker|anything installs normally through apt-get but not through software center05:09
Tony_Stark:slacker. sudo apt-get install "package"05:09
mosesanyone know if it is possible to install the boot loader after installing 12.04 from the live CD?  I dont see how to do that in the custom options05:09
Dr_willismoses,  you can chroot into the installed system. and use update-grub (theres guides on this) - or easier.. use the boot-repair tool05:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:10
Tony_Stark:Moses. there is a way through the live cd and charoot. check cgermany on YouTube.05:10
wilee-nileemoses, First gu after the something other option has a dropdown for grub05:10
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PulseFIREFIGHTS1does any one on here use the #hak5 server on IRC?05:11
Tony_StarkI love hak505:11
Dr_willis#normally means a channel name..  or is theres some odd named ircd called hak5?05:12
Tony_Starkhak5. org should tell u their ICR channel05:12
PulseFIREFIGHTS1i cant configure my IRC to connect to it05:13
BluesKajthere's a #hak5 chat here on freenode , just click on it05:14
PulseFIREFIGHTS1is there a password? or special port?05:14
Dr_willismost irc clients support the /connect ip-or-name-of-server portnumber    syntax05:14
Dr_willisor /server servername port05:14
toneslotuspsychje, ubuntu restricted extras worked, thanks :)05:18
lotuspsychje!yay | tones05:18
ubottutones: Glad you made it! :-)05:18
kb8wludo i have to install my motherboards x79 chipset linux drivers?05:18
Dr_williskb8wlu,  ive never had 'mothebhoard' drivers ive needed to install in linux05:19
Dr_willisvideo card and wifi card.. is about it05:19
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: you can check your drivers in 'software&updates' tab additional drivers05:19
kb8wlucant find any asus rapmage IV extreme linux drivers05:19
Dr_willisi have no idea what a rampate extreme.. evenis..05:20
Dr_willisother then somthing MARKETING decided to name.  ;P05:20
kb8wlux79 chipset drivers for linux05:20
Dr_willischipset for what? video? wifi?05:20
kb8wlufor motherboard05:20
Dr_willisx79  tells me nothing.05:20
Dr_willisso we have now gone full circle..05:21
kb8wlui have a cd with all the drivers for my motherboard bit for win7 not linux05:21
kb8wlux79 is the chipset05:21
Dr_williskb8wlu,  perhaps tell us what part of the MB is Not working in linux?  or are we trying random things to fix some other problem?05:21
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: Dr_willis just told you, you dont need motherboard drivers for ubuntu05:21
kb8wluok didint know that05:22
tonesclementine has the most comprehensive internet radio list05:22
Dr_willisat least in my many many years of ubuntu/liunux ussage.. ive never seen 'mb' drivers.. since it woul dbe for the CHIPSET of the device on the MB.05:22
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: did you notice a device is not working maybe?05:22
=== Bry8Star_ is now known as Bry8Star
lotuspsychje!info clementine > lotuspsychje05:23
kb8wluNo i did have some boot errors but to fast to see them05:23
Dr_willishow do you know they were errors?05:23
kb8wlutell you the truth not sire if they were errors05:23
mosesIs grub even on this ubuntu live cd?05:23
lotuspsychjemoses: what are you trying to achieve exactly?05:24
Dr_willismoses,  you can install the boot-repair tool while using the live cd.. OR chroot into your installed system and use update-grub (but thats harder)05:24
kb8wluIt was so fast i couldnt see them05:24
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: so everything works on your new ubuntu system?05:24
Dr_williskb8wlu,  ubuntu/linux can print out TONS of messages at boot time..  none of which are 'errors' but just info05:25
kb8wluseems ok? i see two drives in my ubuntu desktop05:25
=== pete__ is now known as pulseFIREFIGHT11
Dr_williskb8wlu,  i habve about 8 drives on my desktop...05:25
kb8wlui noticed some dell computer have ubuntu loaded allready on them05:26
mosesDr_willis: how do i use the boot repair?05:26
moseslotuspsychje: I have made a huge error and installed ubuntu 12.04 without installing grub :(05:26
mosesit wont boot05:26
Dr_willismoses,  a read of that !fixgrub wiki page url.. shows you05:26
Dr_willis!fixgrub > moses05:26
ubottumoses, please see my private message05:26
lotuspsychjemoses: dualboot or singleboot?05:26
kb8wluwhy dont you install 12.04 with the windows desktop installer05:27
Dr_williswindows desktop installer?05:28
kb8wluwub thinks its called05:28
Dr_willisYou mean WUBI? Its best to run away from wubi..05:28
Dr_willisdont even LOOK at wubi..05:28
moseslotuspsychje: single05:28
kb8wluthat how i installed 12.0405:28
lotuspsychjemoses: ubuntu setup should install grub fine..can you tell us what actually happened during setup?05:29
moseseverything went perfectly05:29
mosesis there a way to see if grub is installed?05:29
mosesit wont boot to this disk :(05:29
lotuspsychjemoses: holding shift at boot05:29
mosesit doesnt even boot to anything when i select the drive though05:30
mosesit just says booting to OS05:30
mosesthen stops there05:30
toneswhy isn't clementine listed on sourceforge?05:30
lotuspsychjemoses: if setup had no issues, grub would be installed fine i think...did you recently add new hd drives?05:31
kb8wluhow come wubi doesnt have a option to install 13.405:31
lotuspsychje!info clementine | tones05:31
ubottutones: clementine (source: clementine): modern music player and library organizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 5390 kB, installed size 14549 kB05:31
mosesno this is an old drive05:32
lotuspsychjemoses: what Os did your system have before ubuntu? did you upgrade or clean install?05:32
toneswell nite all, clementine was my new nugget for the day :)05:32
mosesI deleted all partitions from the drive05:32
mosesand then chose install ubuntu from the live cd option05:32
lotuspsychjemoses: so after setup, when you boot do you see the purple ubuntu loading?05:33
mosesit is a black screen that says booting to OS05:33
mosesand then just stays there05:33
kb8wluwhen i do that details in the ubuntu its comes up graphics  "unkown"05:33
lotuspsychjemoses: booting to Os isnt a default ubuntu warning, what was your previous Os mate?05:34
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: try a youtube video in hd, to see if your graphics work nicely mate05:35
=== Logan_ is now known as Bluth
mosesthere was a windows and another ubuntu05:35
mosesbut it doesnt even boot to ubuntu at all05:35
mosesim not sure why :(05:35
mosesthats the problem :/05:35
lotuspsychjemoses: can you tell us what option you chose during setup: wipe whole hd for ubuntu only, or install next to windows or other ubuntu?05:36
moseswhole hd for ubuntu only05:36
mosessame thing happened05:36
kb8wlunope i only get 480P05:36
lotuspsychjethats odd indeed05:36
mosesthen I used that program that deleted the drive05:36
mosesand i went in manually and deleted the partitions05:37
mosesthen i installed ubuntu again05:37
mosesand now here we are05:37
lotuspsychjemoses: wich program?05:37
mkquistmoses: where did you install grub?05:37
lotuspsychjemkquist: setup completed fine he says05:38
mosesmkquist: i didnt install grub05:38
mosesim not even sure that this live cd comes with grub05:38
=== Bluth is now known as Featherbottom
=== launch is now known as Guest66162
blebafordreal quick - what's the equivalent of du -a | grep, using find? which is more idiomatic?05:39
lotuspsychjemoses: are you sure your hd is still working?05:40
kb8wlumy graphics card wont detect in ubuntu 12.0405:40
mosesyeah im pretty sure it is05:40
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: did you check the additional drivers tab? see any drivers there?05:40
mkquistmoses: it asks near the end of setting up the install..05:40
mosesmkquist: i didnt see that at all05:40
mosesso it didnt install grub at all :(05:41
mkquistlotuspsychje: dont think he couldve installed w/o a hd05:41
mosesthats the problem05:41
kb8wluyea looking now i see 3 of them let me try all three of05:41
mkquistwell, you can boot from the live cd and reinstall or install grub05:41
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: try enable the graphics driver05:42
kb8wlulotus where do i do that from?05:42
lotuspsychjemoses: when you gparted your drive, did you wipe vista partitions too?05:42
moseswhy didnt this 12.04 install grub....05:43
lotuspsychjekb8wlu: software&updates, tab additional drivers05:43
lotuspsychjemoses: be calm mate no reason to swear05:43
mkquistit does..  im using 12.04 right now05:43
mosessorry frusterated05:43
bityyou could try loading another bootloader like lilo05:43
Parsican i reorder partitions by gpt fdisk?05:43
mkquiststill my choice... 12.0405:44
mosesmkquist: which option did you use to install ubuntu from the livecd?05:44
lotuspsychjemoses: try reboot and holding shift to doublecheck grub05:44
mkquistits near the end of setting up the install05:44
mkquistmoses: see last05:44
mosesit didnt ask me that option :(05:44
mkquistmoses: and for the record on 11.04 sry05:44
kb8wlube right back got to reboot05:46
moseswill gparted install grub form e?05:46
lotuspsychjemoses: did you change bios settings?05:46
lotuspsychjemoses: some bios can block an Os to load, that might be your booting to Os warning..05:47
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moseslotuspsychje: naw thats not it05:47
mosesI changed the boot order a couple times05:47
mosesbut it never actually loads the OS05:48
mosesbecause theres no boot loader05:48
lotuspsychjemoses: it doesnt make sense to me...if setup was complete, grub had to install correctly05:48
lotuspsychjemoses: try a reboot right now mate and hold shift after post booting, see if grub works..05:49
mosesim looking at gparted right now where would grub normally be?05:50
lotuspsychjemoses: try a reboot..05:51
mappshi y'all05:51
mappscould someone lend me a hand again05:51
mappsback from yesterday:D05:52
mappssame problem still05:52
FloodBot1mapps: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:52
lotuspsychjemapps: just ask mate05:52
mkquistmoses: http://www.howtogeek.com/114884/how-to-repair-grub2-when-ubuntu-wont-boot/05:52
mappsi cant get packets to get outside the LAN ..ubuntu box can reach netbook . but any requests to any non LAN ip fail05:52
mappschecked resolv.con checked iptables no chains at all - also checked ifconfig /iwconfig05:52
mappsnot sure what to do now really05:52
mkquistmoses: look down the page.. instructions for installing grub from live cd05:52
mappsguess noone knows;)05:55
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mkquistmapps: check to see if router is blocking?05:57
mappsi can do but i cant see why it would be I havent changed anything on the router05:57
mappsits just a crappy isp provided pos05:57
Dr_willisplug the pc directly into  the network. bypassing the router.. see if it works05:58
Dr_willisunplug the pc from the router.. plug the cable modem network cable into pc...05:59
Dr_willispower cycle cable modem, reboot pc..05:59
mappsah its ADSL05:59
Dr_willistheres  the cable/adsl MODEM.. then theres a router.. (unless its both in one)05:59
mappsboth in one dude06:00
Dr_willisa curious test would be to get a 2nd router.. plug IT into the adsl modem-router.. and see if the linux box works if pluged into the 2nd daisy-chained router. ;)06:00
mappsi could change the IP it gets06:00
mappssee if the routers doing sometihng odd based on its IP06:00
mappsbut i cant see why it would - is there anything you can think of i should check within ubuntu the os besides resolv.conf and ptablkes ?!06:01
Dr_williscan it ping ?06:01
mappsanything you can think of OS related mate? :( then Il make it get a new IP and see if thats why06:02
mappscant see why06:02
mosesthank you so much06:04
Dr_willisthis is one of the reasons i did not buy a cavble-modem/Router combo last year.. when i updated my cable modem06:04
mappsi had no choice it was sent to me by my ISP when i moved house06:05
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Dr_willisi bet  you could buy your own and stop renting theirs.06:05
mappsjust annoying i cant think of anything else i could do to try and fix it06:05
mappsyea thats true06:05
mappsnever thought about it/had the need before06:05
Dr_willisif you had a second router, you could try chaining them06:05
mappsive got a spare cable router heh from when I used cable06:06
mappsactually wait it might just be a router i think it was basically we had cable modem -> router before06:06
mappsshould i try adsl modem/router -> old router?06:07
Dr_williscombo modem-routers are a fairly recent  thing06:07
Dr_willistry it and see.06:07
Dr_willisit will put the pc on a seperate network.    i belive by default.  you might need to tweak the ip-range the router hands out.06:07
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mappsok il mess about noiw06:08
mappsive setup the interfaces file manually for static ip pretty sure its all right address; netmask gateway
Dr_willisi must have a box of like 5 old routers from over the years. ;)06:10
mappsusing wifi (wlan0) iface wlan0 inet static  - seems to associate fine06:11
Dr_willisthe gateway on the PC would be the ip of the router..  if you do a 2nd router.. it would be using that routers ip.. wich you may want to change the range it hands out.06:11
mappsyea that is the router is
Dr_willismain router on 192.168.1.*    subrouter on  or somthing.06:11
mappsthen wpa-ssid network id wpa-psk network key and it all seems to work06:11
Dr_willisor 192.168.2.*06:11
mappsnetmask would be for that i think06:11
mappsdamnit made no difference06:13
Dr_willisbe curious if any of the various linux live cds boot on that and get working networking also.,.06:14
Dr_willisand try wired instead of wireless06:14
mappsnetworking was working 2 days ago then yesterday camre home from work started to mess about with VPN06:14
mappsrebooted and now nothing06:14
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mappshang on could the few changes i made to the interfaces file for vpn have stopped packets getting out?>06:14
mappsil comment it all out for now and restart networking?06:15
Dr_willisVPN can do all sorts of things.. this is why i  suggest trying the LIVE_CD test.  that would give you a solid untouched baseline to mess with06:15
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mappsok lets see il comment out these changes i made to interfaces file for now and restart networking and see-i also removed openvpn for now06:16
mappsARGHH nope didnt fix it :)06:17
youngGingerhey guys i'm trying to write a bash script to run an eval command but i'm stuck here's what I have so far. http://pastebin.com/yg38qDdc06:22
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youngGingeris anyone here?06:27
tozenyoungGinger: of course06:28
youngGingerhey tozen, i'm trying to run eval inside a bash script but it won't run here's the pastebin http://pastebin.com/yg38qDdc06:28
Dr_willisthere is a #bash channel06:28
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=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
bambam1Hi, I just performed a fresh install of Ubuntu 13.04... when I reboot after installation I get the following error: "error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'. grub rescue >" I tried googling and ubuntu forums and was not able to find a solution. Someone please help me out?06:40
Dr_willisid check how the hd is partioned bambam1  - is this pc running Just ubuntu? or dual booting?06:42
bambam1Dr_willis: No dual boots, simply / formatted in ext4 and swap06:42
bambam1It's a 40 GB drive, does that make a difference?06:43
Dr_willisbambam1,  what partioned the hd?06:43
Dr_willisand how old is the system?06:43
bambam1Dr_willis: gparted, the system is exactly 10 years old06:43
bambam1technically I'm installing Lubuntu06:43
Parsiis it possible to reorder partition?06:43
Dr_willisegads. ;)06:43
Dr_willis10 yr old.. heh.06:43
bambam1Prescott, 2 GB of RAM, still good enough for grandpa06:43
Dr_willisassumning its not the HD thats failing.06:44
Dr_willisguess you could try the boot-repair tool from a live cd and see if it fixs anything06:44
bambam1Dr_willis: Actually, I installed Ubuntu on this same HDD when it was on a different computer06:44
bambam1I'm guessing the issue might be with the BIOS or something06:44
Dr_willisive moved a hd to a differnt pc.. installed.. then moved it back. ;)  is that what you did?06:45
bambam1Dr_willis: I salvaged this 40 GB from an even older PC that had raring installed. Moved that into this 10 year old machine I'm working with now and it gave me this very same message. So I try reinstalling the entire OS again... no luck... same deal06:46
bambam1It's not an old HDD, actually. SMART reports only 13 powered on days06:46
bambam1It was used as an external HDD before06:47
bambam1not a very used HDD, I should say06:47
Dr_willishmm.. a 10 year old hd with SMART?06:47
Dr_willisdident think smart has been around that long..06:47
Dr_willisthen again. ive lerned to not trust smart...06:47
bambam1Why not?06:47
bitydoes anyone have experience with a plex server ?06:47
Dr_willisbity,  Using PLEX right now. ;) its sort of... AWSOME..06:48
bityya i just got a roku 306:48
Dr_willisIf you got a RaspberryPi - check out PiPlex or plexPi06:48
bityi do have a pi06:48
Dr_williswife is watching Plex now on her Roku3 - showed her how to do it just an hr ago06:48
Dr_willisPlexPi is still a little flakey (its in beta)06:48
Dr_willismy Samsung TV also has a Plex channel.06:49
bitydo either of PiPlex or PlexPi have the unsupported app store pre isntalled?06:49
Dr_willisAppstore?  never noticed an apstore on plex.06:49
Dr_willisPlexpi - is just a plex client.. it has to connect to a Plex server. it cant run as a server (as far as i know)06:50
bityits called UnSupported_AppStore06:50
bityit is a plugin06:50
bitythat allows you to watch other channels like 1channel06:50
bityah gotcha, they are client , not server setup06:51
Dr_willisyou add them on your plex server..06:51
Dr_willisthat is working on some of the channels on my Roku3 - but not all.06:51
Dr_willisdident really work with PlexPi enough to see if any worked.. some did not.. ddent try them all06:51
Dr_willisI am Running Plex on a windows box however. Not Ubuuntu.06:52
bityim trying to eliminate windows out of my network06:52
lotuspsychjebity: good idea :p06:52
bityso i switched the media laptop to ubuntu and tried to run netflix through wine , it worked, but i think it causes all the processing to happen through the cpu, it got pretty hot06:53
bityinstead of using the gpu/videocard properly06:53
Dr_williswatching StarTrek ANimeation. now on Plex on the Roku3, from my Windows PC Plex server. ;)06:53
fowloh wow autojoined this channel06:53
Dr_willisthe Amazon Prime channel did not work however.06:53
fowlarent i lucky, to be here, with all of you06:53
fowlyou dukes of maine, you princes of york06:53
RarrikinsHow do I get a message to appear (like a MOTD) when a user opens a terminal window?06:58
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himanshu_linuxhi i have a eclipse.tar.gz file and i want it to install like .deb package file .... how can i do so ?06:58
Dr_willistheres a MOTD file/service in  ubuntu Rarrikins .  theres some /etc/motd* stuff that configures it06:59
lotuspsychjeRarrikins: cool question!06:59
Dr_willishimanshu_linux,  best would be to find a PPA for it - if you need a newer version then whats in the repos06:59
lotuspsychjeRarrikins: is it for server terminal or ssh logins?07:01
Rarrikinslotuspsychje: For regular, already-logged-in terminal windows.07:01
himanshu_linuxDr_willis : hmm ok07:02
Rarrikinslotuspsychje: I mean that I open the GUI terminal program on the machine itself.07:02
lotuspsychjeRarrikins: man motd :p just findout its existence07:02
Dr_williswhen a user logs in. bash has a option to show the MOTD of the server.07:02
chestywhat's the ubuntu way to add a new desktop user with rights to cdrom and printers, etc?07:02
Dr_willisother shells normally do the same thing07:03
RarrikinsDr_willis: I've tried to install update-motd package, but it doesn't seem to work unless I'm logging in (Alt-F1 or ssh or something).07:03
Dr_willischesty,  one way 'sudo adduser username' should givbe all the right defaults07:03
RarrikinsSorry, Ctrl-Alt-F107:03
chestyDr_willis: it doesn;t07:03
Dr_willisRarrikins, how else are you wanting to see it? when you Login to X you mean?07:03
Dr_willischesty,  cant say ive ever had it not work for my users..07:03
Dr_willischesty,  thers also the gui tools.07:04
chestythe gui also doesn't give a user rights to use the printer, for example07:04
Rarrikinslotuspsychje: man motd works. The motd displays when I do Ctrl-Alt-F1 and log in.07:04
RarrikinsDr_willis: When I'm already logged in and open lxterminal or xterm or something.07:05
RarrikinsDr_willis: It doesn't ask my password, just gives a prompt, so no MOTD.07:05
Dr_willisRarrikins,  thats the differance btween a 'login shell' and a normal 'shell'07:05
Dr_willistry 'xterm' and compare to 'xterm -ls'07:05
Dr_willisi always disable the MOTD. :)07:06
Dr_willisif you do a 'touch .hushlogin' then that disables the motd so th euser dosent ahve to see them07:06
RarrikinsAhh, yeah, I did that a while back on some server.07:07
lotuspsychjeRarrikins: apt-cache search motd :p07:07
RarrikinsHmm, nothing looks good in the package list there.07:08
RarrikinsMaybe I'll just put a readme on the desktop or something.07:09
Dr_willisive not seen a 'motd for when the user logins into X'07:09
lotuspsychjeDr_willis: how about leaving msges for a specific user in terminal? any trick for that?07:09
Dr_willislotuspsychje,  never really noticed a way.. or needed one. ;) thats what email is for.07:09
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lotuspsychjehow about adding stuff to bash_profile in users /home07:11
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Dr_willisid be sort of an annoyed user.., if the system admin was messing in my /home/07:12
Dr_willisthere is a /etc/bash profile type scripts for that. ;)07:12
lotuspsychjeah ok07:12
Dr_willisbut bash allready shows the MOTD07:12
Dr_willisIF its a login shell.07:12
Dr_willisif its a non interactive shell you dont want it showing the MOTD.07:12
duSnthere is write/talk/wall (don't know if by terminal you mean linux)07:12
lrcaballerohas anybody tried the new Pantheon Desktop Environment on Ubuntu 13.04?07:12
Rarrikinslotuspsychje: I might end up doing that.07:13
histoRarrikins: put it in your .bashrc07:13
bambam1Dr_willis: Any ideas, docs?07:13
Dr_willisbambam1,  on what?07:13
Dr_willisits 3 am... be a bit more clear. ;)07:15
lotuspsychjemaybe cowsay can put stuff automaticly at launching a terminal?07:15
histobambam1: mostlikely your grub config is messed up or your partitions are. It could be trying to load the rootfs outside of the disk07:15
histo!grub2 | bambam107:15
ubottubambam1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:15
Rarrikinshisto: I'll probably end up doing that07:16
switchingif you were buying a system76 laptop would you go with the ssd?07:16
switchingalso would you go with a system76 or just get an hp or something and just wipe it to install ubuntu?07:16
Dr_willisa SSD is an easy thing to add later..  but they are defainatly worth the $$ :)07:16
lotuspsychjeswitching: ubuntu on an ssd is a very good idea :p07:16
lotuspsychjeswitching: see also ##hardware channel07:17
duSnssd have limited lifespan07:17
switchinglotuspsychje why? :)07:17
Dr_willisget a HP.. replace the HD with a new SSD.. and keep the old HD for later when you sell/give away the old laptop07:17
Dr_willisHard drives have a limited lifespan also..07:17
lotuspsychjeduSn: i have had not one issue with ssd07:17
Dr_willispeople have limited lifespans  :) question is how long is the limit07:17
switchingdr_willis that's an interesting idea07:17
duSnDr_willis: difference is measured in exponetials dude07:18
Flynsarmywhen i do a sudo apt-get upgrade I get "The following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic" why?07:18
Dr_willisswitching,  thats what i do with my last 4 pcs07:18
histoswitching: I'd go with anyone but HP personally jsut from my experience. I like what system76 is doing and my next laptop is coming from them. Also my current laptop with ssd boots to graphical login in about 4 seconds07:18
lotuspsychjeswitching: i use ubuntu 64-bit on an ssd, and speeds are rocketfast07:18
switchingdr_willis i tend to keep pcs for a long time though07:18
Dr_willisduSn,  citation needed.. ive not seen the diffenance in real life.. but its not really an ON topic for here. perhaps in #hardware07:18
Dr_willisso  i dont really care. ;)07:18
switchinghisto i also like system76, it seems like they put a lot of care into their products07:18
duSnyou are the one mentioning ssd lol07:18
Dr_willissystem75 sort of takes other brand pcs and redo them  i thoight07:19
switchinglotuspsychje that's what i think im gonna do07:19
Dr_willishe asked if it was worth getting a SSD.. yes it is.07:19
switchingdr_willis nope system76.com07:19
lotuspsychjeswitching: very good idea07:19
Dr_willisbiggest speed boost to a pc ive seen07:19
aeon-ltdduSn: good ssds have long write lifespans , slc based iirc07:19
SwedeMikeDr_willis: I Have two broken SSDs on my desk, one X25-M, one OCZ Vertex. Especially the first-gen stuff seem to brake.07:19
switchingnow what size? ive only ever had 120gb07:19
Dr_willisswitching,  last i looke Some months ago.  thir systems were identical to some of the ones  made by other makers.07:19
histoSwedeMike: yes they 1st gen stuff is bad.07:20
lotuspsychjeSwedeMike: ocz have bad reputation, but thats offtopic :p07:20
Dr_willisforst gen stuff.. is always flakier. ;)07:20
histoI've used both corsair and sandisk SSDs and have not had issues yet.07:20
Dr_williscars, pcs, os's  ;)07:20
histoAll disks fail though so....07:20
switchingdr_willis what do you mean identical? they are customizable and have custom laptop cases07:20
Dr_willisI definatly see more  regular HD failure on this channel then i do sdds07:20
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lotuspsychjeeven my 8gig transcend slc never failed me on ubuntu 64-bit07:21
switchingi heard you're not supposed to do a full shutdown on an ssd07:21
histoDr_willis: because SSds are not as popular IMO07:21
Dr_willisswitching,  from what i recall reading a year+ ago. a lot of the laptops come from 'whitebox' laptop makers that then take identical mb and parts and  rebrand them.07:21
histoswitching: nonsense.07:21
Dr_willisswitching,  but i havent looked at laptops in a year+07:21
lotuspsychjeswitching: even ubuntu server hosting ive seen do double 320 SSD layouts07:21
duSnhere is some stuff on ssd http://www.storagesearch.com/ssdmyths-endurance.html07:21
Dr_willistheres a lot of hype and old 'rules' out for SSD's that might have applied to earlier ones.. but not the newer ones.07:22
switchingalso if i did get a windows pc and wipe it what brand should i get07:22
histoswitching: There are certain things you can do to extend the life and reduce writes to the disk. Like mounting with noatime,discard  options. Also I mount browser cache, logs, and a bunch of /var to tmpfs07:22
Dr_willisswitching,  brand wont matter near as much as what chipsets are insde it07:22
switchingdr_willis their cases appear to be custom made07:22
switchingdr_willis which are preferable?07:23
Dr_willisswitching,  i buy whats on sale. ;)07:23
switchinghisto got it!07:23
switchingdr_willis nice :)07:23
Dr_willisif im putting in my own HD, i often get whats on the display/clearance07:23
switchingdr_willis are you putting in your own processor too? o.O07:23
duSnthe newer ssd are worse - how about get some real info on it07:24
histoswitching: I would /j ##hardware07:24
Dr_willisswitching,  i rarely bother with cpus.07:24
lotuspsychjelets all go to #ubuntu-offtopic for interesting ssd thread07:24
switchinghisto i did :)07:24
Dr_willisthe stack exchange sites have a lot of info/discussion on this also.. but what one guy says.. the others counter. ;) but i imagine the most senciable thing to know is 'buy from a good brand maker'07:27
Dr_willisthat applys to most any hardware you get.07:27
switchinghow can i get +v in ##hardware?07:29
Dr_willisidentify with nickserv?07:30
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Dr_willisswitching,  some info on the 'rebranding' stuff. here. they sort of rebrand i guess you can say on some makes. ;)    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192648907:35
lotuspsychjeim looking for a desktop notifier in python, that can remember unread msges and store them in indicator section07:37
switchingty dr_willis07:38
Dr_willisive seen generic inticator applets written in python in some answers on askubuntu.com   sort of a 'skeleton indicator applet'07:38
lotuspsychjeDr_willis: tnx lemme take a look07:38
Dr_willislotuspsychje,  search for 'indicator applet list' then sort by votes.. shoul dbe a huge list.. but it may be outdated07:39
switchingdang still cannot message in ##hardware despite being ided07:40
ubottuGalaxy: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:40
histoswitching: I can07:42
switchinghisto i know everyone but me can :/07:42
redfeatherBy currently supported versions, should I not ask for help if I'm not using 10.04?07:44
Dr_willisserver   10.04 i  think is still supported07:44
auronandaceredfeather: 10.04 is currently supported on the server only07:44
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.07:44
redfeatherAh I see.07:46
redfeatherStill, if I have a problem with 12.04. Could I ask it here?07:47
auronandaceredfeather: of course07:47
auronandace!topic | redfeather07:47
ubotturedfeather: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic07:47
redfeatherAlright, so I'm trying to install 12.04 on a HP dv6000. For some reason when I get to the installer the screen has scanlines and only shows the top right hand corner of a higher resolution (I checked display, it says it's running at 1280x1024. But it seems to only be showing ~300 px of the top right hand corner of that.07:51
redfeatherCouldn't find the problem elsewhere.07:52
Dr_willistried the nomodeset option yet?07:52
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:52
lasersredfeather: I think that's a defective laptop.07:53
redfeatherMaybe, but the screen is correct in puppy linux and windows repair.07:53
redfeatherWill look at nomodeset.07:53
Dr_willistry the Nomodeset thing..07:53
Dr_willisif its getting sent the wrong info it can be goofy.07:53
Dr_williswhat video chipset is in the thing?07:54
redfeatherI don't know >_>07:56
aeon-ltdredfeather: got a spare monitor handy? try that see if the output is normal, if so complete the install then fix the graphics problem after07:56
Dr_willisthat would be a   #1 thing to find out.07:57
Dr_willisboot any live disrto and look at the lspci output07:57
Dr_willis'lspci' command07:57
redfeatherAh, the nomodeset fixed the problem.07:58
Dr_willisonce you install the proper drivers. you most likely wont need nomodeset then07:58
Dr_willisthe addational-drivers tool may suggest the proper drivers07:59
RevolutionMastaIs anyone here familiar with ZFS? I'm having issues importing a volume that suffered a power failure07:59
redfeatherI see, thanks!07:59
Dr_willisit may have an icon at the top right allready.. with some suggestions07:59
thegladiatorIs there any way I have have a windows virtual env in my Linux box08:01
thegladiatorI have a an ISO etc08:01
redfeatherI'm gonna have to work on getting the right drivers tommorrow. Already stayed up too late working on other things for the comp.08:02
redfeatherSo, nn.08:02
RevolutionMastathegladiator: If you have enough RAM and a modern processor, you should be able to run it as a guest in a KVM with virt-manager or in Virtualbox08:02
thegladiatorI only have 1 GB08:02
thegladiatorand I am using lxde ... so about 700 MB free08:03
trijntjeHi all, can someone verify if in ubuntu 12.04, the top right button has the 'about this computer' entry, which shows if the OS is 32 or 64 bit?08:03
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thegladiatorwhat about Xen RevolutionMasta08:03
RevolutionMastaYou could probably get away with virtualizing XP with 512MB or less. No idea about Xen… Haven't used it with Windows before08:03
Dr_willisdoes windows work in xen?08:03
Dr_willisive only used it in vbox08:03
sendaljepithelp link iptables all??08:04
aeon-ltdsendaljepit: for what?08:05
aeon-ltdsendaljepit: or just anything?08:05
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.08:05
sendaljepitjust studying08:05
sendaljepityea.. <Dr_willis>08:06
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sendaljepit<ubottu> tq for link08:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:09
sendaljepitask..: what is the difference if the drop in client input / output / forward, his one open??08:10
sendaljepitand what is the function iptables -A INPUT/OUTPUT/FORWARD -p icmp -j ACCEPT?08:12
mobdoes anyone know if there is a way to crate a super computer with ubuntuphone and multiple devices??08:13
mobwell phones that is ....08:13
thegladiatorwell super computer with phone :)08:13
aeon-ltdthey already do that08:13
aeon-ltdcalxeda, seamicro08:13
mobwell I am researching for school08:13
mobjust would like to recycle the phones :)08:14
mob\and give them a new life08:14
aeon-ltdusing arm clusters for supercomputing, they're called something like wimpy nodes08:14
Dr_willisraspberry pi cluster computing. ;)08:14
mobwell already did that08:14
mobwith RPI08:14
thegladiatorand what will u do with the computing power ?08:14
aeon-ltdrender ascii art as 3d models08:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:16
sendaljepitUbottu = bot??08:17
ubottusendaljepit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:17
aeon-ltdthere you go08:18
sendaljepitgrrr.... :'(08:18
Dr_willis'open the pod bay doors hal.....'08:18
sendaljepitanyone know??08:19
Dr_willisi missed the question.. if it was about iptables.. theres like books written on the topic.. :)08:20
aeon-ltdis anyone working on a irc bot that can solve problems, so a more intelligent bot that can understand context and abstract queries? seems useful for solving repetitive problems on linux irc channels08:20
Dr_willisi rarely need to worry about it08:20
lasersaeon-ltd: You mean Google? ;)08:23
sendaljepitso what do you think of when there are cases such as ping flood??08:23
Dr_willisthere is a #networking channel08:23
thegladiatorI just installed lubuntu and its damn fast with my netbook08:24
lotuspsychje!yay | thegladiator08:24
ubottuthegladiator: Glad you made it! :-)08:24
thegladiator:-) yes , its like a supercomp now08:24
aeon-ltdlasers: what google is becoming, but smaller and limiting it to ubuntu then making that in bot form so it can actively respond to users instead calling factoids08:24
sendaljepitDr_wilis tanks :)08:25
lotuspsychjethegladiator: wanna tell me netbook specs in #ubuntu-offtopic?08:25
aeon-ltdsendaljepit: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Iptables#Basic_concepts08:26
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sendaljepitI use ubuntu 11.10 server, the server at my school for a case like that I asked it earlier08:28
Guest7078I am new here and i ve a problem with my ubuntu 12.0408:28
pac1As a general user, what would be the consequences of selecting SLUB_DEBUG=n for a kernel?  Would any part of ubuntu be broken by doing this?08:28
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Guest7078i want to connect to a fritzbox wlan but ubuntu doesn´t accept the password08:32
arlosmarhi. when i transfer files from my nexus4 to a local folder in thunar, it changes the names of the folders. does anybody know why? please08:32
Guest7078is anybody able to help me?08:33
snow_ruhow many people are there in this channel ?08:33
histoGuest7078: are you using the proper password?08:35
histoGuest and does your wifi work connecting to other routers?08:35
Guest7078yes in windows i can connect to the wlan08:35
Guest7078i can type in a password. The connect button is active only with 5 characters. when i type more, it will deactivate08:36
ubuntu_user99can anybody read my message?08:41
lomo7ubuntu_user99: yap08:43
lomo7I changing the order of the boot in the bios, but can't boot from usb after installed ubuntu.. why's that??08:44
Dr_willistest the usb in a differnt pc?08:45
ronaldsI have one 35 gb partition on which ubuntu is on, and other 75 gb partition, I somehow managed to partition, by installing kubuntu and later reinstalling ubuntu08:47
ronaldshow can I merge those partitions, cause 35 gb for linux isn't enough08:47
Dr_willisyou could use the other partion for a /home/08:48
Dr_willis and have 35gb just for /08:48
Dr_willisso you would have 35gb / and a 75gb /home08:48
ronaldsAnd how do you make it appear /home08:48
Dr_willismount it to /home/ ;)08:48
Dr_willisif i can find the factoid on it...08:48
Dr_willisits not hard.08:48
Dr_willisformat the 75 to be ext4, copy all of your  current /home/ to it. making sure you clone the permissions, them make a fstab entry for the new  partition to mount it to /home/ on bootup08:49
Dr_willishow many users are on your system?08:50
lomo7Dr_willis: i did and other pc recognize08:50
Dr_willisyou could just format and mount the partion to /home/yourusername/Storage  and use it for that user08:50
Jordan_U!separatehome | ronalds08:50
ubotturonalds: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving08:50
ronaldsI seem to can't do things on other partition without root acces08:51
ubuntu_user99i am using windows 7. i have installed all drivers properly. the machine works perfect. i installed ubuntu 12.04.2 on the latest stable version of virtualbox. it did all updates on the installation. but when it finished and i restart the virtualbox, ubuntu does not start and gives me this erorr: "ubuntu runs low graphic mode". and can not start gnome. please help me. thank you.08:51
Dr_willisyou did install the vbox guest addations in  vbox ubuntu_user99 ?08:54
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: what is guest additional? how can i istanll it on ubuntu?08:56
Dr_willisits right there in the vbox docs/manual and menu ubuntu_user9908:57
cristian_cThere is a mysterious problem with my laptop. I mean, when I run the suspension, after the restore there are problems. The first of which is that the Chromium browser will no longer open (but it also does with Chrome) and if you launch it from the terminal, an error is returned08:57
Dr_willisits a package in the repos. or from a iso image. see the vbox manual at its homepage08:57
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:57
Jordan_Ucristian_c: What is the error message?08:58
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:58
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.08:59
dfrkpHi! I'm using 13.04 and I'm wondering if there is a way to access a WebDAV share via files (former Nautilus)? I'm trying "connect to server" with "dav://destination" but without success.08:59
cristian_cJordan_U, pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:02.1/resource: File or directory not found08:59
wald0i have installed ubuntu on a partition a windows 8 machine, but everytime i boot on windows it changes my bios to not allow to boot ubuntu, how i can fix that ?09:01
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cristian_cAlso, when I try to logout or reboot the pc freezes, meaning that when I try to restart, the screen goes black and hangs there indefinitely (in the case of the log, it appears the shell with the messages, but it hangs too) and I have to brutally shut down the pc09:02
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.09:03
cristian_cI tried several solutions, from uswsusp to tuxonice, to create a special file in /etc/pm/config.d/, but these attempts have not been successful. I also checked the syslog, but also did not provide significant information about the origin of the problem09:03
cristian_cAny ideas?09:04
snikkeri've run "sudo setfacl -d -R -m g:green-group:rwx /path/to/dir1", my user is into secondary group "green-group", but i'm unable to write into "dir1". Can you help me?09:08
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:12
yeehiI can see my system is downloading but I would like to understand WHAT it is downloading. Is there a package with a GUI to help me look at this?09:12
yeehiAlso, where it is downloading it from09:12
moses_how do i get to irssi in terminal?09:13
moses_where is it stored under?09:13
Dr_willismoses,  just type 'irssi'09:13
moses_wrong channel09:13
Dr_willisI perfer weechat to Irssi ;)09:13
moses_yeah but I wanted to edit the config09:13
Dr_willisyour irssi configs are in your users home.09:13
MonkeyDustirssi <309:13
Dr_willisunder .irssi i belive09:13
moses_its not working :(09:14
MonkeyDustmoses_  i use irssi, what goes wrong?09:14
Dr_williswhats not working? we dont have esp.. :)09:14
moses_lol i cant cd to irssi09:14
moses_from ubuntu09:14
moses_i can google this sorry09:15
MonkeyDustmoses_  it's .irssi, with a dot09:15
Dr_willisnotice i said   .irssi09:15
moses_i tried cd .irssi09:15
moses_not working09:15
Dr_willishave you ran irssi yet?09:15
MonkeyDustmoses_  try ~/.irssi09:15
moses_im in irssi now09:15
moses_tyvm, why is that so complicated?09:15
MonkeyDustmoses_  it means you're not in your home folder09:16
Dr_willisits not complecated at all09:16
Dr_willisyou dont understand the idea of a 'current directory' i guess?09:16
moses_what does current dir have to do with it?09:16
Dr_willisif you did 'cd foo' and foo is not in the corrent directory.. then guess what.. its not there'09:17
Dr_williscd /the/proper/path/to/foo   would work09:17
Dr_willisyou dont stick the laundry in the clotheswasher if you are not in the laundry room. ;)09:17
moses_this doesnt even seem right because theres no config when i ls?09:18
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Dr_willisdid you do a ls -a ? WHEN you where in your /home/yourusername dir?09:18
MonkeyDustmoses_  ls -h shows the hidden folders, the ones with a dot09:18
MonkeyDustmoses_  ls -a shows the hidden folders, the ones with a dot   <-- correction09:18
moses_can i turn that on manually?09:18
Dr_willisit might be time to read up on some bash basics/fundamentals..09:18
moses_yes i need bash fundamentals09:19
Dr_willisthis is like chapter 1 stuff. ;)09:19
MonkeyDustmoses_  you could create an alias for ls, but that's not basic ;)09:19
MonkeyDustmoses_  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal#File_.26_Directory_Commands09:20
moses_how do you copy and paste in ubuntu?09:21
moses_im used to ssh only09:21
Dr_willisyou mean in X? gnome-terminal ?09:21
moses_yeah i guess09:21
MonkeyDustmoses_  cp copies, mv moves or renames09:21
moses_no i mean like hilight things in the terminal09:21
moses_and copy09:21
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: guest additional is something like extension for virtual box? or it is a package (program) which we install on ubuntu?09:21
Dr_willisubuntu_user99,  its special drivers for VBOX you install inside the guest OS.09:22
MonkeyDustubuntu_user99  it installs on your virtual machine09:22
Dr_willisthe vbox client menus has a option to 'mount the addations iso file'09:22
lomo7how can i boot into dos mode?09:22
yeehiHello, Dr_willis - what package with a GUI can i install to examine what my network traffic is / is for / is from?09:22
Dr_willislomo7,  what do you mean dos mode?09:22
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MonkeyDustlomo7  i use dosbox to play old 90's DOS games09:23
Dr_willis!indo ntop09:23
lomo7Dr_willis: i want to flash my gpu09:23
Dr_willis!info ntop09:23
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.99.3+ndpi5517+dfsg3-1 (raring), package size 689 kB, installed size 1659 kB09:23
ubuntu_user99 Dr_willis: you mean package for ubuntu. so i need command line. how can i open terminal?09:23
Dr_willislomo7,  if you want actual DOS.. use 'freedos' iso  on a usb/cd09:23
Dr_willis!manual | ubuntu_user9909:23
ubottuubuntu_user99: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:23
Dr_willis!terminal | ubuntu_user9909:23
ubottuubuntu_user99: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:23
Dr_willisor tap the super key and type 'terminal'09:24
lomo7Dr_willis: i use unetbootin to install freedos on usb but can't boot with it even when changing the bios priority boot...09:24
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Dr_willisthere should be numerous 'setup ubuntu in vbox' guides at askubuntu.com09:24
Dr_willislomo7,  sounds like it dident make the usb  correctly09:24
Dr_willisive never heard of flashing a GPU bio from DOS...09:25
Dr_willisthat just seems weird.09:25
lomo7Dr_willis: well.. u do it with atiflash.exe..09:26
Dr_willisand you are SURE thats an actual DOS command?09:26
ph0Anyone got any experience with mounting LDM partitions under ubuntu (12.04)?09:26
ubuntu_user99 Dr_willis: i know what is command line, terminal and how to install a package. but i can not log on on gnome.09:29
Dr_willisubuntu_user99,  you can login at the consoles and get into a terminal.09:29
ph0to rephrase, is there any way to determine wether or not I have "Advanced Partition selection" enabled in my kernel? (vanilla 12.04 LTS )09:29
MonkeyDustph0  is ldm something like gparted?09:29
Dr_willisUbuntu 13.04 worked fine for me in virtualbox on windows709:29
Dr_willisworked better after i installed the guest addations09:30
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: ok i will try i will come here back.09:30
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis:  thank you.09:30
Dr_willisthe vbox manual and askubuntu.com should have  the details.09:30
ph0MonkeyDust: No, its MS's Logical Disk Manager. Need help to mount a LDM volume.09:33
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MonkeyDustph0  i guess the peope in ##windows know best how to work with MS products09:37
ph0Im trying to mount it under ubuntu 12.04.09:37
MonkeyDustph0  you're seeig it wrong, you mount devices, not programs09:38
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ph0MonkeyDust: sorry, but you do not know what you are talking about.  LDM : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Disk_Manager09:39
MonkeyDustph0  maybe you should look for a linux way to do what LDM does09:41
ph0MonkeyDust: Well, I would. But the LDM volume holds about 1TB of data i would like to keep.09:42
icerootph0: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8427372/windows-spanned-disks-ldm-restoration-with-linux09:43
histoph0: mount it in windows and pull your data out09:46
ph0iceroot: thanks, ive been through that post and it seems somewhat of an overkill.09:47
ph0histo: its an option, but not one I really would like to pursue.09:47
icerootph0: because of that its always a good idea to not use propritary stuff but open stuff which is implemented in all systems09:47
ph0I was hoping to be able to mount the volume even in a read-only state just to extract data.09:48
histoph0: well then I believe you are stuck mounting the filesystem as that stackoverflow page suggests. unless they added support for LDM in LVM209:48
ph0iceroot: amen to that.09:48
ph0histo: do you know if this would help me along? http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-424087-view-next.html?sid=2b39722f8432edf01eff0a17c18ae96d09:48
ph0meaning, you think I would be able to mount the volume after adding that support?09:49
cyneckim a new one09:49
cyneckjust can speak in enlish?09:49
MonkeyDustcyneck  yes, engish09:49
MonkeyDustcyneck  what's your own language?09:50
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:50
histoph0: please pastebin the output of sudo parted -l /dev/of/disk09:50
cyneck /join #ubuntu -cn09:51
ph0histo: http://pastebin.com/c9Fqx8b009:52
=== qos|away is now known as qos
histoph0: what happens when you try to mount /dev/sdb309:54
ph0histo: I get the "NTFS signature is missing" error.09:55
sasukehi all09:55
histoph0: so the filesystem is offset then inside of that area. hrm..09:55
maria_come va?09:56
histoph0: I'm still googling give me a few09:57
Parsii restored my packages by using APTonCD09:58
ph0histo: thanks for your help. take all the time you need :)09:58
Parsii open it, and hit restore09:58
Parsiit loaded somethings09:58
Parsiwhat should i do?09:58
histoph0: This wasn't a fakeraid setup in windows was it?09:59
Parsibut my packages are not installed yet, should i do further more manually?09:59
ph0histo: no, just used GPT instead of MBR when creating the partition.09:59
histoph0: Did you create an LDM ?  Using GPT instead shouldn't have done this.10:00
ph0histo: must have happened when converting the disks to Dynamic i guess?10:02
histoph0: yes that would do it10:04
moses_anyone know what the command under the ssh_config is to add users?10:06
moses_i thought it was allowusers10:06
moses_but it doesnt come up10:06
Walex2moses_: what does that mean?10:06
Dr_willisnot sure what you mean by allow users under ssh config either..10:07
moses_I want to add users to be able to login to the ssh server10:07
moses_I wanted to know if you knew what the config command was to do tha10:08
Dr_willisyou just add the user.. and they can ssh in10:08
Dr_willissudo adduser newusername10:08
alexa_bghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5703016/ I upgraded ubuntu from 12,10 to 13,04. Can anyone check my sources.list?10:08
=== Astrasix is now known as astrasix
histoph0: what type of files do you need off the disk?10:09
ph0about 500GB of family photos and such :)10:09
eexphi, anyone use grilo-plugins in totem here?10:09
ph0I know there are other ways of doind it, restore from backup etc. But all so time consuming :)10:10
eexpor say anyone use dlna client here? need help10:10
histoph0: well the easiest would just be to mount the filesystem based on whatever offset it's at. I'm trying to find the quickest way for you to find the offset10:10
ph0oh, thanks. I really appriciate your help.10:11
lqidHow do I assosciate Terminal to connect to a Telnet session when clicking a telnet:// hyperlink in Firefox?10:12
sasukehi, is there any way to downgrade from 13.04 to 12.1010:14
Dr_willisreinstall 12.10 there is no downgrade10:14
lasers!downgrade | sasuke10:14
ubottusasuke: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.10:14
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
sasukeoh..k thanks lasers & ubottu10:15
alexxio_hi, someone wanna play with my bluetooth and see why i can't get it on? http://pastebin.com/aaZqAkkm10:15
MonkeyDustsasuke  fresh install an older version or try to solve the problem in the current, you can ask here10:18
histoph0: I can't find an easier way other than that stackoverflow article10:18
ph0histo: then I will give that a whirl! Thanks for the help so far.10:18
kantokahi guys10:19
sasukeMonkeyDust, thanx.. i'm facing hung issues with skype application & some times my whole system is hunging10:19
=== Motoservo_ is now known as Motoservo
kantokaHas it been any changes on the stream for JB? Can't play it through xbmc today10:20
moses_AllowUsers adds users but where do i set their password and access levels?10:20
sasukeMonkeyDust, its work fine with the older version of ubuntu. So thought of going back to 12.1010:21
Dr_willismoses_,  where are you reading that  the SSH option AllowUsers   adds users to the system? Or are you wanting users without a home directory?10:21
=== qos is now known as qos|away
Dr_willisThe option AllowUsers specifies and controls which users can access ssh services. Multiple users can be specified, separated by spaces.10:22
moses_no I want them to have a home directory10:22
moses_yeah exactly10:22
moses_isnt that how to add users?10:22
Dr_willismoses_,  then you want to ADD the user to the system same as you would ad any other user10:22
Dr_willisthat ssh option sets what users CAN use ssh10:22
moses_where are proper instructins for this10:22
Dr_willisit does not say it adds a user to the system anywhere.,10:22
=== harry is now known as vinu
Dr_willissudo adduser selectausername10:23
Dr_willisadds a default user10:23
moses_what about the password?10:23
moses_let me man this10:23
Dr_willissudo adduser selectausername    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< try this10:23
Dr_willisIts not rocket surgery. ;)10:24
MonkeyDustuseradd -m creates a home for the user10:24
kantokacan I add a girlfriend as well?10:24
Dr_williskantoka,  if it was anyone else.. yes.. for you.. no10:24
Dr_willisyou can add your 10 cats however.  ;P10:24
histoph0: This page has a ton of info on ldm but that stackoverflow article will work for you. You just need to find the start of the ntfs filesystem and the end. You should be able to do this with xxd if you are experienced.10:25
* histo sleep time10:26
moses_useradd seems better10:26
moses_this is for an ssh server10:26
moses_do people normally get shells10:26
moses_or home directories?10:26
k1l_moses: yep10:26
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: is there any way to start ubuntu with console directly?10:26
Dr_willisyou have to supply all the right options for useradd10:26
Dr_willisadduser gives decent defaults10:26
Dr_willis!text | ubuntu_user9910:26
ubottuubuntu_user99: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode10:26
moses_which defaults?10:26
k1l_but ubuntu way would be adduser, iirc10:27
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo10:27
Dr_willismoses_,  ones you will most likely forget.. so thats why i said  use 'adduser'10:27
k1l_moses: see the message from bot10:27
kendohello everyone this is my first time here i'm a deprecable newbie10:27
k1l_kendo: no problem. just ask a specific question :)10:27
kendothanks kil10:27
moses_sudo passwd username <password here>???10:29
moses_is that right?10:29
kendoi tried to install Lubuntu 13.04 on my old PIII asus P3v4x pc but installation didn't work...10:29
kendoi got "starting load fallback graphics devices fail" message10:29
Dr_willismoses_,  if you had used 'adduser' instead of useradd. it would of asked you for the new password10:29
k1l_kendo: i think that is a PAE issue. new kernels dont support no-PAE cpus. take a look if your cpu does support PAE10:30
moses_Dr_willis: I havent done anything yet10:31
kendowhere dhould i search for that and what should if my cpu does not support PAE? use an older kernel version?10:31
kendowhat should i do10:32
moses_does adduser automatically get a homegroup?10:32
k1l_!adduser | moses_10:32
ubottumoses_: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo10:32
Dr_willishomegroup? what does that mean10:33
=== will is now known as Guest7429
k1l_kendo: if your cpu doesnt support that we need to think about what to do. i think there is some howto for Lubuntu for using it with non-Pae kernels10:36
moses_adduser was amazing10:37
moses_how do you give your user administrative privelages?10:37
moses_add to group admin?10:37
kendook i'll check....i choosed lubuntu as i read it was "dedicated" to older pc so this issue is unespected somehow....10:37
bassshello, is there a voice recognition package for ubuntu that can be ran via terminal ?10:38
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: i dont have gup menu. because i have just ubuntu installed on VM.10:39
k1l_moses_: please read the message the bot gave you twice10:39
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: so i an not open grup menu to select recovery mode or something..10:39
k1l_moses_: the information was all included. you just need to read it10:39
Dr_willisubuntu_user99,  you definatly can enable the grub menu on a VM..10:40
moses_k1l_: the group admin didnt exist until i made it10:40
Dr_willisedit the grub configs to alwyas show the menu.. or hold SHIFT10:40
Dr_willisto make grub appear10:40
moses_I dont know if that group has the administrative privelages10:40
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: yes but how?10:40
Dr_willis!grub2 | ubuntu_user9910:40
ubottuubuntu_user99: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:40
Dr_willisubuntu_user99,  edit the option in /etc/default/grub10:40
Dr_willisor - HOLD shift as the vm boots..10:41
Dr_willisclickin it.. hold SHIFT10:41
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: i can not open the system. i can ot log on with gnome. first i need to use console.10:41
k1l_moses_: ok, since 12.04 its the sudo group and not admin group10:41
Dr_willisubuntu_user99,  yes.. You use the TEXT option at the GRUB menu.. and you hold SHIFT to get to the GRUB menu.10:41
Dr_willispower up the vm.. as it boots HOLD  THE SHIFT KEY10:42
Dr_willisor use a live cd/iso in the vm.. and boot it.. get to the installed system..  make grub not hide itself.10:43
Dr_willisor have it default to text mode10:43
kendokil ifound this on wikipedia " PAE is supported by Intel Pentium Pro and later Pentium-series processors except most 400 MHz-bus versions of the Pentium M.[citation needed] It is also available on AMD processors such as the AMD Athlon and later AMD processor models."10:45
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: i press hsit button. it writes "grup loading.." but after 5-6 seconds ubuntu started normally. and it gives me like always "ubuntu runs low graphic mode.". why grup menu does not strated event it writes that it starts :(10:45
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: can you or someone connect me with teamviewer?10:45
Dr_willisid guess the vm is not seeingf the key10:46
moses_k1l_: tyvm10:46
Dr_willisboot a live-iso and disable the lighddm service.. that way it boots to the console10:46
Dr_willisis another way10:46
moses_how come when i use the gui to go to users it doesnt show my new user with administrator privelages10:46
Dr_willisrename /etc/init/lightdm.conf to be /etc/init/lightdm.DONTRUN will disable light dm untill you rename it10:47
Dr_willisthat would make the system go into the console mode also10:47
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis:  i start the grup (i dont know how). now i press the "e" key. it wants some paramters now. i will write "text" (without quotes) or "-text" or "--text" ?10:50
Dr_willischange 'quiet splash' to read 'text'10:51
Dr_willisor put text between the 2.. 'quiet text splash'10:51
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis:  ok i change the parameters? now which button i should use to boot with these parameters?10:54
Dr_willisit tells you at the bottom of that screen i recall...10:55
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
* Dr_willis does it so automaticlly he dosent rember10:55
[FreeBSD]i think its f1010:56
Dr_willisand/or alt-b or alt-x or somthing10:56
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis:  it writes use ctrl x or f10 to boot, but i am worried if it will save the parameters for each time.10:56
[FreeBSD]ubuntu_user99: it wont10:57
[FreeBSD]youd have to ebter it in the grub cfg kernel cmd to be permenant10:57
Dr_willisthe grub docs mentioned.. state that DOSENT happen that way10:57
Dr_willisits a one time deal10:57
kendook thanks anyway....10:59
ubuntu_user99 [FreeBSD]: oh. when i presss ctrl-x it open a a new comment line with "GRUP>"11:03
[FreeBSD]maybe the parameters you entered were wrong11:04
[FreeBSD]or wrong syntax11:04
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: i dont understand how to boot with new parameters.11:04
Dr_willisor the vm is confuiseing the keys11:04
moses_does dropbox exist for ubuntu?11:04
ubuntu_user99 [FreeBSD]: i just change quiet splahs with: "quiet text splash"11:04
somsipmoses_: yes11:05
[FreeBSD]use f10 over ctrl + whatever in a vm11:05
[FreeBSD]as ctrl sometimes acts as a special key11:05
Dr_willisjust how we told you..   - i think you can hit f10 to boot also.. or some key combo to get back to the initial menu then hit enter after manking the changes11:05
bekksmoses_: Sure.11:05
Dr_willisi bet YOUTUBE has some videos of doing this11:05
moses_cool cool11:05
* Dr_willis wonders if the vm would behave better if it was fullscreend11:06
[FreeBSD]ubuntu_user99: what problem ar you having anyway, why you need to boot like this?11:06
[FreeBSD]Dr_willis: if its virtualbox it wont make a difference11:06
ubuntu_user99[FreeBSD]: f10 worked. now i am on command line.11:07
[FreeBSD]ubuntu_user99: ok11:07
alphabravoanyone who canhelp me with an adhoc problem?11:07
ubuntu_user99[FreeBSD]: thank you. :)11:07
[FreeBSD]werent me, twas Dr_willis :)11:07
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis which package exactly i should install from command like ?11:08
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis  sudo apt-get install guest-additional-vbox?11:08
[FreeBSD]ubuntu_user99: try apt-cache search additions11:08
Dr_willisfirst fix grub so it dosent auto hide.,11:08
=== qos|away is now known as qos
Dr_willisthen check the vbox wiki page/ and the vbox manual.    and do an 'apt-cache search vbox' to see what packages are there.. I used the cvbox guest addations from the vbox guest ISO... which  you mount via the vbox GUI/menu items i recall11:09
raven_how to send my ip adress periodically per mail? (need to do a selfmade dyndns)11:10
ubuntu_user99 Dr_willis: oh god :) i will mount and i will install from command line:)11:10
ubuntu_user99software center does not already have thse packages?11:10
alphabravowhat packages?11:10
Dr_willistook me all of like 15 min i think to get lubuntu /ubuntu going in vbox here..  but that was 2 mo ago.11:10
Dr_willissearch and see if they do ubuntu_user99 .11:11
Dr_willisi used the iso because its the latest ones.. and i think has extra features11:11
snikkeri've run "sudo setfacl -d -R -m g:green-group:rwx /path/to/dir1", my user is into secondary group "green-group", but i'm unable to write into "dir1". Can you help me?11:13
Dr_willisits very likely theres premade ubuntu vbox images that have all this allready done.. but those could have other things also.11:13
creativeoSCheck the DVD for your package - http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads - ships with extra software for installations without internet.11:13
ubuntu_user99creativeoS: i have internet connection on vm at the moment. i will try to install directly from comman line. not by mounting or something..11:15
ronaldswhy kdenlive installs with no codes on 12.0411:16
ronaldscodecs *11:16
moses_ty for everything im sleeping for now <311:16
creativeoSalphabravo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc11:16
ronaldsI don't get why user runs it to such problems11:16
creativeoSubuntu_user99: Sure - do you have a stand alone partition on hdd..?11:17
Dr_willisDevices menu -> install guest addations...11:17
creativeoSubuntu_user99: Alternatively you can view package directory just for the specific one you want without installation.11:18
creativeoSI don't know what the package will be called though.11:18
ubuntu_user99creativeoS: i dont k now what you mean with standalone :( but i write to comnand line install virtualbox-guest-additions. now started to download them.11:18
ubuntu_user99creativeoS: i will restart the vm when it finish.11:18
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ronaldsUnsupported video codec: libx26411:19
creativeoSubuntu_user99: Standalone partition for virtualbox with allocated RAM. Works faster and is safer :-)11:20
ronaldsI have restricted packages and kdenlive repo11:20
ronaldsand it still doesn't works11:20
ronaldslike back in the day11:20
cristian_cJordan_U, any ideas?11:20
ubuntu_user99 creativeoS: i will research about standalone... it sound great..11:21
creativeoSIt's just a partition on your HDD.11:21
creativeoSDedicate it to any virtual machine work.11:22
creativeoSI also have a 20GB partition for my backups - just in case. This laptop has some of my favourite files on it :-)11:23
ronaldsdamn it ubuntu, kdenlive has all the needed codecs, installed but it doesn't allow to use them11:24
PhoenixxlHello all , I currently have a machine that boots from a iscsi target using iPXE . I am planning to move that machine to a hypervisor with that drive dd'd to a storage device. I believe that , ince the kernel is loaded , iscsi initiator will try and connect to the iscsi again.. can anyone here tell me where in the inird archive i need to change it so it continues on the hardisk and doesn't try to boot from the iscsi targe11:25
Phoenixxlt ?11:25
kuranevi hi everybody11:27
kuranevii can't close, maximise or minimise  a window11:27
kuranevithe buttons failed!!!11:27
* sasser test11:27
ronaldsopenshot: Depends: python (>= 2.5) bet 2.7.3-0ubuntu211:27
Phoenixxldoctor it hurts when i laugh.11:28
ronaldswhat the f/**** is wrong with 12.0411:28
apt-get_installronalds: nothing11:28
ronaldsI don't understand why software doesn't installs11:28
ronaldsall the time11:28
apt-get_installhave tried the ppa?11:28
ronaldsdamn yes11:28
CProettidoes anyone know how to make a active USB in ubuntu?11:28
ronaldsdamn it kdenlive openshot11:28
apt-get_installupgrade python?11:28
ronaldswas aveable in past11:28
sassertry 12.10 , it's an update from 12.0411:28
apt-get_installCProetti: bootable?11:28
ronaldsI don't want to upgrade11:28
Phoenixxlstick with 12.0411:29
apt-get_installno, 12.10 sucks11:29
Phoenixxlfor your own sanity11:29
Dr_willisi thought there was 2 differnt pythons n the repos11:29
sasserand a LTS (long terms support)11:29
Phoenixxlin fact install 12.04.01 and upgrade from lthere11:29
Phoenixxlyou woin't be stiuck with a 3.5 kernel11:29
ronaldsLTS usually worked but now I can't get kdenlive openshot working11:29
CProettiapt-get_install  - yes, bootable11:30
apt-get_installeven live CD comes with python 2.711:30
johnnyfireworks12.10 sucks stay with 12.04 or 10.04 or 10.1011:30
creativeoSPhoenixxl: Try - /server irc.oftc.net & /join #kernelnewbies.11:30
CProettion windows i just need to mark it active in diskpar, tho how do i do this on ubuntu11:30
apt-get_installso i dont understand how u can have a version lower than 2.511:30
k1l_johnnyfireworks: 10.10, 10.04 dont have support anymore. so refuse to suggest that here11:30
Phoenixxlcreative5 , why ?11:30
apt-get_installCProetti: set a boot flag on the partition?11:30
bekksapt-get_install: Why do you need a version that old?11:31
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
Phoenixxlcreative5 , they'll know more about iscsi booting ?11:31
k1l_ronalds: please show a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get upgrade" in a pastebin11:31
apt-get_installbekks: what?11:31
cristian_cAnother question:11:32
cristian_cHow can I switch audio from mono to stereo?11:32
bekksapt-get_install: You just said, that you dont understand how to get a python version less than 2.5?11:32
cristian_cAny ideas?11:32
Phoenixxlcreative5 , I was thinking of trying ubuntu-server on here , but it's usually very quiet on there11:32
kuraneviplease help. i can't close, maximise or minimise  a window11:33
kuranevithe buttons failed!!!11:33
apt-get_installbekks: no, i said i didn't understand how ronalds could have a such an old version of python11:33
Phoenixxlohnoes failed buttonz11:33
bekksapt-get_install: ah :)11:33
apt-get_installopenshot complained about it, he said11:33
k1l_ronalds: ok, that is alot of PPAs, so i bet that is not a problem of ubuntu but of PPAs mixing all the depencies11:33
CProettifor changing audio i think you search 'sound' > select your device > change mode to 'stereo'11:34
creativeoSPhoenixxl: Yes. Or there is /freenode.org & /opensuse-kernel - although there aren't many people on channel.11:34
ronaldsI don't get kdenlive I have there repo for ubuntu version11:34
ronaldsand it doesn't works there is not codecs11:34
ronaldsI have all the needed plugins and restricted packs11:34
apt-get_installronalds: what version of oython do u have?11:34
Phoenixxlcreative5 ok , ill have a look11:34
creativeoSPhoenixxl: Have you tried ##linux..?11:34
ronaldsPython 2.7.311:34
Phoenixxlcreative5 no11:34
ronaldsshows in idle11:35
kuranevii mean the buttons missed11:35
cristian_cCProetti, my profile is: duplex analog stereo11:35
ronaldsI just want to kill ubuntu11:35
apt-get_installronalds: so, why are openshot complaining?11:35
apt-get_installhmm... strane11:35
ronaldsask the damn thing11:35
apt-get_installmaybe too many PPAs?11:35
ronaldsI added only kdenlive11:35
k1l_ronalds: again: i think that is a problem of that many PPAs you have installed11:35
creativeoSPhoenixxL: Generic linux channel over 1000 people11:35
k1l_ronalds: show a "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" in pastebin please11:35
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CProetti(not sure how to PM people yet)    cristian c   --- im still learning how to use ubuntu so i cant give you any advanced help, sorry11:36
apt-get_installk1l_: why would the size of the file help?11:36
k1l_apt-get_install: thats not for the size. that lists all PPAs11:36
k1l_apt-get_install: just try it11:36
Phoenixxlcreative5 in such huge channels in my experience the general channel IQ is deviced by  number of people11:37
apt-get_installk1l_: it lists all filesin that dir11:37
apt-get_installkretenik: hey11:37
k1l_apt-get_install: ok. do you know what files are in that dir?11:37
Phoenixxlcreative5 asking things beyond "when I press A I get Q" gets no reply11:37
apt-get_installk1l_: oh, nice11:37
apt-get_installi didn't know that apt-get did that!11:38
ronaldsopenshot: Depends: python (>= 2.5) bet 2.7.3-0ubuntu2 will be installed11:38
apt-get_installronalds: do a sudo apt-get install -f11:38
ubuntu_user99Dr_willis: i installed vbox guest additionals. i restrt the vm. but the same error still: "ubuntu runs low graphic mode"11:38
ronaldsUnsupported video codec: libx264 Unsupported video codec: libxvid in kdenlive11:38
=== qos is now known as qos|away
k1l_ronalds: can you show the whole error message that apt brings you?11:39
bekksubuntu_user99: Did you install the guest additions in the very same version as vbox?11:39
k1l_ronalds: what das "apt-cache show python" give you?11:39
ubuntu_user99bekks:  very same version?11:39
ubuntu_user99bekks:  how can i know it?11:40
bekksubuntu_user99: By telling us which vbox version you have and how you installed the guest additions.11:40
creativeoSJust ask the question - You'll be able to tell if the help is valid or not11:40
apt-get_installronalds: do a sudo apt-get install -f11:40
ronaldsI did it didn't helped11:41
Phoenixxlubuntu_user99 : sorry to butt in but are you running windows in a VM on a linux machine ?11:41
ronaldsI'm stuck at misurable problems, that weren't before in LTS11:41
ubuntu_user99 bekks:  i use the lastet stable version of vbox. but i can not know which version i isntall with this command: sudo pat-get instal virtualbox-guest-additions11:41
seweb2Есть русские11:41
ronaldsit's almost stock, except for kdenlive repo11:41
bekksubuntu_user99: Which version do you use, please tell us a version number.11:41
ubuntu_user99 Phoenixxl: i am running windows. i install vbox. and after that i installed ubunt on vbox.11:42
PhoenixxlIn that cas I would recomend you try out vmware , if you haven't fully decided yet.11:42
Phoenixxlubuntu_user99 You can use vmware player free of charge11:42
apt-get_installronalds: try sudo dpkg --configure -a11:42
bekksPhoenixxl: Wrong. HE is just using the wrong guest additions.11:42
Phoenixxlbekks , wrong ?. wthere is no wrong or right11:43
ubuntu_user99bekks: vibox version: 4.2.12 ubutu version:12.04.211:43
Phoenixxlbekks , I am merely advisong him to use the tried and tested tools11:43
ronalds openshot : Depends: python-mlt3 bet to neplāno instalēt vai11:43
ronalds                     python-mlt2 bet to nevar instalēt11:43
ronaldsE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.11:43
ubuntu_user99Phoenixxl: vmare ? i should use vmare? :(11:43
ronaldsDAMN IT11:43
bekksubuntu_user99: Phoenixxl: Installing virtualbox-guest-additions will install 4.1.x guest additions which are incompatible with vbox version 4.2.x11:43
Phoenixxlubuntu-user99 vmware yes .11:44
apt-get_installas i said, broken packages11:44
bekksubuntu_user99: Phoenixxl: So its just a problem of the wrong guest additions.11:44
ronaldshow can someone by default can run in to so many problems with damn packages11:44
apt-get_installcan u give a full log?11:44
ronaldsaren't ubuntu center supposed to give all working packages11:44
Phoenixxlbekks , it could very well be11:44
Phoenixxlbekks i'm not denying any of that11:44
k1l_ronalds. openshot is not in that PPA11:44
ubuntu_user99bekks:  how can i update my vbox-guest packgae?11:44
ronaldsI feel like wasting part of my life with this damn thing11:44
ubuntu_user99bekks: i am ubuntu'S console now?11:45
bekksubuntu_user99: For installing the correct version, uninstall that package, and install the guest additions as described in the vbox manual.11:45
k1l_!language | RonaldH11:45
ubottuRonaldH: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:45
k1l_!language | ronalds11:45
ubotturonalds: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:45
ronaldslast night after these problems, I tried to upgrade to 13.04 like back in the day, but it failes11:45
ubuntu_user99phoenixxl: i will not use vmare. i want to use vbox. if there is no solution i will not use anthing.11:45
=== RonaldH is now known as Ronald
apt-get_installronalds: give us a full logg11:45
Phoenixxlbekks , ubuntu_user99 but if any doubt exists yet as to which hypervisor to use , I'd really go for vmware workstation for the install then switch to vmware player once it's finished11:45
bekksPhoenixxl: I'd not use vmware on linux.11:45
Phoenixxlbekks me neither11:46
Phoenixxlbekks on linux i'd use kvm11:46
bekksPhoenixxl: Then lets move on now, and get back to the support issue he is having.11:46
ronaldsanother log for nothing11:46
ubuntu_user99Phoenixxl: bekks: can someone connect me with teamviewer?11:47
k1l_ronalds: install -f doenst work with package name11:47
bekksubuntu_user99: I wont, there is no need to. I just told you what to do.11:48
k1l_just install -f11:48
ronaldsI did it also11:48
ronaldsnothing was result11:48
apt-get_installronalds: hmm.. it's not in english... can you run a unset LANG and then try agian?11:48
apt-get_installapt-get_install: never mind11:48
ronaldsno I can't latvian is my native11:48
apt-get_installronalds: never mind11:48
k1l_ronalds: that is another problem mentioned11:49
apt-get_installronalds: how's the disk size?11:49
apt-get_installis it enough space?11:49
k1l_ronalds: im sure its the kdenlive PPA that spoils that python mlt11:50
ronalds30 gb (because of last night frustrating process for upgrade to 13.04, installing kubuntu, and later getting back to ubuntu, making da** partitions)11:50
ronaldsI took it out11:50
ronaldsnow it install openshot11:51
k1l_use ppa-purge11:52
ronaldsI did it trought gui11:52
ronaldsbtw why software sources are missing now in 12.04?11:52
ronaldsthere was shortcut back in the day11:52
k1l_ok. ronalds so all the drama because you didnt listen in the first place about the PPAs :/11:52
apt-get_installronalds: can you check for sure?11:53
ronaldsyes, it's gone, only ubuntu software center is left11:53
k1l_software sources is still available. just not as a menu entry11:53
k1l_(due to gnome policy)11:53
ronaldsI know, I just sad it11:54
apt-get_installronalds: run df -h11:54
ronaldsI should send email, to kdenlive developers that there page has broken repos for 12.0411:54
ronaldsapt get11:57
=== Catbuntu is now known as LanaDelRey
apt-get_installronalds: shouldn't be a problem with the disk size then11:58
ronaldskdenlive works, openshot installed tnx11:59
calmcoderQuestion: 2 Ubuntu pc's on Wifi-LAN (Adsl router), [ubuntu 10.04] successfully pings [ubuntu 12.10], after a couple of minutes ping fails, [12.10] pings [10.04] successfully, after which [10.04] again pings [12.10] successfully, [12.10] successfully connect to internet for entire duration. Why does ubuntu 12.10 become unreachable on LAN after some time?12:04
ubuntu_user99bekks: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1170912:05
ubuntu_user99bekks:  what should i do now? :(12:05
bekksubuntu_user99: I told you. Uninstal the guest additions package and install the guest additions following the vbox manual.12:06
bekksubuntu_user99: There is an entire chapter regarding the guest additions in the vbox manual.12:06
ubuntu_user99bekks: okey but when i research about it, isee this topic.12:07
bekksubuntu_user99: And I told you on how to solve your specific issue :)12:07
ubuntu_user99bekks: VirtualBox Guest Additions 4.2.12 breaks Ubuntu 12.04 guest. so if will install these packages, my ubuntu will crash.12:07
vakis it possible to upgrade from 12.03 to 13.10?12:08
ubuntu_user99bekks: you told me to install 4.2.12 packgaes of virtualbox-guest-additional.12:08
bekksubuntu_user99: Thats entirely a lie. It doesnt do it, I am running several 12.04 installations in vbox without problem.12:08
bekksubuntu_user99: I told you to install 4.2.12 guest additions when using vbox 4.2.1212:08
Dr_willisI just use the vbox guest .iso thing from its menus.12:08
bekksThats what the vbox manual states.12:09
Dr_willisit compiles it for whatever  you got installed.12:09
ubuntu_user99 bekks: send me your vm hadd :D:D:12:09
albertohi i need too much help recently i upgraded to ubuntu 13.04 and had two problems the most  easiest (i think) its empathy dont coonect to facebook  it open a manager and it open a browser and the browser ask for my data  user and pass and says warning security use this url  as your password and dont share whith nobody12:09
cfhowlettvak, as there is IS no 12.03 ... no.12:09
albertoand empathy dont cnet or do nothing?12:09
cfhowlettvak, also, 12.10 isn't even out yet ...12:09
bekksubuntu_user99: Pay me, or just finally read the vbox manual.12:09
cfhowlettvak, 13.1012:09
vakLOL i'm still somewhat sleeping12:10
ubuntu_user99bekks:  :D12:10
vakis it possible to upgrade from 12.04.2 to 13.10?12:10
vakcfhowlett: i've corrected my question )12:10
Dr_willisvak,  of course12:11
cfhowlettvak, not directly12:11
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:11
Ben6413.10 isn't released yet12:11
vakcfhowlett: directly or step-by-step?12:11
vakyou read my mind12:11
Dr_willislts to lts - directly.. other wise its one release at a time12:11
apt-get_installvak: yes12:11
apt-get_installsudo apt-get disk-upgrade12:12
Ben64would be easier to wait until 14.0412:12
cfhowlettvak, 12.04 is LTS.   13.10 will not be...12:12
SunTsuubuntu_user99: I'm running 12.04 in vbox, too, no issues12:12
vakcfhowlett: it is my own dev box, so I don't care much about LTS12:12
Dr_willis13.04 in vbox her.. but i did in stall lubuntu, then added ubuntu12:12
ubuntu_user99SunTsu: did you installed vbox-guest additionas?12:13
vakapt-get_install: so, you mean it is possible to upgrade directly??12:13
SunTsuubuntu_user99: of course12:13
apt-get_installvak: yes12:13
Ben64vak: nope. 12.04 -> 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 -> 14.04 or 12.04 -> 14.0412:13
apt-get_installof course12:13
ubuntu_user99SunTsu: hmm. which which comnad did you do that?12:13
vakhm... different opinions...12:14
apt-get_installBen64: u can upgrade from 12.04 to 13.04, i think12:14
Ben64mine is fact, not opinion12:14
Ben64apt-get_install: not directly12:14
apt-get_installwithout 12.1012:14
bekksubuntu_user99: sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-guest-additions12:14
Dr_willisLTS to LTS.. OR one release at a time...12:14
bekksubuntu_user99: And then start reading the vbox manual. Is it really tjat hard?12:14
cfhowlettvak, or go 12.04 to 14.04 :)12:14
DottorLeoi need an advice to determine if *buntu is the right choice12:14
ubuntu_user99bekks: i am not reading anything yet. i am gooling it. but i could not found how to isntrall for specific version of guest additionals.12:15
cfhowlettDottorLeo, we're biased, but ask ...12:15
vakargghhh guys, you blow my weaked mind on this cold Sunday )12:15
SunTsuubuntu_user99: I used the "virtual iso" to compile and install the guest additions12:15
calmcoderQuestion: 2 Ubuntu pc's on Wifi-LAN (Adsl router), [ubuntu 10.04] successfully pings [ubuntu 12.10], after a couple of minutes ping fails, [12.10] pings [10.04] successfully, after which [10.04] again pings [12.10] successfully, [12.10] successfully connect to internet for entire duration. Why does ubuntu 12.10 become unreachable on LAN after some time?12:15
ubuntu_user99bekks: i have already type this command: "sudo apt-get virtualbox-guest-additions". purge is a must?12:16
DottorLeoi need a distro that install only the system but NOT the programs for video, audio, office, etc... i want to do that by myself after12:16
DottorLeoi need only a barebone system12:16
DottorLeoand after that i will customize it12:16
Dr_willis!mini | DottorLeo12:16
ubottuDottorLeo: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:16
ubottuDottorLeo,: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:16
cfhowlettDr_willis, beat by half a pic-second12:16
DottorLeooh, nice!12:17
DottorLeowell another question12:17
Dr_willisthen he will be constantly asking how to install all the other stuff for the next 3 days.. ;P12:17
DottorLeoXFCE or LXDE? Target will be an Acer Aspire one netbook12:17
TsukasaUjiieokay. assistance required. getting rejections from all my credentials at textbased login terminal. have reset passwords in recovery and using a livecd and chroot with no joy. suggestions before I do a clean install?12:17
bekksubuntu_user99: Yes, purge is a must.12:17
bekksubuntu_user99: And why dont you start reading?12:17
Dr_willisDottorLeo,  either will work.. My netvooks can handle unity12:17
ubuntu_user99bekks: i am alwyas googleing first about something. if will not foudn something i will read the doc of it.12:18
Dr_willisthe vbox docs save a lot of googling...12:18
bekksubuntu_user99: Then find a solution for you problem yourself if you refuse to follow the suggestions you get.12:19
Parsihas anyone use rEFInd?12:19
bekksubuntu_user99: Good luck doing so.12:19
cfhowlettDottorLeo, new model netbook?  xfce and lxde look different but have similar system deamns12:19
cfhowlettDottorLeo, *demands*   dern finger dyslexia12:19
TsukasaUjiieis there anything besides passwd and shadow that could prevent login attempts?12:20
bekksTsukasaUjiie: Lack of disk space, wrong account.12:20
Ben64TsukasaUjiie: capital letters12:21
TsukasaUjiiebekks: clean install with plenty of space, correct accounts, have reset passwords several times, correct case12:21
DottorLeoSpecs here http://www.cnet.com/laptops/acer-aspire-one-d250/4507-3121_7-33676723.html12:21
TsukasaUjiieany other possible offenders?12:21
Ben64TsukasaUjiie: how are you resetting12:22
TsukasaUjiiehave tried both using recovery mode and chrooting with a livecd12:22
Ben64ok, how in recovery mode12:22
TsukasaUjiieboot into single user, mount system partition, chroot into it and set for both root and my account using passwd12:23
Ben64why are you chrooting? and why set root pass?12:23
TsukasaUjiiewhy not? an because I cant log into either root or my account from login prompt. both return incorrect password12:24
bekks!root | TsukasaUjiie12:24
ubottuTsukasaUjiie: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:24
bekksTsukasaUjiie: Use sudo instead of root.12:24
TsukasaUjiieI mean12:24
TsukasaUjiieat a login prompt12:24
TsukasaUjiieafter first booting up the machine12:24
Ben64you don't need to chroot in recovery mode12:25
Ben64you're doing something wrong12:25
TsukasaUjiieok, regardless, I am 99% certain that the passwords in shadow are correct12:26
TsukasaUjiiewhat else could be throwing this issue12:26
Ben64the problem is you're doing it wrong12:26
TsukasaUjiielet me do it again12:27
TsukasaUjiiewithout chroot in recovery, and If I still have the issue Ill come back?12:27
TsukasaUjiiecool, two min :)12:28
StefandeVriesHi all.  I'm uncertain of how to install Ubuntu 13.04 x64 on my UEFI-laptop/12:29
ubottuStefandeVries,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:30
sanavi just installed ubuntu SERVER 13.04 64 bit .I have a modem ( huawei ) with vodafone sim in it .Can you tell me 'is their any pre-installed tool for connecting my modem ' ?.12:32
StefandeVriesThank you/12:32
DottorLeothank you!12:32
ubuntu_user99i am using vbox latest stable version. i installed ubuntu on vm. i installed ubuntu 12.04.2 properly. i restart the vm, but can not start ubuntu from command line. i am adding "text" parameter on the grub menu. first time it worked. it opened the command line. but now it does not works :( just a black (black) screen showing by vm screen. is there any way to open as debug mode ubuntu?12:32
TsukasaUjiieBen64: No joy12:33
Ben65well i can't see your computer, so not sure what to tell you. try making a new user maybe?12:35
TsukasaUjiiethats a good idea12:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:36
ubuntu_user99i am using vbox latest stable version. i installed ubuntu on vm. i installed ubuntu 12.04.2 properly. i restart the vm, but can not start ubuntu from command line. i am adding "text" parameter on the grub menu. first time it worked. it opened the command line. but now it does not works :( just a black (black) screen showing by vm screen. is there any way to open as debug mode ubuntu?12:39
bekksubuntu_user99: I told you how to solve your issue.12:39
BluesKajHiyas all12:41
must_knowhello , ive added some third-party repos, such as debian, kali into /etc/apt/source.list , after the installation completed (apt-get upgrade) ive restarted the machine , and Xorg/Gnome crushed cant started it, even tried to wake up wireless connection from root-prompt in recovery mode, any help ?12:41
ubuntu_user99bekks: you did not tell me abou this.12:42
cfhowlettmust_know, clean out your repos, go back to defaults.  add one by one and test functionality12:42
ubuntu_user99bekks: you told me about guest additions which will solve the login problme, but not command line...12:43
must_knowcfgowlett , ubuntu is not starting, in root prompt, cant edit the source.list..12:43
lomo7how can i know if my mb have dual bios so i can switch?12:43
ubuntu_user99bekks: i can already loggin on command line. but mostly i can not. i dont know why.12:43
bekkslomo7: By looking it up in the manual of your mainboard.12:44
lomo7how can i know if my motherboard have dual bios so i can switch? i messed with the current one.. asrock 970 extreme412:44
lomo7bekks: it's in other language than i know..12:44
cfhowlettmust_know, if you can't even get root prompt, I'd suggest you reinstall.  possible that someone else has better suggestion12:44
must_knowany idea how to enable , wireless connection from root shell , before xorg starts ?12:45
cfhowlettborys, greetings ... and drop the caps please12:46
TsukasaUjiieben65: turns out Im an idiot and had bad shells set in passwd12:47
=== qos|away is now known as qos
ksbalajiwhat is this debian X-Virus ? I have received an email with  Debian amavisd-new at carpathia.gov.ua address. Is this harmful? Please advise.12:49
daftykinsksbalaji: i doubt anything from .gov.ua would email you about debian viruses12:49
cfhowlettksbalaji, spam...12:50
ksbalajicfhowlett: thanks. But, is it harmful? Does it contain virus?12:50
=== ViVaLaRock is now known as LaRock
daftykinsksbalaji: who cares? just delete it12:51
cfhowlettksbalaji, the letter is spam.  any attachments would likely be the malware payload.  You did NOT open, rigth?12:52
ksbalajicfhowlett: Would it affect Linuxware? I got suspicious and saw the full header. It went thus: http://pastebin.com/1Z972LwY12:54
=== callmev is now known as appa
cfhowlettksbalaji, I'm not qualified to address your question sensibly, but it's certainly possible.  I'd suggest you delete the message, blacklist the address and watch watch your system for weird behavior.12:55
auronandaceksbalaji: we deal with ubuntu support issues here12:55
icerootksbalaji: X-Virus is a flag added by clamav or something like that and will mark a mail as "virus scanned"12:56
icerootksbalaji: and its offtopic here :)12:56
ksbalajiauronandace: Would not an information affecting ubuntu system welcome here? I thought it could be.12:56
icerootksbalaji: X-Virus-Scanned: Debian amavisd-new at carpathia.gov.ua12:57
ubuntu_user99i am using vbox latest stable version. i installed ubuntu on vm. i installed ubuntu 12.04.2 properly. i restart the vm, but can not start ubuntu from command line. i am adding "text" parameter on the grub menu. first time it worked. it opened the command line. but now it does not works :( just a black (black) screen showing by vm screen. is there any way to open as debug mode ubuntu?12:57
icerootksbalaji: the string said it already, scanned by amavisd-new which is a content-filter for example postfix12:57
auronandaceksbalaji: spam is spam no matter what os you run12:57
cfhowlettbel13v3rs, greetings12:57
bel13v3rslittle question, I have fluxbox and installed qtconfig to change the themes from keepassx and vlc, but when I start the software, I get the following message: could not find a Qt installation of ''12:58
ksbalajiok thanks friends. I trust this spam does not affect a linux system.12:59
icerootksbalaji: spam will never affect a system12:59
icerootksbalaji: have a look at wikipedia what "spam" means, also have a look what "x-virus-scanned" mean13:00
ksbalajiiceroot: :( ? ok. That makes sense and gives comfort. Bye!13:01
betraydbeli3v3rs add a new user but dont set his desktop to openbox, use the default. Sign on as the new user and proceed to troubleshoot from there (as new user or as root)13:02
icerootksbalaji: but its always! a good idea to ask if you are not sure if something is secure. never trust something you dont understand13:02
icerootksbalaji: so you are welcome here for your ubuntu related support-questions13:02
bel13v3rsbetrayd: there is no other session, or do you mean in the terminal13:04
betraydbeli3v3rs so other than openbox you managed to delete unity or w/e13:05
bel13v3rsand i use openbox13:06
betraydbeli3v3rs you could set this new user to use openbox but without the new theme, use openbox default skin13:07
bel13v3rsI mean fluxbox13:07
betrayd same treatment13:08
bel13v3rsok thx I try13:08
betraydin some cases deleting the dot file might reset the user's theme, just be careful13:09
m1chaelhello. i'm having a terrible time with a new laptop that i bought. its running windows 8. i installed xubuntu 13.04 to a 32gb usb flash drive... i can boot to the drive and get in to xubuntu, however, when i remove the drive and reboot windows 8 gives me a "Preparing Automatic Repair" screen that is very annoying, and hard-shutting it off and rebooting seems to get rid of it. and not to mention13:11
m1chaelthe wifi/touchpad issues in xubuntu- and xubuntu seems very slow once the desktop is booted- it takes a few minutes to act normal. any ideas?13:11
Wikyonce i click the menubar,libreoffice crashes13:11
auronandace!uefi | m1chael13:12
ubottum1chael: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:12
jaba_i have problem to install x-ttcidfont-conf on ubuntu 13.0413:21
jaba_not found it on repos13:22
jaba_ppa also shows as deleted13:22
jaba_any ideas?13:22
Phoenixxlubuntu_user99 : getting anywhere yet ?13:29
=== wam is now known as Guest82903
cfhowlettanar greetings greetings13:31
=== mquin_ is now known as mquin
yeehiHello! I looked at the Wireshark manual and couldn't understand what to do. I want to examine network traffic to/from my pc via 1) ethernet 2) the VPN tunnel. I have just launched Wireshark. What should I do?13:33
yeehiList available interfaces gives me this message: There are no interfaces on which a capture can be done.13:34
lotuspsychjeyeehi: you need to select an interface for capturing13:34
num7Hi, can be there any effects on running program, when the RAM-refresh is not working fine?13:34
bekksnum7: What is "RAM-refresh"?13:35
yeehithank you lotuspsychje - but how?13:35
CKLMNis there a way to close a port , without killing the proccess ?13:35
yeehiI try manage interfaces it tells me which pipe?13:35
lotuspsychje!firewall | CKLMN13:35
ubottuCKLMN: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.13:35
num7bekks i mean Memory refresh sorry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_refresh13:35
yeehiI know the eth number, but i must navigate to a file somewhere...13:35
bekksnum7: If it isnt working, the memory module isnt working - at all.13:35
daftykinsnum7: trust me, you'd know if your RAM was bad13:35
CKLMNi dont want to block the port13:36
CKLMNjust close it13:36
CKLMNthen another program will reopen it13:36
bekksCKLMN: Then close/stop the program.13:36
bekksCKLMN: Thats the only way.13:36
CKLMNok lemme tell u the problem , i have a child process that inherits from parent the open port , so i dont want to kill the child , just close the port that the parent opened before13:37
lotuspsychjeyeehi: maybe this can help: http://stream-recorder.com/forum/solving-no-interfaces-problem-wireshark-ubuntu-10-t8742.html?s=fc511055f7fbcbfa28dda06f07c511e2&amp;13:37
yeehithank you, lotuspsychje13:38
lotuspsychjeyeehi: this might be even better: http://www.dickson.me.uk/2012/09/17/installing-wireshark-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts/13:40
yeehilotuspsychje - thank you so much! That first link got me going. It was a big help to me. I will check out this second one, too.13:42
lotuspsychjeyeehi: seems like its not very safe to run wireshark as root...13:43
yeehioh, should I undo the commands on the first link? How would I do that?13:43
lotuspsychje!yay | yeehi13:43
ubottuyeehi: Glad you made it! :-)13:43
yeehiI just installed wireshark and then ran those commands on the first page, lotuspsychje13:44
lotuspsychjeyeehi: its allright keep going13:44
ronaldsnow ubuntu works great, 12.04 is really great relise, as it doesn't come with clutter I felt in other releases13:47
=== io is now known as Guest30669
sasukeIm having a weird issue regarding my external (ntfs) hdd. there is one file on the drive which i cannot get rid of it keeps giving me "rm: cannot access file_name Input/Output error"13:50
sasukewhenever i do ls -lart on it i get "-????????? ? ?    ?       ?            ? file_name".. Any suggestions13:51
gajeshi have issues with woobly windows in 13.04 can anyone help out? please13:51
lotuspsychjesasuke: you might wanna reformat the drive13:51
bekkssasuke: That looks like a corrupted filesystem. Check the drive using Windows.13:51
private_metahey, can someone tell me where the install location for the php executable is on ubuntu? I can't seem to find it13:51
gajeshwoobly windows makes my screen freez13:52
sasukebekks, i tried in windows.. it didnt show any errors13:52
bekksprivate_meta: How did you install it?13:52
bekkssasuke: Did you run chkdsk in windows?13:52
private_metabekks: actually, I don't quite know, it's been a long time, most likely it's been installed with the default installation of the lamp stack I had on the server13:53
sasukelotuspsychje, any other solution. i cant format it13:53
bekksprivate_meta: Then try "which php" first.13:53
sasukebekks, i did disk_check which is in properties13:53
private_metabekks: already did that, no result13:53
gajeshHow to delete lost+found in my home directory?13:53
bekksprivate_meta: Then you might have installed it as cgi or as apache module only.13:53
private_metamight be it13:53
bekksgajesh: You cant. It will be recreated at next filesystem check.13:54
bekksgajesh: And having it dont hurt.13:54
gajeshok thanks13:54
private_metabekks: php5 is already the newest version.13:54
bekksprivate_meta: Yeah, still the above applies.13:54
sasukebekks, fsck / e2fsk will help. if i ran it13:54
bekkssasuke: Thats not checking the smart capabilities.13:55
bekks!smart | sasuke13:55
ubottusasuke: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools13:55
private_metabekks: ah, the package php5-cli was missing, I'll try that13:55
bekksprivate_meta: It wasnt missing. You dont need it for running PHP on your webserver.13:56
private_metabekks: I meant not installed13:56
private_metabekks: missing for what I needed it for right now13:56
sasukebekks, got it... thanx13:56
=== DocGroove is now known as DocGrooveAway
private_metaOk, works, thanks13:59
num7Someone is asking me if the Nautilus explorer Can automatically refresh? I know that you can simple press F5. Ohters seem to have the same issue http://askubuntu.com/questions/236520/folders-content-doesnt-refresh-automatically I'm using Nemo 1.1.2 and this file-manager can do an automatically refresh.14:00
vn151502510hi, anyone know a good subtitle translator?14:02
vn151502510run on ubuntu, of course14:03
=== marlinc_ is now known as marlinc
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
acovrigCan I have the top menu bar only on the primary display (and not both)14:10
acovrigI'm on ubuntu 13.04 with Unity (not Gnome 3)14:10
=== Xethron_ is now known as Xethron
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
private_metaSmall question. this, as a single line (given the paths were the right ones) would build a screen with given name and execute given command with parameters at every system boot:14:17
private_meta@reboot screen -S screenname /usr/bin/command parameters > /home/meta/output.log14:17
private_metaAND pipe the output to file14:17
acovrigprivate_meta, whats the question?14:19
private_metaacovrig: Do you suppose this line, in crontab, does what I expect and wrote?14:19
private_meta /described14:20
glebihanprivate_meta, yes, except that you need to provide to full path to the screen command, ie /usr/bin/screen  (same thing for any file path you pass as a parameter)14:22
private_metaah ok14:22
private_metaglebihan: thanks for the hint14:22
glebihanprivate_meta, you're welcome14:22
private_metaglebihan: There is no additional parameter at startup needed so this is put into background right away?14:24
Parsihow can i use https proxy on ubuntu? something like proxifier on windows14:24
alocerparsi proxychains14:25
alocerParsi that is package on linux14:25
acovrigprivate_meta, yes, but you may need '-d -m' to start the screen, but don't attach to it (if you are running from cron it may be required)14:25
private_metaacovrig: Can you tell me why? d says it tries to reattach a screen, but why do that at boot, it's the only screen by that name and that command. also, when looking at man, I don't see why m is to be used as well >_>14:27
creativeoSHey all. I need to delete xchat profile directory/cache. How do I do this..?14:29
subz3r0creativeoS: ~/.xchat2 - have a look there...14:30
acovrigprivate_meta, I don't see why the -m, but I was reading the man page; the -d should start screen detached14:30
daftykinscan you make the login screen the same resolution as your desktop res? for like in a VM where the native resolution isn't auto set14:30
CarbonjuicerI am here to ask some questions...14:31
CarbonjuicerAbout ubuntu server14:31
=== acovrig is now known as acovrig_
creativeoSsuz3ro: can I... rm -r ~/.xchat2..?14:31
creativeoSsubz3ro: I ran twice and second time it said no such directory - I think it worked, thanks.14:32
subz3r0is there a channel on freenode which cares about subnetting? :)14:33
auronandace!alis | subz3r014:33
ubottusubz3r0: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:33
subz3r0auronandace: thx14:33
* LFS please advise if this is the right syntax to perfectly shred all files sudo shred -u -v -f -z /home/username/*14:33
toneswhat is the gui steps for accessing that xchat directory?14:33
subz3r0tones: hit ctrl +h to view hidden dirs and files14:34
subz3r0@your home dir14:34
rothamwhat file do I have to add my exports and path modifications to in order to make it availabe when i run with sudo?14:40
leifpahey my ubuntu server crashes overnight, according to webmin system stats, with a jump from 160 processes to 11.000 processes is there any log where i can see which process that is?14:40
wildwindleifpa: AFAIK webmin itself doesn't save any history. maybe grepping /var/log can help...14:42
secret_ninjais this best place to go for help with using tv out on nvidia video under ubuntu?14:43
leifpawildwind: but what should i grep for? ive been searching in syslog messages and dmesg at the time with that heavy spike but couldnt find anything14:44
zykotick9leifpa: FYI, using webmin on ubuntu (or debian) is a bad idea.  see "/msg ubottu webmin" for some details.  you should expect issues!14:44
secret_ninjawhere can i find a list of options for nvidia xserver?14:45
wildwindleifpa: dunno sorry. maybe it's time to think about good monitoring system that saves history. like munin for ex.14:46
gotwigwhere can I find an overview of all sections for debian packages14:47
wildwindleifpa: also try searching for something like oomkiller14:47
leifpawildwind: thank you i will look into munin and oomkiller14:47
wildwindleifpa: i mean search the logs for 'oomkiller'14:48
secret_ninjaanybody real good with X? tv output options for nvidia fx5200?14:48
leifpawildwind: oh okay sorry will do that then :)14:48
nessonettBooting linux mint Isodora and drops me in initramfs says No init found.  Try passing init=bootarg.  I'm trying to see if I can run toggle the install to run fdisk from grub?14:48
secret_ninjai have it working, just want to tune it to my preferences..14:49
kimirHow can I force ubuntu to preload certain apps so that when they are started they dont take ages to load?14:49
bekks!mint | nessonett14:49
ubottunessonett: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:49
daftykinssecret_ninja: over what interface? HDMI?14:49
daftykinsxrandr might help you14:50
daftykinsin fact yeah, FX5200 is too old for HDMI :D14:50
secret_ninja13.04 is absolutely the *most* plug and play linux i have ever installed...14:51
raven_i need to start two mencoder recordings at system startup - how to do that the best way?14:51
secret_ninjai dont think ive ever had my svideo out working..14:51
secret_ninjaraven: /etc/rc.d/init.d14:52
wildwindraven_: or /etc/rc.local14:53
raven_secret_ninja, how exactly? i entered it into rc.local with tmux encapsulation too but it of course only runs one command wildwind14:53
secret_ninjawhich runstate do you want it to be running in? 3? or 5?14:55
wildwindraven_: you put there a script that does everything14:55
raven_wildwind, i did too but it only runs one mencoder line because it is serial?14:55
secret_ninjause the &14:56
secret_ninjause the "&" symbol.14:56
secret_ninjawhat is xrandr?15:00
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thegladiatorare there any good terminal softwares - like terminology ?15:00
auronandace!xrandr | secret_ninja15:00
ubottusecret_ninja: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1215:00
thegladiatorfor enlightenment15:01
secret_ninjanice, thnx15:01
=== abhinav is now known as Guest67634
Guest67634how should I know if I have opensource radeon driver installed by default15:03
auronandaceGuest67634: lsmod will show you what driver is currently loaded15:04
BluesKajGuest67634, dkms status15:04
wildwindGuest67634: you can be sure. Ubuntu doesn't install proprietary by default15:05
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
Guest67634BluesKaj, dkms status is not showing any thing15:07
Guest67634wildwind, but will ubntu install opensource radeon driver by default ?15:08
kristenbbhi, how can I access my encrypted home from a live cd ? I tried mounting the system (and binding proc, sys and dev) and then chrooting into it, but when I 'su kristenbb', it says: 'open: permission denied. error locking counter'. How to avoid that ?15:08
yeehinautilus doesn't have a place i can paste a directory for navigation. How do I get the place to paste?15:09
bekks!encfs | kristenbb15:09
wildwindGuest67634: you mean when OS is installed first time?15:09
Guest67634wildwind,  yeah15:09
wildwindyeehi: Ctrl+L15:09
kristenbbbekks: you mean ecryptfs ? I know that's what i need to use, but even before I get there, I get this error I just mentioned.15:09
yeehithanks, wildwind - what todes the L stand for?15:10
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
bekkskristenbb: You need to unencrypt your home.15:10
wildwindyeehi: location i suppose15:10
kristenbbbekks: yes I do, how to ?15:10
yeehiah -yes, that will be easier to remeber now, wildwind - most kind of you!15:11
bekkskristenbb: http://askubuntu.com/questions/138950/how-to-disable-encrypted-home-directory15:11
wildwindGuest67634: see my answer. if ati is detected, radeon installed. didn't check last beta myself though15:12
kristenbbbekks: well undoing the setup is not what i'm looking for, i'd just like to access the files. I could use ecryptfs-mount-private, but as I said, I get an error before, during the chroot operation.15:13
BluesKajGuest67634, lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' , include the quotes15:14
Guest67634wildwind,  okay .. i think radeon is installed ..here is my pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/5703800/15:14
wildwindGuest67634: yes it is15:15
Guest67634BluesKaj,  yeah radeon is installed :)15:15
BluesKajGuest67634, good15:16
Guest67634now since driver is installed i will have to find out  why my fan is running in full speed :)   wildwind  BluesKaj15:17
roy_hello, anyone here15:17
wildwind!ask | roy_15:17
ubotturoy_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:17
BluesKajGuest67634, I'll let wildwind and others handle that , I'm on a desktop15:17
maluciousI have X breakage this morning. My nvidia module fails to load on start up. but it will initiate when I do a lightdm restart. Can anyone fix my X?15:18
mojtabaHi, Has anybody installed xbmc on ubuntu?15:19
auronandacemojtaba: it is in the repos15:19
wildwindBluesKaj:  Guest67634: unfortunately i had no deal with dual graphics at all. :(15:19
nooIn both the unity 13.04 and gnome 13.04 versions of Ubuntu, the mouse pointer on my computer jumps up or down erratically of its own will from time to time while I am trying to move it making the OS unusable. Any suggestions? Please note it has nothing to do with the sensitivity settings of the mouse or touch pad15:20
bekksnoo: Which gnome version?15:21
Guest67634okay wildwind  :(   ..should I go with proprietary driver15:21
wildwindGuest67634: suggest checking gpu  temp first15:21
bekksnoo: I mean - there is ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu - which gnome version do you mean?15:21
noonekks: i already said Ubuntu15:21
noobekks: i already said Ubuntu15:22
mojtabaauronandace: thanks15:22
auronandacebekks: starting with 13.04 there is an official gnome version of ubuntu15:22
hemangpatelHello ubuntu guys15:22
BluesKajGuest67634, are you on dual graphics or do you have a pci graphics card installed ?15:22
bekksauronandace: How is it called - gubuntu?15:22
roy_ok, I just want to know how to cleanup the wast, help me, thanks15:22
noobekks: its called Ubuntu-Gnome 13.0415:23
auronandacebekks: i'm not sure sorry but it is official15:23
Guest67634BluesKaj,  I'm having dual graphics15:23
Guest67634wildwind, yeah just checking it15:23
wildwindroy_: waste? what is waste for you?15:24
bekksauronandace: I think so. cdimage.ubuntu.com hosts it.15:24
hemangpatelI want dual boot ubuntu with windows 7 using windows bootloader. So i create two partition for linux 1. root (/) 2. home(/home) and then install grub bootloader in root partition. and from windows i add one entry in boot menu of windows which points to root partition.15:24
hemangpatelBut when i select linux partition after reboot it gives command propmt of grub215:25
wildwindnoo: has it started recently? after what?15:25
noowildwind: its been like this since install and reinstalls15:25
hemangpatelexactly like this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting#grub.3E-115:26
hemangpatelwhat is the solution. thanks15:26
wildwindnoo: maybe the problem is with mouse itself or surface where it runs15:26
sim_someone here for technical problems with start up ubuntu=15:27
noowildwind: nothing else has been installed. Just the basic OS. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing it as well. No its not that. Its a sony vaio with both a touch pad and a mouse stick ibm type15:27
bekkssim_: Just ask please.15:28
roy_It's no use temporary files,  etc.15:28
sim_after starting up ubuntu normally i am just getting a black screen, i am only able to see and move mouse.15:28
wildwindroy_: you can rm -rf /temp15:29
roy_thanks, I try15:30
=== matteo is now known as Guest75098
wildwindroy_: if your goal is to free space you better use baobab and decide what's needed and what's not15:31
ubottuGuest75098: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:32
wildwindnoo: sony's mouse stick can have limited support or bugs in drivers. try googling your model + problem desctiption15:33
hemangpatelanyone please15:33
samgabbayhi guys i cant install my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 using fglrx15:33
roy_ok, thanks15:33
bekks!anyone | hemangpatel15:33
ubottuhemangpatel: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:33
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:33
Guest67634I'm planning to disable discrete graphics in ubuntu as any way I will not be using graphics heavy applications in ubuntu  wildwind  BluesKaj15:33
samgabbay!register samgabbay15:34
wildwindhemangpatel: can you boot any other way?15:34
feitingenDoes anyone know of a good, cheap, european unmanaged VPS?15:34
samgabbayhi guys i cant install my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 using fglrx15:34
subz3r0!ati | samgabbay15:34
ubottusamgabbay: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:34
hemangpatelwildwind : means ? i can't boot ubuntu.15:35
hemangpateli think it can't find grub conf file15:35
wildwindfeitingen: it's offtopic here. but check lowendbox.com15:35
hemangpateli have UEFI  mode in laptop15:36
=== joey is now known as Guest3664
wildwindhemangpatel: try booting from livecd and using boot-repair15:38
emrHello i have a file on my system, and trying to copy to flash disk however i'm getting error, file not found, but when i try to copy ant other place, no problem, whats freaky problem is that15:39
maluciousI have X breakage this morning. My nvidia module fails to load on start up. but it will initiate when I do a lightdm restart. Can anyone fix my X?15:39
Guest67634hemangpatel,  why do you want windows bootloader15:40
wildwindemr: try in terminal, what it says15:40
Guest67634hemangpatel,  use boot-repair as suggested by  wildwind and it will be fixed, I fixed dual boot problem today only15:41
emrwildwind, file not exists15:41
wildwindmalucious: check system logs for any errors at boot time. esp. kern.log and Xorg.0.log15:42
goblinHi there, I have a weird Problem with my Ubuntu 13.04, it seems to forget my password15:42
wildwindemr: try copy to /dev/null, same error or another?15:43
goblinyesterday for the first time, I did reset it to the one I always use in recovery mode15:43
BitNovamy ubuntu 13.04 keeps trying to report a problem every few hours.15:43
goblinnow I'm logged in and wanted to install some software, but my password is not accepted again15:43
wildwind!lostpassword | goblin15:44
ubottugoblin: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords15:44
goblinwildwind: I'm shure I've not forgotten it15:44
goblinIt worked fine the whole day15:45
wildwindgoblin: nevertheless check the links15:45
goblinsince I did reset it yesterday, because at first I too thought I was too stupid to enter the correct password15:45
emrwildwind, its same error15:46
wildwindgoblin: double-check caps lock and keyboard layout and accident spaces before/after (at reset time too!)15:46
goblinI typed it clearly into the username field to touble check, I'm really shure about this15:47
goblinAnd I don't want to boot into recovery mode every day to reset my own password15:48
wildwindgoblin: ok then reset it again15:48
wildwindemr: what the file is? can you open it normal way?15:49
Frogg_I have an issue with Ubuntu 13.04, and was wondering if I could get a solution15:49
wildwind!ask | Frogg_15:50
ubottuFrogg_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:50
Frogg_I installed 13.04 alongside windows 7. I got them set so they both boot properly. First thing i did was update to kernel 3.9.0, but i have an issue. I'll close my laptop, it goes into sleep mode, but wont wake when i open it15:51
minixvmFrogg_: 3.9 isn't in the repos, why did you install it?15:51
emrwildwind, syslinux bootloader, install file extlinux15:52
Frogg_Before installing it, i had the issue of the laptop not even going into sleep mode when closing the lid.15:52
wildwindemr: guess it's owned by root. copy with sudo15:54
wildwindemr: ls -l yourfile, what it shows15:55
emrnope wildwind its owned by user15:55
samgabbayguys when i install the fglrx i cant see the unity launcher at all15:55
wildwindFrogg_: try rolling back to even earlier kernel15:55
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:55
Frogg_How do i do that? and what kernel?15:56
emrwildwind, thank you very much15:57
wildwindFrogg_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa16:00
mappscan someone lend a hand please16:00
minixvmmapps: depends what with16:00
mappshaving trouble with my wlan0 when setting it to get a static IP16:01
wildwindwhich kernel will work for you i can't say. google your model on forums or experiment16:01
mappswhen I set a static IP in /etc/network/interfaces i set address/gateway/broadcast/dns and wpa-ssid wpoa-psk and it connects BUT i cant reach ANY non LAN ips16:01
mappsI can ping (my netbook) cant pings to google will fail and even pining the router fails16:01
bekksmapps: Just revert your changes ad use the network manager to set a static IP.16:02
mappsI've checked resolv.conf ifconfig -a and cant see what I've done wrong as it is connected but just not fully working16:02
watussido you know soft I can use to do this diagram : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Http-headers-status.gif ?16:02
wildwindmapps: what network/ap you connect to?16:02
mappsbekks but why? shouldn't i be able to via interfaces - and i cant using ubjntu server no GUI16:02
mappsconecting to my router o2wirelessCB2607 which I put as the wpa-ssid16:02
mappsand in iwconfig it shows assciated o2wirelesscb260716:02
mappsand i can ping my netbook which is connected to same router16:03
minixvm!resolvconf | mapps16:03
ubottumapps: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution16:03
mappsyep checked that16:03
mappsif i change nterfaces to auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp then it gets an IP via DHCP rom the router and everything works fine - and ive checked iwconfig/ifconfig after and i cant see how thats diff to what I'm putting manually in interfaces16:04
wildwindmapps: check router config. maybe your ip not in range allowed to internet16:04
mappsyea ive tried changing IPs and everything but here#'s the weiurd thing as I say I can poing my netbook but pings to (router) fail?!?!16:05
wildwindwatussi: Inkscape, Dia etc.16:05
mappsvery annoying16:06
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspacelurker
mappswanted to have a static IP16:06
nezzarioIs there a general "ubuntu as a gateway" tutorial somewhere?16:06
nezzarioI'm really stumped here... I have ubuntu connected to the net over wlan0 (usb) fine16:06
wildwind!routing | nezzario16:06
wildwind!router | nezzario16:07
minixvm!brain | wildwind16:07
ubottuwildwind: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:07
bekksnezzario: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router16:07
wildwindminixvm: bad luck :(16:07
maluciousMy lightdm fails to load on startup, but loads after doing a lightdm restart.  Any ideas?16:08
mappdamn net16:08
nezzariohmm, i'll see if this script helps16:08
mappso sorry does anyone have a clue what else i should look at16:08
wildwindmapps: better config persistent IP on router16:08
watussiwildwind: thank you !16:09
samgabbay**I have a AMD Mobility Radeon HD 4225/4250 and when i install the fglrx and   i reboot it wont show the whole unity desktop like no launcher and no upper bar,16:09
samgabbayi have ubuntu 13.04 and its like fresh and brand new and its fully up to date.16:09
AnonAMousedaftykins So after you updated the BIOS version to F11 you could boot ubuntu via disc? I may just try get a cheap SATA DVD drive.16:09
wildwindmapp: you better config persistent IP on router16:09
samgabbayI have a AMD Mobility Radeon HD 4225/4250 and when i install the fglrx and   i reboot it wont show the whole unity desktop like no launcher and no upper bar,16:09
samgabbayi have ubuntu 13.04 and its like fresh and brand new and its fully up to date.16:09
samgabbayplease assist me16:09
lacrymologyI had a launcher in what I think is the unity bar, but now it's gone. I've got the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications, but I can't make it stick to the launchers bar16:09
nezzarioit was just odd, I have it setup as (internet) <-> remote ap <-wlan0-> ubuntu <-eth0-> dd-wrt <-> 2 clients .. dd-wrt could ping outside world but not the clients16:09
nezzarioso really not sure if it's even an ubuntu or dd-wrt config issue ..16:10
wildwind!patience | samgabbay16:10
ubottusamgabbay: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/16:10
daftykinsAnonAMouse: it just always helps to run the latest BIOS when you get booting issues. did you find out what version you have?16:10
bekksnezzario: Most likely a routing issue.16:10
lacrymologyI don't seem to have a ~/.gconf/desktop/unity directory. I'm not even sure I'm using unity, but I think I am16:10
AnonAMousedaftykins I checked it said I have version F1116:11
daftykinsAnonAMouse: oh right :/16:11
mappwildwind,  on router? can i do that16:11
nezzarioi setup masequerading (i can never spell that) similar to what this tutorial said but i'll tinker with it some more and harass google before harassing irc further i suppose16:11
wildwindyes in dhcp settings16:11
daftykinsAnonAMouse: i can't think what's stopping your system booting then. look for some 'boot override' options that list your USB device inside the BIOS16:11
mappthanks sir16:11
bekksmapp: "static dhcp lease".16:12
mappdidnt know i cou;ld do statiuc dhcp16:12
mappi see16:12
mappbut without being a pain does anyone know why me just setting sttaic n interfaces wont work reight16:12
bekksmapp: It works fine here but we dont know the specifics of your network.16:12
wildwindmapp: for many reasons16:13
bekksmapp: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux-basics-set-a-static-ip-on-ubuntu16:13
mappthanks mate16:13
mappil have another go later :P)16:14
mappgets frustrating16:14
pero_phi i have a variable $n numeric, defined by let "n=0", this variable would be vary in whole script and i want to use it for selecting other variables, $0 $1 $2, i tried ${$n} but no luck! how can i do this?16:16
daftykinspero_p: ask in a programming/bash channel maybe16:17
minixvmpero_p: perhaps #bash could help better16:17
=== onder`_ is now known as onder`
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:17
=== mizifih_ is now known as mizifih
samgabbayI have a big issue here16:20
samgabbay 16:20
samgabbay 16:20
samgabbayI have a AMD Mobility Radeon HD 4225/4250 and when i install the fglrx and   i reboot it wont show the whole unity desktop like no launcher and no upper bar,16:20
samgabbay 16:20
samgabbay 16:20
samgabbayi have ubuntu 13.04 and its like fresh and brand new and its fully up to date.16:20
samgabbayplease assist me16:20
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
ChrisHPHPHPhey there, i need to run "apt-get install ubuntu-minimal"  but it's unable to locate it ? suggestions?16:21
ChrisHPHPHPE: Unable to locate package ubuntu-minimal16:21
LFSwill this Install/live DVD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (standard download) be usable on intel 64bit?16:23
Jonathan___does anyone know how to make all of my windows in ubuntu 12.10 open in the center of the screen16:23
wildwindChrisHPHPHP: your release?16:23
minixvm!mini | ChrisHPHPHP16:23
ubottuChrisHPHPHP: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:23
ChrisHPHPHPIm running 13.04,16:24
ChrisHPHPHPE: Unable to locate package ubuntu-minimal ,  i need this command to work16:24
thegladiatorAre there any pdf readers that supports bg color change16:25
wildwindthere's no such package in 13.0416:25
minixvmwildwind: there is16:25
minixvm!info ubuntu-minimal16:25
ubottuubuntu-minimal (source: ubuntu-meta): Minimal core of Ubuntu. In component main, is important. Version 1.299 (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 58 kB16:25
thegladiatorCan't read using the white bg at night , I need to reduce the light ... but seriosly if a proggy supports bg color then thats the better alternative16:25
squaregoldfishAll my DNS lookups are failing due to an unknown fail on my part. Can someone help me to get them working again? The DNS server addresses are correct but I can't do any lookups.16:25
ChrisHPHPHPi dont need to know what it is,16:26
wildwindminixvm: oh sorry, already found it16:26
muscaLFS: yes, intel has licensed this invention from AMD16:27
ChrisHPHPHPapt-get install ubuntu-minimal16:27
ChrisHPHPHPReading package lists... Done16:27
ChrisHPHPHPBuilding dependency tree... Done16:27
ChrisHPHPHPE: Unable to locate package ubuntu-minimal16:27
wildwindsquaregoldfish: pastebin your output of dig16:27
mauii need a programme for hover/instant transaltion16:27
mauifor ubuntu16:27
wildwindmaui: try goldendict16:28
ChrisHPHPHPWHY doesnt this work ? apt-get install ubuntu-minimal E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-minimal16:29
minixvmChrisHPHPHP: and what does apt-get update say?16:29
ChrisHPHPHPit says unable to locate package16:29
minixvmChrisHPHPHP: try sudo apt-get update16:29
LearninggHQ SQLi's found by hack_addicted.pt16:30
kristenbbhi, how can I access my encrypted home from a live cd ? I tried mounting the system (and binding proc, sys and dev) and then chrooting into it, but when I 'su kristenbb', it says: 'open: permission denied. error locking counter'. How to avoid that ?16:30
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
jrib!encrypt | kristenbb16:31
ubottukristenbb: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory16:31
squaregoldfishwildwind: pastebin.com/vmjkQVBp16:32
ChrisHPHPHPsudo apt-get update did not resolve16:33
ChrisHPHPHPthe package is not available,  how can i add it to my repos?16:33
minixvmChrisHPHPHP: then you have a network problem16:33
ChrisHPHPHPsigh.. i think it's about time i move to debian,16:34
minixvmChrisHPHPHP: can you pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update16:34
wildwindChrisHPHPHP: aptitude show ubuntu-minimal16:34
ChrisHPHPHPupdate - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704091/16:36
wildwindsquaregoldfish: dig @ yahoo.com16:36
minixvmChrisHPHPHP: you are on your own with that many ppas16:36
ChrisHPHPHPi'm right in the middle of this big thing,  and now im screwed,16:37
=== jkjknjnj is now known as barysevich
minixvmChrisHPHPHP: why on earth are you using so many ppas?16:38
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squaregoldfishwildwind: pastebin.com/ecWszWKn16:38
wildwindsquaregoldfish: there's a problem with your current dns server16:39
squaregoldfishwildwind: Other machines on my network are using the same server and are fine.16:41
dxtrHey everybody :)16:42
wildwindis it your isp's server?16:42
dxtri have a probelm if you don't mind :)16:42
wildwinddxtr: go on16:42
wildwindsquaregoldfish: tracepath it16:43
i3luefireok. i am still trying to get hdmi audio to work. but i still cannot. i am running an intel celeron g1610 and am using the built in gfx. i cant seem to find any info on this setup.16:43
dxtrThe UbuntuOne indicator is not showing off on xfce , but it works just fine on UNITY16:43
mauii need a programme for hover/instant transaltion16:44
squaregoldfishwildwind: OK on both machines.16:44
squaregoldfishSame path followed (not surprisingly)16:46
wildwindsquaregoldfish: same line-by-line?16:46
squaregoldfishHostnames aren't resolved in the broken machine, but the IP addresses match16:47
wildwindsquaregoldfish: then something prevents dns packets reaching it from that one machine. firewall maybe16:47
wildwindsquaregoldfish: you can temporary use OpenDNS server (in my command above)16:48
dxtrWildWind: Can u please help me16:49
linuxthefishif i need a server with GUI/VNC access, would Ubuntu server with GUI, or Ubuntu Desktop be better?16:49
ChrisHPHPHPmy problem lies deeper,16:49
wildwindmaui: have you checked goldendict as i suggested?16:49
squaregoldfishwildwind: but dig works?!16:49
ChrisHPHPHPapt-get install ubuntu-minimal runs fine...but im trying to run it inside...16:49
mauii didnt realize you already said about ths, sorry16:49
mauiwill do now16:49
ChrisHPHPHPschroot -c raring_i386 -u root16:49
ChrisHPHPHPthen running apt-get install ubuntu-minimal   .. will not work16:50
jhutchins_wkChrisHPHPHP: So maybe ubuntu-minimal isn't a valid package.16:51
ChrisHPHPHPim trying to follow this16:51
jhutchins_wkChrisHPHPHP: WHat makes you think it should work?16:51
minixvm!info ubuntu-minimal | jhutchins_wk16:51
ubottujhutchins_wk: ubuntu-minimal (source: ubuntu-meta): Minimal core of Ubuntu. In component main, is important. Version 1.299 (raring), package size 2 kB, installed size 58 kB16:51
ChrisHPHPHPi don't know.  I'm just trying to follow that guide,16:52
minixvmChrisHPHPHP: i'm running wine on 64bit just fine, i didn't have to follow a guide (wine is in the repos)16:52
ChrisHPHPHPi need it to be 32 bi,16:52
ChrisHPHPHPbit *16:53
jhutchins_wkChrisHPHPHP: I see several errors in those instructions, but why not just install wine?16:53
ChrisHPHPHPi cannot install certain packages from winetricks,  because it picks up architexture as 64 bit16:53
wildwinddxtr: check http://xflinux.blogspot.com/2011/01/get-ubuntu-like-indicator-applets-and.html16:54
dxtrwildwind: thnx i will check it out16:54
squaregoldfishwildwind: Changed my connection to use OpenDNS - same result.16:55
minixvmChrisHPHPHP: if you are running 64bit ubuntu then your architecture is always going to be 64bit16:55
jhutchins_wkWhat do you get when you try to install it?  I suspect you are not in the correct part of your chroot tree.16:55
ubottumorfheus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:55
squaregoldfishwildwind: I suspect something wrong in network manager - I reinstalled it. Will try a purge.16:56
dxtrwildwind: it's already installed16:57
wildwindsquaregoldfish: does dig work with your server too?16:58
dxtrwildwind: i can't find ubuntuOne indicator anywhere16:58
wildwindlinuxthefish: with ubuntu server you have to setup gui. with desktop, you have to setup security, remove unnecessary drivers and apps for stability. choose what is easier for you16:58
squaregoldfishwildwind: Yes. It's very weird..,16:58
linuxthefishhmm, thanks16:59
ChrisHPHPHPwine creates a 64 bit directory, when installing things  with winetricks. like ie8,  etc etc,  it cannot because the wine dir is 64 bit,16:59
ChrisHPHPHPi need to create 32 bit wine,  i've done it before,16:59
minixvm!info wine:i386 | ChrisHPHPHP17:00
ubottuChrisHPHPHP: Package winei386 does not exist in raring17:00
squaregoldfishwildwind: Any lookup fails instantly - I don't think it's hitting the network at all.17:00
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jhutchins_wkChrisHPHPHP: Perhaps your efforts would be better directed in finding OS software that does what you need.17:01
ChrisHPHPHPthere is still a way to do it,  not by installing wine for i386,   but i can change the winearch environment to 32,17:01
eoochris, what are you trying to do?17:02
ChrisHPHPHPit does what i need, i've done it before like i said17:02
ChrisHPHPHPI'll be back later after i undo this mess i've created17:02
i3luefireanyone? know how to fix the hdmi audio problem when using integrated intel gfx17:02
wildwindsquaregoldfish: have you local server dns installed, such as dnsmasq?17:04
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wildwindsquaregoldfish: *dns server17:05
squaregoldfishwildwind: No17:06
jaba_who can help with ubuntu 13.04 + cinnamon 1.8 font issue17:06
eoohow can i help17:06
noiroGah, if 12.04 is the LTS, why is the fw-cutter bug still active?17:07
eoowhat is the font issue17:07
jaba_eoo: i installed ubuntu 13.04 + cinnamon, but fonts in cinnamon menu looks bad17:07
eooare you using the default cinnamon theme?17:07
wildwindsquaregoldfish: ok show dig output again, with full command17:07
samgabbayhi i accidentally installed a folder in my home folder but now i cant move it out it says permisson denied  how do i move it out17:08
jaba_eoo: in some menu text few characters are like wordy17:08
noiroI'd think Ubuntu bugs that get you as far on startup as a blackscreen should tend to take priority..17:08
eooi had that problem17:08
jaba_eoo: i have not changed anything, just installed17:08
eootry changing the fonts in cinnamon settings to sans17:08
jaba_eoo: i have feeling that maybe there is some font package missing17:08
eoo try changing the fonts in cinnamon settings to sans17:09
samgabbayhi i accidentally installed a folder in my home folder but now i cant move it out it says permisson denied  how do i move it out17:09
eoo<samgabbay type sudo rm filename17:09
wildwindsamgabbay: what ls-l yourfolder says?17:09
TheUsDVery new ubuntu user here and need a little assistance17:10
squaregoldfishwildwind: Using my ISP's DNS: pastebin.com/FSaCeaKj17:10
kristenbbhi, how can I access my encrypted home from a live cd ? I tried mounting the system (and binding proc, sys and dev) and then chrooting into it, but when I 'su kristenbb', it says: 'open: permission denied. error locking counter'. How to avoid that ?17:10
eoohow can we help TheUsD17:10
TheUsDI just installed the server edition and added on the GUI interface and would like to set a public static IP17:11
TheUsDI have gone in and added a manual connection but I cant seem to get it to work.17:11
minixvm!resolvconf | TheUsD17:12
ubottuTheUsD: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution17:12
jaba_eoo: restart also is needed?17:12
noirosetting a static IP would be useful for me to know as well, but isn't that something you'd do from the router and say "MAC address: xx:xx gets IP: x17:12
eooTheUsD: does gnome-network-manager work17:12
bekksnoiro: You can either set it on the DHCP server or you set it statically on the host.17:12
eoojaba_: I don't think so17:12
TheUsDI am setting a public static, does that matter?17:12
jaba_eoo: then it`s not working17:12
eoou might have a missing font package or something17:13
jaba_thats the think o i guess, because this font thing don`t affect anything17:14
TheUsDEoo, I have tried the manager by using the command nm-networking-editor17:14
jaba_how to reset back fonts?17:14
wildwindsquaregoldfish: ok, now without @
noiroanyone know the code in Xchat for 12-hour timestamps instead of marine time?17:14
TheUsDbut it doesnt not seem to work. Also, when I go to the networking icon at the top of ubuntu and click on connection info it says "no valid active connections found!" when even though I have set a static its recieving connection via DHCP from my router.17:15
squaregoldfishwildwind: pastebin.com/jr7LiT6n17:16
eoojaba_: try searching for fonts in synaptic17:16
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jaba_eoo: for which ones?17:16
eooinstall ubuntu fonts17:17
eoojaba_: what does this give you: apt-cache search fonts | grep ubuntu17:17
wildwindsquaregoldfish: cat /etc/resolv.conf17:18
TheUsDI also have one more issue that I cant seem to resolve17:18
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TheUsDsince I am new to ubuntu, I went ahead and set all the passwords as the same password so that I wouldn't have to remember what was what until I was comfortable. When trying to access a program it asks for the admin password (there is only one user on the server) I tried entering that password but no luck, any clue?17:20
TheUsDI even tried creating a second user and giving him admin rights but that would not work either.17:20
squaregoldfishwildwind: From both machines: pastebin.com/ifZ2HLUE ... Should I ruin resolvconf somehow?17:21
thegladiatorI get problems with VGA17:22
bekksTheUsD: The "admin password" is just the password of the user being asked.17:22
thegladiatori mean I have selected 1300 X 7** but some apps misbehave17:22
thegladiatorhow to fix ?17:22
bekksthegladiator: Call them into the office and talk to them seriously.17:23
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bekksthegladiator: What do they do?17:23
wildwindsquaregoldfish: NM should run it. compare its settings on both machines closely17:23
thegladiatorSuppose I do fullscreen (PDF app) it doesnt do correctly17:23
thegladiatorthings like that17:23
g0thflash in chromium and firefox is extremely choppy/laggy17:23
g0thhow can I fix that?17:23
bekksthegladiator: Define "doesnt do correctly" please when talking about fullscreen. Or even create a screenshot.17:24
thegladiatorOk let me17:24
TheUsDBekks: then what would be the "admin password" when trying to run a program I installed?17:25
EgzasHello All. I Suggest you to welcome at my new cs server! It's Gather style. My Skype is: Fuck_oN17:25
bekksTheUsD: There is no "admin password" at all.17:25
bekksTheUsD: All you do when installing is specifying the users password.17:25
EgzasIp Adress:
TheUsDbekks: I'm kind of confused then. What password is it asking for?17:27
bekksTheUsD: Your user password.17:27
minixvmTheUsD: your users password (as he told you several times)17:27
thegladiatorits most with poppler based pdf17:28
bekksthegladiator: Whats "popple based pdf"?17:28
thegladiatorpoppler library based pdf apps17:28
g0thanyone? is there a magic recipe to get flash working again in ubuntu?17:28
thegladiatorXPDF , epdfview , apvlv etc17:29
TheUsDits not when I am installing the software, its after its installed it asks for an admin password17:29
squaregoldfishwildwind: Can't see anything.17:30
squaregoldfishwildwind: Note that the working machine is 12.04 (vs 13.04), so it may be slightly different anyway.17:31
bekksTheUsD: There is no admin password. All there is, is your user password. You have to enter it when doing "administrative tasks".17:32
i3luefire_hdmi audio output fix? does anyone know how to fix? i am running 12.04.2 and intel integrated gfx17:32
thegladiatordoes ubuntu have official adobe reader?17:33
minixvmthegladiator: in the partner repo i think17:33
thegladiatorok and the name is ?17:34
TheUsDbekks, I understand what you are saying, I just cant figure out why its not working. I made sure I used one password (for everything) on this server until I was comfortable with it.17:34
thegladiatori see acroread and acroread-bin17:34
bekksTheUsD: And there is no other "hidden" admin password. There simply isnt. :)17:34
TheUsDso shouldn't it not be the same pass as I log in or when I do a sudo command?17:35
i3luefire_am i on ignore? or is there just no fix to the hdmi audio problem?17:35
squaregoldfishwildwind: Solved it! Ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf, said yes to everything, and rebooted. All fine!17:35
binBlobHi, does s1 know where I can find a description of systemds wantedBy targets ?17:35
minixvmi3luefire_: people can see you but they won't answer if they don't know17:36
i3luefire_minixvm, ty. i guess i didnt think of that17:36
TheUsDdoes it matter what program it is I'm running?17:36
TheUsDthe program is GSmartControl17:37
sage79hello. i buy a sata hard disk. but the bios sees it as ide. in bios it is set ahci mode. why?17:38
squaregoldfishwildwind: Thanks for the suggestions - I'd never have got there otherwise!17:38
FrozenFireMy understanding is that the "Backup" application in Ubuntu uses duplicity. Is there any way to verify the backup I've made is viable for restore, without actually restoring it?17:38
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mrgusermi all17:39
FrozenFireThere is a duplicity verify command, but I can't seem to make it use the same configuration as was used to perform the backup17:39
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mrguserHack ubuntu server thrg nokia E6317:40
minixvmsage79: sounds like an issue for ##hardware17:40
PhaseIt's been awhile since I've had to mess with ssh keys. Should I do RSA or DSA, and how many bits? (default is 1024) (PuTTYgen)17:41
TheUsDis the root user the same as a user with admin rights?17:41
FrozenFireTheUsD, No, root has a more special usage than simply a sudoer17:41
icerootFrozenFire: i would suggest to restore the backup everything else is not a 100% proof17:41
icerootTheUsD: yes17:41
TheUsDhow would I find the root user password?17:41
k1l_!root | TheUsD17:42
ubottuTheUsD: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:42
icerootTheUsD: when you execute something with sudo it will have the same privileges as root itself17:42
FrozenFireiceroot, Well, I've created secondary backups of very important files. I'm just hoping to get a good verification that the backup is viable.17:42
binBlobPase: default on the linux tool that makes ssh key (forget the name) is 2048 bit long17:42
PhasebinBlob: thanks17:42
icerootPhase: rsa17:42
TheUsDlol thanks ubottu...17:42
Phaseiceroot: would you be able to answer why rsa vs dsa?17:43
icerootPhase: rsa is still safe17:43
FrozenFirePhantomGamers, http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/5096/rsa-vs-dsa-for-ssh-authentication-keys17:43
FrozenFireErr, Phase ^17:43
PhantomGamersi was like lolwhat17:43
wildwindsquaregoldfish: you're welcome. i didn't upgrade to 13.04 yet17:43
TheUsDUbottu, so would it be more ideal to to terminal the program I want to run rather than going through the GUI?17:43
ubottuTheUsD: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:43
binBlobwhat did replace systemctl ?? Kubuntu does not have one17:44
FrozenFirePerhaps a better formulation would be, does anyone know where the Backup utility stores its configuration for duplicity?17:44
FrozenFireSince it's evidently just a wrapper around it17:44
FrozenFireHrmmm, seems it's wrappers around wrappers17:46
FrozenFireBackup utility is deja-dup?17:46
FrozenFireAround duplicity?17:46
wildwindFrozenFire: AFAIR the wrapper is called deja-dup. it may help in finding configs17:46
wildwindFrozenFire: yes17:47
FrozenFireAha, http://askubuntu.com/questions/145698/where-does-deja-dup-keep-its-config-files17:47
wildwindFrozenFire: as to the original question "Is there any way to verify the backup I've made is viable for restore, without actually restoring it?". to be honest, there's no other way to be 100% sure17:49
FrozenFireYeah, I'm familiar with backup procedures. I'm actually a sysadmin. Just surprised that I can't verify my personal desktop backups. :P17:50
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FrozenFireApparently newer versions of deja-dup do integrity checks17:50
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FrozenFireWhich, funny enough, is why I'm backing up. So I can update to a newer version of Ubuntu17:50
binBlobI want to run a application as a daemon therefor I read this https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PyLoad#Daemon but I don't seem to have rc.d and systemctl. What should I do ?17:50
icerootFrozenFire: when you want to verify something, use the tool which was creating the backup and not the backend17:51
FrozenFireWelp, guess I'll just rely on my secondary backups in case something seriously breaks17:51
icerootFrozenFire: or use the backend directly, but dont mix them to verfiry something17:51
FrozenFireiceroot, Yeah, but that assumes that the tool has a means of doing so. :P17:51
minixvmbinBlob: thats because archlinux uses systemd17:51
FrozenFireI'm still on deja-dup 22.017:51
FrozenFireWhereas the integrity check functionality was introduced in 23.017:52
binBlobminixvm: yes, what does ubuntu / kubuntu has for this purpose ?17:52
icerootbinBlob: upstart17:52
iceroot!upstart | binBlob17:52
ubottubinBlob: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:52
minixvm!upstart | binBlob17:52
binBlobminixvm: kk thanks17:53
ceborwhich kernel has ubuntu 12.04.2 ?17:56
T4bI don't understand very much about how that stuff works in detail, so sorry if that is a very stupid question. Is it possible to use a server with a dynamic IP as the name server of a domain if I set up a cronjob to constantly update it's IP?17:56
T4bTo my understanding it would work, but when the IP changes it would be impossible to resolve it's IP for a while, until the new address of the DNS server is starting to be used. Does that happen instantly or does it need a while to propagate like other dns stuff? Do I think in a completely wrong direction or does this make some sense?17:56
minixvm!info linux-image precise | cebor17:57
ubottucebor: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB17:57
T4b(if this is possible I would use bind on a standard Ubuntu to do it, so I guess it fits this channel, or doesn't it?)17:58
wildwindT4b: please clarify how dns server is set up on clients17:58
ceborminixvm: sure, that 12.04.2 has not 3.5 ? i thought LTS releases get ne HE Stacks, doesnt it ?18:00
bekksminixvm: cebor: 12.04.2 has 3.5, 12.04.1 hasnt.18:00
Phasehm, should I use a 2 private/public key pairs (1 set for my own servers, the other for other servers that I don't technically have full authority on)? Whats the best practice for multiple keys?18:00
ceborok and 12.04.3 will get raring kernel ?18:01
bekksPhase: Thats best practice :)18:01
Phasebekks: :) ty18:01
bekkscebor: Not necessarily.18:01
minixvmcebor: yes, but the default that ships with 12.04 is the 3.2 kernel18:01
TheUsDbekks: I'm finding out that I'm having permission errors all over the place.18:02
TheUsDShould an admin be able to change the interfaces file?18:02
ceborminixvm: yes, but i think when i will do fresh install with the 12.04.2 image i will get 3.5 by default18:02
TheUsDany user admin that is.18:02
minixvmcebor: only one way to find out (i thought they were just made available in the repos, not shipped by default)18:03
jackarghello all! I'd like some help on this error I get when trying to run a game:   error while loading shared libraries: libfreeimage.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:05
jackargwhat is libfreeimage.so.3 ?18:05
T4bwildwind: It isn't set up on any clients. Maybe I used wrong terms for some stuff. I own the domain t4b.me. On the domain name company's website (or via their api) I can enter the name of a dns server (and some backup secondary ones). The zone file which I edit to configure my domains is on this server. I would like to replace this server with one which I host on a home machine which has a dynamic IP.18:05
TheUsDCan someone help me, trying to edit my etc/network/interfaces file but its telling me I do not have the permission18:06
TheUsDI am logged in as an admin.18:06
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Guest85401Eh, I have a similar problem, lol.18:06
PhaseTheUsD: sudo nano -w /etc/network/interfaces18:06
TheUsDI have tried in terminal and just going to the file itself.18:06
k1l_TheUsD: what does "logged in as admin" mean?18:06
PhaseTheUsD: Did you prepend sudo?18:06
Guest85401When I try to put a plugin into my Eclipse folder, it tells me that I don't have permission, and I do have admin rights.18:07
TheUsDPhase: I will try that.    Not sure what you mean prepend sudo (I am a two day old user)18:07
TheUsDtwo day old ubuntu user**18:07
PhaseTheUsD: sudo is the command you use to give yourself elevated rights (aka admin rights) to make changes to that file18:07
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PhaseTheUsD: sudo -w /etc/network/interfaces18:08
minixvmTheUsD: are you logged in as user (as you should be) or logged in as root (very very bad idea)18:08
k1l_TheUsD: you need to write sudo in front of a command to give it root privileges18:08
shaggehjoin #xquartz18:08
shaggehsorry about that18:08
FloodBot1shaggeh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
k1l_but dont do it infront of every command. that is not the idea behind it18:08
TheUsDohh, sorry I misunderstood what you meant by prepend, yes I did try sudo18:08
wildwindT4b: is it supposed to be public website? if yes, hosting dns on dynamic ip is a very bad idea18:08
k1l_TheUsD: since we dont know or see what you do. show us the exact command or the error message18:09
TheUsDthis was my command I entered: sudo etc/network/interfaces     (command not found)18:09
PhaseTheUsD: use my command18:09
PhaseTheUsD: sudo -w /etc/network/interfaces18:09
k1l_TheUsD: there is no command.18:09
PhaseTheUsD: Note the differences there18:09
TheUsDso then I tried, /etc/network/interfaces: permission denied18:09
Phasenano *18:09
PhaseTheUsD: sudo nano -w /etc/network/interfaces18:09
k1l_TheUsD: you only said "superrights this-place"18:09
FloodBot1Phase: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:09
T4bwildwind: Well, more or less public. Mainly for me, but possibly for a few other people too and public in the sense that it should be accessible from everywhere.18:10
Guest85401When I try to put a plugin into my Eclipse folder, it tells me that I don't have permission, and I do have admin rights.18:10
T4bwildwind: Bad idea from a security standpoint of view or from a functional one?18:10
TheUsDso you're saying use sudo nano /etc/networking/interfaces   ?18:11
PhaseTheUsD: yes18:11
binBlobGuest85401: that means that you dont have the rights to write into the eclipse folder18:11
TheUsDThank you Phase, I will try that18:11
T4bwildwind: Because it just occured to me that the next person getting my IP would probably be able to change my dns records for a while, is that why it's a bad idea?18:11
samgabbayhi im trying to change the permisson of a folder and everytime i do it as root it changes back to what it had before what do i do18:12
Guest85401Well, of course. =P How would I change it to where I do have access?18:12
binBlobGuest85401: eclipse plugins should be installed into your workspace folder18:12
PhaseTheUsD: 'sudo' gives you elevated rights, 'nano' is the text editor, the last bit is the path to the file you want to edit18:12
bekkssamgabbay: Which folder?18:12
samgabbayits called spiral on the home folder its a game18:12
TheUsDcorrect, I understood the sudo and the file path, didnt know about nano. Thanks again.18:12
Guest85401binBlob, my problem is, when I try to drag and drop the plugin into the plugins folder, it just tells me that I do not have permission.18:12
TheUsDI've been spoiled by GUI's and forgot about commands.18:12
jackargdoes no one here know how to fix the: "libfreeimage.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"  problem?18:12
wildwindT4b: from functional one, not sure about sec, maybe too.18:12
TheUsDlast time i used commands is when I was 8 and using windows 3.11, lol18:13
samgabbay@bekks like i do it with gnautls or whatever and it keeps changing back is it possible to change it thru terminal?18:13
binBlobGuest85401: if you want every user to have this plugin you can move the volder via the mv command or if you dont like the terminal use sudo +yourfilemanager ... but watch out you can break EVERYTHING in sudo18:13
bekkssamgabbay: You want to do what? Please describe your problem, not your solution approaches only :)18:14
minixvm!gksudo | binBlob18:14
ubottubinBlob: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:14
PhaseTheUsD: perhaps sudo gedit (or whichever GUI editor you have) -- I haven't used a linux desktop in quite awhile, so I don't even know if gedit is the default anymore.18:14
wildwindT4b: maybe you better rely on dyndns or similar service. it's optimized for fast change propagation and reg company's infrastructure probably not18:14
bekksPhase: gksudo for graphical applications.18:14
Phasebekks: ah18:14
binBlobminixvm: hmm k never had a problem with that, tanks again :)18:15
samgabbay@beeks change the permissons to read and write for all users cause its locked to root all the time18:15
Guest85401binBlob, I am a complete noob when it comes to ubunutu, lol. If it isn't too much of a hassle, what code would it be to move the folder?18:15
binBlobGuest85401: sudo mv source dest18:16
T4bwildwind: So it's a problem of propagation speeds? I would be okay with that, I've had the same IP for at least a year, probably rather two, the reason I still want dyndns is just that it's not /guaranteed/ to stay the same.18:17
T4b(really strange, btw. My ISP charges a whole lot of money if you want to have a static IP for sure, so I would expect them to have an interest in changing the IPs of their other customers now and again)18:19
daftykinsT4b: dyndns stopped being free :( the cheap gits18:20
TheUsDis this how a static IP layout should look?18:20
TheUsDohh crap, didnt mean to hit enter...18:20
daftykinsTheUsD: i hope you're gonna use pastebin18:20
T4bdaftykins: I know, that's another reason I would like to do it myself.18:21
TheUsDI'm on a separate machine, so I have to type it all in -_-18:21
T4bTheUsD: You should still use pastebin, even if you have to type it.18:22
wildwindT4b: to me in your case it's no big difference18:22
daftykinsTheUsD: use a picture? SSH to that PC + copy+ paste?18:22
wildwindT4b: if money is a concern, cheap VPS for DNS (or even website) may be better18:23
samgabbay@bekks soo what do i do?18:23
T4bwildwind: Money is so much of a concern that I don't think there is a reliable VPS solution cheap enough for me. ;-)18:24
TheUsD # the primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static adress xx.xx.xxx.xxx netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. gatewat xx.xx.xxx.xxx18:24
T4bwildwind: Or do you know something for, say, $1/month?18:25
wildwindT4b: how much your isp charges for static IP?18:25
T4bwildwind: Absurdly much, I would need to look it up again, but I remember thinking that a VPS was cheaper than that.18:26
wildwindT4b: i actually use one ($12/year) for VPN18:26
TheUsDbright house networks: 60Mbps down, 6Mbps up, 5 statics, $115 a month :-/18:26
myuce153guys, i'm thinking of reinstalling windows. how hard is it to reconfigure boot?18:26
wildwindT4b: not very reliable though, i agree18:27
rocksHello. What is a GUI way to enable pressure sensitivity for Gnome Shell 3.8 desktop in Raring?18:27
minixvmmyuce153: its a matter of reinstalling grub18:27
minixvm!grub | myuce15318:27
ubottumyuce153: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:27
binBlobmyuce153: if you install win after linux win will kill grup and install its own loader, you will have to set up grub again18:28
myuce153is it easy to reinstall it?18:28
samgabbayguys everytime i change the permisson on root of a folder on my home folder it keeps rechanging18:29
bhaveshI have a slow startup for Ubuntu 13.04, it takes about 1 and a half minute. I did "dmesg" in terminal and found out that there is a huge gap in between two lines there18:29
jribsamgabbay: be more specific18:29
bhavesh[    3.179043] EXT4-fs (sda6): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)18:30
bhavesh  <<< this18:30
bhaveshand then this [   17.641847] Adding 4061180k swap on /dev/sda5.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:4061180k18:30
bhavesh14 seconds gap for that task?18:30
samgabbay@jrib on gk whatever its called for root im trying to change a folder thats only read and write and thats only read on my reg user so i changed the settings and they keep coming back to default all the time18:30
TheUsDhttp://pastebin.com/myD7RBFN good staticip settings?18:33
jribsamgabbay: I have no idea what "gk" means.  I also don't know what you mean by "root of a folder."  Here are some details you should provide: what folder?  What permissions are you changing and how exactly? What are the permissions before?  What are they after (i.e. do they actually change)?  When do you notice them change back?18:33
bhaveshgot my answer, it was this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/1061639 But I am having it in Raring18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061639 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Quantal) "Upstartification of /etc/init.d/networking has lost deconfiguring-networking event causing bad side-effects" [High,Fix released]18:33
gpledwhen i type ctrl alt t, my terminal comes up.  Is there a key combo i can press to may the window max, instead of pressing the square box in the corner, with my mouse?18:33
jribsamgabbay: I'll be back in ~10 min but someone else may be able to help in the meantime if you answer those questions18:33
theadmingpled: Ctrl+Super+Up18:34
rocksanyone know?18:34
theadmingpled: Hold the Super key to see a list of handy keyboard shortcuts.18:34
gpledup as in arrow?18:34
theadmingpled: Yes18:34
gpledtheadmin: cool.  thanks!18:34
TheUsDcan someone tell me if these are correct settings for static http://pastebin.com/myD7RBFN18:35
daixtri need some reference how to setup SDL in ubuntu 12.04 for game development...18:35
daixtrthe packages listed could not be found..18:35
gpleddaixtr: ati sdl?18:35
menendezhi all18:36
wildwindTheUsD: gatewat -> gateway18:36
gpledwildwind: good eye18:37
wildwindTheUsD: remove trailing dot in netmask18:37
daixtri need the SDL18:38
TheUsDthose were typos in the pastebin but not in the actual file. but other than that, looks good?18:38
trismdaixtr: apt-cache search -n libsdl dev;18:38
gpleddaixtr:  google bitcoin mining on linux.  they install the sdl's   https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminer  see the readme at the bottom of the page18:39
=== jdiez_ is now known as jdiez
wildwindTheUsD: yes, but why not leave it to NM18:39
sifu__why is my virtualbox exiting when i do sudo apt-get update...18:40
sifu__i got lucid3218:40
gpleddaixtr: basically you just download it, and run the script to install18:40
daixtryes.. i'm ap-get18:40
trismdaixtr: those are the packages you need18:41
TheUsDWildwind: I tried setting it in nm but it would not connect to internet, even with the settings typed in it will not connect to internet. However, if I plug it into a router it still DHCPs...18:41
gpleddaixtr: different versions may have different issues, so it is good to learn how to install the different versions18:41
gpleddaixtr: if apt-get will let you specify the version, then that is ok18:41
minixvmsifu__: 10.04 is only supported on server now18:41
bazhang!eolupgrades | sifu__18:42
ubottusifu__: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:42
=== jack is now known as Guest79550
sifu__ohh so18:42
sifu__sorry i am a bit new to it18:42
sifu__but why does my whole vm exit18:42
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades   <---- sifu__18:42
TheUsDwildwind: any clue why this would be?18:42
sifu__no errors no nothing...just cloese the VM18:42
bazhangsifu__, its not supported, stop asking for support...18:43
wildwindwith dhcp it should connect without any manual setup. may be a router problem18:43
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wildwindtest with livecd if you have one18:44
TheUsDWildwind: sorry I may not have explained that right... I edited the interfaces to the following settings that I provided the link for. But to back track, I did try to edit the nm to do a staticIP but no matter what I edit, it seems to still work via DHCP, IE I can connect it to my modem which pushes out 5 statics and it will not connect, but if I connect it to a router that has internet access, the ubuntu machine picks up a DHCP ip18:45
milanis there any more bleeding edge repositories for xubuntu ?18:46
sifu__bazhang: okey just to be clear 12.04 is not supported?18:46
bazhangsifu__, it is, check the /topic18:47
TheUsDdid that make more sense?18:47
wildwindTheUsD: hmm... what is the desired configuration? with modem or router, dynamic or statis ip or any18:48
sifu__bazhang: hmm sorry if i am being idiotic but the ubuntu i have installed is 12.04 so i am bit confused why you said stop asking for support...18:48
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minixvmsifu__: you said you had lucid (which is 10.04)18:49
bazhang<sifu__> i got lucid32   thats why18:49
bazhang!lucid | sifu__18:49
ubottusifu__: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.18:49
JC_anyone currently active18:49
LaiquendiJC_: many people :)18:50
TheUsDWildwind: with modem via static. (which how it is configured for) but will not obtain internet access. It is however still able to pull a dhcp ip from a router and connect to the internet. :-/18:50
faihasaiwhere is everybody?18:50
jribJC_: you can ask your question and find out if anyone currently active knows the answer ;)18:50
JC_cool, cause the ltsp channel is quiet so hopefully I can get help here18:50
JC_okay so after a month of thrying to get edubuntu with ltsp up and running most things are okay, I should point out that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ltsp/+bug/1076418 the info on the website is incorrect in my version of ubuntu however I solved that myself, I have a video resolution issue with my HP thin clients18:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1076418 in LTSP "In --kiosk mode, Firefox does not run fullscreen" [Undecided,New]18:51
wildwindTheUsD: how modem is set up, bridged or routed?18:52
JC_everything was working fine until I deployed the setup at the client, now when the thin clients boot the LG monitors are unable to get a proper resolution it seems18:52
TheUsDwildwind: nevermind, it decided to change its mind...without doing a damn thing it just started working...18:52
wildwindTheUsD: :)18:52
JC_they were tested previously and only since being moved to the location of use have they started to give this problem18:52
LaiquendiActually I also have a question - are there security issues with using older (like... 3.2) kernels? I ask because for example grsecurity uses such, and thus I am wondering if it's not creating holes by itself...?18:53
wildwindTheUsD: make sure your static ip doesn't conflict with isp's network18:53
jribLaiquendi: where are you getting the kernel from?  If you're not using the official repositories, then it's your responsibility to maintain it and ensure security updates are applied18:54
JC_If I edit lts.conf and put anything other than SCREEN_07=kiosk in there it throughs an error on the client side, the Xorg.7.log shows it being unable to find a resolution for the monitor (used to work fine before), but trying to set resolution or horz/vert through a Fatal Server Error, invalid argument for -config18:54
Laiquendijrib: from the repositories, but I mean I am stuck to older kernel while using grsecurity, since it works on such only. 3.2 now.18:54
jezI am having some ruby gem issues http://pastebin.com/whxN1nsh18:55
jribLaiquendi: read the changelogs for the new kernels that are provided then and make sure the updates don't affect your security18:55
Laiquendijrib: hmm... I'm rather trying to discern if using older kernel is not a vulnerability by itself, which would make using grsecurity... useless...? Against-logic...18:56
Laiquendijrib: yet it is suggested most often18:56
jribLaiquendi: well it would depend on the security issues I imagine18:57
Laiquendijrib: From what I see kernel updates usually change compatibilities and performance, usability etc. not the security by itself, am I right?18:58
jribLaiquendi: not as far as I understand18:58
jribLaiquendi: where would you expect security updates then?18:59
Laiquendijrib: In modules, emm applications etc?18:59
alocerjrib they give package in update named security update18:59
aloceridk what is that19:00
jribLaiquendi: one sec, there may be some kernel-specific discussion here:19:01
jrib!sru | Laiquendi19:01
ubottuLaiquendi: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:01
jribLaiquendi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelUpdates19:01
raulshwhat can be used for recording my voice as well as internal sound ? its `2.04 here19:02
raulsh12.04 ubuntu19:02
wildwind!audacity | raulsh19:03
Laiquendijrib: so there are security updates as one of the most important.. hmmm19:03
minixvm!info audacity | raulsh19:03
ubotturaulsh: audacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-1 (raring), package size 2395 kB, installed size 6330 kB19:04
synnysterAnyone know why F.lux indicator applet won't appear? I used this guide http://mergy.org/2013/03/getting-f-lux-going-on-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/19:04
raulshthanks wildwind an d minixvm19:05
samgabbayim reinstalling ubuntu will it keep myapps?19:05
jribsamgabbay: why are you reinstalling?19:05
samgabbay@jrib cuz installing the ati drivers fucked up my system19:06
samgabbaybut will it delete my apps?19:06
samgabbaythat i got from the ubuntu store or browser downloads19:06
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wildwindsamgabbay: yes it will19:06
samgabbay@wild but i didnt erase, jsut reinstall will it delete the apps still?19:07
samgabbaykt hx19:08
wildwindsamgabbay: you can try remove drivers and reinstall, or use radeon19:08
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danu_привет всем19:10
graftonio_who now how upgrade the system if during intallation 12.10-13.14 power is off19:10
Laiquendijrib: secret unveiled - older kernel hardened with grsecurity is more safe than the newest ones, since it is updated and provided with more security, to be blunt.19:11
bazhangnot possible graftonio_19:11
bazhang!ru | danu_19:11
ubottudanu_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:11
wildwind!ru | danu_19:11
streulmahello, my Macbook Air is using to much ram, is there a reason to switch over to Ubuntu? :)19:11
Laiquendistreulma: there always is! ;) What do youmean by "is there a reason"?19:12
bazhang!ot | streulma19:12
ubottustreulma: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:12
minixvmstreulma: ram is there to be used19:12
synnysterAnyone know why F.lux indicator applet won't appear? I used this guide http://mergy.org/2013/03/getting-f-lux-going-on-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/19:12
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:16
TheUsDwildwind: no it wont, I've got 5 statics from my ISP, only two were currently in use. I ask these questions because I have been a ubuntu user for 2 days now, lol.19:18
TheUsDSo, I'm going to ask a question I've asked in the past but word it a bit differently. maybe more intelligently,19:21
TheUsDafter I installed a program called gsmartcontol I tried to access the program (via gui) and it asks me for a administrative password19:22
TheUsDI only have one user account on this ubunutu server and I've tried using that password for the program to start but it says its invalid.19:23
TheUsDany reason why it would be telling me this?19:23
LaiquendiTheUsD: do you have root password different than user password?19:25
LaiquendiOr maybe it need root account to be enabled? Just guessing this one though.19:25
theadminTheUsD: It may be the program tries to use su for authentication which isn't something Ubuntu permits. Use "gksudo gsmartcontrol" to run it, I suppose.19:25
TheUsDwhen I installed the ubuntu server, I jused used the same password over and over again. told myself i would change them once I was comfortable with ubuntu server. that being said, it SHOULD be the same password as the administrative user I am logged in as, right?19:26
TheUsDhow would I enable the root account?19:26
TheUsDor know if it is enabled for that matter.19:27
theadminTheUsD: Do not. It's not something you should ever do. Instead, use "sudo application" to run "application" with root priveleges, and "gksudo application" to run graphical apps with root priveleges.19:27
wildwindTheUsD: gsmartcontol is a gui for smartctl. does smartctl work itself?19:27
TheUsDI do not know, can you give me the instructions to launch it?19:28
wildwindTheUsD:  just type it in terminal19:28
TheUsDSorry, I am really new to ubuntu, I've been a windows user my entire life...with that exception of red hat 9 for a week when i was 1619:29
wildwindTheUsD: Ctrl+Alt+T opens a terminal19:29
tadohelp! i think i've messed up my libreoffice a few weeks from my thesis deadline and can't get around all the dependencies! anyone can help?19:30
synnysterAnyone know why F.lux indicator applet won't appear? I used this guide http://mergy.org/2013/03/getting-f-lux-going-on-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/19:30
TheUsDcorrect, typed in smartclt and it poped up with: Error: smartctl requires a device name as the final command-line argument.          seems that its working I just need to add in some extentions to tell it what to do, right?19:30
wildwindtado: does it start?19:31
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bekksTheUsD: You need to pass an option to smartctl for telling it wht to do, and you need to psas a device to it, for telling it which device you want.19:33
tadowildwind: nope. it crashed on version 4.0.3, so i tried to downgrade from synaptic, but it just uninstalled the libreoffice package. then i removed ppa's from software sources and deleted the other packages, to reinstall from scratch from the normal repos, but it won't reinstall...19:33
wildwindTheUsD: sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda19:33
tadowildwind:this is what i have removed http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704595/19:33
miguelI'm having network disconnection issues, how can I check if the problem is in ubuntu, in my wireless acess point, in the router or in the internet provider ?19:34
TheUsDit showed me the SMART error log: no erros19:35
miguelevery couple of minutes I can't ping anything anymore, If I disconnect the wireless and reconnect I have internet access again...19:35
bekksmiguel: You ISP has nothing to do with the wireless connection to your router.19:35
tadowildwind: i have an unmet dependency: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704600/ but when i try and fix that another one pops up. but i haven't removed those packages19:35
wildwindTheUsD: only that? id shoud spit a bunch of info19:36
jdeniuzmiguel. seems like wireless access point problem19:36
bekksmiguel: You could save the "dmesg" output before disconnecting your wifi.19:36
jdeniuzhow bekks?19:37
theadmintado: You could just apt-get install libreoffice to have all of them. If that doesn't work, try removing existing packages and reinstalling. If that doesn't work, you probably have a third-party repo enabled which is usually a bad thing for things that are already in Ubuntu.19:37
bekksjdeniuz: By typing "dmesg" in a terminal and saving the output to a file.19:37
TheUsDwildwind: it give a few lines of info, but nothing that seemed relevant.19:37
wildwindtado: try apt-get purge <that long list of packages>19:38
wildwindtado: then reinstall19:38
bekksTheUsD: Whats the output of smartctl -a /dev/sda19:38
bekks!paste | TheUsD19:38
ubottuTheUsD: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:38
wildwindTheUsD: did it ask you for a password?19:38
miguel_lost connection again...19:38
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TheUsDwildwind: yes19:39
synnysterAnyone know why F.lux indicator applet won't appear? I used this guide http://mergy.org/2013/03/getting-f-lux-going-on-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/19:39
jdeniuzGuest36850 try dmesg till the duscinnection . bekks said that earlier19:40
wildwindTheUsD: what password you provided?19:40
bekksjdeniuz: I said something different.19:40
CaseyThis is TheUsD, forgot I finally got my ubuntu server up and running. lol19:40
bekksjdeniuz: He needs to run dmesg just once, before disconnecting.19:41
tadowildwind: i have purged, but see here when i give an install command http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704616/19:41
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CaseyWildwind: I used the same password as I use to log in and install programs or use sudo with.19:41
tadotheadmin: i had ppa's from libreoffice, have removed them and ran sudo apt-get remove libreoffice* and now can't seem to reinstall... there are no repos with libreoffice now19:41
wildwindCasey: ok when you run gsmartcontrol it should ask you the same password. does it?19:42
CaseyWildwind: when I run it via terminal or gui?19:43
wildwindCasey: either way19:43
binBlobHI, me again. For what purpose are the tty terminals ? And why are there 7 of them ?19:43
theadminbinBlob: Dunno why 7, a tradition I guess. They are there primarily for CLI-only systems.19:44
CaseyWildwind: I have not ran it terminal but when I do it GUI it does ask for password and it says the password is incorrect. again, using same password I used for smartctl19:44
bekksbinBlob: They provide you the ability of logging into a console session.19:44
bekksbinBlob: And there a multiple of them, because in history, computers had multiple consoles.19:44
wildwindCasey: ok try from terminal now19:44
LaiquendibinBlob: because 7 is a lucky number ;D19:44
Casey:( what would be the terminal command for gsmartcontrol?19:45
bekksCasey: smartctl19:45
binBlobso if I am on a distro without x I am automaticly on tty1 ?19:45
theadminbinBlob: Depends on your init configuration and such19:46
theadminbinBlob: Generally yes, though.19:46
bekksbinBlob: Not necessarily.19:46
wildwindCasey: gsmartcontrol :)19:46
Caseywildwind: haha thanks19:46
Caseywildwind: it popped up, however terminal came up with errors too.19:47
tadowildwind: this is the output of the original command and my first reinstall attempt http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704635/ note that synaptic had for some reason simply deleted the package libreoffice when i attempted to downgrade from 4.0.3 to 3.619:47
binBlobwell someday s1 will do a distro with unbelievable 8 ttys ! Thanks for the info.19:47
bekksbinBlob: Which is done using one single command :>19:48
theadminbinBlob: No real need, there's screen, tmux and byobu.19:48
binBlobbekks: no I meant by default :)19:48
wildwindCasey: what errors19:48
bekksCasey: A graphical application will not run in a terminal. And you should be using gksudo for graphical applications. And I told you to use smartctl.19:49
JC_tried troubleshooting on my own again but really not getting anywhere, I have a simple lts.conf file that works until I add X_MODE_0=1024x76819:50
tadotheadmin: any ideas on why it wouldn't reinstall?19:50
theadmintado: No not really19:51
JC_the when the thin client boots I get invalid argument in -config19:51
Caseybekks:  Sorry, I was not looking to your posts so I didnt know you were talking to me.19:51
bekksCasey: I put your name in front of my post...19:51
wildwindCasey: run it without sudo. it should pop a window asking a password as with gui19:52
tadotheadmin: damn... it's as if it needed a series of dependencies that haven't been removed...19:52
Caseybekks, again, I was not looking at your posts, sorry bud.19:52
mauihad to deinstall that language transltion programm19:52
mauicause i messed its config up19:52
mauiso now i even forgot its name19:52
theadmintado: Ehhhm. Did you run "sudo apt-get update" after removing third-party repos? Cause you should.19:52
Caseybekks: but thank you for helping me with my issue as well. :)19:52
mauiwhats the software for language translation in ubuntu?19:52
bekksCasey: Putting someones name in front of a post hilights it. Thats how IRC works.19:52
tadotheadmin: ... that i did not. let me see19:53
binBlobbekks: well depends on the irc client19:53
Caseywell sob, so it does, lol. I'm not an IRC daily user.19:53
bekksbinBlob: Basically hilighting someone is how IRC communications work :)19:53
binBlobbekks: not in a web client ...19:54
bekksbinBlob: In every client. Put a name in front, to tell the other one that you talking to him.19:54
tadotheamidn: same problem19:54
Caseywildwind:  Thank you, it is not working properly19:54
tadotheadmin: same problem19:54
theadmintado: Meow >.<19:55
binBlobbekks: yes i know but in some clients ther is no highlighting19:55
Caseywildwind: will I have to do this each time I restart the server?19:55
wildwindCasey: and show us last smartctl output19:55
wildwindCasey: what19:55
Caseywildwind: I do not understand what you want me to show you.19:56
wildwindCasey: sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda19:57
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
wildwindCasey: you said there was only few lines19:58
Caseywildwind: I was incorrect about that statement: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704674/19:59
wildwindtado: aptitude show libreoffice-core20:00
tadowildwind: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704678/20:01
wildwindCasey: ok, so smartctl works but gsmartcontrol does not20:01
tadowildwind: i might have made it. i had to run an autoremove that cleared some of the libraries giving trouble, and now it's installing again from sudo apt-get install libreoffice20:03
wildwindtado: ok20:04
Caseywildwind: No, ever since you had me go through the terminal to run gsmartcontrol, gsmartcontrol is working.20:04
bitbytehey guys do any of you know how i would move from osx to ubuntu server20:04
minixvm!mac | bitbyte20:05
ubottubitbyte: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages20:05
Caseywildwind: what I was saying a few posts back was that gsmartcontrol is working now. thank you. Will I have to go through terminal again to get the GUI working in the future if I restart?20:05
Caseywildwind: if infact it does not work again via GUI after a restart.20:05
tadowildwind: it installed, but it launches synaptic if i launch from icon on the unity bar. launches fine if i open via synapse20:06
patr|ckare apparmor or tomoyo used by default on Ubuntu 12.04, please?20:06
tadowildwind: removed synaptic and problem solved. thanks a lot for helping20:07
wildwindtado: apt-mark showhold20:07
wildwindtado: ok20:07
wildwindCasey: we can continue troubleshooting if you want20:08
Caseywildwind: how so? Do you believe there is more to the issue than we have covered?20:09
wildwindgui should run with password provided20:09
Caseywildwind: gui is now working with password provided20:10
wildwindok then20:10
Ari-Yanghi, how do I open up software-sources in terminal again?20:11
Caseythats what I was asking before, if it does not work in the future, lets say after I do a restart, should I just try to access it through terminal first and then gui afterwards (thats what seemed to fix the issue)20:11
Ari-Yangnvm it's software-properties-gtk20:12
wildwindCasey: by the way, you have some reallocated sectors on your hdd, and self-test errors20:13
Caseywildwind: yes, this is an old HDD. I do not expect to keep my system on it. this is all a test to see if the ubuntu server works for my needs.20:14
platzhirsch1So I have found an option in the Wacom UI settings, but I cannot find how to execute this option on the shell. Any idea how I could look that up?20:15
Caseywildwind: last major issue I am having. there is a driver for my machine, the ATI GFX driver. It seems that everytime I install this dirver the server can no longer boot. Infact when I see the  startup info being displayed, it shows a fail for the GFX driver and I can never recover.20:16
wildwindCasey: actually you didn't fix password issue, just worked around it. test after restart20:16
Caseyis the driver nesseccary for ubuntu?20:16
CaseyI had to reformat the server 3 times because of this driver.20:16
guntbertpatr|ck: apparmor is used20:17
wildwindCasey: not sure what driver you're talking about20:17
theadminCasey: ...you don't have to use it if stuff works without it20:17
wildwindCasey: anyway, radeon driver would be enough on server20:18
bekksCasey: On a server, you donrt need graphics drivers at all.20:18
wildwindbekks: he/she wants server with gui management20:19
CaseyATIATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver20:19
Caseyseems that evertime I install that driver, the system will no longer boot.20:20
bekkswildwind: Then he's better off with plain desktop.20:20
newdudehey guys, was curious if anybody could take a second to help a conflicted nub out20:20
wildwindCasey: use radeon (guess it's used already)20:20
WeThePeoplebekks, well depending if its a game server or not20:20
theadminnewdude: That's not a question. Ask a real question.20:20
bekksWeThePeople: Even a game server has no graphics card.20:20
WeThePeoplebekks, some do20:21
milanhai there, what you guys think about installing new kernel in ubuntu ?20:21
bekksWeThePeople: It servers a game, not some shiny graphics hardware output.20:21
bekksWeThePeople: Not a single one requires a graphics adapter,20:21
milanworth ?20:21
wildwindbekks: it can ge gpgpu server :)20:21
CaseyWildWildwind: yes I have a GPGPU server.20:22
=== Dioxin_ is now known as Dioxin
Caseyand thanks, but I am a guy.20:22
WeThePeoplebekks, ive seen em with a graphics card20:22
milanwhat you guys think about installing new kernel in ubuntu ?20:23
newdudereal question -  how can I completely overwrite the contents of "/" with the contents of a tar when I only have access to the server via ssh (I saw the nc solution on the site, but would that actually work without corrupting the ssh session) ?20:23
Caseyits just the onboard gfx card driver it wants, there is no seperate card installed20:23
bekksWeThePeople: Yeah, but they arent required. Thats the difference.20:23
theadminmilan: The only thing an unofficial kernel will give you is a huge headache. Use stuff in the repositories unless it's absolutely necessary to do otherwise20:23
theadminnewdude: NC? Err... I don't think Norton Commander was ever ported to UNIX, do you mean MC?20:25
wildwindtheadmin: guess he means netcat20:25
theadminwildwind: Thanks20:25
giuseppe_hi all but ubuntu has just 5 runlevel?20:25
newdudetheadmin: nc, as in netcat, the solution provided help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR#SSH20:26
theadmingiuseppe_: Ubuntu provides runlevels 0, 1, 2 and 6.20:26
newdudewildwind: yessir20:26
theadmingiuseppe_: Read up on Upstart to see why.20:26
giuseppe_0 and 1 for shutdown 6 for reboot20:26
giuseppe_and 2 and 5 for network-gui and user mode20:27
bitbyteany one know where authorised_keys for ssh is on default ubuntu server having problems finding it20:27
theadmingiuseppe_: 5 isn't there (or rather, runlevels 2, 3, 4 and 5 are all the same thing)20:28
Guest75354When nmap returns saying a port 6667 is open but filtered, does that stop IRC connections?20:28
newdudebitbyte: ~/.ssh/20:28
* bitbyte keeps saying no directory20:29
bekksbitbyte: Then it doesnt exist.20:29
newdudebitbyte: probably need to great a key then, check out ssh-keygen20:29
giuseppe_theadmin, but rc.local is called after runlevel start?20:29
wildwindnewdude: note that this guide is't talking about restoring a *system* over network with nc or ssh20:29
newdudegreat = create20:29
bitbyteI'm trying to change ssh from password to rya and odnt wanna lock myself out haha20:29
theadmingiuseppe_: No idea when rc.local is actually executed, I just know it is sometime :P20:30
bekksbitbyte: Whats "rya"?20:30
Guest75354Permissions on .ssh files need to be exact.  700 then 60020:30
newdudewildwind: Unfortunately I noticed that, I'm definitely open to suggestions on other methods haha :D20:30
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newdudebitbyte: just trying to change the password for the current user you're logged into on the remote machine?20:31
giuseppe_lol theadmin but in rc.local shouldn't be the deamon that i want start at startup?20:31
shad0w1ehey, is there a way to restore default permissions on the entire filesystem? I messed up 10 different servers. thanks20:31
wildwindnewdude: getting physical or KVM access is the most obvious way20:32
theadminshad0w1e: Restore from the backup or somesuch. "Default" permissions aren't stored anywhere20:32
newdudebitebyte: if so, all you should have to do is passwd, unless you're trying to do passwordless ssh sessions, then you'd want to make a new key with a unique .pub file on the requesting machine. then on the remote machine, you just create the .ssh directory, or use ssh-keygen to automate it with plus the perks of the rest, and create an authorized_keys file in the .ssh directory20:33
newdudeand then copy the .pub file into authorized_keys20:33
bitbytenewdude: I'm doing it for the whole sshd20:34
bitbytenewdude: its just when it mentions where the keys are its a bit confusing because the folder dosnt exist do you think i need to run the keygen first20:34
newdudewildwind: It's a vps :( i think I'm just going to bug them to do it on their side.20:34
theadminBah. How do I properly restart Unity without logging out and back in? Doing "unity" or "unity --replace" breaks the global menu20:35
dRagonsRageI know C++, I have Ubuntu 12.04 and I wanna make a music player like Rhythmbox. Where do I start?20:35
theadmindRagonsRage: You could grab the source of Rhtyhmbox and look at it20:36
dRagonsRageHow do I do that?20:36
theadmindRagonsRage: apt-get source rhtyhmbox20:36
dRagonsRagesorry, I'm a total n00b20:36
dRagonsRageoh cool ok. Thanks :)20:36
ubottufilealex: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:37
wildwindtheadmin: it's tricky. there's compiz plugin and some other components running20:37
dRagonsRageSo can you get the source code for Ubuntu unity like that too?20:37
theadmindRagonsRage: Any open-source app that is in the repos. Yes, Ayatana is open-source.20:37
dRagonsRageAh ok...Ayatana?20:38
angshow can I restart d-bus deamon?20:38
theadmindRagonsRage: Ayatana is the Ubuntu UX project, it includes Unity and some other stuff20:38
theadminangs: sudo restart dbus20:38
dRagonsRageAh ok cool. Thank you so much!20:38
angstheadmin: -bash: restart: command not found. do you know any other method to restart it?20:39
theadminangs: ...What Ubuntu version is this?20:39
wildwindbitbyte: so do you have password or key authorisation set up in sshd?20:39
samgabbayhi guys :)20:39
angstheadmin, it is an old debian (lenny). I thought the commands should be almost the same for debian and ubuntu20:40
bitbytewlldwind: got both at the moment20:40
=== DocGroove is now known as DocGrooveAway
wildwindand you want to change keys or what20:40
bekksangs: you cant restart bash from inside it. And we have no clue whats different in Debian.20:40
theadminangs: ...Err, not at all. Debian uses the old System V Init, Ubuntu ses Upstart...20:40
bitbytei want to shift from password to using rya keys20:41
theadminangs: Ask Debian stuff in #debian , but I think "/etc/init.d/dbus restart" would do it. Not sure tho20:41
bekksbitbyte: Whats "rya"?20:41
angsthank you20:41
bitbytebut the directories and files the config's it mentions in the sshd don't exsist20:41
bitbyteyeh rsa20:41
angstheadmin: yes it was /etc/init.d/dbus restart, thanks a lot20:41
bitbytebekks: please don't be pedantic20:41
johnnyfireworksangs,  no as ubuntu has change much in the passed years to the point were that interchangeable cli are not so20:42
theadminbitbyte: I beleive he honestly didn't understand you20:42
bekksbitbyte: Oh, I'm sorry for just asking whats "rya" since I never heard it in terms of ssh.20:42
bitbytebekks: sorry was type for rsa20:42
samgabbayim downgrading to 12.0420:42
bekksbitbyte: If you are missing your keys, generate them first.20:42
bekksbitbyte: ssh-keygen -t rsa20:43
johnnyfireworkssamgabbay,  which verson are you?20:43
bitbytethey are generated on both client and host20:43
wildwindbitbyte:  then you generate the keys, put them in /home/username/.ssh/authorised_keys, test, then deny password auth.20:43
hs_my xorg had crushed , and cannot be started , so i made a live-cd to recover , the problem is it doesnt see the ubuntu partition, so i made an new installation , in the grub when i selet windows loader , i can see my old ubuntu , and still connot recover/fix the gnome any idea ?20:43
samgabbayPoop: poop20:43
bitbytebut I'm to add to authorized_keys in ~/.ssh/ which seems to not be there20:43
johnnyfireworkssamgabbay,  and why are you downdraging? i an here to see if its worth  upgrading20:43
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diverdudeHi, is it possible to make a softlink to another server, so that a user can log into an ftp to one server, go into a dir which is really a softlink to a dir on another server and then put his files there?20:43
bekkswildwind: bitbyte: the file is named authorized_keys20:44
bekkswildwind: bitbyte: please note the z instead of s20:44
samgabbay@johnny for my graphics the support is not out yet or probably wont be till the next version comes out and 12.04 is more stable20:44
Pummpy1Hello could someone help me please20:44
samgabbaybtw im a ubuntu tester/qateam20:44
Pummpy1I need to uninstall ubuntu and reinstall windows20:44
wildwindbekks: yes, thank you20:45
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  do you have it set up (ftp servers?20:45
bitbytebekks: sorry I'm situated in the uk and know its a z not an s but its hard when touch typing to fight your spelling20:45
wildwindbitbyte: if it doesn't exist, create it20:45
hs_my xorg had crushed , and cannot be started , so i made a live-cd to recover , the problem is it doesnt see the ubuntu partition, so i made an new installation , in the grub when i selet windows loader , i can see my old ubuntu , and still connot recover/fix the gnome any idea ?20:45
theadminPummpy1: Just install Windows removing your Ubuntu partitions.20:45
hs_sorry for the line clone20:45
Pummpy1@theadmin How would I do this. Whenever I try to install windows. It says I have no space I think or something like that. I am unsure how I could fix it20:46
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, yeah i have ftp setup..its in is on and other is on
hs_its seems that its available in windows boot loader only20:46
wildwindbitbyte: ssh-copy-id can do it for you, provided user's current password20:46
theadminPummpy1: Well, Windows isn't supported here so go figure it out with Microsoft or whatever.20:47
bitbytewlldwind: at the moment i can't do that one as my client is on osx platform20:47
Pummpy1thanks for the help theadmin20:47
bitbyteso I'm looking at cat'in it over first then scp'ing20:47
johnnyfireworkssamgabbay,  rue but thats is close soure stuff your talking about- and linux has been fighting to be the best on its own. but to get the loin share of the meat we use this. so its really up to them to say when and where they want tp support linux. same goes for wifi.20:47
bitbytewlldwind: only issue is when doing cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh root@example.com 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' keep getting permission denied even through the perms on /.ssh is 700 and 600 on all files20:48
ubottugasper: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:48
wildwindbitbyte: you don't want to put it into root's home, do you?20:49
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  ok so you want to have a website like link to a dir to either one of them?20:49
bitbytewlldwind: well its not going into root thats the example command of what I'm doing its into a users directory20:50
binBlobPummpy1: yous put in your win dvd and proceed until you have to choose where you want to instal win, there you can delete all partitions and make new ones20:50
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
Pummpy1binBlob I sound like a noob I know. But how do you do this?20:50
wildwindbitbyte: remember to set proper permissions on file if doing it under root20:50
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  im trying to better understand what you want to do ,as the first statement was not as clear to me20:51
Pummpy1I know a bit about computors but when it comes to ubuntu im useless20:51
CaseySo, is there an easy way to make a raid 1 on ubuntu? Want to take the two 2bt hdd's I have and make a raid 1 for extra storage on this server.20:51
bitbytewlldwind: all being done under the intended user20:51
hs_my xorg had crushed , and cannot be started , so i made a live-cd to recover , the problem is it doesnt see the ubuntu partition, so i made an new installation , in the grub when i selet windows loader , i can see my old ubuntu , and still connot recover/fix the gnome any idea ?20:51
wildwindbitbyte: btw ssh-copy-id does it all at once20:51
johnnyfireworksPummpy1,  so what do you ned to know/help?20:51
binBlobPummpy1: do you have acces to youtube ? look up windos installation or something similar20:51
bitbytewlldwind: don't have access to the command on osx platform20:51
Pummpy1johnnyfireworks: How to delete partitions of ubuntu I think20:51
wildwindbitbyte: oh20:52
bitbytewlldwind: have to follow : http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/ssh-what-and-how/20:52
Pummpy1binBlob: Im googleing it now :)20:52
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, i want to make a nfs and do softlinking via ftp20:52
johnnyfireworksPummpy1, binBlob  agreed. that how someof use got start and how we help the community20:52
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I add netflix to xbmc?20:52
bekksdiverdude: Thats not possible.20:52
icerootmojtaba: #xbmc20:52
mojtabaiceroot: thanks20:53
wildwindbitbyte: btw tab completes nicknames20:53
johnnyfireworksbekks, diverdude  if theres a will theres a way. even if he may need to create it.20:53
theadminwildwind: Not if you make a typo at the second letter already :P20:53
bekksjohnnyfireworks: Well, good luck then.20:53
bitbytedosnt work on my client20:53
diverdudebekks, why is it not possible?20:53
iceroot!raid | Casey20:53
ubottuCasey: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:53
icerootCasey: read the part about software-raid. it can be done with an already installed system20:54
icerootCasey: and remeber, raid1 is NOT a backup-solution20:54
CaseyIceroot: thanks20:54
johnnyfireworksbekks, i remember telling an idea here or in #windows ayear or two back and found recently someone make it-wesite and all! now i could be making money off it20:55
Caseyiceroot: what do you mean by that?20:55
johnnyfireworksCasey, thats the info bot20:55
johnnyfireworksCasey, follow the links20:56
bekksjohnnyfireworks: I have no clue what you are talking about.20:56
Caseyiceroot is a bot? wow feel stupid20:56
diverdudebekks, why is it not possible?20:56
johnnyfireworksbekks, nvm20:56
bekksdiverdude: Because its not invented yet, to work that way.20:57
bitymoses, u have any luck with your install?20:57
diverdudebekks, so ftp cannot access a softlink that points to a NFS?20:57
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  just a few min, i too am curious about what your doing an like to find out how.20:57
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  dont go no where20:58
wildwindbitbyte: look at https://github.com/beautifulcode/ssh-copy-id-for-OSX20:58
bitbytefor now I'm manually copying and pasting in and testing20:58
icerootCasey: that means that most people think that RAID1 is a backup for the data20:58
vladihello everyone, i've an issue with tcp connecting with ubuntu 13.04... i can ping anywhere, attempt to ftp will fail, no connection on browser... i can't configure pppoeconf but dhclient will set my eth0 fine...20:59
icerootCasey: normally you never need RAID1 when you are not hosting a system which needs 24/7 high availibility20:59
binBlobDo I need to care about pid files if I do a upstart daemon ?20:59
theadminbinBlob: Not much. All you do need is two lines really "start on start_event" (where start_event is the condition for starting the daemon) and "exec /path/to/binary/file"21:02
blub_someone using the latest nvidia driver 319?21:02
bitbytewlldwind: hopefully this will do the trick thanks alot21:03
blub_or about bumblebee? Do I have to modprobe the nvidia kernel module before using bumblebee?21:04
binBlobtheadmin: k now it's working :)21:06
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  are you there?21:06
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  are you there?21:06
bitbytewlldwind: do you know why ssh-copy-id would give permission denied cause the authorized_keys file is under 600 permissions21:06
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, yeah21:07
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  its possible google softlinks via ftp21:07
wildwindbitbyte: cause you're connecting under different user21:08
bitbytemmm even though its got 600 perms its still down as root file21:08
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  http://serverfault.com/questions/138555/setup-symbolic-link-where-users-can-access-it-with-ftp21:08
bitbytewlldwind: -rw------- 1 root    root     752 May 26 21:57 authorized_keys21:08
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  that may  be close to what your looking for?21:09
wildwindbitbyte: rm it and redo under user who will be using it21:10
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, i get access denied for mounting21:10
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  try to make another account for this niche' job and try again21:11
Caseydoes anyone know good links on how to raid 1 two drives in ubuntu. these drives are not the file system drives. it seems all I can google is raid1 when installing ubuntu.21:12
vladihow does the pppoeconf utility works? when it can't find an access concentrator... what does it mean?21:12
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  what nfs are you using?21:12
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, the one on ubuntu21:12
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  version?21:13
OppheimerGreetings. I would like to install Ubuntu 13.04 from the hard drive. Who can give me some help?21:13
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, how can i see the version?21:13
OppheimerI don't have dvd or pen drive available..21:13
icerootCasey: i showed you already the link21:14
iceroot!raid | Casey21:14
ubottuCasey: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:14
johnnyfireworksversion | diverdude21:14
diverdudeversion: command not found21:14
Caseyiceroot: links only pretand to new installations. I do not want filesystem raid121:15
theadminOppheimer: What OS are you currently running?21:15
wildwindCasey: http://www.ducea.com/2009/03/08/mdadm-cheat-sheet/21:15
daixtrhello. i'm trying to cross-compile  for psp using pspsdk.. and I'm having this error I have no clue. --> http://sprunge.us/DCUS21:15
Oppheimertheadmin: Mint Nadia 1421:15
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Oppheimertheadmin: KDE ..21:15
Caseywildwind: thank you.21:15
icerootCasey: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-creating-software-raid-one-arrays/21:16
theadminOppheimer: Hmmf. Well, I'm not sure if this package is present in Mint, but try it anyways: sudo apt-get install grml-rescueboot21:16
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  uname -a21:16
theadminOppheimer: If it works, place the Ubuntu ISO in /boot/grml/ and run "sudo update-grub"21:16
icerootCasey: install mdadm, create a raid1 array, add the other hdd to the mdadm array and wait until it is synced21:16
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, Linux arpaproduction 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:16
Oppheimertheadmin: Then I boot in the Ubuntu and install.. Ok, I'll try it.21:17
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johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  uname21:18
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diverdudejohnnyfireworks, Linux21:19
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  -_-21:19
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  uname -h21:20
=== Aaron__ is now known as Aaron
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  i forgotten the help cmd21:20
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  for that21:20
theadmin"man command" will work for almost anything :P21:20
johnnyfireworkstheadmin,  hey i rememeber u21:21
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, you mean man uname?21:21
johnnyfireworkstheadmin,  diverdude  try it.21:21
binBlobdaixtr: I think that this is a sourcecode related problem and not a ubuntu problem ... you should search for help shomwhere else21:21
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diverdudejohnnyfireworks, hehe are you sure you are qualified to help21:21
johnnyfireworkstheadmin,  diverdude  try it. anything you thinks work atm it slips my mind21:21
Aaronjohnnyfireworks, open up also xman,21:21
Aaronvery friendly application21:22
johnnyfireworksdiverdude,  with the power of google and a enquisitive mind, may not have the answer but i not how to look it up21:23
diverdudejohnnyfireworks, ok :)21:26
Ben64diverdude: whats the problem?21:26
johnnyfireworksBen64,  trying to set up softlinks via ftp21:27
diverdudeHow can i check nfs version ?21:29
johnnyfireworksBen64,  its possble but a little messy also a advanced thing he is doing21:29
wildwinddiverdude: server or client21:30
Casey--create /dev/md0--chunk=64--level=1--raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc     valid command?21:30
diverdudewildwind, server21:30
wildwinddiverdude: aptitude for ex.21:30
diverdudewildwind, in terminal?21:30
Caseymdadm --create /dev/md0--chunk=64--level=1--raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc    correction***21:31
diverdudewildwind, i dont see it in aptitude21:31
wildwinddiverdude: yes, aptitude show samba21:31
wildwinddiverdude: oh sorry21:32
wildwind q21:32
diverdudewildwind, mmm not samba, nfs21:32
wildwinddiverdude: nfs-kernel-server21:32
diverdudewildwind, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704924/21:33
diverdudewildwind, i dont think it says so there does it?21:34
wildwinddiverdude: don't you see it's version?21:34
diverdudewildwind, mmm no'21:34
wildwinddiverdude: 5-th line21:35
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diverdudewildwind, 1:1.2.5-3ubuntu3.1 but thats some ubuntu package version isnt it21:35
wildwindyes and what version do you need?21:37
=== gwinbeee is now known as gwinbee
speredennhi pals; I want to remove some services from the boot sequence on ubuntu 13.04; how can I co that?21:38
speredennnotably, I wanna desactivate auto-lauch of dovecot and fetchmail21:38
diverdudewildwind, i need the nfs version. not the ubuntu package version21:38
wildwinddiverdude: 1.2.521:39
speredennI have tried with updaterc.d without success21:39
diverdudewildwind, i really dont think thats the nfs version. should be either v.3 or 421:39
looming-shadehi...got problem with fvd speed-dial...I want new tab to be shown in 4 columns, but when I change it it won't save the settings...could anybody explain how is it possible? is there a place in system where are these settings saved?21:40
binBlobsperedenn: im not 100% sure if it works with ubuntu but you can try bum21:40
wildwinddiverdude: you mean protocol version21:40
speredennbinBlob, that's my point; it works differently on ubuntu than on debian apparently ;-) what's bum?21:41
diverdudewildwind, no21:41
diverdudewildwind, nfs version21:41
speredennaaah, I see21:41
speredennbinBlob, it's a server, so bum is unavailable I guess21:42
diverdudewildwind, its because i get access denied21:42
diverdudewildwind, when i try to connect to nfs21:42
diverdudei dont know why21:42
binBlobsperedenn: kk then im out21:42
wildwinddiverdude: v3 or v4 is protocol version21:42
diverdudewildwind, oh ok21:43
speredennbinBlob, thanks anyway :-)21:43
diverdudewildwind, sry then :)21:43
binBlobsperedenn: the only thing i know is that the scripts should be at /etc/init & /etc/init.d21:43
=== Gycklarn- is now known as Gycklarn
speredennactually, they are, but they are not properly recognized my updaterc.d as they have been converted to the "service sth command" architecture21:44
diverdudewildwind, why do i get access denied?21:44
diverdudewildwind, is it because of version problem?21:44
wildwinddiverdude: followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo ?21:45
wildwinddiverdude: almost certainly no21:45
diverdudewildwind, server is ubuntu 12.04 and client is debian wheezy21:45
speredennbinBlob, I might have an answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/whats-the-recommended-way-to-enable-disable-services21:46
speredennI try that...21:46
wildwinddiverdude: if you want nfs with no security (guest access), follow "quick start" part21:47
diverdudewildwind, that guide want to share various users home directories. I am not interested in that. I only want to share a single directory located in /home/bdi/www/mydownloadsdir21:48
wildwinddiverdude: well, substitute your path21:49
speredennbinBlob, the answer is pretty tricky and is ubuntu specific; I'll see at boot if it works or not. Thanks for the help :-).21:49
diverdudewildwind, i made sure the dir has 77721:50
speredennbinBlob, btw, you where not far with /etc/init ;-)21:50
wildwinddiverdude: see logs21:51
diverdudewildwind, this is the content of my /etc/exports http://paste.ubuntu.com/5704968/ am I missing sth there?21:52
musicI am trying to run my sony clie tj-37 through ubuntu 12.04 any ideas21:52
=== dean|away is now known as dean
Guest68488Ich bins noch mal21:55
Guest68488Grub funktioniert jetzt jedoch kann ich meine Installation nicht bedienen, die Maus bewegt sich sehr zögernd und nach zwei drei klicken ist Schluss mit klicken21:56
OppheimerGreetings. I moved the ISO to the grml and its in binary file now. When I restart the system and hold 'shift', the grub doesn't appear.. ??21:56
diverdudewildwind, ?21:57
wildwinddiverdude: compare with guide21:57
k1lGuest68488: am besten kommt man hier mit englisch an. #ubuntu-de ist der deutsche channel21:57
OppheimerGreetings. I moved the ISO to the grml and its in binary file now. When I restart the system and hold 'shift', the grub doesn't appear.. ??21:58
diverdudewildwind, well i have and looks ok and still no works21:58
OppheimerIs it right?21:58
DiamondciteOppheimer: How does the ISO file relate to grub?21:58
wildwindagain, do you want access control by users or not?21:58
syntroPiwhich would be the recommended program for streaming dvb-c streams to rtp or even igmp?21:58
wildwindsyntroPi: vlc?21:59
syntroPiyeah but i would prefer a non gui program with some remote interface22:00
wildwindsyntroPi: it has it22:00
binBlobsyntroPi: vlc has a commandline and a web interface22:01
syntroPivlc is way too big, i want to try it on my desktop box but then i would like to use it on my embedded headless machine22:01
OppheimerDiamondcite: I would like to install the Raring with the GRML method.. Its not working..22:02
wildwindsyntroPi: see also DVBlast22:02
OppheimerOppheimer: In the boot options too..22:03
OppheimerDiamondcite: In the BIOS22:03
DiamondciteOppheimer: You are not making enough sense..22:03
wildwindsyntroPi: also what device do you have22:04
=== houser is now known as diverdude
OppheimerDiamondcite: What do you mean?22:04
DiamondciteOppheimer: Why can't the rar tool be installed inside Ubuntu itself? Why GRML?22:04
diverdudewildwind, my ubuntu chrashed i had to restart22:04
diverdudewildwind, happns rather often :)22:04
OppheimerDiamondcite: I would like to install the Ubuntu 13.04 with the GRML, from the hard drive. It is a rescueboot method.. Its not working here..22:05
wildwinddiverdude: do you want access control by users or not?22:06
diverdudewildwind, no...just open it. i have put no_root_squash22:06
DiamondciteOppheimer: As far as I know.. Ubuntu it supposed to be installed from a USB drive or a DVD.. Never heard of installing an OS from inside another OS...22:06
syntroPiwildwind, i have a em28xx usb device (pctv quatro nano 520e) which receives all the dvb-c pid streams on one frequency/bouquet22:07
daftykinsis it ok to just create custom scripts in /etc/init.d/ called whatever i want?22:07
relisherPossible to install OI within Solaris, with ZFS, that is as far as I heard22:08
daftykinsalso what is my 'killproc' ?22:08
OppheimerDiamondcite: Ok, don't be rude.. Got it.22:08
wildwinddiverdude: then follow the guide again, 'quick start' part, exactly, changing only your shared directory path22:08
diverdudewildwind, i folloed already each and every step :/22:09
wildwinddiverdude:  your /etc/exports differs significantly22:11
wildwinddiverdude:  one line instead of two and options22:12
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
diverdudewildwind, but those 2 lines do not indicate which directory to export22:14
wildwinddiverdude: really? what do they indicate then?22:15
binBlobIs it possible to dd only used space of a whole drive ?22:15
diverdudewildwind, for users home dir to be exported.22:17
tekkbuzzbinBlob: no, there are other tools for that.22:17
wildwindbinBlob: no. dd works with sectors, while 'used' is a filesystem term (a levels higher)22:17
wildwindbinBlob: *level22:18
wildwinddiverdude: /export is a single mount point for exported dirs. it should present in file22:20
AndEilertHello good people, i could need some help here befoer this puppy crash totally22:21
binBlobwildwind: well i want to backup my raspberry pi sd card, which has 2 partitions but I dont really want to save 8gb as only 2 or 3gb are in use. Which tool should i use for that task ?22:21
wildwindAndEilert: you mean Puppy distro? :)22:21
wildwindbinBlob: tar22:22
AndEilertUbuntu had an update right, downloaded it, installed it, and it asked for a reboot.. sure.. but it would have to wait for a little bit, was doing some work... AAAND, i was stupid enough to leave my computer for abit, and i ran out of power... and no my updater wont work, it saiys"Failed to download repository info, check your internet connection"  AND, my screen has been really weird, giving my these awful colored waves flashing here 22:22
AndEilertwildwind: no, it was more of a figure of speech, sorry :(22:23
binBlobwildwind: can tar also restore the partitions ?22:23
wildwindAndEilert: i see, don't apologize22:24
wildwindbinBlob: no22:24
tekkbuzzbinBlob: try Clonezilla22:24
wildwindbinBlob: CloneZilla can22:24
michael87ok I have a question. I am about to dual boot windows 7 with ubuntu. But I want to know, is video playback better in ubuntu or windows with video files with say vlc or xbmc player?22:24
binBlobwildwind: kk gonna look into that thanks22:25
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
wildwindmichael87: depend on files and your hardware22:25
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
michael87wildwind, I think it is a sada drive. and most of my files I encode to h26422:26
michael87wildwind, lol sorry confused hardware with hardrive22:26
michael87wildwind, intel graphics card built into the motherboard on dell laptop22:27
michael87wildwind, 256mbs graphics22:27
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
wildwindmichael87: if they are not so heavy to require hardware decoding, don't worry22:27
sifu_so i got a vm with 12.04....just installed it....but when i try to run sudo apt-get update....i just keep getting this: Connecting to security.ubuntu.com]Connection to closed by remote host. Connection to closed.22:28
wildwindmichael87: test on youtube22:28
michael87wildwind, I'm not worried about that. I'm just a video quality freak.22:29
michael87wildwind, erm tested videos on youtube. They run fine save a little video tear on fullscreen22:29
sifu_is it something to do with the ssh? or why is it quiting the vm on that...i can install all right...only on sudo apt-get update it quits the vm22:29
AndEilertno one with a solution to my repository problem?:(22:30
=== harris_ is now known as harris
YokoBrcould someone give me a hand with openvpn on ubuntu server 12.04?22:31
wildwindmichael87: as of tearing, MPC is still leading22:31
aleza84Hey anyone knows an open source photo web gallery software that can read/scan paths on filesystems (I tried zenphoto)22:32
michael87wildwind, vlc doesn't tear though it runs fine. I just think that video quality seems better on my laptop then they do on my desktop wich runs windows 7. I don't know if it is an os thing or is vlc naturally better on ubuntu22:32
th0raleza84: albumshaper?22:33
blueeaglemichael87: It could be that the laptop has a slower LCD screen so the artifacts are not showing as clearly.22:33
michael87wildwind, and windows media player sucks for everything on windows lol22:33
wildwindmichael87: monitor maybe22:33
YokoBris there any channel to talk about openvpn? I really need a help22:33
aleza84th0r: web...22:33
blueeaglemichael87: To test that hook up your laptop to the screen you use on your other computer and see.22:34
michael87blueeagle, erm. so what you are sayying is it has nothing to do with the os?22:34
wildwindmichael87: MPC Home Cinema rules on win22:34
th0raleza84: web how? Albumshaper creates thumbs and html pages22:34
blueeaglemichael87: I am saying that "seems like" is so vague that the monitor is a real possibillity.22:34
aleza84th0r: I was looking a software I can drop on /var/www that I can configure to scan a path /media/blabla/images and creates the galleries22:35
blueeaglemichael87: Of course different codecs used in different OSes may show real difference, but all codecs implement standards and those standards don't necessarily leave much room to play within.22:35
michael87blueeagle, it probably is moniter. or my graphics. my desktop motherboard uses ati built in 256 while my laptop is an integrated 256 intel.22:35
sep9407hello, I am using an old PC and thinking on buying a new all in one pc, with touch display, does anyone have expierence with touch displays?22:36
=== noob is now known as harris
wildwindYokoBr: if it's not too weird, ask here22:36
blueeaglesep9407: Yeah. For a desktop system it is pointless. For a keyboardless or tablet style PC it works well.22:37
th0rsep9407: look up "gorilla arm"22:37
YokoBrwell guys, i can connect to my openvpn server, but all the clients are getting the same ip, and also they can't see each other22:38
daftykinswhat's wrong with "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java" ?22:38
daftykinsseems the script isn't installed on server 64-bit22:39
daftykinsgot it, nm22:39
blueeagleYokoBr: Are you trying to connect several computers on different networks together with a VPN server? If so then you need additional magic. What OpenVPN (or any vpn server) does is connect computers on different networks to a target network, not to each other.22:40
wildwindYokoBr: to 'see each other' go through this section of official guide: http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#scope22:40
syntroPiwildwind, how would i invoke dvblast? i tried "dvblast -a 0 -c 362000000-qam-256.cfg -f 362000000 -m qam_256 -b 8 -e" which exits with "error: setting frontend failed (Invalid argument)"22:42
syntroPiwith vlc i can tune to that frequency22:43
wildwindsyntroPi: sorry, never used it22:44
syntroPiwildwind, do you know about any good howto22:46
raystonis there a boot cd out there with all the tools I need to resize an encrypted partition already on it?22:47
wildwindsyntroPi: no more than Google tells me22:48
wildwindrayston: encrypted with ...?22:49
Gnearayston: a regular ubuntu cd can do that: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/rescue-an-encrypted-luks-lvm-volume.html22:52
diverdudeohh how i wish stuff in linux was not so buggy :(22:54
doomlord_diverdude you can fix it :)22:56
diverdudedoomlord, how ?22:57
=== dean is now known as dean|away
LimixI have a question... it's possible to open MACOSX File with Ubuntu 12.04LTS ? Like Wine(=Windows)22:59
wildwinddiverdude: one way is to find and report bugs22:59
wildwindLimix: what file? a program?22:59
syntroPican anyone here help me getting started with dvblast?23:00
rmobenchainI just did a fsck on my hard drive, but I'm not sure what I am looking at.  Can I get some help interpreting?23:01
=== Computron is now known as Guest44181
wildwindsyntroPi: check it: http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/PCTVSystems_QuatroStick-nano_520e23:02
b3rz3rk3rIf anyone is familiar with Bash scripts can you tell me why this is failing please? http://pastebin.com/xurqS82W23:02
wildwindsyntroPi: issues part may apply to you23:02
syntroPiwildwind, well maybe, but with vlc itself i can watch all those channels just fine23:03
wildwindb3rz3rk3r: what you mean "failing"?23:04
syntroPiwildwind, i am trying to set it up according to this howto http://angrytechnician.wordpress.com/2010/07/23/how-to-stream-every-channel-from-freeview-onto-your-network/23:05
b3rz3rk3rwildwind, it is printing every minute to the log file set, which it isn't meant to do23:05
=== Cyberspacelurker is now known as Cyberspaceloa
b3rz3rk3rwildwind, it's only meant to print on failure to ping the address, but i can ping the address manually and get a response every time, so the script is failing somewhere23:06
Gameman098i have a windows xp computer23:08
Gameman098my specs are 3.2 GHz and 448 MB of RAM23:09
Gameman098will Ubuntu work on my computer23:09
b3rz3rk3rGameman098, try #lubuntu instead23:10
Gameman098thank you23:10
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
wildwindb3rz3rk3r: try ping ... &&  echo `date` >> logfile23:13
wildwindb3rz3rk3r: instead of if23:13
wildwindb3rz3rk3r: sorry, || not &&23:13
syntroPiwildwind, ok got it working needed to specify the correct symbol rate23:14
linelevelHi guys. My smartphone is able to act as a wifi hotspot (a WEP-secured ad hoc network). I can connect to it from Windows and it previously worked from Ubuntu 10.10 on this computer. Since I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 (clean install), I cannot connect to this ad hoc network. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem?23:15
syntroPiwildwind, although it seems to have more errors in the stream as vlc used to have23:15
wildwindb3rz3rk3r: more clear: ping ... || date >> pinglog23:19
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binBloblinelevel: looks like nm-applet could give you a log23:21
harrishow do i install swrare iron browser23:21
raystonthanx gnea23:22
moses_whats the standard ftp server called in ubuntu?23:22
binBlobharris: if it is in the repos: apt get-install "yourpacket" als you have to search a ppa23:22
moses_or which one should i get23:22
binBlobmoses_: what do you mean with standart ftp ?23:23
binBlobmoses_: you have to know where you want to connect to23:23
wildwindmoses_: several are available, none is installed by default. choose yourself23:24
moses_which is the best then in your opinion23:25
wildwindmoses_: what for23:26
OerHeksharris download the 32 or 64 bit deb and double click :-)23:27
wildwindmoses_:  to transfer couple files a day or daily backups ssh is enough23:27
harrisOerHeks, the .tar or .deb23:28
OerHeksharris yes23:28
moses_ok im gonna need help23:28
moses_I made a user23:28
moses_who doesnt have enough access23:28
OerHeksdid i say .deb or tar, harris ?23:29
wildwindharris: Ubuntu is deb-based23:29
twig11I'm unable to ssh into my ubuntu 12.04 box from any other device on the network. It has worked intermittently in the past, but at present I can't get in even with the firewall turned off. "ssh localhost" works fine, so I think that means the ssh server is running. Running nmap *[ip of problem machine] from another computer on the network returns "Strange error from connect (22):Invalid argument" What's the next step to troubleshoot this issue. I don't know23:29
twig11much about ssh and I'm stumped.23:29
moses_when i try and add a folder using ftp it doesnt let me says permission denied23:30
moses_what did i do wrong?23:30
jribtwig11: it's probably an issue with your router23:30
wildwindmoses_: you connect to some ftp server (not yours), right?23:31
istvanI'm looking ot find the the css from any directory starting with F -- the following doesn't work. What have I done wrong? find . -wholename "F*/*.css"23:31
binBlobtwig11: could you post the ssh command ?23:31
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twig11jrib: I'm running dd-wrt on a Buffalo router. As far as I know I don't have anything specific set up that should affect that machine and not the others. What setting would you recommend checking?23:32
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twig11binBlob: the command I'm using to try to log in via ssh?23:32
binBlobtwig11: y23:32
moses_wildwind: i connected to an sshftp and used an account I created on this computer23:32
WeThePeopleis there a good desktop calendar for ubuntu 12.04.2 x64?23:33
twig11binBlob: ssh myusername@192.168.**.* It simply times out.23:34
doomlord_if i have damaged software sources or something how can i reset that23:34
Dr_willisif you mean your /etc/apt/sources.list file? or files in the apt cache?23:35
wildwindmoses_: sshftp = sftp? what command do you use to connect?23:35
doomlord_let me clarify my problem:23:35
reddeath68When I run the command 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' in ubuntu 13.04 x86 i get the following output 'ERROR: could not insert 'ndiswrapper': Exec format error     any ideas how I can remedy this problem?23:35
twig11jrib: I have looked at my router settings but I can't see anything that should be causing this problem.23:36
NyghtshadeI'm setting up Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 on an old proliant. I'm planning on doing a Ubuntu+MineOS kind of think as listed here: http://minecraft.codeemo.com/mineoswiki/index.php/Ubuntu I'm trying to install java but I can't cd into /usr/java/ it keeps saying it's not a file or directory, but when I mkdir /usr/java/ it says it already exists. When I ls in /usr/ java shows up as red. And when I try removing it, I get told I can't becaus23:36
moses_I can connect to it I just cant make any folders inside of a folder23:36
doomlord_the software updater keeps saying "failed to download repositorry information"  ... but the internet connection works, i can view web-pages23:36
moses_How can i give this user the access to do this even through ftp?23:36
twig11WeThePeople: I use the Lightning calendar extension to Thunderbird.23:36
doomlord_i'd like to upgrade the install on that machine to 13.04;23:36
doomlord_its got 12.10 at the minute23:37
sacredchaowtf why am I in this channel23:37
wildwindNyghtshade: ls -l /usr/java23:37
sacredchaoAnyone using Ubuntu try Linux Mint, god help you23:37
reddeath68When I run the command 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' in ubuntu 13.04 x86 i get the following output 'ERROR: could not insert 'ndiswrapper': Exec format error     any ideas how I can remedy this problem?23:37
mrdavidhow do I add the time/date to the top bar in 13.04 Unity?23:37
doomlord_sacredchao : i like global menu23:37
binBlobdoomlord_: the propper way is actually to make a clean install23:38
jribtwig11: you can check that you don't have a firewall or anything similar blocking connections on the server itself but there wouldn't be anything unless you set it up23:38
wildwindmoses_: what program are you using now23:38
doomlord_binBlob nice idea but i've burned to disks and they both refuse to boot23:39
binBlobdoomlord_: tried with a flash drive ?23:39
incaubuntu 13.04 i can't install a .bin file,  ./ doesn't work23:39
=== harris is now known as harrisr
NyghtshadeThank you.23:40
doomlord_i get this error from the software updater: W:GPG error httpL//ppa.launchpad.net quantal Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified becaues the public key is not available ..... failted to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.et/upubuntu-com/nvidia/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources ....23:40
moses_for the ftp23:40
reddeath68When I run the command 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' in ubuntu 13.04 x86 i get the following output 'ERROR: could not insert 'ndiswrapper': Exec format error     any ideas how I can remedy this problem?23:40
incai already gave it permissions chmod +x and then execute ./ and nothing done23:40
twig11jrib, right, turning off the firewall on the machine I'm trying to reach makes no difference. And the firewall on the router shouldn't have any effect within the network, should it?23:40
jribtwig11: it can23:40
moses_why cant my user create a folder in his own directory?23:40
doomlord_i have one working usb stick around, i'll resort to wiping that23:40
jribtwig11: can you reach other services?  Can you ping the machien?23:41
doomlord_i've had a lot of trouble creating usb sticks too23:41
doomlord_i've got linux mint on it at the minute23:41
malimbaris there any reason Rhythmbox wouldn't be able to rip a CD?23:41
twig11jrib, yes I can ping it. funny I hadn't thought to check that before though23:41
=== harrisr is now known as harris
=== harris is now known as harrisr
wildwindmoses_ copy a folder with another folder with file from local machine, does it work?23:42
jribtwig11: what sort of feedback do you get on the client exactly?23:42
OerHeksmalimbar, you need the Lame codec to rip mp3, it is not installed default with restricted extra's23:42
malimbarOerHeks, I'm trying to rip to ogg, still says the codecs aren't installed. Then it can't install them for some unknown reason23:43
twig11jrib, nothing until I get a message that the connection has timed out. let me run the command now and see exactly what it ends up saying.23:43
moses_im on root on this machine23:43
reddeath68any help with my problem would be nice23:43
wildwindmoses_: i mean with winscp23:44
doomlord_its really not my day today... i cannot find my one working USB stick23:45
doomlord_is there notthing i can do to purge/reset package sources23:45
twig11jrib, just yesterday I set up an ssh connection to this same machine through nautilus, added a bookmark pointing to it, and used it several times. It worked fine for an hour or so and then quit.23:45
moses_wildwind: yeah that works23:46
moses_wildwind: this user that im logged into the ubuntu machine doesnt have permission to create folders23:46
wildwindmoses_: and simply creating directory does not?23:46
moses_not on the server im logged into23:47
moses_yeah it denies me23:47
twig11jrib, this is all I get: "ssh: connect to host 192.168.**.* port 22: Connection timed out"23:47
wildwindmoses_: it's a problem with winscp then23:47
reddeath68When I run the command 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' in ubuntu 13.04 x86 i get the following output 'ERROR: could not insert 'ndiswrapper': Exec format error     any ideas how I can remedy this problem?23:49
twig11jrib, if I run the command in verbose mode I get the following, then eventually the timeout message: OpenSSH_6.1p1 Debian-4, OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 201223:49
twig11debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config23:49
twig11debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *23:49
twig11debug1: Connecting to 192.168.**.* [192.168.**.*] port 22.23:49
jribtwig11: what's the output of « sudo iptables -L » on the server?23:50
moses_wildwind: no23:51
jribtwig11: and you're censoring the local ip? (why?)23:51
twig11jrib, thanks for the help, gotta run now, but I'll check that when I get back. Sorry to take off on you.23:51
moses_its a problem with the permissions of this user on this ubuntu computer23:51
jribtwig11: it's cool, I had to step out too :)23:51
wildwindreddeath68: any chance you've got x86-64 version of the module instead of x86?23:53
doomlord_ok i will simply have to wait till I can get another USB stick.23:53
wildwindmoses_: which protocol exactly are you using to connect, ftp or sftp?23:54
doomlord_the spare machine has an nvidia gt640 .. i want to check if ubuntu unity works on it before moving that card across to my main machine - on 12.10 compositing window managers were unsupported on this card23:54
moses_its sftp im sure because i didnt install an ftp23:54
Dr_willisSo your ssh user is using winscp and cant access some directrory? but can access their home? or  did i miss somthing23:55
mradotive heard clamav is the best anti-virus for ubuntu is this true?23:55
=== Inoperabled is now known as Inoperable
linelevelHi. My Android smartphone runs an ad-hoc network (so my laptop can get wireless internet through my phone's data plan). I can connect to this ad-hoc network in Windows on this same computer, and it also worked when I used to run Ubuntu 10.10 on this computer. I recently installed Ubuntu 12.04 (clean install, not upgrade), and now when I try to connect to the ad-hoc network, it just keeps asking me for my password and never connects. Moreover, once I23:56
linelevel^ Did that cut off due to length?23:57
Dr_willismradot,  'best' is to use several differnt AV scanner tools. But you do realize most all those tools just scan windows files for windows viruses?23:57
reddeath68When I run the command 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' in ubuntu 13.04 x86 i get the following output 'ERROR: could not insert 'ndiswrapper': Exec format error     any ideas how I can remedy this problem?23:57
mradotDr_willis: i dont use windows23:58
Dr_willismradot,  then you really dont have a need for an AV tool on linux23:58
syntroPiwildwind, i got it now: i received it with udp but the stream from dvblast was rtp... so with rtp it works just fine23:58
wildwindsyntroPi: glad to hear it23:59

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