
ubuntunoobhello everyone00:40
ubuntunoobis posible to instal the lates gnome shell on this distro?00:41
tommie-lieuse the gnome3 ppa00:43
tommie-lieit's on 3.800:43
darkxstjbicha, have you tried gnome-shell 3.6 on saucy since gtk landed?00:53
jbichadarkxst: yes this weekend00:55
jbichait's very broken, right?00:55
darkxstjbicha, yes very broken00:56
jbichaI guess bug 1184132 is one factor but I couldn't click or enter text in gdm00:57
ubot5bug 1184132 in Gnome Virtual Terminal Emulator "Version 1:0.34.5-1ubuntu1 breaks GDM" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118413200:57
jbichaand even using lightdm, gnome-shell was so slow as to be nearly useless so I've just been using Unity on LightDM the past 2 days00:57
darkxstjbicha, that is because its getting stuck trying to read the mouse pointer position ;(00:58
jbichaI guess we never tested gnome-shell 3.6 with gtk 3.8; it was just gnome-shell 3.8 with gtk 3.6 that was tested00:58
jbichano, not that either01:00
jbichadid you have a fix in mind or were you just going to wait for gnome-shell 3.8?01:01
jbichaI guess we're blocked on gsettings-desktop-schemas and gnome-desktop301:02
darkxstyeh, probably not worth fixing really, so best to get 3.8 in01:06
jbichaI'll look at the schemas, but I'm hesitant about gnome-desktop3 because of gnome-settings-daemon like I mentioned in the 3.8 blueprint01:08
darkxstright, g-c-c is probably affected as well01:11
darkxstactually not, that was 3.9 I was thinking of for g-c-c01:15
ubot5Gnome bug 696035 in general "clutter 1.14 hangs gnome-shell 3.6.x from starting up" [Critical,Unconfirmed]01:35
jbichaok I have a branch at https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/ubuntu/saucy/gsettings-desktop-schemas/update-to-3-8/ but let's wait for gnome-desktop3 first to avoid http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=70161902:41
ubot5Debian bug 701619 in gsettings-desktop-schemas "gsettings-desktop-schemas: Updating gnome-themes-standard to 3.7.90 broke switching windows in gnome-shell 3.6" [Normal,Fixed]02:41
IdleOneCould someone tell me what I use to install nvidia drivers? I was expecting to find something like jockey-gtk07:18
darkxstIdleOne, it was moved into "software and updates"07:18
IdleOneah, thank you07:18
IdleOnejust installed after having been using kubuntu for the past 1.5 years.07:20
IdleOnelike the look so far :)07:20
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meet_will 13.10 include gnome 3.8 by default?09:24
darkxstmeet_, yes09:28
meet_darkxst: is 3.8 as stable as 3.6? should I upgrade?09:35
darkxst3.8 is not in 13.10 yet, but you can get it from gnome3 ppa09:35
darkxstit is atleast as stable as 3.609:36
DarkEraexpect the nm-applet to crash after loading of the desktop. Doesn't happen always though09:38
darkxstDarkEra, you are using unity?09:40
DarkEradarkxst, i use ubuntu gnome 13.04 with the gnome ppa added, so upgraded to 3.809:41
darkxstDarkEra, but gnome-shell doesnt use nm-applet09:42
meet_btw the last time I tried gnome 3.8 it did not have clocks in it. Has clocks been removed?09:42
darkxstgnome-clocks is on the ppa09:43
darkxstbut you probably need to install it09:43
DarkErait doesn't? Must be something else then what's network related09:44
darkxstDarkEra, it talks directly to network manager, (i.e. doesnt use the applet)09:45
DarkErai can't fully understand though why Unity is installed too on a gnome 3 environment, is that about to change in the future?09:46
darkxstUnity, is not installed when you install with ubuntu GNOME images09:47
DarkErawell, why is unity in the session menu then09:47
darkxstyou installed it?09:48
darkxstor you started with a normal ubuntu install?09:48
darkxstor something else you installed pulled it in, but its definately not there on a clean UG install09:49
DarkEranope, installed from a UG 13.04 iso09:49
DarkErait came later on with updates09:50
DarkEraalso in 13.10 unity is pulled in when installing gnome from a minimal installation09:50
darkxstI have not seen that, I am on 13.1009:53
DarkErai saw it being pulled in in both cases09:54
darkxstDarkEra, file a bug09:55
DarkErai cant' start 13.10 though09:55
darkxst13.10 is a little broken this week, will only work with gnome3 ppa installed09:55
darkxstthe new gtk is in, but that breaks the 3.6 shell09:56
darkxstDarkEra, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+filebug09:58
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DarkEradarkxst, sorry, something went wrong here so i disconnected. But yeah we know it's still broken. Hope it's getting fixed soon though :)10:02
DarkEradarkxst, by the way, if it shouldn't be the case then i ask myself why i was told this was normal that unity got pulled in a few weeks ago10:05
DarkEragoing to file a bug anyway when i have the time10:06
darkxstwell it shouldn't!10:09
DarkErai fired up a session from usb stick with 13.04 at the moment and you are right, there's no Unity session on it.10:12
meet_I upgrade to 3.8 using gnome3 ppa.. but I am not getting all the gnome3.8 features.. like no settings for notification or search .. do I have to add anything more?10:28
phloI got an error once in a while when my screen is locked that I can't unlock, it always show authentication failed, even I am not able to type any password. Does anyone has and idea, why?11:47
erbophlo: nope, but it happened to me once last week13:15
phlogoogle does also not show something usefull :-(13:26
matanyahello there! thanks for ubuntu-gnome14:21
matanyadarkxst: congrtz14:22
matanyajbicha: thanks for your work14:22
FrozenFireAnyone else encounter the issue of Ubuntu Software Center glitching out on .deb files? When I open a .deb, USC opens, loads the package, then closes.17:32
FrozenFireThe second load, it loads fine17:32
FrozenFireBut first load of any .deb, it closes.17:32
FrozenFireI'll see about loading it in the terminal to see if there's an error, but wondered if anyone was aware of this being an issue17:32
voozeAfter installing 13.04 fine and upgrading to gtk/gnome 3.8 with gnome3 ppa, I some how can't change the mutter theme (gtk is fine) I have tried 3 themes, so its not the themes fault. What could I have done wrong?19:12
matanyadarkxst: are you around?19:41
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darkxstmatanya, hi21:13
matanyahi darkxst21:13
matanyajust wanted to thank you for your work and wish you luck in your new position21:13
matanya+ rant on some bugs, if you are in the mood :)21:14
darkxstthanks ;)21:15
darkxstsure, fire away21:15
matanyadarkxst: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/109690121:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1096901 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "No Keyboard Layout Indicator in GNOME 3.6.2, Ubuntu 13.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:16
matanyafrom a survey i did, it is one of the most annoying ones upon multilingual  users21:17
matanya+ i understand it is caused by an old ibus shipped with ubuntu, is that correct?21:17
darkxstmatanya, yes, its also one of the most annoying from our side too, very tricky to fix21:17
darkxstyes due to old ibus21:18
matanyai was afraid you would say that21:18
matanyawhat ibus version is needed?21:18
darkxstit should be fixed in 13.10 though21:18
matanyait is around since 12.10, iirc21:18

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