
MySystem1hello which kubuntu version uses x.org 7.4 and which use 7.103:56
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rosco_ydoes anyone know how to read kindle books on my kubuntu desktop?05:26
valorierosco_y: have you tried Calibre?05:28
rosco_yvalorie: ty, yes I have.  It looked promising but I wasn't able to convert it, or whatever is required.05:28
valoriewell, ubottu doesn't know anything about it, but I love it05:29
valorieconversion shouldn't be required05:29
valorieunless it's a drm book?05:29
valorieif so, you have to search a bit for the plugin, because those are illegal in some places05:29
valoriepersonally, I feel that DRM is what should be illegal05:30
valoriethe plugin is available, however05:30
rosco_yvalorie: I'm pretty sure it is drm'd.   I agree with you that it should be illegal.  I bought it on Amazon because it was cheapest, I didn't realize it would be the most inconvenient05:31
rosco_yI'm not buying any more kindle books.05:31
rosco_ynot for reference anyways.05:31
rosco_yI liked it in the first place, for just reading.  But as a reference book, it can't be more inconvenient05:32
valorietrue, it's difficult to flip back and forth05:33
valorieanyway, look around for "back up your kindle books" or similar05:33
valoriethere certainly is a way, although I've not yet done it05:33
rosco_yIt is searchable, and the links are clickable, I like that--but I really miss being able to flip through the book by fanning the pages05:34
rosco_yno wonder piracy was invented ;)05:35
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rosco_ynot that I'm a theif--I paid for the thing, I should be able to read it on my desktop too.....05:36
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jussirosco_y: its easy to read kindle books on your desktop. install chrome or chromium, then install amazons cloud reader there05:39
jussirosco_y: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cloud-reader/icdipabjmbhpdkjaihfjoikhjjeneebd?utm_source=gmail05:40
valorieah, that's another way to do it, true05:41
rosco_yjussi: ty!  I do use chromium on a regular basis, I'll give it a look!05:41
valoriealthough you have to be online, that way05:41
valoriebut it is easy to flip around, or easier05:41
valorieAND you can see figures and illustrations better05:41
rosco_y:) I believe I can make this work.05:41
rosco_yvalorie: I believe you'd have to be right about seeing figures and illustrations better--my kindle is an old page-white reader, which I like in many ways, but.....05:42
valoriemine is old too05:43
valorieI love it, but do use the cloud reader also sometimes05:43
valoriefor taking notes, especially05:43
rosco_yI beiileve the Cloud Reader in Chromium will work for me--thanks you valorie, jussi (where are you from?), et. al.05:44
rosco_yI used to work with a "Jussi" from Finnland--I'm poking a hole in the possibility that you might be the same person :)05:44
jussivalorie: cloud reader is available for offline reading05:45
valoriecool! I'll have to try that05:45
valorieprobably only for books one has purchased05:45
valorieI usually check mine out from the library05:45
jussirosco_y: Jussi is a _very_ common name in finland, its very likely it wasnt me.05:45
jussivalorie: afaik, cloud reader has the same possibilities as the normal kindle. but do give it a try.05:46
rosco_yjussi: :) it's not very common over here.  Jussi worked with us at the Michigan Technological University05:46
jussirosco_y: then it wasnt me :)05:46
rosco_y:) kiitos, hyvaa paivaa -- (my05:47
rosco_ymy Finn is surely a LOT worse than your English -- which is very remarkably good)05:47
jussirosco_y: for general chat, join us in #kubuntu-offtopic05:48
rosco_yty, I've had enough chat for awhile, I'll let you all get back to topic--sorry for the interruption!05:48
rosco_yI'm adding the irc channel to my connect-list though--I'd propbably fit in better over there in general :)05:49
h41I accidently deleted my /etc/default/rcS (kubuntu 13.04). What is the easiest way to restore it?07:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:26
MySystemdont know h41 but my doesn't look much komplex just try to make a file with my content07:27
MySystemalso 13.0407:28
h41MySystem: thank you very much07:28
MySystemtry it first its just an idea07:29
h41MySystem: it worked, thanks.07:33
MySystemnice np07:34
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ik_Sut rydych chi ?10:41
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Guest93771my PC has ati HD4200 inbuilt graphics driver will it work on kubuntu 13's open source driver?11:19
BluesKajHI all11:56
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blaaaHi, is it possible to use an own subvolume layout and mount parameters when installing kubuntu?14:10
blaaawhen using btrfs?14:11
seeleanyone available for a 30-45 minute interview about their kde notifications? it will earn a $5 donation to the kde e.v.14:15
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MrNobodymy picture don't display on page login15:27
genii-aroundMrNobody: Save your picture as ~/.face15:30
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MrNobodygenii-around: I don't understand15:34
genii-aroundMrNobody: If you have some picture which is your avatar that you want to be shown on the lightdm login screen, then save that picture in your home directory with the filename of: .face15:36
MrNobodygenii-around: ok15:37
genii-aroundMrNobody: Or is it some other picture which is not displaying, like a background picture15:37
MrNobodygenii-around: ok, but I don't change background picture of login page ?15:41
genii-aroundMrNobody: If you want different background picture on the login page, it's from System Settings...Login Screen(LightDM)...Then you click the thumnail it shows on the middle bottom , and choose Load from File, then navigate to whatever picture you want from there and select it,  when you are returned to the Settings screen make sure to click on the Apply button in bottom right.15:46
genii-aroundMrNobody: If you make changes then only logout, you will only see the old one without the changes yet. Lightdm has to be restarted before the changes take effect. So either a reboot or to manually ctrl-alt-f1  at the login screen , login by text to the console and then: sudo restart lightdm15:48
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:51
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pillercan I get some help with video grabber driver installed17:22
pillerls /dev/video*17:22
BluesKajpiller, you're crossposting17:22
pillerresults with /dev/video017:23
pillerwhat is that?17:23
BluesKajwhat kind of video?17:23
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.17:23
Daskreech!info calibre17:40
ubottucalibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.18+dfsg1-1bzr (raring), package size 16349 kB, installed size 33414 kB17:40
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msopiatewhere is agios19:46
msopiatedoes anyone remember that pos agios?19:48
ButtaI have a friend that can't tick the button for activate wireless connections (wifi). I need help because is the only way he can connect to the internet20:12
BluesKajButta, open kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers , to see if there is a wifi driver available20:16
Buttaone thing, BluesKaj. My friend was available to connect to the internet until now20:17
BluesKajButta, what changed , update/upgrare ?20:18
ButtaBluesKaj: I think it was the upgrade to kubuntu 13 but I'm not sure (sorry)20:19
BluesKajthen he should have a driver available in the path I posted above20:20
ButtaBluesKaj: Really? Ok, I will ask him tomorrow, I wish we can solve it... Thank you :)20:30
BluesKajButta, usually when one upgrades the OS from an old release to the next, then the drivers for various hardware device like soundcards , wfi cards, graphics etc need to be installed again , usually from the repositories20:33
three18tihey guys.  Anyone using OpenV Switch with Kubuntu 13.04?  I've got it installed, but when I go to attempt to boot with my network config active, plasma-desktop segfaults.  when I remove all of my config lines from /etc/network/interfaces and reboot, KDE launches flawlessly.20:44
three18tiI'm thinking either a) figure a way to get network manager to work with openv switch, or b) disable network manager altogether...20:44
three18tifrom what I can gather from the crash info, it looks like something to do with plasma+applet_networkmanagement20:45
FearTheLord!ops | will god forgive me20:48
ubottuwill god forgive me: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger20:48
BluesKajwell, three18ti if you can live without networkmanager (like I do ) then your interfaces file can do the job in conjunction with your settings in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base20:48
txwikingerwhat was that?20:49
Mamaroksome poor misguided soul?20:49
BluesKajthree18ti, Im trying to set up vpn myself , but not having much luck20:51
three18tiBluesKaj, did you just purge network-manager?  I don't mind managing etc/interfaces by hand really.  but it would be kinda nice to be able to tell n-m to manage the virtual interfaces...20:52
three18tiwith openvswitch?20:52
BluesKajthree18ti, NM has vpn settings , but I haven't tried using it for that purpose yet , but I was trying to get Kvpnc to work with openvpn and T2LP/Ipsec , but pluto and swansoft fail everytime ...so I gave up on it for now20:55
BluesKajthree18ti, ok openvswitch looks like unfamilar territory to me ... a bit beyond my scope.20:59
three18ti:) it's really not that scary, and it's -relatively- user friendly.20:59
BluesKajcisco ?21:00
three18tiI felt that way at first, but I kinda have to learn ovs21:00
three18tiI know a little cisco...  my last job we actually converted from cisco to juniper.21:00
three18tiso I know juniper a bit better.21:01
BluesKajvpn in general doesn't have many friendly apps in KDE from my experience so far ...disappointing21:01
three18tiwhat kinda app are you looking for?  I'm not well versed in vpn, but it was my understanding you could just save the vpn "profile" file and network manager could more or less "auto negotiate"21:04
BluesKajthree18ti, yes sort of , if you use openvpn ..it's reltively easy in ubuntu from the descritions I've seen in google , but i suspect it's not as easy as it's made out21:06
three18tinegative. I've purged network manager and starting x still crashes.21:07
BluesKajthree18ti, what about reinstalling plasma-desktop21:09
three18tihmm... actually, I was able to manually `startx` threw a couple errors, but seems to come up...21:10
three18tihmm... it seems fixing I had to get the network config right first, but now I boot right into kde no problems...21:18
BluesKajthree18ti, that's a new one on me ,.. never heard of network manager crashing plasma and X21:22
BluesKajor netconfig21:23
three18tiyea, especially because I purge network-manager21:25
three18tiwhich purged the plasma applet21:25
three18tistill though... something is hinky with the network config.... when comment out the eth0 config, br0 and br1 virtual interfaces are configured, but are unreachable / unable to ping out.  when I configure eth0 (dhcp or static) then I am able to ping the ips on the virtual interface.21:32
three18tisomething is up with my ovs config, I'm sure of it.21:32
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BluesKajwell ,you have my curiosity piqued21:34
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three18tihaha. I think I had /static/ instead of /manual/21:50
three18tiunder the eth0 config.21:50
BluesKajiface ovsbr0p1 inet dhcp21:53
three18tiiface eth0 inet manual21:54
three18tiI had iface eth0 inet static21:54
three18tihaha. and the automatic failover works :)21:55
three18tiso my interfaces file looks like this: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/25089921:57
three18tithen I ran this series of commands, http://paste.scsys.co.uk/25090021:58
three18tithe first one creates the virtual bridge, the second creates a bonded interface between eth0 and eth1, and assigns that to the bridge ovsbr0 the second set of commands creates the virtual interfaces br0 and br121:59
three18tiI should call it veth0 and veth1, that would make more sense.22:00
three18tiso like this: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/25090122:01
BluesKajdinner call...bbl22:03
three18tiso the flows look like this: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/25090222:03
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Linusnewbhi all22:38
Linusnewbis there any probs with th servers?22:40
three18tio/ Linusnewb22:40
LinusnewbE: /var/lib/apt/lists/lock no key found?22:43
Linusnewbhelp me I can't install software via muon manager and can't receive any security updates22:46
Linusnewbno one here?22:51
ahoneybunnseele:donate to KDE?22:54
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts.23:09
ArtakhaLinusnewb, a good start would be to pastebin the actual error23:13
ArtakhaLinusnewb, or rather, i cannot find anything from google with that error and i'd believe some would be there23:13
ArtakhaLinusnewb, maybe try `LANG=C whatever_command_you_do` and google the error message23:14
Artakhaif the error is localized that is23:14
Linusnewbarthaka I think I need the server gpg key or whatever to make a checksumme23:21
ArtakhaLinusnewb, http://askubuntu.com/questions/127326/how-to-fix-missing-gpg-keys23:27
Artakhasecond hit on google when i searched for "kubuntu apt-get pgp key"23:27
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