
MagBo_Greetings, gentlemen! Does Ubuntu Server 12.04.2 support paravirtualization out of box? Is there an image that is PV-enabled in official mirrors?01:37
Patrickdkparavirtualization has been supported out of box for awhile01:47
Patrickdkbut not many people really using it though01:47
Patrickdkas you can't use paravirtualization with 64bit01:47
Patrickdkbut then, it is not needed for 64bit either01:47
MagBo_Patrickdk: very strange. I tried several times and still after the installation Xen says that the drive isn't bootable.01:49
MagBo_OMG I'm such an idiot01:50
MagBo_uuid ( RO)          : d9429e8b-7a25-4fc6-8d9a-8437ea847341 name-label ( RW): ubuntu-12.04.2-server-amd64.iso01:50
MagBo_I was 100% sure that it was 32 bit iso :D01:50
MagBo_Didn't even check. Thanks for forcing a sanity-check, I'll download 32 bit iso.01:50
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MagBo_Patrickdk: interestingly enough the following image: ubuntu-12.04.2-server-i386.iso doesn't work with Xen out of box as well. There must be some bootloader magic, maybe I'm missing some step I should do after I install the system via installer and boot it for the first time?..02:36
MagBo_But from what I see I suspect that it "thinks" that it operates in HVM mode :(02:39
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tohuwHow might I view all of the packages provided by a given source in my sources.list? (Ubuntu Server 12.04)03:03
MagBo_Patrickdk: turned out that there is no well-known way to make image-based installation work in pv fashion, and yes, the problem was that it "thought" that it deals with hvm case.03:38
MagBo_in the end, netboot magically worked. :x03:38
PatrickdkI don't think I ever did it that way for xen, ever03:40
PatrickdkI always use the xen-util builder program to do it03:40
MagBo_Heh, I'm new to the concept of running Ubuntu on Xen and new to concept of running things on Xen to be completely honest.03:59
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DrasticDragons1Is it okay to delete the user "irc"?04:22
DrasticDragons1Or if not, just re-name it?04:22
DrasticDragons1I would assume as long as I am not running a ircd it shouldn't matter if the user is gone or not.04:24
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majorrabbidhello everyone07:34
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larsemilfor some reason my install put sv_US.ISO-8859-1 as locale. i dont find the file where this is set.???09:49
larsemili have searched /etc for "sv_US" but no luck09:49
maxbThat's odd - it's normally set via /etc/default/locale09:52
andollarsemil: What to be generated or what to use as a default?09:52
Senorhow to set nameserver09:52
larsemilandol: to be used.09:53
andollarsemil: What happens (not) when you set LANG in /etc/default/locale then?09:53
mardraumSenor: man resolvconf09:54
maxblarsemil: Where are you actually seeing sv_US.ISO-8859-1 if not in /etc/, then?09:54
larsemilmaxb: locale09:54
SenorI write nameserver into /etc/reslov.conf, but it need write agan at next system startup09:55
larsemilnow i think i solved it. typo.09:55
SenorI write nameserver into /etc/reslov.conf, but it need write again at next system startup09:55
mardraumSenor: man resolvconf09:57
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histoSenor: resolvconf gets replaced. You can place nameservers in /etc/init.d/networking or use /etc/resolvconf/resolvconf.d/head11:04
mardraumhisto: er, no11:12
mardraumhisto: you read the manpage, and you don't do either of those things11:12
histomardraum: yes you do11:16
histomardraum: read the man page about /etc/network/interfaces11:16
mardraumreally? shall I paste you the contents of head?11:16
histomardraum: How do you think the warning message gets in the resolv.conf file???11:17
histomardraum: I should say read the resolvconf man page about /etc/network/interfaces It says right there you can add dns- lines to the iface stanza11:17
mardraumit means in the file "interfaces"11:18
mardraumnot in the file "head"11:18
histomardraum: Right as I suggested. I merely suggested head as an alternative because it will also work. However the proper way is in interfaces11:19
histodepends on proper I guess though.11:19
mardraumno, it's the wrong way11:19
mardraumand editing the init.d script is wrong too11:19
histomardraum: How is putting dns-namserver in interfaces wrong?11:20
mardraumnow you are trolling11:20
histoNo i'm just confused.11:20
mardraumgo read what you initially suggested.11:20
histoAt your point11:20
mardraummy point is this. you suggested editing an init.d script or "head"11:20
histomy bad tab completed and didn't even look11:20
mardraumboth are wrong11:20
histoIt was my tab completion I meant /etc/network/interfaces I started typing ini<tab> before netw<tab>11:21
mardraum"21:19 < histo> mardraum: Right as I suggested. I merely suggested head as an alternative because it will also work."11:22
mardraumbullshit man.11:22
histohuh?  Head will work11:22
histoI tried suggestion the proper way first and suggested a secondary option.11:23
histo!language | mardraum11:24
ubottumardraum: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:24
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PhoenixxlHello , in isc-dhcp-server , when an option is set globally , how can one "blank" or "erase" it for individual cases ? replacing is just a matter of setting it again ..14:07
PhoenixxlThnx for any suggestion .14:07
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pmatulis_Phoenixxl: what cases?14:34
zerickAnybody knows if starting Corosync at boot is safe?15:26
TheLordOfTimehow do i change the gpg home directory for a user?16:11
genii-aroundTheLordOfTime: I think you'd either have to call it with --homedir /wherever    or else set GNUPGHOME=/wherever   and then EXPORT it16:35
* genii-around ponders some /etc/skel/.gnupg 16:39
zulyolanda:  still around?16:54
yolandastill here, i had to go out in the morning for a while, so still working16:55
zulyolanda:  cool can you have a look https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/cinder-fixtures-deps/+merge/16591616:55
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NomadJimany idea why this works fine: WSGIDaemonProcess localhost python-path=/srv/testdj/beginnerdj17:19
NomadJimbut WSGIPythonPath /srv/testdj/beginnerdj17:19
NomadJimcause this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libapache2-mod-python/+bug/107314717:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1073147 in libapache2-mod-python "Python version mismatch, expected '2.7.2+', found '2.7.3'" [High,Confirmed]17:19
NomadJimis it bad to use the first one? cuz if it ain't broke...17:21
Jinxed-Does anyone know if there is an m$ exchange room?17:23
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Ron72Can anyone tell me if installing xorg on a webserver is a big security risk?18:39
RoyKRon72: it's not big security risk, but why would you? you can run those X11 apps over ssh from your desktop/laptop even if it runs windows (with xming etc)18:41
Ron72Thanks RoyK. Yes, but in order to forward X11 xorg has to be installed, right?18:41
RoyKonly the x11 libs18:42
RoyKand xauth18:42
Ron72RoyK: oh. Okay. Do you know what I have to install for the basic x11 libs?18:43
RoyKx11 is a client/server thing, the other way around than usual - your desktop or laptop has the X11 server, the server to which you login has the x11 client and connects to your server via ssh18:43
RoyKRon72: ssh -x somebox18:43
RoyKand run xeyes18:43
RoyKyou need xauth too, as I said, if it's not installed, install it and log out and in again from that server18:44
RoyKxauth must be installed on the server18:44
RoyKoh, ssh -X18:44
RoyKnot -x18:44
RoyK-x disables x11 forwarding, -X enables it18:44
Ron72Okay. Do you know a way to reconnect to a specific window when I lose my connection? Screen does not work, right?18:45
* RoyK has x11 forwarding enabled in ssh_config18:45
RoyKRon72: you can't connect to an existing x11 session with normal x setup18:45
Ron72Thank you!18:46
izanagisangood day/night all18:46
RoyKyou can use nxclient/nomachine/opennx, though18:47
RoyKor vnc18:47
RoyKizanagisan: good localtime();18:47
izanagisanI'm having a problem with an Expect script run from crontab. If I run it from console, it's perfect. If I execute it from crontab, the part where I give it a parameter as /home/myuser/dbbackups/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d").backup doesn't work. Anyone know what can I do to avoid that?18:48
izanagisantried putting the parameter in simple quotes, didn't help : (18:49
izanagisan(I don't think it's an error per se. It's just that in crontab, the space between 'date' and '+' is interpreted as passing to the next parameter18:49
baniirhi. is anyone here running raid10 on ebs? i changed readahead values with blockdev, but i don't think the settings are persisting through reboots19:00
Ron72RoyK: Still there? I'm curious. How do you edit documents on your server? I'd like to use a GUI text editor in order to jump between configuration files or code faster. Don't you use x forwarding or something?19:04
PryMar56Ron72, use geany over ssh19:05
RoyKRon72: I use vim19:05
Ron72RoyK & PryMar56. Thanks19:05
RoyKmay be old-school, but so does my collegues aged 23 or so19:06
izanagisanmaybe I'll make a shell script that executes the Expect script, and call the shell script from crontab...19:07
phillwHi server people, has there a classroom session been held on LVM?19:10
marshallhey ubuntu server19:24
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