=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv [06:35] Kaleo: hi! How do I tell cmake to use a certain version of Qt? [07:56] Kaleo: Hey. What icons should I be able to use with the Icon item? There are 2 packages: ubuntu-mobile and ubuntu-mobile-icons. however, for example the "location" icon from ubuntu-mobile-icons can't be found by an Icon {}. === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away [08:38] good morning all [08:41] Guys, I've an idea (I've a dream ;) ). I'd like to write a Qt opensource SublimeText editor, 100% compatible with the original plugin packages, with same characteristics etc, but there is too much work for only me. I've not experience for creating a brand new editor widget for qt, so I want to create a team. Who can help me? [08:41] zsombi: you have comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ima-in-window/+merge/165567 [08:49] timp: could you explain what you mean in the second part of this? https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ima-in-window/+merge/165567/comments/367197 [08:50] zsombi: sorry my copying&pasting made it unclear [08:51] zsombi: I meant that the if-else can go after the while loop [08:55] timp: sure [08:59] timp: this is bad: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ima-in-window/+merge/165567/comments/367213 [08:59] timp: if popup is a string, and caller is null/undefined, then we cannot fetch the rootItem anymore [09:00] zsombi: that's what I was saying :) [09:01] zsombi: perhaps you have to pass popupComponent to rootItem() ? [09:01] timp: no, you said perhaps I should use popupComponent there [09:01] timp: and who's the parentItem of popupComponent there? [09:02] timp: "popupComponent = Qt.createComponent(popup);" [09:02] so, no parent? [09:02] timp: yep, no parent there [09:03] zsombi: in that case, rootObject is returned? [09:03] timp: nope [09:03] timp: and even if iot would be, it would be invalid when a Popover is opened in a Window [09:04] timp: however PopupBase.show() may solve th eissue... [09:06] timp: well, it cannot :( [09:07] zsombi: webbrowser, ubuntu-filemanager use it with a url [09:08] timp: yeah... so then those would need to specify a parent... we need to extend the open() API with a parent... or we must document that the caller must be given if the popup is a string [09:09] timp: which affects opening the Dialogs [09:09] I prefer the API like this, perhaps we can assign a default parent [09:09] didn't we assign rootObject in those cases? [09:09] timp: hold on: "Sheets do not need callers to be specified, however when using non-modal Sheets or Dialogs, it is worth to set the caller when opening Sheets to avoid leaving orphan sheets on the screen." [09:10] caller is not the parent, but the Item (like button in a toolbar) that the popover will have a pointer to. [09:10] timp: what's the default parent? how do you detect whether the Dialog/Popover is opened in a Window? [09:10] timp: yes, but I need a component I can use a reference to fetch the actual root item [09:10] s/a/as [09:12] timp: I need the caller only to be able to get the current rootItem relative to an existing item. That's it [09:14] ok [09:15] timp: I can get the extra QQuickWindows (Window) from QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows(), but only after the window gets shown. And that is too late. And I don't even know which one is the active one, QGuiApplication::focusWindow() gives me 0 :( [09:15] so there is a problem when popup is a url, and caller is null [09:15] null/undefined [09:16] timp: yes.. [09:16] timp: so we need to mandate the use of caller in those cases. [09:16] timp: which with a good explanation may be good [09:17] s/good/acceptable [09:17] yes [09:18] so, if you have an app with multiple windows, then you need the caller to determine in which window the popup should open? [09:18] timp: yep [09:18] (in case the popup is defined by a url so the parent is not known) [09:19] s/parent is not known/it has no parent [09:19] right [09:19] sounds good [09:19] hmm [09:20] we could document it like this, but still work if no caller is given by using the rootObject? [09:20] zsombi: ^ [09:21] timp: we are about to deprecate the rootObject(), however we could keep it in this case... [09:28] timp: I'd say we should simply fail opening Sheets/Dialogs when caller is not specified! [09:28] timp: and popup is a url [09:28] zsombi: you don't need the rootObject() function, but you can assign m_rootView->rootObject() as you do inside rootItem() [09:29] zsombi: I disagree. Most applications will have only one window, so it is clear where to show the sheet/dialog [09:29] timp: you mean when the given object is null? [09:29] even without a caller [09:29] timp: don't forget that most probablu Sheet and Dialog will become a Window once we reach desktop! [09:30] timp: perhaps we should even do it right now [09:31] I don't know if it will become a window [09:31] dialog darkens the current window and centers inside that [09:31] timp: well, let's see once we reach there :) [09:31] I haven't seen designs for desktop yet, so let's focus on other devices now :) [09:32] timp: so you suggest that we should return the rootObject if the given object is null? [09:36] zsombi: in rootItem()? I didn't think of that yet, I was just thinking of solutions for the popups [09:36] zsombi: but rootItem() to return rootObject if the parameter is null may be a solution :) [09:36] (12:28:51 PM) timp: zsombi: you don't need the rootObject() function, but you can assign m_rootView->rootObject() as you do inside rootItem() [09:37] uhm [09:37] yes you are right, I wasn't realizing that QuickUtils and popupUtils were in different files, so you would need something like that [09:37] timp: I can only do this inside rootItem() when object is null [09:37] :) [09:38] even though both files do something completely different, and one is cpp and the other js.. I missed it :) [09:40] it is still a bit tricky [09:40] why? what? [09:40] if you pass an Item that is not null, but has null as a parent, what will happen? [09:40] or null as one of the parents (not necessarily the direct parent) [09:41] maybe it is a bit far-fetched [09:41] timp: well, the assumption is that you reached the topmost item [09:45] * timp checking what happens if you push a url to a pagestack [09:47] ok that's fine. All the objects created have their parent set :) [09:49] zsombi: so what's the plan? popupComponent.createObject(QuickUtils.rootItem(caller)) seems good for me if rootItem returns rootObject for an undefined caller [09:49] timp all comments addressed, check the MR again [09:49] ah you are ahead of me :) [09:49] ;) [09:49] * timp will check [09:50] timp: I'm in hurry to get back to layouts before I forget all I had in my mind ;) [09:50] ok [09:56] zsombi: changes look good. did you test it? [09:56] brb [09:57] timp: not on the device, but ran all the test cases I have... lemme run a quick test on tablet [09:58] great, thanks === bl4de_ is now known as bl4de [10:28] kalikiana, nice work with getting the online docs in shape! [10:31] dpm, I updated the branch, could you locally run a 'qmake; make docs' and see how it looks? [10:31] sure, on it [10:32] thanks [10:32] kalikiana, actually, which branch, the one with the config or the one with the navigation? [10:33] ah, I see it, the config one [10:37] kalikiana, generated docs look good, but I got a few warnings: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5706410/ [10:38] dpm, I'd prefer a new bug for the warnings [10:38] if you don't mind filing one [10:39] I don't *think* I caused them, rather the broken setup made it hard to reliably see errors [10:40] kalikiana, I don't mind at all if it's indeed a bug, but we should probably wait until the branch lands to report it, so that it applies to trunk, I guess [10:44] dpm, it already applies to trunk, I just verified it [10:45] it's only hard to see due to the build system mess [10:47] kalikiana, ok, bug 1184567 [10:47] Launchpad bug 1184567 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Documentation generation warnings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1184567 [10:48] thanks [11:05] Kaleo, standup [11:05] Mirv, ^^ [11:15] zsombi: happroved [11:16] one more thing. was it so that ubuntu-ui-toolkit-doc was wanted to be installed as part of ubuntu-sdk? I think so, I just didn't write it from UDS notes although I think it was discussed there [11:16] timp: awesome!!!!! [11:16] timp: thx [11:17] bzoltan1: see question above ^ [11:18] Mirv: when? [11:19] bzoltan1: 2mins ago, thet -doc question :) [11:19] I just want to confirm it's so, before proposing all that change to the meta packages [11:19] Mirv: ahh... from you [11:19] or whether the plan was that documentation is fully on the web instead [11:20] Mirv: Yes, the -doc package should be installed with the SDK [11:20] Mirv: that package plugs in the docs to the QtC [11:21] yes it does, that's why it sounded like the right thing to do [11:21] tahnks === mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|lunch [12:20] mzanetti|lunch: both icon packages are installed on the device?? [12:21] mardy: sorry I don't know, what's your use case? [12:23] kalikiana: top approve? https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/qml_app_arguments/+merge/164622 [12:24] :) [12:24] Kaleo, you're still on 'Needs Fixing' that's why I didn't [12:24] kalikiana: it's ready [12:25] Kaleo, bear with me, my mindreader is in repair ;-) [12:26] (approved) [12:26] cheers [12:31] bzoltan1: yo [12:32] Kaleo: good day sire [12:49] renato_, Hi! [12:50] renato_, is there a way to start the mediaplayer in landscape mode? like a command line parameter ? (on devices) [12:53] bzoltan1: please approve https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.add-ui-toolkit-docs/+merge/165875 [12:53] bzoltan1: via comment, there's no automerger or such, but to get a note at the request [12:53] om26er, unfortunately not [12:54] thanks :) [12:54] Mirv: with pleasure [12:54] renato_, there are a few autopilot tests that fail on phones because they try to click on the seek bar but it seems seek bar is only visible on phones in landscape === mzanetti|lunch is now known as mzanetti [12:59] Kaleo: no, they are conflicting [13:00] bzoltan1: as a bit related issue, another merge request is pending an actual saucy archive upload of ui-toolkit, which hopefully will happen this week. https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.remove-qt5default/+merge/165291 [13:00] bzoltan1: that's what would cause the non-dev packages to be removed from (saucy) device images finally [13:01] Mirv: cool [13:01] mzanetti: so which one is on the device? [13:02] Kaleo: per default its the ubuntu-mobile [13:02] om26er: sounds like the autopilot test should only be run if the width is greater than something [13:03] mzanetti: it should be ubuntu-mobile-icons [13:03] Kaleo: thats what I thought, and installed it manually. I tried to use some of them yesterday but it failed.... Icon { name: "location" } should work if ubuntu-mobile-icons is installed, right? [13:04] (ofc additionally a width+height set) [13:04] mzanetti: it sohuld yes [13:04] mzanetti: does it work on your desktop? [13:04] Kaleo: tbh I only tried on the desktop. so no, it doesn't [13:05] mzanetti: you doing that for the shell? [13:05] Kaleo: no. one of my apps [13:05] mzanetti: ok [13:05] mzanetti: loading the svg with Image {} works? [13:05] Kaleo: nope [13:06] mzanetti: do you have qt svg installed? [13:06] * mzanetti checks [13:06] Kaleo: *** 5.0.2-2ubuntu1~raring1~test1 0 [13:09] mzanetti: works here [13:09] hmpf... [13:09] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5706743/ [13:10] Installé : 5.0.2-2ubuntu1~raring1~test1 [13:11] Kaleo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [13:11] mzanetti: nice url :) [13:11] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5706743/ [13:11] huh? [13:11] mzanetti: that's mine :) [13:11] stop confusing me :D [13:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5706750/ [13:11] here we go [13:12] mzanetti: yes but hang on [13:12] if http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5706743/ does not work then we have a bigger issue [13:12] (for me it works) [13:13] Kaleo: thats interesting: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5706754/ [13:13] Kaleo: seems because my qml files are in a qrc [13:13] mzanetti: don't do that :) [13:14] Kaleo: well... porting an app that does it like this already. usually I try not to do that [13:14] Kaleo: still... why would that matter when resolving image paths? [13:14] mzanetti: ok, mystery solved :) [13:14] mzanetti: sorry, mystery not solved [13:16] Mirv: The Quantal tests of the packages and the IDE is started now.. finally [13:17] Kaleo: seems to be an issue in our custom image provider, right? [13:18] mzanetti: ah interesting [13:18] mzanetti: there are unit tests for qrc support but maybe not that case [13:18] jppiiroinen, any idea when jenkins is gonna be back online? [13:18] I don't exactly know how it works, but the fact that we can add @GU stuff to filenames makes me believe we have patched or overridden the default image provider [13:18] mzanetti: if you don't import Ubuntu.Components 0.1? [13:18] * mzanetti tries [13:19] mzanetti: and please tell me if http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5706743/ works? [13:24] Mirv: I do not know if that is Q/P specific issue, but on both test rounds I had to manually kill and start the adb server in order to make the QtC recognize the Nexus on the USB [13:24] Kaleo: it does work when executed standalone (i.e. not in a qrc file). [13:25] Kaleo: if the file is ina qrc, the image needs to be adressed with file:///full/path/foobar.svg [13:26] Kaleo: so seems its always looking in the current scope if not URI scheme is given [13:28] mystery solved [13:28] ok [13:28] Kaleo: want me to file a bug or you'll just fix it or file the bug yourself? [13:35] mzanetti: it depends you did not answer either of my 2 questions [13:36] 15:18 < Kaleo> mzanetti: if you don't import Ubuntu.Components 0.1? [13:36] 15:19 < Kaleo> mzanetti: and please tell me if http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5706743/ works? [13:36] [15:24] Kaleo: it does work when executed standalone (i.e. not in a qrc file). [13:36] [15:25] Kaleo: if the file is ina qrc, the image needs to be adressed with file:///full/path/foobar.svg [13:37] [15:26] Kaleo: so seems its always looking in the current scope if not URI scheme is given [13:37] [15:28] Kaleo: want me to file a bug or you'll just fix it or file the bug yourself? [13:37] mzanetti: that does not say if you are importing or not ubuntu compônents [13:37] Kaleo: I'm not [13:37] mzanetti: nor if you try that pastebin [13:37] tried* [13:37] Kaleo: that result is with your pastebin, yes [13:37] mzanetti: good [13:38] mzanetti: so it's a bug in Qt [13:38] mzanetti: nothing to do with us [13:38] Kaleo: if executing your paste in qmlscene it works, if executing from the other project from within a qrc, it doesn't [13:38] mzanetti: understood [13:38] mzanetti: it's unrelated to Ubuntu [13:38] Kaleo: I'd say its not a bug in Qt per se... its more a convenience feature I'd say [13:38] mzanetti: right [13:38] mzanetti: so what's the bug? [13:38] mzanetti: in Icon? [13:38] mzanetti: right [13:39] Kaleo: I think inside the Icon {} you should always prefix the path with file:// [13:39] mzanetti: please file the bug :) [13:39] mzanetti: thanks for digging [13:39] Kaleo: ok. [13:47] Kaleo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1184611 [13:47] Ubuntu bug 1184611 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[Icon] image path is not correctly resolved if used from within a qrc file" [Undecided,New] [13:50] mzanetti: thanks [13:51] jppiiroinen, I guess jenkins is still down… I don't see if it's doing anything or just sitting there https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-raring-armhf-ci/ [14:01] kalikiana: btw. it'd be awesome if Button could use the same name as Icon to refer to themed icons ;) [14:01] err... Kaleo ^ === francisco is now known as Guest85729 [14:18] renato_: can you do a review (only removed files)? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-remove-old-unused-files/+merge/165887 [14:34] zsombi, looks like QML Text-element is lacking the needed capability... so it's not a bug of the SDK's Label-element. [14:35] MacSlow: as I thought so... [14:35] zsombi, I can only get text to "elide" on the left, if just one line of text is displayed [14:36] Saviq, ^ [14:37] mzanetti: agreed [14:38] MacSlow: I suggest you to ask on #qt-qml, but this most likely is a bug [14:39] zsombi, ok [14:47] anyone up for a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-remove-old-unused-files/+merge/165887 === greyback is now known as greyback|food [15:08] anyone up for a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-remove-old-unused-files/+merge/165887 [15:08] oSoMoN: nerochiaro ^ [15:09] gusch: I’ll take it [15:09] oSoMoN: thx [15:30] Kaleo: is the "Ubuntu Application Developer Story Catchup" hangout up today? [15:31] oSoMoN: yes [15:31] oSoMoN: every Monday [15:32] ok, joining then === greyback|food is now known as greyback [18:30] hello === francisco is now known as Guest35949 === ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch