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pitti_Good morning05:29
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pittibdmurray: FYI, I fixed the eternal sru-report crash on missing "published" attribute in r713 and (in a better way) r717; I hope the sorting will be alright with that05:41
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pitti@pilot on06:25
udevbot_(pilot (in|out)) -- Set yourself an in or out of patch pilot.06:25
pitti@pilot in06:25
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: pitti
dholbachgood morning06:52
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bl4dehi to all! :)08:27
bl4deGuys, I've an idea (I've a dream ;) ). I'd like to write a Qt opensource SublimeText editor, 100% compatible with the original plugin packages, with same characteristics etc, but there is too much work for only me. I'd not experience for creating a brand new editor widget for qt, so I want to create a team. Who can join and help me?08:30
bl4de*I've not08:30
bl4deLanguages are C++ for editor and Python for plugin system08:32
mitya57bl4de: you probably want #ubuntu-app-devel08:39
bl4demitya57, thank you, I'll try also there :)08:40
pittiyolanda: please forward your autopkgtests to Debian; e. g. your quagga one introduces an Ubuntu delta, and thus will require merging from now on08:50
yolandaok, i saw the new approved branches, i'll do it08:51
pittiyolanda: great to see so many new tests!08:51
pittimany of them are just "daemon running", and no functional behaviour, but that alone already covers quite a bit08:51
pittiyolanda: are you transitioning the old qa-regression-tests over to autopkgtests?08:52
yolandapitti, i'm just copying tests from qa-regression-test branches to autopkg in the case that there are some, but nothing more. What do you mean with transitioning?08:54
pittiyolanda: yes, that's what I meant08:54
pitti"moving over"08:54
yolandawell, i copied the tests, is there something else i should do for it? should i inform someone, maybe the authors of that branch?08:56
pittiyolanda: no, that's fine; well, they should be forwarded to Debian08:56
yolandai'm normally moving the approved ones, i have some to forward today08:57
yolandapitti, i saw a failure for ganglia08:57
yolandadid you see it?08:57
pittino, I didn't -- it's not yet on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/08:57
pittioh, you mean the powerpc build failure?08:58
pittiyes, that needs to be addressed; the previous version built08:58
pittiI guess it's enough to retry the build once librrd-dev becomes installable again on ppc in saucy-proposed08:59
yolandayes, the powerpc08:59
cjwatsonThat'll be fixed after the next publisher run09:00
cjwatsonpangox-compat was a bit behind in building09:00
pittiyolanda: I'll retry the ppc build in a bit09:03
cjwatsonOr I'll do a mass retry of affected stuff after the next publisher run - I have a script to help me out a bit09:05
pittieven better (gnome-control-center also failed due to this)09:07
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pittihey sabdfl, how are you?09:14
sabdflwell thanks pitti, how about you?09:14
pittisabdfl: quite fine, thanks!09:15
sabdflgot the phone up and running near you?09:15
pittino, I only have an n709:15
pittiso using wifi :)09:15
sabdfllooking good, huh09:15
pittiuntil we get a build for the Sony xperia :)09:15
tvosspitti, seems like some images are available for sony xperia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices09:16
tvosspitti, although not from cdimage.u.c09:17
pittiyeah, for the neo; I have the mini pro09:17
tvosspitti, ah :)09:18
pittibtw, are we going to have daily saucy builds for the n7 at some point? or do you guys prefer to stick on raring for now? (moving target vs. not picking up fixes)?09:18
didrockspitti: it's going to be saucy in the next few days (hope by end of the week AFAIK)09:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291075 in freehdl (Ubuntu) "Digital simulation in qucs don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:05
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cousteauthis bug has been around since 2008 and still not fixed (at least for Precise).  The fix seems to consist in changing a line from a Perl script.  Could somebody do something to fix this?10:06
cousteau(the patch has been there since 2008 as well)10:07
cousteaufound this bug when running gvhdl manually, not through Qucs10:09
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pitticousteau: that ought to be fixed in raring?10:10
cousteauwell, the freehdl version of raring and precise are the same10:10
cousteauthat should have been fixed in freehdl 0.0.6-something, actually; and 0.0.7 has been there since lucid10:11
pitticjwatson: do you have an opinion about https://code.launchpad.net/~diwic/dpkg/original-maintainer/+merge/165107 ? it seems fine to me, as we introduced that field10:26
cjwatsonpitti: IMO should be sent to Debian for comment; it's not urgent so can afford to go through review there10:27
pitticjwatson: ack, thanks10:27
diwiccjwatson, to me it's ubuntu specific10:27
cjwatsonOriginal-Maintainer is mentioned in the upstream code, since Dpkg::Vendor::Ubuntu is carried there10:28
cjwatsonSo please forward it first even if you think it's Ubuntu-specific10:28
cjwatsonWe want to get to zero delta in dpkg eventually if we can possibly manage it10:28
diwiccjwatson,  hmm, ok10:29
cjwatson(Dpkg::Vendor::Ubuntu is the result of an earlier attempt to get to zero delta, and made a big dent even if it didn't get us all the way there)10:29
diwicwant me to upstream it or is it better that pitti or cjwatson  does it if you know the dpkg people better?10:30
cjwatsonI think you can go ahead and upstream it yourself10:30
cjwatsonJust file a bug against Debian's dpkg package10:30
diwiccjwatson, ok, will do. Thanks10:30
pittithanks diwic10:31
cjwatsonI do think it's a reasonable change, but since it's cosmetic I'd like to avoid it resulting in an extra delta to maintain, that's all10:31
diwiceven dpkg itself has this build warning in Ubuntu :-)10:31
tvossdidrocks, ping10:45
didrockstvoss: pong10:46
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pitti@pilot out12:03
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cjwatsonpitti: Hmm, I'm trying to work out what's going on with an image build failure; currently only Mythbuntu but I suspect it'll bite other flavours / upgrades shortly12:04
cjwatsoncp: cannot stat '/module-files.d/libpango1.0-0.modules': No such file or directory12:04
cjwatsoncp: cannot stat '/modules/pango-basic-fc.so': No such file or directory12:04
cjwatsonpitti: Do you know where those files have moved to?12:04
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pittihey cjwatson (back from lunch)12:42
pitticjwatson: not out of hand, I don't seem to have these files anywhere; is that a  failure during package installation, or from the live-build scripts?12:44
* pitti reviews recent changes12:45
pitticjwatson: oh, is that for the udeb? ./debian/libpango1.0-udeb/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pango/1.8.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.so and ./debian/libpango1.0-udeb/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pango/1.8.0/module-files.d/libpango1.0-udeb.modules13:06
pittiah no, it's from /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/plymouth apparently13:08
seb128pitti, we probably need changes to plymouth from the discussion I saw on #debian-gnome about the new pango13:09
pittiah, so that was from http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome?view=revision&revision=3684613:10
pitticjwatson: ^ so the separate files are included in the .so's now, part of the split/multiarchification13:11
pittiseb128: right, seems we can drop all this13:11
* pitti verifies that the pango library itself is in the initramfs13:12
pittiyes it is, and I can reproduce the error with update-initramfs -u13:12
* pitti uploads fix13:12
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cjwatsonpitti: it's from update-initramfs in a livefs build13:16
cjwatsonpitti: right - thanks13:16
pitticjwatson: ok, verified that plymouht still displays text correctly now (I added a bogus block device to wait for into /etc/fstab)13:19
pittiargh, /me uses the actual source this time instead of the outdated UDD branch13:21
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pitticjwatson: ok, verified that plymouht still displays text correctly now (I added a bogus block device to wait for into /etc/fstab)https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/ \o/13:25
pittiyolanda: ah, your tests are trickling into https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/13:26
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pittiyolanda: most of them succeed, except clamav13:26
pittidsc0t-clamd          FAIL non-zero exit status 5213:27
pittithere's no output at all from this13:27
pittibbl, need to head out for some errands13:28
yolandalocally works for me, do you have any idea why it fails?13:29
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mitya57pitti: wow, you managed to reduce the queue by half — very nice!14:41
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pittibdmurray: bah, with the "today" datetime fallback I now get "TypeError: can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes"15:11
pittibdmurray: would you have any idea how to make this work properly?15:11
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fhfHi all I created new bazaar branch but I cant compile program using bzr builddeb -- -us -uc it gives following error: bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the needed upstream tarball for package; but there is no upstream I created package myself. Could any1 help?15:45
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bjsniderhow does the multiarch directory structure get implemented? should it work in ppa packages?22:05
cjwatsonIt doesn't care about the package's origin22:05
bjsniderah, i think i know what was wrong. compat 7 instead of 922:11
cjwatsonbjsnider: Do review the entirety of that wiki page, or at least the section relevant to your style of packaging; converting to multiarch requires care22:16
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