
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: you don't have any work items02:13
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: I do have, but I think the blueprints aren't targeted to the series02:14
cjohnstonthey have to be accepted to show up02:14
JoseeAntonioRyou know who is accepting the blueprints?02:14
cjohnstonmanagers normally02:21
dholbachgood morning06:52
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dholbachballoons, do you think you could help with the comments about the quality page on (http://pad.ubuntu.com/aNBBojgxJg)11:43
* dholbach relocates to new office - bbiab11:55
dpmdholbach, I think balloons is not in today, bank holiday in the US12:28
dholbachahhh ok12:32
dholbachI'll mail him then :)12:32
dholbachthanks dpm12:33
elfywb dholbach - was the move to the new office worth it :)12:37
dholbachelfy, I used to work from this office for a while some years ago, but it was a separate office which didn't suit me very well12:37
elfymy office is a seat in a van :)12:38
dholbachnow they have new offices which have a more free-floating aspect to it and I'll work together with a few friends of mine, which will be very nice12:38
elfyor a desk in my front room :)12:38
elfyoh that sounds nice :)12:38
dholbachso later on today we'll set up desks and I guess I'll work from here most of the time then :)12:38
dholbachand only on the rainy days I'll work from home ;-)12:39
elfysounds great - you don't know how lucky you are - or you might lol12:39
dholbachyeah, there's things I absolutely can't complain about :)12:39
elfydholbach: I looked at the etherpad today - I'm completely confused now as to what's been looked at and what's not - so I closed it again ;)12:40
dholbachso basically everything marked with strike-through should have been updated on the test instance12:40
dholbachand there's a few very non-specific pieces of feedback which will be hard to eradicate12:41
dholbach"remove repetition" :)12:41
elfyyea understand that - probably my eyes - the lines all tend to merge into one and I see them where they are not there :)12:42
dholbachdrink less! :-P12:42
dholbachso yeah, I'm going through some of the longer pages now, trying to shorten them somewhat12:42
elfyyea - hard to do that - and I'm not even sure we should, if someone lands on one page because of their interest - not having something there becuase it's repeated elsewhere won't help12:42
dholbachyeah, agreed - it's a hard problem to solve12:43
elfybut long pages is a different kettle of fish - perhaps one person (you ;) ) shorten them and then just ask for review of those12:43
elfyjust a thought :)12:43
* elfy wanders off to check a testcase he's written 12:44
dholbachin my opinion we should try to get something which looks good and has no grave typos in it out there, and then do a re-review together and maybe come up with some guidelines for the page12:45
dholbachlike "this is what we should say on the landing page" and "this is the kind of information we want on the specific subpages", so it will be easier to make a decision what should be where12:45
elfysounds like a plan, what no-one's going to want is a perpetual review with no real page landing :)12:45
dholbachbut I guess you need to get a bit of experience with it first12:45
dholbachelfy, I filed an IS ticket and we basically have everything prepared for the move12:46
jcastroelfy: I've gotten the goahead to set discourse up on hp cloud if you guys wanna give it a shot15:29
elfyjcastro: ok - thanks for letting me know - we'll look I am sure :)16:04
elfyhope you're having a good day today too16:04
jcastroit's raining on my day off16:06
jcastroso might as well do something for ubuntu, lol16:06
elfyoh :(16:08
elfyhad two days of sun here - something of a minor miracle at the moment, due to chuck it down again tomorrow though16:08
mhall119jcastro: when you do your charm schools, how do you make sure everybody comes to class with everything they need ot get started writing charms?17:11
mhall119like, having Ubuntu installed, having the right packages installed, etc17:12
cjohnstonI can't run windows for charm school?17:14
cjohnstonhow about Arch?17:14
jcastrothey don't17:17
jcastromost people just ask questions, usually they're not writing on the spot17:17
jcastrothough we do say on the flyer to have juju installed and your favorite dev environment/text editor17:18
mhall119oh, ok17:21
jcastrowhen the local provider comes back17:22
jcastrowe'll have to tell people to `juju init` or `juju download` or whatever the command will be17:22
jcastroto get the cloud image on there, etc.17:22
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