
memandAny one in here who knows who wrote the install script for xubuntu 12.04???01:30
Unit193What's the question/problem?01:31
memandFor some reason it zeros out whole disks which both seems like a waste of time and (take it from a guy that has just felt it) can lead to data loss if someone does something stupid01:32
Unit193It's generally recommended to backup first, may need to file a bug report to ubiquity.  Did you do an encrypted install or anything different?01:33
memandYeah, but the the mistake I made was that I placed the swap partition (which where no encrypted at that point) on the wrong drive01:35
memands/no /not /g01:36
Unit193Aha, yeah.  The installer will wipe the swap too, but looks like it hit the wrong partition?01:37
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:37
memandthx :)01:37
Unit193The GUI installer is ubiquity, mini.iso uses debian-installer.01:37
memandk, I'll file it in the morning. When I'm done being pissy about having to start from scratch with my prefect arch install ;)01:39
IdleOnedoesn't sound like a bug to me. If you selected the wrong disk/partition to use for swap, that is not the fault of the installer.01:42
IdleOnethe installer did what it is supposed to do after it is told where to do it.01:43
memandIdleOne: I know, but it could be done in a more "safe" manner doing 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/where_you_point_it' seems both like a waste of time and invites data loss01:45
=== emma is now known as em
lqidWhat notebook can I buy that will allow me to install Xubuntu with the greatest amount of ease?01:56
memand(uneducated guess) pick one01:57
knomelqid, you might want to check for hardware compatibility with linux in general before buying01:58
lqidI've been eyeing the Lenovo X1 Carbon, but will wait for a Haswell-revised edition to drop. Would that be a safe-ish bet?01:58
knomelqid, and naturally, more resources means smoother experience01:58
knomelqid, i don't know their hardware, but searching components and "linux" or "ubuntu" in google should give you some information on how stuff is supported01:59
lqidGotcha. May I ask what you use?02:00
Unit193Well, one to lookup would of course be system76 and that other one.02:01
knomelqid, i have a samsung series 5 ultrabook, which isn't *supposed* to work with linux...02:01
lqidSystem76 considered decent quality?02:05
holsteinwhen i look and read, seems quite good quality and good value..02:06
knomelqid, i've talked with the system76 guys and i'm certain they are good02:13
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lqidknome: thanks very much. looks/sounds promising.02:32
llldino__1234Hey guys, i'm having issues booting after grub02:32
llldino__1234Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, i can'treplicate my own problem, any ideas?02:32
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knomelqid, no problem. good luck finding a perfect one for you!02:33
holsteinllldino: sounds like failing hardware.. i would rule out a bad hard drive02:34
cidaHello everyone. I've been having issues with networking on the stock session of Xubuntu. I'm currently booted from my CD for Xubuntu 12.10, which seems to work fine while plugged in to the router via ethernet cable. Last I checked, the kernel version on the CD was like 29, and the kernel version on the stock session is 30. So I think it's a kernel issue02:34
cidaI'm using a Dell Latitude D520, and I've heard there's a lot of issues between Linux and Dell computers02:35
holsteincida: issues?02:35
cidaholstein: For whatever reason the Linux Kernel doesn't play nicely with the broadcom chipset02:36
holsteincida: there are no issues with dell in particular.. there issues with certain brands of hardware02:36
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:36
llldinoholstein, seriously? i'm not having any otehr issues besides grub, mac boots from efi fine02:36
holsteinllldino: literally wont hurt to do tests02:37
llldinoholstein, Do you have a program to reccomend?02:37
holsteinllldino: i use a live CD callde "the ultimate boot cd".. but there are disk utlities in ubuntu live CD's02:37
llldinoI don't have a spare cd available, i'll have to try that when I get back home02:38
llldinoholstein, It seemed it would boot after i disconnected ac, would that cause an issue?02:39
holsteinllldino: i didnt have good luck with linux on the mac i had..02:39
llldinoholstein, Yeah, seems apple gets touchy when other stuff boots, it'll be the last apple I buy02:40
holsteinllldino: i would read the ubuntu wikis about your particular machine02:40
llldinoholstein, Ok thanks02:41
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages02:41
cidaAnother issue I've been having with this computer is that it won't power off when I go to shutdown. I usually shutdown via the terminal with the code "sudo shutdown -h +0". This used to work perfectly fine until I updated to 13.04... Which is when my networking issues started as well.02:42
holsteincida: run 12.0402:43
cidaI am now, but the problem persisted for what ever reason.02:43
holsteinso, 12.04 worked, then you installed 13.04, and it was broken, and now 12.04 is broken?02:44
cidaYep. It's confusing me, because networking worked just fine when I first installed 12.04 .-.02:44
holsteincida: you checked the wiki page?02:45
cidaholstein: Yes, and I'm getting onto it from a second computer. I'm also getting onto this chat from said computer, and I'm about to restart this computer and go to the stock session and go through the steps on the wiki02:46
holsteincida: just try the 2 packages.. and try the windows driver as well02:48
holsteinshare your chipset here and ask about it02:48
cidaBroadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 for the ethernet controller and Broadcom Corporation BCM431102:50
cidaI guess the chip ID is either BCM4311 or BCM440102:52
cidaAnd the PCI-ID is 14e4: 4312 or 14e4: 170c , respectively02:53
cidaWait... I think I've got it. I'll come back later if I'm still having issues with networking02:54
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
ntzrmtthihu777sup folks. actually I think i'm in an offtopic mood05:44
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
arlosmarhi. when i transfer files from my nexus4 to a local folder in thunar, it changes the names of the folders. does anybody know why?08:32
arlosmarhi. when i transfer files from my nexus4 to a local folder in thunar, it changes the names of the folders. does anybody know why?09:01
nikolamarlosmar, who transfers files? thunar with mounted external storage and using copy/paste or some other program/way?09:33
arlosmarnikolam, thunar with copy-paste09:35
koegs_mounted as usb-storage or via MTP?09:36
TheSheepnexus4 only has mtp afaik09:36
arlosmaris automounted in thunar09:37
arlosmarnew ubuntus handle mtp as usb-storage09:38
TheSheepyou can't handle mtp as usb-storage, because it's not a filesystem. new ubuntus automount it, but it's handled as a network share09:38
nikolamas I read now, if is gvfs , gnome part that use MTP, it is not used as file system09:39
arlosmari think it worked well in other ubuntu tastes09:39
arlosmarubuntu, kubuntu, etc.09:39
TheSheephow does it change those names?09:40
nikolamarlosmar, tries other file manager , besides thunar?09:40
arlosmarok, i'm gonna try09:41
nikolamsee how it works there. and compare with thunar. If it happens only with thunar , file a bug about thunar.09:41
arlosmarok, thanks09:41
nikolamif it happens to other apps, then to xubuntu in general09:41
MrElgis it many files, why not use terminal?09:41
arlosmari'm going to install pcmanfm09:42
MrElgpcmanfm is good09:42
arlosmari can use terminal, but the good would be everything working09:42
TheSheepMrElg: because the terminal will not "see" an mpt device09:42
nikolamtry it09:42
TheSheepMrElg: at least not until you mount it with thunar09:42
MrElgyou can mount it in terminal09:42
nikolamas I amteading now, libgio is handling MTP09:43
arlosmarwith pcmanfm is the same. name folder changed to numbers09:46
TheSheeparlosmar: can you show us an example of the name before and after the change?09:58
arlosmarevery folder and the change is to 1 1133 1134 etc.09:59
arlosmarand inside each numbered folder, you have more numbered folders09:59
xubuntu946qulcuno può aiutarimi?10:01
xubuntu946i need help10:03
MrElgjust type the question10:03
lqidHow can I make my terminal connect to a Telnet session when I click a hyperlink in Firefox?10:09
lqidIn other words, make the Xubuntu Terminal assosciated with Telnet hyperlinks?10:10
nightyyxhaving close drivers instead the open source drivers of a ati graphic card , my desktop will look different?icons fonts i mean more shiny or?11:03
brainwashnightyyx: actually it will look the same11:11
Acetylene5Hi, I have a question regarding minimum requirements for Xubuntu 12.0411:58
knomeAcetylene5, recommended to have at least 512MB ram11:59
Acetylene5I have a Toshiba NB305-N310 with 1 GB ram11:59
knomeAcetylene5, it's probably just fine11:59
Acetylene5and dual 1.66 GHz processors12:00
MrElgno problem, works well on my old hp with 1gb ram12:00
knomeyup, you should be fine :)12:00
Acetylene5and i've been running xubuntu 12.04 for a while now12:00
MrElgjust make sure to make a swap12:00
Acetylene5and it works fine, but I swear it's been getting slower12:01
Acetylene5specifically internet-related tasks12:01
knomeAcetylene5, have you installed applications that run background processes, or are you running qt apps?12:01
Acetylene5i.e. I can no longer do google video chats12:02
knomeAcetylene5, are you sure it's not your internet that's been slowing down?12:02
Acetylene5no, I've got a 30 Mbs connection12:02
MrElggo into setting and see if it betters performance to turn off kde and gnome applications at startup12:02
Acetylene5but I can't watch a youtube video for the life of me12:03
Acetylene5I don't think I've got any kde or gnome12:03
Acetylene5applications running12:03
Acetylene5I'm using xfce12:03
Acetylene5the video will load, but its choppy to the point of being unwatchable12:04
Acetylene5which I don't remember ever being the case when I bought the laptop (2.5 years ago)12:04
Acetylene5Could this just be youtube upping the resolution of their files?12:06
Acetylene5or does hardware inevitably degrade over time?12:07
Acetylene5or is this just my expectations changing?12:07
cfhowlettAcetylene5, could be a setting in YT ... if you've selected "always display HD resolution ..."12:07
Acetylene5I don't think that's the case, but I'll check12:09
Acetylene5I've also noticed that sometimes the xubuntu update manager will take _forever_ to do its thing12:09
Acetylene5so much so, that I never use the gui, and do apt-get update from the command line12:10
Acetylene5is this a known issue?12:11
Acetylene5the update manager will be unresponsive for sometimes half an hour12:11
brainwashAcetylene5: that might be the case, if your selected update server is having some issues, try changing it12:12
cfhowlettAcetylene5, definitely an issue ... not known to me, however.12:12
Acetylene5brainwash, cfhowlett, thanks, I'll give that a try12:13
brainwashAcetylene5: regarding your youtube problem, did you already try to run firefox in safe mode and watch a video, or in another browser like chromium/chrome.. or while booting from cd/usb (live mode)?12:15
Acetylene5brainwash: I've tried chrome and firefox, and I'm wondering if it might be a browser issue... if I open a new tab and type in an address, I can usually finish typing the url before the letters actually show up in the address bar12:20
Acetylene5brainwash: the computer seems abnormally slow from how I remember using it when I purchased it12:21
Acetylene5and I was even using Ubuntu then, not xubuntu12:21
cfhowlettAcetylene5, suggestion: spring cleaning.  first:  sudo apt-get update    then sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     that'll bring all packages up to date.  THEN  sudo apt-get autoremove and sudo apt-get clean to clean out old files.12:23
Acetylene5cfhowlett: thanks, I'll give that a try.  Do you think upgrading the memory to 2Gb might help the video?12:24
cfhowlettAcetylene5, ram?  couldn't hurt.12:28
Acetylene5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qDnAq5p9cg this video, even at 144p is choppy to the point (1 frame per 30 seconds).  The audio is fine.  I was able to watch pretty much any video when I bought this laptop 3 years ago12:31
Acetylene5could this be a pulseaudio issue?12:32
cfhowlettAcetylene5, audio wouldn't flutz the image processing.12:33
Acetylene5cfhowlett, yeah, that's what I was thinking...  Is it possible that the processor has "slowed down"?  I wouldn't think that cpu's would "age" like this...  I'll try the spring cleaning that was suggested, and see if that helps things.  Thanks every one for all the suggestions.12:37
cfhowlettAcetylene5, best of luck12:37
nightyyxi got a problem12:49
nightyyxwith swap partition...when i installed my xubuntu and partitioned my hard disk to 3 logical partitions...one for home one for root and one for swap that was 3 gb partition12:49
nightyyxthen i installed perfectly my xubuntu12:50
nightyyxbut when i am using gparted now i can see the dev/sda6 that was supposed to be my swap partition is black colored12:50
nightyyxand in the file system column says "uknown"12:50
elfyfrom memory gparted will see encrypted swap as unknown12:51
nightyyxoh dint knew it12:54
elfyneither did I the first time ;)12:55
nightyyxi dont know if i choose swap encrypted but my home ye sit is12:55
nightyyxand the funny thing is that i tried to repartioned to swap from gparted :d12:55
falcon_hello :)16:02
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:27
firehawkhow you doing elfy16:29
secret_ninjawoot, woot..16:30
secret_ninja13.04 is so awesome.16:30
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
xubuntu886hi there17:13
xubuntu886couple of questions17:13
xubuntu886does xubuntu have wiki or forum ?17:13
xubuntu886or i can use the ubuntu ones ?17:13
bekksxubuntu is ubuuntu with xfce.17:14
pleia2xubuntu886: use the ubuntu ones, we don't run our own forum or wiki17:14
xubuntu886already installed IT'S GREAT !17:14
elfythe forum is good - post in http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=32917:14
elfybut I would say that ;)17:15
pleia2thanks elfy17:15
milanhave q about repositories18:44
milanis there any more bleeding edge repositories for xubuntu ?18:44
milanis there any more bleeding edge repositories for xubuntu ?18:46
Belialit depends on what you're looking for.18:46
Belialsearch google for that particular ppa.18:46
Unit193You could technically upgrade to saucy, but it's not stable or preduction ready.18:48
milanfor me the most annoying thinks is for example chromium in 25 version18:52
knomemilan, for single apps, there might be testing PPA's18:53
knomemilan, they aren't any more supported than using saucy though :)18:53
Sysiunless you really want OSS, I'd think google's chrome repo would be the best place to get new browser19:07
Sysi(not supported by ubuntu of course, but google)19:08
timbermaniacI'd think the most bleeding-edge you'd find in something like arch19:09
milanone more: what ou guys think about installing new kernel (zen) ?20:22
Unit193Liquorix?  It's not officially supported at all, but it's a nice kernel and I use it on the other computer.20:23
milanworth in your opinion ?20:24
bazhangmilan, and please dont crosspost20:24
Sysion low-end machine it adds some responsiveness20:28
bekksSysi: Even on low end machines, most of thos performance-optimized kernel options are already enabled in the stock ubuntu kernel.20:30
Unit193Depends on if it's using bfq.20:30
Sysibfs is sweet20:31
livingdaylightHi, I want to give virtualbox another go. I had trouble last time with guest additions. I googled but can't get clear how-to that easy to follow. In the past when I install windows as a guest I can normally install guest additions from within windows but that no longer works it seems and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it going. Anyone can help?20:50
livingdaylightbtw, haven't installed virtualbox yet. Do i enable some other packages from within Synaptic apart from virtualbox itself?20:51
bekksIt still works.20:53
bekksAnd it is described in the manual.20:53
Unit193You may want to look at the package virtualbox-guest-additions-iso, and there is a menu for "Install Guest Additions"20:53
bekksThats will most likely break stuff.20:53
Unit193Ah, alright.  Why is that?20:54
Sysinope, that way you get guest additions version matching virtualbox version20:54
bekksUse the official vbox installer from the official vbox website. Everything else might not work.20:54
livingdaylightam i supposed to install the package virtual-guest-additions-iso in synaptic? before I never did this. Simply from within Virtualbox and the View Menu I think, as Unit193 says, installed guest additions there20:55
livingdaylightnot synaptics, bekks ?20:55
bekkslivingdaylight: I am suggesting to use the official vbox installer from the official vbox website which ships guest additions too.20:55
Sysivbox from oracle repo might be good idea, incase it's newer than version ubuntu ships, but you still should get the iso from that same repo20:55
bekksIt is far newer.20:55
Sysilivingdaylight: if virtualbox doesn't pull that as dependency, install it manually20:56
bekksJust follow the official installation instructions on the vbox website.20:56
SysiLTS probably has old vbox, 13.04 not so much20:56
Unit193!info virtualbox20:56
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.10-dfsg-0ubuntu2 (raring), package size 13864 kB, installed size 50079 kB20:56
livingdaylightbekks, http://clip2net.com/s/57Tg1S this one?20:58
bekkslivingdaylight: If that matches your distro and architecture, yes.20:59
livingdaylight13.04 64-bit, yes, Sir21:00
livingdaylightthen get Gdebi to install it21:00
SysiI recommend adding the repository, like stated a tad below that21:01
Sysithat way you'll get updates too21:01
livingdaylighthrmmm... which one?21:02
bekksRead that page... :P21:03
livingdaylight13.04 is ringtail?21:03
livingdaylightwell, don't see rintail listed21:03
bekksYou posted a screenshot with it highlighted.21:03
bekksSo you did see it.21:03
Sysithat's the package, not the repository21:03
Os_MaleusHi together!21:03
livingdaylightyes, don't see the repository below21:04
bekkslivingdaylight: The rpo exists, it is just not shown on the web page.21:04
livingdaylightso, how do I figure it out. Why do they list a bunch but not the latest?21:04
livingdaylighti don't even know the name? something ringtail?21:05
bekksBecause the do not update the page for every single update out there in the world.21:05
bekkslivingdaylight: The release is named ringtail.21:05
Os_Maleushow can I change the settings for the date for the system on the command line? I would like to have it presented/used in the way dd.mm.yyyy instead of mm.dd.yyyy21:05
bekkslivingdaylight: And the repo is named "raring".21:05
SysiOs_Maleus: displayer where?21:07
livingdaylightraring ringtail, thank you21:07
Os_MaleusSysi: I am having the problem that if I am changing the name of a picture in Picasa (with "include the date into the filename), it is being changed in the way that the date is inserted in the way named above.21:10
livingdaylightSysi, shouldn't it be deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian raring contrib21:10
Sysilivingdaylight: yup21:11
livingdaylighthttp://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/dists/raring/ is wrong21:11
Sysijust wanted to point that it exists21:12
SysiOs_Maleus: you need to change your locale to en_UK https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale21:13
Sysi(or something else that has the right date format)21:13
Sysisetting it in terminal and then starting picasa from same terminal might work too21:15
Os_Maleusdo I have to log out and in again, to make it active? or should it change immediately?21:15
Os_MaleusSysi: "date -u" is saying "Sun May 26 21:11:54 UTC 2013", but I guess, it should say "Sun 26 May 21:11:54 UTC 2013"21:17
livingdaylightbekks, now that I did that guest-additions should automatically be part of the package when I install a guest?21:17
livingdaylightcan I install a 32-bit guest of on my 64-bit xubuntu?21:18
Sysilivingdaylight: for the latter, yes21:19
livingdaylightthank you21:19
livingdaylightand the former? :)21:19
bekkslivingdaylight: The guest additions installation is covered in the vbox manual.21:20
Sysisee if you have the guest-addons-iso-something package installed, if there is such21:21
SysiOs_Maleus: "date +%x" shows you the date format of current locale21:23
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
livingdaylighthow to Change to the directory where your CD-ROM drive is mounted and execute as root:22:09
livingdaylightand execute: sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run22:09
knomelivingdaylight, if the disk is mounted properly in vbox, you should see it on the thunar sidebar22:10
livingdaylightI guess its not mounted properly. I don't see it. http://clip2net.com/s/57U4lC22:11
knomelivingdaylight, there's a menu item that mounts it22:14
livingdaylightmenu item? where?22:17
livingdaylightdo you mean the Devices drop-down menu in the Guest os (virtualbox) ?22:18
livingdaylightwell, I did that but it gave me no option to mount for some reason. It did do something as you can see http://clip2net.com/s/57U4H022:18
livingdaylightcan i manually mount it now?22:19
livingdaylightwhat i hit guest additions from Devices nothing appeared to happen. I know normally there's a dialog that shows up with the mount option22:19
livingdaylightknome, ?22:22
livingdaylightthis is where I got unstuck last time22:23
knomelivingdaylight, how did you downlad the ISO? via the vbox GUI?22:23
livingdaylightknome, yes, from the Devices drop-down menu22:26
=== david is now known as Guest75923
xubuntu298hi.  just done fresh install of 13.04 and wondering which Nivida driver to use with my GeForce GT 430 card?23:08
xubuntu298options shown are 310, 304-updates, 313-updates, 304, 310-updates plus the Nouveau drivers23:09
Unit193xubuntu298: You could open Software Sources and see which ones are listed or recommended there.  Also, would depend on if you want open source drivers or closed.23:14
xubuntu298Thanks Unit193.  The ones listed are nvidia-310, nvidia-304-updates, nvidia-313-updates, nvidia-304, nvidia-310-updates and then the Nouveau ones.  None are recommended, apart from the very first one, nvidia-310, says "tested".23:17
xubuntu298I actually installed 13.04 yesterday and switched to nvida-310 but then the reboot screen was a horrible terminal like affair without the nice blue 'Xubuntu' screen.  I switched to Nouveau and it sorted that but I noticed my GPU was running quite hot, so today I've done a fresh install to try and get the nvida drivers working correctly.23:19
Unit193I'd think the -updates one would be alright to use, but I don't know for sure on that.23:20

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